1912 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar Index - 1912 Jul-Dec - Volume 29.
- A-A. Activities, 565
- - and M.U. and Supply of Petrol. J. Robb, 614
- — Publicity. Ltd. (letter). 849
- — Purification of, by Daniel H. Ogley and Ernest Clark, 1155
- — System, Autocar Head Lights, 1119
- Acre Rubber Co., Ltd. (letters), 1094, 1231
- AD 288 (letter). 357
- Adams, Edward (letter), 125
- Adams 16-20 h.p. Car. 758
- — 16 h.p. Car (illus.), 855
- — J. D. (letter), 940
- Adaptability. of the Motor Car, 1126
- Adler Cars, 547, 593
- — 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 109
- — 10 h.p. with Morgan Landaulet Body (illus.), 1134
- Advertisements, Lack of Information in. 1187. 1230, 1262
- — Roadside. Unsightly. 353
- Aeroplane Installation, Travelling (illus.), 128
- Aeroplanes, Signalling from, by H. E. Shaw, 484
- Aeroplaning and Motor Touring Compared, 257
- Africa, 16 h.p. Brasier Car in (illus.), 861
- Aftermath of the Grand Prix, 11
- A.G.F. (letter), 1262
- Agricultural Hall Show Abandoned, 204
- A.H.B. (letter). 940
- Air-propelled Car, Correspondence re, 540. 585. 629, 675
- — Criticisms and Comments, by W.G.A., 305
- — Reply to W.G.A.’s Criticisms, by Granville E. Bradshaw, 443
- — Cars, 216, 305, 401. 443. 493. 943. 1052
- Aix-les-Bains, Speed Regulations at, 225
- Ake-Ake (letter), 633. 724
- Alarm. Novel, by E. J. Hardy and Co., 579
- Albion 15 h.p. Car (illus.). 842
- — Landaulet (illus.). 442. 497
- — Motor Car Co., Patent by, Leaf Spring Improvement, 268
- A.L.B.M.E. (letter), 266
- Albrecht, A. (letters). 542. 779
- Alcohol as a Fuel, 102
- Aldous, George F (letter). 725
- Alewbury, D. (letter) 87
- Alexander, W. A. (letter). 940
- — Motor-propelled Cooker in Manoeuvres, by, 696
- Alford and Alder Body on Daimler Chassis (illus.) 22
- — Cabriolet on Peugeot Chassis (illus.), 1145
- Alklum Lightweight Accumulator, 912
- Alldays Car, 16-20 h.p. Car (Blue.). 102
- — 30 35 h.p. Car (ilJus.), 518
- — Midget Car (illns.). 1081
- Allen-Liversidge Portable Acetylene Co. (letter), 722
- Almagam, Ltd. (letters), 942. 1143
- Alpine Content, Austrian, Report of, 4
- AM (letter), 1183
- Amalgamation of Dunlop Tyre and Rubber Conipauieft, 297
- Amateur (letter), 779
- — Pohee Trnim. 507. 531, 657
- America. Advice from, 17?
- Anderson, C. E. (letter). 1184
- Andrews. W. L. (letter). 1184 Angove, E. S. (letter). 85
- Annual Banquet, S.M.M.T., 1041
- A Nod is as good as a. Wink (letter). 1259
- Anti-swank (letter), 1260
- Anxious Owner (letter), 1261
- AP 77 (letter). 88
- Appeal to Quarter Sessions, London County Council, 129
- Araitchess (letter). 359
- Argyll Cars for 1913, 657
- — Diagonal Braking System, 454
- — 25-50 h.p. Car (illus.), 6
- — 12 h.p. Clutch, 410
- — 15-20 h.p. Sleeve Valve Car, Description of, 906
- — 15-30 h.p. Sleeve Valve Record on Brooklands, 120
- — 25 h.p. with Landaulet Body (illus.), 388
- — Sleeve Engine, 857
- — with Saloon Omnibus Body for Bombay (illus.), 892
- Argylls, Ltd. (letter). 725
- Ariel 8 h.p. Runabout (illus.), 1288
- Aristo (letter), 404
- Armstrong, A. W. (letter), ,848
- Armstrong-Whitworth 17 h.p. Car, Description of, 694
- — 15-20 h.p. Car for Admiralty Service (illus.), 181
- Army Manoeuvres at Royston (illus.), 491
- Arrol-Johnston and Calthorpe Cars in Grand Prix. 57
- — 11.9 h.p. Car, 409, 857, 955
- — Records in Class B, by, 757
- — Improvements, 780
- A.S. (letter). 1230
- Ascent of Stoup Brow by Stoewer Car, 1106
- Ascot Race Traffic, 251, 336
- Ashford-by-Trenchard. Mohun (letter), 175
- Ashworth, Alex. O (letter). 1305
- Aster 30 h.p. Six-cyl. Engine (illus.), 1088
- Astley, J. II. D.. at Brooklands (illus.). 592
- Atchley, E. H. (letter), 405
- August Meeting. Brooklands, 107, 247, 250
- — Touring in Wales (illus.L 387
- Austin Car in Russian Trials. 41, 90, 174
- Austin 18-24 h.p. Colonial Car for South America. 28
- — Defiance Model Dashboard (illus.), 1088
- — H. (letter). 775
- — 18-24 h.p. Cabriolet lillus.), 607
- — 20 h.p. Car, 1246. 1288
- — 50 h.p. Car (illus.), 862
- -- 10 h.p. Car. 857
- — Chassis (illus.), 892
- — Marine Engine, Particulars of, 485
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letters). 37. 84. 178, 632
- Austin-Sankey Detachable Wheel, Description cf, 241
- Austin Showrooms, 642
- — W. R. letter), 1184
- Australia. Motor Car Exhibition in, 40
- — Motoring in (illus.) 1198* 1248. 1286 1314
- — Seen from a Siddeley-Deasy. Review, 1098
- Australian Government, 16-20 h.p. Wolseley for, 1314
- Austria, Motor Touring in. 1218
- Austrian Alpine Contest. Report of, 4 Tour of 1913. 1078
- Austro-Daimler 16-25 h.p. Alpine Model (illus.). 506
- — 35-60 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.). 154
- — 50-60 h.p. Car for Queen of Bulgaria {illus.). 90
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 705
- — 16-25 h.p. Car (illus.)* 921
- — 22-80 h.p. Prince Henry Car (illufi.), 41
- — 120 h.p. Six-cyl. Engine. 432
- Autocar Log Book, 63
- — Road Book, Volk III. and IV., 399
- — Vol. III., Review. 471
- Autocars of 1913. 787, 797-814, 920, 1077
- — Review. 1080
- Autoclipse Lamps, 619, 673. 779
- Auto Cycle Union Officials at Taunton (illus.). 395
- Auto Engineer (letter). 1141
- Automatic Carburetter, Patent by G. P. Gottman, 268
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, Annual General Meeting. 21
- Aviation Exhibition, 652
- Axles. Thickness of. 542
- Baby Peugeot 6 h.p. Car, Description of, 895
- — — New (illus.), 648
- Backlash in Steering Connections, 147
- “Bad Road Manner©” Case, 520. 618
- Baguley Car, 15-20 h.p. Oar (illus.), 696
- Baker, D’Arcy (letter), 1183
- — P. Lytton (letter), 38
- Balkans, Motoring in the. 692
- Ballater-Braemar Road, 38
- Barcelona, Exhibition at, 225. 945
- Barham. G. Basil (letter), 356 .
- Barimar Car, 8 h.p. Light Car, Description of, 1295
- Barrow, Police Activity at, 27
- Barry’s Nut-locking Device, 856 ,
- Bartholomew’s New Reduced Survey Maps, Review, 590
- Bartlett, Albert Hotter), 124
- Bartloct, H. W. (letter). 264
- Barton, J. Kingston (letter). 1091
- — P F. (letter), 1140
- Bateman and Son, Ltd. (letter), 1185
- — H. (letter), 402
- [[Beacon Engineering Co]. (letter), 943
- Beaumaris and Motor Care, 496, 540
- Beavis, E. J. (letter), 540
- Be British (letter), 541
- Bedford (letter), 587
- Bedford Car in Russian Trials, 436
- — Chassis with Body by Bristol Wagon and Carriage Co. (illus.). 462
- — 18-22 h.p. Oar, Description of, 903
- — 15-18 h.p. Car (illus.), 726
- — 28-32 h.p. Car with Prince Henry Body (illus.), 158
- Beggar’s Roost Hill. Gradient and Plan, 311
- Beginner, Notes for, by Eric W. Walford, 256. 344. 386. 780a, 1125, 1225, 1297
- Beldam Tyres, 611
- Belgium and its Roads, by Owen Belgian Motor Exhibition, 1236
- — R.A.O. Race, 83, 166
- — Shock Absorber Competition, Bellaire, J. M. (letter), 1095
- Bell, E. (letter), 540
- — J. Dalrymple, Self-starters, bv ....
- Belsize Car, 10-12 h.p. Car, 637. 681, 781
- — 14-16 h.p. 1911 Car, 409
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Description of, 901, 902
- Benett-Stanford, J. M. (letter). 356
- Bennett. F. S., Electric Starting and Lighting System, by, 708
- Ltd. (letter). 1046
- Bentall Car, 24 h.p. Car, 409
- Benz Cabriolet (illus.). 1136
- — 1907 Eight-litre Racer in Retirement, by Fred T. Jane, 1131
- — 12-20 h.p. Car. 1190. 1277 (illufi.), 471
- — 15-20 h.p. Car in Norfolk Floods (illufi.), 451
- Benz-SOhne 16-20 h.p. Cai, Experiences with. 645
- Benzene (letter), 849
- Benzoford (letter), 1260
- Benzole in Place of Petrol. 599, 601, 776, 849, 941, 961. 1095, 1230, 1260
- — 'Supply of, 961
- — Use of, Experiences Wanted, 1171
- — with Zenith Carburetter, 1277
- Berliet Car, 30-40 h.p. Car. 615
- — 20-25 h.p. Car (illus.). 1081
- Berlin A.C. Tour, 575
- Berryman, Algernon E., Notes on Materials of Motor Car Construction, by, 1299
- Bevah, Henry G- B. (letter). 1259
- Bevel Renaissance, 788
- B.G. (letters, 1306
- BH 896 (letter), 222
- — 226 (letter), 632
- B.H.W. (letter), 940
- Bianchi Car, 18 h.p. Car (illus.). 520
- — New Care. 828
- Bickford, T. (letter). 1261
- Bideford, Leniency Towards Traction Engine Driver at, 896
- Bi-fuel Carburetter, 295
- Binks. C. (letter), 494
- — de Luxe Carburetter, Description of, 1139
- Blades, Alfred F. (letter). 857
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Leaves from a Sportsman’s Notebook, by. 1201, 1298
- — Life in a Yorkshire Village, by. Review, 291
- Blazing the Trail to Sunset, by Francis Miltoun. 112
- Blenheim Palace, Guests* Cars at (illus.), 190
- Bliss, R. Lee (letter). 586
- Body Building, All Steel, 725
- — B.S.A. New System, 646
- — System, Lanchester. 574 ‘
- — Design and Construction, 83, 104, 389. 428. 618, 696, 1075
- — at Olympia, Notes on 1158
- — at Paris Salon (illus.). 1210
- — for India, 402
- — Pannier. 618, 620. 673
- — Three-seated, Patent by F. J. Morgan, 1216
- — Touring, Reasonable Comfort Necessary, 415
- Bolton, B. E. (letter), 776
- Booth. Alfred, (letter). 777
- Bosch, R., Dual Ignition Distributer, Patent bv.
- Patent by New Magneto Contact
- Boult Springless Resilient Wheel, 105
- — W. S. (letter), 176
- Bournemouth as Touring Centre, 229
- Box. Norman E. (letter). 677
- Bradford A.O., 270 , ,
- Bradshaw, Granville E., Air-propelled
- Car (letter), 1046
- — 11 h.p. Car, Description of. 302
- — 16 h.p. Cur in Africa (HIUH.). 361
- Branston, O. A. (letters). 37. 125, 2®4
- Brasier, H. O.. Patent by. Combined Sleeve and Piston Valve Engine. 1216
- Brazil as a Motor Market. 865
- — Motor Vehicles in, 1145
- — Cars anti Foreign Competitions, 37, 122
- B.R.B.
- Brenna Cars
- — 12-20 h.p.
- Brewer, Thomas
- Bricks
- Bridge, Cottishall
- Bridges, dangerous
- Bristol and Gloucestershire and Somerset A.C.
- Britisher (letter], 1187
- British Motor Trade Methods, 1307
- — Rock Climbing, The Car as Adjunct to, by George D. Abraham. 236
- Briton Cars, 828
- Broadway Hill on Top Speed, 35, 86, 266
- Brodribb (letter), 1230
- Brolt Lighting Equipment, 588, 630
- — Ltd. (letter), 589
- Brooker, J. W. G. (letter). 449
- Brooklands A.R.C., 91. 137. 226, 408, 592
- — August Meeting. 107, 307
- — Bank Holiday Meeting, Report of, 247, 250
- — July Meeting. 66. 127
- — Motor Cycling Club at, 66 Speeds at, 1183. 1228
- — R.A.C- and Associated Club’s Gala Day, 173, 192
- — Horse-power Testa at, 580 Inter-club Meeting at. 23
- — September Meeting, 602, 609
- — Sleeve Valve Record, Argyll Car, 120
- — The Value of, 220. 263
- - Touring Oars on, 146
- — Track, Surface of, 673. 1263
- — Trials, Wimperis Accelerometer, 591
- — Twelve Hours’ Record, 15.9 h.p. Star Car. 423
- Brooks Spare Wheel Case. 657
- Brown Brothers. Imp Petrol Blow Torch, 68
- — Ltd. (letters), 630, 779
- — Springier (jut-out, 304
- — Bruce, and His Mechanic .“Tony” (illus.). 678
- — Hughes and Strachan Body on Aberdonia Chassis /illus.), 1135
- Browne, T. B , Presidential Address, Progress of Automobilism, 659
- Bryant, J. (letter), 405
- B.S.A. Car, Run on., 152
- — Care, Speedometer Drive for, 1079
- — New System of Body Building, 646
- BT 666 (letter), 35
- Buchet Car, 12-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 205
- Buckingham, Ltd., Two-seated Body by (illus.), 861
- Buckinghamshire Architectural and Archaeological Society (ilhw.), 269
- Bulgaria, King of (illus.). 1064
- Burch. A. W. (letter). 357. 633
- Burkill. C. R. (letter). 1187
- Burners, Attention to, 569
- Burnie, Donald (letter). 675
- Bursledon Bridge, Toll Dispute at, 74
- Bumness (letter). 1262
- Butler, J. A. (letter), 1227
- Buyers’ Guide, 797-814. 920. 1077
- Buying One’s First Car. 1050
- Byrde, Henry (letter), 358 .
