1940 Institution of Mechanical Engineers: Council

Note: This is a sub-section of 1940 Institution of Mechanical Engineers
- Asa Binns, Wh.Ex., London
- E. Bruce Ball, Wh.Ex., Kilmarnock
- David E. Roberts, Cardiff
- Sir John E. Thornycroft, K.B.E., London
- Sterry B. Freeman, C.B.E., M.Eng. Liverpool
- H. L. Guy, D.Sc., Wh.Ex., F.R.S. Manchester
- F. C. Lea, O.B.E., D.Sc., Wh.Sch. Sheffield
- Sir S. Leonard Pearce, C.B.E., D.Sc. London
- W. A. Stanier London
- Colonel S. J. Thompson, D.S.O. Wolverhampton
- A. J. Bowron (Western) Cheltenham
- Norman C. Bridge (Scottish) Glasgow
- E. C. Buck (Caribbean) Port of Spain
- O. V. S. Bulleid London
- Wing Commr. T. R. Cave-Browne-Cave, C.B.E., R.A.F., ret. Southampton
- S. F. Dorey, D.Sc., Wh.Ex. London
- C. D. Gibb, M.E. Newcastle upon Tyne
- Lord Dudley G. Gordon, D.S.O. Dartford
- H. J. Gough, M.B.E., D.Sc., Ph.D., F.R.S. London
- A. J. Grant, Wh.Ex. Sheffield
- Major William Gregson, M.Sc. London
- A. C. Hartley, O.B.E., B.Sc.(Eng.) London
- F. W. Hawksworth Swindon
- Christopher Hinton, M.A. Northwich
- F. J. Hookham, B.Sc., Wh.Ex. (China) Shanghai
- Major P. L. Jones, M.C., B.Sc., Wh.Ex. (North Eastern) Newcastle upon Tyne
- Percy Jump (Midland) Dudley
- Richard E. L. Maunsell, C.B.E., M.A. (Hon. Life Member) Ashford
- C. W. Murray, D.F.C. (East Midlands) Derby
- A. T. Nickson (River Plate) Buenos Aires
- Benjamin W. Pendred (Associate Member) London
- Eng. Vice-Admiral Sir George Preece, K.C.B. London
- D. R. Pye, C.B., M.A., Sc.D., F.R.S. London
- H. F. Reeman (South Wales) Cardiff
- Harry R. Ricardo, B.A., F.R.S. London
- Professor Andrew Robertson, D.Sc., Wh.Ex., F.R.S. Bristol
- A. Roebuck Sheffield
- Charles H. Russell (Associate Member) Long Ditton
- Professor Dempster Smith, M.B.E., M.Sc.Tech. Stockport
- Joseph Stafford (Yorkshire) Doncaster
- B. J. Tams, B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Sc.Tech. (Associate Member) London
- Halton Thomson, M.A. (Southern) Portsmouth
- G. E. Windeler (North Western) Stockport
Assistant Secretary
See Also
Sources of Information