1902 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1902 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 9
- Albany Tube Expander, 485.
- Abbott on the Locomobile. 327.
- Aberdare to Taunton, 425.
- Accessibility. 148.
- Accident, A Strange, 84.
- — in France. 197.
- — on Staten Island. 451.
- Accidents, Autocar. 179. 197 . 391.
- — Concerning. 403.
- — Horse and Motor, 2. 45.
- — with Horses. 242.
- Accumulator Cell. Liquid in, 440.
- — Charger. 532, 555.
- — Dry Battery j- or, 435.
- — To Charge an, 440.
- Accumulators. A Good Solution for. 440.
- — Castle. 90.
- — Crypto, 470.
- — Spare. 395.
- — Turn and Turn About. 368.
- Acetylene Lamp, “ Arclite,” 499.
- Act of 1896, 25.
- — The Proposed New. 65.
- Acts of Parliament, 25.
- Actual User (letter), 497.
- Adams, H. (letter), 476.
- Ader Cars, 636.
- Aero Club, 483.
- — Dinner. 530.
- Aerostat, “ Vivienne/’ 427.
- Africa, Colonising in, 227.
- — Trouble in West. 57.
- A.G. Induction Coil, The. 323.
- Agitation for Legislation. 197.
- Agricultural Motor, Albone’s, 453. 648.
- An. 87, 117, 379, 381. 537.
- — Boer Burghers and Ivel, 379.
- A.I.E.E. (letter), 208.
- Air Pressure for Steam Car6. 355.
- Ajax (querv). 386.
- Alarmist Press, The. 366.
- Albone. Mr. Dan 87.
- Alcohol Bicycle Race, 523.
- — Congress, An, 522.
- — for Autocars, 474.
- — Serpollet Steamer using 9.
- Alford Motor and Cycle Works, 330.
- Algeria. A Tour in, 446 . 660.
- A Little Knowledge etc., 76.
- Allday’s Traveller Voiturette 552.
- Alpha Motor Car and Cycle Works. 342, 405.
- Altrincham Magistrates and Motors. 404.
- Amateur Law Makers, 512.
- Ambleside Ferry. 546.
- Ambulance Motor, Metropolitan Asylums Board, 113.
- America. Litigation in, 526.
- — The Reliability Trials in, 668.
- — Transcontinental Railway, United States, 543.
- American-built Car. An, 444.
- American Motor Bicycle, “ Holley,” 3.
- — Petrol Cars. 315, 231.
- — Reliability Trials, 453. 464.
- — Steam Car, A New. 306.
- Ampleforth Abbey, 173.
- Anderson, F. L. (letter). 669.
- Anglo-American Oil Co. and Motor Spirit, 413.
- Anniversary Run of the Automobile Club, 459, 486. 487, 500. 534.
- Anomalies of the Law. 25.
- Anti-automoobilists in France. 549.
- Anti-freezing Mixtures, 469, 497.
- Antwerp Trial, 554.
- Anxious Enquirer (letter). 607.
- Appeal from Magistrates to Quarter Sessions. 76.
- — Not to Quarter Sessions, 26.
- — to the Superior Court. 511. 534.
- Arbroath, Motor Car Service at, 92.
- Ardennes Circuit, The, 60. 126, 143, 166.
- Argyll Brakes, The, 575.
- — 8 h.p., 23.
- Argyll Cars. 378.
- — Mr. W. Farrar Roberts’s 8 h.p., 477.
- — New 10 h.p.. 307.
- — The Passe-Partout and the. 19.
- Ariel Car, 10 h.p.. 434.
- — The New 16 h.p.. 205.
- Armoured Tread. Cudie and Co.'s. 642.
- Arnott. E. H.. End-to-end Journey on a Werner. 115.
- Arter. R. C.. Barham, 672.
- Asiatic Admirers, 226.
- Aspirant. A Promising. 495.
- Aster Engines. The Societe, 637.
- Ateliers, Societe des. 633.
- Atkey, A. R.. South Africa, 357.
- Attachment and Repair of Goodyear Tyres. 178.
- Austin, H. (letter), 65.
- Austin’s Misfortunes, Mr., 113.
- Autocar Deer Hunt. 669.
- — versus Balloon. 483, 540, 602.
- — Railway Locomotive, 115 , 404.
- — Wedding. 671.
- Autoclave, The, 518.
- Automatically-controlled Motor Vehicles, 379.
- Automobile Club Dinner, The, 509.
- — History of the. 673.
- — House, 68, 605.
- — Motor Cycle Competitions, 164 , 240.
- — of Great Britain and Ireland, 73. * 459.
- — Reliability Trials. 191 212. 227 , 230, 256 . 294 , 333 , 341. 377 , 382, 449 . 524.
- — Lunatics, 3.
- — Movement Spreading. 358
- — Mutual Protection Association, Ltd,, F 387.
- — Roads in New Countries. 227.
- — Volunteers. The. 313. 330. 347, 377. 450.
- Automobiles. Roads for, 51. 124, 148. 494.
- Automobilia Sparking Plug Attachment.
- — The. 493.
- Automobilists. A League Against. 549.
- Averages, A Stud; of, 99.
- Aversion to Police Tactics. 436.
- A. V. Motor Co. (letter), 669.
- — Worm Drive, 606.
- Awards. The Judges’, Trials. 300 . 382.
- Axle Can Dropped, 22. Axles, 557.
- — and Springs, Lemoine’s, 641
- Baby Peugeot, 610.
- Back Explosions. 225.
- Bagatti in his 24 h.p. De Dietrich. 310.
- Baker Electric Automobile, 423, 518.
- — W, Sidney (letter). 423.
- Balfour, A. J., with 9h.p. Napier, 82. 330.
- — Followed by Policeman, 67.
- Balkans, Tour in the, 61.
- Balloon. Autocar v., 483, 540, 602.
- — Carrying Dispatches, 453.
- Ball Thrust Bearing, The Rochet. 289.
- Banbury. No Motor Expert at. 378.
- Band Brake. De Dion-Bouton, 663.
- Banquet to the Gordon-Bennett Victors, 97. 122.
- Baras on 24 h.p. Racing Darracqs, 8.
- Bardon Engine, 677.
- Barna to, Harry. 649.
- — Mrs. Harry. 149.
- Barnes, F. J. (letter), 89.
- Barnikel, W. J. (letter) 657.
- Baron de Caters’s Record, 100.
- Barrow, Mr. Lorraine, on his Mercedes Lohner. 60.
- Bartleet/s, Mr. H. W., 5 h.p. Clement, 584.
- Bassee and Michel High Speed Coil, 547.
- Bath Road. Damage to the. 66.
- Bat Motor Bicycle, 572.
- Battery or Accumulator. Dry. 435.
- Bayidon v. Roadway Autocar Co.. Ltd. 62
- Bearing, The Rochet Ball Thrust 289
- Bearings. Hollow Kollers for, 346.
- — The Timken Roller 603.
- Beauchamp, Earl, and Lady Lettiee Grosvenor. 129.
- Beaufort Motor Co.. 671.
- Beauty Spots, To Open up. 376.
- — The Quality of. 253.
- Beddington. H. M.. on his 16 h.p. Pan- hard, 199.
- Belgian Ardennes, Race in the, 49.
- — Commerce, Automobiles. 529.
- Belgians, King of the, and his
- — The King of the, 77.
- Beigica Car, 633, 678.
- Belgium, Automobile Club of. 585.
- — Exhibition of Mechanical Traction in. 590.
- Believer in British Workmanship (letter). 112.
- Bell. J. Dalrymple (letter). 402.
- Bill, The Hon. J. S. Montagu’s, 26. 65, 76 197.
- Belsize Car, 223. 355, 402.
- Belt Dressing. “ The Castle,” 186.
- — Lincona Motor Cycle Driving, 135.
- Belts, Dirty Driving, 347.
- — Dubbin for Motor Cycle. 452.
- -. Twisted 395
- Benoist, M. Ernest. Dewaid Vehicles, 638.
- Benson. H. T. (letter). 475.
- Benz Car, 5,000 Miles, 356, 367.
- — Innovation, 629.
- Berlin. Motodrome, 540.
- Bexhill and Wellbeck Trials. 21. 71.
- — Motor Races, 112.
- — Races at (legal). 24.
- — Sequel to the, 49.
- Bickford Burners Co. (letter), 20.
- Bickford, J. S. V. (letter). 183, 647.
- Bicycle. A New Motor. 3.
- — Chain-driven Singer Motor. 426, 452. 573.
- — Contests. Motor, 3.
- — Driving, Motor. 386.
- — End-to-end on a Werner. 82.
- — Engines. Improvements in Motor. 40*
- — F.N. Motor, 380. 572.
- — Minerva Motor, 387.
- — Quadrant Motor. 370. 426.
- — Record, Fred W. Chase and Motor 52<*
- — Records on the Werner 168. 224.
- — Spare Parts for Motor. 537.
- Bicycles, Road Test, Ormonde Motor. 13.
- Bill, An Attempt to Improve the, 596.
- Billing. Eardley (letter) 523.
- Birdlip Hill. Century Tandem Climbing. 144
- Birmingham, Service of Motor Cars, 360
- Bishop of Oxford on a Car, 379.
- Blackmail, 523, 580.
- Blackpool Speed Trials, 311.
- Bleriot Elliptique Lamp, 80.
- Blount. Bertram (letter), 165, 403. 551.
- Blunt, Mr. Wilfred, and Lady Anne. 41.
- Board of Trade Engineer (letter), 403.
- Boake, E. J. (letter). 667.
- Body Building. Automobile. 384, 498.
- Bodies. Lamplugh et Cie.. 639.
- Boer Burgher^ and Ivel Agricultural Motor, 379.
- Boiler. Toledo. 492.
- Boilers, Fire Tube, 395.
- — Steam Carriage Co.. 520.
- Bollee. A Touring, 7.
- — Mr. E. Butler’s Humber Built. 471.
- Bolts, Tightening Nuts on to. 368.
- Bombastes Redivivus. 554.
- Booklet. Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.’s, 671.
- Boon to Fruit Growers, A, 165. 187
- Boulet Quadricycle. 614.
- Boulter’s Lane Accident in, 84.
- Bournemouth, Medical Motorists of 465
- Bowden’s Mr. H. W._ 1,500 MileR Tour m 6$ h p. Gladiator. 585.
- Boyer. Four-cylinder. 373.
- Bradbury Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Bradford. Mayor of. 175.
- — Tramways and the City Council. 351.
- — M.C. Co. (letter). 448.
- Bradshaw. T. Picton (letter'. 182. 450.
- Brake Drums. Oil on. 146.
- — To Drive on the. 368.
- — Trials, The. 230, 342. Brakes, 342, 557.
- Bramson’s Continental Tour. Mr. W.. 108.
- Breaker with Double Tremblers, Control 451
- Bridge Tolls, Maidenhead. 437. 565. 583.
- Bridgwater Guy Fawkes Carnival, 499.
- Brien. Edward H. (letter) 496.
- Briggs, Rev. Rawdon, 364.
- Bright, John, and the Justices of the Peace. 667.
- Briley, F. J. (letter), 423.
- Bristol and District Motor Club, 653.
- British Automobile Commercial Syndicate (letter), 275, 300.
- — Cars in South Africa, 396.
- — Power. Traction, and Lighting Co., Winding up, 671.
- — Workmanship, 111. Brooke Car. 14 h.p.. 651.
- — The 10 h.p.. 280.
- — for War Office, 22.
- — Tonneau. 10 h.p.. 91.
- — Mawdsley (letter). 646.
- Brougham, Napier Petrol. 358.
- — 12 h.p. Century. 454.
- Broughams. Motor. 403.
- Brown Bros.. De Dion-Bouton v.. 460.
- Brush Car, 529.
- — 10 h.p.. 101.
- — Duke of Westminster s 16 h.p.. 434.
- for Military Work, 406.
- — The 12 h.p.. 281, 333.
- Brussels-Ostend ” Raid.” 254.
- Bryant. A. (letter), 608.
- Buchet, Death of M.. 474.
- — Modification. A, 639. Buck Carburetter, The, 55.
- Bucknall’s, Mr., Balloon Ascent. 427. 483.
- Bucquet on his Werner Motor Bicycle. 60.
- Buffer Solid Tyres, 346. 406.
- Bullen. F. J. (letter), 449. Burlington Carriage Co.. Ltd., 670.
- Burner, The Hydroleum, 445.
- Burners. Paraffin, for Steam Cars, 476,
- 496 . 523 . 550. Burnley and District Automobile Club.
- 108. 181. 224. Burns, James (letter), 209.
- Burster by Steam. A. 654.
- Burton-on-Trent. Ryknield Motor Co.. 485.
- Bury Autocarists. Gathering of, 367.
- Buses at Granton, London Motor, 556.
- Butler’s. Mr. E., Humber-built Bollee. 471.
- Buxton Accommodation. 22.
- Buying a Second-hand Car, 623. 657.
- Cabs. Paris Automobile, 380.
- Cairns. L. M. (letter). 647.
- Calcium Chloride Anti-freezer. 469.
- Calorifer (letter). 607.
- Camaraderie amongst Motorists, 377.
- Camp. The Drive to the Indian, 45.
- Canning, Leopold (letter*. 355.
- Captured by Motor Car. Thief, 145.
- Car 178 ’letter). 182.
- and House Burned. 291 351.
- - Trials, Heavy. 421.
- Carburating Substance. Picric Acid as a. 359.
- Carburetter. An Economical. 645.
- — Flooding the, 92, 475.
- — The. 658. Buck. 55.
- — Georges-Richard. 665.
- — Krebs. 571.
- Carburetters during Cold Weather. 578.
- — Longuemare. 440.
