The Engineer 1925 Jul-Dec: Index: Shipbuilding, Engineering and Machinery Exhibition

Note: This is a sub-section of The Engineer 1925 Jul-Dec: Index
View the Volumes that this Index refers to:
- The Engineer 1925/11/20
- The Engineer 1925/11/20Supp
- The Engineer 1925/11/27
- The Engineer 1925/12/04
- The Engineer 1925/12/11
- The Engineer 1925/12/18
Names of Exhibitors.
- Aster Engineering Company (1913), Ld., 574, 575
- Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 663
- Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Suppt. 20.11.25, xvii, xviii
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., 604, 605
- Bennis, Ed., and Co., Ltd., 632
- Birmingham Small Arms Company, Ltd.. Suppt., 20.11.25, xx
- Bolton's Superheaters and Pipe Works, Ltd., 631
- Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Suppt., 20.1 1.25, iv, v
- British Electric Vehicles, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, x
- British Perlit Iron Company, Ltd., 574
- British Separators, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xiii, xiv
- Broom and Wade, 664
- Burn, Lewis--see Stothert and Pitt
- CAMBRIDGE Instrument Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, vii, viii
- Chadburn's (Ship) Telegraph Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xiv, xv
- Clarkson Steam Motors, Suppt., 20.11.25, ix
- Clews Petersen Piston Ring and Engineering Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, vi
- Crankless Engines, Ltd., 664
- ELECTROFLO Meters Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, x, xi
- Empson Centrifugals, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11 25, xi, xii
- FIRTH, Thos., and Sons, Ltd., 665
- GARDNER, L., and Sons, Ltd., 633
- Godfrey Engineering Works, Suppt. 20.11.25, xvi
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., 663
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., 602
- HADFIELDS Ltd., 603
- Hakol, Ltd., 662
- Halden, J., and Co., Ltd., 667
- Harper, A., Sons and Bean, Ltd., 665
- Hele-Shaw-Beacham--see Holman Brothers and Harper, A., Sons and Bean, Ltd.
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 633
- Holman Brothers, Ltd., 632
- Hughes, Henry, and Son, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11 25, v
- IGRANIC Electric Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xvii
- KANGO Company, Ltd., 662
- Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird, Ltd., Suppt 20.11.25, iii, iv
- Kent, George, Ltd., 605
- Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company, Ltd., 559
- Knight and Smith, 605
- LACY-HULBERT and Co., Ltd., 603, 633 ; (Correction), 633
- Laurence, Scott and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, vi, vii
- Liptak Furnace Arches, Ltd., 571 --see also Bennis, Ed., and Co.
- MACLACHLAN Automatic Boat Davit Company, Ltd., 575
- Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, x
- Michell Bearings, Ltd., 604
- Musgrave and Sons, Ltd., 633
- NEGRETTI and Zambra, 572, 573
- Norman Engineering Company, 603, 604
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., 667
- PARSONS, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xx
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xviii
- Petters Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, viii, ix
- Pneumatic Plate Tightener Sales Company, Ltd., 663
- QUANTAMETERS, Ltd., 558, 559
- RADIO Communication Company, 559, 560
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, 555
- Reavell and Co., Ltd., 555, 556, 557
- Redrup Motors, Ltd., 602
- Rudkin, J. B., 665
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 631
- Ryder and Davidson, 630, 631
- SHEEPBRIDGE Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xv, xvi
- Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xv
- Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 557, 558
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., 572
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., 604
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 629, 630
- Stream Line Filter Company, Ltd., 558
- Sulzer Brothers, 606
- Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, Ltd., 630
- Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xii, xiii, xiv
- THORNYCROFT, John I, and Co., Ltd., 667
- Thurley Grip-All Company, 555
- VICKERS-PETTERS, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, i, ii, iii
- WHITE, E. T., and Co., Ltd., 573
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xviii, xix
- Air Compressors :
- - Crankless Air Compressor, Two-stage, Eightcylinder, Broom and Wade, 664
- - Three-cylinder Crankless Air Compressor, Piston and Slant, Crankless Engines, Ltd., 664
- - Hand-operated, Rotary and Other Smaller Compressors, 557
- - Marine Emergency Compressor, 557
- - Two-stage Vertical Air Compressor and Intercooler, 555, 556, 557
- - Three-stage Steam-driven Compressor, Reavell and Co., Ltd., 556, 557
- - Hele-Shaw-Beacham Four-cylinder Air Compressor, Holman Brothers, 632
- - Portable and Semiportable Air Compressors, Tire Inflater, Lacy-Hulbert and Co., Ltd. 603, 633
- ARCHES, Furnace, Interlocking Air-cooled Wall, Liptak Furnace Arches, Ltd., 571
- Bearings :
- - Ordinary and Michell Journal Bearings, Model showing Comparison, Michell Bearings, Ltd., 604
