Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1900 National Cycle Show

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the National Cycle Show

The shows were held from Friday 23rd November to Saturday 1st December 1900 inclusive.

Preview Introduction

The two cycle shows, which opened yesterday (Friday) - the National at the Crystal Palace and the Stanley at the Agricultural Hall - and which remain open until to-day week, contain so many exhibits of autocars, motor cycles, fittings, and accessories that in response to many enquiries, especially from readers living at a distance from London, as to what is likely to be exhibited of interest to automobilists, we have adhered to our custom, and have prepared a brief forecast which gives a general idea of the chief exhibits of an automobile character at the two shows.

We have refrained from detailed descriptions in most cases, and shall reserve these until we publish our show reports in our next issue. This will give a description of every exhibit, and all new cars will be dealt with as fully as possible. It will be seen that there are a number of cars and voiturettes which are staged for the first time, and, as we said last week, every automobilist should make a point of attending both shows.

We publish illustrations of a few of the new machines which will be shown, and many more will appear in our next issue. The following firms are not all that will he exhibiting cars or accessories, but they are the only ones of which we have been able to gather information, as it should he remembered that our forecast is penned prior to the opening of the shows.

Preview of the National Show

ALLARD AND Co., who were expected to exhibit motors and running gear in addition to their cycles, advise us at the last moment that they are so full of orders that they have decided not to exhibit till the spring show.

THE AUTOMOBILE MANUFACTURING CO., LTD., who are agents for Darracq and Co., Georges Richard and Co., and Delahaye and Co., will have specimens of these machines on view, as well as a "Cleveland" electric car. This is the first time the "Darracq" voiturette has been exhibited in this country, and the seven horse-power "Richard" car they show will be the same machine as was exhibited at the Paris Exhibition.

THE CENTAUR CYCLE Co., another firm of new exhibitors, will have a car driven by a motor replaced in the rear - four and a half horse-power. It will have electric ignition, two speeds by being a double tank in front, which gives it a "motor" expression, for water and petrol, ball hearing sloped steering by wheel with adjustable stem to suit the different heights of drivers, a very simple form of control, and a third Crypto speed. Ball bearings of special design are fitted to the countershaft, and the machine embodies a number of other constructional features which will be found well worthy of study.

THE CENTRAL AGENCIES SYNDICATE, at stand 125, will show a large assortment of motor parts from the lightest to the heaviest makes, including frames, wheels of all descriptions, axles, ball bearing swivels, steering gears, differential gears, bearings (ball, roller, and plain), springs of all kinds, and frames complete without the engine, as well as bodies and tyres. The stand will be most interesting to the trade.

THE DAIMLER MOTOR CO., LTD. In addition to the usual types of the firm will be found a motor frame and gear, with a twenty horse-power, four-cylinder motor. Among its special features will be an arrangement keeping three of the exhaust valves open for easy starting, lubrication by automatic time lubricator, duplex pumps for the circulation, new change speed gearing, which greatly reduces the size of the gear box, as the motion for the four speeds, instead of being all in one direction, is one way for two speeds and the opposite way for the other two. We are glad to note that a powerful form of double grip brake will be fitted, so that the dangers of derangement from over-heated band linings will be done away with. Gigantic Clipper pneumatics of 120 mm. in diameter are fitted.

Perhaps the most interesting machine will be the sixteen horse-power four-cylinder car built to the order of Mr. J. D. Siddeley. This will have tubular and electric ignition, which can be used together or separately, and will embody the main features already associated with Daimler practice, its leading characteristic being the fact that the whole of the transmission gear is fitted with Mossberg roller hearings, and all thrusts are taken against ball thrust blocks. The bearing surfaces throughout are very large. Drake's patent band brake, which bites either forward or backward; water cooled, will be fitted.

The wheels of this most interesting machine will also be mounted on roller bearings with ball thrusts. These great wheels with their thick tyres "curtsey" to the valve like a light cycle wheel. There will also be a new light car, four brake horsepower, two cylinders, with a single belt drive, and three forward speeds and reverse by toothed gearing off the countershaft on to the road axle (live). The car has three powerful brakes, and the belt striking gear is by pedal. It is known as the "Kimberley."

THE DE DION BOUTON BRITISH AND COLONIAL SYNDICATE on stand 53 will have the latest pattern genuine "De Dion Bouton" voiturette with four and a half horse-power engine. A reverse gear is fitted to this machine, and the body is seated for four. They will also have a "De Dion" with Tonneau body, and a similar voiturette with a body built and upholstered by an English maker; the new "De Dion" tricycle with free motor and all the latest improvements — similar to the one we illustrated in our issue of October 27th — as well as Mr. Jarrott's eight horse-power "De Dion Bouton" racing machine on which he broke all track records the other day up to the hour.

DENNIS BROS. will have on stand 34 their "Speed King" motor tricycles and quads with trailers, and a wonderfully light little pony carriage. The cycles will embody a number of improvements, amongst which may be mentioned the specially luxurious springing and upholstering of the front seat, double back hub brakes, specially strong differential gear, and a new exhaust valve lifter worked by the same lever as the compression tap. Lastly, they have a very simple form of conversion, so that only four bolts are manipulated to convert a quad into a tricycle.

THE ECLIPSE MACHINE CO. will exhibit a motor tricycle of their own manufacture.

THE HOZIER ENGINEERING CO., LTD., will stage two of their three horse-power voiturettes, and also one of the latest pattern four-seated five horsepower "Argylls."

THE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR Co. Particular interest will centre in this exhibit, as the new "Charette," which we illustrated in our last issue, Will be shown for the first time, and in addition to the well-known types of "Internationals," the 10,000 miles car which has won the Free Car Competition will be shown by the side of the new vehicle which the fortunate winner has selected to replace his well-tried carriage.

THE KING MOTOR CAR CO. will have a "Hewbenz" victoria, with dummy driver wearing one of their calf motor suits, mica protectors for the eyes and dominoes, and other masks for cold weather or high speed work. Their exhibit will be of great interest to automobilists.

THE LOCOMOBILE CO. OF AMERICA will have the "Locomobile" steam cars, including machines with the light skeleton buggy hood, so rarely seen in this country, and the new "Locosurrey" for four people.

MARSHALL AND CO. will exhibit their six horsepower dogcarts, which have been found in practice much more powerful than the older type of car, and are now provided with sufficient water and petrol to run 200 miles at a stretch. In addition to this they will have the celebrated "Renaux" tricycle, which we illustrated and described in our issue of Sept. 15th (page 889).

THE MOTOR CAR CO. will stage the eight horsepower "Decauville," which we illustrated last week, as well as the five horse-power water-cooled voiturette, both of which were run in the 1,000 miles non-stop trial on the Crystal Palace track. Both these machines are full of interesting details, which we shall describe fully in our next issue.

THE MOTOR MANUFACTURING CO. will have a large exhibit, from the latest design of Iveagh phaeton with inclined wheel steering, side change speed levers, and a new design of dashboard and front, to the "M.M.C." motor tricycle, with two and three-quarter horse-power engine, and a couple of the latest "Werner" motor bicycles with electric ignition. The machines are improvements on the one which Mr. Jo. Pennell took over the Alps, or rather, we should say, which took him over the Alps recently.

The exhibit promises to be one of the most striking in the show, as among the larger vehicles will be a truly magnificent twelve horsepower "Panhard." This is fitted with a new body of Mr. Iden's design for seating four people art facing forward, and providing the most luxurious accommodation. Brass plating throughout of the usual bright parts, including the motor bonnet, gives the car a most distinguished appearance.

