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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Tramway and Omnibus

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book

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Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)

  • Aberdeen Suburban Tramways Co.—Directors: G. J. Walker (Chairman), Dr. W. Christie, W. Jackson, and A. Wilkie (Managing Director). Secretary: G. Duncan, Office: 15, Golden Square, Aberdeen.—The company was incorporated in 1899, to construct electrically equipped tramways 7f miles in length. The lines within the County of Aberdeen are held in perpetuity, subject to the right of the County Council to purchase at the expiration of 42 years from the incorporation of the company, on the terms specified in the Tramways Act of 1870, the County Council in any case to have the first refusal of the property in the event of its sale. The corporation has the option of purchase, on the approval of the Board of Trade, at any time on six months’ notice of a small length of line (about half a mile) within the city limits, paying therefor the cost price of construction.
  • Accrington Corporation Steam Tramways Co.—J. Kenyon (Chairman), J. W. Cooper, H. Riley, R. Waite, and W. Wilson. Secretary: J. Wilson. Office: Ellison Street, Accrington.—The company was registered December 12, 1885.
  • Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways Co.—Directors: F. W. Chanter (Chairman), H. S. Day, C. S. Hilton, and A. C. Miles. Secretary: W. F. Herring. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, W.C.—The company was incorporated in 1900.
  • Alliance Motor Bus Co, Limited.—Directors : H. T. Clutterbuck (Chairman), S. K. Albright (Managing Director), H. W. Dawson, Hon. G. E. Hill-Trevor, F. W. Kerr, and J. A. McCandlish. Secretary: A. H. Stevens.. Office: 63, Moorgate Street, E.C. -Ike company was registered April 26, 1906.
  • Anglo-Argentine Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: J. B. Concanor (Chairman), Lord R. H. Browne, J. R. Corbett, H. F. Gunning (Managing Director), J. Heaton, C. H. Sanford, and E. A. Lazarus. Secretary: L. Striem. 0,-^ce: G2j Gresham House, E.C.—The company was registered December 21, 1877, and at the close of 1887 reconstruction was decided upon, and the company was re-registered November 19, 1887. The company owns and works tramways in the city of Buenos Ayres, and a new concession for 99 years was obtained, dating from the completion of the electrification of the whole system (1903). At the end of the concession the lines and rolling stock revert to the municipality without payment, but there is no option of earlier purchase.
  • Associated Omnibus Co, Limited,—Directors: H. Clinch (Chairman), P. W. Tibbs (Managing Director), and J. Watkins. Secretary: W, E. Finch. Office: 158, High Street, Camden Town, N.W.—The company was registered November 27, 1900, to acquire the business of the Omnibus Proprietors]], Limited, registered June 2, 1891.
  • Auckland Electric Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: 0. G. Tegetmeier (Chairman), C. S. Hilton, and R. P. Simpson. Secretary : W. F. Herring. O^ce: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered March 22, 1899, to acquire a horse tramway in Auckland, New Zealand, and has since acquired rights obtained in connection with the electrical equipment and tenure of these tramways and certain extensions of the lines within the city, while an order for extensions of the lines in the suburbs of Auckland has also been obtained. The lines within the city are held subject to the right of the corporation to purchase at the expiration of thirty-two years from June 1, 1900, or at any time thereafter by giving twelve months’ notice
  • Automobile Cab Co, Limited.—Being wound up. Liquidator: N, M. Ogle, Worcester House, Walbrook, E.C.
  • Barnsley and District Electric Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: Col. Sir T. Pilkington, Bart. (Chairman), W. J. Greer, and E. A. Paris. Secretary : C. H. Godward. 0-dice: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered March 3, 1902, and agreed to purchase from the British Electric Traction Company, Limited, a complete undertaking three miles in length. The line is held in perpetuity, subject to the right of the local authorities to purchase the fame within six months from August 11, 1928,- or within six months after every subsequent seven years on paying the full market value as a going concern, but without any allowance for compulsory purchase.
  • Bath Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: Sir V. Caillard (Chairman), H. F. Clutterbuck, Hon. Sir J. Sivewright, K.C.M.G., A. A. C. Swinton, and E. H. R. Trenow. Secretary: H. J. Almond. Office: 18, St. Helen’s Place, E.C.—The company was registered July 9,1902. The local authorities have the right to purchase the undertaking, but this does not arise before 1936. The company is also running a service of motor omnibuses.
  • Birmingham and Midland Tramways, Limited.—Directors ,• C. S. B. Hilton (Chairman), S. R. Blundstone, J. A. Lycett (Managing Director), and Sir^E. Sl^ncer. tary: B. Kingsford. Registered Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, btrana, —The company was registered November 22, 1883, and as from January 1, 1904, acquired from the British Electric Traction Company a large number of shares in the Dudley, Stourbridge and District Electric Traction Company, Limited ; the South Staffordshire Tramways (Lessee) Company, Limited the Wolverhampton District Electric Tramways, Limited; and the City of Birmingham Tramways Company, Limited, giving to the Birmingham and Midland Company control of all these undertakings.
  • Blackpool and Fleetwood Tramroad Co.—Directors: G. Richardson (Chairman), R. H. Prestwich (Deputy-Chairman), R. B. Bnrningham, K. S. Boddington, J. Greenwood, and G. Readman. Secretary and General Manager: J. Cameron. OJ}ice: Bispham.—The company’’ was incorporated in 1896.
  • Blackpool, St. Anne's and Lytham Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors.- T. [[(C^s-irman), G. Nicholson, and T. M. Smith. Secretary C. E. Riding. 30,_Blrley Street, Blackpool.—The company was registered October 15, 1898, to take over and. improve the undertaking of the Blackpool, St. Anne’s and Lytham Tramways Company, incorporated by acts of parliament of 1893 and 1896. In 1900 power was obtained to double tlie lines and convert to electric traction; this has been done and the line reopened in May, 1903.
  • Boston and Northern Street Railway Co.—O^ce : Boston, U.S.—In July, 1901, the name was changed from the Lynn and Boston Railroad Company to the above. In July, 1895, there were issued through the Bank of Montreal, 47, Threadneedle Street, E.C.,
  • Brazilian Street Railway Co, Limited.—Directors: W. B. Hawkins (Chairman), A. G. Kendall, W. Martineau, S. J. Wilde, and J. B. G. Alcoforado, the last-named being in Brazil. General Manage^': H. Fletcher. Secretary: J. B. Benbow. Office: Palmerston House, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.—The company was established in 1868, and owns a railway connecting Recife with Caxanga.
  • Brisbane Electric Tramways Investment Co, Limited.—Directors: H. K. Becton, J. B. Concanon, A. P. Ledward, Sir M. D. McEacharn, and A. Mcllwraith. Secrctar)/: H. S. M. Woodrow. O^^ce: 52^ Moorgate Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 20, 1900,
  • Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co, Limited.—Director's : Sir G. Wliitc, Bart. (Chairman), J. H. Howell, Sir J. C. Robinson, Kt., and S. Wliite (Managing Director). Secretary: H. F. Cooper. Office: Clare Street House, Bristol.—The company was registered October 1, 1887, to carry into effect the amalgamation of the Bristol Tramways Company, Limited, and the Bristol Cab Company, Limited; the lines are now worked by electricity. The period at which the corporation has the power of purchasing a portion of the lines within the old city area under the terms of the Tramways Act, 1870, is May 1, 1915, and the Kingswood and Hanham lines in 30 years from November 28, 1898.
