Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name S

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

ST. CLAIR, The Hon. Lockhart Matthew, C.I.E., O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Water Supply and Buildings and Roads Engineer, " Derriana," Mayfield Road, Sutton, Surrey. T. A.: " St. Clair, 731 Sutton." T. N.: Sutton 731. b. July 25, 1855 fourth s. of 4th Baron Sinclair. Ed. Wellington College, 1869-73, and the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, 1873-6. Joined the Indian Publ Works Department, Roads and Buildings Branch, October 1, 1876. Served as Assistant Engineer in the Saugor Road, Nagpur and Jubbulpur Divisions, and as Executive Engineer-in-Charge of Nagpur and Jubbulpur Divisions, 1881-5. Jointly responsible with J. N. Glass, C.I.E., for design and execution of the Jubbulpur Waterworks Project. Simla Imperial Circle, 1885-9; assisted in the design and construction of the New Imperial Government Buildings at Simla as personal assistant to the Superintendent of Works, and then in sole charge of the building of the new Viceregal Palace, cost of which was Rs. 15,00,000. Received thanks of Indian Government and an Autograph Letter and Memento from the Viceroy (the Marquess of Dufferin) for his work, on the completion of the building. Services lent by the Government of India to the Nepal Government as State Engineer, 1889-92; designed and constructed the Khatmandu Waterworks (population 70,000 ). Received thanks of Nepal and Imperial Governments. Executive Engineer, Lower Assam, 1894-5; prepared projects for Waterworks at Tura and Drainage for Dhubri. Executive Engineer, Hoshungabad Division, Central Provinces, 1895-7; prepared final project for, and constructed the Khundwa Waterworks and prepared project for the Harda Waterworks. Under-Secretary to the Government, Central Provinces, in the Public Works Department, 1897-9. In charge Nagpur Division Buildings, Roads, Waterworks and Famine Relief Works, October, 1899, to March, r9co. Superintendent of Works for all works, eight Southern Districts of the Central Provinces, with sole control of Public Works Department Relief Works, also charge of four waterworks, viz., Nagpur, Raipur, Bilaspur and Hinganghat. The Famine Relief Works embraced roads, railway and irrigation works. There were 214 separate relief camps employing an average of 535;000 persons daily and for a time a maximum of 898,000 persons daily. The total expenditure under the control of the Superintendent was Rs. 139,50,00o. In November, 19oo, appointed Superintending Engineer and Secretary to the Government Central Provinces in the Public Works Department. As such had professional responsibility for and administrative control of all public works in the Provinces, including roads, buildings, waterworks, railways, mines, irrigation works, relief works, etc. Received thanks of the Government of India and the Honour of Companion of the Order of the Indian Empire from H.M. The King Emperor, 1902. Retired from the Public Service, 1904. Devoted his time to travel, sport and scientific pursuits up to the outbreak of war. Member of the Junior Carlton and Royal Automobile Clubs. War Services.—Joined the Metropolitan Special Constabulary, August 17, 1914. Chief Inspector of the Sutton Sub-Division, including at that time Wallington, Carshalton and Banstead. Assistant Commander, September 9, 1914; Acting Commander of the " W " Division, October 11, 1914, which post he has since held. Created C.I.E., June, 1902; M.B.E., January, 1918; O.B.E., January, 1919.

SAINT, W., Min. Engr., Newland House, Keresley, Coventry.

SALKIELD, Tom, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San. Inst., Major R.E.(R.), City Engr., De:hi, India. Ed. " The Groves," and Private Tutors, York. Training: The Tech. Schs., York. Distinctions: " Kaizar-i-Hind " Decoration for " Distinguished Public Service i n India." Twice mentioned in Dispatches for " Gallant and Distinguished Services in the Field " (France and Flanders). Trained in the Office of the Chief Engr., York, under A. Crees, A.M.I.C.E.; Asst. Surveyor, Teddington, Middlesex; Surveyor, Hoddesdon, Herts; Surveyor, Leatherhead, Surrey, from which last-named appointment obtained in open competition in 1905, the above position, which is still held; Delhi has completely changed, and the list of works carried out is too long to enumerate, including Waterworks, Drainage, Demolition of Fortifications and Construction of Circular System of Roads, Extensive Development on Town Planning lines, Public Bdgs. including Design and Erection of the Hardinge Public Library; has made a close study of Civil and Mech. Eng. from the commercial point of view, and at present engaged on a special study of the subject from the Indian Market standpoint in consequence of the Industrial Era which has opened in India. Recently made a commercial tour through Persia; Director of an important Eng. Firm in India. Publ.: " Biography of John London Macadam," and many articles for " The Surveyor," and other papers on Eng., Commercial and Social Subjects. Clubs: The Delhi. Address: 10, Rajpur Road, Civil Lines, Delhi, India.

SALOMONS, Sir David Lionel, Bt., M.A., M.I.E.E., Assoc.Inst.C.E., F.R.G.S., F.R.A.S., F.G.S., F.C.S., Director of South Eastern and Chatham Railway, Director of City of London Electric Lighting Co., Ltd.; b. 1851; s. of Capt. Phillip Salomons. Ed. University Coll., Privately, and Cambridge. Training: Cambridge and Natural Sc. Tripos. Career: The first probably to light by Electricity with Incandescent Lamps, 1874, all had to be " home made," including switches; also made and used home-made Elec. Carriages, numbers of Patents and Inventions dealing with Electricity; published many books on that subject; many years on Council of I.E.E., and proposed its formation, from the " Society of Telegraph Engrs."; was Treasurer and V.P. of the Inst. for many years. Many works on motor cars, clocks and watches, and photography. One of and founder Aero Club de France, and a President d' Honneu? Maidra d'Honneur Automobile Club de France; a V.P. of Royal Automobile Club. Address: "Broomhill," Tunbridge Wells, and 47, Montagu Square, London, W.I.

SALT, C. W., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, City Electrical Engineer, Carlisle; b. 1878. Ed. King's College, Northampton Institute, and Birmingham Technical Institute. Assistant to Borough Electrical Engineer, Croydon, and City Electrical Engineer, Bradford; Borough Electrical Engineer, Torquay, 1910 to r9I5; City Electrical Engineer, Carlisle, 1919. War Services.—Three years and six months with the colours. Joined ranks London Electrical Engineers, 1915; commissioned in 1916; served in France, 1917 and 1918; promoted in the field to Acting Captain, Royal Engineers, 1918.

SALVESEN, Henry Adolph, D.L., J.P., M.I.N.A., Vice-Consul for Norway and for the Netherlands, V.-Consular Agent for Russia at Grangemouth, Principal of J. T. Salvesen and Co., Steamship Owners, etc; b. 186o; s. of J. T. Salvesen, Founder of Business in 1843. Ed. Blairlodge and Edinburgh University. Training: Glasgow, St. Petersburg, London. Career: Convener of Works Committee, Stirling C.C., that carried out East Stirlingshire Waterworks and Polmont Drainage; Supt. building and running of his firm's Steamers; Knight of the Royal Order of Wasa; Knight of the Royal Order of St. Olaf; Officer of the Royal Order of Orange-Nassau; Romanoff Tercentenary Medal. Chibs Western, Glasgow; County, Stirling; R.A., London; Royal Scottish, Glasgow. Address: Lathallan, Polmont, Scot. T. A.: " Salvesen, Polmont." T. N.: 2 Polmont.

SAMS, Charles E. R., Assoc.Inst.M.M., A.M.I.Mech.E., Min. Engr; b. 1877; s. of J. H. Sams. Ed. St. Paul's Sch., and Central Tech. Coll., S. Kensington. App. to R. Hornsby and Sons, Grantham; Improver at Societe de la Meuse, Liege, Belgium, and Gebr. Pfeiffer, Kaiserlautern, Pfalz; Engr. at Shiply Colliery, Derby, and at the Calamon Mine, Cordoba, Spain; Manager, Herrerias Mine, Huelva, Spain; Advisor on Cementation to the United Alkali Co., Spain; Manager of a Pyrites Mine under M. of M. Address: Runnymede Lodge, Egham, Surrey.

SAMUELSON, Berhard Martin, C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., P.\V.D., Burma; b. 1874. Ed. Rugby and Cooper's Hill, E. Coll. Address: Rangoon, Burma.

SAMUELSON, Ernest, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., High Sheriff County of Oxon, Chairman and Man. Dir. of Samuelson and Co., Ltd.; b. 1856. Ed. Kensington Grammar Sch., King's Coll. Sch. and Coll. Training: Earle's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co.; Greenwood and Batley. Clubs: Automobile and British Empire. Address: Bodicote Grange, Banbury. T. N.: 71 Banbury.

SANDBERG, Christer Peter, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., Cons. Engr. (Rlys. ); Senior Partner in Firm of C. P. Sandberg, Cons. and Inspecting Engrs., London; b. 1876; s. of late Christer Peter Sandberg, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Brussels and Dulwich Coll. Training: Crysfal Palace Sch. of Eng., University Coll., London. Pupil to the late C. P. Sandberg, M.Inst.C.E.; Cons. and Insp. Engr. to Chinese and Siamese Govt. and other Railways.; Inventor of Heat Treatment Processes; C.B.E. awarded in recognition of his Work on Steel for the Govt. during the War. Address: 40, Grosvenor Gardens, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Sandberg, Sowest, London." T. N.: Victoria 6878-9.

SANDBERG, Oscar Fridolf Alexander, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Partner in Firm of C. P. Sandberg, Cons. and Inspecting Engr., London; b. 1878; s. of the late C. P. Sandberg, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Dulwich Coll. Training: University Coll., London. Two years with Willans and Robinson, Rugby; 2 years with Dick Kerr and Co., London; 16 years with C. P. Sandberg; 1916-18—Consultant on Steel to M. of M. for U.S.A. and Canada. Club: R.A. Address: 4o, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.I. T. A.: " Sandberg, Sowest, London." T. N.: Victoria 6877-8-9.

SANDEMAN, Edward, M.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.Prof. of Water Supply and Irrigation, Manchester University, Cons. Civil Engr.; b. 1862. Water Engr., Plymouth, 1891-190o; constructed Works for Supplying Water from Dartmoor; Chief Engr., Derwent Valley Water Bd., 1900; carried out other important Schemes of Water Supply. Address: 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.'. T. N.: 134 Victoria.

SANDERS, Percy A., O.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Standard Ironworks, Colchester. T. A.: "Paxman, Colchester." T. N.: 52 Colchester. b. 1881; s. of E. J. Sanders. Ed. Felsted and America. With Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd.; went to America, General Electric Co., Schenectady, Assistant Chief Turbine Test Department. Joined British Westinghouse, Manchester, Chief of Test Department, later Superintendent of Engine Department. Rejoined Davey, Paxman and Co., Director. Councillor, Colchester; County Councillor for Essex; Past-President, East Anglian Association of Engineering Employers; Council, Lord Roberts Memorial Workshops; Council, Labour Advisory Committee; Board of East Anglian Munition Committee (Ministry of Munitions). War Services.—Commission in Essex Regiment; returned to works at direction of Admiralty.

SANDYS-BALL, Comer, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Elec. and Mech. Engr., 2, Gordon Villas, Gordon Road, Claygate. Private Engineering tuition, 1893-5; Pupil, Laurence, Scott and Co., Ltd., Norwich, 1895-7; Pupil, Johnson and Phillips, Old Charlton, 1897-8; Evening Lectures, City and Guilds of London Institute, 1897-8; Lecturer, Professor Sylvanus P. Thompson. Professional Career: The British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Tramway Construction Work, 1898-1900; Assistant Engineer to his father, Chas. Ball, C.E., M.E., Construction of Ball Dredgers for Placer Mining and Harbour Dredging, 1900-2 and 1904; British Schuchert Electric Co., Ltd., on the Engineering Staff, 1903; Manufacturers' Southern Counties Representative, 1905-12; Active Director, Brown and Green, Ltd., Ironfounders, Luton, 1912-17; Active Director, Kingsbury Works, Ltd., St. Albans, Covering and Doping, etc., of Planes and Tail Units, etc., for Flying Boats and Aeroplanes, 1917-19; Managing Director, Brooke Engineering Works, Ltd., St. Albans and Harpenden, Metal Parts for Aircraft, 1917-19. War Services.—Brown and Green, 1915-17, Mills grenades and munitions; Kingsbury Works, Ltd.; Brooke Engineering Works, Ltd.

SANER, John Arthur.(Lieut.-Colonel and Honorary Colonel, Territorial Force Reserve), V.D., M.Inst.C.E., Sandiway, near Northwich, Cheshire. T. A.: "Saner, Northwich." T. N.: 78 Northwich. b. 1864; s. of late Lieut.-Colonel J. Saner, J.P.; m. 1892, Ethel M., d. of late Robt. Jameson, J.P., of East Ella, near Hull. Ed. Privately. Trained under late Robert Marillier, M.Inst.C.E., Hull Dock Company. Appointed Assistant Engineer to the Weaver Navigation, March, 1885; Engineer in October, 1887, and Engineer and General Manager, October, 1919. Since 1900 also engaged in private consulting practice. Vernon-Harcourt Lecturer for Institution of Civil Engineers, 1913. Gave evidence before Royal Commission on Waterways, 1906, advocating improvements of canals. Reported on Belgian and continental canals to Weaver Trustees in 1899. Improvements of Weaver Navigation, including reconstruction of The Anderton Canal Boat Lift, electrically worked swing bridges, etc. Public Positions: President, Manchester Association, Students' Institution of Civil Engineers, 1905; Member of Education Sub-Committees; Governor of Sir John Deane's Grammar School and member of numerous local committees; District Commissioner for Boy Scouts; Member, Cheshire Territorial Force Association since 1908. Publications: Read papers before Institution of Civil Engineers, received Telford Gold Medal and Telford Premium; pamphlets on Social Problems and Popular Science. War Services.—Continuous service with Volunteers, Territorials, National Reserve, since 1883. Commanded 3rd V.B. Ches. Regt. 19 )4-1908 and 5th (E. of C.) Batt. Ches. Regt. 1908-1912. Raised and commanded a wartime Battalion of Volunteers, served as Military Representative to three tribunals. Organized and superintended a small munition shop. Member of Canal Control Committee from March, 1917.

SANGSTER, William Peter, C.I.E., M.Inst. C.E., Superintending Engineer, Public Works Department (Irrigation Branch), India; Sargodha, Shahpur District, Punjab, India; b. 1872. Ed. at Blairlodge School in Scotland and at the Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill, England. Practical course of training for one year with Robert McAlpine and Sons, Contractors, Glasgow, on underground railways in Glasgow; then joined the Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, in the Punjab in 1895, and has served in that Department as Assistant Engineer, Executive Engineer, and now as Superintending Engineer. Was made a Companion of the Indian Empire for work on the Upper Swat Canal (Malakand tunnels, headworks, main line, etc. ). Chief Works: Headworks, Lower Jhelum Canal, Punjab; project survey of Upper Jhelum Canal; construction of Upper Swat Canal (Malakand tunnel, etc.); construction of Lower Bari Doab Canal, Member of East India United Service Club, London,

SANKEY, Bernard, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E.,. M.S.Af.I.E.E., Member I.M.E.Af., Gen. Man., Gas and Electric Supply Dept., Johannesburg Municipality; b. 1878; s. of Rev. Edward Sankey, M.A. Ed. St. Edwards Sch., Oxford, and Wakefield Grammar Sch. Training: Faraday House, London (First in Final). Career: Engaged almost entirely in Central Station Eng. Work; held Junior positions at Leeds and Canterbury Municipal Power Stations; Cable Laying Supt., British Insulated and Helsby Cable Co., South Shields, Glasgow, Liverpool and Prescot Light Railways., etc.; later Generating Engr., Hackney Power Station; Chief Asst., Mansfield Corpn., Lighting and Tramways Power Station, etc.; appointed City Elec. Engr., Port Elizabeth, Jan., 1913, and present position, Dec., 1919. Club: Rand. Address: P.O. Box 699. Johannesburg. T. N.: 3612 Central.

SANKEY, Capt. Matthew Henry Phineas Riall, C.B., C.B.E., R.E. (retd.), M.In st C.E. Pres. I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., etc., Director and Cons. Engr. to Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., the Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., The Trans-Oceanic Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., and other Cos. M. of Governing Bd., N.P.L., M. of Ctees., B.E.S.A., etc. Addresses: Marconi House, Strand, W.C.; 57, Castlebar Road, Ealing, W.S. T. A.: " c,/o Expanse, Estrand, London." T. N.: Ealing 998; City 8710.

SARJANT, Samuel John, V.D., M.Inst.C.E., Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Engineer, Penholm, Penmaenmawr, Wales; b. 1856; s. of Rev. S. C. Sarjant, late vicar of Burbage, Buxton. Ed. Private tuition and Central School of Science, Derby. Pupil, Midland Railway, Derby, 1872-8; Drawing Office and Test Room, L. and Y. Railway, 1879-82; Assistant Locomotive Foreman, Newton Heath, 1882-5; Assistant Locomotive Superintendent, Great Indian Peninsula Railway, Lonan!i, 1885-7; Bhusawal, 1887-9; personal Assistant to Locomotive Superintendent, Headquarters, 1889-91; appointed Locomotive Superintendent on Amalgamation of Indian Midland and Great Indian Peninsula systems in July, 1901, with charge of Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Departments of combined railways. Retired March, 1915. Member of Committee appointed to revise general rules and regulations for Indian Railways in 1905; Chairman, Locomotive and Carriage Superintendents' Committee, Indian Railways, 908-12; Bt. Col. Comdg. 1st Bn. G.W. Railway. Vol. Rifles, 19:I-to. Chief Works: Remodelling, large extensions and electrification of Jhansi and Parel workshops, including provision of erecting shop with 112 pits, new locomotive offices and power houses. Member of the Junior Constitutional Club and Byculla Club, Bombay.

SAUNDERS, Capt. S. M., B.Sc., M.I.H.V.E., Member of Council, Saunders and Taylor, Ltd., 43, Lower Mosley Street, Manchester.

SAUNDERS, Thomas Skewes, M.Inst.M.M., M.I.M. and M.E., Gen. Manager for the Dos Estrellas Min. Co., El Oro, Mexico; b. 1879. Ed. Cornwall. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines (Cornwall County Scholarship). Career: Mine Surveyor, Phelps Dodge Copper Co., Globe, Arizona; Mine and Gen. Supt., Teziutlan Copper Co.; Mine Supt. and Gen. Manager, Las Dos Estrellas. Clubs: University and British, Mexico City. Address: University Club, Bucareli 35, Mexico City, D.F.

SAXELBY, Fred Albert, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I. A.E., Mechanical Engineer, Stretton-on-Dunsmore, near Rugby. T. A.: "Saxelbys, Coventry." T. N.: 1379 Coventry. b. 1885. Ed. Loughborouh Grammar School. Mechanical and Electrical Engineering with Herbert Morris, Ltd., Loughborough. London Manager for a year with Herbert Morris, Ltd., afterwards in charge of their Admiralty and Government Contract Department for three years; one year Assistant Manager with Les Fils de A. Derome, Bavay (Nord), France; four years Chief Engineer with Bluemel Brothers, Ltd., Wolston, near Coventry. Now Managing Director of Saxelbys, Ltd., George Street, Coventry. War Services.—Chief Engineer with Bluemel Brothers, Ltd., of Wolston, near Coventry, for the manufacture of friction and percussion firing tubes for shells.

SAYERS, Josiah, M.I.E.E. (Member of Council), Telegraph Dept., Midland Railway., Derby.

SAYERS, William H., Capt. late R.A.F. M.(Hons.)I.Ae.E., Tech. Editor, "The Aeroplane"; b. 1884; s. of H. M. Sayers, M.I.E.E. Ed. Alleyns Sch., Dulwich. Training: Glasgow. 1902-9 — Served as Junior Engr. with Electricity Supply and Traction Concerns; 1909-14Worked with A. V. Roe, Handley Page, and other British Pioneers, in the Development of Experimental Aircraft; during the War Design Officer at the R.N. Aircraft Experimental Station, Isle of Grain; responsible for Design of a number of successful Seaplanes and Special Appliances for the Naval uses of Aircraft; during last year of the War Tech. Officer, attached to Seaplane Drawing Office, Air Ministry. Many articles on the Tech. Aspects of Aviation in " The Aeroplane," 1914, and 1919-21. Clubs: Royal Aero and Royal Air Force. Address: 175, Piccadilly. T. A.: " c/o Aileson, London." T. N.: Gerrard 5407.

SAYNER, George Smith, F.C.S., F.R.S.A., M Inst.Met M.Inst.Gas.E., Director, Tech. and Gen. Manager, Stimex Gas Stove Co.; b. 1864; s. of Thos. Sayner, late Civil Servant. Ed. Burk's Academy, Harrogate. Training: Yorks' Coll., now Leeds University. Medallist, in Gas Manufacture, C. and G. of London Inst. Career: Carried out for Harrogate and other local Gas Co.'s Extension of Gas Manufacturing Works, Plant, etc.; pioneered the Gaseous Fuel and Smoke Abatement Movement; commenced Cons. Practice 1914; entered M. of M. 1916; transferred to Aircraft Production Dept. as Gas Engr. and Supply Officer on Cttees. under Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research; later engaged on the Tech. Research of Gaseous Fuels. Papers read before Automobile Association on Motor Fuels and Dustless Roads. Clubs: Harrogate Automobile and R.A.C., etc. Address: " Park Hurst," 105, Queen's Road, Richmond, Surrey. T. A.: " Sayner, Richmond." T. N.: Richmond 1611.

SCHEIDEL, August William Charles, Ph.D., M Inst.M.M., Cons. Chem. and Met. Engr.; b. 1859; s. of Adolph and Eleonore Scheidel, Ed. and Trained: Fresenius' Chem. Lab. at Wiesbaden and Univ. of Freiburg. Ph.D. (Insigni cum Laude), Knight Commander of the Crown of Italy. Asst. to Prof. Remigius Fresenius at Wiesbaden; Asst. to Prof. W. Koerner, Milan; Chem. Engr., Verein Chemischer Fabriken, Mannheim; Scientific and Research Chem., Fabbrica Lombardadi Prodott. Chimici, Milano; Works Mangr., Fabbrica di Colori 1717 Milan; Mangr., New Zealand Gold Extraction Co., Ltd.; General Mangr., Sylvia Gold Min. Co., N.Z.; Designer and Mangr. of Utica Cyanide Plant, California; General Mangr. in Australia of New Zealand Mines Trust, Ltd.; Mang. Dir, and Gen. Mangr., Commonwealth Portland Cement Co., Ltd., of London, and Portland and Sydney, Australia. Publ.: " The Cyanide Process: Its Practical Application and Economical Results," written by Commission from the State Min. Bureau of California and published by it; Reports written at the request of the Government of New Zealand and published in its Blue Books. Clubs: Royal Societies, St. James' Street, and Junior Constitutional, Piccadilly. Address: Richmond Hall, Farrell Avenue, Darlinghurst, Sydney, N.S. Wales.

SCHOFIELD, Herbert, M.B.E., B.Sc. (Hons.) (Lond.), A.R.C.S. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.M ech.E D.I.0., Mechanical and Automobile Engineer, Loughborough College. T. A.: " Education, Loughborough." T. N.: 88 Loughborough. b. 1883; eldest s. of James Schofield of Halifax; m. Clara, youngest d. of Henry Johns of London. Ed. Municipal Technical College, Halifax, and afterwards at the Royal College of Science, London (University of London). Whitworth Exhibitioner, Royal Exhibitioner, Carnegie Engineering Exhibitioner, etc. Associateship of the Royal College of Science, London, first place in first class, Mechanics and Mathematics; Royal College of Science, London, first place in first class Physics; Diploma of the Imperial College of Science and Technology for original research; Bachelor of Science (Honours in Physics), University of London; Research Fellow, Imperial College of Science and Technology. Principal of the Technical School, Dover, and Assistant Director of Further Education: Assistant Examiner to the Board of Education in Practical Mathematics; sometime Chairman of the Examinations Board for the County of Kent, in the Department of Engineering; Principal of the Loughborough College, and Inspector of Evening Schools for the County of Leicester; Member of the Joint County Disablement Committee for the East Midlands; Member of the Council of the East Midlands Educational Union, and Moderator for the Engineering Drawing Group; Chairman of the Council of the Association for the Advancement of Education in Industry and Commerce; Sub-Area Director of Industrial Training for the County of Leicestershire. Publications: " The Measurement of Air Supply to Internal Combustion Engines by the Throttle Plate Method," Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1912, in conjunction with Professor Watson; " Thermal and Combustion Efficiency Tests on a Daimler Silent Knight ' Engine," Institution of Automobile Engineers, November, 1912; " Efficiency Tests on the Two-cycle Aeroplane," Proceedings of the Institution of the Automobile Engineers, 1911; " Shell Turning for Munition Workers," in conjunction with J. F. Driver, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E.; " Engineering for Munition Workers," in conjunction with J. F. Driver, M. I. E. E., A.M. I.Mech. E. Clubs: Loughborough and Rothley Golf Club. War Services.—Built and equipped the Instructional Factory at Loughborough, attached to the Loughborough College. This institution was the pioneer of what is known as " training upon production," and during the war period nearly three thousand trained workers were supplied to engineering armament firms for all branches of mechanical and electrical engineering work. The instructional factory was the first of its kind in this country to accept engineering contracts which were executed entirely by labour which was under process of training.

SCHUSTER, L. W., M.A., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Holmwood, Lisson Grove, Hale, Manchester, and English Sewing Cotton Co., National Buildings, St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester. b. 1881; s. of Rev. E. V. Schuster of Haughton Dale, near Manchester. Ed. Eastbourne College. Training: Seafield Park Engineering College (3 years); Trinity College, Cambridge, first class in engineering. Served apprenticeship with James Simpson, hydraulic engineers, and Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Chief Assistant Engineer, Warwick and Leamington Power Co., 1903; Chief Designer, New British Electric Supply Co.; Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Contract Department; Chief Assistant Engineer from 1909 with the English Sewing Cotton Co.; 1920, British Boiler and Elect. Ins. Co. War Services.—Aeronautical Inspection Department, War Office; Technical Adviser to Officer-in-Charge, Warrington Area.

SCLATER, Arthur William, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E., Elec. and Hydro-Elec. Engr.; b. 1865; s. of late Robert Slater, J.P. (Dorset ), F.G.S. Ed. St. Paul's Sch., E.C. Pupil Ayrton and Perry, FF.R.S. Career: Cons. Elec. Engr. to late L. Sch. Bd., to the Guardians of Paddington, Croydon, etc., to many London Hospitals; Engr. to Galway Elec. Co.; Asst. Engr., Metropolitan Elec. Supply Co.; formerly Engr., now Cons. Engr., Northwich Elec. Supply Co.; Cons. Engr. to the Hon. Soc. of Lincoln's Inn, and to the Warden and Fellows of Winchester Coll.; has carried out the Electrification of large Country Estates for Lighting, Power, etc., etc.; has patented Inventions for starting Internal Combustion Engines. Address: 6, Cork Street, Burlington Gardens, London, W.1. T. A.: "Eniteo, London." T. N.: Gerrard 1199.

SCOBLE, Walter, M.B.E., D.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Wh.Sc., Mechanical Engineer, The Polytechnic, Woolwich, London, S.E.I8. T. A.: " Polytechnic, Woolwich." T. N.: Woolwich 272. b. 1880. Training: H.M. Dockyard, Devonport, 1895-9; Royal College of Science, London, 1899-1 90 2 (A. R.C. S. ); City and Guilds College, South Kensington, 1903-5 (Siemens' Memorial Scholar). Assistant to late Lord Blythswood, F.R.S., in charge of Blythswood Laboratory; Chief Assistant, Civil and Mechanical Engineering Department, City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, E.C.; Head of Engineering Department, Woolwich Polytechnic. Member of Engineering Standards Association; " Wire Ropes " Research Committee, Institution of Me chanical Engineers; Committee on " Complex Distributions of Stress," British Association. Publications: Papers on " Combined Stresses," " Stress Distribution," " Temperatures in Gas Engine Cylinders " (Telford Premium), " Wire Ropes," etc., " X-rays," " Diffraction Gratings," " Spectrum Photography." War Services.—Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., attached R.N.A.S.; Captain, Royal Air Force testing and research Work.

SCOLL, Robert Julian, M.Inst.C.E., F.Am. Inst.E.E., M.Inst.M.E., M.N. and S.0.E., F. Univ. N.Z., Civil, Elec., Mech. Engr.; Director, Sch. of Eng. (National), Canterbury Univ. Coll., Christchurch, N.Z.; b. 1861; s. of Rear-Admiral R. A. E. Scott, R.N. Ed. Abbey Sch., Beckenham, Kent. Training: King's Coll., London, and Roy. Sch. of Mines; Pupil, L.B. and S.C. Railway. Career: Draughtsman, Head Office Engr., Works Manager, Act. Loco. Supt., N.Z. Govt. Railways.; originated (1881) " Prarie " Type Locomotive, also Standard Insulated Wagons for carriage of Frozen Meat, now in universal use; Cons. Engr., Christchurch Drainage Bd.; Responsible for Pumping Plant (Gas-Electric); Cons. Engr., Lyttelton Boro' Council; responsible for Pumping Plants, etc.; Cons. Engr., Lincoln Agricultural Coll.; responsible for Lighting and Power Plant; Ch., Roy. Corn. on Govt. Railway. Workshops, Roy. Corn. on Tramway Brakes, Royal Corn. on Govt. Railway. Rolling Stock, and Ch. Munitions Ctee.; in charge of Cant. Coll. Sch. of Eng. since foundation in 1888. Clubs: Christchurch, Dunedin, Royal N.Z. Yacht Squadron. Address: Sch. of Eng., Canterbury Coll., Christchurch.

SCORGIE, Norman, M.Inst.C.E., Engr. and Surveyor, Town Hall, Hackney, E.8.

SCOTT, Col. Sir B., R.E., K.C.I.E., Associatel.E.E., Director of Delhi Electric Tramways and Lighting Co., Ltd., Le Chalet, 2, Belvedere Grove, Wimbledon, S.W. r 9.

SCOTT, Charles Victor George, M.A., B.A.T., M.Inst.C.E., F.R. S.A. (Lond.), M.C.I., M.Inst.C.E.I., Civil Engineer, c/o King, King and Co., Bombay, India; b. 1872. Ed. at Trinity College, Dublin, and in School of Engineering, Dublin University. Assistant Resident Engineer on Tidal Section of Manchester Ship Canal, 1898-19oo; from 1900 to date, Assistant and Executive Engineer, Indian Public Works Department, Irrigation Branch, Punjab. Chief Works: Resident Assistant Engineer, Tidal Section Manchester Ship Canal; subsequently engaged in both construction and maintenance work on Lower Chenab Canal, Lower Jhelum Canal, Upper Chenab Canal, Western Jumna Canal, Lower Bari Doah Canal, and Sirhind Canal, including headworks construction and river training works, as Assistant and Executive Engineer. Present Appointment: Superintending Engineer, Punjab Drainage Board, Lahore. Publications: " The Construction of Reinforced Concrete Syphons on Upper Chenab Canal," published in Transactions of Institution of Civil Engineers of Ireland. War Services.—Enrolled in Indian Defence Force, 3rd Punjab Rifles, during the war.