- C 49412 (letter), 543
- Cabriolet Bodies, 857. 956
- Cadillac 1912 Car for India (illus.), 103
- — Cars, Three. Royal A.C. Test of, 160
- — Car for Children, 1206. 1244, 1302
- — Electric Outfit, R.A.C. Trial of, 544, 570, 679, 780b, 1051
- — Engine Starting Device, R.A.C. Trial, 278
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 25, 764
- — Self-starting Car, 637. 727
- — Self-starter in Use, 347
- Caerphilly and Porthcawl, Results of Hill-climb and Speed Trials 167
- California, Reckless Motoring in, 41
- Calthorpe Car, 15.9 h.p. Grand Prix Touring Car (illus.). 1090
- — Colonial Model Care (illus.). 1284
- — 15 h.p. in New Zealand (illus.), 305
- — Grand Prix Car (illus.). 1247
- Calvert-Harrison, J. A. (letter), 22
- Campbell, John. Simple Spare Wheel Clamp, 896
- Canada, Automobiles Produced in, 1145
- — Duke of Connaught in (illus.), 135
- — Motor Racing in (illns.). 260
- Canadian Automobile Show, Montreal, 1098
- — Criticisms, 1049
- Cantab (letter). 84
- Cape Town, Fete at. Decorated Care (illus.), 1250
- Capital Screen and Hood Co. (letter), 632
- Captain Boycott (letter), 178
- — (letters). 725, 849
- — R.N. (letter), 632
- Caravanning Up-to-date, 14 h.p. Star Chassis (illus.), 845
- — Motor, Halley 16-24 h.p. (illus.), 1249
- Carbide of Calcium, Storage of, 1300 Carbon Removal, 222
- Carburetter, Automatic, Patent by G. P. Gottmann, 268
- — Bi-Fuel 295
- — Binks de Luxe, Description of, 1139
- — for 15-20 h.p. 1908 F.I A T., 682
- — Flanders Car 43. 138
- — 12 20 h.p, Humber, 681
- — 15 20 h.p, Panhard, 965
- — 45 h p. Six-cyl. Napier, 43, 93, 184, 223, 271
- — 15,9 bp Vulcan, 317
- — 12-16 h.p. Wok.pjev. 647, 693, 637
- — Holley, Description, 379
- — Mercedes
- Carburetter, Morgan-Wilkes
- — Paraffin
- — Patent by B. T. Hamilton
- — Simple Patent by J. M. Dayton
- Cardiff City Council
- Carlee Motor Spirit
- Carnarvon, Gifts of Land
- Carre, E. W.
- Carriage Work at Olympia
- Carrying Second Spare Wheel
- Car to Run without Attention
- Castor Oil as Lubricant
- Catalogues and Booklets
- Cattle on Highway
- C.A.V.
- Celluloid
- Ceylon
- Chain Adjusting Device
- Chain Driven Gear Box
- Challenge Rubber Mills
- Charlton' (letter), 1091
- Charron 22 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 350
- — with Landaulet Body (illus.), 1087
- Chassis and Motor Carriages at Olympia Show, 971-1019
- — Test Load (illus.), 315
- Chatterton, Percy B. (letter). 540
- Chauffeur G.L.W. (letter). 1307
- Chauffeurs and the Insurance Act, 28, 267, 364. 523
- Chauffeur’s Duties, 87. 266
- Cheetham, Alfred S. (letter). 88
- Chemical Engineer (letter). 401
- Chenard-Walcker Cars for 1913, Description of, 762
- — 12-18 h.p., Sparking Plugs on (illus.), 1138
- Cheshire Police and Motorists, 333
- — Traps in, 854
- Cheswold Car by Jackson and Sons (illus.), 376
- Chicago, Motor Vehicle Court in, 315
- Children and Motor Cars—Dangerous Practices. 462
- Chinn, A. E_. (letter). 1305
- Christie-Murray and Co., D. (letters), 1049, 1187
- — S.P. (letter), 176
- Circuit du Mans, 269. 295. 479
- — Winners of (illus.). 529
- Clair Silencer for Car Engines, 231
- Clark, Ernest, Purification of Acetylene, by. 1155
- Class Records at Brooklands. 250
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter on F.I.A.T. Car, 227
- Clayton, C. D. (letters). 403. 494
- Clean Counties, Motorists’ Licences and, 777. 1074, 1143, 1262, 1283
- Clement 12-14 h.p. Car, 835
- — Description of, 899
- Clement-Talbot 15 h.p. Car, Accident to, 690. 778
- C. (letter), 675
- Clifford. Frank (letter), 448
- Climber (letter), 542
- Climbing Exeter High Street Hill, 88
- Closed Car Construction, Patent by J. M. Strachan. 354
- Clothing, Suitable for all Conditions, by Physician, 1285
- Club Doings. 42, 91. 137. 182. 226. 270, 316. 361, 408, 453. 499, 546. 592, 636, 680
- Cluttaham, H. A. (letter), 1184
- Coachbuilders’ Display at . Olympia Show, 1020-1025
- Coachbuilding, Luxurious, 430
- Coaches (letter), 674 .
- Coalport China, 35
- Coatalen, L. (letters), 84. 223. 676
- — Louis, Stroke-bore Ratio for Three-litre Engine, by. 1166
- Cody’s Aero Engine, 432
- Coleman. F. M. (letter). 848
- — Frederic, Tale of the Russian Army Trials, by, 1115, 1178. 1232, 1251, 1291
- Collingwood, F. W. (letter), 314
- Collision. Motor Car, at Cobham, 1146
- Colonial Cars, 87, 88. 266
- — Model Calthorpe Cars (illus.). 1284
- — Napier, Trial on Downland Track, 115
- — Visitors’ Oars, 1095
- Coltishall Bridge, Ruins of (illus.), 484
- Colquhoun, R. D. (letter). 356
- Coming Shows, 673
- Commercial Traveller’s Car, 403, 1187
- Comparative Costs, Railways and Motor Cars, 553
- Complaint, A. 264
- Completely Puzzled (letter). 543
- Complete Hints and Tips, Review, 1108
- Compression. Retaining, 265
- Concrete, Waterproof. 451
- Condick All-weather Body. 1075
- Consistency (letter). 224
- Constable’s Speed Judging Powers, Test of, 372
- Constantini, O., Patent by, Flywheel Water Circulating System, 39
- Content (letter), 1306
- Continental Caoutchouc and Guttapercha Co, Patent by, Inner Tube Improvement, 852
- — Touring, Warning to Motorists Visiting Italy, 1198
- Cooke, M. Adeline. In the Heart of Teesdale, by. 783. 859
- Cooker, Motor-propelled. in Manoeuvres, by W. A. Alexander, 696
- Cook. Humphrey W. (letter). 778
- Cooper, T. B. (letter). 359. 542
- Copper Pipe Work, 371. 601
- Corner, A, in Motor Spirit, by James Macfarlane. 1269
- Corners, Dangerous, and High Hedges, 643
- Correspondence, 34, 84. 122. 175, 220, 262, 309, 355. 400. 446. 492. 539 585. 629, 673, 721. 775. 846. 939. 1046. 1091. 1140. 1182. 1227, 1257. 1303
- — Columns, Comments on. 1221
- Costa Rica, Admission of Motor Cars, 151
- Coat. Relative, of Motor and Horsed Vehicles, 176
- Cottage, Captivating, 380
- Cottin-Deagouttes 16-20 h.p. Prince Henry Car (illus.), 571
- County Councils and Roads. 370
- Coupe de l’Auto, Gregoire Cars in, 77
- — Next Year's, 388
- Court. S. h (letters), 125. 1259
- Coventry, A Mixture of Ancient and Modern, by H.W.. 957
- Coventry Motor Bodies, Ltd., Double-purpose Body (illus.), 1320
- — Phaeton, Daimler Car with (illus.). 735
- Cowes Week, Motor Boat Delivering Shell Spirit (illus.). 305
- Cox, Dr. Spencer, Old Machines Belonging to (illus.). 600
- Crawshay, De B. (letters). 175. 1230, 1257
- Crescent Runabout- 'illus.). 1063
- Croall and Croall Coachwork (illus-), 235
- Crossley Car, Gear Box Shafts from (illus.), 708
- — Cars for 1913, 707
- — Gas-producing Plant. Direct Fuel Feed, 1133
- — 15 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 61. 301
- — 20 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 690
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.). 376
- — 20 h.p. Chassis with Limousine Body (lllus.J, 90
- — Saloon Eody (illug.). 92
- — 15 h.p. with Shooting Waggonette Body (illus.), 627
- — Motors, Ltd. (letters). 124. 220 .
- — Starting and Lighting System, Descnption^oL Cross-country Railway — Travelling, Boredom of, 7 62
- Cross Roads. Audible Warning at, 484
- — Dangerous, 630
- — Protection at, 539
- — Signals at, 722. 846. 940
- — WUL (letter), 313
- Crouch 8 h.p. Carette (illus.). 827. 1220
- Croydon Central Motor Co.. Ltd. (letter), 1185
- - Proposed New Road Round. 564
- C. S. (letter). 125
- Cumberland, Speed of Motor Cars in, 289
- Cummings, Sydney G. (letter). 492
- Cureton, Thomas (letter), 448
- Cuthbertson. E. B. (letter). 495
- Cut-out Regulations, 939, 1093. 1123
- Cycle Car, 10 h.p. Singer, on Car Lines, Description of. 396
- — Rolls, Description of, 64
- — The, 540, 721
- — What is a, 687
- — Cars in the Highlands, 438
- Cycle-runabout. Limitations of the, 1174
- — Design of, 1182, 1259
- — The, 1095, 1230 1306
- Cyclists and Motorists. Wholesale Trapping Campaign, 507. 531. 657
- — Rear Lights for, 475
- Cylinder Oils for Steam Cars. 1148
- — Repair by Magnoid Co. (illus.), 679
- Cylinders, En Bloc v. Separate, 88
- Czar of Russia in Delaunay-Belleville Car (illu8.’;. 553
- De Costa
- Daily Express
- Daily Paper Criticisms
- Daimler
- — Car after Accident
- — Handbook
- — 20 h.p. Cabriolet, 409
- — 25 h.p. Car, 727, 1053
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.). 606
- — 58 h.p. Shooting Brake for the King (illus.). 375
- — 30 h.p. Six-cyl, Car (illus-), 289
- — 15 h.p. Switch. 555
- — 20 h.p. with Cabriolet Body (illus.), 839
- — 57 h.p. with Limousine Body by Hooper and Co. (illus.), 1145
- — (letter). 586
- — New Models, Description of. 709
- - Special Six-cyl. Car. 914
- — Sleeve Valve Engine Test, Paper by Prof. W. Watson, 931. 1082
- Dallison, G. J. (letter). 359
- Damage to Important Irish Highway. 589
- Dangerous Bridges of South-west Lancashire, 608
- — Corners and High Hedges. 643
- — Cross Roads, 630 Farnborough Hill. 86
- — Practices, Children and Motor Cars, 462
- — Tram Lines, 122. 224. 312. 449
- Dangers of the Streets, 585
- Danger Spot near Fishguard (illus.), 1146
- — Pembrokeshire (illus.). 1221
- Darracq 59.6 h.p. Car, Malcolm Campbell’s (illus.). 482
- — 20 h.p. Rotary Valve Car. 637
- — 15.9 h.p. Valveless Model Car. 483
- Dart, H. C. (letters), 176. 359. 541, 850
- Date Wanted, 448
- David. F. M. (letter). 177
- Davies. Edward (letter), 585
- — G. Christopher Getter), 540
- Dawe. C. II. (letter), 541
- D.A.W. (letter), 312
- Dawson, E. M. (letter), 356
- Dayton, J. M., Patent by.
- D.B. (letter), 543
- D.C.P. (lotter), 778
- Deaf Cyclists, Safety Dises Deane, Henry (letter). 542
- Decarbonising Cylinder and ’ pcx'vptiw lught. Police Case at Luton, 170 Decompressor, Endriek. 398
- Decupli Power Augmenting Attachment, 1211
- De Dion Cars for 1913. GQ8
- — Eight-cyl. Cur, Impressions of Short Run, 246
- — 18 h.p. Car (illna.), 257, 622
- — 10 h.p. 1913 OUT. 528
- — 12 h.p. Oar, Mr. Andrew Soutar’s (illus.), 154
- — 14 h.p. Car with Body by Farr and Son lillus.), 370
- — 12 h.p. Chassis fillufi.). 628
- — Climbing Cudham Hill (illus.), 30
- — Engine and Chassis (illus.), 566. 567
- — 7 h.p. Two-seater (illus.). 172
- — 18 h.p. with Limousine Body (illus.), 79
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.). 1287
- — Quad, Mr. Chas. Newbury’s (illus.), 780b
- Definition Wanted, 446. 492
- Defries. D. C- (lettei), 38
- Deis, Oliver U. (letter). 357
- Delage Car (illus.), 842
- Delahaye 9-11 h.p. C!ax (illus-), 1220
- — 12-16 h.p. Car, 855
- — with Body by London Improved Motor Coachbuilders. Ltd. (illus.). 1222
- Delaunay-Belleville Back Axle (illus.), 1060
- — Car, Czar of Russia in (illus.), 558
- — 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 334
- — 37 h.p. Car (illus.). 324
- — 17 h.p. Car, Description of, 711
- — Radiator (illus.), 1137
- Demagnetisation, 509
- Denmark, Motor Cars and Motor Cycles in, 1236
- Dennis 24 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 551
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.). 79
- Derbyshire, Open Hill-climb in, 717, 824, 917
- Derihon Shock Absorber, Description of, 537
- Design and Construction, Body, 83, 104, 389, 428, 618, 696. 1075. 1093
- — Body, at Paris Show lillus.), 1210
- — Improvements in, for 1913, by Eric W. Walford, 158
- — Motor Car, Ten Years’ Progress in, 1076
- — of Cycle Runabouts, 1182. 1259 Head Lights, 1227, 1305
- — Piston Rings, 437
- Desondi (letter), 1143
- Detachable Flange Rims, 222. 313, 1282
- — Wheel, Austin-Sankey. Description of, 241
- — H.A.C. (illus.). 1288
- — N.B. 1128
- — Patents, Pugh v, Riley Co., 1171
- — Wheels, Rudge-Whitworth, 609
- — v. Detachable Flanges, 126, 222, 313
- Devon and Cornwall A.C.. 270
- Devonshire Roads, 35. 88. 106, 359
- Dewax Trophy. 1302
- D.F.P. Car, 12-15 h.p. Car, Description of, 650
- — 16-22 h.p. Car (illus.). 669
- Test Run of, 1224
- Diesel Engine for Motor Cars, 400
- Dingwall, C. F. (letters), 355. 631
- Direct Fuel Feed, 1184
- Crossley Gas-producing Plant, 1133
- Directory, Motor Trade. Review, 590
- Disappointed (letter), 1092
- Disco Acetylene Starter, Patent by J. W. Fitzgerald, 354
- Disease, Motoring and, 496
- Disgusted (letters). 1046. 1143
- Diva Head Light Co. (letters), 540, 940, 941, 1140. 1184, 1305
- — Equipment on Crossley Car (illus.), 1087
- — Particulars of. 571
- Dixie Land, Down South in. by Francis Miltoun, 486
- Doctor's Car, Design of Coachwork for (illus.), 698
- — Claims for Petrol Rebates, 100
- — Coup6, 12 h.p. Rover Car, 83
- Doctor of Medicine (letter). 632
- Dodson Car, Dodson 20-30 h.p. All-British Car (illus.), 77
- — Valveless and Sava Cars, 904
- Dog, Damages Tor Loss of. 360
- Doncaster, The King’s Car at (illus.), 81
- Dorchester, Roman Amphitheatre at, 473 Double Purpose Cars, 637
- — View Rear Curtain, 598. 632
- Down South in Dixie Land, by Francis Miltoun, 486
- Downland Track. On, R.A.C. Trial of Colonial Napier, 115, 267
- Drake. H. (letter), 540
- Driver C 4532 (letter), 264
- Drivers, Motor, and National Insurance, 28, 267, 364, 523
- Driving, Careless, 145
- — Inconsiderate, 88, 122. 180. 403, 432
- — Licences, Examinations for. 664
- — Past Places of Worship. 478
- — The Finer Points of. by Page, 235, 279
- Dry Skid, Result of (illus j. 1189
- DU 2028 (letter), 494
- Dual Ignition Distributer. Patent by R. Bosch, 268
- Dublin, Traffic Control in. 128
- Duckham, A. (letters), 585, 589
- Duco Cleaning Brush, 898
- — Jack, 1301
- Duerr, E. (letter), 266 . „ . ,
- Duke of Connaught on White Car in Canada (illus.), 135
- Devonshire, Private Omnibus for (illus.).
