1900 The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1900 Index - Volume 5
- Accident at Redhill (Mr. Eadie), 803
- — Fatal, at Kenilworth. 629.
- — (Mr. Perry). 685.
- — in New Forest, 611.
- — to Mr. Rucker, 556.
- — to Mr. Sturmey and Mr. Dawson. 1003
- Accumulator. Peto and Radford. 685 . 811
- Actual Working Costs of Motors for
- Street Watering and Dust Removal, 876
- Agencies: Their Establishment and Conduct. 251, 276.
- Air-cooled Motors, Lubrication of. 284.
- Alcohol as a Fuel for Automobiles 903 938, 1073. ’
- — Distillation in France, 857.
- — Fuel in England, The First Trial of 1233.
- — Trials. 987. 1073.
- Allard Water-cooled Motor, 306.
- Aluminium for the Construction of Engines and Autocars, 876.
- America, Master Patents in, 638, 658.
- — National Automobile and Electric Co 250.
- — Prejudice in, 522.
- — The Autocar in, 665.
- American Autocar Items, 1152.
- — Road Race. 419.
- — Enterprise, 500.
- — Exhibition, 736.
- Ammeter and Voltmeter, A Combined, 215.
- Amusing Experiences of Autocar Dealers, 444.
- Anglo-American Rapid Vehicle Co.. 297. 391.
- Antipodes. The Autocar at the, 517.
- Argyll Voiturette, The. 673.
- Ariel Automobilism. 1063.
- — Quadricycle. Mr. Lee’s, 1236.
- — Two-speed Gear, 1062.
- Armoured Autocar, 665.
- — Road Train for South Africa, 530.
- Ascot, Autocars at, 627.
- Australia, Autocars in, 517, 625.
- — Duties on Autocars to. 417.
- Autocar, An Electioneering, 1135.
- — Co. of Pittsburg, 417.
- — Efficiency, 963.
- — Handicapping, 852.
- — Its Use and Management, 301, 323 , 345, 525, 547, 572, 595 , 619. 643, 666 , 693. 743, 765, 790, 814, 838. 884 , 909, 931, 956, 1083, 1113, 1210.
- ‘’Autocar of To-day,” paper by Henry Sturmey. 269.
- Autocar, The Earl of Carnarvon’s. 887.
- Autocars at the Paris Exhibition, 776, 851, 875, 925. 948.
- — for China, 815.
- — Foreign Importation of, 863.
- — for Heavy Traffic, 1005.
- — for Military Purposes. 805.
- — for South Africa, 859.
- — in the North. 807.
- ” Autodrome ” : A Designation for Autocars, 322.
- Auto Garments for Ladies, 1187. 1237.
- Automobile Association, The, 197.
- — Club and County Councils, 1203.
- — Anniversary Run, 1120. Tour, 1026.
- — Annual Meeting, 217.
- — Drivers Registered, 650.
- — Exhibition, 340.
- — Meet, 360.
- — 1.000 Miles Trial Dinner, 1076, 1126.
- — Photographic Competition, 617.
- — Run (Liverpool branch), 742.
- — Tour Committee Meeting, 769.
- — Whitsuntide Tour, 518.
- Automobile Club’s Autumn Tour. 763. 994.
- — Committee Meeting. 763.
- — Gymkhana at Sheen House. 749.
- Automobilism. Spread of. 523.
- Awards, Paris Exhibition, 830.
- Balfour. A. J., ah Autocarist, 620.
- Balfour's Autocar. Mr. A. J., 861.
- Balmoral Char-a-banc. M.M.C.’s, 225.
- — Motor Omnibus, 1016.
- Batteries. Drv. for Motor Cars, 694.
- Bazalgette. Mrs., Driving her Benz Ideal. 574.
- Beaumont, Worby, ** Motor Vehicles and Motors,” 341.
- Belgian Motor Bicycle. 552.
- Antwerp, The Movement in. 209.
- Electric Car, Lombard Guerin, 318.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup. 209.
- Public Service at Brussels, 318.
- Spa Meetings. 209.
- Belgian Racing Car, A. 939.
- Belgium. Voiturettes in. 402.
- Bells for Autocars, 681.
- Benz, A Special, 716.
- — Car, The First, 280.
- — ” Commercial ” Car, 229, 273.
- — “ Emperor ” Car. 209.
- — Ideal, Mrs. Bazalgette’s, 574.
- — Racing Car, 307. The Latest, 578.
- Bicycle, Belgian Motor. 552.
- — The Compact, 701.
- — Motor. The Centaure, 579.
- — Ride on a Motor, 700.
- Bicycling. Motor. 201.
- Birdlip Hill. 575.
- Bishop of Bath and Wells, Use of Autocar by, 690.
- Blackpool. Cars at. 665, 691.
- Bladder, A Tyre, 647.
- Boiler Feed, Overman’s Automatic, 793.
- — The Toward, 1027.
- Bois, M. Felix du. and Soudan Autocars, 138.
- Bolide Car and Motor. The, 129.
- Boon-Bowden Exhaust Valve Opener, 812.
- Boon’s Device for Lilting Exhaust Valve. 225.
- Boy’s Hats and Bricks for Autocarists, 359.
- Bournemouth. Prosecutions at. 852.
- — Sunday Hiring Prohibited, 633.
- Brake, The ” Price ” Tyre, 691.
- Brassard, The, Crystal Palace, 694 , 715.
- Brewers. Motors in the Service of, 1011.
- Bridge Tolls. 714.
- — for Autocars, 359.
- Brierre Car, The, 840. 979.
- British and Foreign Electrical Vehicle Co., 1268.
- — Automobile Manufacture, General Aspects of, 218.
- — Motor Traction Co. General Meeting. 1000.
- Brookes. A. G., Coupling Mechanism, 365.
- Brown-Whitney, 352.
- Brussels Show, 339.
- Buckden. Mr. A. J. Wilson Fined at, 950.
- Bucolic Suggestions. 562.
- Bunny Hill Trial, 523.
- Business. Motor Cars for. 470.
- Butler. Edward, Pioneer of Autocar, 324.
- — Miss. Fined, 829.
- Cabman’s Aversion to Autocars, 831.
- Cabmen, Irate, against Autocars, 249.
- Canadian Electric Autocars, 341.
- Canal Carriage for Petrol, 373.
- Canello Durkopp Car, The, 841.
- Canning. Hon. L., at Nice-Marseilles Race, 322.
- Cannstatt Daimler Co. Extensions, 645.
- Capel, Herbert. Petrol Car, 291.
- Caps for Autocaring. German, 617.
- Car Building in Yorkshire. 843.
- Carburetter, A Self-governing, 892, 908.
- — Burford and Van Toll, 506.
- — for De Dion Motors. 275.
- — The Longuemare, 937, 965.
- — The Star, 505.
- Cardiff. Public Autocar Service Refused at, 748.
- Carnarvon. Earl, Summoned. 556.
