1904 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1904 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 13
- A. B. (letters), 50, 523, G23
- A. B. C. (letter), 179
- A. B. (queries), 337, 627
- Accessories, Motor, 523
- Accessories, United Motor Industries. 757
- Accessory, Napier Luggage Trailer, 577
- Accidents and Burst Tyres, 244. 342. 371. 404. 464. 491
- — Cause of, 33
- — Horse, 51, 64, 114. 407, 488. 590
- — r. Motor Car, 46. 51. 70, 81. 428
- — Statistics, 64, 488
- — in Paris. 48
- — Motor Car, 21, 33. 46. 54, 85, 86. Ill, 1 17. 14 7, 519. 600, 657
- — Motorists* Responsibility for. 787
- Accident, Motor, at Warninglid. 494
- — at Warwick, The Duryea Case, 126
- — Automobile, in Canton of Vaud, 320
- — Motor Boat Race. 527. 587
- — to Coulthard Motor Van, 149
- — to 35 h.p. Mercedes, F. Barbour’s, 256
- — to Sir W. Rattigan. 66
- — to Duke of Connaught, 503, 524
- — Tramcar, 497
- Accumulators, Charging from Mains, 760
- — — Query re, 663. 695. 736, 760
- — — with Boron Cell-'. 560
- — Instance of Reliability, 861
- — Semi-solid Electrolytes in, 49
- — Spare, Coupling up, 314
- — Testing Instruments for, 782
- — Woven-glass. Van Raden and Co.’s. 222
- Accumulator, Lithanode, Tests of. 238
- — Cases, Repairing. 760
- — Charging from Dynamo, 4 69
- — Phenomena, 89
- — (query), 314
- — Query, 695
- A. C. D. (letters), 18, 464
- A. C. D. (query), 184
- Acetylene Table Lamps, 20, 23
- A.C.G.B.I., 351
- — Control of Competitions, 120
- — Paper, 692
- A. C. G. I. (letter), 556
- A. C. (letter), 688
- A.C. 100 Miles Quarterly Trials, 237
- Adams, A. (letter), 686
- Adamson, J. Weston (letter), 621
- Adjustment of Chains, Hints on, 801
- Admiralty, Motor Tractor for. 496
- Advertisements, Correspondence and. 339
- Advertisement, Trials for, 42. 65. 72. 82. 128, 179
- Advice, Commission for. 95, 114, 17 7, 195
- A. E. C. (query), 664
- A. E. H. (query), 831
- Aero Club Balloon Ascent. 116
- Aeroplane at Crystal Palace, 118
- A. G. (letter), 555
- Agricultural Hall Motor Show, 281
- — Motor, Ivel, 55, 117, 408
- — What it is and what it can do, 548
- — Society, Royal. 544
- Agriculture, Petrol Motors and. 388, 623
- Air-cooling for Motor Car Engines, 561, 588
- Airship. Lebaudy, Steerable, 241
- — The Maude (illustration), 281
- Air Valve, Automatic, 554, 687, 78 5
- — — Query, 863
- — and Water-cooling. 482
- A J 9 (letter), 145
- A J 12 (letter). 179
- Alake of Abeokuta. Visit of, 31. 34
- Albany Silencer, Description of. 393
- Albion 16 h.p. Landaulette, 558
- Albion Motor Car Co.’s Lorries and Vans (illustration), 649
- Alcohol for Industrial Purposes. 624
- Aldridge, G. de T. (query). 528
- — G. de Y. (letter;, 785
- A 570 (letter), 754
- A 4359 (letter), 854
- A 4, 88*3 (letter). 340
- A 5423 (letter), 37 4
- Algiers-Toulon Boat Race. 460
- Allsop Smokeless Petroleum Engine, Description of. 4 20
- Allwork, Edward (letter). 144
- Alps. Over the. on a Motor Car, 76
- Amateur’s Workshop, Baron Barreto’s (illustration), 580
- America, British Depot in. 558, 788, 823
- — Eagle Rock Hill-climb, 784
- — International Races in. 657
- — Motor Launch Racing in. 80
- — Prices of Foreign Cars. 612
- — Racing in. Long Branch Automobile Week, 324
- — Record Run on a Darracq far, 2*'*
- — Shooting Motorists in. 247
- American Cars, 406
- American Motor Tour, New York to St. Louis, 318
- — — Trials, Florida, 716
- — Racer, W. Christie’s (illustration), 467
- Angle, W. (letter), 433
- Anglo-American Motor Car Co. (letters), 339, 403
- An old C.T.C. cx-Chief Consul (letter), 211
- Another Disenchanted (letter), 621
- Anthon v Drexel (’up for Automobile Boats, 320
- Anti-crust (letter), 52
- Anti-freezing Mixture, Wood Alcohol as, 637, 852
- — Solutions, 44 7
- Anti-governor (letter). 179
- Anti-litigant (letter), 720
- Anti-skidding Devices, 213, 277, 373, 396, 495, 831
- Anti-skid, Mechanical. 855
- W. Hunt’s, 756, 808
- Anti-sprag (letter), 81
- A. O. D. (letter), 405
- Appeals to Quarter Sessions, 32, 33, 60, 502, 525
- — — — — Cost of, 759
- Appeal to Motorists. A Reverent, 82
- Appearance Competitions, 264
- — Outside, and Inside Mechanism (letter), 554. 621, 754
- A 4883 (query), 627
- Architect (letter), 244
- Ardennes Circuit, 15, 79, 85, 140 Belgian, 109
- Argentine A.C., 692
- Argyll 10-12 h.p., 464. 492
- — Car, 10-12 h.p., C. G. F. Loder’s (illustration), 409
- — Cooling System, 498
- — (letter), 718
- — Models (1905), 722
- Ariel Cars. 20 h.p., Consignment of (illustration), 706
- — 20 h.p., Lord Moreton’s (illustration). 183
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter). 687
- Arielette Machine, 749
- Arithmetic (letter), 19, 84. 112, 213
- Army Automobiles, Heavy, Competition for. France. 47
- Arnott. Ernest H. (letter). 212, 588
- Arrol-Johnston Car, Dr. Noel Jackson on (illustration), 86
- A.S.B. (query), 863, 864
- A.S. (query), 695
- Association. Automobile, Mutual Protection. 21
- Atlantic Boat Race, 400, 416, 470
- A. T. (letter), 211
- Auction, Motor Car, at Bexhill, 343
- — Sale of Motor Cars, Glasgow, 642
- Angst Friction Drive Change-speed Gear. 396
- Austin. H. (letter), 180
- Presidential Address. 539
- Australia, Motor Cars in. 181, 279
- Australian Commonwealth Patent Act, 178
- Austria. Bill Concerning Motor Cars, 722
- — Closing Roads against Autocars, 115
- Austrian Automobile Club, Semmering Races, 15
- Autocar in Political Warfare, 479
- Autocars in other Countries, 271 Auto Cup, 370
- — (letter), 821
- Autodrome at the Camp of Chalons, 338
- Automatic Attachment for Longuemare Carburetter. 554, 687. 788
- — Carburetter, The Guilford, 239
- — Sprayer, Merryweather’s, 55
- — Automobile Club, British Automobile Commercial Syndicate r., 648, 661, 674
- — — Concert, 557, 814
- — Extraordinary Meeting of, 158
- — Founder Members’ Dinner, 648
- — — of France, 47
- — Rules for Long Distance Trials, 793
- — Small Car Trials, 1, 95, 182. 199. 256, 259. 287. 296, 322. 328, 350, 379
- — — Map of Route, 182
- — — Timekeepers, 406
- — — Trials, Dust-raising by Cars. 127
- — Components r. Iliffe and Sons Ltd., 567
- — Handbook, Review, 152
- — Mutual Protection Association, 320, 580
- — Salon, Paris. 338
- — The, in Social Life (illustration), 10
- Automobilism, Land and Sea, 50
- Autumn Military Manoeuvres, Autocars at. 368
- Aux ilium (letter), 244
- Awards, Non-stop Run. Small Car Trials. 335, 380
- A. W. (query), 119
- Axle. Cole, Live, Description of, 233
- Bad Advice. 342
- Badminton Book on Motoring, Review, 19
- Baily, Frederick W. (letter), 178
- Baker, E. Failes (letter), 180
- Balance Sheet, Hozier Eng. Co.. 592, 602
- Barcelona Cars (illustration), 716
- Barry, W. (letter . 720
- Bartleet, H. W. (letter). 342, 404, 491
- Barum (letter), 82
- Barwell, Leycester (letter), 685
- Bath to London, Run, 215
- Batteries, Testing. 25
- Bayldon. O. H. (letter), 25, 853
- Baynes, Leonard (letter), 464, 585, 5.87
- B. C. (query), 760
- Beadle, F. E. (letter). 51. 434
- Beaufort Car, Good Run on, 825
- — Petrol Lorry (illustration), 453
- — 12 h.p.. Description. 510
- Beaumont, Worby, Paper by, 725
- Beauty Spots, Preservation of, 732, 787
- “ Becking ” Automobilists, 434
- Beconnais, M., Fatality to, 64
- Belgian Ardennes Circuit, 109
- — Fortnight. 47
- — Highway (illustration). 590
- Belgium. Guide Michelin for. 286
- Believer in Solid Tyres (letter), 523
- Bellingham, M. (letter), 620
- Belsize Car. 15 h.p. three-cylinder (illustration). 428
- Belt-driven Cars. 112, 213
- Belt Driving, 184
- Benefit Society for the Motor Industry. 374
- Bengal Automobile Association. 418, 443
- Bennett, J. W. (letter). 146
- Benz, belt-driven. Possibilities of, by R. W. Buttemer, 11
- — 31 h.p.. Letter re, 145
- Benzol, 720, 753
- — as Motor Fuel, Some Comparative Tests, 395
- Berkshire A.C., 123. 282
- — at Ock well’s Manor (illustration), 8
- Berlin International Automobile Exhibition, 437, 757
- Bernard, A.. M.D. (letter), 83
- Between the Lines, by an Amateur, 781
- Bexhill, Accidents at (illustrations), 215
- — Inter-club Meet at, 62, 93
- — Judges in Appearance Competition (illustration). 223
- — Race Meeting at. 43. 187. 198, 204
- — Track (illustration), 189
- — Races, Claim for Standing Room. 212
- B. H.P. of a Motor, Calculating, 58
- Bickford, J. S. V., 656
- — Tyres and Springs, by, 205
- — 30 cwts. Steam Waggon, Description of, 266
- Bicycle, Novel Use for, M. Prudeau’s Invention, 820
- Birmingham Engineering Society Debate, 757
- — Motor Car Show, 652
- Bishop, J. D.. Paste for Grinding in Valves, B K 49
- (letters), 717, 786 55
- B K 51 (letter), 751
- Blackett, W. C. (letter), 114
- Blackheath A. C..123, 536
- Blackmailing, 291. 373
- Blackpool Automobile Track. 424, 459, 512, 558, 567
- — How Rules were Ignored at, 579, 622
- — Motor Car Speed Trials, 459, 512, 514. 585, 622
- — Police Harshness near, 555
- — Races, Criticisms and Suggestions, by H. Sturmey, 532
- — (illustration), 568
- — Refusal of Steam Cars, 521, 537,
- — Scandal. 731
- B 339 (letter), 521
- Blount. Bertram (letter). 246, 491,523, 719
- Boating. Motor Clubhouse for, 719, 754
- Boat, Motor. La Blanchaille, H. R. Kirk’s. 468
- — Race, Algiers-Toulon, 460
- — Calais-Dover 16, 217, 255, 265
- — — Motor, for the Cup, 520
- — — — Suggestion for, 315
- — Races,’ Motor, at Kiel, 32
- — — Ostend, 208
- — Paris to the Sea, 209, 240, 272
- — Transatlantic, 400, 416, 470
- Boats. Automobile, Anthony Drexel Cun for. 320
- — — Round the Coast of France. 429. 460
- — Motor, 434. 436
- — — for Naval Purposes, 227, 230, 342, 371. 398, 434
- Boats, Motor, International Cup for, 152, 168. 227. 252. 286, 339, 371. 403, 431. 753
- — — J. W. Brooke and Co.. 830
- — — Reliability Trials for. 125, 153, 180.