- Dumas, R. (letter). 1258 a ,
- Duncan, H. O . Fuel Situation in France and England Compared, by, 668
- — J. L. (letter). 403
- Dunham, Geo. W. (letter), 1303
- Dunhill, A . Ltd., Four-note Testophone, by. 579
- Dunlop, J. B. (letters). 123, 124, 400 •
- — Tyre and Rubber Companies, Amalgamation cd, 297
- Durax tfyatorn of Road Making (illuH.), 9
- Dust. DUappctTUnce of, 940
- — Nubuinrft, Cardiff City Council and, 40
- Duval Spring Plates, 930
- Earl Grey at Cape Town (illus.), 225
- Early Daye, Motoring1 in .illua.), 1311
- East Anglia, and East Midlands, Autocar Road Book, 471
- — as Touring Ground, 199
- — Anglia’s Misfortune, 416. 540
- — Anglia, Touring in, Building at Wingfield, Suffolk, 280
- Eastbourne Bench and a Taxi Driver, 65
- Ebrall Carburetter Attachment, 1079
- Echo Electric Horn, 10
- Edge. S. F. (letters). 37, 588. 629, 775, 776, 779, 1141, 1142. 1228, 1229, 1230
- — Presentation to. 1122
- — Retirement of. 818
- Edwards, Lawrence W (letter), 264
- EL. (letter), 1229
- Elector (letter), 177
- Electric Oar-lighting Analogy, 78
- Electricity, Starting by, Cadillac Self-starter, 347
- Electric Footwarmer, Home-made, 1245
- — Lighting. 727, 1054
- — Sets, Tests of, 1124, 1315
- — Starting and Lighting System, by F. S. Bennett, 708
- — System, Autocar Head Lights, by D. H. Ogley, 1168
- Elephant’s Ride in Car. 108
- Elusive Knock, 183, 227. 271
- — Noise, 594
- En Bloc v. Separate Cylinders, 88
- Enderby, H. (letter), 496
- Endrick Decompressor, 398
- End'-to-End and Back 2,000 Miles Tour, by W.G.A.. 464
- — Run by Four-cyl. Car, 568
- Engine and Transmission, Cycle Car, 687
- — Combined Sieve and Piston Valve, Patent by H. C. Brasier, • 1216
- — Diesel, for Motor Cars, 400
- — Gas, Consuming Coal Direct, 434
- — 12 h.p. De Dion (illus.). 566, 567
- — 12-14h.p. Foy Steele, 1217
- — Fischer. 1165. 1290
- — 24-30 h.p. Pipe .illus.). 696
- — 120 h-p. Six-cyl. Austro-Daimler, 432
- — 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam (illus.). 563
- — Keeping Clean and Dry. by Eric W. Walford. 865
- — Clean and Dry, 1093. 1142
- — Lubrication, 114h
- — Marine. Austin, Particulars1 of, 485
- — Maudslay 1913 (illus.), 923
- — New Type-, for Motor Cars. 446
- — Oscillating-valve, Experimental, 1130
- — Rotary. Patent by W. E. Pearson, 572
- — Six-cyl., Sunbeam Car (illus.), 521
- — Starter, Ever-ready, 455 Sunbeam, 821
- — Starting Systems. Lighting and, 734
- — Test, Daimler Sleeve Valve, Paper by Prof. W. Watson, 931, 1082
- — Two-stroke. 2
- — Tyre Pumps, 616
- Engines at Paris Salon, 1212
- — Long and Short Stroke, 863. 1091. 1140, 1183, 1227, 1258
- — Stroke, 682
- — Not Liable to Carbonise, 858
- — So-called Short and Long Stroke, 863, 1091. 1140
- Engineer (letter), 401
- English or British, 941
- Enthusiastic Motorist (letter). 939
- Enquirer (letters), 1143, 1307
- Ernest, F. Gustav (letter). 724
- Essex County A.C., 42. 137
- — Curiously Clipped Trees in (illus.), 665
- — M.O., 182. 316, 361. 453, 313
- Ethyl (letters), 358. 449
- Evans, W. Ernest (letter). 722
- Ever-ready Engine Starter, 455
- Every Man as Own Road Guide, The Autocar Road Book, 471
- Evolution. Motor Car, Reveries on, by M. C. Faroux, 1226
- E.V.S. (letter), 88
- Examinations for Motor Driving Licences, 664
- Excelsior Car, 14-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 716
- Exeter to Two Bridges. 409
- Exhaust Box, Vacuum, Roots, 254
- Exhausts, Smoky.- 126
- Exmoor, By John LI. Warden Page, 595. 639. 683, 729
- Exmouth (letters), 1048. 1185
- Experiments with Cheap Petrol, 37. 84. 125. 221. 265, 312
- Expert Adviser and Middleman, 1134
- Explosions, Acetylene Generator, by M. J. Robb. „ , 614
- Extra Air, Hand-operated, 1190
- Eyesores, 1046, 1230
- F291 (letter), 87
- Facility Rims, 508. 781
- Fair. Mary C., New Roads for Old, by, 1067
- — Play (letters), 495, 724. 1048, 1185
- — Trading, 543, 676. 1095
- Famous Cars in Retirement. 29, 84. 125, 530 m 1131, 1230, 1260
- Faraday House Test of 8-10 h.p. Phoenix Transmission. 327
- Farnborough Hill. Dangerous Cross Roads, 86
- — (Kent) Hill Accident, 175
- — Speed Limit. Proposed. 532
- Farnsworth, A. W. (letter), 1306
- Faroux, M. C., Reveries on Motor Car Evolution by. 1226
- Featherby. H. G., Three-wheeler Built by 328
- Feeney. Frank (letter). 941
- Fein. E.. Patent by. New Magneto, 572
- Feng (letter). 1229
- Ferguson. Harry (letters), 357
- Ferry Motor, ut Ballachulish (illus.), 426
- — Tilbury and Gravesend. 40
- F.G.S. (letter', 492
- F16H (letter), 847
- Flange (letter), 126
- Flat Drills, Grinding of. 3
- Fletcher, Henry Marshall (letter), 722
- Floods at Norwich, 586 , t ’
- Flywheel Water Circulating System, Patent by O: Constantini, 39
- Fog. Car Lighting in. 820 940, 1047
- — Driving in. Aids to, 780b
- Folkestone and its Neighbourhood, by Oscar Frichet, 44
- — to Boulogne, Car Transport, 1129
- Foolproof Control, 569
- Foot Throttle Improvement, 101
- Ford Car, Springing of, 1053
- — Cars, Specialities for, 240
- — Stewart Carburetter for, 866
- — Dangerous, 38
- — 20 h.p. Model T Chassis with Oakley Limousine (illu6.), 261
- — with Body by Cundell and Dungey (illus.), 578
- — Ignition. 781, 857, 955
- — Lubrication System and Clutch, 1146
- — Tom (letter), 222
- Fords, 630
- Foreign Competitions, British Cars and, 37, 122
- — Touring, 1296
- Forster, L. A. (letter), 1182
- Forward Steatight Sparking Plug, 1282
- Founder Member of R.A.C'. (letter), 1261
- — Members’ Dinner of R.A.C., 1167
- Four Generations of Motorists (illus.), 315
- Foy-Steele Engine, 12-14 h.p., 1217 '
- Frame, Motor Car, Patent by H. J. Harding, 572
- France, Highways of. Stray Cattle on, 336
- — Motor Car Exhibitions in. 1052
- — Three-litre Race in. Next Year’s, 954
- — Traffic Rule in, 679
- — Trip to, 1306
- Francis. A. (letter), 310
- — the Foundling (letter).’ 1304
- Frankonia Mudguards. 617
- Franks, Charles (letter), 492
- Free Delivery, 224
- Freeston, C. L.. Passes of the Pyrenees, by. Review, 290
- French Aeronautical Corps’ Travelling Workshop (illus.), 374
- — Cars for Grand Prix at Brooklands, 1045
- — Frontier, Barriers at, 344
- — 1913 Grand Prix Race. 944. 1051
- — Lessons for Drivers. R.A.C.. 649, 954
- — Motor Car. Export Trade, 924
- — Motor Show, General Notes and Criticism of Exhibits. 1203 to 1215
- — Statistics. 1302
- Frichet. Oscar, Folkestone and its Neighbourhood, by, 44
- Friswells. Ltd. (letter), 541
- Frost and Snow, Motoring in. 1225
- Fuel, Benzole as, for Motor Oars, 59,9, 601/ . 776, 849, 941
- — Cheap, Experiments with. 37, 84. 125, 221. 265. 312, 400
- — Consumption in Long Distance Trials, 725. 776
- — Feed of Lanchester Car, 363
- — Home-made, 1260
- — Home-made, Gasworks and. 599, 601, 629 671, 941
- — 2.000 Guineas Prize for, 1171. 1195
- — Home-produced. Encouraging, 961
- — Situation in France and England Compared. 668
- — Liquid, Production of. 1263
- — Motor, Supply and Prices. 211
- — Paraffin as, 447, 476. 493. 541, 588, 675
- — by A. W. Reeves. 375
- — Problem, 1041. 1184
- — Test Race. 314. 343. 357. 400
- Fuels other than Petrol, 653. 721
- Future. Touring in the, 257
- F.A.H. (letter), 86
- Gaillon Hill-climb, Report of. 661
- Gamage Petrol Can Holder. 202
- G.A.K. (letter), 722
- Garage (letter). 314
- — Heating. 1121
- — Proprietors’ Liability, 316
- — Yarns, 1308
- Garages, Openings for. 314
- Gas Engine Consuming Coal Direct. 434
- Gasworks and Home-made Fuel, 599, 601, 629. 671. 941
- Gautier Metallio Fabric Tyre. R.A.C. Trial. 856
- — Tyre, R.A.C. Trial of. 460
- G.O.T. (letters). 675 779
- Gear Box (letters). 312. 359
- Shafts from Oroaslev Car (iltus). 708
- — Changing on 8 h.p. Renault 271
- Gearing Lubrication. Patent by Wolseley Oo and A. T. Rowlodge, 572
- Gedge, Reginald E. L. (letter), 265
- Gemp, Cecil (letter) 177
- General Booth on 20 h.p. Darracq Car (illus.), 373
- — Survey of Olympia, 867 to 890
- Gourde, William (letters). 677 776, 942
- Germain Car, 20 h.p. Car, Deturiptiou of, 612
- German Automobile Road. Project for, 1078
- — Customs Officials an Debt Collectors, 938
- — Emperor at Mancenvm (Ulus.), 531, 565
- — Lady Aviator (illus.), 545
- — Military Manoeuvres. Mot-one at, 532, 565
- Germany. Motor Car Imports .in, 1236
- — Petrol Question in. Prince Henry of Prussia’s Api>t\il. 254
- Gilchrist, R. Murray. An Unconventional Tour, by. 501
- Gildea, Major G. A.. Our Scottish Tour, by, 273, 319, 365
- Gladiator Car, 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 524
- Glamorganshire G.C. Byelaws and Rear Red Lights, 1099. 1153. 1186
- Glaring Head Lights and Noisv Horns, 1184
- Glidden Tour. America, Course for, 486
- Glissade Shock Absorbers, T. Bennett, Ltd., 579
- Globe, 8 h.p. Runabout, 796
- Godalming Traders’ Gratitude to R.A.C., 108
- Godfrey, O. O. (letter), 725
- Goldstone, M. H. (letter). 1047
- Goodrich Tyres, Lecture at Croydon, 1052
- Good Thing, Hotel at St. Olaves, 266
- Goodyear, E. F. (letter). 126
- — Motor Wheel Co. (letter), 265
- — Wheels in the Grand Prix, 84, 176, 223, 313
- Goodwin, "Walter B. (letter), 633
- Goodwood, H.M. the King at (illus.), 210
- Gordon, George M. (letter), 312, 724
- Gottman, G. P., Patent by Automatic Carburetter, 268
- Gould, Ernest (letter), 224
- G.R. Car, 10-12 h.p. Car, 822
- Graham, Olivia (letter), 674
- Grand Prize of America, 662
- — Prix, Aftermath of. 11
- — and Coupe de l’Auto Races, 37
- — Arrol-Johnston and Calthorpe Cars in, 57
- — — de France, 1913. Regulations for, 352
- — Flashes, 20
- — Goodyear Wheels in. 84. 176, 223, 313
- — Light Car. of 1913, 388
- — R.A.C. Banquet to Commemorate Sunbeam Success, 116
- — Race, Amateur Motorist’s Impressions, 56
- — for 1913. French. 944. 1051. 1263
- — Sunbeam Cars at Brooklands (illus.), 107
- Granite Roads, 540
- Grant-Dalton, M- (letter). 403
- — E. J. Robertson (letters), 87, 268
- — W. A. (letter), 1183 Greasers and' Owner-Drivers. 438
- Great Yarmouth, 26th August (illus.), 390
- Gregoire Cars in the Coupe de l’Auto, 77
- — with Pleasing Bodies (illus.), 253
- — 16-24 h.p. Car, Description of, 834
- — 14-16 h.p. Car (illufl.). 518
- — 16-24 h.p. with Triple Berline Body (illus.), 924
- H. (letters), 122, 1092
- H 6651 (letter), 587
- H 2061 (letter). 1141
- H.A.C. Detachable Wheel (illus.). 1289
- Hadsum, I. V. (letter). 311
- Had the Positions been Reversed, 939
- Halbard, R. S. (letter). 311
- Hall. Dennis (letter). 220
- — H. E. (letter), 675
- Hamilton, B. T., Patent by. Carburetter, 39
- Hampshire A.C-, 92
- Hand-operated Extra Air. 1190
- Hands, To Clean the. 689
- Harbinson, G. R. C. (letter), 587
- Hardie, R. B. (letter). 1049
- Harding, H. J., Patent by, Motor Car Frame, 572
- Hardy, E. J., and Co.. Novel Alarm, by, 579
- — Parsons Oil Level Alarm, 584
- Harris, F. H. (letters). 36. 1262
- Harsh Treatment of Motorists, 778, 824
- Hart. A. J. Getter), 313
- Hawkins Petrol Gauge, 242
- Hayee-Pankhurst Mfg. Co. (letter), 1093
- H.E.A. (letters), 722, 848
- Head Lights, Autocar. 1140
- — by D. H. Ogley. 1070. 1119, 1168
- — Design of, 1227. 1305
- — Subduing Glare of, 1092
- Heating Garage, 1121
- — of Tyres, 445
- — Small Motor House, 456. 727
- — Heavy Motor Spirit, 125
- Heavy Penalty on Motorist. 1063
- Hedge Trimming, Compulsory. 835
- Hedges, High, at Uroes Roads, Danger of, 225
- Helsby Motor Tyre, 460
- Henley Regatta, Cars at (illus.), 80
- Hennessy, A. T. (letter). 88
- H.E.R. (letter), 312
- Hereford, Richard H.' (letter), 448
- Herts County A.C., 42
- H.F. Accessory, Now, 559
- Hibbert. W. G. (letter), 35
- Hickman. H. R. Belcher (letter). 673
- High Hedges, Dangerous Corners and, 643
- Highland^ Cycle Cara in. 438
- — Long Week-end in, by Filia, 549
- High Price of Petrol, 37, 49, 85. 125. 178, 221, 278. 312. 356, 401. 447. 573
- — Tension Co. (letter), 847
- — v. Low Built Cars, 355
- Highway Law in Scotland. 252
- — Motorists and Cattle on. 136, 1100
- Highways, Accidents on the. 724
- — and Byeways of the West, by Wanderer, 1055, 1101, 1149, 1191. 1238. 1279, 1317
- Hill, Beggars’ Roost, Gradient and. Plan, 311
- Hill-climb, Gaillon, Report of, 661
- — Leicestershire, 418
- — Mont Ventoux, 296. 297
- — Open, in Derbyshire, 717. 824, 917
