1913 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar Index - 1913 Jan-Jun - Volume 30.
- A. A. and M.U. Activities, Private Bills in Parliament, 152
- — Handbook, 1913, Review, 1056
- — (letter), 389
- — Water Splash Depth Gauge (illus.), 653
- — Subscription, 1053
- AB 288 (letter), 1150
- A.B.C. (letter), 1105
- AC 3156 (letter), 297
- A.C. 10 h.p. Light Car (illus.), 1095
- Acceleration, Poor, 1163
- Accelerator v. Decelerator Control, 477, 523, 567, 615, 911, 957, 1005, 1054
- Accessibility. A Plea for, 1161
- Accessories by Markt and Co., 247
- — J. Barker and Co.’s, 1048
- — New, 417
- Accident at Brooklands, 15 h.p. Argyll Car, 787
- — Fatal, near Dieppe, 988
- — Hindhead (illus.), 541
- — Horses on Highway, 845
- — Motor Car, at Birmingham (illus.), 303
- — to Car, Toronto, Canada (illus.), 961
- — What is an, 735
- Accidents, How to Avoid, London Traffic Co.'s Posters, 192, 327
- — in London, 842
- — To Minimise, 524
- — Vehicular, in City of London, 303
- Acetylene, Dissolved, for Car Lighting, 78
- — Gas Tubing, Leaky, 1163
- Acetylene Illuminating Co., Ltd. (letter), 78
- — Purifiers. 436
- Acme Shock Absorbers, Description of, 995
- Acre Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 79
- A.D. (letter), 524
- Adam, R. Jeffries (letter), 1054
- Adams Car, 16 h.p. Car, 37, 125
- — 16-20 h.p. Car, 821
- — 1913 Self-starter Car, 917, 1011
- Adcock Tyre Lever, 154
- Adler Car, 14-18 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 637
- — — Car, Test Run on, 1130
- — 15-25 h.p. Car (illus.), 1087
- Advertisements, 32, 80, 165, 212, 298, 345, 431, 476, 525, 540, 664, 709, 759, 867
- — Roadside, 506, 867
- Aero Engine, Sunbeam, 442
- — Show, Engines at the, .314
- Aeroplane Engines, 390
- Aeroplanes, Transporting, in Germany .(illus.), 480
- A.F.H. (letter), 816
- Agar, Harold (letter), 343
- A.G. (letter), 816
- A.G.B. (letters), 119, 161, 711
- A.G.M. (letter), 913
- Ainsworth, B. W., The Training of Automobile Engineers, by, 69
- Air Engine Starter, 1060
- Air-speed Indicator, Davis-Lyall, 416
- Ake-Ake (letter), 1001
- Alarm Clock for Dashboard, Brown Bros.’, 838
- Albion 15 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illus.), 555
- Alcock, F. (letter), 956
- Alcohol, 388
- — (letter), 388
- Alford and Alder Bodies (illus.), 880, 881
- Algeria and Tunisia. Motor Touring in, 104
- All British Aero Engine, Particulars of, 17
- Alldays Cars, 37
- Allday, W., and C. E. Simms, Patent by, Pneumatic Starter, 1007
- — 1912 14-18 h.p. Car, 1011
- — 8 h.p. Light Car, Description of, 749
- All to the Left (letters), 343, 474
- Alpine Contest, Facts and Figures, by C. L. Freeston, 1116
- Alyta Cape Hood Material, 234
- Ambulance, Motor, for North London Hospital, 961
- Ambulances, Electric, in London, 706
- Amendments, Motor Car Act, 192
- America, Across, “ Ocean to Ocean ” Highway, 846
- — Motor Car Shows in, 132
- — Standardisation of Motor Fuels in, 107
- American Accessories, *417
- — and Canadian Characteristics, 551
- — English Petrol Prices, 663, 711
- — Carnival Procession, Decorated Cars (illus.), 1033
- — Car Owner (letter), 385
- — Cars, Prices of, 959
- — Grand Prix Race, 303, 942, 1033, 1086, 1124-1127, 1129
- — by H. Massac Buist, 1124-1127
- — Motor Car Exports, 916
- — Tariff, 526, 667
- — Polo Team in Mercedes Car (illus.), 988
- — The New, by R.A.C. Guide Charles H. Ashdown, 1098
- — Tyre, Proposed Tests of, 571
- — View, 66 .
- — Visit, Institution of Automobile Engineers, 1094, 1J37, 1178
- Andorra, Motoring in, 435
- Anglesey, New Road in, 980
- Angles Austrian Duel, 926
- Annoyed (letter), 756
- Annual Dinner of Scottish Automobile Club, 190
- Anode (letter), 80280
- Another Disgusted One
- Anti-Blackmail
- Anti-Vibrator
- Antwerp
- Application of Power to Road Transport
- Applications for Driving Licences
- Are We Dull?
- Argentine
- Argyll Car in Argentine
- — Colonial car
- — 15 h.p. Car, Accident at Brooklands
- — 15-30 h.p. Sleeve valve Car, Impressions
- — Description of, 448
- — 16-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 1066
- — 25 h.p., An Impression of, 24
- — 25-50 h.p. Car (illus.), 993
- — Record-breaking Car, Particulars of, 1038, 1097
- — Sleeve Valve Engined Car (illus.), 944
- — Two-seated Car and Obstructed Side View, 222
- — World's Record Run, 939, 970, 984
- Argylls, Knight and Kilbourne v., 371, 550, 4 , 1140
- Ariel Car, 16 h.p. Car (illus.), 901
- — 60 h.p. Car in Snowdrift (illus.), 638
- Aries Car Climbing Steps, Lyons (illus.), 819
- Aris Floatless Carburetter, 789
- Arkell-Hardwick, W. (letter), 213
- Armstrong, A. W. (letter), 346
- Armstrong-Whitworth 15-20 h.p. Car, 304, 349, 528, 1060
- — Stolen, 106, 123
- — Dr. Gamlen’s, 124
- — 17-25 h.p. Car (illus.), 13, 611
- — in New Forest (illus.), 591
- — 25-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 704, 885
- — 30-50 h.p. Car (illus.), 140, 454
- — — — Description of, 902
- — in Italy (illus.), 1046
- — — Trip on, 505
- — Sir W. G., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 759
- Army Airship “ Beta,” Control System (illus.), 348
- Arrol-Johnston Electric Car, Dumfries London by, 1083
- — 11.9 h.p. Car, 304, 668
- — 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 260, 1088, 1098
- — Description of, 830
- Ascot Races, Car Regulations at, 1057
- — Traffic Regulation at, 1066
- Ashby-de-la-Zouch, Toll Gate at, 167
- Ashdown, Chas., ""
- Associated Clubs Associate R.A.C.
- Astington, A. E. (IUUKCXJ,
- Aston Open Hill-climb, 838, 947, 981, 1197
- — W. G., Springing Systems, by, 1025-1029
- Atlas Empty. Quick, Petrol Tank Filler, 539
- — Impulse Tyre Pump, R.A.C. Trial, 327, 723
- — Test of, 752
- — Puncture-proof Tyre, 661
- Atomic Carburetter, Description of, 424
- Audible Warning Instruments, 38
- Auster One-man Hood, 419
- Austin 10 h.p. Car for Colonies (illus.), 999
- — Chassis (illus.), 1153
- — 20 h.p. ~ ~ ?
- — 40 h.p. Ca
- — Models, 36 Australia,
- — 15 h.p.
- — 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam Car
- — Motoring in (illus.), 147,
- — Motor Test in, 63
- — Record Run by 12 h.p.
- — Roads of, 248 Australian Reliability Trial, 896
- Austria as Touring Ground, by Chas. L. Freestone, 444 _
- Austrian Alpine Contest, Facts and Figures, by C. L. Freeston, 1116
- — The Weighing-in, by C. L. Freeston, 1189
- — Tour, Route for, 326
- — 1913 Trial, 282, 326, 926, 1116, 1189
- — Daimler Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 568
- Austro-Daimler with Two-seated Body (illus.), 896
- Autocar Handbook, Review, 1114
- — Imperial Year iBook, Review, 645
- Autocar, The, Golf Trophy, 597
- Autochime, Electric, 545
- Autocure, Tyre Patching Compound, 1148
- Auto Cycle Union Silencer Trials, 277
- Automatic Magneto Control, Patent by R. Bosch 43^
- Automobile Association and Motor Union, 369
- — Engineers, Training of, 89, 212, 229, 250, 297, 342, 387, 430, 477, 500, 569, 6^5,
- — Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 69, 109, 175, 203
- — Golfing Society, Summer Meeting, 1057
- The Autocar Trophy Contest, 699 —— 59
- Auxiliary Spring, Patent by A. E. Terry, 434
- — J. J. G. Pauilhuc, 62
- Axle Tie Rod Support when Jacking Up, 879
- Babylette Mathis Car (illus.), 328
- Baby Peugeot, 6 h.p., 573
- Loaded on De Dion 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 592
- Back Axles, Lubricating, 120
- Backfires, Risk of, 632
- Backwoodsman (letter), 210
- Badges, Brackets for (illus.), 347
- Bailey-Dale Carburetter, Description of, 341
- Baillie, G. H., Springs, by, 859
- Balance System on Four-cylinder Engines, by F. W. Lanchester, 138
- Bald Advertisements, 32, 80, 165, 212, 298,
- Ballard, R. R., and H. R. Weichman, by, Built-up Piston, 1007
- Banks of the Tyne and Allen, By the, Adeline Cooke, 1061, 1109
- Barham, G. Basil (letter), 475
- Barimar Electric Bonnet Heater, 277
- — Ltd. (letter), 1005
- — Metal Polishing Fluid, 262
- — Number Plates, 810 Barnardo Boys, Motor Car Parts for, 139
- Bartholomew’s Half-inch to Mile Map, Review, 818
- Bartleet, Albert (letters), 210, 867
- Bartlett, G. J. (letter), 524
- Barton, F. S. (letter), 1051
- Basement, Car in a, 815
- Bates, D. (letter), 617
- Bavarian Pearls, Some, by Chas. L. Freeston, 678
- Baxter, W. H. (letter), 429
- Bayard Car, 12 h.p. Car, Description of, 804
- Bay of Biscay to Mediterranean, Winter Routes through France. 224
- Beagle Pack for Motorists, 35, 122
- Beagles (letter), 122
- Beardshaw, Santley W. (letters), 32, 35
- Bearings, Roller, Timken, Theory and Method of Construction, 587
- Beaufoy (letter), 33
- Beaver, P. J. Atwood (letter), 1105
- Bedford Car, Benzole on, 1155
- — Eustace J. (letter), 712
- Bedfordshire, Historical Bits of, by R. G., 621
- Be Do Fe (letter), 31
- Beginner, Notes for the, by Eric W. Walford, 51, 156, 242, 466
- — Thoughts and Suggestions of, 45
- Belgian A.A., Shock Absorber Competition, 104
- — 1913 Grand Prix Race, 27, 1197
- — Motor Car Exports and Imports, 255, 460
- Bellairs, J. M. (letter), 665
- Bell, J. Dalrymple, Electric Self-starters, by, (letters), 1002, 1102 Belsize Car, 10-12 h.p. Car, 1011
- — 14-16 h.p., Carburetter for, 668, 763, 917, 963,
- — 18-22 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, 393
- Bentley and Bentley, Ltd. (letter), 254
- Benz Aeroplane Motor, 302
- — Chassis with Open Body (illus.), 200
- — 12-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 260, 319
- — Description of, 1141
- — 30 h.p. Car at Brussels Show (illus.),
- — 100 h.p. Chassis (illus.), 697
- Benzole and Petrol Compared, 803 78, 300, 311, 342, 475, 524, 868
- — as a Motor Fuel, 35, 221, 388
- — Carburetter for, 619
- — Committee at Work, 399
- — Firms from which it may be Obtained, 462, J;98, 1049
- — Napier Tests of, 375
- — Possibilities, Report of Petrol Committee, 22 L 230-233
- — Running on, 1102, 1107, 1152, 1.55, 1193
- — Size of Tins for, 706
- — Standard Specification for, 1175
- — Storage of, 776, 950
- — The Facts about, 89
- — v. Petrol at Brooklands, 1177
- Berkhampstead Golf Club House (illus.), 259 Berks (letter), 1150
- Berliet Car, 20-25 h.p. Car, Description of, 657
- — 25 h.p., with Body by Salmons (illus.), 200
- Beiwyn (letters), 474, 757
- Bevel Drive Tests, Call for, 264
- Bickford, J. (letter), 300
- Biddlecombe, F. G. 8.. Patent by. Heavy Oil Carburetter, 869
- Binks, C. (letter), 1053
- Birkenhead Ferry and Motor Cars, 526, 570, 650, 1051
- Birmingham and District Cripples’ Union, 1197
- — M.C.C. Trial (illus.), 762
- — Municipal Motor Vehicles, 526
- — Statue of King Edward VII. (illus). 818
- BL 2561 (letter), 430
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Leaves from Sportsman's Notebook, by. 15. 67. 145, 246. 283, 356, 471. 557. 635.^ 81k 897. 931.
- Bland, Murice G. (lotter). 756
- Bleriot Mechanical Horn. 419
- Blood, R. (letter), 1151
- Boake, E. J. (letter), 252
- Boden, A. (letter), 617
- Body Construction. Lightness in (illus.), 643
- Body Design and Construction, 244, 268, 580. 707
- — Evolution in, 487
- — French (illus.), 10, 11, 367
- — Practical Points in, 99
- — Designs 102' 201> 268’ 406' 407.745
- Bodies, High v. Low, 430, 524
- Boehm, Sir Edgar O., Point Duty by Scouts and Police, by, 195
- Bolts that Turn, Removing, 534
- Bonnets and Radiators of 1913 Cars, 507-520,
- Booby (letter), 1195 596, 643
- Bosch Magneto, Description of, 598
- — Magnetos at the Salon, 88
- — R., Patent by, Automatic Magneto Control, r» 434
- Bosnia-Herzegovina, Motor Cars in, 909
- Box, Norman E. (letter), 709 Bradbury, Alan (letter), 1193
- Brady, D. (letter), 710
- Brake Adjustment for Plain and Studded Tyres. 1067
- — Lining, 668, 763
- — Lubrication, 1067
- Brakes, Defective, Improving, 223, 357
- Braking and Descending Hills, 1158
- — Carts, Methods of, 258
- Bramley, F. Hall (letters), 475, 1194
- Branston, C. A. (letter), 713
- Brasier Car, 24 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 1134
- Braun, Charles
- Brazil, Motor Cars
- Brescia Circuit, Race
- Brewer Carburetter Co., Ltd. (letter), 912
- — Efficiency Carburetter, Description of, 151
- — R. W. A., Petrol and Petrol Substitutes, by, 948
- Bridge at Lake Lothing (illus.), 302
- — Bridge Closed for Three Months, 542
- Briggs, M. A. (letter), 913
- Brighton-Worthing Road after Storm (illus.), 572
- Briskly (letter), 80
- British-American Motor Trade, 691
- British Cars Severely Handicapped, 236, 319
- — Gregoire Agency, Ltd. (letter), 662
- — High Power Gas Engine Co., Ltd^, Patent by, Exhaust Valve Cooling, 434
- — Motor Boats and Engines at Monaco, 740
- — Vehicles, Review, 818
- — Petroleum Co.’s Railway Tanks for Conveying Petrol, 1010
- — Rubber Industry (illus.), 303
- Brittany, Beautiful, Tour in, ’
- Brolt Switchboard, 243
- Bromhead, W. S. (letter), 866
- Bromley Speed Limit, 665, 1009
- Brooklands, Benzole v. Petrol at, 1177
- — Cup for 1913 (illus.), 273
- — Easter Meeting, 375, 457, 502, 547
- — Flying at (illus.), 938
- — Inter-club Gala Day, 686, 987, 1030
- — June Meeting, 1085, 1185, 1188
- — Lapometer, 845
- — Public School Classes at, 192
- — Records at, 938 by Peugeot Car, 595, 705
- — Track, Accident at, 15 h.p. Argyll Car,
- — — at High Speed (illus.), 1197
- — — Practice on, 617
- — Topography of, 503
- — Whit-Monday Meeting, 788, 843, 844,
- Brooks Grid Trunk, 497
- Brookwood Speedometer, 546
- Brown Brothers, Dashboard Alarm Clock, 838
- Brown, David, and Sons (Huddersfield), Ltd. (letters), 473, 613, 812, 910
- — G., Patent by, Combined Friction Clutch and Differential Gear, 817
- — G. W. A., Designer of Record-breaking Talbot, 322
- — H. Greenwood (letter), 914
- — Richardson (letter), 299
- Browning, A. E. (letter), 865
- Bruff, C. C., Swivelling Reflector Plates, Patent by, 465
- Brush, Special, for Washing Cars, 42
- Brussels Shock Absorber Competition, 303
- — Show, 98, 167, 200
- — — Wire Wheels at, 214
- — to St. Petersburg Run (illus.), 1154
- Bryant, W. (letter), 1052
- B.S.A. Car in South Africa, 1198
- — 14-18 h.p. Car, 169, 257
- — 13.9 Car, 393
- — with Two-seated Body for Australia (illus.), 57
- Buchet Car, 12-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 141
- — — in India, 834
- Buenos Ayres, Motoring in, 605
- Buff (letter), 958
- Buist, H. Massac, Diary of I.A.E. Visit to America, 1094, 1137
- — Grand Prix of America Motor Race, by, 1124-1127 (letters), 33, 165
- Bulgarian Motor Volunteer Corps, 302
- Burbidge, J. Douglas (letter), 121
- Burch all, H., The Training of Automobile Engineers, by, 69
- Burrow’s R.A.C. Guides, 209
- Burst that Bubble (letter), 1001
- Buses. Motor, and Road Maintenance, 651
- Business Methods,, 254
- Butler, H. J. (letter), 1005
- Byfleet Automobile Engineering Co. (letter), 1052
- C 3607
- C 1634 _
- Caber (letter), 210
- Cadillac Car for British Columbia (Illus.), 234
- — Electric Starting System, Important Patents, 837
- Caerphilly Hill-Climb and Porthcawl Speed Trials
- Calcutta-Gaya Motor Cycle race
- Calthorpe Motor Co
- Cambridge and Motorists
- Cambridgeshire Villages
- Campbell, M.