- — Paraffin. A £100 Prize, 419.
- — Wick. 225.
- Card. Bogus, given to Police. 168. 175.
- Care of Cars at Night (trials), 274. 500.
- — Motors and Motor Bicycles. 92.
- — Pneumatic Tyres^-365. 433.
- — Tyres in Winter. 418.
- — Necessary when Ordering. 165.
- Carriage of Petrol. 413, 419. 422. 437, 476, 484 . 496. 537.
- — in France. 463.
- — within the Meaning of the Act. 26.
- — Work, Improvements in, 521. 640.
- Carriers. Motor. 123.
- Cars. Silent, 365. Carter. F. (letter), 475.
- Castelli. M.P.. 47.
- Castle Accumulators, 90.
- Castlereagh. Viscount, 93.
- Cater’s Record, Baron de. 100, 143.
- Catford Club’s Hill Climb. 43.
- Causes of Lost Marks, Reliability Trials. 294.
- Cautious (letter). 450. 550.
- Celebration Bun to Oxford. The. 500, 535.
- Celeripede Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Cenis, Climbing Mont. 86. 100.
- Census of Autocars in France, 316.
- Centaur Four-cylinder Engine, 16h.p. Panhard with, 27.
- Century Brougham. 12 h.p., 454.
- — Cars to Melbourne. 12 h.p., 423.
- — Engineering and Motor Co.. 670.
- — Tandem as a Hill Climber. 144.
- Certification of Autocar Drivers, 26 . 487.
- Ceylon. Campaign against Motor Cars in, 381.
- C.G.V. Motor, 20 h.p., 616. 627.
- Chaboche Steam Car. The. 639.
- Chauffeurs’ Union in Paris. 484.
- Chain Cover, 490.
- Chains, Side Driving. 347.
- Challenge, Singer and Humber Co.’s. 404. '
- — to Mr. Citroen, A, 355, 377.
- Chamberlain, Mr. J., on an Autocar, 385.
- — Procession Marshalled by Motor, 526.
- Chaineroy lyre Tread. The. 441.
- Champion Clutch, 93.
- Change Speed Gear, 533.
- — De Dion-Bouton. 663.
- Rochet, 318, 406.
- Changing. Gear, in the Dark. 475, 551.
- — Speed. 440.
- Chapelet, Pneumatic, Rubber Fabric-lined Cover. 642.
- Charge Expansion. 482.
- — Firing, Cylinder, 202, 358.
- Charger. A Home Accumulator. 532. 555.
- Charrington. M. V. (letter . 182.
- Chateau-Thierry Hill Climb. 352.
- Chauchard on his 70 h.p. Panhard, 354.
- Chase. Fred W., and Motor Bicycle Record. 529.
- Chassis, French Type, 663 . 664.
- Cheel. Edwin S. (letter). 182.
- Chelmsford Steam Car, 12 h.p., 470 . 541. ™ 570.
- Chemical Industry, Society of. 70.
- Chenard-Walcker Car, The, 660.
- Chief Constable, Correspondence with. 18.
- Chieti, Automobiles for Transport in, 599.
- Circuit de 1’Herault. 420.
- Citroen, A Challenge to Mr., 355, 377.
- — D. (letter). 606. Clarendon Motor Bicycle, 573.
- Clarkson Radiator made in One Day, 47.
- — Steam Car, The New. 551.
- Clement, 12 h.p., 224.
- — 8 h.p., 295.
- — Cars, 93, 140, 480 633. 648.
- — in the Paris-Vienna Race. 66.
- — 20 h.p. Light Cars, 7. 140.
- — Captain Morrison’s 91 h.p., 380.
- — Light Delivery Van, 587.
- — Mr. H. W. Bartleet’s 5 h.p., 584.
- Clements, 9 h.p.. 552.
- Climb at Lincoln. A Good. 192.
- Climbing Feat. Swansea. Kittle Hill. 105.
- — Mont Cenis. 86. 100.
- — Trials. The Hur, 446.
- Climbs. The Westerham Hill. 64.
- Clip. Circulation Pump, 555.
- — Terminal for Ignition Wires. 584.
- Clipper-Continental Co.. 670.
- — Tyres in the Paris-Vienna Race. 13.
- Club. Automobile. Motor Cycle Competitions, 164, 240.
- — Burnley and District Automobile, 108. 181. 224.
- — Dinner, Reading Automobile, 507.
- — — The Automobile. 509.
- — Doings. 534 653.
- — for Sheffield. Automobile. 184. 357.
- — Hill Trials. Yorkshire Automobile, 190.
- — History of the Automobile, 673.
- — House. Automobile. 605.
- — Lancashire Automobile. 21.
- — Leeds Motor Cycling 143.
- — Midland Automobile. 331, 409.
- — Nottingham and District Automobile, 79, 113. 121. 356. 564 . 432. 534.
- — Nottingham Motor Cycling, 609.
- — of Dauphine, Automobile. 102.
- — Reliability Trials, Automobile. 191. 212 227. 230. 256, 294. 333, 341. 377. 382, 449, 524.
- — Runs. 510.
- — Scottish Automobile, 143, 145, 168, 184, 339, 458 . 479, 510, 534.
- — Sheffield and District Automobile, 565, 609.
- — The Halifax Automobile. 165, 586.
- — Lincolnshire Automobile. 50. 209.
- — Club. The Manchester Autoin bile. 72. 118 191. 219. 287, 312. 339.
- — Motor Cycling, 433. 470, 583.
- — Yorkshire Automobile. 142 190. 306. 363. 433. 510. 531.
- Clutch. A Faulty. 24.
- — Free from Mud. 548.
- — Leather, Callan Oil lor 358.
- — Plaxine and Slipping, 371.
- — The New Panhard, 293.
- Clutches. Attention to, 347.
- Coaches. Speed of Mail. 532. 539.
- Coal Gas Fuel (letter) 475.
- — to Replace Oil, 433.
- Cockermouth Rural District Council. 199. 222.
- Cohen, A. E. (letter), 299. 355.
- Coil, The A. G. Induction. 323.
- — New Bassee and Michel High Speed. 547.
- Coils and Tremblers, 377.
- — English. Ill, 165. 182, 207, 450.
- Coincidence. An Unfortunate, 291. 351.
- Cold Weather, Carburetters during, 578.
- Coliseum. Mr. Chas. J. Glidden in the, 222.
- Collan Oil for Clutch Leather, 368.
- Collier Tyres. 646.
- Collision on the Ripley Road 431.
- — with Manhole Door, Edinburgh. 205.
- Colonial Dignitaries on Autocars, 41.
- — Premiers, 21.
- Colonising in Africa. 227.
- Commemoration Run, the, 580.
- Commonsense. An Example of. 341.
- — Judgment. A, 124.
- Commutator, De Dion-Bouton. 665.
- — for Four Cylinders, Contact. 641.
- — The Napier Four-cylinder. 505.
- — New Panhard-Levass jr. 135.
- Compact Voltmetres, 175.
- Competitions. Regulations, Pedalling in Hill-climbing, 3.
- Compound Tyre Pump, 23. 451.
- Compression. Bad, 395.
- — Loss of. 548, 599.
- — Relief Device, 599.
- Condensers. New, 80.
- Confetti for Police Traps, 328.
- Confirmation, No Written. 165.
- Connaught, on 16 h.p Napier Car. Duke and Duchess of. 405.
- Conservative Associations and Motor Locomotion. 406.
- Consignment Note, Inflammable Liquids, 413, 422.
- Consumption of Fuel, 20, 101.
- — Petrol. 141. 164, 182. 403.
- Contact Breaker, 117.
- — with Double Tremblers, 451.
- — Commutator for Four Cylinders, 640.
- Contests. Motor Bicycle, 3.
- Continental Notes and News. 60 . 85. 163. 179. 286, 309, 324, 352, 397. 420 . 446 . 473. 494 . 521. 549. 579.
- Continental Tour, A Long, 198.
- — Tyre Co.’s Prize, 451.
- — Tyres. 642.
- Continent, Autocar Regulations on the, 61.
- Control, Duplicate, 148.
- — of Racing. The, 473.
- Convert to Automobilism. A. 85.
- Cooler Tube. P. Sage’s. 677.
- Cooling the Cylinders of Petrol Engines, 57.
- — Water. 440.
- Coony. Hy. (letter), 377.
- Coop. J. 'letter), 19. 608.
- Coop s Two Days’ Trip on 6 h.p. Darracq, F., 46.
- Copenhagen. Driving up Round Tower al, 67. 452.
- Coronation Car, A. 147.
- Correspondence. 19. 45, 64. 88. Ill, 141, 164. 182. 207, 355, 377 . 402. 422. 448, 496. 523, 550. 580, 606, 645, 667.
- Cost of Running Delivery Vans. 496. 523.
- — Upkeep. 580.
- Cotes, Arthur (letter. 525.
- Cottereau De Dion Car. 359.
- — et Cie.. 633.
- Coulthard. T.. and Co.. Ltd. (letter), 403.
- — Waggon. 308.
- Councillors and Cars. 59.
- County Council. Cumberland, 582. Kent, 556.
- — Councils’ Clerks’ Association. 477.
- — Tour, 567.
- — Councils and Highways. 666.
- Cove. Francis (letter), 207. 607.
- Crank Chamber too near Ground. 187
- — Lubrication. Crankshafts and, 56. Crankshafts, 88.
- — and Crank Lubrication, 56.
- Crastin. C. (letter), 523.
- Crawhez. The King of the Belgians. Baron Pierre de, 77.
- Cresswell, G. B., on Locomobile in Calcutta. 226.
- Cricklewood. Service of Cars, Marble Arch and, 343.
- Criterium de Provence, 309, 353.
- — Heavy Car. 446. 474.
- Criticisms of Automobile Volunteers. 380.
- Cropper. M.D.. J. (letter). 525.
- Cross, R. (letter), 423.
- — Wm. (letter), 207.
- Crossley’s. Dr.. Tour on Singer Motor Bicycle. 221.
- Crowden. Chas. T. (letter). 423.
- Crown Princess of Roumania, H.R.H. 195.
- Crump. Mr. T. Goldsworthy, on his Ariel Motor Tricycle, 63.
- Crypto Accumulators. 470.
- — Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Cudie and Co.’s Armoured Tread. 642.
- Cumberland County Council, 582.
- Cup Cars. The. 111.
- — Race. Mr. S. F. Edge and Gordon-Bennett. 1.
- — Next Year’s. 2.
- Cups for Hill Climbing. Sheffield. 528.
- Cycle Competitions. Automobile Club Motor. 164.
- — F. N. Motor, 381.
- — Hill Trials. Motor. 45.
- — Matters, by A. J. Wilson. Motor, 544, 572, 607.
- — Race Meeting, A Motor. 176.
- — Shows.. Motors in the. 536.
- Cycles at Westerham Hill Motor, 48.
- — Motor, preferred to Third-class Cars, 189.
- Cylinder Head. The New De Dion, 491.
- Cyclist Knocked Down by Furiously- driven Car, 139.
- — To get Rid of Adhesive, 90.
- Cylinder Charge Firing, 202, 358.
- — Fuel in Internal Combustion Motor, 101.
- — Lubrication in Petrol Motors, 348.
- — Paraffin Injected into, 368.
- Cylinders of Petrol Engines. Cooling the, 57.
- Daily Telegraph Error, 76.
- Daimler Car, Mr. E. W.
- — Sir Thomas Lipton’s,
- — Waggonette. 6| h.p.,
- — Taunton. 425.
- Damage Inflicted on Highways, 292.
- — an Autocarist, 359.
- Damages against a District Council, 550.
- — to a Bicycle. 575.
- Dark. Gear Changing in the, 475, 551.
- Darracq. 615.
- — Designs. Details of the. 628.
- — F. Coop's Two Days’ Trip on 6 h.p., 46.
- — Baras on 24 h.p. Racing, 8.
- — 12 h.p. Two-cylinder. 614.
- Dashwood. A Substitute for, 182.
- — Hill Trial, 161.
- Dashboard Ornaments, 378, 402.
- — Welbeck to. 137.
- Dauphine, Automobile Club of, 102.
- Davies, T. S. (letter), 141.
- Davison Motor Bicycle, 573.
- Deauville Records, The, 400.
- — The Meeting at, 244, 310.
- Deasy. H. H. P. (letter), 142.
- Decauville Car, Edinburgh to London,
- — The 10h.p., 53.
- — Exhibit, 678-
- — 20 h.p., 371, 630.
- De Dietrich. 24 h.p., 309, 310, 372.
- — Car, 16 h.p., 344, 406, 416.
- — Chassis, 671.
- — Paul Meyan on, 399.
- De Dion-Bouton Business, 583.
- — et Cie., 637.
- — Three-speed Gear. 600.
- — v. Brown Bros., 460.
- De Dion Car, 8 h.p., 480.
- — Carriage, 417.
- — Chassis, 6 h.p., 418.
- — Cylinder Head, The New 491.
- — End-to-end on a 9 h.p.. 83.
- — Testing New Types of, 549.
- — Voiturette, 6 h.p.,
- — A. M. Wolfgang, 360.
- Deer Hunt per Autocar, 669.
- Delahaye Racer, The, 32.
- — The 1903 . 636. 677.
- De la Warr, Injunction against
- Delhi Durbar, Cars for, 582. Delivery Vans, 496, 52J.
- Delivery Vans. Proposed Trial of Light
- Motor. 332, 566. 603.
- Demester on a Griffin Motor Bicycle. 353.
- Denmark. Princess Charles of, 27.
- — Restrictions, 513.
- Dennis. 8 h.p.. 530.
- — Car. Lord Pirbright’s 12 h.p.. 598.
- — Mr. A. B. Venables and his, 351.