- — Pateley Bridge, Yorkshire A.O., 286. 351
- — 'Style-Kop, 264
- Hillman 25 h.p. Car (illus.). 68
- Hincks, C. Malcolm (letter). 1182
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3. 51, 101, 147, 191, 235, 279, 325, 371. 417. 463, 509, 555, 601, 644, 689. 735. 789 865, 962, 1061, 110.7. 1155. 1197, 1245, 1285
- — Useful, to Tourists. 262
- His Majesty’s Example, 407
- Hispano (letter), 1183
- Hispano-Suiza 15.9 h.p. Car, Description of, 514 (illus.), 153, 456
- — Car, 1190
- Hissing Noise, Mysterious, 184
- History, On the Road, 1247
- H.L. Combined Clutch and Brake Pedal (illus.l, 1065
- H.O. (letter), 355
- Hobson-Pognon Plug, New, 174
- Hody, E. H. (letter). 37
- Holdfast Scotch, 460
- Holley Carburetter, Description of, 379
- Holloway, A. E. Lewis (letter). 675
- — A. W. (letter), 676
- — H. W. (letters), 124. 224
- — W. C. (letter). 263
- Home Industry, Daily Paper Criticisms of, 421
- Home-made Fuel, 1260
- — Gasworks and. 599. 601. 629, 671. 941
- — — 2.000 Guineas Prize for, 1171, 1195
- Home-produced Motor Car Fuel, by H. O. Duncan, 668
- Honeycomb Radiator. Law Case, 819, 1044, 1078
- Honk Honk (letter), 1184
- Hood by Vauxhall, Ltd., 598. 632
- — Manipulation, Single-handed. 689
- Hoods. Ordinary. To Raise or Lower, Single-handed, 191, 854
- Horn Blowing, 846. 941
- — New, Patent by Soci^te Manufacturtere d’Accessories pour Cycles et Automobiles, 268
- W. E. Russell. 268
- Horns, Motor, Use of, in London, 190 ?<
- Horse Cab Drivers, Appeal for, 215
- — Disappearance of the, 429
- Horse-power Rating and Competition Formulae, 220
- — for Taxation Purposes, 507, 657
- — Recommendations of Committee, 510
- — Tests at Brooklands, R.A.O.. 580
- Horse Transport, The Last of, by Owen John, 621
- Horticulture, Curiosity of, 221
- Hotchkiss 20 h.p. Car (illus.). 431
- Hotels, A.A. and M.U. Campaign, 491, 566
- Hotel Charges. 543, 923
- Hotels Recommended, 266
- Hot Weather Wind Screens, 147
- House of Commons, Questions in. 63, 67, 90, 190. 761, 838. 854, 1098, 1301
- Howey, Motor Smash at. 690. 778
- How the Magneto Works, by Eric W. Walford 7Q0 QOR
- HS 89 (letter), 939
- Hucks, B. C., in Hupmobile Car (illus.), 1108
- Hudson, F. C. (letters), 357, 1259
- — W. K. (letter), 846 Huessener, K. (letter). 941
- Hull and District A.C.. 499
- Humber All-weather Body on 20 h.p. Chaeta (illufi.), 104
- — Cars for 1913, Description of, 817
- — 12-20 h.p., Carburetter for, 681
- — 11.3 h-p. Car, Four Days’ Trial of, 76
- - 11.9 h.p. Car (illus.). 136
- — New Engine to, 455
- Humberette Latest -Car (illus.), 653
- Humpherson, C. J., Signalling Device by. 1072
- Humphries. E., T. (letter). 1260
- Hungary and Motor Vehicles for Postal Service, 591
- — Lodge Sparking Plugs for (illus.), 94
- Hunter. Fred C. (letter). 1259
- Huntingdonshire, Police Methods in, 22, 87. 122, 251
- Hunting, The Motor Car and, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 517, 1177
- Hupmobile, 858
- Hurtu Cars. 1099
- — 14 h.p. Car, Description of, 474
- — 1913 Car (illus.). 232
- — New Model Car, 77
- H.W.B. (letter), 86
- H.W., Coventry, A Mixture of Ancient and Modern, by, 957
- Hyde, P- A. (letter). 222
- Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, Patent by Michelin et Cie., 39
- Hyslop, D. James (letter), 941
- Ideal Carriage Window Appliance, 672
- If (letter), 1183
- Ignorance in High Places, Roadside Telephones and Relief Cars, 79
- IK 684 (letter),. 358 ,
- Illuminated Speed Limit Sign at Reigate (illus.), 55
- Imperial Motor Works, Two-Seater by (illu«J, 57
- Imports, Oar. Germany 1236
- — New Zealand. 544
- — Santos, Brazil. 530
- Imp Petrol Blow Torch. 68
- Improvement, Maintenance or. 369
- Improvements in Design for 1913, by Eric W. Walford, 158
- Improving an Old Car, 644. 735
- Income Tax Abatement, Motor Care and, 436
- — Cars and, 108
- Medical Men’s Cars and. 632. 675. 722
- Reclamation Association. Ltd. (letter), 675
- Inconsiderate driving, 88, 122. 180, 403, 432
- India, Body Design for, 402
- — Motoring in (illus.). 307
- Indignant Resident (letter). 589
- Induction Pipe Jacket. Rex. 833
- — Position of, 1141
- Inflammation Caused by Driving, 222
- Influence of Low Production Cost on Quality, 654, 767
- Ingham. J. L. (letter). 541
- Inner Tube Improvement, Patent by Continental Caoutchouc and Guttapercha Co., 852 Insurance and Repairs, 1261
- Inter-club Meeting, R.A.C., at Brooklands, 23
- Interested (letter). 450
- Interim Report of Petrol Committee, 277, 288
- Internal Combustion Engineering, 617
- International Road Congress. 399, 1145
- — Trial of Motor Sleighs. 1128
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 234, 571, 636. 788
- — Paper by Douglas Leechman, 654, 767
- — Prof. W. Watson, 931, 1082
- — T. B. Browne’s Presidential Addreee, 659
- Insurance Act, Chauffeurs and the, 28, 267, 364, 523
- — against Mechanical Breakdown, 228
- — Car. Third Party Risks, 152, 265
- — Claim, Disputed, 195
- — Risks. Urban and Rural Cars, 299, 355, 942
- Inverness Roads, 34
- Ipswich and East County A.C.. 137
- Ireland, Evasion of Motor Car Tax in, 713
- — Sectional Road- Map of, 590
- — Some Impressions of. by Earl Russell, 1073 1143, 1185. 1304
- Iribus (letter), 84
- Iris Car, 15 h.p. Car (illus.). 826
- — Colonial Chassis (illue.). 844
- Irish Highway, Important, Damage to, 589
- — Polo Chip (illus.). 445
- — Route, 317
- Isle of Man Race for Next Year, 819, 1041, 1051
- Isotta-Fraschini Propeller-shaft (illus.), 1066
- — 27-80 h.p. Car. 1236
- Itala Automobiles, Ltd. (letter), 587
- — 14-18 h.p. Car (illus.), 609
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illus.), 1288
- — 60 h.p. Six-cyl. Car (illus.). 788
- Italy. Warning to Motorists Visiting, 1198
- Ives, Kenneth H. D. (letter), 588
- IY 2270 (letter), 262
- I. Z. (letter), 1092
- Jackson Cars, 706
- — Three-wheeler, Front View of (illus.), 1098
- Jaeger, H. J., Patent by. Starter, 354
- Jalland, G. (letter), 448
- James, F. (letter), 1230
- Jameson, H. Mellor (letter), 1095
- Jane, Fred T„ BK 97 (letters), 221, 1230, 1260, 1261 1907
- — Eight-litre Benz Racer in Retirement, by, 1131
- Japan, Bleriot Lamps for Emperor’s Cars, 98
- — Fleet of Cars for Imperial Household, 188
- — Motoring in, 108. 345
- Jar for the Tree, Grand Prix Singer Collision, 478
- Jarrott. Charles (letters). 314. 721, 847
- — Ltd- (letter), 778
- Jeffreys, W. Rees, Interview with, American and Canadian Roads, 243
- Jenatzy Tyres in Belgian Grand Prix, 321
- Jenkins, F. J. (letter) 176
- Jet Design. 1133, 1229
- J.H.W. (letter), 86
- J.L.N. (letter). 447
- J.M.J. (letters), 723. 940
- Johannesburg. Austin Car Success at, 544
- — Sunbeam Victory in. 407
- Johnson^ J. (letter) 1307
- Jones, Bertram H. (letter). 778
- — G. H. (letter), 722
- — Speedometer, Description of, 292
- — W- Yarworth (letters). 223 310, 405, 495, 849, 1048, 1143, 1186
- J.S. (letter), 123
- July Meeting, Brooklands, 66. 127
- Justice (letters), 1142, 1143
- Kaiserpreis Minerva Car of 1907, 29
- K.A.P. Load Adjusters, 202
- K.D. (letter). 224 Kearne, Percy Getter), 264
- Keddie, F. W. (letter). 586
- Keeping Engine Clean and Dry. 865, 1093
- Kellogg Air Pump for Tyre Inflation, R.A.C. Trial 77
- — Four-cyl. Tyre Pump, Description of, 519, 662
- Kember, George N. (letter). 38 .
- Kent, zk Beauty Spot in. by Oscar Fnchet.
- — Road Improvements (illus.). 634
- — Roads and Motor Car Traffic, 424
- — Ten-mile Sped Limits in. 1257
- Kenway. Philip T. (letter). 542
- K.G.. A Tour Through Four Counties, by. 139,
- Kilemall, Sain. M D. (letter). 496
- Kilworth (letter). 313
- King, Colin (letter), 630
- — H.M., Entering Car at Manoeuvres (Ulus), the, at Goodwood (Ilina.). 210
- — of Spain aud llispano-Suizu Cara, 297
- King‘s College Lecture bv G. A. Burs, 562
- Klaxon Horns. Use 01, 1301
- Komnick Cars for Russian Trials (illus.), 59
- Knawsitna (letter). 85
- Knight and Co, Saloon Body by (illus.), 373
- Kilbourne (Daimler) v Argyll, 23, 214, 314
- Knight-Minerva Chassis with Body by Colo and Sons Gllus.), 322
- Knight-Panhard 25 h.p. Cur (illus.), 921
- Knight v. Argyll Judgment. Particulars of Patents Referred to. 203
- K.R.I.T. Car (illus.). 7. 655
- — Care. 1237
- — 15 h.p. Car, Particulars of. 577, 578
- — Engine (illus.), 1134
- Kuddock, R. T. (letter), 1261
- La Buire 15 h.p. 1913 Car (illus.), 894
- Lady Driver’s Tours, 674. 1094
- — Motorists in Rhodesia, 125
- Laissez-Faire (letter), 1307
- Lake District. Proposed Road Improvements in, 1067
- — Roads, 528
- La Licorne 14 h.p. Car, 227
- Lalonde, William T. (letter), 312
- Lambert, Harold C. (letter). 178
- Lamp Brackets, Standard. 539
- — Steering Column, P. and’ R., 255
- Lamps, Autoclipse, 619. 673. 779
- Lamrig Nvaeher, 144
- Lancashire AC., 42. 137, 182, 226, 270, 636
- — New Road for, 917
- — Roads, Further improvements to, 1123
- — South-west. Dangerous Bridges of. 608
- Lanchester Body Building System, 574
- — Car, Fuel Feed of. 363
- — 25 h.p. with Cabriolet Body (illus.), 413
- — Refinements, 761
- — Six-cyl. Car, 637
- — Starting and Lighting Set. 1127
- Lancia Care. 858, 955
- — 30 h.p. Oar, 1053
- Landaulerterip’s Lament, 1142, 1230
- Landauletterip (letter). 1142
- Landophone Communicator, 823
- Land’s End to John-o’-Groat’s, Tour, by W.G.A., 464
- L.A.S.T. Wheel, Description of, 294
- La Verre Triplex, 293 356
- La Vie Automobile, Translation from, 1076
- Law as to Trailers, 594
- L.C.C. and Mitigated Penalties, 1182
- Trade Identification Marks, 1304
- L.D.S.E. (letter), 725
- LD 2428 (letter). 1306
- Leakage of Oil from Hubs, 727
- Leaky Back Axles, Cause of. 601
- Leaves from a Sportsman’s Notebook, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough. 1201. 1298
- Leechman, Douglas (letter). 673
- — Paper by. Influence of Low Production Cost on Quality. 654. 767
- Leeds. Horse and Vehicle Owners’ National Union, 1146
- Lee, R. R. (letter), 1259
- Leicester and Rutland Motorists, An Appeal to, 38
- Leicestershire A.C., 92,.270. 362. 408, 418, 499. 680
- — Hill-climb, 418
- LE 7717 {letter), 1094
- Le Mans, Types of Radiator at (illus.). 508
- Leng, C. D. (letter). 262
- Leniency Towards Traction Engine Driver Bideford, 896
- Le Sarheur, May M. (letter), 1094
- Letts. W. M. (letter). 264
- Liability of Motor Car Owners, 343
- Liberty (letter), 631
- Licence, Motor Car, Declaration, Forms, 129
- Licences, Gun and Game. 190
- — Motor Oar, in .Respect of Cars Kept but Not Used, 343
- — Motorists’, and Olean Counties, 777, 1074 1143, 1262. 1283
- — Motor, London County Council and, 667
- — Verification of, 35
- Licorne and Springuel Cars. 762a
- Life in a Yorkshire Village, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 291
- Lifting Car from Ditch. 944
- Light. Deceptive, Police Case at Luton, 170
- Lighting and Engine Starting Systems, 734
- Ignition Test, R.A.C. Trial of Cadillac System, 544. 570
- — Car, Longstreth’s System. 522
- — Motor Car. 775. 847. 940. 1087
- — of Vehicles, Regulations for. 1105, 1305
- — Tests, Car, 1046. 1091
- Lights on Carts. 1046
- Limitations of the Cycle Runabout, 1174
- Limit Gauge Getters). 311, 313
- Lincoln Imp (letter), 35
- — Motorists’ Outing to Crippled Children (illus), 408
- Lincolnshire A.C., 137
- Lining up Pistons, 463, 632. 725. 779
- Liquid Fuel, Production of. 1263
- Live and Let Live (letter). 123
- Liverpool A.C., 680
- Liverpool-Birkenhead Bridge Proposal, 652
- Livingstone-Learmouth, S. R. (letter). 942
- Llanidloes, Old Market Place at (illus.), 843
- Llanwrda-Llandovery Road, 586, 675
- Lloyd. F, Lindsay (letter), 1183
- LN 4606 (letter). 314
- Lock Nut. New. 763
- Locomobile, Old, 1148. 1277
- Locomobile, Contrasts in (illn*.), 1242
- Locomotives, Obstruction bv 909
- Lodge Brothers and Co, (letter). 1227
- — Sparking Plugs for Hungary (illus.), 94
- — System of Car Lighting in Fog, 820
- London - Brighton Road, 523
- London Carmens Union Bill
- London-Edinburgh-London Top Gear Run, 39.9 h.p. Napier, 672
- London to Edinburgh Non-stop Engine Run on Vauxhall Car. 626, 724. 778, 849, 941
- — Existing Western Approach (illus.), 634
- — Motor Cars Registered iu, 67
- — Road Improvements. Road Board Grants, 1200