- Camphorised Petrol
- Camphor in Petrol
- Canada and Motor car Imports
- Canadian Criticisms
- Cann Landaulet on 38 h.p. Minerva Chassis (illus.), 470
- — Limousine on 20-30 h.p. White (illus.), 464
- — Ltd., Tyre Repairs by, 158, 1050
- Canterbury (N.Z.) A.A. Race, 302
- Canty One-man Hood, 639
- Cape Peninsula, Road Construction in, __
- Capital Screen and Hood Co. (letter), 346
- Car with Good Record, 430
- Car’s Eventful Career, 213
- Carbon Deposit, Removing, from Cylinders. 899, 1053, 1059, 1108, 1199
- Carburetter Adjustments and Carbonisation. 1019
- — and Vaporiser, Standard, R.A.C. Trials, 278
- — Atomic, Description of, 424
- — Bailey-Dale, Description of, 341
- — Brewer, Description of, 151 1058
- — Claudel Racing, 253, 299, 430, 475
- — Description of, 196
- — Convac, Description of, 808
- — Cox Streamline, Description of, 687
- — Favorit, R.A.C. Trial of, 851
- — Fires, Popping in Inlet Pipe and, 133
- — Floatless, Aris, 789
- — for Benzole, 619
- — Daimler, 125, 349, 435,
- — 14-16 h.p. Belsize, 668,
- — 14-16 h.p. Darracq, 527
- — Humber Car, 349, 481,
- — Lancia Cars, 963, 1059
- — 40 h.p. Napier Car, 963, 1059
- — 14-20 h.p. - Renault, 871, 917, 1011
- — 18-20 h.p. Rover, 1012
- — Standard Car, 125 7 h.p. Swift, 871, 963
- — Talbot Car, 215
- — 19.6 h.p. Vulcan, 763, 963
- — 30 h.p. Wolseley, 573, 1059
- — Heavy Oil, Patent by F. G. S. Biddlecombe, T 869
- — Longuemare, Description of, 270
- — Morris Paraffin, R.A.C. Trial, 1184
- — Naphthalene, Patent by G. P. J. Lion, 869
- — Napier 15 h.p., 1200
- — on Overland Car, 216
- — Paraffin, Experiences, 756
- — “Start Cold,” 252, 342
- — Pauli, Description of, 66
- — Petrol-paraffin, Noble, 641
- — Polyrhoe, 871
- — Schebler, Description of, 149
- — Seven-jet, Daimler, 409
- — Stewart-Precision, on Talbot Car, 376
- — White and Poppe, Description of, 979
- — Wick, Patent by W. L. ~
- — Zenith, Description of, Carburetters, Heavy Fuel,
- — Suction-controlled, 391,
- Carburation, Records and, Care of a New Car, 1036
- Carlton Engine, Description of, 50
- Carnarvonshire Roads, 913
- — South, Short Tour in, by Thos. Griffiths, 1013
- Carnival Procession, American, Decorated Cars (illus.), 1033 \
- Carrier, Spare Wheel, Rudge-Whitworth (lllus.), 256
- Carrying Two Spare Wheels, 342
- Carter, S. K. (letter), 524
- Castor Oil as Lubricant, 34
- Catalogues Received, 87, 173, 219, 310, 439, 440, 485, 486, 673, 767, 1015, 1108, 1200
- Cat on Motor Car Bonnet (illus.), 114
- C.A.V. Lighting System in Turin Exhibition, 954
- Cee Dee (letter), 344
- Central Tramway Standards, 644
- Ceylon, Motoring in, 479
- Chain Transmission Gearing, Patent by Hans Renold, Ltd., and D. A. Simpson, 62
- Challenge, Non-skid Tyres, 525
- — Worm Gear, 399, 441, 473, 521, 613, 709 812, 864, 910, 956, 1004 Chamber of Motor Experts, 603
- Changed Opinions, 760 Changing Down, 573
- Chassis Design, 300
- Chasse-Pierres a Cornet-a-Piston (illus.), 229
- Chateaux Country, 573
- Chauffeur-groom, The, 912. 1044, 1152
- Chauffeur, Legal Status of, 1128
- — (letters), 711, 1194
- Chauffeurs and Endorsements upon Licences, 739
- Cheaper Petrol. To Secure, Formation of Motorists' Society, 96
- Cheap Motor Spirit, 613. 712
- Chcnard-Walcker 16-20 h.n. Car (illus.), 64 792
- Cheshire and Staffordshire Highlands, Through, by Harry Wade, 351
- Chicago, Motor Driver’s Heavy Sentence, 1009
- Chili, Motoring in (illus.), 1168
- Christensen, N. A., Patent by, Self-starter, 817
- Cinematograph Film of Talbot Record Run, 371
- City and Guilds Technical College, Lectures by H. E. Wimperis, 239
- — Coroner on Traffic Dangers, 106, 155, 326
- — of London Traffic, 61
- C.J.F. (letter), 121
- Clark, F. W. (letter), 960
- Claudel Racing Carburetter, 253, 299, 430, 475
- — — — Description of, 196
- Clayton, Charles D. (letter), 298
- Clean Counties and Licences, 60
- Cleaning Oil Filters, 879
- Clifford and Co.’s Engine Primer, 748
- Climbing Edge Hill, 568. 958. 1052
- — Penyball Hill, Holywell, 813, 868. 958
- Clock, Motor, by Nicole, Nielsen and Co., 419
- Closed Roads, 714
- Clothing Suitable for all Conditions, by a Physician, 3
- Clutch Leathers, Fitting and Treatment for, 581
- — Noises, 1019
- Coachbuilders and Cars, 935
- — Section of Show, 1052
- Coachbuilding and Automobile Industries,
- Cementing the Alliance, 193
- Coal Gas, Running Engines with, 462
- — Liquid Fuel from, by W. R. Ormandy, 1086
- Cockerill, J. F. (letter), 1196
- Coke as House Fuel, 388
- Cold Weather, Engine Starting in, 357, 432, 475, 523, 567
- Cole and Sons, Cabriolet Body by (illus.), 796
- Coleman, Frederic (letters), 118, 165
- — — Tale of the Russian Army Trials, by. 452
- Collins, J. Taylor (letter), 165
- Colwyn Bay, Open Speed Trials at, 1020, 1182
- Combined Friction Clutch and Differential Gear, Parent by G. Brown, 817
- Commercial Traveller’s Car and Taxation, 1012, 1059
- Commissions on Employment, 524, 617, 713
- Comparisons, Misleading, 721
- Complaint against Motor Cyclists, 913, 958
- Concealed Screw Heads, 660
- Concentric Valve Mechanism, Patent by T. A. E. Nicholson, 62
- Conference of Road Users, N.C.U. and C.T.C., 168, 320
- Connecting Rod Construction, Patent by H. H. Patrick, 736
- Constantinescu, G., Universal Joint Patent, by, 434
- Continental Guide Books, 658
- — Tour, by F. A. M. Tabor (illus.), 160
- — — Interesting, by Col. W. F. Wyley, 73
- — Touring, 50
- — Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 617
- — Successes, 1014
- Control, Accelerator v. Decelerator, 477, 523, 567, 615, 911, 957, 1005, 1054
- Convertible Body, made by Meier and Sons, 244
- Convac Carburetter, Description of, 808
- Cooke, M. Adeline, By the Banks of the Tyne and Allen, by, 1061, 1109
- — Stenson (letter), 569
- Coombe, Russell (letter), 389
- Coop,’ J. (letter), 663
- Cope,’. C. (letters), 344, 663
- Corner Cutting, To Prevent, 915
- — Lighting, 418, 465
- — of Tyrol, Innsbruck to Lofer, by Chas. L. Freeston, 582
- Corners, Dangerous and Improved (illus.), 321, 408
- Cornering at Shelsley Walsh and Aston, 1143
- Correction to "Autocar Buyers’ Guide,” 190
- Correspondence, 31, 76, 117, 161, 209, 250, ' 297, 342, 387, 428, 473, 521, 566, 613, 662, 709, 756, 812, 864, 910, 956, 1001, 1051, 1101, 1149, 1193
- Cost of New Street Lamp, 814
- Costs, Running, 81, 430, 478, 756, 815
- Country Hotels, 344
- Country Life Cup and Electric Lighting Sets Competition, 433, 551, 614, 665
- Country Motorists and Leading Automobile Organisations, 47
- — Parson (letter), 757
- County Chemical Co., Ltd. (letters), 80, 165
- Coupe de l’Auto and Grand Prix Races, Comparison of, 455
- — Race, 132, 597, 1197
- Coventry and Warwickshire Motor Club Annual Dinner, 337
- Coventry-Birmingham Road, 326
- Coventry Motor Bodies Co., Ingenious Body by (illus.), 745 . .
- Cowey Suspension, New, Description of, 105
- Cox Streamline Carburetter, Description of, 687 1198
- — District, 1197
- Critchley, J. 8. (letter), 254
- Crompton, Co. R. E., Paper by, The Wheel and the Road, 654
- — Medal (illus.), 113
- — R. E. (letter), 813
- Cross at Cardington, Bedfordshire. 713
- Crossley Cars in Australia (illus. h 214
- — — Successful (illus.). 790
- — 15 h.p. Car, 393 (illus.). 282, 1135
- — in Australia. 167
- — Crank Case of (illus.). 90b
- — 15 h.p. Shelsley Model Car, 836
- — with Alford and Alder Body (illus.), 880
- - — Cabriolet Body (illus.). 180
- — — Two-sea Ur Body (Ulus.), 285
- — 20 h.p. Car for Cape Colony* (illus.), 452
- — - Hilus ). 469
- — with Station Omnibus Body (illus.), 407
- Crown Bevel. Old, 20 30 h.p. Spyker Chassis (illus.), 723
- Croydon, Proposed New Relief Road, 915, 996
- C.S. (letters), 866, 1196
- Curious (letter), 164
- Customs Charges, etc., in France, 343
- C.W.L. (letter), 81
- Cycle Car, Choice of, 63
- — — (letter), 76
- Cycle Cars at Brooklands (illus.), 595
- — — Freight Charges for, 1009
- — — (letter), 958
- — Runabouts. Design of, 32, 121
- Cyclists, Motorists and, 344
- Cylinder Cleaning, 615. 665, 712
- Cylinders. Carbon Deposit, Removing from, 899, 1053, 1059, 1108, 1199
- D7513 (letter), 756
- Dailanuisge (letter), 1150
- Daimler. Carburetter for, 125, 349, 435, 1011
- — Car in River Kennet (illus.),. 740
- — Cars at Royal Flying Corps Flight to Montrose (illus.), 316
- — Co., Ltd. (letters), 521, 709
- — 15 h.p. in Malay States (illus.), 1054
- — 20 h.p. Car Snowed up (illus.), 227
- — 25 h.p., Viceroy of India and Lady Hardinge in (illus.), 147
- — — with Body by McDowells, Ltd. (illus.), 468
- — 30 h.p. for St. Petersburg Motor Show (illus.). 820
- — with Taper Bonnet (illus.), 1088
- — 35 h.p., Converted for Use on Rails in Canada, 1057
- — 57 h.p. for Emperor of Japan (illus.), 553
- — Seven-jet Carburetter, 409
- — Special Six-cylinder with Chelsea Body (illus.), 495
- Dale, N. (letter), 429
- Damage from Tarred Roads, 1088, 1103, 1156, 1193
- — to Car in Garage, 482 Dance, Thomas A. (letter), 814
- Dangers, Road, 432, 711
- Dangerous Corner, Leamington-Stoneleigh Road (illus.), 667
- — near Cambridge, 958
- — Corners and Corners Improved (illus.), 321, 408
- — Mirrors at, 572, 711
- — Road Opening in Notts, 863
- — Roads, 123, 321, 433, 713, 963
- Darracq Cars, Bodies for, 220
- — Four-inch Cars in Retirement, 785, 958, 1005
- — 10 h.p. Car, 169
- — 12 h.p. Valveless Car, 963
- — 14-16 h.p., Carburetter for, 527
- — 16 h.p. Car, 909
- — New Poppet Valve Car, 498, 605
- Dart, H. C. (letters), 431, 713, 959
- Dashboard Alarm Clock, Brown Bros.’, 838
- Davies, Ivan B. Hart (letter), 615
- Davis, H. Heyworth (letter), 477
- Davis-Lyall Air-speed Indicator, 416
- Dawe, C. H. (letter), 757
- DB 288 (letter), 32
- Decarbonising of Engines, 1014
- Decauville 24.8 h.p. Car, R. W. A. Brewer's, 290
- De Dion Car, Captain Maddox’s, in Australia, 255
- — Cars, Full Range of (illus.), 370
- — 6 h.p., Modernised, 1196
- — 7 h.p. Car Climbing Box Hill (illus.), 183
- — 50 h.p. Eight-cylinder Car (illus.), 245
- — Run on, 370
- — in Targa Florio Race, 1182
- Deer-hunting Expedition by Motor Lorry, 551
- Deerhurst (letter), 162
- Defective Brakes, Improving, 223, 357
- De Freville, G. P. H. (letter), 300
- Deganwy, Prosecutions at, 1142
- Delaunay-Belleville Dynamometer Tests> - 4-15....