- Carriage Builders and Autocars. 249.
- — of Petrol, 221.
- Cars in the Paris-Toulouse Race. 771.
- Catford Hill Climb, 529.
- Centaure Motor Bicycle. 579.
- Century Tandem, The, 711.
- — Tandem Motor Cycle. 333.
- Certificate. French Driving. 886.
- Chain-driven Car. Martineau and Browne, 749.
- Chain Protection. The Necessity for, 818.
- Chains for Autocars. 569.
- Challenge Cup. The Autocar, 818.
- Chambers of Commerce. Associated, and Autocars. 298.
- Char-a-banc, Daimler, 394.
- Charette, The International, 1109.
- Chariot. A Lady's. 817.
- Chicago Autocar Trials. 744.
- — Exhibition, The, 982.
- Clothing for Autocaring. 353.
- — for Winter Autocaring. 954.
- Clubs in France. Rival. 546.
- Coles, E. J., at the Alhambra. 201.
- Collision at Cheedle, 954.
- — Sequel to a, 785.
- “Columbia” Voiturette. 741.
- Combination, Necessity for, 213.
- Commercial Autocar, 229.
- Companies. New. 614.
- Components De Dion Motor Tricycle. 699.
- Condenser, Crowden’s. 579.
- Congress. Autocar, in Paris. 682. 709, 732.
- Contact Breakers. Transparent. 516.
- Continental Agents, Caution Necessary with. 740.
- Continent, Craze for Speed on the. 226.
- Control Gear. Panhard-Levassor. 449.
- Convertible Motor Tricycle. 1064.
- Cooling of Motors, The. 819.
- — Water and Air. 576.
- Copland, Mr. and Mrs. Nevill, with their Car. 1188.
- Advertisements, Misstatements in, 581, 606.
- Air-cooled Motors. 211, 241, 287.
- Anglo-American Rapid Vehicle Co. and Mr. Pennington, 144.
- Argyle Voiturette, The, 967.
- Autocaring without a Mechanic, 1113.
- Autocarists and Highway Regulations. 1069.
- Autocars and Electric Trams. 968 . 991, 1067.
- — at the Antipodes. 866.
- — in Portugal, 1219.
- Automobile Association t. Zacharino. 827.
- Avoid Troubles: A Practical Suggestion. 1273.
- Ball and Roller Bearings, etc.. 1244.
- Battery and Ignition Tips, 194.
- — or Accumulator, 553, 580 . 607. 631. 675.
- — Testing. 142, 165. 195. Belt Protector. A. 241.
- Benz Drivers, Warning to. 494.
- Rcur limition. Improving the, 606
- Eighteen Months’ Experience with a, 314.
- — 2.500 Miles on a, 677.
- — 10.000 Mile^ on a. 723.
- Bicycles. Motor. 824.
- Birdlip Hill. 605. Birmingham. A Club for. 724.
- Brake for Convertible Tricycle. 265. 286.
- Brakes for Autocars, 1046, 1066. 1090, 1112, 1195.
- — The Construction of. 865.
- Bunny Hill Climb. 535.
- Calcium Carbide Lamps. 1071, 1112, 1273.
- Carburetter. Construction of the, 162.
- Century Tandem. Some Experiences with. 1092, 1115.
- Chain Cases. 336.
- Cleaning Suggestion, A. 241.
- Clothing for Autocaring, 555.
- Coil Dimensions. 650.
- Contact Breaker Covers. 675.
- Control from the Handle-bar, 867.
- Corelli’s. Miss, Accident. 702.
- Correction, A, 725.
- Cover to Contact Breaker, A Transparent, 494. 507.
- Culasse Buchet. 242.
- Cycle. Distribution of Electric Current over. 447.
- Cylinders. Position of, 190. 211.
- Daimler Motor and Transmission Gear,
- 535. 580. 603. 629.
- — The Late Gottlieb, 244.
- — Waggonette, Good Performance of, 725.
- Four and a Half Horse-power De Dion Motors, 795.
- De Dion, Nearly 800 Miles on a. 679.
- Tricycle. The New. 728.
- Voiturette. Three Horse-power. 142. 167.
- Troubles: Their Remedies, 989. 1042, 1068. 1090. 1091. 1141. 1195. 1218.
- v. the Automobile Association, 372.
- Disinterestedness, 162.
- Doctor's Car, Wanted a, 723.
- Drives. Two Long. 702.
- Driving Lessons. Where to have. 652.
- Dry Battery. An Exhausted, 725.
- Eadie Co. and C. Manning and Son, 750, 772.
- Economical Running. 335 . 356, 373, 402.
- Efficiency of Transmission Weight, etc., 1044.
- — Table. Hill Climbing, 447. 494, 507.
- Electioneering on an Autocar. A Graphic Record of. 1045.
- Electric Ignition. 1220. 1273.
- on a Daimler, 1044.
- Troubles. 990, 1068, 1090, 1112.
- Electrical Cabs in London, 629.
- — Ignition on a Daimler, 847.
- — Timing, 143. 162.
- Evidence. Remarkable. 1068.
- Experience of a Motor Car, 867.
- Exhaust. The Time of, 772, 799, 849, 867, 919, 945.
- — Valve, Simple Method for Opening, 286. 311.
- Exhibition. The Coming. 311.
- Experiences. Fortunate. 702.
- Experiences. Unfortunate, 680.
- Experiences Wanted. 895
- Failure to Run on the Stand. o54.
- Footrests for Motor Cycles, 267.
- Friction Clutch, etc.. 191.
- Fuel Consumption. 869, 921. 941. 945, 967.
- Furious Driving. 1044.
- Ge iring and Steering, View of, at Exhibitions, 265.
- Grease Cap Plugs on Benz Cars, 772,
- H ill’j Hvdraulic Gear. 243.
- He itin? Causes of. 705 . 751. 868.
- _ of Motor: What Happens. 606 . 631. 678. 703. 724.
- Hill-climbing Contest. A. 605.
- Ireland, First Motor Tricycle Constructed in, 402.
- Johnson. J. C.. New Ideas on the Stocks. 268.
- Justice at Maidenhead. 494.
- Lamp Regulations for Motor Cycles. 704.
- Law of Scotland and the Law of England. 1043.
- Lawson. H. J., and {Master Patents. 494.
- Licensing Motor Drivers. 1273.
- Liquid Air, etc.. Co.. 899.
- Locomobile Boiler and Steam Carriage, 582.
- — Experiences, 1271.
- Lubricating Oil, 243.
- Lubrication of High Speed Air-cooled Motors. 447.
- Lubricator Troubles, 162, 190.
- Luggage-carrying Capacity, 899. 941.
- Magneto Ignition and Wet Batteries.
- 772, 800.
- Manning’s Advertisement. 1142. 1218.
- Manufacturing Amenities, 795, 826.
- Medical Autocarist. Experiences of a, 727 798
- Military Motor Waggons, 992, 1071.
