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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name L

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

LABATT, John Bagot, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. E., Australia, Deputy-Chairman, South Australian Harbours Bd.; b. 1861; s. of G. A. Labatt, B.A., Barrister-at-Law. Ed. Saint Peter's College, Adelaide. Training: Dockyard, Port Adelaide. Served Articles to Engr. for Harbours and Jetties; subsequently under Engr.-in-Chief, Adelaide, as Draughtsman and Eng. Asst., carrying out the designing and supervising Construction of numerous Harbour Works; Interstate Officer to Report on Utilization of the Waters of the River Murray, 1905; Asst. Engr., Harbours and Jetties, 1906; Deputy-Ch., S.A. Harbours Bd. as Eng. Member, 1914, with charge of the Design and Construction of all Harbour and Jetty Works throughout the State of S. Australia, 1,800 miles of coast line. Address: South Australian Harbours Board, Victoria Square, Adelaide. T. N.: 5904 Central.

LACEY, Ernest Matthew, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer, Electric Power Stations, Tramways, Light Railways, etc., 12, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: 7034 Victoria. b. 1866. Ed. Dulwich College. Served under the late F. W. Lacey, M.Inst.C.E., 2I, W. D. Gooch, etc. Commenced private practice in Westminster in 1894. Has acted as Consulting Engineer to several Local Authorities, Power Companies, etc., including power stations and tramways for the Corporations of Blackburn, Batley, Belfast, Bournemouth, Bury, Colchester, Rochdale, Radcliffe, Salford, Swindon, etc. The Lancashire Power Station, The Trafford Power Station, electric hydraulic plant for L. and N.W. Railway Co. In all about 70,000 kilowatts of power plant and 350 miles of tramways. More recent works, the Walsall Corporation Power Station, Trafford Power Station extensions, Aberdare Tramways, West Ham and Poplar (scheme for North-East London Electricity Supply), etc. Publication: Paper read before Institution of Civil Engineers, 1917. War Services.—Power station extensions to meet demands for war work, including ro,000 kilowatts for Trafford Power Co., etc.

LACEY, George William Borough and Water Engr., Oswestry, Salop.

LACK, Charles Tibbit, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Millfield Impington, Cambs. T. A.: " Histon, Cambs." T. N.: 123 Cambridge. b. 1873 s. of Charles Lack, hydraulic and agricultural engineer, Cottenham, Cambs; m. Florence Daisy, d. of late James Welch, Ickleton Abbey, Cambs. Served apprenticeship in his father's works. Had control of Hydraulic and Wellsinking Department of his father's works from 1892-6. Joined Chivers and Sons, Ltd., as Resident Engineer in 1896, which position he still holds. Chief Works: Design and manufacture of special machinery incidental to the making and packing of jams, jellies, etc.

LACKIE, William Walker, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., MJ.E.S., Electricity Commissioner; b. 1869. Ed:. Montrose Academy, Aberdeen; Grammar School; University College, Dundee; and Glasgow University. App. Mayor and Coulson, Elec. Engrs., Glasgow; Chief Engr. and Mangr, Glasgow Corporation Offices held: Pres., Incorporated Municipal Elec. Assoc.; Ch., Inst. of Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Scotland; Ch. of Scottish Centre of Inst.E.E. Club: St. Stephen's. Business Address: Electricity Commission, Gwydyr House, Whitehall, T. N.: Victoria 8660; Extension 220. Private Address: "Woodleigh," St. George's, Avenue, Weybridge. T. N.: 631 Weybridge.

LACY-HULBERT, Charles Edward, M.I". Mech.E., Man. Dir.; b. 1868; s. of Rev. James. Lacy-Hulbert. Ed. Partly in France and partly England. Training: Manchester Technical College App. and Asst. Works Man. with Sharp, Stewart and Co,,. Ltd., Manchester and Glasgow; Inspecting Engr. Brussels; 19o1—Founded Firm of Lacy-Hulbert andCo., Pneumatic Engrs. (incorporated in 1903). Club: St. Stephen's. Addresses: 91, Victoria Street.. S.W., and Boreas Works, Beddington, Surrey, T. N.: Vic. 944; Croydon 1698.

LAING, Andrew, C.B.E., M.I.N.A., General Manager and Director of the Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co., Ltd.; with the Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Glasgow, 1877, of which he became Engr., Manager and Director; has been responsible for design and construction of Machinery Installations for Warships and Ocean Liners; Deputy Chairman of Walker and Wallsend Union Gas Co.; Director of Newcastle and Gateshead Gas Co.; Mem. of Lloyd's Committee. Club: Constitutional. Address: 15, Osborne Road, Newcastle. T. N.: Jesmond, Newcastle, 992.

LAING, H. W.,, A.F.P.W.Inst., Tramways Man. and Engr.; Gen. Man., St. Anne's Council Tramways, Squires Gate, Blackppool; b. 1871. Ed. King William's College Tramway Construction Work, South Amer. and West Indies; Tramways Eng. with Bury, Rochdale and Oldham Steam Tramway Co.; Traffic Man., Paisley District Tramways Co.; Man. Cambridge Motor Bus Co. T. N.: 327 and 286 Blackpool.

LAKIN-SMITH, C., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 24, Broadway, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Rotoplung, London." T. N.: Vic. 4395. b. 1877. Ed. Public School, Shrewsbury, and Birmingham University. Apprenticeship with Belliss and Morcom, Ltd. To end of 1914 mostly Central Station Engineer. Now Managing Director, New Rotoplunge Pump Co., Ltd., and the County Engineering and Lighting Co., Ltd., also Director to Clee Hill Granite Co., Ltd. Member of the Royal Automobile Club.

LAMB, Arthur Moore, J.P., Min. Engr.; Director of Collieries and Ironworks; b. 1873; s. of the late William James Lamb, J.P. Ed. Repton. Training: Wigan Min. College (Gold Medallist). Clubs: Junior Carlton, Pall Mall. Address: Eskdale, Birkdale.

LAMB, Charles George, M.A., B.Sc., A.M. I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Engineering Laboratory, Cambridge. b. 1867. Ed. Private, and City and Guilds (Engineering) College, South Kensington, S.W.7. Demonstrator and afterwards Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Cambridge University. Syndic of the University Press. Publications: Principally on Entomological matters, also Electro-technical textbooks, etc. Club: University of London.

LAMB, Ernest Horace, D.S.C., M.Sc. (Viet.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, East London College (University of London). T. A.: "Eastloncol, London." T. N.: East 3384. Ed. Owens College, Manchester, 1896-9; Graduated B.Sc. (Victoria) with First Class Honours in Engineering, 1899; Ashbury's Engineering Scholarship, 1898; University Scholarship, 1899. Apprentice with Mather and Platt, Ltd., Manchester, 1899-1901. Draughtsman with Mather and Platt, Ltd., on large gas engines, 1901-3; Scientific Advisor and Supervisor of pupils and apprentices with W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd.. Bedford, 1903-13. University Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at East London College (University of London), 1913. War Services.—Temporary Lieutenant, Royal Marines; promoted to Captain, Royal Marines, with ist Field Company, Royal Naval Divisional Engineers. Served throughout whole of Gallipoli Campaign, April, 1915, to January, 1916. Awarded Distinguished Service Cross. Transferred to Lieutenant (temp.) R.N.V.R., and appointed to H.M.S. " Vernon," Portsmouth, in March, 1916, for work in Experimental Mining Department; Mining School, H.M. Gunwharf, Portsmouth, 1917-19; in charge of Technical Experimental Section and in charge of special designs for Naval mining appliances.

LAMB, Harry Cromwell, M.I.E.E. M.I. Mech.E., Deputy Chief Engr., Manchester Electricity 2: Dept., Electricity Works, Dickinson Street, Manchester.

LAMB, Henry John, Col., D.S.O., M.E.I.C., Supervising Engr., Province of Ontario, D.P.W., Canada; b. 1871; s. of Ralph Ironsides Lamb. Ed. Royal Military College, Canada. Career: Design and Construction of Breakwaters, Piers, Docks and General Harbour Improvements on the Great Lakes System of Waterways for past 18 years; Engr.-inCharge for Dominion Govt. on Construction of Detroit River Tunnel between Windsor, Ontario, and Detroit, Michigan; now Supt. all Harbour and River Work in the Province of Ontario. Twice mentioned in Dispatches and D.S.O., late War. Clubs: Bath, London; The Hunt, Toronto. Address: 37, Rosedale Road, Toronto, Canada. T. A.: " 37, Rosedale Road, Toronto, Canada." T. N.: North 5524.

LAMB, John Farquharson, M.I.E.E., Superintending Engr., G.P.O. Eng. Department, Eastern District, too, Hills Road, Cambridge; b. Sept. 22, 1872. Ed. Blackheath School and in Paris. Training: King's College, London; Darcy, Paxman and Co.'s Engine Works, Colchester; and Siemens Brothers' Electrical Works, Woolwich. Entered Post Office 1898, by competitive examination; Technical Officer, 2nd Class; Asst. Superintending Engr., Northern District; Staff Engr., 1st Class, in charge of Electric Light and Power Section; Superintending Engr., Eastern District; one of the Secretaries to the International Telegraph Conference, 1903; Member of the Committee of Management of the Royal National Lifeboat Inst. T. A.: " Lamb, Cambridge.'? T. N.: (Private) Cambridge 1052; and (Official) Cambridge 1050.

LAMBERT, Anthony Poignand, T.D., M.Inst. C.E., Res. Engr., Port of London Authority; b. 1875; s. of the late Major-General W. Lambert, C.B. Ed. Marlborough College Training: Royal Indian Eng. College, Coopers Hill. Career: Under Admiralty Naval Works Loan, 1897-1901, on New Graving Docks, Portsmouth Dockyard.; Keyham Dockyard Extension; New Harbour Works, Gibraltar; served with R.E. in S. Af., 1901-2; Queen's Medal and 5 Clasps; P.W.D., Transvaal, Dist. Engr., 1902-7; S. Punjab Railway Co., Construction of Sutlej Valley Railway and Survey for the Jullundur Doab Railway,; Port of London Authority, London Dock Improvements, 1911-14; served with R.E. in late War (three times mentioned in Dispatches); Port of London Authority, Royal Victoria Dock Improvements, 1919 to date. Clubs: Albemarle, and Junior Naval and Military. Address: I OA, Hyde Park Mansions,. N.W.1.

LAMBERT, Arthur Reginald, F.R.S.A., M.Inst.Met., Head of Metal Section of Mitsui and Co., Ltd. (Mitsui Bussan Kaisha), London; b. 1886; s. of William Lambert. Ed. Rochester. Authority on Chinese Tin and Japanese Spelter. Club: Royal. Automobile. Address: Lulworth Cottage, Sevenoaks. T. A.: "Lambert, Lulworth, Sevenoaks." T. N.: 129 Sevenoaks; 4162 Avenue.

LAMBERT, John, M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Perth Corporation Electricity Works, Shore Road, Perth, N.B.

LAMBERT, Walter, M.I.N.A., M.Soc.N.A. and M.E., Naval Architect and Mar. Surveyor; b. 1884; s. of Richard B. Lambert. Ed. London, Eng_ Training: West Ham Technical College Career Manager, T John Reid and Co., Naval Arch. and Mar. Engrs., Montreal, Canada, 1913-17 Naval Arch. and Asst. Dir. of Shipbuilding to Imperial Munitions Board, Canada, 1917-20; had Technical direction of shipbuilding programme in Canada for nearly Too steel and wooden Steamships; now engaged on inspection and appraisal of the fleet of the Grand Trunk Railway, comprising 20 vessels, on behalf of the Railway Co., in connection with their acquisition by the Canadian Government. Club: Laurentian, Ottawa. Address: 14, Place Royale, Montreal, Canada. T. A.: " Valve, Montreal." T. N.: Main 4199.

LAMBERTON, Andrew, Vice-Pres. I. and S.I., Sunnyside Engine Works, Coatbridge, LANCASHIRE, W. T., M.Inst.C.E., V.-Pres. Inst. M. and Cy.E., Mem. of Council T.P.I., Pres. Inst.C.E. (Yorks. Assoc.), City Engr. and Surveyor, Leeds; b. 1864. Ed. Bedford Grammar School Articled to William Dennis (Lon.); after experience in an Architect's Office and on Staff of a Public Works Contractor on Railway and Main Sewerage Wk., joined Staff of City Surveyor, Sheffield, and became Deputy Surveyor; present position since 1905. Address: City Engineer's Office, Municipal Bldgs., Leeds. T. N.: 23133; Private T. N.: 24426.

LANCASTER, Edward William, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., Consulting Electrical Engineer, Holophane Scientific Illumination, 12, Carteret Street, Westminster, S.W.I. Cable: " Blitzen, London." T. N.: 2491 Victoria. Ed. Whitgift School and City and Guilds of London. Lighting in Egypt and India, including Government Departments, Viceroy of India's. Lahore Railway Station and Locomotive Works. Founded in 1886 the firm of Fowler, Lancaster and Co., Birmingham.; subsequently in 7898 took up work abroad and entered upon consulting practice. Introduced the first screwed porcelain ware for electric switches, etc., and the first movable bar cut-outs in 1889; measuring instruments; electric heating and cooking appliances. Chief Works: Power and lighting for the Government of India; Sind Punjab and Delhi Railway; Mountain Copper Co.'s Works, Keswick, California, U.S.A.; Manchester Town Hall; electrical equipment of the " Yorkshire Post," Leeds; Post Office and Town Hall, Birmingham; complete engineering of the Birmingham Electrical Exhibition, 1891; Electrical Equipment of several battleships, art galleries, cathedrals and other important works in the United Kingdom and abroad. Publications: " Electric Cooking. Heating and Cleaning," " Street Lighting," etc. Club: Authors'. War Services.—Old Boys' Corps. Scientific lighting of munition factories, aircraft factories and aerodromes; working supply and sub-stations during strikes; on Volunteer Service.

LANCE, Ernest Solomon, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 23, Mostyn Street, Llandudno. T. A.: " Lance, Llandudno." T. N.: 36 Llandudno. b. 1880. Training: Finsbury Technical College; Johnson and Phillips, Old Charlton. Shift Engineer, Smithfield Market, London; Shift Engineer.. Brompton and Kensington Electric Supply Co., London. Engineer and Director, Menai Bridge Electric Supply Co. In business as an Electrical Contractor at Llandudno since 1904. Member Llandudno Urban District Council, 1919-21. Member of Llandudno County Club. War Services.—Work carried out in various camps and hospitals.