- — 80 h.p. for H.I.M. the Czar, 116
- Del Monte Process, 812, 847, 864, 948
- — by Alex. E. Tucker, 741
- — W. R. Ormandy, 633
- Denman, J., and Co., 8pare Wheel Cupboard (illus.), 46
- Denmark and International Pass, 948
- Dennis 20 h.p. Chassis, Travelling Workshop on (illus.), 314
- Derihon Shock Absorbers, 369
- Design and Construction, Body, 244, 268, 580, 707
- Desert Car (Illus.), 1153
- Detachable Flange Rim, by M. Whittingham Jones (illus.), 696
- — Rim Patents, 506
- — Wheels, H.A.C., 304
- De Trey, Aug. (letter), 391
- Devil's Elbow, Road over, 1105
- Devon County Council and Road Surveyors, 14
- — Member (letter), 476
- — Resident (letter), 120
- Devonshire and Road Board Grants, 31
- — Roads, Bad State of, 226
- Dewberry, R. E. (letter), 1195
- D.F.P. Car, 527
- — 12-15 h.p. Car, 1106
- Diagonal Braking, 305
- Diaries for 1913, 50
- Difficult Starting, Magneto or Carburetter, Which? 1115
- Dines, J. S. (letter), 816
- Discouraged Purchaser (letter), 959
- Disgusted (letters), 162, 617
- Dissolved Acetylene for Car Lighting, 78
- Diva Headlight Co. (letters), 213, 665
- Diversion in Patent Specification, 288
- Dixon, Sydney S. (letter), 711
- DN 114 (letter), 617
- Doctor (letter), 815
- Doctor’s Car with X-ray Equipment, 124
- Doctors’ Cars, Water Charges for, 872
- Dodson Valveless Car, 1108, 1199
- Dog’s Eye View ” of Car (illus.), 870
- Dogs, Motorists and, 305
- Dolphin Two-stroke Car, 715
- Door Hinges, Spring, Rotax, 241
- Doorless Body, Shortcomings of (illus.), 834
- Doping of Petrol, 386
- Doughty, Charles (letter), 299
- Draining Oil from Crank Chambers, Gear Boxes, and Back Axles, 771
- Draughtsman’s Measurements, Complete Conversion Tables, Review, 159
- Drawbridge, Wooden Temporary, at Beverley, Yorkshire (illus.), 540
- “Driftwood,” Houseboat Propelled by Car Engine (illus.), 61
- Driver, A (letter), 1150
- — (letter), 33
- Drivers and Pedestrians, Rules for, 688, 710
- — Hiring Out, 348
- Driving and Mechanical Proficiency Certificates, R.A.C., 44
- — Hints, 710
- — Inconsiderate, 301, 761, 867, 960, 1001, 1195
- — Licences, Applications for, 801
- Duco Spring Jack, 597
- Dumbartonshire. Roads in, 820
- Dumfries to London by Electricity, by E. W. Lewis, 1083
- Dunhill’s Road Book, 1093
- Dunlavy, A. C., Patent by, To Assist Turning, 1007
- Dunlop Studded Tyres, Test of, 19
- Dynamo, Alternative Positions for, 580
- Dynamometer Tests, Delaunay-Belleville Engines, 415
- Easily Cleaned Cars, 615
- East Anglia as Touring District, 743 (letter), 524
- Eastbourne, Bexhill, and Hastings Road, 546
- — Police Methods, 1055, 1104, 1150
- East Finchley, Central Standards at (illus.), 318
- — London, King’s Visit to, 504
- Easter Egg, Suggested Design (illus.), 476
- — Meeting, Brooklands, 457, 502, 547
- Easy Starter, Hollings’s, 668
- E.C.S. (letter), 78
- Edge Hill, Climbing, 568, 958, 1052
- — Country, Winter Run in, 28
- — S. F. (letters), 344, 615
- Edinburgh Offices of A.A. and M.U., 208, 214
- — Show, 142
- — Wire Wheels at, 256
- Editor, Internal Combustion Engineering (letter), 1195
- Efficiency, Increase of, by Eric W. Walford. 724
- Egerton, J. Reginald (letter), 165
- Egypt, Car Imports in, 761
- — Main Road System in, 123
- — Roads in, 734
- — Signpost in (illus.), 426
- Eight-cylinder V Engine, 777, 956
- Eight Cylinders or Six ? 911, 956
- EK 85 (letter), 76
- Electric Autochime, 545
- — Bonnet Heater, Barimar, 277
- — Car Lighting Installation, Competition, 433, 551, 614, 665, 711
- — Gear Change Mechanism, 832
- — Heating (illus.), 228
- — Damps for Ford Cars, 417
- — DUht, 918
- — Lighting of Cars, Lecture by D. Elyard Brown, 418
- — Outfits, 391
- — Self-starters, 959, 1002, 1055, 1101
- — by J. Dalrymple Bell, 880
- — Starter and Lighter, Overland, 643
- — Starting System, Cadillac, Important Patents, 837
- — Tail Lamps, 121
- Electricity, Dumfries to London by, by E. W. Lewis, 1083
- Elliott Speedometer, Three Years with, 556
- E.M.P.B. (letter), 31
- — Tour in Beautiful Brittany, by, 292, 382, 402
- Endorsements upon Licences, Agitation by Chauffeurs, 739
- Endrick Decompressors, 1014
- Energisers, Futility -of, 386
- Enfield Autolettes (illus.), 776
- — 16-20 h.p. Car (lllus.), 468
- — 18.4 h.p. with Australian-built Body (illus.), 267
- Enfield Van for Mining Rescue Station (illns,), 644
- English and French Hotels, Appreciation of British System, 328
- — Cars Handicapped, Portuguese Import Duties, 236
- — in the Grand Prix, 713
- — Channel to Spanish Frontier, Routes, 134
- — the Mediterranean, 92
- — Local Government, The Story of the King’s
- — Highway, Review, 1056
- Engine, Aero, A.B.C., Particulars of, 17
- — Sunbeam, 442
- — Carlton, Description of, 50
- — Horsley Disc Valve, Description of, 274, 275
- — Knock, 581
- — of 50 h.p. Eight-cylinder De Dion Car (illus.), 245
- — Primer, 748
- — Standard, for South African College (illus.), 602
- — Stands, 121
- — Starter, Air, 1060
- — Starting, An Aid to, French Invention, 735
- — — Device, by M. de Jarny, 596
- — Easy, Requirements for, by E.W.W., 265, 313
- — — from the Seat, 97, 168
- — Testing, Town Gas for, 245
- — Test, Packard,- Three' Hundred,. Hour, 1020
- — V, Eight-cylinder, 777, 956
- Engines, Aeroplane, 390
- — at the Aero Show, 314
- — Four-cylinder, System of Balance, by F. W. Lanchester, 138
- — Long v. Short Stroke, 33, 77, 814, 868, 910, 957, 1004, 1103
- — Motor Boat, Sunbeam, 269
- — Paraffin, 477, 567
- — Petrol, Paraffin Fuel for, 506
- — Running with Coal Gas, 462
- — Starting, in Cold Weather, 357, 432, 475, 523, 567
- — Two-stroke, 821
- — V, Three-throw Six-cylinder, Possibilities of, by Archibald Sharp, 841
- Engineer (letters), 120, 712, 813
- — Motor, How to Become, 43
- Engineers, Automobile, Training of, 89, 212, 229, 250, 297, 342, 387, 430, 477, 506, 569, 665
- — Paper at Institution of Automobile
- Engineers, 69, 109, 175, 203
- Ennui (letter), 211
- Entering Russia, Motorist’s Experiences, 873
- Enquirer, An (letter), 297
- — (letters), 21, 120, 165, 957, 1005
- Erbistock and Borders of Wales, Run to, by Harry Wade, 765
- Essex Motor Club’s Race Meeting, 848, 984
- — to Middlesex, 914
- — Traps in, 712, 813, 901, 1001, 1051
- Ewell, F. N. (letter), 388
- E.W.W.P. (letter), 476
- E.W.W., Requirements for Easy Engine Starting, by, 265, 313
- Excelsior Car, 30 h.p. Car in Brussels to St. Petersburg Run (illus.), 1154
- — (letter), 1101
- Exhaust Valve Cooling, Patent by British High Power Gas Engine Co., Ltd., 434
- Exports and Imports, Motor Car, 761
- — Car, in United States, 82
- — German, of Motor Cars, 658
- Extraordinary Escape, Accident at Brooklands, 787
- Facetious (letter), 301
- Facilities for Jacking up Car, 666
- Factories, Motor, Visits to,’ 637
- Fairlie, S. J. (letter), 342
- Fair Play (letters), 166, 662, 913
- — Trader (letters), 117, 1004
- Family Driving Licences in America, 714
- Famous Cars in Retirement, Four-inch Darracq, 785, 958
- — Paris-Bordeaux Panhard, 758
- Faraday House Report on Victor Tyre, 289
- Farie, A. J. C. (letter), 301
- Farnsworth, A. W. (letters), 163, 210, 251, 253, 570, 758, 1051, 1193
- Favorit Carburetter, R.A.C. Trial, 851
- F. B. (letter), 712
- — Longuemare Carburetter, Description of, 270
- Fed Up (letter), 346
- Felix du Pas (letter), 813
- Fenland Decoy, Run to, by Henry Walker, 217
- Ferguson, Harry, Camphorised Petrol, by, 1180
- F. G. Spring Shackle, 419
- Fiat Justitia, Ruat Ccelum (letter), 35
- Figures, Motor Trade, 810
- Fines, Motorists’, at Kingston-on-Thames, 168
- Fire Engines, Motor, 390
- Firing, Order of, 925
- Fisher, Ed. Ch. (letter), 1053
- — H. P. (letter), 522
- Fish Hill, Broadway, Damage to Road Surface (illus.), 132
- Fitting and Treatment of Clutch Leathers, 581
- — up Workshop with Place for Everything, 828
- Fleet of Cars, Henry Garner, Ltd. (illus.), 414
- Flexibility on Top Speed, 912
- Flexible Coupling, Patent by Panhard and Levassor. 817
- — Propeller-shafts, 586, 710
- Flintshire Roads, 522, 617
- Floatless Carburetter, Aris, 789
- Floorboard Cooling, 1199
- Florio Car, 18 h.p. Car, Description of, 949
- Flow Motor, Description of the, 652
- Flying at Brooklands (illus.), 938
- — Corps Flight to Montrose. Daimler Cars (ulus.), 316
- F. N. Articulated Clutch (illus.). 660
- — 8 12 h.p. Car. 18.052 Miles on. 103
- F.N. 12 14 h.p. Car, Description of, 797
- — 18 24 h.p. Car. 660
- F. N.P. (letter). 525
- Fog, Car Lighting in, 164, 213
- Driving without Lights, 480
- Footpath. Rule of the. 297, 343. 388. 474
- Forbes, Ian (letter), 430 x
- Ford Car Climbing Stops at Plymouth (illus.), 744
- — Consumption, 619; 1102
- — — Crossing River Coquet (illus.), 835
- — Cars, Electric Lamps for, 417
- — Oil and Petrol Consumption on, 1053
- - Useful Accessory for, 748
- — Chassis with Coupd Body (illus.), 142
- — Five-seater Touring Body (illus.), 737
- — Electric Lighting Sets, 261
- — 20 h.p. Car, 481, 573, 668, 763
- — — Two-seater 1913 Car, 821, 1011
- — Magneto, Lighting Current from, 169, 257
- — with Bodywork by Hoskison, Ltd. (illus.), 1139
- Formulae for Design of Motor Vehicles, 459
- Fox Hunting. Motors and, 913
- France and Italy, A Month in, by J. G. H. Soames, 575
- — Carburetter Competition in, 124
- — Car Exports and Imports, 761, 947
- — Customs Charges, etc., in, 343
- — Patents in, 792
- — Proposed Medical Examination of Drivers, 1048
- — Routes to, 1010
- — Spring Tour in, by Owen John, 972, 1021, 1068, 1146
- — Suppressing level Crossings in (illus.), 273
- — Trip to, 31, 81
- — Winter Routes through, by Wanderer, 92, 134, 224
- Francis, H. W. (letters), 81, 254
- Frankonia Mudguards, Repairing, 218
- Freeston, Chas. L., A Corner of Tyrol, by, 582
- — Austria as Touring Ground, by, 444
- — In the Salzkammergut, by, 772, 854
- — — — Over the Semmering, by, 1164
- — Salzburg to Lake of Zell, by, 62S
- — Some Bavarian Pearls, by, 678
- — The Austrian Alpine Contest, by, 1189
- — The Great Alpine Contest, by, 1116
- — The Road to Vienna, by, 535
- — — — To Linz and Vienna, by, 951
- French A.C. and Dangerous Driving, 1041
- — Body Design (illus.), 10, 11, 367
- — Grand Prix Race, 20, 64, 146, 150, 167, 656, 1084
- — Preparing for (illus.), 740
- — Motor Car Taxes, 378, 400
- — — Exhibition, Date of, 21
- — Notes, 146
- — President entering Knight-Panhard Car (illus.), 714
- — Presidential Election, Cars at Versailles (illus.), 168
- — Roads, 195, 343, 935, 1104, 1150, 1190
- — Salon, 1913, Date of, 146
- Frensham Great Pond and Hotel (illus.), 288
- Friction Clutch and Differential Gear, Combined, Patent by G. Brown, 817
- F.S.H. (letter), 344
- Fuel, A Question of National Importance, 1
- — and Its Future, Lecture by Professor V. B. Lewes, 147
- — Consumption Test, Herts County A.C., 597
- — Home-produced. 355, 1018
- — Liquid, from Coal, 676
- — by W. R. Ormandy, 1086
- — Motor, Benzole as a, 35
- — Car, Home-grown, Prize for, 572, 618
- — La Perosine, 378
- — from Gas Companies. 943
- — Question, 266, 355, 428, 467, 475, 662
- — Tests, 1003
- — — Comparative, in Germany, 738
- Fuels, Liquid, 143, 147, 235, 276, 566
- — Mixed, 42ff, 467, 524
- — Experiments with Paraffin and Benzole, 20, 213
- — Motor, Facts and Suggestions, by W. R. Ormandy, 358, 499
- Funnel for Oil Replenishment, 748
- Fur Coat (letter), 913
- Future of Motor Car Insurance, by Owen John, 468
- F.Y. (letter), 570
- G 789 (letter), 666
- Galloway, R. Y. (letter), 710
- Gamage and Co., Musical Horn sold by, 75
- — A. W. (letters), 476, 614
- — Ltd. (letters). 345, 475. 1055
- Garage Accommodation, 570
- — and Motor School Training, 756, 913, 1006, 1151
- — Damage to Car in, 482
- — Private. Heating a, 176
- Garland, E. T. C. (letter), 1105
- Garnett, Helen (letter), 77
- Garth Hunt Point-to-point Races (illus.), 656
- Gas Companies, Motor Fuel from, 943
- Gastallie (letters), 122, 478
- Gauge, Petrol Tank, Mills, 848
- G. C. Vaporiser, Ltd., Experiments with Paraffin and Benzole, 20
- G.D.M.G. (letter), 1005
- Gear Box and Back Axle Improvements, 1018
- — Construction, Interesting Detail in, 72
- — Interior, Vauxhall (illus.), 642
- — Lubricant, 143, 222
- - Change Mechanism, Electric, 832
- — Changing, K.R.I.T. 15-20 h.p. Car, 1155, 1199
- — Wheels, Un-casehardened, 216, 304, 350
- — which Jump out of Mesh, 1067, 1149
- — Worm, Paper by F. W. Lanchester at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 338
- Gears of 6 h.p, Wolseley, after Use (illus.), 611
- Germain Engine Fitted with New Lubrication System,' 251
- — 20 h.p. Car, Trial of, 898
- German Car for Transporting Aeroplanes (illus.), 480
- — Exports of Motor Cars, 658
- — Imperial A.C. Celebration Meeting, 1058
- — and Warning Signs, 433
- — Society of Motor Manufacturers, 214
- — Special Motor Road, 870
- Germany, Aeroplane Motor Prize, 302
- — Comparative Fuel Tests in, 738
- — Motor Car Imports, 303
- — Outrage on Motorists, 479
- — Red Cross Flag for Doctors’ Cars, 36
- — Royal Wedding in (illu-8.). 986
- G.G.H. (letter), 342 I
- Ghent International Exhibition, 1203
- G.H.P. (letter), 428
- Glasgow, Traffic Regulations in, 35
- Glentworth Tyre Lever, 810
- Globe Car, Traffic Tests of, R.A.C. Trial, 851
- G. M. (letter), 1005
- Gobron-Brillie 15-20 h.p. Limousine (illus.), 485
- Golfing Remarks, by Owen John, 699
- — Society, Automobile, The Autocar Trophy Contest, 699
- Golf Trophy, The Autocar, 597
- Goodyear Tyres, 1093
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, 958
- Gordon, A. B. (letter), 816
- — George M. (letter), 32
- Gosforth Crippled Children’s Outing, 1198
- Government and Main Roads, 13, 410, 551, 594
- Governor (letter), 957
- Graduate Inst.Mech.E. (letters), 213, 387
- Graff, R. W. (letter), 1104
- Graham, A. J. S., North Derbyshire and the High Peak, 1157, 1201
- Graigantlet Hill-climb near Belfast (illus.), 1089
- Grand Prix and Coupe de l’Auto ’Races, Comparison of, 455
- — Belgian, 1913 Race, 27
- — Course, Impressions of, 1008 Guide, Review, 1177
- — Itala, Particulars of, 933
- — Mercedes 1903 Gordon-Bennett Car for, 21
- — 1913 Race, 20, 64, 146, 150, 167, 656, 1084
- — Race, Preparing for (illus.), 740
- — Spanish, 1131
- — Sunbeam Cars, Particulars of, 945
- — Visitors, Hotel Accommodation for, 1000
- Grand Tour, The, by Owen John, 553, 610
- Graves, W. H. (letter), 814 Greasing the Springs, 677
- Gregoire 9 h.p. Car in Tithe Barn Garage (illus.), 1197
- — 16-24 h.p. Car (illus.), 291
- — 12-14 h.p. Car, Dr. A. M. Low’s (illus.), 433
- Gricer Hutchinson, L. (letter), 1193
- Grid Trunk, Brooks, 497
- Griffin, John (letter), 428
- Griffiths, Thos., Short Tour in South Caernarvonshire, by, 1013
- Grimston Tyres, Insurance of, 1008
- Grindrod, E. B. (letter), 1003
- Grogan, Quentin O. (letter), 960
- Grumbles, 131
- G.T. (letter), 913
- Guarantees, 617, 664, 758, 865, 913, 964, 1003
- Guide Books and Hotel Advertisements, 140
- Guides, R.A.C., and Associated Clubs, 737
- — Suggested Use for, 730
- Guildford Police and Motorists, 250
- — Ram Corner (illus.), 571
- Guernsey, Police Traps in, 820
- G.W.T. Engine Starter, 97, 168
- Gymkhana, Melbourne, Motor Cars in (illus.), 496
- H. (letters), 78, 475
- H 7946 (letter). 958
- H.A.C. Undetachable Wheels, 304
- Haggard, M. (letter), 868