- — Thoroughfare, Notice Board in (illus.), 298
- — Traffic Regulation. 838, 845, 855, 1264
- — Statistics of, 41
- — Trailer Tramcars iu, 198
- — Use of Motor Horns in, 190
- London’s Proposed New Western Road, 439, 758, 829, 1080
- Long and Short ’Stroke Engines, 863, 1091, 1140, 1183, 1227, 1258
- — Stroke Engines, 682
- — Tour by Lady, 124, 266. 311
- Longstreth’s System of Oar Lighting, 522
- Lord. W. T. (letter). 778
- Loreley Car in Russian Trials, 269
- Lorraine-Dietrich Car, Records by, 1124, 1172
- — 18-20 h.p. Car (illus.). 697
- Low Production Cost, Influence on Quality, 654, 767
- — System, Gas Engine Consuming Coal Direct, 434
- Lubricant, Castor Oil as, 589 632, 725
- Lubrication, Engine (letter), 1141
- — Systems, 787
- Lucas, C. J. (letter). 355
- — J. Landfair (letter). 446
- Ludlow, Violet (letter). 677
- Luggage Trailer. 87
- Luncheon Basket and Footstool (illus.), 1090
- Luton, Police. Case at. Deceptive Light, 170
- Lynton Hill (illus.), 299
- Macdonald, Sir John, Paper by. The Road Problem, 533
- Macfarlane, James, A Corner in Motor Spirit, by, 1269
- Macintosh Tyres, 326
- Mackie, Joseph A. (letter). 314
- Macleod,' A. Gordon (letters), 88, 939
- MacRobert, Ia.n (letter), 779
- Madding Crowd, The, by Owen John, 1064
- Mafam Magneto, Description of, 349
- M.A.F. Cars, 753
- Magneto and Lighting Dynamo, Patent by Simms Magneto Co.. 1216
- — Contact Breaker, Patent by R. Bosch, 572
- — How it Works, by Eric W. Walford, 790, 925
- — Mafam, Description of. 349
- — New, Patent by E. Fein, 572
- — Spare Parts, 1078
- Magnetos under Repair (illus.). 544
- Maintenance v. Improvement, 369
- Making a Car Weather-proof, by H. Waymouth Prance, 325, 403
- — Joints, 463
- — Small Tools, by M.G., 1061, 1107
- Malton-Scarborough Road. 35
- Manchester A.C., 91. 182, 680
- — M.C., 636
- — First Motor Car Depot (illus.), 668
- — Hundred M.C., 453, 592. 636
- — Peculiar Case at, Van den Plas Bodywork, 172
- Mann, W. E. (letter), 358
- Manoeuvres. Motors at the (illus.), 528,’565
- Mans Circuit. 269. 295. 479
- Winners of (illus.). 529
- Manvill, W. (letter), 266
- Map Showing Police Activity, 156
- Margate, Motor Car Speed at. 297
- Markham, Mrs. M. (letters), 124, 312
- Marlborough Car, 8-10 h.p. Miniature Car (illus.), 762
- Martin-Handasyde Monoplane, Gordon Bell’s (illus.). 298
- Martini 12-16 h.p. Exhaust (illue.), 1060
- Mass Car, 20 h.p. Car, Mr. Thornton’s (illus.), 4C7
- — 15 h.p. with Two-seater Body (illus.), 854
- Materials of Motor Car Construction, Notes on, Review, 1299
- Mates. William (letter), 446
- Matthvs, E., Patent by. Simple Motor Car Body. J f 1216
- Maudslay Cars, 754
- — 1913 Engine (illus.). 923
- — 25 -h.p. Car with Charlesworth Body (illus.), 545
- — 17 h.p. Car with Charlesworth Body (illus.), 22
- Maxwell Car in Madras (illus.), 215
- — Care for Russian Government, 408
- — Mascotte Car, Description of, 377
- McCready, C. (letter). 1143
- McKie, D. (letter), 1186
- McManus, James (letter). 725
- M. D. Dub (letter),—222
- M.D. (letter) 355
- Meade, Alwyne, Fuel from the Gasworks, by. 671
- Mears, J. (letter), 356
- Meeh, (letter). 87
- Mechanical Movements (illus.). 1269
- Mechanic (letter). 779
- Mecredy. R. J. (letter), 1185
- — Observations and Experiments in Cornering, by. 209
- Medical xdan, Modern, and Hi6 Car, 199
- — Men’s Cars and Income Tax, 632, 675, 722
- Medico (letter). 221
- Meet of Craven Hounds (illus.). 1123
- Melbourne Automobile Exhibition, Interesting Cars at (illus.' 753, 1223
- Melbourne. Cars at (illue.). 1248
- Mellor, A. Shaw (letter). 405
- Member of the R.A.O. (letter). 776
- Mem. Inst. C.E. (letter). 629
- Mercedes Carburetter, 317
- Mercedes-Daimler Co. v. F.I.A.T. Co., Honeycomb Radiator, 819. 1044. 1078
- Mercedes 35-40 h.p. 1912 Cur (illus.), 180
- — 90 h.p. Cur (illus.). 341
- — 45-50 h.p. Oar (illus.), 360. 700
- — 45 h.p. Sporting Type Car (Illus.), 649
- — 25-30 h.p. with Landaulet Body (illus.). 430
- — 35-40 h.p. with Limousine Body (illus.), 430
- — Old and New Cars at Brooklands, 179
- — with Pullman Body (Ulus.). 82
- Metallurgique 10-12 h.p Car, Description of, 62
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.) 181
- — 38-88 h.p. Car with Van den Plas Body (lllus.), 67 8
- — 40 h.p. with Van den Pl ad Body (illus.), 121
- — Ltd. (letter), 586 Metropolis, Traffic in the. 255
- Metropolitan Speed Limits. 68, 1072 ,
- Mexican Government. Armoured Motor Vehicle for (illus.). 1247
- Mexico. Motor Car Trade in, 315
- M.F.H. and the Oar, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 1274
- M.G., Making Small Toole, by. 1061, 1107
- M.I.C.E. (letter), 220
- Michelin et Cie-, Patent by, Hydraulic Shock Absorbers, 39
- Mickleton (letter), 777
- Middleman, Motor, 1048, 1186. 1262
- Middlesex County A.C., 454. 546, 592
- Mid Link, Steam (Tar Topics, by, 253, 422,
- Mid-Staffordshire A.C., 226
- Miesse Petrol Gars, 138
- Military Transport, Motor Cars and, 696,
- Millard-Le Gui 12 h.p. Car (illus.), 621
- Mills Jet, 1277, 1315
- — Kaiserpreis Car of 1907, 29
- Miniature Oars and Runabouts at the Cycle Show. 1109-1114. 1153
- — 1,000 Miles Trial for, 1156
- Miron (letter)., 35
- Mitchell (letter), 35. 314
- — Main Colliery Co., Ltd. (letter), 629
- — Meandering on a, 839
- — S. C. C. (letter), 1183
- Mont-diauve, A. H. (letter). 313
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb. 296, 297
- Moore, Hugh S. (letter). 123
- Morgan, F. J, Patent by, Three-seated Body, 1216
- — H. F. S. (letter), 1259
- Morgan-Wilkie Carburetter. Description of, 836
- Moroney, Herrman (letter). 403
- Morris Oxford Light Car, 774
- Mors Cars, 830
- Moseley, David, and Sons, Ltd. (letter), 86
- — Tyre Prices, 678
- Motobloc Brakes Compensating Mechanism (illus.), 1137
- — Chassis with Four-seater Body (illus.), 428
- — New Model Cars, 910
- Motor Agent, 1142
- — Cycling Club at Brooklands, 66
- — Fuel Supply and Prices, 211
- Motoring Farmer (letters). 35. 36, 38, 223
- — Organisations. 1306
- — Past Places of Worship, 395
- Motorist of Moderate Means (letter), 1229
- Motorist’s Holiday, Impressions of Grand Prix Race, 56
- — Problematical Offences, Barrow, 27
- Mountains, Motors and. by George D. Abraham, 236
- — Letter re, 314
- Mourilyan. Walter E. I. (letter). 541
- MS 387 (letter), 543
- Mudguards, Frankonia, 617
- Muir. E. Campbell (letter). 941
- N.A.G. 25 h.p. with Kellner Body (illus.}, 914
- — 10-14 h.p. Car (illus.). 1290
- Napier Cars, 363
- — Colonial Car, R.A.C. Downland Trial, 115, 267
- — Pattern with Windham Interchangeable Body (illus.). 1126
- — 15 h.p. after 5,000 Miles, An Appreciation, 718
- — 45 h.p., Result of Dry Skid (illus.), 1189
- — Six-cyl., Carburetter for, 43, 93, 184, 228, 271
- — Car, Detail Improvements, 582 (illus.), 270. 1286
- — 30 h.p. Six-cyl. for 1913.
- - Description of, 699
- — with Body by Flewitts. Ltd? (illus.), 199
- — 60 h.p. with Body by Hill and Boll (illus. lw
- — 59.9 (R.A.C. Rating) Six-cyl. Car, R.A.C. of. 24, 672, 678
- National Control of Main Roads, 451
- — Insurance. Motor Drivers and, 28, 267,
- — Society of Chauffeurs’ Handbook, 1058
- Naylor, Arthur G. (letter). 1095
- Nazzaro Dashboard and Gear Box (illus.).
- — “20-30 h.p. Car (illus.). 341. 614, 900
- — K.B. Detachable Wheel. 1128
- — “ I1-9 h-P- Car, Description of, 893
- N.B. (letter). 540
- Near Shave (letter). 403
- Neglect, Result of (illus.), 61
- Nesbitt Petrol Valve and Filter. 761
- Netherton, Death Trap at. 1078
- Newall. Jno. M. (letter). 87
- — John W. (letter). 312
- Newcastle and District M.O., 362. 453
- — Corporation, Claim Against, 90
- — (letter). 449
- New Forest. Motoring in the (illus.l. 346
- — Pick Car. 183
- — Roads for Old, by Mary C. Fair, 1067
- Newson. J. (letters). 540. 1184. 1262
- New York (letter) 177
- — Zealand A.A. Speed Trial, Winner of (illus.},
- — 15 h.p. Calthorne Car in (illiw.) 305
- — Important Conference of Motorists, 24?
- — Imports of Motor Curs. 544
- — Motoring in Hilus.}, 517
- — Ron de in. 1302
- Night Driving. 1088
- — Motor Car Nofooe at. 260
- — Speed nt, 355, 403
- No. 15. 1.000 Miles Trial (letter), 125
- Noise in Gear Box, 681
- Noises, Motor Car, at Night, 260
- Nom de Guerre (letter). 677
- Non-pinch Security Bolt. 202
- Non-skid Tyres, 781
- Non-slipping Detachable Shoes, 691, 942
- Norman Crocks, Harsh Treatment of Motorist at, 824
- North Berks AO., 182. 270. 316
- — Lancashire I letter). 539
- — Wales. A.O. of. 453
- —- Yorkshire A.C., 92
- Notes for the Beginner, by Eric W. Walford, 256, 344
- — on Materials of Motor Car Construction, Renew. 1299
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 137
- — Speed Trials (illus.). 127
- Notts A.O.. 226
- Novice and-His Victim (illus.). 1308
- Nut-locking Device, Barry’s. 856
- Nuts, How to Keep Them Tight. 962
- — of Various Nations (illus.). 1270. 1271, 1272
- Nuttall, T. J. L. and R., Pneumatic Tyre Invention, by, 572
- Observer (letter), 674
- Oberservations and Experiments in Cornering, by R. J. Mecredy. 209
- Obstruction. 272. 315. 452. 678, 909
- — by Locomotives, 909
- Obstructions, Sheep on Road (illus.). 544
- Ogley, Daniel H., Acetylene Generator Explosions, by, 702
- — D. H., Autocar Head Lights, by, 1070, 1119. 1168
- Purification of Acetylene, by, 1155
- O’Gorman Trophy (illus.), 592
- — Race, 602
- Oily Back Brakes, To Prevent. 147
- Oil Level Alarm, Hardy Parsons, 584
- Old Cars, Rejuvenating. 266
- — England (letter). 263 Oldham A.C., 362
- Old Locomobile, 1148. 1277
- — Style and New. Locomotion in Spain, 1069
- — Uppinghamian (letter). 358
- — Wigwam (letter). 313
- Olympia, A.B.C. Guide to. 890
- — Accessories at, 733. 736-753
- — Carriage Work at, 946-954, 1158, 1165
- — Cars at, 585
- — General Survey of, 867 to 890
- — Motor Show, 1059
- — Echoes. 1230
- — Illustrated Review of. 963-1038
- — Thoughts on, by Owen John. 842
- - Record Attendance at, 1080
- — Rival to. 528, 600
- — Show, Purpose of, 775. 847, 939
- — R.A.C. and, 715
- — Statistics, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 1096
- — Typical Runabouts at, 1109-1114
- Omnibus, Private, for Duke of Devonshire (illus.), 860
- Omnibuses, Motor, R.A.C. Secretary and, (?)
- On Belgium and its Roads, by Owen John, 329
- One Law for Motorists and Another for their Wreckers. 420
- — the Motorist, etc., 358, 540, 630
- — of the Befooled (letter). 588
- — Who Knows (letter). 178
- Onlooker (letter), 1093
- On the Other Leg, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 207
- — Road, by Owen John, 6. 79, 102, 152, 199, 258, 299, 373. 426, 476. 565, 605, 664, 690, 762, 825, 921, 1039, 1087, 1134, 1174, 1221, 1247
- — Track. 66, 107, 173, 192, 250, 308, 472, 527,- 563. 609 703. 757. 830, 911, 1045. 1062, 1172
- Opinion, A Matter of, 779
- Orde, J. W. (letter), 1047
- Oryx Car, 13.9 h.p. Car, Description of. 714-716, 816
- Oscillating-valve Engine, Experimental, 1130
- Outlook for Petrol Prices. 345
- Owen John, A Pelican in the Wilderness, b^ 341
- — John, On Belgium and its Roads, by. 329
- — the Paris Show, by, 1286
- — Road, by. 6. 79. 102, 152, 199, 258, 299, 373, 426. 476. 565. 605, 664, 690, 762, 825, 921. 1039, 1087, 1134, 1174. 1221, 1247
- — Poetry, by. 1256
- — Some Seasonable Notes, by. 648
- — The Last of Horse Transport, by, 621
- — Madding Crowd, by, 1064
- — Unchoked Jet, by. 1265
- — Thoughts on the Coming Motor Show, by 842
- — J. (letter), 447
- Overheating in Hot Weather. 124
- — Suggestions of Possible Causes, 789
- Overland 20-25 h.p. Car, 704
- Description of, 908
- Overloading Steam Cars. 569
- Over-staffer] Stands, 1059
- Oylere. Ltd. (letter), 85
- P16 (letter), 1262
- P 6723 (letter), 122
- P. and R. Steering Column Lamp, 255
- Padbury. Frank H. (letter). 1230
- Paddon. Phi) 'letters). 1142, 1259
- Page, John LI. Warden, Exmoor, by, 595, 639. 683, 729
- — The Finer Points of Driving, by, 235, 279
- Palladium Autocars (letter), 1304
- Palladium Car (Illus.). 40
- Palmer Tyre Ltd. (letters), 179. 311
- Panhard (letter), 266
- — 16-20 h.p Carburetter for. 955
- — 15 h.p.
- Pannier Body, 618 620. 673
- Paraffin as Fuel. 447. 476, 493, 641, 588, 676 by A. W. W.