- More about Military Motor Waggons, 868.
- — Ignition Troubles. 773, 795. 796.
- Mors Experiences, 1016.
- Motor Bicycle. A New. 1069.
- — Bicycles. Some Experiences of. 723, 750. 798.
- — Car Axles and Steering-gear, 870, 897, 920.
- Mysteries, 336.
- — Carriage Experiences. 142. 162.
- Philosophy, etc., 373, 402, 448, 509, 536. 554.
- — Cycle Matters, 1140. 1192. 1219, 1242, 1270.
- Mysteries. 582, 605, 630. 651.
- — Experts: Meaning of the Term Wanted. 1275.
- — Patent Matters, 1221. 1240, 1269.
- — Trades’ Association, 1269. Ltd., 507.
- — Tricycle, The Utility of the, 822. 823, 843 . 865.
- — Tricycling for Ladies, 1196.
- — Waggon Service in Kent for Fruit Growers, 752.
- Motors and Motor Cars: Their Defects and Remedies, 1045, 1067, 1114.
- Newcastle-on-Tyne Service, Failure of. 167.
- Non-stop Run, The 1,000 Miles, 1275.
- Numbering of Cars. The, 1272.
- Nunn Hyler-Wliite Engine, 509.
- Oil: A Definition of the Word Wanted,
- 1070.
- — Leaking on Ignition. 190. 243, 265. 335.
- — on Contact of Tricycles. 675.
- — or Steam for Autocars. 313.
- Panhard Gearing, 629, 651.
- Patents, Mr. H. J. Lawson and Master, 494.
- Pennington and Baines, 211.
- Petrol. Carriage of, 167, 193, 494.
- — Catastrophe, A, 580.
- — Safety of, when Properly Stored, 553.
- Power Developed in Autocars. 677.
- Practical Experiences. 243, 289 . 336.
- Princess Car. 241.
- in the Birmingham Trials. 143.
- Public Autocar Services, 191, 212, 242, 312.
- Causes of Failure. 242, 267.
- Pump. Elimination of the, 536.
- — Troubles. 509.
- Racing Course Wanted. 535.
- — Motor Cycle Rules. 357, 375.
- Railway Companies and Petrol, 142.
- — Rates, 752.
- [[[Reading Automobile Club]]. 507.
- Renault Car in England. The. 795.
- Road Trials and Contests. 166.
- Roots and Venables Car, Experience with the, 1070.
- Roots Car. What Happened to the, 509.
- Short Circuits. 194.
- —- Circuiting in Wet Weather. 675, 702.
- Side-slip. 1067. 1090, 1138. 1274.
- Silencers, Inefficient, 676.
- Silencing and Lubricating Chaims. 725.
- Solid Tyres, The Fixing of. 1046 1066. South Africa. The Autocar in. 920.
- Sparking Apparatus. 162.
- — Outfit. Another. 751.
- — Question, The, 193.
- Speed on the Highway, 1114, 1139.
- — on Highway, Protest against, 675. 704, 726.
- Speeds. Excessive, on Highways. 727, 750. 774. 797. 822.
- Spray Carburetters, Heating the Air for, 896. 921.
- Stale Petrol. 195.
- Stanley Carriages. 652.
- — Steam Cars, 311. 448. 750. 773.
- Starting a Bollee. 866. 895. 944. 969. 1194.
- — Devices. 606. 630. 650.
- — Facilitator, A, 143.
- — Gear, 311.
- A. 555.
- Steam Car Boilers, 335.
- — Cars, 214, 241, 266. 268, 287.
- Light, 287, 337, 358. 447. 508, 537, 553.
- — from the Condenser. 1269.
- Steering Connections, 797. 822. 843.
- Suggestions for Improvement, 191.
- Taking French Cars into France, 795.
- Taylor Transmission, The, 989.
- The Duke? »»nat About. 773, 800. 846.
- Thousand Miles. The Awards in the.
- 678. 725.
- Timing the Exhaust. 1218.
- Toll, An Excessive, 581.
- Tolls, The Law as to, 650.
- Touring in Wales. 969, 1070.
- — Motor Cycle, 727.
- Trade, Experiences with the, 289, 311, 357.
- — Methods. 554, 583, 603, 630, 652, 676 . 681.
- Transmission Gear, Strength of, 651.
- Trial. 1.000 Miles. Official Announcement, 582.
- — Reflections on the 1.000 Miles. 495.
- — The 1.200. 1218.
- Tricycle. A Word for the, 286.
- — Licenses, 372, 402.
- and Double-cylinder Motors, 372.
- Tricycles, Motor, Steam Boilers, etc..
- 356.
- — Two-speed Gearing for, 675.
- Tricycling, Motor. Practical Hints. 288.
- Tube Ignition. Electric and. 214.
- Two-cylinder Engine. 190, 211.
- Two-speed Gear, 191.
- for Motor Quad, 827. 865.
- — Pedal Gearing for Motor Tricycles. 675.
- Tyre Repairs, Tips on. 823, 866, 920.
- Tyres for Autocars, 894, 922, 967.
- — for Voiturettes or Heavy Cars, Pneumatic. 582. 605, 702, 725, 726.
- — Trouble with Motor Cycle. 920, 942, 967.
- Unbusinesslike Methods of the, 357.
- Valveless Motors, 919, 968.
- Vapour Engines. The Antiquity of, 922.
- Veering Round. 555.
- Vibration. The Absorption of. 774.
- Vibratory Contact, 143, 190, 191.
- Victorian Duties on Autocars, 337.
- Vivinus Agency, The, 650.
- Voiturette, The Coming, 1069. 1090.
- Wanted, A Doctor's Car. 795.
- Water Circulation. To Prevent Freezing of, 1138.
- — Jacket, A Separate, 163, 211.
- Werner Motor Bicycle. 991.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club. 372.
- County Councils and Autocars. 1074 1096 1139.
- and the Automobile Club. 1203. Courtesy. Want of. 214, 241.
- Coventry Elections and the Use of Autocars, 954.
- — Omnibus Bill and Autocars, 126.
- — Police Regulations at, 546.
- Critchley. J. S., and the Daimler Co 497, 570. 588.
- Crompton, Major. Dinner to. 196.
- Crystal Palace Brassard. 694, 715.
- Cudell and Co.’s Racing Car. 633.
- Customs Duties at Victoria, 417.
- Cycle Agents and the Autocar Trade. 258.
- Cycles. Motor, in America. 617.
- Cylinder Head. Water-cooled, for De Dion Motors, 626.
- Daimler. Cannstatt, Extensions, 645.
- — Char-a-Banc, 394.
- — Co.’s Manager. 706.
- — Death of Mr.. 244 (portrait), 277, 293.
- — Increase of Prices, 666.
- — Motor Co. Annual Report and Meeting. 1250. 1276.
- — New Light, 551.
- — Oliver Stanton’s Twelve Horse-power, 916.
- — Public Service Car. 674.