SCOTT, Edward Baliol, 15, George Street. Mansion House, London, E.C.4. Private Address: Ellerslie, Weybridge. T. A.: " Tutwork, London." T. N.: Central 4411. Only s. of Captain Laurence Hartshorn Scott; m. Gladys Agnes, d. of W. C. P. Grant, R.N. Ed. Bath College and University College, Oxford. Called to the Bar 1897. Editor of the " Mining Journal " since 1901.

SCOTT, Ernest Kilburn, M.I.E.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., F.Ainer.I.E.E., Consulting Engr., Farningham, Kent, England, and 74, Wall Street, New York City; b. 1868. Ed. Student at Yorkshire College, Leeds. Apprentice with R. Kilburn and Sons and John Fowler and Co., Leeds; Assistant to Wilson Hartnell, consultant, Leeds. Head Draughtsman to W. T. Goolden and Co. and Electric Construction Co., and Dynamo Designer to Brush Electrical Engineering Co.; Chief Assistant Engineer at Johnson and Phillips; Chief Inspecting Engineer with Robert Hammond; Manager in United Kingdom and Colonies for International Electrical Engineering Co. of Liege, Belgium; Advisory Engineer to Harper Brothers and Co., in connection with Bath Tramways and North Wales Power Co., etc. Technical expert to various Ctees. of Inquiry of the Govt. of N.S.W. Engaged in legal cases, including a Rating Appeal re Electric Power and Tramways of the City of Bendigo, Victoria, Australia. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at University of Sydney, New South Wales, and at University College, London; Lecturer on Elec. Eng. Quantities and Estimates, etc., at Northampton Polytechnic Institute; Cons. Engr. to Atmospheric Nitrates (Kilburn-Scott patents), Ltd., of Manchester; made Expert Reports on Public Utilities and Industrial Companies, and wrote Technical Articles for the Magazine of Wall Street, N.Y. City; delivered many lectures in Great Britain, Australia, U.S.A. and Canada, on the manufacture of Air Nitrates, etc.; gave Expert Evidence before the Senate Ctee. on Nitrates at Washington D.C. Publications: Papers on Engineering Design, Refractories, Electro-Chemistry and Metallurgy before various Scientific and Eng. Socs., etc., in Gt. Britain, Australia and U.S.A.; " Specifications of Electric Power Plant " in " Specifications "; Formerly Editor of Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Member of Chemists' Club, New York City. War Services.—With British Ministry of Munitions as Labour Officer; also expediting shell production, and the use of nitre cake in metal trades; Designed Nitrate Plants for Explosives for Kynochs, Ltd., Birmingham, and for British American Nitrates Co., of New York.

SCOTT, Gilbert Shaw, M.Sc., Secretary, The Institute of Metals, 36, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: "Instomet, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria ^,32o. b. 1884; only s. of John Scott, J.P., late of Streetly Wood, Warwickshire; m. 1913, Christian Mary, B.Sc., d. of Professor T. Turner, M.Sc., A.R.S.M., of Birmingham University. Ed. Queen Mary's School, Walsall; matriculated Birmingham University; President Guild of Undergraduates, 19o5; Chairman of Engineering and Metallurgical Societies, 1904-5; first student to take degree of B.Sc. (Metallurgy ), 1906; M.Sc., 19o7. Engaged in Engineering and Metallurgical work in Midlands and visiting Metallurgical plants and educational establishments in Canada, United States, France, Belgium, Scandinavia and Russia, until formation in 1908 of the Institute of Metals, when he was appointed first Secretary and Editor of " Journal of Proceedings." Secretary of Corrosion Research Committee since 1910; Engineering Correspondent of the " Daily Telegraph," 1912-18; Member of the Iron and Steel Institute; and R. A. C. Publications: Paper on " Casehardening " presented at Vienna meeting of Iron and Steel Institute, 1908; "To the Alps and Back in a Small Car," 1911; numerous contributions to the technical and daily press.

SCOTT, Sir James, Kt., J.P., M.I.E.S., Engr.; b. 1838; s. of David Scott. Trained Mech. Engr. at Monifieth; 6 years in Royal Gun Factories, Wooliwich; 10 years Manager, Paragon Works, S. Queensferry; 36 years Prospector of the Tayport Engine Works; Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. Club: Liberal, Dundee. Address: Rock Knowe, Tayport, N.B.

SCOTT, Keith Stanley Malcolm, Capt., M.B.E. (M.Div.), B.Sc., F.C.M.S., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., M.B.E.S.A. b. 1884; s. of late Jos. R. Scott, Kenton Hall, Kenton. Ed. Llandovery, S. Wales, and Durham University. Training: Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co., Wallsend-on-Tyne, Asst. to Dock Manager Repair Dept., Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co., 1905-7; Joined Jos. R. Scott and Son, Cons. Engrs. and Naval Archs., 1907; Partner, 1912; now sole member of firm; Patentee of Scott's Slide rule for calculating weights of material. Clubs: Northern, Conservative, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: Milburn House, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Moulding, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 249 Central.

SCOTT, Ralph George, A.R.S.M., M.I. and S.I., Man. Dir., British Ebonite Co., Ltd.; b. 1858; s. of Capt. F. G. Scott, 71st H.L.I. Ed. and Training: Private Schs. at home and abroad, and Royal Sch. of Mines, London. 1882-1914—Manager of Steel Dept., Monk Bridge Iron and Steel Co., Ltd.; 1915 to date, Partner and Man. Dir. of the British Ebonite Co., Ltd. Club: West Middlesex Golf. Address: 25, Manor Court Road, Hanwell, W.7. T. A.: " Ebonitical, Han." T. N.: 1689 Ealing.

SCOTT, Robert Julian, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., F.Amer.I.E.E., Fellow University, N.Z., Prof. of Eng., Canterbury Coll., University, N.Z., since 1894; b. 1861; s. of Rear-Admiral R. A. E. Scott and Fanny Julian. Ed. Abbey Sch., Beckenham, Kent; King's Coil., London; R.S.M. Pupil, L.B. and S.C. Railway.; joined N.Z. Railways., 1881; draughtsman; Works Manager; Loco. Supt.; Lecturer in Eng., Cant. Coll., 1888; Eng. Sch., 1890; Chairman Commission Govt. Workshops; Royal Commission Tramways, Brakes, etc.; Munitions Committee for N.Z.; Royal Commission Railway. Rolling Stock. Clubs: Christchurch, Dunedin, R.N.Z.Y.S. Address: Canterbury College, University, New Zealand.

SCOTT, R. L., M.I.N.A. (Member of Council), Chairman of Scotts' Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd.; Director Leeds Forge Co., Ltd. Cartsdyke, Greenock, N.B.

SCOTT, Thomas John, M.B.E., M.I.Mar.E., Mar. Supt. Engr. for the M. Railway. Co.; b. 1862. Ed. Moray House, Edinburgh. Trained: Galloway and Thompson and Co., Leith. Career: Commenced Sea Career with Barrow Steam Nay. Co.; Junr. Engr., P.S. " Donegal," 1882; Chief Engr., B.O.T. Cert. 1888; Asst. Supt. Engr., 1899; and Supt. Engr., 1902; on the Navigation Co. being taken over by the M. Railway. Co.; reappointed Supt. Engr. for Barrow; present position at Heysham Harbour, 1906. Member of the B. Eng. S. Assoc. Address: " Green Bank," Heysham Harbour, Lancs.

SCOTT-PAINE, Hubert, Chairman, Man. Dir. and Mar. Engr. of The Supermarine Aviation Works, Ltd., Southampton; b. 1890; s. of Lienry Scott Paine. Ed. Shoreham, Sussex. Career: Engaged in the development of Marine Aeronautics, design and construction of first circular Flying Boat Hull in the 33 world, 1913, and its development to present day; built first Brit. Flying Boat with circular hull; designed and built Brit. Flying Boats capable of ioo m.p.h. in 1917, 118 m.p.h. in 1918, 147 m.p.h. in 1919; one of his F.B. Hulls secured the first British Commercial Certificate of Airworthiness for oversea passenger work; opened the first Flying Boat Commercial Air Service in the British Empire 1919, also first International Marine Flying Boat Service between France and England, Havre-Southampton; secured special prize-2.4,000, increased to X8,000, for Amphibian Flying Boat in Govt. Amphibian Competition, Martlesham, 1920; designed and constructed the first Amphibian Flying Boat Fleet Spotter for the Air Ministry, 1921. Address: The Cliff, Weston, Southampton. T. A.: " Supermarin, Southampton." T. N.: Southampton 2086.

SEABROOK, Arthur Hugh, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., F.R.S.A., Cons. Engr., " Westwood," Potters Bar, Middlesex. T. N.: Potters Bar 13; 146, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. T. N.: Central 256. b. 1875. Ed. King Edward's School, Chelmsford. Apprenticed to Crompton and Co., Ltd., Chelmsford. Assistant Engineer, Great Yarmouth, Hampstead Electric Supply Works; Engineer and Manager to Barking Electric Supply and Light Railways; West Ham Electric Supply; St. Marylebone (London) Electric Supply. Now Specializing in Power Plants Fuel Economy and Utilization of Waste Products in lieu of coal; Past Member, Council of Institution of Electrical Engineers and Municipal Electrical Association, Incorporated. Publications: `. Management of Public Electric Supply Undertakings "; paper at Institution of Electrical Engineers on " Electric Supply Tariffs." Club: Reform.

SEARLE, Alfred Broadhead, Consulting Engineer to the Ceramic Industries, The White Building, Sheffield. T. A.: " Advice, Sheffield." T. N..4257. Ed. Ackworth School, Universities of Sheffield, Leipzig and Berlin. Was assistant to the late Sir Edward Frankland (London Water Supply ). In. practice since 1900 as Consulting Ceramic Engineer. Acts as Consulting Engineer to several leading firms of pottery, brick, sanitary ware and refractory materials manufacturers. Has lectured on Modern. Brickmaking, under the Cantor Bequest, Royal Society of Arts; is Technical Adviser on Clayworking industries to H.M. Government (Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction and Board of Trade). Was personal Tech. Adviser to the late Viscount Rhondda. Pres. National Assoc. of Industrial Chemists. V.-Pres., Assoc. of Chem. Technologists. Publ.: "Modern Brickmaking "; " Refractory Materials: their Manufacture and Use "; " The Clayworker's Handbook "; " Cement, Concrete and Bricks "; " Bricks and Artificial Stones of Non-plastic Materials "; and many papers in the technical press. Clubs: Carlyle, Chemical Industry, and Rotary Club of Sheffield (P. Pres.).

SEARS. John Edward (Jun.), C.B.E., M.A., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E F.Inst.P., Superintendent of the Metrology Dept., the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington; also Deputy-Warden of the Standards, Standards Dept. of Board of Trade, 6, Old Palace Yard, Westminster. Private Address: Twyford, Gloucester Road, Teddington, Middx. T. N.: Molesey 372. b. Sept. 18, 1883; s. of J. E. Sears, J.P., F.R.r.B.A., M.P. for Cheltenham 1906-10, sometime Chairman, Bridges and Housing Committees, L.C.C., and Selina Marianne Sears (née Read); m. May 28, 1919, Kathleen Lucy Wadsworth, B.Sc., younger d. of E. Wadsworth, organ builder, and Marianne Wadsworth (née Canton). Ed. Mill Hill School, Scholar of St. John's College, Cambridge; 1st Hons. Math. Tripos, 1904, and ist Hons. Mech. Sc. Tripos, 1905; John Wimbolt University Prizeman; Research at Cambridge University Engineering Laboratory, under the late Colonel Hopkinson C.M.G., 1905-7. Apprentice to Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., marine engineers, Neptune Engine Works, Walker-on-Tyne. Then till 1918 Principal Assistant in Metrology Division of National Physical Laboratory. Member British Engineering Standards Association, Sectional Committee on Machine Parts, their gauging and nomenclature, Sub-Committee on screw threads for all purposes, Sectional Committee on limit gauges, Sectional Committee on pipe threads, etc. During the War (1915-18) organized gauge-testing section of the Metro. Dept., N.P.L., which developed from a staff of five to one of 200, capable of dealing with 0,0oo gauges of all classes weekly; over 1,000,000 gauges were verified for the Ministry of Munitions in this section during the War, the majority of which had to be measured to an accuracy of o.000i inch, and some to even higher accuracy. Publ.: Paper on " The Longitudinal Impact of Metal Rods with Rounded Ends " (Cambridge Philosophical Transactions, Vol. XXI, 1908); part author of " Notes on Screw Gauges "; editor of " Who's Who in Engineering."

SEATON, Albert Edward, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Wh.Sc., Vice-President I.N.A., Marine Engineer and Naval Architect, 32, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I, and Lawn Park, Hemel Hempstead, Herts. T. N.: 207 Victoria, and 22 Baxmoor. b. 1848; s. of T. L. Seaton, ship-owner. Ed. Probus School, Cornwall. Engineer Student, H.M. Dockyard, Keyham, and Student of the Royal School of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering, South Kensington; Whitworth Scholarship in 1892. Technical Secretary and Engineering Assistant to Sir E. J. Reed, K.C.B.; Engineer-Manager, Earle's Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Hull; then General Manager and Director of that company until 1901; Consulting Engineer, Westminster, 1902 onwards. Chief Works: Designing and building of the hulls and machinery of warships of all kinds, merchant ships, especially express channel steamers. Lecturer at the Royal Naval College, Greenwich; Chairman of the Technical Sub-Committee of Lloyds Register for 13 years; Chairman of the Committee appointed to consult with the Board of Trade; Chairman of Belliss and Morcom, Ltd.; Chairman of the Iron Trades Employers' Insurance Association; Chairman of the British Marine Engineering Design and Construction Committee; Vice-President, Institution of Naval Architects; Member, British Engineering Standards Committee; Chairman of Sub-Committee on Marine Machinery Details; J.P. and County Councillor for Herts. Publications: " Manual of Marine Engineering," " A Pocket Book of Rules and Tables," a book on the Screw Propeller, and various contributions to the Institution of Civil Engineers, to the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and to the Institution of Naval Architects. Member of St. Stephen's and the Empire Clubs. War Services.—On Committee which investigated the losses of merchant ships by mine and torpedo.

SEATON, Norman, Eng.-Lt., R.N. (retd.), D.S.C., Mar. Supt., S. Indian Railway. Co.; b. 1890; s. of W. T. Seaton, Chief Examiner of Engrs., B.O.T. Ed. Parmiter's Foundation and Nutton Abbas Grammar Schs. Training: East London and King's Coils., London. Served as Pupil and subsequently Draughtsman with Yarrow and Co.; Engr. Officer in Mercantile Marine, and on the outbreak of War obtained Commission in the Royal Navy; on Active Service in Gallipoli as Engr. Officer in charge of machinery of Motor Lighters; in charge of the upkeep of submarine patrol boats, etc., in the Eastern Mediterranean, France, etc.; served with the Grand Fleet, and as Engr. Officer of one of the K class of Submarines; is submarine Supt. to the S.I. Railway. Co., and in charge of their Cross Channel Service between Ceylon and the Mainland of India. Address: Dhanush Rodi, S. India.

SEATON, Thomas Hardman, late Captain R.E., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E P.A.S.I., Chief Civil Engr.'s Office, G.E. Railway., Liverpool Street Station, London, E.C.2. T. N.: London Wall 3382. b. 1886; s. of J. R. Seaton, Radcliffe, Lancashire; m. Winifred, d. of H. F. Grant, Chew Stoke, Somerset. Ed. The Grammar School, Bury, Lancashire. Architectural Asst., L. and Y. Railway., 1900-2; Eng. Asst., G.C. Railway., 1902-15; Eng. Asst. and afterwards Acting Div. Civil Engr. (S. Div.), G.E. Railway, 1915. War Services.—Attached to Headquarters, War Office, Department of Director-General of Military Railways.

SEATON, William Thomas, M.I.N.A. and .E., Chief Examiner of Engrs., Mar. Dept., B.O.T. (retired); b. 1855; s. of Wm. Seaton, Capt. and Shipowner. Ed. King Edward the Sixth's Grammar Sch., Louth. Training: Hull Tech. Schs. App. and chiefly employed in Eng. Works in Hull; Draughtsman with Earle's Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., and other firms; Asst. to Martin Samuelson, Cons. Engr., and Works Manager to James Bremner and Co.; at Sea as 3rd, 2nd, and Chief Engr.; Engr. Surveyor, B.O.T., 1886, stationed in Plymouth, Liverpool and London; 12 years at the Consultative Branch on Staff of the Engr.-Surveyor-in-Chief, the last 3 as Senior Asst.; Chief Examiner of Engrs., 1909; retired 192o. Address: 40, Argyle Road, Ilford.

SEELEY, Charles G., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Australian General Electric Co., Melbourne. T. A.: " Senojaw, Melbourne." T. N.: Central 2646, Melbourne. b. 1882. Training: City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury; British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby. Electricity Supply, Norwich Corporation; Public Works Department, Government of Mysore, India. Now Manager, Melbourne Branch, Australian General Electric Co. Member of the Australian Club, Melbourne. War Services.-1915-19—Royal Engineers, Mediterranean Expeditionary Force, Egyptian Expeditionary Force, 5th Cavalry Division.

SELANDER, John Einar, M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S.C.E., M.S.A.S.C.E., F.R.G.S., Civil Engineer, c/o Royal Societies Club, St. James's Street, London, S.W.; b. 1873. Twentythree years on railway location and construction in South and West Africa. Present Position: Deputy7T Engineer-in-Chief in charge of Surveys, Nigerian Railways. War Services.—Major, Royal Engineers; Railway Construction Engineer, Italian Expeditionary Force.

SELBY-BIGGE, Denys Leighton, M.I. and S.I., M.I.E.E., M.N.E.C.Inst., Senior Partner, D. Selby-Bigge and Co., Cons. Engrs., Glasgow and London; b. 1864. Ed. Marlborough, Christchurch, Oxford, Universite de Liege. Training: Clarke, Chapman, Parsons and Co., Gateshead-on-Tyne. Career: Devoted entirely to Electric Power Work. Numerous original papers upon Electric Power Developments read before Iron and Steel Inst. and other Eng. Societies. Clubs: Cavalry, Orleans, Northern Counties, Ranelagh. Address: 7, Ovington Gardens, S.W. T. A.: "Selbig, Glasgow." " Elderitz, London." T. N.: 3355 Western.

SELL, Robert, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 190, Ashted Row, Birmingham; b. 1875. Ed. Manchester Technical School, Leeds University, York Railway Institute, Dover School of Art. Articled pupil, Weston and Co., Dover, engineers, yacht and launch builders; Draughtsman and Assistant Engineer, Rowntree and Co., Ltd., Cocoa Works, York, equipping new factory with plant, machinery, etc.; Inspector Gas Engines and Steam Turbines, British Westinghouse Co., Ltd., Manchester; in Charge of Steam Turbine and Generator erecting and testing, British 'Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby; Works Engineer, Archibald Kenrick and Sons, Ltd., West Bromwich, works equipment and maintenance, 5 years; Works Engineer, Midland Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., Birmingham, works equipment (new works), 7 years; Proprietor, The Industrial Engineering Co. and The Prominent Manufacturing Co., 190, Ashted Row, Birmingham. Lecturer, Mechanical Engineering, West Bromwich and Smethwick Technical Schools. War Services.—Works Engineer, National Shell Factory, Birmingham.

SELLON, Robert Percy, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Man. Dir., Johnson, Mathey and Co., Ltd.; Dir., County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Dir., Waygood Otis, Ltd.; b. 1863; s. of Col. Robert Sellon Sellon, R.E. Ed. Bradfield Coll., Berks. Training: City and Guilds of London Tech. Inst. Address: Albury Edge, Merstham, Surrey. T. A.: " c/o Matthey, London." T. N.: 12321 Central.

SELLS, Charles de Grave, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., Naval and Mechanical Engineer, Cornigliano, Ligure, Italy. T. A.: " Sells, Genoa." b. 1856. Ed. King's College School and King's College, London. Training with Maudslay, Sons and Field, London. Went to Italy for Maudslay, Sons and Field, and was responsible for the construction of marine engines designed by them in the works of G. Ansaldo and Co. at Genoa, in accordance with agreement made with the Italian Minister of Marine. Councillor of the British Chamber of Commerce for Italy; Member of the International Jury at the Milan Exhibition, 1906, and the Turin Exhibition, 1911. Writer of the engineering article in Jane's " Fighting Ships," 1902-14. Member of Constitutional Club, London; Union Club, Genoa; and British-American Club, Milan. War Services.—Member of the High-Speed Steel 33 Committee for Italy, September, 1916, to 1920; Chief Commissioner in Italy of the Church Army.

SELVEY, William Morrish, M.I.E.E., A.R. C.S. Consulting Engineer, Independent Buildings, Sheffield. T. A.: " Combustion, Sheffield." T. N.: 3294 Central, Sheffield. Training: Royal College of Science and Central Technical College; Whitworth Scholar. Assistant Engineer for ten years with Merz and McLellan, and North East Coast group of Electrical Companies. Practising on own account in Sheffield since 1913. Speciality, power plant testing, power station design, and fuel economy. Chairman, North Midland Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers for 1919-20. Premium for paper before Institution of Electrical Engineers in 1914-15, on " Power Plant Testing." Clubs: Sheffield Reform and Manchester Engineers'. War Service;.—Technical Representative of the Coal Controller for Yorkshire area.

SEMPILL, William Francis Forbes, The Master of Sempill, b. 1893, Aberdeenshire. Ed. Eton. Trained as Engr. Experience with Eng. firms. Career: August, 1914—Joined R.F.C., Farnborough. Sept. 1914—Central Flying Sch., Upavon; Asst. Flight Instructor; Chief Tech. Officer-in-Charge of Workshops and Experiments. Feb., 1915—FlightCommander. Jan., 1916—Capt. and Flight-Commander, R.N.A.S.; in charge of Workshops at Cranwell. Jan., 1917—Squadron Commander; in charge of Tech. Section of the R.N.A.S. at Admiralty Air Dept. and Air Board. Jan., 1918—Wing-Commander. April, 1918—Lt.-Col. R.A.F.; promoted to Col.; in charge of The Tech. Directorate of the R.A.F. June-July, 1918—Special Tech. Aviation Mission to U.S.A. (Report published); Asst. Controller, Tech. Dept., Aircraft Production Dept., M.M. Retired from R.A.F., 1919. Representative of the Air Ministry on the Aeronautical Research Cttee., Advisory Council of the Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, Civil Aerial Transport Cttee., B.E.S.C., Timber Cttee. of the Conjoint Bd. of Sc. Socs.; Member of Council, R.Ae.S., F.R.Met.S., F.R.S.A., M. J.Inst.E., M.Soc.Psyc. Research, M. Design and Industries Assoc., M. Derby Soc. E. Decorations: Air Force Cross; Officer of the Royal Order of the Crown of Italy; Officially thanked by Govts., France, U.S.A., Norway, for services rendered in connection with aviation.

SERVICE, Thomas Montgomery, M.I. and S.I., Joint Man. Dir., Clyde Alloy Steel Co., Ltd., Motherwell; Armour Consultant, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Glasgow; b. 1872; s. of W. M. Service, Glasgow. Training: Glasgow Tech. Coll., Tatlock and Readman, City Analysts, Glasgow. 1st Prize and Silver Medal in City and Guilds Examination in Iron and Steel. Member of W. of Scot. I. and S.I. Address: Craigneuk Works, Motherwell.

SEVERS, John, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., A.C. G.I., Asst. Supt., Mech. Eng. Dept., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich; b. 1868; s. of George Severs. Ed. Bingley Grammar Sch., Bingley, Yorks. Training: City and Guilds Eng. Coll., S. Kensington. 1886-91— App. at Thwaites Brothers, Bradford; 1894-7—Demonstrator at City and Guilds Eng. Coll., under Prof. Ayrton, F.R.S.; 1898-1901—Chief Asst. Elec. Engr., Construction Equipment, and 1st year's running of Central London Railway., with the Electric Traction Co.; 19o2-4—Chief Asst. Elec. Engr., S. Pearson 12 and Son, Ltd., on Construction and Equipment of G.N. and City Railway.; 1904-13—In charge of Eng. Staff and running of G.N. and City Railway.; 1913-17-Asst. Mech. Engr., under Sir F. Donaldson, Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Address: 7, Vanbrugh Fields, Blackheath, London, S.E.3. T. N.: Greenwich 1047.

SEXTON, Frederic Henry, D.Sc., LL.D., Min. Engr. and Metallurgist; b. 1879; s. of William Henry Sexton. Ed. Howe High Sch., Billerica, Mass.; Cambridge English High Sch., Cambridge, Mass. Training: Massachusetts Inst. of Technology. Career: Assayer and Chemist, Carmichael Reduction Co., So. Boston, Mass., 1900; Instructor in Metallurgy, Mass. Inst. Technology, 1901-2; Research Metallurgist, General Electric Co., Schenectady, N.Y., 1902-4; Asst. Prof. of Min. and Metallurgy, Dalhousie University, Halifax, N.S., 1904-7; Pres., Nova Scotia Tech. Coil., Halifax, N.S., and Director of Tech. Education for Nova Scotia, 1901 to date; Vocational Officer for Quebec and Maritime Provinces, Dept. of Soldiers' Civil Reestablishment, 1916 to date. Publ.: " Annealing of Steel Castings," Journal of Nova Scotia Min. Soc., 1906; various Articles in Tech. Magazines and Addresses before Professional Societies on Education, Rehabilitation of Maimed Soldiers, etc. Clubs: University Club of Montreal, Rotary Club of Halifax. Address: Nova Scotia Tech. Coll. T. A.: " Halifax, N.S." T. N.: Sackville 2881-4.

SEXTON, Frederick Peake, A.R.C.S., A.M.I.E.E., A.C.P., Consulting Electrical and Illuminating Engineer, 39, Parliament Street, Westminster, London, S. W.I. Residence, Kingston-on-Thames. b. 1882; s. of F. Maurice Sexton, A.R.C.S., Senior Examiner, H.M. Patent Office; m. Dorothy Emma, d. of Thomas Osborne. Ed. Private school, Royal College of Science, and City and Guilds Technical College. Engineer to the Electric Tested Lamp Co., Ltd.; Lecturer at the Woolwich Polytechnic, King's College School, Central Technical Schools for Cornwall, and the Battersea Polytechnic. Director of The Thames Electric Co., Ltd. Publications: " Boiling Point of Sulphur at Various Pressures "; papers before the Physical and Faraday Societies. War Services.—Sub-station work, and later with S. G. Brown, F.R.S., on the development of the Brown Gyrocompass, and other work.

SEXTON, Richard Ernest, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Railway. Dept., Brisbane, Queensland.

SHANNON, J. D., B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engr.; Maintenance Engr., South African Railways. Ed. Queen's Coll., Belfast. Trained on Construction, Manchester Waterworks, Belfast Waterworks, Stranorlar and Glenties Railway., Ireland; Maintenance and New Works, C.G. Railway. and S.A. Railway. Club: Bloemfontein. T. A.: "Maintain." T. N.: 28 Railway. Bfn.

SHARMAN, J. Roxburgh, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 3, Lincoln's Inn Fields, London, W.C.2. T. N.: Museum 6578. b. 1867. Ed. University College, London; Henry Balfour and Co., Ltd., Scotland. Assistant to Sir Alex. W. B. Kennedy, F.R.S., Engineer's Department, Midland Railway. Works Manager to Redpath, Brown and Co., Ltd., and General Manager Stirling Boiler Co., Ltd. Partner in the firm of Carmichael and Sharman, civil engineers, Edinburgh; Consulting Engineer on structural work, reinforced concrete, and the engineering side of architecture. Member of the Arts Club. War Services.—Civilian Assistant to Chief Engineer, ist Army, Bedford, and subsequently three years in Woolwich Inspection Department for gun ammunition.

SHARP, Ernest Edward, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; Director of Venner Time Switches, Ltd.; Jackson Electric Stove Co., Ltd.; Tok Switches, Ltd.; London Dye Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; b. 1879; s. of John Joseph and Mary Elizabeth Sharp. Ed. Privately. Training: S.W. Polytechnic. Club: R.A.C. Address: 109, West Side, Clapham Common, S.W.4. T. N.: Bat. 1417.

SHARP, H. G., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Designer, " Arcana," 22, Welldon Crescent, Harrow; b. 1887. Ed. Goldsmiths College. Inventor and Joint Patentee with J. G. and C. R. Shaw of variable frequency alternators No. 10427, self-starting synchronous motors No. 14650, compound rotary transformers No. 116557. Lecturer at the Goldsmiths College on Electrical Design; now Chief Designer, Crypto Electrical Co., Ltd., Willesden, N.W.

SHARP, Sidney, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Elec. Engr. Address: 13, Victoria Street, London, S.W. T. A.: " Vivax, Vic." T. N.: Victoria 4655.

SHARPLEY, G. R., M.I.Mech.E. (Member of Council), Man. Dir. of Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., Eastfield, Wragby Road, Lincoln.

SHAW, Arthur Henry, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Elec. Engr. and Manager, Ilford U.D.C. Address: 38, Argyle Road, Ilford.

SHAW, C. M., M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr. and Manager, Worcester Corpn., and City Development Officer.

SHAW, Edward Arthur, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 41, Riebeek St., Cape Town, South Africa. T. A.: " Elektrium, Cape Town." T. N.: 514 Cape Town. b. 1868. Ed. Manchester Technical Schools, etc. Ten years with W. A. Shaw and Co., electrical engineers, Stockport, England; four years Superintendent, Geo. Findlay and Co., electrical engineers, Cape Town; five years Manager, Green and Trevett, electrical engineers, Cape Town.

SHAW, Francis Blewett, O.B.E., O.W.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Mining School, H.M. Gun Wharf, Portsmouth. T. N.: 3947 Portsmouth. b. 1882. Ed. University College, Bristol. 19o5-14—Electrical Engineer to the Public Works Department and the Ministry for Local Government, Bangkok, Siam. 1916-19—Manager, Design Branch, Mechanical Warfare Department (Tanks). 1919—Chief Engineer, School of Mines, H.M. Gun Wharf, Portsmouth. Chief Works: Large 3-phase H.P. power station, Bangkok; tank design. War Services.-1914—Lieutenant, R.N. V. R., Armoured Cars. I 915—Officer Commanding Advanced Base Armoured Cars, France. 1916-19—Tank design.

SHAW, John Goodwin, Man. Dir., Crypto Elec. Co., Ltd., Willesden; Director, Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., Ltd., Manchester; also Dynamo and Motor Repairs, Ltd., Kilburn; b. 1876; s. of G. M. Shaw. Ed. Mill Hill. Training: City and Guilds (Eng. ) Coll., London. Address: Thirlmere, Hillside Road, Bushey, Herts. T. N.: Watford 393.

SHAW, Joshua, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Gen. Man., Secretary and Engr. of Mersey Railway. Co., Central Station, Mersey Railway., Birkenhead.

