1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades: Company E

Note: This is a sub-section of 1918 Directory of Manufacturers in Engineering and Allied Trades
Note: Further information is contained on the page image including number of employees, war work and pre-war work.
4251 Eadie Bros. and Co., Ltd., Victoria Works, Paisley. Phone: 2041. T/A: Rings, Paisley. Area No. 9.
4252 Eadon, Henry and Sons, Highbridge Forge, Owlerton, Sheffield. Phone: 43 Sheffield. T/A: Area No. 3.
4253 Eadon, Moses and Sons, Ltd., President Works, Kelham Island, Sheffield. Phone: Sheffield Central 37. T/A: Eadon, Sheffield. Area No. 3. Eagle, Arthur, 12, Fitzroy Street, London, W.l.
4255 Eagle Engineering Co., Ltd., The Eagle Works, Warwick. Phone: 174 Warwick. T/A: Eagle, Warwick. Area No. 4.
4256 Eagle Foundry Co., Downham Road, Ely, Cambs. Phone: 41. T/A: Eagle Foundry, Ely. Area No. 7.
4257 Eagle Foundry Co., Stevenston, Ayrshire. Phone: T/A: Area No. 9.
4258 Eagle Range and Grate Co., Catherine Street, Aston, Birmingham. Phone: East 58. T/A: Range, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4259 Eagle Tinplate Co., Ltd., Eagle Tinplate Works, Neath. Phone: 57 Briton Ferry. T/A: Eagle, Neath. Area No. 5. .
4260 Eagles, Wm., Springfield Brass and Copper Works, East Yorks Street, Salford. Phone: 3665 Central. T/A: Tonie, Manchester. Area No. 2. Earl, R. and Co., London.
4261 Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., Heath Street South, Spring Hill, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
4262 Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Hedon Road, Hull. Phone: Central 2402, 2403, 2404 and 2405. T/A: Earles, Hull. Area No. 1. (A.)
Earth Driven Clock Co., 11 Bowling Green Street, Leicester.
East Anglian Artificial Limb Co., Ipswich.
Easdale, E. M, and Co., Glasgow.
4265 East Anglian Engineering Co., Ltd., Milton Road, Stow-market, Suffolk. Phone: 13. T/A: Anglian. Area No. 7. East Anglian Munition Co., Ipswich.
4266 East's Boatbuilding Co., Ltd., Reading. Phone: 164. T/A: East, Reading. Area No. 6.
4267 East Ferry Road Engineering Works Co., Ltd., East Ferry Road, Millwall, London, E.14. Phones: East 3848 and 3849. T/A: Hydrostatic, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
4268 East Dock Engineering Works, Ltd., Delhi Street, St. Thomas, Swansea. Phone: 104 Central. T/A: Delhi, Swansea. Area No. 5. (A.)
4269 East Grinstead Motor Garage, The Ltd., London Road, East Grinstead. Phone: 90. T/A: Garage, East Grinstead. Area No. 7.
4270 East Kent Iron Works, Sittingbourne, Kent. Phone: 38. T/A: Gardiner, Sittingbourne. Area No. 7.
4271 East Sheen Garage, East Sheen Engineering Works, 493- 495/7, Upper Richmond Road East Sheen, London, S.W.14. Phone: Richmond 1142. T/A: Area No. 7.
4273 East Yorkshire and Crosskills, Cart and Wagon Co., Ltd., Eastgate, Beverley, Yorks. Phone: T/A: Area No. 1.
4274 Eastbourne Aviation Co Ltd., Seaplane Station, Eastbourne. Phone: 1176 Eastbourne. T/A: Aircraft, Eastbourne. Area No. 7. Eastbourne Cab Co., Eastbourne.
4275 Eastbourne Motors, Ltd., 27, Commercial Road, Eastbourne. Phone: 914 Eastbourne. T/A: Petrol, Eastbourne. Area No. 7.
4276 Easterbrook, Allcard and Co., Ltd., Albert Works, Penistone Road, Sheffield. Phone: 26 Owlerton. T/A: Easterbrook’s, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
Eastern Aircraft Co., Ltd., Leytonstone, London. Eastern Garage Co., Forest Gate, London.
4277 Easton and Johnson, Ltd., Albemarle Road, Taunton. Phone: 146 Taunton. T/A: Eastwald, Taunton. Area No. 6. I
4279 Easton, R. and Son, 28/30, Southwark Bridge Road, London, S.E.l. Phone: Hop. 2927. T/A: Eastonift, London. Area No. 7.
4280 Easton Sheet and Galvanizing Co., Ltd., South Bank, S.O., 1 Yorks. Phone: 52 South Bank. T/A: Sheets, Middlesbrough. Area No. 1.
4281 Eastville Engineering and Rock Drill Co., Ltd., 8/16, Ellbroad Street, Old Market Street, Bristol. ] Phone: 4568 Bristol. T/A: Perfection, Bristol. Area No. 6. (A.)
4282 Eastwood, Edward, Railway Wagon Works, Chesterfield. 1 Phone: 216. T/A: Eastwood’sWagon Works, Chesterfield. Area No. 4.
4283 Eastwood, E., Railway Wagon Works, Sandiacre, Notts. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
4284 G. A. Eastwood Engineering Co|Eastwood, G. A., Engineering Co., Ltd.]], Vulcan Works, Bridge Street, Long Eaton, near Nottingham. Phone: 50 Nottingham T/A: Vulcan, Long Eaton. Area No. 4.