- Bobbett, Frank W. (query), 528 224
- Boehm. Sir E. C.. Tour in the Tyrol, 358 Boiler Cover. 213
- Bois de Boulogne, Mile and Kilometre Race in, 617
- Bolide, Original. Revived. 749
- Bolton, Motor ’Bus Experiments, 527
- Booth. General. Entering St. Just (illustration). 250
- Boron Bells, Charging Accumulators with, 56(1
- Bosworth. W. J. (letters). 211. 276
- Boulter. R. S. L. (letter), 623
- Bowden Wires. 575
- Bowen. E. Penn. The Ideal Cheap Car, 39
- Bowley. S., and Sons. Motor Spirit. 54
- B 205 (query). 58. 283
- Bradford Artillery Volunteers and Motor Traction. 183
- Brake, De Dion Countershaft, Description of. 511
- — Foot, on De Dion Cars, Adjustment. 451
- Brakes. 51, 81. 114. 179. 211 315
- — Compensating, 251
- — Foot, Hints or., 419
- — Front Wheel, 51
- — Internal, 315
- — on Motor Vans. 290
- — Side, Daimler. Arrangement of. 10
- Brazing. Bad. of Pipe Work, 432
- Brentford, High Street (illustration), 635
- Brescia Automobile Week. 241. 369
- Brewer. Robert W. A. (letter), 51
- Brief Holiday on a now Historic Steam Car. 166
- Bright, Allan. Snap-shot of, 399
- Brighton and Back on Top Speed. Run on 20 h.p. Napier, 713
- Bristol A.C., 414
- — Sessions. Speed Case Dismissed. 723
- British Automobile Industry. 501. 585, 619, 653. 686. 717. 751. 786. 822, 853
- — Automobile Industry. Present Position and Future Prospects. 794
- — Built Cars, 585, 620. 656. 685, 856
- — Cars for British Buyers, 147. 245
- — Commercial Syndicate v. Automobile Club, 648, 661, 674
- — Depot in America. 558. 788, 823
- — Exhibits at the Paris Salon. 719. 746
- — Gordon-Bennett Drivers, In Honour
- — of, 63
- — Imports and Exports of Motor Cars,
- — Misleading Returns, 501
- — Maker (letter), 494
- — Trade. 785
- Brooke Automatic Carburetter. 394
- — Car, 15-20 h.p. (illustration) 104
- — and Co., J. W., Motor Boats, 830
- — Landaulette. 15 h.p.. 862
- — Mawdsley (letter). 717
- Brooke’s Launch Motor and Gear, 691
- Brough. H. (letter). 432
- Brown Car. 12-16 h.p., 395
- — — 8 h.p., Description of, 90
- — J. (letters), 211, 245
- Browne, Jas., Ltd. (letter). 686
- Browning, Thos. (letter). 211
- Brussels Automobile Show. 429
- B. Sc. (letter). 431
- B. T. 33 (query . 694
- Bucknail, Sydney L.. 587
- Budenberg, C. T. (letter), 462
- Buffalo Motor Launch. 43
- Bullet-proof (letter), 82
- Bullock Igniter. 281. 610
- — Igniter, Description of, 610
- Burberry Weatherproof Garments. 194
- Burst Tyres and Accidents, 244. 312, 371. 404, 464. 491
- Burt, Adrian John (query), 25
- Burton. J. P. (letter). 372
- Bury and West Suffolk A.C.. 600
- ’Buses, Motor, v. Electric Trams, 857
- Bushman (letter . 462. 493
- Business Man and Motor Cars, 590. 702
- 'Bus, Motor. Question in London, 836
- Butler, Edward. Kerosene Oil Engines, 100
- — F. (letter;. 528
- Buttemer, R. W.. Possibilities of the Belt-driven Benz. 11
- Buyer of a Light Car (letter), 339
- Bvelaw. Suggested Alteration to. 511
- B’ V. R. (letter . 310
- Cadillac Car in Sunrising Hill-climb, 215
- — New Pattern. 255
- Calais-Dover Race for Automobile Boats. 16 217. 255
- ( alland E.. Hints and Tips on Steam Cars, by, 3. 35
- Camping by Motor, 802
- Canadian Motorist* (illustration), 789
- Cape Hoods, 405
- (arbitral fOIi. 89, 147, 405
- Carburetter, A Cause of Popping in. 9. 51, 184, 854
- — Automatic. Lee Eufin. Description of.
- — The Guilford, 239 825
- — Brooke Automatic, 394
- — Flooding of, 663
- — Longuemare Automatic, Description
- — of, 813
- — Simms, Description of, 791
- — The Gobron-Brillie. Description of. 157
- — — Rover, 819
- — — Sthenos. Description of, 204
- — and Valve Combined. Peugeot, Description of. 613
- — Winton Governor, Description of. 859
- Carburetters. Freezing of. 841
- Cardiff, Competition at. 186
- — Corporation Fined, 793
- — — Motor Fire Engines. 828
- — Motor Car Exhibition at, 56
- Careless Driving—A Protest. 82
- Care of a Car on Tour, 129, 163. 197. 229. 261, 293
- — — Motorists' Hands, 571
- Car Fares in Paris. 109
- — Query. 178, 246. 275
- Carriage Designer (letter), 17
- — Work at the French Show. 85]
- Cars in Competitions. 276, 310, 372
- Carter. E. J. (letter). 19
- Cartoons. 6, 193, 614
- “ Castle ” Accumulators, 648
- Casual Comments, by A. J. Wilson. 100, 264, 362. 428, 509, 575, 848
- Cautious (letter). 464
- Caution to Drivers in the Trials, 243
- Cautley, H. (letter), 341
- (’a ven do Tutus (letter). 310
- Cayley. Arthur (letter). 855
- C. D. L. (letters), 406, 463
- C. D. L. (query), 499
- C. E. R. C. (letter). 621
- Certificates for Motor Mechanics, 591
- Ceylon. Motor in. D. S. Skelton, 14. 478
- C. F. (query), 251
- C. F. W. (letter). 752
- C. G.F. (query). 863
- Chain Device, J. W. Cross, 690
- — Wheel (query), 438 Chains, Adjustment of, 801
- Chairman of Publications Committee A.C. (illustration), 833
- Challenging Motorists. 263, 341. 618
- Chambre Syndicale of Automobile Navigation. 490, 584
- Change of Ownership. 286. 290
- Change-speed Gear. Friction Drive, A. Augst, 396
- — — Wilson and Pilcher. Description, 102
- — Lever, Mechanism, Wolseley’s, 581
- Changing Gear. To Learn. 357
- Char-a-banc, Fleetwood Passenger Co., 229
- — Mr. H. Bateman's. 222
- Charging Accumulators. 663. 695, 736. 760
- — — from Town Mains. 7 60
- — — with Boron Cells, 560
- Charity. The Motor as an Aid to (illustration). 67
- Chassis and Body Buying. Letter re, 823
- — (letter). 51
- Chateau-Thierry and Gaillon Races, 274
- — Hill-climb, 551
- — Race. 460
- Chauffeurs, Untidy, 264. 372
- Chemistry of Combustion. Explanation of the Mixture, 40
- Chenard-Walcker Four-cylinder Car, 174
- Christie. G. P. (letter). 687
- — Racing Car (illustration). 467
- — S. P. (letter), 492
- Chritchley, Arthur (letter), 84
- Circuit, Short, 97
- City Speed Limit. 417
- — Traffic, Speed of. 418
- Civil Service Motor and Cycle Agency, Report. 794
- C. .T. H. (query), 664
- C. J. O. D. (letter), 432
- Claims for Trifling Damages, 462
- Clarke. T. H. (letter). 585
- — William A. (query). 89
- Clement Car. 20 h.p. (illustration), 498
- Clement-Talbot Cars. Description, 4, 36, 68
- — Dinner, 714
- — 14 h.p. Four-cylinder, 563
- Clifton, J. C. (letter). 212
- Clincher Tyres. 412. 814
- Clockwork for Motor Cars, 639, 719
- C. L. S. (query), 864
- Club, Automobile, Founder Members’ Dinner. 648
- — Challenge for 1905. Gordon-Bennett Race,
- — Competitions. 260
- — Doings, 29, 61, 93, 122, 158. 185, 223, 253,282,321.351,384.414.443,472, 502. 535, 568, 599, 632, 662. 692. 721, 755. 789, 814
- — Electrical Timing Apparatus, 661
- — Fixtures. 63. 94. 123, 159, 186.223.255, 282.321,351.385,414.444.473.502, 536, 568, 600, 632, 692, 721, 755
- Clubhouse, Floating Motor Launch, 719.
- Club and the Industry, 868 754
- — Observer’s Provisional Report, 4,000 Miles, 739
- — Patronage for Shows, 731, 787, 823
- Club’s Meet at Burford (illustration). 48
- — Run to Tintern (illustration), 23
- Cluny Hill Hydro., Fancy Dresses at (illustration). 446
- Clutch Adjustment, 737
- — Alignment. 151
- — Fierce, Remedying, 438
- — Leather, Fixing, 831
- — Troubles, 571
- C. N. P. (query . 831
- Coal Tar Spirits as Motor Fuels. 17 1
- Coat, Motor, Material, The Ideal. 643
- Coats, Motor. Samuel Bros., 430
- Cobb. Reginald A. (letter). 179
- Coil Confusion. 575
- — Single. Fitting. 864
- Colchester, High Street (illustration). 118
- Cole Live Axle. Description of. 233
- Coleman, Frederic (letter), 656
- Collan Oil, 590. 591
- Coilier Tyre. Reply to Query. 798
- Colonics, Motor Cars for the, 373. 405. 462, 493, 719, 853
- — Sending Cars to, 559
- Combustion. Chemistry of, Explanation of the Mixture. 40
- Comedy of Justice. B. Redwood Fined. 803
- Coming Motor. The. 824
- Commander R.N. (letter), 49
- Commerce in Automobiles. 460
- Commercial Motor Vehicles, by J. W. Roebuck. 832
- Commission for Advice. 95. 114, 17 7. 195
- Commutator, Charles Binks, Nottingham. 56
- Comparative Power and Weight, 283
- — Weights and Measures, 863
- Compensating Brakes. 251
- Competition, Car Bodies, France, 617. 715
- Competitions. Horse-power in. 27 6
- “Complete Motorist’’ Review, 607
- Compression, Bad, Odd Experience of; 47 7
- — Increasing the, 151
- — Loss of, 760
- — Pressure, 25
- Cone Clutch Design, by J. W. Roebuck. 576
- Congleton. Slipshod Evidence at, 44 5
- Congress, Motor Boat. 684
- Considerate Driving, 665
- Constant Reader (letter), 340
- Construction of Highways. 450
- Contact Breakers. Remedying Defects. 767
- — Maker. Excessive Wear of, 695
- Continental Gymkhana Test, 176
- — Notes and News, 15. 47. 79, 108. 139. 175, 208, 241, 272, 319. 338, 369, 400, 429. 460, 489, 520, 551, 582, 617. 651. 683, 715. 818
- Control, New Method of. 173. 212. 310. 371
- — of Competitions, A.C.G.B.I.. 120
- Converting Petrol to Paraffin Motors, 4 63
- Cooke and Wade, Air-regulating Valves. 88
- — Wm. (query), 283
- Cook, Horace B. (letter). 19
- Cooling, Air. for Motor Car Engines. 561
- — Arrangement. Thermo-syphon. 283. 314
- — Fan, How to Make, 25
- Coop, J. (letter), 145
- Copenhagen.Automobile Exhibition at. 320
- Corners. Driving Round, 243, 463, 493. 494
- Cornwall, Letter re, 493
- Coronet Car, 16 h.p., Description of. 810
- — Motor Cars, 150
- Correspondence. 17, 49. 81. Ill, 144, 177 211, 243, 275, 310, 339, 371. 403, 431,461. 491,(521, 553, 585, 619. 653, 685. 717, 751. 785, 821. 853
- — and Advertisements, 339
- Cost of Running a Car, 627, 629. 685. 718 720, 752. 785, 821. 855
- Costume. Feminine, for Automobiling. 429
- Cotes, Arthur (letter), 373
- Cotterill. A. P. F. (query). 469
- Coulthard Steam Lorry (illus.). 86. 670
- County and District Clubs, 28, 92, 415
- Coupling up two Engines. 664
- Courmier’s Tour of Europe, 684
- Cove, F. (letter;. 753
- Craig-Dorwald 150 h.p. Twelve-cylinder Motor, 267
- Crank Chamber Lubrication, 58
- — — Repairing a Crack in, 184
- — Position. Relative, 25
- Critchley, J. S. (letter), 555
- Critical Period. Motor Lorry Trade, 800
- Crompton. C. (letter). 753
- Cropper. J.. M.A., M.l). (letter). 144
- Crossley Car, 22 h.p. (illustration), 37 7
- — 28 h.p., Jarrott and Letts on. 625
- Cross Channel Motor Boat Race, 16, 217, 255, 265
- — — Race, from the Cliffs. 255
- — Country Automobiles, 585
- Crystal Palace Show, 84
- c. T. (’. (letteri. 588
- Cup Won by S. F. Edge with Napier Launch (illustration), 80
- Curious Photograph (illustration), 321
- C. W. (query), 694
- C. W. S. (query), 798
- Cyclometers for Motor Cars, 461, 492. 494. 523, 556. 688
- Cylinder Joints, Making, 499
- — (query), 712
- — To Extract Broken Metal from, 571
- Daily Press and Horse Accidents. 114
- — — Veracity of, 769
- Daimler Arrangement of Side Brakes, 10
- — Car after Six Years’ Work. Letter rc. 18
- — 28 h.p., Colonel Ord’s (illus.), 591
- Description of, 132, 164, 200
- — Cars. Bexhill Races (illustration), 237
- — — Old, Improving, 422
- — Co., 724
- — 28-32 h.p.. II.M. the King’s, 125
- — 28 h.p., Private Oliver Stanton's (illustration), 37 7
- DA 79 (letter), 464
- Dallas, Charles C. (letter). 177, 211
- Dangers of Night Driving, 655
- — — Road Repairing, 752
- Dann Speed Gear. Description of. 364
- Darracq, 15 h.p., Archibald Ford’s (illustration), 497
- — Balance Sheet, 689, 764
- — Car Speed Trial. U.S.A., 756
- — 15 h.p.. Description of, 572
- — (illustration), 732
- — (letter), 52, 212
- — 12 h.p. (query), 593
- — The Management of, by Donald Straker. 325
- — 1903, Hill-climbing, 283
- Dashboard Box, Coxeter and Sons, 759
- — Fittings of Gladiator Car (illus.). 660
- Dauphine Automobile Week, 15, 210
- Davey, G. W. (letter), 113
- Davies, Basil H. (letter). 587
- Davis. Cyril G. (letter), 341
- Day’s Run on Panhard Car, 640
- Dean. Chas. Percy (letter), 51
- — C. P. (letter), 277
- Deasy, Captain, Interview with, 738
- Deasy, H. H. P., Mountaineering Tour. 76
- — H. H.. 4,000 Miles Trial, 615. 643. 646. 706. 738. 790
- Decauville Chassis. 40 h.p. (illus.), 116
- De Dietrich Cars (Bugatti System). 687
- — 24 h.p. (illustration), 54. 149. 466
- De Dion Car, 1905, 6 h.p., Description, 642
- — — Cars, 557, 854
- — — Countershaft Brake, Description.511
- — — Engine, 15 h.p., Four-cylinder, Description of, 668
- — Landaulette, 8 h.p. (illus.), 466
- — Marine Motors, Description, 547
- — — Marquis, Presentation to. 830
- — Propositions for Gordon-Bennett Cup Race, 484
- — 15 h.p., Some Details of, 734
- — — Sprinkler at Work in Paris, 369 Test Tour, 581
- — — Tour in England, 121, 159
- De Dions, Improving Old Pattern. 60, 84, 145, 178
