Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1905 Motor Show (SMMT February)

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of Motor Shows

February 1905.

Held at Olympia from the 10th February to 18th February

See 1905 Motor Show (SMMT February): Petrol Cars

Reports of the Olympia Show (SMMT).[1][2][3][4][5][6][7][8][9][10][11]


Note. This file was produced by OCR and is not proof-read and corrected.

The exhibition of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders at Olympia, Kensington, W., opened on the 10th inst., and closes to-night, Saturday. The doors were not actually thrown open to the public till noon, as His Royal Highness the Prince of Wales expressed a wish to have a quiet couple of hours in the show examining the exhibits with the Princess. He arrived early, and both he and the Princess showed the greatest interest in the cars, many of which they examined most carefully. The Prince was to make an official visit to the show on Thursday, as chief Vice-patron of the Club, but the visit last week was that of a keen automobilist. The example set by the Prince of Wales has been followed by a vast number of the King's subjects. One great feature in favour of the exhibition is the way in which the exhibits have been classified into sections.

The heavy cars are all together, the main floor of the building being divided between them and private automobiles, which occupy at least two-thirds of the available space, while the remainder at the west end is given over to passenger and goods vehicles of all sorts. Motor Boats are shown in a compact section in the annexe, and in the gallery the tyres, clothing, and other exhibits are kept in separate classes. We hope this system will be further developed another year. It would be a great convenience, too, for many visitors, if all the cars under £250 were separated front the larger vehicles. It would also he a good thing if the light delivery vans, instead of being dotted all over the building among the private carriages, could be brought into one group. From an exhibitor's point of view there are objections to subdivision, hut we believe the additional interest taken in the exhibits, and the extra business that would accrue, would quite repay the exhibitors for the trouble involved. Plain maps, broadly indicating each section, should also be posted up in various parts of the building. We make these suggestions with a view to still further improving the exhibition from the visitor's point of view. The greatest credit is Inc to the Society. the She Committee, and to Messrs. Woodfine and Mackie, on whom the bulk of the work in connection with the exhibition had necessarily fallen, and who have carried out the work with considerable tact.


The opening luncheon was held on Friday last week, and was attended by over two hundred representatives of the industry.

Mr. S. Straker (the president of the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders) occupied the chair, being supported by Lord Stanley (Postmaster General), Sir Ed. Ward. Captain the Hon. Chas. Fitzwilliam, Mr. Art. Stanley. M.P., Earl Russell, the Hon. John Scott Montagu, M.P., Sir A. K. Rollit. M.P., Colonel Holden (chairman A.C.G.B. and I.), Sir H. Trueman Wood, Mr. W. J. Bull. M.P., etc.

Lord Stanley, in proposing "Success to the Society and to the Exhibition," made an interesting speech. When speaking at a similar function last year, he had suggested that the Automobile Club should become the recognised and accepted authority of automobilism; also that there should be co-operation between the club and the trade. This had evidently come to pass, as he noticed the chairman of the club and the president of the society sill side by side. The other day the Lord Chief Justice had remarked that motor cars had come to stay; indeed, that they were now an absolute necessity to others beside the rich. He had been long enough in office to see the growth of automobilism in the postal service. There was now a postal service running by mail coaches between London and Brighton which was to be superseded by automobiles.

Lord Stanley, in some further remarks, attempted to justify police traps and police methods, but it was evident that he did not receive much sympathy from his audience. He hoped, however, that some means would be found of eliminating from the ranks of automobilists those who drove without thought for others.


THE ADAMS MANUFACTURING Co., 147, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. (133a.)—This car is fitted with a horizontal engine placed centrally and driven through an epicyclic gear to the live axle by means of a single chain. On the high speed the Crypto runs solid, but for the low and reverse, compound. The lubrication is well carried out, and provision is made for accessibility by doors in the body, and also by arranging for the body to hinge up completely when required. Both ordinary high tension and high tension magneto are fitted. Long leaf springs run from axle to axle, but are stiffened laterally by a double elliptical spring under the front axle. A light delivery van on similar lines is also shown.