4285 Eastwood, Swingler and Co., Ltd., £ Victoria and Railway Iron Works, Litchurch, Derby. Phone: 150 Derby. T/A: Swingler, Derby. •Area No. 4.
4288 Eaton, S. and Sons, 66/72, Barr 1 Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 1118.; T/A: Lighthouse, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4287 Eaves, T., Ernest Street, Hollo- £ way Head, Birmingham. • Phone: 888 Midland. T/A: Ecrou, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4288 Eaves, Thomas A. Son and Co., Ltd., 92, Charles Henry Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1535 Midland. T/A: Area No. 4.
4289 Ebbw Vale Steel, Iron and Coal Co., Ltd., Ebbw Vale, R.S.O., Mon. Phone: Ebbw Vale 1. T/A: Company, Ebbw Vale. And at Seamless Steel Tube Works, Pontynewydd, South Wales. Phone: 31 Cwmbran. Area No. 5.
4292 Ebonestos Manufacturing Co., 127, Pomery Street, New Cross, London, S.E.14. Phone: New Cross 886 and 887. T/A: Ebonestos, Nucros, London. Area No. 7.
4293 Ebor Engineering Co., Ltd., Ebor Street, Littleborough, near Manchester. Phone: 125 Littleborough. T/A: Ebor Engineering Co. Area No. 2.
4294 Ebora Propellor Co., Ltd., Surbiton Park Terrace, Kingston-on-Thames. Phone: 672. T/A: Ebro, Kingston. Area No. 7.
4295 Eccles Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., The, Roberts Street Works, Pa trier oft, near Manchester. Phone: Eccles 136. T/A: Micrometer. Area No. 2.
4296 Eclipse Foundry Co., The, Graham Street, Leicester. Phone: 48 Leicester. T/A: Area No. 4.
4297 Eclipse Machine Co., Ltd., The, Viscount Street, Oldham. Phone: 1129 Oldham. T/A: Eclipse, Oldham. Area No. 2.
4298 Economic Car Light, Ltd., The, 8/16, Cromer Street, and 147, Manchester Street, London, W.C. Phone: 5824 Holborn. T/A: Area No. 7.
4299 Edbrooke, F. and R., Meadow Street, St. Paul's, Bristol. Phone: Bristol 998. T/A:. Sashes, Bristol. Area No. 6.
4300 Edgar, Wm. Blenheim Works, Waterloo Street, Hammersmith, London, W. Phone: 14 Hammersmith. T/A: Gasoco, London. Area No. 7.
4301 Edge and Sons, Ltd., Coalport Works, Shifnal. Phone: 1 Shifnal. T/A: Edge, Shifnal. Area No. 4. (A.)
4302 Edgell, A. and Sons, 26, Norfolk Road, Littlehampton. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7. Edgware Engineering and Aircraft Co., London.
4303 Edie, H. and Co., Ltd., The Bow Foundry, Bow, London, E.3. Phone: East 401. T/A: Area No. 7.
4304 Edison Accumulators, Ltd., S Works: 18, Stourcliffe Street Edgware Road, London, W.2. B Phone: Paddington 2182. T/A: Offices: 2 and 3, Duke Street, St. James’, London, S.W.l. Phone: Regent 5470 (6 lines). T/A: Edibatt, St. James’, London. Area No. 7.
4305 Edison Swan Electric Co., Ltd., I Ponders End, Middlesex. Phone: 520 Enfield (6 lines). T/A: Ediswan, Enfield. Area No. 7. I
4306 Edkins, C. and Sons, Ltd., Birmingham. Phone: Central 3838. 1 T/A: Edkins, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4307 Edlington, J. B. and Co., Ltd., 1 Phoenix Works, Carr Lane, Gainsborough. Phone: 30. T/A: Phoenix, Gainsborough. Area No. 4. I
4308 Edmeston, Archibald and Sons, Ltd., ] Springfield Engineering Works, Patricroft, Man- PhOTe^3266 Central. T/A: Edmeston, Patricroft. Area No. 2. ]
4309 Edmonds, G., Soho Hill Works, I Birmingham. Phone: 129 Northern. T/A: Reciprocal, Birmingham. Area No. 4. ]
4310 Edmunds, W. P., Bright Street, ( King’s Hill, Wednesbury, Staffs. Phone: 78 Darlaston. T/A: Edmund’s, King’s Hill, ] Wednesbury. Area No. 4.
4311 Edson Motor Tank Co., 169, £ Bishop Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1576 Midland. T/A: ] Area No. 4.
4312 Edwards and Barnes, 237, Broad Street, Birmingham. Phone: 267 Midland. T/A: Darner, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4313 Edwards and Co., Ltd., West Ferry Road, Millwall,London, E.14. Phone: East 712. T/A: Yola, Milleast. Area No. 7. (A.)
4314 Edward and Co., 189-193, Christ- church Road, Bournemouth. Phone: 1272 Bournemouth. (2 lines.) T/A: Cylinder. Area No. 6.
4315 Edwards and Jones, Globe Engineering Works, Cooke Street, Stoke, Staffs. Phone: 145 Longton. T/A: Globe, Longton. Area No. 4.