SHAW, William Barbour, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E.; Partner, Babtie, Shaw and Morton, Civil Engrs., Glasgow; b. 1868. Ed..Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen. Pupil of late Sir W. R. Copland, Glasgow. Eight years on staff of Formans and McCall, C.E., Glasgow; 24 years in business on own account; in 1915 joined staff of Sir John Hunter, K.B.E., as Deputy-Director, Factory Cons., M. of M., afterwards Director of Factory Construction. Address: 17, Blythswood Square, Glasgow. T. A.: " Triumvir, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 1848.

SHAW, William Bolton, M.Sc., M.I. E. E., M.I.Min.E., Consulting Engineer (Electrical, Mechanical and Mining), Irene Chambers, 25, Market Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Parallel, Manchester." T. N.: 1893 City, Manchester. Ed. Lancaster Royal Grammar School and Manchester (Victoria) University. With C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 1896-1902. Electrical Engineer to the Hulton Colliery Co., Ltd., 1902-8; Technical Engineer and Designer, Steam Turbine Department, John Musgrave and Sons, Ltd., 19:8-to; in practice since 1910. Chief Works: Consulting Engineer to various colliery, engineering and industrial firms in this country and to mining, steel and industrial companies in India, Canada and Russia. Publications: Papers read before the Manchester Association of Engineers and the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Inspections for Ministry of Munitions; advising on extensions to works; equipment of several firms engaged on work for War Office, Ministry of Munitions, and Railways.

SHAWFIELD, Charles Edwin Campbell, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Chief Engr. and Manager, Knowles Oxygen Co., Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of Rev. E. C. Shawfield, Woodland-in-Furness. Ed. Royal Grammar Sch., Clitheroe. Training: Durham Coll. of Sc. 1898-1913—Chief Engr. and Gen. Mngr., Wolverhampton Corpn. Electricity and Tramways Dept.; responsible for design and construction of Power Stations and Distributing System, and for design, construction and equipment of Tramways; 1913— With Knowles Oxygen Co. and Lever Brothers, Ltd.; has since designed and equipped large Electro-Chemical and Hydrogenating Factories and Central Power Station. Author of Treatises on Electric Traction, Commercial Development of Electric Supply, and Fuel Purchase and Analysis. Address: Oakfield, Bromborough, Cheshire. T. N.: 113 Bromborough.

SHAXBY, Richard Underdown, B.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Home Office, Whitehall, London, S.W.i; b. 1879. Ed. Clare College, Cambridge, 1st Class Hons. in Engineering, 1900. Assistant Manager to Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Elswick Ordnance Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1900-2; Demonstrator in Engineering at King's College, London, 1902-3; H.M. Inspector of Factories, 1 903 to date. War Services.—From August 4, 1914, to Marc:1 7, 1920, Inspector of Ordnance Machinery.

SHEARMAN, Frank, M.I.Mar.E., Mar. Engr.; Chairman, Mountstuart Dry Docks, Ltd., John Shearman and Co., Ltd., and Mordey, Carney and Co., Ltd., Dry Dock Owners and Ship Repairers; b. 1879. Ed. Ardingley Coll., Sussex. Training: John Shearman and Co., Ltd., Cardiff; John Dickinson and Sons, Sunderland. Clubs: Carlton and Oriental. Address: Stoodleigh Court, Tiverton, N. Devon. T. A: "Shearman, Stoodleigh." T. N.: Tiverton 12.

SHELDON, Robert A., M.Sc. (Vic.), A.M.I. E.E., M.I.Min.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 727, Chester Road, Erdington, Birmingham; only s. of Dr. C. Sheldon of Belfast. Ed. Royal Academical Institution, Belfast, and Owens College, Manchester. Mather and Platt, Ltd., Manchester. Ten years Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the University College, Nottingham. At present Electrical Engineering Lecturer at the Aston Technical School, Birmingham.

SHELF, Arthur William Curran, M.C.I., M.I. and SI., Manager, Reinforced Concrete Materials Dept., Brown and Tawse, Ltd.; b. 1874. Ed. Ardingley Coll., Sussex. Career: Inventor of special types of Reinforcement for Concrete; awarded the Bessemer Premium by the Soc. of Engrs. for Paper on High Textile Steel versus Mild Steel for Reinforcing Concrete; Chief Tech. Asst. to the Foreign Ore Dept. during the late War. Club: Road. Address: Mount Pleasant, Paddock Wood, Kent.

SHELFORD, Frederic, B.Sc. (Lond.), M.Inst. C.E., Barrister-at-Law, practising at the Parliamentary Bar; b. 1871; s. of Sir William Shelford, K.C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Westminster Sch. and Dulwich Coll. Training: City Guilds Tech. Coll.; London University. Formerly Cons. Engr. to Crown Agents for Colonies, for Railways., Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, Cyprus, Brit. Honduras, Brit. E. Af., etc.; Capt. Royal Marines during the War; has travelled in Sierra Leone, Gold Coast, Nigeria, British East Af., United States, Mexico, British Honduras, Cyprus, Egypt, France, Belgium, Italy, Germany, Russia, etc.; Partner of the late Sir Benjamin Baker, K.C. B., K.C.M.G., LL.D., etc. Publ.: " Railway Surveying in Tropical Forests," " Pioneering." Clubs: Carlton, St. Stephen's. Address: 27, Abingdon Street, Westminster, S.W.i. T. N.: 5169 Victoria.

SHENNAN, John Rognvald, M.C.,B.Sc.,Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 3, West End Avenue, Pinner, Middlesex; b. 1892; s. of Sheriff Shennan, of Hamilton; m. Edith Doris, d. of H. A. Walker, linen manufacturer, Dunfermline. Ed. Fettes College and Edinburgh University. Served apprenticeship with Sir A. Gibb, of Easton Gibb and Sons, Ltd.; now Assistant Civil Engineer, Ministry of Transport, Whitehall. War Services.—With Royal Engineers, October, 1914, to August, 1919; four years overseas. Promoted Major in May, 1918. Awarded Crown of Rumania; twice mentioned in dispatches.

SHENTON, Henry Chawner Hine, P.-Pres. S.E., Hon. F.I.San.E., M.Inst.Mun.E., M.R. San.I., Partner in Firm of Shenton and Easdale, Civil Engrs.; b. 1870; s. of Edward Shenton. Ed. Private Schs. and Albermarle Coll. Training: Crystal Palace Sch. of Practical Eng. Gold Medallist Soc. of Engrs. and Winner of Bessemer Premium, Soc. of Engrs. App. to late Sir W. Shelford in 1888 and afterwards engaged on Railway. Work; in Admiralty Works Dept. at H.M. Dockyards, Portsmouth and Chatham; Partnership -with F. H. Anson, Engr., Herts and Essex Waterworks Co., 1900, and later with W. C. Easdale; now Senior Partner in the firm of Shenton and Easdale, Specialists in Sewerage and Sewage Disposal and Waterworks; has advised and carried out a large number of Works for Local and Municipal Authorities, the War Office, Public Co.'s, etc. Hon. Member of Assoc. of Managers of Sewage Disposal Works. Publ.: "Practical Sewerage and Sewage Disposal," also many Papers and Treatises on Sewerage and Waterworks. Address: 28, Victoria Street, S.W. T. A.: "Valaki, 'Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 7460.

SHEPHERD, Percy Edward, Major, R.E., 0.B.E., • Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, National Shipyards, Chepstow. T. A.: " Adship, Chepstow." T. N.: Chepstow 73. b. 1878. Ed. Buxton College. Apprenticeship, Belfast and Northern Counties Railway. Railway Construction and Maintenance, Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway; Private Consulting Practice. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Royal Engineers, 1915-19 (Major); Second-in-Command, Train Ferry Terminal Construction, Southampton, 1917; Commanding National Shipyard No. 3, Portbury, 1918; Chief Engineer, National Shipyards, Nos. 1, 2 and 3, 1919.

SHETTLE, William Croasdill, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, c/o The Barbados Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., Barbados, B.W.I. T. A.: "Kilowatt, Barbados." b. 1874. Ed. Eye Grammar School, Framlingham College, Suftolk, and University College, London. With Maudslay, Sons and Field, Lambeth. Assistant to Henry Davey, M.Inst.C.E., Westminster, 1896-8, waterworks, pumping, mining machinery, etc.; Assistant to Burstall and Monkhouse, M.M.Inst.C.E., 1898-1910, testing materials, machinery, electric supplies and tramways for various towns and corporations, electrical equipment of factories, etc.; Engineer and Manager to The Barbados Electric Supply Corporation, Ltd., 1910 to date; erected power station and laid out mains for a general electric supply system in the British West Indies. War Services.—Local Farces, British West Indies, 1914, to August, / 916; High Explosive Department, Ministry of Munitions, September, 1916, to February, 1917; 2nd Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, February, 1917; served in Mesopotamia from May, 1917, to April, 1919; demobilized as Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, 1919.

SHIPTON, Francis H. E., Commander, R.N., O.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Consulting Engineer, 116, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 8475; Littlehampton 201. b. 1862. Ed. Trinity College, then in H.M.S. Britannia, and ten years at sea before invalided from Royal Navy. With Brush Electric Light Company, 1885-6, carried out some large installations; Engineer from 1887-8, 33 to Chelsea Electric Light Co.; then Outside Engineer, from 1889-92, to the Westminster Electric Supply Co. 1894-7—Works Manager in France. 1898— Engineer in Paris. 1899-1906—Chief of Staff to V. B. D. Cooper, M.Inst.C.E., on large number of tramways and light railways. From 1906—In practice as Consulting Engineer, IT 6, Victoria Street, Westminster, to various light railway companies. Constructed Barton and Immingham Light Railway; Engineer to North Lindsey Light Railway. Clubs: Authors', Royal Dorset and Corinthian Yacht Clubs, Junior Constitutional, etc. War Services.--On patrol service to the end of 1915; in command of a base for patrols and transport work to November, 1918; then mine clearance to July, 1919.

SHIREHAMPTON, William Bruford, Associate I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Ravenscroft Park, Chipping Barnet, Herts. T. A.: " Luminously, London." T. N.: 5844 London Wall. b. 1880. Ed. Oundle and City of London Technical College. Orient Steamship Co. and Nippon Yusen Kaisha. Manager, Veritys, Ltd. (Foreign and Colonial Branches), 1902-15; Chairman and Managing Director, The Overseas Engineering Co., Ltd., of London, Paris and New York. First President, American Overseas Engineering Corporation, New York. War Services.-1st City of London Regiment.

SHOOSMITH, Harry, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech. E., Wh.Sc., Civil Engineer (Marine and Dock), 37, De Vere Gardens, London, \V.8. T. N.: Kensington 3231. b. 1866. Principal Engineer to Wm. Cory and Son, Ltd., for transportation and handling of coal. Chief Works: Pontoon derricks for unloading coal, various wharves and riverside works on Thames and Medway. War Services.—Coal-handling plant.

SHORES, John Wallis, C.M.G., M.Inst.C.E. (Retired); b. 1851; s. of John Wallis Shores, formerly of East Lodge, Worthing. Ed. at Lancing Grammar Sch. and at Richmond. Was Asst. Engr., Natal Govt. Railways., 1876-82; Dist. Engr. 1882-9, and Supt. Engr. of Surveys and Construction, 1889-97; then Engr.-in-Ch. until 1910; directed repairs to Natal Govt. Railways. during Boer War, 1899-1901 (dispatches). Club: Victoria (Natal). Address: Rutland, Scotsville, Pietermaritzburg, Natal.

SHUTTLEWORTH, William Ernest, A.M.I. E.E., Proprietor of The Humber Elec. Eng. Co., Hull; b. 1884; s. of Edward Shuttleworth. Ed. Hull Municipal Tech. Sch. App. Thos. Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton, then Chief Elec. Engr., Earle's Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Hull. Address: 216, Victoria Avenue, Hull. T. A.: " Humber Electric, Hull." 7'. N.: 958.

SIBBERING, George Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Alteryn House, Alteryn, Newport, Mon. T. A. "Sibbering, Taff Railway, Cardiff." T. N.: 2846 Newport, Mon. b. 1861; s. of John Sibbering, Merthyr Tydvil; m. Georgina Lowe Reynolds. Ed. Queen's College, Taunton. Pupilage, 1878-81, under Saml. Harpur, M.Inst.C.E., Engineer to the Merthyr Tydvil Local Board of Health. Was engaged as an Assistant in the Engineer's Office of the Rhymney Railway Company prior to taking up an appointment in 1883 in the Engineer's Office of the Taff Vale Railway Company, Cardiff. Since 1894, Chief Engineer of the latter company. Member of the South Wales Institute of Engineers; Fellow and Past -President of the Permanent Way Institution. Chief Works: Constructed several branch railways, also very important and heavy widening works. Reconstructed the station at Pontypridd and the railways through that station and added thereto two additional running lines. Heavy reclamation works on the foreshore at Penarth; new bridge over river Elv at Cardiff; large yards in neighbourhood of Cardiff for storing coal for shipment; work in connection with floating off-shore dock at Penarth. War Services.—Held commission in the 2nd Volunteer Battalion Welsh Regiment.

SIDDELEY, Herbert C., Electrical Engineer, Australia House, Strand, London, W.C.2. T. A.." Switchgear, Estrand, London." T. N.: City 540 and 541. b. 1871. Training: Manchester Technical Schools; C. L. Baker and Co., Ltd., Manchester; four years L. and N.W. Railway Electrical Department. 1902-16 — London Manager, Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co., Ltd. Now Man. Director of H. C. Siddeley and Co., Ltd.; British Engineers and Traders Syndicate, Ltd., and Secretary, Electrical Manufacturers Co. of Great Britain, Ltd., BritishAustralia Engineering Co., Ltd., British Electrical Engineering Co. of China, Ltd. Member of the St. Stephen's Club.

SIDDELEY, John Davenport, C.B.E., Alan. Dir. of Armstrong Siddeley Motors, Ltd., Coventry; Member of Aeronautical Research Committee; Director of Armstrong, Whitworth Development Co. Address Crackley Hall, Kenilworth. T. A.: " Siddeley, Kenilworth." T. N.: Kenilworth 8.

SIDGWICK, Charles Kater Dury, D.S.O., District Loco., Carriage and Wagon Supt., Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway., Bombay, Southern Division. Ed. Rottingdean; Winchester Coll. App. L. and N.W. Railway. Co. at Crewe, 1892-95. Pupil to Chief Mech. Engr., F. W. Webb, 1896-97; on the Loco. Staff, L. and N.W. Railway. Co., 1897-1901; District Loco. Supt., E. and N. Sections, Central S. Af. Railway., 1901-4; Loco. Supt., Orange River Colony, 1904-5. Address: B.B.C.I. Railway., Bombay.

SIDNEY, Leicester Philip, M.B.E., Assistant Secretary, Iron and Steel Institute, 28, Victoria Street, London, S.W.I. T. N.: 847 Battersea and 853 Victoria. Ed. Brighton College and College Communale de Boulogne-sur-Mer. Pupil 1888, F. W. Harbord, C.B.E., South Staffordshire Steel and Ingot Co., Bilston; Chief Chemist, Shelton Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Stoke-on-Trent, to 1897. Sub-editor " Iron and Coal Trades Review " to 1901; Editor " Yearbook of Learned Societies," 1901-7, and many other publications. Technical reader to Chas. Griffin and Co., Ltd., since 1901. Assistant Secretary, Iron and Steel Institute since 1904. War Services.—Secretarial official, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-18; Controller of Communications, 1916-18; Representative of Ministry on Control Orders Committee of War Priorities Committee, 1918. Responsible for all action under Defence of the Realm Regulations, 1917-18.

SIEMENS, Alexander; b. 1847; s. of Gustav Siemens and Sophie Heise. Ed. Hanover; Berlin. In shops Siemens Brothers at Woolwich, 1867; engaged in building Indo-European Telegraph Line, Persia, 1868; assisted in laying Cable in the Black Sea, 1869. Pupil of the late Sir Wm. Siemens; became naturalized Brit. subject, 1878; Manager, Electric Light Dept. of S. Brothers, 1879; Pres. I.E.E., 1894 and 1904; Pres. Inst. C.E., 1910—ri. Papers read before the Brit. Assoc., the S.A., and the I.E.E., and other Socs. Clubs Athenum, Reform, Royal Automobile. Address: 72, Campden Hill Court, Campden Hill, W.B. T. N.: Park 3595; Westover, Milford-on-Sea, Hants.

SILCOCK, Edward John, M.Inst.C.E., M. Cons.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., F.G.S., F.S.I., Civil Engineer, 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.', and io, Park Row, Leeds. T. A.: " Oxygenated, Vic, London," and " Theodolite, Leeds." T. N.: 65o Victoria and 26195 Leeds. b. 1862. Ed. Norfolk County School and the University of Leeds. Articled to the late A. W. Morant, M.Inst.C.E., and Thos. Hewson, M.Inst.C.E., City Engineers of Leeds. Engaged on the Engineering staff of the Leeds Corporation on waterworks, sewerage, road and tramway construction, refuse destructors, tunnels for sewers and water and similar works. Borough, Water and Harbour Engineer at King's Lynn, engaged on a new water supply for the town and a complete new system of sewerage, lighting of ship channel with gas buoys and beacons, wreck removal and other works. In 1898 commenced practice as a Consulting Engineer at Westminster and Leeds and since engaged mainly on waterworks construction, sewerage and sewage disposal, and has carried out works of this character in a large number of towns. Has a large practice in Parliamentary Committees, Ministry of Health inquiries, arbitrations, and as an expert witness in the Courts. Publications: " Treatise on Sanitary Engineering " (2 vols.), Moore and Silcock, and many papers before engineering societies. Past President, Society of Engineers; Member of Council of Institution of Water Engineers. Member of the St. Stephen's Club, Whitehall. War Services.—Employed by War Office to design and superintend sewerage, sewage disposal works and water supply to the Ripon Military Camp, providing accommodation for 40,000 men and 10,000 horses.

SILK, Thomas Hugh, M.I.N.A., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Pres. Belfast Assoc. of Engrs., 1921-2, Outside Manager, Workman, Clark and Co., Shipbuilders, Belfast; b. 1886; s. of T. 0. Silk, Southsea. Ed. H.M. Dockyard Sch. and Tech. Coll., Portsmouth. Top Student, Portsmouth Tech Coll., gold medal; 1st Class Hons., Naval Architecture, bronze medal. Trained at H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth; 5 years with Thornycroft and Co., Southampton, and 5 years with Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Pres., Belfast Assoc. of Engrs. Address: Belfast Shipyard, Belfast. T. A.: " Spencer, Belfast." T. N.: Belfast 3861.

SILLAR, Arthur Molyneux, M.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E. (Member of Committee), Cons. Engr., 104, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A A.: " Ayemess, London." T. N.: Victoria 61oo.

SILVERS, Charles Owen, A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, c/o Corporation Tramways, Wolverhampton. T. N.: 324 Wolverhampton. b. 1884. Ed. St. Anne's, Wolverley, and Wolverhampton Grammar Schools. Pupil of C. E. C. Shawfield, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. Junior Assistant Engineer, Electricity Department, Wolverhampton Corporation; Assistant Engineer, Tramways Department, Wolverhampton Corporation. 1910-I 1—Assistant Engineer, Tudor Accumulator Co., Westminster, S.W.I. 1911-I 5—Tramways Engineer, Wolverhampton Corporation. 1915 to date—General Manager and Engineer, Wolverhampton Corporation Tramways. Member of Panel and Sub-Committee of British Engineering Standards Association. War Services.—Manager and Engineer controlling the Lorain Surface Contact system of tramways and the motor omnibus services in the Wolverhampton Area.

SILVESTERE, Harry, B.Sc., F.I.C., Cons. Metallurgist; b. 1865; s. of William Silvestere. Ed. Bridge Trust Sch., Handsworth, and Mason Coll., Birmingham. P.-Pres., Staffs. I. and S.I.; P.-V.Pres., Soc. Chem. Industry; P.-Chairman, Birmingham and Midland Section. Author of Papers on " Water Softening " and " Sewage Purification," etc. Address: 36, Paradise Street, Birmingham. T. N.: Midland 2059.

SIMMANCE, John Frederick, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr. (Research); Man. Dir., Alexander Wright and Co., Ltd.; b. 1859. Ed. Stockwell Grammar Sch. Pupil of the late Wm. Sugg, A.I.C.E. Career: Inventor of Standard Gas Calorimeter adopted by Govts. of Canada, Queensland, etc., and Total Heat Recording Calorimeter; the Simmance Flicker Photometer; the Recording Gravitometer, etc. Club: St. Stephen's. Addresses: 1, Westminster Palace Gardens, S.W.I, and Knowls Tooth, Hurstpierpoint, Sussex. T. A.: " Precision, London." T. N.: 1207 Victoria and 47 Hurstpierpoint.

SIMON, Alfred Leo, Ph.D., M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Cons. Min. and Metallurgical Engr.; b. 1861; s. of J. Simon. Ed. Mulhouse (Alsace). Training: Zurich and Freiberg. Career: 1885—Chief of Lab., Kulmann, Lille. 1885-88—Engr., then Mangr., Societe des Kaolins des Colettes; 1889—At Gold and Silver Refinery, Frankfort; 1889-93—At S. Af. Gold Mines for Wernher Beit and Co.; originated " Weak " Cyanide Solutions for Gold Extraction; 1894-97—In W. Australia for New Austral. Co.; since 1898 Cons. Engr. in London, reporting on Properties in France, Germany, Spain, Gt. Britain, Canada, U.S.A., S. Russia, Caucasus, Siberia, etc. 1914-16—General Mngr., Vagliano Anthracite Collieries, S. Russia; Mem. of Council, Inst. M. and M., 1909-17. Various Papers, chiefly read before Inst. of M. and M. Club: M. and M. Address: 18A, Trebovir Road, S.W.5. T. A.: " Olibene, Earls, London." T. N.: Western 1398.

SIMON, Horace F., A.M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I., Electrical Engineer, 27, Martin Lane, London, E.C.4. Private: 4, Wynnstay Gardens, Kensington, London, W.8. T. A.:" Stanlorio, Cannon, London." T. N.: Western 695o; City 3897. b. 1869. Ed. City and Guilds Imperial College, Exhibition Road, London, and graduated for the diploma as an associate. Last 12 years, Managing Director of Electrical Installations, Ltd., and The British Electrical Export Co., Ltd. Clubs: City Carlton, Devonshire. War Services.—Inspector in Special Constabulary; 3: Volunteer Member of the L.C.C. Fire Brigade; private in London Volunteer Rifles.

SIMON, Sidney Arthur, B.A., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 55, Benfieldside Road, Blackhill,. Co. Durham. T. N.: 28 Shotley. b. 1873. Ed.. Open Science Scholar at Corpus Christi College, Oxford; graduated 1 st class Hons. School of Natural Science, Oxford. Manchester Technical School and Owens College. Served apprenticeship with Clayton Foundry Co., Ltd., general and electrical engineers. Spent several years in various parts of Germany with one of the largest electrical engineering companies, and then represented them in London and Glasgow in industrial applications of electricity for lighting and power, especially in mining and the heavy engineering and metallurgical industries, use and delivery of exhaust steam. Publications: Contributed papers to the Institution of Electrical Engineers (" Electricity in Mining " ) and the Association of Mining Electrical Engineers (" Speed Control of Three Phase Motors," for which a special prize was awarded), etc. War Services.—Occupied position of Chief Electrical Engineer to important controlled company producing coal, coke, motor spirit, steel plates and angles, etc., for shipbuilding and other munition work; also enrolled in the local Volunteers.

SIMPSON, A. M., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr.; General Manager, Malta Tramways and Lighting.

SIMPSON, Augustus John, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, 5, Mortimer Road, Cambridge. Ed. Merchant Taylors School and Crystal Palace School of Engineering. Pupil with Lancaster Oven, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Construction Engineer, G.W. Railway. Assistant Engineer, G.W. Railway; Resident Engineer of the Bristol and South Wales Union Railway and Patchway Tunnel in connection with construction of Severn Tunnel; Chief Engineer, Taltal Railway, South America; Manager to The Hesvortt Co., estate and agricultural engineers. War Services.— Joined staff of Aeronautical Inspection Department of War Office, 1915; Chief Examinerin-Charge, Engine and Material Section, Sheffield District, March, 1916. November 1, 1916—Hon. Lieutenant in Royal Air Force. Promoted to headquarter staff and made Officer-in-Charge of section dealing with steels and analysis. Demobilized June. i6, 1919.

SIMPSON, Francis Frederick, M.I. and C.C. Worcestershire, Man. Dir., F. R. Simpson and Co., Ltd., Steel Rolling Mills, Oldbury; b. 1857.. Ed. at White's, Reading. Trained at Midland Inst., John Hands and Sons, Birmingham, and Spront and Marley's Works, Hebburn-on-Tyne. Club: Midland, Birmingham. Address: Peterscourt, Barnt Green, Worcs. 7'. N.: 14o Barnt Green.

SIMPSON, Lt.-Col. Frank R., V.-Pres. I.Min.E., Min. Engr., Hedgefield House, Blaydenon-Tyne.

SIMPSON, John, V.-Pres. I. Min.E., Follonsby,. Hawthorn Gardens, Monkseaton, Whitley Bay, N orthumberland.

SIMPSON, Dr. John Bell, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E. (P.-Pres.), Bradley Hall, Wylam, Northumberland.

SIMPSON, John Reginald Hazell, M.I.Mech. E., Mechanical Engineer, Mount Edgecombe; b. 1875. Ed. Harrison's College, Barbados, British West Indies, and Geo. Fletcher and Co., Derby. Chief Engineer for St. Lucia Usines and Estates Co., Ltd., St. Lucia, British West Indies; Chief Engineer, A. M. Lee and Co., Belvedere Estates, Antigua, British West Indies; Superintendent Engineer, Natal Estates, Ltd., Natal, South Africa.

SIMPSON, Joseph F., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Borough Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Preston. Address: Tramway Power Station, Holmrook Road, Preston.

SINCLAIR, Alexander, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Civil and Electrical Engineer, 6, Richmond Villas, Swansea. T. N.: Docks 260. b. 1861. Ed. Private tuition at home and abroad. College of Telegraphy, Telephony and Electrical Engineering, Hanover Square, London. Siemens Brothers, Charlton, engaged on the manufacture and afterwards the laying of the Mackie-Bennett Atlantic Cable; Goolden and Trotter, London, lighting (electrically) of houses, etc. Works Manager at Vivian and Sons, copper smelters, Swansea, since 1885. Chairman of the Corporation Electricity Committee, Swansea; Member of the Council of Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association; Mayor of Swansea. Retired Lieut.-Colonel of Territorial Force. Publications: " Load Factors and Cheap Units," read before the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association at Edinburgh and Manchester. Clubs: Ffynone, Swansea, and Swansea and Counties. War Services.—Employed on Munitions.

SINCLAIR, Charles Edward, M.I.N.A., F.C.M.S., M.N.E.C.Inst., Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor; b. 1866. Ed. Wallasey Grammar Sch. App. with James Jack and Co., Liverpool; in practice, Liverpool, for past 23 years. Address: 18, James Street, Liverpool. T. A. " Awning, Liverpool." T. N.: Bank 1176.

SINCLAIR, Dane, M.I.E.E., Lennox House, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2. T. A.: " Airlike, Estrand, London." T. N.: Gerrard 2995. Railway Telegraph Engineer, 1870-4.; Japanese Government Telegraphs, 1875-9; National Telephone Company as Engineer, 1881; appointed Engineerin-Chief, 1892; left in 1902 to become General Manager of British Insulated and Helsby Cables, Ltd., Prescot. Also Managing Director of the Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Edge Lane, Liverpool; and Vice-Chairman of the International Automatic Telephone Co., Ltd. Received the Japanese decoration of the Order of the Rising Sun, Third Class, in 1896.

SINGLETON, Samuel Martin, M.I.Mech.E., General Manager, S. Af. Glass Works, Ltd., Hatherley, S. Af.; b. 1871; s. of John Singleton. Ed. Public Schs., Manchester, and Derby Tech. Coll. Training: Midland Railway. Co., Derby, and Haslam and Co., Derby. Career: Chief Engr., Geo. Younger and Co., Alloa, Scotland; Cons. Engr. to The United Kingdom Glass Works, Ltd., Hayes, Middlesex; also to the Union Glass Works, Ltd., Talana, Dundee, S. Af.; now as above. Address: South African Glass Works, Ltd., Hatherley, Pretoria, S. Africa.

SINNATT, Oliver Sturdy, M.C., D.Sc. (Lond ), M.Sc.(Manc.), Prof. of Aeronautical Sc., R.A.F. (Cadet) Coll., Cranwell, Sleaford; b. 1882; s. of Francis Sinnatt. Ed. Coll. of Technology, Manchester. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester Univ. Hons. Degree in Eng. Career: In succession Demonstrator, Senior Demonstrator and Lecturer in the Civil and Mech. Eng. Dept., King's Coll., Univ. of London, 1905-20; 1914-19—Capt. Univ. of London O.T.C.; with 2/2nd London Regt. in France; severely wounded, Poelcappelle; Tech. Officer, Air Ministry. Thesis on " Thermodynamics of Metal Bars." Club: University of London, 21, Gower Street, W.C. Address: Earlsholme, Ruskington, Sleaford. T. N.: Ruskington 11.

SINNOTT, E. S., Colonel, C.M.G., D.L., M.Inst.C.E., Dock, Railway and Road Engineer, Tuffley Grange, Gloucester. T. N.: 261 Gloucester. b. 1868; elder s. of James Sinnott of Brislington, near Bristol; m. 1905, Violet Carew, (died 1920), d. of the Rev. P. Potter, M.A. Ed. Clifton College. Pupil of late J. W. Girdlestone, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Bristol Docks. Engaged on dock and railway work in Westminster and Edinburgh, on railway construction at Port Talbot, South Wales. Engaged in private practice in Cardiff. County Surveyor of Gloucestershire since 1907. Clubs: Gloucester -; Constitutional, Bristol; Public Schools, Curzon Street, W. War Services.—South Africa, 1900, Lieutenant, Royal Engineers. Mobilized August 4,1914; Lieut.Colonel, South Midland Royal Engineers; landed in France March 31, 1915; served continuously in France and Flanders until January 21, 1919; appointed Assistant Director of Roads, 1917; promoted Colonel, 1918; C.M.G. 1916; mentioned in Dispatches.

SIRRY, Sir Ismail, Pasha, K.C.M.G., M.Inst. C.E., Minister of Public Works, Cairo.

SISSON, Arthur White, Wh.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Hucelecote Court, near Gloucester. T. A.: " Arthur Sisson, Gloucester." T. N.: 4o Barnwood (under Gloucester). Ed. Private school; Bath Lane Science and Art Schools, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Lincoln Technical Schools and private study. Engineering training received at Cox and Co.'s Docks Iron Works, Falmouth, after which entered drawing office of Ruston, Proctor and Co., Ltd., Sheaf Works, Lincoln. Chief Draughtsman for J. and E. Hall, Ltd., Dartford, Kent, then with W. Sisson and Co., Quay Street Iron Works, Gloucester, and when limited Company formed, became Director and Secretary of W. Sisson and Co., Ltd. President of Gloucestershire Engineering Society, Session 1912-13. Member of the Penn Club.