ALFORD AND ALDER, Newington Butts, S.E. (106).— This car, which is made specially for medical work, is, of course, quite suitable for pleasure use, and embodies an interesting system. The engine is of simple horizontal two-cylinder type, and drives by means of a chain on to the live back axle. The chain wheel on the back axle contains an epicyclic gear which is arranged so that it can be locked solid upon the high speed, but by alternately locking the internal or external member of the epicyclic gear the second or third speed is brought into operation. A couple of exterior spur wheels engaging with spurs which encircle the Crypto case provide for the reverse. The whole of the transmission is enclosed, and the system certainly strikes us as being an ingenious one, which we hope to deal with more fully at a future date.

THE ALBION MOTOR CAR Co., LTD., 1, Poland Street, W. (68).—This well-known Scotch company are showing, through the Lacre Motor Car Co., six of their 16 h.p. cars. These are all constructed with a similar chassis, differing only in the length, according to the type of body fitted thereon. It will be noticed that the power has been increased by some 4 h.p., and all reasonable requirements are met in that direction. An extremely ingenious arrangement is worked from the governor, for controlling the throttle, mixture, and ignition automatically, and apparently the device satisfactorily meets the many and varied requirements demanded of it. The governor itself can be controlled from the steering wheel. Low tension magneto ignition is employed, with an ingenious timing arrangement. The driving gear is with countershaft and side chains, and the variation of speed is obtained by the type of gearing now very popular, but which this company was one of the very first to introduce, viz., that giving direct drive on the top speed, the second shaft only being called into play for lower speeds. Spring action is introduced, which greatly softens the changes, and also the starting of the car. The bodywork, like the chassis, shows considerable ingenuity, and we were especially struck with two landaulettes—one single, and the other double. The former was provided with a folding table and detachable canopy. Another feature of interest is the dashboard, which curves over backwards at the top, and forms one wall of the petrol tank. This, while of large capacity, does not mach down to the footboard, so that foot space is not restricted. The cars well repay study, and, we should imagine, give considerable satisfaction to their owners. We hope to deal at some length with their special features in an early issue.

ALLDAYS AND ONIONS PNEUMATIC ENGINEERING CO., 141.1)., Birmingham (23).—The principal exhibit here is a single-cylinder 8 h.p. landaulette, with seating accommodation for two, and a body so built that the car can be driven from the interior, the gear and brake levers being conveniently within the right hand door. The 8 h.p. single-cylinder chassis is also shown carrying smartly finished double phaeton body with front bucket seats, and entrance through seat to rear of car, finished in white and gold, and picked out red. A three-seated body with entrance through front seat, and good looking hood, is perhaps the most tastefully finished exhibit on the stand, the side panels being in imitation cane and t he body of the car in green and a bite. Another 8 h. p. chassis carries a well contrived light delivery tradesman's van body with detachable top, and the body so arranged that with an extra seat fitted, the vehicle can be driven as a pleasure car. An 8 h.p. two-seated car with smartly finished body is also shown. The improvements in these chassis for this show are the enlargements of the bore and stroke of the engine, the improvement of the carburetter, which is now entirely automatic in action, a ratchet pawl sprag fitted to the pedal brake drum, and the interchangeability of the parts. The lever applied brakes on the rear wheels are compensated in their application.

THE ANGLIAN MOTOR CO., LTD., Basil Street, S.W. (64).— '1711e Anglian cars exhibited here are in each case fitted with Aster motors. The larger cars are built with four-cylinder engines, and practically Aster construction throughout, including the automatic carburetter and driving gear, and other mechanical parts. The cylinders are cast separately, and the frame is of pressed steel pattern. '1'lle driving gear terminates with side chains, and an interesting feature consists in the mounting of the balance geared shaft in roller bearings. This car has a body fitted with side entrance doors, the arrangement being such that the wheelbase is not of abnormal length. The light cars are constructed, except as to the engine, in this country, and are of either 12 h.p. or 14 h.p. The throttle is controlled from the steering wheel, and the ignition is regulated by a lever mounted just below the steering wheel on the column. The car is of British manufacture, and is a credit to the place of its birth. A good specimen of the new four-cylinder 15 h.p. Aster engine is exhibited separately, and is the result of the labours of a firm whose engines have few equals, and fewer, if any, superiors. On the same stand is exhibited the Hallamshire car, with which we dealt in our report of the recent Crystal Palace show. As the makers say, it is a straightforward job throughout.