4316 Edwards and Williams, Ltd., 79, Chiswell Street, London, E.C.l. Phone: London Wall 7436. Area No. 7..
4318 Edwards, Arthur, 12, North End, Wisbech, Cambs. Phone: 105. T/A: Foundry, Wisbech. Area No. 7.
4319 Edwards Bros., Excelsior Works, Sampson Road North, Birmingham. Phone: Victoria 48. T/A: Zone, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4320 Edwards, C. H., Ltd., Reliance Brass Works, Millfields, Ettinghall, Wolverhampton. Phone: 153 Bilston. T/A: Area No. 4. Edwards, F. J., Ltd., London, E.C.3.
4321 Edwards, J., Ltd., Tube Works, Wednesbury. Phone: 36 Wednesbury. T/A: Edwards Ltd., Wednesbury. Area No. 4.
4322 Edwards, W. H., Steel and Tin-plate Dyffryn Works, Morriston, Glamorgan. Phone: 135. T/A: Marfydd, Morriston. Area No. 5.
4323 Edwards, William and Sons, Dawes Street, Bolton. Phone: 1441. T/A: Area No. 2.
4325 Eeles, Walker and Co., Forward Works, Crescent, Cambridge Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 5324 and 5325. T/A: Elswal, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4327 Efandem Co., Ltd., Fallings Park, Wolverhampton. Phone: 1123. T/A: Efandem. London Office: 22, Newman Street, London, W. Area No. 4.
4328 Efficient Motor and Engineering Co., East End Works, 315, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
4329 Effingham Steel Works and Rolling Mills Co., Ltd., Washford Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield. Phone: 4020 and 4021 Sheffield. T/A: Effingham, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
4330 Egertons, Northgate Street, Ipswich. Phone: 630. T/A: Egertonia, Ipswich. Area No. 7.
4331 Egham Motor Co., 1 and 2. High j Street, Egham, Surrey. Phone: 131 Egham. ! T/A: Egham Motor Co. Area No. 7.
4332 Eglinton, F., Bridgman Street, Walsall. Phone: 24 Walsall. T/A: Bits E Area No. 4.
4333 Ehrhardt, W., Ltd., Time Works, Barr Street, Birmingham. Phone: 2279 Central. T/A: Ehrhardt, Birmingham. Area No. 4. E.I.C. Magnetos, Ltd. (Late Electric Ignition Co., Ltd.), Birmingham. Eisemann Magneto Co., Richmond.
4334 Elastic Metallic Packing and Engineering Co., Temple Town, Tyne Dock. South Shields. Phone: 290 South Shields. T/A: Packing. Area No. 1.
4335 Elder, W. and Son, Ltd., Vulcan Foundry, Berwick-on-Tweed. . Phone: 12. T/A: Elder, Berwick-on- Tweed. Area No. 1. Eldon Aviation Co., Ltd., London.
4336 Electric and Ordnance Accessories Co., Ltd., The, Ward End Works, Birmingham. Works at Cheston Road, Birmingham, Aston, and Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent. Phone: 960 East. T/A: Eoa., Birmingham. Area No. 4, (A-)
4337 Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Bushbury Engineering Works, Wolverhampton. Phone: 75 and 430 Wolverhampton. T/A: Electric, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
4338 Electric Control, Ltd., 177, Reid Street, Bridgeton, Glasgow. Phones: 298 and 299 Bridge-ton. T/A: Control, Glasgow. Area No. 9. (A.)
4339 Electric Ignition Co., Ltd., Sampson Road North, Birmingham.
4340 Electrical Apparatus Co., Ltd., Vauxhall Works, South Lambeth Road, London, S.W.8. Phone: London — Brixton 2075 • Manchester — City 4009; Birmingham—Central 7478; Glasgow — Central 250; Newcastle-on-Tyne — City 437. T/A: Elapratus (followed by name of town). Area No. 7. Electrical Components, Ltd., Birmingham.
4341 Electrical Conduits, Ltd., Birch Street, Walsall. Phone: 440. T/A: Conduits, Walsall. Area No. 4. Electrical Manufacturers Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., 28, Victoria Street, S.W. Electrical Contracts and Maintenance Co., Ltd., Willesden Green, London.
4342 Electrical Power Engineering Co. (Birmingham), Ltd., First Avenue, Stechford, Birmingham. Phone: Stechford 21. T/A: Torque, Stechford. Area No. 4. Electrical Repair Co., Brockley, London.
4344 Electro Galvanizers, Ltd., Head Office: 18, St. Swithin’s Lane, London, E.C.4. Phone: T/A: Works: 2, Martin Street, Stratford, E.15. Area No. 7. (A.)
4345 Electro Mechanical Brake Co., Ltd., The, Eagle Works, West Bromwich. Phone: 291 West Bromwich. T/A: Brakes,West Bromwich. Area No. 4. Electro Metals, Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent.
4346 Electromotors, Ltd., Louisa Street, Openshaw, Manchester. Phone: 7094 /5. T/A: Magnet, Manchester. Area No. 2. (A.)
4347 Eley Bros., Ltd., Angel Road, Edmonton, London, N.18. Phones: Tottenham 55 and 2400. T/A: Eley, Tottlane, London. Area No. 7.
4349 Elias (Engineers), Ltd., Vulcan Engineering Works, The Quay, Gloucester. Phone: 289 Gloucester. T/A: Elias, Gloucester. Area No. 6.
4350 Elkington and Co., Ltd., Newhall Street, Birmingham. Phone: 59 Centra1. TIA: Elkington, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4351 Ell, Chas. J., Victoria Works, Luton, Beds. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7. Ellams Duplicator Co., Ltd., London.