  • British Columbia Electric Railway Co, Limited.—Directors: E. M. Horne- Payne (Chairman), T. Blundell Brown, J. Buntzen (Managing Director), E. L. Evan- Thomas, Hon. M. R. Gifford, C.M.G., G. P. Norton, and R. K. Sperling. Secretary: B. H. Binder. Office: 34, Nicholas Lane, E.C.—The company was registered April 3, 1897, to take over the business and undertaking of the Consolidated Railway Company of British Columbia, which had previously absorbed the Victoria Electric Railway and Lighting Company]], Limited. The lines operated are 76 miles in length, and a new line of 60 miles is under construction. The company also supplies electric light and power for various purposes, and owns a water-power plant.
  • British Electric Traction Co, Limited.—DirectorsSir C. R. Wilson, G.C.M.G., C.B. (Chairman), Rt. Hon. H. O. Arnold-Forster, M.P., Hon. Sir C. W. Fremantle, K.C.B., E. Garcke (a Managing Director), C. S. B. Hilton (a Managing Director), W. L. Magden (a Managing Director), J. S. Raworth, and P. D. Tuckett. Secretary: C. H. Dade. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.— The company was registered October 26, 1896, to take over the business of the British Electric Traction (Pioneer) Company, Limited, registered November 7, 1895, and in 1903 acquired the undertaking of the Electrical Power Distribution Company, Limited. The company also owns or possesses a controlling interest in 50 tramways, operating about 387 miles of line, and 54 miles of on^nibus routes.
  • British Tramways and General Construction Co, Limited.—Directors: E. A. Carolan, H. C. Levis, and B. C. Molloy. Secretary; A. Clements. Office: 83, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered July 16, 1903. The authorised capital is £300,000 in shares of £1, of which £241,000 has been subscribed and called up. No report has yet been received, the company being regarded as a private concern, but this information is official. Voting power, one vote for every share. Director’s qualification, 100 shares. Transfer form, common ; fee, 2s. Gd. Telephone number, 135 London Wall.
  • Buenos Ayres and Belgrano Electric Tramways Co, Limited.— Directors ; J. B. Concanon (Chairman), J. Anderson, H. R. Beeton, H. Brown, and W. F. Hamilton, K. C. Secretary: H. S. M. Woodrow. Office: 52, Moorgate Street, E.C.—The company was registered February 5, 1898, to acfjuire the concession and properties of the Buenos Ayres and Belgraiio Tramways Company]], Limited, and another concession for an electric tramway between Buenos Ayres and Belgrano. The concessions are for terms of ninety- nine and sixty years from 1898 and 1897, after which the lines and rolling stock revert to the municipality without payment
  • Buenos Ayres Electric Tramways Co (1901), Limited.— Directors: E. A. Lazarus (Chairman), C. Cicogna, B. E. Greenwell, 0. Lock, and T. F. Thomson. Secretary: F. Thursby. Office: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered August 24, 1901, to acquire concessions and lines formerly the property of a company of almost similar title, registered May 3, 1899. The concessions run for a period of 60 years from August, 1898, and at their expiration the line is to be handed over to the government without any compensation to the company. The line is 21 miles in length.
  • Buenos Ayres Grand National Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. I. Courtenay (Chairman), W. H. Harris, E. A. Lazarus, J. Parker, C. M. Rose, H. A. Trotter, C. Cicogna, D. Heineman, and T. F. Thomson (the last three representing the Buenos Ayres New Tramways Company, Limited). Secretary: F. Thursby. Office: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered March 2, 1889, as the Buenos Ayres Metropolitan Tramways Company]], Limited, and in the same year the name was changed as above. The company was formed to acquire a concession granted by the municipality of the city of Buenos Ayres for about 26 miles of line; in 1893 the company acquired from a native company a concession for 26 miles of line, of which 21^ miles were constructed, and the remaining 4^ miles have been completed, and in January, 1904, a new concession for 55 years, expiring January, 1959, was promulgated by the municipality for the electrification of the line and certain extensions.
  • Buenos Ayres Lacroze Tramways Co.—O^iee: Buenos Ayres.—The company was formed under the laws of the Argentine republic to take over and operate a system of tramways extending from the city of Buenos Ayres into the suburbs. The tramways had hitherto been worked by horse traction, but provision was made by the issue of debentures, as below, for the conversion of the system (which is 21^ miles in length) to electric traction. The electrification is proceeding, and it is expected that the work will be finished by July, 1908.
  • Buenos Ayres New Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: E. A. Lazarus (Chairman), C. Cicogna, D. Heineman, T. F. Thomson, and H. A. Trotter. Secretary: F. Thursby. Ojffice: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered October 23, 1888, to acquire a concession granted by the municipality of the city of Buenos Ayres for a term of 60 years from March 27,1888. At the end of the concession the company is to deliver to the municipality in a perfect state of preservation all the permanent installations in the public streets and the rolling stock without any indemnification. In October, 1903, a concession for 55 years expiring October 29, 1958, was granted by the municipality for the electrification of the line.
  • Buenos Aires Port and City Tramways, Limited.—Directors : G. Kitchin (Chairman), F. H. C. Boutell, M. Graham, J. Kerr, and A. Wenham. Secretary: T. H. Evans. Oj^cc : 2,-Broad Street Place, E.C.—The company was registered July 29, 1905, to acquire concessians granted by the Argentine national government for the construction and working of an electric tramway in the city of Buenos Ayres from the Barracas bridge on the south, to the Eetiro railway station on the north, the total length of road to be operated by the company being about seven miles. The construction of the line is expected to be completed by about the end of 1907. The concession has no time limit.
  • Burmah Electric Tramway's and Lighting Co, Limited.—Directors: E. C. Morgan (Chairman), D. C. Ellis, F. C. Kennedy, C.I.E., and H. R. Kindersley. Secretary: ‘VV. R. Elston. Office: 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.—The company was registered October 11, 1902, to acquire a concession for electric tramways in Mandalay, granted by the government of Burmah. The whole system was opened for traffic August 1, 1904, and at the expiration of 40 years from June 6, 1901, and within six months of every subsequent period of five years the municipality will have the right to pui’chase the tramways, lands, buildings, equipment, &c., at market value.
  • Calcutta Tramways Co, LixniteA.—Directors: E. C. Morgan (Chairman), Sir H. Kimber, Bart., M.P., J. G. B. Stone, and Col. Sir C.E. H. Vincent, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.P. Secretary: W. R. Elston. Office: 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.—The company was registered December 23,1880. A new agreement has been entered into between the corporation and the company for the installation of electric traction which varies or modifies the company’s concessions from the corporation dated October 2 and November 22, 1879, and September 2, 1893.
  • Cape Electric Tramways, Limited.^Directors: Col. Sir C. Euan-Smith, K.C.B., C.S.I. (Chairman), L. Breitmeyer, Dr. F. R. Harris, Adml. Sir A. H. Markham, K.C.B., F. Robinow, J. B. Taylor, and W. B. Rommel (Managing Director). Secretary: S. W. Jameson. Office: 1, London Wall Buildings, E.C.—The company waa registered October 29,1897, and has acquired shares in companies owning tramways at Cape Town and Port Elizabeth of a total length of 34 miles, and held under various concessions, The concessions extend to 1920-2(), at the end of which periods the right of purchase by the local authorities first arises, and revives every five years thereafter.