- — Twelve Horse-power Siamese. 548.
- — Twenty Horse-power Four-cylinder Engines, 633.
- Daimler Works, A Run through the. 1153.
- Damages against Autocarists. 230.
- Darlington, Prosecution at, 853.
- Decauville Eight Horse-power Car. 1109.
- — Sociable. The, 940.
- Dechamps. Four and a Half Horse-power in 1,000 Miles, 255.
- Decorated Autocars, 443.
- De Dietrich Petroleum Lorry, The. 137.
- De Dion-Bouton Agencies, 250.
- — Autocar. 695.
- — Syndicate’s Repairing System, 857.
- De Dion. Compte, Duel, 346.
- — Phaeton. A Three Horse-power, 597.
- — The New Eight Horse-power Racing. 1106.
- — Tricycle. Latest Pattern. 1038.
- — Voiturette. Illustration of, 804.
- — Latest Type. Illustration. 945.
- — Mr. Arthur Goodwin’s. 503.
- — Three and a Half Horse-power.
- — the Limit. 617.
- — Water-cooled Cylinder Head. 626.
- Delahaye Car. The. 326 . 347 , 369.
- Dennis Brothers Cars, 1153.
- Derby. Lord. 1190.
- Dietrich Car. The, 645.
- Dirtiness of Autocaring, Complaints as to the, 444.
- Disaster. Lessons of, 739.
- Drays. Thornycroft Steam. 578.
- Driving on the Wrong Side. 754.
- Dublin, Lord Mayor's Show, Autocars in, 297.
- Duchess of York on an Autocar. 1132.
- Duryea Company, 297, 500.
- Duties cn Autocars to Victoria. 417.
- Dynamical Problem, A, 538.
- Eadie Convertible Quadricycle. 346.
- Eadie Manufacturing Co, 641.
- Eastbourne and Autocars, 569. 612.
- Economy of the Autocar. 449.
- Edge’s. S. F., Panhard, 670.
- Election Experience? with Autocars, 1050.
- Electric Autocars, Trials of, 988.
- — Cabs in France. 138, 310.
- — in Paris, 788.
- — Carriages, Some Types of, 1082.
- — Cars. Canadian, 341.
- — Ignition. New (Cotton and Kunze), 388.
- — U.S. Storage Battery Co., 719.
- — Trams, The Speed of, 955.
- — Vehicle Trials. 1098, 1125.
- Electrical Cab Co.. The London, 538 . 653.
- — Car. The Kuhlstein, 600.
- — Vehicle Record, An, 306.
- Emperor Car, Benz. 209.
- Endurance Car, 500.
- Enfield Quad Descending a Hill. 360.
- Engine Gear and Axle, A Compact, 1036.
- — The Williams. 858.
- English Motor Car Club Bun, 926.
- — Club. 614.
- — Run to Frensham, 787.
- Estoourt’s Cooler and Starter, 203.
- Exhaust Valves. Guest’s, 168.
- Extraordinary Traffic, 1236.
- Fatality at Kenilworth, 729.
- Field, Admiral, and Autocars, 299.
- — C. J. and R. J. Flinn, Chat with, 593.
- Ateliers Vivinus, La Soci6t£, 449.
- Benz and Co., 714.
- British Motor Co., 618, 656.
- Dion Dunlop Co., 689.
- London Motor Co., Ltd., 728.
- Van and Waggon Co., 274, 593, 647.
- Motor Mfg. Co., 655, 690.
- Panhard Levassor Motor Co., 341. Scottish Motor Co., Ltd., The, 601.
- Universal Motor Carriage and Cycle Co.. 274.
- Financial Journals ?and Motor Companies. 391.
- Financial Times and Automobilism, 787. Fire at Bournemouth, 387.
- — in Aberdeen. 586.
- Flinois, Centaure Motor Bicycle. 579. Flour. Autocar for carrying. 672.
- Folkestone Hill Incident, 830.
- Foreign Edition of The Autocar, 497. Forestier. M., 1186.
- Foul and Fair, 257.
- France, Automobile Club de. 298 . 570.
- — Motor Vehicle Ucers’ Association in, 138.
- French Autocar Industry, 136.
- A.C.F. Social Functions. 355.
- Alcohol for Autocars, 1239.
- — Manufacture in France. 1040.
- Autocars at the Paris Exhibition, 400.
- Automobile Club Dissatisfaction, 533.
- Autophobia, 281.
- Bauer, Death of Herr. 335.
- Bordeaux to Perigueux Race. 552.
- Chaffards, Recklessness of. 335.
- Charron and Co.. Heavy Damages, 533.
- Club Matters, 552.
- Dieppe, Revival of Race, 240.
- Drivers, The Dearth of Capable, 1191.
- Electricity, Criterium of. 283.
- Etampes-Chartres Race, J92.
- Evential Race off. 649.
- Exhibition Trials Prohibited. 493.
- Financial Condition of Small Companies 1110.
- Furious Driving Persecution. 438 . 492.
- Goods Transport by Motors, 1217.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup. 492.
- Hill-climbing Trial. 334.
- Klond.vke, Autocar Expedition to. 239.
- Krieger. Record. Paris-Dijon, 493.
- Lenoir. Death of M. Etienne. 769.
- Military Haulage. The Scotte Tram for. 649.
- Moto Club Trials at Aeheres. 1239.
- Motor Cab Drivers’ Wages. 239.
- Nice. Performances at. 355.
- — Week. 282. 334.
- Paris to Dijon Trials. 439.
- — to Toulouse Race. 649.
- Pau Races, 206.
- Police Persecution of Automobilists, 1239.
- Price of French Autocars, 354.
- Prize Money, Novel Method of Dividing. 282.
- Racing, Abuse of Road. 401.
- — The Practical Suppression of, and its Results, 1216.
- Road Racing, Opposition to, 628.
- Salon to Arles Race, 649.
- Scctte Train at Paris, 628, 649.
- Shah of Persia and Autocars, 769.
- Show, The 1901, 1238.
- Silencers Imperative at Nice. 283.
- Speed. Agitation against. 552, 628.
- — in France, 401.
- — Limit in Towns, 438.
- Standardisation of Parts, etc., 1191.
- Subsidies for Public Service. 240.
- Traffic Regulation in France. 240.
- Transport of War Materials. 918.
- Vincennes Annexe. Cars at the, 533.
- — Autocars at. 239.
- — Trials at, 628.
- Voiturette Race The. 264.
- French Touring Car Trials. 513.
- Friswell’s Automobile Palace, Ltd., 784.
- Friswell, Mr. and Mrs. C., on Eight Horsepower Peugeot. 215.
- Fruit. Motor Car for Conveyance of. 689. Funeral on Autocars. 566.
- Furious Driving. A Sensible View of, 728.
- — at Buxton. 728.
- — at Eastbourne. 612.
- — at Worthing. 737.
- — Case at Penkridge, 690.