4352 Ellard, H. and Sons, Midland Works, Gomer Street, Willenhall. Phone: 18 Willenhall. T/A: Ellard, Willenhall. Area No. 4.
4353 Ellaway, Henry H., 24, 26, 28, Bishop Street, Birmingham. Phone: Mid. 1318. T/A: Area No. 4.
4354 Ellenband, Devitt and Maskrey, 32, Shelmerdine Street, Collyhurst, Manchester. Phone: City 447. T/A: Seiving. Area No. 2.
4355 Ellerman Lines, Ltd., The, The Ellerman Engine Works, Holme Street, Liverpool. Phone: 227 Bootle. T/A: Riveller. Area No. 2.
4357 Ellin, Thomas R., Footprint Works, 31/47, Hollis Croft, Sheffield. Phone: 1703 Sheffield. T/A: Footprint, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
4359 Elliot and Jeffrey, Cardiff Engine Works, Bute Docks, Cardiff. Phone: 2826. T/A: Eclipse, Cardiff. And at Windsor Slipways, Cardiff. Phone: 772. And at Commercial Dry Dock, Cardiff. Phone: 2204. T/A: Eclipse, Cardiff. Area No. 5. (A.) Elliot and Jeffery, Barry Dock.
4361 Elliott, George and Co., Ltd., Bute Docks, Collingdon Road, Cardiff. Phone: 175. T/A: Elliot, Company. Area No. 5.
4362 Elliot, Geo. and Co., Ltd., Sheaf Steel and Wire Mills, Heeley Sheffield. Phone: Sharrow 51. T/A: Sheffield. Area No. 3.
Ellis, W. and Sons, Sheffield.
4363 Elliott and Co., Ltd., 188, Long Lane, Bermondsey, London, Phone: 1869 Hop. T/A: Area No. 7.
4364 Elliott and Co (Otley), Ltd., Steel Croft Machine Works, Otley, Yorks. Phone: 83. T/A: Elliott, Otley. Area No. 3.
4365 Elliott and Garrood, Ltd., Ingate. Ironworks, Fair Close Road, Beccles. Phone: 7. T/A: Elliott, Garrood, Beccles. Area No. 7.
4366 Elliott Bros., Motor Repair Co., Norwich Avenue, Bournemouth. Phone: 262 Bournemouth. T/A: Royal Blue, Bournemouth. Area No. 6.
4367 Elliott Bros. (London), Ltd., Century Works, Lewisham, London, S.E.13. Phone: Lee Green 1218. T/A: Ohm, Lewis, London. Area No. 7. (A.)
4368 Elliott, Wm., Boiler maker, Crocus Street, Nottingham. Phone: 30 1y Nottingham. T/A: Elliott, Crocus Street, Nottingham. Area No. 4.
4369 Elliot's Metal Co., Ltd., Selly Oak Works, Birmingham. Phone: 53 Selly Oak. T/A: Elmeco, Selly Oak. Area No. 4.
4370 Ellis and Co. (Birmingham), Ltd., Empire Plate Works, Hall Street, Birmingham. Phone: 4132 Central. T/A Candelabra. Area No. 4.
4371 Ellis, Chas. and Sons, 65, Constitution Hill, Birmingham. Phone: 1463 Central. T/A: Ellis, Birmingham. Branch Works: Wychal Mills, King’s Norton. Area No. 4.
4373 Ellis, Edwin and Co., Ltd., Alpha Road, Millwall, London, 1 E.14. Phone: East 684. T/A: Stayf? 11, Milleast, London. Area No. 7. (A.-)
4374 Ellis, Thomas H„ Salop Road, < Oswestry. Phone: 37. T/A: Area No. 4.
4375 Ellis, Son and Paramore, Spring £ Street Works, Sheffield. 1 Phone: T/A: Area No. 3. 6252
4377 Ellison Brothers Napier Works, Thombury, Bradford. Phone: 5971 Bradford. T/A: Area No. 3.
4378 Ellison, Cordingly and Co., Moor End, Cleckheaton. Phone: 92 Cleckheaton. T/A: Cordingly, Cleckheaton. Area No. 3.
4379 Ellison, George, Wellhead Lane Works, Perry Bar, Birmingham. Phone: 740 Northern. T/A: Induction, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4380 Ellison, W. T. and Co., Bolton Road, Irlams o' th’ Height, Manchester. Phone: Pendleton 30. T/A: Turnstiles, Manchester. Area No. 2.
4381 Elliston, Evans and Jackson, Ltd., 13, Cross Street, Finsbury. London, E.C.2. Phone: 215 and 7303 London Wall. T/A: Elevanja, London. Area No. 7.
4382 Ellwell, J., Ltd., Sherboume Street. Birmingham. Phone: Midland 1762 and 1763. T/A: Sections, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4383 Ellwick, W. and D., Ltd., Clerkenwell, London, E.C.l. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4384 Elm Street Engineering Works, 16, Elm Street, Gray’s Inn Road, London, W.C.l. Phone: Holbom 2151. T/A: Elstenwo, London. Area No. 7.
4385 Elm Works, Ltd., Summerstown, Tooting, London, S.W.17. Phone: Wimbledon 1201 and 1601. T/A: Elmworlid, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
Elms Aircraft and Motor Works, London.
4386 Elsley, Thos., Ltd., The Portland Metal Works, 28-30, Great Titchfield Street, London, W.l. Phone: Museum 3442. T/A: Elsleys, Wesdo, London. Area No. 7.