LANCHESTER, Frederick William, Hon. LL.D.(Birmingham), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1868. Ed. R.C.Sc., S. Kensington. Designer, Asst. Works Mngr. and Works Mngr., Forward Gas Engine Co., Birmingham, 1890-4; Experimental Development of Lanchester Motor Car, 1895-9; Gen. Mngr. and Chief Engr., Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd., 1900-04; Member of Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, 1907-20. Publ.: " Aerodynamics," 1907; " Aerodonetics," 1908; " The Flying Machine from an Engineering Standpoint," 1916; "Aircraft in Warfare," 1916; " Industrial Engineering," 1917; numerous Scientific and Technical Papers and Articles. Clubs: Royal Automobile and The Royal Cruising. Address: 41, Bedford Square, London, W.C.I.

LANDER, Cecil H., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, 16-18, Old Queen Street, S.W.I. b. 1881. Ed. Modern School, Eccles, and Victoria University of Manchester. Manchester Ship Canal; Chas. Hopkinson; Heenan and Froude, etc. Consulting Engineer to Belfast and Sheffield firms. Engineer to Home Office Humidity Committees, 1910-I, 1912-3. Lecturer in Engineering, Manchester University. Now Assistant to Director of Fuel Research, Fuel Research Board; Member of Board of Trade Incombustibles Committee and Assessor on Mining Dangers Research Board. Publ.: Papers published by Royal Society, Institution of Civil Engineers; Home Office Blue Books, etc. Textbook," Humidity and Ventilation in Cotton Factories." War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., in charge of Electrical Section of Explosive Paravanes.

LANDON, Will de Manoel, A.M.I.E.E., F.R.S.A., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (Colliery, Shipbuilding and Mill Work), Green Bank, West Timperley, Cheshire. Business Address: 33, Brazennose Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Norriland, Manchester." T. N.: City 4442 Manchester. b. 1872. Ed. The College, Warrington; Whitworth School, Manchester. With Crompton and Co., Electrical Engineers, later with Veritys, Ltd., at Birmingham and Manchester as Plant Manager. Now Partner and Director of Norrington and Landon, Ltd. Late Councillor of Sale, Cheshire, Council; Hon. Auditor, Mining Electrical Engineers; Member, Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Publications: Paper on " The Increasing of Coal Output," before Association of Mining Electrical Engineers; writer of fiction and poems, as well as professional papers. War Services.—On special work in the North. Services offered to the Government through the Institution of Electrical Engineers.

LANG, C. H. Durrad, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Wales Farm Road, Acton, W.3. T. A.: " Lang Squire, Acton." T. N.: Chiswick 493. b. 1882. Trained in the works of Peter Brotherhood's, then of Westminster; studied under Dr. Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S.; second Assistant to H.M. Hobart; consulting engineer and designer. Eight years with Crypto Electric Co., then of Bermondsey. Since September, 1913, Director of Lang and Squire, Ltd., Wales Farm Road, Acton, W.3, manufacturers of dynamos, motors, rotary converters and other electrical machinery. Clubs: Eighty, Finsbury College Old Boys, etc. War Services.—Engaged on war work for the Admiralty, War Office, India Office, Ministry of Munitions, etc.

LANG, Charles R., C.B.E., M.I.Mar.E., M.I.E.S., M.Inst.Met., Wh.Sc., Mar. Engr.; Director, G. and J. Weir, Ltd.; b. 1862. Ed. Anderson's College, Glasgow, and R.C.Sc., London. Training: J. Lang and Sons, Toolmakers, Johnstone. App. with J. L. and Sons; joined G. and J. Weir as Works Manager, 1887, and appointed Director, 1900. Club: Automobile Club of Scotland. Address: 43, Langside Road, Newlands, Glasgow. T. N.: 415 Queen's Park, Glasgow.

LANG, Ernest Frederick Stephen, M.I. Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Loco.E., M.I. and S.Inst., F.C.S., etc., Mech., Locomotive, Rolling Stock, Metallurgical, Elec.; Technical Engr. to Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., Gorton Foundry, Manchester; b. 1867. Ed. Victoria Univ., Manchester, and Technical Univ., Hanover. Training At Works of Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd., and L. and N.W. Railway Works, Crewe. Career: For many years on Technical Staff of Beyer, Peacock and Co., Ltd.; introduced first use on commercial scale of the Three-phase System of Electric Power Transmission in Gt. Britain; built and subsequently managed the Steelworks at Gorton Foundry; later appointed Technical Engr. to the Firm. Publ.: Numerous Technical Papers. Addresses: Gorton Foundry, Manchester; Newington, The Firs, Bowdon, Cheshire. T. N.: 65 Altrincham.

LANG, W. Veysey, M.I.Mar.E., Superintending Ship Engr. to Watts, Watts and Co., Ltd., Shipowners. Address: 7, Whittington Avenue, Leadenhall Street, E.C.3.

LANG, William Biggart, Provost of Johnstone and J.P., Director, John Lang and Sons, Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of John Lang. Ed. Paisley Grammar School Training: Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College Was Chairman of Machine Tool Committee, M. of M., during late War. Clubs: Royal Automobile and Scottish Automobile. Address: The Grange, Johnstone, near Glasgow. T. N.: 142 Johnstone.

LANGDON, William, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., Retired; b. 1846; s. of W. G. Langdon, Glasgow. Ed. Plymouth, and Leatherhead Grammar School Training: Midland Inst. Served 5 years (1862-7), Jas. Watt and Co., Soho Works, Birmingham; held. appointment in H.M.S.; joined the Bombay Marine (formerly H.E.I. Co.) as Asst. Engr., serving afloat during the Abyssinian Expedition and in the Dockyard; in 1872 became Mech. Engr. to the Buitron Co., Spain; • 1873 joined the Contractor's Staff in construction of Rio Tinto Co.'s Railway, constructing main tunnel at the Mines and in charge of pneumatic machinery; appd. Chief Mech. Engr., Mines and Railway, ;and Manager of the Railway, 23 years' service; 3 years Works Manager, Elec. Copper Co., Widnes, retiring in 1900; was Ship and Engr. Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping at the Port of Huelva, Spain, 1884-96. Address: Kensey, Launceston, Cornwall.

LANGFORD, William Morris, 67, Queen 'Square, Bristol. T. A.: " C/o Basalt, Bristol." T. N.: Bristol 267. b. 1869. Ed. Wellington College, Shropshire, and Mason Science College, Birmingham; Tangye Scholar, 1887; Senior Engineering Diploma, 1888. Articled to James Watt and Co., Soho Foundry, Birmingham. Engaged by above firm to erect machinery at Bristol Water Works, York Sewage Works, and Warsaw Water Works, Poland; Chief Draughtsman, Edward's Air Pump Syndicate; Resi.dent Engineer, Galatz Water Works, 1898-1905, 2I Consulting Engineer to said works from 1908; General Manager of Universal Tube Co., Ltd., Chesterfield; General Manager, Penle3 and St. Ives Stone Quarries, Ltd., since 1908. Member of Engineering Standards Committee on road materials. Publications: Communication to Institution of Civil Engineers on underpinning covered reservoirs in Rumania.

LANGSLOW-COCK, Edward Arthur, M.I. Min.E., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Chief Inspector of Mines, Nigeria; b. 1879; s. of Major C. R. Cock. Ed. Marlborough College Training: Henderson and Sons, Truro, Cornwall. Appointed Inspector of Mines, Pahang, F.M.S., 1903; Negri Sembilan, F.M.S., 1904; Perak, F.M.S., 1908; Asst. Warden of Mines, Perak, F.M.S., 1909; Chief Inspector of Mines, Nigeria, 1910. Clubs: Min. and Metallurgical, R.A.C., Thatched House, Sports. Addresses: c/o Crown Agents for the Colonies, or Noraguta, Nigeria.

LANGTON, Joseph L., M.Sc., M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., College of Technology, Manchester. T. 4.: "Technology, Manchester." T. N.: 72256-7 City, Manchester. T. N.: 384 Hr. Broughton. b. 1877. Ed. Manchester Grammar School, Owens College and Manchester University. Assistant Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering, Hartley College, Southampton; Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Technical Institute; Hull; Chief Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, College of Technology, Manchester; Member of Faculty of Technology, Manchester University; Examiner in Electrical Engineering, Manchester University; Member of Porcelain and Insulating Oils Research Panels of the Electrical Research Committee, London; Consulting Electrical Expert to Bullers, Ltd., Hanley and London, Transmission Engineers. Chief Works: Electric arc lamps (Harpers); technological German readers (Harpers). Publications: Paper on " Porcelain Line Insulators," read before Institution of Electrical Engineers; awarded Ayrton Premium, 1912; " Overhead Transmission of Electric Power," etc.

LANTSBERRY, Frederick Charles Alfred Hyatt, M.Inst.Met. (Member of Council), M.I. and S.I., 63, Walford Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham.

LAPAGE, Richard Herbert, J.P., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Retired Civil Engr.; b. 1849; s. of John Lapage. Ed. Leeds Grammar School, under Bishop Barry and Dr. Henderson. Training: The late Garrett, Marshall and Co., Sun Foundry, Leeds, Constructors of Locomotives and Compound Engines. Career: Loco. Supt. Argentine Govt. Railway when revolution broke out in 1874; designed and built there an Armoured Train; Loco. Supt. and Permanent Way Engr., Buenos Aires and Campana Railway; Engr. in London for Argentine Govt. Railways, the Provincial Govt. Railways of Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires Western), and the Entre Rios Govt. Railways; several times to Australia re Railway from Perth to Adelaide; Patentee of Improvements in Compound Locos; in 1886 designed the first Compound Goods Loco. built in Gt. Britain, and tried it on the Caledonian Railway; Cons. Engr. in London; represented Surbiton 7 years on Surrey C.C., and on various Local Boards about 25 years. Author of " Compound Locomotives," a Paper read before the Inst.Mech. E., 1889. Clubs: Junior Constitution, Deal and Walmer Union, Royal St. George's and Royal Cinque Ports Golf. Address: The Quest, Walmer, Kent. T. A.: " Lapage, Walmer." T. N.: 196 Deal.

LAPWORTH, Herbert, D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.Cons.E., F.0.S.,Cons. Water and Geological Engr., is, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 3529 and Sutton 872. Ed. King Edward VI Grammar School and Birmingham University (18914). Pupil of the late Jas. Mansergh, F.R.S., P.Pres. Inst.C.E., 1894-7; Assistant Resident Engineer, Birmingham Water Scheme (Welsh Supply), 1897-9; Resident Engineer, Upper Neuadd Dam, Merthyr Waterworks, under the late Geo. F. Deacon, LL.D., M.Inst.C.E., 1900-I Assistant Engineer and Resident Engineer, Derwent Valley Water Scheme, under Edward Sandeman, M.Inst.C.E., 190I-Io. In private practice 1910 to present time, Consulting Water and Geological Engineer. Has appeared as witness on many arbitrations and Water Bills before Parliament. Member of Council of Institution of Water Engineers. Papers read before Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Municipal and County Engineers, Institution of Sanitary Engineers, Institute of Water Engineers, and Geological Society. War Services.—Occasionally advised and reported on water supply to camps during war, and at Ministry of Munitions for a time.

LARKE, Sir William J., K.B.E., M.I.E.E., M.I. and S.I., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.A.I.E.E., Disposal and Liquidation Commission, Caxton House, S.W.I; Eastburn, Sidcup, Kent.• Training: H. F. Joel and Co., Finsbury, and Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Woolwich. Joined the British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., 1898; Manager of Power and Mining Department, 1899-1912; Chief Executive Engineer, Assistant to the Engineering Director, 1912-15, Publication: "Decay of Metals," Milton and Larke, 1903, Telford Premium, Institution of Civil Engineers. Clubs: Savile, Royal Automobile. War Services.—Entered the Ministry of Munitions (July, 1915) became Director in the Controlled Establishments Section. Devised and introduced the Priority Scheme, controlling munitions output (March, 1916). Reorganized the Badges and Exemptions Section and became Director thereof ( June, 1916). Reorganized and became Director of the Dilution Section (January, 1917), Member of the Hill's Committee (skilled day workers' rates), (October and November, 1917). Technical Adviser to the Secretariat for Special Service in connection with demobilization and reconstruction. Member of the Council Committee on Demobilization and Reconstruction (March, 1918). Member of Priority Council of the Ministry of Reconstruction (r 918). Inaugurated and became Chairman of the Committee on the Utilization of Surplus War Material ( January, 1919). Appointed Controller and organized the Section for the Disposal of Miscellaneous Stores (Disposal Board). Chairman of the Advisory Committee on the Disposal of Mechanical Transport (February, 1919). Organizer and Chairman of the Engineering Commission to inspect German factories in occupied territories (May, 1919). Director-General of Raw Materials (Metals), (May, 1919). Member of the Disposal Board, ( July, 1919). Member of the Co-ordinating (Supply and Demobilization) Committee ( July, 1919).

LASHMORE, Harry, C.B., D.S.O., R.N., M.I.N.A., and Order of the Nile, Engr.-Capt., R.N., in command Royal Naval Eng. College, Keyham; b. 1868; s. of Henry Lashmore, Southampton. Ed. and Trained H.M.S. " Marlborough " at Portsmouth and R.N.E. College at Devonport. Career: 2I 1916-18—On Staff of Naval Commander-in-Chief, East Indies and Egypt, for repair to Men-of-War, Transports and Shipping generally; 1918-19—On Staff of Commander-in-Chief, Mediterranean, as British Member of Inter-Allied Board of Control for Arsenals and Repair Facilities at Constantinople. Address Royal Naval College, Keyham, Devonport.

LAST, Ernest Courthope, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, c/o G. W. Dawes and Co., 5, Lothbury, London, E.C.2; b. 1885. Ed. Shrewsbury School; Armstrong College; Durham University (B.Sc. Course Civil Engineering). Pupil to Resident Engineer, L. and N.W. Railway, on construction of Stalbridge Dock, Garston, Liverpool. Assistant Engineer. L. and N.W. Railway, Stalbridge Dock, Garston; Assistant Engineer and Sub-agent, Easton, Gibb and Son, Ltd., contractors to the Admiralty for construction of H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth, Fife, N.B. Surveys on West African (Gold) Coast. Chief Works: Stalbridge Dock, Garston, Liverpool; H.M. Dockyard, Rosyth: design and construction of termini for Channel Ferry in France; construction of various harbour works, depots and installations for B.E.F., France. War Services.—Commission in Royal Engineers; service in France on staff of Chief Engineer Ports Construction, B.E.F., and later on Headquarter Staff of Director-General of Transportation, B.E.F., France. Promoted to Major, Royal Engineers, and demobilized in that rank and holding the appointment of D.A.D.G.T.