SISSON, William, M.I.Mech.E., M.N.E.C. Inst., Chairman and Man. Dir. of W. Sisson and Co., Ltd., Engrs., Gloucester. Training: Coll. of Physical Sc., Newcastle-upon-Tyne; and Royal Coll. of Sc., Dublin. Wh.Sch., Senior Prizeman, three Gold Medals in Sc. App. at R. and W. Hawthorn and Co., Newcastle-upon-Tyne; 1877-78—Draughtsman, R. and W. Hawthorn and Co.; 1878-89—Manager, Engine Works and Shipyard, Falmouth. Address: Chosen House, near Gloucester. T. A.: " Sisson, Hucclecote." T. N.: 19, Barnwood, and in Gloucester.

SKELTON, John Herbert, Major R.E., M.I. and SI., Man. Dir. of H. J. Skelton and Co., Ltd., London; b. 188o; s. of H. J. Skelton. Ed. St. Dunstan's Coll. and in Germany. Training: City of London Tech. Coll.; and Walter Scott, Ltd., Leeds Steel-works. Cavalier of Crown of Italy. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Westminster; R.A.C., Pall Mall; Min. and Metallurgical, London Wall; and London Country, Hendon. Address: Royal London House, Finsbury Square, E.C.2. 7'. A.: " c /o Hiskelton." T. N.: Cl erkenwell 2027-8-9.

SKELTON, Reginald William, C.B., C.B.E., D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., F.R.G.S., Engr.-Capt. (R.N.), b. 1872; s. of late Wm. Skelton, of Long Sutton, Lincs. Ed. Bromsgrove Sch. Training: R.N. Eng. Coll., Keyham. St. Stanislas 2nd Class with Swords and St. Ann 2nd Class with Swords, Russian. Served with National Antarctic Expedition, 1901-4, under the late Capt. R. F. Scott, R.N.; I-1.M. Submarine Service, 1906-12; Engr.-Comn.ander H.M.S. " Superb," 1912-14; Engr-Commander H.M.S. " Agincourt," 1914-16; and 1916-18, on Staff of Commodore Submarine; Archangel, North Russia, 1918-19; Constantinople, 1920-21. Club: Royal Automobile. Address: The Rythe, Esher, Surrey.

SKINNER, Edward John, M.B.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.E.S., Chief Elec. Engr., Fairfield Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Address: 13, Ibrox Terrace, Ibrox-HolmGlasgow.

SKINNER, Frank Wallace, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 50, Wandsworth Road, Heaton, Newcastle-on-Tyne; b. 1886; second s. of the late Captain Skinner, Royal Navy; m. Annie M. Eckford, L.R.A.M., A.R.C.M., of Newcastle, December, 1919. Ed. Mathematical School, Rochester, and Plymouth College. City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury, E.C. Improver at Western Electric Co., North Woolwich. 1908-2o at Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering, Municipal Technical Schools, Barrow-in-Furness, 1911-1920. Now Electrical Dept., C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

SKINNER, Sir Harry Ross, Kt., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.M.; b. 1867; Cons. Engr., Durban Roodepoort Gold Mines, Transvaal, 1890-1917; Director, High Explosives Supply under Lord Moulton, 1914-15; Deputy Dir.-Gen. Munitions Inspection, 1916-17. A ddress: Corner House, Johannesburg; Charlcombe, Sunningdale, Berks.

SLACKE, Randal Beresford, M.I.E.E., 33, Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2. 2'. A.: " Engineer Newspaper, Estrand, London." T. N.: Central 2256/7. b. 1876; s. of late Sir Owen R. Slacke, C.B.; fn. 1903, Edith Mary, d. of late John Thwaites. Ed. at Newton Abbott. City and Guilds Central Technical College, South Kensington, 1894-7; Manchester, Edison and Swan Co. of Broadheath, and Browett and Lindly, Ltd., of Patricroft, 1897-19:0. Blackburn Corporation Tramways Department, car maintenance and overhead construction, 1900-2; G. H. Woods and Co., electrical contractors, 1902-5; Key Engineering Co., Ltd., 1905-Io; Galloways, Ltd., 910-16, London Manager, 1911 -16; Manager, " The Engineer," 1919. Member of St. Stephen's Club; Royal Mersey Yacht Club; Royal Corinthian Yacht Club., etc. War Services.—Captain in Royal Engineers (I.W.and .D.); Deputy Assistant Director, Materials and Priority, Admiralty, 1918-19.

SLADE, Charles Felix, M.Inst.C.E., District Engr. (Yorks), Gt. N. Railway.; b. 1876; s. of F. W. Slade. Ed. King's Coll. Sch., London. Articled to W. Marriott, Engt., M. and G.N. Joint Railway.; Chief Asst. to Engr., Mid. and G.N. Joint Railway.; District Engr., G.N. Railway., 1915, to date; Member of Council of Yorks Assoc. of C.E. Address: 38, Moor Road, Headingley, Leeds. T. N.: 186 Headingley.

SLADEN, Edward Lambart, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.T. Societe Engs. Civils de France, Civil Engineer, Caixa 114, Pernambuco, Brazil. T. A.: " Bench, Pernambuco." b. 1888; s. of Colonel and the Hon. Lady Sarah Sladen. Ed. Redland Hill House Sch., Merchant Venturers' Coll., and Bristol University Coll.; pupil with T. J. Moss Flower, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Baldwin Street, Bristol. Assistant to Chief Conservancy Officer, Bristol Docks Committee, 19c9; Asst. Engr. on Construction of Juancho to Vivcrata and Cooper to Orense Extensions, and Assistant on new Transandine route survey for the same company, 1910-2 Chief Assistant on construction of the AlagOas and Northern Railway Co., 1913-4; Resident Engineer on Alagoas section of Great Western of Brazil Railway Co., 1914-5; Assistant to Chief Resident Engineer, Great Western of Brazil Railway, Pernambuco, Brazil, 1915-9; Acting Chief Resident Engineer, Great Western of Brazil Railway Co., Ltd., December, 1919 (temporary appointment). At present holding appointment of Chief.Asst. to Res. Engr., G.W.B. Railway.

SLATER, Ernest, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Editor of " Electrical Times," " l'Ingenieur Industriel," " El Ingeniero Industrial," " Engineering Industry." Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, especially English and Foreign Technology, Sardinia House, Kingsway, W.C. T. A.: " Equivolt, Estrand." T. N.: 4426 Central. As Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, King's College course and London Matriculation, followed by pupilage in works. Abroad as Chief Engineer and Representative of late Robt. Hammond for his power schemes on Continent, also sent to Mexico by Antony Gibbs and Co. as Resident Engineer of the Mexican Gas and Electric Light Co. At an earlier date at Gwynne-Pilven's Works, Euston Road, also hotel lighting, dynamo manufacture, electric launch work, sewage purification and various civil work. Was in Blackpool Corporation Electricity Works before going abroad. Chief Works: Malaga Electricity Works, also inception of many public undertakings connected with water power, steam power, etc. Publications: Five novels, mainly on Spanish subjects, and a book on the Guadalquirir under pseudonym of Paul Gwynne. More recently a technical dictionary in seven languages.

SLAUGHTER, Frederick, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, High Street, Steyning. T. N.: 13 Steyning. Training with the late Francis J. C. May, M.Inst.C.E., borough engineer, Brighton. Engineer and Surveyor for the New Shoreham Urban District Council, 1899-1903; Engineer and Surveyor to Steyning West Rural District Council for past seventeen years; Engineer and Managing Director of the Steyning Gas Co., and in private practice. Chief Works: Reconstruction of the whole of the highways in the district, Henfield water supply, Shermanbury water supply, drainage works, Henfield, and all the improvement works in the district; remodelling the Steyning Gas Works.

SLEEMAN, Herbert Richard, A.B.S.M., M.I.M.M.,M.A.M.M.E., Min. Engr., Gen. Man. and Attorney; b. 1872; s. of Richard Henry Sleeman, R.N. Ed.: Royal Naval Sch., London. Training: Ballarat Sch. of Mines; Associate as Min. Engr. (B.S.M. ); matriculated with honours London and Melbourne. Career: Occupied various positions as Mangr. of Gold Mines, 1899 to 1906, in South Africa, West Africa, Egypt, etc.; 1906 to present, in charge of Whim Well Copper Mine and other mines in West Australia, also some consulting work. Pubis.: Numbers of papers and articles for 'the technical press and the I.M.M. Clubs: Constitutional, Mining and Metallurgy, Perth (W.A.). Address: C.T.A. Buildings, Perth, W.A. T. A.: " Sleeman, Perth."

SLINGO, Sir William, Kt., b. 1865; Engr.-inChief, G.P.O., 1912-19; served on various Government Committees, 1914. Publ.: " Elec. Eng." (with ' A. Brooker), 1890; sometime Editor of " Knowledge." Address: Reid House, Brampton Road, Forest Hill, S.E.23. T. N.: Sydenham 397.

SLOAN, Robert Patrick, C.B.E., M.I.E.E., Chairman and Man. Dir. of Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., Ltd., and several other Electric Power Cos.; b. 1874; s. of Rev. J. M. Sloan, M.A. (late). Ed. Glasgow and Edinburgh. Training: Edinburgh and London. Clubs: Devonshire, London; Union, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: " Craiglea," Westfield Drive, Gosforth, Newcastleon-Tyne. T. A.: " Supply, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 93 Gosforth.

SLOOG, HERMANN, M.I.E.E., M.S.E (Member of Council), 45, Great Marlborough Street, W.I.

SMAIL, James Cameron, O.B.E., Associate I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 90, Burbage Road, Herne Hill, S.E.24; b. 188o; in. Louisa Florence, d. of Alex. Davidson of Winnipeg, Manitoba. Ed. Daniel Stewart's College, Edinburgh; Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh (diplomas in Mechanical and Electrical Engineering); Royal College of Science, London. Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., and Carrick and Ritchie, Ltd. Whitworth Exhibitioner, Royal Exhibitioner. Inspector of Technical Instruction, Ireland, I902-I I; Organizer of Trade Schools, London, 191119; Head of Technology Branch, 1919; Asst. Ed. Officer, 1920; London County Council Ed. Dept.; V.-Pres. for Tech. Education, International Jury, Turin Exhibition, 1911. Publications: " Technical Education in France and Germany," " Training and Education for the Printing Trades," " Training and Education for the Building Trades," etc. Member of the Caledonian Club. War Services.—District Manager, Metropolitan Munitions Committee, 1915-18; Manager for London County Council Education Department, munitions manufacture and training of munition workers, 1915-18.

SMAIL, John Moore, M.Inst.C.E., Engr.-inChief, Water Supply and Sewerage Dept., Sydney, N.S.W.

SMALLEY, Oliver, M.Inst.Met., M.Soc.C.I., M.Amer.I.Min.E., M.Amer.Inst.Met., Chief of the Research Labs. and Tech. Adviser to Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Newcastle and 34 Manchester; b. 1891; s. of W. Smalley. Ed. Chesterfield Grammar Sch. and Montgomery Coll. Training: Sheffield University. Prize Geology and Mineralogy, etc., Sheffield University; Silver Medal, London City and Guilds Inst.; Distinction, and Hons. in Chemistry and Metallurgy, Bd. of Education. Six years Chemist and Metallurgist, Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd.; 2 years Chief Chemist and Metallurgist to Scott Eng. Co., Ltd.; 7 years. as above; Chairman, " Tech. Review." Club: Chemists', Newcastle. Patents: Wood Distillation,, Turbine Bronze, Rubber Substitute, Cable Covering. Publ.: " Constitution and Influence of a Dendritic. Structure on Alloys," " Influence of Arsenic on Brass," " Constitutional Diagrams," " Effect of Iron, on Brass." Address: Research Laboratories, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Water Street, Elswick, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

SMART, Lewis A., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S., F.R.G.S., Consulting Engineer, 31, Budge Row, London, E.C.4. T. A.: "Uncanny, Cannon,. London." T. N.: Central 785. Served apprenticeship to engineering with Robert Napier and Sons, Ltd. (now Beardmore's), Glasgow; studied engineering for 4 years at the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College, and for 3 years at Glasgow University (B.Sc. Course), where, among other honours, won first prize in Lord Kelvin's Electrical Laboratories, first honourable mention in Engineering and the Shipwrights' Scholarship; was one of four who started the Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College Scientific Society; was Secretary, and later President of the Glasgow University Engineering Society, then the largest junior engineering society in the kingdom; was a founding member of the Faraday Electro-Chemical Society. Four years Works Engineer to Wm. Denny and Brothers, shipbuilders, Dumbarton; xi years Engineering Manager to Burroughs Wellcome and Co., London, Dartford,. etc.; x year Manager for South of England, of D. Selby Bigge and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, electric power engineers; 20 years in practice as Consulting Engineer. Was first engineer to apply Diesel engines. to marine propulsion, vide Preface to first edition.; of standard work on Diesel engines by A. P. Chalkley, B.Sc. War Services.—Three years in 4th Battalion West Kent Volunteers.

SMETHURST, Joseph Henshall, M.I.Water E., M.B.W.A., Water Engr., Preston Corpn. b. 1864; s. of Joseph Smethurst, Preston. Ed. Abington House, Northampton. Training: With Borough Engr., Preston. Carried out construction, and enlargement of reservoirs, aqueducts, bridges,. intakes in connection with Preston water. Address: Sweetbriars, Garstang Road, Fulwood, Preston.

SMITH, Alexander, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E.. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., 3, Newhall] Street, Birmingham.

SMITH, Alfred Travers Fairtlough, Captain,. M.C., B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E.,. Mechanical Engineer, c/o Sir Chas. McGregor, Bart., and Co., 39, Panton Street, Haymarket, S.W.; b. 1890; s. of Captain C. J. Smith, late 2nd Royal Berkshire Regiment; m. Kate Bennett Wood, d. of Thomas Wood, late of Shanghai. Ed. University College, London. Three years' apprenticeship, Woolwich Arsenal. Commissioned in R.A.S.C. February, 1914. War Services.—Served with British Army in Flanders from August 9, 1914, to December, 1919; Officer Commanding Workshops, Army Troops Supply Column, August 9, 1914, to November 15, 915; Officer Commanding, 7th Ammunition Supply Park, November 16, 1915, to April 15, 1917; Adjutant, 3rd Corps Siege Park, April 16, 1917, to June 26, 1918; Officer Commanding 15th Corps Troops (M.T.) Company, June 27, 1918, to June io, 1919. Acting S.M.T.O., 15th Corps, April 1, 1919, to June io, 1919. Temporary Captain, June 1, 1915; •Captain, September 5, 1917; Acting Major, June 26, 1918. Held acting rank of Major for eighteen months. Awarded M.C., and mentioned in Dispatches once.

SMITH, Cades Alfred Middleton, M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Hon. M.J.Inst.E., Mech. and Civil Engr.; Dean of the Faculty of Eng. and Taikoo Prof. of Eng.; b. 1879; s. of James Middleton Smith. Ed. Portsmouth Grammar Sch. Training: Keyham .Coll. M.Sc. (Eng. ), University of Birmingham. Asst. Engr. to Plymouth Electric Supply System, with Belliss and Marcom, Ltd.; Demonstrator and Asst. Lecturer in Eng., University of Birmingham; Senior Demonstrator, King's Coll., London; Asst. Prof. Civil and Mech. Engr., East London Coll., University of London; Taikoo Prof. of Civil and Mech. Eng., University of Hong-Kong, 1912; the Dean of Faculty of Eng. and Ship., H.K., 1915-16; Vice-Chairman of Local Sec., I.E.E., 1916. Publ.: " Suction Gas Plants," " Handbook of Testing Materials," " New Steam Tables," " British in China." T. A.: " Middleton Smith, Hong Kong."

SMITH, Charles Clemesha, M.Inst.C.E., P.-Pres. I.Water E., Waterworks Engr., Wakefield Corpn.; b. 1867. Ed. Leeds University. Articled to Filliter and Rofe, Westminster. Address: Town Hall, Wakefield. T. N.: Wakefield 583.

SMITH, Charles Frederick, D.Sc., M.Sc. Tech., M.I.E.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., H.M. Inspector of Schools (Technological Branch), 28, Grove Road, Headingley, Leeds. T. N.: 455 Headingley. Ed. University College, Bristol; Whitworth Scholar. Apprenticed to Sharp, Stewart and Co., Ltd. Engaged with engineering firms in Germany and subsequently with Siemens Brothers and Co., and Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd. Head of Electrical Engineering Department, • South Western Polytechnic, Chelsea; Senior Lecturer in Electrical Engineering and Director of Electrical Engineering Laboratories, School of Technology, Manchester (University of Manchester ). Author of " Practical Testing of Dynamos and Motors," " Practical Alternating Current Testing," etc.

SMITH, Charles Randolph, Mar. Engr., General Manager, North British Diesel Engine Works, Ltd.; b. 1871; s. of Charles Smith, Hartlepool. Ed. and Training: Uppingham; Edinburgh • Collegiate Sch.; and Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll. Career: With Fairfield Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd.; W. H. Allen and Son, Ltd., Bedford, • Chief Draughtsman; Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Elswick, Supt. Engr.; Barckay-Curle and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, Eng. Director. Clubs: Public Schs., London; New, Glasgow. Address: Robinsfield, by Milngavie, Stirlingshire.

SMITH, Lt.-Col. D. J., O.B.E., Vice-Pres. I.A.E., 40, Woodberry Grove, Finsbury Park, N.

SMITH, Dempster, M.B.E., M.Sc.Tech., M.I.Mech.E., Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Victoria University and Coll. of Technology, Manchester; Acting Director of the Dept. of Industrial Administration in the Coll. of Technology; b. 1874; s. of T. J. Smith. Ed. Private Sch. Training: Andersonian Coll., Glasgow; and Coll. of Technology, Manchester. Career: Chief Draughtsman (Machine Tool Dept. ), Sharp, Stewart and Co., Glasgow, 1896-98; Designer, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd., 18981901; Chief Designer, Hulse and Co., Manchester, 1901-3; Demonstrator in Mech. Eng., Coll. of Tech., 1903-7; Lecturer in Mech. Eng., 1907-17; Works Manager, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Stockport, 1917-19; Reappointed Lecturer in Eng., 1919; Experimenter and Reporter to the Tool Steel Committee of the Manchester Assoc. of Engrs., 1914-15; Member of the Cutting Tool Research Committee of the Inst. of Mech. Engrs.; and Editor of Bibliography to Panel No. 2 of the Com., 1920-21; Hon. Sec. of the N.W. Section of the I.Mech.E., 1918-21. Joint Author, " Lathe Design," " Engineers' Cost and Economical Workshop Production," " Forces Exerted on Twist Drills," " Cutting Tools." Club: Engrs.', Manchester. Address: Coll. of Technology, Manchester. T. A.: " Technology, Manchester."

SMITH, Ernest Alfred, A.R.S.M., M.Inst. M.M., M.Inst.Met., M.I. and S.I., Organizing Secretary of British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Assoc.; s. of late Richard Smith, of Royal Sch. of Mines. Ed. London. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Bronze Medal, Hons., Metallurgy, Department of Sc. and Art; Honorary Mention for " Paper on Zinc," Royal Soc. of Arts. Career: On Metallurgical Staff of Royal Sch. of Mines, London; and Royal Coll. of Sc., Dublin; Chief Asst. to B. Kitto, Assayer, London; Educational tours to Metallurgical Works; Deputy Assay Master, Sheffield Assay Office for Hall-marking Gold and Silver Wares; special research on precious metals; late Chairman of Sheffield Section, Inst. of Metals; late Member of Council of Sheffield Soc. of E. and M., and of Sheffield Soc. of Met. and Metl. Chemists; Soc. Chem. Industry; Birmingham Met. Soc. (Member of Council). Publ.: " The Zinc Industry," " Sampling and Assay of the Precious 'Metals." " Dental Metallurgy," Various papers for Scientific Socs. Address: British Non-Ferrous Metals Research Assoc., Athenaeum Chambers, 71, Temple Row, Birmingham.

SMITH, E. Roskilly, A.C.G.I., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Chapra, Saran District, Bihar, India. T. A.: "Distenger, Chapra." b. 1888. Ed. City and Guilds Central Technical College, South Kensington. Four years in Drawing Office, London and Derby; five years Railway Construction and Maintenance, Bengal and North-Western Railway, India; three years District Engineer of Saran District, Bihar, and Consulting Engineer to Chapra, Siwan and Revelgang Municipalities. Chief Works: Railway construction and maintenance, road making and maintenance, bridge building. Clubs: Chapra and Darjeeling Gymkhana. War Services.—United Provinces Horse and Bihar Light Horse.

SMITH, Frank Edward, O.B.E., A.R.C.Sc., F.R.S., Director of Scientific Research, Admiralty, 192o to 'date; b. 1876; s. of Joseph Smith, of Birmingham. Ed. Royal Coll. of Sc., S. Kensington. Nineteen years in Elec. Dept. at N.P.L. (Supt. of AT Elec. Research); Principal, Researches on Elec. Units and Standards, more especially absolute measurements of current, resistance and magnetic intensity. Address: " Redcot," St. James's Avenue, Hampton Hill.

SMITH, Frederick George, M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr. (Rly.); b. 1872; s. of Godfrey Smith, Passenger Supt., N.E. Railway., Northern Div., Newcastle. Ed. Marchbanks and Dr. Ehrlich's Sch., Newcastle. Training: Armstrong Coll. and Rutherford Sch. Twelve years with the N.E. Railway., as Pupil, Draughtsman, Inspector, Asst. Engr. in charge of shops, running sheds, oil and coal gasworks; Chief Engr., Milnes and Co., Tramcar Works, Salop; Head of Inspection Dept., Crompton's Elec. Works, Chelmsford; Works Manager for 8 years at the Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works, Highland Railway., Inverness; then 4 years Locomotive Supt.; Asst. to Controller of M. of M., 1916. Patentee— Locomotive Feed-Water Heater, Rope Grip for Wagon Tarpaulins, Oil-Gas Carriage Filling Valve, Vacuum Brake Exhaust Silencer. Address: 13, Mosley Street Newcastle-on-Tyne.

SMITH, Geo. Douglas, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), 3, Newhall Street, Birmingham.

SMITH, G. L. In charge of research concerning physical problems affecting aeronautics and the design of instruments for aeronautical purposes, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough.

SMITH, Sir Harry, K.B.E., Man. Dir., Dean, Smith and Grace (1908), Ltd., Keighley; b. 1874; s. of James Smith. Ed. Keighley Tech. Inst., and Pannall Coil., Harrogate. Training: Dean, Smith and Grace, Ltd. Chairman, H.M. National Shell Factory, Keighley; represented, W. Riding, Yorks, on M. of M. (Shells and Guns). Club: R.A.C., London. Address: Yew Bank, Keighley. T. N.: 34 Steeton.

SMITH, Harry William, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engineer, Town Hall, Scarborough. T. N.: 726 Scarborough. b. 1867. Ed. Various public and private schools in Birmingham and Bournemouth. Articled to Tom Stevens, F.R.I.B.A., architect and surveyor, Bournemouth. In 1885 entered the Borough Engineer's Office, Bournemouth, serving under G. R. Andrews and F. W. Lacey, M.Inst.C.E. i892—Assistant Engineer and Surveyor to the Bournemouth Town Council. Since 1897 Borough Engineer and Surveyor to the Scarborough Town Council. Chief Worhs: At Scarborough—Municipal buildings, Infectious Diseases Hospital, Floral Hall, laying out Alexandra Gardens, Peaseholm Park and lake, Peaseholm Undercliff and South Cliff Gardens with bungalows, café and bathing establishment, bathing pool and establishment, South Bay; fire station.

SMITH, Henry James Leverton, M.I.Mar.E., Chief Refrigerating Engr. to the R.M.S.P. Co.; b. 1864; s. of H. W. Smith, late Engr. " Times " Office, Printing House Square. Ed. Birkbeck Sch., Peckham. Training: Humphrys Tennant and Co., Deptford. Entered service of R.M.S.P. Co., 1887, as Sea-going Engr., and served through the various grades to Chief Engr.; identified in the development of refrigerated cargo carriage, and in 1909 was appointed Chief Refrigerating Engr. to the Co. Address: " Mostyn," 40, Thornbury Avenue, Southampton.

SMITH, Henry Joseph Trivess, J.P., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Hydraulic Engr., Bombay Corpn.; b. 1873. Works designed and carried out or in progress amount to over £4,000,000, Club: Royal Bombay Yacht. Address Municipal Offices, Bombay, India.

SMITH, James Dunlop, M.Inst.C.E., Engr. and Manager, Corpn. Gasworks, Belfast; b. 1872; s. of Joseph Smith, Engr. and Manager, Gasworks, Hawick. Ed. Buccleuch Street Public Sch., and Teviot Grove Academy, Hawick. Training: With J. Melrose and Sons, Hawick. Asst. Engr. to Hawick Gas Co.; Manager, Selkirk Gas Co., 4 years; 1897— Engr. and Manager, Stirling Gas Co., rebuilt and extended Works; 1910— Engr. and Manager, Belfast Corpn. Gasworks; Works reconstructed and new plant and machinery erected. Club: Constitutional, London. Address: Gasworks, Belfast; and Oakleigh, Ormeau Park, Belfast. T. N.: Belfast is and 1537.

SMITH, James S., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Telegraphy and Telephony), " Willowbrae Road, Edinburgh; b. 1863. Ed. Wick Academy and Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. Assistant Superintendent, Postal Telegraphs, Edinburgh; Lecturer in Telegraphy and Telephony, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, since 1903. Publications: Editor, " Scottish Wheel and Motor News " (now defunct); editor, " Post Office Controlling Officer's Journal," 1913-19; " Telegraphist's and Telephonist's Notebook " (Rentells).

SMITH, John, M.I.N.A. (Member of Council),. Man. Dir., J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Southampton. Address: Netley Lodge, Netley Abbey, Hants.

SMITH, John William, M.I.Mech.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Loco.E., Chairman (Manchester Centre ), Inst. of 'Locomotive Engrs.; Works Manager G.C. Railway. Works, Gorton; b. 1868. Ed. at High Sch. and West End Academy, Dundee; Rutherford Coll. and Durham Coll. of Sc., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: Abbeyville, Abbey Hey, Manchester.

SMITH, Joseph John, A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Stockton-on-Tees Corpn. Address: " The Ferns," Victoria Avenue, Stockton-on-Tees.

SMITH, J. P., Borough Elec. Engr., Camp Street, Wednesbury.

SMITH, Louis William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., Director Agricultural and General Engrs., Ltd.; Man. Dir., Clarkes Crank and Forge Co., Ltd.; and The Farrar Boilerworks, Ltd., Newark; Director, Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston; b. 1879; s. of John Higson Smith, of Grimsby. Ed. Harrogate Coll. and Berlin Hochschule. Training: Birmingham Tech. Coll. App. with W. Houghton and Co., Ltd., Miller's Engrs., Grimsby; Ruston Proctor and Co., Ltd., Lincoln; Drawing Office and Commercial Experience, Ludw. Loewe and Co., Ltd., Berlin; Asst. Manager, E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., Birmingham, 1903-4; Works Manager, Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd., Leiston, 1904-8; and W. Sisson and Co., Ltd., Gloucester, 1908-9. Club: County, Lincoln. Address: Burton Cliff House, Lincoln. T. A.: " Louis Smith, Lincoln." T. N.: 177 Lincoln.

SMITH, Michael Holroyd, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., F.S.A., M.I.I.E.(France), M.S.Elec, E. (Am er.), Cons. Engr.; b. 1847. Ed. King Edward Grammar Sch., Birmingham. Training: Francis, Berry and Sons, Machine Tool Makers, Sowerby Bridge. Developed Mech. Stokers; Improved Machinery for Wire Manufacture; Pioneer of Electric Tramways; constructed the Blackpool Tramways; Originator of the Conduit System; made Designs for the City and South London Electric Railway.; one of the Pioneers of Automobile Work; Originator of Gate Change System of Gearing, Line Axle, and many Designs of Automobile Engines; Experimenter and Lecturer in Aeronautics in 1879; then devised what is now known as " warping of wings " for steering; recent Research Work in Aeronautics; Development of Helicopters, etc.; Cons. Expert in Patent and Law Cases. Address: 37, Clephane Road, Canon bury, N.

SMITH, Percy Frost, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., General and Automobile Engineer, 118, Tonbridge Road, Maidstone. T. N.: 232 Maidstone. Pupil of Alfred Dickenson, M.Inst.C.E., Birmingham. Works Manager, Petters and Co., Yeovil, 1902-4; Chief Engineer, Thomas Tilling, Ltd., London, 1905-12; Chief Engineer, Tilling, Stevens, Ltd., Maidstone, 1912-15; Joint Managing Director, Tilling, Stevens, Ltd., Maidstone, since 1915. Chief Works: Pioneer Operator of London motor omnibuses, first period, 1899-1902; second period, 1905ro; designer and manufacturer of Tilling's present type of London bus. Member of the Royal Automobile Club and the Road Club. War Services.-1915-19—Jointly responsible for supply of following: 6o-pdr. gun sights, tank gearboxes, tank clutches, tank engines, war lorry engines, mine mechanisms, depth charge pistols, naval gun director gear, 4-inch naval sights, shell inspection gauges, etc.

SMITH, Percy William, O.B.E. (M. Div.), M.A.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., M.I. and S., Aeronautical and Mech. Engr.; Inspector of Engines, Aeronautical Inspection Directorate, Air Ministry; b. 1886; s. of W. H. Smith, Osterley Park, Middlesex. Ed. Central Foundation Sch., London. Training: City and Guilds, Tech. Coll., Finsbury. King's Prize, Materials and Structures. Pupil, G. Willing and Co.; Asst., J. G. Lorrain, M.I.Mech.E., etc., Cons. Engr.; and C. E. Larard, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., etc.; Lecturer and Demonstrator, Mech. Eng. Northampton Polytechnic, London; Capt. R.A.F., Aeronautical Inspection Directorate; Officer-in-Charge, Mid. Dist. (Engines and Materials); Member of B.E.S.A. Corn-. mittees Publ.: Compression Tests on Timber (Research ), Engineering 1914. Address: 22, St. Alban's Avenue, Bedford Park, W.4. T. N.: Regent 6700.

SMITH, Robert A., M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 14, Victoria Street, S.W.r. T. N.: Victoria 1124. Ed. Sydney University, New South Wales. Practical training in New Zealand; studied in the late Lant Carpenter's School of Electrical Engineering, Hanover Square. Chief Electrical Engineer to R. Waygood and Cc. for five years; practised in Palace Chambers, Westminster, from 1897-1917, when offices were taken by Government; Engineer to Power and Traction, Ltd., on light railway promotions; also Technical Director of the Easton Lift Co., Ltd. Now Consultant to the Express Lift Co., Ltd., and Palm Oil Estates Managers, Ltd. Specializes in palm oil machinery, haulage, and hydro-electric transmission. War Services.—Employed by War Department as engineer for electrical distribution, Salisbury Plain, etc.: private experimental work, Admiralty.