- Hamilton Carburetters (letter), 213
- — Constance (letters), 250. 343
- Hammick, C. H. W. (letter), 911
- Hammond, E. (letter) 1006
- Hampshire A.C., 433
- — Protester (letter), 476
- Hands Off, Test of Steering Design and Workmanship. 732
- Hants A.O. Hill-climb. 988
- Hans Renold, Ltd., and D. A. Simpson, Patent by. Chain Transmission. Gearing, 62
- Harper, Charles G., Mr. Pickwick’s Inns, by, 490
- Road Reform in Nottinghamshire, by, 606
- Harris. Henry (letters). 432, 711
- Harrison, W. Jermyn (letter), 665
- Hatton, H. (letters), 387, 1004
- Hawkins, A. J. (letter), 1152
- H. O. (letter), 912
- H. de W. (letter). 120
- H.D.R. (letter). 166
- Head Light Bracket Bolts, 176
- Paraffin, 125
- Heater. Electric Bonnet, Barimar, 277
- Heating a Private Garage, 176
- Heavy Fuel Carburetters, by J. W. Roebuck, 754
- — Fuels, A Warning. 1053
- — Motor Vehicles. Life Guard for (illus.), 269
- — Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 463
- — Oil Carburetter, Patent by F. G. S. Biddlecombe, 869
- — Sentence, 477. 524
- Hedges, Trimming, of, 1012
- Henry, Hubert (letter). 1194
- Herbert. F. J. (letter) 958
- Herts County A C. Fuel Consumption Test, 597
- — Open Hill-climb. 838 947, 981
- — Council and Roman Roads, 618
- Hervey, M. (letter). 522
- H. F. Mandrel and Bench Bracket, 802
- Higginbotham. G. (letters). 522. 664
- Higgins W. (letter), 1006. 1149
- High Charges for Replacemente 254, 344
- Highlands, Motoring in the (illus.), 742
- Highways and Byways in Somerset, Review, 275
- of England, Review, 845
- the West, by Wanderer, 39, 85. 127
- High v. Low Bodies, 430, 524
- Hill-climb and Speed Trials in Wales, 782, 1169
- — Aston. 838. 947. 981
- — First, in Canada, 1128
- — Lancashire A.C., 686
- — at Waddington Fells, 852
- — Midland A-C.. Shelsley Walsh. 1076
- Hill-climbs and Races. Summary of 1912 Events, 29
- Hill, Dangerous, Diversion of Road for (illus.), 1029
- Hillman 25 h.p. Car (illue.). 259
- — Light Car. Description of, 1C42
- Hind, Edward (letter). 346
- Hindhead Accident (illus.). 541
- Hints and Tips, U.eiul, 3. 45, 91, 133, 176, 223. 265, 313. 357. 401. 443, 489, 534. 581, 626. 677. 722. 771 828. 879, 925, 971. 1019, 1067, 1115, 1163
- — Driving, 710
- Hispano-Suiza Car, 84
- — 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.). 452. 571. 636
- — Historical Bit of Bedfordshire, by R.G., 621
- H.L.B. (letter), 428
- H2O (letter) 1055
- Hoare, Wilfred A. R. (letter). 390
- Hobbs Locking Device (ilius.). 214
- Hodgson, O. N. Allen (letter), 664
- Hole, Chas. H. (letter). 1005. 1102
- Holland, Guide Book for, 915
- — Touring in, 481. 527
- Hollings Easy Starter, 668
- Holyhead Main Road 942
- — Road. Merionethshire, 474. 570, 615, 757. 813. 1054
- Home-grown Motor Car Fuel, Prize for, 572. 618
- Home-made Tool, Useful, 223
- Home, Motor Spirit Made at. 1006, 1055, 1149, 1196
- Home-produced Fuel. 355, 1018
- Honour to Whom Honour is Due (letter), 300
- Hood Material, 234
- — One-man, Canty, 639
- — Renovation, 784
- Hook. Bryan (letter), 663
- Hopkinson Detachable Half Bedies, £32
- Hopps. Bernard (letter), 813
- Horn Bulb Fastening, Paraband, 271
- — Musical, Le Testophone, 75
- — Reliance. 748
- — Vibrophone, 408
- Horse-drawn Vehicles, Rear Lights on, 49, 63
- Horse-power, Actual, 867. 911. 957
- Horses and Motors (letter), 356
- — on Highway, Danger of. 845
- Horseshoe, Improved Design. Prize for, 1090
- Horsley Disc Valve Engine, Description of, 274. 275 (illus.). 883
- Hotchkiss 20-30 h.p. Oar (illus.). 935
- Hotel Accommodation for Grand Prix Visitors, 1000
- — Advertisements, Guide Books and, 140
- — Question, 228
- — The Most Comfortable, 477
- Hotels, 868. 1150
- — Country, 344
- — English and' French, Appreciation of British System, 328
- Houseboat Propelled by Car Engine (illus.), 61
- House, C. E. G.. The Training of Automobile Engineers by 69
- — of Commons and British-American Motor Trade. 691
- — Tax on Motor Spirit, 618
- — Upkeep of Highways, 1129
- — Discussion, Read Board Grants, 13, 410
- — Traffic Board Question, 746
- How to Become a Motor Engineer, 43
- H.R.N. To the Welsh Border, by. 483, 529
- H.S. (letters), 477. 713
- H. T. 'letter) 428
- Huckel. H., Patent by. Ingenious Valve Design, 736
- Huddersfield to the South. A. Run from, 780
- Hull, New Holland Boats. Motor Care and. 714
- Humber Car, Carburetter for. 349. 481, 1060
- — 11.9 h.p. Car. 715. 917
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.). 495
- — 14 h.p. Car (illue.), 618
- — Test of. 202
- — 12 h.p. Car with Coupe Body (illus.), 1191
- — Record at Brooklands, 939
- Humberette in M.C.C. Run 51
- Humphrey Internal Combustion Pump, 504
- Humphries, Edward T. (letter). 711
- Hungarian Royal A.O., Reliability Trial, 572
- Hunt, Clifford C. (letter). 478
- Hunter. Campbell M. (letter). 34
- Hunting, Fox, Motors and, 913
- — Motors and (illus.) 67. 148. 283, 348, 557. 558
- Huntsmen and Violets. 80
- Hupmobile 15-18 h.p.. 83
- — Car, Description of. 1091
- Hupp Major Car. 125. 304 v
- Hutton. F. H. (letter), 1051 Tyre Pick by. 313
- Hydraulic Transmitter. Vincent, 410, 474
- Hydroplane, Trip in, 411
- Ice Boat on Toronto Bay (illus.), 400
- Ice-bound Roads. Skidding on. 170
- Ideal Union of Motorists, 199
- IF 419 (letter). 910
- Ignotus (letters). 867. 960
- I.M.B. (letter). 47?
- Imperial Motor Transport Conference, 807. 1192
- — — Works, Lyndhurst (letter). 299
- — Year Book, The Autocar. Review, 645
- Imports and Exports, Motor Car, 761
- — Motor Our, Canadian, 124
- Inadequate Jacks and their Dangers, 1017, 1195
- Inch for Inch (letter). 34
- Income Tax. Motorists and. 802
- Inconsiderate Driving, 301, 761. 867, 960, 1001, 1195
- — through Lyndhurst, 758
- Increase of Efficiency, by Eric W- Walford, 724
- India, An Appeal fiorn, 815
- — E.M.F. Car in 486
- — 35 h.p. Itala Car for, 580
- — Motoring in (illus.) 147, 267. 602. 834, 883, 1009
- — Napier de Luxe 15 h.p. Car for (illus.), 141
- — Road Map of. 451
- — Small Car for, 1059
- Indianapolis Race, 303, 942. 1033, 1086, 1124, 1129 Notes on, 1129
- — Points of Contrast and Interest, by H. Massac Buist, 1124-1127
- — Track, 839. 1103
- Indicator, Air-speed. Davis Lyall, 416
- — for Emperor of Japan, 372
- Inefficient Mudguards. 923, 1004, 1052
- Ingatestone, F. (letter), 1002
- Ingenuity Run Riot. Braking Device for Motor Omnibus, 235
- Ingham. F. A. (letter) 1151 Inlet Valves. 304. 395
- Innsbruck to Lofer, A Corner of Tyrol, by Chas. L. Freeston, 582
- Inns, Mr. Pickwick’s, by Chas. G. Harper, 490
- Inside Driving Body with Sliding Window, 708
- Inspection Pits and a. Simple Substitute, 879
- Institute of British Coachbuilders, Annual Meeting. 193
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 526, 571, 618, 1198
- — Paper at, by F. W. Lanchester, 338, 379
- — Heavy Motor Vehicles, 463
- — The WTheel and the Road, 654
- — Training of Automobile Engineers. 69, 109, 175. 203
- — on Springs. 859, 905
- — The Wheel and the Road, Discussion, 689
- — Visit to America, 1094, 1137, 1178
- Insurance and Repairs, 31, 170
- — Mechanic-driver’s, 482
- — Motor Car, 521, 568, 592. 620, 911
- — The Future of. by Oven John, 468
- — Policy Rebates, 620. 715
- — Tyre Life, 1008
- Interchangeable Half Bodies. 932
- Inter-club Gala Day at Brooklands, 686, 987, 1030
- Internal Combustion Turbines. 848
- International Association of Motor Car Manufacturers. 150
- — Football, Motor Cars at Match (illu6.), 63
- — Road Congress. Third, 1176
- — Steel Congress at Keswick (illus.). 1130
- — Stock Car Race in Isle of Man, 441. 456, 525. 567. 597. 601 617. 662. 769, 820, 924. 1001. 1048. 1097
- Inventions, Applications for Letters Patent, 82
- Inventor, First, of Steam Carriage, 80
- Ionides. A. G.. Patent by. Compound Piston Ring. 1007
- Ireland. Cycle Car Race. Suggested. 427
- — Road Board Grants to. 202 806
- — Routes to, 712
- — Some Impressions of, 34, 78
- Iris Car, 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 16
- Irish A.C. Races on Rosslare Strand, 948
- — Motorist. Pioneer (illus.). 59
- — Antiquities. 346 Irregular Firing, 712
- Irresistible Circulator RA C. Trials, 14
- Irresponsible Users of the Road. 1001
- Isherwood. Percy C. E. (letters) 663, 711
- Isle of Man. International T.T. Race, 441, 456, 525, 567, 597 601. 617 662. 769. 820, 924. 1001. 1048. 1097
- — Race. Barred Entries, 593
- — Road Racing in, 108. 236
- Isotta-Fraschini Car Armoured for Italian Government (illus.). 761
- — 100 h.p. Car at Speed (illus.). 206
- — Car (illus.). 420
- Itala Car in Tasmania. 107
- — Premier of West Australia’s, 302
- — Drivers for Grand Prix Race. 1106
- — Grand Prix Car, Particulars of, 933
- — 35 h.p. Car for India, 580
- — 50-70 h.p. Rotary Valve Chassis (illus.), 238
- — Rotary Valve Car, 641, 708
- Italian New Model Car, 20-30 h.p. Storero (illus.), 739
- Italy. Motor Car Exports. 347
- — Touring in. 16 122 166. 478, 524
- — Motoring in (illus.). 261
- Italy’s Foreign Motor Car Trade, 594
- Ives. T. C. (letter), 912
- Jacking up Car, Facilities for, 666
- Jacks, Inadequate, and their Dangers, 1017, 1195
- — Motor Oar, Millennium. 900
- James. Talbot and Davison Steel Piston, 661
- Jane, Fred T. (letters). 210. 1101
- Japan Automobile Paper, The Jidosha, 302
- — Cars with Maythorn and Son. Bodywork for, 12
- — Emperor of, Cars for (illus.). 553
- — Indicator fm, 372
- — Motoring in, 123 247. 571
- Jarny, M. de. Engine Starting Device by, 596
- J.A.S. (letter). 617
- Javal Power Jet, 234
- J.C. (letter), 431
- J.D. {letter), 1054
- Jemadar (letter). 914
- Johannesburg. Serious Consequences of Sideslip at (ill’is.). 819
- Johnstone. O. Montague (letter). 1151
- Jones and Co. (letter). $0
- — W. Basil (letters), 1055, 1150
- — Yarworth (letters), 34, 80. 122, 212, 253, 391, 431. 616, 617, 664. 759. 868, 911, 913, 960, 1006
- Joy Riding, Bill Passed in Victoria, 214
- J.H.D. (letter). 80
- J.J.F, (letter) 760
- J.P. (letter), 345
- J.T.D. (letter), 346
- June Meeting, Brooklands, 1085, 1185, 1188
- J.V.H. (letter), 428
- Kamac Hood Material, 154
- Kearne, Percy (letter), 389, 911
- Keep, A W. (letter), Gil
- — to the Left (letters). 297, 710
- Kellogg Petrol Gauge, 1099
- Kernber, W. H. (lettei), 912
- Kempshall Tyre Co. of rurope, Ltd. (ilius.), 525. 664
- Kena Emergency Tyre Grip, 746
- Kenerson, W. H. (letter), 865
- Kennedy, J. S-, and G. W. Watson, Paper by, Heavy Motor Vehicles, 463
- Kent, Automobilism in. 180
- — CO.. Warning Boards. 159
- — L. M. (letter) 81
- — Speed Limits in. 121
- — Touring in (illus.). 618
- Kenway, Philip T. (lettei), 523
- Kerry County as Touring Ground, by R. J. Mecredy
- Kettle Boiling by Electricity. 1107
- KI 14 (letters), 35. 166
- Kidd, H. Cameron (letter). 80
- King and Queen at Aldershot (illus.), 924 :
- — Richmond Horse Show (illus.), 1114
- — Edwin F. (letter). 213
- King’s Signposts (illus.), 845. 105S
- — Visit to East London, 504
- Kirke, R., Jun. (letters). 615. 712, 1053. 1196
- Kirk, John L. (letter), 713
- Klaxon New Model, 236
- Klipsch, F. A. (letter), 566
- Knight and Kilbourne v. Argylls, 371. 552 1140
- Knight-Panhard 25 h.p. Limousine Cabriolet (illus.), 915
- Knock and its Cause. 443, 581
- — Mysterious, 3. 534
- Knocking Noises, 918
- K.O.A. (letter), 524
- K.R.I.T. 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 733
- — — Gear Changing, 1155. 1199
- Kroll and Co., Patent for Covering Screw Heads. 660
- La Buire 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 701
- Ladies’ Automobile Club, Lecture, Motors and Morals, 377
- Lake, Chas. S. (letter), 254
- La Licorne Car, 14 h.p. Car, Description of, 907
- Lalonde. William T. (letters). 31, 120
- Lamp Igniter, Rushmore, 150
- — Improvements, Salsbury Head Lights, 248
- — Lighting from the Seat. 284
- Lamps. Converting, Oil to Acetylene, 91
- — Tail. Electric, 121
- Lancashire A.C. Hill-climb at Waddington Fells, 852
- — Open and Closed Hill-climb, £86
- — Road Reconstruction Scheme, 1198
- — Royal Visit to. 1149
- Lancs A.C. Reliability Trial and Hill-climb. 1177
- Lanchester Anti-vibrator, by F. W. Lanchester, 138
- — F. W., Anti-vibrator System of Securing-
- — Balance, b- 138 (letters). 474. 865. 956
- — Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers, Worm Gear, 338
- — 38 h.p. Car (illue.), 622
- — in Swedish Trials (illus.). 706
- Lancia Car, Carburetter for 963, 1059
- — 30 hp. Car (illus) 1192
- — with Lookers’ Body (illus.), 639
- — Cars. 619
- Landophone Communicator. 102
- Lane, H. P. (letter) 1149
- Lapometer, Brooklands, 845
- Last Year, 1
- Latexio Pneumatic Tvre, 730
- La Tour (letters) 867. 957
- Law of the Read 342
- L.C.C. and Motorists’ Licences. 166
- LD 2185 (letter) 478
- LD 6099 (letter). 34
- Leaf Spring Lubrication, Duco Spring Jack (illus.). 597
- Opener, G. T. Riches and Co., 238, 442
- Leather. Tyre Reinforcement with. 158, 192
- Leaves from a Sportsman’s Notebook, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough. 15 67. 145. 246, 283, 356. 471. 557. 635, 811, 897, 931. 1047. 1087. 1144
- Leeds-Harrogate Road, Smash on (illus.), 479
- Leeds Motorist (letter). 31
- Lees, J. E.. J. M. Hewitt and A. J. Drake, Patent by. Steering Gear. 736
- Legal Status of the Chauffeur, 1128
- Le Gui Cars. 107
- Leigh H. Gordon (letter). 301
- Leipzig A.C. Commemorative Procession (illus.). 1044
- Le Testophone. Musical Horn 75
- Level Crossings, Suppressing, in France (illus.), 273
- Lewes, Prof. V. B. Lectures by Liquid Fue). 235. 276
- — Vivian B., Lecture by, Fuel and its Future. 147
- Lewie. E. W.. Dumfries to London by Electricity. by. 1083
- L.G.O. (letter). 756
- Liability for Pupils, 38
- Libel, Successful Action for, 796
- Licence, Driving, failure to Produce, 1153
- — Feea. Payment of, 31, 76. 120
- Licences, Clean, Counties and. 60
- — Driving, Family, in America, 714
- — Endorsements on, Agitation by Chauffeurs, 739
- — Motor Car, Scottish A.C. and, 303
- — Four 1 ears’, 12
- — Motorists’, L.C.C. and, 166
- — Production of. Police and, 1153, 1193
- Licorne Car, Coupe with C.A.V. Dynamo Lighting (illusj, 422
- — 14 n.p. Car (illus.), 365
- Lieut-Colonel (letter). 959
- Life Guard for Heavy Motor Vehicles (illusj, 269
- Lighting Car, 696
- — in Fog, 164. 213
- — Current from Ford Magneto, 169, 257
- — Dynamo and Speedometer Drives, 579
- — Starting and Ignition System, Cadillac, Teat of. 144
- — of Vehicles, 710
- Lightness in Body Construction (illue.), 648
- Light Two-seaters, 1107
- Lights, Revolving, at Dangerous Corners, 695
- Lincolnshire Roads, 153
- Lindsey County Council Chairman and Lincolnshire Roads, 153
- Linz and Vienna, To. by Chas. L. Freeston, 951
- Lion, G. P. J.. Patent by, Naphthalene Carburetter, 869
- Lion Peugeot 12 h.p. Car, Description of, 783
- Little Giant Wheel Puller, 247
- Liquid Fuel from Coal, by W. R. Ormandy. 1086
- — Fuels. 143, 147. 235, 276
- Llangollen to Cerrig-y-Druidion and Bettws-y-Coed, 813
- Lloyd, H. R. (letter). 478
- Local Government Board, Commonsense of, 969
- Locomobile, Old. 37
- Locomotive Engineer (letter). 299
- — Invicta at Canterbury (illus.), 992
- London and Road Board Grants, 137, 255, 269
- — Chamber of Meter Experts, 603
- — City Traffic, 61, 82. 106, 296. 348, 365, 478, 755, 760. 814
- — Demi-Gcd (letter). 389