- — Chertsey, 714.
- — Daimler Employees. 558.
- — D. M. Weigel, 445.
- — Earl of Carnarvon, 516, 556.
- — Godstone. 736.
- — in France, 444.
- — Mr. Boughton, 632, 655.
- — Mr. Estcourt. 499.
- — Mr. Koosen and Mr. Grimshaw, 619.
- — Northampton. 717.
- — Warwick, 618.
- — W. J. Binks, 419.
- Garage Accommodation, 593.
- Garments for Autocaring, 353.
- — for Fair Automobilists, 1187. 1237.
- Garvegh. Ladv, Autocars for War, 225.
- Gazelle Carette, 232.
- Gearing. Rough and Co.’s, 229.
- Gear, The Need of a Variable, 955.
- German Army Motor Cars, 558.
- — Automobile Club. 244.
- Accident to the Duke Victor Massena and Party. 807.
- American Motors in Germany, 285.
- Automobiles in the German Army. 784.
- Bavarian Automobile Club. 285.
- “ Carburit.” Ltd.. 843.
- Clubs in Germany. 285.
- Electric Omnibuses at Berlin, 445.
- — Omnibus at Vienna. 646.
- Emperor and Autocars. 722
- Exhibitions in Germany. 646 , 647
- Fire at the Styrian Cycle and Autocar Works. 784.
- German Automobilists’ Union Congress, 808. 893.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup Race, 285.
- Hill Climbing: Amusing Notice to Dismount, 552.
- Military Experiments with Autocars, 285.
- Permanent Exhibition, 552.
- Police and Automobilists. 285.
- Racing at Frankfort-on-Main, 807.
- Salsburg-Linz-Vienna I^ace. 645.
- Show at Nuremburg, Unsatisfactory Winding-up. 807 , 843.
- The Emperor’s £4,000 Prize, 445.
- The Phonograph to Describe Exhibits, 722.
- Thief, The Motor Car. 285.
- Traffic in Berlin. 784.
- Union of German Automobilists. 646.
- Gibson Motor Cycles. 602.
- Gladiator Car in 1,000 Miles Trial, 230.
- Glasgow Exhibition. Autocars at, 227.
- Godiva Autocar, The, 984.
- Goodwin’s, Mr. A.. De Dion Voiturette, 503.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup Race, 610, 642.
- — Race of 190i. 1204.
- Gradients, Steep, for Heavy Traffic, 545.
- Gravitation Railway, Halford’s. 305.
- Gymkhana, An Automobile. 595 . 690, 707. 749.
- Halford's Gravitation Railway. 305.
- Hall’s Patent Hydraulic Gear, 210.
- Hay, Tyre Padded with, 740.
- Heavy Car Trials in France, 1021, 1025.
- — Cars, Public Uses of, 443.
- — Duty, Autocars for, 557.
- — Motor Traffic in France, by M. Forestier, 1197, 1224.
- — Traction Experiments in Ireland. 126.
- — Traffic: Autocars for Carrying Fruit. 689.
- — Sunderland Co-operative Society, 672.
- — Trials, 590.
- — Vehicle Show in Paris, Impressions of the. 1025.
- Hele-Shaw on “ Road Locomotion,” 391.
- — Prof., on Road Locomotion. 635.
- Henley by Autocar. To, 674.
- Hewetson’s Showrooms, 331.
- High Speed Motors, Lubrication of. 284.
- Hill Climb, Bunny, 523.
- — Catford. 529.
- Hill-climbing Competitions in France. 1038.
- — Contest, Godstone, 662.
- — Tilburstowe. 684 , 689, 706.
- — Trials, 425 , 589 . 641. 642.
- — at Chanteloup. 1095.
- — at Gaillon. 1118.
- — 1.000 Miles Tour. Deduced Mechanical Efficiency, 964.
- Hill Race in Germany, 532.
- Historical Snapshots at Sheen House. 340.
- Hope, John: Motor Carriage Philosophy, 329, 348.
- Horse. Dangers of the, 619 , 662, 666 , 672.
- Hub Motor. The, 1050
- Hudlass Silencer, The. 1089.
- Humber M.D. Voiturette. 723.
- Hundred Miles Trial, A.C., 654.
- Hutton and Co.’s Car, 754.
- — Voiturette, The. 1215.
- Iden’s Patents, 240.
- Identification of Motor Cars, 638.
- Ignition. Automatic Incandescent, 962.
- Importation of Autocars, 903.
- Improvements in Autocars, 595.
- Injustice at Thetford, 641.
- Insurance of Autocars, 291.
- — of Cars. 793.
- International Car. Eight and Ten Horsepower. 849.
- “ The Royal,” 915.
- — Charertte, The. 1108
- Ireland s First Autocar Meet, 693.
- Ireland Locomotives on Highways Act
- — in. 368.
- — Tour in, 735.
- Irish Roads, Bad, 617.
- — Tourist Development Syndicate, 126.
- Isle of Man. Annoyance of Autocarists in. 740.
- Jack for Heavy Cars, 654.
- Jecock, F., Starter, 322, 344.
- Jeune, Sir Francis and Lady, in Mr. Oliver Stanton’s Car. 936.
- Jevons, W. B., New Light Daimler, 551.
- John-o'-Groater, The. 522.
- John-o’-Groat’s to Land’s End. 1253.
- Joy-Estcourt Governor. The. 303.
- Joy’s, Basil. Paper on Autocars. 501. 511.
- Kainz Motor. The. 721.
- Kaiser’s Prize of £4.000 for War Carriage. 290.
- Kenilworth, Fatality at, 729.
- Kerry Mountains, Among the. 735.
- Kingsclere Magistrates Fine Lord Carnarvon. 972, 979.
- Klondyke. By Autocar to, 274.
- Knowles Chain Voiturette. 1235.
- Kuhlstein Electrical Cars, 600.
- Ladysmith. Relief of. Announced by Autocar. 231.
- Lantern Lecture by Mr. Shrapnell-Smith. 418.
- Lavergne, Gerard, “ Manual of the Automobile,” 298.
- ” Lawson Racer,” The. 742.
- Lawson, Three-wheeled Sociable. 493, 501. 569.
- Leechman. G. D.. Representative of Motor V.U. Association. 701.
- Agricultural Hall r. Cordingley, 321, 389.
- Andrews t. British Motor Co.. 1249.
- Barkworth ». the Automobile Association. 561.
- British Motor Syndicate v. J. Taylor and Sons. 1095.
- Daimler Driver, Claim against, 633.
- De Dion v. Automobile Association, Ltd., 356.
- Dunlop r. Automobile Association. 293.
- Ford. Moffat, v. S. E. and Chatham and Dover Railway Co.. 633.
- Harvey r. Pennington and Baines, 1119.
- Holland. Chas., Charge of Furious Driving. 608.
- Joynt v. Hewetson’s. Ltd., 322.
- License for Motor Tricycle, 518.
