1929 Royal Warrants (06)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to His Majesty The King in the Lord Chamberlain's Office, with Authority to display the Royal Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly the Royal Standard, or to use the word "Royal."
Pages 34-38
- G. Bailey and Sons
- Bannister, Henry, and Co
- Barber and Sons
- Bar-Lock (1925) Co
- W. Barrett and Son
- Barringer, Wallis and Manners
- Bartholomew, John, and Sons
- Beale and Inman
- Beeston Boiler Co
- Beken and Son
- Bellman, Ivey and Carter
- Benzie, Simpson
- Blackford, Oscar
- Blacklock, Henry and Co
- Borelii, Charles, and Sons
- Box, Joseph
- Bramah and Co
- British Pens
- Broadwood, John, and Sons
- Brock, C. T., and Co's "Crystal Palace" Fireworks
- Brodie, Robert, and Son
- Bromsgrove Guild
- Brook and Son
- Brown Brothers and Taylor
- Bryant and May
- W. Buddles and Co
- Bumpus, John and Edward
- Burroughes and Watts
- Burt, Escare and Denelle
- Caesar Brothers
- E. J. Carpenter
- Carrington and Co
- Carron Co
- J. and A. Carters
- Cartier
- Chand, Manick
- Chand, Kishan, and Sons
- P. E. Chappuis and Co
- Chubb and Sons Lock and Safe Co
- Clarke, Edward
- Clayton and Bell
- Collings, Percy Vere
- Collingwood (Jewellers)
- P. and D. Colnaghi and Co
- J. Compton, Sons and Webb
- Cook, Edward, and Co
- Cook, Thos. W., Sons and Co
- T. Coulthard and Sons
- Crichton Brothers
- Crosfield, Joseph, and Sons
- Deacon, Charles
- Debenham and Freebody
- E. Dent and Co
- Dent and Hellyer
- C. W. Dixey and Son
- Doig, Wilson and Wheatley
- Doig, William, and Co
- Doulton and Co
- Draper, Francis
- Dreyfous
- J. F. Duggin and Co
- Dusmo Co
- Duveen Brothers
- Dyson and Sons
- Garrard and Co
- Garret and Haysom
- Gawthorp and Sons
- R. Gay and Co
- Gill and Reigate
- Gillett and Johnston, The Croydon Bell Foundry
- Gillott, Joseph, and Sons
- W. Goddard and Sons
- Goldsmiths and Silversmiths Co
- Goslett, Alfred, and Co
- Graves, Henry, and Co
- Gray, James, and Son, Ironmongers and Electricians
- Gray, William E.
- J. W. Gray and Son
- H. G. Haines
- Hall and Anderson
- W. T. Hamblin and Co
- Hamilton and Co
- Hamilton and Inches
- Hancocks and Co
- Hatfield, Henry John, & Sons
- Hawkes and Co
- Hazell, Watson and Viney
- Heelas, Sons and Co
- Heming and Co
- Herzog and Higgins
- Hewett and Sons
- W. H. Heywood and Co
- Hill, William, and Son, and Norman and Beard
- Hill, W. Ebsworth, and Sons
- Hills and Saunders
- Hobbs, Hart and Co
- Hoby and Gullick
- J. P. Hogg and Co
- Holt, Renfrew and Co
- Howard and Sons
- Hunt and Roskell
- G. Jackson and Sons
- Jackson, Wylie and Co
- Jefferiss and Co
- A. Jenkins and Sons
- Jenners, Princes Street, Edinburgh
- Jennings, George
- H. Johnston, Umbrellas
- Joubert, Amedee, and Son
- Jump and Sons
- Lee, Samuel, and Son
- Leggatt Brothers
- Lenygon and Morant
- Le Roy et Fils
- Lever Brothers
- Liberty and Co
- Lindsay and Gilmour
- List, William, and Sons
- Longman and Strongi'th'arm
- A. and J. Macnab
- Maine, Charles Thomas
- J. Manley
- Mansfield, Joseph
- Maple and Co
- Mappin and Webb
- W. J. Marshall
- Marvin, George
- Maule, Robert, and Son
- Mawers
- May and Williams
- McAfee, John, and Son
- R. and A. McVicker
- Medici Society
- J. Miles and Co
- Millar and Beatty
- Mitchell, John
- Morgan, John, and Sons
- Morris and Co, Art Workers
- Mowlem, John, and Co
- Pain, James, and Sons
- Paripan
- Peal and Co
- A. and F. Pears
- Phelps and Co
- T. G. Phillips
- Plante, H. H
- Pope, Roach and Son
- W. M. Power
- Pullar, John, and Sons
- Purimachos
- Richards, Westley, and Co
- Rigby, John, and Co (Gunmakers)
- Riviere, Robt., and Son
- Roberts and Co
- J. W. Roberts and Son
- Robinson and Cleaver
- Rodman, William, and Co
- Ronuk
- Rowney, George, and Co
- Royal Crown Derby Porcelain Co
- Royal Sovereign Pencil Co
- Russell and Co
- Russell, James, and Co
- Salt and Son
- Sanitas Co
- Savory and Moore
- Shalimar Paint, Colour and Varnish Co
- Shaw, John S., and Son
- T. Shaw and Co
- Silver and Edgington
- Simpson, Methven
- A. E. Skinner and Co
- Smith, Stanistreet and Co
- Smith, Turberville, and Son
- Solomon Brothers
- Sorley, Robert and William
- Sotherham, Henry, and Co
- Squire and Sons
- Stanford, Edward
- Steinway and Sons
- J. Stewart and Son
- G. Street and Co
- Stuart, William Slade
- Symonds, Mary
- Teale Fireplace Co
- Thacker, Spink and Co
- J. W. and F. Thomas
- Thresher and Glenny
- Thurston and Co
- Tiffany and Co
- Tims, John, and Sons
- Tuck, Raphael, and Sons
- Turner, Thomas, and Co (Sheffield)
- J. W. Walker and Sons
- Walker's Galleries
- Walpole Brothers (London)
- Ward, John
- Waring and Gillow
- Warner, John, and Sons
- Watkins and Watson
- E. Watts and Sons
- Waygood-Otis
- D. and J. Wellby
- West and Son
- White, Thomas, and Co
- Whiteley, William
- H. J. Whitlock and Sons
- Whittingham, Charles, and Griggs
- Whytock and Reid
- Wilkinson and Son
- Wilkinson Sword Co
- Wilton Royal Carpet Factory
- Winsor and Newton
- Wood, Robert
- Worcester Royal Porcelain Co
- Wylie and Lochhead
- Wyon, Allan G.
See Also
Sources of Information