- — Cars. 586.
- Depots. West End Motor, 381.
- Derby. Garage in. 586.
- — (letter), 20.
- Design at Paris Exhibition, Motor. 655.
- Designers. Incentive to, 3.
- Detachment. Attachment, and Repair of Goodyear Tyres. 178.
- Deutsch. Accident to M. Henry. 140.
- Devon. Member. A.C. (letter). 525, 607.
- Dewaid Vehicles. M. Ernest Benoist, 638
- Dietrich Car. 16 h.p.. De. 344 , 406 , 416.
- — Refinements. The. 636. Differential Gear. The. 534.
- Dimensions for Pit. 418.
- Dinner. Automobile Club. Annual. 459.
- Direct Driving, 523.
- — Stroke. The. 207.
- Direction for Reform. The. 253.
- Discreditable Incident, A, 607. D (letter'. 552.
- Doctor. 44.000 Miles by a, 565.
- Dorman Engineering Co. (letter). 582.
- — Engines. 520.
- Dougill, E. (letter;, 89.
- Dourdan. The Record Track at. 549. 586.
- Downs. A. (letter . 377.
- Driscoll (query). 435.
- Drive, Examination and Permit to, 197, 487.
- — Georges-Richard. Direct, 401.
- — on the Brake. To. 368. Highest Gear. 440.
- — The A.V. Worm, 606.
- — to the Indian Camp, 45.
- Drivers. Certification of Autocar, 26. 487.
- Driving across Roads. 379.
- — Aspirant to the Art of, 495.
- — Belts. Dirty, 347.
- — Direct. 523.
- — Enactments relating to Furious, 26.
- — Motor Bicycle, 386.
- — on the Top Speed. Direct. 453. 523.
- — Reckless. 123. 147.
- — Systems of, 534. Drums. Oil on Brake, 146.
- Drunken Motor Driver, 480.
- Dry Battery or Accumulator, 435.
- Dubbin for Motor Cycle Belts, 452.
- DuCros. Mr. Geo., on 70 h.p. Panhard. 11.
- — Mr. Harvey, Fined. 469.
- — Paris-Vienna Experiences, Mr. Harvey, 47.
- Duncan. Martin G. (letter), 450.
- Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co.. Ltd., 608, 642, 671.
- — Tyres and the Automobile Club, 583.
- Dunn. William (letter), 550.
- Durham Highway Committee, 530.
- Durkopp 10 h.p. Watsonia, 422.
- Duryea Cars. Treatment of the, 93.
- — Co.. The (letter), 88. 207 . 299, 523.
- — and Three-cylinder Engine, 671.
- — Co.’s Change-speed Gear, 672.
- — of 1896, The, 62.
- — Three-wheeled Hansom, 360.
- Dust, How to Protect from. 187.
- — Laying, Petroleum for, 186.
- — Problem, 22 46. 76, 661.
- — Screens. 15, 476.
- — Shield, The Vipen, 304, 381.
- Dynamo Plant at Sandringham, 489.
- Eagle Tandem, 550.
- Eagle Light Car, 519.
- Earl Car, 609. The 9i h.p.. 529.
- — de la Warr. Action against, 49.
- Earl’s Court Show, 649.
- Eastbourne Motor Car Service, 222.
- Edge. Ltd., S. F., Motor Power Co., 477.
- — Mr. S. F„ 14, 75. 97.
- — leaving Bregenz, 29.
- — and Gordun-Bennett Cup
- — Race, 1, 670. Lunch to, 75 . 94.
- — and his Amateur Mechanician,
- — 10. at Paris Show, 632.
- — in the Ardennes Race, 93. (letter), 88 . 523.
- — and M. S. Napier on 40 h.p. * Napier, 6.
- — won the Gordon-Bennett Cup, How Mr., 119.
- Edinburgh. Collision with Manhole at, 205.
- Edinburgh, Steam Motor Fire Engine for. 443.
- — to London. Mr. R. C. Ritchie, 23. The 10 h.p. Decauville Car. 53.
- Edmond, M., on a 24 h.p. Darracq in Bregenz. 29.
- Educating the Horses, 168, 356.
- E. E. W. (query). 225.
- Egerton. J. Reginald, 454.
- Egyptian Government. Steam Waggons for, 492.
- E.I.C. Blue. 649. 678. *
- Eight-cylinder Engine, 615.
- Electric Automobile. Baker, 423, 518.
- — Car. Marconis. 366.
- — Tramcar, Motor Car v.. 516.
- Electrical Connect ion. Temporary 395
- — Specialities, G.O.M.. 368.
- — Speed Indicator. 330.
- — Tuning. 447. 494.
- Electricity. Petrol. Steam, or. 667.
- Elephant for an Automobile. 642.
- Emergency Tyre Repair, 450.
- Emperor William and Automobilism. 543.
- Enactments as to Furious Driving, 26.
- Encounter with the Police. A. N. Deakin, 651.
- End-to-end on a 9 h.p. De Dion, 83.
- — Werner Motor Bicycle, 82. 115.
- Endurance Test. Weston Motors and Long Island. 15
- Enfield Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Engine Details, The Valves. 430.
- — Lubrication and Washing of New. 599.
- — The, 658.
- Engines. Gas and Petroleum, by Prof. W. Robinson. 543.
- — The Societe Aster. 637.
- England's Victory, 1.
- England. Wake up. 75.
- English Coils. 111. 165, 182. 207.
- — Soil, Gordon-Bennett Contest on. 2.
- Enthusiast, An (letter), 89.
- Examination and Permit to Drive, 197. 487.
- Excellent Hundred, An. 73.
- Excise Duty upon Motor Cars, 478.
- Excitable Witnesses, 52.
- Exhaust Release Valve. The Brooke. 280.
- — Smelling, 101.
- — Valve. Motor Tricycle. 347.
- Exhibition of Mechanical Traction in Belgium, 590.
- Experience, A Novel and Unpleasant. 415.
- — with a Wolseley Car, 403. Explanation. An, 207.
- Explosions. Back. 225.
- Explosion. Gas. 423.
- Export Motor Cars from France. 404. 414.
- External Names on Railway Stations, 378.
- “ Extra ” Tyre, 485.
- Fabrique Nationale, 14 h.p. Four-cylinder. 617, 634.
- Fafner (letter). 164.
- Fair Play (letter . 45, 377.
- — The Death of Mr. Charles, 179.
- Falconnet Perodeaud Treads. 6421
- Farman. Mr. Henri, on his 70 tup. Panhard, 4.
- Farmers. Week’s Tour by, 66.
- Farm Produce, Transporting Fruit and. 198.
- Farnborough. The Oiled Road at, 375.
- Fast Driving. 497.
- Federation. An International, 163.
- F. H. (letter). 19.
- F. E. R. (letter), 496, 668.
- Filler, Petrol Tank, 312.
- Fined for Speed, Lady, 2L
- — Sixpence and Costs, 23.
- Fines for Excessive Speeds, 484.
- Finish, Show, 655.
- Fire Brigade Motor Tender. 115.
- — Engine for Edinburgh, Steam Motor, 443.
- — London County Council, 181. 369, 401. 423, 583.
- — Motor, for Tottenham Urban District Council, 669.
- — Tractor, 113, 575.
- — Steam, 346, 369.
- — Merryweather and Sons, Motor, 17, 401.
- Firefly Motor and Engineering Co., 472.
- Firemen in a Rex Car. 547.
- Fire Tube Boilers. 395.
- Firing Cylinder Charge. 202, 358.
- — Premature. 461.
- Firth, Mr. F. W. Staplee, and Major Lang, 18.
- Fish by Motor Car, 527.
- Five Thousand Miles Car, The, 125.
- Trial, Completion of the. 169, 174, 221.
- Flooding the Carburetter. 92, 475.
- F.N. Motor Bicycle. 380. 572.
- Foden, Ltd., of Landbach, 22.
- — Steam Waggons, Some. 514.
- Ford. Archibald (letter), 450.
- — Mr. A., Horses and Autocars. 221.
- Forecarriage for Werner Bicycle. 553.
- Forest, Baron de. 61.
- — on his 40 h.p. Mercedes, 398.
- Forfar and Autocars, Sheriff Lee at, 341.
- — County, Road Board of, 468, 478.
- Fouillaron Car, The, 374, 633.
- Foundationless Roads, 666.
- Founder Member of the A.C.G.B. and I., A (letter), 497.
- Four-cylinder 20 h.p. Star Car. The New, 200.
- Four Months’ Record, A, 643.
- Fournier on Mors Car, 4, 375. 495.
- Fournier’s Record, 495.
- Frames, 558.
- France. Carriage of Petrol in. 463.
- — Control of Motor Pacing in, 414.
- — Entry of Steam Cars into, 441.
- — Export Motor Cars, 404, 414.
- — The Census of Autocars in, 316.
- — Touring in. 523.
- Fraudulent Misrepresentation, Sale of Car, 50.
- Freezing of Water-cooling System, 469.
- — Prevented, 469.
- French Hill-climbing Contest, 72.
- — Official Kilometre and Mile. The, 431.
- — Show Items, 677.
- — Touring Club, 660.
- Frequent Local Services, 389.
- F. R. (letter), 46, 65.
- Fruit and Farm Produce. Transporting, 198.
- — Growers, A Boon to, 165, 187.
- Fuel Consumption, 20, 101.
- — in Internal Combustion Motor Cylinder, 101.
- — Petroleum as Motor, 419.
- — Problem. The, 438, 475.
- Furious Driving at Altrincham, 404.
- — Bettws-y-Coed, 26.
- — Charge Dismissed. 143.
- — Enactments Relating to, 26.
- — in France, Imprisonment tor. 660.
- Furiously-driven Car, Cyclist Knocked Down by, 139.
- Future, Fears for the, 366.
- Gabriel on 80 h.p. Mors, 397.
- Gailion Hill-climbing Trials, 397.
- — Hill Climb. Prohibition of the, 372.
- Gallus Tyre, 642.
- Gamage. Ltd., A. W. (letter). 377. 669.
- — Motor Bicycle. 573.
- — Red Star altered to the. 554.
- — W'erner v., 209.
- Game, A New. 448.
- Gameson. C. H., 10 h.p. Wolseley. 478.
- Gauge Glass, Water, 395.
- — The Klinger Water, 182.
- Gauze Screen on the Intake Pipe, 490.
- Garage, Anerley, 349.
- — Beckenham. 346.
- —- for London, 536, 550.
- — in Derby. 586.
- — Nottingham. 424.
- — Scheme, A Comprehensive, 43.
- — Victoria Works, Lambeth, 378.
- — Westminster, 359, 379.
- Gardner-Serpollet Cars. 21. 80.
- — M., and Mme. le Bion on their, 324.
- Garment. Overall, 22.
- Garments. Motoring, 405.
- Garrard, C. R., 670.
- — Mfg. Co., Ltd. (letter). 207.
- — Motor Bicycle, 573.
- Gas Generator for Lamps. 423.
- — House Hill, Norwich, 529. 566. 584.
- — and Petroleum Engines, by Prof. W. Robinson, 543.
- Gear Boxes. Oil for. 379.
- — Change-speed. 533.
- — Changing in the Dark 475. 551.
- — Change, Lower to Higher Speed. 368.
- — Driving on a Dow, 440.
- — Lubricant, “ Olol. 346.
- — Mechanism. De Dion-Bouton, 663.
- — of 6 h.p. Star Cars. 498.
- — Rochet Change-speed. 318, 406.
- Gears, 88. 103.
- — The Differential, 534.
- — Panhard, 103.
- General Motor Car Co. (letter). 377.
- — Travels, How the Modern, 211.
- Generator for Steam Vehicles. Petrol, 222.
- — Serpollet, 80.
- Generators. Starting up Steam, 347.
- George and Jobling, 22.
- Georges-Richard Carburetter, 665.
- — Cars. 92, 352, 381, 569.
- — Direct Drive, 401.
- — Light Car, The 16 h.p.. 32.
- — 20 h.p., 613,
- Germain, 7^h.p., 440.
- — 15 h.p.. 295.
- — Car, Agents for, 499.
- German Emperor and Automobilism. 543
- — Manoeuvres, Automobiles in. 424.
- — War Department Thornycroft Waggon, 338.
- G. H. A. (letter), 402.
- Gibson, Rev. E. M., on Damage to Roads, 292.
- Gillet-Forest Victoria, 589.
- Gipsies travelling in Automobiles, 107.
- Gladiator. Mr. H. W. Bowden's 1,500 Miles Tour in 6$ h.p., 585.
- Gladiators, Racing, 554.
- Glasgow Corporation Motor Tip Waggon, HO. 624.
- Glidden, Chas. J., 21. 192, 222. 288. 340. 528.
- Glycerine added to Water. 469.
- G.M.C.C. Motor Bicycle, 572.
- Goadon, Colonel Conway, 433.
- Gobron-Brillie Vehicles. 633.
- Gobron-Nagant Car, A, 33.
- Godiva Procession, Autocar in the. 170.
- Goggles, Waterson Spectacle. 425. 427. 478.
- Golf. Automobiiism and. 172.
- Good Run on a Small Car, 194.
- Goods Traffic, 2.
- Goodwin. A. (letter), 64.
- Goodyear Tyre, 330.
- — Tyres, The Detachment, Attachment, and Repair of. 178.
- Gorcot Hill, Singer Tricycle up. 406.
- Gordon-Bennett Cup, Banquet to Winners. 97, 122.
- — Cars, 75.
- Contest, 2. 94 . 310. 421. 447. 567.
- — How Mr. Edge won the, 119.
- — of 1903, 585, 598 . 670.
- — Mr.. 309.
- — Race, Mr. Charles Jarrott and Napier Cars for, 592. 609. 670.