- London Electric Omnibus Co. Calls cn Shares, 202.
- Louch Steam Car of 1859, 671.
- Munday r. Fr is we II, 303.
- Petroleum License. Violating a, Stevens, 450.
- Potier, Clifford, v. Gibbons, 591.
- Renault r. Motor Car Co.. Ltd., 542.
- Speed Regulation. 714.
- Victory for the Autocar (R. Fort), 470.
- Zacharias r. Automobile Association. 806.
- Leyland Steam Waggon, 641.
- License for Autocar Cleaner, 690. •
- — for Convertible Quad. 367. 372.
- — for Tricycle, Test Case. 518.
- Liebig’s. Baron. Benz Car. 647.
- Lifu Car Steaming Uphill. 1257.
- Light Behind Motor Cycles. 666.
- — Salsbury’s New Vehicle, 1181.
- — Traction for Tradesmen, 1154.
- Lincoln Motor Bus and Parcel Delivery Co.. 225, 617.
- Lincolnshire. A New Club for, 1182.
- — Illustrated. 618.
- — The Growth of the Movement in, 872.
- Lion Motor Bicycle. 1064.
- Liquid Air as a Motive Power, 301.
- Liquid Driven Waggons. 1223.
- Liquid Power and Automobile Co.. Ltd.. 742.
- Liver Motor Car Works, 599.
- Liverpool Centre Trials. 571.
- — Self-propelled Traffic Association. 1204, 1251. .
- Llangollen, Case Dismissed at, 974.
- Locomobile Co. of America. 618.
- — Improvements in the, 988.
- — The Duke of Newcastle’s. 1233.
- London Electrical Cab Co.. 1077, 1095.
- Longuemare Carburetter, The. 937. ^>5.
- Loutzky Voiturette and Tricycle, ?49.
- Lowestoft, Proceedings at, 684.
- Lozier Motor Co.. 711. , ..
- Lubrication of High Speed Air-roo>ed Motors. 284. 469.
- Macdonald, Right Hon. J. H. A., on War and Power Traction, 392.
- Mafeking, Relief of. 499.
- Mailcart, A German Motor, 556.
- Mail Van. A Motor. 506.
- Malay Peninsula, Autocars in, 500.
- Manufacture. General Aspect of British Automobile. 171. 219.
- Marot Gardon Voiturette, 1234.
- Marshall Car. 332, 359, 691.
- — Landau, 972.
- Master Patents in America. 638 , 659.
- Mayfair Voiturette. The. 860.
- McDonald’s Ariel, The Lord Lieut, of Ireland and, 344.
- Mechanical Traction in War, 832.
- Melun, Race at, 189.
- Metropole Automobile Supply Syndicate, 29.
- Meyra Dry Batteries, 694.
- Military Autocar, 665.
- — Manoeuvres, French, Autocars at, 728.
- — Motor Waggons, Requirements in, 794.
- — Purposes, Autocars for, 804.
- Millers, Motor Haulage for, 683.
- Miller's Motor Van, A. 136.
- Missionary Effort for Autocars. 299. 641.
- Modern Locomotion, Sir D. Salomon’s, 539, 559.
- Monopole Cycle and Carriage Co.’s Car, 745. 746.
- Montagu. Paper by Hon. John Scott. 171.
- Moore. Harrington, Road Log, 669.
- Morris’s Ammeter and Voltmeter. 215.
- Mors Car: Some Practical Conclusions, 917.
- — with Electric Ignition, 672.
- — Five Horse-power Car, 1189.
- Motor Bicycles: Jo Pennell’s ‘‘Talk,’' 1250.
- — Cab Trials in Paris (Illustrations), 805.
- — Car Club, The, 318, 593.
- — Carriage Philosophy, 329.
- “ Motor Cycle Matters,” by A. J. Wilson. 771, 862, 1065. 1264.
- Motor Cycle Mysteries, 310, 503. 549.
- Motor Manufacturing Co. Reconstruction, 226, 251.
- — Report. 196, 216.
- — Co.’s Five and a Half Horse-power Voiturette. 1061.
- — Trades’ Association, 338, 714.
- — Vehicle Co., 196.
- Motor Users’ Defence Association, 245, 602. 669, 684, 701, 1089.
- — Vehicles and Motors. 341.
- — by W. Worby Beaumont, 1186.
- Motors and Cars, Tests of, 747, 768.
- — and Motor Cars, by C. T. Crowden, 1019, 1085.
- — for Millers. 1008.
- — The Cooling of, 819.
- Mulliner, H. J., and Co.,? 343.
- Municipal Purposes,. The Autocar for, 1013.
- Napier and Sons. 5°k
- — Car and the Paris-Toulouse Race, 741.
- — Mr. Kennard’s Eight Horse-power, 819.
- — Sixteen Horse-power, 644, 1017.
- National Show, Autocars at the, 1145, 1160.
- New Orleans Car. 954.
- — Two-cylinder, 1059.
- — Voiturette, 714.
- News Distributer. The Autocar as a, 231.
- Newspaper Delivery by Motor Van, 528.
- New' York Autocar Show. 1246.
- Nice. Autocar Meeting at, 316.
- Nice-Marseilles Race. 327, 354.
- Non-stop Run. 1,000 Miles, 1159.
- Nottingham and District Automobile Club, 1151.
- Bauer. Herr, 334.
- Daimler, Gottlieb, 225, 245.
- Walkley, Mr.. 506.
- Oil on Trembler, Preventive. 402.
- Oils for Lubricating, Stern, 230.
- Orient Express Car. 297.
- Ostend Automobile Fetes, 740.
- Overcrowding of Cities, The Autocar and 538.
- Overman Steam Car, The, 741, 985.
- Overman’s Automatic Boiler Feed, 793.
- Owers Cup. The (Illustration), 881.
- Panhard and Levassor, 367.
- Panhard. Count Sillern’3 Twelve Horsepower, .983.
- — Six Horse-power Car, Mr. T. B. Browne’s, 351.
- — in 1,000 Miles Trial, 255.
- — Racing Car, 279, 558.
- — 8. F. Edge’s, 670.
- — The M.C.C., 502.
- Papillon Contact Breaker, 190, 208.
- Parcels Delivery Car Trials in Paris, 971.
- Paris, Autocars in, 250.
- — Congress in, 682, 709, 759, 781.
- — Exhibition, Autocars at the, 368, 691, 776.
- — Awards. 831.
- Paris-Roubaix Race, 389.
- Paris-Toulouse and Back, 711.
- — Race, Cars in the, 771.
- Patents. Master, in America, 638, 659.
- Abridgment, Selection of Patents for, 293.
- Accles, J. G.: Carburetter, 615.
- Electrical Contact Devices, 615.
- Automatic Oil Supply, Turrell and Accles 854.
- Boult, A. J.: Carburetters, 271, 341, 389.
- Electric Ignition Devices, 615.
- Internal Combustion Engines, 591.