- — Improved Motor Coach Builders, Ltd. (letter), 32
- — Motor Spirit Manufacture in, 1131
- — Proposed New Western Outlet, 1020
- — Speed Limit Applications, 978, 997
- — to Edinburgh Tenth Run, 887
- — Traffic Companies’ Posters, How to Avoid Accidents, 192, 327
- — Inquiry. City Coroner’s Observations and Suggestions. 106, 155, 326
- — Problem, Sir LawTence Gomme’s Views, 296
- Londoner (letter), 432
- Long v. Short Stroke Engines, 33, 77, 814, 868. 910, 957. 1004. 1103
- Longmynd and Wenlock Edge, by John Lloyd Warden Page, 669. 717
- Longuemare Carburetter, Description of, 270
- Loose Glass in Wind Screen. 677
- Lord, A. F. (letter), 211
- Lorry, Motor, Accident on Thames Embankment (illus.), 266
- Lcwcock. J. H (letter) 614
- Lowry, Gwen. Midlands to Snowdonia with the Bird and a Camera, by. 171
- Low, Stanley (letter) 391
- — Tension Magneto Trouble, 91
- Lubricant, Castor Oil as. 34
- — for Cold Weather, 220
- — Gear Box, 143, 222
- Lubrication. New Gospel of, Oildag, 990, 1053, 1150. 1196
- — of - Leaf Springe, Duco Spring Jack (illus.), 597
- — Spring Bolte, 88
- — Springs, Leaf Spring Opener, 238, 442
- — Worm Gear, 971. 1103
- — System, Valve Socks, 251
- Lubricating Back Axles, 120
- Ludgate Circus Fatality. 316
- Lunches. Free, 883
- Lyndhurst, Inconsiderate Driving through, 758
- Lyxavon Motor Soap. 1024
- Macdonald, Sir J. H. A., on Modern Traffic and Roade, 190
- MacKinnon, Norman (letter). 867
- Mackie, J. L., The I.A.E. Visit to America, by, 1178
- Mafam Magneto, Description of, 373
- Magnetism. Lose of, 871
- Magneto and Electric Ignition. Review. 275
- — Bosch, Description of. 598
- — Mafam. Description of, 373
- — Mea. Description of, 1040
- — Trouble, Low Tension. 91
- Mainwaring. Charles 8. (letters). 570, 1054
- Major (letter). 566
- Malay States. Motoring in the. 1054, 1105
- Manchester, 344
- — A.C. Reliability Trial, 1035
- — and Leeds, Traffic Problems in, 431
- Motorists, 431
- — Permanent Motor Exhibition, 317
- — Garages and Direction Posts, 495
- — Show Dinner, 336 Report of, 329-336
- Manipulating 1913 The of Budge-Whitworth Wheels 401
- Manners, 666
- Mann, G. B. (letter). 390
- Marconi Portable Station on 23 h.p Star Car (ilhia.), 565
- Margate Front. Motor Car Speed on, 1150
- Markt and Co. (London). Ltd. (letter). 1103
- Marshall. C. F. Dendy (letter). 911
- Martin Patch Holding Clamp 234
- Massey Brothers. (letter). 253
- Mass Cars (letter) 868
- -- 10-12 h.p. Car 393
- — 15 h.p. Car. 215 257. 304
- Mawteruian, C. M. (letter), 300
- Materials, Road. Trial of. Report of Committee. 181
- — Testing Apparatus, 690
- Mathis Car, 15.1 h.p. Car (illus.). 555
- Maudslay Car, First. 36. 82
- — 17 h.p. Car (illue.). 559
- Maurice Farman Biplane, Spare Wheel on (illus.) 315
- Maybach Honeycomb Radiator Patent, Litigation, 800
- McDonald, John (letter), 757
- McDowells, Ltd.. Body by. on Daimler Chassis (illufi.J, 468
- McLachlan, John (letter), 567
- M.D. (letters). 911, 958
- M.E. (letter), 120
- Mea Magneto, Description of. 1040
- Mechanic-driver's Insurance, 482
- Mecredy, R. J., County Kerry as Touring Ground, by. 259 (letter), 79 >
- Medical Examination, Proposed, of French Drivers. 1048
- Medicus (letter), 32
- — W.S.C. (letter), 1053
- Mediterranean, Routes from Bay of Biscay to, 224
- — English Channel to, 92
- Meet, North Shropshire Hounds (illue.), 643
- — of Surrey Union Foxhounds (illus.), 15
- Meier and Sons, Convertible Body made by. 244
- Member, A (letter). 166
- — of Committee Devon and Cornwall A.C. (letter), 389
- — the R.A.C. and A.A. (letter), 78, 211
- — R.A.C. (letter), 1104 Menzies, W. J. (letter). 525
- Mercedes Body Design for 1913 (illus.), 102
- — 1903 Gordon-Bennett Car for Grand Prix, 21
- — 28-50 h.p. for Emperor of Japan (illus.), 553
- — 45-50 h.p. Car, To the Midlands in a. 240 with Totally Enclosed Body (illus.), 695
- — 65 h.p. and Team of American Polo Players (illus.), 988
- — Six-cylinder Car (illus.). 371, 1039
- — 70 h.p. Car, Lieut. Hetherington’s (illus.), 392
- — 90 h.p. Chassis, Particulars of, 929, 930
- Merely a Motor Cyclist (letter), 958
- Mersey Motor Club Speed Trials at Colwyn Bay, 1020
- Metallurgique Detachable Wheel, 1035
- — Ltd. (letters). 525. 568, 662. 1052
- — 90x140 Car, 1059
- — 20 h.p. with Streamline Body (illus.), 234
- — 20-40 h.p. Oar, Trial Run of. 425
- — Edge Hill and the. 568
- — Mrs. Mitchell Hedges’s Car (illue.), 897
- — 26 h.p. Car (illus.). 885
- — 26-50 h.p. Car (illus.). 101
- — with Van den Plas Body (illus.), 997
- M.H.E. (letters), 567. 710
- Michelin Guide for 1913. Review, 740
- — New Tyre Levers. 998
- — Tyre Co.. Ltd. (letter). 343
- Middlesex Byelaw. Road Obstruction by Traction Engines, 374
- Midland A.C. Hill-climb, Shelsley Walsh, 414, 1076
- Midlands to Snowdonia with the Bird and a Camera, by Gwen Lowry. 171
- Midsummer Meeting, Brooklands, 1085, 1185, 1188
- Miesse 14-16 h.p. Car. Run on. 1009
- Millennium Motor Car Jacks, 900
- Mills Jet. 37. 84. 125
- — Petrol Tank Gauge, 848
- Minchin. G. R. N. (letter). 958. 1005
- — The Four-inch Darracq. by, 785
- Minerva with Special Coupe Body (illue.), 100
- — 26 h.p. with Saloon Body (illus.), 406, 407
- — 38 h.p. with Cann Body (illus.), 470
- — C.A.V. Dynamo Lighting (illus.), 421
- Mirrors at Cros6 Roads, Use of, 572, 711
- Mischievous Boys. 711
- Misleading Comparisons. 721
- Missing Motor Cycle. 213
- Mitchell Car. 349, 393, 715
- Mixed Fuels, 428. 467. 524
- — Experiments with Paraffin and Benzole. 20, 213
- — Starting with. 591, 596
- M.K.T.H. (letter). 525
- Moco Repair Outfit (illus.) 810
- Models of Ships for Exhibition on the Read (illns.). 941
- Modernising Old Brooklands Car, 290
- Modern Road Materials and Testing Apparatus. 690
- M, of D. and C.A-C. Getter). 163
- Monaco Motor Boat Race, 237. 740
- Monk. Edwin H. (letter), 431
- Monke. Harry M. (letter). 209
- Mont Cliauve. A. H. (letter). 1150
- — Ventoux Hill-climb, 1154
- Moore. Henry (letter) 1150
- — of Brighton (letter) 1102
- Morals. Motors and, Address by Filson Young, at Ladies’ A C.. 377
- — Our Lectures, 405. 474, 480, 540
- Morgan. H. F. S. (letter). 121
- Morocco, Road Construction in. 908
- — Tour in. 1197
- Morris-Oxford Light Cars (Ulus.). 1138
- — Car, Description of, 692
- Morris Paraffin Carburetter, R.A.C. Trial. 1184
- Mors Car, 12 15 h.p , Hill-climbing on (illus.) 970
- Motor ’Buses and Road Maintenance, 651
- — Car Act Amendments, 192
- — Mechanism, Review, 275
- — Cyclists, Motorists and. 913 958, 1002
- — Petrol Association, Ltd., 1105
- — Roads to London Review. 159
- — Schools Ltd (letter), 76
- — R.A.C. Official Appointments, 256
- — Spirit Made at Home, 1006. 1065, 1149, 1196
- — Manufacture in London. 1131
- — Traction at Home and Abroad, 191
- — Trade Figures, 810
- Motor Traffic Inquiry, 241
- Motors and Morals, Address by Filson Young, at Ladies’ A.C.. 377
- Motoring Farmer (letter), 429
- ~ in Car on Tullybaccart Hill (111UB.), 189
- — Organisations. 32. 77. 117. 131, 161. 199, 252. 300. 346, 389. 429, 475, 570, 664, 758. 1193
- — Their Uses and Abuses, 1134
- Mounting New Tyre Covers, 958
- M.S.T. (letter), 760
- Mud-binding on Main Roads, 827. 960
- Mudguards, Additional, 91
- — Inefficient. 923, 1004. 1052
- Mud Splashing. 343
- Murray, Lewie W. (letter). 1152
- Museum Hours, 713
- My Own Chauffeur (letter). 344
- N 3921 (letter), 711
- Nainby. C. M. (letters). 120, 615. 758
- Naish, P. LI., with 22 h.p. S.C.A.T. Car (illus.), 1010
- Naphthalene Carburetter, Patent by G. P. J. Lion, 869
- Napier (letter), 477
- Napier Car. Cleaning Unite of (iiius.), 554
- — Drivers, Prizes for, 694
- — 15 h.p. Carburetter. 1200
- — Colonial Car in Egypt (illus.), 988
- — Car (illus.). 637
- — for Princess Henry of Battenberg (illus.), 1198
- — de Luxe 15 h.p. for Maharajah of Alwar (illue.), 141
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car. Description of, 646
- — 40 h.p. Car. Carburetter for, 963, 1059
- — 59.9 h.p. Car in Hyderabad, India (illus.), 1136
- — Motors, Ltd., 435
- — Tests of Benzole, 375
- Narrow Escape, Toronto. Canada (illus.), 22
- National Society of Chauffeurs, Dinner, 497
- Nazzaro with N.B. Bodywork (illus.), 565
- N.C.U. and C.T.C. Conference. 168, 320
- Nemo (letter). 1053
- Nevajah Shock Absorbers, 1000
- Nevill, S. (letter), 119
- New Car, Care of, 1036
- Newcastle (Staffs), An Appeal from, 78
- Newcastle-under-Lyme, Speeds Through, 369
- New Forest, In the. 17-25 h.p. Armstrong-Whitworth Car (illus.), 591
- — Motor Fuel Development Syndicate, 167
- — Pick Car. 573
- — South Wales, Motor Care in, 30
- Newton, A. J. (letter). 1195
- — J. Martin (letter), 430
- Next Year’s Cars, More Points for, 1017. 1105
- New York, Motor Care Stolen in. 36
- — Show, Critical Review of, 177
- — San Francisco Trans-continental Trip, Suggested, 498
- — Zealand. Calthorpe Cars for. 673
- — Daimler Care for, 1198
- — Defence Department and Motor Reserve, 214
- — Motor Business in, 174
- — Postal Vehicles, 392
- — Official Trials in. 645
- — Race, Canterbury A.C.. 302
- — Reliability Trial, 751. 937
- — Road Materials in (illus.), 781
- Nicholson, T. A. E.. Patent by Concentric Valve Mechanism. 62
- Niclausse Car, 40 h.p. Car (ilhu?.). 484
- Nicole. Nielsen and Co.. Ltd. (letter), 1103
- Night Driving, 615
- — of Sheep cn Road. 1035
- Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, A Comparison, 1190
- Noble Petrol-Paraffin Carburetter, 641
- Noises. Knocking. 918
- Noisy Universal Joints, 918, 963
- Non-skid Tyres, A Challenge, 525. 615. 664
- Northern Depot, Ltd. (letter). 813
- North Derbyshire and the High Peak, by A. J. S. Graham, 1157, 1201
- — Road to the, 663
- — Staffordshire M.C. Hill-climb, 1036
- — Wales (letter), 813
- — W. F. (letter), 254
- Notes for the Beginner, by Eric W. Walford. 51. 156. 242, 466. 795
- — on Paraffin, by Erie W. Walford, 683
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 392
- — Road Reform in. bv Charles G. Harper, 606
- Notts. Dangerous Road Opening in, 863
- Nought. E. W. (letter), 211
- Novelists’ Motor Technicalities. 713
- Number Plate Illuminated and Rear Light, 993
- — Plates. Built up. 748, 810
- — Taylor, for Radiators, 700
- Nut, A New, 1105
- Oakland Car, 26 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, Trial of, 849
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.J, 781
- Oakley. H. W. (letter). 477
- Obituary, 735. 882. 941, 1198
- Observant (letter). 1105 Obstructed Side View, 222. 346
- Obstruction, So-called, by Motorists. 1194
- Ocean to Ocean Highway Across America, 846
- O’Gorman, Melvyn (letter). 391
- Oil and Petrol Consumption on Ford Cars, 1053
- Oildag. New Gospel of Lubrication, 990. 1053, 1150 1196
- Oil Filters. Cleaning, 879
- — Lamps. Converting to Acetylene, 91
- Oil refining Proceiw, New, 1131
- Old Cars, Tax on, RAO. Conference, 311
- — Gower (letter), 297
- — Motorist, An (letter), 911
- — Poll, 164
- — Stager (letter) 344
- — Tight., Lldy (letter). .1004
- Olympian Phaeton Body on Talbot Chassis (illus.), 265
- Omnibus, Motor, Development, 934. 1004, 1052
- — Fatality at Ludgate Circus, 316
- One of the Victims (letter). 1195
- One-way Traffic. 342
- Onslow. Arthur L. (letter). 1152
- On the Road. by Owen John, 10, 47, 100, 140, 199, 227, 266. 317. 365. 405, 452, 495, 540, 592. 636, 695, 743. 780. 883. 935. 992. 1044. 1088. 1134. 1190 Track, 272, 324. 375. 457. 503. 595, 705, 788. 843. 894, 938. 984. 1085. 1188
- — Review of Past Year’s Records, 25
- Oppressed (letter), 76
- Orde, Julian, Speech by, B.A.C. Criticism, 337
- — J. W. (letters), 78, 209. 521
- Ordinary Country Motorist (letter), 119
- — Motorist (letter), 1101
- Organisations, Leading Automobile, Country Motorists and. 47
- — The Motoring, 32, 77. 117. 131. 161, 199, 210, 252, 300. 346. 389. 429. 570. 664. 758, 1193
- Orkney Islands. Motoring in (illus.), 833
- Ormandy. W. B. (letter), 475
- — Del Monte Process, by. 633
- — Liquid Fuel from Coal, by, 1086
- — Motor Fuels, by. 358. 499
- Orno Leaf Springy Opener. 238. 442
- — Safety Starting Handle, 632
- — Scraper Mat, Riches and Co., 644
- Ostend Automobile Meeting, 870
- Our Effete Country (Thank Heaven!), by Owen John, 420
- — Homeland Churches and How to Study Them, Review, 159
- Out of the Mouth of Babes, 77
- Overman, Ralph (letters). 250. 252. 346
- Overland Car, Carburetter on, 216
- — Electric Starter and Lighter, 643
- Over the Semmering, by Chas. L. Freeston, 1164
- Owen John. Are We Dull? by, 833
- — Future of Motor Car Insurance, by, 468
- — Golfing Remarks, by. 699
- — On the Road. by. 10. 47, 100, 140, 199, 227, 266. 317. 365. 405, 452, 495. 540. 592. 636. 695, 743. 780. 883, 935, 992. 1044. 1088. 1134. 1190
- — Our Effete Country (Thank Heaven!), by, 420
- — Spring Tour in France, by. 972, 1021, 1068. 1146
- — The Grand Tour, by. 553. 610
- — Sweet o’ the Year, by. 927 Owner-driver (letter). 1102
- — The Plaint of the. 1179
- Oxhey Golf Club House, Motor Cars at (illus.). 61
- Oylers. Ltd. (letter), 121
- P16 (letter), 31
- P 5426 (letter), 911
- Packard Three Hundred Hour Engine Test, 1020
- Page, Impressions of 15-30 h.p. Sleeve Valve Argyll, by, 1145
- — John L. Warden, Longmynd and Wenlock Edge, by. 669, 717
- Paid Driver (letter), 1003
- Paige Cars, 528
- — 20 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial of, 194, 327
- Palladium Car, 12 hp. Car, Description of, 604
- Panhard and Levassor, Patent by, Flexible Coupling, 817
- — Car, Paris-Bordeaux, in Retirement, 758
- Panoplix Paint, 150
- Paraband Horn Bulb Fastening, 271
- Paraffin and Benzole, Experiments by G. C. Vaporiser. Ltd., 20
- — Carburetter Experiences, 756
- — Start Cold, 252. 342
- — Engines, 477. 567
- — Fuel for Petrol Engines, 506
- — Head Light. 125
- — Mixtures, Running on, by F. Bass Sutton, 722
- — Notes on, by Eric W. Walford, 683
- -- Utilising, Competition in France, 667
- Paris ’Bus System. Motorised, 123
- — Horses in. i009
- — 1913 Salon. 375. 651, 1036 1132
- Parker. E. W. L. (letter). 119
- Parliament and the Road Board, 13, 410, 551. 594
- — Private Bills in, A.A. and M.U. Activities, 152
- Parnacott, A. E. (letters), 1052. 1150
- Parsons Motor Co., Ltd. (letter). 567
- Portheawl Speed Trials, 1170. 1173
- Passing at 100 Miles an Hour (illus.), 549
- Patch Holding Clamp. Martin, 234 Patent Fuels, 400
- — Litigation, 800
- — Specification. Diversion in. 288
- Patents. Detachable Rim, 506
- — in France, 792
- — Recent, by Erie W. Walford. 62, 434, 736. 817, 869. 1007
- — Sleeve Valve, 371. 552
- Path Finder (letter). 35
- [[Pathfinder Car|Pathfinder)) 40 h.p. Chassis. Millionaire’s Son and (illus.), 1045
- Patience (letter), 388
- Patrick, H. II., Patent by. Connecting Rod Construction, 736
- Pauilhoe, J. J. G.. Patent by. Auxiliary Spring, 62
- Paull Carburetter, Description of. 66
- Payne and Sons (Otley) Ltd. (letter), 121
- Pearson-Cox Steam Car. Description of, 560
- Pedestrians. Drivers and. Rules for. by Scottish A.O., 683
- Penalties for Motor Offences, 264
- Pennell, C. W. (letter) 164
- Penyball Hill, Holywell. Climbing, 813, 868 958
- Percy. T. B. (letter). 1105
- Perjury Charge Against Police Withdrawn. 790
- Perpetual Motion (Pl. 866. 959. 1005. 1054. 1102. 1196
- Perplexed
- Perrott, Jas. W.