4387 Elson and Co., 93—95, New Summer Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 6582. T/A: Area No. 4.
4388 Elson and Co., Ltd., Mead Works, Burton-on-Trent. Phone: 468 Burton. T/A: Elson, Burton. Area No. 4.
4389 Elswick-Hopper Cycle and Motor Co., St. Mary’s Works, Bar-ton-on-Humber. Phone: 67 and 68 Barton-on-Humber. T/A: Hopper, Barton-on-Humber. Area No. 1.
4390 Elsworth, J. and Sons, Ltd., Australian Works, 36, Malinda Street. Sheffield. Phone: Central 747. - T/A: Elsworth, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
4391 E. L. Tool and Gauge Co., 240, Aston Road, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Area No. 4.
4392 Eltringham. Joseph T. and Co., Ltd., Stone Quay Shipbuilding and Engineering Works, Willington Quay, Northumberland. Phone: Wallsend 214 and 215. T/A: Eltringham, Willington Quay. Area No. 1. (A.)
4393 Elwell, Edward, Ltd., The Forge, Wednesbury. Phone: 52 Wednesbury. T/A: Elwell, Wednesbury. Area No. 4.
4394 Elwines Steel Stamping Co., Longhill, West Hartlepool. Phone: T/A: Area No. 1.
4395 Elwood, A. W.,-T19, Denmark Road, Camberwell, London, S.E.5. Phone: Brixton 2714. T/A: Area No. 7.
4396 Emanuel, A. and Sons, 7, 9, 11, 13, George Street, Manchester Square, London, W.l. Phone: 6384 Mayfair (4 lines). T/A: Emanuel Baker, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
4397 Emanuel, A. and Sons, Ltd., Speak- ing Stile Walk, Bath Row, Birmingham. Phone: Midland 1699. T/A: Kwikfix, Birmingham. Area No. 4. Emanuel, S., Ltd., London.
4398 Emanuel, S. M. and Co., Westwood Works, Witton, Birmingham. Phone: East 257. T/A: Area No. 4.
4399 Embley, ., 44, Heath Mill Lane, Deritend, Birmingham. Phone: Central 4042. T/A: Area No. 4.
4400 Emerson, Walker and Thompson Brothers, Ltd., Dunston, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Phone: Newcastle Central 1138 and 198. T/A: Nestor, Gateshead. Area No. 1. (A.)
4401 Emery Brothers, 389, Lichfield Road, Aston, Birmingham. Phone: 10 East Birmingham. T/A: Emery Bros., Aston, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4403 Emery, W. and Co., 163 Arundel Street, Sheffield. Phone: 4454 Sheffield. T/A: Emery, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
4404 E. M. F. (1914), Ltd., Queen Victoria Street, Walsall, Staffs. Phone: 391 Walsall. T/A: Plug, Walsall. Area No. 4.
4405 Emmott, George, Wadsworth Mill, Oxenhope, Keighley. Phone: 14 Haworth. T/A: Emmett, Oxenhope. Area No. 3. Empire Bedsteads, Ltd., Bordesley Works, Birmingham. Empire Casting Co., The 103, Morland Street, Birmingham.
4406 Empire Engineering Co (Manchester), Ltd, Clarendon Road, Salford. Phone: 6588 Central T/A: Appliances, Manchester. Area No. 2.
4407 Empire Foundry and Welding Co., 93, Elthorne Road, Holloway, London, N.19. Phone: Hornsey 2335. T/A: Holnoweldo, London. Area No. 7. Empire Spring Co., Park Works, near Bromwich.
4409 Empsall, W. H., Stanhope Works, Henry Street, Bradford. Phone: 1437. T/A: Area No. 3.
4410 Endacott Dividing Machine Co., Head Office: 58g, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.l. Works: Vine Street, Clerkenwell, E.C.l., Lawrence Hill,; Bristol, Jermyn Street, London, S.W. Phone: Hoi. 2801 (Office). 5772 (Works). T/A: Area No. 7.
4411 Endless Rim Co., Ltd., Grange Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham. Phone: 191 Selly Oak. T/A: Endless, Selly Oak. Area No. 4.
4413 Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., Enfield Works, Redditch. Phone: Redditch 121, 122, 123 (3 lines). T/A: Cycles, Redditch. Area No. 4.
4415 Enfield Electric Manufacturing Cable Co., Ltd., Brimsdown, Enfield Highway, Enfield, Middlesex. Phone: Waltham Cross 222 /3. T/A: Cables, Enfield. Area No. 7.
Enfield Machine and Auto Tool Co., Enfield.
4416 Engine Development Co., Ltd., The, 7, Princes Street, Westminster, London, S.W.l. Phone: 7660 Victoria. T/A: Onager, Phone, London. Works: Church Wharf, Chiswick, London, W.4. Area No. 7. (A.) Engine Specialists, Ltd. (Late Williams and Co.). Office: London. Works: St. Mary Cray, Kent.
4417 Engineering Accessories, Ltd., Hill, Street, Coventry. Phone: 189 Coventry. T/A: Limits, Coventry. Area No. 4.
4418 Engineering and Arc Lamps, Ltd., Sphere Engineering Works, St. Albans, Herts. Phone: 258 St. Albans. T/A: Voltarcon. Area No. 7.
Engineering Gauge Co., Ltd., Camden Town, London, N.