A fine eight horse-Power with new Tonneau body will also attract attention, especially as the body is so arranged as to give the occupants of the back of the car really comfortable seating and ample support for the back. Its finish is only a shade less striking than that of the larger machine. These vehicles, besides the motor 'buses and new voiturettes, will be most interesting.

THE ORIENT EXPRESS CAR SYNDICATE will have the "New Orient Express" phaeton. This will be found on the same lines as the "Orient Express," only with more powerful engine. This firm will also have several other "Orient Expresses" and the new Bergmann rotary magneto ignition.

THE PROGRESS MOTOR Co., on stand 49, will show their latest type of voiturette, which was described in The Autocar of October 6th. The machine will he shown with various types of body, and with a genuine three and a half horse-power De Dion engine, as well as a four and a half horse-power by the Motor Mfg. Co., and interest will be added to the display by the several "Progress" motor quadricycles and tricycles, with Mr. West's clever exhaust lift and other novel, features.

THE RILEY CYCLE Co., on stand 94, will stage their motor tricycles and quadricycles. The former have particularly strong front forks, and when converted to a quad the steering is much more satisfactory than usual. They will also show a good anti-vibratory fork on the three-wheelers.

THE SINGER CYCLE CO. will have their new motor bicycle, built for ladies' use as well as for men, and a light tricycle with motor front wheel. The wheel complete with motor will also be shown, and a special room will be set apart for the demonstration of the running of the machines; tickets for admission can be obtained from the firm's stand No. 29.

THE SPORTS MOTOR Co., on stand 42, will have the newest "Mayfair" voiturettes with and without hoods. One of the cars will have a new four and a half horse-power engine. This is on the same general lines as the De Dion engine, but runs at slower speeds. The price for the show period only will be the same as for the genuine De Dion, but after that it will be raised. They also have the new double cylinder "Mayfair" self-starter, with four speeds forward and one reverse, steering on right- hand side, and pedal control. All four passengers sit facing forward. The engine drives direct on to the rear axle, and, of course, neither chains nor belts are used. Finally, they will have a "Sports" phaeton to seat four, with a double cylinder, eight horse-power engine, which will contain a number of most interesting features.

THE STAR MOTOR CO. will have the latest types of their "Star" cars on view, of which we reserve details till next issue.

THE TUBELESS PNEUMATIC TYRE CO., who have hitherto been but little heard of in the motor world, will exhibit some special tyres for autocars. They inform us that they have a number of these in use already, and will show a duplicate set of tyres as supplied to the Prince of Wales for one of his Daimlers.

R. M. WRIGHT AND CO. The five horse-power "Stonebow" car of this firm, which we illustrated and described in August, will make its first appearance in the exhibition. Since we last dealt with it, it has had a considerable number of improvements made in it. The firm will also have a voiturette with a four and a half horse-power engine, with pedal clutch control and wheel steering.

Show Introduction

The two cycle shows, which opened on Friday, 23rd November 1900 were the National at the Crystal Palace and the Stanley at the Agricultural Hall.

'We publish to-day a detailed report of the exhibits which include auto-cars, motor cycles, and kindred accessories in the two cycle shows. Those who have been unable to attend the exhibitions will find it most useful as a record of the latest productions of automobile manufacture, and we do not hesitate to say that many of those who attended the exhibitions will find details in the following pages which they missed in their tours of inspection, as it is only by the most rigid system that it is possible to examine every exhibit of interest to the automobilist. This more especially applies to the Stanley Show, as, although the autocars and motor cycles are more or less unclassified in both the Palace and Agricultural Hall, this is much more noticeable in the latter building, and matters are further complicated by the fact that several firms have two stands, one on the floor and one in the gallery.

At the same time, lengthy as our report is, we do not claim it to be exhaustive, as many of the machines we deal with in half a column or so are worthy of a couple of pages to themselves, and a number of ingenious and useful accessories have been omitted altogether, or only touched upon in the briefest possible manner.'

The National Show at the Crystal Palace

ALLDAYS AND ONIONS, LTD., Matchless Works, Birmingham, show a tandem-seated voiturette. This may be described as a modified quadricycle with wheel steering, the body being mounted on a substantial steel frame. A two and three-quarter horsepower air-cooled motor is set at the rear of the frame, and drives through a two-speed friction clutch gear on to a spur wheel round the differential gear in the usual way. It is provided with one foot lever brake on the axle, and one hand lever on the clutch gear. It is somewhat of a misnomer in our opinion to describe this vehicle as a voiturette; it is really little more than a motor quadricycle.

THE AUTOMOBILE MFG. CO., LTD., 48 and 49, Long Acre, W.C. In addition to a most comprehensive display of motor fittings for various makes of motors, the principle feature of the seven vehicles exhibited is the "Darracq" voiturette, of which a great deal has been heard recently in this country. The actual car that ascended Hind Head in the Automobile Club's run to Southsea at a speed of 17.4 miles per hour with four persons up, when the run was an absolute non-stop run, is shown upon the stand. This car has a six horse-power water- cooled engine, set under a motor bonnet in front, and driving through a train of gearing, giving three speeds and a reverse direct on to the back axle. The engine is electrically ignited and water-cooled by convection. An excellent and very powerful twin block brake is applied to a drum on the clutch-shaft by a foot lever, and an emergency brake is applied to the differential gear by means of a hand lever.

A voiturette, a "Stanley" steam car, and a three horse-power "Cleveland" electric carriage are staged, in addition to a neat little " Savoy " voiturette driven by a three and a half horse-power De Dion motor and a "Carbon" voiturette, also driven by a three and a half horsepower motor, but with single cross-belt drive and two-speed gear on the driving axle. This voiturette will accommodate three persons. A tradesman's quadricycle capable of carrying 200 lbs. in weight is also shown.

J. B. BROOKS AND CO., LTD., Great Charles Street. Birmingham. This well-known cycle saddlery firm show three forms of motor cycle saddles — one the large "B90", which has met with so much favour; a somewhat smaller saddle, "B80", carried on three spiral springs as to the cantle; and the "Medicus," which has a padded saddle with perineal depression and long girder frame supporting the cantle through three spiral springs at the rear. Several samples of well-made and well-fitted motor wallets are also shown.

FRANK BRYAN, 3, Bayer Street, Golden Lane, RC., has three samples of leather motor coats, gloves, and leggings exposed in a glass case.

BURROW, STRUTT, AND CO., 10, Basinghall Street, E.C. The chief features are two ordinary safety bicycles, to which are shown fitted one horse-power "Minerva" petrol motors. These motors are set below the bottom tube and in front of the crank bracket, being secured to the former by means of a long aluminium crank and four studs. The motor spindle projects from the crank chamber sufficiently to carry a pulley. By means of small clamps to every spoke a circle of narrow channel cycle rim is secured to the driving wheel, and this is connected to the motor pulley by means of a twisted hide rope. The motor pulley is 3%in. in diameter and the rim pulley zoin. The petrol tank, carburettor, and battery are contained in a metal case carried below the top tube. The mixture lever, sparking lever, compression tap lever, and throttle lever are part of the metal case. All these fittings necessary for transforming an ordinary bicycle into one with auxiliary power are supplied at a cost of 28 pounds. We have so recently expressed our opinion on machines of this type, that we need not repeat it here. A motor tricycle with German De Dion motor is also shown.