- — Tyres, 93.
- — Course for the. 2. 141. 509, 528. 536. 567.
- — Wolseley Car, 64.
- — Star Engineering Co. and. 671.
- — Mr. S. F. Edge and. 1.
- — The Winner of the, 14, 20.
- — Trophy, 6.
- Gould. George J., 98.
- Governing. Systems of. 481.
- Granton, London Motor ’Buses at, 556.
- Grappler Tyre Co.. Xew, 642.
- Grappling with a Gradient, 462.
- Graves. John (letter), 476.
- Greater Britain. Motor Drive for Representatives of. 41.
- Greece, Crown Prince of. 422.
- Ground. Edwa-rd (letter), 669.
- Guard to the Front Wings, 548.
- Hadfield, Fred H. (letter), 476.
- Haldon Hill. 207.
- Halifax Automobile Club, 165, 586
- Hall. H. E. (letter). 669.
- Hallows, F. T. (letter), 402.
- Handicap of Motor Cycles. 3.
- Harewood Bank. 224.
- Harrington’s Electric Car, Lady, 529.
- Harris, Thos. M. (letter). 475.
- Harrogate Camp Chaplain, 364.
- — Motorists at, 23, 189.
- Harland, M.D.. Henry (letter), 582.
- Hart, E. W.. at the Paris Exhibition. 529.
- Harvey, Mr. T. Gordon. 223.
- Hastings’ Car. Lord. 376.
- — and Tunbridge Wells. 480.
- Hautier. Cars by the Etablissements. 640.
- Hayward. Wilkinson, and Fox, Motor, 308.
- Health-giving Autocar. The. 291.
- Health, Motor Car Rides for, 27.
- Heard, Arthur W. (letter), 551.
- Heating Car Stable, 550.
- Heavy Car, Criterium, 446, 474.
- — Trials, 421. 587.
- — Traffic, Vehicles for. 49.
- Hele-Shaw. Lectures bv Prof., 555.
- Helios Paraffin Head Lamp. 611.
- Hell on Wheels. 555.
- Helmore. Geo. R. (letter), 207.
- Hemmons. Henry B. (letter), 164.
- Heneage. Lord, and Automobiiism.. 656.
- Henriod et Cie., C. E., 640.
- Herault. The Circuit de I’. 420.
- Hereford. J. T. (letter). 448.
- Hewetson on his Benz Car, Mr.. 125.
- Hewetsons, Ltd. (letter). 667.
- — 5,000 Miles Endurance Trial. 169. 174. 221
- H. H. (letter). 669.
- High-speed Coil. The New Bassee and Michel, 547.
- Highway Administration. 621.
- — Legislation relating to. 26.
- — Neither Promenade nor Playground, 53.
- — Ostend and Paris. Automobile. 357.
- — United States of America Transcontinental. 543.
- Highways. County Councils and, 666.
- — Damage Inflicted on, 292.
- — for Speeds of Twenty Miles. 427.
- Hill-climbing Competitions. Regulations, Pedalling in, 3.
- — Contests, French. 72. 100.
- — Sheffield Cups for, 528.
- — Test, 363. 525.
- — Trials. Gaillon, 397. The Laffrey, 85.
- Hill Climb, Midland Automobile Club, 409.
- — Prohibition of the Gaillon, 372.
- — The Chateau-Thierry, 352.
- — Semmering, 286.
- — Trial. The Dashwood, 161.
- — Trials, Motor Cycle, 45.
- — Yorkshire Automobile Club, 190, 224.
- Hillingdon’s Steam Car, Lord, 107.
- Hills, Speeds up, Reliability Trials, 294, 298. 360.
- Hillier. Proposed Autocar Legislation, By G. Lacy, 576.
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 320, 347, 368, 395, 418, 440, 469, 490. 517, 548, 578, 599. 608, 623, 646, 657.
- — to Autocar Constructors, 64.
- Hiring out of Cars. 644.
- History of the Automobile Club. 673. H (letter), 496.
- Honeymoon in an Autocar. 554.
- Hozier Engineering Co., 307, 378, 650.
- Hole, C. H., Group of Automobiles, 59.
- Holidays, Home for the. 173.
- Holland, Captain C., 477.
- “ Holley,” American Motor Bicycle, 3.
- Hollow Rollers for Bearings. 346.
- Home Accumulator Charger, 532, 555.
- Homicide. Charge of Culpable, 2.
- Hood. Combination Mask and, 388.
- Holywell Urban Council, 661.
- Hooydonk. J. Van. 422.
- (letter), 377.
- Hopkins, Chas. W. (letter). 402.
- Horse Accidents reported in November. 594.
- — Injured, 379.
- — and Motor Accidents, 2. 45, 379.
- — Owner and Car, 343.
- — Power. 593.
- — The Passing of the, 516.
- — Uncontrollable. 242, 285. 398, 321, 362, 384. 409, 433, 447, 594.
- — took Fright at Something, 223.
- — Vehicles in Towns. Speed of. 540.
- Horses and Autocars, ifl, 199, 221. 359. 424.
- — Careless Drivers of. 197.
- — Educating the, 168. 199, 356.
- — on the Highways 359.
- — Unattended, 19. 223, 354.
- Hounds and Motor Cars, 527.
- House Property, Automobile Movement and, 553.
- How can it Smell? 101.
- — Marks were Lost, Reliability Trials. 295.
- — the Modern General Travels, 211.
- Hoyle-Smith, J. (letter). 355.
- Huber Covered Van, The, 588.
- Hulbert, Dr. H. H.. 27.
- Humber. 12 h.p., 296. 427.
- — 20 h.p. Four-cylinder. 445.
- Hunt, A Motor, 483, 540 . 602.
- — and Motor Cars, Essex. 527.
- Huntingdon Magistrates. 311.
- Hunting Men against Autocars. 497. 524, 527.
- Hurst. 24 h.p., 530.
- Huy Climbing Trials. 446.
- Hydroieum Burner, The. 445.
- Identification of Motor Cars, 18.
- Ignition, 660 , 678.
- — Levers working out of Position, 46.
- — Oil Motor, 481.
- — Wires. Clip Terminal for. 584.
- Ignorance, Extraordinary, 292. 315.
- Importance. Roads, A Question of National, 666.
- Imports, Motor. 414.
- Improvements in Autocar Construction. 343.
- — Carriage Work, 521.
- — Motor Bicycle Engines, 404.
- Impurities after Running, Water Circulating System, 347.
- Inaccuracy no Argument. 656.
- Increasing Power. 180.
- Indian Camp, The Drive to the. 45.
- — Officialism. 575.
- Indicator. Electrical Speed, 330 . 669.
- Indignant (letter). 45.
- Induction Coil. The A.G.. 323.
- Inflammable Liquids Consignment Note, 413. 422.
- Inflation. Tyre. 368.
- Infringement, An Alleged. 460.
- Injustices. The Uckfield, 45.
- Inlet Valves. Mechanically-operated. 475, 524, 551. 580. 606. 669 . 677.
- Inner Tubes, Tyres. 196.
- Inspection Car. Mr. F. R. Simms’s Railway. 162.
- Instone, Mr. E. M. C.. Summoned. 327, 556.
- Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 145, 463.
- Insulating Material for Sparking Plugs. 499.
- Insurance of Autocars. 185. 645.
- — Point, An. 450.
- — Policy and Fast Driving. 650.
- Intake Pipe, Gauge Screen on the. 490.
- Interchangeable Parts, 171.
- Interesting Document, An. 342.
- Internal Combustion Engine. 658.
- International Federation. An, 163.
- Interview with the Retiring Secretary of the A.C., 673.
- Invictus Tyre. 642.
- Ireland. Gordon-Bennett Cup Race in. 509, 528.
- — Motors for, 21.
- — Recent Military Manoeuvres in. 434. Irish R.I.A., 621.
- Italian Vehicles. Fabrica Italiana di Automobili, 632.
- Italy’s Motor Car, King of. 387.
- Ivel Agricultural Motor, 87. 379. 537.
- Ixion Motor Bicycle, 572.
- Jacket, Leaky Water, 46. 65.
- Jackson. Fredk. S. (letter). 422.
- James-Browne. The 9h.p., 300.
- James. C. (letter). 608.
- Japan, Automobilism in. 292.
- Jarrott, C., going at Full Speed, 240.
- — Mr. C., and Mr. Geo. DuCros on
- — 70 h.p. Panhard, 11.
- — in Bregenz. 29.
- — Charles, and Napier Cars for Gordon-Bennett Race, 592. 649 . 609, 670.
- Jarrott’s 70 h.p. Panhard, 384.
- Jesmond Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Jenatzy, Magnetic Clutch. 531.
- J.C.S. (letter), 45.
- Johannesburg, Lanchester Car at, 405.
- — Motor Cars in, 513.
- — Service Vehicles. 149 . 396.
- John-o’-Gaunt Car, Miss Chandler’s, 568.
- John-o’-Groat’s to Land’s End, 109.
- Johnson, C. (letter), 165. 300.
- — J. (letter), 355.
- Jonson, G. C. Ashton (letter), 525.
- Joy, Basil H. (letter), 551.
- J. P. R. (letter), 111.
- Judge in an Autocar 649.
- Judges’ Awards at Trials, 300. 382.
- Junior Engineers, Institution of. 499.
- Justices of the Peace, John Bright and the, 667.
- Kaiser and the Prince of Wales, 495.
- Kent County Council, 556.
- Keeping Warm, 607, 667.
- Kerry Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Krebs Carburetter. The, 571.
- Kelecom Motor, 169.
- Kensal Rise, Trial Run at, 73.
- Kilometre and Mile, The French Official. 438.
- King Edward VII. Hospital Fund, 356.
- — of Italy's Motor Car, 387.
- — The, and his Prime Minister. 411.
- King’s 12 h.p. Daimler, The. 656.
- — Recovery, The. 182.
- Kipling. Rudyard, Lanchester Car. 378.
- Kitchener in Suffolk, Lord. 343.
- Kit of Tools, 347.
- Kits, Waterson Tool. 381.
- Kittle Hill. Swansea, Climbing Feat, 105.
- Klinger Water Gauge. 182.
- Knyff, Chevalier de, at Bregenz. 29. on his 70 h.p. Panhard. 12.
- Kolowvat, Count Leopold. 309.
- Lady fined for Speed, 21.
- Laffrey Hill-climbing Trials, 85.
- Lakeland. Autocars in. 222. 388.
- Lamaudiere Motor Cycle. 572.
- Lamberhurst, A Go-ahead Place. 188.
- Lamp. “ Arclite ” Acetylene. 499.
- — Bleriot Elliptique. 80.
- — Helios Paraffin Head. 611
- — Motor Head. 358.
- — Paraffin. 426.
- — Red. on Ba-ck of Car, 338.
- Lamps. Gas Generator for. 423.
- Lamplugh et Cie.. Bodies. 639.
- Lancashire Automobile Club. 21.
- Lancaster, J. W., Wrongly .Summoned T , 168. 175.
- Lanchester Car at Johannesburg. 405
- Test Standard. 651.
- — Cars for the War Office. 444. 479.
- — Lord Milner’s, 472.
- — Mr. and Mrs., Senior, 622.
- — Summons withdrawn. Mr. H.. 526.
- Land’s End. John-o’-Groat’s to. 56. 109, 116.
- Lang. Major, Mr. T. W. Staplee Firth and, 18.
- Lauteret, Georges-Richard at l op of the, r . , 336.
- Larkhall Motor Car Fatality. 2.
- Late Arrivals, 299.
- Launch. Simms Motor. 408.
- Law, Anomalies of the. 25.
- — Makers. Amateur. 512.
- League against Automobilists. A. 549.
- Leaky Water-jacket, 46 . 65.
- Learn. The Way to, 172.
- Le Bion. M. and Mme., on Gardner-Serpollet, 324.
- Leeds. Motor Bicycle Club for. 46, 143.
- Lee, Sheriff. Forfar, and Autocarists, T 541-
- Legal. 24. 49. 50, 62, 70.
- Legislation. A Model of Automobile. 488.
- — Desirability of Fresh. 198.
- — Discussion on, 459.
- — Proposed Autocar. G. Lacy Hillier. 576.
- — New. 25. 76, 141, 164. 183. 197. 208. 552. 576. 596.
- Legislative Committees. 646.
- Lemoine's Axles and Springs, 641.
- Letts. Harry H. (letter), 377.
- Letts, W. M. (letter), 337.
- Levers working out of Position. Throttle and Ignition, 46.
- Lewanika. King. A New Experience for. 177.
- Visit to Sheffield, 19.
- Lew’is, E. W.. 22 h.p. Daimler Car. 400.
- Licensing and Numbering Cars. Penge. 357.
- Light behind on Dark Night 113.
- — Cars. Solid Tyres on, 497.
- — Driving a Car without a. 13.
- — Motor Delivery Vans. Trial of, 332.
- Lightfoot, Cecil (letter). 551.
- Lightning Conductor. Strange Adventures of a Motor Car, 391.
- Lincoln'. A Good Climb at. 192.
- — Successful Meet at. 312.
- Lincolnshire Automobile Club. 50. 2C9. 312. 653.
- — County Council and Dust Nuisance, 661.
- Lincona Motor Cycle Driving Belt. 135.
- Linked up. Drive with the Engine, 395.
- Lipton, Bart. (Sir Thomas), driving 22 h.p. Daimler. 203.
- Liquid Air as a Motive Power, 491, 551.
- — Fuel, Smelling Exhaust. 102.
- Litigation in America, 526.
- Liverpool Cycle and Motor Show, 23.
- — Self-propelled Traffic Association, 2. 50 . 323, 486.
- — Tip Waggons, 661.
- Lobley, F. J., and Eagle Tandem, 386.