- De I), (letter), 178
- Delahaye Racing Car, 24 h.p. (illus.). 56
- Delhi-Bombay Motor Trials, Interview with Prince Ranjitsinghi, 671
- — Reliability Trials, 280, 312, 396, 487, 541, 588, 680, 861. 862
- Delivery Van. Hozier Eng. Co.’s (illustration), 526
- — — Napier-Parsons, Description, 73
- (> ’ h.p. Royal Humberette, 183
- Demuth L. H. (letter), 787
- Denmark, Automobilism in, 592
- Dennis Brothers Industrial Vans, 723
- — Car. 16 h.p.. Run on, 214
- — — 20 h.p., Sir Alfred Watkins's (illustration), 732
- — Raymond 'letter), 686, 822
- Deposit System, 602
- Derby and District A.C., 123, 282. 502. 536
- Design Car. Overhanging Backs. 837
- — Cone (’bitch, by J. W. Roebuck, 576
- — Stagnation in, 835
- Designs for Motor Cars, Graceful. 17. 4 9, 81. 112
- Detachable Brougham Tops. LacreCo.. 216
- Details of Car- in Small Car Trials, 297
- Deterioration of Cars, 706
- Development of Motor Traffic, 796
- — the Light Motor Car, Paper by Worby Beaumont, 725
- Devonshire; Small ( ar in (illustration), 647
- D. G. H. (query/. 413, 499
- D. H. (query/, 113
- Dickerson. R I Better). 65.5
- Dirkhie, A. S. (query), 593
- Dinner. Annual. Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 68 I
- — Founder Member-, A.C.G.B 1 club, 648
- — in ('F'mcnt.Tall/ot Factory. 711
- — D/AO/J'hnj/t^’d (Jotter), 585
- — No. 3 (tetter;, 6K6
- Disgusted (letter), 621
- Disillusioned (letter), 178
- Dissatisfied (letters), 587, 718
- Distance Recorder, Geipel and Lange’s, 59
- Dixi 12-15 and 24-30 h.p. Cars, Description of, 506
- Docker, A. M. (query), 769
- Dog Murder by Motors, 315
- Dogs and Motorists, 663, 674 769, 824
- Donegal Service, Motor 'Buses. 279
- Dorset A.C., 186, 223, 384
- Dourdan, New Trial Course at, 4 82
- — Speed Trials at, 470
- Downshire Car, 7 h.p. (illustration), 382
- Drew, W. N. (letter). 405
- Drinkwater, Sir William, on White Steam Car (illustration), 42
- Drivers, Characteristic Snap-shots of, 13
- — Licences, France. 209
- — of Cars, Reliability Trials, 322
- — Training of, 553
- Driving, Considerate, A Plea for. 665
- — High-speed Cars, A.C.G.B.I Discussion, 569
- — in Traffic, 585
- — Licenses, Renewal of, 754. 848, 854
- — Long Distance and Continuous (letters), 521, 587
- — Queries, 58, 469
- — Reckless and Inconsiderate, 243. 256, 277, 278,310,340, 388.405.524,539, 590, 656
- — Test, A Good. 176
- Dry Battery Ignition, 58, 119
- Dubrulle Lubricator, How it Works, 483
- Ducellier Extensible Lamp Bracket, 652
- Duco Puncture-proof Non-skid Band, 592
- Duke of Connaught s Accident, 503. 524
- Dumbell, J. Burns (letter) 588, 622, 752
- Dunbar-Brunton, J. (letter), 654
- Dunchurch Avenue, Police at, 388, 433
- Dunlop Tyres in Gordon-Bennett Race, Sizes ot. 281
- Duryea Car (illustrations), 22. 590
- — — Performance of, 199
- — 8 h.p. Cars. 758
- — Cars. Reliability Test, 20
- — Case. Accident at Warwick, 126
- — Co. (letters), 310, 822
- — Company, 648
- — Dogcart (illustration). 659
- Dust Problem, Paper by Hon. John Scott-Montagu, 762
- — by J. T. Ward, 193
- — Raising Motor Cars, Experiments with, 127, 366
- — Screen, 279
- Dusty Roads, Experiments with, 21, 55, 56, 116
- Dutch Parliament. An Example from, 666
- Dyer L. Swinnerton (letter), 856
- Dynamo and Engine for Charging Accumulators, 664
- Eagle Car, 12-16 h.p., 345
- Eagle Engineering and Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 82
- — Rock Hill Climb, America. 784
- E. A. P. (query), 760
- Eastbourne Corporation Motoi Omni buses (illustration). 722
- Eastern Counties A.C., 29, 93, 123. 814
- East II. (query), 761
- Eastmead, Frederic (letter), 521, 785
- East Surrey A.C., 443
- Economy (letter), 213
- Edge, Fred J. (letter), 688
- — S. F. Getters), 52. 180, 278. 371. 431, 432, 620. 719. 751. 823
- — Tyre Bursting Demonstration, 71. 112
- Education of the Public, 869
- Egypt, Motor Cars in. 214. 244. 342
- Eheu Fugaces (letter), 753
- F. H. (query), 627
- E. J. (query), 593
- Electrical Timing Apparatus. Club, 661
- — — — J. Borland’s, 467
- Electric Brougham, Lacre, 852
- — Car Trials. 715
- — and Hand Timing, 121
- — Ignition as Applied to Internal Combustion Motors. 714. 750. 865
- — Lamp for Miners’ Use. 409
- — — Lighter. Beckett. Ltd.. 150
- — Lamps for Motor Cars, 688
- — Motor Cars. 787
- — Postal Vans. France. 618
- — Sparking for Explosive Motors, 847
- — Trams. Motor Buses v., 857
- Electrolytes, Semi-solid. 49
- F L 128 (letter), 753
- Emmerson. T. (letter), 24 4
- Empire Spring Wheel (illustration), 510
- Endorsement of Licenses. 4 99
- End-to-End Record, 1 17, -22. 236. 312
- — Rides. 84
- Engine Control. Hints on. 97
- — Twelve-cylinder. Craig-Dorwald. 150 h.p.. 267
- — De Dion, 15 h.p.. Four-cylinder, Description of, 068
- Engine Dimensions, 339
- — and Dynamo for Charging Accumulators, 664
- — Erratic Running of, 251, 469
- — Internal Combustion, Vogt, 44, 248
- — Knocking in, 251, 277, 389, 593
- — Racing, 694
- — Rating, 464, 491, 864
- — Running for 8 4 Days, 471, 492, 524
- — Stopping without Apparent Reason,419
- — Trouble, Diagnosis of, 854
- — Wiring. Two-cylinder, 119
- Engines, Coupling up Two, 664
- — Five-cylinder, 150
- — Kerosene Oil, The Working of, 100
- — Three-cylinder, 475, 621
- — Winter Treatment for, 571, 636
- English and Continental Hotels, 162
- — Firms at the Paris Salon. 719, 746
- Enquirer (letter), 83, 463, 719
- E. W. J. (letter), 621
- E. W. (letter), 276
- Excise Duty on Traders’ Cars, 664
- Exeter, Justices’ Justice at, 47 1
- E. X. (letter), 492
- Experiences, Practical, 623
- — Wanted, 180, 283, 406, 432, 463, 493, 788, 798
- Experience Wanted, Star Car, 283, 430
- — Vulcan Motor Co’s Cars, 145
- Expert Advice, 754
- E. Y. (letter), 522
- Eyard, Edward H. (letter) 17
- Fair Play (letter), 522
- Falconry, Motor, 385
- Fan, Cooling, How to Make, 25
- — Driving Arrangement, E. G. Young’s, 435, 733
- Fardell, II. A. (query), 251
- Farquharson. Gerold (letter), 619
- Farrar, Edwin (letter), 462
- Farrer, W. (letter), 688
- Fast Driving, l etters re, 243, 277, 278, 310. 340
- Felix (leter), 177
- Feminine Costume for Automobiling, 429
- Fer de Lance, Racing Petrol Launch, 180
- Ferry Charges, 343
- F.I.A.T. Car. 16 h.p., Letters, 277, 341, 434
- Fibre for Clutches, 7G1
- “ Filtrate ” Cylinder Oil, 860
- Fines for Exceeding Legal Limit, 86
- Fire Appliances for Garages, 312
- — at G.W.R. Co.’s Motor Shed, 457
- -- Brigade, St. Petersburg, Automobiles for, 53, 87
- — Engine for Country Mansion, 781
- — Motor, for Leicester. 452
- — Sydney, N.S.W., 439
- — Extinguishing for Motor Boats, 792
- — Motor Engines, Cardiff Corporation,828
- Firing after Switching Off, 528
- Fitting a Sprag, 528
- — Screen to Car, 694
- Five-cylinder Engines, 150
- F J. (query). 627
- F. (letter), 864
- Floating Motor Launch Clubhouse, 719, 754
- Flooding of Carburetter, 663
- Florida, Motor Trials at, 716
- Florio Cup, Italy, 618
- Flynn. Leo J. (letter), 553
- F. M. W. (query), 58
- Foden Steam Lorry, 21
- Fog. Automobile Lamp for, 675
- — Driving in, 758, 759 .
- F () 7 (letter). 144
- Foot warmer, Eagle Eng. Co., 747
- F. O. (queries), 593, 831
- Ford, A., Non-stop Run. 376, 444, 471
- — Archibald (letter), 463
- Forde. E. S. (query), 694
- Fording by Motor, 462, 492
- Foreign Countries, Autocar Statistics, 271
- — Dealers, 587. 623, 656, 718
- Forge, Motor, U.S. Army. 793
- Forman Light Car Chassis, 294
- Foster, A. (letter), 461
- — R. (query), 119
- Four Thousand Miles Trial, Provisional Report, 739
- — A.C. Certificate, 790 II. II.
- — Deasy’s, 615, 643, 646, 706, 738, 790
- France, A Run to the South of, by Roger H. Fuller, 7
- — Autocars in Military Manoeuvres, 369
- — Automobile Club of. 4 7
- — Boats and Admiralty Office. 401
- — Automobiles and Public Treasury. 370, 525
- — Competition of Carriage Bodies. 715
- — Drivers’ Licenses, 209
- — Electric Postal Vans. 618
- — Gordon-Bennett Eliminating Trials 47
- — Military Car Trials. 47. 4 89
- — Motor League in, 683
- — Poller Persecution, 6|8, 683
- France, Public Automobile Services in, 15
- — Round the Coast of, in Automobile Boats, 429, 460
- — Seventh Automobile Salon, 176, 338. 617, 683, 809, 812, 818
- — Tarring Roads in, 115
- F. R. C. S. (letter), 340
- Free Trade (letter), 786
- Freezing, Non. Liquid, 2. 19
- — of Carburetters, Hints and Tips, 841
- French Automobile Exports, Value of, 657
- — Driver, Sad Fatality to a, 64
- — English Motor Terms, 371, 433, 463, 494
- — Industry, Position of the, 651
- — Show, Arrangement of Stands, 658
- — Reliability Trials, 429, 496
- — Show, Advance Notes on, 740
- — Carriage Work at the, 851
- Friction Drive Change-speed Gear, A. Augst, 396
- Friend in Need, 244
- Frame's Hill, Gradients, 482
- Front Wheel Brakes, 51
- Frost, Fred J. (letter), 277
- — Preparing for, Hints on. 447
- Fuel, Motor, Benzol as, Some Comparative Tests, 395
- Fuels, Motor, Coal Tar Spirits as, 171
- Fuller. Roger H., A Run to the South of France, 7
- Future Reliability Trials, 291, 323
- Gadjet (letter), 145
- Gaillon Cup Recontested, 617
- — Hill-climb, Description of, 582
- — Races, Chateau-Thierry and. 274
- Gamage, Ltd., Lifting Jack. 660
- Garage and Repairs, 38, 52, 84, 105, 114, .182, 213, 265, 279, 281, 342, 343, Lu. 347, 365, 376, 396, 406, 408. 436, 437, 468, 473, 794
- Garrard, C. R. (letter), 464
- Gaston Menier Cup, 209, 274
- Gas Turbine Engine, The Stolze, 850
- — Turbines, Paper by R. M. Neilson, 597
- Gatacre Hill-climb, Wolverhampton A.C., 622, 656, 751
- “ Gaulois ” Automobile Fete, 274
- Gaussen, Mr. and Lady Kathleen, on
- — 14 h.p. Spyker Car (illustration), 2
- Gay, M.I.E.E. (letter), 824
- G. B. W.. (query), 560
- Gear Box Leaking, Stopping a. 438
- — Change-speed, Wilson and Pilcher. Description of, 102
- — Changing, 419, 627
- — Device, Hamilton Motor Co.’s, Description of, 641
- — Dann Speed, Description of, 364
- — Noisy and Unsatisfactory (query), 438
- — Ratios, 831
- Gearing of Motor Cars, 703
- Geipel and Lange Odometer, 59
- G. E. (letter), 492
- General Identification Marks. 614. 687, 718, 763, 823
- Gentry, A Cargill, Articles by, 232, 671
- Georges-Richard Brasier Car, 16 h.p., 437
- Germain Motor ’Bus, 628
- — Tonneau Royal Car (illustration), 167
- German Automobile Club, Motor Boat Regatta, 792
- — Government Commission and Speed Indicators, 689
- — Motor* Volunteer Corps, 724
- — View of the Future of the Industry, 867
- Germany and Gordon-Bennett Rules. 651
- G. F. E. (letters), 83, 654, -7-20
- G. F. F. (query), 664
- G. H. B. (query), 413
- G. H. W. (query), 560
- Gilmore, D. (query), 283
- Gladiator Car, Illustration of Dashboard Fittings, 669
- — Cars, An English and a Colonial (illustration), 14
- — (letter), 406
- — 9 h.p., Non-stop Run. 478, 513
- — Two-ton Commercial Van, 280
- Glamorgan, Vale of, Railway Co., Steam Cars for, 88
- Glasgow, Institute of Journalists at, 349
- — to London Reliability Trial, 50
- Glass Screen for Wet Weather, 42, 101
- — Screens, Napier, 410
- G. L. B. (letter), 246
- Glidden, Chas. J., Motor Tour by Rail, 344, 435, 486
- — World’s Tour. 860
- — Touring Trophy, 758
- Gloucestershire A.C., 123, 186
- Gloves, Waterproof. 283, 340
- Glyda Resilient Hub, Description of, 616
- Gobron-Brillie Carburetter. Description, 157
- Goff, ( apt. W. D. G., on 20 h.p. Lancaster-Clement (illustration), 376
- G. of (query), 593
- Goggks, Sce-see, Eugen Baedeker, 64 5
- Goode. Herbert (letter), 82, 113, 339
- Goodwin, Fred K. (letter), 403
- Goodwood, Motor Cars at, 84
- Gordon-Bennett Course, 715, 820, 860
- — Cup for 1905, Marquis De Dion’s Propositions. 484
- — Drivers, British, In Honour of, 63
- — — The Status of, 111
- — Eliminating Trials in France, 47
- — Race, Letter re, 19
- — New Conditions, 475, 484, 553. 588, 634, 651
- — — Next Year’s, 52, 63, 80. 176, 241, 260, 338, 409, 475, 484. 552, 584, 684, 784
- — Selection Trials, British, 766
- Gossip, Occasional, by the Autocrat. 10, 42. 72. 121. 134. 198, 252. 286, 315, 350, 399, 451, 482, 512, 550, 612, 646, 674, 703, 737, 809
- Governing and Control, 52, 1 14, 144, 179, 212, 244. 433
- Governor, Laillault, Description of. 847
- Governors and Throttles, 399
- Grant, E. J Robertson, Run by, 236. 312
- Graceful Designs for Motor Cars. 17. 49. 81
- Gradenwitz, Dr. Alfred. Article by. .850
- Graves, John (letter), 588
- Great Britain and the Gordon-Bennett Race, 634
- — Northern Petrol Engined Train (illustration), 691
- Gregor, Sydney L. (letter), 310