After our report of the Palace Show was in type, Messrs. Burrow Strutt showed two engines, one water-cooled as to the cylinder but air-cooled by the usual radiating vanes with regard to the exhaust valve box, which lies horizontally on the left, with the induction valve on the right of the cylinder. The cylinder head has a common gas and water joint, which is not altogether desirable. The other motor was a two-cylinder water-cooled engine with induction valves above, and exhaust valves below, the cylinder head. The crank chamber of aluminium encloses half-time shaft and ignition gear. The attendant at the stand could give us little or no information with regard to these motors, but believed they were about three and a half and five horsepower respectively. They were apparently of German manufacture.

W. H. M. BURGESS, LTD., 21, Charterhouse Street, E.C. The chief feature is the "Marot-Gardon" voiturette with three and a half horse-power De Dion water-cooled engine. The car is finished, as to body, in white and red, and has a false motor bonnet round which is set on three sides a triple tier of radiators. The car is propelled by water-cooled engine, from which three speeds are obtained by means of a miniature Panhard gear set in an aluminium oil-tight gear case on the right of the frame. A clutch is introduced between the engine and the gear box actuated by a pedal on the footboard. The gears are changed by levers working in a segmental rack at the front of the driver, the brake on the differential gear being applied by a lever, and the two brakes on the driving wheels by a foot lever on the right of the steering column. The latter is raked, and has a steering wheel with switch interrupter fitted. A petrol tank holding three gallons is placed under the driver's seat, as are also the batteries. The car is strikingly upholstered in red leather, and may be said to be one of the most attractive voiturettes in the show. Various motor quad fittings which are handled by this firm are also shown.

THE CHINNOCK-DAVIS MOTOR MFG., Co., Penge, S.E. This firm show one short wheelbase and one long wheelbase three horse-power "New Orleans" voiturettes. For descriptions of these cars we refer our readers to the report of the exhibit of Messrs. Burford, Van Toll, and Co. at the Stanley Show. A well-finished motor tricycle fitted with two and a quarter horse-power De Dion motor, etc., is also shown.

H. F. COPLAND AND CO., 108 and 110, Stanstead Road, Forest Hill, E.C., show a two and three-quarter horse-power quad, engined by the Motor Mfg. Co., and fitted with a convertible forward seat capable of accommodating two children or even two medium-sized adults.

THE COVENTRY CHAIN Co., Dale Street, Coventry. The motor roller chains turned out by this well-known chain making firm are made in four different pitches and five widths. A 30 mm. pitch chain, shown with chain wheel, is specially made for Benz cars. The excellent results shown by these chains in the now famous 1,000 miles run should attract the attention of all interested in chain-driven cars.

THE DAIMLER MOTOR CO., LTD., London and Coventry. The first exhibit to attract attention is the undercarriage, etc., of the sixteen horse-power Daimler racing car, with both tube and electric ignition, turned out by this company. Its features are Mossberg roller bearings to all frictional parts, except the engine-shaft, and ball thrust bearings to axle bearings, countershaft, and crankshaft. The lubrication of all the frictional parts, except the axle bearings, is performed by feeders from the dashboard. The lubricating oil tank is carried inside the motor bonnet, and the oil is forced to all parts by the exhaust. The brake on the countershaft is double-acting, and water-cooled, as in the Panhard.

A new feature in Daimler cars is the placing of the radiators in the front part of motor bonnet, as well as in the rear part of the frame. What is, we believe, the most powerful car yet built in England stands next. It has a twenty nominal horse-power engine, and is shown with unfinished racing body. Ninety feet of coiled radiators are fitted in front of the motor bonnet. Two double-acting block brakes on the countershaft are provided, one on each side, and the water circulation is forced by two pumps in tandem. Both the above mentioned cars are carried on very fine 110 mm. and 120 mm. Clipper tyres.

What was known last season as the "Parisian Daimler" is now termed the "York Phaeton," and an example of this is shown fitted with gravity feed, seven horse-power engine, electric and tube ignition. The lamp, tank, battery case, double switch, and a Holt viameter (which the Daimler Co. are putting on at £5 10s.) are carried in the rear of the dashboard. The lubricating oil is pressure fed on the system already referred to.

The new "Kimberley" voiturette, illustrated in a recent issue, can also be seen. It is driven by a four brake horse-power two-cylinder engine of the same type, but smaller than the standard seven horse-power Daimler engines. The body is constructed to carry two persons. A single belt takes the drive from a pulley on engine-shaft to the countershaft. The latter is provided with three toothed wheels, any one of which can be put into mesh with its fellow on the live back axle. The toothed gearing gives three forward speeds of six, twelve, and sixteen miles per hour, and a reverse. Three powerful brakes are fitted; the wheels are tangent, wire spoked, and shod with pneumatic tyres. A novel feature in this car is the belt striking gear, the belt being thrown on and off by means of a foot pedal, so that the driving is much the same as for a full sized Daimler. The belt is put on the loose pulley for changing speed, and the drive being thus taken off the countershaft, the gear sleeve can be moved sideways by the lever in centre of the car; and the required couple of toothed wheels put into engagement without shock to the occupants of the car or damage to the gear teeth. A six horse-power public service car to carry eleven persons, and fitted with step:, at the rear for the conductor, occupies a prominent puce in the exhibit. All automobilists will be interested to examine the full-sized longitudinal section of a six horse-power two-cylinder Daimler engine, which completes this admirable exhibit.

THE DE DION-BOUTON BRITISH AND COLONIAL SYNDICATE, 14, Regent Street, W. We commence our examination of this exhibit by the inspection of a new De Dion voiturette, specially built for the Right Hon. A. J. Balfour, M.P., who, we understand, has already placed a duplicate order. So far as general construction is concerned, this car does not differ from the De Dion and Bouton cars which are now so well known, save that it is fitted with an exhaust valve lifter which can be actuated either by a small lever set in rear of the steering standard, or by the brake pedal lever on footboard, a slight depression of ,which also lifts the valve, and which is found of the greatest value in silencing the engine when passing a restive horse or when the car is standing still with engine left running.

It should be noted that this car has been finished throughout by the French house. We next come to another four and a half horse-power, which is similar in all respects to Mr. Balfour's, except that it is fitted with Victoria body, having seat for front driver, with hood to back. The body, upholstery, etc., are all by Mulliner, of Brook Street, W. The finish of the body is in dark blue, with light blue lining, and the car presents a very handsome appearance. The third car has a sporting looking Tonneau body, finished in dark blue and yellow, but in other respects similar to its two companions. Dunlop tyres are fitted throughout.

Mr. Chas. Jarrott's De Dion-Bouton eight horse-power, single cylinder tricycle, upon which he covered 42 miles 235 yards in one hour on the Canning Town cycle track, is also shown. The engine on this tricycle is fitted with an exhaust lifter. Motor tricyclists with a turn for speed will examine this powerful looking machine with interest. A two and three-quarter De Dion-Bouton tricycle fitted with clutch is also shown. It should not be forgotten that Messrs. De Dion-Bouton took the Grand Prix at the Paris Exhibition for general excellence in automobile construction.

DENNIS BROS., The Barracks, Guildford, have a very nice exhibit of their "Speed King" motor quads, tricycles, and trailing cars. These well constructed motor cycles have been fully dealt with in our columns from time to time. A commendable point is the fitting of three double grip band brakes, two on the rear driving hubs and one on the differential gear. This arrangement greatly simplifies the conversion of a motor tricycle to a motor quad. The latter has a well upholstered seat, beautifully hung upon C springs. The machines are nicely enamelled and plated, and present a very taking appearance. It should be mentioned that the differential gear fitted to these tricycles has been specially designed, and we hope to be able to describe this fully in an early issue. The engines are now fitted with a neat exhaust opener, controlled by lever on top tube.