THE ANGLO-AMERICAN MOTOR CAR CO., 19, Heddon Street, W. (80).—The Cadillac, though of American origin, now differs but little in general appearance from the standard types of British-built cars—in fact, one specimen with a detachable brougham top of English manufacture, has a thoroughly British appearance. The general arrangement of the Cadillac car is the same as hitherto, but certain improvements have been introduced for the present year. For example, a pressed steel frame replaces the channel section frame previously employed. The false bonnet is of larger dimensions, and consequently affords greater space for the storing of tools. The water tank is also accommodated in the same compartment, and is much more easily filled than hitherto. Wheel steering has been employed for some time, and the handle below the wheel serves for the control of the engine by regulating the lift of the inlet valve. The lubrication system has been improved, and Ow pressure of the air in the crank case is utilised for forcing tin oil to its destinations. Quietness and capability are the chief characteristics of the Cadillac.

THE ARIEL MOTOR Co., LTD., Birmingham (85).— On approaching this stand, one naturally looks for some specimens of first-class engineering, and, as usual, one is not disappointed. A new 25 h.p. Ariel chassis is a very fine specimen of work, and shows many interesting features. The pressed steel frame is parallel throughout, and is supplemented by a second inner frame, also running the full length of the car Powerful tubular struts are arranged transversely to stiffen the whole. A four-cylinder motor is mounted in the usual position, and has mechanically operated inlet valves. These are set in the top of the cylinder, and are operated by rocking levers. The valves, valve boxes, and actuating mechanism, are set at an angle to the cylinders, this arrangement providing certain advantages. The honeycomb cooler is assisted by a fan placed immediately behind it, and driven by a flat belt with a simple form of adjustment. On the other side we find that the inlet pipe is particularly well designed to ensure each cylinder receiving its due proportion of mixture. High tension magneto ignition is provided in combination with accumulator ignition, with single coil and distributer. The sparking and the throttle are controlled from thumb levers mounted on a trans- verse spindle on the steering wheel. Between the clutch and the gear box a double universal joint is introduced into the shafting. This should effectually pre- vent any cross binding. The transmission gear is of the arborshaft type, and is simply and strongly constructed. The drive is direct on top speed. Four for- ward speeds and a reverse are provided, the drive being direct on the highest speed. A nutotwr of complete cars are also exhibited, these being mostly of lower powers, and all show the company's excellence of work and design.

Sir W. G. ARMSTRONG, WHITWORTH, AND CO., LTD., Newcastle-on-Tyne (74). — The Wilson-Pilcher" has always been an exceedingly clever car, but it must be confessed that at first sight it may suggest minis complication. Since its last appearance this objection — for such, we suppose, it must be called — has been to a considerable extent overcome. Angles have been straightened out, and rough places made plain, in ninny instances, so that the vehicle is now, comparatively speaking, simple. One strong feature the manufacturers are making consists in the eradication of malleable castings, and the employment in place thereof of drop forgings, or, rather, as the cycle maker calls them, stampings. This speaks well for the confidence the firm have in the permanency of the pattern, and of course means, from the owner's point of view, the avoidance of fractures. The front axle is really a very fine sample of the smith's art, being of a type which has the steering jaws all forged in one piece. The driving gear is still of the cardan shaft type, and the problem of excluding dust while not interfering with the flexibility of the transmission has been very successfully tackled. Helical teeth are employed throughout the gearing. The hand and foot brakes both operate upon the driving wheels, and internal and external points of compensating devices of neat construction are introduced into both. A flanged type of radiator is employed, this being constructed without soldering, and made of copper The exhibit is a testimonial both to Messrs. Wilson and Picher as designers, and Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., as manufacturers.

AUTOMOBILE ENGINEERING CO., LTD., Clapham Road, S.W. (135).—The Planet cars of various types, from 6 h.p. single- cylinder up to 24 h.p. four-cylinder. There is also a Vinot chassis on this stand.

AUTOMOBILIA, Oxford Street, W. (12), show a 30 h.p. four-cylinder Aries chassis, which was fully described in our report of the Paris show. It is a very fine example of mechanical finish, and as a special inducement to the visitor is set over mirrors and has the under cover of the crankshaft removed, laying bare the crankshaft and big ends. A 22 h.p. Aries with double landaulette and forward canopy body is also shown.