- Paraffin Carburetter Te^t. 416
- — for Steam Car. 93
- — Head Light. 547. 593
- — Test Race. 314, 343
- Parish, A. J. (letters). 539. 542
- Paris Salon, Body Designs at (illus.), 1210
- — Engines at. 1212
- — General Notes and Criticism of Exhibits. 1203 to 1215
- — New Cars at, 1207
- — Observations and Reflections, by Owen John. 1286
- — Speed of Motor Cans in. 1078
- — to Olympia, 713
- Parker, Chas. H. (letter). 1258
- Parliament, Motor Car Questions in, 63. 67, 90. 190
- Parnacott, A. E. (letters). 674. 721. 722, 1092. 1141
- Parrott, Fred G. (letter). 450
- Partridge. W. H. (letter). 357
- Parts and Accessories at Olympia, 733, 736-753, 1029-1038
- Passes of the Pyrenees, by C. L. Freeston, Review, 290
- Passing Places of Worship. 492
- Pateley Bridge Open Hill-climb, 286, 351
- Patents, Detachable Wheel. Pugh v. Riley Co., 1171
- — Recent, bv Eric W. Walford, 39, 268, 354, 572, .852, 1216
- — Sleeve Valve, Knight and Kilbourne (Daimler) v. Argyll, 23. 214, 314
- — Pathfinder Car, Description of, 759
- — 27-3 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial. 534, 535
- Pearson-Cox Steamer, 1277
- Pearson. W. E.. Patent by. Interesting Rotary Engine. 572
- Pedestrians, An Appeal to. 1243
- Pelican in the Wilderness, by Owen John, 341
- Pembrokeshire Danger Spot (illus.), 1221
- Petit Salon. 1264
- Petrol and the Motoring Organisations, 102
- — Benzole in Place of. 599. 601, 776. 849
- — Cheap, Experiments with. 37. 84, 125, 221. 265, 312, 357, 447
- — Committee and Suggested Competition, 634
- — Interim Report of. 277, 288
- — Consumption, 85. 541
- — Economy. 447
- — Explosion at Frankfort, 360
- — Gauge, Hawkins. 242
- — High Price of, 37. 49. 85. 102. 125, 178, 221. 278. 312, 356, 401, 447, 573
- — in Bulk, 312
- — Pipe, Broken, 51
- — Unions, 540
- — Prices and Duty of Government, 1134
- — The Outlook for. 345
- — Question in Germany. Prince Henry of Prussia’s Appeal, 254
- — Rebates, .Doctors’ Claims for, 100, 1300
- — Restrictions on Handling of, 277
- — Short Measure in. 36
- — Situation, by Petrolevus. 165
- — Supply, A.A. and M.U. and, 532, 540, 566. 576, 588
- — Co-operative. 565
- — Problem. 675
- — Criticisms and Suggestions by Petroleus, 576
- — Tanks, V.L.. 816
- — Tap. Self-locking, 108
- — Valve and Filter, Nesbit. 761
- Petroleum Expert, Motor Fuel Supply and Prices, by, 211
- — Inspector (letter), 941
- Petroleus, Petrol Supply Problem, Criticisms and Suggestions, bv 576
- Petroleyus. The Petrol Situation, by, 165
- Peugeot, Baby (illus.) 648
- 6 h.p. Car, Description of, 895
- — 18 h.p. Car, Description of, 701
- — 24 h.p. Car (illus.). 786
- — 35 h.p. Limousine (illus.). 146
- — Latest Cars, 831
- — with Alford and Alder Cabriolet (illus.), 1145
- Phanomobile Cars, 841
- — 8 h.p. Car, 782. 1053
- Philipp (letter), 630
- Philp. T. R. (letter). 178
- Phoenix Car, 8-10 h.p. Car, 93. 138. 183
- — Transmission, Faraday House Test, 327
- — New Model, 851
- Physician, Suitable Clothing for all Conditions, by. 1285
- Piccard-Pictet. Additional Pedals on (illus.), 1066
- — Air Pump (illus.). 1065
- — 30-40 h.p. used by Kaiser (illus.). 945
- Picnic Cases, by Finnigans. Ltd., 267
- Pilot Car. 900
- — 10-12 h.p. Car, Particulars of, 440
- — 10 h.p. Friction Drive Car under Trial, 825. 1219
- Pipe 24-30 h.p. Engine (illus.) 696
- Piston Heads Testing of. 10
- — Rings, Design of. 437. 542
- — Scraper, Patent Carbon Remover Co., 1152
- Pistons, Lining up, 463. 632, 725, 779
- P.M.S. (letter), 38
- Pneumatic Auxiliary Spring Device, Patent by J. ?Spyker, 354
- — Tyre Co., Ltd. (letters). 1231, 1307
- — Invention. Patent by T. J. L. and R. Nuttall, 572
- Poaching by Motor, bv J. Fairfax Blakeborough. 385
- Poetry, by Owen John. 1256
- Police Activity. Map Showing.. 156
- — and Motorists in Isle of Wight, 538
- — Willenhall. 435
- — Cases, 180, 451. 452, 635. 726. 1063, 1098. 1124, 1218, 1313
- — Cheshire, and Motorists. 333
- — Methode, 778, 846, 939
- — at Cardiff, 308 in Huntingdonshire, 22. 87, 122, 251
- — Surrey, Serious Allegations by. 350
- Telephone Boxes in Kent (illus.), 1098
- Pollard, J. (letter). 493
- Polyolbion (letter). 448
- Pomeroy. Laurence H., Stroke-bore Ratio for Three-litre Engine, 1042. 1199
- — L. H. (letter). 1228
- Pope, II. R. (letters). 36. 494
- Popular Motor Racecourse, 674, 778
- Porthcawl Speed Trials, 223
- Port of London Authority and Petrol Barges, 1052
- Practical (letter), 37
- Pragma Filling, 955
- Prance, H. Waymouth (letter). 403
- — Making a Car Weather-proof, by. 325
- Presentation to S. F. Edge. 1122
- Price Classification of Cars at Olympia, 867
- — of Tyres, 86
- Prices of Motor Spirit, 315. 435, 635, 780b
- Prince Henry Vauxhall, C. E. Wyndham’s (illus.). 300
- Private Cars, Open Race for. 779, 942
- — Owner (letter). 1231
- Problematical Offences, Motorists’, at Barrow, 27
- Problem in Mechanics. 629, 677, 722
- Professional Chauffeurs’ Club, 406
- Progress (letter), 447
- — of Automobilism, T. B. Browne’s Address to Institution of Automobile Engineers, 659
- Propeller-shaft. Uncoupled, 674
- Prospective Buyer (letters). 585. 847
- Protection. 586. 633. 677. 724
- — at Cross Roads, 359
- Prothero. L. (letter) 540
- Prowodnik Tyres. 1301 PS 9 (letter), 125
- Public Diplomacy. American Competition, 559. ' ' 599
- Pugh. John V. (letters). 34. 126. 541, 1260, 1306
- — v. Riley Cycle Co., Detachable Wheel Patents, 1171
- Pullman Limousine on 40-50 h.p. Rolls-Royce Chassis fillus.). 554
- Purification of Acetylene, by Daniel H. Ogley and Ernest Clark, 1155
- Purpose of the Show, 775. 847, 939
- Pybus. Richard (letter). 266
- Pyrenees, Passes of the, by C. L. Freeston, Review, 290
- Queries and Replies, 43. 93 138, 183, 227, 271, 317, 363, 409. 455. 500 547, 593, OS'7 681, 727, 781, 857. 955. 1053, 1099, 1147. 1190. 1237, 1277, 1315
- Querist (letter). 631
- Quis Homo (letter), 87
- R 942 (letter). 88
- R.A.C. and A.A. and Petrol Price, 49
- — Olympia Show, 715
- — Unofficial Trials, 309. 357, 404, 449, 476. 495. 542. 587, 902, 1047
- — Victor Tyree, 223. 264, 310, 476, 1051
- — Associates’ Accommodation at Pall Mall, 1303
- — Meeting. 68, 173. 192
- — Banquet to Commemorate Sunbeam Success, 116
- — Competition, Carburetter for Fuels other than Petrol, 1195
- — Drive Slowly Signs, 234
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 1167
- -- Guide, Motor Trip with, 281 ,
- — Guides’ Livery, 674
- — Horse-power Tests at Brooklands, 580
- — Inter-club Meeting at Brooklands, 23
- — Language Lessons for Drivers, 649, 954
- — Please Drive Slowly Signs. (?)
- — Scheme, Badge that will get you Home, 50
- — for Relief in Emergencies, 246
- — Standard Car Race, 67. 84. 117. 123, 173. 177, 189, 223, 311
- — Future of, 189
- — South Downs Trial of Napier Car, 115, 267
- — Test of Three Cadillac Cars, 160'
- — Touring Dept., Suggestions by, Winter Touring Resorts, 1060
- — Trial, Cadillac Engine Starting Device, 278
- — Electric Outfit, 544. 570. 679. 1051
- — Gautier Metallic Fabric Tyre, 460, 856
- — 27.3 h-p. Pathfinder Car, 534, 535
- — Kellogg Air Pump. 77
- — of Stelastic Tyres. 915
- — Torkington Tyres, 483
- — 59.9 (R.A.C. Rating) Six-cyl-. Napier Car, 24, 672, 678
- — 10.4 h.p. Pilot Gar, Road Test, 1219
- — Standard Petroleum Carburetter, 1051
- — Stewart-Morris Paraffin Carburetter, 544. 625, 1219
- — Vohlanda Fuel, 1302
- — Trials, Why They Should be Upheld, 233
- Racecourse, Motor, Popular, 674. 778
- Races and Racing, On, 58 Racing. The Value of, 2
- Radiator (letter). 124
- — The Honeycomb, Law Case, 819, 1044, 1078
- — Types, of, at Le Mans (illus.), 508
- Railway Crossings. Dangerous. 89
- — Stations, Motor Cars at, 542
- — Travelling. Cross-country. Boredom of. 762
- Railways and Motor Cars. 553
- Ramsbottom. H. (letters). 723. 942, 1094
- R.B.W. (letter). 857
- R.C.H. Car. 681
- R.E. (letter), 35
- Rear Lights for Cyclists. 475. 583
- — Red Lights on Vehicles, 498. 1099, 1153, 1186
- — Window, 725
- Rebate on Motor Spirit. 1300
- Reception of New Ideas. 624. 673. 779
- Record Attendance at Olympia, 1080
- — 50 Miles, by 30.1 h.p. Sunbeam Car, 472
- — Twelve Hours’. 15.9 h.p. Star Car, 423 R
- Records at Brooklands, Lorraine-Dietrich Car 1124. 1172
- — Beaten by Vauxhall and Straker-Squire, 602 609
- — by D.F.P. Car. 830 „ .
- — Excelsior and Talbot Cars, 1062. 1077
- — 20 h.p. Vauxhall Car. 911, 1077 ?
- Reid. K. (letter). 402
- — Thus. A. 'letter!, 492
- Rejuvenating Old Cars, 266
- Relative Cost of Motor and Horsed Vehicles, 176
- Renault 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.). 407
- — 8 h.p.. Gear Changing on. 271
- Repairs and Repairers (letter). 359
- — Insurance and, 1261
- Report. Interim, of Petrol Committee, 288
- Retaining Compression, 265. 359, 405
- Retirement of S. F. Edge. 818
- Retreads. Guaranteed Mileage for. 611
- — Suggested Trial of. 1230. 1257, 1306
- Reveries on Motor Car Evolution, by M. C. Faxoux. 1226
- Reviews. 290, 291. 471, 590. 1108, 1152, 1299
- Rex Induction Pipe Jacket, 833
- Reynold Jackson and Co.. New Three-wheeler by (illus.), 443
- R.F.G. (letter). 311
- Rhodesia, Lady Motorists in. 125
- R.I.A. Council Meeting. 218
- Riches. G. T.. and Co.. Ltd. (letter), 493
- Ridiculously Cheap Motoring, by Our Young Expert, 1039
- Rigby. Cecil, Itinerary of Tour Through England, by, 411
- Riley 10 h.p. Car, 500
- Rim, Spencer-Moulton, 516
- Rims, Detachable Flange. 222. 313
- — Divided, 1237
- — Facility, 508, 781
- Ripault Exhaust Whistle. 10
- R.M.C. Car, 18-20 h.p. Car. Description of, 712
- — Engine (illus.). 1089
- — Mrs. R. Lord’s Car (illus.). 1236
- R.M.S. (letter), 1186
- R.N.L.. Captain (letter). 588
- Road, Bad. 1184
- — Birmingham to Wolverhampton, 269, 1098
- — Board for Victoria.. Australia, 894
- — Grants. 930, 1200
- — Eighth List, 670
- — Seventh List of Grants. 75
- — Work and Policy of. Second Annual Report, 391
- — Board’s Policy. 369
- — Breakers Hard at Work (illus.), 864
- — Congress, International. 399
- — Improvement, Argyllshire. ao7
- — Ass.. Lancashire and Cheshire, 1090
- — at Park Langley (illus.). 406
- — between Whitchurch and Tarporley (illus.), _ 1097
- — Improvements, Cheshire, 726. 1184
- — in Pembrokeshire (illus.), 7
- — Kent, 634, 1146
- — Suggested, 89, 90. 181. 360, 726, 944, 1051. 1098. 1188
- — — Wales, Gifts of Land for, 635
- — Llanwrda-Llandoverv. 586, U7$ •
- — London-Brighton, 523
- — Makers in the South, 1093
- — Making, Durax System. 9
- — Manners, Bad, 520. 539. 618, 629, 675, 722. 777, 847, 1095
- — Material, Standardisation of, 33
- — New for Lancashire. 917
- — Western, Proposed, for London, 439
- — Problem, Paper by Sir John Macdonald, 533
- — Seeking and Recording in United States, 112
- — Warnings, 42, 92. 155. 270 316. 408. 454, 546. 636. 854, 1054, 1241
- — Woking-West Byfleet. 586
- —Roads. American and Canadian, Interview with W. Rees Jeffreys. 243
- — Ancient, Names of, 355
- — and Tyres, Freshly Tarred. 84
- — Around London, Bacon’s Map, Review, 590
- — dosed for Improvements. 181, 575
- — County Councils and. 370
- ~ Damage to, 589, 677
- — Devonshire, 35, 88. 106. 359
- — Granite, 540
- — Improvement Association. 498. 523, 1098
- — and Trailer Tramcars in London, 198 Sussex Centre, 180
- — Inverness, 34
- — Kent, and Motor Car Traffic, 424
- — Lake District. 528. 1067
- — Lancashire, Further Improvements to, 1123
- — Main, National Control of. 461
- — Shropshire, 122
- — Sussex, 34
- Roadside Advertisements, Unsightly. 353
- — Telephones and Belief Cars, Ignorance in High Places, 79
- — Telephone Service, A-A. and M.U., 33
- Robb. M. J.. Acetylene Generator Explosions, by. 614
- Robey, H. Webb (letter). 941
- Robshaw Terminal, 1301
- Rolland-Pilain Grand Prix Car (lllus.). 472
- Rolls Cycle Car, Description of, 64. 65
- Rolls, Hon. C. S., Proposed Memorial, 376
- Rolls-Royce Car (illus). 667. 825
- — Cars, Bowland Hodge’s (illus.), 550
- — Driver (letter), 539 nn
- Rolls-Royce 40-50 h.p. Car (illus.), 80, 82, 10<<. 180. 272. 301, 350, 505
- — with Pullman Limousine (illue.), 554
- — Latest Car, 717 , ~ .