  • Cardiff Tramways Co, Limited.—The entire capital of this company is held by the Provincial Tramways Company]], Limited,
  • Carthagena and Herrerias Steam Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: E. M. Underdown, K.C. (Chairman), Sir O. B. Bmce, and H. C. B. Underdown. Secretary: R. J, Fennessy. Office: 845, Salisbury House, B.O.—The company was registered August 30, 1872. The concession for the greater portion of the company’s lines is in perpetuity, and that for remainder expires about 1939.
  • City of Birmingham Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Garcke (Chairman), J. A. Christie, G. C. Cuningham, C. S. B. Hilton, J. A. Lycett (Managing Director), and W. Neale. Secretary: B. Kingsford. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered September 29, 1896, to take over the properties of the Birmingham Central Tramways Company]], Limited, and to substitute an improved system of traction. The tramways are 19 miles in route length; 5 miles are held under lease from the corporation, 6 miles under lease from the Aston Manor Corporation, and 3 miles under lease from the Kings Norton and Northfield Urban District Council, the remainder being owned by the company. The lease of the lines within the city expires on June 30, 1911; the lines in Aston are leased until December 31, 1924, and those under lease from Kings Norton until June 30, 1911. The remaining line in Kings Norton is purchasable by the council at June 30, 1911; the cable line in Handsworth, after purchase by the council, is to be leased to the company until June 30, 1911, In Yardley the council have deferred their right to purchase the tramways until August, 1933
  • City of Buenos Ayres Tramways Co (1904), Limited.—-Directors: J. Heaton (Chairman), E. Clapham, S. Rostron, and E. H. Woods. Secretary: F. C. Crawley. Office: 1, Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The City of Buenos Ayres Tramways Company]], Limited, was registered November 27, 1869, to carry out a concession from the municipality of Buenos Ayres. In 1904 an agreement was entered into for the transfer of the undertaking as from January 1, 1905, to the Anglo-Argentine Tramways Company, Limited,
  • City of York Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors; H. G. Simmonds and W. H. Thackwray. Secretary: H. G. Simmonds. Office: 29, Great George Street, S.W. —The company was registered March 27, 1886, to take over the properties of the York Tramways Company, Limited.
  • Cork Electric Tramways and Lighting Co, Limited.— Directors: A. R. Monks (Chairman), W. Anderson, II. C. Levis, W. B. H. Martindale, and W. M. Murphy. Engineer: H. Nalder. London Secretary: A. Clements. London Office: 83, Cannon Street, E.C. Registered Office: Cork, Ireland.—The company was registered June 18, 1897. The company acquired rights for the construction of tramways which are to be the property of the company in perpetuity ; in regard to the lighting concession the Cork corporation has the option of acquiring the works at the end of 21 years from August 20, 1897, and if this power is not exercised a renewal must be granted.
  • Coventry Electric Tramways Co.—Directors: Baron E. B. d’Erlanger (Chairman), Hon. A. G. Brand, F. Fitzgerald, and E. A. Hopkins. Secretary: J. G. Mills. Office: 20, Bishopsgate Street Within, |E.C.—The company was incorporated August 6, 1897, to take over and extend the properties of the Coventry Electric Tramways, Limited, registered May 8, 1893.
  • Detroit United Railway.—Office: Detroit, U.S.—This company was incorporated in 1900, and owns or controls all the street railways in the city of Detroit and suburbs.
  • Devonport and District Tramways Co.—Directors: W. G. Bond (Chairman), J. F. Albright, C. S. Hilton, and J. S. Raworth. Secretary: P. N. Gray. O^ce: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was incorporated in 1898 to construct and work tramways by electric traction.
  • Douglas Southern Electric Tramways, lAmiled.—Directors: T. J. Hutchinson (Chairman), W, Davenport, E. A. Hopkins, and I. E. Winslow. Secreta'ry: J. E. Sharpies. Office: Atlantic Chambers, Brazennose Street, Manchester.—The company was registered October 21, 1895, to acquire a concession for the constriction of an electric tramway upon the Douglas Head Marine Drive in the Isle of Man.
  • Dublin and Blessington Steam Tramway Co.—Directors: F. Moore (Chairman), A. E. Darley, M. P. Flood (Baronial Director), R. D. Guinness, T. H. Richardson, and A. Zeller (Baronial Director). ^Secretary: H. O. Tisdall. Office: Terenure, co. Dublin. —The company was constituted by an order of the Privy Council dated July 23, 1887.
  • Dublin and Lucan Electric Railway Co.—Directors: W. Mooney (Chairman), E. Anderson, W. F. Clarke, Capt. C. Colthurst-Vesey, and J. W. HiU. Secretary and Manager: H. Harrison. Office: Conyngham Road Terminus, Dublin.—The company was incorporated in 1880 as the Dublin and Lucan Steam Tramway Company, and in 1900 the name was changed as above in connection with the alteration of the motive power from steam to electricity.
  • Dublin United Tramways Co (1896), Limited.—Directors: W. M. Murphy (Chairman), W. Anderson (Managing Director), S. Beeton, P. B. Bernard, and W. F. Cotton. Secretary : R. S. Tresilian. Manager : C. W» Gordon. O^ce : 9, Upper Sackville Street, Dublin.—The company was registered September 28, 1896, to amalgamate the undertakings of the Dublin Southern District Tramways Company and the Dublin United Tramways Company, and to convert the entire system to electric traction, which was completed in the first half of 1901.
  • Dudley, Stourbridge and District Electric Traction Co, Directors: A. C. Miles (Chairman), S. R. Blundstone, and J. A. Lycett (Managing Director). Secretary: B. Kingsford. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered December 22, 1880, as the Dudley, Stourbridge and Kingswinford Tramways Company]], Limited, and in 1882 the title was changed, and again in 1898 as at present.
  • Dundee, Brouglity Ferry and District Tramways Co, lAmited.—Directors: W. Brownlee (Chairman), G. Balfour (Managing Director), J. Smith, and D. W. Wybrants. Secretary : E. Cowan. Office: 4, High Street, Dundee.—The company was registered April 4, 1905, to carry out the construction and equipment of tramways, tramroads, and other works authorised by the Dundee, Broughty Ferry and District Tramways Order Confirmation Act, 1904, and to acquire practically the entire capital of the Dundee, Broughty Ferry and District Tramways Company (known as the statutory company).
  • Dundee Tramway and Carriage Co, Limited. — Directors: J. S. Buchan (Chairman), J. T. Maclaren, and D. Pirie. Mamayer and Secretary: J. Beveridge. Office : 188, Perth Iload, Dundee.—The company was registered August 24, 1877, as the Dundee and District Tramway Company]], Limited, and in 1900 the name was changed as above.
  • East India Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Abbott (Chairman), C. D. Buckler, and H. D. Kimber. Secretary: G. Gale. Office: 79, Lombard Street, E.C.—The company was registered July 25, 1902, in reconstruction of a company of the same name registered January 31,1884, to acquire a concession in perpetuity for the construction and working of a tramway in Karachi.
