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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name F

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

FABER, Oscar. O.B.E., D.C.L., D.Sc. (Eng.), M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Struct.E., F.C.G.I. Consulting Engr., Romney House, Marsham Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Hayes Court, Ken ley, Surrey. Career: City and Guilds; Chief Engr., Trollope & Colls, Ltd., 1911-21; since 1921 Consulting Engr. Responsible for the structural, elect. and mech. Eng., heating and ventilation, etc., in the new Bank of England and also Lloyd's Bank Head Offices, Martin's Bank, Glyn Mills Bank; blocks of offices, public buildings, hospitals, theatres, etc. Designer of industrial buildings, silos and mill buildings for Spillers, Ltd., at Avonmouth and Newcastle; warehouse at Nine Elms for Southern Rly., etc. Has carried out research work on the resistance of reinforced concrete beams to shear and on the phenomenon of plastic yield and shrinkage of concrete, and much experimental work in connection with foundations. Pres., Inst. of Struct. Engrs., 1935-36. Member of Steel Structures Research Committee and Reinforced Concrete Structures Committee D.S.I.R. Lecturer to Post-Graduate Students at City and Guilds. Books: "Reinforced Concrete Design" "Reinforced Concrete Simply Explained," "Simple Examples of Reinforced Concrete Design," "Constructional Steelwork Simply Explained," "Examples of Steel Designs under the New Code of Practice, " "Reinforced Concrete Beams in Bending and Shear," "Heating and Air-Conditioning of Buildings" (with Mr. J. R. Kell).

FAGE, Arthur. A.R.C.S., F.R.Ae.S., A.F.I.Ae.S. Principal Scientific Officer, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Private Address: "Milford," 171 Park Road, Teddington. Ed.: Royal Coll. of Science, 1909-12.

FAIRBAIRN, Cyril Duncan. M.I.Mar.E. Mech. Surveyor, British Engine, Boiler and Elect. Insurance Co., Ltd., 24 Fennel Street, Manchester. Private Address: "Woodlea," Cambridge Avenue, Bamford, Rochdale, Lancs. Age: 33. Career: Rutherford Tech. Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Apprent. with Swan,' Hunter & Wigham Richardson, Ltd., in engine shops at Walker and Wallsend-onTyne, 1920-26; Marine Engr. with The British India Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., 1926-37; Since then with present Company.

FAIRBAIRN, Ernest W. H. M.I. & S.I., M.I.Met. Proprietor, Ernest Fairbairn, Ltd., 123 Cannon Street, London, E.C.4. Private Address: "Townlea," Hopton Road, Streatham, S.W.16. Also principal proprietor of Fairleede Eng., Ltd. Engaged in eng. management and practice for over 30 years.

FAIRBAIRN-CRAWFORD, Ivo Frank. Major, T.D., M.I.Mech.E. Engr., Armament Contracts Dept., Messrs. Vickers -Armstrong, Ltd., Vickers House, Broadway, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Corner Oak, Leigh Place, Cobham, Surrey. Career: Principal Asst. to the General Works Manager of the Heavy and Light Ordnance factories (with supervision of the Machine Inspection and Rate-Fixing Depts.) of Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co., Ltd.; Subsequently created and organised the Armstrong-Whitworth Aircraft Dept.; later General Manager, Aeroplane and Rigid Airship Factories, Newcastle and Selby, and Asst. to Major-General Sir Percy Girouard, K.C.B.; General Manager, Armstrong-Whitworth Motor Car Dept.; 1920, joined Vickers, Ltd., and appointed Asst. and later Manager and Eng. Sales Representative N.E. Area Branch; in 1926 went to South America, representing Vickers Armament and Commercial interests, and on return to England, appointed an Engr. official in the foreign section of their Armament Contracts Dept. Commissioned R.E. (T.A.), 1911; 1914-19, served with R.E., afterwards attached R.F.C. in France; seconded for special service in connection with supervision and control of output of Fighter Aircraft and Rigid Airships on behalf of Air Ministry and Admiralty in conjunction with Messrs. Armstrong-Whitworth, Ltd. Founded and organised the Northumberland Aero Club in 1912-13; built the first aeroplane in Newcastle; granted Royal Aero Club's Pilot's Certificate, October 15th, 1915.

FAIRBURN, Charles E. M.A. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. (on Council). Electrical Engineer and Deputy Chf. Mech. Engr. L.M. & S. Railway, Euston Station, London, N.W.1. Private Address: 77 Gunnersbury Avenue, Ealing, W.5. Career: Brasenose College, Oxford (1st Class Hons. in Maths and Eng). Pupil at Derby Works of M. Rly; Major in Air Force; General Manager, Stafford and Preston Works of English Electric Co. Ltd.; Chairman of Contractors' Committee for the Electrification of Polish Railways; member of London and Home Counties J.E.A. and of N.Wales and Ches. J.E.A.

FAIRFIELD, T. J. A.M.I.E.E. With W. T. Glover & Co., Ltd., Cable Works, Trafford Park, Manchester, 17.

FAIRHOLME, Frederick Charles. A.M.Inst.C.E., A.K.C.L. Member of Appeal Tribunal (Road and Rail Traffic Act, 1933); member of Civil Service Arbitration Tribunal; private practice, Broadway Buildings, Westminster, S.W.I. Private Address: Lower Northfield, Albury, Surrey. Career: Egyptian P.W.D.; G.W. Rlwy.; Late Managing Director: Cammell Laird & Co., Ltd., Thos. Firth & Sons, Ltd., and Thos. Firth and John Brown, Ltd. Clubs: St. Stephen 's, Windham.

FAIRTHORNE, Richard Berkeley. Lt.-Comdr., R.N., (Retd.) A.M.I.E.E. Master Mariner. With Brush Elect. Eng. Co., Ltd., 88 Kingsway, W.C.2. Private Address: Greenacre, Higher Denham, Bucks. Born: 1898. Career: 191114, Royal Naval Colls., Osborne & Dartmouth., 1925-26, Asst. and Acting Resident Engr. for completion of Valencia Power Station; 1927-34, Partner, Digby & Fairthorne, Consulting Engrs., Westminster.

FALK, Geoffrey F. A.M.I.E.E. With Falk Stadelmann & Co. Ltd., 83-93 Farringdon Road, E.0.1. Private Address: 51 Hampstead Way, N.W.11. Age: 39. Edu.: Repton School; Faraday House.

FALLE, H. de C. O.B.E., A.M.I.E.E. General Sales Manager, Aberdare Cables, Ltd., 40 Chancery Lane, London. W.C.2. Private Address: 20 Fursecroft, George Street, London, W.1. Career: Cheltenham Coll.; Victoria Univ., Manchester; Vickers, Ltd.; Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd.; G.E.C., Ltd.; 1914-18, Staff Appointment, Grand Fleet, Lt. Comdr.; Sales Manager, Ruths Steam Storage; Laurence Scott & Electromotors; Asst. Sales Manager, International Combustion Ltd.

FALLON, J. A.M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, Incandescent Heat Co., Ltd., British Mills, Cornwall Road, Smethwick.

FARDEN, William Scott. M.B.E., M.A., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Ae.E. Deputy Director, Scientific Research Air Ministry, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 230 Milton Road, Cambridge. Age: 46. Ed.: Cambridge (Trinity Coll.); Lecturer, Cambridge Univ., (Eng. Dept.); Fellow and Lecturer, Trinity Coll.

FARGHER, T. E. N. Ph.D., M. Eng., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct. E., M.I.P.E., A.M.Am.Soc.C.E. Head of Dept. of Civil and Mech. Eng., Loughborough Coll. Private Address: "Ronaldsway," Beacon Road, Loughborough. Born: 1892. Career: Merchant Taylors' Sch., Crosby; Liverpool Univ.; 1913, Jnr. Asst. Engr., Robt. McAlpine and Sons on Rly. construction; 1914-19, Field Co. and Survey Battn., R.E., France and Italy (Captain—mentioned in despatches); 1919, Asst. Res. Engr., Sir Alex Binnie, Son & Deacon, on Waterworks Construction; 1920, Asst. to Wilton and Bell, Cons. Engr. on Dock and Harbour Work; 1922, Munitions Research Fellow, Univ. of Liverpool; 1925, with G. H. Hill & Sons, on Waterworks Design and Construction; 1928, present appointment.

FARMER, H. O. M.G., B.Sc. Chief Engr., Petter's Ltd., Westland Works, Yeovil, Somerset. Private Address: Summerlands, Yeovil. Career: Crossley Bros., Manchester; Ricardo & Co., Consulting Engrs.

FARMER, N. J. C. M.Inst.C.E. Private Address: Loxwood, Billingshurst, Sussex. Age: 49. Career: Radley Coll.; King's Coll., London; Pupil, Joseph Westwood & Co., Millwall, 1910-13; School of Military Eng., Chatham, 1913-14; War, 191418; South Russia, 1919-20; Executive Engr., P.W.D., Nyasaland, 1920-28, and Uganda, 1930-33.

FARMERY, J. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Senr. Lecturer in. Elect. Eng., Whitwood Tech. Coll., Whitwood, Yorks. Private Address: "Priestleholme, " Wood Lane, Whitwood, Normanton, Yorks. Age: 37. Career: Apprent., F. Simpkin & Co., Elect. Engrs., Leeds; Works Electrician, C. Roberts & Co., Horbury; 1924, Manager, Electrical Dept., Fairey & Goodenough, Castleford; present post, 1932.

FARNES, G. H. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Telephone Manager, Guildford. Age: 34. Career: London Univ.; P.O. Service, Asst. Engr., Edinburgh; Sectional Engr., Colchester; Telephone Manager, Guildford.

FARNHAM, W. A. F.S.I., M.Inst. C.E.I., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mun. & Cy. E., M.R.San.I. Addresses: Grange Farm, Pembury Road, Tunbridge Wells, and 9 Church Street, Kensington, London, W.8. Age: 72. Career: Westminster City Sch.; King's Coll.; 10 years Contractors Agent at home and abroad; 40 years Engr. to various local authorities; now in practice as Municipal Consultant Engr.

FARNSWORTH, A. W. O.B.E., M.I.Mech.E. M.I.Struct.E.; M.Inst. Fuel, M.I. & S.I., etc. Consultant and Director of Companies. Address: Devonshire Club, St. James's Street, London, S.W.1. Author of "Structural Steelwork," etc.

FARRANT, D. P. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Chemist and Efficiency Engr, Bristol Corp. Electy. Dept. Portishead Gen. Station, Portishead, Som. Private Address: Seabank, Lake Road, Portishead, Som. Age: 39. Career: Royal Flying Corps.; Faraday House, London; Resident Engr., Crompton & Co., in West of England.

FARRAR, F. A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E. Engr. Surveyor, Eagle Star Insurance Co., Ltd., London. Private Address: "Twelve," Emery Close, Slade Road, Erd ington, Birmingham. Assisted Author of "Laboratory Work in Electrical Engineering. " (Harpers).

FARRELL, L. R. A.M.I.E.E. Resident Engr., British ThomsonHouston Co., 119 Victoria Street, Bristol. Private Address: Aberfoyle, 94 Hill View, Henleaze, Bristol. Age: 38. Career: Univ. Coll., Southampton; trained, Skinningrove Iron Co., Bolckow Vaughan & Co. and B.T.H. Co.

FARRELL, Lieut. Nelson Norbert. A.C.G.I., A.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Civil Engr., War Dept., London. Private Address: 31 Westby Road, Boscombe, Hants. Age: 45. Career: City and Guilds Eng. Coll.; Univ. of London. Executive Engr., Indian Service of Engrs., 14 years.

FARRELL, U. A. A.M.I.E.E., M.I.E.S., L.F.R.E.S. Chief Elect. Engr., Chinese Govmt. Private Address: 8 Harcourt Road, Boscombe, Bournemouth. Age: 58. Career: Roan's Sch., Greenwich; Siemens Bros., Woolwich; Engr., Russian Govmt.; Engr., American Film Companies, Hollywood; Elect. Engr., Chinese Govmt.

FARRER, M. M.Inst.E.E. Snr. Area Engr., London and Home Counties Joint Electy. Authority, 42 York Street, Twickenham. Private Address: 181 Ember Lane, E. Molesey. Age: 60. Career: Univ. Coll., London; Apprent. Belliss & Morcom, Birmingham; Asst. Engr., Westminster Elect. Supply Corp.; Engr. and Manager, Ramsgate Elect. Supply Co. Ltd.; Engr. and Manager, Twickenham and Teddington Elect. Supply Co., Ltd.

FARRINGTON, Stephen William. B.A., M.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. C.E.I., M.Inst.Mun. & Cy.E. City Engr. and Borough Surveyor, Cork Corp., City Hall, Cork. Private Address: Carrigmore House, Montenotte, Cork. Career: City Engr.'s Dept., Belfast; various contractors; Belfast and Co. Down Rlwy.; British Admiralty; Town Surveyor, Lisburn, Co. Antrim. Club: Cork Club.