- Gregory Valve Gear, 394
- Grenoble A.C., “ Dauphinoise ” Automobile Week, 15
- Grenville, R. Neville (letter). 245
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Article by, 84 4
- Groom-chauffeur’s Inexperience, 824
- Grunhot, Victor (letter), 521
- Guarantee, A Question of. 528
- Gubbins, T. R. (query), 593
- Gudgeon Pins, How to Fix. 44 7. 540, 587
- Guide Books, Motor, 374
- Guildford Police, What do they want ? 276
- Guilford Automatic Carburetter. 239
- — P. G., Petrol Turbine, Description, 74
- Gummed Inlet Valves, 51
- Guy, J. W. (query), 499
- G. W. M. (letter), 277
- G. W.R. Co.’s Motor Shed, Fire at, 457
- — Co. and Roads in Cornwall, 53. 311. 435. 691
- — Co.’s Motor Car, 529
- Gwyer, Chas I. (letter), 373
- Gymkhana, Automobile Club. 79
- — Motor, at Portsmouth, 412
- H. A. F. (query), 184
- Halahan, G. L. (letter), 717
- Halford, H., Spring Road Wheel, 4 5
- Hallamshire Car. 14 h.p. (illustration). 509
- — 10 h.p. (illustration), 116
- Hall and Co., H. E. (letter), 244
- — H. E. (letters), 243, 786
- Halle Spring Wheel, 172
- Hallett, A. (letter), 51
- Hallewell, Thomas (letter), 788
- Hall, W., Paraffin Pulveriser and Throttle Valve, 644
- Hamilton Gear-changing Device. Description of, 641
- Hampson, Thomas (letter). 622
- Handbook of Motor Car, Query re. 593
- Hands, Motorists’, Care of. 571, 603
- Hannan, W. H. (letter), 403
- Harburg-Vienna Motor Tyre. 598
- Hargreaves, J., A Sporting Motorist, 817
- Harmsworth Cup Motor Boat Race, 152, 168, 227, 252, 286, 339, 371, 403, 431, 758
- Harris, A. Butler (letter), 753
- — Article by, 392
- — S. (letter), 621
- Harrison, Frank R. (letter), 147
- — J. (query), 438
- Harrow Enquiry, Misrepresentation at, l 11
- Hastings A.C., 253
- Hatherop (letter), 719
- H. C. L. (letters), 178, 824
- H. I), (query), 438
- Heating Garages, 593
- — Motor Houses, 567, 680
- Heatly Gresham Engineering Co.’s “ Rational ” Car, Description of. 98
- Heavy Car Trials, A.C. of Marseilles, 715
- — Oil Tractor, Thornycroft. 645
- Helston District Council and Motor ’Buses, 53, 31 1. 435, 691
- Henry, H. P. (letter). 588
- — Lorenzo (letter). 853
- Herbert, A. W. (letter), 854
- Hereford, J. T. (letter), 243
- Herefordiensis (letter), 403
- Herefordshire A.C’., 254, 385
- — Driving Motor Cars in. 243
- — Motor Trials, Letters re. 340. 753
- Herkomer and Bleichroeder Races. 721
- — International (’up for Touring ( ars, 436
- Hermes Car, 589
- Heron (’ar. Description of, 631
- Hertfordshire A.C., 443
- Hervey, Walter (query), 89
- Hexham Rural District Council and Motor Cars. 14 4-
- H. G. L. (letter), 463
- H. H. (letter), 754
- H. H. (query), 89
- Highways, Construction of, 450
- — Motor Cars and the, 180
- Higson. Daniel (query), 627
- Hill-climb, Chateau-Thierry, 551
- Hill-climbing Contests. 20
- Hill-climb. Eagle Rock, America. 784
- _ Hill-climbing Experience. Australia, 759
- — and Gear Ratios. 712
- — on 12 h.p. Gladiator. 31.3
- — Midland A.C., 136
- — Mount Washington. Steam Car at,159
- — Speed in, 720, 788
- — Ventoux. 319
- — Weight and. 687. 719
- — Yorkshire A.C., 29. 61
- Hill. F. R. (letter). 588
- Hillier, G. Lacy (letter). 463
- Hints for the Novice, 67
- — and Tips, Useful, 3. 35. 67. 97. 129, 163, 197, 261. 293. 325. 357. 389, 419, 447. 477, 505, 540. 571, 603, 636. 667. 699, 733. 767. 801, 841
- Hipwell, John (query), 314
- Historical Parallels, 787
- — Steam Waggon (illustration). 439
- Historic Steam Car. Brief Holiday on, 166
- H. I. T. (letter), 718
- H. L. D. (query), 89
- H. M. S. (letter). 19
- Hoadley, E. E. (letter), 18
- Hoare, A. (letter), 588
- Hodgkin, J. E. (letter), 492
- Holland, Queen of, as Motorist, 176
- — Touring in, 24
- Holmes, G. L. (letter), 754
- Home, Fred C. H. (letter), 554
- Honi soit qui mal y pense (letter), 752
- Hoods, Double, for Cars, 47 2
- Hopkins, Ernest (letter), 310
- Hopps, Bernard (letter). 687
- Horns, Motor, 146, 281, 624
- Horse Accidents, 51, 64. 114, 407, 488, 590
- — Statistics, 64, 488
- — Driving. Inconsiderate. 855
- — r. Motor Car Accidents, 46. 70, 81
- Horse-power, Brake, at Road Wheels. 761
- — in Competitions, 276. 404, 431, 494
- Horses. Decrease in Value of. 182
- — Taking Fright, Some Causes of, 70
- Horthey, Percy W. (letter), 524
- Hotchkiss Cars, Description of, 542
- Hotchkiss Car, Some Details of, 672
- Hotel Charges, 113. 161, 177, 211. 245, 252, 275. 310, 340, 372. 406, 494, 754, 856
- Household Acetylene Lamps, 20
- Houses, Motor Car. 216. 283
- Hozier Engineering Co.’s Balance Sheet, 592, 602, 659
- — Delivery Van (illustration). 526
- — Nine-seated Char-a-banc (illus.). 559
- H. P. 12-16 (letter). 434
- H. R. II. (query). 25
- Hub. Glvda Resilient. Description of, 616
- Huddersfield Branch. Yorks. A.C. 4 72, 600
- Hudson, F. C. (query), 469
- Hull and District A.C., 159, 282, 692, 789
- Humber, 10-12 li.p.. Description, 316. 326
- — Trial Trip on. 43
- — Ltd., Beeston, Outing. 124
- Humberette, 6i h.p., Climbing Hill (illustration), 256
- Hundred Hours Trip. D. M. Weigel’s, 26
- Hunting, To Prevent. 761
- Hunt. W., Mechanical Anti-skid, 756. 808
- Hurst, Will (letter), 855
- Hussey, Chas, (letter). 212
- Hut Hotel, Wislcy, 242
- Hutton Car, 10 h.p. Four-cylinder, Description of. 594
- Hutton, J. E., Ltd. (letter). 277
- — and Wilding and Co.’s Anti-skidding Band, 59
- H. W. M. (query), 184
- I C 14 (query). 760
- Ideal Cheap Car. by E. Penn Bowen. 39. 82
- — Coat Material. 649
- Iden Motor Brougham, Description of. 390
- Identification Marks. General. 614. 687, 718, 763. 823
- Ignition after Switching Off. 314
- — Battery Charging. 736
- — Double, Fitting. 151
- — Dry Battery, 58. 119
- — Electric, as applied to Internal Combustion Engines. 714. 750. 865
- — Matters. 766
- — Outfit, Query re. 4 13
- — Regulation and Back-firing. 12 h.p. Darracq. 438
- — Troubles, Tests for Short Circuits. 477
- Imperial Present. Motor Cut us. 4 29
- Imports, Motor Cur, 794
- Improvements in 1905. Letter rr. 854
- Improving Old Palmier Cars. 122
- Incitement to Crime. The Wire Trap. 31
- Inconsiderate Driving. 213. 256. 277. 27 8. 310. 340. >388. 405. 524. 539. 656
- Incrustation in Water System. To Prevent. 52. 144. 213
- India. Cremorne Carburetter. 737
- - Dixi Car for. 797
- — Further Reliability Trials for, 867
- — Motor Cars in. 526. 559
- — Motoring in. by Cargill Gentry, 232
- — Orders for Turner-Miesse Cars. 21
- — Orient Express Car in. 192
- — Price of Motor Cars in. 20, 245
- — Private Reliability Trial. 410. 4 27
- — Reliability Trials. English Cars for, 723. 7 5 7
- — Western. Motor Union, 568
- — Reliability Trial of Cars. 280. 312. 396. 487, 541, 588. 680. 861. 862
- Indian. South. Motor Union. 814
- Industrial Committee. Election of, 635
- — — Passed Over. Automobile club Trials. 34
- — — Reliability Trials and. 635
- — Exhibition at Capetown. 170
- — Vehicle Trials, A.C. of France. 80
- Industry. British Automobile, Present Position and Future Prospects. 795
- — Future of. A German View, 867
- Information Wanted. 621
- Inlet Valves Gummed, 51
- — Valve Key in Cylinder. 603
- — Napier Patent. Description of. 424
- Inner Tubes, Preserving, 413
- Inquirer (letter', 403
- Institute of Journalists at Glasgow (illustration), 349
- Instone, E. M. C. (letter), 404. 620
- Instructor’s Car, 575
- Inter-club Run, Reading and Gloucestershire A.C., 123
- Interesting Steam Vehicle, 488
- International Automobile Tournament, America, 657
- — Competitions, Bavarian and German
- — Automobile Clubs, 721
- — Cup for Motor Boats, 152. 168. 227, 252, 286. 339, 371. 403. 431. 758
- — — — — — Next Year’s, 626
- — Touring Cars, Herkomer, 436
- — Exhibition, France, 176
- — Racing Rules. 552
- Interview with Captain Deasy. 738
- Inventive Genius Misapplied, 294
- Ireland, Motor Volunteer Corps for, 689
- — Suggested Tour in, 135
- Irish A.C., 253, 472
- — Automobile Club, Portmarnock Races, 318, 348. 375. 404
- — Portion of Oldsmobile Tour. 529
- Irregular Firing, A Cause of, 357, 767
- Itala 18 h.p. Car, 311
- — Car, 24 h.p.. Description of, 700
- Italy, Automobile Speed in, 618
- — Florio Cup Race, 618
- — Motor Service for, 508
- Ivel Agricultural Motor, 55. 117. 31 1, 408, 631
- Jack. Lifting. Gamage. Ltd.. 660
- — Portable, United Motor Industries, 658
- Jackson. Dr. Voel, on his Arrol-Johnston
- — Car (illustration). 86
- James and Browne Car in Reliability Trials, 114
- — — — Landaulette de Luxe* (illustration), 152
- Jamieson, Walter (letter), 245
- Jane. Fred T. (letters), 371, 654
- — F. T., 12 h.p. M.M.C. Car (illus.), 441
- — Motor Boats for Naval Purposes, by, 230
- Japan. Roads in, 182, 589
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 19, 371,464, 586, 655
- J. B. E. (letter), 177
- J. C. (queries), 314, 761
- J. D. (query), 695
- J. E. B. W. (letter), 25
- J. E. (letter), 373
- Jenkins, H. M. (letter), 686
- J. G. Humiliated (letter), 245
- J 31 (letter), 822
- J 50 (letter), 432
- J. McC. (query), 831
- J no. W. (query/, 89
- Johannesburg Fire Brigade Car (illustration), 759
- John-o’-Groat’s to Land’s End Record Run, 236, 312
- Jones, J. R. (letter), 688
- J. IL E. (query), 283
- J. R. B. (letter), 622
- J. R. S.. Capetown (query), 864
- J. R. S. (letter), 856
- J. R. W. (letter?, 623
- J. H. (letter), 462
- J - p. (letter), 718
- J. S. (query), 528 •
- J. T. H. (query ),i4 38
- Judges for Reliability Trials, 464, 523
- — Report. Small Car Trials, 355, 379
- Julien Pump, 598
- Justice, Costly, 655
- Justices’ Justice at Exeter, 474. 497
- Juvisy. Automobile Regatta at, 429
- J. W. A. (query), 58
- J. W. H. (letter), 556
- J. W. (letter), 854
- J. W. W. (letters), 523. 622
- J. Y. (letter), 855
- Kaiser and Konig Wilhelm II. Cup (illustration), 80
- Kennard. E. W. (letter), 145, 463. 523
- — Mary E. (letter), 147
- — Motor and Sport, bv, 80S
- Kent A.C., 185. 253. 260, 415
- Kenworthy. J. M. (letter), 372
- Kerhargh, Paul (letter). 211
- Kerosene Oil Engines. The Working of. 100
- Kerr, G. England (letter). 146
- Kiel Motor Boat Races. 32
- King Car. 12 h.p., Description of. 234. 262
- — Edward VII. in Mercedes Car (illustration). 634
- King’s Latest Daimler Car, 125
- — Visit to Woolwich (illustration', 538
- Kingston Bench Surpasses Itself. 91
- — Court, Summons Dismissed. 671
- Kingston. S. A. (letter). 84
- K J 14 (letter). 81
- Klofron (letter), 243
- Knocking in the Engine. 251, 27 7, 389, 593
- K. T. (query), 413
- Lacre Electric Brougham. 852
- — Luggage Grid. 410
- Ladies A.C., 61. 123, 158, 223, 535. 692. 789
- Lady Automobilist. Miss Elwell (illus.), 4 1
- — Motorist, Miss Leby (illustration), 684
- Laillault Governor, Description, 84 7
- Laird, C. S. (query), 560
- Lamp-bracket. Extensible, Ducellier, 652
- Lamplight (letter), 688
- Lamps. 434, 464, 492. 494
- — Acetylene, Household, 20, 23
- — Electric, 117
- — for Motor Cars, 688
- — Street. 550
- Lancas (letter), 588
- Lancaster-Clement, 20 h.p., Capt. Goff’s (illustration), 376
- Lance, B. A. (letter), 50
- Lanchester Car. 719
- — (illustration), 285
- — Three-cylinder Engines, 522, 556,
- — — with Hood (illustration), 4 49
- — Engine Co., Reconstruction, 28-6,- 498
- Land and Sea Automobilism, 50
- La Rapee III. (illustration), 546
- Launch. Buffalo Motor, 43
- — Cruising Motor, Summers Payne. 94
- — Kensington Motor Co.’s (illus.), 603
- — Motor, Mr. Estcourt’s, 803
- — Reliability Trials, 125, 153, 180, 224
- — Trip on the Thames, 363
- — Racing, Fer de Lance. 156, 180
- Lauteret Pass, Motor Cars at Summit. 208
- Lawn Mower, Motor (illustration), 496
- L.B.G. Sparking Plug, 21
- L.D.M. (query), 184
- Lea and Francis, 14 h.p.. Trial Run. 237
- Leather Tyres, 52, 144
- Lea, William (letter). 492
- Lebaudy Airship. Steerable, 241
- Ledger, Frank W. (query), 863
- Leechman and Co. (letter), 406
- Leechman, Douglas (letter), 276
- Lee Enfin Automatic Carburetter, Description, 825
- Leicester Motor Fire Engine, 452
- Leicestershire A.C., 29. 92, 253. 502
- L’Empereur Non-skid Device. 19. 51. 83
- Leon Bolide Car, 24 h.p. (illustration), 737
- Lessons from the Small Car Trials, 346
- Letts, W. M. (letter), 339
- Leverett. E. E. (letter), 276
- Lever Steering. 523, 588, 623
- Lewin. F. Guy (letter), 719
- L. F. L. (query), 593
- L. H. D. (letter), 180
- Liability, A Question of, 593
- — of Employers, 119
- License, Driving, Motor Car Act. 626
- — Du tv for Motor Cars, 339
- Licenses, Driving. Renewal 754, 848, 854
- — Endorsement of. 499 Lifeboat, Motor, 284.