  • Edinburgh and District Tramways Co, Limited.—Direot&rs: B. H. Blyth (Chairman), J. Kerr, A. H. Laidlay, R. Maule, and J. M. D. Peddie. (?cneraZ Manager and Secretary: 0. W. Shepherd. Office: 1, South Charlotte Street, Edinburgh.—The company was registered March 6,1894, and has acquired from the Edinburgh Corporation leases (expiring in 1919) of about 23J miles of tramway, including 3 miles of original cable tramway ; the remainder, with the exception of a small portion (now in course of conversion), has been changed from horse to cable traction.
  • Electric Traction Company of Hong Kong, Limited.—; E. C. Morgan (Chairman), W. J. C. Cutbill, and R. Miller, Secretary : H. W. C. Dermer. Office: 19, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.—The company was registered November 20, 1902. The company owns a concession granted by an ordinance of the government of Hong Kong on May 14, 1902, under which the government has the option to purchase the undertaking at the expiration of 50 years from above date, or at any subsequent period of 5 years upon six months’ notice, or upon the insolvency of the company, the consideration to be the value of the undertaking at the time of purchase.
  • Falkirk and District Tramways Co.—Directors : A. D. Mackenzie (Chairman), G. M. Brown, R. Dobbie, R. S. Portheim, and A. W. Tait. Secretary: E. I. Findlay, Offi,ce: Castle Street, Edinburgh.—The company was incorporated in 1901.
  • F.I.A.T. Motor Cab Co, Limited.—Directors: Lord Grimthorpo (Chairman), D. R. Baker, Sir W. J. Bell, A. Du Cros, CapV. J. Orr-Ewing, and T. Wilks. Secretary : H. Lea. Oj^e: 02, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered August 1, 1907.
  • Gateshead and District Tramways Co.—Directors : C. R. Greene (Chairman), W. L. Madgen (Deputy-Chairman), L. A. Atherley-Jones, K.C., M.P., and H. S. Day. Secretary : W. F. Cox. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was incorporated in 1880. In 1901 the motive power was changed from steam to electricity, and extensions were built.
  • Gearless Motor Omnibus Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Manville (Chairman), P. Dawson, G. H. Hopkinson, J. J. Newbould, and F. Rawson. Secrctai'y: C. Rose. O^e: 17, Waterloo Place, S.W.—The company was registered May 23, 1906, for the purpose of running motor omnibuses in London and its suburbs, constructed on a patent system known as “gearlessor auto-mixtre.”
  • General Motor Cab Co, Limited.—Director's: D. Dalziel (Chairman), Adml. Sir C. Fane, K.C.B. (Vice-Chairman), N. T. de Brctteville, E. Cohen, M. Heckstall Smith, C. Sfascart, L. Weillei’, and L. Wiriot. Secretary ’ K. Gordon. O^ce : 32, Old Jewry, E.C.—The company was registered May 14, 1906.
  • Geneva Tramways Co (1906), Limited.—Directors: Hon. A. G. Brand (Chairman), R. T. Bayliss, O. Beit, and J. Seear. Secretary: G. S. Burton. Office: Salisbury House, E.C.—The company was registered December 17, 190G, in reconstruction of a company of almost similar title registered December 6, 1901.
  • Gravesend and Northfleet Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: W. G. Bond (Chairman), J. F. Albright, and A. C. Miles. Secretary: P. N. Gray. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered April 18, 1901, and shortly afterwards acquired the Gravesend, Rosherville and Northfleet Tramways, then worked by horse power, with the benefit of a Tramway Order authorising extensions and electrical equipment throughout.
  • Great Eastern London Motor Omnibus Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir T. D. Pile, Bart. (Chairman), F. Griffiths, T. Skinner, and Sir G. W. Truscott. Secretai'y: J. B. Glenn. Office: Moorgate Station Chambers, E.C.—The company was registered March 30, 1906, to take over and extend the motor omnibus services of the Great Eastern London Suburban Tramways and Omnibus Company]], Limited.
  • Greenock and Port Glasgow Tramways Co.—Directors: F. W. Chanter (Chairman), H. S. Day, D. J. Dunlop, C. S. Hilton, A. C. Miles, and R. P. Simpson. /Sccrc- tary: W. F. Herring. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was incorporated in 1887. In regard to the Port Glasgow line, which is held until 1936, the corporation may then purchase on Tramways Act terms; one half of the line in Greenock is held until 1914, and the other half leased until 1928,
  • Hartlepool Electric Tramways Co, Limited.—Direct&rs : W. L. Madgen (Chairman), W. G, Bond, and W. Morrison. Secretary: W. F. Cox. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered October 15, 1896. The corporation of Hartlepool have the right to purchase the tramways in 1925 (the permanent way under the terms of Section 43 of the Tramways Act, and the electrical equipment at its fair value). The corporation of West Hartlepool can purchase the tramways authorised by the orders of 1883 and 1884 in their district in 1911 (tho permanent way under the Tramways Act, and the overhead equipment at cost price, less 5 per cent.). The other tramways in West Hartlepool can be purchased in 1909 on condition that a lease till 1916 be granted to the company. The light railways can be purchased in 1919 upon payment . of the then value of the lines without compensation for compulsory purchase.
  • Hastings and District Electric Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors; E. 0. Morgan (Chairman), G. Kitchin, and J. C. Williamson. Secreta'i'y: W. R. Elston. O^ce: 1, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.—The company was registered November 9, 1904.
  • Havana Central Railroad Co.— Office: 52, Broadway, New York.—The company was incorporated under the laws of the State of New Jersey, U.S.A., to acquire the right to construct 120 miles of railway, to be worked by electrical power, radiating from the city of Havana, and to enter into a contract with the Havana Electric Railway Company whereby the Central Railroad Company acquired the right to use part of the city track of the Havana Electric Company for terminal purposes.
  • Havana Electric Railway Co.—Directors; W. Bicknell, of Cleveland, Ohio (President), D. T. Davis, of New York (Vice-President), J. Rattray, of New Jersey; H. Runken, of Havana ; A. S. Miguel, F. Steinhart, and C. de Zaldo. Office: New York.—
  • Highgate Hill Tramways, Limited.—: B. Weekes (Cliairman), M. N. Ridley, and W. D. Wilkinson. Secretary: C. H. Hales. O,^ce: 9, Arundel Street, W.C.—The company was registered June 15, 1896.
  • Hobart Electric Tramway Co, Limited.—Directors: A. Mattei (Chairman), D. Barclay, and J. G. Bellamy. Secretary: F. J. Warner. Offi,ce: 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.—The company was registered March 4,1892, to acquire properties in Hobart, the capital city of Tasmania. “
  • Imperial Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir G. White, Bart. (Chairman), H. C. Godfray, Sir J. C. Robinson, Kt. (Managing Director), and S. White. Secretary :W. G.V. Smith. Office: Clare Street House, Bristol.—The company was registered September 30, 1898, in reconstruction of a company of the same name, registered June 28,1878. . . . The company owns and operates the undertakings of the Middlesbrough, Stockton and Thornaby Electric Tramways, besides owning 44,446 5 per cent, preference shares (of £10 each) of the London United Tramways (1901)]], Limited, and the entire share capital of the Corris Railway Company. Of the lines owned by the company 9J miles are not purchasable by the local authorities until 1918, and 4 miles until 1929.