FARTHING, Geoffrey Arthur. A.M.C.T., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., 36 Park Place, Leeds. Private Address: 17 Moorland Road, Leeds, 6. Age: 28. Career: Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Apprent. at MetropolitanVickers, Trafford Park, Manchester, 1927-32; Asst. Engr., Commercial Manager's Dept., Central Electy. Board, 1932-37.

FARTHING, Vernon L. M.I. Mar.E. Sole Partner, V. L. Farthing & Co., Consulting Engrs. and Agents, 528 Tower Building, Water Street, Liverpool, 3. Private Address: 544 Liverpool Road, Birkdale. Career: Eng. training with Blair & Co., Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees; Sea Career with the Clan Line; Engr. Surveyor, British Engine Boiler and Elect. Insurance Co., Ltd.; Tech. Engr., Lubricating Oil Co., Burgess Products Co., Ltd., Metafiltration Co., Ltd., etc.; Specialised in Lubrication, Acoustics, Filtration, Combustion Eng., and deals with all Industrial Eng. work.

FASOLA, J. J. A.C.G.I., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.F. Sales Manager, Lodge Cottrell, Ltd., Bush House, London. Private Address: 15 Blandford Gardens, Lyttleton Road, London, N.22. Age: 57. Career: City and Guilds, Siemens Medalist; Eng. appointments with Oerlikon Co., Ltd., Lahmeyer Elect. Co., Ltd., A.E.G., Sandycroft Ltd., J. B. Corrie & Co., David Brown & Sons; Managing Director, Luth & Rosen Elect. Co., Ltd.

FAULKNER, H. B.Sc. (Hons.) (Eng.) Lond., M.I.E.E., Mem.I.R.E. Supt. Engr., North Wales Dist. General Post Office, The Mount, Shrewsbury. Private Address: Lyndhurst, Granville Street, Shrewsbury. Age: 46. Ed.: Nottingham Univ. Coll. Held commission in R.E. Signals during War. Chairman, South Midland Centre Inst. Elect. Engrs., 1938-39; one time Member of Wireless Section Committee of I.E.E. Joint author of a paper read before the I.E.E. on "Some Design Details of a High Power Radio Transmitter using Thermionic Valves," which was awarded a Premium.

FAULKNER, Vincent Clements. F.R.S.A. Editor, "Foundry Trade Journal," 49 Wellington Street, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 70 Carlton Avenue, Harrow. Age: 49. Career: Educ.: Sheffield Univ., Metallurgical Dept. Pioneer and specialist in electric furnace design and operation; Editor since 1921; Past-Pres., Inst. of British Foundrymen; Member of Council of British Cast Iron Research Assoc.; British Representative Foundrymen's International Tech. Committee; VicePres., Inst. of Vitreous Enamellers; on Sheffield Univ. Advisory Committee on Degree Course in Foundry Practice, 1935. Contributor to "The Times," "Sheffield Independent," "Die Giesserei." Papers to I. & S.I., etc. Club: National Liberal.

FAULTLESS, H. F. B.Sc. (Eng.) (Lond.), A.K.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Manager, Refrig. Dept., Vacuum Refrigeration Ltd., Specialists in Air-Conditioning and Industrial Cooling, City Gate House, Finsbury Square, London, E.0.2. Private Address: 47 Belsize Park Gardens, Hampstead, N.W.3. Career: King 's Coll.; training with Ingersoll-Rand Co. in the U.S.A.; eventually appointed manager of their Havana Office; Prior to present position was Asst. Chief Engr., Alexander Duckham & Co., Ltd.

FAVELL, Frederick. Wh. Ex., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Chief Engr. and Manager, North-West Midlands Joint Electy. Authority, York Chambers, Kingsway, Stoke-onTrent. Private Address: Twelve, Abbot's Way, Westlands, Newcastleunder-Lyme, Staffs. Career: Asst. Elect. Engr., Henry Simon & Co., Ltd., Manchester; Constructional Asst., Battersea Borough Council, Electy. Dept.; Eng. Asst. and Station Supt., City of Stoke-on-Trent Electy. Dept.; Generating Engr., NorthWest Midlands Joint Electy. Authority; Chief Engr. and Manager, North-West Midlands Joint Electy. Authority.

FAWCETT, J. W. S. M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.W.E., M.Cons.E. Partner, Sandford Fawcett and Partners, 53 Victoria Street, Westminster. London, S.W.1 • Private Address: Rosewood, Windsor Road, Gerrards Cross, Bucks. Career: 1914-18, educated Radley Coll.; 1918, Civilian Chemist attached R.A.F.; 1919-24, commercial career in India; 1924-31, eng. training and experience under John Taylor & Sons. Club: St. Stephen's.

FAWSSETT, Evelyn. M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I. Chief Engr., Testing Dept., North Eastern Elect. Supply Co., Ltd., Ellison Place, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: Riding Mill, Northumberland. Age: 59. Career: 4 years City and Guilds Eng. Coll., S. Kensington, 1897-1901; 1901-3, Croydon Corp. Testing Dept., First Asst., then in charge; 1903 to present position, developing it from small beginnings to present staff and work, including all meters and instruments (up to 100,000 per annum) in three test rooms at Newcastle, Thornaby, and Northallerton, and plant tests up to 50,000 k.w. machines. Various patents on meters and instruments; Chairman of several committees of B.S.I. and E.R.A., on instruments, meters and conductors. Author of papers before I.E.E. from 1902 onwards. Club: R.A.C.

FAWSSETT, F. A. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Asst., Central Electy. Board, South West England and S. Wales Area. Private Address: Springfield, Elton Road, Clevedon, Somerset. Age: 31. Career: Bedford School; City and Guilds; Apprent., Metropolitan-Vickers, 1928-30; Rly. Signalling Dept., Met.-Vick., 1930-32; C.E.B., Bristol, Change of Frequency Dept., 1932-37; C.E.B., Bristol, Tech. Dept., 1937 to date. Member of Reserve of Air Force Officers.

FAY, A. H. A.M.I.E.E. Deputy Installation Engr., Electy. Dept., City of Manchester. Private Address: 31 Grosvenor Road, Higher Crumpsall, Manchester, 8. Career: Salford Tech. Inst.; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Apprent., John Collier & Co., Elect. and Mech. Engr., Manchester. Co-inventor of "Shielded" switches.

FEARN, J. M.I.Mech.E. Works Supt., Westland Aircraft Ltd., Yeovil.

FEARON, Capt. P. Vivian B.Sc. (Eng.) (Loud.), A.M.I.E.E., Assoc. Inst.T. Tech. Director, The Equipment & Eng. Co., Ltd., 2/3 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: Russets Barnettwood Lane, Ashtead, Surrey. Career: Malvern Coll.; Faraday House; Asst. Designer, The Brush Elect. Eng. Co. Ltd.

FEDDEN, Alfred Hubert Roy. M.B.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.A.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.S.A.E., M.I.A.S., F.R.S.A., K.M.L.-G.f.L. Chief Engr., The Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., (Engine Divn.) Filton, Bristol. Private Address: Widegates, Westbury-on-Trym, Bristol. Career: Ed. Clifton College. Tech. Dir. and Chief Engr., Brazil Straker, Bristol, responsible for design and production of Straker Squire cars prior to the War; during the War was responsible for the production of Rolls-Royce Falcon and Hawk types, Renault, and Curtiss O.X. type aero engines, produced at Brazil Straker, Bristol; 1920 onwards, present appointment.

FEDDEN, Samuel Edgar. M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.Mech.E., M.Inst.E.E. Manager for Mid-East England Area Central Electy. Board, Grid House, St. Mary's Road, Leeds 7. Formerly General Manager of Sheffield Corp. Elect. Supply Dept.

FELL, Eric W. M.Sc. (Birmingham), Dr.-Ing.(Aachen, Germany), F.I.C. Lecturer in Metallurgy, The Univ., Manchester, 13. Career: Messrs. Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Naval Construction Works; Messrs. United Steel Companies, Ltd.; St. John's Coll., Cambridge. "Sir Robert Blair" Fellow in 1926 for research overseas on Gases in Metals.

FELL, Lt.-Col. Louis Frederick Rudston. D.S.O., O.B.E., Mech.E., F.R.Ae.S. Director and Chief Engr. (Aero Engines), Armstrong Siddley Motors, Ltd., Coventry. Private Address: Strathfield, 16 Kenilworth Road, Leamington Spa. Career: Educ.: St. George's Windsor Castle, and Tonbridge School. 1907-14, G.N. Rlwy. Loco. Dept.; 1914-19, B.E.F., France, R.F.C. and R.A.F.; 1919-28, Head of Aero Engine Branch, Air Ministry; 1928-34, London Aero Tech. Representative, Rolls Royce, Ltd.; 1934 to date, present position. Clubs: Royal Aero,.Royal Automobile.

FELL, Robert Cecil Dixon. M.I.Mech.E., M.I. & S.I. Chief Draughtsman, Lamberton & Co., Ltd., Engrs., Coatbridge, Scotland. Private Address: Greenside House, Coatbridge, N.B. Career: Leading Designer, Rolling Mill Machinery and Steelworks Plant with Messrs. Davy Bros., for 15 years, Asst. Engr., 3 years, with Messrs. W. J. Jessops' Steelworks. Books: "Rolling Mill Machinery" (2 vols.).

FELTON, A. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.E.E. Scientific Officer, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Mddx. Private Address: "Shirley, " Queens Drive, Surbiton. Age: 31. Ed.: Univ. Coll., London.

FENDICK, Albert Chitty. B.Sc. (Eng. ) (Lond. ), A.M.Inst.C.E, A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, James Hall & Sons, Ltd., and Messrs. Latona and Hall, Ltd., Rochester, Kent. Private Address: Rookwood, King Edward Road, Rochester, Kent. Career: Asst. Engr., The Ebbw Vale Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; Temp. Captain, R.G.A. and R.A.O.C., service in Salonica and France; Works Manager, Tubes, Ltd.; also with Henry Hope & Sons, and Bigwood, Wolverhampton.

FENTON, Capt. C. M.B.E., M.I. Mech.E. Tech. Adviser, Soc. Anon. John Cockerill, Seraing s/m, Belgium. Private Address: Alrewas House, Alrewas, Burton-on-Trent. Age: 54. Career: Sir Wm. Turners Sch., Coatham; Apprent., Richardsons Westgarth, and later in their D.O.; 1907-11, large gas eng. designer, Soc. Anon John Cockerill, Belgium; 1911-15, Asst. Chief Designer, Richardsons Westgarth; 1915-19, Commission in R.E. (Despatches twice, M.B.E. Mil.); during War invented Fenton Automatic Target, used universally; 1919 onwards, Tech. Adviser, Soc. Anon. John Cockerill; 1925, entirely responsible for installation, erection. and starting-up gas-driven electric power station at Devonshire Works of Staveley Coal and Iron Co., largest plant of its kind in England.

FENTON, Wilfrid David Drysdale. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Barrister-at-Law Asst. Engr., Central Electy. Board, 1 Charing Cross, London, S.W.1. Private Address: la Middle Temple Lane, London, E.C.4. Age: 30. Career: Edinburgh Univ., 1925-28; Student Apprent. with British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby 1928-31; Tech. Asst. with Messrs. Kennedy & Donkin, Consulting Engrs., London, 1931-33; present appointment, 1933. Called to the Bar in November, 1937.

FERGUSON, A. D. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Electric Traction Engr., Metropolitan Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: San Isidro, Ashton Lane, Sale, Cheshire. Age: 45. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow (Dipl. R.T.C.); Glasgow Univ.; Great War, 1914-18, Captain 4th H.L.I.

FERGUSON, C. C. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E. Secretary, National Assoc. of Heating, Ventilating and Domestic Eng. Employers; Secretary, Inst. of Heating and Ventilating Engrs., 12 Russell Square, London, W.C.1. Age: 41. Career: Rochester Grammar School; H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; 1916-17, H.M. Forces; 1917-19, Tech Dept., and 1919-22, Chief Ratefixer, Vickers, Ltd.; 1922-35, Asst. Sec. Eng. and Allied Employers Assoc.; present appointments, 1935. Author of "Education and Training of Engineering Apprentices," "Training of Production Engineers, " etc.

FERGUSON, George Johnston. Managing Director, James A. Silver, Ltd., and Joint Managing Director, Ferguson and Timpson, Ltd., 74 York Street, Glasgow, C.2. Private Address:111 Merry lee Road, Newlands, Glasgow. Career: 5i years at sea. Clubs: Scottish Constitutional, Scandinavian, Glasgow Society of Musicians, Cathcart Castle Golf, Ranfurly Castle Golf, Locarno.

FERGUSON, J. D. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., M.Am.I.E.E., Staff Engr., Power Section, Engr.-inChief 's Office, Dept. of Posts and Telegraphs, Dublin. Private Address: Leitrim House, The Castle, Dublin. Age: 47. Career: City and Guilds; since 1908 with P.O. Eng. Depts, Belfast, London and Dublin.