LAURENCE, Arthur Henry, B.Sc. (Hons. Lond.), A.M.I.E.E., Lecturer in Elec. Eng., and Responsible Organizer of Evening Classes, The College, Loughborough; b. 1880; s. of Rev. Henry Laurence. Ed. Merchant Taylors School, London; University College, Bangor; (Ex. 1897-8); University College, London; (Carey Forster Research Prize, 1910). Training: Leeds City Electricity Works. Charge Engr., Morley Electricity Works, 1899-1900; Lecturer in Elec. Eng., Technical College, Sunderland, 1902-9; Municipal Technical Inst., Taunton, 1910-12; Headmaster, Chesterfield Technical School Address: 84, Wharncliffe Road, Loughborough. T. A.: " c /a Education, Loughborough." T. N.: 675 and 676.

LAVERICK, J. H. W., Member of Council, I.Min.E., Pres., Midland Inst.of Min. Civil and Mech.E., Tinsley Park Colliery, Sheffield. Private Address: 32, Collegiate Crescent, Sheffield.

LAW, A. H., Captain, B.A., B.A.I. (Dublin), M.I.E.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Electrical Engineer, junior Carlton Club, Pall Mall; b. 1878; s. of T. Pakenham-Law, K.C. Ed. Summerfield School; Monkton Combe School; Trinity College, Dublin. Engineering Degree, Dublin, 1899. Premium apprentice, C. A. Parsons and Co., Heaton Works; Newcastle-onTyne. Career: For several years I-lead Designer and Electrical Engineer to the above firm and subsequently for some years Managing Director till the close of 1919. Publications: In collaboration with Gerald Stoney, F.R.S., a paper on " High Speed Electrical Machinery," which was awarded the Annual Premium for its year by the Institution of Electrical Engineers: Clubs: Junior Carlton; Northern Counties, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Services.—Commanded a field battery in France; mentioned in Dispatches; wounded, 1916.

LAW, Alexander Henry, M.N.E.C.Inst.. (Member of Council), 97, Eltham Road, Lee,. S.E.12.

LAW, Herbert Henry, C.B., M.Inst.C.E., Ministry of Health Inspectorate, Local Government Board, S.W.

LAWS, Henry William, Lt.-Col., C.M.G., D.S.O., M.Inst.M.M. (Mem. of Council), F.R.G.S., Partner, Laws, Rumbold and Co., Min. Engrs.; b. 1876; s. of Richard W. Laws, of Chelsea. Training: Camborne School of Mines. Asst. Mine Manr., Mysore Province, India, 1895; Manr., Idaho Expl. Co.'s Group, Australia, 1895-1903; Inspections in Malay; in charge, Niger Co.'s Expedition, Banchi Province, Nigeria, 1903; located and developed Tin Deposits, Banchi Plateau, Nigeria, 1903-13; R.N.D. Antwerp, R.E. Gallipoli, Belgium, France; Controller of Mines, 3rd Army, 1917-18. Address: 652, Salis. bury House, E.C. T. A.: " Swalmurcom, London." T. N.: 6281 London Wall.

LAWSON, Frederick Washington, D.S.O., Major Australian Engrs., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. M.E., V.-Pres. Inst.Eng. Australia, Principal Engr., Metropolitan Water Supply, Sewerage and Drainage, Perth, W.A., since 1914; b. 1869; s. of John Lawson, J.P. Ed. Public Schs., Victoria. Training: P.W.D., New South Wales. Career: Design and Construction, Service Reservoirs, Artesian Bores, Pumping Plant for Water Supply; Septic Tanks, Filters for Sewerage Schemes for Perth and Fremantle, etc.; Water Supply Officer, Australian Corps in France; from 1916 to end of War. D.S.O.; mentioned in Dispatches late War. Papers, Australian Inst. Engrs. (W. Australian Branch). Clubs: Naval and Military, Masonic. Address: " The Reservoir," King's Park, Perth, W.A. T. N.: 4556.

LAWSON, Harry Paterson, Director, Cole, Marchent and Morley, Engrs., Bradford; b. 1882; s. of W. S. Lawson. Ed. Glasgow High School, Leeds Grammar School and Broadstairs College Training: Leeds University and Technical School Club: Road, Coventry Street, W.C. Address: 1, Florence Park, Bristol. T. A.: "Lawson, 4396 Bristol." T. N.: 4396 Bristol.

LAWSON, Wilfrid, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 7, Ross Avenue, Cardonald, Glasgow; b. 1884. Ed. South-Western Polytechnic Day School, London; South-Western Polytechnic, London; J. and D. Defries, Ltd., London; Duncan Watson and Co., London. Engineer-in-Charge, Heston and Isleworth U.D.C. Electricity Works, 1905-9; Assistant Electrical Engineer, W. Beardmore and Co., Parkhead Forge and Steelworks, Glasgow, 1909-16; Chief Electrical Engineer, National Projectile Factory, Cardonald, Glasgow, 1916-20; Chief Electrical Engineer, Wallace Farm Implements, Ltd., Cardonald, Glasgow, 1920.

LAWS-WEBB, Herbert, Lt.-Col. (late R.A.F.), M.I.E.E., M.Arner.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1864; s. of F. C. Webb, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. University College School and Private. Engaged in Submarine Cable Work with Silvertown Co. and T.C.M. Co., 1880-89; Telephone Work, U.S.A., with New York Telephone Co. and A.T. and T. Co., 1889-1902; Cons. Telephone Expert, 1903; introduced Telephone into Turkey after Turkish Revolution, 1908; served in R.F.C. and R.A.F. as' Staff Officer, 1916-19. Publ.: " The Telephone Handbook," " The Telephone Service," " The Development of the Telephone in Europe." Club: Bath. Address: 104, Victoria Street, S.W. and 24A, Curzon Street, W. T. N.: 3030 Gerrard.

LAYTON, Henry Edward, M.I.Mech.E„ Mechanical and Railway Engineer, Apartado 8.2. Bilbao, Spain. T. A.:"Director, Portugalete." T. N. 6009. b. 1868. Ed. The Salt Schools, Shipley, Yorks. Apprenticeship with Pollit and Wigzell, Ltd., Bank Foundry, Sowerby Bridge. Works Manager with Thomas Metcalfe, St. James' Ironworks, Bradford; Draughtsman with Hick, Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Soho Ironworks, Bolton, and Mechanical Engineer to. the Victoria Mills Co., Ltd., Cawnpore, India. Twenty-eight years in Spain, 12 with the Rio Tinto Co., Ltd., Huelva, as Assistant Mechanical Engineer and Locomotive Superintendent; 16 years with the Bilbao. River and Cantabrian Railway Co., Ltd., as Assistant Manager and Mechanical Engineer employed in the. superintendence of mineral railways and shipping piers. Manager to same, 1921. Clubs: Maritimo de Abra and Sociedad Bilbaina, Bilbao. War Services.—Shipping iron ore to Great Britain, from Spain.

LEA, Frederick Charles, O.B.E., D.Sc., M.Sc„, M.Inst.Met., A.R.C.S., M.Inst.C.E., Wh.Sc., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, The University, Birmingham. T. A.: " University, Birmingham." T. N.: Selly Oak 8r. b. 1871; s. of Measham Lea; m. Alice, d. of Rev. W. R. Sunman. Ed. University of Manchester and University of London. Apprenticed to the London and North-Western Railway Works, Crewe. Assistant, London and North-Western Civil Engineering Department; Chief Assistant, City and Guilds Engineering College; Engineering H.M.I., Professor of Civil Engineering, University of Birmingham. Member of Willesden District Council. Publications: " Hydraulics," number of papers, Proceedings Institution of Civil Engineers, Telford Prizeman on two occasions; " Engineering," Proceedings or Royal Society, Royal Aeronautical Society, etc. War Services.—Hon. Lieutenant, R.N.V.R.; Hon. Captain, R.A.F.; member of a number of Government committees.

LEA, James Edward, B.Sc., M.I.M ech E „, Wh.Ex., Man. Dir., Lea Recorder Co., Ltd., Manchester; b. 1868; s. of Edward Lea, Sandbach, Cheshire. Ed. Park Hurst School, Buxton, and Owens, College, Manchester. Training: Edwin Foden and Sons, Ltd., Sandbach, and Owens College, Manchester. App. Edwin Foden and Sons, Sandbach; Experience in Mech. and Civil Eng. on S. African Gold Mines, Transvaal; Asst. Cons. Mech. Engr., East Rand Proprietary Mines, 1903-5; Inventor of Lea Water Recorder and Lea Coal Meter. Papers on " Cost of the I. H.P.-Hour in the Mines of the Witwatersrand," " Continuous Testing of Steam Plants," etc. Clubs: Engrs.', Manchester. Address: 28, Deansgate, Manchester. T. A.: " Recording, Manchester. T. N.: 5040 City, Manchester.

LEA, Measham, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Karachi, India. T. A.: " Municipality, Karachi." T. N.: 194. b. 1869. Ed. Crewe Technical School. Obtained Whitworth Scholarship. Engineering training under F. W. Webb, Past Vice-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers;London and North Western Railway Works, Crewe. Assistant Engineer, London and North Western Railway, engaged on bridge work, Kilsby tunnel relining, Euston Station extension, Willesden Station remodelling, four years; Deputy Borough Engineer, Crewe, four years; City Engineer, Truro, nine years; Chief Engineer to the Municipality, Karachi, India, since 1908. Chief Works: General municipal works; Crewe and Truro, including sewerage and waterworks, roads and harbour works; Karachi drainage, water supply, development schemes, roads and general municipal works. Member of the Council of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers. War Services.—Awarded Order British Empire for conspicuous services rendered during the war at Karachi, which was a war and hospital base for the Mesopotamia Campaign, and a port of embarkation of troops for East Africa and the various theatres of war in Europe.

LEA, William H., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 4,. Milton Mount, Gorton, Manchester. Ed. Private schools, Northampton and Liverpool, Liverpool and Manchester Technical Schools. -Mechanical—general, marine, hydraulic and plant work at Liverpool. Electrical—mains, telephone and general at Liverpool. Lanes and Yorks Railway. Now Electrical Plant Engineer at Beyer, Peacock and Co., locomotive engineers, .Gorton, Manchester. Associate Member Royal Aero.nautical Society. Chief Works: Laid down the first three-phase plant in the North of England. Vice-Pres. I.Min.E., Min.

LEACH, Chas. C., Engr., Seghill Hall, Northumberland.

LEACH, Richard Bertram, A.M.I.E.E. A.M.I.Mech.E., Engr and General Manager, Loughborough Corporation, "Ivor House", Ashby Road, Loughborough.

LEAF, Henry Meredith, Lt.-Col. R.E. (T.), .D.S.O., B.A. Cantab., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; b. 1862; s. of F. H. Leaf. Ed. Marlborough and Trinity College, Cambridge. Training: Cambridge and University College, London; Arc Works, Chelmsford. Pupil at Messrs. Crompton and Co.. Ltd., Arc Works, Chelmsford; -Suptd.Central Electric Station Lighting at Gothenburg, Sweden, and Le Mans, France, when with Crompton and Co.; have carried out Lighting Contracts for many large Towns and Factories in England, including Power Installations. Publ.: " Internal Wiring of Buildings." Clubs: United University, M.C.C., Queen's., Address: 47, Victoria Street, S.W. T. N.: 753 Victoria. T. A.: "Locksley, London."

LEASK, Joseph, M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Ship Constructor to the Royal Australian Navy since 1911; b. 1880. Ed. Madras College, St. Andrews. Training: Technical College, Glasgow. App. with Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co. During War, Member of Australian Transport Bd.; charge of fitting out troopand horse-ships in Australia; designed over 60 vessels, various types, for Australian Government Depts. Address: Navy Office, Melbourne, Australia. T. N.: Cent. 6381.

LEAVER, C. D. A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Railway and Mining Engineer, 59, West Smithfield, London, E.C.i. T. A.: " Biggerstaff, Cent, London." T. N.: 12892 Central. b. 1868; s. of Rev. -H. C. Leaver. Pupil of the late C. Park, Locomotive Superintendent, North London Railway, and completed under his cousin, Frank Webb, of 'Crewe, late Chief Mechanical Engineer, London and North-Western Railway. Steam Sheds Supervisor, North London Railway, Devons Road; Signal and _Mechanical Draughtsman, Signal Department, Crewe Works, London and North-Western Railway; and of South Australian Railways. Late partner in firm of W. and J. Biggerstaff, 59, West Smithfield, London, E.C.I. Chief Works: Interlocking apparatus, London and North-Western Railway; cabins and interlocking apparatus and electric apparatus, South Australian Railways. Club: Royal Automobile.

LECK, W., M.B.E., Senior Inspector of Mines, Cleator Moor, Cumberland.

LEDINGHAM, George Alexander (Major, Reserve of Officers, T.F.), M.C., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil and Consulting Engineer, 17, Cockspur Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Needreba, Westrand, London." T. N.: Gerrard 8983. b. 1890; m. 1918. Ed. Aberdeen Grammar School, Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Served apprenticeship with Walker and Duncan, civil engineers, Aberdeen. Partner in above firm, 1914. Partnership dissolved 1917 on account of the war. Entered the firm of John M. Henderson and Co., Aberdeen, engineers and steel founders, May, 1919, as London Manager, and also carrying on practice as a Civil and Consulting Engineer. Chief Works: Assistant Engineer in construction of steel girder bridge over River Don at Monymusk, Aberdeenshire. In charge of survey party on a large part of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon's estate in Glenlivet, Banffshire. Resident Engineer on reconstruction of steel girder bridge over River Don at Towie, Aberdeenshire. Assistant Resident Engineer on various works on Viscount Cowdray's estate of Dunecht. Resident Engineer on construction of storage reservoir for Peterhead Waterworks. Member of Devonshire Club, St. James's Street, London; Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall. War Services.—Served in the Royal Engineers; wounded at Festubert, May, 1915; mentioned in Sir John French's Dispatches, June, 1915; awarded Military Cross, June, 1915.

LEE, Alfred John, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 3, Harington Street, Calcutta; b. September 19, 1890; s. of Thomas James and Emily Ada Lee, of Thorne, Yorkshire; m. Muriel Gertrude, only d. of Mr. and Mrs. A. Lane, of Weymouth, April 16, 1919, at St. Paul's Cathedral, Calcutta. Ed. Friend's School, Saffron Walden, Essex. Apprenticeship served at Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd. Assistant Works Manager, Plenty and Son, Ltd., Newbury; Assistant Engineer, Calcutta Port Commissioners. War Services.—Assistant Controller, Indian Munitions Board, and Indian Army Reserve of Officers, 1918-20; General Supervisor of Admiralty work at Plenty and Son, 1914-5.