  • Indian Electric Supply and Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: J. G. B. Stone (Chairman), W. H. Cheetham, D. Cruickshank, and A. P. Simpson. Secretaries: Kilburn, Brown and Co. Office: 20, St. Helen’s Place, E.C.—The company was registered April 11, 1905, to establish and work electrical enterprises in India, and the first business of the company was to construct a tramway to Cawnpore and its suburbs, with the necessary generating station to supply electric power for working such tramway and also to supply current for electric light and the working of fans, and for other purposes in Cawnpore. Concessions have been granted to the company by the authorities in Cawnpore, securing Ithe sole and exclusive right to construct and work by electricity tramways for the city and suburbs of Cawnpore; the concessions for the tramways, &c., are for a period of 42 years from August, 1904, after which period they will become subject to the provisions of compulsory sale contained in the Indian Tramway Act, 1886, and the Indian Electricity Act, 1903.
  • Isle of Thanet Electric Tramways and Lighting Co, Limited.—Directors : Lord A. Butler (Chairman), H. Brown, A. R. Monks, andW, M. Murphy. Secretary: J, B. Glenn. Office: Moorgate Station Chambers, E.C.—The company was registered November 3, 1897, but it was not until December, 1901, that capital was offered for public subscription.
  • Kalgoorlie Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: A. H. P. Stoneham (Chairman), C. C. Baker, R. 0. F. Ogilvie, O. Wethered, and C. Wren (Managing Director). Secretary : F. A. Holyfield. Office: 30-1, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.-vThe company was registered March 18, 1902, and owns concessions for 35 years from December, 1900, 1903, and 1905, with the right to the local authority to purchase, by arbitration, in 21 years, while at the end of the respective periods of 35 years the undertakings vest in the local authorities, on the terms of the payment by them for the freehold and leasehold properties of the company.
  • Kansas City Elevated Railway Co.—Office: Kansas City, U.S.—This company is known here by the offer in September, 1892, by the Jarvis-Conklin Mortgage Trust Company (since wound up), . . . The interest and principal of the bonds are now guaranteed by the Metropolitan Street Railway Company of Kansas City, which controls the Kansas City Elevated Railway, while in 1903 the Kansas City Railway and Light Company was formed, and has acquired the entire share capital of both the Metropolitan Street Railway Company and the Kansas City Electric Light Company.
  • La Capital (Extensions) Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors .• E. A. Lazarus (Chairman), C. Cicogna, D. Heineman, T. F. Thomson, and H. A. Trotter. Seci'etary: F, Thursby. Office: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered February 7, 1898, to construct electric tramways in connection with those of La Capital Tramways Company]], Limited. There are 7| miles being worked by electricity.
  • La Capital Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors; E. A. Lazarus (Chairman), C. Cicogna, D. Heineman, T. F. Thomson, and H. A. Trotter. Secretary: F. Thursby. Office: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered October 3, 1896, to acquire and extend an existing tramway system in Buenos Aires, and to equip and work the line as an electrical road. There are 23'78 miles being worked by electricity, and about If miles by horse traction.
  • La Plata and Ensenada Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: M. Hauber and J. Parker. Secretary: J. H. Swinburn. Office: 27-30, Basinghall Street, E.C.—The company was registered June 20, 1890, to construct tramways at Ensenada and La Plata, in the province of Buenos Ayres.
  • Lanarkshire Tramways Co.—Directors: A. R. Monks (Chairman), Sir B. E. Cunard, Bart., G. Franklin, H. C. Levis, J. F. Nauheim, and W. H. Whaite.. Secretary: A. ClementSi Office: 83, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was incorporated by special Act of Parliament in 1900 as the Hamilton, Motherwell and Wishaw Tramway Company, the name being changed as above and extensions authorised in 1903. The lines are worked by electricity.
  • Lancashire United Tramways, Limited.- Directors: Hon. A. Stanley, M.P. (Chairman), A. Adam, J, S. Austen, J. Beecham, J. M. Henderson, M.P., and R. Watson. Secretary: H. P. Conibcar. Office: Atherton, Lancashire.—The company was registered December 1905, to take over the properties of the South Lancashire Electric Traction and Power Company, Limited, including the whole of the issued capital of the South Lancashire Tramways Company and the Lancashire Light Railways Company, Limited. The company also owns over 80 per cent, of the share capital of the New St. Helens and District Tramways Company, Limited. The system of the South Lancashire Tramways Company has been further extended.
  • Landaulette Motor Cab Co, Limited.— Directors: T. B. Burnham, E- D. Holmes, S. J. Mowbray, and A. Pereno. Secretary: S. H. Bersey. Office: 41, Coleman Street, E.C.—The company was registered October 29, 1906, to take over the benefit of a contract with the Farman Automobile Company, Limited, whereby the latter undertook to supply a certain number of cars.
  • Leamington and Warwick Electrical Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Garcke (Chairman), R. S. Gold, J. A. Lycett, J. W. Mann, and J. C. Purser. Secretary: B. Kingsford. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered February 18, 1880, as the Leamington and Warwick Tramways and Omnibus Company]], Limited, and in 1902 the name was changed as above, the capital at the same time being largely increased. The lines in the boroughs of Warwick and Leamington are working by electric traction under provisional orders. The company also owns the Warwick Electric Lighting Order, 1901, and is supplying electrical energy within tlie borough of Warwick.
  • Lisbon Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: Col. Sir C. Euan-Smith, K.C.B., C.S.I. (Chairman), L. Breitmeyer, Count H, de Burnay, Adml. Sir A. H. Markham, K.C.B., F. Robinow, W. B. Rommel (Managing Director), A. da Silva,. J. B. Taylor, and L. Wagner. Secretary: S. W. Jameson. Office: 1, London Wall Buildings, E.C.—The company was registered July 17, 1899,
  • Llandudno and District Electric Tramway Construction Co, Limited.— Directors: S. Selion (Chairman), R. A. Fremantle, R. S. Portheim, and T. Stoker. Secretary: J. Hodgson, ojice: 2, Queen Anne’s Gate, S.W.—The company was registered July 25, 1906, t-o complete the construction of, equip, and work a system of electric light railways in Llandudno and adjoining districts.
  • Lombardy Road Railways Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Woolley (Chairman), Sir J. H. G. Bergne, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., and H. W. Birks. Secretary; E. 0. Cooke. Office: 57, Moorgate Street, E C.—The company was registered June 2, 1881.
  • London and South Coast Motor Service, Limited.—Directors,- J. W. Cann (Managing Director), J. W. Palmer, T. Prior, and C. Roberts. Secretary: W. H. Sanford. O^c: 119, Victoria Street, S. W.—The company was registered November 19,1905.
  • London Central Motor Omnibus Co, Limited.—Directors: J. K. Marshall, J.P. (Chairman), J. O’Connor, M.P., D. H. Redhead, and W. B. Richardson (Managing Director). Secretary: E. Hamilton. Penrose Street, Walworth Road, S.E.—The company was registered March 26, 1906, to take over the undertaking of the New London and Suburban Omnibus Company]], Limited, and extend the business.
  • London Electrobus Co, Limited.—Directors: P. E. Beachcroft, J. T. Musgrave, and W. Roberts. Secretary: A. Riding. Office: Whitehall House, Charing Cross, S. W. Charging Depot: 1, Earl Street, Westminster. Garage No. 1: 45, Horseferry Road, S.W.—The company was registered April 11, 1906.
  • London General Omnibus Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir J. Pound, Bart. (Chairman), H. Hicks (Deputy-Chairman), E. L. F. Cornuault (Paris), J. Neal, J. L. Pound, A. F. Salanson (Paris), and E. W. Wood. Secretary: R. T. Kingham. Office: 6, Finsbury Square, E.C.— The company was established under the French laws in 1855, and as above in 1859.