FERGUSON, Samuel. M.I.E.E., M.Am.I.E.E. Director (and Founder), Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Buckley Street, Higher Openshaw, Manchester. Private Address: Aldersyde, Prestbury Road, Wilmslow, Cheshire.

FERGUSON, W. B.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Head of Eng. Dept. of the Tech. Coll., Coatbridge. Private Address: 92 Blairbeth Road, Burnside, Rutherglen, Glasgow. Age: 51. Career: Rutherglen Academy; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Training with Alley MacLelland, Glasgow; North British Loco. Combine; Singer Mfg. Co., Clydebank; Staff Foreman and Asst. Manager, Wm. Beardmore & Co., Parkhead; Asst. to Managing Director, MacFarlane Eng. Co., Cathcart; Lecturer in Mech. Eng. Dept., Royal Tech., Glasgow.

FERMOR, Sir Lewis Leigh. O.B.E., B.Sc. (Geology), A.R.S.M. (Metallurgy), F.G.S., F.R.S., M.Inst.M.M. Address: C/o Lloyds Bank, 6 Pall Mall, London, S.W.1. Career: 190235, on staff of Geological Survey of India, finally as Director. Also served as Pres. of the following: Mining and Geological Inst. of India, Indian Sc. Congress, Asiatic Soc. of Bengal, National Inst. of Sciences of India. Books: Memoir on manganeseore deposits of India.

FERNEY, L. A. B.Sc. (Eng.) A.M. I. Mech. E. 2 Add island Court, London, W.14. Gen. Manager, Arc Manufacturing Co. Ltd. 52a, Goldhawk Rd., London, W.12. Age 34. Career: London Univ.; Apprent. Metro-Vick; Project Engr. Brown -Boyer i, Baden; European Sales Supervisor, Northwest Eng. Co., U.S.A.; Welding Engr., Soag Machine Tools, Ltd. & Siemens-Schuckert (G.B.) Ltd.

FERNS, James Laurence. B.Sc. (Hons.), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.C.T. Testing Engr., Wolverhampton Corp. Electy. Dept. Private Address: 36 Penn House Avenue, Wolverhampton. Age: 32. Author of "Meter Engineering," published by Pitmans.

FERRIER, Douglas McLay. B.Sc. (Civil Eng.), (Glasgow), F.R.Ae.S., F.R.S.A. Education Officer, Royal Air Force, Royal Air Force Station, Henlow, Bedfordshire. Private Address: 3 Norton Road, Letchworth, Herts. Age: 38. Career: Rothesay Academy; Lieut. Pilot R.F.C., R.A.F.; Glasgow Univ.; Tech. Officer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough; Chief Asst. Physicist, Linen Industry Research Institute, Lambeg, N. Ireland.

FERRIER, HughM.I.N.A., M.I.E.S.S. Managing Director, Rankin & Blackmore Ltd., Marine Engrs., Iron founders and Boiler Makers, Eagle Foundry, Greenock. Private Address: 47 Union Street, Greenock. Career: Caird & Co., Ltd., Greenock; Scott's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Greenock; Rankin & Blackmores Ltd., Greenock, since 1906. Clubs: New Club and Greenock Club.

FIELD, A. B. M.A., B.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.Am.I.E.E. Consulting Elect. Engr., Metropolitan Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: Kingslea, Marple, Stockport. Age: 62. Formerly Professor of Mech. Eng., Manchester Univ.

FIELD, Douglas Conan. B.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Engr., The Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., 36 Park Place, Leeds, 1. Private Address: Medway, Leadhall Lane, Harrogate. Age: 38. Cambridge Univ.; Student Apprent. The British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd.

FIELD, H. V. B.Sc. (Eng.), Wh. Sch., M.I.E.E. Principal, Constantine Tech. Coll., Middlesbrough. Private Address: "Arncliffe," 212 Acklam Road, S., Middlesbrough. Age: 41. Career: Apprent., H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; H.M. Dockyard Sch., Medway Tech. Coll.; City and Guilds; Senr. Lecturer, Elect. Eng. Dept., Loughborough Coll.; 1927, Head Elect. Eng. Dept., Rutherford Coll.; present appointment, 1936.

FIELDING, Alfred Leslie. M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., M.Inst.F. Advisory and Inspecting Engr. for the New South Wales Government, Official Address: 125, Strand, London, W.C.2. Private Address: 30 Hayne Road, Beckenham, Kent.

FIELDS-CLARKE, Philip C. E. A.C.G.I., A.M.Inst.C.E. Works Manager, The Newport and South Wales Tube Co., Ltd., Landore, Swansea. Private Address: 5 Caswell Avenue, Mumbles, Swansea. Career: Apprent., Marine Engine Works; Diploma Course, City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll., South Kensington, S.W.7; Tech. Asst., The British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd.; Northern Sales Manager, British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd. Club: Bristol Channel Yacht Club.

FIFE, William. O.B.E., J.P., M.I.N.A. Precedent Partner of William Fife & Son, Naval Architects and Yachtbuilders, Fairlie. Private Address: The Place, Fairlie, Ayrshire.

FILDES, J. H. S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Publicity Manager, J. & E. Hall Ltd., Dartford, Kent. Private Address: 38 Priestlands Park Road, Sidcup.

FINCH, E. E. M.Insi.C.E., F.S.I. Late City Engr., Corp. of London. Private Address: Mountview, Shepherds Walk, Whitstable, Kent. Age: 63. 24 years Engr. to the Corp. of the City of London; previously Borough Engr., Bethnal Green, and Asst. Engr., Borough of Bermondsey.

FINCH, H. G. M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.R.San.I. Engr. to the Board, Rother and Jury's Gut Catchment Board, 2 High Street, Rye, Sussex. Private Address: "Byeways," Winchelsea, Sussex. Career: Articled as Water Engr., 1911-14. Various appointments as Asst. with Municipal and Harbour Authorities; Resident Engr. on Pier Reconstruction Works, Shoreham Harbour and on Rye Bay Sea Defence Scheme. Appointed Engr. to Catchment Board, May, 1937.

FINDLAY, A. A.M.I.Mech.E. Proprietor, Findlay & Co., Broadway Chambers, Hammersmith, London, W.6. Associate of Heriot-Watt Coll., Edinburgh.

FINDLAY, Alexander. M.A., D.Sc. (Aberdeen), Ph.D. (Leipzig), F.I.C. Professor of Chemistry, since 1919, Univ. of Aberdeen. Private Address: 14 The Chanonry, Aberdeen. Career: Lecturer on Chemistry, Univ. of Birmingham, 1902-11; Professor of Chemistry, Univ. Coll. of Wales, Aberystwyth, 1911-19. Books: "The Phase Rule and its Applications," "Practical Physical Chemistry," "The Spirit of Chemistry," "Introduction to Physical Chemistry," etc.

FINDLAY, E.A. M.I.E. & S. Scotland. Explosives Engr., Nobel's Explosives Co., Ltd., Andeer, Stevenston, Ayrshire. Private Address: The Moorings, Fairlie, Ayrshire. Age: 56. Career: Apprent., Dick Kerr & Co., Ltd., Kilmarnock; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Draughtsman, Arrol, Johnston Motor Car Co., Ltd., Paisley, and Automobile Gas Producer Syndicate, Ltd., Glasgow; D. & W. Henderson, Ltd., Glasgow; Works Manager, Pelapone Engine Co., Ltd.. Dewsbury.

FINDLAY, Hugh A. M.I.E.S. Marine and Engrs'. Supt., Messrs. Trinder Anderson & Co., Baltic House, 27 Leadenhall Street, London, E.C.3. Private Address: 128 Clapton Common, London, E.5. Career: 1890, joined Donaldson Line, Glasgow; till 1895 in junior capacities, from which year till 1921 as Chief Engr. on North Atlantic and Australian, New Zealand Trade.

FINDLAY, Louis. M.I.E.S. Private Address: 95 Fountainhall Road, Aberdeen. Consulting and Superintending Marine Engr. (retired).

FINNEY, J. M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, George Finney & Co. (Branch of G. & A. Finney, Ltd.) 27 Berkley Street, Birmingham, 1. Age: 60. Ed.: King Edward's Grammar Sch., Birmingham; trained, G. E. Bellis & Co. (now Belliss & Morcom) and Vickers, Son & Maxim, Barrow. Pres., Birmingham Assoc. of Engrs., 1924-25 and 1925-26.

FINNEY, W. E. D.L.C. (Hons.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Draughtsman, The British ThomsonHouston Co., Rugby. Private Address: 40 South Street, Rugby. Age: 42. Career: H.M. Forces, 191419; Loughborough Coll., 1919-22; The B.T.H. Co., 1922 to date. Lieut. R.A.R.O., Royal Engrs.

FINNIMORE, Lt.-Col. A. C. M.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Retired. Late Royal Engineers. Private Address: Great Houghton Hfall, Northampton.

FIPPARD, A. J. M.I.E.E. Chairman, The Elect. Supply Corp., Ltd., 424 Salisbury House, London Wall, E C.2. Private Address: "Hankol,v, " Woodcote Avenue, Wallington, Sutton. Career: Hartley Coll., Southampton; Finsbury Coil.; Southampton Naval Works and Bournemouth and Poole Elect. Supply Co.; Engineer-in-Chief to the Hankow Waterworks and Electy. Co.; Consulting Engr. to the Chinese Govmt.; General Manager, Edmundsons Electy. Corp., Ltd.

FIRTH, Major C. R. H. A.M.I.E.E.. Inspector of Signal Stores, Inspection Dept., R.E. Stores, Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, S.E.18. Age: 46. Career: Beaumont Coll.; City and Guilds of London, 1910-13; 1913-15, Engr., Metropolitan Tunnel Co. Ltd.; 1915 to. present date, Commissioned Service in the Army, Royal Corps of Signals.

FIRTH, Sir William John. Kt.,. M.I. & S.I. Chairman, Richard Thomas & Co., Ltd., South Wales Tinplate Corp., Ltd., etc. Private Address: Hatch ford Park, Cobham, Surrey. Clubs: Carlton, Royal Automobile, International Sportsmen's.

FISHENDEN, Margaret. D.Sc., F.Inst.P. Hon. M.I.H.V.E. Hon. Lecturer, City and Guilds. (Eng.) Coll., Exhibition Road, S.W.7. Private Address: 70b Lexham Gardens, W.8. Career: Manchester Univ., 1st. Class Hons. Physics Beyer Fellowship; 1923-32, Scientific Investigator, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research.

FISHER, A. A.M.I.E.E. Senior Sound Engr. (Recordist), Pinewood Studios, Iver Heath, Bucks. Private Address: l la Drewstead Road, S.W.16. Age: 35. Career: Continental Secondary School; Univ. Coll., Birkback Coll., (U. of L.); The Polytechnic (London); Columbia. Graphophone Co., Ltd., (5 years); British and Dominions Film Corp., Elstree; Pinewood Studios.

FISHER, Alexander Wilmot. B.Sc. (London), A.M.I.E.E., I.S.M.A. Local Director, Higgs Motors Ltd.,. 36 Southampton Street, Strand, London, W. C.2. Private Address: 1 Beech Drive, Fortis Green, London, N.2. Author of paper on "Factory Costs, Selling Costs and Nett Profit, read before The Incorporated Sales Managers' Assoc.

FISHER, Comdr. Ben James. R.N., A.M. I.E. E. c/o Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.1. Private Address: 64 Harley House, Regents Park, London, N.W.1.

FISHER, C. H. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E. Tech. Engr. (Stromberg Dept.), Zenith Carburettor Co., Honeypot Lane, Stanmore, Mddx. Private Address: 22 Hazel Oak Road, Shirley, Warwickshire. Age: 43. Ed.: Streatham; Pupil, Alexander & Sons, Kennington, and Austin Motor Co. (London Branch); 1914-19, Royal Fusiliers, 2i years in France; Tech. Branch, Stromberg Motor Devices, Bendix Ltd., etc. Author of "Carburation" (Chapman & Hall).

FISHER, H. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 31 Wharton Avenue, Thornton Cleveleys, Blackpool. Age: 65. Career: 31 years Supt. Engr. with 3 Corp. Electy. Generating Stations. Res. Engr., Halifax Corp. Electy. Dept. to 1935, 15 years service.

FISHER, Lewis. A.M. I.E.E. Deputy Mains Engr. and Tech. Asst., Borough of Cheltenham Electy. Dept., Promenade, Cheltenham. Private Address: "Fairland," Pilford Road, Cheltenham. Age: 31. Career: HeriotWatt Coll., Edinburgh; Apprent., Bruce Peebles & Co., Ltd., Edinburgh. Asst. Dist. Engr., The Yorkshire Elect. Power Co.; Dist. Engr., Electy. Board for Northern Ireland.

FISHER, Robert Edward Snow. M.C., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Member of Council, Sheffield Society of Engrs. and Metallurgists. Consulting Engr., Gresham Chambers, Fig Tree Lane, Sheffield, 1. Private Address: Braemore, Ecclesall, Sheffield, 11. Age: 46. Career: Univ. of Sheffield; Eng. Pupil with Messrs. Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd. River Don Works, Sheffield. Temp. Commission in the Corps of Royal Engineers, 1916-19; Asst. Engr., Vickers Ltd., Sheffield, 1920-27; Snr. Asst. Engr., Vickers-Armstrong Ltd., Sheffield, 1928-29; Chief Asst. Works Engr., The English Steel Corp. Ltd., 1929-32.