SMITH, Roger Thomas, B.Sc. P.-Pres. I.E.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. M.Inst.T., Elec. Engr. G.W. Railway.; b. 1863; s. of late Prof. T. Roger Smith, Prof. of Architecture, University Coil., London. Ed. Mill Hill Sch. Training: University Coll., London. B.Sc. (Loud. ), Clothworkers' Exhibitioner in Physics; Prizeman in Elec. Eng. Pupil in Works of Hathorn Davey and Co., Leeds; Engr. and Rep. in India for Easton, Anderson and Goolden, Ltd., erecting and maintaining Waterworks pumping machinery for five large cities, including Agra, Allahabad and Benares; Municipal and Water Engr., Allahabad; Tech. Manager, La Cie Hydro-Electrique Anversoise, supplying hydraulic and electric power to Antwerp; Asst. Engr. to Kennedy and Jenkin, Cons. Engrs. in connection with electricity supply, tramways and Railways. in several British towns, as well as the L.C.C. tramways, the City of Buenos Ayres tramways, and the G.W. Railway., electric traction, power and lighting, including electrification, Hammersmith and City Railway.; as Elec. Engr. to the G.W. Railway., carried out extensive installations of elec. machinery and lighting in Railway. stations, offices, goods stations, docks and harbours; carried out Electrification of the Ealing and Shepherd's Bush Railway.; Member Ministry of Transport Advisory Committee, Electrification of Railways. Clubs: St. Stephen's; Royal Fowey Yacht. Address: G.W. Railway. (Elec. Engrs.' Dept. ), 66 Porchester Road, W.2 T. A.: "Elec., Paddington Station." T. N. Paddington 7000.

SMITH, R. , M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir., Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd.; b. Stamford, Lincolnshire. App. G.W. Railway. Works, Wolverhampton, and stayed there some years; 1883—joined Rudge Co. as. Works Manager; founded the Eadie Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1892, with Mr. Eadie as his colleague; later the Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., was formed, with. Eadie and Smith in control; and other Cos. When the Eadie Manufacturing Co. was amalgamated with the B.S.A. Co., became a B.S.A. Director; resigned after two years, and became Man. Dir. of the Enfield Cycle Co., Ltd., a position he continues to occupy. Address: Stoneleigh, Redditch. T. N.: Redditch 107.

SMITH, R. W. H., Cons. Engr.; Chief Elec. Engr., De Beers Consolidated Mines; Ltd.; Manager, Kimberley, Alexandersfontein (Cape Province) Tramways. Address: Electricity Works, Kimberley, South At

SMITH, Sidney, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Director, S. Af. General Electric Co., Ltd. Address: P.O. Box 1905, Johannesburg, S. Af.

SMITH, Stanley Parker, D.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Machinery), City and Guilds (Engineering) College, S.W.7. Theoretical training at Durham College of Science (now Armstrong College), and at Technische Hochschule, Carlsruhe (as 1851 Royal Exhibition Scholar ). Practical training in works. 190 7— Assistant in Technical Department of Siemens Brothers' Dynamo Works, Stafford. '909 — Chief Designer at General Electric Co., Ltd., Witton. 1912—Lecturer in Electrical Machinery and Traction at City and Guilds (Engineering) College; technical consulting work for different firms. 1916-Consultant Electrical Engineer to Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield. 1919—Assistant Professor in Electrical Engineering at City and Guilds (Engineering) College. Publications: Many papers and articles in Proceedings of Institution of Electrical Engineers and " Electrician " since 1904; also Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers; four premiums (Telford, Kelvin (twice), and extra premium); joint author of books and translator. War Services.—Design of large turbo-alternators, 'etc.

SMITH, Sydney Arthur, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., 1, Princess Street, Albert Square, Manchester. T. A.: "Viewer, Manchester." T. N.: 2215 City, -Manchester.

SMITH, Capt. Thomas Harold, R.E., M.I. Mech.E., Main Drainage Dept., Public Works Ministry, Cairo, Egypt.

SMITH, Thomas Reader, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., M.I.Water E., M.R.San.I., M.C.I., Engr. and Surveyor, Kettering U.D.C.; .b. 1859; s. of Rev. James Smith, Wesleyan Minister. Ed. Woodhouse Grone Sch., near Leeds; and New Kingswood Sch., Bath. Career: 1876-87—Pupil and Asst. Min. Engr., with Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd.; 1887-91—Asst. to Engr. and Surveyor, Corpn. of Croydon, principally on Waterworks extensions; 1891 to date—Engr. and Surveyor, Kettering U.D.C.; carried out Town Drainage and Sewage Disposal Scheme, Waterworks Extension, Public Baths, Refuse Destructor, and Buildings for Electricity Works, etc. Address: Manor House, "Kettering. T. N.: 134.

SMITH, Thomas Robert, A.M.I.E.E., City Electrical Engineer, Leicester; Old Hall, Belgrave, Leicester. T.A.:"Power, Leicester." T. N. 1908 and 2008 Leicester. b. 1870. Articled pupil, Davies and Son, engineers, Wolverhampton. With Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton. and J. G. Stalter and Co., Birmingham. Now City Electrical Engineer, Leicester.

SMITH, Tom Vincent, Major, M.C., M.I.E.E., Wireless Electrical Engineer (Wireless Telegraphy ), :8o, Piccadilly, W. With the Amalgamated Radio Telegraph Co.; Director of the British Radio Telegraph Co.; Consulting Engineer from 1911 Member of the Wireless Committee of the Institution of Electrical Engineers; Member of the Civil Aerial Transport Committee. Publications: Papers before the Royal Artillery Institution at Woolwich on " The Co-operation of Aeroplanes with Artillery "; paper before the British Association on " Aircraft Wireless during War." Club: Royal Thames Yacht. War Services.—February, 1915—Went to France as First Wireless Officer to the Royal Flying Corps; No. 3 Squadron in March, 1915; 1st Wing in May, 1915; General Head-Quarters of Royal Flying Corps in March, 1916, in charge of Royal Flying Corps Wireless on Western Front. 1917—Officer-in-Charge of Wireless at Air Ministry for all theatres of war. 1918—Wireless Officer to the Independent Air Force. Twice mentioned in Dispatches; Knight of Military Order of Savoy; awarded Military Cross.

SMITH, Warren Boden, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer (Consulting, Experimental and Invention), 66, Elystan Street, London, S.W.3. T. N.: Kensington 1108. b. 1865; s. of Edward George Warren Smith and Mary Ann Warren Smith. Ed. Private, and Framlingham College, Suffolk. Apprenticed to Warren Smith and Co., attended Technical Classes at Regent Street Polytechnic, Finsbury Technical College, and minor technical schools. Original experimental work on refractory oxides for lighting; invented the " Ejector " atmospheric gas burner; experimented with oxygen and acetylene gases in combination, claims to be the first to have used them in combination for heating purposes, also obtained a very high candle-power light from same by special association; invented several lamps for projection purposes, including a small atmospheric gas burner with platinum for mirror galvanometers; invented several mechanical devices, also a motor driven by heat expansion of metal; carried out many light and photographic experiments; discovered, near end of last century, that it was possible to produce a definite visual image without light. Had charge of the Mechanical Engineering Department of Warren Smith and Co. and became partner in same firm in 1900, and remained up to end of 1015. War Services.—Ministry of Munitions for three years—first as an Outside Engineer in Trench Warfare Department, afterwards became a Dilution Officer when the demand for skilled labour became acute.

SMITH, William Albert Pearce, Engineer-Commander, R.N., M.I.Mech.E., Marine Engineer, " Dunvegan," Haw coat, Barrow-in-Furness. T. N.: 371 Barrow. b. 1869. Training: Keyham College, and Naval College at Greenwich, for Naval Engineer. Officer, obtaining first class certificate. Assistant Engineer, 1890; Engineer, 1894; Engineer-Lieutenant, 1904; Engineer-Commander, 1907 (promoted for special seivices). Whilst serving in the " Barrosa," 1894, received the approbation of the Admiralty for praiseworthy conduct and for services rendered during fracture of main steam pipe. Served in punitive expeditions; Brass River, February, 1894; 'M Weli, August, 1895; and Benin in February, 1897; General African Medal with 'M Weli inscribed around the rim, Brass River clasp, and Benin clasp. Retired from H.M. Service in 1913 to take up position of Manager of Submarine Department in Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness. War Services.—Manager, Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-inFurness, in charge of manufacture of machinery and the fitting out of submarines.

SMITH, William Blair, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 29, Blackhall Street, Paisley. T. A.: " Kilowatt, Paisley." T. N.: 3125/6 Paisley. b. 1884; s. of R. M. Smith, journalist, of Greenock. m. d. of late Captain Paul H. Bendell, of Greenock. Ed. Gourock Central School and Greenock Academy. Greenock Technical College and Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Apprenticeship with Greenock Corporation (electrical), and with John G. Kincaid and Co., Ltd., engineers and boilermakers, Greenock (mechanical). Passed through the various sections of the Greenock Corporation Electricity Department, and latterly became Superintendent of the Installation and Motor Department and Showrooms of that undertaking; assisted with the preparation of plans and specifications for the large electric power station laid down by the Greenock Corporation for supplies to local shipyards and engineering works; Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer to the Greenock Corporation, 1914-18. Now Engineer and Manager of the Paisley Corporation Electricity Department. Publications: Various contributions to technical press on electrical engineering subjects.

SMITH, William Boulton, B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Dover; b. 1883. Ed. Hinckley Grammar Sch. Training: Battersea Polytechnic, London. Pupil to Major F. C. Cook, M.C., D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. Surv., Rushden, Hampton, Wanstead and Surbiton; Dep. Boro' Surv., Paddington. Private Address: Castle Knoll, Dover. Office Address: Maison Dieu House, Dover. T, N.: 207 and 267 Dover.

SMITH, William Charles Clifford, O.B.E., F.R.I.B.A., M.Inst.C.E. (retired), Hon. Member Junior I.C.E., P.-Pres. Assoc.; Engr. to Asylums Ctee, L.C.C., since 1892; b. 1855. Trained under the late J. C. Simpson, M.Inst.C.E. Address: Dudley Lodge, Wallington, Surrey.

SMITH, Sir William E., C.B., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met., Vice-Pres. Inst. of Naval Archs. Address: 18, Manville Road, Balham, S.W.

SMITH, William Hanneford, M.Inst.Met., Assoc. Editor, with H. R. Kempe, M.Inst.C.E., etc., of " The Engineer's Year Book "; Tech. Director of B. T. Batsford, Ltd.; b. 1877; s. of Francis Smith, Tech. Publisher and Author of various Eng. books. Ed. Haberdashers' Co. Schs., London. Publ.: Engineer's Year Book." Addresses: 3, The Avenue, Gravesend, Kent; 7, Stationers' Hall Court, Ludgate Hill, London, E.C., and 94, High Holborn, W.C.I. T. N.: Central 7693.

SMITH, W. Sydney, O.B.E., B.Sc. Wh.Ex. .Supt., Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. In charge of the work of the Royal Aircraft Establishment which includes the testing of experimental aeroplanes, aero-engines, kite balloons, air screws .and materials and methods of construction of aircraft and the development of aeronautical instruments used on aircraft and for aeronautical research.

SMITHSON, Hugh F., Member of Council I.Min.E., Vice-Pres. Midland Inst. of Min., Civil and Mech. E., Min. Engr. and General Manager to Airedale Collieries, Ltd., Allerton Bywater, Castleford.

SMOUT, Arthur John Griffiths, M.Inst.M.M., A.I.C., F.C.S.,. M.Amer.Inst.M. and M.E., M.Inst.Met., M.Soc.C.I., Manager, Brass and Copper Works; b. 1888; s. of Thomas Smout. Ed. King Edward VI.'s Sch., Birmingham. Training: Tech. Sch. and partly University, Birmingham. 'Smith's Prizeman, Chemistry; King's Prizeman, Metallurgy; 1st Class Honoursman and Medallist, Metallurgy, B. of E., 1908; Honoursman, City and Guilds (London ). Trained, and then Metallurgist, .at Elliott's Metal Co., Ltd., Selly Oak Works; Works Mngr., Cooper and Goode, Ltd.; Manager, Cooper and .Goode, Ltd., and The Hughes Stubbs Metal Co., Ltd., .Amalgamated Works, owned by Elliott's Metal Co., Ltd., Birmingham; V.-Pres., Birmingham Met. Soc., 1917-21; Member B.E.S.A. Ctee. (Copper), 1921; Member of Brass and Copper Castings Ctee., Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research. Publ.: " Modern Metal Melting," and various Tech. Papers. Club: Engrs.', Birmingham. Address: 41, Hazelhurst Road, King's Heath, Birmingham. T. A.: " c /o Copper, Birmingham." T. N.: Mid. Birmingham 9.

SMYTH, Christopher Hugh, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., Chief Engr., Electric Supply Dept., Metrop. Borough of St. Marylebone, Town Hall, Gloucester Place, W.I..

SNEDDON, James Balfour, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Oakbank, Mid Calder, Midlothian.

SNELL, Albion Thomas, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. E.E., Cons. Engr.; Founder and Senior Partner, Albion T. Snell and Partners; b. 1859. Ed. King's, Coll., London. Address: Suffolk House, Cannon Street, E.C.

SNELL, Sir John Francis Cleverton, Kt., M.Inst.C.E., M.M ech.E., M E E, Chief Electricity Commissioner, Pres., I.E.E., 1914-15; Mem. of Council, Inst. C.E.; Chairman, Sectional Elec. Ctee., B.E.S.A.; P.-Pres., Incorporated Municipal Elec. Assoc.; a Governor of the Board of the N.P.L. Watt Gold Medallist. Addresses: Wey Barton, Byfleet, Surrey; 8, Queen Anne's Gate, S.W.I. T. N.: 124 Byfleet.

SNEYD-KYNNERSLEY, Thomas Ralph, M.C., A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Firtoll, Mayfield, Sussex. T. N.: Mayfield 32. b. 1886; s. of late C. W. Sneyd-Kynnersley, C.M.G., and Lady Egerton; m. Alice, d. of Rev. Canon Rowland V. Barker. Ed. Rugby School and Central Technical College of City and Guilds of London Institute. Three years' pupilage under Sir William Matthews, K.C.M.G., of firm of Coode, Matthews, Fitzmaurice and Wilson, one year of which was on Admiralty Breakwater, Peterhead, one year in London Office, and one year in Singapore, Straits Settlements. Assistant Engineer on Tanjong Pagar Lagoon Dock and Keppel Harbour Graving Dock, Singapore, from 1911 to outbreak of war. Commissioned R.E., Oct., 1914; served with Io3rd and commanded 226th and 5th Field Companies in France and Germany with acting rank of Major. M.C., Jan., 1917. Demobilized April, 1919. Oct., 192o, Asst. Engr., City Improvement Trust, Bombay.

SNODGRASS, Donald Gardner, M.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, c/o Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Para Mills, Aston, Birmingham. T. A.: " Covers." T. N.: East 920. b. 1882; m. Nellie Maud Horner. Ed. Municipal Technical School, King's Lynn; Norfolk County Scholar (twice); University of Liverpool; Graduated Bachelor of Engineering (honours), 1904, Master of Engineering, Igo9, Draughtsman and Experimental Engineer, D. Napier and Son, Ltd., Acton, London; Works Manager W. and G. du Cros, Ltd., Acton, London; Chief Engineer, Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Birmingham. War Services.—Took charge of the construction of the new works of the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., at a cost of over ii,000,oco; installed a power station of 14,000 K.W. for the Ministry of Munitions for the .r supply of electrical power to various Birmingham war factories, and as an auxiliary station for the Birmingham Corporation.

SNOWBALL, Bartholomew, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Consulting), c/o G. S. Corlett (consulting engineer), Midland Bank Chambers, Wigan. T. A.: " Snowball, Telroc, Wigan." T. N.: 56o Wigan. b. 1887. Ed. Harrogate College and Durham University. Training: C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Technical Assistant, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., 1910-12; Technical Commercial Engineer, British Thomson-Houston Co., 1913-15; Test House Engineer, Siemens Brothers, Stafford, 1915-16; Assistant Electrical Engineer, Bolckow, Vaughan and Co., Bishop Auckland (collieries), 1916-18. Now Electrical Engineer, G. S. Corlett, consulting engineer, Midland Bank Chambers, Wigan. War Services.—H.M. Forces, Royal Engineers; Assistant to Electrical Engineer, War Office Peat Fuel Factory, Dumfries, 1918-19.

SOLOMON, Maurice, Elec. Engr.; Man. Dir., Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd.; b. 1878; s. of Joseph Maurice Solomon. Ed. St. Paul's Sch, Training: Central Tech. Coll. (Clothworkers' Sch.). Manager, General Electric Co., Ltd., Carbon Works. Birmingham, 1905-20; Director, General Electric Co., Ltd., 1915; Man. Dir., Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd., 1920. Publ.: "Electric Lamps " (Constable and Co.). Address: Homewood, Beaconsfield, Bucks. T. A.: "Pigekaybel (Cent.), London." T. N.: Central 3662.

SOMERVILLE, Geo. J., A.I.E.E., Member of The British Elec. Federation, Ltd.; Director of Associated Companies of British Electric Traction Co., Ltd.; Airdrie and Coatbridge Tramways Co.; Banbury and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Addresses: 13, Nassington Road, Hampstead, London, N.W.3, and Elec. Federation Offices, 88, Kingsway, London, W.C.2.

SOMMERVILLE, Alfred, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Electrical Engineer, Corporation Tramway Depot, Ayr. T. A.: "Tramways, Ayr." T. N.: 124 Ayr. b. 1881. Ed. High School of Dundee and University of St. Andrews. Apprenticeship with Sir Jas. Scott and Son, Tayport. With electricity departments of Perth and Ayr; Superintendent Engineer, Paisley District Tramways. Now Chief Assistant, Ayr Corporation Tramways.

SOPWITH, Thomas Octave Murdoch, C.B E, A.F.R.Ae.S., Chairman, Sopwith Aviation and Eng, Co., Ltd., and Director, H. G. Hawker Eng. Co., Ltd.. Kingston-on-Thames; b. 1888; s. of Thomas Sopwith, M.I.C.E. Ed. and Trained: Seafield Eng. Coll. Formed Sopwith Aviation Co., 1912 (approximately 16,000 Sopwith Aeroplanes and Seaplanes were constructed during the War). Clubs: Carlton, Royal Aero, Royal Automobile, Brooklands Automobile Racing. Address: Horsley Towers, East Horsley, Surrey.

SOUTHWELL, Richard Vynne, M.A., A.F. R.Ae.S., Supt. Aerodynamics Dept., N.P.L., 1920 to date; b. 1888; s. of Edwin B. Southwell. Ed. Norwich Sch. and Trinity Coll., Cambridge. Training at Eng. Lab., Cambridge. 1st Class Math. Tripos (Part I), 1909; xst Class Mech. Sc. Tripos, 1910; John Winbolt Prize and Fellowship at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1912; appointed Lecturer, Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1914; Fellow Cambridge Philosophical Soc. Career: Practical Training at Vickers, Ltd., Sheffield; served in France (A.S.C. Mech. Transport); in charge of Non-Rigid Airship, Design Office, R.N. Airship Station, Kingsnorth, 1915-18; in charge of Aerodynamic and Structural Research at the Royal Aircraft Estab., Farnborough, 1918-19; lectured at Trinity Coll., Cambridge, 1919-2o. Various papers in Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Soc., " Philosophical Magazine," " Engineering," etc. Addresses: 9, Montpelier Road, Twickenham; The National Physical Lab., Teddington. T. A.: "Physics, Teddington." T. N.: Kingston 336o.

SOWTER, A. K., M.I.Mar.E. (Member of Council), c/o R. H. Green and Silley Weir, Blackwall Yard, London, E.

SOWTER, William John Unwin, M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Urban District Council Electricity Works, Bray, Co. Wicklow. T. N.:, Bray 9o. b. 1874. Ed. Margate College and Finsbury Technical College. Served apprenticeship with Ferranti, Ltd. Assistant Engineer, St. James's and Pall Mall Electric Light Co., London; Assistant Engineer, Southampton, Aberdeen and Ealing Corporations; Deputy City Electrical Engineer to the Coventry Corporation from 1900-4; Borough Electrical Engineer, Dorchester Corporation, 19045. Has since held the position of Chief Electrical Engineer to the Bray Urban District Council. Chairman, Irish Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1912. Chief Works: Entirely reconstructed the Bray undertaking, substituting Diesel oil engines for the former steam generating plant. Has also acted as Consulting Engineer to the Lame and Enniscorthy Urban District Councils, and to the Cahirciveen Electricity Supply Co., etc.

SPAGNOLETTI, James Ernest, M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Electrical Federation, Kingsway, London. T. A.: "Tramway, Westcent, London." T. N.: 2686 Holborn. b. 186o s. of late C. E. Spagnoletti, M.Inst.C.E., Past President, I.E.E.; m. 1900, • Kathleen Mona Kemp, niece of the late Sir Benjamin Baker, K.C.B., Past President, Inst.C.E. Ed. London University College School, Army tutors, and French tutors, Dieppe. Pupil to William Dean, Chief Locomotive Superintendent at Swindon, Great Western Railway. Entered into partnership with Joseph Crookes as Mechanical and Electrical Engineers; Engineer to the Notting Hill Electric Lighting Co. during construction. Member of Union and Sports Clubs.

SPALDING, Percy A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Engineer and Manager, Electricity Works, Dundalk. T. N.: 77 Dundalk. b. 1883; m. April 16,1910. Training: Three years at Finsbury Technical College; also Evening Classes, one year at King's College, and one year at University College. 190i-6—Chief Electrician, London and County Printing Works, Drury Lane, London. 1906-1I—Engineer and Manager, Galway Electric Co., Ltd., Galway, Ireland. 19119—Engineer and Manager, Dundalk Urban District Council; Electricity Supply Undertaking, Dundalk; also acted as Consulting Engineer to Dundalk Urban Council, and was responsible for extensions involving AA capital expenditure of over £30,000. Publications: Author of paper read before Students' Section of Institution of Civil Engineers, " Applications of Electricity in Printing Works "; also of paper read before Dublin Section of Institution of Electrical Engineers, " Small Electricity Supply Undertakings "; contributed articles to sundry technical journals. War Services.—Acted as District Engineer during Coal Economy Campaign, under Coal Controller, 1918.

SPARK, James Walter, M.I.E.E., Borough Elec. Engr., " Brieryshaw," Granville Avenue, West Hartlepool.

SPARKS, Chas. Pratt, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr., Blackfriars Rouse, New Bridge Street, E.C.4. T. A " Sparkesque, London." T. N.: 4726 Central.

SPEAK, Savannah Johnson, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., Partner Hooper, Speak and Co., Cons. Engrs. (Min. and Metallurgy); b. 1868; s. of Savannah Speak. Ed. High Sch., Saltaire. Training: Yorkshire Coll. and Royal Sch. of Mines. Engaged on Mines in the Transvaal, Australia, German S.W. Africa, W. Africa, Celebes, Korea, Brit. Columbia, Sumatra, Siberia, Argentine, N. Rhodesia, etc.; Cons. Engr. since 1905. Club: Min. and Metallurgical. Address: 5, London Wall Bdgs., E.C.2. T. A.: " Libertadme." T. N.. London Wall 203.

SPEIGHT, Jas. Wm., M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; Director, Engr. and Manager of Ormskirk Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Penrith Electric Supply Co., Ltd. Address: Tower View, 61, Derby Street, Ormskirk.

SPEIR, Kenneth Robert Napier, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Manager's Office, Midland Railway, Fenchurch Street Terminus, London, E.C. T. A.: "Litser, Fen, London." T. N.: Avenue 4376. b. 1877; second s. of R. T. N. Speir of Culdees, N.B., and Honourable Emily Speir. Ed. Hadley and Pembroke Colleges, Cambridge. Apprenticeship with Midland Locomotive and Electrical Shops, Derby. General Secretary, Egyptian Government Railways, 1905-8; Assistant to General Superintendent, Midland Railway, 1908-13; Superintendent of Operation, Midland Railway, 1913-4 9. Now General Superintendent's Operating Assistant, London and Tilbury Section, Midland Railway. Member of Boodle's Club, St. James's Street, S.W. War Services.—Joined R.N.V.R. as Lieutenant, 1914; overseas, December, 1914; transferred Royal Engineers, 1915, rank of Major; Second-inCommand Operating Division, as Lieut.-Colonel, 1917. Received D.S.O., Legion of Honour (French). Twice mentioned in Dispatches. 1914-15 Star. South African War, 1900-I, Queen's Medal with four clasps.

SPENCE, William Geddes, M.I.N.A., F.N. E.C.Inst., Director and General Manager, George Clark, Ltd., Sunderland; b. 186o; s. of William Stowe Spence. Ed. Fordyce Academy, Fordyce, and Glasgow University. Training: R. and W. Hawthorn, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Gold Medallist, N.E.C. Inst. Address: Southwick Engine Works, Sunderland. T. A.: " Spence, c/o Clark, Sunderland." T. N.: 1222 Sunderland.

SPENCER, George, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Min. Engr., Stanley Lodge, West Hallam, Derby.

SPENCER, Sir Thomas Harris, K.B.E., J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.S.I., Constructional and Mech. Engr.; Man. Dir., John Spencer, Ltd., Wednesbury, Director, Birmingham Railway. Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd.; George Salter and Co., Ltd.; J. E. and S. Spencer, Ltd.; b. 1863; s. of Thomas Spencer, J.P., of; West Bromwich. Ed. Private Sch., Wednesbury,. and St. James' Grammar Sch., Almondbury, Hudd. Bronze Medal and Prize, Gas Manufacture, and 1st Class Mech. Eng., City and Guilds Inst. Pupil with, Thomas Piggott and Co., Ltd., Birmingham; continued' with them for 17 years; then joined the Firm of John Spencer, Ltd., Tube Manufacturers and Engrs. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Westminster; Conservatives, Union, Birmingham; Engineers', Manchester. Ad, dress: Summerfield Court, West Bromwich. 7'. A. " Harris Spencer, West Bromwich." T. N.: 263.

SPENCER-PHILLIPS, Reginald John, A.C. G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 2, Banstead Road, Ewell. T. A.: " Boot, 7, Victoria Street." T. N.: Victoria 8438. b. 1885. Ed. Charterhouse School, City and Guilds Institute. Served time with Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Continued some time with Brush Electrical; Engineering Co. at their works at Loughborough,. and also at their Manchester Office, dealing exclusively with electrical and steam plant in cotton, factories. Now partner in firm of Horace Boot andPartners, specialists in factory power plant reorganization. War Services.—Two years Inspection Department, Woolwich, and 1 years Aircraft Production, Department, London.

SPENCE-THOMAS, Hubert, J.P., C.C., Glamorgan, M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.Met., Vice-President South Wales Inst. of Eng., Chairman, and Man. Dir. of Iron, Steel and Tinplate Firms; b. 1871; s. of Richard Thomas. Ed. and Training: Dulwich Coll. (Eng. side) and Lydbrook Tinplate. Works. Co-inventor of Machinery for use in the Tinplate Works. Publ.: " The Tinplate Trade: Some Recent Developments," " The Tinplate Trade: Standardization of Plant," jointly with Fred. J. Taylor; Papers read before South Wales Inst. of. Engrs. Clubs: Reform, Royal Automobile, Swansea an I County, Cardiff an 1 County. Address Melingriffith Works, Whitchurch, near Cardiff. T. A.: "Elin, Cardiff." T. N.: 514 Cardiff, 15 Whitchurch.

SPERRING, Bertram Ford, M.I.Mech.E.,, M.Inst.Met., Man. Dir., W. H. Sperring and Co., Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of late W. H. Sperring. Ed. Madala Academy, Portsmouth. Training: Gresham Coli., Portsmouth. Since Jan., 1912, Hon. Sec. Portsmouth and District Eng. and Shipbuilding Employers' Assoc. and Mem. Inst. Brit. Foundrymen, being one of the first 20 members who started the Assoc. Club The Rotary, Portsmouth. Address Albion Foundry and Iron Works, Portsmouth. T. A.: " Sperrings, Foundry, Portsmouth." T. N.: 5609.

SPIELMAN, Claude M., Brevet-Major R.E. (S.R.), M.C., Medaille d'Honneur, B.A., Assoc„ M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 16, Prince Edward .17 Mansions, Palace Court, London, W.2. T. N.: Park 450. b. 1889; s. of M. A. Spielman, H.M. Inspector, Home Office; m. Margaret, d. of L. R. Castle. Ed. Clifton College and King's College, Cambridge (Hon. Exhibitioner, 1908, 1909). Pupil with Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, 1911-14. Assistant Engineer with Sir Douglas Fox and Partners, 1914; Engineer with Sir R. McAlpine and Sons, public works _contractors, 1919. Member of Leander Club and .Thames Rowing Club. War Services.—Served in Royal Engineers, I 914-19; on active service in France, 1915, and Salonika, 1915-18; commanded tooth Field Company, Royal Engineers, 1916-18; Divisional Officer, Royal Engineers, London District, 1919.

SPIERS, F. S., O.B.E., B.Sc., A.C.G.I., .M.1. E.E., Consulting Electro-Metallurgist, to, Essex Street, Strand, London, W.C.2. T. N.: City "4002. b. 1875. Ed. Central Technical College, .Finsbury. One of the founders and Secretary and Editor to the Faraday Society. Organized the 1918 and 1919 Exhibitions of British Scientific Products for the British Science Guild. Secretary of the Institute of Physics. Publications: Has published researches on standard cells and on contact electricity. Member of the London University Club.

SPITTLE, Arthur, M.Inst.Met., Tech. Manager, Allen Everitt and Sons, Ltd., Metal Manufacturers, Birmingham; b. 1875; s. of the late Samuel Spittle, of Dudley, Worcs. Ed. Dudley Higher Grade Sch., ' Dudley Tech. Sch. (highest results in Sc., 1895), Birmingham Tech. Sch. Chief Chemist, Allen Everitt and Sons, Ltd.; afterwards Asst. Works _Manager, 1904-9 Works Manager, 1909-14; Tech. Manager, 1914 to date. Member B.E.S.A.; Pres., Birmingham Met. Soc., 1920-21 Address: 17, South Road, Smethwick, Birmingham.

SPITTLE, George Herbert, late Major R.E., D.S.O., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer's Dept., 66, "Porchester Road, Bayswater, W.2; b. 1881. With ,Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Central London Railway, Underground Railway, Hammersmith and City Railway, and Assistant to Roger T. Smith, electrical engineer, Great Western Railway. Member of the Thames Rowing Club. War Services.—Commanded Naval Division Signal Company, Royal Engineers, in Gallipoli and in France; commanded First Army Signal School in France; Home Service Liaison Officer for manufacturing and designing Army wireless apparatus, Signals Experimental' Establishment, Woolwich.