LEE, D. Stewart, Supt. Mar. Engr., Commonwealth Government Line, Australia House, Strand.

LEE, H. Tomlinson, A.M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr. and Manager, Borough of Wimbledon Electricity Works, 42, King's Road, Wimbledon, S.W.19.

LEE, Richard H. L., M.A., Assoc.Inst.M.M., Man. Dir., James Pitkin and Co., Ltd.; b. 1881. Ed. City of London School Training: Cambridge University and King's College, London. Honours Degree, School of Peterhouse, Cambridge. Prof. of Eng., Chinese Imperial University; Asst. Engr., Pekin Syndicate, Ltd., London, and North China; Cons. Engr., Shanghai, China; Man. Dir., James Pitkin and Co., Ltd.; Lecturer on Factory Management and Eng. Costing Systems, King's College, London University. Address: 6, Fordwych Road, West Hampstead, N.W.2. T. A.: " Barograph, Smith, London." T. N.: Holborn 1273, Willesden 1819.

LEECH, A. H., Min. Engr., 11, King Street, Wigan. T. A.: "Brinsop, Wigan." T. N.: Wigan 165.

LEECHMAN, George Douglas, V.-Pres. I.A.E., A.I.Mech.E., Automobile Engr., Lamb Building, Temple, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Leechman, 32 Temple." T. N.: Central 4955. Ed. Bishop Stortford College. Training: With H. Wilson, engr., Chiswick, and M. N. Ridley, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.. Victoria Street, Westminster. Career: Works Man., Success Cycle Co. (Fletcher, Son and Fearnall), Union Docks, Limehouse, E.; Consulting Engineer and Chartered Patent Agent, Coventry and Birmingham; Barrister; Member of Council Institute of Inventors; Member British Engineering Standards Association; Associate Chartered Institute of Patent Agents. Prime mover in foundation of Institution of Automobile Engineers. Publications: "The Autocar Handbook," "Carburettors and Carburation," "Systems of Electric Ignition for Motor Vehicles."War Services.—Royal Naval Air Service; Civilian Assistant Inspecting Officer, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich.

LEES, Charles Herbert, D.Sc., F.R.S., Assoc. I.E.E., F.Phys.S.E.(P.-Pres.),V.-Pres. Inct.P., Prof. Research and Refrigeration; Prof. Physics, University of London (East London Coll).; b. 1864; s. of John Lees, of Glodwick, Oldham. Ed. privately, and Universities of Manchester and Strasburg. Training: Technical College; Imperial College of Sc., S. Kensington. Fellow of College Cons. Physicist; Member Inventions Committee, Air Ministry; Member Eng. Committee of Food Investigation Bd.; served on Executive Committee, N.P.L. Papers on Heat, Hydraulics and Electricity, in Transactions and Proceedings of Royal Soc. and Physical Soc. of London, etc. Address: "Greenacres," Dryhill Road, Tonbridge.

LEES, Ebenezer Antony, 0.B.E., Assoc.M Inst.C.E., Cons. Waterworks Engr.; b. 1853; s. of Rev. W. Lees, Walsall. Ed. privately. General Manager, Birmingham Water Undertaking during and subsequent to the construction of the Elan Valley Works and Aqueduct; recently retired from positions of Secretary and General Manager. Publ.: " Description of the Elan Supply Works." Address: 132, Oxford Road, Moseley, Birmingham. T. A.: " c/o Water, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham, Central 7000; Extension 171.

LEES, G., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1881. Ed. Davie College, Bristol University. Training: G.N.P. and B. Tube Railways, London; Asst. Engr., Construction and Maintenance, Burmah Railways; Contractor's Engr., Res. Engr. and Contractor on South American Railway; Engr. on Hydro-Electric Development, Canadian Northern Railway, and plans for Copper Mine Development in Canada; Investigation Work for Hydro-Electric Development in U.S.; Mining in Leicestershire; Corn. ranks of R.E. in England and France; Reporting on Metalliferous Mines in Great Britain; Design Work for Irrigation 22 in Sudan. At present reporting on Irrigation, Hydraulic Work, Non-Metalliferous Mining, etc., in Abyssinia. Club: The Authors', London. Address: 23, Fountain Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Midlees."

LEFROY, H. P. T., Major R.E., D.S.0.„ M.C., Chevalier of Legion of Honour, Carrigglas Manor, Longford, Ireland; b. 1880; descended from Huguenot family, which came over from Cambrai in Queen Elizabeth's reign, Ed. Cheltenham College (1895-7) and at the R.M.A.,. Woolwich (1898-9). Commissioned in Royal Engineers, 1899. Served in South Africa (Railways),. Shorncliffe, Gibraltar, Aldershot (Wireless). Head of the Experimental Section for developing Army Field and Aircraft Wireless, 1909, to August, 1914. Now at Signal Experimental Establishment, Woolwich, and Member of Sub-Committee " B " of Radio, Research Board. Clubs: Junior United Service, London; Kildare Street, Dublin. War Services.—During the Great War on all branches of wireless work in France, Egypt, Salonica, Mesopotamia and Persia, and in India after the armistice.

LEGG, William Andrew, M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer (Waterworks, Drainage, Irrigation), 14, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W.1. T. A.: " Waleggos, London." T. N.: Victoria 5128, Ed. Liverpool Institute. Apprenticeship to Geo. F. Deacon, LL.D., M.Inst.C.E. Has been Resident Engineer on large public works, including the Vyrnwy Waterworks for Liverpool, the Thirlmere Waterworks for Manchester, the Elan Valley works for Birmingham. From 1900-10 was practising in South Africa and carried out the preliminary investigations for and designed and subsequently supervised the construction of many works for Water Supply, Drainage and Irrigation. For five years acted as Supervising Engineer in the Irrigation Branch of the P.W.D. Publications: Has contributed several papers to Engineering and other scientific societies. War Services.—In 1917 was given a commission in the Royal Engineers and was engaged in connection with aerodrome construction, afterwards transferred into R.A.F. with rank of Major. Demobilized October, 1919.

LEGROS, Lucien Alphonse, O.B.E., M.Inst„ C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.A.E., Wh.Ex., Membre de la Ste. des Ing. Civils de Frances Consulting Engineer, 2;, Cumberland Park, Acton, London, W.3. T. N.: Chiswick 1673. b. 1865; c. of the late Prof. Alphonse Legros. Ed. University College School; University College, London, and City and Guilds of London Institute. Whitworth Exhibitioner, 1889. Apprentice, Hunter and English, General Engineers; improver, London and South Western Railway; journeyman, Hick, Hargreaves and Co.; Assistant Works Manager, London Portland Cement Co., Ltd., Northfieet; on staff of Prof. (now Sir) Alex. B. W. Kennedy, LL.D., F.R.S., for two years; Engineer to the Gas Traction Co., tramway vehicles and construction in England and on the Continent; Engineer, Wicks Rotary Type Casting Co., Ltd.; manufacturer of Iris Motor Cars. President, Institution of Automobile Engineers, IT" 112; Acting President, 1915-16; President, 1916-17. Papers in Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Eugiueers; Institution of Mechanical Engineers on Type-casting and on Traction, for which awarded Starley Premium and Hawksley Medal; also papers and addresses to Institution of Automobile Engineers. Author (jointly with J. C. Grant) of " Typographical Printing Surfaces." Member of International Electrotechnical Commission, 1912; Member of Mechanical Transport Advisory Board, 1920; Member of Treasury Ctee. on Type Faces, 192o. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Royal Aero. War Services.—Assistant Consulting Engineer to Admiralty Landship Committee, 1915; emplacement destroyer designing, Munitions Inventions Department, • 1916; Chief Dilution Officer (Aircraft), Ministry of Munitions, 1916-17; Chief Technical Assistant, Ministry of National Service, 1918.

LEIGH, Frederick Augustus Cortez, Lt.-Col., T.D., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.R.G.S., Chief Elec. Engr., L. and N.W. Railway Training: Finsbury College and Owens College, Manchester. Career: With Brush Eng., and Lacey, Sillar and Leigh, Cons. Engrs.; and L. and N.W. Railway Chief Work: Electrification of L. and N.W. Railway, Surburban Line. Clubs: Junior Carlton; Royal Aero. Address: The Hansteads," Brichet Wood, St. Albans, Herts. T. A.: "Leigh, Park Street." T. N.: Garston, Watford 20.

LEIGHTON, Arthur, B.Sc. (Viet.), M.Eng. (L'pool), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, " Balholm," Morpeth Road, Hoylake, Cheshire. T. A.: "Montagu, Liverpool." T. N.: Hoylake 444. b. 1881; youngest s. of late T. N. Leighton of Liverpool, shipowner and broker. Ed. Private school and Liverpool University. Assistant Engineer in City Engineer's Department, Liverpool Corporation; Assistant Engineer on staff of S. Pearson and Son, Ltd., io, Victoria Street, Westminster. Now Chairman and Managing Director of Montagu, Higginson and Co., Ltd., coal owners and contractors, Tower Building, Liverpool. Chief Works: Reinforced concrete bridges over Georges Dock, Liverpool; L.C.C., Catford to Plumstead High Level Sewer, Contract E. Club: Conservative, Liverpool.

LEITCH and SHARPE Archibald Leitch, B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., R. H. Sharpe, Grad. I.C.S., Civil Engineers, 65, Bath Street, Glasgow. T. N.: Douglas 2459. Engineers to the Gourock Corporation for Water Supply and to Port Glasgow for housing schemes; also engaged in shipyard work and specialise in repair slipways and side berthing slipway carriages. War Services.—Archd. Leitch, Major, Royal Engineers, 1914-8 (France and Egypt).

LELEAN, W. A., M.I.Loco.E. (Member of Council), Ithaca, Grove Park Road, Eltham, S.E.

LE MASURIER, James, C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.M.E., M.I.E.S., Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch.; b. 1878; s. of J. J. Le Masurier. Ed. Jersey. Training: Jersey and Sunderland. Career: Straits Settlements; Civil Experience; Surveyor to Bureau Veritas; Germanischer Lloyd; New York Shipping Conference, etc.; Technical Assessor and Expert on various Mar. Salvage, Collision and Damage Cases; directed various Salvage, Dredging and Reclamation Operations; Capt. Singapore R.E. (V.), 1911-46; Major R.E., 1916-18; Service in Singapore Mutiny, Kelantan Expeditionary Force and Mesopotamia; in cothmand of 41st Co. R.E., 1914-16; 1917—Mentioned in Dispatches. Detached for special Technical Service, War Office and Admiralty, and Ministry of Shipping, April, 1919; Director Small Craft, Disposal Dept., under Shipping Controller; Oct., 1919—Controller Small Craft under Disposal Bd., M. of M.; Feb., 1921—Appointed Brit. Technical Expert on Allied River Shipping Bureau, Reparation Commission, Paris. Club: Sports, St. James's Square. Address: 15, Seething Lane, E.C.3. T. A.:" Classic, Fen., London." T. N.: Avenue 709.

LE MESURIER, Louis John, Engr. Lt.Commander R.N., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., British Representative for Sulzers Brothers, Mar. Diesel Engines, etc.; b. 1882. Training: R.N.E. College, Devonport; R.N. College, Greenwich. Career: 1907-10—At sea; 1910-13. In charge of Construction of Machinery for Submarines, Diesel Engines, etc., H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; 1913-20— Manager, Diesel Engine Dept., Armstrong, ' Whitworth and Co., Elswick Works, and Chief Designer, Mar. Engine Dept.; designed and built first Diesel Engine constructed at Elswick. Addreises: Sussex Cottage, Belmont, Surrey; 31, Bedford Square, W.C.t. T. N.: Museum 4848.

LESLIE, Sir Bradford, K.C.I.E., J.P., M.Inst. C.E., F.P.W. Instn., Chairman of Southern Punjab Railway Co., Ltd.; b. 1831; second s: of late Charles Robert Leslie, R.A. Ed. Mercer's School Appd. to Isambard Kingdom Brunel, F.R.S., by whom employed as Res. Engr. on construction of Chepstow Bridge, River Wye, and Saltash Bridge, River Tamar; also employed by Brunel in supervising manufacture of the framing, shafting, and machinery of " Great Eastern " Steamship, and as his Asst. at the launch of the vessel in 1858; Engr. in special charge of large bridges on Eastern Bengal Railway, and subsequently as Chief Engr. designed and constructed bridge over Gorai River; among numerous other works, his greatest and most original achievement in Eng. was the design and construction of Floating Bridge over Hooghly River, Calcutta—this bridge, the first of its type affording headway for navigation and rigidly moored over a tidal river subject to floods and bores, was built by the express order of the then Viceroy, the late Lord Mayo, notwithstanding the report expert committee doubted its feasibility; Agent and Chief Engr., East Indian Railway, 1876; responsible for many improvements, including the substitution of metal for timber sleepers, by which a great saving has been effected; designed and constructed the " Jubilee Bridge " over Hooghly River, giving the E. Indian Railway access to Calcutta— opened by Lord and Lady Duffryn, 1887; received the honour of Knighthood; 1895—Chairman and Eng. Adviser, Southern Punjab Railway Co.; Inst.C.E., 1872, and Member of Council Inst.C.E. Awarded the Telford, George Stephenson, and James Watt Medals for papers on bridges. After a strenuous professional career of over 7o years continues in practice. Address: 171, Maida Vale, W.9. T. N.: Hampstead 2661.

LESLIE, J. L., M.I.Mar.E., Supt. Mar. Engr. to British India Line, 122, Leadenhall Street, E.C.3.

LESLIE, Robert, O.B.E. (R.N.R.), M.I. Mar.E., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met., Supt. Mar. Engr., P. and 0. S.N. Co., 122, Leadenhall Street, E.C.

LESTER, Isaac E., Metallurgist (Rolling of Metals), 44, Sandwell Road, Handsworth, Birmingham. T. A.: " c/o C. Alain, Limited, West Bromwich." T. N.: 3 West Bromwich. Training nn in Physics, Honours, and Chemistry Metallurgy, sometime Lecturer in Iron and Steel Manufacture and Theory and Practical Metallurgy under County Council, etc. Chemist and Metallurgist in large Iron and Steel Works, I2i years; Steel Works Manager on Special Cast Steel and Castings, etc.; Steel Works Superintendent and Chief Metallurgist of very large Locomotive and Engineering Establishment in India, with Rolling Mills, Drying Presses, etc. Chief Representative, General Manager, and now Managing Director of C. Akrill and Co., Ltd., rolls specialists and rolling mill machine manufacturers. Past-President, Staffordshire Iron and Steel Institute; Past-President, Birmingham Metallurgical Society. Publications: " Indian Iron " (Address before Staffs Iron and Steel Institute) and " Economic Metallurgy " (Address before Birmingham Metallurgical Society). War Services.—Supply of special service rolls for shell rounds, special sections and rolling mill requirements for all kinds of metals in all shapes and sizes.