THE BEAUFORT MOTOR CO., LTD. Baker Street, W. (29).— The most interesting feature LTD., is, of course, the 24 h.p. Beaufort chassis. A stamped steel frame of excellent design is adopted, and the cylinders of the engine are carried directly thereon. The cylinders of this engine are cast in pairs, with the valve chambers on the left-hand side, and one half-time shaft actuating both exhaust and induction valves. A magneto is used in lieu of accumulators, the current passing through a low tension commutator and four coils. Accumulators are carried, and can be switched into operation should any trouble result from the magneto. The commutator is driven from the centre of the half-time shaft by bevel gearing, and is placed in a very accessible position between the pairs of cylinders. The half-time magneto gear, consisting of steel and fibre wheels, is also enclosed in a forward gear case. The engine is so finished that low tension magneto can be readily fitted, the induction cams serving to actuate the ignition tappets. This low tension ignition is capable of being advanced and retarded.

The valve chambers are closed by nut-headed caps, those above the induction valves carrying the sparking plugs. the water jacket covers on each of the cylinders are readily removed by undoing two nuts. The bolts securing the cylinder to the crank chamber pass through the crank bearings and retain them in position. The lubrication to the cylinder walls, crank chamber, and centre crank bearing is maintained by exhaust pressure in a lubricating tank placed beneath the footboard, the oil passing through Five drip leads on the dashboard; a hand pump is also fitted' for emergency.

The carburetter is set on the right side of the engine, and has the usual float-feed with needle valve on the top of the float spindle nut, weights or arms being used in connection with it. The needle valve travels in a separate guide, and is not in any way connected with the float, save-to be raised thereby. A jet is placed in a horizontal position, and has an adjustable needle valve controllable from the dashboard. The jet chamber is provided with upper and lower pistons, the lower one moving for slow to medium speeds and the top one opening gradually from medium to high speeds. The governor controls both these pistons as required, but is capable of being cut out of action by a sector lever set on the steering wheel. As an instance of the consideration given to the design of this car, we would indicate the division of the exhaust pipe between the cylinders to provide for expansion and contraction. The steering standard is well raked forward and carried through the dashboard.

The control rods pass through the centre of the steering post, and operate the connecting rods to the ignition and governor by means of helical screws at the lower end of the steering post. The steering levers are fixed in position, and do not rotate with the steering wheel. All the steering gear can be detached by unscrewing one nut. The steering centres on the road wheels are placed within the hubs, so that they are set vertically over the point of contact of the tyre with the road. The drive is conveyed to the gear by means of a well-proportioned' internal friction clutch operated, as is the brake, on the countershaft by conveniently placed push pedals.

The gear box is three-point suspended, and contains gears affording three speeds forward and reverse, with direct drive on the top speed. A powerful hand brake takes effect on the countershaft, and the brake drum is formed with ratchet teeth to act as a sprag controllable from the front seat. The internally expanding brakes on the back wheels are compensated by a neat twin lever cross-head arrangement, which most effectively performs its purpose. The whole of the gear is enclosed below by a metal apron stretching from the radiator to the rear of the countershaft, and affords most efficient protection from mud and dust. The rear wheel springs are fitted with a compensating adjustable spring buffer attached to the frame, which most effectively takes up all undue shock and vibration. This chassis deserves the close attention of every visitor attending the show, because of its excellent consideration and design throughout, and the effective engineering job it presents.

No chassis is shown of the 12h.p. two-cylinder Beaufort, but the mechanism can be conveniently examined on the handsome, well upholstered and well finished tonneau car shown on the stand. As a matter of fact, the two-cylinder 12 h.p., except with regard to ignition, is precisely the same in design throughout as the car above described, save for its two-cylinders in lieu of four, and it is fitted with low tension magneto ignition. The side entrance double phaeton tulip Princess body, finished in dark green and black margins, picked out yellow, and handsomely upholstered in dark green buttoned and pleated leather, is a very fine example of body finish in every way.

At the back of the stand is a very well designed and well finished limousine body in dark green, with emergency seating accommodation for four passengers inside, and two on the front seats. A handsome, well fitted glass screen which slides up under the roof is placed above the dashboard. The front seats are divided and comfortable. The window in front of the limousine body can be dropped clown behind the front seat. The glazing throughout is in heavy bevel glass. A luggage rail is provided on the roof, and waterproof side curtains are fitted to the forward window. On a 16 h.p. chassis we find a very handsome brougham body in dark green and black, having a collapsible back and folding front. It is fitted with electric light and cigar lighter, the usual fittings being in the best style. This frame is upholstered in dark green buttoned and pleated leather, and has one emergency seat. ft. is a handsome looking vehicle. These bodies are by G. S. Palmer, of Dover, who built them specially for the Beaufort Co.