FISHER, W. D. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Engr., Wessex Electy. Co., Central Office, Pound Street, Newbury, Berks. A ge: 52. Career: 1905-07, Pupil and Trainee at Swansea Corp. Electy. Works; 1907-12, Asst Engr. at Rochdale and Tynemouth; 1912-18, Asst. Mains Engr., Barrow Furness Corp.; 1918-29, Mains Engr., Wigan Corp. Electy. Works; 1929, Asst. Engr. and Manager, Wessex E. Co.; 1932 to date, Chief Engr., Wessex E. Co.

FISHER, W. E. D.Sc., A.M.I. Mech.E. Principal, Wolverhampton and Staffs. Tech. Coll., Wolverhampton.

FISHER, W. L. M.I.A.E., M.S.A.E. Editor of "The Automobile Engineer," Proprietors, Iliffe & Sons, Ltd., Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.1. Private Addresses: Rosslyn House, Twickenham Park, Middlesex; Crittenden, Matfield, Kent. Career: Educ.: Merchant Taylor's School, City and Guilds Tech. Coll.; D. Napier & Sons, Standard Motor Co.

FITCH, F. L. A.M.I.Mech.E. Engineer Surveyor, National Boiler and General Insurance Co., Ltd., Manchester. Private Address: Oak End, Oak Way, Reigate. Age: 46. Career: Dulwich Coll., London; Thames Ironworks, Eng. and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.; War Service in France, 1915-16; Examiner, Woolwich Arsenal; Charge Engr., Hammersmith Borough Council Electy. Works.

FITCH, J. R. M. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Mar.E. Proprietor of Lawford Iron Works, Manningtree, Essex. Age: 59. Career: Wingfield Coll.; Albert School of Sc., Colchester; Apprent., A. G. Mumford, of Colchester; further experience with Wigham Richardson and Hawthorn Leslie & Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne; 5 years as sea-going Engr., P. & 0. Co., holding Chief Engr.'s B.O.T. Cert.; 5 years as Chief Engr. to a London Company; in 1913, purchased present works.

FITTON, A. B.Sc., 1st Cl. Hons., A.M.I.Mech.E. Scientific Officer, D.S.I.R., The Fuel Research Station, Greenwich, S.E.10. Private Address: 135 Wellmeadow Road, Catford, S.E.6. Age: 34. Career: Scholarship, Municipal Coll., Burnley; Manchester Univ., 1928-31; Student Asst. Engr., 1931; Tech. Asst., 1934; Junior Scientific Officer, 1936; Scientific Officer, 1938, Fuel Research Station.

FITTON, Edgar. Councillor since 1930 (Stretford Borough Council). M.I.H.V.E., M. Inst.B.E. Managing Director, Edgar Fitton & Co., Ltd., King Street Works, Chester Road, Manchester. Private Address: 150, Seymour Grove, Old Trafford, Manchester, 16. Age: 55. Career: Manager, Langfields Ltd., Heating Engrs., Pomona Ironworks, Manchester; Founder, 1918, Edgar Fitton & Co., Ltd., Manchester, London, Halifax, Douglas (I.O.M.) and Swansea, which Company controls The Modern Housing Co., with Estate at Highlands Park, Holmfield, Halifax. Yorks. Member of Stretford Electy. Board; Chairman, Old Trafford Liberal Assoc.; Chairman, Sites and Buildings Committee, Stretford Corp.; Chairman, Baths and Laundries Committee, Stretford Corp.

FITZGERALD, T. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E. Draughtsman, Vickers Armstrongs Ltd., Elswick. Private Address: Knoppingsholme, Rowlands Gill, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 44. Career: Apprent., Cammell Laird & Co., Birkenhead. 5 years as sea-going Marine Engr.; 15+ years with North Eastern Marine Eng. Co., Ltd., Wallsend, as Draughtsman (Investigation of marine engine performance, research on superheaters and boiler performance); since March, 1936, with Vickers Armstrong, Elswick (Armaments). Extra Chief Engr. 's Cert.

FITZHERBERT, Col. Edward H. D.S.O., M.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Director of Supplies and Transport, War Office, Whitehall, London. Private Address: 126 Pepys Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W.20. Age: 52. Career: Rossall Sch.; Royal Military Coll.; R.A.S.C. Training Establishment; training, Thorneycroft & Co. Commanded Div. Supply Column (France and Flanders); D.A.Q.M.G., 31st Div.; Commanded Mech. Transport Sch. of Instruction, France, Boy Artificers (R.A.S.C.) Sch. of Instruction (Aldershot), Central Mech. Stores Dept. (India); Asst. Director, Supplies and Transport, China; Dep. Asst. Director, Supplies and Transport, British Army on the Rhine; Chief Insp. of Subsidized Transport; Commanded R.A.S.C. Training Battn.

FITZPATRICK, Hugh James. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., F.C.I.P.A., A.I. Engineers and Shipbuilders. Partner, H. D. Pitzpatrick & Co., Chartered Patent Agents. Business Addresses: 94 Hope Street, Glasgow, C.2, and 49 Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. Age: 32. Training: Glasgow Univ.; Royal Corps of Signals; H. D. Fitzpatrick & Co., Chartered Patent Agents.

FITZPAYNE, Eric R. L. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.A.E., M.Inst.T. Deputy General Manager, Glasgow Corp. Transport Dept., 46 Bath Street. Private Address: 10 Kendal Avenue, Giffnock. Age: 34. Career: Edinburgh Univ.; Metropolitan-Vickers Co., Manchester. Deputy Transport Manager, Edinburgh Corp.; General Manager, South Shields Corp., Transport.

FLANAGAN, J. H. W. A.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E., M.Soc. C.E. (France), A.M.Am.Soc.C.E. Resident Engr., H.M. Office of Works Private Address: 18 Lancaster Court, Newman Street, London, W.1. Career: Oratory Sch., Birmingham; Trinity Coll., Oxford; City and Guilds; Asst. Engr., John Mowlem & Co., Metropolitan Rly., P.L.A.; Contractors' Engr., L.C.C. South Western Storm Relief Survey; Contractors' Engr., Morden Extens., City Rly.; Senr. Engr., Shannon Power Development; Res. Engr., Southend-on-Sea New Sewerage; Res. Engr., Swansea Main Drainage; private practice, Swansea and London; H.M. Office of Works.

FLANNERY, Sir J. Fortescue. Bt., D.L., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A., F.C.M.S. Snr. Consultant, Flannery, Bagallay and Johnson, Ltd., 2/3 Philpot Lane, London, E.C.3. Private Addresses: Wetherfield Manor, Essex, and 5 Somers Place, Hyde Park, London, W.2. Career: Member of the staff of Sir E. J. Reed (formerly Chief Constructor, British Navy); member of Lloyd's and of Lloyd's Tech. Committee; surveyor to the London Salvage Assoc. and Designer of oil tank ships; succeeded the late Sir Edward Reed as Naval Architect and Consulting Engr. to the Crown Agents for the Colonies. Pres., Inst. of Marine Engrs. and of Society of Consulting Marine Engrs. and Ship Surveyors. Writer of papers on Boilers and Liquid Fuel read before the Inst. of Naval Architects and the Inst.C.E. Clubs: Carlton, Savage, St. Stephen's.

FLAX, S. B.Sc. (Tech.), A.M.I.E.E. A.M.E.E. Elect. Engr., Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain) Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford. Private Address: 273 Chiswick Village, Oxford Road, W.4. Age: 38. Career: Coll. of Tech., Manchester, 1917-20; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, 1920-26; S.S. (G.B.) Ltd., 1927 to present.

FLEMING, Sir Ambrose. Kt., F.R.S., M.A., D.Sc., M.I.E.E.; Hon. Fellow, St. John's Coll., Cambridge; Fellow, Univ. Coll., London. Address: Greenfield, Manor Road, Sidmouth, S. Devon. Career: Educ.: Univ. Coll., London, Royal Coll. of Chemistry, and St. John's Coll., Cambridge; Lecturer on Applied Mechanics at Cambridge; subsequently appointed the first Professor of Mathematics and Physics at Univ. Coll., Nottingham, in 1881; 1882, appointed Scientific Adviser to the Edison Elect. Lighting Co., of London; designed a form of direct-reading potentiometer for measuring current and voltage, a type of large bulb incandescent lamp as a standard of light, and conducted other important researches; 1885, first Professor of Elect. Eng. in Univ. Coll., London, a position he held for 42 years; at the same time, had a large practice as a Consulting Elect. Engr., advising many Corporations on their electric lighting schemes; for more than 30 years acted as Adviser to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., and assisted in the design of the first long-distance wireless station at Poldhu, in Cornwall; invented the first form of thermionic valve; awarded Gold Albert Medal, Royal Soc. of Arts, Faraday Medal of I.E.E., Duddell Medal of Physical Soc., Hughes Medal of Royal Soc.; 1933, two Gold Medals from Inst. Radio E. of New York; 1935, Franklin Medal; 1935, Kelvin Medal. Past Vice-Pres. I.E.E., Pres., Television Soc., Victoria Inst., etc. Emeritus Professor of Fleet. Eng. of the Univ. of London; Hon. Member of the Royal Engineers' Inst., Chatham; Hon. Fellow of the Society of Engrs., London; Hon. Member of the Society of Engrs., Liege, Belgium; Hon.Doctor of Eng., Univ. of Liverpool; Hon. Fellow of St. John's Coll., Cambridge; Hon. Fellow of the Inst. of Physics, London; Corresponding Member of the Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow; Hon. Member of the Lancaster Astronomical and Scientific Assoc. Author of some 20 books and about 100 papers on his scientific researches.

FLEMING, Arthur Percy Morris. C.B.E., D.Eng., M.Sc., F.Inst.P., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Director of Research and Education, Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, 17. Private Address: Highclere, Hale Road, Hale, Cheshire. Career: 1899, London Elect. Supply Corp.; 1900, Elliot Bros., Instrument Makers; 1900-02, Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co., Pittsburgh, Pa.; 1902 to present time, British Westinghouse Co., Trafford Park, Manchester (now the Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co.), first as Insulation Specialist, then Supt. and Chief Engr., Transformer Dept.; from 1916 onwards, Manager of Research and Education. Pres. of the Inst. of Elect. Engrs., 1938-39; Member of Council, British Elect. and Allied Industries Research Assoc.; Chairman of British Elect. and Allied Manufacturers' Assoc. Education Committee. Books: "Insulation and Design of Electrical Windings"; "Engineering as a Profession", "A History of Engineering", "The Principles of Apprentice Training"; "The Principles of Industrial Administration"; Research in Industry."

FLEMING, Frederick Alexander. M.B.E., Extra Chief Engr. B. of T. Cert. General Manager, The Grimbsy Ice Co., Ltd., Fish Dock Road, Grimsby. Private Address; 4 Mill Road, Cleethorpes, Lincs. Career; Served 5 years' apprent, in shops and drawing office in Dundee; 4 years in White Star Line; 4 years in Cleveland, Ohio, U.S.A., in drawing office and shops; Drawughtsman on Clyde and Tyne; Manager of National Shell Factory in Grimsby during war.

FLEMING. John Gavin, M.Sc, A.M.I.E.E. Head of Elect Eng. and Physics Dept., Coventry Tech Coll. Coventry. Private Address; 27 Fletchamstead Highway, Coventry. Age 37. Career; Christ's Coll., Finchley; King's Coll., London; North Metropolitan Elect., Power Supply Co.; Asst Engr, North Metropolitan Electr. Power and Supply Co,; Asst. Lecturer, Battersea Polytechnic.

FLEMING, Norman, A.M.I.E.E. Station Supt. Bedford Corp. Electy. Works, Prebend Street, Bedford. Private Address; 14 Newnham Avenue, Bedford. Age 54. Career; Bradford Municipal Tech. Coll,; Metropolitan-Vickers, Elect Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester, 1903-13; Erection Dept. of Metropolitan-Vickers Elect Co., Ltd., Calcutta, 1913-18; Elect. Engr. for Anderson & Wright Co,, Calcutta, 1918-19; Chief Elect Engr. for Indian Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Calcutta, 1919-24; Bedford Corp., 1924 to date.

FLEMING, R.S. M.I.Mech.E. Methods Supt., Automatic Telephone and Elect Co., Ltd., Liverpool, 7. Age 59. Carreer; Skipton Grammar Sch; Keighley Tech Coll; Apprent., Dean, Smith and Grace, Ltd., Vickers, Siemens Bros; for many years held executive positions with National Cash Register Co., Dayton, Ohio; for past 25 years has hel responsible positions with the present firm.