- Lifeboats. Motor, by W. G. Windham. 842
- Light , Excess of. 718. 754
- — Mol or Car, Developments of the, 725
- — Reducer. B. Wardle’s, 389
- Lighting a Motor House, 760
- — of Vehicles, 769
- Lighting. Rear Numbers, 560
- Lightning Flash, Photograph>of, 149
- — Motoring in, 752, 822 &
- Lights on Vehicles, Letter re, 524
- Lincolnshire A.C., 24, 30, 93, 122, 159, 186, 223, 253, 321, 351, 385, 414, 443, 472, 535, 814
- Lisle E. (letter), 655
- Lister Silent Exhaust Box, 118
- Lithanode Accumulator. Tests of, 238
- Little Star, Experience of, 283, 340
- Live Axles v. Chains, 100
- Liverpool A.C., 351
- — School of Motoring (illustration), 402
- L 127 (letter), 822
- L. M. G. (letter), 823
- Locke, Ivo (letter), 719
- — W. (letter), 463
- Locomobile Dos-a-dos, Query re. 79S
- Locomotive, Petrol Shunting, Wolseley, 564
- Lodge, Sir Oliver, Lecture by, 714, 750, 865
- London, Cars registered in, 21
- — Motor Bus Question in, 836
- — Routes out of, 100, 110, 148
- — Shoe Company, Winter Comforts, 680
- — Speed of Motor Cars in. 85. 417
- — to Brighton and Back (letter), 788
- — — Inverness, Non-stop Run, 126
- London s New Omnibus Service, 458
- Londonderry Steam Lorry. 56. 611
- — Steam Waggon (illustration), 723
- Long Branch Automobile Week, 324
- — Distances and Continuous Driving
- — (letters), 521, 587
- Longfield, J. E. (letter), 555
- Longuemare Carburetter, Automatic Attachment for, 554, 687. 788
- — Description of, 813
- Lord, E. G. (query), 283
- Loss of Power, A Cause of, 178
- Lovegrove, J. W. (letter), 374
- Loyal Honeycomb Pattern Radiator, 592
- L. P. (letter), 854
- Lubricating Oil, 720, 754
- Lubrication, 119, 603
- — Crank Chamber, 58
- — Hand Throttle, 391. 434
- Lubricator, Dubrulle, How it Works, 4 83
- Lucerne Automobile Regatta. 241, 400
- Lucy, Reginald H. (letter), 213
- Luggage Bag, Handy, 163
- — Carriers, 321, 344, 410
- — Carrier, Cammell, Laird, and Co.’s, 321
- — and Motor Car Act, 670
- — Trailer, Napier, 577
- Mackay, J. D. (letter), 113
- MacKinnon, L. D. (query), 499
- MacLulich, J. M. (letter), 688. 823
- — Paper by, 378
- Magisterial Convictions Upset, 32, 60, 794
- Magistrate and Motorist (letter), 310
- Magneto Experiences, 138, 212, 389
- — Ignition on British Cars, 406 Tip, 4 77
- — Tappets, Setting, 389, 447
- Mail, Royal Motor, A Night with, 608
- Maintenance, Cost of, 586
- Mair, G. P. (letter), 785
- Makers (letter). 405
- Maker of Light Cars (letter), 822
- Makovski, Eric W. (letter), 245
- Manchester A.C., 63, 93, 159, 384. 632, 721. 814
- — M.C.. 321
- Man and Motor, Non-stop Run on 9 h.p. Gladiator, 513
- Manometer Troubles, 528
- Mansion, Country. Motor Fire Engine. 781
- Manslaughter, Charge of. French Chauffeur Sentenced, 117
- Manufacturer (letter), 434
- Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, Annual Dinner, 681
- Maps. Road, 448, 626, 793
- Map of Route, Small Car Trials. Automobile Club, 182
- Maudslay Motor Co. (letter), 341
- Marine Motoring, 161. 198. 208
- — Motors, De Dion. Description, 547
- Marsom, A. (letter), 372
- Martin, G. (query), 251
- Martin Percy (letters), 341. 720
- Martini, 16-20 h.p., Description of, 454
- Match. Motor Car, 498
- Material for Motor Coats, The Ideal, 64$)
- Maude Airship (illustration), 281
- Mawbey, E. George (letter), 433
- — on 12 h.p. Darracq (illus.). 75
- Mays, J. A. (letter), 824
- M. B.. Edin (letter), 719
- McBride, W. Lecoq (letter), 52
- McMurtry, Charles Wood (letter), 276
- McPherson, ('has. H. (letter), 655
- McTaggart. W. R. (letter), 404
- M. D. (letter), 51, 146, 854
- Measures, Weights and. Comparative. 863
- Mechanical Anti-skid, W. Hunt’s, 756, 808
- Mechanics, Motor, Training of, 679
- Mecredy, R. J. (letter), 179
- Medals awarded in Motor Boat Reliability Trial, 447
- Medical Men, Motor Cars for, 17, 49, 57, 83, 84, 113, 146, 522, 553
- — Ryknield Car for, 637
- — Motorists (illustration), 690
- — Point of View, Motoring from a, 392
- Medico (query), 283
- Medicus (letter), 244
- Mediterranean, Across the, Automobile Boat Race. 401
- — Boat Race. 716
- Member of the Society (letter). 823
- Mercedes Car, 1905, 70 h.p., Description of, 804
- Mercedes Queries, 627. 695, 712
- Mercedes Racing Car. 95 h.p., 393
- Metal Composite, J. C. Lyell and Co.'s. 85
- — Non-rusting, for Silencers, 245
- Metheringham. A. (letter), 493
- Metropolitan Motor Omnibuses, 267, 292
- Michelin Cup for Light Car Bodies. 819, 828
- Midland A.C. Hill-climb, 136
- — Automobile Club, 28, 29, 93, 136, 321 351, 415. 444, 721
- Miesse Steam Car (illustration), 365
- Mieville, M. F. (letter) 84
- Milan Motor Post Office, 407
- Miles (letter), 752
- Military Car Trials, France, 47, 4 89
- — Manoeuvres, Autumn, Autocars at, 368,
- — — France, Autocars at, 369 529
- — Motorists (illustrations), 293, 313, 408
- — Motors in the Manoeuvres, A.C.G.B.I. paper, 692
- — Service, Motors for, 211, 277, 342
- Mills, G. P., Ride on Motor Bicycle. 10
- Milnes-Daimler, G.W.R. Omnibus (illustration), 856
- — Lorry (illustration), 757
- — in Natal, 216
- — Motor ’Bus, 611 Minerva 14 h.p. Car, 675
- M. Inst. C.E. (letter), 17
- Misfiring and Faulty Return Wire, 760
- — in 16 h.p. Wolseley, 463
- — 283, 405, 413, 463, 464, 469, 499, 528, 593, 627, 760
- Misleading Returns, British Imports and Exports of Motor Cars, 501
- Missionary Effort, Need for, 96
- M. K. (query), 761
- M 14 (letter), 151
- M. L. (letter), 718
- M.M.C. Car, 12 h.p. (illustration), 629
- —Shooting Brake, 25 h.p., 280
- M. M. H. M. (query), 560
- Mo-car Syndicate, Ltd. (letter), 20
- Molesworth, Charles (letters), 147, 243, 404
- Monaco Boat Races, 402. 652
- Monmouthshire A.C., 186
- Monster Car, New York Observation Automobile, 595
- Montagu, J. Scott, Dust Problem, 762
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letter), 406
- Moorecap (letter), 494
- Moore, C. Harrington (letters), 719, 754
- — Henry (letter), 588
- Morgan, H. George (letters), 113,. 245, 340, 586, 656, 855
- Motor ’Buses r. Electric Trams, 857
- — Cars for Commercial Travellers, 647
- — Car Wheels, by E. W. Walford, 748
- — Dealers (letter), 114
- — Haulage (illustration), 794
- — Lifeboats, by W. G. Windham, 842
- — Man (letter), 178
- — Manufacturers and Traders, Society of, 290, 354
- — Traction, Bradford Artillery Volunteers,
- — Traders (letter),-277 183
- — Traffic, Development of, 796
- — Union, 115
- Motoring from a Medical Point of View, 392
- Motorist (letters), 111, 144
- Motors, Advance in Manufacture. 252
- Mountain Climbing, Forclay Pass, on 16 h.p. Martini, 31
- Mountaineering Tour. H. II. P. Deasy. 76
- Mount Washington, Motor Cars. 207
- Mulliner, H. J., Article by, 851
- Murray, J. W. Brady (letter), 145
- Mutual Protection Association, Automobile, 21, 320, 580, 730
- Nail Catchers, 27 7
- — Pullers, 178, 245
- Nainby, C. M.. on 7 h.p. Panhard (illustration), 62
- Naish, P. L. (letter), 179
- Naismith, Thomas P. (letter), 586. 754
- N’a pas pied Launch. 860
- Napier Brougham, Mrs. Walker Munro’s (illustration), 376
- — Car in Sunrising Hill Contest, 1 47, 179, 243, 277. 404
- — — The Duke of Connaught’s (illustration). IK1
- — — Vindicated, 65
- Napier. Six-cylinder (illustration). 361
- — 30 h.p., Duke of Fife’s, 724
- — 20 h.p.. for Delhi-Bombay Trials (illustration), 658
- — — — Four-cylinder, Day’s Run, 441
- — Glass Screen. 410
- — John S. (letter). 20
- — Luggage Trailer. 577
- — Minor, A Good Week’s Work. 226
- — at Naval Manoeuvres. 408
- — — A Trip on. 565
- — - — and British Submarine (illus.), 504
- — Mrs. Napier at Helm (illus.). 723
- — Mr. John Hargreaves (illustration). 629
- — Patent Annular Inlet Valve, Description of, 424
- -- Racing Launch. L. De Rothschild s. 74 9
- — River Launch. Harvey du Cros’ (illustration), 117
- — and Son, D. (letter), 404
- — II., The Yarrow Napier Racer. 292
- Napier-Parsons Delivery Van, Description of. 73
- National Car, Three-cylinder, 591. 657
- Naval Purposes, Motor Boats for. 227. 230. 342, 371, 398. 434
- Neilson. R. M., on Gas Turbines, 597
- Nemo (letters), 27 5, 374
- Newcastle, Light Delivery Vans in, 313
- New Grievance against Motor Cars, 452
- Newman, J. O. (letter), 82
- Newport Beach Races, U.S.A., 264
- — Speed Regulations. 495
- New York, Decrease of Horses in. 589
- — Observation Car, 595
- — — Stoning of Automobilists, 73
- — — Street Scene (illustration), 570
- New Zealand, Motor Cars in. 461, 494
- Night, A, with the Royal Motor Mail. 608
- N 23 (letter), 587
- No Guesswork (letter), 523
- Non-freezing Liquid, 2, 19
- Non-skid Band, Puncture-proof, Duco, 592
- — Device—Hunt of Kettering, 756, 808
- Non-skidding Band, Effect on Tyre, 250,
- — Experiences, 753
- — Leather Band, Detachable, Otto
- — Bennett Motor Co., 222, 495
- — on one Wheel, 719
- Non-skids, L’Empereur, 19, 51, 83, 112
- — Query re, 863
- — Wilding and Co. and J. E. Hutton’s, 59
- Non-skidding Band, Effect on Tyre, 250, 524
- — Devices. 213, 277, 373, 396, 495, 831
- Non-stop Run, A. Ford’s, 376, 444, 471
- — — Run, 9 h.p. Gladiator Car. 478. 513
- — 9 h.p. Gladiator Car, 478. 513
- — London to Inverness. 126
- — 800 Miles, Clement-Talbot, 500, 510
- — on a Voiturette, J. R. Windout’s 105
- Norfolk A.C., 185
- — (letter), 524
- Normand, S. R. (letter), 405
- Northampton Institute Classes for Instruction in Automobiles, 513
- Northamptonshire A.C., 9, 472, 568, 599, 662, 814
- North-Eastern Railway, Steam Motor Lorries for, 496
- North East Lancashire A.C., 599
- — O.D. (letter), 621
- — Wales. A Trip Through. 462
- — Police in, 659
- Notable Gathering. D. M. Weigel’s Wedding. 124
- Not an Expert (letter), 754
- Notes on Small Car Trials. 287, 309, 336, 357
- Notice of Intended Prosecution, 761
- Nottingham A.C.. 30, 62, 755
- Nottinghamshire A.C. Hill-climb Medal,599
- Notts A.C. Trials, 46. 62
- Novel Motor Trip. 226
- Novice, Hints for the. 67
- — (letters), 278, 785
- — (query), 695
- N. S. W. (letter). 685
- Number. Transfer of. 184, 251
- — of Cars, Registered, 127, 130, 216, 309
- Numbering Folly. 446, 491, 523. 627
- Numbers, Car, 556
- — Long, 264
- — Rear. Lighting. 560
- Nut, Lock, New, W. J. Peart’s, 440
- Observer (letter). 243
- Odometer, Geipel and Lange’s, 59
- Offensive Smell (query), 694
- Official Procrastination. 800
- — Record of Small Car Trials. 331