L'ESTRANGE, William Mandeville, M.I.E.E., Hon. local Secretary and Treasurer for Queensland, I.E.E., Electric Light Co., Ltd., Ann Street, Brisbane, Australia.

LETT, Stephen Joshua, M.Inst.M.M, F.R. G.S., Min. Engr.; b. 1872; s. of late Samuel Lett. Ed. Emanuel School, Wandsworth. Training: School of Chemical Technology of late A. Norman Tate, F.I.C.; and Dunkerton Colliery, near Bath. Chemical Asst. to H. Ashton Hill, M.Inst.C.E., 1892-6; Assayer Ripanji Quicksilver and Silver Mines, Serbia, 1896-7; Assayer and later in charge of Min. and Prospecting North Charterland Exploration Co., Ltd.; discovered Sassare Mine; led Exploring Expedition of natives across country from Fort Young to Pamba, 1897-1901; Manager, Baxeres Gold Extraction Co., Ltd., 1901-4; Engr. in charge Zambezia Goldfields, Limitada, 1907-9; Chief Engr., Algemeene Exploratic Maatschappij in Sumatra, 1909-12; visited Borneo, Celebes and Java, reporting in latter island on a copper property at Madden; acted in Advisory capacity to K. Spykman, of Holland, 1912-13; directing boring operations in S. Russia until outbreak of War; 1914-I6—At M. of M., first in Statistical Section, later in Min.' Section of Steel Production Dept.; reported on two iron properties in England, and later sent to Ireland to report upon iron and manganese resources of Ireland, 1916-19. Publ.: Numerous contributions to Technical Papers, England and Amer., chiefly relating to economic geology and prospecting; more recently published monograph on currency and deflation problems; in 1916 published " Russian Verbs Made Easy." Clubs:' Royal Socs., Min. and Metallurgical. Address: c/o Inst. of Min. and Metallurgy, 1, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.

LEVIS, H. C., Chairman and Man. Dir., British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby.

LEWIS, Francis Harman, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr. to Leyton District Council; b. 1863; s. of late Charles Francis Lewis, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Ed. Epsom College Training: Finsbury Technical College Elec. Engr., City of Hull, 1891-3; and Borough of Wolverhampton, 1893-8; responsible for design and installation of original Electric Light and Power Station and system of Mains; Elec. Engr. for Leyton U.D.C.; responsible for development of Electric Light and Power Station from small gas engine plant t", to existing Station of 5,000 k.w.; also of nine miles of double-track overhead trolley Tramway, with. 6o cars inter-running with the neighbouring Authorities and L.C.C. Address: Electric Light and Power Station, Cathall Road, Leytonstone. T. N.: 930 East.

LEWIS, Frederick William, M.I.Mech.E., " Cliftonville," Wellington Road, Eltham, S.E.9. Ed. at Holy Trinity Schools, Plaistow, and Bow and Bromley Institute, Thames Engineering Co. Science Classes, and under private tuition. Served apprenticeship at Thames Iron Works and Shipbuilding Co., Blackwall; afterwards foreman of the shops. Finally had charge of all plant, also pattern shop and brass and iron foundries, i8i years; Chief of Production, British ThomsonHouston Co., Rugby, 4 years. The first two and a half years being engaged in preparation of the factory and organizing for manufacture. With Ruston, Proctor and Co. (later Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd.) as Assistant Works Manager, and after filling that position for two years then appointed Works Manager, which he held until the firm amalgamated with Hornsby, Ltd., then promoted to Production Engineer for the whole of the Company's Works, now Works Manager and Engineer of General Electric Company's Works at Erith.

LEWIS, Lt.-Col. George Alfred, C.M.G., M.A., T.D., J.P., F.S.I., Member of Council I.Min.E., Head of Lewis and Lewis, Min. Engrs., Derby; Director of Whitwick Colliery Co., Ltd., Exhall Colliery and Brickworks, Ltd.; Newdigate Colliery Co. (1914), Ltd.; The Wollaton Collieries, Ltd. Member of Home Office Bd. of Examination for Min. Managers' Certificate. Address: Midland Road, Derby.

LEWIS, J. Dyer, M.I.M.E., Hon.M.I.Min.E., P.-Pres. S. Wales Inst.E., Min. Engr.; H.M. Div. Insp. of Mines for S. Wales. Ed. Llandovery College Trained at Jno. Brogden and Sons, Tondu and Maesteg; Man., Wyndham Colliery. T. A.: " Inspector of Mines, Penarth." T. N.: 188 Penarth.

LEWIS, James Bannatyne, M.C.E. (Melb.), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.M., M.Inst.M.M.E.Amer., M.Aus.Inst.M.M., Cons. Civil and Min. Engr.; b. 1862; s. of F. T. Lewis. Ed. Melbourne University. 1st Class lions., Stawell School, etc.; Telford Premium (Inst. C.E.). Career Chief Engr., D. Munro and Co., Ltd., Mech. Engrs. and Bridge and Railway Contractors; Dir. School of Mines, expert in Arbitration Cases, Technical Witness, Supreme Court Cases; Cons. Engr. to Contractors; Locum for Prof. of Eng., Melb. University; Cons. Engr., Emu Bay Railway Co.; Gen. Man., New Brothers Home Mine; Gen. Man., Anchor Tin Mines (reputation of lowest costs for Lode Min. in the World); Cons. Engr. for a large number of Mines. Address: 41, Kooyong Road, Armadale, Victoria. T. N.. Central 1619, U 1207.

LEWIS, James Roe, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Engineering Dept., Asiatic Petroleum Co., Ltd., Singapore. T. A.: "Petroatic, Singapore." b. 1891. Ed. Cardift High School, Llandovery College, University of South Wales and Monmouthshire (diploma in Mechanical Engineering from University of South Wales and Monmouthshire). Three and a half years pupil in Locomotive Department of Taff Vale Railway; two years Chief Assistant to T. E. Thain, B.Sc., Assoc.M..Inst.C.E., consulting engineer, Cardift; six months Assistant Engineer and Draughtsman for S. Pearson and Sons, Ltd., Minatitlan, Mexico. Partner in the firm of Hughes, Paynter and Lewis, engineers, Pontypool. Engineer to Asiatic Petroleum Co. (S.S.) Ltd. War Services.—Three years Royal Engineers; twelve months Royal Garrison Artillery; nine months Railway Operating Division, Royal Engineers.

LEWIS, William Harold, M.I.Mar.E., Constructional Engr. Surveyor to Manchester Steam Users Assoc. (Clyde District); b. 1892; s. of Alderman W. Lewis, J.P., Whitchurch, Herefordshire. Ed. Monmouth Grammar School Training: Sunderland Technical College Distinctions: B.O.T. 1st Class Cert.; London City and Guilds Bronze Medal (1912), " Boiler Construction." App. Geo. Clark, Ltd., Mar. Engrs., Sunderland; Sea-going Engr. in Johnston Line, Liverpool, and Royal Navy (War period). Address: 43, Abergeldy Street, Alexandra Park, Glasgow.

LIBBIS, George Hilder, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Construction of Docks, Railways, Power Stations, etc., Arbitrations), Hill Farm, Thaxted, Essex. Articled to a Civil Engineer in the Midlands and subsequently on various Public Works to gain experience. In charge of the construction of railways, widenings, viaducts, tunnels, reservoirs, sea and river work, reinforced concrete, preparation and' conducting arbitration, private practice in London. Chief Works: Cirencester to Andoversford new railway; Morecambe to Heysham new railway; widening of main line railways, Wigan, Preston, Lancaster, Bolton, Manchester; also important viaducts at Preston, Warrington, North Wales, etc. War Services.—Senior Bond Officer and Depot Manager for Ministry of Munitions.

LIGHT, Ernest Edward, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr. of existing lines, Railway Dept., Perth, Western Australia.

LILLIE, George Ernest, M.Inst.C.E., c/o H. S. King and Co., 9, Pall Mall, London, S.W. r; b. 1870; s. of Rector of Newchurch, Kent. Ed. Coopers Hill. Appointed to the Indian P.W.D. (Rlys.), 1892. Training for one year with the G. N. Railway, under arrangements made by the India Office. Engaged on construction of Indian Frontier Railways, 1893-5; bridge work and maintenance, N.-W. Railway, India, 1895-7; construction and management, Udaipur Railway, Rajputana, 18971903; survey of Nagda Muttra, 1903-4; Deputy Consulting Engineer and Under Secretary to the Bombay Government for Railways, 1904-5; Manager of the B. G. J.P. Railways in Kathiawar, 1905-6; furlough; Superintendent, Kalka-Simla Railway, 1907-10; Deputy Chairman (and for six months Chairman) of the Bombay Port Trust, 1910-12; furlough; Deputy Agent, Eastern Bengal State Railway, Calcutta, 1913-14; throughout the war in Egypt as General Manager, Delta Light Railway; now Secretary, East Indian Railway. Fellow of Coopers Hill. Member of the East India United Service Club, St. James's Square, SW.1.

LILLY, Walter Elsworthy, M.A., M.A.I., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E.I., M.I.Mech.E., M.J. Inst.E., Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin; b. 1867. Whitworth Exhibitioner, 1891. Apprenticed to Stephen and Woodman, Brixton, S.W., and afterwards obtained workshop experience with other firms. Draughtsman to the Albert Dock Engine Works, 1888; appointed Assistant to the Professor of Civil Engineering, Trinity College, 1891, and Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, 1903. Past-President of the Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. Publications: "Design of Columns and Plate Girders," and various papers on arches, columns, testing machines, rotary engines, etc. War Services.—Assistant Civilian Inspector, Woolwich.

LINDESAY, Chas. de la Poire Crawford, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., Municipal and Railway Engineer, Grampian Lodge, Westwood Park, Forest Hill, London, S.E.23; b. 1863; s. of Fredk. Lindesay, M.A., D.L. and J.P., of Loughry, Co. Tyrone, Ireland; m. Ethel Mary, d. of Col. J. C. Ormrod, J.P., of Wyresdale Park, Scorton, Lancs. Ed. Dulwich College. Pupil to Arthur Jacob, B.A., M.Inst.C.E., borough surveyor, Salford, 1879-82; Contractor's Engineer to Heenan and Woodhouse (now Heenan and Froude), bridge builders and general engineers, 1882-3. On Chief Engineer's staff, London and South Western Railway, 1883-9; Assistant Borough Engineer, Durban, 1889-90; Chief Engineer of Maintenance (Coast Sections); Engineer-in-Charge of the Inchauga and Durban deviations, Natal Government Railways, 1890-3; acting. Borough Engineer to the Durban Corporation for seven months in 1897 during the absence in England of the Chief Engineer; Resident Engineer for Electric Tramways construction, i893-I902; Town Engineer, Salisbury, Southern Rhodesia, 1902-4; Consulting and Representative Engineer to Salisbury Corporation and private practice, 1904 deputed by Durban Corporation, in conjunction with the Borough Electric Engineer, to visit the United Kingdom and report on electric tramways equipment. Chief Works: Waterworks, sewerage works and refuse destructors, electric lighting, electric and horse tramways, storm water drainage, bay, foreshore, sea reclamation and esplanade. War Services.—Actively employed in recruiting and on War Savings Certificates Committees, etc.

LINDLEY, Edward Searles, M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S.0.E., F.R.S.A M.I.E. (India), M. Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Executive Engr.;, Indian P.W.D.; b. 1882. Ed. New College, Eastbourne; Trinity College, Cambridge (Mech. Sc. Tripos). Birmingham, Treves and Baku Waterworks; Indian Irrigation (Punjab). Club: East India United Service. Address: c/o Thos. Cook and Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4.; and Bombay.

LINDLEY, Herbert, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Meregarth, Windermere; b. 1854; s. of Dr. John and Mrs. Lindley, of Derby. Apprenticed to Sir J. Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Manchester, in 1874. Under Manager, Sir J. Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Manchester, 1876-9; then with Thos. Browett, took over business of Deakin, Parker and Co. (afterwards changed name to Browett, Lindley and Co.), Salford, later removed to new works at Patricroft; later General Manager to Galloways, Ltd., Manchester, then for ten years General Manager to Kendall and Gent, Ltd., Toolmakers, Manchester; retired in 1912. Club: Manchester Constitutional.

LINDSLEY-SIMS, Archibald William, M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.Brit.F., M.Staffs. I. and S.I., Partner, S. Corbett and Son, Agricultural Engrs. and Ironfounders; b. 1864; s. of late William Sims, Wymondham, Leicestershire. Ed. Privately at Leeds. Training: Leeds School of Sc. and Leeds University. Pupil with firm of Machine Toolmakers; Drawing Office of Greenwood and Batley, Ltd., Leeds, and afterwards Asst. Works Manager; then Chief Engr. and Manager, Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss, Wolverhampton; now Partner in firm of S. Corbett and Son. Address: Park House, Wellington, Salop., T. A.: " Corbetts, Wellington." T. N.: 75 Wellington.

LINES, Stanley L. B., M.Amer.I.E.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Instrument Specialist, 243, College Street, Toronto, Canada. T. A.: "Meters, Toronto." T. N.: College 1374. b. 1883. Ed. Bancrofts, and City and Guilds, London. Apprenticed to the Brochie Pell Arc Lamp, Ltd., British Thomson-Houston and Chamberlain and Hookham, Ltd., for whom he visited Australia, New Zealand, South America, Egypt and Japan. For 9 years President of Chamberlain and Hookham Meter Co., Ltd., Canada. Also V.-Pres. of the Lincoln Meter Co., Ltd., Canada. Chief Works: The development and production in Canada of the Lincoln Demand Meter.

LINGWOOD, George, M.Inst.C.E., Engr. and Manager, Waterworks, Barbados.

LISTER, Sir Ashton, Kt., C.B.E., M.P., J.P., Chairman of R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., Engrs., etc., Dursley; b. 1845. Founded 'Eng. Firm of R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd.; County Councillor for the Dursley District since the formation of County Councils; Chairman, Gloucestershire Highways Committee; and Acting County Surveyor during absence of Chairman and Surveyor on Active Service in France, etc., etc. Address: The Towers, Dursley, Gloucester. T. A.: "Lister, Towers, Dursley." T. N.: 7A. M.: AD 615.