FLEMING, Robert Tyndall. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Insulation Engr., Pinchin Johnson & Co., Ltd., 4 Carlton Gardens, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 6 StuartAvenue, Ealing, W.S. Age: 40. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Apprent., British Westinghouse Co.; Insulation Research Dept., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co. Author of a number of articles on Insulating Materials, chiefly Insulating Varnishes.

FLEMING, William Kirkland. A.M.I.E.E. Borough Elect. Engr. and Manager, Scarborough Corp., 89 Westborough Scarborough. Private Address: Windyholme, College Avenue, Scarborough. Age: 38. Career: The Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Apprent., Greenock Corp. Electy. Dept.; Borough Elect. Engr. and Manager with the Royal Borough of Rothesay; Tech. Asst. and Consumers' Engr. with the Corp. of Greenock Electy. Dept. Club: Scarborough Rotary.

FLETCHER, C. Norman, M.I.Mech. E., F.C.I.S., M.I.P.E. Managing Director, Edward G. Herbert, Ltd., Atlas Works, Chapel Street, Levenshulme. Private Address: 51 Swann Lane, Cheadle Hulme, Stockport. Age: 40. Career: Hulme Grammar Sch.; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; War Service with R.E. (Signals), finally 2nd Lt., R.G.A.; 1919, joined Ed. G. Herbert, progressive appointments to Managing Director (1930). Silver Medallist, J J.I.E. Author of "The Balancing of Machinery" (Emmott & Co. 10/-), " Balancing " section in Newnes "Engineering Practice," etc., etc.

FLETCHER, Douglas Wolfe. B.Sc. London (Hons.), M.Inst.C.E. Supertg. Civil Engr., H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth. Private Address: Orchardhead, Rosyth. Age: 47. Career. Univ. Coll., London; Asst. Engr. at H.M. Dockyards, Rosyth, Chatham, Portsmouth, Devonport and Hong Kong; Engr. -in-Charge at Bathurst (Gambia), Freetown (Sierra Leone), and Milford Haven, all with Admiralty.

FLETCHER, F. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Prod.E. Tech. Engr., Hopkinsons Ltd., Huddersfield. Private Address: 6 Forrest Avenue, Marsh, Huddersfield.

FLETCHER, Frank Purser. O.B.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Deputy Director of Elect. Eng., Admiralty, Whitehall, London, S.W.1.

FLETCHER, George Herbert. M.I.E.E. Chief Engr. and Manager, Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Attercliffe Common Works, Sheffield. Private Address: 8 Chorley Drive Fulwood, Sheffield. Age: 51. Career: Victoria Tech. Coll., Preston; Messrs. Dick-Kerr, Preston; Chief Engr., Messrs. Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Sheffield, 1921-30. Chairman, Traction Committee, British Standards Assoc. Author of "Modern Tramcar," presented to Tramways and Light Rlwys. Congress, 1929; "Modern Tramcar and Trolleybus Equipments, " presented to Tramways and Light Rlwys. Ass. Congress, 1932; "Regeneration" and "Tramway Regeneration, " presented to meetings of Municipal Tramways and Transport Assoc., 1931. "Recent Developments on Trolleybus Systems, Vehicles and Equipment in Great Britain." Joint authorship with Mr. Owen Silvers. Paper presented to International Union of Tramways Congress, Vienna, 1937.

FLETCHER, Joseph E. M.I. Mech.E., M.I. & S.I., M.Inst.Met., M.Inst.F. Consulting Metallurgical Engr., N. Hingley & Sons, Ltd., Netherton Iron Works, Dudley. Private Address: Keston, St. James' Road, Dudley, Worcs. Career: Educ.: Central School and Firth Coll., Sheffield. Foundry Manager and later Works Manager in Steel Works in Sheffield (Thos. Firth & Sons, Ltd., and Cammell Laird & Co.) after apprent. in Works of Clay Cross Co.; since formation of British Cast Iron Research Assoc., has been their Consultant on Melting Practice; Designer of Balanced Blast Cupola Furnaces (joint patentee with B.C.I.R.A.). PastPres. of Staffordshire Iron and Steel Inst. Author of papers read before Iron and Steel Inst.

FLETCHER, J. Y. A.M.I.E.E. Director, General Electric Co., Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

FLINDLE, A. A.M.C.T., A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.Tech.I. (G.B. ).Chief Steam Turbine Designer, 'Mather & Platt, Ltd., Park Works, Manchester, 10. Age: 37. Career: 1915-28, training in shops and D.O., Scott & Hodgson, Ltd., Manchester; from 1928, with Mather & Platt, various appointments from Senr. Draughtsman to Chief Designer (1932). Constantine Gold Medallist, Manchester Assoc. of Engrs.

FLINDT, Ernest Ivor. M.I.Mar.E. Tech. and Sales Engr., Diesel Dept., Brush Elect. Eng. Co., Ltd., 88 Kingsway, W.0.2. Private Address: 3 Queens Gardens, Hendon, London, N.W.4. Age: 40. Career: Indentured Apprenticeship with Hills Dry Docks and Eng. Co., Ltd., Cardiff, 1915-19; 5 years sea service, Commonwealth Govt. Line of Steamers; 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate, 1924; Chief Engr., Messrs. Lindley, Duffield & Co., Ltd., London, 1925-35.

FLOOD, Charles John Maynard. B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Wh. Ex., A.M.I. MechE., M.I.Mar.E. Head of Mech. Eng. Dept., Wimbledon Tech. Coll., Wimbledon, S.W.19. Private Address: 125 Poplar Road South, Merton Park, S.W.19. Age: 45. Career: Educ.: Queen Mary Coll., (London Univ.); Eng. Apprent., H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; Research work on Internal Combustion Engines at Admiralty Research Laboratory, City and Guilds, London; Admiralty service at sea and on shore, during the war. Is a Member of Examinations Board, Surrey County Council; Member of Examination Board, Inst. of Marine Engrs.; Member of Education Group Committee, Inst. of Marine Engrs.; Patentee of the Flood Autographic Indicator Diagram Apparatus.

FLOWER, J. E. A.M. I.E.E. Engr. and Manager, Newmarket Elect. Light Co., Ltd. Private Address: Dolford House, Exning Road, Newmarket. Age: 35. Career: Early training with Lancashire Elect. Power Co., and subsequently as Dist. Manager, East Anglian Elect. Supply Co., Ltd.

FLOYD, Arthur. B.Sc. (with distinction) (Dunelm), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. County Engr. and Surveyor, West Sussex C.C., County Hall, Chichester. Private Address: Greenhayes, West Wittering, Chichester. Age: 43. Career: Armstrong Coll.; Roads and Bridges Depts. of Durham C.C., East Sussex C.C., Surrey C.C., and Derbyshire C.C. (Deputy County Surveyor). 1914-19, Dur.L.I.—Captain.

FLURSCHEIM, C. H. B.A., A.M. I.E.E. Engineer, Switchgear Dept., Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Age: 32. Ed.: Wellington Coll.; Trinity, Cambridge; Works Course, M.V. Co.; Eng. Fellowship to G.E. Co., U.S.A.

FODEN, G. E. G. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Engineer, Switchgear Dept., B.T.H. Co., Ltd., Willesden, N.W.10. Private Addyess: 25 Ravenscroft Avenue, Preston Road, Wembley.

FOGARTY, L. F. A.M.I.E.E., J.P. Managing Director, Zenith Electric Co., Ltd., Zenith Works, Villiers Road, N.W.2. Private Address: Dene Cottage, Manor Way, Ruislip, Mddx. Age: 55. Career: St. Michael's Grammar Sch., Bayswater; Polytechnic and Northampton Institutes; Westminster Elect. Supply Co., Ltd.; Gt. Western Rly. Chairman, Ruislip Northwood U.D.C.

FOLEY, J. L. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engr., The Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Battersea Works, Battersea, S.W.11. Private Address: 175 Green Lane S.W.16.

FOLKES, George Edward. M.I. Mech.E., F.C.I.P.A., A.F.R.Ae.S. Partner, Shaw, Bowker and Folkes, 8 Waterloo Street, Birmingham. Private Address: 16 Alderbrook Road, Solihull, Warwicks. Career: London eng. apprent.; W. & T. Avery, Ltd., Soho Foundry, Birmingham (Dept. Manager); Consulting Engr. and Chartered Patent Agent, first on own account and subsequently as partner as above. President of the Chartered Inst. of Patent Agents, 1935-36; Member of Council of Inst. of Mech. Engrs., Chairman of Midland Branch, 1936 to date.

FOLLAND, Henry Philip. M.B.E., F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Ae.E., F.R.S.A., A. F. I.Ae.S. Managing and Tech. Director, Folland Aircraft Ltd., Hamble, Southampton. Private Address: Sydney Lodge, Hamble, Southampton. Career: Asst. Designer, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough, 1912-17; Chief Engr. and Designer, British Nieuport Co., 1917-21; Chief Engr. and Designer of the Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., 1921-36. Responsible for the design of the Bamel which won Aerial Derby, 1921, 1922, 1923; also Gloster Grebe, Gamecock, Gauntlet, Gladiator, F. 5/34 Monoplane Fighter, Schneider Trophy Machine, and Experimental types; interested in aviation since 1907.

FOOT, J. B. L. A.M.I.E.E. Radio Research Engr., The General Elect. Co., Ltd., Wembley, Mddx., since 1927. Private Address: Red Gables, Elgood Avenue, Northwood, Mddx. Age: 30. Training, Southampton Univ. Coll.

FORBES, C. L. B.Sc., A.R.T.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. to Managing Director, Greenwood & Batley Ltd., Leeds. Private Address: 367 Spen Lane, West Park, Leeds, 6. Age: 32.

FORBES, Lewis Jex-Blake. B.Sc. Eng., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Director and General Manager, Triplex (Northern) Ltd. and Ashdown Ltd., Eccleston Works, St. Helens, Lancs. Private Address: The Crossways, Rainhill, Liverpool. Career: Heriot Watt College and Edinburgh Univ.; Training, Bruce Peebles & Co.; Appointment with Clyde Valley Power Co., British Insulated Cables Ltd., Ministry of Labour, Industrial Training Dept., etc. Captain R.E. during the war, 1914-18.

FORD, Ernest Hone. M.Inst.C.E., A.M.T.P.I., M.Mun. & Cy.E., F.R. San.I., F.R.S.A. City Engr. and Surveyor, Council House, Coventry. Private Address: Edgecumbe, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. Age 53. Formerly Asst. Engr., Walsall Corp.; Asst. Engr., Southport Corp. Member of Severn Catchment Board. Chairman (local Assoc.) Birmingham Branch Inst.C.E. Member of Council, Mun. & Cy.Engrs., Royal Sanitary Institute.

FORD, Louis G. M.I.H.V.E. Managing Director, Louis G. Ford, Ltd., Station Parade, Eastbourne. Private Address: 50 Kings Drive, Eastbourne.

FORDHAM, Arthur A. Ph.D. (Lond. ), A.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Lecturer in Civil Eng., Univ. Coll., Swansea. Ed.: Univ. of Sheffield, 1904-7. Special Technical Interests: Research in Soil Mechanics. Author of "Civil Engineering Design." A Textbook for Engineers and Students.

FORGE, E. L. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.Loco.E., A.M.I.P.E. Process Engr., Southern Rly. Loco. Works, Eastleigh. Private Address: 159 Desborough Road, Eastleigh, Hants. Career: Battersea Polytechnic; Apprent. and subsequent posts with S. Rly. Hon.Sec., Southern Section, Inst.Prod.E.

FORREST, Frank. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Chief Engr. and Manager, City of Birmingham Elect. Supply Dept., 14 Dale End, Birmingham, 4. Private Address: B9 Kenilworth Court, Hagley Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 16. Career: 5 years' apprent. with Siemens Bros. & Co., Ltd., Woolwich; 1 years on engine-room staff of King Leopold II of Belgium's Royal Yacht; 9 months Chief Asst. Engr., Tynemouth Corp. Electy. Dept.; 4i years Asst. Station Engr., Charing Cross Co., London; 12 years Sub-stations and Switchgear Engr., 12 years Chief Asst. Engr., 6 years City Elect. Engr. prior to present appointment. Past-Pres. (1936-37) of Incorporated Municipal Elect. Assoc.; Chairman, Central England Consultative Committee of Central Electy. Board; Past Member of National Tech. Consultative Committee of Central Electy. Board; Past-Pres. of Birmingham University Eng. Soc.; Member of Council of the Inst. of Elect. Engrs. Club: Devonshire.

FORREST, Henry R. M.I.Mech.E. Formerly Chief Engr., Insurance Engrs., Ltd., 51 Mortimer Street, London, W.1. Private Address: 43 Whitchurch Gardens, Edgware.

FORREST, John Archie. B.Sc. (Hons. Eng.), Wh. Ex., M.I.Mar.E. Eng. Lecturer, Birmingham Central Tech. Coll., 16 Melbury Grove, Kings Heath, Birmingham. Age: 38. Career: H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke; 4 years Dockyard School; 1 year Birmingham Univ.; 1 year, Drawing Office, H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke.