THE ECLIPSE MACHINE CO., LTD., Oldham. In the centre of this exhibit is a "Rothwell" motor tricycle, with two and three-quarter horse-power specially constructed motor, electrically ignited. The frame is strongly built.

FABRIQUE NATIONALE D'ARMES DE GUERRE. Herstal-Lez-Liege (Belgium), show a smart looking voiturette driven by a water-cooled motor through belt transmission, but as the exhibit was swathed in wrapping and there was no one in attendance at the stand, we were unable to glean further particulars

THE FARRINGDON MOTOR Co., Charles Street, Farringdon Road, show two "Kayser" voiturettes and one motor tricycle. Both the cars are peculiarly continental in appearance, the one finished in blue and white, with canopy, particularly so. Although we made several calls at this stand, we were unable to obtain any information with regard to the propulsive system adopted. So far as we were able to see, it consisted of a one-cylinder water-cooled, electrically ignited engine, fitted with single cross belt drive to countershaft, from which there is chain connection to the driving wheels.

FRIEDRICH HERING, Gera-Untermhaus, Germany (0. Philipp, agent, Dashwood House, Old Brook Street, E.C.) This is an exhibit of heavy and light motor car parts, frames, hickory wood wheels, axles, differential gears, hubs, roller bearings, and springs, made by this firm at their factory at Gera, and which are very largely used by the leading manufacturers of France. Axles for heavy cars form a somewhat difficult question for manufacturers in this country, and, therefore, this exhibit should be of particular interest to them.

GROSE, LTD., Northampton, show one four horsepower dogcart with engine and drive on Benz lines, three speeds forward and one reverse, with large diameter Dunlop tyres, and sold at 180 guineas. This occupies the centre of the stand. On each side are two English made dogcarts, also fitted with Benz type engines and driving, Crypto gear, and Clipper pneumatic tyres on direct spoked cycle built wheels. These can have special luggage carrying capacity, are well finished, and suitable for country work.

HANS RENOLD, Manchester. This well-known cycle chain maker, whose reputation for power transmitters in the shape of chains is second to none, shows a number of samples of various pitches. The patent block silent chain, which has met with such approval, has been further improved for high speed running. Autocar builders using chains will be certain to inspect the specimens shown here.

E. W. HART, Luton. The catalogue very truthfully describes this exhibit as "an interesting display of motor vehicles," seeing that four original electrically-propelled cars are staged, in addition to three "Sirene" voiturettes.

The "Georgina" electrolette is a smaller, replica of the car called "La Presque Contente." Next to this we find the "Toujours Contente," which was illustrated in our columns. It is fitted with four wheels with hub motors. Another four-hub motor vehicle carries a brougham body with driving seat. At the end of the stand we find that fine looking electrically-propelled car, "La Presque Contente," which, with rakish looking torpedo front and electric lamps, is the most striking electric motor car yet seen in this country. The stand also contains three "Sirene" voiturettes, one of which has a charming Tonneau body in white and gold.

Mr. E. W. Hart, of Luton, took advantage of the vacancy of Stand 39 at the Crystal Palace to exhibit specimens of his aluminium autocar bodies in tonneau and cabriolet form. The bodies are set up on an ash frame formed of two longitudinal and one rear transverse member 2in. x 1.5in. The panels are stiffened with light angle aluminium throughout, with gusset and angle plates where necessary. The tonneau body had polished panels, and very smart it looked. In the centre of the stand was shown another tonneau body takingly finished in deep red, panelled in black with yellow lines, and tastefully upholstered in red leather. Manufacturers will be glad to know where such bodies can be obtained.

JAMES HONEY AND Co., Beckenham Road, Penge, have a two and a quarter horse-power motor-quad with an absolute make and break contact maker amongst their show of cycles.

THE HOSIER ENGINEERING CO., LTD., Hosier Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow. Three voiturettes, one to accommodate three passengers, are shown. The smaller cars are driven by three horse-power De Dion motors, with water-cooled cylinder heads, driven through a clutch and Renault type gear directly on to a differential gear box through bevel gearing enclosed in an aluminium gear case. The driving axle is therefore a live axle, and is fitted with two band brakes, one on each side. A hand brake, applied by a pedal, is fitted on the counter- shaft, the action of this pedal disengaging the clutch before applying the brake. A tier of Clarkson and Capel's radiators are set above the motor bonnet, in front of the dashboard; also a petrol tank of a capacity of two gallons. The lubrication of engine and gear is provided for by two large self-feeding lubricators attached to the dash. The steering gear is arranged so that the starting handle can be actuated from the seat. The three speeds are controlled from a. segment plate by a lever set on the steering pillar blow the steering bar. The gas throttle and sparking levers are grouped around the steering pillar.

The larger voiturette is similarly driven, with the exception that the gear wheels are in this case always in mesh, and the drive is taken, presumably, through a sliding feather. Triple rimmed friction wheels are keyed upon the ends of the clutch and countershaft. This friction gear serves as a brake and reversing gear when desired. It is thrown into action by a heel plate on the floor of the car. The crown of the bonnet is made to serve as a skeleton water tank, and is surrounded with a series of radiators. The engine of this large car is live horse-power, water-cooled throughout. A petrol tank is fitted, having a capacity of four gallons. Wheel steering with a raked steering pillar further differentiates the larger car from the two smaller cars, which have bicycle handle-bar steering. Cycle built wheels are used, fitted with Dunlop tyres on the large car, the other cars having Clipper tyres.

THE INTERNATIONAL MOTOR CAR CO., 106, Great Portland Street, Oxford Street, W. Occupying five stands, this well-known company have the largest exhibit of motor cars in the Palace. Visitors' attention will be chiefly drawn to the stands, upon which six examples of the new Charette are staged. This car having been illustrated and described so lately as our issue of Nov. 17th 1900, there is no necessity to detail it in this report.

One of the cars is shown without body, so that the gear, etc., can be inspected. At £150 for three and a half horse-power, and for five horse-power, these cars appear to be likely to meet with a large demand.

On the other stands we find ten of the "International" cars in their seven types, namely, the three and a half horse-power dogcart, six horsepower dogcart, four horse-power delivery van, four horse-power phaeton, and ten horse-power British-built undercarriage, which has been specially made for the Maison Parisienne; this car, Mr. Seyd informs us, is the twenty-fourth that has been supplied to this French house during the past twelve months. The ten horse-power engine set on this frame has two opposed cylinders, the half-time shaft being set above crank chamber. The special feature of this engine is the fact that the induction and exhaust valves are set on the upper sides of the cylinder, and thus are readily accessible. The exhaust springs are easily adjustable and quickly replaceable.

This car is now fitted with ninety-two feet of cooling tube, which permit of a much smaller water tank being carried than heretofore; the tank now fitted holding three gallons, which is said to be sufficient for one hundred miles run. The radiators are in two sections, one set in front and one at the rear. The circulating pump is also at the rear of the frame, and can be easily got at for adjustment. The wheelbase and gauge to this car have been increased to 4ft. 6in. and 7ft. respectively. To the undercarriage described any form of body may be fitted, owing to the engine and gear having been lowered several inches. It should be noted that the work in this car is every ounce English, and the finish of all the vehicles staged is all that could be expected from the prices set upon them.