THE BELSIZE MOTOR CAR AND ENGINEERING CO., LTD., Clayton, Manchester (55).—This company is one of the many who favour the three-cylinder engine, though they also show motors with two, four and six cylinders. The cylinders are cast separately; the valves have variable lifting. The throttle and ignition levers are mounted upon the steering wheel. A good feature consists in the fitting of 5in. tyres as standard patterns. The dashboard is dished, and protects the levers for varying the lift of the valves, releasing the Show Report—Petrol Cars. compression, and actuating a small carburetter employed to run the engine while the car is standing. The combined low and high tension commutators are enclosed in a case adjacent to the single coil, both of these also being protected by the dashboard. A radiator is employed with fan draught, and is surmounted by a transparent vessel through which the circulation of the water may be inspected. The worm and nut gear of the steering is adjustable, as is also the tension of the fan belt. Pressed steel frames are employed, and cardan shaft drives. The six-cylinder car is built on the same principles. The two-cylinder Belsize was not on view, but it should not be forgotten by those seeking a small vehicle, as it has many points in its favour, and undoubtedly ranks among the best small cars made.

THE BLACKFRIARS MOTOR AND ENGINEERING WORKS. Stamford (66).—Most of our readers have doubtless heard from time to time of the Orient Buckboard, an American runabout of exceedingly light and simple construction. From the time it has been on the market, one may conclude that it is now a fairly practical vehicle for light work. The frame is .built, up of ash, and is very flexible. The air-cooled motor is hung out at, the back, and drives the balance geared axle at either of two speeds. The machine is arranged for the driver to sit at the left, the control levers being just inside the left hand rail, while the change speed lever is just outside. Two brakes are provided, both being applied by pedals, and the steering is by tiller. The machine is very low in price, and, we should think, good value for money.

BROTHERHOOD-CROCKER MOTORS, LTD., Hanover Square, W. (9).--The illustrated description of the Brotherhood cars built by the above firm, which was continued in our last issue, will enable visitors to follow easily the fine chassis of the four-cylinder Brotherhood shown with two other examples at this stand. Having so lately dealt completely with the excellent detail of this car, it is unnecessary for us to dilate further upon it here. We cannot, however, pass over the exhibit without reference to and commendation of the very line doable phaeton, hooded, and landaulette bodies carried by the two other chassis shown. Finished as they are in dark Idue and white, with nickel-plated fittings throughout, and upholstered- in pale fawn buttoned cloth, they present an appearance so impressive that those responsible for them. Messrs. ,Mulliner, of Brook Street, W., have reason to be proud of them.

THE BURLINGTON CARRIAGE CO., LTD., Oxford Street, W. (5).—The centre of the Burlington Carriage Co.'s stand is occupied by a magnificent example of automobile engineering work in the shape of the 40 h.p. Delaunay-Belleville chassis, which was illustrated and described in our issue of ,January 28th last, pages 108-109. It will be interesting for those of our readers who followed the description of this car in our columns to examine it now as it is actually turned out from the Delaunay-Belleville Works. The engine is a very line example, the cylinders being cast with globular valve chambers on each side, with very ample water jacketing. The circular form of radiator gives a most workmanlike appearance to the show car, and the method of mounting the petrol tank in the rear of the dashboard, and shaping it to torni a sloped dash, gives nobility to the appearance of the chassis. The steering post is well raked back, and is carried forward through the petrol tank and dashboard. A point to which we did not, refer in our late description is the method of applying the sprag, which takes the form of a ratchet and pawl on the countershaft, the pawl being dropped into contact with the ratchet by the depression of a small pedal set between the clutch and brake pedals.