- BOAT-LAUNCHING Gear, Maclachlan Automatic Boat Davit Company, Ltd., 575
- Boilers :
- - Boiler Control, Meters, andc.--see also Instruments
- - Economiser, Tri-tube Horizontal, for Boilers, Model of, E. Green and Son, Ltd., 602
- - Feed-water Regulator, Duplex Boiler Check Valve, Aster Engineering Company, Ltd., 574, 575
- - Feed-water Regulator, Copes, with New Alarm, James Gordon and Co., Ltd., 663
- - Thermax Boiler, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 631
- - Thimble Tube Waste Heat Boilers for Land or Marine Service, Clarkson Steam Motors, Suppt., 20.11.25, ix
- Castings :
- - Centrifugal Castings, Manufacture of, Sheepbridge Stokes Centrifugal Castings Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xv
- Cranes :
- - Electric Runabout Crane, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 555
- ECONOMISERS--see Boilers
- Electrical Matters :
- - Barrel Type Motor Starter, Laurence Scott and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, vi, vii
- - Crane Motor with Floating Brake, Suppt., 20.11.25, vi
- - Donkin Scott Electric Steering Gear, Supt., 20.11.25, vi
- - Electric Winch, Suppt., 20.11.25, vi
- - Electolite Lighting Sets, Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, v
- - Electric Heating Plug for Vickers-Petters Engine, Suppt., 20.11.25, iii
- - Electric Heater--see also Purifiers
- - Marine Electrical Devices, Various, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 557--see also Instruments and Wireless
- - Ships, Electrical Machinery for : Steam Electric Generator Sets ; General Purpose Ships' Motors ; Enclosed Water-tight Motor; Lighting Sets; Electric Worm- driven Cargo Winches : 5-Ton Back- geared Ships' Cargo Winch ; Navigation Light Indicator; Luminous Signalling System for Stewards, andc., Sunderland Forge and Engineering Company, Ltd., 630
- - Star-delta Switch ; Automatic Contactor and Control Panels ; Automatic Starting Rheostats ; Battery Charging Panels, andc., Igranic Electric Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, xvii
- Electrical Matters (continued) :
- - Static Transformer, 5500/508-Volt 40-Cycie ; Turbo-generator, 100-Kilowatt ; Transformer Accessories ; Searchlight Relectors, andc., C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xx
- Switches, 45,000-Volt Line Sectioning, 12,000-Volt Automatic Line Sectioning ; Transmission Line Mast with Transformer, andc., J. B. Rudkin, 665
- Engines :
- - "C" Type Low-compression Heavy Oil Engines ; Auxiliary Lighting Set ; Fuel and Starting Systems, Vickers-Petters, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, i, ii, iii
- - Cold-starting Horizontal Oil Engine, 47 B.H.P.; Four-cylinder Marine Type Oil Engine; Petrol-paraffin Small Lighting Sets, L. Gardner and Sons, Ltd., 633
- - 15 B.H.P. Crude Oil Engine for Electric Lighting Service, Babcock and Wílcox, Ltd., 604, 605
- - Eight-cylinder Crankless Petrol Engine, Engine Pistons and Slant, Crankless Engines, Ltd., 664
- - Internal Combustion Engine, Two-stroke Six-cylinder, Redrup Motors, Ltd., 602
- - Marine and Stationary Oil and Petrol Engines ; Alpha-Petter Electric Lighting Plant ; 5 B.H.P. Magneto Type Petrol or Paraffin Engine ; 3 H.P. Handyman Agricultural Engine, Petters, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, viii, ix
- - Meredith Engine, Steam or Compressed Air, for Mine or other Haulage, Model, Sheepbridge Coal and Iron Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xv, xvi
- - Models of Specialities for Steam Reciprocating Marine Engines and Boilers, Boiler Auxiliaries, and North-Eastern Marine Oil Engines : Models of 3000 I.H.P. Marine Diesel Engine and Double-acting Four - cycle North - Eastern - Werkspoor Engine, North-Eastern Marine Engineering Company, Ltd., 667
- - Motor Car Engines--see also Motor Parts
- - Numerous Exhibits of Petrol and Paraffin Engines for Marine and Stationary Work, Ailsa Craig Marine Motors, Large and Small, 667
- - 300 B.H.P. Six-cylinder Airless Injection Oil Engine, Sulzer Brothers, 606
- - Three-cylinder Vertical Oil Engines Coupled to Direct-current Electric Generators, Paraffin-petrol Engine Coupled to Singleram Vertical Pump, Ruston and Hornsbv; Ltd., 631
- - Three-cylinder Vertical Heavy Oil Engine, 225 B.H.P. New Type, Worthington- Simpson, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xviii, xix
- FEED-WATER Regulators, Valves, andc.--see Boilers ; also Instruments
- Furnaces :
- - Furnaces, Wild-Barfield, Electro-magnetic ; Visual Pyroscopic Tell-tale ; Tempering Bath, Electrically Heated Oil, Automatic and Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xvii, xviii
- Gear, Reduction, andc.:
- - Boat's Gear--see Boat
- - Burn Transmission Gear; Burn Gear for Planing Machine Drive, Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., 629, 630
- - Reduction Gear, The Fitter "Heliocentric," Ryder and Davidson, 630, 631
- - Hydraulic Transmission : Hele - Shaw- Beacham Variable Hydraulic Transmission System, Variable Stroke Pump and Constant Stroke Motor; Pump, Motor and Winch Fitted with Gear, Harper, Sons and Bean, Ltd., 665, 666
- GUN, Line-throwing, Birmingham Small Arms Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, xx
- Gyro Repeater Direction Finder Sperry Marconi, 572
- HAMMERS--see Unclassed
- Instruments, Indicators, Meters, Gauges, andc.