  • London Power Omnibus Co, Limited.—Being wound up voluntarily. Liquidator J. H. Stephens, 6, Clement’s Lane, E.O.
  • London Road Car Co, Limited.—Directors : J. H. Moore (Chairman), P. Henwood (Deputy-Chairman), Lt.-Col. C. F. Colvile, J. W. Greig, and W. Hazell. Manager: D. Duff.^ Secretary: J. C. Mitchell. Office: 9, Grosvenor Hoad, Westminster.—The company was registered January 1, 1883, to take over the property of a company of the same name, registered August 3, 1880.
  • London Standard Motor Omnibus Co, Limited.—Direcioi's: J. Goo’e, F. W. Kerr, and G. Offor. Secretary: F, A. Bagnall, Office; 31, Budge Row, E.C.—The company was registered March 31, 1906.
  • London Street Railway Co.—Office: London, Canada.—In February, 1897, Messrs. Coates, Son, and Co., 99, Gresham Street, E.C.,
  • London Street Tramways Co.—Directors: G. Ennis (Chairman), J. Glenn, and J. B. Glenn (Secretary). Office : Moorgate Station Chambers, E.C.—The company was incorporated in 1870, and in 1897 underwent a complete change in its constitution. The tramway was sold to the London County Council, and the horses, cars, &c., to the North Metropolitan Tramways Company,
  • London United Tramways, Limited—Directors: C. J. C. Scott (Chairman), W. H. Brown, Hon. S. Holland, and Sir J. C. Robinson, Kt. (Managing Director). SeGretary: [[Gr. V. Smith. O^ces: 16, Great George Street, Westminster, S.W., and 74, High Road, Chiswick, W.—The company was registered November 11, 1901, as the London United Tramways (1901), Limited, to take over and extend the undertak^g of a company of almost similar title, registered July 19, 1894, and in 1907 the name was changed as above.
  • Madras Electric Tramways (1904), Limited.—Directors: W. S. B. McLaren (Chairman), J. Gray, and T. E. Ivons. Secretary: D. Willock. O^ce: Dashwood House, E.C.— The company was registered March 16, 1904, to acquire an undertaking completed in 1899, while power to build some extensions has since been obtained.
  • Mansfield and District Tramways, Limited.- Diredors: A. 31. Holland (Chairman), G. Balfour, A. H. Beatty, and W. J. Chadburn. Secretary and Manager: C. R. Walker. Office: 53, Temple Chambers, Temple Avenue, E.C.—The company was registered December 7, 1906, to acquire the mortgages and share capital of the Mansfield and District Light Railway Company, which had constructed a system of electric tramways, nearly 13 miles in length, and completed in August, 1906,
  • Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co, Limited.—-London- Director's: G. J. McCaui, T. A. Stanley (Secretary), and A. E. Wallis. London Office : 10, King William Street, E.C. Head Office: Melbourne.—This company has leased from the Melbourne Tramway Trust the lines it has constructed,
  • Metropolitan Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: E. Garcke (Chairman), Sir E. Spencer (Deputy-Chairman), J. Devonshire (Managing Director), W. L. Madgen, G. Richardson, and C. G. Tegetmeier. Secretary: A. L. Barber. Office: Evelyn House, 101, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was registered November 21, 1894, as the Metropolitan Tramways and Omnibus Company]], Limited, and the name was changed as above in January, 1902. The County Councils of Middlesex and Hertford have agreed to lease to the company a system of light railways which will ultimately extend into the following districts, viz. Willesden, Edgware, Hendon, Finchley, Barnet, Wood Green, Southgate, Enfield, Tottenham, Edmonton, and Cheshunt. In the case of the Middlesex Light Railways, the leases expire in 1930, and in the case of the Hertfordshire Light Railways, are for 42 years from the date of confirmation of the Light Railways Order.
  • Mexico Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: C. H. Black (Toronto), R. C. Brown (of Toronto and Mexico) (Managing Director), R. Gowans (Toronto), R. P. Ormsby (Toronto), Hon. M. R. Gifford, C.M,G., H. M. Hubbard, and H. T. McNeale (the last three resident in England). Secretary: C. H. S. Cooke (Toronto). Assistard. Secretary: W, H, Hickman (London). Regist^ed Offi,ce: 46, Tlireadneedle Street, E.C. Head Oflce: Toronto.—The company was registered April 13, 1898, . . . The tramway system in operation consists of 159 miles of track, of which 108 are operated by electricity, 39 miles by mules, and 12 miles by steam.
  • Mexico Tramways Co.—London Director; H. M. Hubbard. London Secretary : W. H. Hickman. London Office: 46, Thrcadneedle Street, E.C. Head Office: Toronto.— The company was incorporated under the laws of the Dominion of Canada, in March, 1906, as the Yucatan Power Company, Limited, while a few days later the name was changed to the Mexican Consolidated Electric Company]], Limited, and later in 1906 the name was changed as above. The object of the company was to acquire and consolidate the Tramway systems in the city of Mexico and the surrounding district,
  • Middleton Electric Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: Lord Vaux of Harrowden (Chairman) and J. V. Kitchener. Secretary: W, S. Wreathall. Offi,ce: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—This company was registered December 22, 1900, to acquire light railways constructed on the overhead system of electric traction, and opened for traffic on March 1902.
  • Minneapolis Street Railway.—This company forms part of the system of the Twin City Rapid Transit Company. First consolidated mortgage 5 per cent, gold bonds of $1,000 each for $4,208,000 (paH of $5,000,000 authorised) are known here ; they have coupons payable January 15 and July 15, and the principal is to be repaid January 15, 1919, all payments being made in New York. Ranking ahead of these bonds are other bonds for $730,000, for the retirement of which provision is made in the first consolidated mortgage. See also notice of Twin City Rapid Transit Company.
  • Montreal Street Railway Co.—Offvce: Montreal. — This company was established in 1861, and has entered into an agreement with the city of Montreal, expiring August 1, 1922, when the city may acquire the road, real estate, and equipments,
  • Motor Bus Co, Limited.—Absorbed into the Vanguard Motor Omnibus Company]], Limited.
  • Musselburgh and District Electric Light and Traction Co, Limited.—Directors : W. H. Fowler (Chairman), J. Anderson, B. Bernheim, W. B. Cownie, J. C. Saunders, and L. B. Schlesinger. Secretary: R. Watson. Registered Office ? Queen Anne’s Chambers, Westminster, S.W.—The company was registered July 6, 1905. The company’s tramways within the burgh of Edinburgh
  • New General Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: Baron E. B. d’Erlanger (Chairman), Hon. A. G. Brand, F. Fitzgerald, E. A. Hopkins (Managing Director), and K. J. West. Secretary: J. G. Mills. Office: 20, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.—The company was registered March 24, 1896, to take over the business of the General Traction Company]], Limited, registered April 20, 1895, for the purpose of installing systems of traction for light railways, tramways, &c.
  • New St. Helens and District Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: Hon. A. Stanley, M.P. (Chairman), J. S. Austen, J. Hunter, H. Martin, and J. R. Salter (Managing Director). Manager: W. Hutchings. Secretary: H. P. Conibear. Office: Atherton, Lancashire.—The company was registered November 4, 1898, to take over the properties of the St. Helens and District Tramways Company]], Limited, registered October 22, 1889. The lines authorised are of a total length of 22 miles, and the whole system is now worked by electric traction.