- Local Services, Frequent, 389.
- Locoek, Captain, Fined. 27.
- Locomobile at Ambleside. Ferry, 546.
- Locomobile Co. of Great Britain, Ltd. (letter), 337.
- — Conduct of a, 360.
- — Girls. 146.
- — Mr. Buxton on a, 388.
- — Petrol Car, 391.
- — Prince Henry of Prussia's, 378.
- — Victoria Bumble. 69.
- Locomobiles in New South Wales. 436.
- — Superheaters for, 423.
- “ Locomotion.” Lectures on. 555.
- Loftus, Miss Kitty, and 8 h.p. Argyll, 515.
- London County Council Motor Fire Engine, 369, 401. 423, 583.
- — to Manchester.. Route from, 402.
- Long Island. Endurance Test, Weston Motors and. 15.
- — Steel Racing Track. 114.
- Longridge. Capt. C. C., 56, 348 , 411. 414, 429. 455, 481. 508 533. 557 . 591.
- Longridge's. Captain, Paper. 463.
- — Discussion on, 619, 652. 676. Loop Roads. 621.
- Lord, Ernest Courtenay (letter), 45.
- Lorengen Herr. 452.
- Lorries. A Parade of Heavy Motors. 44.
- — for Rail-borne Traffic. 228.
- Lorry, A Miller’s Petrol. 439.
- — Testing a Steam. 346.
- Lortep (letter). 378.
- Loss through Obliging an Automobilist, 671.
- Lost Marks, Reliability Trials, Causes of, 294 . 336.
- Lottery. Paris Automobile Show, 672.
- Louet’s. M. E., Vehicle. 638.
- Love, John (letter). 476. 552. 646.
- Low-powered Car. Experiences with, 136.
- Lowther, E. (letter . 182.
- Lubricants in Cold Weather. 395.
- Lubrication. 558.
- — Excessive. 172.
- — and Washing of New Engine, 599.
- — Crankshafts and Crank, 56.
- — Imperfect. 440.
- — in Petrol Motors, Cylinder, 348.
- — of Roads. 171.
- Lubricant, “ Olol/’ Gear. 346.
- Lubricator (query). 146.
- — to Steam Cylinder. 531.
- Lubricators. Working of, 440.
- Lunatics, Automobile. 3.
- Lunch to Mr. S. F. Edge. 94.
- Lupton. Mr. C.. Mayor of Bradford. 175.
- Macdonald, J. H. A. (letter), 19. 646.
- — Norman D. (letter), 141. 448.
- Mackay, J. D. (letter). 476.
- Macnaughten. Mr. James. 444.
- Madagascar’s Motor Car, Governor-general of, 166.
- Magistrates, Altrincham, and Furious Driving, 404.
- — Surrey, and Motorists, 396.
- Magnetic Clutch. M. Jenatzy, 531.
- Magneto Timing, 640.
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 437 . 565. 583. 618. 643, 649. 672.
- — Speed of Motor Cars in, 90.
- Mails by Motor. 15, 597.
- Main Roads, Speed on, 532, 539.
- Maintenance. Road. 622.
- Makonnen in Birmingham. His Highness Ras. 70.
- Manchester Automobile Club. 72. 118, 191. 210. 287. 312, 339.
- — Automobilists, 644.
- — Post Office. Motor Vans for, 169.
- — Route from London to. 402.
- Maudslay 20 h.p. Car, 392, 442.
- Manhole Door, Car collides with. 205.
- Manhood of England, Motoring and the, 497 . 524.
- Mauritius. Motor Waggons in, 592, 670.
- Manslaughter, Charge of. at Edinburgh, 125.
- Manufacture, Material and Methods of, 429.
- Manufacturers and Motor Servants. 24.
- Traders. Society of Motor. 612.
- — on the Petrol Question, 460.
- Manoeuvres in Ireland. 434.
- — German Automobiles in, 424.
- Marshalled by Motor, Chamberlain Procession, 526.
- Marble Arch and Cricklewood, 343.
- Marconi's Electric Car, 366.
- Marine Petrol Engine, 451.
- Marking. Summary of Rules and System of, 278.
- Marks, Causes of Lost, Reliability Trials, 294 336*
- — Earned at Trials, Total, 334.
- Marshall and Co. (letter). 355, 402.
- Martin, Presentation to Mr. P., 332.
- Martin’s Pneumatic Tyre, 169.
- Marwood, F. T. (letter), 355.
- Mask and Goggles, 427.
- — Wrap. Combination, 388.
- Massachusetts, Laws affecting Autocars in, 107.
- Material and Methods of Manufacture, 429.
- Maudslay Motor Co., 434.
- Mawley, E. George, 291.
- Mayhew. Lt. Mark, interviewed, 313.
- Mc.E., W. (query), 593.
- McLaren, J. H., and F. R. Cox, 671.
- Mechanical Details noted in the 650 Miles Trials, 279.
- Mechanically-operated Inlet Valves 475, 524, 551. 580 609, 669, 677.
- Mechanical Traction in Belgium, Exhibition of. 590.
- — Transport for Sugar Crop. 670.
- Medical Motorists of Bournemouth, 465.
- Medical Use. Cars for. 449. 476. 496 . 524
- — The White Car for, 496 524
- Melbourne. 12 h.p. Century Cars to. 423.
- Mell, L. P. letter!. 645.
- Mercedes. 40 h.p.. 421.
- — Baron de Forest on his 40 h.p.. 398.
- — Count Zhorowski on 40 h.p., 8.
- — Lohner. Mr. Lorraine Barrow on. 60.
- — Shown. No. 1.903. 633.
- — The New. 494.
- Mercedes-Simplex. Mrs. Claude Watney and 60 h.p.. 532.
- — in Three Powers 603.
- — Touring Car. 321.
- Merryweather and Sons, Motor Fire Engine. 17.
- Methods of Manufacture, Material and 429.
- Metropolitan Police and Autocars 488.
- Meyan on De Dietrich, Paul. 399.
- Microbe (letter!. 645.
- Midgelev, Mr. E. (letter*. 302.
- Midland Automobile Club, 331. 409.
- Mieville, Mortimer F. (letter'. 165.
- Mile. The French Official Kilometre and. 438.
- Military Manoeuvres in Ireland. 434.
- — Motor Cars, 424.
- — Waggons. 229.
- — Ride. 254.
- — Work. Brush Car for 406.
- Miller s 16 h.p. * Nanier. J. A., 424.
- — Petrol Lorry, A, 439.
- Milner. Mr. Joserh. 66.
- Milners Lord. Lanchester. 472.
- Milnes Car. 10 h.p.. 472.
- — A New. 193
- Milnes-Daimler. Ltd.. 624.
- Minerva Motor Bicvcle, 587.
- Minter. Leonard (letter) 475.
- Misrepresentation on Sale of Car, 59.
- M.M.C. Voiturette. 8 h.p., 401.
- Monarch Motor Co., The. 209. 289 610.
- Molesworth. Sir William, 463.
- Montagu’s Bill. The Hon. J. S. 25. 65. 76, 197.
- Montandon’s System. 642.
- Mont Cenis Climb. 86. 100. Monty 'letter*. 450.
- Moore-Brabazon. J. S. C. (letter . 475. 551.
- Morocco. Sultan of. 451, 609.
- Morrison. Thomas, Charge against, 125.
- — John. Article by 666.
- Morris Motor Bicycle, 572.
- Morrison’s 94 h.p. Clement. 380.
- Morriss. Frank letter). 531.
- — Official Engineer and Repairer to the King. 670.
- Mors, Baron de Caters. 100.
- — Car. Fournier on. 4.
- — Engine. 626.
- — 8 h.p. Limousine. 627.
- Motodrome. Berlin. 540.
- Motor Accidents. Horse and. 2, 45.
- — Broughams, 403.
- — Car Wav through England. Proposed. 124.
- — Construction Co. (letter). 550.
- — Cycles at Westerham Hill, 48.
- — Cycling Club. 433. 470. 583. 648.
- — Cycle Club. Nottingham. 530.
- — Driving Belt. Lincona, 135.
- — Matters. 607.
- — by A. J. Wilson. 544. 572.
- — Meeting of Automob le Club, 164, 240.
- — Races at Plymouth, 3. 47.
- — Fire Engine, Merryweather. 17.
- — Hunt. A, 433. 540 602.
- — Matters. New South Wales. 75.
- — Power Co., S. F. Edge. Ltd.. 477,
- — Sporting Offer. 51.
- — School. Liverpool. 530.
- — Spirit. Anglo-American Oil Co., and. 413.
- — Street Cleansing. 554.
- — Tractor Fire Engine. 113.
- — Tricycles. 582.
- — Tip Wagg >n. Glasgow Corporation, 110.
- — Union, Good Work by the. 590.
- — Waggon Transport. 2.
- Motoring and the Manhood of England, 497, 524.
- — Garments. 405.
- Motorist (letter). 355. «.
- Motors Types of, 429.
- Mudguards, The Importance of Adequate. 525.
- Mud. Protection from. 548.
- Municipal Elections, Motor Cars at. 479, 529.
- — Engineers’ Conference, 67.
- Munro’s 16 h.p. Napier, Mr. L. Walker, 555.
- Murder Trial. Ipswich, Autocar at, 498.
- Murray, John L. (letter). 497.
- Mutual Protection Association. Ltd.. Automobile, 387.
- Nadall’s. Mr., Patent Sprag, 468.
- Napier after the G.-B. Race. 52.
- — A. J. Balfour with a 9 h.p.. 82.
- — Car. J. A. Miller’s 16 h.p.. 424.
- — Cars for Gordon-Bennett Race, Mr. Charles Jarrott and, 592, 609. 649. 670.
- — Four-cylinder Commutator. 305.
- — Mr. L. Walker Munro’s 16 h.p., 555. Montague, 97.
- — New 12 h.p.. 489.
- — Petrol Brougham. 558.
- — S. H. Pearce’s 16 h.p.. 54.
- — Supplement. 16 h.p.. 464.
- — M. S., and S. F. Edge on 40 h.p. Napier. 6.
- — Victory of British-built, 1.
- National Association of Automobile Manufacturers (letter), 668.
- — Importance. Roads, A Question of, 666.
- — and Stanley Shows, Autocars at the, 559.
- Negligence of Tramway Driver, 357.
- Neophyte (letter), 141.
- N.E.R. System of Petrol Motor Cars. 489.
- Nethera’l Gardens, Test H’1!. 92.
- New Countries. Opening up, 227.
- — Game. A. 448.
- — Orleans Car, 7 h.p.. 659.
- — Patents. 24. 169. 196 . 337, 435. 451 486. 533. 666 594. 556. 594.
- — South Wales. Locomobiles in. 436.
- Motor Matters in. 75. 142. Repairing in. 142.
- — Zealand, 585. 609.
- Parliament and Autocars 488.
- Next Year s Cup Rice. 2.
- Nice Week. 453. 493.
- Nicholson, Wilfred E.. on 12 h.p. Gladiator, 400.
- Nig u. Care of Cars at. 274. 330.
- — Drive from Paris, A. 78.
- Ninety Miles an Hour by Railway Engine. 293.
- Noakes. Stuart. 440.
- Nomad (letter). A Would-be 497.
- Norris, W. (tetter), 403.
- Nor‘h-E istern Petrol Trains. 511. 552, 584.
- — Railway Co.. 431. 511.
- Norwich. Gas House Hill. 529, 566, 584.
- Nottingham and Disfrict Automobile Club. 79. 113 121. 356. 564. 432. 534.
- — Club’s Dinner. 159.
- — free from Police Persecution, 455.
- — Motor Cvcle Club. 530. 609.
- Numbering Clause. Objections to. 20, 141. 198. 414. 568.
- — of Cars, 3, 26, 76. 88. Ill, 141, 197. 357. 414. 448. 487, 568. 595.
- — Penge District Council. 357.
- — and Plaqueing, 26. 568.
- — Proposals. The. 595. 646, 656 . 672.
- Nuts and Bolts. Attention to. 347. 368. 599. 599.
- Objections to the Numbering Clause 20. 141. 193. 414 . 563.
- Observations oil the Reliability Trials, 500.
- Obstacles in the Road. 79.
- Obstructed. Motor Car. 527. Obstructing the Road. 359.
- Odometer. Bell. 451. 553.
- O’Donovon. James (letter), 21.
- Officer. R.A. (letter). 524.
- Oil for Gear Boxes 379.
- — Motor Cars of 1902. 414. 429, 455. 463. 481. 508, 533, 557, 591.
- — on Brake Drums. 146.
- — Separators using Superheated Steam. 380.
- — The Wilburine Motor, 45.
- — Want of. 440.
- Oiling and Tarring Road Surfaces. 23, 171, 254 . 360. 371. 375 . 416.
- Oils. Motor, 648.
- Oldsmobile. 552.
- — The 4 h.p.. 282. 308.
- Oliver. C. E.. on 7 h.p. New Orleans, 90.
- “ Olol ” Gear Lubricant. 346.
- Omnibus, Stirling. 530.
- — The Peugeot, 588.
- One who was fined at Huntingdon (letter), 497.
- Opening up New Countries, 227.
- Orangia Laws, 113.
- Ormonde Motor Bicycles, Road Test. 13.
- — Co. (letter). 64.
- Ostend and Dunkerque Road. 494.
- Otero. La Belle, starting for a drive. 417.
- Otter Hunt, 498.
- Otto Cycle explained, The, 658.
- — Vehicles. 636. Overall Garment. 22.
- Overheating. Causes of. 44G.
- — To guard against, 440.
- Over-lubrication. 172.
- Over-oiled Engine, and Plug sooted. 413
- Oxford Police Trap. The. 505.
- — The Celebration Run to. 500. 535.