At the south end of the stand is the car that was taken in exchange for the new car offered by the company for an "International" that had made the greatest mileage in twelve months. This car, the property of a doctor, ran 9,982 miles in the year, and which, it is stated, only cost 7s. 6d. for actual breakages - a pair of chains, a small sprocket wheel, and a new brake drum having succumbed to fair wear and tear.

J. F. JANES, Sydenham Cycle Works, Sydenham, S.E., show a two and a quarter horse-power De Dion quad.

THE KING MOTOR CAR CO., 83, Rye Lane, Peckham, S.E., show a three-seat "Benz" Victoria, upon which dummy figures are placed to exhibit the hygienic motoring garment, which is a greatly appreciated speciality of this firm.

THE LOCOMOBILE COMPANY OF AMERICA, Sussex Place, South Kensington, S.W., show five of the now well-known "Locomobile" steam cars in three different types. These are the "Locosurrey" to accommodate four persons (which we illustrated last week), the "Locomobile," which is the type most generally known, and another "Locomobile" fitted with hood. These cars range from £160 to £300 in price. In each the same four horsepower engines and boiler are used.

The engine, boiler, frame, and body have been considerably strengthened, the engine having plain bearings to the eccentrics and double guides to the slide valve. An auxiliary hand freed pump is also fitted in order to avoid inconvenience should the automatic pump become deranged. A water tank to contain twenty-one gallons now takes the place of the one originally fitted. Single tube tyres are retained, but the diameter of these has been increased. All interested in this smart little vehicle will be glad to note the dismounted engine, boiler, and burner which are exhibited for examination.

MARSHALL AND CO., Manchester and London. This exhibit comprises three of the well-known "Marshall" cars, two phaetons, with five horsepower engines, and a dogcart to carry five persons, driven by a six horse-power engine, which is to be found in centre of the stand. The capacity of the water tank and petrol tank as now fitted to the car at the exhibition will enable it to make a non-stop run of two hundred miles. With regard to the water circulation, this car is provided with a pump and radiator, the pump being specially manufactured by the firm for the work to be done. In addition to this, the old gravity system is still retained, so that should any difficulty arise with the radiators the gravity system comes into force, and no delay ensues.

The Marshall engine is now made with a dustproof crank chamber with an inspection door, and dash lubrication is thus provided for piston, big-end, and crankshaft bearings. The carburettor is fitted with a gauze filter, very accessible for cleaning purposes. Under the back seat of the car is placed a convenient looped tool drawer. Swivel roller bearings are fitted to the countershaft, and the firm claim these alone add three miles an hour to the speed of the car. A five-coiled tier of Aprin radiators are swept round the segmental front of the car, and the water system is fitted with five drain cocks. In finish and upholstery there is nothing left to be desired.

For the first time, Messrs. Marshall and Co. show a sample of the three horse-power "Renaux" tricycle, which they are now manufacturing. This tricycle was illustrated and fully described in The Autocar of September 15th, 1900, but we strongly recommend all motor tricyclists to give this interesting machine close attention. At the present time it is the only motor tricycle in which the cylinder is set horizontally to form part of the frame.

DAVID MOSELEY AND SONS, Chapel Field Works, Manchester, stage samples of rubber covers and air tubes for motor car tyres. The firm draw attention to the fact that their tyres are largely bought by the French automobile manufacturers, and suggest that automobilists in this country should buy their tyres direct, and so save the• duty" which has otherwise to be paid. These goods need only to be examined for purchasers to be assured of their quality.

THE MOTOR CAR CO., LTD., 168, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. The public are particularly attracted to this exhibit by the five horse-power and eight horse-power Decauville cars which successfully made 1,000 kiloms. and 1,000 miles absolute nonstop runs respectively.

The details and driving mechanism of the five horse-power water-cooled Decauville have been lately described in our columns, and are so well known that we need say no more now, but the eight horse-power car, in which the engine and car are differently set, has not been referred to so fully, though we illustrated it a fortnight since. In this the motor is a two-cylinder water-cooled engine, carried under a dome-shaped motor bonnet at the front of the car, and driving through a clutch-shaft and gear of Panhard type to bevel gearing on the driving axle. The car has four speeds forward and one reverse. Three tiers of radiators are fitted in semi-circles over the motor bonnet in front of the dashboard. There are three brakes, two double acting band brakes on the driving wheels, and one band brake on the clutch wheel. The car is carried on artillery wheels shod with Michelin tyres, and the excellent condition of these tyres after a run on a cement track of 930 miles at high speed must be seen to be appreciated.

A taking looking water-cooled three and a half horse-power "Renaux" car with Tonneau body, attractively finished in two shades of red, is also shown. The driving mechanism has been described in detail more than once in our columns; but it should be stated here that the body of this car is made by the firm's own carriage builder, and certainly does him much credit. The bright metalwork, with the exception of the steering bar and hubs, is in brass. The angle fittings of the motor bonnet being of brass gives the forepart of the vehicle a telling appearance.

At one end of the stand speed motor tricyclists will be interested to examine a special racing tricycle fitted with four horse-power Soncin motor. The peculiarity of this motor is that when used for track racing purposes the cylinder exhausts through holes in the cylinder walls, which are uncovered by the piston at the end of its travel. A revolving collar closes these exhaust holes at will, and the cylinder then exhausts in the usual manner. The flame is of great strength, and the base is considerably lengthened. A large tank for petrol and lubricating oil is carried on two perpendicular tubes bolted to the axle bridge, behind the saddle in the usual way. The tank has a capacity of six gallons of petrol, and about two gallons of lubricating oil in two compartments, one at each end of the tank.

THE MOTOR FITTINGS AND ENGINEERING CO., Redhill, Surrey, have a finished Wilbury car and a frame and parts finished and in the rough used in its construction. The car is of the voiturette type with seat for a third passenger in front; the body carried on C springs as to the back, and three elliptic springs on the front. The frame is formed of slightly upward curved tube bolted at the back to the axle sleeve. The engine, which is of five horse-power water cooled M.M.Co. De Dion type, is set at the left rear of the frame forward of the main axle. It has electric ignition and a float feed carburettor of the usual type. The drive is taken from a friction clutch on the Motor-shaft to a simple train of gear, giving three forward speeds and a reverse; which is contained in a gear box on the right side of the frame. The toothed wheels in this gear are always in mesh, a specially-shaped movable feather causing either pair of wheels to drive when desired. The countershaft extends from the gear box to within the gear case, surrounding the differential gear and spur and pillion gearing, by which the drive is conveyed to the live axle. The feather in the countershaft is caused to travel by means of a circular rack and pinion, which is rotated from below the steering wheel by means of cycle chain and toothed wheels suitably arranged.

The water tank, which is carried below the front seat, will contain four gallons, and thirty-five feet of radiators are carried in rack form in front of the steering axle. The water circulation is ensured by means of a small rotary pump driven off the motor-shaft by a short strap. The petrol tank (with a content of eight gallons), the Peto and Radford accumulators (spare set), and sparking coil, are all placed beneath the driving seat. Wheel steering and sloped steering standard are provided. The clutch pedal also applies brake round differential gear, and two band brakes on the hubs of the driving wheels are applied by another pedal. Throttle, sparking, and gas levers are conveniently set below the change-speed lever.

THE MOTOR MFG. CO., LTD., Coventry. This company have the largest and one of the most striking exhibits in the exhibition, and they show all their patterns. Starting at the top of the stand we find a fine sample of an eight horse-power "Panhard" with four-cylinder engine and a new Tonneau body built at Coventry, this and the finish being English throughout. The two back seats are much more comfortable than most Tonneaus, as they have high hacks so that their occupants can face almost forward with an ample support for their backs.