- Means for Raising Trail Rods, 567.
- Daimler, G.: Cooling Brake Discs, 342.
- Driving-gear, 639.
- Ignition. 320.
- Variable Speed Gear, 614.
- Driving-gear Ignition, 1001.
- Explosion Engines, Compagnie des Moteurs Duplex, 855.
- Hall, R. F.: Driving and Speed Gear. 663.
- Henriod. C. E.: Internal Combustion Engines, 519.
- Ignition: A. G. New. 1000.
- — Gear, Sims and Bosch, 809.
- Instantaneous Steam Generators: M. Serpoilet, 1028.
- Japey Freres et Cie: Carburetter. 389.
- Justice, P. M.: Motor Road Vehicles, 222
- Koch, C. M.: Motors, 271.
- Lanchester, F. W.: Ignition. 223.
- Lawley. P.: Speed-changing Mechanism, 221.
- Martin, F. W.: Motors, 245.
- Motor Cycles: H. J. Lawson, 1076.
- — Vehicles: A. G. Brooks, 1001.
- Overman and Bullard: Motor Road Vehicle, 319.
- Parsons, H.: Internal Combustion Engines, 293.
- Ransford, R. B.: Driving-gear, 519.
- Rayet, A., and G. Gore: Oil Motors, 222.
- Serpollet: Fluid Pressure Engines, 221.
- Simms, F. R.: Cycles for Military Purposes, 541.
- Steering: G. C. Marks. 951.
- Turrell, C. McR.: Speed-changing Gear, 245.
- Peugeot Carriage. The, 622, 659.
- Pennell and Motor Bicycling, 906.
- Pennington and Baines. 190. 211, 335.
- — Car. Speed of, 444, 499, 556.
- — Vehicle. The Latest, 601.
- — War Machine, 545.
- — Motor. 1084.
- Pennington’s Methods, 290.
- Peto and Radford’s Twin Accumulators. 811.
- Petrol Car, A Safety, 863.
- — Carriage of, 221, 226, 298, 373, 419, 494, 567.
- — Storage of. 594, 613.
- — Supposed Dangers of. 545.
- Petroleum License, Violating a. 450.
- Phebus-Aster Racing Tricycle. 446.
- Philadelphia. Automobile Club of, 496.
- Philosophy. Motor Carriage, 329.
- Plug. New Ignition, by Porteous Butler. 418.
- — The Burns Sparking, 502.
- Poland. Autocars in, 521.
- Policeman’s Cape for Autocaring, 257.
- Police Duty, Autocar for, 691.
- — Evidence. Extraordinary, 569.
- — Persecution. 835.
- — Another Form of, 901.
- — Regulations at Coventry, 546.
- Policy of The Autocar, The, 742.
- Porlock Hill Scaled on a Benz, 905.
- Post Office Motor Van. Lincoln, 506.
- Praise from a Judge, 766.
- Press Opinions on the 1,000 Miles Trial, 418.
- Price Engine, The, 960.
- Prince of Wales an Autocarist, 176 . 244, 689.
- Prince of Wales on a Steam Car, 913.
- Prince of Wales’s Autocars, 1185. Car, 225. 689.
- Princess Car. 375.
- Progress Co.’s New Factory, 443.
- — Cycle Co.’s Exhaust Valve Opener. 836.
- — Quadricycle, 263.
- — Voiturette, The, 961.
- Prosecution at Darlington. 853.
- Prosecutions, 619.
- — at Bournemouth. 852.
- Public Autocar Service Refused near Cardiff, 748.
- — Service at Paris, 649.
- — Car. Daimler. 674.
- — Dublin to Enniskerry. 240.
- — Hartford. Conn., 665.
- — Lincoln. 415. 522, 617, 655.
- — Milan. 659.
- — near Venice, 655.
- — Riegelsberg, Germany, 551.
- — Waterford to Dunmore. 227. 250.
- — Services, Aberdeen and Torry. 367.
- — Belgium, 557.
- — Eastbourne, 569.
- — Innsbruck Motor Car Co.. 510.
- — Redland to Westbury, 497.
- — Spain. 557.
- Pump. North British Rubber Co.'s. 368
- Quadricycle, The Progress, 263.
- Queen’s Birthday Celebration, 529.
- Race, American Autocar Road, 419.
- — at Capetown, 1150.
- — Mannheim-Pforzheim, 521.
- — Paris-Roubaix, 388.
- — The Paris-Toulou9e, 755.
- Races at Spa, 855.
- Racing, 658.
- — at the Crystal Palace. 562, 658.
- — Berlin Aix la Chapelle Trial, 902.
- — in Italy, 923.
- — Paris-Toulouse, 711, 737.
- — Rules. N.C.U. and A.C.G.B.I., 274.
- Ranelagh Club, 595, 707.
- Reading Automobile Club Meet. 758.
- — Fire at, 551.
- Reaney Motor Tandem. The. 505.
- Record by Demester, 1075.
- — by Jarrott, British Motor Cycle Hour, 1087.
- Records. British Motor Tricycle, 378. 6o5. 658.
- Redhill Accident. 803.
- Regulations against Speed. 469.
- Renault Voiturette, The, 849.
- Renaux Tricycle. 889.
- Repairing Autocar Tyres, 740.
- Resistance of Road Vehicles to Traction. 902.
- Review of the Motor Car Industry (Joy and Rush), 511.
- Road Log, A New, 669.
- — Locomotion, 635.
- Prof. Hele-Shaw on, 391, 414, 440.
- — Traction by Professor Hele-Shaw, 1200, 1228.
- Roads, Wear and Tear on, by Autocars. 546.
- Rochet Motor Tricycle, 1262.
- — Petit Co.’8 New Car, 685.
- — Tricycle, 388.
- Rough and Co.’s Smooth Gearing Syndicate 229
- Route of the 1,200 Miles Trial. 1190.
- Rucker’s Harrogate Accident, 789.
- Runaway Horse. Killed in Stopping a, 608.
- Russia, Autocars for War in, 469.
- Rustics and Autocars, 521.
- Safety Petrol Can, A, 863.
- Salomons. Sir, D.. on Modern Locomotion, 539.
- Sargent Tandem Gas Engine. 1265.
- Scottish Motor Co.. Ltd.. 601.
- Self-propelled Vehicles in Peace Manoeuvres. 764.
- Shah of Persia’s Autocar. 888.
- Sheen House, Autocars at, 340.
- Show at Agricultural Hall, 376 , 396.
- — at Brussels, 339.
- — at Nuremberg, 645.
- — National, 500.
- Shows. The Question of, 691.
- Side-slipping Query, 586.
- Silencer. The nudlass. 1089.
- Simms-Bosch Magneto Electric Ignition. 504.
- Simms Military Autocar, 665.
- — Vertical Water-cooled Engine. 627.
- Simpson and Bodman and Queen’s Birthday. 529.
- — Steam Autocar, The. 1260.
- Simpson's Tourist's Tricycle. 395.