- Personal Luggage
- Peterborough
- Petit Salon
- Petroleum Storage
- Petrol and Benzol Compared
- — Petrol Substitutes
- — Camphor
- — Engines. Paraffin Fuel for, 506
- — Expansion of, 523
- — False Account for. 100
- — Gauge, Kellogg, 1099
- Petrol-paraffin Carburetter. Noble, 641
- Petrol Pipe Breakages, 489
- — Price of, 369. 418. 567
- — Prices, American, 663. 711 Paris, 1057
- — Specific Gravity of, 566
- — Substitute, San Francisco, 1039
- — Substituted for. 120, 342
- — Supply Societies, 250
- — Tank Filler. Atlas Empty Quick, 539
- — Gauge, Mills. 848
- — Tax. 5Yield from, 233
- — Trade of United Kingdom, 60
- — Users’ and Traders’ Supply Society, 96, 148. 198
- Peugeot Grand Prix Car (illus.). 755
- — 110 x 200 mm. Car. Records at Brooklands by 595, 705. 748
- — 10-14 h.p. Car, 349
- — 14-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 7
- — 20-30 h.p. with Million-Guiet Body (illus.) 818
- Pewsey Motor Car Co. (letter). 866
- Phoenix Car, 12.9 h.p- Two-cylinder Car, 435
- — 11.9 h.p. Car, 821
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 165
- Physician, Suitable Clothing for all Conditions, bv. 3
- Piccard-Pictet 30-40 h.p. Car (illus.), 1089
- Pickwick (letter). 1194
- Pickwick’s Inns, by Charles G. Harper, 490
- Pierce-Arrow Car after Flood (illus.), 788
- — Motor Works, Studying Interests of Owners, 321
- Pierre, Robert C. (letters). 1002. 1053
- Pilgrimage to “ Adam Bed© ” Country, by Henry Walker, 823
- Piston and Valve Head. Damaged (illus.). 937
- — Built-up. Patent by R. R. Bullard and H. R. Weichman, 1007
- — Ring, Compound. Patent by A. G. Ionides, 1007
- — Troubles, 534
- — Steel. James. Talbot and Davison, 661
- Pitts. W. W., Springing Improvement, by 114
- Plaint of the Owner-driver. 1179
- Player, W. S. (letter). 1105
- Pneumatic Starter, Patent by W. Allday and C. E. Simms, 1007
- Poetry (?). Useful and Ornamental, 122
- Point Duty by Scouts and Police, by Sir Edgar C. Boehm, 195
- Pointe, ^ore, for Next Year’s Cars, 1017
- Police and Production of Licences. 1153. 1193
- — th^ Public, 166. 210
- — Traffic. 250
- — Case<, 22, 24. 256. 425. 461. 479. 480, 526. 1010. 1142, 1153, 1194
- — Methods, Unwise. 344
- — Perjury Charge Against. 790
- — Speedometers and the. 277
- — Trap Timing, 572
- — Traps in Essex. 712, 813. 901, 1001, 1051
- Polo, Motor, at Ranelagh. 1084
- Polyhroe Carburetter, 871
- Pomeroy, L. M. (letter). 1004
- Pope, C. R. Egerton (letter). 298
- Popping Back, Cure for, 1196
- — in Inlet Pipe and Carburetter Fires, 133
- Porter. T. B. (letter). 713
- Portugal as Touring Ground. 158
- — Import Duties of Cars, 236. 319
- Possibilities of Six-cylinder Three-throw Engines. by Archibald Sharp, 841
- Pot-hole Avoiding Route. 1048
- P.P.C. to the R-A.C.. 301
- Pragma Filling, 393
- Prangnell, N. W. (letters), 251. 391. 475
- Premium Pupils (letter). 570
- — and Repairs. 712, 756
- Prevention (letter), 1150
- Pressure, To Raise, Quickly 534
- Preston to Blackpool, Road Improvements, 650
- Price Maintenance, S.M.M.T. and, 866, 911, 1004. 1054
- Private Member R.A.C (letter), 118
- Pro Bono Motoro (letter). 615
- Publico (letter). 956
- Propeller-shafts. Flexible, 586
- Provincial Shows, Are they Necessary? 372, 566
- Public Garages, Cars Left at, 964
- - School ClaAset* at Brookland*, 192, 244
- — Motor Club, 820
- — Spirited Motorist, 286
- Punchesdown Ram, Motor Enclosures (illus.), 820
- Pardon, F. (J. (letter). 760
- Puzzled (lettcrj, 709
- P.W. Thermo-Syphon Water Circulation, by. 543
- Pyne, T Latter (letter). 616
- Q.E.D. (letter). 524
- Queries and Replies, 37. 83. 125. 169, 215, 2.57, 304, 349, 393. 435. 481, 527. 573, 619, 668, 715. 763. 821. 871. 917, 963, 1011, 1059, 1107, 1155. 1199
- R. A. Coon, 1104
- R.A.C. Conference. Tax on Old Cars, 311
- — Criticisms, Speech by Julian Orde, 337
- — Driving and Mechanical Proficiency Certificates, 44
- — Electric Lamp Lighting Teets, 433, 551, 614. 665
- — Guides, Burrows’. 209
- — Spade Work by, 143
- — Suggested Use for, 730
- — Member (letters), 161, 301
- — Road Guides and A.A. Patrols, 625, 627
- — Associated C-lute, 737
- — Special Diploma for Sunbeam Motor Co., 191
- — Standing for Members’ Cars (illus.), 235
- — The. 1150
- — Trial, Favorite Carburetter, 851
- — of 20 h.p. Paige Car, 194, 327
- — Traffic Teste of Globe Car, 851
- — Water Circulating Device. 14
- — Trials, Atlas Impulse Tyre Pump,. 7?3
- — Puncture-proof Tyre, 327
- - Morris Paraffin Carburetter, ii#4
- — Standard Petroleum Carburetter and
- — Vaporiser, 278. 1043
- — Zip Puncture Sealer. 1184
- Racing and Engine Improvements,$2
- — Claudel Carburetter, Description Jafj 196
- Radiator Arrangement, Improved, Patent by F. Schultz. 736
- — Number Plates, Taylor, 700
- Radiators and Bonnets of 1913
- — Cars, 507-520, 596, 643
- — Bonnets and Dashboards. 487
- Ranelagh. Motor Polo at. 1084
- Rango (letter), 712
- Ratchet Tubular Box Spanner, 849
- Rating of Steam Cars for Taxation, 285, 432
- Rattling Doors, 215. 304, 350
- R.C.H. Car at Warwick (illus.), 780
- — with Cabriolet Body (illus.), 310
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Description of, 412
- R.C.W. (letters). .474 1150
- Rear Lamp, Extinguished, Police Case, 24
- — Lights for Vehicles, 49. ’
- Recommended1 Hotels. 1150
- Record-breaking Argyll Car,
- — Talbot. 522
- Record. Motor Car. Sydney
- — Skid, 663
- Records and Carburation. 376
- — at Brooklands, 938. 970 984
- — Attempts by 25 h.p. Talbot. 894
- — Brooklands, bv 110x200 mm. Peugeot, 63. 603
- — Particulars of.
- — to Melbourne, 1038 1154 595. 705
- — Past Year’s, Review of, 25
- — World’s. 21. 25, 939
- Red Rock (letter). 615
- Reeves. A. W. (letter). 1103
- Reffell. W. R. (letter) 663
- Refitting Brasses, 176
- — Valve Springs, 677
- Reflex Mirror for Horse Vehicles, 470
- Reformer (letter). 118
- Regular Reader (letter) 1054
- Reigate Garage, Ltd. (letter). 758
- Rejuvenating Old Car. 1196
- Reliability Trial. New Zealand. 751
- Reliance Horn. 748
- Rim, Detachable, Studebaker, Description of, 731
- Remetalling of Roads. 343
- Removing Bolts that Turn. 534
- Remuneration of Road Scouts. 100
- Renault 14-20 h-p.. Carburetter for,
- Renold. C. G.. and Hans Renold, Ltd.. Patent by. Silent Chain Construction, 869
- Repairer’s Delay. 436 Repairers Recommended, 617. 711
- Repairs. 814. 912. 1006, 1105
- — Insurance and. 31
- — Premium Pupils and, 712, 756
- Replacements, Price*? of. 254, 344
- Reply to Critics. 140 Reporters’ English. 540
- Residence on Wheels, Canadian, 858
- Resource in a Difficulty. 534
- Retreading Pragma-filled Tyree, 573, 619
- Retreads. Suggested Trial of. 79
- Reviews, 159. 275, 495, 740, 818, 845,
- Revolving Lights at Dangerous Corners,
- Reynardson, V. H. Birch .(letter), 868
- Rhymeland Cheshire. Motor Drive Harry Wade. 306
- R.I.A. on Road Tarring, 1113
- Rice, J. (letter), 569
- Richard. H. (letter), 1103
- Richards. Edward (letter). 713
- — S. (letter), 1151
- Riches and Co.. Built-up Number Leaf Spring Opener. 238.