LISTER, Francis Vivian, Brevet-Major, O.B.E., Assoc.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., F.R. G.S., Civil Engineer, 107, Castelnau, Barnes, S.W.13. T. N.: Hammersmith 653. b. 1871; s. of William Lister, Great Crosby, Lancs. Ed. Merchant Taylors School, Great Crosby, also France and United States. Designed and constructed waterworks, cities of Puebla, Aguas Calientes, Morelia; constructed sewerage of Puebla, Ciudad Juarez, Morelia, also Chihuahua and Mexico City extensions; Tepic irrigation; railways, Penjamo-Ajuno, also Durango Railway; international Bridge, Laredo foundations; paving, Mexico City, Puebla, Durango, etc. Clubs: Devonshire, Ranelagh. War Services.—Superintendent, Chemical Projectile Laboratory, Chemical Warfare Designs Department. Four mentions in Dispatches.

LISTER, John Edward, Captain (late R.A.O.C.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Wh.Ex., Mechanical Engineer (Locomotive, Gasworks Plant and Machinery, Fans and Mechanical Draught), Littleholme, 56, St. George's Road, Golders Green, London, N.W.I I; b. 188o; s. of John K. Lister, Sheffield; m. 1909, Dorothy M. Piggott, d. of A. E. Piggott, Manchester. Ed. Royal Grammar School, Sheffield; Technical Department. University of Sheffield (then University College, Sheffield); Engineering Department, University of Leeds. Pupil, Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Department, G.N. Railway, Doncaster. Draughtsman, Assistant to Managing Director, Assistant General Manager, and Engineer and London Representative with W. J. Jenkins and Co., Ltd., Retford, gasworks and constructional engineers and ironfounders, 1904-17; Assistant Engineer, Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., London, 1919. Chief Works: Coal and coke breaking, screening, elevating and conveying machinery; retort charging and discharging machinery; centrifugal fans and washers, and general gasworks plant. Honorary Secretary, Yorkshire Association of Students, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1904-5 Member of Technical Education Committee, Retford, 1913-4; Member of Employers' Panel, Lincoln District (under National Insurance Scheme), 1914. Author of papers on " Compound Locomotives " (Millar Prize paper, the Institution of Civil Engineers), 1904; " Modern Coal and Coke Handling Plants " (Nursey Premium paper, Society of Engineers), 1916. War Services.—Metropolitan Special Constabulary, Constable, February, 1915, to December, 1916; Sergeant, December, 1916, to June, 1917. Commissioned as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, 3rd Class, and Lieutenant, Army Ordnance Department (now Royal Army Ordnance Corps), July 2, 1917. In charge of Ordnance Mobile Workshops, repairing in the field, guns, carriages and technical vehicles, France and Flanders, December, 1917, to July, 1919. Promoted Captain and Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, 2nd Class, December 19, 1918.

LITTLE, Thomas Royal, M.I.N.A., Cons. Engr. and Naval Arch.; Partner in the firm of Roscoe and Little; b. 1871. Address 633, Royal Liver Building, Liverpool. T. A.: " Trident." T. N.: Bank 8888.

LITTLEDALE, Edmund Harold, Major, Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., A.M.0.I., Man. Dir. of Edward Hayes, Ltd.; b. 1890; s. of W. E. R. Littledale, of Lyndhurst, Hants. Ed. Felsted School Pupil and Draughtsman with Edward Hayes, M.Inst.C.E.; with Harland and Wolff, Repair Dept., Southampton; Asst. to W. R. Baldwin Wiseman, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.; 6 years Commission in the R.E. Club: R.A.C. Address: 38, London Road, Stony Stratford. T. N.: 14 Stony Stratford.

LIVENS, F. Howard, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E. (Member of Council), Director of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Greetwell Road, Lincoln.

LIVESEY, Robert Martin, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. E.S., etc., Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Stranorlar, Co. Donegal. T. A.: " Livesey, Stranorlar." b. 1874; eldest s. of R. H. Livesey, C.E., J.P., late general manager and engineer of Donegal Railways; m. April, 1910, Mabel, youngest d. of the late Rev. Samuel Irvine of Greenbank, Co. Donegal. Ed. at the Grammar and Collegiate School, Carnarvon, and by private tuition. The Donegal Railway works, and works and drawing office of Neilson, Reid and Co., Glasgow; Mathematical and Engineering Courses (including Electricity) at the Royal Technical College. Improver in the works of Barclay, Curle and Co., shipbuilders; Assistant Engineer with Topham, Jones and Railton. promoted Engineer and Agent on their Port Talbot Dock and Railway Contract; Assistant to the Chief Mechanical Engineer of the Gibraltar Naval Harbour Works Contract of the same firm; Chief Mechanical Engineer in their works at the age of 25 and held that position for five years; engaged in carrying out the surveys for, and the designs and construction of aerial ropeways in the British Isles and Algeria on behalf of J. M. Henderson and Co., engineers of Aberdeen. In 1906, became Engineer and Locomotive Superintendent of the County Donegal Railways Joint Committee in succession to his father. Publications: A paper on the Rolling Stock of the Irish Narrow Gauge Railways, read before the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. He was the first to introduce superheaters on narrow gauge railways in the British Isles. Some of his inventions include a pressure system of lubrication for axle boxes, a wagon brake which can be applied or released from either side, an exhaust bye-pass arrangement, an acetylene generator, a concrete sleeper, etc. Clubs: United Counties, Strabane.

LLEWELLYN, Arthur, M Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Cons. Engr. with John Taylor and Sons, London; b. 1866. Ed. Trevarth House Grammar School, and Camborne and Redruth Sc. Schs. Training: Mines in Cornwall. Career: General Asst. to Manager of Mines on Kolar Gold Field; Supt., Kolar Gold Field, Survey Dept., 1889-99; Manager, Coromandel Gold Mine, 1892-9; Cons. Engr., Mysore Gold Mine, 1894-9; Geological Survey of the Kurruckpur Estate, Bengal, 1899-1900; charge of three Expeditions in search of Minerals in Sudan, 1901-3; making Railway and laying out mines in Sudan, 1903-8; since 1906, Cons. and Inspecting Engr. with John Taylor and Sons; examined and reported on mines in Europe, India, Burma, Ceylon, Australia, Tasmania, S. Amer., S. Af., Egypt, and Sudan. Address: 6, Queen Street Place, London, E.C.

LLOYD, Ernest Herbert, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Water and Sewerage Engineer, c/o Ministry, P.W. Cairo, Egypt. T. A.: " Ashghal, Cairo." b. 1872. In 1896, Engineer in charge of construction, Craig Goch Dam, and in 1902, of Penygareg Dam for the Birmingham Corporation, under the late James Mansergh, F.R.S., P.P.Inst.C.E. 1907—Res. Engr., Isna Barrage in Egypt, for the Egyptian Government. 1910—Res. Engr., Cairo Main Drainage. 1915— Chief Engr., Main Drainage Dept., Egyptian Govt. Has designed and carried out schemes for the improvement of sanitation in Egypt. Member of Joint Civil and Military Anti-Malaria Commission in Egypt. 2nd Class Order 'of the Nile; 3rd Class Order of Osmanieh. War Services.—Attached to R.E. and served as A.D.W. on Suez Canal Defences. Twice mentioned in Dispatches of C.I.C. Retired with rank of Lieut.Colonel. Club: Turf Club, Cairo.

LLOYD, George Christopher, Sec. Iron and Steel Inst.; s. of Rev. Charles A. Lloyd. Ed. Moravian School, Konigsfeld, Baden. Training: Robert Stephenson and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Extra 1st Class Engr.'s B.O.T. Cert. Career: Mar. Engr. with Lamport and Holt, Liverpool, and with Compaiiia Trasatlantica de Vapores Correos, Barcelona; represented Mirrlees, Watson Co., Ltd., in Germany, Austria and France-; Asst. Engr. with Jeremiah Head and Son, representing the Wellman Seaver Morgan Co., Cleveland, Ohio; Asst. Sec., Iron and Steel Inst., then Sec. Inst.E.E., now Sec. Iron and Steel Inst. Address: 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Irosamente, Vic." T. N.: Victoria 853, Park 589.

LLOYD, Samuel Janson, J.P., C.C., for Northamptonshire, Director of Stewart's and Lloyd's; A. Hickman, Ltd.; Lloyd's Ironstone Co., Ltd. (Chairman); North Lincolnshire Iron Co., Ltd., and Holly Bank Coal Co., Ltd.; b. 1870; s. of S. Lloyd, of Farm, Sparkbrook, Birmingham. Ed. Repton. Address: Pipewell Hall, Kettering.

LLOYD, W. D., P.-Pres. I.Min.E., P.-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min. Civil and Mech.E., Altofts, Normanton.

LLOYD-DAVIES, David Ernest, M.Inst.C.E., City Engr. and Surveyor, Cape Town, S. Af.

LOBLEY, H. D., M.Sc.(Birm.), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E M.I.and S.I., Technical Engr. to the Agricultural and General Engrs., Ltd., Central House, Kingsway, W.C.2; b. 1889. Ed. Loughborough Grammar School, and University of Birmingham. First Class Hons. Mech. Eng. App. with Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., of Leiston. Address: 122, Aldeburgh Road, Leiston, Suffolk.

LOBNITZ, Sir Frederick, K.B.E., Officer of Legion of Honour (France), D.L., J.P., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A.,M.I.E.S.; b. 1863; s. of Henry C. Lobnitz, of Renfrew, and grandson of Frederick Lobnitz, of Copenhagen; m. Lizzie Georgina, d. of George Pearson, of Brickendonbury, Herts. Ed. Abroad. App. with John Elder and Co., Govan, Glasgow; Chairman of Lobnitz and Co., Engrs. and Shipbuilders, Renfrew; Patentee of numerous inventions for improvements in dredging machinery, particularly in connection with the Excavation of Rock under Water without Explosives. War Service.—Deputy Director Munitions for Scotland, 1915-16; and Director, 1917-19. Received Freedom of the Royal Burgh of Renfrew, 1919. Clubs: Reform, London; and Western, Glasgow. Address: Ross Hall, Crookston, Renfrewshire.

LOCHHEAD, John Finlay, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Schlossligut, Baden, Switzerland; b. 1884. Ed. Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh (Medal in Honours, Electrical Engineering; Medal in Honours, Prime Movers; Medal, Economic History). Apprenticeship with Blake, Barclay and Co., Greenock, mechanical engineers (conveying plant, etc.). Sub-station staff, Glasgow Corporation Tramways; Leading Draughtsman for direct current machines and motor converters, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Edinburgh; Chief Assistant Engineer, Manchester Office, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd.; Leading Engineer, Crane and Transport Appliances Department, Brown, Boveri and Co., Ltd., Baden (Switz.), since February, 1914.

LOCKLEY, Herbert Hirst Lambert, M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist to George Senior and Sons, Ltd., Sheffield; b. 1889; s. of Rev. W. H. Lockley. Ed. Longton High School, and Huddersfield Technical College Training: University of Sheffield. Associate in Metallurgy. Career: Practical experience of Swedish Iron and Steel Works practice at Forsbacka Jernverks, Aktibolaget, Sweden; Member of the Sheffield Soc. of Engrs. and Metallurgists; Member of the Sheffield Assoc. of Metallurgists; and Metallurgical Chemists; 12 years with G. Senior and Sons, 26 Ltd. Contributor of " Iron, Steel and the Foundry to " The Engineering Review." Address: Moorland, Chatsworth Road, Totley Rise, near Sheffield. T. N.: Sheffield 74.

LOCKWOOD-BUNCE, Thomas, M.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., Production Engineer, Specialist Machine Tools, 33, Princes Avenue, Liverpool. T. A.: " Ecnub, Liverpool." T. N.: so 73 Royal. b.1881. Ed. Liverpool University; Technical College, Halifax; West Ham College, London. William Asquith, Ltd., Halifax, and the Campbell Gas Engine Co., Halifax, 1896-1902; Assistant Manager, Gas Engine and Suction Gas Plant Section, James Watt and Co., Birmingham, 1906-8; Technical Expert, William Asquith, Ltd., Halifax, 1910-15; Engineering staff of John Stirk and Sons, Ltd., Halifax, 1919. Chief Works: Erection of engines and machinery, Horforth and Stourton, Leeds; planning and reconstruction of engineering works. War Services.—Technical Assistant, Machine Tool Department, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-9. Organization and reports on introduction of Female Labour in Engineering Works. Construction of special machinery for shell projectile, rifle and gun manufacture; equipment of Admiralty and private shipyard extensions; construction of ball-bearing and aircraft factories; equipment of National shell and projectile factories.

LODGE, Sir Oliver J., LL.D., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S., M.I.E.E., Normanton, near Salisbury; b. 1851. Ed. University College, London. Professor of Physics at Liverpool University, 1881-1900; Principal of Birmingham University, 1900-19. Publications: " Modern Views of Electricity," " Electrons," " Signalling through Space without Wires," " The Ether of Space," " Lightning Conductors and Lightning Guards," " Continuity," " Life and Matter," " Mathematics for' Parents and Teachers," " Pioneers of Science." Club: Athenaeum. War Services.—Member of Admiralty Board of Invention and Research.

LOMAX, Charles James, M.Inst.C.E., M. Cons.E., Cons. Engr. (Water), 37, Cross Street, Manchester.

LOMAX, R., Elec. Engr., Stockport Corporation, Electricity Works, Millgate, Stockport.

LONG, Francis Maddison, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., A.K.C., City Elec. Engr., Norwich, since 1902; b. 1867; s. of Rev. David Long. Ed. Westminster. Training: King's College, London; and pupil to Prof. Henry Robinson. Asst. to Prof. Henry Robinson, Westminster, 1889-92; Engr. and Manager, Norwich Electricity Co., 1892-1902; P.-Pres. I.M.E.A. Address: Corporation Electricity Works, Norwich. T. N.: 1500.

LONG, Reginald Frederick, M.C., A.M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 19, Southampton Buildings, Chancery Lane. Home Address: May's Hill, Worplesdon, near Guildford. T. N.: Worplesdon 35. b. 1886. Ed. Thornton Heath School and Battersea Technical College. Articled to Laud Brothers and Co., Engineers, London. Manager, Engineering Department, W. J. Fryer and Co., London; Assistant, The Hong-Kong Electric Co., Hong-Kong; Chief Engineer, The China Light and Power Co., Kowloon, Hong-Kong; Reginald Long and Partners, London, consulting engineers (specialists in factory reconstruction). Member of Thatched House Club, St. James's Street. War Services.—Major, Royal Field Artillery, France, 1915-19; Hong-Kong Volunteer Artillery, 1909-15. Military Cross; twice wounded.