SPLITTER, Bernard, A.C.G.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., Civil, Mechanical and Automobile Engineer, Claw Engineersing Works, John Campbell Road, Dalston, London, N. E 6. T. A.: " Clawmowoks, Kinland, London." T. N.: Dalston 3449• b. 1888. Ed. The Polytechnic (Secondary School, Regent Street; The Birkbeck College; The Polytechnic School of Engineering; The City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury; The Imperial College of Science and Technology, South Kensington. With Sir William Arrol and Co., Ltd., Glasgow, and Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., London; , Consulting Engineer and Partner in firm of S. and B. '46c L. Splitter, London. War Services.—Chief Designer, Royal Air Force, f Chelsea.

SPOONER, Henry John, M.I.Mech.E., M.I. A.E., F.G.S., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Met.S., Hon.M.J.Inst.E., M.Soc. Astronomique de France, Consulting Engineer (Power, Plant and General), 5, St. George's Terrace, Regent's Park, N.W.i. T. A.: "Polytechnic, London." T. N.: Mayfair 6roo. b. 1856; s. of late H. C. Spooner, contractor's engineer; m. Mary, d. of T. Greenhill of Hampstead and Blean Woods, Kent. Ed. Privately. The Royal School of Mines, and as a Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Manager of Engineering Works, Designer. Principal Lecturer in Mechanical Science at the Polytechnic, Regent Street, W., since 1882; and Director and Professor of the School of Engineering since 1886; Member of Engineering Jury, International Exhibition, 1884; Delegate, Imperial Education Conference, 1911; Scientific Witness; Member of the Committee, Industrial Reconstruction Council, 1919; Member of American Society for Promotion of Engineering Educat ion. Knight Commander of Royal Order of St. Sava, Serbia, 1895; Officier of Royal Order of Redeemer, Greece, 1907. Chief Works: Engaged on experimental work in the use of very high-pressure steam, patented and experimented with a regenerative engine (combined gas and steam); tested and reported on Tatham's system of water-jet marine propulsion, the first application of a gas pump, and experimented on water meters. Publications: " Elements of Machine Construction," 1883 (5th edition); " Notes on Steam and the Steam Engine," 1887; " Practical Plane and Solid Geometry," 1888 (8th edition); " The Origin, Rise and Progress of the Science of Geometry and Mathematics," 1900; " Elements of Geometrical Drawing," 1901 (2nd edition); " Motors and Motoring," 1904 (13th edition), American Edition, 1905, Dutch Edition, 1906; " Machine Design and Construction, etc.," 1907 (5th edition, several impressions); " Notes on and Drawings of a 4-Cylinder Petrol Engine," 1908; " Machine Drawing and Design for Beginners," 1908 (3rd edition); " Industrial Drawing and Geometry," 1911 (2nd edition); " Engineering Workshop Drawing," 1914 (3rd edition); " Industrial Fatigue in Its Relation to Maximum Output," 1917; " Some Aspects of Industrial Fatigue," 1917; " Wealth from Waste," 1918. Paper on " Fatigue due to Noise, and Methods of Elimination," read before the Amer. Soc. of Industrial Engrs., April, 1921. Member of the Royal Societies Club. War Services.—Hon. Technical Adviser to the King George Hospital and to the Union of South Africa Military Hospital, Richmond Park; Chadwick Public Lecturer, Gretna Munition Works, November, 1917; superintended the training of men and women in industrial war work, also the manufacture of a variety of things for the Ministry of Munitions, in the workshops of the Polytechnic School of Engineering, Regent Street, W., 1914-19.

SPRING, Hon. Sir Francis Joseph Edward, K.C.I.E., C.I.E., Mem. Madras Legislative Council, M.A.I., late Mem. of Council of Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Amer.S.C.E., Chairman and Chief Engr., Madras Port Trust; Cons. Engr. to the Port of Chittagong; Pres. South Indian Motor Union. Address: Harbour, Madras.

SPRUNT, Herbt. Wm., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech. E., A.M.Am.E.E., General Manager and Engr. to South London Electric Supply Corpn., Ltd. Address: " Ferney," Lovelace Road, Surbiton, Surrey. T. N.: Kingston 843.

SPURR, Gilbert Richard, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Elec. and Tramways Engr., Walthamstow U.D.C., Electricity Works, Priory Avenue, Walthamstow, E.

SPYER, Arthur, M.I.N.A., M.In3t.0.E., M.Inst.Met. Marine and Mechanical Engineer, 30, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. T. A.: " c/o Babcock, London." T. N.: City 6470. b. 1856. Ed. University College School, London; Earle's Shipbuilding Co., Hull; Royal Dockyard, Portsmouth; Royal Naval College, Greenwich. 1876—Joined the staff of Sir Edward Reed and employed in supervising the construction of warship machinery, subsequently going to sea for the purpose of obtaining sea-going experience. 1879—Obtained first place in an open competitive examination for the appointment of engineer-draughtsman at the Admiralty. I879-I902—Engaged in the Engineering Department of the Admiralty, becoming Chief Draughtsman, Assistant Engineer, and Engineer-Inspector to the Board of Admiralty. Since 1902— Chief of Marine Department, Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd. Whilst in H.M. Service, engaged in carrying out the great reconstructions of naval machinery which occurred during this period, viz., from compound to triple engines, low-speed to high-speed engines, and tank to water-tube boilers. Publications: " Machinery of Steam Boats for Ships of War," and other contributions to discussions at Institution of Naval Architects. " Water-Tube versus Cylindrical Boilers in the Mercantile Marine." War Services.—Design and production of eight millions sterling of war material.

SQUIRES, Ernest Edward William, C.B.E., General Manager, Metropolitan Carriage Wagon and Finance Co., Ltd., Birmingham.

STAINTHORPE, T. W., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Irrigation Dept., Pretoria, S. Af.; District Secretary, Inst. of Municipal and County Engrs.

STAMER, Arthur Cowie, C.8.E., M.I.Mech. E., Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer, North Eastern Railway, Darlington. T. A.: "Railway, Darlington." Private Address: Faverdale, Darlington. T. N.: 2461 Darlington. b. 1869; fifth s. of the late Right Rev. Sir Lovelace Stamer, Bart., D.D. Ed. Rugby; pupil with Beyer and Peacock, Manchester, and improver with the North Eastern Railway, York. Commenced with North Eastern Railway Co. in 1892 as Assistant Shed Foreman, York; and after a good deal of Running Shed experience at various depots, became Divisional Locomotive Superintendent at York in 1902; Assistant to Chief Mechanical Engineer in 1906; Assistant Chief Mechanical Engineer since 191o. Member of Automobile Club and Yorkshire Club, York. War Services.—During the war was acting as Chief Mechanical Engineer for the North Eastern Railway, and responsible (in addition to the ordinary duties attaching to the post) for the production of shells in large quantities, and other munitions of war for the Admiralty, War Office, and private armament firms.

STANCOMBE, Thomas Reginald, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 11, Osborne Avenue, Ashley Down, Bristol; b. 1877. Ed. Plymouth College. Articled pupil to Borough Engineer and Surveyor, Plymouth; Architecture, Plymouth School of Art; Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Plymouth 3' Technical College. r9or-2—Mechanical Draughtsman and Switchboard Attendant, Plymouth Corporation Electricity Works. 1902-4—Engineer-inCharge, Wimbledon Corporation Electricity and Destructor Works. 19-4-II—Chief Assistant Electrical Engineer, Barnsley Corporation Electricity Works. 191r-12—Electrical Power Engineer, Yorkshire Power Company, Dewsbury, Yorks. 1912-13— Installation Engineer, City of York Electricity Works. Since r9r3—Senior Power Engineer, Sales Department, Bristol Corporation Electricity Department. War Services.—March, r9r6—Lieutenant, Army Ordnance Department; passed course as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery at Ordnance College, Woolwich, and appointed Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, third class, at Portsmouth. r9r7—Ordered to France as. Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, third class; pro,. moted Captain and Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, second class, March, 1917, continuing as such till demobilization, May, 1919, with rank of Captain,. R. A.O.C. Twice mentioned in Dispatches, viz., " London Gazette," December, 1917, and December, 1918.

STANFIELD, Richard, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.. Mech.E., A.R.S.M., F.R.S.E., Professor of" Engineering, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, Mechanical Engineer, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh. T. N.: 9333 Cent, Edinburgh. b. 1863, Ed. Manchester Grammar School and Royal School of Mines, London. Apprenticeship as Mechanical Engineer with J. Chadwick and Son, Manchester. Obtained Senior Whitworth Scholarship in 1884, also National Science Scholarship in 1886; Associateship of the Royal School of Mines in 1889, with distinction in Metallurgy; appointed to Chair of Engineering, Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh, in 1889; Consulting Engineer to the Highland and Agricultural Society of Scotland; Secretary to the Royal Scottish Society of Arts. Carried out trials of agricultural tractors and other types of agricultural machinery. Member of the Royal Scottish Automobile and Scottish Arts Clubs. War Services.—Engineer and Secretary, Munitions. Board of Management, South-East of Scotland area; Member of Officers' University and Technical Training Committee for Scotland, in connection with theMinistry of Labour.

STANIAR, Henry Drummond, Capt., F.C.S.,. M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Chief Mech. and Elec. Engr., G.H.Q., Dept. of Works and Bdgs., Air Ministry; b. 1882; s. of John Staniar, of Staniar's Wire Works, Manchester. Ed. Lytham CollegiateSch., St. Annes, and Manchester Sch. of Technology. Training: Shaw Brothers, Ltd., Manchester; Frank Pearn, Ltd., and Continental Eng. Firms. Chief Work: Installation of Pumping and Elec. Plant for Manchester Corpn.; Chief Mech. Engr. for Caldrens. Work and Steel Works for Gunachel and Rows. and for A.E.G. Tern. Capt. R.E., on Staff of C.E., 3rd Army H.Q., B.E.F.; in charge of Torpedo. Workshops and Aerial Bomb Testing at Royal Arsenal, 1917-18, and later on Tech. Staff of Controller of Armament Production, Admiralty. Clubs Engineers', Manchester; Royal Societies, etc. Address: Hillingdon House, Uxbridge. T. A. " Anizearch, Uxbridge.". T. N.: Uxbridge 231, Extension 141.

STANILAND, Chas. Norman, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Borough of Hornsey. Address: " Trewnt," Coppetts Road, Muswell Hill, London, N.

STANLEY, Charles Douglas, A.M.I.E.E., Member of Council, Tramways and Light Railways. Assoc., Engr. and Manager, New St. Helens and District Tramways Co., Ltd. Address: Holwell, Huyton, Liverpool.

STANLEY, George Hardy, A.R.S.M., F.I.C., M.Inst.M.M., Prof. of Metallurgy, University Coll., Johannesburg; b. 1877; s. of George Stanley. Ed. London. Training: Polytechnic Sch., London, and Royal Sch. of Mines. Polytechnic Silver Medal and Bessemer Medal, R.S.M. Chief Asst. to T. Vaughan Hughes, Cons. Metallurgist, Birmingham; Asst. Mngr., Pyle and Blaina Works, Mon.; Demonstrator in Metallurgy and Surveying, Armstrong Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne; present position since 1905; associated with the first commercial tin smelting, electric steel production and iron smelting in S. Af. Numerous Papers in Transactions of Tech. Socs. in S. Af..Club: Scientific and Tech. Address: University College, Box 1176, Johannesburg. T. A.: " c /o University, Johannesburg." T. N.: 5910 and 2764.

STANLEY, Rupert, B.A., M.I.E.E., Municipal Technical Institute, Belfast. Served three years' pupilage at electrical engineering with Porte, Sykes and Co., Dublin, Cork and York. On Engineering staff of the Isle of Thanet Electric Tramway and Lighting Co.; two years Chief Lecturer in Physics and Electrical Engineering at the School of Science and Technology, Brighton; appointed Professor of Physics and Electrical Engineering, Municipal Technical Institute, Belfast, in 1903, and made Professor of Electrical Engineering at the Queen's University, Belfast, at its inception in 1909; appointed Principal of the Municipal Technical Institute, Belfast, 1919. Fellow of the Institute of Radio Engineers. Had considerable consulting practice in Belfast and its vicinity; was Consulting Electrical Engineer to the Belfast Asylums Board, and as such was responsible for all the electrical equipment in their new Villa Colony Asylum; specialized in electric drives for textile machinery; also in wireless telegraphy. Publications: Author of a " Textbook of Wireless Telegraphy," which is one of the standard works in England, United States and Australia; has lately re-written this book in two volumes, which deal with all the modern developments in radio-telegraphy and radio-telephony. War Services.—Joined up in October, 1914, as Second-in-Command 121st Field Company, Royal Engineers; transferred to Wireless Training Centre, Worcester, in May, 1915; went to France, October, 1915; appointed Officer Commanding Wireless, 3rd Army, in December, 1915; Experimental Wireless Officer, General Headquarters, June, 1916. Became Chief Wireless Instructor, British Expeditionary Force, France, in 1917. Mentioned in Dispatches and made Chevalier of the Legion of Honour for wireless liaison work with the French Service.

STANLEYSMITH, Ralph, Lieut. R.A.F., A.M.I.E.E., A.F.Aer.Inst., Constructional Engineer, 4, Knaresborough Place, Cromwell Road, S.W.5. T. N.: Western 64. Ed. Various private schools; Gold Medallist and Scholarship holder. After serving at sea as Marine Engineer, specialized in electrical engineering at Crompton's Works, Chelmsford, and King's College, Strand. Engagements chiefly abroad, notably in India, as Chief Engineer to the Dacca Electric Light Trust, and with the Calcutta Electric Supply Corporation, of 2, Broad Street Place, E.C., on work connected with the construction, running and maintenance of several generating stations; Assistant Engineer to the Westminster Electrical Supply Corporation; inventor and patentee of an aerial range-finder and other mathematical instruments. Various contributions to technical press. Member of the Royal Air Force Club. War Services.—In France as Lieutenant (Tech. ) in the Royal Flying Corps and Royal Air Force; was sent from 2nd Aircraft Depot into Lorraine to organize and take command of the first advanced Motor Transport Repair Section to function in that sector before it was absorbed into the command of the Independent Force; highly commended for services in connection therewith. Voluntary work in reporting on and placing of contracts for the Metropolitan Munitions Committee, London.

STANSFIELD, Alfred, D.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.S. Canada, A.R.S.M., Metallurgist and Prof. of Eng.; Prof. and Head of Dept. of Metallurgical Eng., McGill University, Montreal; b. 1871; s. of Frederic Stansfield, of Blackburn, England. Ed. Ackworth Sch., Bradford Tech. Sch., Royal Coll. of Sc., London. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London; Hons. in Metallurgy. Career: Researches on Alloys for Alloys Research Ctee., Inst. of Mech. Engrs.; Carnegie Research on " Burning of Steel," Iron and Steel Inst.; Researches on Reduction of Iron Ores and Electric Smelting of Iron Ores; Electric Smelting of Zinc Ores; Report to Dominion Govt. on Electric Smelting of Iron Ores in Sweden; Report to British Columbia Govt. on Commercial Feasibility of Electric Smelting of Iron Ores in B.C.; served on Copper and Zinc Commission during the War; started Electrolytic Production of Magnesium at Shawinigan during the War; started Production of Zinc Paint from Zinc Ores in Montreal. Publ.: " The Electric Furnace: Its Construction, Operation and Uses " (McGran Hill Co., 2nd Ed., 1914 ). Club: University, Montreal. Address: McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

STANSFIELD, Herbert, D.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Prof. of Physics and Elec. Eng., University Coll., Southampton; b. 1872; s. of Frederic Stansfield. Ed. Ackworth Sch.; Bradford Tech. Coll.; Royal Coll. of Sc., London. Lecturer in Physics and Elec. Eng., Chelsea Polytechnic; Head of Physics and Elec. Eng. Dept., Muncpl. Tech. Sch., Blackburn, 1898-1904; Hon. Research Fellow and later Lecturer in Physics, Victoria University, Manchester, 1904-12. Publ.: " On Stray Fields of Dynamos, Soap Films, Michelson Interferometer, Echelon Spectroscope," " Sensitiveness of the Human Skin as a Detector of Alternating Electric Fields." Address: Shasta, Shaftesbury Avenue, Southampton. T. N.: 63o.

STANTON, Frederick W. S., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., F.S.I., Civil Engineer, 3, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.i, and Chatham. Ed. Caterham High School, Surrey. Engineering training on public works carried out by the Chatham Corporation; afterwards assistant on the staff of James Mansergh and Sons, M.M.Inst.C.E., of Westminster, Consulting Engineer to, and designed and carried out schemes of sewerage and water supply for the Sheerness Urban District Council, the Sheppey Rural District Council, the Milton Regis Urban District Council, the Blean Rural District Council, the Camborne Water Company, and other authorities. Author of " Erosion of the Coast and its Prevention." War Services.—Took a prominent part in connection with the water supply of military camps in the Isle of Sheppey.

STANTON, Thomas E., C.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.Ae.S., Civil, Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineer, St. Lucia, Hampton Road, Teddington. T. N.: Molesey 159. b. 1865. Ed. Owens College, Manchester; Gimson and Co., engineers, Leicester. Late Senior Lecturer in Engineering, University College, Liverpool; late Professor of Engineering, University College, Bristol; now Superintendent of Engineering Department, National Physical Laboratory. Papers to scientific societies on " The Strength and Fatigue Properties of Materials," " Heat Transmission," and the " Motion of Fluids."

STANTON, Walter Charles, Railway Engineer, c/o Thos. Cook and Son, Ludgate Circus, E.C.4. b. 1872; s. of Walter J. Stanton, Stroud, Gloster. Ed. Clifton College and Royal Indian Engineering College, -Coopers Hill. Railway Engineer, Indian State Railways, passing through all grades up to Superintending Engineer, employed chiefly on construction 'of new railways and especially large bridge works. Latterly held post of Engineer-in-Chief. Construction Eastern Bengal Railway. Broad gauge bridge over the Ganges at Cawnpore; regirdering broad gauge bridge over the Ganges at Rajghat, 33 spans of 90 feet; preparing project for double-line bridge over the Hoogly at Calcutta, etc.

STAPLES, Sydney Francis, Naval Architect (Floating Docks), ii, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. A.: " Standfield, Vic, London." T. N.: Victoria 3579. b. 1866. Ed. Clifton College and Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Articled to James Mansergh. Now Partner in firm of Clark and Standfield. Chief Worhs: Responsible for design and construction of eighty-one floating docks for naval and mercantile vessels of all sizes. Member .of the Junior Carlton Club. War Services.—Surrey Munitions Committee; Director of Reinforced Concrete Construction, Admiralty.

STARKEY, William Henry, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 3, Central Buildings, Westminster. T. A.: "Subconical." T. N.: 816 Victoria. b. 1880; s. of the late Captain Starkey, E.T.C. Ed. Stortford and Faraday House. Shift Engineer at Dover Corporation and City and South London Railway; Assistant to Robert Hammond, consulting engineer, for 18 months; since 1901, Technical Engineer to the Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd., of Westminster.

STARR, George Henry, Eng.-Com. R.N., H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth: b. 1875; s. of Captain G. L. H. Starr, late Royal Inniskillen Fusiliers, m. Kathleen Mary Prescott, 1904. Ed. Hurstpierpoint College, 1888-92; City and Guilds Engineering College, Finsbury, 1892-4. Training with W. H. Allen Sons and Co., Bedford, 1894-7. Assistant Engineer, R.N., 1897; Engineer-Lieutenant, 1903; Engineer. Lieut.-Commander, 1911; Senior Engineer of H.M.S. " Indomitable " on the occasion of visit of H.R.H. Prince of Wales to Quebec when that ship on the return journey lowered all existing Atlantic records by maintaining an average speed of 25.3 knots. Served in Ordnance Department, Admiralty, 1910-14. War Services.—As Assistant Engineer of H.M.S. " Centurion " landed with Admiral Sir E. J. Sey. moues Column, June, 1900, for Relief of Peking (medal and clasp); Senior Engineer of H.M.S. " Queen 3f Elizabeth " at Dardanelles, 1915; promoted Engineer-Commander, 1916, for good service; Engineer-Commander of H.M.S. " Duncan " in Mediterranean and H.M.S. " Cochrance " in Second Cruiser Squadron; in charge of gun mountings, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1917.

STATTER, John Grice, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Head of Firm of J. G. Statter and Co., Elec. Engrs.; s. of Wm. Statter, F.R.C.S., J.P., The Old Hall, Snapethorpe, near Wakefield. Ed. Privately. Training: Yorks Coll., Leeds (now Victoria University ). Keith Medallist. Club: Automobile. Address: Queen Anne's Chambers, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: "Switchonia, London." T. N.: Victoria 6196.

STEAD, William, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I. and S.I., Cons. Mech. and Elec. Engr.; b. 1870; s. of William Stead, Engr. and Manufacturer. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. Career: Design, Introduction and Manufacture of the Vertical Tandem Gas Engine, as made firstly by the Westinghouse Co. at Trafford Park and afterwards by the Nat. Gas Engine Co.; Designer of many of the largest Power Stations in this country, which are being worked from Blast Furnace, Coke Oven and Producer Gas. Club: Manchester Engineers'. Address: Duchy Chambers, 4, Clarence Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Stairs, Manchester." T. N.: 3160 City.

STEAVENSON, C. H., Min. Engr., The Red House, Guisborough, Yorks.

STEELE, A. H., Senior Inspector of Mines, Avondale Hotel, Promenade, Southport.

STEELE, Louis John, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 5, The Parade, Royal Dockyard, Portsmouth. T. A.: "Electrical, Portsmouth." T. N.: 344 Portsmouth Dockyard Exchange. b. 1871. Ed. University College School; Finsbury Technical College and took first place in final qualifying examination. Eight years at Johnson and Phillips' Works at Charlton, Kent, where for the first few years acted as Chief Technical Assistant to Gisbert Kapp and eventually became Chief Designer to the firm. For 2 years Chief Electrician to Veritys, Ltd. Since 1900 Electrical Engineer at Portsmouth Dockyard, a newly-created post. First Electrical Engineer to be appointed in the service of the Admiralty. Chief Works: Copatentee for improvements in electrical welding, apparatus for the detection and measurement of inflammable gases and vapours, and patentee for improvements in searchlight shutters, etc. Publications: Technical contribution to the Society of Chemical Industry, Institution of Electrical Engineers and the technical press. Member of the Alpine Club. War Services.—Control of all electrical work in Portsmouth Dockyard and in the Portsmouth Division of the Grand Fleet during the whole period of the war.

STEELE, W. J., D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. M. and Cy.E., City Engr., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

STEELE, William R., A.M.I.E.E., M.I.E.S., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Lenabo, Marine Parade, Lee-on-the-Solent. T. A.: " Vernonex, Portsmouth." T. N.: 2362 Portsmouth Extension 99. Ed. Allan Glen's School and The Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Completed full courses both Mechanical and Electrical Engineering. Five years' apprenticeship with George Russell and Co., Ltd., engineers and.'rane builders, Motherwell, Scotland. 1906-9—In charge Outside Erection and Leading Draughtsman, Geo. Russell and Co., Ltd i909-ri— Designer and Estimator, Sir Wm. Arrol and Co., Ltd., Crane Department, Parkhead, Glasgow. 1911-14— Chief Draughtsman, Sir Wm. Arrol and Co., Ltd., Mechanical Department, Bridgeton, Glasgow. 1914-17 —Manager of Erection and On-cost Department, Armstrong and Main, Ltd., Glasgow. Since 1917, Admiralty Engineer, H.M.S. " Vernon," Mining Section, Portsmouth. War Services.-1914--17—In charge of erection of munition works and large R.N.A.S. airship stations. 1917-19—Admiralty and Naval Service, H.M.S. " Vernon," Portsmouth.

STENHOUSE, Thomas, B.Sc.(Lond.), A.R. S.M., F.I.C., Deputy Admiralty Chemist; b. 1879; s. of Thomas Stenhouse, F.I.C. Ed. Manchester Grammar Sch. Training: The Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Address: Admiralty Chemists' Dept., H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth.

STENNING, Henry A., Lieut.-Colonel, O.B.E., T.D., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, 28, Victoria Street, S.W., and Firle, Berkhamsted, Herts. T. A.: "Ensulim, London." b. 1870; eldest s. of Sir A. R. Stenning, Kt., of Hoathly Hill, West Hoathly. Ed. St. Mark's School, Winden, Sussex, Sherborne, and Central Institute, South Kensington. Premium apprentice, South Eastern Railway Works, Ashford, Kent, under late James Stirling. Assistant in Mechanical Engineer's Department, London and South Western Railway, Nine Elms, S.W.; Managing Director of Marine and.Loco Superheater, Ltd., of 28, Victoria Street, Westminster. Chief Works: Introduced superheating on locomotives to England. Has given close attention and study to the application of highly superheated steam to locomotives. Member of St. Stephen's Club, Westminster. War Service.—Twenty-seven years' service in Volunteer and Territorial Force, Lieut.-Colonel (T.F.); rejoined from Reserve, August, 1914; commanded Reserve training and draft-finding units, ioth and 25th Battalions County of London Regiment. Mentioned for special services at home, 1916. Appointed an Officer Order of British Empire, 1919.

STENT, Dudley Hepburn, Civil Engineer, Civil Lines, Delhi, India. T. A.: "Delhi, India." b. 1886; m. December 6, 1916, Doris Majorie, only d. of Alfred Skeggs of Beckenham. Ed. King's College School and Crystal Palace School of Engineering. Apprentice, R. Wagood and Co. 190 5—Assistant Engineer, Mid-Suffolk Light Railway Construction, with Jeyes and Godden, consulting engineers. 1906— Assistant Engineer, Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway, India. 1910-I—Assistant Engineerin-Charge Metre Gauge connections (Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway), Delhi Durbar (1911). 1912—Executive Engineer, Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway. 1920—Consulting Engineer to Concrete Products, Bird and Co., Delhi. Specialist in reinforced concrete. Member of the Yacht Club, Bombay; Delhi Club, etc.

STEPHEN, Frederic John, M.A., M.I.N.A., Man. Dir., Alex. Stephen and Sons, Ltd., Shipbuilders, Glasgow; b. 1863; s. of Alexander Stephen. Ed. Albany Academy and University, Glasgow. Training: Linthouse Shipbuilding Yard. Clubs: Western, Glasgow; Constitutional, London. Address: Linthouse, Govan, Glasgow. T. A.: " Linthouse, Glasgow." T. N.: Govan 39.

STEPHENS, F. O., M.Inst.C.E., Railway Engineer (Survey and Construction of Railways ), Oranjezicht Homestead, Cape Town. T. N.: 1921 Cape Town. b. 1858. Articled to J. P. Moore; also• training at the Science Department, South Kensington. Chief Works: The Southern Mahratta Railway;: the Piraeus-Larissa Railway, Orange Free State Railways, the Rhodesian Railways, the Congo Railways.

STEPHENS, Francis J., F.G.S., Cons. Min. Engr.; Mineral Agent to Sir Courtenay Vyvyan; b. 1865; s. of John Stephens, of Ashfield, Falmouth, J.P. Co. Cornwall. Ed. Sidcot and Privately. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines, etc. Medallist, Royal Cornwall Polytechnic Soc.; Gold Medal (Bolitho ), Royal Geol. Soc., Cornwall; services rendered to Cornish Scientific Knowledge. Career: Several years in the Far East and India as Mine Manager; Prospecting and Exploring in the Himalayas, near the border of Nepal and Tibet, discovered a large mineralize area; quoted as an Authority on Ancient Cornish Min.; 6 years Manager Kuaben Mine, Norway; special knowledge of the rarer minerals used in the manufacture of HighGrade Steel. About 5o papers in Scientific Publs.: " A Series on the Ancient Min. Districts of Cornwall," " Notes on the Roskear Min. District, N. of Tuckingmill," " A Report on Accessible Minerals in West of England, 1916," Application of so-called Rare Metals to Modern Commercial Use, 1911," " The Governors of St. Mawes Castle," Antiquarian, 1912; " Admiral Sir Richard Spry, and his Times," Antiquarian, 1912. Clubs: Sch. of Mines, etc. Address: Reskadinnick House, near Camborne. T. A.: " Stephens, Reskadinnick, Camborne."

STEPHENS, Holman Fred, Lieut.-Colonel, R.E. (R.), M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Tonbridge, Kent. T. A.: "Stephens, Tonbridge Station." T.N.: 143 Tonbridge. b. 1869; s. of late F. G. Stephens, Art Critic of the " Athenaeum," Member of Preraphaelite Brotherhood, etc. Ed. University College School, Vitre and Karlsruhe; University College, London, Locomotive Department Metropolitan Railway, Neasden, and Civil Engineering pupilage. Specialized in railway construction and canal work; laid out several hundred miles of light railways; reconstructed several lines as light railways. Chief Works: East Cornwall Railway, Shropshire Railway (reconstruction); Barry Port and Gwendruth Valley Railways (reconstruction); Kent and East Sussex Railway; East Kent Railway; Sheppey Railway; Cranbrook and Paddock Wood Railway (Constructing Resident Engineer ). Member of the Reform, National Sporting, Royal Temple Yacht, Royal Automobile and Royal Aero Clubs. War Services.—Lieut.-Colonel commanding Kent (F. ), Royal Engineers.

STEPHENS, William Robert, M.Inst.C.E.I. and Member of Council, Surveyor and Water Works Engr., Rathmines U.D.C.; b. 1873; s. of Thomas William Stephens, Dublin. Ed. King's Hospital, Dublin. Training: Rathmines under F. P. Dixon, M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Surveyor, 1891-1913 since January, 1914, as above. Address: Town Hall, Rathmines. T. N. 107.

STERN, Teodore Henry, B.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 3rd Circle of Irrigation. Alexandria, Egypt. T. N.: 4366 Alexandria, Egypt,. b. 1890; s. of late Rev. H. Stern, of Brampton, Norfolk, England; m. Elizabeth Mary Campbell, d. of H. J. Campbell, F.R.C.'P. Ed. Norwich, and Birmingham University. Assistant Engineer, Midland Railway, from 1911 until outbreak of war; on demobilization was appointed Assistant Director of Works, Irrigation Service, Ministry of Public Works, Egypt. War Services.—Commissioned Royal Engineers, September, 1914; served in Gallipoli, Serbia, Macedonia, Palestine and Syria (promoted Captain 1917, Major 1918).

STEVEN, James Dunlop, M.I.Mech.E., Chevalier Legion of Honour, V.-Chairman, E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., Birmingham; Director, Hoffmann Mfg. Co., Ltd., Chelmsford; b. 1875; s. of James Steven, The Grange, Mere, Wilts. Ed. Privately. Training: Glasgow and W. of Scot. Tech. Coll. Pupil, D. J. Dunlop and Co., Port Glasgow; with Clydebank Eng. and Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 18971900; Asst. Engr., Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., 19016; Works Manager, Man. Dir. and Chairman, E. G. Wrigley and Co., Ltd., 1906 to date. Clubs: Union, Birmingham; R.A.C., London. Address: Rollswood, Harborne, Birmingham. T. N.: Edgbaston 1273.