- - --See also Electrical Matters
- - Automatic Pilot, "Two-unit" ; Gyro Repeater Direction-finder, Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., and Marconi International Company, 572
- - Behm Echo-depth Sounder and Time-interval Recorder, Suppt., 20.11.25, iv
- - Boulton Econometer, Suppt., 20.11.25, iii
- - Heating and Ventilating Unit (Ships' Cabins), Suppt., 20.11.25, iii
- - Pneumercator Distant Boiler Water Gauge, Suppt., 20.11.25, iv
- - Pneumercator Tank Gauge and Draught Indicator, Suppt., 20.11.25, iii, iv
- - Vibrometer, Suppt., 20.11.25, iii
- - Kelvin, Bottomley and Baird. Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, iii, iv
- CO and CO2 Indicators and Recorders ; Temperature Measurement and Regulator Apparatus ; Dial Thermometers ; Draught and Pressure Gauges, Cambridge Instrument Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, vii, viii
- - Dial Gauge for Tank Level Measurements, Dial and Other Thermometers, Negretti and Zaiubra, 572, 573
- - Echo Depth Sounder, Sound Transmitter and Echo Receiving Apparatus (Admiralty System), Henry Hughes and Son, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, v
- - Meter, Steam, Propeller Type ; Boiler Water Level Recorders, Electrical, andc., George Kent, Ltd., 605
- - Meters for Measurement of Flow of Steam, Air, Gas, Water, andc., Boiler Control Equipment ; Boiler Meter Equipment ; Duplex Recording Pyrometer ; Draught and Pressure
Indicators for Boiler Control, andc., Electroflo Meters Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, x, xi
- - Revolution Indicator, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 557
- - Water Level Indicator, Various Types, for Depth, Boilers, Tanks, Oil Fuel and Vacuum ; Pipe Flow Measurement Device, andc., Quantameters, Ltd., 558, 559
- Iron and Steel:
- - See also Castings
- - Perlit Cast Iron ; Iron Air Compressor Piston ; Iron Piston for Diesel Engine ; Laboratory Tests of Perlit Iron Liner, British Perlit Iron Company, Ltd., 574
- - Steel:
- -- Era, H.R., Heat-resisting Steel; Hecla A.T.V. Corrosion-resisting Steel, Hadfields, Ltd., 603
- -- "Staybrite" Silver Steel, Various Exhibits : Manganese, Rustless Steel Diving Suit, andc., Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd., 665
- LIGHTING Sets--see Engines
- Motor Parts :
- - Cylinders, Crank Cases ; White Four- cylinder Engines and Watson Engine ; Warmota Car Heater ; Vapour Oil System of Fuel Supply, andc., E. T. White and Co., Ltd., 573
- OIL Gas, Vapour Oil--see Unclassed
- Oil Purifying--see Purifiers
- Oxygen Jet Metal Cutting Machine, New Type, Godfrey Engineering Works, Suppt., 20.11.25, xvi--see also Welding
- PHOTO Printing, Washing and Drying--see Unclassed
- Pipe Wrench, Thurley Grip-All Company, 555
- Piston Rings, Method of Making, Clews Petersen Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, vi
- Piston--see also Iron
- Pistons--see Iron and Steel
- Pneumatic Plate, Pulverised Coal--see Unclassed
- Pumps :
- - Boiler Feed, Centrifugal, Vertical Simplex and Horizontal Duplex Pumps ; Doubleacting Motor-driven Pumps, Worthington- Simpson, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xix
- - Lowrev - Turbo Portable Pumping Set, Boulton and Paul, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, iv, v
- - Stone-Param or Rotary Pump, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 604
- Purifiers and Separators :
- - Oily Bilge Water Separator, Filter and Centrifugal Pump, Stream Line Filter Company, Ltd., 558
- - Oily Bilge Water Separator, Working Model, Knight and Smith, 605