The next car, which is entirely of M.M.Co.'s manufacture, is a "Lynton" waggonette of six horse-power, specially constructed for public service to carry eight passengers, its novel features being concealed exhaust box and petrol tank carried across the frame. It should be noted that for the coming season the M.M.Co. are fitting all their public service vehicles with six horse-power two-cylinder motors.

The M.M.Co. No. 1 "Panhard" next attracts our attention with seating capacity for four passengers, primarily designed to carry passengers and servants. The body is of the French phaeton type, upholstered in best morocco and finished in green, black, and gold lined, all visible metalwork being brass electroplated. Clipper pneumatic tyres, 90 mm. in diameter, are fitted to all four wheels.

In the centre of the stand is Mr. Iden's new double cabriolet, which, we think, we may term the pick of the exhibit. It is driven by a twelve horse-power four-cylinder genuine "Panhard" engine fitted with both tube and electric ignition. Lubrication to all engine parts is effected by a force pump carried on the inside of the dashboard; all other frictional parts excepting the sprocket shaft are lubricated by grease cups, also carried on the dashboard. Gravity feed is adopted for lamps and carburettor, the lamp tank with the battery box being also set in rear of the dashboard. Four sparking coils and the petrol tank are placed under the front seat. The water tank, of a capacity of twelve gallons, is carried at the rear of the frame, the circulating pump being driven by the friction wheel off the flywheel in the usual Panhard style. The front panel of the brass-plated motor bonnet is made to take a duplex pyramidal set of radiators; the gear is constructed to give four speeds up to thirty-five miles per hour. Efficient double-grip hand brakes are fitted to each road wheel, and two powerful band brakes are also fitted on the countershaft, one at each side, and applied by a pedal in the usual way. The accelerator is also controlled by pedal, while the advance ignition is operated by a lever and quadrant set immediately below the steering wheel. With regard to the outward appearance of this very handsome car, the whole of the side panels and top of the motor bonnet, together with all visible metal parts, are electro-plated, setting off the body in a remarkable and striking manner, the "goldene" plating being much richer in appearance than brass, and not so dead-looking as copper.

The panels of the body are of aluminium, most beautifully finished in pale heliotrope and gold lined. With the rear seats of cars of this type there has hitherto been some difficulty in attaining access thereto, but in this car the difficulty has been overcome in a very ingenious and convenient manner. The left half of the back of the seat is made to open as a door, and by a simple arrangement of levers the corresponding half of the back seat is caused to rise vertically, giving a fair way to the back seats of the vehicle, and locking the door irrespective of the handle latch. Ample black leather mudguards are provided, which almost encircle the front wheels for two-thirds of their circumference, being thirteen inches in width, while those over the back wheels are ten inches in width. Altogether this is one of the finest-looking vehicles we have seen.

The M.M.C. five horse-power " Miniature Panhard," which made so successful a trip to Southsea, and was illustrated in our issue of Nov. 3rd, 1900, is also on show, and another vehicle of a similar description is being employed for trial runs in the grounds.

The "M.M.C." No. 2 voiturette with Parisian phaeton body next attracts our attention. It has a five horse-power De Dion type engine, which is carried on the frame beneath the rear seat. The drive is taken from the engine through a gear box containing two trains of gear always in mesh, and giving three speeds, each pair of gear wheels being caused to drive at will by means of a sliding feather, which is actuated by a gear lever from the front seat. The drive is taken from what is practically the countershaft by a chain to a chain-wheel surrounding the differential gear on the back axle, the machine possessing a live axle. Accumulators and ignition coil are employed for the ignition. A cone friction clutch is placed on the engine-shaft between it and the gear box, this clutch being controlled by a pedal. The gear levers are most conveniently set on the right of the steering pillar, and are locked into slots in quadrants provided for the purpose. The sparking lever is set immediately in rear of the steering pillar, and the gas and the throttle levers one above the other on the left-hand side. Wheel screw steering is fitted, the actuating worm being set at the upper end of the steering pillar, with adjustment collar for taking 'up all hack lash. Two double-grip hand brakes on driving wheels provide ample stopping power. All frictional parts of levers and wheels are lubricated by Stauffer lubricators, and the last, but not least, remarkable feature in this new ear is the method of springing the frame, both fore and aft. In addition to the grasshopper springs on the front axle, rubber and spring buffers are inserted between the body and the toi, frame, whilst the rear axle is carried in horn plates and horn box, and having strong spiral springs intervening between axle and frame, and rubber and spring buffers between frame and body. Artillery wheels are fitted, shod with 65 mm. pneumatic tyres. The body is tastefully finished in primrose, blue, dark blue, and black, and upholstered in maroon leather.

An ordinary six horse-power "Iveagh" phaeton comes next upholstered in morocco and body finished in canary and black. An eight horse-power Canford convertible omnibus or waggonette will appeal to buyers who require vehicles for station or hotel work. Special regard has been paid to the fitting of this conveyance to prevent noise and give comfort.

A mail phaeton and a public service motor waggonette built for the Bournemouth Motors, Ltd., complete this large exhibit. The latter is shown as an example of what these cars are capable. It has covered in 304 days a total mileage of 22,009 miles, has earned £645, and has carried 53,806 passengers; total renewals. and repairs £29. Motor tricycles and quads, and Lille latest pattern of Werner motor bicycle, complete the contents of the stand.

THE NEW CENTAUR CYCLE CO., LTD., Coventry. This company, which for the manufacture of cycles bear a reputation second to none, show us what they are prepared to do in the production of self-propelled vehicles.

A frame showing the engine and gear and a finished car occupy the stand. The frame is formed of large diameter steel tubing of double parallel form. The engine is set at the left rear of the car over the driving axle, and is a five horse-power water-cooled horizontal motor. The stroke is 4.5 in., and the bore of the cylinder similar. The induction valve and sparking plug are set on the upper side of the compression chamber, and the exhaust valve is actuated by a rocking tappet beneath. The exhaust is taken clean away from the end of the combustion chamber, having to pass two bends only before reaching the silencer. The drive is taken from the motor-shaft by two belts, which actuate the middle and high-speed pulleys respectively; these speeds are twelve and twenty-four miles per hour, while the speed obtained by means of Crypto gear is six miles per hour. The countershaft is on specially-designed ball bearings of a very strong type. The design has been carefully considered, and deserves inspection. By means of making the loose pulleys double the usual width, the Crypto gear can be thrown in and both belts struck from the one handle. The cooling is obtained from a large water tank carried in front of the bonnet under the car; a set of radiators is fitted below, through which the water passes on its way to the cylinder. The water tank has a capacity of five and a half gallons, and the petrol tank carried immediately behind holds four and a half gallons, sufficient for a run of 110 miles. With regard to brakes, a powerful pedal-applied foot brake is fitted to the countershaft, and a side lever, with locking rack, applies two double- acting band brakes on the hub of each driving wheel. The silencer is set right in the rear and beneath the frame. Wheel steering with rake steering pillar adjustable in height is fitted, the steering socket being well stayed by a vertical stay the rear. Ball bearings top and bottom are fitted to take the steering pillar. A thumb switch for temporarily shutting off spark is set in the rim of the steering wheel. The finished car is shown with a front-seated dogcart body, and care has been exercised in the design of this to secure the greatest ease in getting at the gar, carburettor, and other parts. The body is sprung upon double elliptical springs in the rear and semi-elliptical springs in front, and is finished in walnut and ash in their natural colours. The workmanship throughout is of the best, and undoubtedly the closest possible consideration has been given to the design of frame, engine, and driving gear. The wheels are cycle built, with Dunlop pneumatic tyres, but both wheels and body may be hail to the order of the customer. The price is £220.