- — Co.’s New Step Mat. 644
- Richmond Horse Show, King and Queen at (illus) 1114 Rifle Range at Garage, 19
- Riga First Baltic A.C. Trial, 571
- Rightaway Easy Starter. 591
- Riley 10 h.p. Car and Herd of Donkeys (illus.). 931
- Rim, Detachable Flange, by M. Whilttingham Jones (illus.), 696
- Rims. Spencer-Moulton, 83
- — Warland Dual. 715. 917
- Ripley Strong and Co.. Tyre Reconstruction, 57 1047
- Rio de Janeiro. 16-20 h.p. Wolseley Car at (Illus.),
- Risk of Buck-fires, 632 871. 917. 1011 1056. 1114 695
- Riviera, Motoring and Gold on (Illus.), 496
- — on the (Blued. 636
- — Route to the. 574
- R.K.M. (letter), 1104
- R.M.C. Car after Accident (illus). 840
- — 18-20 h.p. Car, 668. 821, 917 (illUfl.), 286
- — Gear Box, Interesting Detail of, 72
- Road. Bicester to Aylesbury 1018
- — Board Funds. Discussion in House of Commons, 13. 410, 551, 594
- — Grants, Devonshire and. 31 London and. 137. 255. 269
- — Ninth List, 58
- — Tenth List. 642
- — to Ireland. 202. 806
- — Total, to Different Counties, 803
- — Wilts C.C. and. 347
- — Parliament and the. 13, 410. 551, 594
- — Congress, Third International, 1176
- — Construction. 522. 615. 664. 709, 758, 827
- — in Morocco, 908
- — Coventry-Birmingham, 326
- — Dangers, 432. 711
- — Direction Post Competition. 848
- — Diversion of. Lower Fishguard-Cardigan (illus.). 1029
- — Foundations, 533
- — Guides, R.A.C., and A.A. Patrols, 625. 627
- — Holyhead Main, 942
- — Improvement. Gift of Land for, 286
- — Improvements. 479. 762. 990. 1029. 1082
- — East Sussex, 255
- — Ontario, Canada, 545
- — Preston to Blackpool, 650
- — Shrewsbury to Chester. 990
- — Law of the, 342
- — Maintenance, 266
- — Cost of. 572
- — Motor ’Buses and. 651
- — Manners. 1055
- — Maps, Half-inch Scale. Review, 159
- — Materials and Testing Apparatus, 690
- — in New Zealand (illus.), 781
- — Trial of. 181
- — Obstruction by Traction Engines, Middlesex Byelaw, 374
- — Evesham-Coventry Road (illus.), 542
- — Obstructions (illus.), 317
- — of the Future, 675
- — over Devil’s Elbow. 1105
- — Patching, 865
- — Proposed. Relief, Croydon. 915. 996
- — Racing in the Isle of Man. 108. 236. 597
- — Reform in Nottinghamshire, by Chas. G. Harper, 606
- — Repair, Record, 667
- — Repairers, Flints left by. 347
- — Scouts, Remuneration of. 100
- — Sheep on, at Night. 1035
- — Suggested. Eastbourne. Bexhill and Hastings, 546
- — Surface Variations, 1151
- — Surfaces, Tar Treatment of, Notes upon, 1106. 1123
- — Tarring Warnings, 1113, 1121. 1177, 1183
- — to the North, 663
- — Vienna, by Chas. L. Freeston. 535
- — Touring in Southern England. Review, 159
- — Transport, Application of Power to, 198. 239. 287. 326, 372. 423
- — Users’ Conference, C.T-C. and N.T.U., 168. 320
- — Irresponsible, 1001
- — Warnings, 277. 348. 386. 433. 505. 651, 712. 762. 822. 963, 1055, 1058. 1060
- — Well Engineered, between Nice and Sospel (illus.). 593
- Roads, Caernarvonshire. 913. 1106
- — Dangerous, 123 321. 433. 713
- — Devonshire, Bad State of, 226
- — Flintshire. 522. 617
- — French. 195, 343. 935. 1104. 1150, 1190
- — Improvement Association. 143 348. 479, 550. 753. 819 1009. 1153, 1175 1193. 11S8
- — and Select Committee on Motor Traffic. 704
- — Annual Meeting, 753
- — Report. 649
- — Conference, Paper on Tread of Modern Road Construction, 1175
- — Horseshoe Competition. 1090
- — in Dumbartonshire. 820
- — Yorkshire, 233
- — Lincolnshire, 153
- — near Salisbury, 1053
- — Re-metalling of, 343
- — Roman, Renovation of, 1088
- — Taj on. Effect upon vegetation, 233
- — Tarred. 1065, 1190
- — Tarring, Damage by 1088. 1103. 1156. 1193
- — Traction Engines and, 391
- — Waterbound, 827, 960
- Roadside Advertisements. 506. 867
- Roche. Arthur E. (letter), 161
- Rochet (letter), 1104
- Roebuck, J. W.. Heavy Fuel Carburetters, b” ^64 •
- Roller Bearings. Timken, Theory and Method of Construction, 587 S
- Rollings of a Mossless Stone, Review, 495
- Rolls-Royce (letter). 868
- — and Napier Cars, Mrs. C. Chapple-Gill’s (illus.). 779
- — Car, A. Cummings and D. Resta in (illus.), 123
- — at Calcutta (illus.). 364
- — Cars for Maharajah of Alwar (illus.). 627
- — 40-50 h.p. Car (illus.). 723. 1096
- — for Nizam of Hyderabad (illus.), 552
- — in India (illus) 267
- — with Body by Marstons, Ltd. (illus.), 469
- — with Body by Maythorn and Son, for Australia (illus.). 1162
- — Cann Body (illus.), 954
- — Mulliner Body (illus.) 526
- — Saloon Landaulet Bodv Hllua.k 906
- — Sporting Four-seater Bcxly (illus.), 556
- — Works Extensions. 150, 254
- Roman Roads, Renovation of. 108«
- Rook Shooting and Motor Cara, 883
- Rune, Sir Charles Burt. MR. 758
- Rosslare Strand, Irish A 0. Buct», ^48
- Routrun, Richard (letter) 212
- Rotary Hand operated Tyre Pump, 417
- — Valve Itala Car. 641
- Rutax Spriug Door Hinges. 241
- Route, Pot-hole Avoiding, Stvnvbndge Colesliill, 104B
- Routes to Ireland. 712
- Rover 6 h.p Car. 169. 257. 481
- — 8 h.p. Extra Air. 83
- — 1909 Car, 481. 528
- — 12 h.p. Car. 481 527 (illus.). 1050
- — 16-20 h.p., Carburetter for. 1012
- Rowe, B. H. (letter). 211 ,
- Royal A.C. and Associated Clubs at Brooklands 686 987, 1030
- — Institute of Carriage Manufacturers’ Deputation, 597
- — Annual General Meeting. 602
- — Detroiter 14-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 281
- — Flying Corps Flight to Montrose, Daimler Cars (illus.). 316
- — Industrial Tour (illus.). 770
- — North of Ireland Yacht Club. Motoring Members (illus.). 916
- — Society of Arts, Lecture by Prof. V. B. Lewes, 147
- — Lectures, Liquid Fuel, 235. 276
- — Visit to Lancashire, 1149
- R.R.E. (letter). 814
- R.S. (letter), 1194
- Rubberine, 619
- Rubber Industry. British (illus.), 303
- — Tubing Hints, 771
- Rudge-Whitworth Detachable Wheel (illus), 986
- — Spare Wheel Currier. 256
- — 1913 Type Wheels, Manipulating, 401
- Rule of the Footpath. 297. 343, 388, 474 Road. 1194
- — in 1756 201
- Rules for Drivers and Pedestrians, by Scotti-li AC.. 688
- Road Users, 429. 474
- — of the Road and Footpath. 709
- Runabouts. Design of, 32. 121 165, 254
- Runbaken Adjustable Sparking Plug. 280
- Runcorn Transporter Bridge. 570. 663
- Running Costs. 81, 430. 478. 756, 815, 911
- — in Engines with Coal Gas. 462
- — on Benzole, 1102, 1107, 1152. 1155, 1193
- — Paraffin Mixtures, by F. Bass Sutton, 722
- Rushmore Lamp Igniter, 150
- Russia. Entering. Motorist's Experiences, 873
- — Motoring in. Warsaw to Moscow, 919, 965
- — Winter Race in, 416
- Russian Army Trials. 120, 165
- — Tale of the, by Frederic Coleman, 4, 52
- — Customs Circular and Automobiles, 472
- — War Dept. Trials and White Petrol Tank Lorry. 19
- Russell F. (letter). 391
- — (letters), 34. 1054
- Rusting of Wire Wheels. 83. 125. 304
- R.W. (letter), 1194
- Salisbury. Roads near, 1053
- Salmons and Sons, Cabriolet Body by (illus.), 440
- Salsbury Head Lights, Improvements to, 248
- Saltburn Speed Trials. 870
- Salzburg to the Lake of Zell, by Chas. L. Freeston, 628
- Salzkammergut, In the, by Chas. L. Freeston, 772. 854
- Sankey Wheels, 125. 169
- Sarum (letter), 1053 Satisfied (letters) 78. 711
- — Owner (letter), 1003
- -Saunders Extra Air Valve. 30
- Sava Car with Van den Plas Body (illus.), 366
- — 18 h.p. Car (illus.) 884
- — 18-26 h.p. Car with Body by Dodson Motors, Ltd. (illus.), 530
- Savannah A.C., Georgia, Road Race, 961
- S.C. (letter). 866
- Scarborough. Car in Flooded Road at (illus.), 1037
- S.C.A.R. 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.). 340
- S.C.A.T. Cars, 527
- — 15 h.p. Car, 481
- — 22 h.p. Car. P. LI. Naish with (illus.), 1010
- S.C.C. (letter). 76
- Sehebler Carburetter, Description of, 149
- Schools, Motor, Bogus. 44. 76 123, 163, 211
- — Officially Appointed. 256
- — Training. Garage and, 913 1006. 1151
- Schrader Tyre Pressure Gauge. 247
- Schultz. F., Patent by. Improved Radiator Arrangement. 736
- Scotland. Public Inquiry into Accidents, 168
- — Tour in, 871 Scottish A.O., 819
- — Annual Dinner of. 190
- — Rules for Drivers and Pedestrians, 688
- — Motor Show, Report of, 184-190
- Scout Care. 435. 619 763, 822
- Scouts and Police. Point Duty by, by Sir Edgar C. Boehm. 195
- Screen Width. 771
- Screw Head*. Concealed, 660
- — Concealing, in Metal Panels, 443
- Seabrook R.M.C. Car. 619
- Searle Unburstable Tube. 169
- Air Tubes on Trial, 853. 895
- Seating Accommodation in Small Cars, 165
- Second-hand Cars. Age of, 1103 1150 Taxation of. 115
- Seecond Report of Petrol Committee, 221, 230- 233
- Security Bolt, Improved, Patent by J. F. Smith. 434
- Seeker (letter) 812
- S.E.H (letter). 342
- Select Committee on Motor Traffic, 704, 788
- Self-Starter. Patent by N. A. Christensen, 817
- Self-Starters. 37. 959 1002. 1055
- — Electric. 959 1002, 1055. M01
- — by J Dalrymple Bel), 880
- Semmering, Over the, by Chas. L. Freeston, 11 €4
- Sercombe. 11. E. (letter). 957
- Serre. E. A. (letter*). 712. 814
- Serviceable Car. 759
- Shareholder (letter), 864
- Share List. The Autocar, 532 578. 624. 674, 720. 768. 826. 876. 922. 968, 1016. 1064. 1112, 1160. 1204
- Sharp, Archibald. Possibilities of Six-cylinder Three-throw Engines. bv 841
- Sharpe. C., M I), (letter). 1055
- Shaw. James S. (letter) 570
- Sheep on the Road at Ni^ht. 1035
- Sheffield-Simplex 25 h.p. Car. Col. F. C. Ord s (illus.). 82
- — 30 h.p. Inside-drive Limousine (iilue.). C4
- — with Experimental Body (illus.), 936 Three-3eated Bodv (illus.), 19
- — 45 h.p. with Alford and Alder Bcdy. 695
- Shelsley Walsh and Aston, Cornering at (ill’-)
- — Hill-climb, Midland A.C.. 414, 107C
- Sheppee, S. W. (letter). 432
- Sherbourne and Fiitcham. Signposts at (lllus.). 1058
- Sheridan, Alex- L. (letter). 1104 .
- Shock Absorber Competition, A. zc. de Belgique. 104
- — Brussels, 303
- — Absorbers, Nevajah, 1000
- Shortcomings of Doorless Bodv (lllus.), 834
- Show, Aero, Engines at the. 314
- — Echoes, 32
- Shrewsbury to Chester. Road Improvements. 990
- Siddeley-Deasy Car. Driving Hands Off, 732
- — 14-20 h.p. Car (illus.). 447, 610
- — 18-24 h.p. with Body by T. Paes (illus.), 268
- — Car (illus.) 800
- — 24-30 h.p. Car (illus.) 378
- Side-slip, Serious Consequences of Johannesburg (illus.), 819
- Signposting of Bradford, 601
- Signposts. The King’s (illus.) 845. 1058
- Silencer, Cleaning the, 443
- — Trials, A.CU., 277
- Silencers, 619. 957
- Silent Chain Construction. Patent by G. C. Renold and Hans Renold. Ltd., 869
- Simpson, F. C. (letter). 388
- Simplex Piston and Duplex Piston Rings, 262
- Singer 14 h.p. Car with Fabric-phaeton Body (illus.), 829
- — Limousine Coupe (illus.). 82. 115
- — 20 h.p Car (illus.) 255 Running Costs of. 871
- — 25 h.p. Car, Mr. Warn’s {illus.). 753
- — Cars. Three Sizes of (illus.). 682
- — Record at Brooklands, 938
- Sirdar Tyres, 1106
- Six-cylinder Standard (letter). 1001
- Skatinq Champions, Two (illus.). 123
- Skew All-rubber Non-ekid Tyre, 415
- Skidding on Ice-bound Roads, 170
- Skinner, H. (letter). 342
- Sleighs. Screw-propelled, at St. Petersburg (Illus.). 264
- Sleeve Valve Argyll 15-30 h.p. Car. Description of. 448
- — Engines, High Speeds cf. 1120
- — Patents. 371 552. 1140
- Sliding Window on Inside-driving Body' 708
- Small Oar Talk, by Runabout. 68 608, 1100
- — Man (letters). 815 957
- Smith Ernest (letters). 712. 812. 1150
- — J. F.. Patent by Improved Security Bolt. 434
- S.M.M.T. and Isle of Man Race 1097
- — Price Maintenance, 866. 911, 1004, 1054
- Smoking in French Works. 667
- Smoothing out an Air Tube. 133
- Snowdrifts. Car held up by (illus.) 189. 227
- Snowed Up 60 h.p. Ariel Car (illus.) 638
- Snow. Motoring in the, 164 337
- Soames, J. G. H., A Month in France and Italy, by. 575
- Soap. Motor. Lyxavon. 1024
- Society Anonyme des Cycles Peugeot. Patent by, Spring Coupling for Timing Gears, 434
- — Houdaille and Sabot, Patent by Spring Adjustment, 736
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 819
- Speedometer Driven, Lighting Dynamo and, 579
- — Elliott. Three Yearn with. 556
- Speedometers and the Police, 277
- — Luminous. 304
- Speight, A. (letter), 1052
- Spence, W. L. (letter) 342-
- — Patent by. Wick Curburetter, 817
- Spencer-Moulton Rims. 83
- Sport. Motors and, Otter Hounds (illus.), 744
- Sporting Life Companion, Review, 818
- Spring Adjustment, Patent by Soqi^td Houdaille and Sa pot. 736
- — Coupling for Timing Gears. Patent by Sccicte Anonyme des Cycles Peugeot, 434
- — Holder for Spare Petrol Can (illus.}. 554
- — Jacks, 964
- — Shackle, F.G., 419
- — Suspension, Patents by Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co.. Ltd.. 62 1007
- — Tour in France, by Owen John, 972. 1021. 1 1068 1146
- Springs, Discussion on G. H. Baiilie’e Paper, 905
- — Greasing the, 677
- — Paper by G. H. Baillie, 859
- — Supplementary, Patent by C. B. Waterlow, 817
- Springing Improvement, by W. W. Pitte, 114
- — of Motor Cars, 877. 956
- — Systems, by W. G. Aston. 1025-1029
- Spyker Cars, 763
- — 20-30 h.p.. Old Crown Bevel (illus.) 723
- Squeers (letter}. 77
- St. Albans Rubber Co. (letters). 75r 866
- Standard Car, Carburetter for, 125
- — Cars. 571
- — 9.5 h.p. Car 368
- — Description of, 599
- — (illus.). 1129
- — in Brazil. Strenuous Usage of, 465
- — Petroleum Carburetter and Vaporiser, R.A.C. Trial, 278, 1043
- — (Patent) Co.. Ltd. (letter), 477
- — Six-cylinder Car, Running of. 961
- — Specification for Benzole. 1175
- Standardisation of Motor Fuels in America, 107
- Stanley, A. (letter), 343
- — Steam Car, 715
- — with Body by Meace and Co. (illus.), 899
- Staples, T. D., Patent by. Tyre Fitting Tool, 434
- Star Car 10-12 h.p.
- — 15.9
- — Two-seater
- — 15-20 h.p.
- — 23 h.p. Six-cylinder
- — with Marconi Station
- Start Cold Paraffin Carburetter
- Starting Device for Mixed Fuels
- State Motor Car for Nizam of Hyderabad
- Steam Car Design, 712, 760. 812
- — for Hire Purposes, 126
- — Pearson-Cox, Description of. 560
- — Queries and Replies, 126. '
- — Rating for Taxation, 285.