The engine is carried on the frame, but the gearbox is supported at the forward end by a bridge carried on two under-frame members, which support the foetal under-apron. This runs back to a point on the frame in front, of the took axle. The rear of the chassis is centrally supported on a transverse spring connected to the two side springs set outside the frame. All gears are enclosed, and the switches for the magneto ignition are of convenient and robust construction. Ignition and throttle ire controlled from the centre of the steering wheel by two levers moving by an immovable sector. The action of the governor can be cut out by means of an accelerator pedal. Two pressure gauges are fitted on the dashboard, one showing the pressure in the lubricating bunk and the ether the action of the pump. Also on the stand is a 16 lip. De Dietrich carrying a very handsome double-phaeton, side-entrance body, finished in dark red and black, and tastefully upholstered. A sample of the Roi des Beiges body, showing the taste and excellent work done by this well known firm of carriage builders, also occupies this stand.

A 40 h.p. Hermes chassis, which is shown for the first time in this country, will interest all those who care to examine foreign products. This is a very fine example of engine building, having characteristics differing rather widely from the general run of French automobile engineering. cylinders tire cast in pairs, and have the valve chambers on the left-hand side. The valves are set in the crown of the valve chambers, these being actuated from above by vertical tappet rods with stiff branched arms. The rocking lovers, which are usually employed in connection with overhead valves, are therefore dispensed with in this engine. The ignition is by low tension magneto, a sexy simple forth of make and Break being actuated by a lay-shaft on the right-hand side. A pyramidal form of cellular water cooler fills in the front of the helmet, and has a belt-driven fan in rear thereof. All the half-limo gear is enclosed in a forward gear case with covers. The magneto and pump spindles are set together across the rear of the engine, above the crankshaft, and are driven by ordinary gearing off the rear end of the left-hand half-timc shaft. The induction valve3 ere provided with variable lift controlled fret'- the steering wheel, the lift being obtained by means of a sleeve moving on a coarse-cut thread round the upper end of the induetion tappets. The clutch is of the well known Hermes type. Two powerful foot brakes are provided, one on the forward end of the primary gear- shaft, and the other on the countershaft to the left of the gear box. The drive' is, of course, by chains from t he ends of the countershaft. Au ordinary form of stamped steel chassis is adopted. A very line Nod ,t.11-linished example of landaulette body, in claret toil red, sealing. four, completes the oxhiliit en this stand.

CADOGAN GARAGE AND MOTOR CO., Ian., Sydney Street, Chelsea (10).--On this stand is a very fine example of a 15-18 h.p. three-cylinder Ourkopp touring car, beautifully finished in dark red, lined black, and picked out yellow. It has well-carried front glass screen and canopy roof, back glass screens, and luggage rail on canopy. The Octopus hydraulic clutch, clutch, which was described and illustrated last week, is shown on a dashboard on this stand, and also sonic very fine examples of cylinders hushed by the Wilkinson Sword Company in gun browning. The manufacturer who desires an engine to near a Anima and taking appearance should not fail to see the manner in which this company can finish castings.

CANNSTATT MERCEDES, LTD., 132, Long Acre, W.U. (90).— These machines have been so recently dealt with that, though they deserve all the space we can give them. no good object will be fulfilled in repeating ourselves. The latest 70 h.p. car attracts a great deal of attention, and this is the car which we took as the basis of nor earlier description. The four cylinders are ranged in two pairs, these being separated by a greater distance than is usual. The low tension magneto system is still adhered to, as is the honeycomb system of radiator introduced un this make of car. In the present instance, the principle is carried out to a very high state, the passages being exceedingly small and numerous. The fan, for which one usually looks behind the radiator, is. it with be remembered, not there in this vehicle, but in another position. Instead of being located immediately be Bind the radiator, it is moved behind the engine itself, the draught passing right across the engine, the space in which the engine is carried being made practically air-tight the bonnet. But we are already allowing our pen to run away with us, and we can only say that the smaller cars follow the general Merced, lines modified as above indicated.

THE CANNSTATT AUTOMOBILE SUPPLY ASSOCIATION, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. (47). This firm are also exhibiting Mercedes and all interested in speed vehicles must naturally look for the 90 h.p. Mercedes 1905 model, which will be found upon this company's fine stand. In detail, the engine does not differ from the 60 h.p. Mercedes. Accumulator and induction coil are fitted for the purpose of starting up the motor. In order to keep the magneto contact breakers clean and in good condition, small blow-off cocks are fitted on the upper side of the ignition chambers. The18-28 h.p. 1905 chassis is mounted a particularly fine ',camp!, of limousine body by Messrs. !loop, and Co., coachbuilders to the King. This body is interesting as affording a means of contrasting first-class English bodywork in this connection with that of some of the leading foreign carriage-builders previously dealt with. The body is finished in dark green and black, and upholstered within in pleated and buttoned light fawn cloth. The mudguards are in panelled leather, and the body has a wide side step connecting the front and rear guards. The fittings are in brass throughout, and the car has the widest and most convenient side entrance we have noticed in connection with this type of body throughout the show.