- —- with Body by Mann, Egerton and Co., 451
- — Cabriolet Body by James Walmsley and Co. (illns.), 279
- Roman Amphitheatre at Dorchester, 473
- Roman Roach, Revival of, 108. 224, 355
- Roote Vacuum Exhaust Box, 254
- Rosenthal, J. E. (letter). 1095
- Rotary Engine, Interesting, Patent by W. E. Pearson, 572
- — Sleeve Valve Engine, Patent by L. P. G. da Costa, 852
- — Valve 20 h.p. Daimler, 637
- Rothe, R., Patent by. New Wind Screen, 852
- Rover Cars for 1913, 839
- — 18 h.p. Car, 1147
- — 12 h.p. Doctor’s Coup6, 83
- — on Flooded Road, Warwickshire (illue.), 498
- Royal Garden Party Guests’ Cars in Windsor Park (illus.), 164
- — Horse Show, Dublin, Cars at (illus.), 452
- — Motor Tour in Wales, 22
- — Yacht Squadron Clubhouse, Cowes (illus.), 278
- R.S.T. (letter), 673
- Rubberine, 637, 781. 955. 1053, 1190, 1237
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheels, 609
- Wheel Lock (illus.). 1086
- — Wheels at Paris Salon. 1263
- Runabouts, Typical, at Olympia Show, 1109-1114
- Rushmore Lamps, Ltd. (letter). 847
- Russell, Earl, Some Impressions of Leland, by. 1073
- — F. (letter). 265
- — George (letter), 34
- — (letters), 177, 264
- — Lord, and' Licence Declaration Forms, 129. 177, 264
- — W. E., Patent by. New Horn, 268
- Russian Army Trials, The Tale of, by Frederic Coleman, 1115. 1178. 1232, 1251, 1291
- — Imperial Reliability Trials. 436, 587
- — Trial at Warsaw, 136
- — Trials, Austin Car in. 174
- — Bedford Car in, 436
- — Loreley Car in, 269
- — Strenuous Conditions of. 252
- — Vauxhall Car in. 301
- — War Office Trials, 8. 24. 165, 218
- Rust-proof Paint, 1186
- Ryland. Thos. Howard (letter). 543
- Ryman, S. J. (letter). 1094
- Sacoche (letter), 632
- Sacrifice to Modernity. Market Place at Llanidloes (illus.), 843
- Safety Discs for Deaf Cyclists, 1124
- S.A.F. (letter), 447
- Saltburn Speed Trials, Report of, 52
- Salvage Work, Smart. 476
- S.A.M.D. 890 (letter). 587
- Sam ways, D. W. (letter), 265
- Sankey, Joseph, and' Sons, Ltd. (letter). 126
- — Wheel after Collision with Tree, 478
- San Sebastian Automobile Rally (illus.), 562, 635
- Santos (Brazil) Car Imports. 530
- Sao Paulo and Motorists, 1186
- Satisfied Customer (letter). 359
- Sava, Valveless and Dodson cars, 9C4
- Sawdon, F. R. (letter). 1230
- Sayers. E. F. (letter). 677
- S.B. (letters) 492. 493
- S.C.A.T. 22 h.p. Car. Description of, 916
- — 15 h.p. Car in North Wales (illus.), 152
- Schneider Cars, 545. 731
- — 15-9 h.p. Car (illus.), 201
- School of Motoring, British. 732
- Schools of Motoring. R.A.C. and, 1173
- Scooderach (letter). 448
- S.C.P. (letters), 448. 846
- Scorcher and Professor (illus,), 1273
- Scotland. Assimilation of. 691. 850, 921, 1048
- — Autumn Tour to. 373
- — Bonnie, Highland Characteristics, 426
- — Conviction Squashed in. 1124
- — Highway Law in, 252
- — Result of Gales in (illus.). 1248
- — Touring Incidents in (illus.-). 664
- Scot (letter), 943
- Scotsman’s English Tour. 943
- Scott. Winifred J. (letter). 630
- Scottish A.C., 546. 618
- — and Dangerous Bridges, 225
- — Tour, Our, by Major G. A. Gildea, 273. 319. 365
- Scout Car, 10-12 h.p. Car. Description of, 556
- — 11.9 h.p. Car Hill-climbing (illus.), 704
- S-D. (letter). 1092
- Seabrook, R.M.C. Car, 681
- Searle Patch, 1121
- — Tubes. 1237, 1277
- Sears, R. H. (letter). 447
- Seasonable Notes, by Owen John, 648
- Securing Baggage, 463
- Security Bolt, Non-pinch, 202
- — Protection, 51
- — Bolts. 492 541
- Seeing is Believing (letter). 1184
- Segment Rims, 363
- Selangor, F.M.S., Vauxhall Car at (illus.), 201
- Self-starters. 446. 1315
- — by J. Dalrymple Bell. 425
- Self-starting Demonstration. Convincing, 160
- September Meeting, Brooklands, 563, 602, 609
- Serpollet 12 h.p. Car (illus.). 1188
- 8.G.R. (letter). 1307
- Shaw. H. E., Signalling from Aeroplanes, by. 484
- Sheffield and District A.C.. 91. 316. 361, 454. 499. 636, 680
- — Motorist’8 Cars (illus.). 89
- Sheffield-Simplex Car, 781. 1054
- — on Lauteret Pass (illus.). 922
- — Rough Test of (illus.). 665
- — 30 h.p. Car, Description of. 918, 1097
- — 25 h.p. Six-cyl. CaT (illus.). 259. 827
- Shenton, Edmond W. H. (letter). 87
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters). 222 850
- Sheppee 25 h.p. Steam Car, Description of, 161
- Shoes, Non-slipping Detachable, for Soft Ground. 690. 942
- Shock Absorber Competition. 757
- — Derihon, Description of, 537 (letter), 496
- — Absorbers, Glissade, T. Bennett, Ltd., 579
- Shoot ens Hill Trap, 585
- Shooting Brake. New, for the King (illus.), 375
- Short and Long Stroke Engines, So-called, 863, 1091
- Show at Olympia, Illustrated Review of, 963-1038
- — Echoes. 1092, 1143. 1182. 1260
- — Visitors who Mean Business, 939 Shows, Coming, 673
- Shrewsbury. English Bridge at (illus.), 1-218
- Shropshire Roads, 122
- Siddeley-Deaey Air-propelled Car {illus.), 1052
- — Cars, 766
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illus.). 218. 606
- — 14-20 h.p. Car (illus.). 697
- — 24-30 h.p. Car,’ 1053
- — 18-24 h.p. Special Light Car, Description of. 148. 222
- Sidney Straker and Squire. Ltd. (letter), 223
- Signalling Device, by C. J. numpherson. 1072
- — from Aeroplanes, by H. E. Shaw, 481
- Signals at Cross Roads, 722. 846, 940
- Signpost at Summit of Owler Bar (illus.), 523
- Signpoets, Misleading, 532
- — New Use for, 853
- Signs. Ten-mile Limit. Illuminated, 342
- Silchester, The Roman City of, 213. 356
- Silencer for Single-cyl. Engines, 1092, 1183 Silencers, 124
- — Theory and Construction of Devices* 69
- Silentum, 285, 500
- Simms. F. R., and Simms Magneto Co., Patent, Combined Magneto and Lighting Dynamo, 1216
- Simple Motor Car Body, Patent by E. Mathye, 1216
- Simplicity in Car Lighting, Longstreth’s System. 522
- — Tools. Making, by M.G.. 1061,
- Smith. D. Wallace (letters). 850.
- — F. W. K. Getter), 85
- — H. B. (letter). 1140
- — Sydney (letter), 36
- — W. Turner (letter). 1094
- S.M.M.T. Annual Banquet. 1041
- — at Alton Towers (illus.). 200
- — Smoky Exhausts. 126
- Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Gregoire, Patent by Chain Adjusting Device. 354
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 686
- Motor Manufacturers, Fuel Price, 1195
- Societe du Carbureteur Zenith, Patent, Zenith Carburetter, 1216
- — Manufacturiere d’Aocessoires pour Cycles et d’Automobiles, Patent bv. New Horn, 268
- Soft Ground, Cars on. 690 762a. 942
- Some Hampshire Old Car Owners (letter), 1186
- Somerset, Abolishment of Police Traps, 1264. . 1283
- — A.C, 92
- Source of Future Motive Power, -Long Shot at. « 337
- South Africa. 14 h.p. Wolseley Car in (illufi.), 258
- — Bullock Team and Prince Henry Vauxhall Car (illus.). 1242
- — Motoring- in (illue.); 307. 1223
- — African Cars, 1049
- — America., Special Austin Car for, 28
- — Devon (letter). 675
- — Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C. Trials, 167
- Southern England, Coast and Countrywide, Review. 590
- Spa A.C. Meeting, 340
- S.P.A. 12-15 h.p. Oar. 727. 781, 1054
- — Chassis, Description of. 196
- Spain. Methods of Locomotion in, 1069
- Spare and Stepney Wheel Attention, 51
- — Petrol Can Holder. 202
- — Tyre Problem, 20 h.p. Spyker Car (illus.), 854
- — Wheel Clamp, John Campbell’s, 896
- Second. Carrying, 962
- — Wheels. Cover for. 532
- — Valve Protection. 463
- Sparking Plug. Hobson-Pognon, 174
- — Merchant, Itinerant, 388
- — Plugs. Vita, 433
- Speed at. Night. 355. 403 _ , .
- Speed-judging Powers, Constables. Test of. 372
- Speed Limit Sign. Illuminated, at Reigate (illus.). 55
- — Limits, 726 ,
- Suggested, 406. 451. 532. 1072, 1314
- — Merchant (letter), 1230 Metropolitan. 68. 1072
- Speeds Extraordinary, 616
- — Motor, at Brooklands, 1183, 1228
- Speedometer, 727
- Speedometer Drive for B.S.A. Cars* 1079
- — Jones. Description of, 292
- — Repairs, 177 — ... . ,
- Speedometers. Watford, Description of Mechanism, 312
- Spencer-Moulton Rim, 516, 1237, 1277
- — Tyre, 1079
- — Prices, 732
- Spence, W. L. (letter). 541
- Spelter Chain-driven Gear Box, 900
- Sport and the Motor Car (illus.). 1202
- — Pleasure, 1182
- Sportsman’s Notebook, Leaves from, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 1201
- Springing of Ford OUT. 1053
- Spring. Leaf. Improvement, Patent by Albion Motor Car Co.. 268
- — Plates. Duval, 930
- — Suspension, Patent by Wolseley Co.. Ltd.. 852
- Springless Cut-out, Brown Bros., 304
- — Resilient Wheel, by W. S. Boult, 105, 176
- Springuel and Licorne Cars, 762a
- Spyker Car for Doctor's Use (illus.), 698
- — J.. Patent by. Pneumatic Auxiliary Spring Device, 354
- S.S. Owner-driver (letter), 85
- St. Albans Rubber Co. (letter). 1258
- Standard Car and Long Distance Races, 703
- — in South Africa (illus.). 679
- — Race, Future of the. 189. 264 Report of, 117
- — Royal AC., 67. 84. 117, 123, 173, 177, 189, 223. 311
- — 20 h.p. with Torpedo Landaulet body (Illus.). 1089
- — with Special Body by Humboldt, Ltd. (Illus.), 1196
- — New Model Car, Description of, 840
- — Petroleum Carburetter, R.A.C. Trial, 1051
- — Tyre Sizes, 99
- Standardisation of Road Material, 33
- Stand Numbers of Exhibitors at Olympia, 869 Stanley AC., 182
- Star Cars, 766
- — Hot Air Supply Pipe (illus.), 1088
- — 10-12 h.p. Car. 1315
- — 15.9 h.p. Car. Description of, 897
- — Twelve Hours’ Record by 423
- — 20 h.p. Six-cyl- Chassis for Marconi Co. (illus.), 726
- — Two-seat. Coupe (illus.). 353
- Starter, Patent by H. J. Jaeger, 354
- Starting and Lighting Set. Lanchester, 1127
- System, Crossley, Description of, 913
- — by Electricity, Cadillac Self-starter, 347
- — Easy, Am Aid to, 195. 313
- — from Cold, 364
- — on the Switch, 265. 359. 405, 450
- — System, Patent by Unterberg and Helmle, 39
- Statistics of Cars Registered in London, 67
- — Olympia Show, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 1096
- Stead, Wm. (letter), 220 ,
- Steam and Petrol Oars, 43. 138, 183, 227, 271, 317, 410, 547
- - Car. Paraffin for, 93
- — Topics, by Mid-Link, 253, 422, 569
- — Trials, 409
- — Queries and Replies, 1148
- — Cars. Rating of, 508, 850 Water Indicator on. 548
- — Chassis, New, 25 h.p. Sheppee, Description of,
- Steede. M (letter), 221
- Steel-studded Leather Bands, 358. 493
- Steering Column Lamp, P. and R., 255
- — Connections, Backlash in. 147
- — Wheelfl, Celluloid Covered; 1124
- — Flapping of, 866
- — and Cure, 417, 601
- — Position of. 555
- Stelastic Tyre, Description of. 624
- — Tyres, R.A.C. Trial of. 915
- Stenson Cooke and A.A.. Patent by, A.A. Improvement^ 1216
- Sternol Oils, 397
- Stevens, Dorothea (letter). 631
- Stewart Carburetter for Ford Cars, 866
- — C. E. (letter', J552
- Stewart-Morris Trial, 544, 625. 1219
- Stickler (letter), 1186
- Stocks, J-. W. (letter), 126
- Stoewer Car. Ascent of Stoup Brow, by, 1106
- — 10 h.p. Car (illus.). 219
- — 30 h.p. Car (illus.). 259
- — 15-22 h.p. Method of Driving Speedometer (illus.). 1066
- Stone-throwing at Motor Care, 370, 406, 447, , 539
- Storage of Carbide of Calcium. 1300
- Stourr Brow, Ascent of. 1106
- St. Petersburg Automobile Exhibition, 695, 780b
- Strachan, J. M., Patent by. Closed Car Construction. 354
- Straker-Squire 15 h.p. Car for 1913,
- — Description of. 837
- Stray Cattle on Highways of France, 336
- Stroke-bore Ratio for Three-litre Engine, by Laurence H Pomeroy. 1042. 1199
- — Louis Coatalen, 1166
- Strand. Lewis (letter). 312
- Style-Kon Hill-climb. 264
- S.U. Carburetter on Belize. 681
- Summers, FL H. (letter), 222
- Sunbeam Car, Engine Accessibility of, 498
- — More Records bv. 703
- — Engine Starter, 821, 902
- — Grand Prix Cars at Brooklands (illiis.), 107
- — 12-16 b p. Oar, 455. 593. 638, 782, 1147. 1237
- — Engine 0Hux.), 563
- — 1912 12-16 h.p Car, An Appreciation, 524 by. 472
- Sunbeam Six-cyl. Car. 857
- — Engine (illus.). 521 , ~
- — Success, Royal AC. Banquet to Commemorate, 116
- — Variations, 774
- — Victory, 124. 175. 223. 263. 358, 403. 448. 494. 541. 588, 631, 675, 724, 849
- — A Vindication. 1
- Superstition and Science. 311
- Supplementary Spring. 735. 1092. 1228
- Surface Carburetter, Patent by J. Williams, 39
- Surrey A.C., 42
- — Police, Serious Allegations by. 350, 403
- Survey, General, of Olympia. 867 to 890
- Sussex Motorist (letter), 265
- — (letter), 34
- — Roads. 34
- Sutton Coldfield and Mid-Warwickshire A-C., 182. 1242
- — F Bass (letters), 402. 493. 675
- Swansea. Motor Car Co.. Ltd. (letter), 942
- Swedish A.O. Trials. 854. 1314
- Swift Cars for 1913. Description of, 832
- — 7 h.p. Car, 93, 183. 271
- — Runabout (illus.), 912
- Swinton. J. (letter). 450
- Switzerland A.C. Reliability Trial, 89
- — Control of Roads in. 831
- — Motor Tourists in. 619. 854
- Sydney. E. S. B. (letter) 540
- — N.S.W., Municipal Cars at. 823
- T 1660 (letter), 677
- Tail Light Law. 35. 124
- Talbot Cars, Description of, 755
- — with Body by Andrews’ Motor Depot (illus.), 385
- — 12 h.p. in South Africa (illus.), 1223
- — 15 h.p. at Anchor of The Victory (illus.), 691
- — 15 h.p., Dr. Kirk’s. 78. 316
- — 20 h.p. Six-cyl. Car. Test Run on, 171
- — Records. 1062, 1077
- Taperell, B. Treleaven (letters), 179, 588
- Taxation of Motor Cars. Recommendations of Committee, 510
- — Old Care, 700. 1186. 1196, 1229. 1259
- — Steam Cars, 508, 850
- — Purposes, Horse-power Rating for, 507, 657. 688
- — Reform, 615, 722
- Taxi Driver, Eastbourne Bench and, 65
- Teesdale, In the Heart of. by M. Adeline Cooke. 783, 859
- Telephone Service, Road. A.A. 'and M.U. Organisation, 33
- Tenterden (letters). 848. 1094. 1231
- Ten-twelve (letter), 224
- Ten Years’ Progress in Motor Car Design, 1076
- Testing of Piston Heads. 10
- Testophone, Four-note, by A. Dunhill, Ltd., 579
- Testa. Brake-horse-power, of Private Cars, 77
- Tetlow Brothers, Oscillating-valve Engine, by 1130
- Thermostat, Steam Car Topics. 422
- Thomas and Co. (Cardiff). Ltd. (letter). 223
- Thompson, C. Herbert (letters). 494, 622
- — J. W.. K 3742 (letter) 676
- Thorburn, Douglas W. 'letter). 404
- Thoughts on the Coming Motor Show, by Owen John, 842
- Three-litre Engine, Stroke-bore Ratio for, by Laurence H. Pomeroy. 1042
- — by Louis Coatalen. 1166
- — Race in France, Next Year’s 954
- Three-wheeler Built by H. G. Featherby. 328
- — New. by Reynold Jackson and Co. (illus.). or 3
- Tips, Useful Hints and 3. 51. 101. 147. 191. 235. 279, 325. 371. 417. 463. 509. 555. 601 644, 689. 735. 789. 865, 962 1061. 1107, 1155. 1197, 1245, 1285
- T.K.S. (letter), 35
- Toll Dispute at Bursledon Bridge, 74
- Tools. Small. Making, by M.G., 1061
- Torcross, 1307
- Torkington Tyres, R.A.C. Trial of, 483
- Torksey Castle (illus.). 159
- Toronto. Canada, Motor Scouts at, 1236
- Torpedo Body, 1140
- Torque Rods. Attention tn. A. Warning, 555
- Tour. Scottish, by Major G. A. Gildea, 273. 319. 365
- — Through England. Itinerary of, by Cecil Rigby. 411
- Four Counties, b^ K.G.. 95. 139 185
- — Unconventional, bv R. Murray Gilchrist, 501
- Touring Body, What is a. 415 '
- — Cars on Brooklands. 146
- — Incidents in Scotland (illus.), 664
- — in Austria, 1218
- —- in East Anglia, Building at Wingfield, Suffolk. 280
- the Future. 257
- — Notes. Week-end and. 44. 95, 139, 185. 229, 273, 319, 365. 411. 457. 501. 549, 595. 639, 683, 729. 783. 859. 957. 1055, 1101 1149, 1191. 1238, 1279, 1316.