Engines, Ltd., Willesden, London. Engineering Works,
Electrical and General, Ltd., London.
4420 England Brothers and Co., 4, Turner Street, Suffolk Road, Sheffield. Phone: 3659 Sheffield. T/A: Area No. 3. England, F. N., Ltd., Willesden Lane, London, N.W.
4422 English Crown Spelter Co., Ltd., The, White’s House, Port Tennant, Swansea. Phone: Central 1474. T/A: Crown, Swansea. Area No. 5.
4423 English, J. and Son, Queen Works, Redditch. Phone: 111 Redditch. T/A: English, Redditch. Area No. 4.
4424 Enoch and France, 361, Manchester Road, Bradford. Phone: 620 Bradford. T/A: Enoch, Bradford. Area No. 3.
4425 Enock, A. G. and Co., Ltd., Thane Works, Broad Lane, Tottenham, London, N.15. Phone: Tottenham 2280 (2 lines). T/A: Icerimus, Phone, London. Area No. 7.
4426 Enterprise Engineering Co., 91, Beach Road, Sparkhill, Birmingham. Phone: 4. T/A: Area No. 4. Enterprise Steel Co., Ltd., London.
4427 Enthoven, H. J. and Sons, Ltd., Upper Ordnance Wharf. Rotherhithe, London, S.E.16. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4428 Entwisle and Gass, Ltd., Atlas I Foundry, Nelson Street, Bolton. Phone: 1399 (2 lines). T/A: Foundry, Bolton. Area No. 2. 1
4429 Entwisle and Kenyon, Ltd., Ewbank Works, Accrington. Phone: 2631. I T/A: Ewbank. Area No. 2.
4430 E. N. V. Motor Co., 4, Hythe C Road, Willesden, London, N.W.10. Phone: 1125 Willesden. I T/A: Evotosyn, Kensal, London. Area No. 7.
4431 Erebus Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Charles Holland Street, Willenhall. Phone: 35, Willenhall. T/A: Erebus, Willenhall. Area No. 4. 1 Ernst, F. G., London.
4432 Erskine, Heap and Co., Ltd. (Formerly Eckstein, Heap and Co., Ltd.), Lancashire Switchgear ] Works, Caroline Street, Broughton, Manchester. Phone: 611 and 612 Higher Broughton. T/A: Electron, Manchester. Area No. 2. Essential Artificial Limb Co., J Ltd., London. Escott and Co. (Brixton Carriage ' Works).
4433 Essex Forge Co., Ltd., The, Ongar I Road, Brentwood, Essex. Phone: London Wall 5700, ] 5701, 3100. T/A: Esforg, Ave, London. London Office: 35/37, Broad Street Avenue, E.C.2. Area No. 7.
4436 Estler, Bros., Alpha Works, South Moulton Road, Canning Town, London, E.C.16. Phone: East 1870 and 1871. T/A: Isolable, Canning, Lon- don. And at Beta Works, Butcher’s Road, Canning Town, London, E.l 6. Area No. 7.
4437 Etchells, Congdon and Muir, Ltd., . Cannel Street, Ancoats, Manchester. Phone: 7164 City. T/A: Congdon, Manchester. Area No. 2.
4438 Etchells, D. and Sons, Ltd., Bull Piece Works, Darlaston. Phone: 67 Darlaston. T/A: Etchells, Darlaston. Area No. 4.
4439 Etna Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Etna Iron and Steel Works, Motherwell. Phone: 6 Motherwell. T/A: Etna, Motherwell. Area No. 9.
4410 Euston Engineering Co., 23-24-25, Sandland Street. Bedford Row, London, W.C.l. Phone: Museum 834. T/A: Area No. 7.
4441 Eva Bros., Crabtree Forge; Clayton, Manchester. Phone: 5626 Central. T/A: Forgings, Manchester. Area No. 2.
Evans, A. E., London.
4442 Evans. D., Manselton Foundry, Swansea. Phone: 102 Central. T/A: Area No. 5. Evans, David and Sons, Ltd., Ystradgynlais.
4443 Evans, David, Eagle Foundry, Llandaff. Phone: 33 Llandaff. T/A: Eagle, Llandaff. Area No. 5. Evans, H. D., Cardiff.
4444 Evans, James and Co., Britannia Works, Blackfriars, Manchester. Phone; T/A: Area No. 2.
4445 Evans, James and Co, Palatine Works, Gibbons Road, Lett Road, Stratford, London, E.15. Phone: Stratford 32. T/A: Cuprum, Cannon, London Area No. 7.
4446 Evans, John, Ltd. (Engineers and Ironfounders), Lower Forest Foundry, Morriston. Phone: 81 Morriston. T/A: Forest Foundry, Morriston. Area No. 5.
4447 Evans, J. and Sons (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Culwell Works, Heath Town, Wolverhampton. Phone: 39 Wolverhampon. , T/A: Evans, Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
4448 Evans, Joseph and Sons, Ltd., Highfield Tool and Steel Works, Sheffield. Phone: 868 Sheffield—313 . Sharrow. T/A: Spanners, Sheffield. Area No. 3.
4449 Evans, Jn. and Sons, River Plate Works, Whittimere Street, Walsall. Phone: 578 Walsall. T/A: Prenos, Walsall. Area No. 4.