THE NORTH BRITISH RUBBER CO., LTD., Castle Mills, Edinburgh, are showing "Clincher" tyres for motor car purposes. In form and quality the motor tyres are fully up to the reputation gained by the firm for cycle tyres. Motor tyres are made from 26in. to 40in. in diameter and 2.5in. and 3.5in. cross section. They are made to bed upon any of the existing rims used for pneumatic tyres.

Particularly to meet the requirements of automobilists who may desire to change from pneumatic to solid rubber tyres, the N.B. Co. have provided a rubber tyre to replace pneumatic tyres in the same rims. The "Clincher" solid rims and tyres are also shown from 1.5in. to 2.5in. cross section, and from two feet to four feet transverse diameter.

The solid wired-on variety, in which the tyre is electrically welded, is another feature of the exhibit. The "Castle" tyre is another form of solid tyre now being put upon the market, in which the rubber in the sample shown is constructed of a solid square vulcanised directly on to the metal tyre, which is bolted through the felloe, and thus securely held on to the wheel. These tyres can be made in any required sizes. It is claimed that they will wear until no rubber is left.

THE ORIENT EXPRESS CAR SYNDICATE, 17, Balderton Street, Oxford Street, W. Four "Orient Expresses" with Duc, vis-à-vis, dogcart, and phaeton bodies are staged.

The "Orient Express" system has been referred to so frequently that it is unnecessary to describe it in this review. The novel features, however, are the addition of double-acting band brakes to each driving wheel and the fitting of the Bergmann ignition apparatus, a working model of which is shown upon a table in the middle of the stand. This arrangement is cleverly designed to permit of the easy timing of the ignition — a feature which has not been easily arrived at in connection with electric ignition for automobiles. The slow rotation obtained by driving this model by hand shows the fine sparking obtained by this apparatus. It is hardly necessary to remind our readers that the drive is taken from the engine through four belts at will, and from the countershaft by chains to the driving wheel. It is not generally known that a clutch is fitted on the countershaft by which the car can be driven with one chain should the other from any cause be disabled. These cars are all finely built, and we can testify from our personal knowledge as to their ease of running.

FRANK H. PARKYN, LTD., Wolverhampton, show two examples of the New Courier motorette, which is a single driving tricycle with air-cooled motor set in a duplex frame in front of the driving wheel, and driven by a chain from the motor pinion to a chain wheel on the driving wheel axle. Band brakes are carried on each side of the latter, each applied by rocking footrests on their own side. The carburettor is set forward of the motor, and the silencer is forward, underneath the front seat. An additional thumb switch is fitted on the steering bar. This machine was shown in very much the same form last year by Messrs. Chilton and Co.

THE PRESTO GEAR CASE AND COMPONENTS TO., LTD., Wolverhampton, show motor fittings in the shape of tanks fitted with lubricating pumps, lubricating oil-tight feeds, funnels, hubs, staring arms, etc., all thoroughly well made and nicely finished.

THE PROGRESS CYCLE CO., LTD., Coventry. The four "Progress" voiturettes exhibited — each constructed to carry three people — are amongst the gems of the exhibition, and are certainly a credit to the firm responsible for their design and manufacture.

A three and a half horse-power water-cooled genuine De Dion motor is set under the rear seat, and drives through a two-speed clutch gear on the right of the frame. The teeth of this gear are always in mesh, either speed being employed at will by the use of clutches engaging therewith. Six and eighteen miles an hour are the rates of progress given, but any variation between these speeds can be obtained by the usual ignition timing. Water circulation is ensured by a well-tried form of pump driven off the motor-shaft by a chain and chain wheels. The water tank, with a capacity of four gallons, is situated under the front seat, and the petrol tank of two and a half gallons is under the back seat. The frame is well designed in steel tube, and the handsome bodies are upon C springs as to the back and spiral springs as to the front of the car. Three independent band brakes—two fitted to the driving wheels and one to the differential gear — are all applied from two pedals on the footboard. Wheel steering and raked pillars are a distinctive feature. The general appearance of these cars attracts a large amount of attention from visitors to the show.

On another stand, where are shown the ordinary cycles of the company, are staged a two and a quarter horse-power motor tricycle and a two and three-quarter horse-power motor quad. The latter, in which the engine is placed behind the axle in the usual way, with aluminium gear case and carburettor, has a frame of unusual design, giving great strength and rigidity; while a very handsomely-fitted seat is hung upon C springs, which bear upon the elliptical springs carrying the forepart of the frame. It is of attractive finish throughout. Very powerful rear rim brakes are fitted, which are applied by a pedal. The tricycle has no very great distinguishing features, except for its workmanship and finish, to which in all parts careful attention has been given. One feature, however, that strikes us is the extension of the aluminium chamber to form part of the chain-guard. Motor tricyclists should give this well-designed machine careful attention. We illustrated the "Progress" voiturette in The Autocar of October 6th, 1900.

THE RILEY CYCLE CO., LTD., Coventry, have at one end of their exhibit devoted to cycles generally, a motor tricycle, the "Royal Riley." The tricycle is driven by a two and a half horse-power Components De Dion motor. A special point in connection with the frame is that the oval section front forks are carried up through a massive double-plate fork crown to a cross-head plate above the steering socket. The front forks are slotted at their ends to allow of the wheel being detached without springing the forks, and they have the usual concentric ends and washers to ensure its retention. A quad seat and fore-carriage can be easily attached to this tricycle, special provision being made for the steering of the fore wheels. A steering rod from the steering bracket is attached to the fork crown of the tricycle, so that no strain is thrown upon the unsupported ends of the tricycle forks. The steering is therefore rendered absolutely rigid.

THE SELF-SEALING AIR CHAMBER CO., LTD., Birmingham. The well-known self-sealing principle which this firm have so successfully applied in connection with the air tubes of cycle tyres, has now been introduced by them for use in motor tyres, the inner tube having a thickened tread of compressed rubber for this purpose. Automobilists who know the inconveniences of punctured tyres will be glad to be acquainted with the specially constructed air tubes shown here. They are made and finished in the best manner.

THE SINGER CYCLE CO., LTD., Coventry. The great attraction of the Singer Cycle Co.'s exhibit to automobilists is the "Singer" cycle wheel has drawn so much attention during the past few weeks. At one end of the stand is staged a bicycle fitted with its motor in the aluminium armed hind wheel, and at the other end there is a wheel containing the motor and all its parts detached from the frame. The ingenious manner in which the motor, carburettor, magnetic sparking device, and all its necessary fittings and driving gear are packed in so small a space can be here conveniently noted. That Singer's motor wheel is attracting a vast amount of attention is evident from the crowds continually around the stand. The bicycle with its motor attached was so fully illustrated and described in The Autocar of July 21st, 1900, that it is unnecessary to repeat the details on this occasion, especially as we illustrated it as built for ladies' use last week. It is also made as a light front driving, front steering tricycle, and can be seen at work in a room in the Palace, and also in the grounds.

THE SPORTS MOTOR CAR CO., 703, Fulham Road, South Kensington, London, S.W., show four of the now well-known "Mayfair" voiturettes, an eight horse-power double cylinder American "Sports" phaeton, and a genuine "De Dion and Bouton" quad.