- — Resorts. Winter. Suggestions by R.A.C. Touring Dept., 1060
- Town and Country Cars. Insurance of. 299. 355
- Trackless Trolley System at PlaiBtow (illus.). 623
- Traction Engine Driver, Leniency Towards, at Bideford. 896
- — Engines, Obstruction hv. 909
- Trade Identification Marks. L.C.C. and, 1304
- Traffic Accidents. 1284
- — Control in Dublin. 128
- — Heavy, to the Left. 484
- — in the Metropolis. 255. 726
- — Regulation, London. 838. 845. 855. 1264
- — Slow-moving. Regulation of. 255, 484
- Trailer Tramcars in London. 198
- Trailers. The Law as to. 594
- — Width of. 682
- Tramlines, Dungerous. In London, 122. 224, 312
- Tramway Drivers and Speed Limit, 1146
- - Standards, Removal of. 181
- Tranmer. .1 W F, (letter). 943
- Transmissions, Infinitely Variable, 312
- — of 8-10 h.p. Phoenix. Fnvndny House TM. 327
- Transport, Car, Folkestone to Boulogne, 1129
- — Military Motor Cars and,'696, 825, 940
- Trapping, Wholesale, of Motorists, 507. 531, 657
- Trent, O. G. (letter), 1183
- Trial of Retreads. Suggested, 1230
- Trials the Club Cannot Undertake, 2.53
- — Unofficial, 233, 309, 357. 404, 449, 476, 495 542, 587, 677, 723. 775. 848, 902, 942 1041, 1047, 1094, 1143, 1231, 1261, 1307
- Tricar, Wrecked. Three-wheeler Built from, 328
- Trier and Martin, Ltd. (letter). 1047
- Troops, Motorists and, 761
- T.S.O. (letters), 403. 846
- Tue Brook Motor Co.. Ltd. (letter), 778
- Turcat-Mery Cars, 845. 1211
- Turf, Motor Cars and the, by J. Fairfax Blake borough. 296
- Turner, Arthur E. A. M. (letter), 404
- — Edith (letter). 1095
- — Petrol Car, 955. 1147
- — S. A. (letter), 939 Turntable for Cars, 88
- Tweedie, M. G. (letter), 447
- Twelve Hours’ Record, 15.9 h-p. Star Car, 423
- Twin Tyres, 363
- Two-stroke Engine, 2 '
- Two Owner-drivers (letter). 34
- Tyler. O. H. (letter). 588 V.
- Tyre and Wheel Section in Annexe at Olympia. 1026-1029
- — Economy, 222, 493
- — by Eric W. Walford, 60
- — Experiences, 177
- — Gautier, Metallic Fabric, R.A.C. Trial, 856
- — Liners, 264, 492
- — Mileage. 35, 402, 542. 941, 1093, 1142. 1230. 1262, 1307
- — Prices, Moseley, 231. 678
- — Spencer-Moulton, 732
- — Pump, Four-cyl., Kellogg, Description of, 519, 662
- — Wood-Milne, 520
- — Pumps, Engine, 616
- — Repairs, H.F. Accessory, 559
- — Vulcanising, 1282
- — Replacement. To Facilitate. 51
- — Sizes, Incorrect, 122. 179. 220. 262, 310, 324, 357. 402, 447, 492, 541. 587, 676, 725 Relative, 1307
- — Standard 99, 632
- — Stelastic, Description of. 624
- — Test, Challenge, 204
- — Tool, Handy, 3
- — Trial. Victor, 398. 477. 568. 720. 820. 1263
- — Trials, Unofficial, 233. 309. 357, 404, 449, 476, 495, 542. 587. 677. 1185, 1231, 1261. 1307
- — Troubles, 101
- — Wear, Uneven, on Front Wheels, 86
- — with Unburstable Inner Tube (illus.), 853
- Tyres, Beldam, 611
- — Freshly Tarred Roads and, 84
- — Heating of, .445
- — Macintosh, 326
- — Measurement of, 500
- — Non-skid, 781
- — of 1913, Review, 1080
- — Price of, 86
- — Prowodnik, 1301
- — Stelastic. R.A.C. Trial of, 915
- — Torkington, R.A.C. Trial of, 483
- — Why Wear, 262
- — Wood-Milne, 337
- Unaccountable Knocking, 543
- Unbiassed (letter). 1258
- Unchoked Jet-, The, by Owen John, 1265
- Unconventional Tour, by R. Murray Gilchrist, 501
- Uncoupled Propeller-shaft^ 623
- Under-tyring, 438
- Unic Car, Double Leather Disc Coupling (illus.), 1065
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illus-). 688
- Union of the Motor Trade Association,. 41.
- — Jacks, 1186
- Unions Exposed to Heat or Moisture, Graphite on, 569
- United International Motors. Ltd., 532
- — Motor Industries,, Ltd. Iletter), 940
- — States, Motor Industry in. 397
- — Road Seeking and Recording iu, 112
- Unofficial Trials, 233. 309, 357, 404, 449. 476. 495. 542, 587. 677, 723. 775, 848, 902. 942, 1041. 1047. 1094. 1143. 1185. .1231. 1261, 1307
- Unsightly Roadside Advertisements. 353
- Unterberg and Helmle, Patent by. Starting System, 39
- Upholstery Leather, New, 786
- User (letter), 588
- — of Benzole (letter), 777
- Value. Absolute and Relative, of Cars, 175, 264
- Valve Cap, To Unscrew, 509
- — Noise, Unusual Cause of. 638
- Valveless, Dodson and Sava Cars, 904
- Van den Plas Body. New (illus.), 121
- — Bodywork, Peculiar Case at Manchester, 172
- Vauxhall Car at Selangor. F.M.S. (illus.), 201
- — in Russian Trials, 301
- — Challenge to Sunbeam, 779. 830, 849, 941. 1093
- — 20 h.p. Car in, New Zealand (illus.). 137
- — Records by. 911 1077
- — 30 h.p. Six-cyl. Car (illus.). 374
- — Ltd., Hood by, 598
- — Models for Next Year, 758, 815
- —? Motors, Ltd. (letters), 779. 942, 1093
- — Non-titop Engine Trial, 626 724. 778. 84 9, 941
- — Radiator, Mr. Hancock’s (illus.). 692
- — Prince Henry Gar, O. E. Wyndham’s (illus.), 300
- Verification of Licences. 35
- Verlttw (letters), 265. 778
- Vernon. W It. (letter), 1046
- Victoria, Australia, Road Board fur» 894
- Victor Tyre Trial. 398. 477. 568, 720, 820, 1052, 1173, 1263
- — Statement by R.A.C. Secretary, 1051
- — Tyres, K.A.C. and, 223, 264. 310, 476, 1051
- Vide et Crede (letter). 495
- Vindication, Sunbeam Victory, 1
- Vinot Cars, 713
- Vita Sparking Plugs, 433
- V.L. Petrol Tanks, 816
- Vohlanda Fuel, K.A.C. Trial of, 1302
- Vulcan 15.9 h.p., Carburetter for, 317
- Vulcan Car (illus.), 153
- — 10-12 h.p. Car (illus.), 452
- — 12 h.p. Car in New Zealand (illus.), 1097
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.). 1221
- — Electric Lighting Dynamo Drive (illus.), 1136
- — 29.4 h.p. Six-cyl. Car (illus.), 41
- — 19,6 h.p. with Two-seated Body (illus.), 591
- Vulcanus (letter). 1261
- Wakefield, C. C., and Co. (letters), 494, 632
- Walford, Eric W., How the Magneto Works, by, 790, 925
- — Improvements in Design by, 158
- — Keeping Engine Clean and Dry, by, 865 (letters), 493, 724, 1142
- — Notes for the Beginner by, 256, 344, 386. 780a. 1125, 1225, 1297
- — Recent Patents by, 39, 268, 354, 572, 852, 1216
- — Tyre Economy, by. 60
- Walmesley, A E. (letter), 122
- Walmsley, Jas., and Co., Body by (illus.), 279
- Wales, August Touring in (illus.), 387
- Walker, Henry, Wind and Water Mills, by, 457
- Wanderer, Highways and Byeways of the by 1055, 1101, 1149, 1191, 1238,
- Wanted, 1,000 Motor Cars, 513, 610
- Warfare, The Motor Car in (illus.), 1174, 1176,
- Warland Dual Rim, 43, 681
- Warning, Audible, at Cross Roads, 484
- Warnings, Road, 42. 92. 155. 270, 316, 408, 454, 546, 636, 854, 1054, 1241
- War of the Wheels, 313
- Warrington and Preston, Alternative Route, 1097
- Washing a Car, 1197
- — Cars. Water for, 1315 Wasted Energy, 735
- Water Indicator on Steam Cars, 548
- Watford Speedometers, Description of Mechanism, 212
- Watson and Co., D. (letter). 1307
- Watson, Prof. W., Paper by. Test of Daimler Sleeve Valve Engine, 931, 1082
- Wauters. H. (letter). 177
- Waverley Chassis and Standard Forms of Body (illus.), 762
- Waverley 12 h.p. Car, 390
- Weather-proof, Making a Car, by H. Waymouth Prance, 325
- Week-end and Touring Notes, 44, 95, 139, 185, 229, 273, 319, 365, 411. 457, 501, 549. 595, 639, 683, 729. 783. 859, 957, 1055, 1101, 1149, 1191, 1238, 1279, 1317
- Weekes, W- II. (letter), 176, 313
- Weight and Windage Area, 146
- Welbeck, Tneir Majesties’ Visit to (illus.), 1157, 1189
- Welding Process, New, 1079
- Welsh A. and Ae.C., 270
- Western Outlet, Proposed, from London, 439, 758, 829, 1080
- West Sussex (letter), 1093
- W.F.C.C. (letter), 1182
- W.F.T. (letter), 357
- W.G.A., Air-propelled Car, Criticisms and Comments, by, 305
- Whatton, J. S. (letter), 629
- W.H.B. (letter), 847
- Wheel and Tyre Section in Annexe at Olympia, 1026-1029
- — L.A.S.T., Description of, 294
- — Springless Resilient, W. S. Boult’s, 105
- Wheels, Detachable, v. Detachable Flanges, 126. 222 313
- — Wood v. Wire, 34, 87, 126, 265
- Whitcombe, R. G. (letter), 122
- White and Pawley (letter), 722
- White and Poppe 15 h.p. Engine (lllixs.), 1138, 1188
- — Knight (letter), 1182
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 525
- — Petrol Car (illus.), 922
- — Chassis ? illus.). 607
- — Steam Car for Aeroplane Spares (illus.), 342
- Whitmore, Ronald (letters), 125, 265
- Whistler (letter), 1093
- W.H.T. (letters), 221, 447
- Width of Trailers, 682
- Wigan, Coroner’s Remarks at, 821
- Wilfred (letter), 450
- Williams, J., Patent by. Surface Carburetter, 39
- — Owen, H. M. (letter), 496
- Williamson, John (letter), 359
- Willis. G. Bright (letter), 402
- Willson, Geo. E. (letter), 450
- Wimperis Accelerometer Tests at Brooklands, 580
- — H. E., Acceleration of a Motor Oar, by. 489
- Wind and Water Mills, by Henry Walker, 457
- Windovers, Ltd., Private Omnibus by, for Duke
- of Devonshire (illus.), 860
- Window Appliance, Ideal, 672
- Wind-propelled Cars, 216, 305, 401, 443, 493, 943, 1052
- Wind Screens, Hot Weather, 147
- — New, Patent by R. Rothe, 852
- — Sheeting, La Verre Triplex, 293
- Windsor Great Park, Guests’ Cars in (illus.), 164
- Wind Waggon. M. B. de Lessops’, 100
- Wingfield Castle, Suffolk, 280
- Winston, Harold (letter), 224
- Winter Touring Resorts, Suggestions by R.A.C. Touring Dept., 1060
- Wire Wheels and Wet, 451
- Wiser (letter), 1187
- Withers 25 h.p. Car, 820
- Woking-Weet Byfleet Road. 586
- Wolseley Co. and A. J. Rowledge, Patent by, Gearing Lubrication, 572
- — Ltd., Patent by. Sleeve Valve Engine Improvements, 852
- — Spring Suspension, 852
- — Cars, Fleet of (illus.). 1314
- — Gear Box, Patent by Wolseley Tool and Motor
- — Car Co. and A. J. Rowledge, 268
- — 10-12 h.p., Seven-year-old Car (illus.), 1313
- — 12-16 h.p., Carburetter for, 547, 593, 637
- — with Coventry Body. 1320
- — in Water-splash (illus.)-. 306
- — Car (illus.), 23. 213. 605
- — 24-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 89, 103
- — 16-20 h.p. Car in New Zealand ’ (illus.), 517
- — T. Farrow’s (illue.), 258
- — Chassis for Australian Government, 1314
- — Landaulet, Earl Grey at Cape Town (illus.), 225
- — with Wolseley Body (Illus). 666
- — 14 h.p. Oar in South Africa (illus.), 258
- — 20-28 h.p. Car with Vincent Body (illus.), 622
- — 50 h.p. Limousine-landaulet (illus.), 488
- — 6 h.p. Old Car (illus.), 406
- — 24-30 h.p. with Cann Body (illus.), 350
- — New Models, Description of, 693, 770
- — Spare Wheel Bracket and Dummy Hub (illus.), 1136
- — Tool and Motor Car Co. and A. J. Rowledge, Patent by, Gear Box, 268
- Woodfine, T. F. (letter), 539
- Wood-Milne Foot Pump, 520
- — Tyres, 337
- Woods, G. Hubert (letter), 1186
- Wood v. Wire Wheels. 34. 87. 126, 265
- Woodworth Tread, 202
- Worm Drive on Brooklands, 176
- — Gear Drives, 732
- Wotan Battery Lamps, 732
- Wright, J. A. Cecil (letter), 179 n. (letter), 1093
- W.S. (letter), 725
- XS 297 (letter), 450
- Yorkshire A.C. Hill-climb, Pateley Bridge, 286, 351
- — Speed Trials at Saltburn. 52
- — New Bridge for, 353
- — North, A.C., 92
- Young England (letter), 359
- Zenith Carburetter, Benzole with. 1277
- — Patent by Societe du Carbureteur Zenith, 1216 1816 (letter), 178
- 90 X 120 mm. or 80 X 150 mm., 1042, 1199
- 1,000 Motor Cars Wanted, 513, 610