STEVENS, Clement Henry, C.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., M.I.N.A., Man. Dir., The Clement Stevens Pneumatic Eng. Co., Ltd.; b. 187o; s. of late G. J. B. Stevens, M.R.C.S., L.R.C.P. Ed. St. Paul's Sch. App., John Stewart and Sons, Ltd., Blackwell Iron Works; Supt. Engr., Blandy Brothers and Co., Las Palmas, 1894-1915; M. of M., 1915-19; Controller of Gun Ammunition, 1917-1919. Clubs: Royal Societies, Royal Automobile. Address: 28, Spenser Street, Buckingham Gate. T. A.: " Pneucleste, Sowest, London." T. N.: Victoria, 33o.

STEVENS, Harry, M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.A.E., Director and Works Manager, A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of Joseph Stevens. Self-trained in Mech. Eng., by aid of books and study of General Principles; studied Eng. even in Sch. days, and at 18 years of age took charge of Screw and Rivet Mfg. Works; designed and produced a number of Automatic and Semi-Automatic Screw-making Tools. In the early days of Motoring studied Internal Combustion Engine Design, as applied to Motor Cars, Motor Cycles; designed, built and rode one of the first Motor Cycles seen in the Midlands; later on, formed a Co. with his father and brothers, for the manufacture of Motor Cycles and Internal Combustion Engines; subsequently formed another Co., incorporated in 1914 as A. J. Stevens and Co. (1914), Ltd. Has read papers before the Local Centre of the Inst.A.E. Address: 25, Oaklands Road, Wolverhampton. T. A.: " Hopit, Wolverhampton." T. N.: 1166.

STEVENS, William Geoffrey, B.A., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Preesall, Poulton-leFylde, Lancs. b. 1886. Ed. Leys School, Cambridge; Downing College, Cambridge (Mechanical Sciences Tripos). Pupilage at Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Bath. 1912-4—On staff of Chief Engineer to The United Alkali Co., Ltd., at Widnes. Since 1914, Engineer and Assistant Manager at Fleetwood Salt Works (United Alkali Co., Ltd.).

STEVENSON, Allan, M.1.N.A., M.I.E.S., Mar. Engr., Director, David Rowan and Co., Ltd., 14 Glasgow; b. 1878. Ed. Allan Glen's Sch., and Glasgow and W. of Scot. Tech. Coll. Training: A. and W. Smith and Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Address.165, Nithsdale Road, Pollokshields, Glasgow.

STEVENSON and McGUFFIE, Consulting Engineers, 163, Hope Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Consultus, Glasgow." T. N.: Central 8978. The firm act as Consultants to a great many Coal and Iron Masters in Scotland and England, their special work being Mining Electrical Engineering, High-Tension Transmission and Hydro-Electric Power Work. War Services.—The firm were engaged by the Coal Controller as District Engineers.

STEVENSON, David Alan, B.Sc., F.R.S.E., M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Consulting Engineer, 84, George Street, Edinburgh. T. N.: 282 Edinburgh Central. b. 1854. Ed. Edinburgh University. Engineer to the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses; senior partner, D. and C. Stevenson, engineers to the Clyde Lighthouses Trustees and consulting engineers for numerous harbour and river authorities both at home and abroad; engaged in river, harbour, dock, sewerage and water schemes as consulting engineers. Publication: " Canal and River Engineering." Member of the University Club, Edinburgh. War Services.—Advised and carried out for the Admiralty additional sea marks, lights and fog signals at the bases Rosyth, Scapa Flow, Invergordon, Caledonian Canal, and in the Eastern Mediterranean.

STEVENSON, Graham Morton M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; s. of Graham Stevenson, of Airdrie. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. Training: Gartsherrie Science Sch. Personally responsible for the first Electrically-driven Tin-plate Mill in Gt. Britain, erected at Redbrook Tin-plate Works, near Newport, Mon. Address: 136, Yardley Wood Road, Birmingham.

STEWART, Alexander Forrester, M.Inst. C.E., Chief Engr. (Eastern Lines) Canadian National Railways., Moncton, N.B.

STEWART, Alexander W., M.I.E.S. (Member of Council), M.I.N.A., Castle Chambers, 55, West Regent Street, Glasgow.

STEWART, Andrew, M.I.E.E., Machine Tool Specialist, 17o, Piccadilly, London, W.', and " Iverna," Broom Water, Teddington, Middlesex; b. 1876. Ed. Abbotsford Public School and Royal Glasgow Technical College. Gold Medallist in Engineering and Science. With P. and W. MacLellan, Ltd., Glasgow; Walter Dixon and Co., Consulting Engineers, Glasgow. Later Manager and Engineer, The County of Durham Electrical Power Distribution Co., Ltd., then Chief Engineer, The Bergmann Electricals Gesellschaft. At present Director and General Sales Manager, The Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd. Publications: Paper read to Institution of Electrical Engineers on " Line and Sub-station Equipment." Author of " Modern Polyphase Machinery " and numerous articles in " The Engineering Review," " The Electrical Review," " Electricity " and other publications. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Royal Automobile and Royal Motor Yacht. War Services.—The production of labour-saving tools for warship and merchant ship construction, and field workshop equipments for British, Belgian and Italian Governments.

STEWART, Charles L. E., Electrical Engineer, Bacup Road, Rawtenstall. T. N.: 81 Rawtenstall. Formerly Assistant Electrical Engineer, Rochdale. Now Borough Electrical Engineer and Tramways Manager, Rawtenstall. War Services.—District Organizing Secretary, Ministry of Munitions; Vice-Chairman of the Board of Management, Rawtenstall and Bacup National Shell Factory.

STEWART, David Mitchell, I.S.O., Supt. Engr., G.P.O., since 1895; b. 1858; entered P.O. 1870; Asst. Supt. Engr., 1892. Address: Blantyre Park, Blantyre, Lanarkshire.

STEWART, Henry Joseph Fleming, A.M.I. E.E., Engr. and Manager, Ilfracombe Electric Light and Power Co., Ltd., and Ilfracombe Ice Mfg. and Cold Storage Co.; b. 1883; s. of Dr. W. H. Stewart. Ed. Glastonbury Coll. Training: Salisbury, Dartmouth and Newton Abbott Electricity Works, etc. One of the Founders of the Assoc. of Min. Elec. Engrs. Address: St. Germans, Ilfracombe. T. N.: 43.

STEWART, James, Major, R.E. (retired), O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Eng. Inspector, L.G.B. and Ministry of Health; b. 1861; s. of late Capt. James Stewart, 16th Lancers. Ed. Cheltenham Coll., and R.M. Academy, Woolwich. Training: Sch. of Military Eng., Chatham. Entered R. M. Academy (1878) First in Order of Merit. 1883-5—Asst. Engr., State Railways., India, on Construction of Sind Pisheen Railway., and in charge, inter alia, of Tunnelling of Chappar Rift; 1887-94; Instructor in Surveying, R.I.E. Coll., Coopers Hill; 1894-7—Executive Engr., Military Works, India; held charge of Barcilly, Jhansi and Cawnpore Divisions and of manufacture of Coal Gas at Allahabad; 1897-1902—In charge of Reconstruction of Shorncliffe Camp. Club: East India United Service. Address: 90, Coleherne Court, London, S.W.S. T. N.: 125 Western.

STEWART, John Edwin, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. E.E., Elec. Engr. and Manager. Ed. and Training: Greenwitch Naval Coll., City of Guilds Tech. Coll. Career: With Derby Corpn. Electricity Supply, St. Lawrence Power Co., and Kettle River Power Co.; Anglo-Argentine Tramways Co., La Slata Tramways, and Buenos Aires Electric Tramways; Electrification of Tracts, Construction of Power House, etc. Address: 86, New Road, Llanelly. T. A.: "Lighting, Llanelly." T. N.: 62, Llanelly.

STEWART, John Joseph, M.A. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Loud.), M.I.E.E., General Engineer, 6, Gordon Place, W.C.i. b. 1861; s. of late Patrick Stewart; m. Katharine Jane Readdie. Ed. Islington Proprietary School; University College, London; Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Articled pupil to Charles Lean, M.Inst.C.E., Westminster. Demonstrator of Physics, University College, London, 188790; Lecturer in Physics, University College, Nottingham, 1896-8; Head of the Technical Institute, Newport (Mon. ), 1898-1915. Publications: " Technical Education at Home and Abroad." Articles in " Knowledge," " World's Work," etc. Member of the Royal Societies Club. War Services.—In Marine Department, Board of Trade.

STEWART, Robert Holden, B.A.,Sc M. Can.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.Inst.M.M.E., M.M. (Lon.), Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1874. Ed. and Trained: McGill University, Montreal. Career: 1898-19oi—Engr., British America Corpn., Rossland, B.C.; 1902-3—Engr., Canadian Copper Co., Sudbury, Ontario; 19o3-5—C.P. Railway. Min. Dept.; 19o5-7—Supt., Centre Star and War Eagle Mines, Rossland, B.C.; 19o7—II—Chief Engr., Consolidated Min. and Smelting Co., Trail, B.C.; 1911-16—Gen. Mangr. Clubs: University, Vancouver, B.C.; University, Montreal, P.Q.; Union, Victoria, B.C.; Rossland, Rosslarid, B.C.; Vancouver, Vancouver, B.C. Address: 717, Vancouver Block, Vancouver, B.C. T. N.: Seymour 4561.

STEWART, Thomas, M.Inst.C.E. (Former Member of Council), 6, St. George's Chambers, Cape Town, C.C.

STICHT, Robert Carl, B.Sc., M.Inst.M.M., etc., etc., Min. and Metallurgical Eng.; Gen. Manr. Mount Lyell Mining and Railway. Co., Ltd.; b. 1856; s. of John C. Sticht, of Brooklyn, N.Y., Industrial Chemist. Ed.: Brooklyn, New York, U.S.A., graduated as B.Sc. 1875. Training: Clausthal on Hartz; at Royal Sch. of Mines there, degree of M.M.E., 1880. Career: Began as Assayer at Alpine, Colorado, 1881; 1881-2, Chemist and Metallurgist, Arkansas Valley Smelting Co., Leadville, Colorado; 1883-7, Chief Chemist and Asst. Metallurgist, Colorado Smelting Co., Pueblo, Colorado; 1887-92, Supt., Montana Smelting Co., Great Falls, Montana; 1892-4, Supt., Boulder Smelting Co., Boulder, Montana; 1895-7, Metallurgist, Mt. Lyell Mining and Railway. Co., Ltd., Mount Lyell, Tasmania; 1897 to the present, Gen. Man. of last-named company (also, during its existence, 1916-20, of Mount Read and Rosebery Mines, Ltd. ). Erected five ore-reduction plants (in U.S.A. and Tasmania); chief exponent of method of " Pyrite Smelting," which introduced at Mount Lyell in 1895 on basis of experiences in Montana and Colorado in 1892-4; responsible for introduction of modern methods of copper smelting in Australia; Pres. Australasian Inst. M.M., 1905 and 1915; Pres. Chem. Section of Aus. Assoc. for Advancement of Sc., 1907; Pres. Zeehan Sch. of Mines, Zeehan, Tasmania; Pres. Mount Lyell Sch. of Mines and Industries, Queenstown, Tasmania. In addition to the above Societies is also a member of Amer.Inst.M.M.E., Aust. Inst.M.M. (of which was President in 1905 and 1915, now on Executive Council ), Colorado Scientific Soc., Amer. Assoc. for Advancement of Sc., Amer. Electrochemical Society, Soc.C.I., Aust. National Research Council, F.R.S.A. (London ), Victoria, Tasmania, F.R.G.S., F.G.S., and Fellow North British Academy of Arts (Newcastle). Pubis.: Various articles on Copper Mining and Smelting in Transactions of Aust. I.M.M., etc., and collaborated with Dr. E. D. Peters in preparation of works on Copper Smelting. Clubs: Australian Club (Melbourne), Launceston (Launceston, Tas. ), Tasmanian (Hobart, Tas. ), Montana (Helena, Montana, U.S.A.). Address: Queenstown, Tasmania. T. A.: " Queenstown, Tas."

STICKNEY, Alfred Wood, D.Sc. (Harvard University), M.Eng., M.Inst.M.M., A.I.M.M.E., and Mem. Geo. Soc., Washington, Chief Geologist for Leslie Urquhart and Associates since 1918; b. 1886; s. of Alfred Stickney. Ed. Harvard Coll. Training: Harvard University. Cum laude (Harvard University ). Career: Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey, 1910-11; Kyshtym and Tanalyk Corpns., 1911-17; D'Arcy Exploration Co., Ltd., 1918. Publ.: "Pyritic Ore Deposits of Kyshtym, Russia." Clubs: Harvard, New York; University, Washington, D.C.; American, London. Address: Pinner Hall, Austin Friars, London, E.C.2. T. A.: "Care Argeby, London." T. N,: London Wall, 2776.

STILES, John A., M.C.S.C.E., Prof. of C.E., and Dean of Applied Sc., University of New Brunswick. Address: Fredericton, N.B. T. N.: 53321.

STILGOE, Henry Edward, M.Inst.C.E., P.Pres. I.Water E., P.-Pres. Inst.M. and Cy.E., F.R.San.I., Pres: T.P.I., Chief Engr., Metropolitan Water Board since March, 1919. Training: Crystal Palace Eng. Sch. Career: Borough Engr. and Water Engr., Dover, I1 years; City Engr., Birmingham, 13 years; prepared Town Planning Schemes in the City of Birmingham for over 25,000 acres of property, and the great Arterial Road Scheme for Birmingham, comprising, 52 miles of streets, 120 feet in width, with Tramways in centre on sleeper tracks, independent of the Carriage ways. Author of several Papers on " Water Supply and Municipal Eng."; Telford Premium Inst. C.E. for Paper on " Dover Watershed and Supply." Club: St. Stephen's. Address: Metropolitan Water Board, New River Head, Rosebery Avenue, London, E.C.I. T. A.: " Engineer, Water Board, Isling, London." T. N.: Central 4747.

STILL, Percy, M.I.E.E., M.Inst.P.T., Chief Engr. and Manager, Chelsea Electricity Supply Co., Ltd. Address: 19, Cadogan Gardens, London, S.W.3.

STIRLING, Matthew, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Hull and Barnsley Railway.; b. 1856; s. of the late Patrick Stirling, Chief Mech. Engr., G.N. Railway. Ed. Kilmarnock Academy, Doncaster Grammar Sch., Ayr Academy. Training: Doncaster Works, G.N. Railway. Asst. Loco. Supt., G.N. Railway. Works, Nottingham and Peterborough; Chief Mech. Engr., Hull and Barnsley Railway., from opening of Line, 1885. Address: Malvern House, The Park, Hull. T. A.: " Stirling, Springhead, Hull." T. N.: 2347 Hull.

STOBIE, Victor, A.M.I.E.E., Head of Stobie Steel Co. and Stobie Metallurgical Construction Co., Dunston-on-Tyne; b. 1880; s. of Thomas Stobie. Ed. Birmingham, Paris and Sheffield University. Inventor of Electric Steel Melting Furnaces, Steel Annealing Furnaces, and Reversing Rolling Mills; revolutionized the process of 'making Electric Steels by the introduction of Anthracite into the Molten Bath; the designing of a new Type of Economizer which reduced Current and Electrode Consumptions by over 6o per cent.; first proposer of Electro-Magnetic Lifting for the Heavy Steel Industry. Numerous Papers before many Scientific Socs. Clubs: Athenaeum, Sheffield; Conservative, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Address: Oakfield, Ryton-on-Tyne. T. A.: "Stobie, Ryton." T. N.: Ryton 26.

STOKES, Francis William, B.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Man. Dir. of Stokes Castings, Ltd., Mansfield; b. 1883; s. of W. E. Stokes. Ed. Mansfield Grammar Sch. Training: Nottingham University Coll. App. with Bellis and Morcom, Ltd., of Birming3f ham; Inventor of patented centrifugal Casting Machines. Address: Union Foundry, Mansfield. T. A.: " Castings, Mansfield." T. N.: 37 Mansfield.

STOKES, Sir Frederick Wilfrid Scott, K.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chairman and Man. Dir., Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.; b. 186o. Ed. Kensington Catholic Public Sch., and Catholic Univ. Coll., Kensington. Articled to the New Works Engr., G. W. Railway. Career: Became Asst. to the late Sir Wm. Shelford, and employed in the design of Bridges and similar Steel Work for the Hull and Barnsley Railway.; Chief Asst. in the London Office of Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd.; superintended the erection of some of the Sluices, Manchester Ship Canal; introduced many improvements in design of Machines, and Patented Inventions relating to Sluices, Breakdown Cranes, Traversers for Carriage and Wagon Stock, Refrigerating apparatus and Cement Burning in Rotary Kilns, etc.; in connection with work carried out by his firm, decorated by the late Khedive of Egypt (Second Order of Osmanieh and the Second Order of Medhijieh); received the K.B.E. in 1917, in connection with the Stokes' Gun and Shell, of which he was the Inventor, and for other War work; Chairman, East Anglian Munitions Cttee.; Chairman, Bd. of Management Representation Cttee.; Mem., Bd. of Management Executive and Fuse Cttees.; Mem., M. of M., Inventions Dept. (four Cttees.); Mem., Officers' Resettlement Cttee.; Pres., B.E.A., 1916-18; Chairman, London and Eastern Counties Assoc. of Controlled Establishments; Chairman,.Fed. Brit. Ind., Controlled Firms Section, and Mem. of Management and Organization Cttee.; Pres., East Anglian Assoc. of Eng. Employers; Pres., Industrial Reconstruction Council, 1918; Chairman, British Standard Exporter Council; Chairman, Edgware Eng. and Aircraft Co., Ltd.; Mem., Complaints Cttee., B.O.T. Profiteering Act; Mem., Food Markets Cttee.; V.Pres., Higher Production Council; Mem., Executive Cttee. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Art. Addresses: 7, Park Lane, W.I., and " Millwater," Ripley, Surrey. T. A.: " Stokes " (London or Country House), or c/o Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., 32, Victoria Street, S.W.I. T. N.: Gerrard 3472.

STOKES, Harry Potts, M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Engr. and Geri. Manager, Plymouth Corpn. Tramways, Drake Circus, Plymouth.

STOKES, Isaac Westley, V.D., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.S.E., M.Inst.T., Railway. Engr.; Deputy Traffic Manager (Operative), Great Indian Peninsula Railway.; b. 1874; s. of Westley Stokes. Ed. Reading. Career: Trained as Signal Engr. on the G.W. Railway.; joined. the Great Indian Peninsula Railway. in 1903 as their first Signal and Interlocking Engr.; carried out the Signalling Installation over this Railway., also many Signalling Works of Importance, notably the Quadrupling of the tracks near Bombay R.; transferred to the Traffic Dept. in 1917 to take over the Transportation side. Clubs: Junior Army and Navy, Royal Bombay Yacht, Royal Motor Yacht, etc. Address: Victoria Terminus, Bombay.

STONE, Ernest Albert, B.A.Sc., Ma.E. (McGill), M.Inst.C.E., M.E.I.C., Civil Engineer, 429, Daly Avenue, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. T. N.: Rideau 951. b. 187o; s. of Albert, Dublin, and Sarah Ann (Dickins) Stone, Liverpool; m. 1901, Maud, d. Adam Morrison. Ed. Montreal High School and McGill University (British Association Gold Medal, 1891 ). 1889-92—Engaged in railroad construction. 1892-4— Engineer to Canada Switch Manufacturing Co. 1894 —Engineer on electric railroad construction. 1895-9 —Designing and inspecting bridges, Canadian Pacific Railway. 1899-1902—Engineer, Canadian Electro-Chemical Co., Sault Ste. Maria. 1902-7—Assistant Structural Engineer, Canada Foundry Co., Toronto. 1907-8—Professor of Civil Engineering, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. 1908-1I—Dean of Engineering and Professor of Civil Engineering, University of New Brunswick. 1911-14—Consulting Engineer, Vancouver, British Columbia, engaged in designing bridges for the Provincial Government, etc. 19I4-18—Professor of General Engineering, Queen's University, Kingston. 1918—Structural Engineer, Military Hospitals Commission, Department of Public Works. Chief Works: Highway bridge across Thompson River, British Columbia, and other brjdges and structures. Publications: Technical papers, Engineering Institute of Canada.

STONE, George Ernest Murray, A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.Met., Specialist in Pyrometry, " Northfield," Dronfield Woodhouse, Dronfield. T. N. " Dronfield 42." b. 1874. Honours, City and Guilds of London Institute in Electrical Engineering; Sheffield Technical School (afterwards Sheffield University), 1892-5, and private study. In business with his father as A. F.• Stone and Son, electrical engineers, Sheffield, 1897-1909. Superintendent of Pyrometric Section, Brown-Firth Research Laboratory, Sheffield, 1909-17 (John Brown and Co., Ltd., and Thos. Firth and Sons, Ltd.); Superintendent of Pyrometric Department, Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Elswick Works, Newcastleon-Tyne, and Openshaw Works, Manchester, 1917-20, and Cons. in Pyrometry for same, firm, 1920 to date; also Pyrometric Adviser to Midland Laboratory Guild, Ltd., Birmingham, 1918 to date. Man. Dir. and Sec., R. F. Hamilton and Co., Ltd., Scientific Instrument Manufacturers, Sheffield, 1920 to present time. Chief Works: Stone's Patent " ElectroMechanical Pull " for stopping engines and machinery in case of accident in factories, also originator of methods and various forms of thermo-couples for steelworks pyrometry. Publications: Paper before Faraday Society on " Causes of Unreliability in Thermo-Electric Pyrometry " (1917). War Services.—Designed Stone's Pyrometer for molten metals (patent), for indicating correct pouring temperatures of cupro-nickel for bullet-cases; pyrometric control systems for heat treatment of war material for Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd.

STONE, Tom, M.A., M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Colliery Engr., The Park Collieries, Garswood, Wigan.

STONEY, Edward Waller, C.I.E., M.Eng. (Queen's), M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.C.E.I., Railways, Chief Engineer, Madras Railway (retired 1904), The Gables, Coonoor, India; b. 1844; fourth s. of T. G. Stoney, J.P., Arranhill and Kyle Park, Ireland; m. Sarah Crawford, 1875. Ed. Private schools and Queen's College, Galway, of which Scholar, Peel Prizeman and Gold Medallist; pupil of late S. A. Roberts. Joined Madras Railway, 1866, Assistant, District Engineer and Chief Engineer; retired in 1904 as Agent and Manager. Engaged in construc'2C tion and open line works and many big bridges. Inventor and patentee of Silent Punkah Wheels, Switch Levers, Locking Gears, Point Indicators. Fellow Madras University; Examiner for its B.C.E. Degree for twenty years. Chief Works: Chittravati Bridge, 19 spans of 140 feet; Pennar Bridge, 17 spans of 140 feet; Tongabuddra Bridge, 58 spans of 7o feet. Publications: " Chittravati Bridge," Telford Premium, Institution of Civil Engineers; " Great Floods, Southern India," Institution of Civil Engineers, and several others; Mbllins Medal Inst. C.E.E., articles in " Engineer," " Indian Engineering," etc. Member of Madras Club, Octacamund Club, Coonoor Club.

STONEY, George Gerald, M.A.I. (Dublin), D.Sc., F.R.S., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the College of Technology, Victoria University, Manchester. T. N.: City 7225. b. 1863; eldest s. of the late G. Johnstone Stoney, D.Sc., F.R.S.; m. Isabella Mary, second d. of late Michael Lowes, Corbridge-on-Tyne. Ed. Private; Trinity College, Dublin; Second Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist in Experimental Science. With the late Bindon B. Stoney, F.R.S., at the Port and Docks Board, Dublin, and for twenty-four years with C. A. Parsons and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne, being intimately associated with the development of the steam turbine, both for land and marine, and the other manufactures of that firm. Publications: " Cantor Lectures on the Steam Turbine "; " The Tension of Metallic Films deposited in Electrolysis," in the Proceedings of the Royal Society; and various other papers in the Proceedings of the Royal Dublin Society, Institution of Civil Engineers, Institution of Electrical Engineers, etc., on Steam Turbines and other subjects.

STOREY, William Edward, M.I.Mech.E.; b. 1864; s. of John Henry Storey. Ed. Brooklands Sch., near Manchester, and Allesley Coll., Warwickshire. Training: Knott Mill Brass and Copper Works, Manchester. Career: Man. Partner, Isaac Storey and Sons, Manchester, and Man. Dir. when firm was incorporated; Director, Packers, Ltd. Paper read before the Manchester Assoc. of Engrs., 1903, " Applications of Copper in the Engineering Industry "; Awarded the Constantine Gold Medal. Paper read before the Society of Engrs., Westminster, 1904, " Condensing Machinery "; Awarded the President's Gold Medal. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Engineers', Manchester. Addresses: Granville House, Arundel Street, London, W.C.2, and Goodwood, Sidcup, Kent. T. A.: " Edstorion, Estrand, London." T. N.: City io3o; Sidcup 18.

STOTHERT, Sir Percy Kendall, K.B.E., J.P., M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, 1, Lansdown Place West, Bath. T. N.: 8o5 Bath. b. 1863. Ed. Clifton College and in works of Stothert and Pitt, Ltd. Man. Ch., Dir., now Chairman of Stothert and Pitt, Ltd. Member, County of Somerset Territorial Force Association; Chairman, Bath Gas Co., Clevedon Gas Co., Clevedon Water Co.; Director, Bristol Gas Co., Member of the Windham Club, London. War Services.—Chairman, West of England Munitions Committee, Ministry of Munitions, and Member of several committees at Ministry of Munitions, rA London; Member of Engineering (New Industries), Committee, Ministry of Reconstruction.

STOTT, Bertram Edward, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.S.T., Electrical Engineer, 24, Hilton Crescent, Prestwich, Manchester. b. 1886. Ed. Leigh Grammar School; School of Technology, Manchester (Diploma and Research, extra year ). In works of, then Draughtsman with Henry Simon, Ltd., Manchester; Engineer, Head of Power Department, Simon Cawes, Ltd., Manchester; Chief Assistant Consulting Engineer with Dr. Cramp at Manchester; Assistant Manager and Engineer to Harland Engineering Co., Manchester. Chief Works: Power equipment for granaries, silos, coal washeries, chemical works, flour bleaching, sewage schemes, collieries, power stations, home and abroad. War Services.—Engaged on Government contracts. Chairman, Harland Engineering Co. War Savings Association.

STOWELL, Hugh, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Consulting Engineer for Water Supply and Sewerage, Expert Evidence, Arbitrations, 44, Mosley Street, Manchester. T. N.: 2310 City. b. 1869; third s. of late Canon T. A. Stowell, M.A., of Manchester. Ed. Manchester Grammar School. Engineering course at Victoria University, Manchester. 1886-9—Served articles as Civil Engineer with late Arthur Jacob, B.A., M.Inst.C.E. 1889-93—Assistant Engineer to Salford Corporation. 1893-8—Deputy Borough Engineer of Tunbridge Wells. 1898-1907—Deputy Borough Engineer of Wimbledon. 1907 to date—Chief Inspector and Engineering Adviser to the Rivers Mersey and Irwell Joint Committee. Member of the Union Club, Manchester.

STRACHEY, Ralph, M.Inst.C.E., Late Chief Engr., East Indian Railway.; b. 1868; s. of Sir Richard Strachey, F.R.S., G.C.S.I. Ed. Clifton. Training: Royal Indian Eng. Coll., Coopers Hill. Asst. Engr., East Indian Railway., 1889, finishing as Chief Engr., 1912-20. Club: Oriental. Address Oriental Club.

STRADLING, Walter Alfred, A.F.Aer.Inst., A.M.I.E.E., Telephone and Telegraph Engineer, 8, Linscott Road, Clapton, E.S. b. 1879. Ed. Northampton Institute, Regent Street Polytechnic, City and Guilds Institute. Ten years with National Telephone Co. Past 7i years with G.P.O. 1911, awarded Diploma Telephone Engineering, Regent Street Polytechnic; City and Guilds Honours, Telephone Engineering, igro. Teacher in engineering practice, London County Council; Lecturer in Physics, London County Council. War Services.—Royal Engineers, retained for civil duties.

STRAIN, John, M.I. and S.I., M.Inst.C.E., (Former Vice-Pres.), Cassillis House, Ayrshire.

STRANGE, William Lumisden, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Irrigation, Roads and, Buildings), Laracor, Mill Road, Worthing. b. 1857; s. of T. L. Strange, Judge of the High Court, Madras; m. Rose Fanny, d. of Horace Cobbold, Capel Hall, Trimley St. Mary, Suffolk. Ed. King's College, London, and Royal Indian Engineering College, Coopers Hill. Indian Public Works Department under Bombay Government, 1879-1912 (less intervals in other apptintments). Under-Secretary to the Government of India, Public Works Department, i year 8 months; 1 4 First Director of Irrigation, Transvaal, 4 years 8 months; Irrigation Adviser to Government of Ceylon, 8 months; Acting Secretary to Bombay Government Public Works Department, 3 months; retired as Chief Engineer in Sind, 14 months. Chief Works: Waghad Dam (earthen, 95 feet high); Dhupdal Weir (masonry, 25 feet high, i mile long); Hubli Waterworks (population 45,000 ). Publications: " Reservoirs with High Earthen Dams in Western India " (Institution of Civil Engineers Telford Premium); " Indian Storage Reservoirs with Earthen Dams " (2nd edition, Spon ); " Report on Irrigation in Ceylon," " Irrigation, Roads and Buildings " (Routledge, in press).

STRATFORD-ANDREWS, Thomas William. Associate I.E.E., Man. Dir., Indo-European Telegraph Co.; Chairman, Radio Communication Co.; Director, Delhi Electric Tramways and Lighting Co., London Platino Brazilian Telegraph Co.; b. 1870; s. of William Stratford-Andrews. Ed. King's Coll., London. Training: Siemens, Schukert, Berlin. 2nd class Order, Lion and Sun, with special distinction Persian. Career: After leaving Berlin, became Asst., the Man. Dir., 1896 Indo-European Tel. Co., and Man. Dir. in 1899. Address: 18, Old Broad Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " c /o Indo, London." T. N.: 1721 Wall.

STRATTON, G., Gen. Manager and Engr., Sunderland District Electric Tramways, Ltd. Address: 119-125, Finsbury Pavement, London, E.C.

STRETCHE, Thomas Edward Price, M.I. E.E., Superintending Engineer, General Post Office, Cross Stieet, Preston. T. A.: " Stretche, Preston." T. N.: Preston 1201. b. 1865; s. of J. B. Stretche, Gloucester; m. eldest d. of the late Andrew Brewis, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Ed. Crypt Grammar School, Gloucester, and Durham College of Science. Post Office Engineer, Glasgow, 1893; Engineer, General Post Office, London, 1 goo; Staff Engineer, General Post Office, 1904; Assistant Superintending Engineer, Southern District, 1907; Superintending Engineer, North-Western District, 1911. Interested in telephone development since 1887. Member of Constitutional Club, London, and Winckley Club, Preston. War Services.—Military Representative and National Service Representative, Fulwood Recruiting Tribunal. Late Captain, Highland Light Infantry.