FORSLING, B. E. G. Civil-ingenior,, A.M.I.Mech.E., V.D. I. Designing Engr., Turbine Eng. Dept., The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Age: 38. Career: Royal Tech. Univ. (Kungl. Tekniske HOgskelan), Stockholm; Designing Engr., A.B. Atlas-Diesel, Stockholm, 1924-26; In charge of calculating department of A.B. Vaporackumulator,, Stockholm, 1926-28, and of Ruths Steam Storage Co., Ltd., London, 1928-29.

FORSTER, A. Lindsay. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. Director and Chief Engr., Chance Brothers and Co., Ltd., Smethwick and Firhill, Glasgow. Director, Glass Fibres, Ltd., and Austinlite Ltd. Private Address: 12 Athole Gardens, Glasgow, W.2. Clubs: New (Glasgow), Clyde Cruising.

FORSTER, H. R. G. A.M.I.E.E. Electric Power Station, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham.

FORSTER, R. H. B. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.Mech.E. Education Officer, R.A.F. Private Address: The Avenue, Driffield, Yorks. Age: 33. Career: King's Coll., London; 1 years Motor Pistons Ltd.; 11. years, Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co.; 7 years, Shell Mex Ltd., Asst. Chief Designer, Fuel Oil Tech. Dept. Inventor of Forster Patent Melting Furnace.

FORTESCUE, Cecil Lewis O.B.E., M.A. (Cantab.). Professor of Elect. Eng., City and Guilds Coll., London, S.W.7. Private Address: 34 Albert Road, S.W.19. Career: Professor of Elect. Eng., Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich, 191122; present appointment since 1922. Books: "Wireless Telegraphy" (1912); "Naval Electrical Manual" (1926). Club: Athenaeum.

FORTUNE, J. B. M.Sc. (Met.),, M.I. & S.I. Works Manager, Millom & Askam Hematite Iron Co., Ltd., Millom, Cumb. Age: 36. Career: Univ. Coll. of Swansea (1st S.W. Inst. of Engrs. Sch.); Apprent., Baldwins, Ltd.; 1924-25, Asst. Blast Furnace Manager, Margam I. & S. Works; 1925-26, Night Supt., Margam; 192627, Blast Furnace Asst., Wisconsin I. and S. Works, U.S.A.; 1930-35, Works Manager, New Cransley I. and S. Co. Consultant Manager, North Lonsdale I. and S. Co.

FORTUNE, Leslie Eric. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Civil Engr., Halifax Corp. Gas Works. Private Address: 2 Croft Street, Wibsey, Bradford. Age: 29.

FORWARD, Ernest A. M.I.Mech.E., A.R.C.S., Wh. Ex. Private Address: 16 Bramley Avenue, Coulsdon, Surrey. Career: East London Tech. Coll.; Bow Works, North London Rlwy.; Royal Coll. of Sc. (London); on Tech. Staff of The Science Museum, South Kensington, 1901-37. Member of Council, The Newcomen Society. Publications: Museum Handbooks and Catalogues; contributions to technical Press.

FORWELL, William McLaren. M .Mar.E., A.M.I.N. A. Marine Engr., B. R. Vickers (Leeds) Eng. Co., Ltd., 5 Grosvenor Road, Leeds. Private Address: 17 Estcourt Terrace, Headingley, Leeds. Age: 48. Career: Glasgow Tech. Coll.; James Watt Memorial Coll., Greenock. Marine Engr. with several large Shipping Companies. Technical Interests: Stern-Tube Appliances, Protecting Propeller Shafts.

FOSTER, Allan G. M.I.Mech.E. Director and General Manager, Browett Lindley (1931), Ltd., Coborn Works, Letchworth. Private Address: 29 The Avenue, Hitchin. Career: Managerial positions and Directorships of eng. firms. Travelled abroad extensively.

FOSTER, E. G. B. Asst. Engr., C.E. 's London Authority, E.0.3. Age: 54.

FOSTER, P. F. Mech.E. Eng. Dept., Univ. Road, Cardiff.

FOSTER, S. S. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr. and Manager, U.D.C. Electy. Works, Carr Lane, Hoylake, Ches. Previously with Siemens Bros., Woolwich; Electy. Works, Lowestoft; Electy Works, St. Pancras; Derby & Notts. Elect. Power Co.

FOULKES-ROBERTS, Maurice Wynn. D.F.H., A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Asst., Air Defence Experimental Establishment, Biggin Hill, Kent. Private Address: Westwood, Goring-on-Thames, Oxon.

FOWLER, Sir Henry. K.B.E., T.D., J.P., LL.D. (Birmingham), D.Sc. (Manchester), Wh. Ex. A.M.I.Mech.E. Dept., Port of Trinity Square, A.M.I. Coll., Newport Private Address: Spondon Hall, Derby. Career: Worked with L. & Y. Rlwy.; Chief Mech. Engr., L.M.S. Rlwy.; Director of Production, Ministry of Munitions, 1915; Supt., Royal Aircraft Factory. Author of many papers for which awarded several gold medals.

FOWLER, L. John. B.A. (Cantab.), A.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.H.V.E., A.Inst. G.E. Tech. Manager, Ideal Boilers and Radiators, Ltd., Hull. Private Address: "Lowood," Eastgate, Hornsea, E. Yorks. Mech. Sc. Tripos, Cambridge. Author of papers to Inst. of H. & V.E., and American Society of H. & V.E.

FOWLER, P. S. M.I.Mech.E. Director and Secretary, W. Sisson & Co., Ltd., Gloucester. Private Address: The Ridge, Estcourt Road, Gloucester. Age: 53. Chief Draughtsman, W. Sisson & Co., Ltd., from 1925-36, then appointed Director and Secretary. Lecturer at Gloucester Tech. Coll. for Machine Design Higher Nat. Cert., Class V year. National Pres., Engineer and Shipbuilding Draughtsmen Assoc., 1933-34.

FOX, A. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.I. Head of Mech. Eng. Dept., Municipal Coll., Leigh. Private Address: 5 Furnival Street, Leigh, Lancs. Age: 35. Career: Huddersfield Secondary Sch.; Huddersfield Tech. Coll.; trainee, 1918-27, Thos. Broadbent & Sons, and 1927-31, Asst. to Chief Inspector; part-time Lecturer Huddersfield Tech. Coll., 1922-27. Sec., Leigh Mun. Coll. Eng. Soc.

FOX, Alfred. M.C., Hon. Captain R.A. A.R.S.M., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Assoc. Inst. M. & M., Mem. Am. Inst. M. & M. Private Address: 79 Forest Road, Birkenhead. Age: 60. Career: Royal Coll. of Sc. and Royal School of Mines; Inspecting Mines, Germany, France and Italy, 1899-1901; Asst. Engr., Cwmystwyth Mines, Cardigan; Asst. Engr. then Mill Supt., Caylloma Silver Mines, Peru; General Manager and Chief Engr., Caylloma Silver Mines Peru, 1901-13; Served B.E.F., France, 1914-19; Chief Engr., Graham Rowe & Co., Liverpool, 1919-33; now retired. Special Technical Interests: Mining and Metallurgy. Author of "Treatment of Silver Ores" (Trans. Inst. C.E.).

FOX, Cecil Percy. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., A.I.Mech.E. Control Engr., County of London Elect. Supply Co., Ltd., Creekmouth, Barking, Essex. Private Address: 43 The Charter Road, Woodford Green,. Essex. Career: Northampton Eng. Coll.; Charge Engr., St. James and Pail Mall Elect. Light Co., Ltd. Author of "The Choice of Plant for Converting Sub-stations," etc. Club: Hainault Forest Golf Club.

FOX, Lt.—Col. Charles Horace. O.B.E., B.Sc. (Eng., London), P.P.I. Struct.E., F.S.I. Consulting Structural Engr., etc., 1 Harrison Road, Halifax. Private Address: 22 Elm View, Halifax. Career: Partner in Jackson and Fox, Architects, Structural Engrs., Surveyors and Valuers, 1920 to date Chairman of Yorkshire Branch of Chartered Surveyors' Inst., 1935-36; Member of Council, 1938; first Chairman of Yorkshire branch of Inst. of Structural Engrs., 1924-26; Member of Council, Hon. Librarian, Hon. Sec. and Vice-Pres. of same, 1924-36; Pres., 1936-37; Member of West Yorkshire Society of Architects; Pres. Halifax Branch of British Legion, 1934 to date.

FOX, Charles James. A.M.I.E.E. Managing Director, W. J. Furse & Co. (Manchester), Ltd., 20 Mount Street, Manchester 2. Private Address: Woodville, Howard Drive, Hale, Altrincham, Cheshire. Career: Univ. Coll., Nottingham; Coll. Elect.. Apprent., British Westinghouse Co., Ltd. Engr. Representative, British Westinghouse Co. Ltd., Nottingham Area; Commercial Engr., Manchester, Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co., Ltd. Clubs: Old Rectory Club (Manchester); M/c Rotary Club.

FOX, Edmund John. M.I.Mech.E. Managing Director, The Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., nr. Nottingham. Private Address: The Manor House, Stanton-by-Dale, nr. Nottingham. Director, Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Chairman, Davy and United Eng. Co., Ltd.

FOX, G. B. M.I.Mech.E. Chief Testing Engr., Admiralty Eng. Laboratory, West Drayton, Mddx. Age: 47. Career: Repton Sch.; Manchester Schools of Tech.; Apprent., W. J. Bates & Co., Gas and Oil Engines; Browett & Lindley; Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day.

FOX, Herbert Christopher. A.M.I.E.E. E.H.P. Switchgear Engr., George Ellison, Ltd., Perry Barr, Birmingham, 22. Private Address: 32 Mayfield Road, Wylde Green, Sutton Coldfield. Career: Complete course Birmingham Municipal Tech. Coll., and thereafter various appointments, all with George Ellison Ltd.

FOX, J. P. B.Sc. (Hons.), A.M. I. Mech.E. Secretary, Fox & Offord Ltd., 187 Alma Street, Aston, Birmingham, 6. Age: 29. Apprent., Fox & Offord Ltd.; Hons. in Eng., Manchester Univ., 1932.

FOX, J. R. M.Inst.,C.E., M.Inst. W.E. (Past Pres.) A.C.G.I., Consulting Engr. Private Address: 54 Stirling Road, Bournemouth. Career: Bradfield Coll.; City and Guilds; articled to, and later in Partnership with William Fox, M.Inst.C.E., Westminster; Waterworks Engr., Barnsley Corp., 1920 to 1936.

FOX, R. C. Ph.D., B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Lecturer in Electrical Eng., L.C.C. School of Eng. and Navigation, High Street, Poplar, London, E.14. Private Address: 9 Vambery Road, S.E.18. Age 36. Career: 1919-22, Queen Mary Coll. (Univ. of London); 1922-24, Tech. Asst., Cosmos Lamps Works, Brimsdown; 1924-30, Research Asst., Queen Mary Coll.

FOX, Sam. Chairman and Managing Director, Hartley and Sugden, Ltd., White Rose Boiler Works, Halifax. Private Address: Fernville, Skircoat Green, Halifax. Career: Commenced business with above company in 1886; Director in 1906; Managing Director 1916, and Chairman, 1935; Pres., 1931-32, Inst. of Heating and Ventilating Engrs.; served for 10 years on Management Board of Eng. and Allied Employers' Eng. Federation; for 12 years Pres. of Welded Boiler Makers' Assoc. Clubs: Halifax Golf, Halifax.

FOX, Samuel Alexander. M.I. Mech.E. Chairman and Managing Director, Fox & Offord, Ltd., Alma Street, Aston, Birmingham, 6. Private Address: 9 St. Augustines Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham, 16. Career: Apprent. with W. Sisson & Co., Ltd., Gloucester; took Diploma of Finsbury Tech. Coll. (City and Guilds) under Dr. Sylvanus Thompson; appointed Director of W. Sisson & Co., Ltd., Gloucester, 1904-13; Managing Director E. Reader & Sons, Ltd., Nottingham, 1914-18; started Fox & Offord, Ltd., Mechanical and Elect. Engrs., in 1923, engaging in the design and manufacture of machinery for production.

FOXLEE, R. W. M.Inst.C.E. Deputy Chief Engr. (Civil), Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4 Millbank, London, S.W.1. Age: 53. Educ: Westminster Sch.; Pupil of the late Mr. Alex. Ross; 1903-09, Eng. Depts. G.N. Rly.; 1909-15, G.C. Rly.; 1915-21, P.L.A.; 1921-28 Dep. Head, Eng. Design Dept., Crown Agents; present position, 1928.

FRAMPTON, H. G. A.M.I.E.E., D.I.C. H.M. Elect. Insp. of Factories, Home Office Factory Dept. Private Address: 1 Essery Road, Eastville, Bristol. Age: 47. Career: Educ. privately; City and Guilds; Engr. with Messrs. Merz & McLellan.