- — Searches for Patents, 406
- O’Gorman. Mervyn (letter). 491
- Oil “ Filtrate.” 860
- — Leakage (query). 528
- — Level in Crank Chamber. 184
- Oils, Lubricating, Grindley and Co.’s. 435
- Old and New Motor Cars (illustration). 837
- Oldsmobile Car Hauling Tram (illustration). 487
- Oldsmobile Car, Latest Type. 203
- — Cars, 3,000 Miles Reliability Trial, 383. 398, 442, 453. 481. 529, 596
- O 1 (letter), 341
- Olympia as it now is. 501
- — Show, Space at, 398
- — The Show at, 834
- — Question and. 753
- Omnibuses, Motor, Public Service, 158, 425
- — Metropolitan, 267. 292
- O’Neill, V. (letter), 623
- One in a Fix (query), 528
- — Interested (letter), 720
- Orde, J. W. (letters). 211. 340
- Orion Petrol Lorry (illustration), 345
- Orkneys, Tour in the, 704
- Ormond-Daytona Beach Course. 657
- Ostend, Automobile Boats at, 208
- — Week, 108, 139, 208
- Otto-Bennett Motor Co.. Detachable Non-skid Leather Band. 222. 195
- Overhanging Backs, Car Design. 837
- Overheating, 89, 357, 413. 4 38. 664
- — Engine and Bearings. 357, 4 38
- Overloading Cars, 818
- Over-lubrication. 760
- Owner (letter). 275
- Oxford and District A.C.. 62
- Palmer Co.’s Tyre Tests. 480
- — F. Craddock (letter), 685
- — Tyre, 145
- Panhard Car, Lord Londonderry’s (illustration), 436
- — Osborn and Lord's (illustration), 626
- — Landaulette. 7 h.p. (illustrations), 87
- — 24 h.p. (illustration), 559
- — (letter), 685, 7 53
- — 7 h.p., Performance of, 406, 433, 463
- — 15 h.p., Trip on. 565
- Panhard-Levassor Car 24 h.p. (illustration), 794
- Paraffin Burner Wanted, 856
- — Carburetters, 89
- — Pulveriser and Throttle Valve, W. Hall’s, 644
- Parallels, Historical, 787
- Paris Autocar Show Statistics. 844
- — Automobile Festivities, 715
- — Show. Principal Exhibits, 7 70, 812
- — Cab Fares in, 109
- — Circulation of Automobiles in, 48
- — De Dion Sprinkler at Work in. 369
- — Reception of Thery and Brasier, 16
- — Road Treatment in, Anti-dust League, 15, 16
- — Salon, Advance Notes on. 740
- — Cup for Automobile Boats, 490
- — Show, 176, 338, 617, 683. 809, 812, 818
- — Some Opinions of, 815
- — Steam ’Buses in, 520
- — to the Sea, Motor Boat Race, 209, 240, 272, 401
- Parks, Ten Miles Limit in. 719
- Partridge. R. W. (letter), 341
- Patents, New. 64, 194. 258. 322. 354, 386
- — Official Searches for. 406
- — Pneumatic Tyre, Expiry of. 360, 411
- Payne, F. H. (letter), 753
- Pearse, Henry (letter), 554
- Peart, W. J., New Nut Lock, 440
- Pedals on Cars, 134
- Peebles. Motoring in. 588
- Pembrokeshire, Petrol in, 213. 245
- Perman, Arthur E. (letter), 310
- Perplexed (letter), 406
- Perspective, A Study in, 209
- Perthshire Authorities and Motorists. 755
- Peterborough and District A.C.. 29
- Peter Puncture-proof Band. 714
- Peto and Radford. New Premises, 722
- Petrol ’Bus, Germain. 628
- — Car. First one built in United States
- — (illustration), 129
- — Consumption, 279, 464, 494
- — Humber Cars, 434
- — Filter, 694
- — Lever, Adjusting the. 419
- — Lorry. 12 h.p. Beaufort, Description. 510
- — Motors as an Aid to Wireless Telegraphy, 57
- — Converting to Paraffin. 463
- — — on Railways, 115, 345
- — Prices of, 148, 213, 277, 342, 362. 405
- — (query), 864
- — Shunting Locomotive. Wolseley, 564
- — Solid substitute for. 578
- — Supply of. 73
- — Trouble, 528
- — Turbine, Guilford’s, Description. 74
- Peto. Wm. (letter), 50
- Peugeot Carburetters (query), 712
- — Car, 25 h.p.. Description of. 846
- — Combined Carburetter and Valve, Description of. 613
- — Landaulette (illustration), 4 37
- — Models for 1905. 624
- — (query), 712
- Phillips, Ormonde, and Co., 178
- P. II. (letter). 464
- Phumi.x (letter), 213
- Pierce. Robert ('. (letter). 621
- Pilot (letter), 717
- Piston Rings (query), 593
- P 53 (letter). 277
- Plug. Shorting and Sooting of. 863
- — Testing. 469
- Pneumatic Tyres, 753
- — — Satisfactory. 493
- Police and Christinas. 718. 752. 788. 855
- — and Motor Cars, France. 618. 683
- — The. 179
- — Timing. Huddersfield. 451
- — Traps, 32. 64. 126, 160. 226. 258, 290, 322, 354. 386. 416. 474. 502. 536, 568. 600. 632, 662. 692. 724, 737
- — Vigilance. Dunchurch Avenue. 388. 4 33
- Political Warfare. The Autocar in, 479
- Poor and Punctured (letter), 493
- Pope. II. R. (letter). 144
- Popping in the Carburetter. A Cause of. 9. 51. 184
- Portable Bench, Tyer and Co.'s, 47 7
- Portmarnock Races, 361. 362.363. 367, 370
- — Irish Automobile Club, 318, 348, 375, 404
- Portsmouth Motor Car Trials at, 566
- — Gymkhana at. 413
- — Road (letter). 373
- Power. Loss of. Explanation Wanted, 469
- Prangnell. Norman W (letter). 687
- Prejudice against Motor Car<. 144
- Presentation Car. White, W. C. Scairitt. 830. 861
- Preservation of Beauty Spots. 732. 787
- Presidential Address. H. Austin’s, 539
- Pressure Feed. 413
- Price of Cars. 373. 405. 434
- Primary ('ells, (’barging Accumulators,753
- Private Reliability Trial. 545
- Pro Bono Publico. 492
- Progression (letter). 523
- Prosecutions under Byelaws, 211
- Protests. 265
- Proud. E. P. (letters), 751, 787
- Provincial Press and Motor Cars, 811
- Prudor M.. Novel use for Bicycle. 820
- Publication Committee. A.C.G.B.I.. 718
- Public Automobile Services in France, 15
- — Service Motor Omnibuses. 4*-5
- Pumps. Packing. 25
- Pump Trouble. 428
- Puncture-proof Bands. 853
- Push Ball for Motorists, 472
- Puzzled (letter). 823
- — II. (query), 831
- Pyrodyne 30 cwt. Steam Waggon. Description of, 426
- Quarter Sessions, Appeals to. 32. 33. 60
- Queensland. Motor Transport in. 534
- Queen Wilhelmina as Motorist. 176
- Queries and Replies, 25. 58. 89. 119. 151. 184, 251. 283, 314. 413. 438. 469, 499, 528, 560, 593. 627, 663. 694, 712. 760, 798. 831. 863
- Quaestor (letter), 687
- Races, Entries for. 476
- Racing Methods, 538
- — on the Sands, Irish Club's Meeting
- at Portmarnock, 318, 348, 375, 404
- — Petrol Launch, Fer De Lance, 156. 180
- — The Success of. 490
- Radclyffe, John (letter), 177
- Radiator, Loyal Honeycomb Pattern. 592
- — Tip, 35
- Radiators. Cleaning Out, 761
- Railway Cars, Petrol, 115, 345
- — Co., Vale of Glamorgan, Steam Motor Cars for, 88
- — Inspection Motor Car, L. and SAX . Railway Co., 281
- — Motor Tour, Chas. J. Glidden's. 344, 435, 486
- — N.E., Steam Motor Lorries,496
- — Taff Vale, Motor Carriages. 345. 496,525
- Raleigh Motor Bicycle, Ride on. 1C
- Ranjitsinhji. Prince. Interview with. 671
- Ratchet v. Spray, 413
- Rational Car. Description of. 98
- Rattigan, Sir W., Accident to, 66
- Reading A.C., 63, 123
- — G. Freclk. (letter). 824
- Reception at Paris of Th6ry and Brasier. J 6
- Reckless Driving, 243, 256, 277. 278, 310. 340, 388, 524. 539, 590. 720
- Recognition of Motor Car Movement. 504
- Records. End to End, 1 17, 222. 236. 312
- — Light Car, 652
- — Speed, for 1904, 338
- Record, Motor Boat, 587
- — World 661
- kvx tor of Barnet (letter), 82
- itcdnua for Automobllist.K, 33
- Reed, A. H. (letter), 788
- Regatta, Automobile, at Juvisy, 429
- Registered, Number of Cars, 127, 130, 525
- Registration, General Identification Marks. 614, 687, 718, 763, 823
- — Query. 49$)
- — When it Becomes Void, 290. 502
- Regrettable Series of Incidents, 648
- Reliability Test. Duryea Cars, 20
- — Tours. 633
- — Trials, 291. 323. 387, 448, 497, 523
- — A.C.. Next Year's, 799
- — — France, 489
- — 1,000 Miles, Action against A.C. G.B. and 1.. 648, 661
- — — Motor Launch. 125, 153, 180. 224
- — — Next Year’s, and Industrial Committee, 635
- — Small Car, 1, 95, 199, 256, 259, 287. 296, 322, 328, 495
- — Map of Routes, Sup., Aug. 27
- — — Views of Competitors, 448
- — — Western India. 280, 312, 396, 487, 541. 588. 680, 861, 862
- — Trial. A.C. of South Africa, 826
- — — Glasgow to London, 50
- — 4,000 Miles, A.C. Certificate, 790
- — 3,000 Miles, Oldsmobile Cars. 383, 398, 442, 453, 481. 529
- — — of Motor Boats, A.C., 756
- Renard Train, 683
- Renault as a Racing Car, 369
- — Car. 10 h.p. (query), 178, 275
- Renewal of Driving Licenses, 754, 848, 854
- Renfrewshire County Council Roads. 56
- Repair Solution for Air Tubes, 500
- Repairers and Roadside Failures, 555
- — Recommended, 556. 559, 588
- Repairs and Garages. 38. 52, 84. 105, 114, 182. 213, 265, 279, 281, 342, 343, 347, 365. 377, 396. 406, 408, 436, 437. 468, 473, 757, 759, 794. 827
- Replies to Queries, 864
- Reporter (letter), 147
- Repton Three-wheeled Motor Vehicle, 222
- Resilient Hub, The Glyda, Description, 616
- Responsibility for Accidents,Motorists',7 87
- Restrictions on Automobilists, 113
- Review. Badminton, Book on Motors, 192
- — Michelin and Co.’s Book. 416
- — My Touring Reminiscences, 747
- — Pilgrimage Series, 722
- — The Automobile Handbook, 152
- — — Complete Motorist, 607
- — “ Up-to-date ” Cyclists’ and Motorists’
- Road Book, 496
- Reward of Virtue, Motorist Fined at Warwick, 126
- Rexette Tandem, 182
- R. F. H. (query), 499
- R. F. T. (letter), 823
- R. K. M. (letter). 52
- Richardson. P. W. (letter), 245
- Ridley, L. T. R. (letter), 752
- Rims. Hints on Care of. 603
- Ripley. Convictions at, 757
- R. L. (query), 560
- Road Dangers, 228, 243, 245, 248, 550
- — Maps. 793. 468, 626
- — Material, Germany, 691
- — Repairing. Dangers of, 752
- — Reports, 160, 322, 386, 416, 474, 502, 536, 632. 721
- — Surfacing. Experimental, 852
- — Treatment in Paris. Anti-dust League, 15, 16
- — Vehicles, Resistance of. 688, 823
- Rubber Tyres for, 378
- — Wheels. Construction of, 440
- Roads and Dust, Paper by Hon. John Scott Montagu. 762
- — Dusty. Experiments, 21, 55, 56, 116
- — Improvement Association, 24, 156
- — Main. Width of. 196, 246, 248
- — and Motor Traffic, 794
- — Public. Tramways and Light Railways on. 258
- — Ridges in. 849
- — Snow-blocked, 719
- — Stopping Motor Traffic, 450, 525, 544. 711
- — Traction Engines on (illustration). 476
- Roadside Failures, Repairers and, 555
- Roberts. J. Duncan (query). 798
- Robinson. J. II. (query). 760
- — M. A. (letter), 623
- Robinson’s Spring Road Wheel, 23
- Roebuck. J. W., Articles by, 9, 576
- — Paper by. 832
- Roelofs. P. (query), 760
- Rollet. H. (letter), 179
- Rolls. Hon. C S., at Folkestone, 757
- — — Lecture by, 796
- Rotary Internal Combustion Motor, Twitchell’s, 57
- Rotten Row (letters), 52 81 114, 434
- Rousseau. M., and Automoblle Races. 212
- Routes. Map of. Small Car Reliability Trials. Supplement. Aug. 27th.
