1929 Royal Warrants (12)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales from the Comptroller to His Royal Highness, with authority to use His Royal Highness's Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly the Prince of Wales's Standard, or to the use of the word "Royal."
Pages 45-48
- G. Adam and Co
- Aeolian Co
- Anderson and Son
- Aquascutum
- Ashton and Mitchell
- Asprey and Co
- Associated Hotels of India
- Associated Screen News
- Aylesbury Dairy Co
- Barker and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Barker, John, and Co
- Barnard, Walter, and Son
- Barrett, W., and Son
- Bartley and Sons
- Bassano
- Bass, Ratcliff and Gretton
- Beesley, F
- Behari Lai Ghasi Ram
- Berry Brothers and Co
- Boucheron, Radius and Co
- Boyes, Bassett and Co
- Brigg and Sons
- British Brunswick
- British Motor Service
- Bryant and May
- Buchanan, James, and Co
- Bull, Morris, F.W.C.F
- Burman, John
- W. and J. Burrow
- Bushnell, Walter
- Cadbury, Pratt and Co
- Callard, Stewart and Watt
- B. J. Carpenter
- Carrington and Co
- Cartier
- Charles Charpentier
- Chivers and Sons
- J. Christie and Son
- Chubb and Son's Lock and Safe Co
- Clark, Alfred (1928)
- Colling wood (Jewellers)
- J. and J. Colman
- G. Cooke and Co
- Cooper, Frank
- Cording, George
- J. C. Cording and Co
- Coutts, Alexander
- Cowley Duncan
- Crichton Brothers
- Crossley Motors
- Curtiss and Sons
- Daimler Co
- Dare and Dolphin
- Davies and Son
- Davis, A., and Co
- Dent, E., and Co
- Druce and Co
- Dunhill, Alfred
- Eastman and Son
- Ede and Ravenscroft
- Edison Swan Electric Co
- Elkington and Co
- Elliston and Cavell
- Everett and Co
- Garrard and Co
- Ghulam Mohammed and Brothers
- Gieves
- Gillard and Co
- Gillette Safety Razor
- Gillman and Co
- Girdhardas, Haridas, Raghunathdas
- Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co
- T. Goode and Co (London)
- Goodyear, Edward
- Goslin and Co
- Grnnebaums
- Gwalior Leather Factory and Tannery
- Hamilton and Co
- Hawes and Curtis Hall Brothers
- Hall and Sons (Butchers)
- Harborow's
- Harrison and Sons
- Hatchards
- Hays, Alfred
- Hedges and Butler
- Henry Graves and Co
- Henry Heath
- Hill, Charles Jasper
- Holt, Renfrew and Co
- Hooper and Co (Coachbuilders)
- Hooper, Siruve and Co
- Hunt and Roskell
- H. Huntsman and Sons
- Lancaster, Charles, and Co
- Leftwich
- Lever Brothers
- Lewis, Robert (St. James's)
- Lincoln, Bennett and Co
- Lock, James and Co
- Lockwood, Brown and Co
- J. Lyons and Co
- Maple and Co
- Mappin and Webb
- Marich, V., and Co
- Maxwell, H., and Co
- May and Williams
- Mayfair Window Cleaning Co
- McVitie and Price
- Meyer and Mortimer
- Morel Brothers, Cobbett and Sons
- Mull Chand and Sons
- Musk and Co
- Pasre, Keen and Page
- Parker, T. H Pascall, James
- Paul-Delaney Co
- Paul, B. K., and Co
- Peal and Co
- Pears, A. and F.
- Pool, David
- Poole, Henry, and Co
- Pope, Roach and Son
- Power, W. M.
- Price's Patent Candle Co
- Price, Whittaker and Co
- Pugh and Co
- Pugsley, Wallace S. R.
- Purdey, James, and Sons
- Randall, H. E.
- Ranken and Co
- Rapson, Fred Lionel
- Rayner, J., and Co
- Reckitt and Sons
- Rees, Hugh
- Remington Typewriter Co
- Ridgways
- Rogers and Cook
- Rolls-Royce
- Rowell and Son
- Rowell and Sons
- Russell, J., and Sons
- Ryman and Co
- Sandon and Co
- Savory and Moore
- Scholte, F. P.
- Schweppes
- Sewell and Consens
- Shaw, T., and Co
- Sifton, Praed and Co
- Simpson Benzie
- Skinner and Co
- Slater and Cooke, Bisney and Jones
- Smethurst and Co (London)
- Smith, Edward
- Smith, H. Allen
- Sodastream
- Solomon, I.
- Southwell, Coultas and Co
- Speaight
- Spiking and Co Spink and Son
- Squire and Sons
- Stevens, S. Moyses
- Straker, Samuel and Sons
- Street, G., and Co
- Sullivan, Powell and Co
- Swaine and Adeney
- Takeshimaya lida Kabushiki Kaisha
- Tanqueray, Gordon and Co
- Telfer Biscuit Co
- Thomas, R., and Son
- Todhouse, Reynard and Co
- Tom Campbell Co
- Trumper, G. F. W
- Twining, R., and Co
- Walford and Spokes
- Walpole Brothers (London)
- Warrington and Co
- Warsow, Joshua
- Watney, Combe, Reid and Co
- Weatherill, Bernard
- Wellby, D. and J.
- Whippy, Steggall and Co
- Whitbread and Co
- Whitmore and Bayley
- Wilkinson, J. S., and Son
- Wilkinson Sword Co
- Windover and Co
See Also
Sources of Information