- - Purifier, De Laval Centrifugal Oil, for Marine Use, Chadburn's (Ship) Telegraph Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xiv, xv
- - Purifiers, Centrifugal, Portable and Fixed for Lubricating, Transformer and other Oils; Electrical Heaters and Pumps, Empson Centrifugals, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xi, xii
- Purifiers and Separators (continued):
- - Purifying Machine, Sharpies Super-Centrifuge, for Industrial or Marine Purposes, Super-Centrifugal Engineers, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xii, xiii, xiv
- - Separator, Centrifugal, the "Vickcen," for Oil or other Liquid ; Self-contained Electric Drive, British Separators, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xiii, xiv
- ROPE GUARD--see Unclassed
- Rudder, Reversing, New Type, Kitchen's Reversing Rudder Company, Ltd., 559
- SEPARATORS--see Purifiers
- Sewage Plant:
- - Jennings-Hytor Sewage Lifting Plant, Compressor and Pump, Norman Engineering Company, 603, 604
- Small Craft:
- - Engines for--see Engines
- - 55-Foot Sea-going Cruiser, Photograph of, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., 667
- Steam Condensation Appliances :
- - Steam Ejector ; Ejector Air Pumps, Centrifugal Condensate Extraction Pumps, andc., Musgrave and Sons, Ltd., 633
- STEEL--see Iron and Steel
- Steering--see Rudder, also Wireless
- Stokers : '
- - Deep Type Chain Grate Stoker, Ed. Bennis and Co., Ltd., 632--see also Arches
- STRAINER--see Unclassed
- Superheaters:
- - Bolton-Gray High Superheat Sectional Superheater, Bolton's Superheater and Pipe Works, Ltd., 631
- TEMPERING--see also Furnaces
- Trucks:
- - Electric Trucks, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., 555
- - Midget Whippet Electric Elevating Platform Truck, British Electric Vehicles,. Ltd., Suppt., 20.1 1.25, x
- Turbines :
- - High Efficiency Marine Geared Turbine Installation, Model of ; Models of Steam Yacht Turbinia and Others, Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Company, Ltd., Suppt., 20.11.25, xviii
- Unclassed Exhibits :
- - Hand Hammers, Electrically Operated, Kango Company, Ltd., 662
- - Oil Gas Producer, Novel Apparatus, Hakol, Ltd., 662, 663
- - Photo Printing and Photo Copying Machines, J. Halden and Co., Ltd., 667
- - Pneumatic Plate Tightener, The Hallet, Pneumatic Plate Tightener Sales Company, Ltd., 663
- - Pulverised Coal Burning, Fuller-Kinyon System, Series of Models, Babcock and Willcox, Ltd., 61)4
- - Stone-Blake Rope Guard, J. Stone and Co., Ltd., 604
- - Strainer, Marine and Industrial ; Converted Gauze Strainer, Auto-Klean Strainers, Ltd., 663
- - Vapour Oil System of Fuel Supply, E. T. White and Co., Ltd., 573
- - Washing and Drying Apparatus for Lucigraph Photographic Copying Machine, Alfred Herbert, Ltd., 633
- - Winch, Ship's Steam Working, Babcock and Willcox, Ltd., 604
- WALL, Interlocking--see Arches
- Welding, Metal Cutting, Brazing, andc.:
- - Air-acetylene System, New Type, Lead "Burning" with Oxy-acetylene Pipe, Allen-Liversidge, Ltd., 662
- WINCH--see Unclassed
- Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony :
- - Direction Finding Aerial and Receiver, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 558
- - Lifeboat Wireless Installation : Transmitter, Continuous Wave, for Land or Sea Use ; Various other Installations, Radio Communication Company, 559, 560
- - Transmitting and Receiving Apparatus for Communication at Sea, Increased Safety, Navigation Assistance ; Marconi V4 Broadcast Receiver ; Marconi Band Repeater for Ships, andc., Marconi International Marine Communication Company, Suppt., 20.11.25, x
See Also
Sources of Information