LONG, Walter Frederick, M.I.E.E., General Manager, Cape Town Tramway Cos.; b. 1874; s. of the late Charles Greig Long, J.P. Ed. Maidstone Grammar School, and Surrey County School Training: London Polytechnic and Nottingham University College; Brush Elec. Eng. Co. City Elec. Engr., Cape Town, for 13 years; responsible for designing and installing Power Station and Elec. System generally, totalling some 6500 kw.; in present position for past five years; also local Man. Dir., Camp Bay Tramways, Cape Town. Club: Senior Civil Service, Cape Town. Address: Cape Town Tramways. T. A.: " Tramways, Cape Town." T. N.: 1616 Central.

LONGDEN, John Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Min.E. (P.-Pres.), Chislehurst, Marlborough Road, Bournemouth.

LONGFIELD, Richard William Frederick, B.A.I. (Dubl.), M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Bandon, Co. Cork.

LONGFIELD, William Elrington, Lt.-Col., late R.E., M.I.Mech.E., Deputy Gen. Man., Sudan Govt. Railways; b. 1874; s. of Rev. Richard Longfield, M.A. Ed. Clifton College; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Career: War Office, 1896-8; Sudan Railways, 1899; in charge of Surveys for Nile-Red Sea Railways; Chief Engr., Sudan Railways, 1905; Deputy Gen. Man., Sudan Railways, 1906; Egyptian Expeditionary Forces, 1915-17, commanding R.E., Alexandria. Club: United Service. Address: Atbara, Sudan.

LONGLEY, J. W., M.I.Mech.E., Proprietor, Hatley Engine Co., Fairweather Green, Bradford. T. A.: "Hatley, Girlington." T. N.: 2928 Bradford. Apprenticeship with Thomas Metcalfe, Ltd., through workshops and drawing office; Manager of firm for 6 years, leaving this position to commence business in partnership as above, now sole member of the firm. Public Positions: Member of Executive of Bradford Hospital Fund for 12 years; Councillor, Bradford City Council.

LONGMUIR, Alexander, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., Civil and Municipal Engineer, Thornliebank, Glasgow, Scotland. T. N.: Pollokshaws 123. b. 1892. Ed. at Merchiston Castle, Edinburgh, and Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Professional Career: With Kyle, Dennison and Laing, Glasgow, roads, estate development and layouts, design and construction of harbours and sewerage works, at Gardenstown, Whitehills, Banff, Airdrie, Coatbridge and Galashiels, on the latter acted as Junior Resident Engineer; Caledonian Railway Company, Glasgow, design and construction of main line permanent way and allied works. With Smith and McLean, Glasgow, in connection with the reconstruction of their steel and galvanizing works; Westminster City Council, Second Engineering Assistant, sewerage works and reconstruction, street improvements, etc. Partner in Gordon and Alexander, Building Material Importers, Grafton House, Golden Sq., W.I. War Services.—Commissioned October 12, 1914, 4th Battalion Royal Scots Fusiliers, served in Egypt, 7 Palestine, France and Belgium for 34 years; served in Administration on Headquarters 52nd (Lowland) Division and Headquarters 1st Army; appointed Staff Captain, 155th Infantry Brigade; mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's dispatch, November 8, 1918; demobilized, June 10, 1919.

LONGRIDGE, Michael, C.B.E., M.A., M.Inst. C.E., P.-Pres. I.Mech.E. Retired. b. 1847; s. of James Atkinson Longridge, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Radley and Trinity College, Cambridge. App. to J. A. Longridge, M.Inst.C.E. Engaged in Railway, Canal and Irrigation Works in Italy, Sweden, Hungary, under J. A. Longridge; Asst. Engr., Boiler Insurance and Steam Power Co. (now Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co.), Manchester; Chief Engr., Engine and Boiler Insurance Co. (now British Engine Boiler and Elec. Insurance Co.), Manchester; P.-Pres. Manchester Assoc. of Engrs.; P.-Pres. I.M.E.; served on E.S. Committee; Bd. of Management of N.P.L.; Advisory Council of Sc. Museum, S. Kensington; Ministry of Pensions, Artificial Limbs Dept.; during War served on Panel of Experts, Munitions Inventions Dept., M. of M. Address: Torcross, Kingsbridge, S. Devon.

LONGSTAFF, George William, Capt., late R.A.F., M.Inst.Met., M.R.Ae.S., Mech. Engr.; Chief Engr. to The Express Builders and Supplies Co., Ltd.; b. 1891; s. of George Edward Longstaff, late R.A.O.C. Ed. Woolwich Polytechnic. Training: Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Career: 4 years on Chief Engr.'s Staff, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; 3i years Commissioned Service, R.A.F., in a Technical capacity, including charge of Aero-Engine Section, Directorate of Equipment, Air Ministry. Address: 3, The Common, Woolwich, London, S.E.I8.

LONGSTAFF, Thos. H., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.R.San.I., Civil Engineer, Architect and Surveyor, Engineer and Surveyor's Department, Town Hall, Penrith. T. A.: " Longstaff, Penrith." T. N.: i Penrith. Ed. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Bedale; Skipton Science and Art Schools, Keighlev Technical Institute. Served articles to Ascough Rodwell, Engineer and Surveyor to the Skipton Council. Assistant to the Skipton Council; Assistant to the West Hartlepool County Borough Council, under N. F. Dennis, M.Inst.C.E.; Town Planning and Housing Assistant to the Swansea County Borough Council (5,000 houses to be erected); now Architect, Surveyor and Waterworks Engineer to the Penrith Urban District Council. Chief Works: Sewerage and sewage disposal works,,I 7,000; water supplies and waterworks; West Hartlepool Town Planning Scheme; West Hartlepool Housing Scheme; extensions to electricity works (14,000), stables, municipal buildings, etc.; West Hartlepool Redrainage Scheme; Swansea Housing Scheme; Penrith Housing Scheme (Ioo houses), fire station, etc.; prepared layout of new park at Penrith, £5,000; cemetery extension.

LOOS, Albert Edward, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, " Wisteria," Amersham, Bucks; b. 1875; s. of the late Hon. F. C. Loos, C.M.G., Colombo, Ceylon. Ed. St. Thomas' College, Colombo, Ceylon; later, by private coach in London; King's College, London, and Gordon's College, Aberdeen, N.B. Practical—served apprenticeship with James Abernethy and Co., engineers and boilermakers, Ferryhill Foundry, Aberdeen, N.B. Draughtsman with Bel2: liss and Morcom, Ltd., Birmingham; Assistant Engineer and Chief Assistant Engineer with the Lowestoft Corporation Electricity Department; then joined the firm of Bramwell and Harriss, consulting engineers, Westminster, for whom he acted as Resident Engineer in charge of works being carried out for the Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire Electric Power Co. at Ilkeston; on completion he was appointed Chief Engineer and Manager to the company; held this appointment for 10 years, resigning to undertake a business tour in Canada and the United States. War Services.—Joined the Empire Battalion of the City of London Royal Fusiliers as a private, and was transferred three weeks later to the Royal Naval Divisional Engineers, with whom he served in the Dardanelles (8 months), Balkans (4 months), and France (8 months). On January, 1917, received a commission on the field with (R.E.) Portable Electric Lights, G.H.Q., France.

LORD, James, M.Sc. (Vic.), A.M.I.E.E., A.F.Aer.Inst., National Scholar, Joule Silver Medallist, Associate of Owens College, Manchester, Consulting Engineer (Electrical, Mechanical and Civil), 13, Clegg Street, Oldham; b. 1878. Ed. Waterloo Higher Grade School, Oldham; the Municipal Technical School, Oldham; the Owens College, Manchester. Has occupied the following positions: Private Assistant to Professor Sir Arthur Schuster, Ph.D., D. Sc., F. R. S.; Lecturer and Demonstrator, the Owens College, Manchester; Lecturer, Higher Mathematics and Mechanics, the Municipal Technical Schools, Oldham; Lecturer in Steam and Mechanical Engineering, the Verdin Technical Schools, Northwich; Lecturer in Steam, Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, the Technical Institute, Loughborough; Assistant Engineer, the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Falcon Works, Loughborough; Operating and Special Investigation Departments, the Newcastle-upon-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and Associated Companies; Assistant Electrical Engineer, the East Indian Railway Company, Bengal, India. Has acted as Consulting Engineer to several firms, and devised and supervised works in this country and abroad.

LORING, Frederick George, Commander, R.N., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Wireless Telegraphy), Secretary's Office, General Post Office, London, E.C.; b. 1869. Ed. Royal Navy. Qualified in Torpedo, 1896; in charge of Admiralty Shore Wireless Telegraph Stations, 1902-8; Inspector of Wireless Telegraphy, General Post Office, since July, 1908; British Delegate at Radiotelegraph Conventions, Berlin, 1906, London, 1912.

LOUIS, Henry, Professor of Mining, M.A., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., F.I.C., F.G.S., A.R.S.M., M.I.Min.E.,M.Inst.M.M., Mining and Metallurgical Engr., 4, Osborne Terrace, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Saudades." T. N.: 298 Jesmond. b. 1855; s. of Sigmund Louis, London; m. in 1895, Rosalie, d. of Christopher James. Ed. City of London School, Scholar and Medallist, Science and Art Department Scholarship, Royal School of Mines, 1873-6, Government Exhibitioner, Duke of Cornwall Scholar, De La Beche Medallist, Associate. Mining and metallurgical experience in Nova Scotia, California, South America, South Africa, West Africa, Malay Peninsula, Siam, India, Asia Minor, many v7S countries of Europe, especially Spain and Scandinavia; Consulting Engineer to various mining and metallurgical companies; Past President, Society of Chemical Industry. Professor of Mining and William Cochrane Lecturer on Metallurgy, Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Commissioner on Trinidad Pitch Lake. Publications: Handbook of " Goldmilling," " Dressing of Minerals," " Traverse Tables," " Tacheometer Tables," " Ore Deposits " (Phillips and Louis), " Metallurgy " (Schnabel and Louis), " Metallurgy of Tin," etc. Clubs: Royal Societies, Chemical Industry. War Services.—Private advisory work.

LOVERIDGE, Henry John, Wh.Ex., M.I.N.A., Engr.-Commander, R.N.; Chief Engr., Pembroke Dockyard; b. 1871. Ed. H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth; Dockyard School. Training: Royal College of Sc., South Kensington, and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Career: At Admiralty and Dockyards as Asst. and in charge of Design Installation and repair of Naval Machinery, also afloat. Address: H.M. Dockyard, Pembroke Dock.

LOVETT, William J., M.I.N.A., Naval Arch., Workman, Clark and Co., Ltd., Belfast; b. 1876, at Belfast; s. of J. C. Lovett. Ed. Glasgow High School Training: John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank; Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Extension Lecturer, Belfast Technical Inst.; Vice-Pres. Eng. and Scientific Assocs. of Ireland. Author of " A Class Book of Naval Architecture " (Longmans), " Applied Naval Architecture " (Longmans), " A Method of Estimating E.P.H." (Eng. Soc. of Ireland), " Spacing of Watertight Bhds." (Inst. Naval Archs.). Club: Royal Ulster. Address: Auburn, Bangor, Ireland.

LOW, David Allan, Wh.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Hon.M.J.Inst.E., Emeritus Professor of Engineering, East London College, University of London. Private Address: 6, York Road, Ilford, Essex. Author of " A Pocket Book for Mechanical Engineers," " Applied Mechanics," " Practical Geometry and Graphics," " Machine Drawing and Design," etc.

LOW, Duncan W., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.R.T.C., M.I.E.S., etc., Electrical and General Engineer, Merkland Works, Partick, Glasgow. T. A.: "Highlow, Glasgow." T. N.: Western 1793-4. b. 189o. Ed. Glasgow Academy, Royal Technical College, and Glasgow University. Director, Archibald Low and Sons, Ltd., engineers and brassfounders, Merkland Works, Partick, Glasgow. War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., August 15, 1914, to January, 1919.

LOW, William, J.P., B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., 'Textile Machinery Engineer, c/o Jas. F. Low and Co., Ltd., Monifieth and Balmskewan, Marykirk, Kincardineshire. T. N.: r Monifieth 16 Laurencekirk. b. 1862. Studied Engineering at University .College, Dundee. Vice-Convener, Kincardineshire County Council, and Chairman of Laurencekirk District Committee. Clubs: Conservative, Edinburgh; Eastern, Dundee.

LOWCOCK, Sidney Richard, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M. and Hon. Treas. Cons.E., M.I.Water E., F. and Ex.M. of Council R. San.I., P.-Pres. Inst. C.E. Students, B'ham, Cons. Engr.; .b. 1859; s. of Richard Lowcock. Ed. Merchant Taylors School Training: School of Practical Eng., Crystal Palace. Miller Prize, Telford Medal and Premium, Pres. Prize Inst. Water Engrs. Pupil of Walter Hunter, Mem. of Council Inst. C.E., Asst. Engr., Kent Water Co., Chief Asst. to Baldwin Lathan, M. Inst. C.E.; Res. Engr. on various Water and Sewage Works; Engr. Compressed Air Power Co., Birmingham; Cons. Engr. to H.M. Office of Works; H.M. Crown Agents for the Colonies; H.M. Post Office; H.M. India Office; West Kent Main Sewerage Bd.; a number of County Councils, Corpns., Urban and Rural District Councils, Drainage and Water Bds.; has designed and constructed a large number of Water and Sewage Works, River, Canal, and Flood Prevention Works, new Water Works for Windsor Castle, Works for the Manufacture of Iron, Brass, India Rubber, Chemicals, etc.; during the War joined R.N.V.R. (Airships); sent by Admiralty to U.S.A. on Special Mission; transferred to R.A.F., Lieut.-Col. and Head of Central Hydrogen Dept. Papers before Inst. C.E., R.San.I., etc. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Coombe Hill, Old Merchant Taylors, Hon. Treas. Eng. Golfing Soc. Addresses: 6, Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster; 53, Chepstow Place, W.2. T. N.: 519 Victoria.

LOWDEN, I. L., M.I.N.A., Supt. Mar. Engr. Hain Steamship Co., Ltd., Victoria Bldgs., Bute Docks, Cardiff.