STRETTON, Theodore, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech. E., M.I. and S.I., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 11, Windsor Place, Cardiff. T. A.: " Thor, Cardiff."' T. N.: 2978 Cardiff. b. 1876; m. 1911. Ed. St. Edmund's College, London; Polytechnic, London (Regent Street); University College (Engineering Department), Cardiff. Practical engineering training at Brown, Lenox and Co.'s Works, Pontypridd, South Wales. Assistant Engineer, Robert W. Blackwell and Co., Ltd., London; Engineer for same firm in South Wales; entered into partnership with Sidney B. Haslam in 1906; Chairman, Haslam and Stretton (Engineering and Motor Utilities), Ltd.; Man. Dir, Thor Electric Safety Lamp Co., Ltd., Birmingham. Member, South Wales Institute of Engineers, also of Association of Mining Electrical Engineers. Chief Works: Installation of plant at collieries and works: cables, overhead transmission lines, high and low tension switchgear. Patents: Thor Miners' Electric Safety Lamp. Publications: Papers read before Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Institution of Electrical Engineers, and South Wales Institute of Engineers. Member of the Royal Automobile and Engineers' Clubs. War Services.—Manufacture of electric safety lamps for mining operations in war area; also engaged in superintending erection and maintenance of plant in collieries, steelworks, etc.

STRICKLAND, Frederic, M.I.Mech.E., A.E., Mechanical Engineer, 8, St. Alban's Road, London, W.8. T. N.: Western 6074. b. 1867. Ed. Eton College. Served time, Simpson and Dennison, marine engineers, Dartmouth; joined the firm as partner, 1887, the title being altered to Simpson, Strickland and Co.; retired from this firm, 1900, and traded as Strickland and Co., motor engineers, Teddington, till 1904; acted as Consulting Engineer till 1914; 1921 joined the Dudbridge Ironworks, Ltd., Stroud, as London representative. War Services.—Joined R.A.S.C. (M.T.), August 8, 1914; promoted Major, August 1, 1915; transferred Tank Corps, January 7, 1917; joined Ministry of Munitions as Chief Inspecting Officer of Motor Transport, February 18, 1918; was appointed Assistant Controller, D.B. 2a, April 12, 1919.

STROMEYER, Charles Edmund, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., M.I.N.A. Member of First General Cttee., N.P.L., Chief Engr., Manchester Steam Users' Assoc. for the Prevention of Boiler Explosions; b. 1856; s. of Charles Stromeyer, London. Ed. London. Training: Aix-la-Chapelle. Distinctions: Eng. Diploma, Telford Medal and Two Premiums. App. Study and Shore Practice, Sea-going Engr., 2 years; Engr. Sur. to Lloyd's Register, 17 years. Chief Researches: Injurious Effect of Working Steel at a Blue Heat; Measurement of Strains in Ships, Boilers, and Bridges, demonstrating weakness of Single Butt Straps in Ships' Plating, which were then superseded by Lap Joints; Interference Method of Measuring Strains, including Poisson's Ratio; Chemical Method of Gauging Streams; Calorimetric Method of finding fatigue limits; established the Law of Fatigue; Ageing of Steel; Experiments on Subaqueous Explosions against Ships' sides, leading to recommendations to Admiralty to reduce thickness of Shell Plating of warships and to increase that of longitudinal bulkheads. Recommendation adopted in " Revenge," 1913, and all subsequent battleships. Publ.: " Marine Boiler Management and Construction," " Memorandums of Manchester Steam Users' Assoc." Club: Brasenose, Manchester. Address: Lancefield, West Didsbury. T. N.: Didsbury 177.

STRUBEN, Arthur M. A., Major R.A.F., 0.B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Rail. ways and Water Supply ), Bronwydd, Beaconsfield, Bucks. T. N.: Beaconsfield 52. b. 1871; s. of H. W. Struben of Rosebank, Cape Colony; m. d. of Bishop Bousfield of Pretoria. Ed. South African College, Cape Town; University College, London. Pupil to Baldry and Yerbury and Sir Douglas Fox and Partners. On staff of Public Works Department, Cape Imperial Military Railways, Transvaal; Public Works Department, Transvaal; Irrigation Department, Transvaal; Consulting Engineer, Pretoria, South Africa. Chief Works: Railway survey and construction, England, Bechuanaland, and Transvaal; irrigation surveys, Cape irrigation and water supply engineering, South Africa, including design and construction of various irrigation and storage works and water supply; railway reconstruction and water supply, German South West Africa Campaign; selection and arrangement of aerodromes. Member of Wellington and Royal Air Force Clubs. War Services.—German South West Africa Campaign. Commission in South African Engineer Corps, 1914-5; War Office Staff, 1916; Air Ministry Staff, 1916 to present date.

STUART, Sir Andrew M., Major-General, K.C.M.G., C.B., M.Inst.0.E., M.I.E.E., Military and Civil Engineer, 34, Arthur Road, S.W.19. T. N.: Wimbledon 2018. b. 1861. Ed. Dulwich College; Royal Military Academy, Woolwich; School of Military Engineering, Chatham. Commissioned, Royal Engineers, July, 1879; Director of Works and Buildings, Air Ministry. Member of the Army and Navy Club. War Services.—Director of Works, British Armies in France, 1914-19.

STUART, Edward John, O.B.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Woodcote, Beaconsfield Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. T. N.: Greenwich 537 b. 1882; s. of Charles Edward William Stuart. Ed. Cranleigh School; Matriculated, London University. Apprenticeship, Great Northern Railway Locomotive Works, Doncaster. Held various positions with British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Alley and MacLellan, Ltd.; The Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd. Member of New Oxford and Cambridge, and Pall Mall Clubs. War Services.—Assisted in raising Public School Brigade, Royal Fusiliers; gazetted Major October, 1914; transferred in 1916 to Ministry of Munitions Inspection Department.

STUART, Herbert Akroyd, M.I.Mech.E. Lon., Mech. Engr.; Proprietor and Manager; b. 1864. Ed. Privately. Trained: Bletchley Ironworks. Inventor of The Two Akroyd Heavy Oil Engine Cycles: No. 1—Akroyd Heavy Oil Engines (world-renowned) as Hornsby-Akroyd, Hot-Bulb, Semi-Diesel, etc., etc.; No. 2—Akroyd High-Compression Heavy Oil Engines, so-called Solid-Injection System; it is now generally known that nearly all British Submarine Engines work on this "Akroyd Cycle "; nearly 200,000 B.H.P. in use in H.M. Naval Service during the War; Akroyd (Patent) Down Draft Gas Producers. Head Offices: Akroyd Bdgs., King Street, Perth. Akroyd Works: James' and John Streets, West Perth. Cables: " Akroyd, Perth, W.A." Private: "Akroydon, Claremont, W.A." Codes: A B C, Private. Address: Akroydon, Claremont, W. Australia.

STUART, Thomas, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, 411, Kingsbury Road, Erdington, Birmingham; b. 189o. Ed. Hamilton Crescent Sch, and the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Served apprenticeship in the shops of J. Ritchie, Partick, and in the Drawing Office of J. Bennie and Sons, Glasgow. 1912—Assistant Chief Draughtsman to J. Bennie and Sons, Glasgow. From 1913-8—Tool Designer and Technical Assistant to the Manager of Tool Department of the Singer Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Clydebank. 1919—Tool Engineer with the Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., Birmingham. From 19169—Also Assistant to the Professor of Mechanics at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow.

STUBBS, Arthur, 0.B.E., M.I.A.E., M.I. and S.I., F.R.S.A., Cons. Engr. (Mech., Metallurgical); Director, Smethwick Stamping Co., Ltd., Smethwick; b. 188o; s. of J. Stubbs, of Osterley. Ed. Hull and Lincoln H.S. Polytechnic and King's Coll. Training: Engrs.' Dept., Underground Electric Railways. Co. Career: Estimating Engr., and Assist. Works Manager, Andrew Handyside and Co., Ltd.; Works Manager, Smethwick Stamping Co., Ltd., then Gen. Manager and Director; Tech. Adviser and Asst. Director, Forging and Casting Dept., M. of M.; Asst. Controller of Drop Forgings, M. of M.; Mem. various Ctees., B.E.S.A. Address: Sennocke, Four Oaks, Sutton Coldfield. T. A.: " Stubbs, Four Oaks." T. N.: 13, Smethwick.

STUBBS, Arthur James, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. E.E., Asst. Engr.-in-Chief to British Post Office; b. 1861; s. of Edward Ogle Stubbs. Ed. Private Schs. Training: Under Sir William Preece at P.O. Publ.: " Manual of Telephony," and numerous Tech. Papers. Addresses: Carlisle Lodge, S.E.25, and G.P.O., E.C.I. T. N.. Official 484.

STURGEON, Robert Alexander, Assoc.M. Inst.0.E A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, c/o Thos. Broadbent and Sons, Ltd., Huddersfield. b. 1882; s. of late John Sturgeon, M.Inst. C.E.; m. Dorothy Hey, of York, 1909. Ed. Leeds Modern School and Yorkshire College, Leeds. Under his father, John Sturgeon, M.Inst.C.E., and Dougills Engineering, Ltd., Leeds. Subsequently with Crossley Brothers, Manchester; Hughes and Lancaster, Ltd., Ruabon, gas engines, air compressors, sewage plant, centrifuges. Director of Sturgeon Centrifuge Co., Ltd. (private company). Chief Works: Inventor of self-discharging centrifuge for separating solids from liquids; inventor of improvements in mines and depth charges, which were adopted as standard by the Admiralty during the war. Member of the Chemical Engineering Group of the Society of Chemical Industry. War Services.—H.M.S. " Vernon," and Mining School, Portsmouth, as Engineer (Designing).

STURROCK, Frederick Claud, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S.A., M.S.A.I.E.E., F.R.C.I., Mech. and Elec. Engr.; Chairman, Sturrock, South Af., Ltd.; Chairman, African Coaling and Exporting Co., Ltd.; Vice-Chairman, South African Alkali, Ltd., etc., etc.; b. 1882; s. of James Sturrock, of Dundee, Scotland. Ed. High Sch., Dundee, and Tech. Coll., Dundee. Training: Dundee, Wolverhampton and London. Career: With James Carmichael and Sons, Ltd.,.Wood Foundry, Dundee; Thomas Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton; J. S. White and Co., Ltd., Victoria Street, London. Clubs: Rand and Country, Johannesburg. Addresses: Oceana Bldg., Johannesburg; P.O. Box 2863. T. A.: " Delta." T. N.: 2596-7.

SUGDEN, Vincent Henry, M.Sc., Elec. Engr.; Man. Dir., Parmiter, Hope and Sugden, Ltd.; b. 1875; s. of William Sugden. Ed. Tettenhall Coll., Staffs, and Dresden, Saxony. Training: Manchester University. Address: Highfield Lodge, Congleton. T. N.: 127 Congleton.

SUGGATE, Claude Francis Denny, Major (temp.), M.C., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, with the Royal 3! Army Ordnance Corps, Singapore, Straits Settlements. T. A.: " Suggate, R.A.O.C., Singapore." T. N.: Military 24, Singapore. b. 1885, Sheffield; m. 1913. Ed. Newells' Schools, Sheffield, and the Polytechnic School of Engineering, Regent Street, London, W.; pupil with the Torque Electrical Engineering Co., Hammersmith, London, W.C. Junior Assistant with Hadfield's Steel Foundry Co., Sheffield, and Edmundsons' Electricity Works, Glossop; Assistant Engineer witb. the Lewes (Sussex) Electricity Works and with the Lancashire Dynamo Co., Manchester; Chief Assistant Engineer with the North Metropolitan Electricity Works, St. Albans, Herts; Assistant Engineer with the Smithfield Electricity Supply Co., London; Assistant Distribution Engineer with the Great Eastern Railway Co. (Electrical Engineer's Department ), London. December '5,1914, resigned appointment last named and volunteered services for His Majesty's Army, and was granted a temporary commission with the Royal Army Ordnance Corps as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, with temporary rank of Lieutenant. Chief Works: Engaged as a M9chanical and Electrical Engineer on public power supply work. War Services.—Proceeded to France, September, 1915; promoted to Captain, January, 1916 (tem porary); awarded Military Cross, January, 1917; promoted to Major, March, 1918 (temporary); left B.E.F. March, 1919, and proceeded to Singapore. Total service in the field, 3i years continuous.

SULLY, Herbert Thomas, M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1869; s. of Thomas Nicholson Sully, J.P. Ed. Bristol Grammar Sch. Training: Sch. of E.E., Hanover Square, London, and Pupil, Crompton and Co., Chelmsford. Club: Constitutional, Bristol. Address; Scottish Widows Bldgs., Bristol. Private Address: io, Durdham Park, Bristol. T. N.: 2510 Bristol.

SUMMERSON, Robert Bradley, F.I.D., M.I. and S.I., Man. Dir. and Chairman of Thos. Summerson and Sons, Ltd.; b. 1856; s. of the late Thomas Summerson. Ed. Privately. Training: In the Works of Thos. Summerson and Sons. Career: Entered Firm of Thos. Summerson, 187o; Partner, 1890; became Chairman of Thos.. Summerson and Sons, Ltd., 1907; Director, Dean Moor Coal Co., Ltd., and McLachlan and Co., Ltd.; Member, Federation of British Industries. Clubs: Northern Counties, Whitehall, S.W.; Cleveland, Middlesbro'. Address: Hall Gurth, Coatham Mundeville, Darlington. T. A.: " Summerson, Darlington." T. N.: 2441.

SUMNER, Leonard, O.B.E., M.Sc., VicePres. Inst. Met., The Broughton Copper Works, Manchester.

SUMPNER, W. E., D.Sc., M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Technical School, Suffolk Street, Birmingham. T. N.: Midland 151r, Birmingham. b. 1865. Fellow, University College, London; Fellow, City and Guilds of London Institute. Lecturer, City and Guilds Engineering College, 1888-94; Head of Electrical Department, Battersea Polytechnic, 1894-5. Since 1895, Principal and Head of Electrical Department, Birmingham Technical School. Vice-President of Physical Society, 1915-18; Chairman of Local Section, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1904-5. Publications: Papers presented to the Royal Society, the Physical Society, British Association, Institution of Electrical Engineers, etc. Member of the Clef Club, Birmingham.

SUNNER, John Harley, M.I.N.A., Mech.E., F.C.M.S., Cons. Engr. and Ship Surveyor; Non-Exclusive Surveyor, British Corpn. Registry; b. 1858. Ed. Carmichael's Sch., Cork. Training: William Symons and Co., Renfrew. Career: Seagoing Engr., 1881-96; Cons. Engr. and Sur., Singapore, 1896-1915, Cork, 1916 to date. Clubs: Royal Cork Yacht, Cork Harbour Rowing, and Monkstown. Address: Belle Vue, Monkstown, Co. Cork. T. A.: "Sunner, Monkstown, Cork." T. N.: 40 Passage-West.

SUTCLIFFE, Edgar Rouse, Wh.Ex., M.Inst. Met., Man. Dir. of Sutcliffe, Speakman and Co., Ltd., Leigh, Lancs.; Dir. of Fuel Eng., Ltd., Pure Coal Briquettes, Ltd., British Brick Co., Ltd., Cyclops Stamping Co., Ltd.; b. 1874. Has made a Speciality of Briquetting Mineral and Metal Fines, Coal Briquetting, etc.; invented Process for manufacture from Coal of an Active Absorbant Charcoal for Gas Absorption, and Decolorization; has done much work on the Low Temperature Colorization of Coal. Addresses: Westside, Lowton, Newton-le-Willows, and 36, Marryat Road, Wimbledon, London, S.W.19. T. N.: 1228 Wimbledon.

SUTTON, George, M.I.E.E., Chairman and Man. Dir, of W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., Home Lodge, Wickham Road, Beckenham, Kent.

SWAINSON, John Henry, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., Harbour, Railway, Waterworks and Sanitary Engineer, 1, Hill Street, Wrexham; b. 1858; s. of Edward Swainson, cotton manufacturer, Preston, Lancs. Ed. Preston Grammar School; Windermere College; and Uppingham School. Served articles to Garlick, Park and Sykes, architects, surveyors and civil engineers (Ed. Garlick, Borough Engineer and Engineer to River Ribble Navigation Board, Preston). 879-83—Assistant to the late Henry Littler, architect and surveyor, Bow Chambers, Cross Street, Manchester. 1883-5—Assistant to Chas. Napier Bell, M.Inst.C.E., New Zealand, on Lyttleton Harbour and Westport Harbour works, and on East to West Coast Railway. 1885-8—Resident Engineer in charge of Calliope Graving Dock, Auckland, New Zealand. Returned to England and, 1889-99, in private practice as Architect, Surveyor and Civil Engineer at Wrexham. 1899-1907—Managing Assistant to Grayson and Ould, architects, etc., Liverpool. In private practice since 1909 at Wrexham. Diocesan Surveyor for St. Asaph's Diocese, 1916 to date.

SWAINSTON, William Hopper, M.I.N.A., Engr. and Shipbuilder, Marine and Refrigeration; Director of Wm. Eshlen, Son and Swainston; b. 1859; s. of George and Christiana Swainston, Sunderland. Ed. King's Sch., Sherborne and Germany. Career: Seven years at N.E. Marine Eng., and George Clark and Co., Sunderland; 3 years at Sea, 1st Class B.O.T. Co. Cert.; in Shipbuilding Yard and Commercial Business 2 years. Address: " Rosebank," South Street, Epsom. T N.: Epsom 435.

SWANN, H. W., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co., Manor House, Finsbury Park. T. A.: "Lentiscus. London." T. N.: Tottenham 77. b. 1883; m, October 21, 1915. Ed. Perse School, Cambridge, and Faraday House, London. Subsequently with Callen-261 der's Cable and Construction Co., then the Metropolitan Electric Tramways, now with the North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co. Was Resident Engineer for this company's Barnet undertaking in 1911. Now Outside Superintending Engineer.

SWARBRICK, F., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Corporation Electricity Department, Basingstoke. T. N.: 74 Basingstoke. Training with Blackpool Corporation Electricity and Tramways Department and the Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., London and Loughborough. Assistant Electrical Enginee; to the Borough of Leigh, Lancs; Chief Engineer and Manager to the Galway Electric Co., Ltd., Galway; Managing Engineer and Secretary to the Minehead Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Minehead; Consulting and Resident Electrical Engineer to the Leek Urban District Council Electricity Department; Borough Electrical Engineer and Manager, Basingstoke.

SWIFT, John Crane, M.I.Mar.E., M.I.N.A., Mech. Engr.; b. at Bolton, Lancashire, 1843. Ed. In Private Schs., 1850-8. Tech. Instruction from his father, who was an Engr. Served his App., Miller and Ravenhill, Glasshouse Fields, London, 1859-65; employed as Foreman and Manager by John Taylor, Abby Ironworks, 1866-71; Engr. at Sea, 1871-90, B.O.T. Cert.; Asst. to Mr. Meiklereid, in Designing and Constructing Steam Ships and Supervising their Construction to 1893; engaged by Compania de Savilla in Spain, 1893-96; Supt. Engr., Victoria Steam Boat Co„ and of Mead, Son and Hussy, 18969; now employed as Mech. Man. by Thompson Brothers, 155, Fenchurch Street, E.C.

SWINBURNE, James, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S., P.-Pres. I.E.E., P.-Pres. J.Inst.E., P.-Pres. Faraday Soc.; b. 1858; s. of Capt. T. A. Swinburne, R.N. Ed. Clifton Coll. App. at Eng. Works on the Tyne; Draughtsman in the S. Shields Gasworks; then with Sir Joseph Swan to erect Glow Lamp Factories in Paris, and Boston, U.S.A.; 1884— Man. to Hammond Co.'s Lamp Factory; 1886— Tech. Manager and Designer to Crompton and Co.; since 1894 has practised as a Cons. Engr. Club: Athenaeum. Address: 82, Victoria Street, S.W.; Woodhurst, Oxted, Surrey. T. A.: " Swooper, Sowest, London." T. N.: 4922 Victoria, Io New Oxted.

SWINBURNE, Major U. P., M.Inst.M.M., etc., Chief Inspector of Mines, Union of S. Af.; b. 1869; s. of Sir John Swinburne, Bt. Ed. Merchiston, Edinburgh. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Career: Colliery Metaliferous Experience in England, Rhodesia and Western Australia; Inspector of Mines, Pretoria, Natal, Orange Free State and Cape Colony; now Chief Inspector of Mines, S. Af. Clubs: Brook's and Bachelors', London. Address: Mines Dept., Johannesburg. T. A.: " Engineering." T. N.: Central 5073.

SWINDEN, Thomas, D.Met. (Sheffield), D.Met., Chief Metallurgist, Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd.; b. 1886; s. of Thomas Swinden. Ed. Sheffield Central (Secondary) Sch., and Firth Coll., Sheffield. Training: Sheffield University, Upsala and Stockholm Research Sch.; City and Guilds of London Inst., 1st Class Hons.; 1851—Royal Exhibitioner, Carnegie Gold Medallist, Iron and Steel Inst.; Mappin Medallist, 1905; B. Met., 1908; M. Met., 1909; D. Met., 1913, Sheffield. Career: In Private Practice, then Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd. Numerous Papers to Inst. of British Foundrymen (Member of Council), Sheffield Soc. Eng. and Met. (Member of Council), Sheffield Assoc. Metallurgists (P.-Pres.), Iron and Steel Inst., Inst. E.E., etc. Principal Papers (Carnegie Research Memoirs) on Carbon Tungsten Steels, Constitution of Carbon Tungsten Steels, Carbon Molybdenum Steels, Constitution of Carbon Molybdenum Steels, read before the Iron and Steel Inst. and Magnetic Properties of Carbon Tungsten Steels, Inst. E.E. Also Pyrometry, Influence of Tin in High-speed Steel, Open Hearth Practice, Cupola Slags, etc. Address: 26, Oakhill Road, Sheffield. T. A.: " Swinden, Fox, Deepcar." T. N.. Sharrow, 464.

SWINEY, John Harris Hazlett, B.A., B.Eng., T.C.D., M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 83, Royal Avenue, Belfast. T. N.: Belfast 581. Training: Trinity College, Dublin, where took out degrees in Arts and Engineering; afterwards served pupilage with late John Bower, M.Inst.C.E., of Dublin. As junior engaged upon laying out and construction of various railways, water supplies and sewerage works; as Engineer-in-Chief advised upon construction or improvement of supplies in Drogheda, Galway, Tralee, Omagh, Tullamore, Ballymoney, Londonderry, Dungannon, etc.; designed and carried out supplies for Longford, Navan, Kells, Portrane, Portadown, Banbridge, Newtownards, Larne, Ballymena, Portrush, Kilkeel, Monaghan, Clones, Cavan, etc. There are few towns in North of Ireland he has not been concerned with in some capacity. He has designed and carried out many sewerage schemes, including Newtownards, Newcastle, Clones, Cregagh, etc. From 1890-6, laid out several lines of railways in West of Ireland, since constructed under Government grants. For many years Government arbitrator where lands or premises were required for public works, while many disputes between public boards and contractors are referred to him to decide. Publications: Author of papers on " Scraping of Water Mains," " Light Railways in Donegal," " Smaller Water Supplies of Ireland." Member of Ulster Club, Belfast.

SWINTON, Alan A. Campbell, F.R.S.,.Inst. C.E., V.-Pres. I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Consulting Engineer, 66, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 1506. b. Scotland, 1863. Ed. Edinburgh and abroad. Sir W. G. Armstrong's Elswick Works, 1882-7. Past President Röntgen Society; Chairman of Council, Royal Society of Arts; Member of the Executive Ctee. of the National Physical Laboratory. Has been responsible for the design and carrying out of numerous large electrical schemes for lighting, power and traction. Is Chairman of Crompton and Co., Ltd., of Chelmsford, and is a Director of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Parsons Foreign Patents Co., Ltd., Edmundson Electricity Corporation, Ltd., The Cambridge Electric Supply Co., Ltd., The Scarborough Electric Supply Co., Ltd., The Kent Electric Power Co., The Bath Electric Tramways, Ltd., and other engineering concerns; interested in electrical engineering and research. Publications: Many papers on scientific subjects communicated to the Royal Society, the Royal Institution, the Royal Society of Arts, the Physical Society, and in the technical press. Clubs: Athena-um, Carlton, Junior Carlton, Wellington, New, Edinburgh; Northern Counties, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

SWIRE, William Hughes Thornton, A.M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., Jute Industries, Ltd., Dundee; b. 1880; s. of Samuel Thornton Swire. Ed. LanNeth Polytechnic, London. Training: Northampton Inst. Address: " Romney," Fairmuir, Dundee. T. N.: 2704.

SYKES, Adrian Francis, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Inventor), Arundel House, Warwick Road, New Barnet, Herts; b. 1889; s. of Ursula and Frank Sykes; m. July, 1919, to Winifred Mary Martin. Ed. Merchant Taylors School and East London College (University of London ). Career: Research and invention; Managing Director, Sykes-Morris Submarine Acoustics, Ltd. Chief Works: In association with Professor MacGregor Morris, M.I.E.E., invented and developed the portable directional hydrophones. War Services.—Production of Sykes-Morris directional hydrophones used by the Admiralty for detecting and locating submarines during the war.

SYKES, J. Arthur, M.I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engineer, " Elmhurst," Park Crescent, Roundhay, Leeds. T. A.: "Tubes, Leeds." T. N.: 20031 Leeds and 302 Roundhay. b. 1880. Training: Huddersfield Technical College. Chief Draughtsman, Clayton and Co., Huddersfield; Assistant Engineer, Huddersfield Corporation Tramways; Assistant Engineer, Rhyl Electricity and Destructor Works; Power Station Superintendent, Mansfield Corporation Electricity Works; Deputy Engineer and Manager, Heston and Isleworth Electricity Works; Manager and Chief Electrical Engineer, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Glasgow; Assistant to General Manager, Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Works Manager, The Yorkshire Copper Works, Ltd., Leeds. President Yorkshire Centre, Industrial League and Council. Publications: " Use of Electricity in Steel Works," etc.

SYKES, Joseph Charles, M.I.Mech.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., F.P.W.Inst., M.I.Loco.E., R.S.E., F.R.S.A., M.J.Inst.Engrs., Man. Dir., W. R. Sykes, Interlocking Signal Co., Ltd.; b. 1871; s. of late William Robert Sykes. Ed. King's Coll. Sch., London. Training: King's Coll., London. App., Wm. Kirtley, Loco. Carriage, Wagon and Marine Supt., L.C. and D. Railway.; subsequently employed in various capacities in that Dept., including Asst. to Loco. Works Manager and in charge of Running Sheds; in charge of maintenance of all Elec. Apparatus controlling the Signalling (" Lock and Block," etc.) on the L.C. and D. Railway.; Asst. Works and Asst. Gen. Manager, Dep. Man. Dir., W. R. Sykes, Interlocking Signal Co., Ltd., 1897-1910; since 1910, Man. Dir. Club: Constitutional. Address: 25, Malmain's Way, Beckenham, Kent. T. A.: " Blockish, 'Phone, London." T. N.: Battersea 32 5

SZEKACS, Jules, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Aeronautical Engineer, 11, Verdon Avenue, Hamble, Hants; b. 1873; s. of the late Monsieur Jules Szekacs of Le Havre, France; m. 1894, Betty North. Ed. Eastbourne and Firth College (the present University ), Sheffield. Engineering training received at the works of Crompton and Co., Ltd., Chelmsford, and at Sheffield with T. Scott Anderson, M.Inst. C.E. Remained with T. Scott Anderson as Chief Assistant Engineer till 1899. From '90o-7—Managing partner of Spenser and Co., then incorporated with Spensers, Ltd., Engineers, London and Edinburgh; continued in this Company as General Manager and Director till 1916. Since 1916 on the Technical Staff of A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Aeronautical Engineers, Manchester, Hamble and London. War Services.—Manufacture of shell parts, etc., on behalf of Spensers, Ltd.; electrolytic research and manufacturing work, Sherard Cowper Coles, M.I.E.E.; aeroplane construction, A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd. Passed for military service but not called up owing to nature of occupation.

SZLUMPER, Alfred Weeks, Major, C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, London and South Western Railway, Waterloo Station, London, S.E.I. T. A.: "Trackroad, Rail, London." T. N.: Hop poo. b. 1858; fourths. of the late Albert Szlumper; in. to Frances, only d. of the late Captain Williams. Ed. Aberystwyth Grammar School and University of Wales. Articled to his brother, Sir James W. Szlumper, M.Inst.C.E., etc. After serving as Chief Assistant to his brother, Engineering Assistant on the South Eastern Railway for two years, then Resident Engineer on a section of the Great Indian Peninsular Railway. Returning to England in 1883 entered the service of the London and South Western Railway, acted as Resident Engineer in charge of the widening works in the neighbourhood of London and also from Woking to Basingstoke. In 1897, Divisional Engineer in charge of the London Division. Since r914, Chief Engineer of the Railway. Chief Works: Reconstruction of the following railway bridges over the Thames, viz., Barnes Bridge, Richmond Bridge, Kingston Bridge; Bentley and Bordon Railway, Hampton Court Flyover Line; reconstruction of Waterloo Station, new gravitation yard at Feltham, Padstow new wet dock. Publications: Papers read at the Institution of Civil Engineers for which he has been awarded the Millar Prize, Trevithick Premium, Telford Premiums and Telford Gold Medal. Member of St. Stephen's, Westminster, and Roehampton Clubs. War Services.—Light railways, sidings, stations and many other works for the War Office.

SZLUMPER, Gilbert Savil, Major, Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, L. and S.W. Railway DockOffice, Southampton. T. A.:" Foremost, Southampton." T. N.: Southampton 194. b. 1884; s. of Alfred W. Szlumper, M.Inst.C.E. (Chief Engineer L. and S.W. Railway); m. in 1913, Jessie Salter. Ed. King's College School, and King's College, London. Commencing 1902 trained as a " cadet " under late J. W. Jacomb-Hood (then Chief Engineer L. and S.W. Railway) for three years. Constructed Bentley and Bordon Light Railway (by railway Company's own labour); reconstructed and enlarged Yeovil Junction Station; carried out alignment improvements and introduction of transition curves on L. and S.W. Railway; Chief Assistant to Central District Engineer, L. and S.W. Railway, at Eastleigh; concerned in several big works on L. and S.W. Railway; Resident Engineer in charge of track and cable work of L. and S.W. Railway; electrification of Suburban Lines; Resident Engineer in charge of construction of Hampton Court Flyover Line. In 1914 Assistant to the General Manager, L. and S.W. Railway (Sir Herbert Walker, K. C. B. ). 1914-9—Secretary to the Railway Executive Committee. June, 1919—Deputy Docks .and Marine Manager, L. and S.W. Railway, Southampton. Member of the Junior Army and Navy, and Eccentric Clubs. War Services.—Senioi• Railway Transport Officer of the British Army whilst Secretary of the Railway Executive Committee during whole period of war. Promoted Major in 1916.

See Also


Sources of Information