- Singer Motor Bicycle. 701, 1003.
- Skurray and Sons’ Autocars for Millers. 641, 683.
- Smooth-geared Autocar Syndicate. 229.
- Sociable. New Light. 190.
- Soncin Voiturette, The. 966.
- Souvestre and Co.. 343.
- Spain. Autocars for. 496.
- Sparking Plug, The Burns, 502.
- Spectator, The, and Autocars. 443 . 469.
- Speed Gear, Variable. Bonneville. 674.
- — King Motors. The Home of the, 1153.
- — of Heavy Cars. 292.
- — on the Continent, 226.
- — Restrictions. 618.
- Speedwell Motor Cycle Stand. 197.
- Spirit. “Veloxin” Motor, 648.
- Sports Motor Car Co.'s Car. 794.
- Sprag. A New. 953.
- “ Stable Boy ” License, 690.
- Stablemen Attack Two Autocarists, 788.
- Stand, A Portable. 908.
- — for Motor Cycles, 197.
- Stanley Brothers Steam Waggon, 393. 532, 550.
- Star Autocar, The, 232, 322. 510.
- — Carburetter, The. 505.
- — Motor, 208.
- Staunton’s Speed Indicator, 843.
- Steam Car Built in 1859, 671.
- — Cars, Exhaust. 344.
- — in America: Red Flag Regulations, 642.
- — Drays, Thornycroft, 578 . 590.
- Steatite Sparking Plug. 929.
- Steering Gear. 788.
- — Wheel, A New. 1238.
- Sternberg’s. Dr. Alfred. Voiturette, 550.
- Stonebow Autocar. The. 717.
- Stones Left in the Roads, 714.
- Strickland Air-cooled Motor, 864.
- — Motor, 321.
- — Tricycle, 690.
- Sturmey, H., paper on “ The Autocar of To-day.” 269.
- “ Sunbeam ” Autocar, The, 905, 929.
- Sunday Hire Prohibited at Bournemouth. 633.
- Supply Waggon for Volunteers, 621.
- Sutton Car. 304.
- Switzerland. Ideal Motor Regulations at. 522.
- Taps. Wash-out, for De Dion Motors, 239.
- Tare Limit, The, 1107.
- Tax Difficulty at Pittsburg. 621.
- — on Autocars. Proposed. 665.
- Taylor Transmission, The, 941. 989.
- Tests of Motors and Cars, 747.
- Thornycroft Steam Drays, 578, 590.
- Thousand Miles Tour of 1901. 1182.
- Trial, 220, 226 , 233,- 361, 403. 420 . 451. 471.
- — Kendal to Edinburgh, 308. Machines Used. 230, 332, 340, 351. Toll.
- — Bridge, at Worcester. 594.
- Tour. The 1.000 Miles. 403, 420, 451, 471, 517, 571, 587, 634, 655. 660.
- Touring Oar Trials, French, 513.
- A Midnight Run. 885.
- Automobile Club’s Autumn Tour, 994.
- Brighton on a Sixteen Horse-power Napier, 980.
- Century Tandem. Fast Run on a, 668.
- Cheltenham to Harrogate. 575.
- Coventry to Banff. 527.
- — to Hampstead. 300.
- — to Jedburgh. 885.
- — to Norwich, 621.
- Enfield. Ten Days’ Tour from. 667.
- 500 Miles through the Bush on an Australian Autocar. 767, 791. 81^.
- Ilkley to Scarborough and Back. 839.
- Irish Motor Tour, The. 759.
- — Tour, A Record, 778.
- Italian Autocar Tour. 1106.
- Lee to Torquay. 227.
- Manchester Automobile Club. A Run with, 715.
- — to Stroud, 621.
- Midlands. A Week-end Tour through the. 745.
- Northampton to Yarmouth, 227.
- Redditch to Bridlington, 300.
- Run on the Sixteen Horse-power Napier. 816.
- Second Bun to Scotland of the Eight Horse-power Napier. -911, 933. 957, 1033, 1056, 1259.
- Swindon to Coventry. 597.
- 221 Miles without a Stop. 300.
- Up-to-date Travelling. 766.
- Welsh Mountain-. Motor Cycling in the. 716.
- Winter Drive on a New Car. 228.
- Toward Boiler, The. 1027.
- Traction for Heavy Vehicles. 126.
- Trade Methods. 570.
- — Prices. Disclosure of, 571.
- — Protection Society. A New. 1182.
- Traffic, Coventry and the Regulation of. 126.
- — Extraordinary. 1236.
- — London, 741.
- — Regulations at Coventry. 546.
- Tramways and Light Railways' Exhibition, 634.
- Transport Waggon for Volunteers, 621.
- Trial. One Hundred Miles, 654.
- Trials, Heavy Traffic. 590.
- Tricycle, a Two-seated, 599.
- — Components De Dion, 699.
- — in Central Africa. 787.
- Triumph Car, M.M.C., 333.
- Turkey, Sultan of, and Autocars, 728.
- Turrell Light Seven Horse-power Car, 1211.
- Tyre Bladder. A, 647.
- — Padded with Hay in Emergency, 740.
- Tyres, Repairing Autocar, 740.
- United Motor Industries Co.’s Catalogue, 745.
- — States Companies Registered. 208.
- Uses and Management, The Autocar: Its, 301.
- Vallee Racing Car, 297.
- Veeder Odometers. 1057.
- Veloxin Motor Spirit, 654.
- Victorian Customs and Autocars, 417.
- Victor Steam Carriage. 741.
- Vienna Exhibition. 321.
- Vincennes, F£te at, 534.
- Voiturette Trials at Vincennes, 879.
- — One Hundred Miles. 371.
- Volt and Ampere Meter, Van Baden’s, 1257.
- Volunteers, Supply Waggon for, 621.
- Waggons, Coulthard and Co.’s, 298.
- Water and Air Cooling. 576.
- War and Power Traction, 392, 413.
- — Armoured Road Train, 530.
- — Automobiles for. 225 . 665.
- Water Circulator, A Telltale, 1209.
- Weigel and the Friswell Prospectus. 788.
- Welsh Notes: The Duchess of York’s Autocaring Experiences, 1097.
- Wellington Car, The New. 1215.
- Werner Motor Bicycle, The. 720.
- Westerham Hill Contest, 598, 648, 658.
- White’s, Graham, Twelve Horse-power Siamese Daimler. 548.
- Whitsuntide Tour, 518. 562.
- Williams Engine, The, 858.
- Wilmcote. Pennington Car Left at. 654.
- Wilson Fined at Buckden, Mr. A. J., 950.
- Winton Racing Car. 353. 642.
- Wolseley Racing Car, 1038.
- — Voiturette. The. 1088.
- Wyeth’s. Dr.. De Dion Voiturette, 523. 597.
- Yonkers: Licenses for Steam Car Drivers. 648
- Yorkshire Automobile Club, 662, 803.