- — Out of London. 100, 110
- Rover Carburetter, 849
- — Car, 8 h.p., Description of, 268, 295
- Royal Humberet to, 6£ li.p., Delivery Van.
- — Motor Mail. A Night with. BOX
- R. R. H. (query), 831
- Rubber Tyres for Road Vehicles. 378
- Rules, A.C.. Ignored at Blackpool. 579. 622
- — Automobile Club, for Long Distance Trials. 793
- Runciman. Philip (letter). 341
- Run. First, on Argyll Car. 212
- — on 20 h.p. Four-cylinder Napier, 441
- Running a Car. Cost of, 627, 629, 685, 7IX, 720, 752, 7X5, 821, 885
- — on Two Volts. 841
- Russia. Automobiles in. 281
- Russell. H. Scott, Articles by, 129, 163, 197, 229. 261. 293
- — Sidney (letter), 112
- Ryknield Car for Medical Men, 637
- — Shooting Brake, (illustration), 436
- R. Y. F. (letter), 433
- Sadler, B., Improving Old De Dions, 60
- Sainsbury Non-skidders. 550
- Salford Councillors (illustration), 158
- Salon Cup for Motor Launches, 820
- Salt. T. A. Brassey (letter), 786
- Salt burn-on-Sea. Course for Speed Trials, 6, 66. 84. 91, 101, 145, 179
- Samson Leather Tread, 527
- Sand, Motor Cars on, 442, 464
- — Racecourse. Salt burn-on-Sea. 6. 66, 84, 91, 101. 145, 179
- Sands, Racing on at Portmarnock, 348
- Sangster. Chas, (letter), 653
- Sankey, E. H. O. (letter), 687
- Satisfied Automobilist, Letter from. 433
- — (letter). 340. 493
- Saunders, M. (query). 469
- Savery, Thos. A. (letter), 587
- Scairitt, W. C., White Steam Car Presented to, 830, 861
- Scare. The Story of a. 391, 434
- Schaef and Co. (letter). 373
- Schofield. Gerald (letter), 49
- School of Motoring, 342
- Schwind, C. L.. Article by, 422
- — (query), 798
- Score for the Motor Launch, 453
- Scot (letter). 179, 180
- Scotland, Motoring Experience, 550
- — Touring in. 212
- Scottish A.C.. 29. 159. 185, 223, 253, 321, 385, 502. 535, 662, 692, 724, 789
- S I) 9 (letter), 147
- Searchlight (letter), 493
- S. E. C. (letter). 112
- Secret Commissions, 95
- See-see Goggles, Eugen Baedeker’s, 645
- Self-starters for Motors, 754, 853
- S. E. M., Canada (query), 663
- Semmering, Mount, Races, 15, 460
- Semple, W. (letter), 686
- Sensational Headlines. 213
- Service, Motor, for Italy, 508
- Seton, R. (letter), 686
- Setting Ignition Cam, 314
- S. G. (query), 184
- Sharp, F. Graham (letter), 20
- — G. (query), 663
- — J. Russell (letter). 461
- Sheffield and District A.C., 282, 385, 414, 472. 692, 814
- — — Lincolnshire A.C.’sMeet, 63
- Shell Motor Spirit. 574
- Shepherd’s Bush Disaster, 509, 555, 575
- Short Circuits, Detecting, 767
- Show, Paris Automobile, Principal Exhibits. 770
- — Question, by D. M. Weigel. 693
- — and Olympia. 753
- — Statistics, Paris Salon, 844
- — The Stanley. 650
- Shows, Motor. 569
- Siddeley Car. 6 h.p.. Climbing Bank (illustration), 512
- — 18 h.p. (illustration), 713
- — — 6A h.p.. 800 Miles Run on. 615
- — 5.000 Miles Trial. 829
- — 12 h.p.. for War Office, 350
- Side-entrance Cars, 286
- Sideslip, 324
- — in Motor Cars, by Horace Darwin and C. V. Barton, 352
- — Remarkable. 822
- — Traction Engine and Train, 401
- Signpost Wanted. New. 362
- Signposts, Warning. 588
- Silencer. Albany Mfg. Co.’s. 393
- Silencers. Non-rusting Metal for. 245
- Simms Carburetter, Description of. 791
- — Motor Driving Air Pump (illus.), 526
- Simplex Sparking Plug. A Test of, 817
- — — — Description of, 768
- — Terminals, 53
- Simpson. F. C. (letter), 372
- — Strickland, and Co.. Ltd. (letter), 180
- Sinclair. Robert (letter), 113
- Singer Co.’s Cars, 467
- Single Cylinder (letter), 406
- Sindar Buffer solid Tyres. 757
- Sindar Rubber Co.'s T\re Tube, 280
- Skegness. Proposed Motor Trials at, .>35
- sk<d ton, I >. S., Motor in (’ey Ion, It. 178 S 7 6 det ter), 621 s det ter), 853
- slipping of Tyres on Greasy Roads, 646
- Slipshod Evidence at Congleton. 445
- Slough Police Traps, Letter re. 19
- Small Car Trials, A.C.. Map of Routes, Supplement to Aug. 27th.
- — — — A Protest, 821
- — — — Automobile Club, 1. 95, 182, 199. 256, 259, 287. 296, 322. 328. 350. 379, 403
- — — — Description of. 304, 328
- — Judges’ Report, 355, 379
- — — — Lessons from, 346
- — Non-stop Run Awards. 335, 380
- — Notes on, 287, 309. 336, 357
- — — — Official Record of, 331
- — Repeated in 11 Days, 478
- — Cars and Light Cars, 799
- Since. S. C. (letter). 655
- Smith. E. Shrapnell (letter), 787
- — Wm. Alex, (letter). 654, 656
- Smokeless Petroleum Engine, The Allsopp,
- Description of, 420
- Snapshots of Well-known Drivers, Characteristic. 13
- Snow-blocked Roads, 719
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 290. 354, 658
- — — — — — — Annual Dinner, 681
- Solid Substitute for Petrol. 578
- — Tyre Fixing, 499, 524
- — Tyres. 523
- Solution. Repair, for Air Tubes. 500
- Somerset A.C., 282
- — — and De Dion Tourists’ Meet. 158
- Somersetshire County and District Club 111. 414
- Sometimes a Competitor (letter), 372
- South Africa. A.C. Reliability Trial. 826
- — — Industrial Exhibition in Capetown. 170
- — — Motor Cars for. 487
- — Reliability Trial, 756
- — African Inventor. 824
- South-east Essex A.C.. 93
- Southern A.C.. 159, 599. 662
- South Indian Motor Union, 814
- — Shields A.C., 414
- — Wales A.C., 93, 186, 385: 414, 568, 632. 6 6 2
- Spa Automobile Week, 175
- Spain, King of, An Automobilist, 109
- Spanish Ferry, Daimler Car Crossing (illustration). 451
- Spare Parts, Supplying. 494
- — Tyres, Carriage of, 767
- Sparking Plug, L.G.B.. 21
- — — Simplex, Description of, 768
- — Query, 593
- Speed, Excessive, 278
- — in Competitions, Johnson and, 612
- — Limits. 474, 557, 722
- — of Motor Cars in London. 85. 417
- — of Small Cars, 587, 623, 656
- — Recorder, Dr. Winter’s, 55
- — Records for 1904, 338
- — Table, 165
- — Trials at Dour dan, 470
- — Blackpool. 459, 512. 514, 622
- — — Noise of Cars at, 286
- — Undue, Result of, 312
- Speeds of Motor Cars. Relative. 555, 688
- Speedometers, 524. 824
- Speedometer as Evidence, 526, 587
- Speedwell Motor and Eng. Co. (letter). 718
- Spirit. Motor, S. Bowley and Sons, 5 4
- — The Price of. 19
- — Troubles, 560
- Spite or What ! 275
- Spoke from Spyker Car Wheels, 279
- Sporting Motorist. J. Hargreaves, 817
- Sport, The Motor Car and, 322. 799. 806. 822. 829. 855
- Sports, Field. The Autocar and. 799 806
- Spring Road Wheel. A. Robinson’s, 23 H. Halford’s, 45
- — Wheel, Patent. 650 The Halle, 172
- Springs. Improving Old Pattern, 841
- — Tyres and, by J. S. V. Bickford, 205
- Spurious Spirit and Lubricants. 666. 720
- Spyker Car. 14 h.p.. Mr. and Lady Kathleen Gaussen on (illustration). 2
- — 20 h.p., Run on, 285
- S. (query), 58, 761
- Squire. G. F. (letter). 405
- S. R. C. M. (letter), 19
- Srinagar. Kashmir. No, 147, 752
- Standard Motor Co.’s Brougham, 249
- Stanley Show, 650
- — — Car Exhibits at, 676
- — Steam-driven Car (illustration). 451
- Star Car, 12 h.p. (illustration), 659
- — Delivery Van, 9 h.p. Two-cylinder (illustration)* 361
- Starting, Ambidextrous, 849
- Statistics, Autocar, in Other Countries, 271
- Statistics, Paris Autocar Show, SI I
- Steam Buses, Paris, 520
- — Car Enquiry, 246. 275, 34 1. 191
- — — Historic, A Brief Holiday on, 166
- — Cars, Hints and Tips on, by E. Callan d, 3, 35
- — — in Open Competition, 537, 588, 601, 656, 674
- — — Refusal of. Blackpool Races. 521, 537. 556, 752
- — — Speed of, 656, 686, 717
- — — Success, Mt. Washington Climb, 207
- — — Unfairness to, 660
- — White, Appreciation of, 120
- — Lorry. Londonderry. 611
- — Waggon. 30 cwts., Bickford, Description of, 266
- Pyrodene, 30 cwts.. Description, 426
- Stedall. A. (letter). 114. 244
- Steering. Lever. 523
- — Practice. Hints on. 97
- — Wheels, Setting. 119
- Stephen N. (query), 469
- Sthenos Carburetter. Description of, 204
- Stirling, John. Article by. 616
- St. Louis Exhibition. White Steam Car Prize. 690
- — — Motor Tour to. 318, 435
- Stockton and District A.C., 385
- Stolze Gas Turbine Engine, 850
- Stoneham, Mark (letter). 212
- Stone-throwing at Motorists, 646
- Stopping of Motor Cars, 759
- Storage Charges, 85
- St. Petersburg A.C., 384
- Fire Brigade, Automobiles for, 53,
- Straight, F. (letter). 6 56 87. 214
- Straker. Donald (letter), 554
- — The Management of the Darracq, by, 325
- — Steam Waggon in Carnival (illustration), 439
- Street Gravel Nuisance, 854
- Stretton’s Non-skid Device, 396
- Strickland and Co. (letter), 245
- Sturmey, H., Criticisms and Suggestions, Blackpool Races, 532
- — Henry (letters), 20, 146, 275, 491. 524.
- Paper by, 795 786
- Sturtevant Touring Car, 858
- Subscriber (query), 469
- Sunbeam Car, Capt. Arbuthnot’s (illustration), 724
- Six-cylinder (illustration), 256
- — the Panther, 756
- — 12 h.p. Car. Description of. 838
- Sunrising Hill-climb, Daimler Cars, 341
- — — Results, 720, 788, 824
- — Hill Contest, 12 h.p. Duryea. 180, 824
- — Napier Car, 147, 179, 243, 277. 404
- Surrey Motorist (letter), 854
- Sweden, Crown Prince of, on 28 h.p. Daimler, 70
- Swift Car, 6 h.p.. Experience, 688
- — 9-11 h.p. (illustration), 88
- — on Sunrising Hill (illustrations). 185
- Switzerland. Motor Boat Racing. 241, 400
- —- Automobiles in, 370, 445
- — Motor Services in, 115
- S W 14 (letter), 434
- S W 24 (letter), 621
- S. W. (query). 251
- Sydney, N.S.W., Motor Fire Engine, 439
- Table for Telling Speed. 165
- Tables, Examination, for Motors. 178
- Taff Vale Railway Co.’s Motor Carriages. 345, 496, 525
- Talbot Car, 20 h.p., Good Running of, 118
- — Cars, 8 h.p. Two-cylinder, 465
- — Motor Works, 367
- — 35 h.p.. New Model Car. Description of. 707
- Tally-Ho (letter). 824
- Tare Limit for Transport Vehicles, 800
- Tar-mac for Dusty Roads. 55, 214
- Tarring Roads in Paris. 15. 16
- Taunus Race. Deficit on the. 48
- Tax on Motor Cars. French Treasury. 525
- Taylor, Fred W. (letter), 27 7
- — G. E. O. (letter), 855
- T. C. (query). 151
- Telegraphy. Wireless, Petrol Motors as an Aid to, 57
- Telephone Apparatus. Midland A.C., 186
- Terminals, Simplex, 53
- Tessier. Arthur C. (letter), 433
- Testing Batteries, 25
- — Horse-power (illustration), 541
- — Instruments for Accumulators, 782
- Tests for Short or Broken Circuits, 47 7
- Test Tour. De Dion, 581
- Teuf-Teuf (letter), 856
- Thames, Motor Launch Trip on the, 363
- Thankful (letter), 686
- Thermit Process, 592
- Thermo (queries), 283, 314. 712
- Thermo-syphon Cooling, 283, 314
- — System, 52, 145
- Thery and Brasir's, In Honour oL^^J
- Thompson. Oscar S, (letter).