FRAMPTON, Trevethan Claude. A.M.Inst.C.E. Resident Engr., R.A.F. Station, Minchinhampton, Gloucestershire. Career: King's Coll., London; American Rlwy. Construction Co., Ltd., 1911-12; Royal Siamese State Rlwys, 1913-14; Director of Road Transport, Board of Trade, 1920-21; Resident Engr., Sir Douglas Fox & Partners, 1923-25; Asst. Chief Engr., Armstrong Construction Co., 1926-29; Resident Engr., Messrs. Mirlo & Halcrow, 1930-33. Author of Paper No. 4967 of Proceedings of the Inst. of Civil Engrs., entitled "Development and Construction of Port of Beira." Club: Junior Army and Navy.

FRANCE, J. A.M.I.Mech.E., M I. Prod. E Head of Production Eng. Section, Central Tech. Coll., Birmingham. Private Address: 42 Bodenham Road, Northfield, Birmingham. Age: 34. Career: Southport, Wigan, Liverpool and Birmingham Tech. Coils.; 191926, Apprent., British Electric Vehicles Ltd., Southport; 1926-27, Charge Hand Tool Maker, Wingrove & Rogers Ltd., Liverpool; 1927-34, Machine Tool Designer, Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham; 1934-36, Asst. Works Manager, Geo. Bray & Co., Ltd., Leeds; 1937 onwards, present post.

FRANCIES, Richard. T.D., A.M.I.E.E. Manager, Heating Dept., Hotpoint Elect. Appliance Co., Ltd., 24 Newman Street, London, W.1. Private Address: "Crossways," Pinner Hill, Pinner, Mddx. Age: 50. Career: King's Coll., Auckland, N.Z.; Pupil Thames Ironworks, Elect. Dept.; subStation Engr. and Charge Engr., Chelsea Elect. Supply Co.; served throughout War, Coast Defence and A.A. with R.E. (T.) L.E.E., Captain; Heating Engl.., Young, Osmond & Young, Ltd.; Heating Engr., Edison Swan Co.

FRANCIS, E. L. M. A.M.I.Mech.E. Principal of the Firm of Stanley, Popplewell & Francis, 88/90 Chancery Lane, W.0.2. Age: 44. Career: King Edward VI School, Stourbridge; Birmingham Tech. School; articled to J. Piercy & Co., Ltd., Consulting and General Engrs., of Birmingham; Commissioned Officer in the Worcestershire Regiment during the Great War; on the staff of the Mech. Warfare Dept., Min. of Mun.; later with Kennedy's (Carntyne) Ltd., Glasgow, and Wm. Simons & Co., Ltd., Renfrew.; became partner in present firm in 1927.

FRANCIS, E. S. M.I.E.E. Asst. Supt. Engr., S. Midland Dist., P.O. Eng. Dept. Private Address: Orchard Lea, Upper Woodcote Road, Caversham, Bucks. Age: 60. Career: Chief Electrical and Traffic Manager, N.T.C., 1905-12; Traffic Supt., Liverpool, P.O., 1912-14; Sectional Engr., Leeds, 1914-30; present appointment, 1930.

FRANCIS, M. H. A.M.I.E.E., D.F.H. Section Engr., Central Electy. Board, Prince Rock, Plymouth. Age: 36. Career. St. Austell County School; Apprent., W. Francis & Sons, General Engrs.; Faraday House; B.I. Cables Ltd., Asst. Outside Contracts Dept.; C.E.B. from Feb., 1931.

FRANCIS, T. G. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Head of Eng. Dept., Willesden Tech. Coll., London, N.W.10. Private Address: 40 Chalkhill Road, Wembley Park, Mddx. Age: 46. Career: Municipal Secondary Sch., Bolton; Manchester Univ.; 5 years service with R.E. during Great War, 1914-19; Lieut., R.E.

FRANCIS, Victor James. B.Sc. (Lond.), Maths. B.Sc. (Lond.) Physics, A.R.C.S., F. Inst. P., A.M.I.E.E. Member of Research Staff, General Elect. Co., Ltd. Age: 29. Ed.: Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech., 1927-31.

FRANKLIN, E. Stanley. M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Vice-Chairman, Stothert and Pitt, Bath. Private Address: Lansdown, Bath. Career: 1894-99, Resident Engr. for Siemens Bros. & Co., for Power House Equipment for Bedford, Cheltenham, Windsor and Colchester; 1899-1900, in charge of Experimental Elect. Traction on Met. Dist. Rlwy., London, for Sir John Wolfe Barry and Sir William Preece; 1901-13, Chief Elect. Engr., Bengal-Nagpur Rlwy. Co.; 1914-33, Managing Director, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Bath. Clubs: Sports (London), Bath and County.

FRANKLIN, Frederick Robert. B.Sc. (Lond.), A.I.Mar.E. Asst. Maintenance Engr., British Dyestuffs Corp., Ltd., Dalton Works, Huddersfield, Yorks. Private Address: 36 Rumbold Road, Edgerton, Huddersfield, Yorks. Age: 34. Career: Apprent., Elliott & Jeffry Ltd., Barry Docks; Educ.: Barry County School and Cardiff Tech. Coll.; Barry Gas and Water Works; Synthetic Ammonia and Nitrates Ltd., Stockton-on-Tees (D.0.).

FRANKLIN, Gordon. M.I.E.E. General Manager, The Cosmos Mfg. Co., Ltd., Brimsdown, Enfield, Mddx. Age: 53. Career: Old Coll., Windermere; Victoria Univ., Manchester; Apprent., British Westinghouse Elec. Mfg. Co. Ltd; Staff Appmts. British Westinghouse and MetropolitanVickers Elect. Co., Ltd., Manchester; British Westinghouse Co., Manchester; Managing Director, Westinghouse Norsk and Vickers-Norsk, Oslo, Norway; General Manager, Cosmos Mfg. Co. Ltd.

FRANKLIN, R. H. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Executive Engr., Post Office Eng. Dept., also part time Responsible Lecturer for Telephony and Telegraphy, Northampton Polytechnic. Private Address: 81 Fairfax Road, Teddington, Mddx. Age: 31. Ed.: Hampton Grammar School and Battersea Polytechnic.

FRASER, Alexander. M.I.E.E. "Glenshee," 8 Hendesland Road, Bearsden, Glasgow. Senior Partner, Alexander Fraser & Co., Engrs., 132 Renfrew St., Glasgow, C.2. Age: 50. Career: Robt. Gordon's Tech. Coll.; Asst. Elect. Engr., W. Beardmore & Co. Ltd.; Chief Elec. and Mech. Engr., Smith & McLean, Ltd.; Managing Engr., Richards, Ltd., Aberdeen.

FRASER, Andrew. M.I.E.E., F.R.A.S., M.R.I. Member of British Astronomical Assoc., Member of Societe Astronomique de France. Retired Executive Engr., Headquarter's Staff, Engr.-in-Chief's Office, G.P.O. Private Address: Heron Cottage, Herne, Kent. Age: 72.

FRASER, D. M. M.C., J.P., B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.Met. Asst. Manager, The Foyers Works, The British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Inverness-shire. Career: Inverness Coll.; Edinburgh Univ.; served throughout the War with the Royal Engineers (S.R.), retired 1920.

FRASER, Hugh. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.Inst.C.E. In private practice as Consulting Engr., specialising in the lay-out of factory buildings and plant, also the design of all classes of steel structures; Tech. Director of Inter-Counties, Ltd., Milngavie Road, Bearsdene by Glasgow. Address: 3 Blairbeth Terrace, Burnside by Rutherglen, Scotland. Age: 54. Career: Engineer-in-charge of lay-out of buildings and plant with Armstrongs & Main, Ltd., similar appointment with The Armstrong Construction Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Lecturer in "Design of Steel Structures," Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Extended the theory of AirScrew Design to include Rail-cars propelled by electric motor and air-screw.

FRASER, H. G. M.C., T.D., M.I.E.E. City Elect. Engr. and Manager, City of Oxford Elect. Supply Dept., 37 George Street, Oxford.

FRASER, H. J. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. H.T. Distribution Eng., Liverpool Corp. Elect. Supply Dept. Private Address: 23 Meibreck Road, Mossley Hill, Liverpool, 18. Career: St. Margaret's Sch., Liverpool; Toxteth Tech. Inst.; Harris Inst., Preston; Liverpool Univ.; Apprent., Dick, Kerr Works, English Elect. Co.; Asst. Engr., Yorkshire Elect. Power Co.; Lecturer, Leeds Sch. of Tech. evening classes.

FRASER, Keith. M.A. (Cantab.), A.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.Chem.E. Director, W. J. Fraser & Co., Ltd., Dagenham, Essex. Private Address: Cromarty, Hutton, Essex. Ed.: Oundle School and Cambridge Univ. Club: United University.

FRASER, Kenneth. F.R.S. Managing Director, The Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., Leeds. Private Address: Tregullow, Oakwood, Leeds, 8. Career: Malleable Iron Co., Ltd., Elliott's Metal Co., Ltd., Selly Oak, B'ham.; since 1907, with The Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd. Foundation Member of Inst. of Metals; Vice-Pres. of Federation of British Industries; Freeman of City of London.

FRASER, S. A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Chief Engr., High Duty Alloys Ltd., Buckingham Avenue, Slough, Bucks. Age: 50. Career: East London Univ.; Apprent., A. W. Robertson, Albert Docks, London; sea-going, Harrison, African Steamship, and White Star Lines; Port Engr. and Asst. Harbour Master, Port Swettenham, Malay States; Asst. Manager, Harland & Wolff, Bootle; Maintenance Supt., Carribean Petroleum Co., Venezuela.

FRASER, William Alexander. M.Inst.C.E. Engr. (Scotland) and Engr., Forth Bridge, London & North Eastern Rlwy. and Forth Bridge Rlwy. Co., respectively, 23 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh. Private Address: 49 Braid Avenue, Edinburgh. Age: 62. Ed.: Raining's School, Inverness; Tech. Coll., Glasgow.

FRASER, Col. William Stuart. C.I.E., O.B.E., V.D. Private Address: The Manor House, Shippon, Abingdon-on-Thames. Berks. Career: Prem. Apprent., L. & Y. Ry. Horwich, 1895-98.; Pupil, Sir John Aspinall, 1898-1900; Loco Foreman, L. & Y. Rlwy. (1900-02); Asst. & Dist. Loco Supt., B.B. & C.I. Rlwy, India (1902-11); Loco Supt., B.B. & C.I. Rlwy. (1911-31). Retired 1931. Served in the Volunteers (India), I.D.F., during the war and A.F.I. after the war, and retired with the rank of Colonel.

FRASER-SMITH, Edwin W. F. M.A., M.I.N.A., A.M.Inst.C.E., M.N.E.C.Inst. Secretary, North-East Coast Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Bolbec Hall, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: Low Angerton, Morpeth, Northumberland. Career: Eng. apprent.: Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., London; eng. appointments in London, Newcastle and Blyth; Asst. Engr., Port of London Authority; present appointment since 1911.

FRAZER-NASH, Archibald. M.I.A.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Tech. Director, Parnall Aircraft Ltd.; Director, Nash & Thompson Ltd.; Director, Powered Mountings Ltd.; Director, R. B. Pullin Ltd.; Director, Nash Safe Load Indicators Ltd.; Director, N. & T. (Engineers) Ltd. also Director "Magnal" Products Ltd. Business Addresses: Oakcroft Road, Tolworth, and Yate Aerodrome, Glos. Private Address: Kingston Hill, Surrey. Age: 49. Career: City and Guilds Inst. (Mech.); Willans & Robinson, Rugby; Director, G.N. Ltd.; General Manager, Pickett Construction Co.; Director, Frazer-Nash Ltd.; Director, British Anzani Eng. Co., Ltd. Designer, Frazer-Nash Car; Inventor of Vickers-Nash Safe Load Indicator for Cranes, Frazer-Nash Safety Wing Tip Flare device for Aircraft, Frazer-Nash Gun Turrets for Aircraft, Frazer-Nash Powered Gun Installations for Armoured Cars, etc. Clubs: Royal Air Force Club; British Racing Drivers' Club ; Brooklands Automobile Racing Club. Junior Car Club.

FRECHEVILLE, William A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M. & M. Consulting Engr., Horse Block Hollow, Cranleigh, Surrey. Career: Fellow of Imperial Coll. of Sc. and Tech.; Emeritus Professor of Mining, R.S.M.; Past-Pres., Inst. M. & M.; Fellow of the Geological Soc.; Gold Medallist of the Inst. of Mining and Metallurgy; Member of the Legion of Honor of the American Inst. of Mining and Metallurgical Engrs.

FREEBORN, C. F. A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Sales Engr., Metro-Vick Elect. Co., Ltd., Cardiff Office. Private Address: Mervyn House, Frederick Street, Cardiff. Age: 48. Career: 4 years King's Sch., Canterbury; 3 years Central Tech. Coll., S. Wales; 3 years ' Draughtsman, Brush Elect. Eng. Co.; 4 years, Manager Filling Factory, M. of. M.; 18 years MetroVick.