4450 Evans, Joseph and Co., Ltd., Liverpool Street Tube Mills, Central Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1774 and 733 (3 lines). T/A: Adept, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4451 Evans, J. W. and Sons, 54 and 55, Albion Street, Birmingham. Phone: Central 4075. T/A: Designer, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4452 Evans, R. and J. and Co., Ltd., 45, 7 Caryl Street, Liverpool. 1 Phone: Liverpool 1892. T/A: Itata, Royal, Liverpool. Area No. 2. (A.)
4453 Evans, Thomas and Co., 29 and 30, 1 Bradford Street, Birmingham. 1 Phone: 1671 Midland. T/A: Grip, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4454 Evans, Thos. and Co., Summit Works, New Street, Walsall. Phone: 101 Walsall. T/A: Summit, Walsall. Area No. 4. Evans, William, London.
4455 Evans, W. and Sons, Soho Clock Factory, Handsworth, Birmingham. Phone: Northern 406. T/A: Chiming, Birmingham. Area No. 4. Evans, W. G. and Sons, London.
4456 Evans, W., Son and Co., School Street Brass Foundry, Wolverhampton. Phone: 282 Wolverhampton. T/A: Evans, School Street, ] Wolverhampton. Area No. 4.
4457 Evered and Co., Ltd., Surrey Works, . Lewisham Road, Smethwick, Birmingham. Phone: 201 Smethwick. T/A: Evereds, Birmingham. ( Area No. 4.
4458 Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., 1 Collindale Works, The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9. Phone: Kingsbury 45. ] T/A: Evergendos, Hyde, Lon- don. Area No. 7.
4459 Everhard Edgetool Co., Garth 1 Works, Taffs Well, near Cardiff. ] Phone: 6 Taffs Well. 3528 Cardiff. T/A: Everhard, Taffs Well. Area No. 5.
4460 Everitt (Allen) and Sons, Ltd., ] Kingston Metal Works, ] Smethwick, Birmingham. Phone: Smethwick 28 and 29. T/A: Everett, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4461 Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Acton i Lane Works, Chiswick, London, W.4. Phone: Chiswick 1133 and 1370. T/A: Dorothea, Chiswick, London. Area No. 7. (A.)
4463 Everton and Wilson, Highgate Works, 20, Leopold Street Birmingham. Phone: T/A: And at Rea Street, Birmingham; and Seymour Street, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
4466 Every, J., Phoenix Iron Works, Lewes, Sussex. Phone: 2 Lewes. T/A: Every, Lewes. Area No. 7.
4467 Eveson Brothers, Ltd., Wollescote, Stourbridge. Phone: 15 Lye. T/A: Eveson, Lye. Area No. 4.
4469 Ewart and Sons, Ltd., Head Office: 346/350, Euston Road, London, N.W.l. Phone: Museum 2570 (4 lines). T/A: Geyser, London. And at Works Road, Letchworth, Herts. Phone: 72 Letch worth. T/A: Ewart, Letchworth. Area No. 7.
4471 Ewart, E. A.: Works: Regent Works, 117, Wainwright Street, Aston. Offices: 174, Corporation Street, Birmingham. Phone: Birmingham, Central 371 T/A: Area No. 4.
4472 Ewarts, Ltd., Burnt Tree Works, Dudley. Phone: 2231 Dudley. T/A: Ewarts, Dudley. Area No. 4.
4473 Ewen and Mitton and W. and J. Player, Smithfield Works, Sherlock Street, Birmingham. Phone: 1402 Midland. T/A: Method, Birmingham. Area No. 4.
Excelsior Engineering Co. (Leeds), Ltd. (Late Best’s Safety Lamps, Ltd.), Leeds.
4474 Excelsior Foundry Co., The, Dudley Port, Staffs. Phone: Tipton 126. T/A: Excelsior Foundry, Tip- ton. Area No. 4.
4475 Excelsior Foundry Co., Ltd., Sandiacre, near Nottingham. Phone: 31 Sandiacre. T/A: Excelsior Foundry, Sandiacre. Area No. 4.
4477 Excelsior Steel and Iron Co., Ltd- Excelsior Works, West Bromwich. Phone: 69 West Bromwich. T/A: Excelsior, West Bromwich. Area No. 4.
4478 Excelsior Wire Rope Co., Ltd., Cardiff. Phone: 3093 and 3094. T/A: Ropes, Cardiff. Area No. 5. (A.)
4479 Excelsior Works Co., 26, Broadway, Bexley Heath, Kent.
4480 Exeter Munitions, Ltd., 52, Queen Street, Exeter. Phone: 623 Exeter. T/A: Munitions, Exeter. Area No. 6.
4481 Expanded Metal Co., Ltd., Stranton Works, West Hartlepool. Phone: 94. 1 T/A: Expansion, West Hartlepool. Area No. 1. Head Office: York Mansion, York Street. Westminster, London, S.W.l. Phone: Victoria 8809 and 8810. T/A: Distend, Vic., London. Express Engineering Works, Ltd., 5 Twickenham.
4482 Extruded Metals Co., Ltd. (and Delta Metal Co., Ltd.), 160, Dartmouth Street, Birmingham.
4483 Eyelets, Ltd., and R. J. Richardson, Commercial Street, Birmingham. Phone: Mid 975. T/A: Sandblast, Birmingham. Area No. 4. 1
4484 Eyland and Sons, Ltd., Rushall Street Works, Walsall. Phone: 495 Wf Isall. T/A: Eyland, Walsall. Area No. 4. ]
4485 Eyre Smelting Co., Ltd., Tandem Works, Merton Abbey, London, S.W.19. Phone: 591 Wimbledon. T/A: Analyzing, London. And at Tonbridge, Kent. Area No. 7.