  • New York Motor Cab Co, Limited.—Directors .? H. N. Allen (New York), M. Baeyens (Paris), Adml. Sir C. G. Fane, K.C.B., C. Mascart (Paris), G. W. Sands (New York), W. W. Tracy (New York), and L. Weiller (Paris). Secretary : R. Gordon. Office: 32, Old Jewry, E.C.—The company was registered June 12, 1907.
  • [[North Metropolitan Tramways Company.—Directors: G. Richardson (Chairman), J. Devonshire, J. W. Greig, andE. Hawkins. Secretary: J. McLeod. Office: 101, Finsbury Pavement, E.C.—The company was incorporated in 1869, and in 1891 acquired the undertaking of the North London Tramways Company.
  • North Staffordshire Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: J. S. Raworth (Chairman), W. G. Bond, and S. A. Sillem. Secretary: B. Kingsford. O^ce: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered December 4,1878.
  • Norwich Electric Tramways Co.—Directors .• Hon. A. G. Brand, G. M. Chamberlin (representing the City of Norwich), Baron B. B. d’Brlanger, F. Fitzgerald, and E. A. Hopkins. Secretary : J. G. Mills. Office: 20, Bishopsgate Street Within, E.C.—The company was incorporated on August 6, 1897.
  • Oldham, Ashton and Hyde Electric Tramway, Limited. —Hirectors: E. Garcke (Chairman), L. A. A. Jones, K.C., M.P., T. Heginbottom, J. V. Kitchener, and R. Whittaker. Secretary; W, S. Wreathall. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered December 18, 1897. The lines are purchasable by the local authorities in 1918 on terms of the Tramways Act, 1870.
  • Perth Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: A. H. P. Stoneham (Chairman), R. C. Ogilvie, O. Wethered, and C. Wren. Secretary: F. A. Holyfield. Office: 30-1, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.-T^The company was registered February 4, 1898, and has acquired concessions for tramways of a total length of about 23 miles. As regards the chief concession for 17i miles, the Perth corporation has power at the end of twenty-one or twenty-eight years from November, 1904,
  • Peterborough Electric Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: E. A. Paris and Lord Vaux of Harrowden. Secretary: C. H. Godward. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered August 5, 1902, and has purchased from the British Electric Traction Company, Limited, the undertaking authorised by the Peterborough District Light Railways Order of 1900, comprising lines of a length of about 5 miles.
  • Potteries Electric Traction Co]], Limited.—Directors: G. F. M. Cornwallis-West (Chairman), F. W. Chanter, E. Garcke, J. V. Kitchener, S. Mear, and Lt.-Col. Sir T. E. Pilkington, Bart. Secretary: W. F. Herring. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered June 28,1898, to construct certain tramways and light railways in the Potteries district of North Staffordshire, to take over the properties of the North Staffordshire Tramways Company, Limited, as well as other constructed lines, and to work all such tramways and light railways as one undertaking by the overhead system of electric traction. The company has acquired control of the North Staffordshire Company through the purchase of about 96 per cent, of the share capital and all the debentures. The various lines authorised are of a total length of about 85 miles, about 31 miles of which are running electrically,
  • Provincial Motor Bus and Traction Co, Limited. — Directors: A. A. C. Swinton (Chairman), Lord Armstrong, E. H. Bayley, A. Du Cros, H. Greer, and E. W. Stangforth. Secretary: E. H. Ronaldson. Ojfice: Shrubland Road, Dalston, N.E.— The company was registered February 15, 1906, for the purpose of running motor busc.s ill the English provinces, and in Scotland, Wales and Ireland.
  • Provincial Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: A. Beattie (Chairman), J. B. Glenn (Managing Director and Secretary), S. Hern, and A. W. White. Office : 224-8, Moorgate Station Chambers, E. C. —The company was registered July 10,1872, and owns tramways in Plymouth and Great Grimsby, and omnibuses in Cardiff, and the company also owns the Portsdown and Horndean Light Railway and the Gosport and Fareham Tramways. The company has also power to supply electric energy for power and lighting in the districts of Gosport and Alverstoke.
  • Railways and Metropolitan Omnibus Co, Limited.—Director's: P. Saunders (Chairman), A. Evans, and M. H, Laskey. Manoffcr and Secretary: T. S. Saunders, O^e: 114, Waterloo Koad, S.E.—The company was registered April 23, 1881, to acquire the property of the Metropolitan Express Omnibus Company, Limited, registered March 23, 1880. Early in 1892 the company took over the private omnibus business of the London and South-Western Railway Company.
  • Rossendale Valley Tramways Co.—Directors: A. Love (Chairman), W. P. Green, J. V. Kitchener, W. A. Owston, and S. A. Sillem. Secretary: A. R. Abbott. O^ce: 61, Gracechurch Street, E.C.—The company was incorporated in 1888.
  • Rothesay Tramways Co, Limited.— Directors: A. G. Miles (Chairman), F. W. Chanter, H. S. Day, and C. S. Hilton. Secretary: W. F. Herring. Offices: Rothesay, N.B., and Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W. C.—The company was registered December 20, 1879.
  • Scottish Motor Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: Hon. W. G. Hepburne- Scott (Chairman), R. C. Cowan, J. A. Hood, F. B. Lea, A. J. Paterson, and F. M. Williams. Secretary: G. Oliver. Office: 49, Queen Street, Edinburgh.—The company was registered June 14, 1905, to establish services of motor omnibuses in Edinburgh and other places throughout Scotland.
  • Seville Tramways Co, Limited.—D/receora; J. Frey, A. F. Judd (Secretary), O. Loewi, E. Manke, P. Schrimpff, and J. Stottner. Office: 2, Broad Street Place, Finsbury Circus, E.C.—The company was registered December 20, 1886, to acquire a concession for 60 years from the municipality of Seville. The lines are worked by electricity.
  • Shanghai Electric Construction Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir A. Dent, K.C.M.G., E. Franequi (Brussels), J. S. Haskell, R. S. Portheim, and Col. A. Thys (Brussels). Secretary/: L. W. Hawkins. Office: Basildon House, Moorgate Street, E.C.—The company was registered December 9, 1905, to construct a system of electric tramways in Shanghai, about twenty-three miles in extent.
  • Singapore Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: Sir F. A. Swettenham, K.C.M.G. (Chairman), J. Anderson (Singapore), F. Baynes, E. Davis, D. C. Ellis, Sir R. A. Hampson, and Sir C. Petrie, Secretary: J. Coltman. Office: 19, St. Swithin’s Lane, E.C.—. . . The first section of the line was opened in July, 1905, and when completed the line will consist of 16 route miles.
  • South Staffordshire Tramways Co.—Directors: C. S. B. Hilton (Chairman), S. R. Blundstone, and J. A. Lycett, Secretary: W. F. Cox.; Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The-company was registered March 28, 1882, as the South Staffordshire and Birmingham District Steam Tramways Company, Limited, and incorporated by act of parliament in 1889 under the above title,
  • South Staffordshire Tramways (Lessee) Co, Limited. — Directors: Sir E. Spencer (Chairman), S. R. Blundstone, E. Garcke, J. A. Lycett (Managing Director), and W. S. Schuster. Secretary: B. Kingsford. Registered Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered July 31, 1899, to acquire from the British Electric Traction Company, Limited, the right to call for a lease in perpetuity of the tramways owned by the South Staffordshire Tramways Company subject to the rights of the local authorities to purchase such tramways.