- Packard Co., 452.
- Panhard, Chevalier de Knyff, on his 70 h.p., 12.
- — Clutch. me New, 293.
- — 16 h.p., 311.
- — Gear. The, 103.
- — H. M. Beddington on his 16 h.p.. 199.
- — in Sussex. A Touring, 86.
- — Mr. C. Jarrott and Mr. Geo. Du Cros
- — on 70 h.p., 11.
- — Jarrott’8 70 h.p., 384.
- — Mr. Henri Farman on his 70 h.p.. 4.
- — with Centaur four-cylinder Engine.
- — 16 h.p.. 27.
- Panhard-Levassor Commutator. The New\ 135.
- — 16h.p., 468.
- — Repair Works, 6G4.
- — three-cylinder Engines. 649.
- Panhard’s Latest Practice, 630.
- — Touring. 7. 86.
- Parade of Heavy Motor Lorries, 44.
- Paraffin Burner, Cloud and Nichols. 530.
- — Burners for Steam Cars, 476, 496. 523. 30 . 550.
- — Car, 553.
- — Carburetters. 476. A £103 Prize. 419.
- — Head Lamp. Helios, 611.
- — injected into Cylinder. 568.
- — Lamp. 426.
- — Pump Lubricator, 493.
- Paris. A Night Drive from. 78.
- — Automobile Cabs. 380.
- — Autocar Show. The, 625. 677.
- — Speed in, 579.
- — Chauffeurs' Union in, 484.
- — Exhibition. Motor Design at. 655.
- — Heavy Car Trials in. 421, 587.
- — and Rome. Record between, 480.
- — Show, A Forecast of the, 613.
- — Some Impressions of the, 647.
- Parisienne. Societe. Vehicles, 639.
- Paris-Madrid Race, 446, 494. 592.
- Paris-Vienna Experiences. Mr. Harvey DuCros’. 47.
- — Race, The, 4, 28 . 58, 86 . 99 . 445.
- Parr. Richard (letter). 238 645.
- Parts. Interchangeab’e. 171.
- — Supply of Spare. 354.
- Passe-Partout and the Argyll. 19. 338.
- — Log of the. 338. 407.
- Passy-Thellier Voiturette. 399, 633.
- Patents, New. 24, 169, 196. 387, 435. 461 486. 538 5J6. 594.
- Pearce’s 16 h.p. Napier, S. H.. 54.
- Pedalling in Hill-climbing Competitions Regulations, 3.
- Penge District Council. 357.
- Permit to drive. Examination and. 197.
- Perpiexed <querv) 24.
- Persecution of Motorists, 19. 379.
- Peter 'query). 593.
- Petit. Mr. Jelf. 26.
- Petrol and Paraffin Fire. 553.
- — Carriage of 413. 419. 422. 437. 476. 484, 496. 537
- — The Trade. 463.
- — Car. The Locomobile. 391.
- — Consumption. 141. 164. 182. 473.
- — Engines. Four-cylinder. 431.
- — Generator for Steam Vehicles. 222.
- — in France. Carriage of. 463.
- — Letter . 476.
- — Motors. Cylinder. Lubrication in. 343.
- — Railways and. 448 460. 464, 511.
- — Steam or Electricity, 667.
- — Tank Filler. 512.
- — The Supply of. 484. 510. 537. 582.
- — Trains. The North-Eastern 511. 552, 584.
- Petroleum as Motor Fuel, 419.
- — Car. Roots-Venables. 645.
- — Engines by Prof. W. Robinson. 543.
- — for Dust-laying. 186.
- Peugeot. 8 h.p., 358.
- — Baby. 610.
- — Omnibus. The. 588.
- — The 10 h.p.. 301.
- — 24 h.p., 513.
- Physics of Automobilisin. 57.
- Piccadilly Motor Co.. 391.
- Pick Car. The. 402. 422 . 449. 475.
- Pick Motor Co. (letter). 475.
- Picric Acid as a Carburating Substan e 359,
- Pierce. Sir William. 311.
- Pirbright’s. Lord. 12 h.p.
- — Dennis Cur. 5<P
- Piston Rings. 584.
- Pit. Dimensions for. 418.
- Plan and Section of Westerham Hill. 42.
- Plaxine and Slipping Clutch. 371.
- Playground. Highway. A Promenade or. 53.
- Play of Wheels, 46.
- Plug Attachment. Sparking. 493. 556.
- — E.I.C., 366 . 649.
- — “ English Bilar.” Sparking. 425.
- Plugs breaking, 66.
- Plymouth. Motor Cycle Races at. 3, 47. 207.
- Pneumatic and other Tyres. 642.
- — Tyres. The Care of. 365.
- — Efficiencies of Solid and. 461. 525. 580, 607.
- Police Tactics at Reigate. 379.
- — and Autocars. Metropolitan. 488.
- — Evidence at Stockport. 642.
- — Game. 448.
- — in West Riding. 288.
- — London to Southampton. 402.
- — Persecution. Nottingham free from. 405.
- — Tactics. Aversion to. 436.
- — Trap. The Oxford. 505.
- — Warning of. 660, 670.
- — Trails 100 . 254 . 288 . 327 . 323. 329. 330. 339. 359. 352. 385. 431. 461. 485. 507. 529 534 565. 586. 594. 678.
- — Vexatious Action of the 356.
- — Waylaying Motorists. 100.
- Policeman in the Hedge 436.
- Policemen. Autocar loaded with. 222
- — Timing hr. 89.
- Portable Folding Tonneau Tent. 394.
- Portland. Lanchester Car. Duke of. 378.
- Portsmouth Bench. 609.
- Portugal. A Race in. 474.
- — Automobilism in. 522.
- — King of. 585.
- Possibilities of a Two and a Quarter. 136.
- Power. Increasing. 180.
- Practical (letter . 668.
- — Notes on Principles cf Automobilism. 516
- Prejudice against Motor Cars. 365.
- — and Bias, Worthing Bench. 426.
- — Decrease of. 25
- — To Remove. 199.
- Premature Firing. 461.
- Premier’s New Car. The. 82.
- Presentation to Mr. P. Martin. 332.
- Press. The Alarmist, 365.
- Prevention of Sideslip. 597.
- Prince Albert of the Belgians. 527.
- — Henry of Prussia’s Locomobile. 378. 406.
- — of Wales an Automobilist. 528.
- Princeps Motor Bicycle. 573.
- Principles of Automobilism. 516.
- Prize.
- Paraffin Carburetters. A £100. 419.
- Procession marshalled by Motor. 526.
- Procrastination. 418.
- Progress Car. 9^ h.n.. 608.
- Progress Cycle Co., Ltd. (letter). 207.
- — Voiturette. 500 Miles on 4^ h.p., 531.
- Prohibition of the Gaillon Hill Climb. 372.
- Promising Aspirant. A. 495.
- Property. Automobile Movement and. 553.
- Proposed Legislation. 25, 76. 141. 164. 183 197. 208.
- Prospects of the Nice Week, 493.
- Prosser, H.. 451.
- — Mr. H.. and l0 h.p. Wolseley, 379.
- Protection from Mud, 548.
- Protos Cars, 22.
- Provence. The Criterium of, 309.
- Provincial Automobile Clubs, Harrogate Meet of. 23.
- — Cup. The. 163.
- Prune!. Societe des Usines. 638.
- Prussia, Prince Henry of, a Locomobilist, 406.
- Public Service Cars, 343.
- — Johannesburg. 149. 396.
- Pump, Attention to. 440.
- — Clip. Circulating. 555.
- — Compound Tyre, 23. 451.
- “ Punch,” 453.
- Purchase. E. R.. on his 12h.p. Gladiator. 204.
- Pyle, C. Elliott. 79.
- Quadrant Motor Bicycle. 426.
- Queries of General Interest, 24. 146. 196. 225 386. 435. 461, 537. 593.
- Quintette, A Successful, 140.
- Race, Alcohol Bicycle. 523.
- — in Portugal. A, 474.
- — the Belgian Ardennes. 49.
- — Meeting. A Motor Cycle. 176
- Race. Gordon-Bennett, Mr. S. F. Edge and. 1.
- — Next Year s Cup. 2.
- — Paris-Madrid. 446. 494 . 592.
- — The Paris-Vienna. 4. 28. 58. 86. 99. 445.
- Racer, The 45 h.p. Wolseley. 91.
- Races at Plymouth. Motor Cycle. 3. 47. 237.
- Racing Cars, Some Impressions of. 13.
- — in France, Control of Motor. 414.
- — Machines for Touring. 179.
- — Rules. New. 521.
- — The Control of, 473.
- — Motor. 440.
- — Track. Long Island. 114.
- Railway Companies’ Requirements. 228.
- — Engine. Ninety Miles per Hour. 293.
- — Inspection Car. Mr. F. R. Simms’s. 162.
- — Locomotive, Autocar triumphed over. 115. 404.
- — Petrol Engines on the. 511.
- — Problem.4 193.
- — Stations. External Names on. 378.
- Railways and Petrol. 413. 419, 448. 460. 464 . 484 511.
- — Motors f ir, 339.
- Raleigh Motor Bicycle, 573.
- Rai si. Mr. Pandeli. 56.
- Rally wood, Jonathan (letter?. 449.
- Has Makennen. The. 85.
- Rating Practical System of. 3.
- Rawlings. J. J. (letter . 550.
- Reading Automobile Club Dinner, The. 507.
- — Carriers’ Carts and Autocars. 535.
- Reckless Driving. 123 147. 197.
- Recard. Baron de Caterss. 100. 143.
- — between Paris and Rome. 480.
- — Motor Bicycle. Fred W. Chase and, 529.
- — Motor Cyclist’s, 480.
- — Track at Dourdan. The, 549, 586.
- Records. 522. 529.
- — on the Werner Bicycle, 224.
- — the Deauville. 400.
- — World's. W. K. Vanderbilt. 145, 164.
- Red Flag hoisted, 168. 187.
- — Lamp on the back of Car, 388.
- " Red Star ” altered to “ Gamage.” 554.
- Redwood, Bernard P., 446.
- Reform. The Direction for. 253.
- Registration Chamin on, A. 76.
- Regulations on the Continent. Autocar. 61.
- Reigate, Boycott of. 144.
- — Tactics of Police at. 379.
- Reliability Trials. American. 453. 464 , 668.
- — Automobile Club 191, 212. 227 . 230. 256. 294 , 333. 341. 377 . 382 . 449. 524 . 668.
- — Clipper-Continental Tyres in. 390. Future, 415.
- — The 1903 . 598 611. 647.
- — Value of. 612.
- Remedies for Overheating. 440.
- Renault Car, The 16 h.p.. 36.
- — 14 h.p. Four-cylinder. 637.
- Renault '-. M. Marcel. Victorious 16 h.p. Light Car. 28.
- Repair. Emergency Tyre. 450.
- — Wheels where Necessary. 650.
- Repairer to the King, Frank Morriss. 670.
- Repairing in New South Wales Motor. 142.
- — Record. 586.
- Resistance of Road Vehicles to Traction. 322.
- Results of Reliability Trials. 334.
- Reviews of Books. 543.
- Rex Car. Firemen in a, 547.
- — Cars. 9 h.-p„ 454.
- — Motor Bicycle 575.
- — The New 14 h.p. Two-cylinder, 181. 436.
- Richard Cars. Georges-. 633.
- — Georges-, Direct Drive. 401.
- Richard's Automatic Spark Retarder. 284.
- Richmond Rural District Council, 358.
- Rigal on 32 h.p. Buchet Tricycle, 400.
- Rigolli. Victory by, 143.
- Rgo.ly driving the Gobron-Brillie, 373.
- Riley Cycle Co., Ltd.. 553.
- Ring Rail Tractor, 349 . 388. 410 . 419.
- Riple\ Road. The Collision on the. 431.
- — Tradesmen of. 360.
- — Trap. 496.
- Ritchie Mr. R. C-, Edinburgh to London. 23.
- River Hill, Reliability Trials, 298.
- Riverhill Section. 219.
- Road Carrying Co.. 2. 43. 167. 584, 670.
- — for Autocarists A Special, 89. 124.
- — Maintenance. 622.
- — Petrol by, 582.
- — Rail Ring Tractor. 388 . 410. 419.
- — Surfaces. Continental Autocar. 61.
- Tarring and Oiling. 23 171, 254 , 360. 371. 375. 416.
- — Test, Ormonde Motor Bicycles. 13.
- -- The Terrors of the. 171.
- Road Traffic. Sanitation of. 291.
- — Trials for 1933. 598.
- — Vehicles. Resistance to Traction. 322.
- Roads for Automobiles, 51. 124. 148. 494.
- — Foundationless. 656.
- — Improvement Association. 621.
- — in New Countries, Automobile. 227.
- — Present Condition of. 516.
- — Sussex, and Police Traps. 670.
- — The Gospel of Good. 23.
- — Safety of. 52.
- — Neglecting the KiTkenuv. 648.
- Roadway Autocar Co.. Ltd.. Buyidon v.. 62.
- Roberts. Lord, and his Staff. 252.
- — Mr. W. Farrer. 477.
- Robinson and Price. Ltd. (letter,1 6)7.
- — Prof. N.. Gas and Petroleum. 543
- Rochester. Bishop of. 453.
- Rochet Ball Thrust Bearing. 28?.
- — Touring Car 317, 4Gb.
- Rochette Vonurette. 243. 552.
- Roebuck, J. W. <letter). 582.
- Roller Bearings. Timken. 603.
- Rollers, Hollow lor Bearings. 546.
- Rolls, Hon. C. S.. Accident to. 288.
- Roots and Venables Car-. 553.
- Rotary Valve for Internal Combustion Engine-. 471.