- Thornhill, .J. (‘ceil (letter), 753
- Thornycroft Car, 20 h.p., Accident Io (illustration), 35
- — — 1904, Experience, OSH
- — tor Delhi-Bombay Trials (illustration), 099
- — char-a-banc, 28 h.p. (illustration). 490
- — Heavy Oil Tractor, Description, 045
- — Petrol Racing Launch, 194
- — Steam Waggons. 574 Three-cylinder Engines, 475. 194, 588, 021
- — — Manchester Car, 522. 550, 587
- — Vauxhall Car. Description of, 004, 038
- Threescore and Ten (letter), 275
- Three-wheeled Motor Car, The Repton, 222
- Throttle Control, 399, 492, 555
- — Valve. Paraffin Pulveriser and, W. Hall s. 044
- Thubron, E. B. (letter), 58 7
- Timekeepers, Automobile Club, 400, 433
- Timekeeping, The Father of Modern, 403
- Timing Apparatus, Club Electrical, 001
- — — Electrical, J. Borland’s, 407
- — Electric and Hand, 121
- — Gear and Half-speed Shaft, Query, 89
- — of Motor Races, 178
- Tip to Car Owners, Useful, from T. W. Staplee Firth, 100
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3, 35, 07, 97, 129, 163, 197, 229, 201, 293, 325, 357, 389. 419. 447, 477, 505, 540. 571, 003. 067, 699, 733, 707, 801
- T 4 (letter), 433
- Tollemache, Bentley (letter), 553
- Tollgate Case, 575
- Tommie (query), 151
- Toms, Arnold A. (letter), 81
- Torbitt. F. C. (letter), 522
- Tordo, L. (letter), 404
- Torquay Motor Buses, 797
- Tortajada. Mdlle., on 20 h.p. Talbot Car (illustration), 221
- Tour. Care of a Car on, 129, 103, 197, 229. 201. 293
- — De Dion, in England, 121, 159
- — in Ireland, A Suggested, 135
- — — the Orkneys, 704
- — 3,000 Miles, Oldsmobile Cars, 383, 398. 442, 453. 481, 529, 596
- — Motor, by Rail, Chas. J. Glidden's, 344. 435, 480
- — Sir Edgar Collins Boehm. 358
- — Small Car, 374
- — South of France, by R. H. Fuller. 7
- — to St. Louis, 318, 435
- Touring Car Competition, Suggestions, 856
- — — Sturtevant. 858
- — Carrying Luggage, 72
- — Motorist (letter), 178
- — in Scotland. 212
- Tourist Trophy, Automobile Club, 765, 822
- Tours, Continental Motor, 691
- Touts and Touting, 372
- Townley, F. J. (letter), 555
- Townsend. M. G. (letter), 178
- Traction. Cheap Motor, 819
- Tractor. Wallis and Stevens, Getting in Hay. 118
- Trade Member (letter), 374
- Trader (query). 798
- Traders’ Cars. Excise Duty on. 664
- Training of Motor Mechanics, 679
- Tramcar Accidents, 114, 183, 497
- Tramways and Light. Railways on Public Roads, 258
- — Motors for. 124
- Tramway Traffic. Shepherd's Bush Disaster. 509. 555, 575
- Transatlantic Motor Boat Race, 400, 416. 470
- Transfer of Car Number, 184, 251
- Transmission Efficiency Trials. France, 520
- — Gears. Tests of, France, 370
- Traps, Police. 32. 64. 126, 160. 226. 258. 290. 322, 600. 632, 662, 737
- Travellers. Commercial. Cars for, 647
- Tretle-a-Quatre Racing Launch (illustration*. 552
- Trembler Blade Adjustment. 540
- — Contact Treatment, 35
- Trial. Non-stop. A.C. Quarterly, 237
- — Reliability, A.C. of South Africa, 826
- Trials. A.C. Small Car, Map of Routes,
- — Supplement. Aug. 27th 1, 95, 182. 199. 256, 259, 287, 296, 322, 328, 350, 379. 403. 495
- — Blackpool Motor Car, 459, 512, 514
- — for Advertisement, 42, 65, 72. 82, 128. 179
- — — Motor Boats, Reliability, 125. 153. 180, 224
- — Individual, 451
- — Long Distance, Automobile Club Rules. 793
- — Motor Car, at Portsmouth. 566
- — Reliability, 291, 323, 387. 148, 497, 523
- — Delhi-Bombay, 280. 312. 396, 487, 541, 588, 680, 861, 862
- — Drivers of Competing Cars, 322
- Trials, Reliability, Views of Competitors.
- — Small Car. A Protest. 821 448
- — Automobile Club. Map. 182 Description of. 304. 328
- — — — Judges' Report. 379
- — — — Lessons from, 340
- — Non-stop Run Award'. 335. 381
- — — — Notes on. 28?. 309. 330. 357
- — — Official Record of. 331
- — Unauthorised. 21 1. 240. 259. 275, 34 1, 372. 373. 432
- Tricars at the Stanley Show. 703
- Tripp. ('. Howard (letter), 853
- Trophy. Purpose* of the. 705
- Troubles. Motor ( ar. Hints on. 505
- T. T. T. (letter). S55
- Turbine* Engine*. (las. Stolze*. s50
- — Petrol. P. G. Guilford's. Description. 74
- Turbine's for Motor Car>. 00 1
- — Gas. Paper by R. M. Neilson. 597
- Turner-Miesse Cars. Order* from India. 21
- — Steam Car. with Side* Entrance* (illustration . 313
- Turning Corner*. 243. 403. 4 93. 494
- Turntable* for Motors, Johnson. 801
- Turvey. Free! (letter). 720
- Twelve-cylinder Motor. 150 h.p.. (Taig- Dorwald. 207
- Twite-hell's Rotary Internal Combustion Motor. 57
- Tyres A el vice*. 211
- — Bursting. 1 1 2. 1 47. 1 57. 17^. 179
- — Demonstration. S. F. Edge's. 7 1
- — ('overs. New. Bursts in. 244
- — Destroyer. Extraordinary. 20
- — fitted with Non-skidding Band. 250
- — Fitting. 803
- — Leakages. Mysterious. 707
- — Motor Car. Hyatt s. Ltd.. 52 7
- — — Harburg-Vienna. 598
- — Patents. Pneumatic. Expired. 300. 41 1
- — Question. 195. 7 01. 824
- — — (query), 701
- — Repairs, 89. 283. 524. 550. 500
- — — Vulcanised. 423. 500
- — Repairers and their Ways. 7 80
- — Tests. Palmer Tyre* Co.. 480
- — Zenith. Description of, 59
- Tyres. 588
- — Burst, Accidents and. 24 4. 34 2. 371, 404. 464, 491
- — for Road Vehicles. Rubber. 37 8
- — in 2.000 Miles Non-stop Run. 52
- — — the* Gordon-Bennett Race, 20
- — Leather-shod. 52. 144
- — Pneumatic r. Solid, 245. 278
- — The First. 411
- — and Springs, by J. S. V. Bickford. 205
- Tyrol, Through the, A Motor Trip, 358
- Uloola (letter). 278
- — (query). 761
- Undue Speed. Result of. 312
- Unfair Dealings, The* Motor Union. 720
- United Motor Industries. Jack. 658
- — States. Motor Car Tour. 203
- Upkeep. Cost of. High and Low Speed Cars. 315
- — (letter), 246
- Valve Gear. The Gregory, for Explosion Engines. 394
- — Grinding. Paste for. J. D. Bishop’s, 55
- — Lift. Query re, 593, 760
- — Setting, 251, 499, 760
- — Springs. Hints on Fitting. 357, 419
- Valves. Air-regulating. Cooke d* Wade, 88
- — Engine-cooling. 811
- Vanderbilt ('up Race. 15, 370. 430. 400. 481. 489. 530. 040
- Vauxhall Three-cylinder ('ar. 5 07
- — — — Description of. (504, 038
- - Engine (illustration), 723
- Ventoux Hill-climb. 80. 24 1. 319, 433
- Viator (letter). 75-J
- Victoria A.C.. Australia, Gymkhana, 150
- Vogt Internal Combustion Engine. 44. 248
- Voisin, Ernest (). B. (letter), 18
- Volodno (letter). 277
- Volunteer Corp>, Motor. 505. 028, (558
- — — — — Full jn-ess Uniform. 578
- Vulcanised Patches and Non-slipping Bands. 404. 491
- - Tyre Repairs. 4 23. 4 95
- Vulcaniser for Home Cse, 500
- — of Eighteen Years' Experience. 492
- Vulcan Motor Co.'s Cars, Experience Wanted. 14 5, 213
- Wait. G. H. (letter). 753
- Walford. E. W.. Articles bv. 44. 748
- - R. M. N. (letter), 145
- Walker, W. North (query). 119
- Ward. C. H. Dudley, 179
- - J. T.. Articles by. 193. 54 8
- Warning. Audible. 2
- — to Automobilists. 179
- War Office. 12 h.p. Siddeley Car. 350
- Warwick. Accident at. Duryea Case, 120
- Washbourn. W. (query), 0(53
- Water Cooling. Thermo-syphon. 283. 314
- — Jacket. Leaking, 184
- — System. Incrustation in. To Prevent. 52. 144. 213
- Waterlogged (letter). 492
- Watson. Frank (letter). 245
- — T. N. (letter), 719
- Watt. David (letter). 787
- W. B. D. (query). 119
- W. E. B. (query). (5(54
- W. E. C. and Co. (letter). 555
- Weekly (query), 499
- Weigel. D. M.. 100 Hours’ Motor Trip. 2(5
- - (letters). 244, 24(5. 340. 341. 342. 372. 432, 433. 404, 491
- Weights and Measures. Comparative, 863
- Wells. R. G.. Article bv. (508
- - (letter). 212, 371, 556. 787
- Well-used Cars. Some. 113
- Welsh. Tbtk Motor (ar Act in. 435
- Western India Motor Union. 568
- Weston-super-Mare (query), 798
- Wet Weather Driving. Screens, 42, 101
- Wheel, Spring Road. II. Halford’s, 45
- — — — A. Robinson’s, 23
- - The Halle, 172
- Wheels. Motor Car, by E. W. Walford, 7 48
- — Road, Construction of, 440
- — — Removing. 712
- Whistle. Motor Patent Appliance Co.’s, 758
- White Steam Car. Appreciation of. 120
- — — — 15 h.p.. F. Coleman's (illustration). 869
- — — — — — Description of. 708
- — — — New Type (illustration). 249
- — Cars in St. Louis Exhibition, 391
- — T. Hyler (letter), 83
- Whittaker, ('. E. (letter), 372. 4(53, 619
- Wilding and Co. and J. E. Hutton’s Anti-skidding Band, 59
- Wilkinson F. (letter), (522, 752
- — G. J. (letter), 524
- Willis, G. Bright (letter), 785
- Wilson. A. J.. Casual Comments bv, 100, 2(54, 362. 428. 509, 575. 848
- — Aubrey (letter). 751
- Wilson and Pilcher Change-speed Gear. Description of. 102
- Wilt >.)-( ox Puncture-proof Device. 94
- Wimbledon. Petition against Motors. 1X1
- Windermere- Lake.Motor Boat Meeting.392
- Windham. W. G.. Motor Lifeboats, by. S42 -- — (letter). 2 14
- Winfrey. .Mr. and Mrs., on Beaufort. 34
- Winship. W. A. (letter), 49
- Winter Comforts, lamdou Shoe Co.. 680
- — Treatment lor (’ar. 636. (567 . (599. 733
- — for Engines. .">71. 636
- Wintry Motoring. Pleasures of. 848
- Winter's. Dr.. Speed Recorder. 33
- Winton Governor Carburetter. Description of. <39
- — Touring Car. 26 h.p.. Kun on. 183
- Wireless Telegraphy. Petrol Motors as an Aid to. 37
- Wire Trap. Incitement to ( rime. 31
- Wheels. 3 (7. 733
- Wiring. Two-cylinder. 119
- Witnesses. Necessity of. 161
- W. J. 11. (query). 1 19
- W. M. B. (querv j. 7(5(1
- W. X. (letter-. -133
- Wolseley ( ar. '• li.p.. .793
- — Change-speeel Lever Mechanism. 381
- — Colonial Car (illustration). 626
- — Handbook. 67 1
- — (letter). 27 7
- — 24 h.p.. Lord Ilimllip's. 861
- — Tractor. 666
- - Petrol Shunting Locomotive. 364
- Wolspyite (letter). 333
- Wolverhampton A.c.. Gatae-re Bill-climb, 622. 636. 73 1
- — A.C.. 331. 383. 444. 6(H). 622
- Wood Alcohol as an Anti-Freezing Mixture. 637. 832
- Woods. G. Hubert (letter). 383, 622
- Woollen. T. II. (letter). 406
- Woolwich Police Court. Harsh Ruling, 338
- Workman. E. (query). 864
- Workshop. Baron Barreto's, 380
- Would-be Purchase]-. 432
- Wreck of 20 h.p. Talbot (illustration). 130
- Wright. C. Coleman (letter). 324
- Wroxham Regatta. 183
- Wyatt. IL M.. Article by. 782
- X 34 (letter). 406
- X 364 (letter). 463
- X (letter), 717. 834
- X (query). 831
- X Y Z (query). 2.3
- Yarrow Xapier Racer (Xapier IL). 292
- Y 23 (letters). 821. 833
- Yorkshire- A.C.. 29. 61. 93. 138. 321. 384. 413. 443. 473, 632. 662. 733, 789
- — — Hill-climb. 29. 61. 93. 213
- — — Huddersfield Branch. 600
- — — Speed Trials (illustration). 302
- Young. A. B. Filson (letter), 112
- — A. T. (query). 89
- — E. (L. Fan-driving. 4 33. 7 33
- Yzelen. D. (letter). 339. 431. 433. 719
- Zenith Tyre. Description of. 39
- Zero (query). 864
- On page- 846 of The Autocar of December 31st. 1904. line 17. column 2. for "accumulator" read "commutator.*
- Column 2. page 845, in the last par before tables, the figures should read : Shaft, 52.923: chain. 39.652: electricity, 7.267.