  • Southport Tramways Co, Limited. — Directors: J. S. Raworth (Chairman), J. V. Kitchener, J. Platt, and Lord Vaux of Harrowden. Secretary: S. N. Wells. Olfice: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C. —The company was registered July 29, 1871, and has acquired a lease of 21 years from July 15, 1901, of tramways within the borough of Southport, and also a lease for a period of 35 years from January 1, 1902, of tramways within the urban district of Birkdale. All the lines are now being worked electrically.
  • Star Omnibus Company, London, Limited.—Directoi's; F. E. Andrews (Chairman), W. A. Perry (Managing Director), W. G. Wells, and A. E. Wright. Secretary: A. Beiss. Office: 47, New Kent Road, S.E.—The companj’’ was registered March 14, 1899, to take over the business of Andrews’ Star Omnibus Company]], Limited, registered October 15, 1892.
  • Sunderland District Electric Tramways, Limited.—: C. S. Cockbum (Chairman), E. Caillard, S. A. Chambers, A. U. Greer, H. R. Hogg, Hon. R. Parker, and W. Sutton. Seo'etary: H. J. Almond. Office: 18, St. Helen’s Place, E.C.—The company was registered November 5, 1903, to acquire, construct, and work certain tramways of an authorised length of 19^ miles. . . . . The lines, about 14 miles in length, are under construction.
  • Swansea Improvements and Tramways Co.—Directors: 0. G. Tegetmeier (Chairman), W. G. Bond, and G. J. Somerville. Secretat'y: H. A. Stagg. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—In April, 1881, the capital, which was previously . all of one description, was divided in equal proportions into Tramways capital and Improvements capital, and for dividend each class ranks on its own undertaking only. As from July 1, 1899, the company has leased for 999 years the properties of the Mumbles Railway and Pier Company and the Swansea and Mumbles Railways]], Limited, and as from June 30, 1900, the tramways (5^ miles) have been worked by electric traction.
  • Thomas Tilling, Limited.— Directors: R. S. Tilling, E. W. Tilling, H. Tilling, T. Wolsey, W, Wolsey, and W. Wolsey, jun. Secretary: C. Loveridge. Office: Winchester House, Peckham, S.E.—The company was registered May 12, 1897, to take over the business of job-masters, cab and omnibus proprietors, &c., carried on under the same title. Horse omnibuses are being gradually replaced by motor omnibuses.
  • Toronto Railway Co.—Trustees for the Debenture Holders: R. B. Angus and G. A. Cox. Office: Toronto.—In August, 1895, there was issued through Messrs. Coates, Son and Co., 99, Gresham Street, B.C.,
  • Tramways and General Works Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Woolley (Chairman), Sir J. H. G. Bergne, K.C.B., K.C.M.G., and H. W. Birks. Secretary: E. C. Price. Office: 57, Moorgate Street, E.C.—The company’s income is derived from shares in tramway and other companies received in payment for work done.
  • Twin City Rapid Transit Co.—Office: Minneapolis, U.S.—The company was organised in 1891, and controls (by means of its shareholdings in subsidiary companies) the street railway systems in Minneapolis and St. Paul, with practically perpetual and exclusive franchises for both cities. See also notices of Minneapolis Street and St. Paul City Railway Companies.
  • Tynemouth and District Electric Traction Co, lAmiteA.—Directors: W. L. Magden (Chairman), H. S. Day, J. H. Robinson, and J. B. Williamson. Secretary : S. N. Wells. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered January 21, 1890, as the North Shields and Tynemouth District Tramways, Limited, and the name was changed as above in October, 1899. The light railway from the Marine Parade, Tynemouth, to Whitley Bay, is held in perpetuity,
  • Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Co.—Director's: Lord Armstrong (Chairman), J. H. Armstrong, G. E. Henderson, S. Hunter, J. T. Merz, and J. H. B. Noble. Secretai'y: J. C. Little. Offi,ce: Neptune Bank, Wallsend.—
  • United Electric Tramways of Caracas, Limited.—Directors: Lt.-Col. I. Philipps, D.S.O., M.P. (Chairman), Sir D. Fox, H. D. L. McDougall, and E. A. Wallis. Secretary : A. J. Shepherd. Office: Dashwood House, E.C.—The company was registered July 25, 1906, for the acquisition of three local undertakings in Caracas, worked by horse traction, and to electrify the same. The work of conversion is being executed by contractors,
  • United Electric Tramways of Montevideo, Limited.—Directors: W. Trotter (Chairman), H. F. Gunning, T. F. Thomson, and G. A. Touche. Secretary: A. J. Side. Office: Basildon House, E.C.—The company was registered March 24, 1904, to acquire the debenture and share capital of La Sociedad Comercial de Montevideo, a Uruguayan company, which company has since absorbed (in November, 1906) the Union y Maronas Tramway in Montevideo. The original lines (approximately 51 miles in length) have been conv&ted to electric traction
  • United Motor Cab Co, Limited.—Directors: D. Dalziel (Chairman), G. C. Isaacs, H. King, C. Mascart, Sir H. Norman, M.P., C. "W. Quin, Sir H. Seton-Karr, and L. "Wiriot. Secretary: R. Gordon. Office: 32, Old Jewry, E.C. — The company was registered January 10, 1907, to acquire and extend the business of the City and Suburban Motor Cab Company, Limited, registered December 1, 1905.
  • Vanguard Motor Omnibus Co, Limited.—Directors: J. F. Albright, E. H. Bayley, A. du Croz, C. Freeland, A. T, S. Jones, Sir H. S. Karr, A. A. C. Swinton, A. M. H. Waldrond, and S. "Wheeler. Secretary: V. W. Bonham. Office: Albany House, Albany Street, N.'VV". — The company was registered January 4, 1907, to amalgamate the London Motor Omnibus Company, Limited, the London and District Motor Bus Company, Limited, the Motor Bus Company, Limited, and the London and Provincial Motor Bus and Traction Company, Limited.
  • Vienna General Omnibus Co, lAxaiie^.—Directors: R. G. Hall (Chairman), Sir J. Pound, Bart. (Deputy-Chairman), H. Hicks, and J. L. Pound. Secretary: R. T. Kingham. Office: 6, Finsbury Square, E.C.—
  • Wolverhampton District Electric Tramways, Limited.—Directors: S. E. Blundstone (Chairman), J. A. Lycett (Managing Director), and A. C. Miles. Secretary: B. Kingsford. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered December 17, 1900.
  • Worcester Electric Traction Co, Limited.—Directors: H. S. Day (Chairman), H. R. Arnold, W. G. Bond, J. A. Lycett, and W. L. Madgen. Secretary: H. A. Stagg. Office: Donington House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered August 20, 1902, to acquire the undertaking of the Worcester Tramways, Limited,
  • Yorkshire (West Riding) Electric Tramways Co, Limited.—Directors: H. S. Leon (Chairman), W. B. Keen, G. E. Leon, and E, Schenk. Secretary: W. H. Andrews. Office: Belle Isle, Wakefield.—The company was registered April 5, 1905, to take over the control of a system of electric tramways and light railways in the Leeds, Wakefield, and West Riding districts.

See Also


Sources of Information