- Roumania, H.R.H. the Crown Princess of. 195.
- Round the World on a Motor tar 338, 407.
- — Tower. Copenhagen. 452
- Route Maps for the Reliability Trials. 212.
- Rowcliffe. Mr. W. E.. 26.
- R. and P. Motor Bicycle. 573
- Rucker, M. 1). (letter . 658.
- Rules for the Trials Henry Sturmey. 16.
- — New Racing. 521.
- Rules and Svstem of Marking for Trials, 278
- Rumble Locomobile Victoria. 169.
- Run. Ann i versa rv, Automobile Club, 459. 486 . 487 500, 534.
- — on a 10 h.p. Cottereau De Dion Car, 359.
- — to Oxford. The Celebration. 500, 534.
- Rural England. Autocars for. 198.
- Russell, Earl (letter). 111. 645.
- Rutishauser on the Sernollet. 398.
- Ryknield Motor Co.. Bur toil-on-treat, 485.
- Ryley, J. A.. Sparking Plug. 670.
- Safety of the Roads. The 52.
- Salisbury’s, Lord. Locom- bile. 229.
- Salomons. Sir David. -8L
- Sandringham. Dynamo Plant at. 489.
- Sanitation of Road Traffic. 291.
- Satisfaction. 182.
- Savory, L. (letter). 378. 496. 580.
- School for Motoring. 254 . 371. 530.
- Schwind. C. L. Getter . 19.
- Scott, A. (letter . 523.
- — Cyril (letter . 111.
- Scottish Automobile Club. 143 145. 168. 184 339 . 458. 479 . 510, 534 . 653. 672.
- — at Joppa. 66.
- Separation of Eastern and Western Sections. 168.
- Screens. Dust, 476.
- Seat, Automatically-controlled Motor Vehicles by. 379.
- Second-hand Car. Buying a. 623. 657.
- — Cars. Unduly Cheap. Warning, 670.
- Secor Motor, 101.
- Section and Plan of Westerham Hill, 42.
- Selsey Bill, 93.
- Seinmering Hill Climb 286. 309.
- Separators using Superheated Steam, Oil, 380.
- Sequel to the Bexhill Races. 49.
- Serpollet. 15 h.p.. 310.
- — Cars, 633.
- — Generator. 80.
- — Racer, The. 20.
- — Racing Car. " Le Torpilleur.” 625.
- — Steamer using Alcohol. A. 9.
- Servants, Manufacturers and Motor. 24.
- Service at Arbroath. Motor Car. 92.
- — Rome. Automobile. 584.
- — Eastbourne Motor Car. 222
- — of Cars. Marble Arch and Cricklewood. 343.
- — Motor Cars. Birmingham. 360.
- — Vehicles Johannesburg, 149. 396
- Services. Frequent Local. 389.
- Severn (letter . 496.
- Shah at Ostend. 93.
- — In Honour of the. 286.
- Shah’s New Car. The. 579.
- Sheffield Cups for Hill-climbing. 528
- — and District Automobile Club 184, 357,
- Shields to go under the Motor. ^WoKeley. Leather. 376.
- Shield, The Vipen Dust. 304. 381.
- Show. Edinburgh Cycle and Motor. 445.
- — Liverpool Cycle and Motor. 25.
- — of 1903. The. 612.
- — Question. The. 207. 610.
- — Some Impressions of the Paris. 647.
- — The Paris Autocar. 625. 677.
- Shrewsbury’s. Lord. Latest Car. 468.
- Shrewsbury. Lord, on a Racing Car. 223.
- — and Talbot. The Earl of. 290.
- Siddeley Autocar Co.. 489.
- Siddeley, Mr. J. D.. 22.
- Siddeley’s. J. D.. Parisian Daimler. 188.
- Sideslip. 669.
- — Prevention of. 597.
- Signal. The Warning. 19.
- Signs or Signals in France. 550.
- Silent Cars. 365. 381. 406.
- Simms, 8 h.p.. 333.
- Simms Manufacturing Co Ltd. (letter). 164.
- — Motor Launch. 408.
- — Railway Inspection Car. Mr. F. R.. 162.
- Simms-Bosch Ignition. 678.
- Singer Cycle Co. and Humber Co.. Challenge by the. 404.
- — Ltd. (letter), 45.
- — Motor Bicycle. Chain-driven, 426. 452, 573.
- — Tricycle up Gorcot Hill 406.
- Six Hundred and Fifty Miles. Reliability Trials. 191. 212. 227 . 230. 256. 294. 333. 341. 377 382. 449. 524. 668.
- Slade. W. A.. Quadrant Motor Bicycle. 370.
- Slag and Tar for Roads. 148. 228.
- Slough. High Speeds through, 81 Slows. Fit of the. 490.
- Small Car. A Good Run on a. 194.
- Smell? How can it. 101.
- Smith. Cyril H. (query*. 225.
- — J. Hoyle (letter). 402.
- — Manchester Automobile Club. 191.
- — S. A. (letter). 111. 608.
- Sociable. A Motor. 422.
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. 612.
- Solid v. Pneumatic Tyres, The Efficiencies of. 461. 525. 580. 607.
- — Durability of. 406.
- — Tyres. 440.
- — on Light Cars. 497.
- Solution for Accumulators, A Good, 440.
- Soudan. Autocars in the. 27, 145.
- South Africa. British Cars in, 396. Motor Car in. 223.
- — African Reader. A (letter), 402. Trade. 189.
- Southport Speed Trials. 609.
- Spa. Belgium. Hill Trials. 399.
- Spanners. A Handy Set of. 142.
- — Sizes of. 347.
- Spare Part- for Motor Bicycle, 537.
- Supply of. 354.
- Sparking Plug, 526. 556. 649.
- — Attachment. The Automobilia. 493.
- — “ English Bilar.” 425.
- J. A. Ryley, 670.
- — Plugs. Insulating Material for. 499.
- Spectacle Goggles. Waterson. 425. 427. 478.
- Speed at Welbeck. 206.
- — Case. Walter Jackson, 23.
- — Changing. 440.
- — Failing to put in the Statute showing Legal. 371.
- — Gear Change. Lower to Higher. 368.
- — Indicator. 380. 669. Electrical, 330.
- — in Paris. Autocar. 579.
- — Lady fined for. 21.
- — Legal Limit 356.
- — Limit. Abolition of a. 487.
- — Commonsense and. 341.
- — of Autocars. Electric Apparatus to
- — check the. 144.
- — Horse Vehicles in Towns. 540.
- — Moving Bodies. 229.
- — Reasonable. 488.
- — Trials at Bexhill and Welbeck. 21. 71. 99. 150. 206.
- Southport. 609.*
- Speed of Coaches. 539.
- — on M;xin Roads. 532. 539.
- — Some Phenomenal. 244.
- — up Test Hills. Reliability Trials. 294. 298. 360.
- Speedwell Motor and Eng. Co.. Ltd. (letter'. 21.
- Sport. 198.
- Sporting Offer of Messrs. Dennis. 255.
- Hoott lswoode. J. H. letter'. 423.
- Spirit. Anglo-American Oil Co. and Motor. 413.
- Spring Clip or Tong 677-
- Sprag. Mr. Nada U s Patent. 468.
- Sprags. Serviceable. 366.
- Springs. 558.
- — Lemoine's Ax’es and. 641.
- Stable. Heating Car. 550.
- Staff Officer's Car. A. 101.
- Staniex Brothers on their Latest Car, 370.
- — M.P.. Hon. Arthur. 2. 49.
- — Shows, Autocars at the National and. 559.
- Stanley’s. Lord. lO h.p. Wolseley, 527.
- Stanton. Count Zborowski taught by
- Mr. Oliver. 22.
- Star Car. lOh.p.. 432.
- The New Four-cylinder 20h.p.. 200, 361.
- — Cars. Gear of 6h.p., 498.
- — Engineering Co. and Gordon-Bennett
- Race. 671.
- Supplement. 651.
- Starley. A. V. Motor Cycle. 572.
- — Wm. (letter), 606.
- Start a Steam Car slowly, 395.
- Starting up Steam Generators. 347.
- Staten Island. Accident on. 451.
- Steam Car, A New American, 306.
- — 12 h.p. Chelmsford, 470. 541, 570.
- — damaged. 22.
- — Engine Crosshead Guides. 490.
- — Improvement, A. 608.
- — Lord Hillingdon’s. 107.
- — slowly. Start a. 395.
- — The Chaboche. 639.
- — New Clarkson. 551.
- — Toledo. 479, 492.
- — Weston. 356. 498. 608.
- — Cars 299. 336, 355. 403.
- — Difficulties of. 531.
- — Air Pressure for. 355.
- — into France. Entry of, 441.
- — Paraffin Burners for. 476. 496. 523, 530, 550.
- — Some New. 638.
- — White, 297. 333. 378, 426. 668.
- — Carriage Co.. Boilers. 520.
- — Fire Engine, Motor. 346.
- — Generators. Starting up. 347.
- — Lorry. Testing a. 346.
- — or Electricity. PetroL 667.
- — Waggon Co.. Thornycroft, 320.
- — Waggons for Egyptian Government, 492.
- — Some Foden. 514.
- — Vehicle. New. 616.
- — Vehicles. Petrol Generator for. 222.
- Steam mobile Car. .243.
- Steel, Good. 190.
- Steering. 557.
- — after an Accident, 672.
- — Gears. o99.
- Stephenson. F. (letter). 355.
- Stevenson. Dr. F.. 497.
- Stirling Double Tonneau, 255.
- — Omnibus. 530.
- Stilfser. Joch. on De Dion Voiturette,
- — M. Wolfgang through. 360.
- Stocks, J. W.. Fine Drive by. 83.
- Stoewer Car. 499.
- Stoppages to Diagnose, 395.
- Storage. Friswell. Ltd., 454.
- Stradliner and Plenty. 642.
- Strain Water for Steam Car. 395.
- Strickland and Co.’s Superheater. 470.
- Straker Steam Vehicle Co.’s Waggons. 670.
- Strange Coincidence. A. 291. 355.
- Stroke. The Direct. 207.
- Sturmey, Henry (letter). 20. 65. 422.
- — Observations on the Reliability
- — Trials, by. 300.
- — Rules for the Trials, by Henry. 16.
- Substitute for Dashwood. A. 182.
- Sufference. Motorists Simply on. 404.
- Sugar Crop. Mechanical Transport for. 670.
- Suggestions for a Severer Form of Tyre Competition. 302.
- Sultan of Morocco. 451.
- Superheated Steam. Oil Separators using. 380.
- Superheater. Strickland and Co.. 470.
- Superheaters for Locomobiles, 423.
- Superior Court. A open ling to the. 511.
- Supplement. 16 h.p. Napier. 464.
- Supply of Petrol. 484. 510. 582.
- Surface. A New Road. 148. 228.
- Surfaces. Tarring and Oiling Road. 23. 171. 254. 360. 371. 375. 416.
- Surrey Magistrates and Motorists. 396.
- — Police and Scott Montagu Bill. 667.
- — Trapping for Motors. 92.
- Surveyor of Brecon’s Motor Car. 358.
- Surveyor’s Point of View. Motor from a. 63. 358.
- Sussex Roads and Police Traps. 670.
- Swift. Experiences on a 5 h.p.. S8.
- — 4* h.p. Voiturette. The. 138. Switch A Neat. 590.
- Switzerland. Automobilists and Police. 79.
- Tactics. Aversion to Police, 436.
- Tandem. The Eagle, 550.
- Tank Filler. Petrol. 312.
- Tar for Roads, Slag and, 148, 228.
- Tarring and Oiling Road Surfaces, 23. 171. 254, 360. 371. 375, 416.
- Tart on the 20 h.p. Clement. 7.
- Taylor, J. T. 'letter). 182.
- Temporary Electrical Connection. 396.
- Tenants, Motor Cars for. 492.
- Tent, A Portable Folding Tonneau, 394.
- T. E. (query). 225. 435.
- Terrors of the Road. The, 17L
- Teste on the 70 h.p. Panhard. 352.
- Test. A Hill-climbing. 363.
- — Hills. Speed up, Reliability Trials. 294. 298. 360.
- Testing Engines. 593.
- Testa, Practical Tyre, 105.
- — Some Hill-climbing. 525.
- Theorie des Moteurs a Gaz, by G. Moreau, 543.
- Thief captured by Motor Car, 145.
- Thomas. Mr. F. (letter), 355.
- Thompson, Geo. (letter). 208.
- Thornycroft, Sir John, 22.
- — Steam Waggon Co.. 320.
- — Waggon. German War Dept.. 338.
- Three-cylinder Engines. Duryea Co. and. 671.
- — Panhard and Levassor, 649.
- — Vertical Engine. American. 381.
- Three Interested Ones <letter). 476.
- Three-speed Gear. De Dion-Bouton, 600.
- Throttle and Ignition Levers working
- — out of Position. 46.
- Times on Test Hills, Speeds and, 298.
- Timing by Policemen. 89.
- — Electrical, 447, 494.
- — Magnet-o. 640.
- Timken Roller Bearings. 603.
- Tinne. T. F. S. ‘letter), 64.
- Tips, Useful Hints and. 320, 347, 368, 395, 418, 440, 469, 490. 548, 578, 599. 608. 623, 657.
- Tip Waggon. Motor, 110.
- Todd. J., Article by. 110.
- Toledo Steam Car. 479. 492.
- Tolls, Maidenhead Bridge, 437. 565, 583, 643. 649, 672.
- Tonneau Tent, A Portable Folding, 394.
- Tool Kits. Water son. 381.
- Tools, Kit of. 347.
- Tornilleur. Serpollet Racing Car, Le, 625.
- Tortuous Act. A, 608.