4486 Eyres, J. and S., Ltd., Canal Foundry and Forge, Lord Street, Miles Platting, Manchester. Phone: 53 Failsworth. T/A: Eyres, Miles Platting. Area No. 2.
4487 Ellis, W. and Sons, 12, Lock Street, ( Infirmary Road, Sheffield. Phone: 1378. T/A:: Area No. 3.
4488 E.I.C. Magnetos, Ltd., Sampson Road North, Birmingham. Phone: 211 Victoria. T/A: Coils, Birmingham. ] Area No. 4.
4489 Escott and Co., Brixton Carriage Works, 35, Acre Lane, Brixton, London, S.W.2. Phone: 692 Brixton. T/A: Area No. 7.
4490 Excelsior Engineering Co. (Leeds), Ltd. (formerly Best’s Safety Lamps, Ltd.), Park Lane Mills, Leeds. Phone: 24090. T/A: Parklite. Area No. 3.
4491 Engineering Gauge Co., Ltd., The, (formerly Pratt Street Metal Works), 112/114, Pratt Street, Camden Town, London, N. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4492 Electrical Contracts and Maintenance Co., Ltd., 370, High Road, Willesden Green, London, N.W.10. Phone: Willesden 2406 and 177. T/A: Inductive, London. Area No. 7. And at Canterbury. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4493 Electrical Components, Ltd., Norfolk House, 36, Cannon Street, Birmingham. Phone: T/A: Coupo. Area No. 4.
4494 Engine Specialists, Ltd., Office: 96/98, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Works: St. Mary Cray, Kent. . / Victoria 3646. Phone' i Cray 59. T/A: Area No. 7.
4495 Evans, David and Sons, Ltd., Ystradgynlais. Phone: T/A: Area No. 5.
4496 Evans, H. D., John Street, Cardiff. Phone: T/A: Area No. 5.
4497 Elliot and Jeffery, Barry Dock. Phone: 51. T/A: Eclipse. Area No. 5.
4498 Eastern Garage Co., The, 418, Romford Road, Forest Gate, London, E. Phone: East Ham 490. T/A: Egaraco Co., London. Area No. 7.
4499 Eastern Aircraft Co., Ltd., 584a, High Road, Leytonstone, London, E. Phone: Wanstead 649. T/A: Area No. 7.
4500 East Anglian Artificial Limb Co., 52/54, Fore Street, Ipswich. Phone: 167. T/A: Area No. 7.
4501 East Anglian Munition Co., Waterside Works, Ipswich. Phone: 883. T/A: Munitions, Ipswich. Area No. 7.
4502 Edgware Engineering and Aircraft Co., Ltd., Edgware, London, N. Phone: Edgware 7. T/A: Area No. 7.
4503 Elm’s Aircraft and Motor Works, Christchurch Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4504 Electrical Repair Co., Martin’s Yard, Endwell Road, Brock-ley, London. Phone: New Cross 163. T/A: Area No. 7.
4505 Eldon Aviation Co., Ltd., 19, Eldon Park, South Norwood, London. Phone: Avenue 5309. T/A: Area No. 7.
4506 Ellam's Duplicator Co., Ltd., West Street Works, New Charlton, London, S.E.7. Phone: City 6818. T/A: Area No. 7.
4507 Emanuel, S., Ltd., 26, Park Street, London, N.W.l. Phone: Mayfair 6384. T/A: Emanuel, London. Area No. 7.
4508 Enterprise Steel Co., Ltd., Maiden Lane Goods Yard, L. and N.W. Rly. Co., York Road, London, N. Phone: Central 667. T/A: Area No. 7.
4509 Engines, Ltd., Pegasus Works, Trenmar Gardens, Willesden, London, N.W. Phone: Willesden 1742. T/A: Engines, Willesden. Area No. 7.
4510 Engineering Works, (Electrical and General), Ltd., Thurlow Park Road, West Dulwich, London, S.E. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4511 Enfield Machine and Auto Tool Co., Chase Side Works, Horseshoe Lane, Enfield, Middlesex. Phone: Enfield 518. T/A: Tools, Enfield. Area No. 7.
4512 Essential Artificial Limb Co., Ltd., 12, Harley Mews, and 24, South Moulton Street, London, W. Phone: Mayfair 6843. T/A: Area No. 7.
4513 Ernst, F. G., 80/82, Charlotte Street, Fitzroy Square, London, W. .Phone: Museum 1380. T/A: Area No. 7.
4514 Express Engineering Works, Ltd., 128, Staines Road, Twickenham, Middlesex. Phone: Richmond 1227. T/A: Area No. 7.
4515 Evans, W. G. and Sons, 2, Stanhope Street, Euston Road, London. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4516 Evans, William, 63, Pall Mall, and 1, Coach and Horses Yard, London, S.W. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4517 Evans. A. E., Hertford Place, Whitfield Street, London, W.l. Phone: T/A: Area No. 7.
4518 Easdale, R. M. and Co., 65, Washington Street, Glasgow. Phone: Central 1637. T/A: Easdale, Glasgow. Area No. 9.
4519 Earl, R. and Co., 31b, Heath Street, Hampstead. London, N.W. Phone: Hampstead 3287. T/A: Area No. 7.
See Also
Sources of Information