FREEDMAN, Paul. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Member Ilium. Eng. Soc. (London). Research Engr., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Industrial Development Laboratories, 55 Britton Street, E.C.1. Private Address: 6 Hillside Gardens, Highgate, N.6. Age: 42. Career: Grammar School, Stoke Newington, followed by Elect. Eng. Course at Queen Mary Coll. (then known as East London Coll.), Univ. of London. 1916-26, Edison Swan Co., first as Research Worker, developed and manufactured "Pointolite" lamps; then Head of Physical Laboratory; finally Head of Physical and Chemical Laboratories; 1926-28, Graham Amplion, Physical Engr.; 1928-30, Consulting Engr., Celestion Ltd.; 1930-33, Managing Director, radio valve co., now known as High Vacuum Valve Co.; 1933-36, Consulting Engr. Specialised in Thermionic Valves, Discharge Lamps, other Electronic Devices, Photometry and High Vacuum Technique generally; over 40 patents in these and other fields. Author of "Thermionic Emission," in Nature, 7th August 1926; "Low Voltage Neon," Electrical Review, 3rd April, 1936 "Low Voltage Neon," Transactions; Illuminating Eng. Soc. February, 1937.

FREEMAN, Charles F. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., Assoc.U.C.S., Country Member I.E.S. Elect. Engr., Courtaulds Limited, Foleshill Road, Coventry. Private Address: 84 Green Lane, Coventry. Age: 34. Career: Educ.: Churcher 's Coll., Petersfield, Hants, and Univ. Coll., Southampton; Testers Course, B.T.H. Co., Rugby. Testing Engr., Turbine Construction Dept., B.T.H. Co., Rugby; Chief Asst. Elect. Engr., Ariston Gold Mines (1929) Ltd., Prestea, Gold Coast Colony.

FREEMAN, E. H. M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I. Partner, Tyler & Freeman, 40 Chancery Lane, W.C.2. Career: Central Tech. Coll., Kensington; Estimating Engr., Siemens, Woolwich; Cable Engr., Telegraph Const. Co. Invention: R.V.C. Laboratory Pedestals. Author of "Electric Wiring," jointly with Prof. W. C. Clinton.

FREEMAN, F. R. B.Sc., A.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E. Managing Director, Frank R. Freeman Ltd., Builders and Public Works Contractors, 31 Russell Square, W.C.1. Age: 47. Career: Central Tech. Coll.; Douglas Fox & Partners; Armstrong Construction Co., Ltd., General Manager; Dorman Long, Chief Engr.; Dorman Long & Associates (China), Ltd., Managing Director; Frank R. Freeman, Ltd., Managing Director.

FREEMAN, George Frederick. M.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., Mech.E. Chief Lecturer in Elect. Eng., West Ham Municipal Coll., London, E.15. Private Address: 139 Balgores Lane, Squirrels Heath, Romford, Essex.

FREEMAN, John Harold William. B.Sc. (Leeds), A.M.Inst.C.E., A.M. Inst.M. & Cy.E., M.R.San.I. Eng. Asst., City Engr. 's Dept., Leeds, 1. Private Address: Briarcliffe, Harrogate Road, Alwoodley, Leeds. Age: 27. 1928-31, Articled Pupil with F. J. Rodwell, A.M.Inst. C.E., Consulting Engr., 20 Park Row, Leeds; 1931-34, Leeds Univ., Graduated June, 1934. Hon. Sec., Yorkshire Assoc. of the Inst. of Civil Engrs.; Hon. Sec., (Junior Section), Yorkshire Dist., Inst. of Municipal and County Engrs.

FREEMAN, Ralph. Fellow of the Imp. Coll., F.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E., M.Am.Soc.C.E., Vice-Pres. Inst. of Welding. Senior Partner, Freeman Fox & Partners (formerly Sir Douglas Fox & Partners), Broadway Buildings, Westminster, London, S.W.1. Ed.: City and Guilds Inst., Kensington.

FREEMAN, Sterry B. C.B.E., M.Eng., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., F.C.M.S. Chief Supt. Engr., Alfred Holt & Co., Ltd., India Building, Liverpool. Private Address: Palm Grove, Oxton, Cheshire. Career: Tech. training at Scott & Co., Greenock; further experience, Cammell Laird, Birkenhead; first Class Board of Trade Certificate; experience in consulting work with William Esplen, Surveyor to Lloyd's Register; Manager, Manchester Dry Docks prior to present position Member of Council, Inst. Mech. E. and Inst. Naval Architects; Vice-Pres., Inst. Marine E.; member of Lloyds Tech. Committee, etc. Contributor to technical Press; Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture to Inst. Mech.E., etc.

FREER, R. McD. A.M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Engr., Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd. (Explosives Group), Nobel House, Stevenston, Ayrshire. Career: Allan Glen's School; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; 10 years in Glasgow Corp. Elect. Dept. in various branches of undertaking; 7 years, British Columbia Elect. Rly. Co., Asst. Dist. Engr.; with Nobels (now I.C.I.) since 1917.

FREER, Thomas Henry. M.I.H.V.E. Director, William Freer, Ltd., 104 St. Georges Street, Norwich. Private Address: 3 Cintra Road, Wellesley Avenue, Norwich. 'Phone: Thorpe 398. Age: 46. Ed.: Wyggeston Grammar School, Leicester; Leicester Tech. Coll.; trained, Rud, Otto Meyer, Hamburg, Germany.

FREER-HEWISH, Joseph Richard. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Member Inst.M. & Cy.E. Deputy Engr. and Surveyor, Chigwell Urban Dist. Council, Loughton, Essex. Age: 30. At Watford, Newbury and Wembley.

FREETH, L. G. M.C., A.M.I.F:.E., A.C.G.I. Director and Asst. General Manager, China Electric Co., Ltd., Shanghai. Address: International Standard Electric Corp., Connaught House, Aldwych, W.C.2. Age: 45. Career: Lancing Coll., 1908-11; City and Guilds Eng. Coll., 1911-14; Major R.E., 1914-19; War Service in France, 1915-19; Western Electric Co., London, 1919-29; Tech. Manager, International Marine Radio Co., 1929-30; Far Eastern Director of Eng. Inter. Standard Elect. Corp., 1930-35; Tech. Director, China Electric Co., 1935-38.

FRENCH, A. J. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 57 Ermine Road, S.E.13. Career: City and Guilds, 1885-88; with Latimer Clark, Muirhead & Co., Ltd., and their successors, Testing and Experimental Dept.; sometime Senior Demonstrator Elect. Dept., Goldsmiths Co.'s Tech. Inst., New Cross; qualified as Patent Agent in 1908, and in practice until 1936, when retired.

FRENCH, D. C. A.M.I.E.E. Tech. Asst., London County Council (Chief Engr. 's Dept.). Private Address: Cranwood, Avondale Avenue, Hinchley Wood, Esher. Age: 34.

FREW, W. Y. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Eng., James Brown & Co., Ltd., Esk Mills, Penicuik, Midlothian. Age: 48. Career: Apprent., Jas. Brown & Co., Ltd.; 9 years seagoing experience with Ben Line Ltd., Leith and R.M.S.P. Co., Ltd., Southampton; 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate; Admiralty Transport Service during the War; 5 years Chief Engr. at Devon Valley Mills, Wiggins Teape & Co., Ltd.

FRIDAY, F. W. A.M.I.E.E., M.S.M. Sectional Engr., Post Office Service, 16 Millbrook Road, Southampton. Age: 47. Borough Polytechnic; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; in P.O. Service as Engr. since 1912. 1915-18, Despatch Rider, G.H.Q., R.A.F., Flying Observer, R.F.C.

FRIEND, R. H. A.M.I.E.E., F.T.I. Manager, Siemens-Schuckert (G.B.) Ltd., Great West Road, Brentford, Mddx. Age: 54. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Pupil, Siemens Bros., passing to Works and D.O.; 2 years with Schuckerts Works, Berlin; 4 years Siemens Bros., Manchester Area (Textile Mill Development); with H.A.C. and R.E. during War, latterly in Mesopotamia as O.C. Elec. and Mech. Units. After War, with English Elect. Co., London and Manchester.

FRISBY, W. M.I.E.E. Private Address: "Iona, " Teignmouth Road, Teignmouth, South Devon. Age: 65. For the last period of 26 years ending Sept. 30th, 1936, was the Borough Elect. Engr. to Colchester Corp. Now retired.

FRITH, Julius. M.Sc., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., Cramp and Frith, 1 Dickinson Street, W., Manchester, 2.

FROGGATT, George William. B.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Assoc.M. Inst.M. & Cy.E. Structural Engr., Surveyor's Dept., County Borough of Blackpool. Private Address: 28 Dryburgh Avenue, Blackpool. Age: 30. Career: Staveley Grammar School; Liverpool Univ.; Tech. Training with Dorman Long & Co., Ltd., Bridge and Construction Works, Middlesbrough; Tech. Asst. with Dorman Long & Co., Ltd.

FROGGATT, Thomas William. A.M.I.Mar.E. Installation and Service Engr., Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., Lincoln. Private Address: 27 Skellingthorpe Road, Lincoln. Ed.: Lincoln Tech. Coll., Awarded Ruston Silver Medal for Science.

FROST, G. H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Leading Mech. Draughtsman, Thos. Firth and John Brown Ltd., Savile Street East, Sheffield, 1. Age: 59.

FROST, Prosper Barnaby. B.Sc. Eng., M.I.E.E. Staff Engr., Engr.-in-Chief's Office, General Post Office, Leith House, 47 Gresham Street, E.C.1. Private Address: Gatehouse, Tadworth, Surrey. Age: 51. Career: City and Guilds Tech. Coll., Finsbury; Edison & Swan United Elect. Light Co.; Siemens Brothers Dynamo Works; London County Council Tramways Dept.

FROST, R. A. A.M.I.E.E. Charge Engr., The Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Ferrybridge Power Station, Yorks. Private Address: Westbury, Ridgedale Hill, Newtown, Pontefract. Career: 4 years Course at Faraday House; Charge Engr., Barugh Power Station, Yorks. Elect. Power Co.

FROST, William Eric. M.Eng., Assoc.I.Loco.E., Ass.W.E.C.E. & S. Works Manager and Director, John Spencer Sons, 1928, Ltd., Newburnon-Tyne. Private Address: 30 Newminster Road, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Age: 37. Career: Sheffield Univ. and United Steel Companies (Training); Manager, Spring Dept., Steel, Peech & Tozer. Author of papers on Laminated and Helical Springs.

FRY, C. E. A.M.I.E.E. Proprietor, The Skegness Steam Laundry, Ltd. Private Address: Silverhowe, Glentworth Crescent, The Park, Skegness. Age: 42. Career: Sidcot School, Winscombe; The Northampton Eng. Coll., London; Apprent., Tangyes Ltd., Birmingham; 4 years War Service in France and Flanders; short periods with Igranic Electric Co., Bedford, and Lancashire Dynamo Co., Manchester; 5 years Manager, Meter Dept., Fox & Offord Ltd., Birmingham.

FUCHS, A. B.Sc. (Tech.), A.M.I.E.E. Lines Engr., British Broadcasting Corp. Private Address: 37 Carlton Road, Hale, A ltrincham, Cheshire.

FUCHS, E. B.A., A.M.I.Mech.E. Welding Engr., I.C.I. (Alkali), Ltd., Northwich, Cheshire. Address: Winnington Hall Club, Northwich. Age: 35. Career: Manchester Grammar School; Christ's Coll., Cambridge; Student Apprent., Mather & Platt, Manchester, followed by 18 months as Centrifugal Pump Designer (Asst.); 1928-35, Instrument Dept. Manager; 1935-37, Running Dept. Asst. Manager (Turbines, etc.); 1937, Welding Engr., I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd.

FULCHER, H. W. M.I.E.E. With Engr.-in-Chief's Office, Post Office. Private Address: "Wyham," Orchehill Avenue, Gerrard 's Cross, Bucks.

FULLER, L. H. B.Sc., A.1VI.I.E.E. 7, Talbot Crescent, Leeds 8. Sub-Station Construction Engr. (Asst.), Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Leeds. Ed. King's Coll., London.

FULLER, W. H. A.M.I.E.E. Sales Manager, Hallamshire Elect. Co., Ltd., Canada Works, Charles Street, Sheffield. Private Address: 77 Holmhirst Road, Sheffield, 8. Career: Sheffield Univ. Elect. Supply Dept., Sheffield; Igranic Ltd., Bedford; T.B. & W. Cockayne Ltd., Sheffield, Elect. Engr. and Manager.

FURNER, A. C. M.I.H.V.E. Managing Director, Jerram & Co., Ltd., Babington Lane, Derby. Private Address: Oakdene, Whitaker Road, Derby. Age: 42.

FURNESS, W. J. A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: Crowmarsh Battle, Benson, Oxford. Age: 57. Career: Training, Messrs Court & Olive, London, and The Boardman Elect. Patents Co.; Toronto Elect. Light Co.; Shanghai Power Co.; Retired 1931 from the Shanghai Power Co. after 25 years in Charge of their Installation Dept.

See Also


Sources of Information