- Tottenham Urban District Council, Motor Fire Engine for, 669.
- Tour. A Long, 549.
- — in Algeria, A, 446. 660.
- — on a British Car. A Long, 192.
- Touring Bollee. A. 7.
- — Car. A Good. 90.
- — in France. 497. 523.
- — Panhard in Sussex. A. 86.
- Towns, The Speed of Horse Vehicles in, 540.
- Track. A Record. 420.
- — Long Island Racing, 114.
- Traction in Belgium. Exhibition of Mechanical. 590.
- — The Resistance of Road Vehicles to. 322.
- Tractive Resistance Recording Instrument. 322.
- Tractor. The Ring Rai!. 349. 388. 410. 419.
- Traders. The Society of Motor Manufacturers and. 612.
- Traffic. Lorries for Rail-borne. 228.
- — Sanitation of Road. 291.
- — Vehicles for Heavy. 49.
- Trains. The North-Eastern Petrol. 511. 552. 584.
- Tramcar. The Genesis of the. 516.
- — The Motor Car v. the Electric. 516.
- Transcontinental Highway. United States of America. 543.
- Transmission from Clutch to Gear, 533.
- Transport :n Chieti. Automobiles for. 599.
- — Motor Waggon. 2.
- — of Fruit. 165. 187.
- — Petrol. 460.
- — War Office Mechanical. 349.
- Trapping for Motors. Snr ray Police. 92.
- Tran that Failed. A. 459.
- — The Oxford Police. 505.
- — Riplev. 496.
- — Warning of Police 660 672.
- Trans. Police. 100 254 288. 327 328. 329. 550 . 339. 359 362. 385 . 431. 461, 485. 507. 529. 5W. 565. 586. 594. 678.
- Tread. Cudie and Co.’s Armoured. 542.
- — The Chameroy Tyre. 441.
- Treads. Falconnet Perodeaud. 542.
- — The Wilkinson. 476. 497.
- — rambler Blade. Fitting of a. 517.
- Trembler Blade, Carpentier, 144.
- Tremblers, Coils and. 377.
- — Contact Breaker with Double, 451.
- Trial, Antwerp, 554.
- — of Light Motor Delivery Vans, Proposed. 332, 566. 603.
- — Run of 100 Miles at Kensall Rise 73
- — The Completion of the 5,000 Miles. 169.
- — Dashwood Hill. 161.
- — Trip of 600 Miles, 351.
- Trials, American Reliability. 453, 464.
- — at Bexhill and Welbeck, 21, 71, 99, 150.
- — Blackpool Speed, 311.
- — By Henry Sturmey, Rules for the, 16
- — Clipper-Continental Tyres in Reliability, 390.
- — Compared. 254.
- — for 1903. Road. 568.
- — Future Reliability. 415.
- — Gaillon Hill-climbing, 397.
- — Heavy Car, 421, 587.
- — Hill-climbing. 45. 72. 85. 100.
- — in America. The Reliability, 668.
- — Mechanical Details noted in the 650
- — Miles. 279.
- — Motor Cycle, Hill 45.
- — Notes. 333.
- — of 1903. The Reliability, 611, 647. 598.
- — the Automobile Club, Reliability 191, 212 . 227. 230, 256. 294, 333, 341, 377 , 382. 449. 524, 668.
- — Results of the Reliability, 334.
- — Southport Speed. 609.
- — The Brake. 230, 342.
- — Huy Climbing, 446.
- — Laffrey Hill-climbing. 85.
- Tyre. 278. 329 , 337 . 361. 383 , 428, 483.
- — Yorkshire Automobile Club Hill, 190.
- Trick Riding by Automobilists, 360.
- Tricycles. Humber Motor, 424.
- — Motor. 582.
- Tube Expander. The Albany, 485.
- Turcat-Mery Patents. 344.
- Turrell Vibrationless Car, 7h.p., 69.
- Twelve Years. Twelve Duryeas, 451.
- Twigg. W. J. letter), 523. '606.
- Twisted Belts. 395.
- Tyre. A Burst. 607.
- — Advice. 59.
- — An Improvised. 110. 450.
- — Unburstable. 668.
- — Competition. Suggestions for a
- — Severer Form of. 302.
- — “ Extra.” 485.
- — (Foreign). Syndicate, Ltd.. Martin’s
- — Pneumatic, 169.
- — Gallus. 642.
- — Inflation. 368.
- — Invicta, 642.
- — lost. Valve Cap of, 368.
- — Manipulation. 303.
- — Pump. Compound. 23, 451.
- — Repair. Emergency, 450.
- — Tread, The Chameroy. 441.
- — Trials. The. 278. 329 . 337, 361, 383. 428 483.
- — Wrinkle. A. 121.
- Tyres. 450. 608.
- — Buffer Solid, 346.
- — Collier. 646.
- — Continental. 642.
- — Durability of Solid. 406.
- — Repair. Emergency. 450.
- — Heavy. 476.
- — Improvements in Motor, 167.
- — in Reliability Trials, Clipper-Continental, 390.
- — Inner Tubes. 196.
- — in Winter. The Care of. 418.
- — on Light Cars. Solid 497.
- — running in the 3.000 Miles Trial, 275, 302, 337, 361.
- — Solid v. Pneumatics, 461 525.
- — Pneumatic and Other. 642.
- — Swain Motor, 168.
- — Tests. Practical. 105.
- — The Care of Pneumatic, 365, 433.
- — Detachment, Attachment, and Repair of Goodyear, 178.
- — Gordon-Bennett, 93.
- — Question of. 81.
- Uckfield Injustices. The. 45.
- Unattended Horses. 19, 223, 354.
- Unburstable Tyre. An. 668.
- Unoontrollable Horse. The, 242 . 285, 308, 321. 362. 384 . 409, 433, -47, 594.
- Unfortunate Coincidence An. 29L
- Uniform of Automobile Volunteers, dou.
- United States of America, Transcontinental Highway, 543.
- Unwin, Harry (letter), 668.
- Upkeep, Cost of, 580.
- Vaal Motor and Launch Co., 586.
- Valentin’s Motor Car Tour, Mr., 206.
- Valve Area, 431.
- — Cap of a Tyre lost. 368.
- — for Internal Combustion Engines,
- — Rotary. 471.
- — Motor Tricycle Exhaust. 347.
- — Setting, 386, 537.
- — The Brooke Exhaust Release, 280.
- Valves. Engine Details, lhe. 430.
- — (letter), 581.
- — Mechanically-operated Inlet, 475, 524, 551, 580, 606. 669. 677.
- — Worn. 402.
- Van, Clement Light Delivery, 587.
- — The Huber Covered. 588.
- Van Hooydonk, J.. 422.
- Vanderbilt, .iun., W. K.. 592.
- — W. K., World's Records, 145, 164.
- Van Raden, H. W. (letter), 182.
- Vans. Delivery, 496. 523.
- — Proposed Trial of Light Motor Delivery, 332, 566 . 603.
- Vehicles for Heavy Traffic, 49.
- — to Traction. Resistance of Road, 322.
- Velox Car, The. 350 , 527.
- Venables. Mr. A. B., and 9h.p. Dennis Car. 351.
- Vernon. Claude M. (letter). 402.
- Vertical Engine. American Three- cylinder. 381.
- Vibrationless Car, 7h.p. Turrell, 69.
- Viceregal Motor Tour, The. 441.
- Victor Emmanuel III. fond of Autocaring, 166.
- Victory. England’s. 1.
- Vincent, W. A. (letter), 377. 669.
- Vinet, M., Vehicles of. 633.
- Vipen Dust Shield. The, 304. 381.
- Voiturette. Passy-Tliellier, 399, 638.
- — Ryley, Ward, and Bradford, 106.
- — 6h.p. De Dion. 295. 368. 662.
- — Rochet, 243.
- — The 8 h.p. M.M.C., 401.
- Swift 4*, h.p., 138.
- Voltmeter. Bassee and Michel. 453.
- — Wanted, A Compact, 169.
- — Compact. 176.
- Volunteers. Hasty Criticisms of Automobile. 380.
- — The Automobile, 313, 330. 347, 377, 402. 450.
- W. A. D. (qeury). 386.
- Waggon, Motor Tip. 110, 661.
- — Transport, Motor, 2.
- Waggons for Egyptian Government, Steam, 492.
- — in Mauritius, Motor, 592.
- — Some Foden Steam. 514.
- — Military Motor, 229.
- Wake up. England. 75.
- Walker, Article by Sydney F., 491.
- Walsall. A Wail from, 451.
- War Department Car, 101, 223.
- Warm, Keeping. 607.
- Warne. E. H.. Worthing, 670.
- — W. T. (letter), 355.
- Warne’s Hotel, of Worthing, 391, 678.
- Warning. A. 402.
- — of Police Trap, 660.
- — Signal, The, 19.
- — Unduly Cheap Second-hand Cars, 670.
- War Office and Ring Rail Tractor, 410.
- — Cars. 444. 479.
- — 10 h.p. Lanchester, 479.
- — Mechanical Transport, 349.
- — Order a Brooke Car. 22.
- Warr. Motion against Earl de la. 24, 70.
- Warsaw to St. Petersburg, Log of the Passe-Partout, 407.
- Warwickshire County Council, 478.
- Warwick’s 22 h.p. Wolseley. Lord. 77.
- Washer. Spare Plug and. 66.
- Water-circulating System, Impurities after Running, 347. .
- Water-cooling System. Freezing of, 469.
- Water for Steam Car, Strain the. 395.
- — Gauge. 490.
- — Glass. 395.
- — The Klinger, 182.
- — Jacket, Leaky, 46. 65
- Waterson Spectacle Goggles. 425. 4Zt. 478.
- Watney. Mrs. Claude, 499, 532.
- Waylaying Motorists, Police, 100.
- Wearwell Motor Bicycle 573.
- Wedding. An Autocar. 89. 671.
- Wedding, A Notable. 120.
- Weigel, D. M. (letter), 275. 300.
- Weighing a Car. 548.
- Welbeck, Fast Kilometres at. 206.
- — Trials at Bexhill and, 21, 71, 99, 150.
- — to Dashwood, 137.
- Werner Bicycle. Records on the. 224.
- — driving 40 h.p. Mercedes. 309.
- — Freres. 445.
- — v. Gamage, 209.
- — Motor Bicycle. 499.
- — 250 Miles on a. 611.
- — End-to-end on a. 82. 115.
- — Severe Test, 168.
- Westerham Hill Climbs. The. 64, 67.
- — Motor Cycles at. 48.
- — Reliability Trials. 299.
- — — Section and Plan of. 42. 219.
- Westminster Motor Car Garage, 359, 379.
- — (letter) 378.
- Westminster's 16 h.p. Brush Car, Duke of, 434.
- Weston Motors and Long Island Endurance Test. 15.
- — (letter). 299. 355.
- — Steam Car. 356. 498. 608.
- — Victoria Modele de Luxe. 77.
- Weston-S.-Mare (letter). 403.
- West Riding Trap. 330.
- W. H. D. (letter), 88.
- Wheels. Autocar. 180.
- — Play of. 46.
- Whirlwind Motor Bicycle. 572.
- White Car for Medical Use, 496. 524.
- — H. M. Beddington on the, 199.
- — Engine and Generator, 283.
- “ White Ghost,” 77.
- — Steam Car, 297, 333. 378, 426, 476, 668
- Whittaker, Mr. James, 644.
- Who will Tilt for England? 51.
- Wick Carburetters, 225.
- Wilburnie Motor Oil. The. 45.
- Wilkinson Treads. The, 476, 497.
- — Tyre and Tread Co. (letter), 476.
- Williams, A. E. (letter). 646.
- — J. (letter), 607.
- Wilson. A. J.. Motor Cycle Matters, 544. 572.
- Winner, Honour to the, 20.
- Winter. Autocars away for the. 599.
- — Hints for. 469.
- — The Care of Tyres in, 418.
- Winter-Wood. E. J. (letter), 182.
- Wiring, 225, 435.
- Wisden, and the Motor Industry, Colonel. 329.
- — Colonel, Hope for, 650.
- Witnesses, Excitable, 52.
- W. J. B. (query). 196.
- W. J. L. (letter). 607.
- Wolfgang, A. M.. Through Stilfser Joch on De Dion Voiturette, 360.
- Wolseley Car, A Week’s Tour on a 5h.p., 109.
- — Experience with a. 403.
- — and the Gordon-Bennett Race, 64.
- — C. H. Gameson’s 10 h.p.. 478.
- — H. Prosser and 10 h.p.. 379.
- — Landaulette, 10 h.p., 632.
- — Lord Warwick’s 22 h.p.. 77.
- — Motor and Tool Co. at the Paris
- — Show, 632.
- — Racer. The 45 h.p.. 91.
- — The 20 h.p.. 294. 320.
- — with Improved Hansom Cab Body,
- — 10 h.p., 113.
- Wolseley’s. Lord, Car arrested, 582.
- Wood. Sir Evelyn, 211.
- Worcester Chamber of Commerce, 513.
- Workmanship, British, 111.
- World’s Record. Pierre de Caters, 143.
- Worm Drive, The A.V.. 606.
- Worthing Bench, 329, 426, 534.
- Wrap. Combination Mask and, 388.
- Wrecked at Edinburgh through Collision with Manhole Door. Car. 205.
- Wrench (letter), 608.
- Yendham, C. C. (letter). 608.
- Yorkshire Automobile Club. 142. 190, 306. 363, 433. 510. 531, 653. Hill Trials, 190, 224 . 306.
- — Prosecutions in, 306.
- Zborowski. Count. 91.
- — on his 40 h.p. Mercedes. 8.
- — taught by Mr. Oliver Stanton. 22.
- Zetland's. Marquis of, Lanchester Car.