- — Topics, by Mid-Link. 652
- — Cars. 394. 435
- — Carriage. First Inventor of __
- — Roller Race, Suggestion at Brooklands (illus.). 1034
- Steel Motor Houses. 1048
- — Piston, James Talbot and Davieon, 661
- — Shavings. 369
- Steering Design and Workmanship, Test of. 732
- — Gear, Patent by J. E. Lees, J. M. Hewitt, and A. J. Drake. 736
- — Stiff. 133
- — Wheel, Position of the, 579
- — Rim, Grip Cover for, 1130 Step Lights-, 751
- Stephens Model 2 Engine Stand (illus.). 48
- Stephenson. C. H. (letter), 1102
- Stewart. E. C. (letter). 867
- Stewart-Precision Carburetter Co., Ltd. (letters) 430. 523
- — on Talbot Car, 376
- Stock Car International Race. Isle of Man, 441, 456, 525. 567, 597, 601. 617, 662. 924, , 1001. 1048, 1097
- Stocks. J. W. (letter). 568
- Stoewer 10-16 bp. Car (illus.). 971
- — 15-30 h.p. Cdr (illus.,853
- Stolen. 15-20 h.p. Armstrong-Whitworth Car, 106. 123 1048. 1(194
- — Body
- Studying Interests of Owners. Pierce-Arrow Motor Works. 121
- S. U. Carburetter
- Suggestion. A. 346
- Sulivan. Harry F. (letter), 911
- Sulkiness. 443
- Sunbeam Aero Engine. 442
- — A Staunch Old. 33
- — Cars. 83. 215
- — Grand I’rix Car (illus.). 787
- — Cars, Particulars of. 945
- — 1913 Grand Prix Car (illus.), 882
- — 12.16 h.p. 1913 Car, 904 1911 Car. 37. 169
- — Car (illus.I, 1090
- — in Australia (illus.). 168
- — 16-20 h.p. Cars (illus.). 201
- — 25-30 h.p. Car (illus.). 676
- — 30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car for Indianapolis Race (illus.). 433
- — Motor Boat Engines, 269
- — Co.’s Diploma from RAC., 191
- — Twelve-cylinder Car for Brooklaitds, 991
- Superheaters. 126
- Suspension. Covey, Description of, 105
- Sutton Coldfield A.C. Trial. 28
- — and Mid-Warwickshire Reliability Run. 323 392
- Sutton. F. Base* (letter). 32
- — Running on Paraffin Mixtures, by, 722
- Swanlike Oar, Calcutta Motorist’s. 1010
- Swedish Trials, 38 h.p. Lanchester Car in (illus.). 706
- — Winter Trials. 237. 392, 427. 433, 458
- Swift Cars for Carreras, Ltd. (illus.). 782
- — Cycle Car on Glencullin Hill, Co. Dublin (illus.), 833
- — 7 h.p. Car, 917
- — Carburetter for, 871, 963
- — 10 h.p. Oar, 668
- — 12 h.p. Car, Road Obstruction Encountered by (illus.), 542
- — Light Car, Trial of. 137
- Switchboard, Brolt, 243
- Switzerland as Car Market, 571
- — Motoring in. 1057. 1106, 1197, 1198
- Swivelling Reflector Plates, Patent by C. C. Bruff, 418. 465
- Sydney-Melbourne Reliability Trial. 597
- Sydney to Melbourne Motor Car Record, 1154
- T20 (letter), 524
- Tabor, F. A. M., Continental Tour, by (illus.), 160
- Tail Lamps, Electric. 121
- — Light. C.A.V., 423
- Talbot Attempt at Hour Record, 272
- — Car, Carburetter for, 215
- — Chassis with Olympian Phaeton Body (illus.), 265
- — 12 h.p. Car at Bombay (illus.). 883, 1009
- — Drive in Australia, 1063
- — Record Run from Sydney to Brisbane, 82
- — 15 h.p. Car (illua.), 987
- — in Ireland (illus.). 392
- — with Body by Brainsby and Sons (illus.). 1122
- — Flush-sided Body (illus.), 398
- — 20 h.p. Landaulet (illus.). 279
- — 25 h.p. Attempts upon Records, 894
- — Car (illus.), 559
- — Engine, Power Curves and Timing Diagrams of, 322 323
- — Hour Record Beaten by, 324
- — Percy Lambert’s, at Brooklands (illus.), 312
- — Record-breaking. 522
- — Designer of, by G. W. A. Brown, 322
- — Record. Cinematograph Film of, 371
- Tale of the Russian Army Trials, by Frederic Coleman, 4. 52
- Tanks for Conveying Petrol bv Rail (illus.), 1010
- Taiga. Florio Race, 36. 838. 895. 962, 980, 1010
- — De Dion in. 1182
- Tar on. Roads. Effect upon Vegetation, 233
- — Stains, Removing, 1107. 1163
- Tar-treated Roads and Fish, 896
- Tar Treatment of Road Surfaces, Notes upon, 1106. 1123
- Tarred Road. The R.I.A. and. 1113
- — Warnings of, 1113, 1121. 1177, 1183
- — Tarred Roads, 1065 1190
- — Damage by. 1088, 1103. 1156. 1193
- Tasmania, Itala Car in. 107
- Taunton to Exeter and Launceston, 1107. 1155
- Tax on Old Cars, R.A.C. Conference, 311
- Taxation, Commercial Traveller’s Car and, 1012. 1059
- — Injustices. 2
- — Motor, 713
- — of Cars, Formula for France. 378, 400
- — Motor Care. Regulations for, 22
- — Old Cars, 34. 76. 119. 132. 143, 164. 209, 387, 429
- — Second-hand Oars, 115
- — Rating of Steam Care for, 285, 432
- Taximobile (letter), 713
- Taylor. G. Campbell, The Training of Automobile Engineers, by. 69
- — James Worsley (letter). 252
- — Number Plate for Radiators. 700
- Telegraph Posts. Unsightly and Dangerous, 617, 732
- Templer, J. L. (letter), 1151
- Tenterden (letter), 80
- Ten Year Old Car for 1913 Grand Prix, 21
- Terry. A. E., Patent by. Auxiliary Spring, 434
- Thames Tunnels. Speed of Motor Vehicles Through, 64
- Thanks. 213
- Theft, Motor Car. Prevention of, 474. 568
- — of Oars, To Prevent, 762
- Theo (letter*) 570. 1052
- Thermo-syphon Water Circulation, by P.W., 543
- The Sweet, r/ the Year, by Owen John, 927
- Thieves, Motor Car, 411
- Thomson, W. H. (letter), 346
- T.H.T. (Tetter). 346
- Timken Koller Bearings, Theory and Method of Construction, 587
- Tips. Useful Hints and. 2. 3, 45. 91, 133. 176, 223. 265, 313. 357. 401 443. 489, 534. 581, 626. 677. 722. 771 828. 879. 925, 971 1019, 1067. 1115, 1163
- T.J.W. (letter), 1005
- Toll Bridges and Toll Gates. 452
- — Gate, Old, at Ashby-de-la-Zouch. 167
- Tools. Notes for the Beginner. 156 Toothed Gearing, Review, 818
- Top Gear Test in London Traffic, 194
- Toronto. Canada, Accident to Car (illufi.), 961
- — Motoring in (illue.). 458
- — Motor Show (illus.), 371
- Tour by a Lady. 813
- — Continental, by Col. W. F. Wyley. 73
- — F. A. W. Tabor (illus.), 160
- — in Beautiful Brittany, by E.M.P.B., 292, 382, 402
- Trade Signs, 1150
- — Trusts and the Consumer, 117. 345. 391. 476, 569, 614. 813
- Trader’s Grievance, 430
- Traffic Board Question. 746
- — Dangers, City Coroner on. 106, 155, 326
- — Motor ’Bus, 391 Inquiry 241
- — Select Committee on, 704. 788
- — Police and. 250
- — Problems in Manchester and Leeds, 431
- — Problem. London, Sir Laurence Gomme’s Views. 296
- — Regulation at Ascot. 1066
- — Regulations in Glasgow. 35
- Training of Automobile Engineers, 89, 212, 229, 250, 297. 342, 387. 430, 477. 506. 569. 665. 712. 813
- — Paper at Institution of Automobile Engineers 69. 109. 175, 203
- Tramcar and Motorist. 461
- — Stopping Places, Dangerous. 745
- Tramcars, Passing, 711
- Tramway Standards, Central. 644
- Transporter Bridge, Runcorn. 663
- Trapping at Kingston. 1194
- Traunthal, Through the. by Chas. L. Freeston. 951
- Travelling Workshop on Dennis Chassis (illus.). 314
- Trenchard. Mohun A. (letters) 162. 475
- Trend of Modern Road Construction, Paper by Col. Crompton and H. P. Boulnois, 1175
- Trial, Suggested, of Retreads, 79
- Tricket and Co. (letter). 430
- Trimming of Hedges. 1012
- Trinty Undergrad (letter). 958
- Trip in a Hydroplane, 411
- Tubular Box Spanner. Ratchet. 849
- Tucker, Alex. E.. Del Monte Process, bv 741
- Tudhope Car, 1913 Model Canadian Car (illus.), 586
- Turcat-Mery 18 h.p. Two-seater (illus.), 376
- — Car with Peculiar Touring Body (illus.), 10, 11. 367
- Two-stroke Engines. 821
- Tyacke. Edward F. (letter). 34
- Tyler, E. G. (letters). 252. 342
- Tyne and Allen, By the Banks of. by M. Adeline Cooke. 1061. 1109
- — Topography of Brooklands. 503
- Tyre Alarms
- — Buyers’ Guide, 1066. 1072
- — Covers, New, Mounting. 958
- — Fitting Tool, Patent bv T. D.
- — Grip, Emergency, Keva. 746
- — Latexio Pneumatic. 730
- — Lever. Adcock, 154
- — Glentworth. 810
- — Levers Michelin, New. 998
- — Life Insurance, 1008
- — Mileage, 1104
- — Patching Compound, Autocure, 1148
- — Pick, by F. H. Hutton, 313
- — Victor Tyre Co.’s, 848
- — Pressure Gauge, Schrader. 247
- — Prices, Reduction in. 1132
- — Pump, Atlas Impulse, Test of, 752
- — R.A.C. Trial, 723 t
- — Reconstruction, Ripley Strong and Co., 57
- — Reinforcement with Leather, 158 192
- — Tyre Repairs and Retreading, West London Rubber Co., 1039
- — by Dunlop Rubber Co., 807
- — Sizes. Relative. 33. 120. 165, 1195
- — Skew Non-skid. 415
- — Spare, Carrying. 1163
- — Stiff, To Fit, 443
- — Test. Victor. 20. 97. 289. 328. 414 50d. 747. 867. 959, 1005, 1053
- — Award of Private Motorists’ Committee, 74*7
- — Trials, Unofficial. 34. 79. 122. 165, 301. 346, 387, 488, 616 812, 867, 913
- — Valves. Leaky, 1019
- — Victor, Faraday House Report, 289
- Tyres. Composition-filled. 712
- — Derelict, Repairs by Tom Cann, Ltd., 1050
- — Dunlop Studded, Test of, 19
- — Goodyear, 1093
- — Meter, as Personal Luggage, 209, 343
- — Non-skid, A Challenge, 525. 615, 664
- — Notes for the Beginner, 156
- — Pragma-filled. Retreading. 573, 619
- — Small. False Economy of, 935
- Tyrol. A Corner of, Innsbruck to Lofer, by Charles L. Freeston, 582
- Ubique (letter), 1002
- Ulster, Week’s Tour through. 395, 437
- Unalloyed Enjoyment (Illus.), 992
- Unauthorised Speed Limit Posts, 409
- Unbiassed (letter). 164
- Uncasehardened Gear Wheels, 216, 304. 350
- Under-tyred Cars, 721, 812
- Unemployed (letter). 617
- Unic Car, 12-16 h.p. Oar, 169. 257
- United Association of Motorists, 992, 1051, 1101
- — States Car Exports, 82
- Universal Joint Improvement. Patent by D’Orsay M. White and D. Napier and Son, Ltd., 869
- — Patent by G. Constantinescu, 434
- — Joints, Noisy. 917. 963
- Unofficial Tyre Test. Libel Action, 796
- — Trials, 34. 79. 122. 165. 301. 346. 387 488. 616. 812, 867, 913
- Unsightly and Dangerous Telegraph Peets, 617
- Vai, C. (letter), 1151
- Valve Breakages. 133
- — Design, Ingenious, Patent by H. Huckel, 736
- — Grinding Compound, R. Scaife’s, 995
- — Socks, A Lubrication System. 251
- — Springs, Refitting, 677
- — Stems and Tappets, 1151. 1194
- — Tappet Adjustment, 626
- Valveless and F.I.A.T. Cars in Highlands (illus.). 742
- — 15 h.p. Oar (illus.). 153
- — 19.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 576. 1190
- Vance, Myron E. (letter), 524
- Van den Plas Body on Metallurgique Chassis, 997
- Vane. H. T. (letter). 1053
- Van Toll. J., The Late, 941
- Vasseur Rubber Steering Wheel Cover, 1130
- Vauxhall Car Crossing River, in New Zealand (illus.), 937
- — J. Higginson’s (illus.). 894
- — Gear Box Interior (illus.). 642
- — 16-20 h.p. for St. Petersburg Show (illue.), 849
- — 20 h.p. Car in Australia (illue.), 147
- — with Alford and Alder Body (illus.), 881
- — 25 h.p. Car, 1096
- — Prince Henry Type near Stockholm (illus.), 317
- — with Body by W. Cole and Sons (illus.), 421
- — Sutherland Body (illus.). 592
- — 30 h.p. Car for St. Petersburg Motor Exhibition, 707
- — 35 h.p. Oar with Dropped Frame (illus.), 368
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter). 77
- — with Body by Portholme Aerodrome, Ltd. (illus.), 927 ?
- V. Engine, Eight-cylinder, 777, 956
- — Engines, Three-throw. Six-cylinder, Possibilities of, by Archibald Sharp, 841
- Verb. Sap. (letter). 815
- Vibrophone Horn, 408
- Victim (letter), 960
- Victor Cycle Car Tyre, 59
- — Tyre Co. (letter), 617
- — Test, 20, 97, 289. 328, 414 506. 747, 867. 959. 1005, 1053
- — Award of Private Motorists’ Committee, 747
- — Faraday House Report. 289
- — Mishap, 506 541
- Victoria Motor Works (Godalming), Ltd., 299
- Vienna. The Road to. by Chas. L. Freeston, 535
- Vieo, Ltd. (letter). 913
- Villagers Drawing Car (illus.), 667
- Vincent Hydraulic Transmitted. 410. 474
- Vinot Car, 12-14 h.p. Car, Appreciation of, 447
- Von Stralendorf!. G. (letter). 1193
- Vox Car, 6-9 h.p. Light Car. 115
- Vulcaniser, H.F., New Fitting for, 802
- Vulcan Car, 10-12 h.p. Car on Birkdale Esplanade (illue.), 761
- — 15.9 h.p. Chassis (illue.), 747
- — 19.6 h.p., Carburetter for. 763. 963
- — 25-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Landaulet at Winnipeg. Canada (illus.), 116
- Vulcanising, Ara Process, 218
- W. (letter). 812 v ..
- Wade, Harry. Motor Drive through “Rhymeland ” Cheshire, by, 306
- — Run to Erbistock and Borders of Wales.
- — — Through Cheshire and Staffordshire Highlands. by. 351
- Wales. Hill-climb and Speed Trials in, 782, 1169
- Walford. Eric W. (letter) 120 567
- — Increase of Efficiency, by, 724
- — Notes for the Beginner, by, 51. 156, 242. 466. 795 on Paraffin, by. 683
- — Recent Patents, by. 62. 434, 736, 817, 869, 1007
- Walker. Edith I. (letter). 813
- — Henry, Pilgrimage to “ Adam Bede ” Country, by, 823
- — Run to Fenland Decoy, by, 217
- Walsall County Borough and Driving Licences, 801
- Wanderer (letter), 760
- — In the Highways and Byways of the West, bv 39, 85, 127
- — Winter Routes through France, by, 92, 134. 224
- Wandering Worm (letter). 250
- Wanton Destructiveness, 756
- Wardell Interlock, 996
- Warland Dual Rims. 715, 917
- Warning Boards, Kent C.C.. 159
- — Device by J. N. D. La Touche (illus.) 9£4
- — Eastbcurne and Motor Cars. 1104, 1150
- — Notices. Uniform, 540
- — Signals, Roads. Clubs, 2
- Warsaw to Moscow, Motoring in Russia, 919. 965
- Warwickshire C.C. Meeting, 348
- Watertbound Roads, 827, 960
- Waterfall. Motoring Across, Washington, U.S.A, (illus.). 1045
- Water Charges for Doctors’ Cars, 872
- — in Private Garages, 908
- — to Motorists, 290, 323
- — Circulating Device, R.A.C. Trials, 14
- — Circulation, Thermo-syphon, by P.W., 543
- — Splash Gauges, A.A. and M.U. (letter), 653
- Waterloo Cup (illue.). 375
- Waterlow, C. B., Patent by, Supplementary Springs, 817
- Watson. G. W., and J. S. Kennedy, Paper by, Heavy Motor Vehicles, 463
- Waverley Cars, 83
- Wayland, Herbert Frank (letter), 616
- W.C.R. (letter). 5&8
- Wedding, Motor Cars at (illue.). 526
- Week-end and Touring Notes 39. 85, 127, 171. 217. 259. 306. 351, 395. 437, 483. 529, 575, 621. 669, 717. 765 823. 873, 919 965. 1013. 1061, 1109, 1157, 1201
- Weight per Horse-power, 568
- Welding Process, New. 789
- Wellington Barracks. Stalling Cars at (illus.). 743
- Welsh Border, To the, by H.R.N., 483, 529
- Welsh-Lee. H. (letter). 1003
- Welsh Police*Trap, 1194
- West End Speed Limit, Application for, 997
- — London Rubber Co.’s Tyre Repaim, 1039
- Western Outlet from London. Proposed, 1020
- Westall. S. C. (letter). 429
- W.G.S. (fetter), 815
- Whatton, J. S. (letter), 31
- W.H.D. (letter}, 614
- Wheel and the Road. Correspondence, 757, 813
- — Paper by Col. R. E. Crompton, 654
- Discussion on, 689
- Wheels, Wire, Wood, and (Steel, 251
- Wheeler, Wm. (letter), 712
- Whistling Exhaust, 357
- Whitcomb. J. (letter). 522
- White and Poppe Carburetter, Description of. 979
- Whitehouse-Cole, A. J. (letter), 812
- Whitehall Court (letter), 387
- White, D. M., and D. Napier and Son, Ltd., Patent by, Universal Joint Improvement, 869
- — 20-30 h.p. Petrol Car, Trial of, 640
- — Chassis with Cann Limousine (illue.), 464
- — Knight (letters), 389, 523
- — Petrol Tank Lorries for Russian Government. 19
- Whitsun Meeting, Brooklands. 788, 843. £44. 888-893
- Whittingham-Jon eg (letter). 475
- Wick Carburetter. Patent by W. L. Spence, 817
- Wilburine Oil. 83
- Williams, A. (letter). 614
- — H. Fillingham (letter), 388
- Wiltshire Roads, Tar-painting of, 328
- Wimperis, H. E., Design of Motor Vehicles by 459
- — Lecture by. Application of Power, to Road Transport. 239. 287. 326, 372. 423
- Windham, W. (letter), 35
- Wind Screen, Loose Glass in, 677
- Winter Race in Russia, 416
- — Routes through France, by Wanderer, 92, 134. 224
- Wolseley 16 h.p. with Charlesworth Body (illus.), 422
- — 30 h.p., Carburetter for. 573, 1059
- — Tool and Motor Car Co.. Patent by. Carburetter, 62
- — Spring Suspension, 62. 1007
- Wood. A. (letter). 614
- Wooden Drawbridge, Temporary, at Beverley, Yorkshire (illus.), 540
- Woodward, W. J. (letter). 430
- Woollen, Harry (letters), 666. 813
- Workshop. Fitting up. with Place for Everything, 828
- — Tidy, 357
- World’s Records, 22, 25. 639
- — Record Run by Argyll Car, >39, 970, 984
- Worm Drive Efficiency, 263, 342, 387, 399
- — Gear Challenge, 399. 441, 473. 521, 613, 709, 812, 864, 910, 956, 1004
- — Lubrication, of, 971, 1103
- Paper by F. W. Lanchester, at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 338, 379
- Worth. Frank A. (letter), 253
- Would-be Motorist (letter), 914
- W.P.B. (letter;, 301
- Wyley, W. F., Interesting Continental Tour, by, 73
- X. (letter), 431
- X-ray Equipment. Doctor’s Car fitted for, 124
- Yarroll, Herbert (letter), 300
- Young, E. H. (letters). 33. 914
- — Filson (letter), 474
- Lecture by Motors and Morals, at Ladies’ A.C., 377
- — Motorist (letter), 957
- — Norman M. (letter). 712
- Youngman, Thos. W. (letter), 1196
- York County Court, Case of Damages, 526
- Yorkshire A.C. Saltburn Speed Trials, 962
- — Roads in. 233
- Yule. Robert (letter), 1055
- Yzelen, D. (letter), 1196
- Zenith Carburetter and Benzole, 623
- — Description of. 14
- Zedel 10-12 h.p. with Special Body (illus.), 100
- Zip Puncture Sealer, R.A.O. Trial, 1184
- Zucarelli, Death of, 1198
- 15.9 (letter), 343
- 1898-1913 (letter). 957
- 1912 Vauxhall (letter). 1105