LOWE, Cecil John Mansfield, M.I.Mar.E., A.R.San.I., Cons. Engr. (Mar., Mech. and Shipbuilding); Engr. Adviser to Board of Directors, Newcastle Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Hebburn-on-Tyne; b. 1882; s. of Captain James Lowe. Ed. Rothesay Academy and West of Scotland Technical College, Glasgow. Training: Dunsmuir and Jackson, Ltd., Govan; Halan and Hollingsworth Co., Ltd., Wilmington, Del., U.S.A. 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate; Diploma of R.S.I. Six years Engr.-Surveyor to the National Boiler and General Insurance Co.,.Ltd., Manchester; Man. Dir. of late Luby Lowe Eng. Works, Ltd., Bristol; during war in R.E., I.W. and D. Section. Officer in charge No. 1 District, Scotland, under D.C.A.S., and C.G.M.S.; Supt. Docking Lighter and Concrete Vessels Bldg. for R.A.S. Mar. Branch. Clubs: Tavistock Residential, London. Address: " Glenfaulds," Craigmore, Rothesay.

LOWRY, Thomas Martin, Lt.-Col., D.S.O., M.C., M Inst.M.M., Min. and Civil Engr.; Inspector of Works, Italy; Member of Imperial War Graves Commission; b. 1875; s. of late T. S. Lowry. Ed. Privately and Camborne School of Mines. Training: Camborne School of Mines. Various Mining Work in Spain, Australia, South America, England, 18951907; Inspector of Mines, Gold Coast and Ashanti, I908-11; Asst. Inspector of Mines, Northern Nigeria, 1911-12; Chief Engr. for Niger Co., in the German Cameroons, 1913-14; commanded 173 Tunnelling Co., 1915-18; D.S.O., M.C., and three mentions in Dispatches, Croix de Guerre, Crown of Italy (Knight). Clubs: Sports'. Address: 4, Carlton Mansions, Maida Vale.

LOWSON, James, Major (retired), V.D., M.I.E.E., M.I.E.S., Elec. Engr.; Senior Partner, W. C. Martin and Co., Glasgow (Partner for 27 years). Ed. Dundee High School Training: Glasgow Royal Technical College Member the Elec. Contractors' Assoc., Scotland; The Incorporation of Hammermen; The Merchants' House and Chamber of Commerce; and a Life Member of the Royal Glasgow Inst. of Fine Arts. Paper on " Electrical Equipment of Ships," with description of Installation on Cunard Liner " Aquitania " to the Inst. of Elec. Engrs. in 1914. Clubs: Pres., The Palette Club, Glasgow; Capt., Prestwick St. Nicholas Golf, etc. Address: I°, West Campbell Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Motive, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 1736, Glasgow.

LUARD, E. Sydney, M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, 25, Durham Terrace, London, W.2, and 15, Dean's Yard, Westminster, S.W.I T. A.: Vacuo Ave, London. T. N.: Park 2487 and Victoria 3987. b. 1856; eldest s. of Rev. Octavius Luard, and grandson of Captain P. J. Luard, Blyborough Hall, Lincolnshire; m. in 1888 to Ada Florence Caldow. Ed. Felstead School. Great Northern Railway Works, Doncaster; Sharpe, Stewart and Co., Manchester; London, Brighton and South Coast Railway. Chief Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Superintendent, Bombay, Blroda and Central India Railway, Bombay; Managing Director, Consolidated Brake and Engineering Co., Ltd., London; Chairman, G. D. Peters and Co., London; Director of The British Power Railway Signal Co., Ltd. Nominated in 1902 by Government of India to represent the Indian Railways at the International Engineering Congress held at Glasgow. Chief Works: Control of Locomotive and Car Department, Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway; redesigned and rebuilt those workshops; redesigned the rolling stock. Justice of Peace for Bombay; Colonel of the Railway Volunteer Corps. Publications: " System of Railway Signalling for India," joint paper with Mr. Scovell. Member of St. Stephen's, Royal Thames Yacht, Ranelagh, Byculla and Royal Bombay Yacht Clubs.

LUBOSHEZ, B. E., B.Sc. (Eng.), Aeronautical Engineer, 1o8, Station Road, Harrow, Middlesex; b. 1898. Training: Finsbury Technical College; City and Guilds Engineering College; South Kensington and East London College; University of London. Pupilage at Stepney Electricity Works; Studied Law at the Middle Temple. Experimental Engineer at East London College Aerodynamics Laboratories; Lecturer in Aeronautical Engineering at the East London College, University of London. War Services.—Research work in connection with sound detection of submarines; aeronautical research work for the Air Board and Admiralty; assisted in the training of R.A.F. pilots.

LUBOSHEZ, S. N., B.Sc. (Eng.), F.P.S.L., Electrical Engineer, io 8, Station Road, Harrow; eldest s. of N. E. Luboshez, F.P.S.L., Member of Röntgen Society. Studied languages and partly educated on the Continent, also at Harrow County School; engineering and commercial training at London School of Economics, Finsbury Technical College, East London College, Imperial College and City and Guilds Engineering College. Student of Middle Temple. Sometime Private Assistant to Professor J. T. Macgregor Morris, M.I.E.E.; Lecturer at East London College, University of London; Assistant Engineer with J. G. White and Co., Ltd., electrical, mechanical and civil engineers. Formerly Member of Committee, Students' Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers; Past Chairman, East London College Engineering Society. War Services.—Research work for Air Board and Admiralty on aeronautics and the detection of submarines.

LUCAS, Sir Arthur, Kt., b. 1845. Ed. University College, London. Civil Engr.; M.I.M.E.; Director of Imperial Continental Gas Assoc., and Continental Union Gas Co. Address: 27, Bruton Street, W.I. T. N.: Gerrard 5108.

LUCAS, S., Supt. Mar. Engr., Neptune Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Royal Liver Bdgs., Liverpool. Address: " Rosebank," Dowhills Road, Blundellsands, Liverpool.

LUCY, Ernest Edward, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Govt. Railways, Eveleigh, Sydney, N.S.W.

LUCY, William Theodore, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., Railway, Locomotive and Rolling Stock Engr.; b. 1865; s. of late William Lucy ( William Lucy and Co., Eagle Ironworks, Oxford). Ed. Cranleigh. Training: L.B. and S.C. Railway; Pupil of late William Stroudley, M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Engr., C. Uruguay Railway, and Buenos Aires G.S. Railway; Loco., Carriage and Wagon Supt., Bahia Blanca and N.W. Railway; Asst. Man. Chilian Transandine Railway Paper, " The Working of a Rack Railway," Inst.C.E., Telford Premium. Club: Constitutional. Address: 107, Woodstock Road, Oxford.

LUKE, W. J..C.B.E., Member of Council, I.N.A., c/o John Brown and Co., Ltd., Clydebank, Dumbartonshire, N.B.

LUMLEY, Gascoigne, I.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Mar. Engr.; b. 1873; s. of Joseph Lumley, of Gateshead. Ed. Privately, and Durham College of Science (now Armstrong College). Training: Black, Hawthorn and Co., Gateshead. Distinctions: Hons. in Mech. Eng., C.G.L.I. Career: With C. A. Parsons and Co., engaged in Steam Turbine work; Asst. to Robert Eeles, Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, then Leading Draughtsman with James Hodgkinson and Co., of Salford; 1898—Entered service of Govt. of the Niger Coast Protectorate (now Nigeria), as Asst. Engr.; 1902— Engr.-in-Charge, Govt. Dockyard; 19o8—Supt. Engr., Mar. Dept., Nigeria; Retired 1920. Patentee of Device for Burning Soft Coal in Mar. Boilers. Clubs: Sports, St. James's Square, S.W.; Northern Conservative and Unionist, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Address: Glenholme, Jesmond, Newcastle-uponTyne.

LUMSDEN, Hugh David, M.Inst.C.E., M.E.I.C., D.L.S., Buchromb, Orillia, Ontario, Canada; b. Belhelvie Lodge, Aberdeenshire, in 1844 s. of Colonel T. Lumsden, C.B.; m. 1885, Mary, d. of J. W. G. Whitney of Toronto. Ed. Bellview Academy, Aberdeen, and Wimbledon School, Surrey, England. Went to Canada 1861. Provincial Land Surveyor, Ontario, 1866; Civil Engineering since October, 1870; has been almost constantly employed in. charge of location or construction of railways, including location of portions of Credit Valley Railway, Toronto Grey and Bruce Railway, Northern Railway and Georgian Bay Branch of Canadian Pacific Railway; location and construction of Ontario and Quebec Railway, Toronto to Perth and Smith's Falls to Vaudreuil (302 miles), St. Johns, P.Q., to Farnham and Brigham Junction to Lennoxville (73 miles); Holeb to Mattawarnkeag in Maine, U.S. (129 miles). Supervising Engineer for location and construction of the Qu'Appelle, L.L. and S. and Calgary and Edmonton Railways in North-West Territories (524 miles), the Canadian Pacific Railway, Rigaud to Ottawa (71 miles), the Canadian Pacific Railway, Crow's Nest Pass line, Lethbridge to Kootenay Landing (288 miles); and numerous Branches of the Canadian Pacific Railway in Manitoba and other parts of Canada. Chief Engineer, Eastern Division Transcontinental Railway, Monkton to Winnipeg, 1904-9. Since then in general practice, but principally with Canadian Pacific Railway. President, Canadian Society of Civil Engineers (now the Engineering Institute of Canada), 1937.

LUPTON, Arnold, F.G.S., Consulting Engineer (Mining), Tinsley Park Colliery Co., Ltd., and Shirebrook Colliery, Ltd., 7, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S. W.1. T. A.: "Luptarnol, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 5078. Articled to Woodhouse and J elfcock, civil and mining engineers; Professor of Coal Mining, Leeds University, 1878-99; Examiner in Mine Surveying to City and Guilds. Professional Career: Started as Consulting Engineer in Chesterfield and Manager, Highfield Colliery, Oakerthorpe. Employed by the Royal Coal Commission to prepare maps, sections and estimates showing each seam of coal and the acreage and tonnage got and remaining to get in the counties of Yorkshire, Derbyshire and Nottinghamshire in each seam; also gave evidence as to the temperature of deep mines. Resident Engineer and Manager, Bettisfield Colliery. Sank pit through quicksand by pneumatic process; Manager and Consulting Engineer of the Manston, New Hall, Fieldhouse, and Rock Collieries. Gained prize from International Commission for development of Niagara Water Power, electrically and pneumatically. Projected and obtained Acts of Parliament for Yorkshire Electric Power and for Derby and Nottingham Electric Power. Obtained leases for and projected, designed and executed as Engineer and Managing Director the works of Shirebrook Colliery, Ltd. Projected new works of Tinsley Park Colliery, Ltd. Obtained leases for Yorkshire Main Colliery, Ltd., Maltby Main Colliery, Ltd., Harworth Main Colliery, Ltd. Experienced witness in Parliamentary and Arbitration cases. Was Member of Parliament, 19.36-1o. Has inspected mines of coal, iron, lead, zinc, tin, copper, silver and gold, also slate, limestone and granite quarries in United Kingdom, Belgium, France, Germany, Austria, United States, Australia and India. Has acted as Lessor's Agent and Surveyor in England and Wales. Member Institute S.W. Engineers, Midland Institute of Mining Engineers, National Association, Colliery Managers. Holds the Silver Medal of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem for saving life in a mine; also a testimonial from the members of the Yorkshire College (now Leeds University) for saving life in a mine. Publications: Has written numerous papers on Mining for mining institutes. Also the following books, " Mining," " Mine Surveying," " Electricity as Applied to Mining," in conjunction with Parr and Perkin.

LYALL, Edward, Major, D.S.O., J.P., M.I. Min.E., F.R.G.S., Cons. Engr. (Civil and Min.); b. 1869; s. of E. W. Lyall, C.E. Ed. Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School, Darlington. Training: With his father and at Collieries in Lancashire, and Ironstone Mines in Cleveland. Managed Collieries in Cheshire; laid Railways in S. America; is Director of Min. and Eng. Cos. in N. of England; Tunnelling Officer and later Railway Constructional Engr., R.E., in the late War. Clubs: Royal Societies. Address: Office-19, Victoria Road, Darlington; Residence— Barton, Yorks. T. N.: 2194 Darlington.

LYALL, William, M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Ship Surveyor to the British Corporation Registry; b. 1886; s. of the late John Lyall, M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S. Ed. Glasgow High School and West of Scotland Technical College Training: Glasgow, and Barclay, Curle and Co., Shipbuilders and Engrs. App. with Barclay Curle and Co., Ltd. With Fairfield S. and Elec. Co., Ltd., and then with British Corporation, 1910; Principal Surveyor in Belfast and North of Ireland, 1914-19; now Principal Surveyor in Greenock, Port Glasgow, Dumbarton and Dalwin; in charge of Cargo and Passenger Ships up to 20,000 tons and oil tankers, etc. Address: 4, Cleeny Villas, Jordan Hill, Glasgow, W. T. A.: "Seaworthy." T. N.: 8152-3 Central.

LYDDON, Ralph Bowsher, M.I.Mech.E., Chairman, Man. Dir. and Cons. Engr. to Cameron Hastie and Co., Ltd., Lifford Mills, King's Norton, Birmingham; b. 1869; s. of late Alfred Augustus Lyddon. Ed. Independent College, Taunton. Training: Under John Avery, Bristol. Three years with the Bristol Biscuit Co., then Director, and later as Joint Man. Dir. with Cameron Hastie and Co., Ltd.; Inventor of The Lyddon Patent Flue Covers for arresting escape of heat through Flue Arches of Lancashire and similar Boilers; Patentee of Twospeed Gear for Motor Bicycles; Patentee of Apparatus for obtaining more perfect combustion in Horizontal Boilers. Publ.: "Fuel Economy by Insulation." Address: 67, Featherstone Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. T. A.: "Proof, Birmingham." LYONS, Robert Ernest Brabazon, M.I. Mech.E., Mech., Railway, Elec. and Hydraulic Engr., Supt.; b. 1876; s. of Rev. J. C. Lyons; Ed. Newbury, Berks. Training: Private Tuition. Career: General Mech. and Elec. Eng.; Water Supply, Building (Factory and Houses); Water Supply, Levelling, Survey, Drainage, Pile Driving and Wharfage. Address: Fabrica Colon, Entre Rios, Argentina.

LYSAGHT, William Royse, C.B.E., M.I. and S.I. (Member of Council), Castleford, Chepstow, Monmouthshire.

LYSTER, Anthony George, M.E., M.Inst. C.E., P.-Pres. Inst.C.E., Partner, Sir John Wolfe Barry, Lyster and Partners; Cons. Engr. to Mersey Docks and Harbour Bd., Liverpool; b. 1852. Engr.-in-Chief, Mersey Docks and Harbour Bd., 1898-1913; Prof. of Eng., Liverpool University. Address: Bradenham House, High Wycombe, Bucks; Dartmouth House, 2, Queen Anne's Gate, T. A.: "Consilium, London." T. N.: Victoria 4948; High Wycombe 218.

See Also


Sources of Information