The engine and driving system of the "Mayfair" voiturettes have been already illustrated and described at length in our columns, so that no actual necessity exists for repeating them here. We would, however, remind our readers that the engine is a three and a half horse-power water-cooled De Dion, and the drive is by a single cross belt from pulley on the motor-shaft to one or other of two fast pulleys on the countershaft. The sleeve shafts carrying these wood pulleys are fitted with toothed pinions, meshing with spur wheels round the differential gear on the live axle, and are all enclosed in oil-tight, dustproof, aluminium gear case. The four "Mayfairs" are takingly finished and upholstered — two in black with yellow lines, and one in brown with yellow lines, and the other in King's yellow-trimmed black. The addition of a hood gives this last-named car a very smart appearance. The wheels of all these cars are cycle built, and shod with Clipper pneumatic tyres.

The American phaeton above mentioned is another type of car altogether. It is driven by a two-cylinder, horizontal motor, with cylinders placed opposite each other, the drive being taken from the motor through a clutch shaft, and the Gautier gear to toothed gear surrounding the differential gear box. This gear gives four speeds forward and a reverse, all the changes being obtained by the actuation of one horizontal lever on a quadrant plate set beneath the steering bar. The usual foot brake is fitted to the countershaft, and two band brakes applied by side lever to the driving wheels. Great things are promised for this car, which is a fine massive vehicle and makes a good appearance on this stand. The hood shown in our illustration is not fitted on the car in the Palace.

THE STAR MOTOR CO., LTD., Wolverhampton. An attractive exhibit is made by five of the now well-known motor cars of the A and B types, all of which accommodate four passengers. The construction of these cars is well known to our readers, but it should he said that improvements nave been introduced in the matter of lubrication and the timing of the ignition. A magazine lubricator is now fitted at the back of the car, from which cylinder, crank chamber, and crank and motor-shaft bearings are lubricated. The new carburettor, which we illustrated and described some little time since, is also fitted.

The special feature of this exhibit, however, is the new six horse-power "Star" voiturette, in which the propulsive system differs entirely from that of the older types. A two-cylinder water-cooled six horse-power motor is set at the rear of the car in a similar position to that occupied by the engine of the De Dion voiturette, the lines of which are to some extent followed in the general arrangements. The stroke of this engine is 3.75in., and the bore of the cylinder 3.375in. Two changes of speed are afforded by friction clutches carried in an oil-tight gear case on the right of the frame, whence the drive passes through spur and pinion gear to the live axle below. The whole gear is always in mesh, the actuation of the clutch making either train fast as desired. The proportions of the gear give thirteen and thirty-three miles per hour, but any intervening range of speed may be obtained by varying the speed of the motor with the time ignition, as the motor will make from 500 to 2,000 revolutions per minute. The engine is, of course, electrically ignited, the usual timing gear being fitted. It is started from the right-hand side of the seat by means of a chain and self-freeing clutch.

The frame is very strongly made of channel steel throughout, a shapely body being carried on coiled springs on the back and elliptic springs on the front axle. The steering pillar is racked, and wheel steering is adopted. The advance sparking lever is the only fitting on the steering item, the clutch and the brake levers being set in a convenient manner at the right-hand side of the driver. The copper water tank, containing three gallons, is carried below, and filled from above the footboard, in which a trapdoor is fitted for the purpose. 12ft. of grouped radiators are placed between the springs at the front of the car. The water circulation depends upon a small rotary pump, driven by a gear wheel from the half time shaft. Ample brake power is provided, two double acting band brakes, one on each of the driving wheels, being applied by brake lever at the side of the car, and an additional hand brake round the differential gear actuated by a footboard pedal. The petrol tank, carrying sufficient petrol for a run of one hundred miles, is placed beneath the back seat, the accumulators and sparking coil beneath the front. One car is shown finished in black, lined white and crimson lake, with nickel metal fittings.

A four-seated car with single cylinder horizontal engine and four and a half horse-power is also staged, having enclosed crank chamber and extra long bearings to the motor- shaft. It is driven by one 3.5in. cross belt, and by a train of gear contained in gear box, giving three speeds and reverse. This car is finished in natural wood, and has artillery wheels and solid tyres. The six horse-power engine can be fitted to this car desired. Wheel steering, radiators, and circulating pump, and three independent band brakes are alto provided. We think we may indulge in the prophecy that this very taking vehicle, to be sold at 250 guineas, will have a very considerable vogue, and it is gratifying to find cars of this kind being turned out by English manufacturers.

THE TUBELESS PNEUMATIC TIRE AND CAPON HEATON, LTD., Moor Street, Birmingham, show samples of a well made solid tyre for autocars, in sections from 2.5in. to 3.5in. This tyre is made of the best possible material, and is being used by several of the foremost motor manufacturing firms. Rubber mattings of several descriptions are also exhibited.

H. G. TURNER, Eldon Grove, Manchester. A large specially strong carrier on the same lines as the well-known Turner bi-carrier is shown, made to be carried on the front forks of a motor tricycle. The carrier is held by clips encircling the auxiliary fork stem, or by being specially stayed from four points on the front forks. These carriers can be made to suit any style or make of motor cycle.

R. M. WRIGHT AND CO., Lincoln, have their Stonebow motor dogcart, driven by a five horsepower water-cooled horizontal engine, with 5.5in stroke and 5in. bore, set at the rear of the car.

The special features with regard to this engine, which is of English manufacture throughout, are the arrangements of the induction and exhaust valves on the upper side of the cylinder and the getatability of these valves by simply removing the front Heat. The half time shaft is carried across the top of the crank chamber, and on it are set the cams actuating the exhaust valves and the electric ignition, and the chain pinion carrying a chain driven and semi-rotary pump for the water circulation. The engine has three speeds and reverse, the first speed and the reverse being obtained through Crypto gear. The engine is started from the rear of the car. The five-gallon water tank and four-gallon petrol tank, sufficient for a run of 150 miles, are set below a false motor bonnet on the front of the car. Wheel steering is fitted with the necessary belt striking levers set below the wheel on the right side of steering standard, and the Crypto hand lever on the left. One band brake on the countershaft, pedal actuated, and Price's tyre brakes, applied by lever at the side of the car to the driving wheels, are fitted. The rear portion of the body from the back portion of the footboard is removable by releasing four nuts only, so that every portion of the driving mechanism can then be got at without difficulty. It should be said that the radiators are carried below the footboard. The speeds obtainable are four, eight, and sixteen miles per hour. The car is nicely finished and upholstered. Clincher pneumatic tyres, 2.5in. and 3.5in., are fitted on strong cycle built wheels, with ball bearings.

THE YORKSHIRE MOTOR CAR MFG. CO., LTD., The Motor Works, Hipperholme, Bradford. A Jackson doctor's car, with which our readers are familiar, is the only vehicle shown. The new feature in connection with the four and a half horse-power air-cooled two-cylinder horizontal motor is the ingenious governor now fitted. By this governor the exhaust valve is neither opened nor closed, but the end of an extension of the induction pipe is opened by the action of the governor when the engine overruns, so that the mixture feeding to the cylinders is proportionately weakened. It will be remembered that this car, which is carried on cycle-built wheels with Dunlop pneumatic tyres, has exceptionally long wheelbase with ample luggage room and large petrol tank. It is specially designed for the use of medical men with extensive country practices. With first-class engineering and upholstery work the car at £225 is certainly reasonably priced.

See Also


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