CLEMENT-TALBOT, LTD., North Kensington, W. (118).—The same types of cars are shown as were exhibited at the Crystal Palace, and particular interest is taken in the very fine chassis the new 12-16 h.p., which is made for a side entrance body. In the Main Hall, on the stand of W. H. Burgess, a complete specimen of this car will be found. It is certainly one of the smartest of the smaller cars, with side entrance, and with its high speed, smooth running engine, and comparatively light weight, it should make a delightful vehicle. Speaking broadly, it is the old 14 h.p. which has earned such a good 'tame for itself, but with 5 mm. more bore to the cylinders, so that the extra weight of the longer chassis and side door body can be easily taken without the car being rendered sluggish. A new arrival on the stand which has not been shown before is the 24 h.p. This is a large car, with chain drive, the four cylinders having a bore of 100 mm. and a stroke of 140mm., with a normal revolution of 1,000 a minute. High tension magneto with accumulators as standby and for starting are provided. The cylinders are separate, with valves on opposite sides. A cone clutch conveys the !tower to the change-speed gearing, which gives four speeds, and the drive is conveyed to the back wheels by outside chains. It is not unlike the 35-5011.p., which WU shown at the Stanley, but it is, of course, a smaller and lighter vehicle than that. On the car exhibited a smart side entrance body with canopy top and curved glass back is shown. There is a large boot under the back seats, and in addition to this a hinged luggage grid, so that there is no necessity to snake the var top heavy by carrying the luggage upon it. We should :Ad a new type of carburetter is fitted 1, this car, which gives a particularly sensitive supply of extra air by means of a spring-balanced air throttle. We should imagine this would give a very delicate automatic adjustment of the air supply. Those interested in the smaller cars will find a specimen of the two-cylinder Talbot with swing front seat for giving entry to the tonneau well worth inspection.

CROXTED MOTOR AND ENGINEERING WORKS, Croxted Road, S.E. (136).—Besides several four-cylinder cars and a well- finished chassis is a solid-tyred wheel with metal segments to protect the rubber from damage by the road. Unfortunately, there was not room for the small single-cylinder car which performed so well in the Automobile Club small car trials last autumn.

COTTEREAU ET CIE. (McNeil, Hutchinson, and Co.), Manchester (145).---The smallest model Cottereau is a single- cylinder 8 Ii. p. car. There is also an 8 Ii. p. two-cylinder with four seats. This is followed by a three-cylinder, and then there is the 24 h.p. four-cylinder. The Cottereau is one of the up- holders of the chain drive, and it must be confessed that a very good case is made out for it by the English agents.

THE DAIMLER MOTOR CO., LTD., Coventry (69).—This is another of the established firms whose machines have proved so satisfactory in the past that no material alteration is called for either in the engine or the transmission gear. Certain alterations have been made about the car, such, for ex ample, as carrying the rear springs ()aside the frame instead of underneath the longitudinal members, and the substitution of girder section axles for the round ones hitherto employed. The company now feel justified in fitting ball bearings to the road wheels, and also to the transmission gear. These bearings are of the type now so freely used in motor cars, having the balls separated by springs, and pads carrying lubrication. The main control is )ay a single lever on top of the steering wheel, this being coupled up to both the throttle and the ignition. 'Phis, while no doubt an extremely simple arrangement, would hardly seem to he adapted to give the very best results under all circumstances. The lubricating system, while previously reduced to three barrels, is now further simplified by enabling all of these to be turned on and of! By the movement of a single lever.

The bodywork also has come in for revision. The seats are comfortably pitched both in the horizontal and upright portion, and the increase of comfort is quickly apparent. The power of the cars have been increased, the highest being now from 30 h.p. to 40 h.p., while the second are from 28 h.p. to 36 h.p. Needless to say, this is ample for any reasonable number of passengers, and, altogether, the Daimler car retains its position easily among the very best.

A. DARRACQ AND Co., 483, Oxford Street, W. (89).—This is a very fine show as usual, and those visiting the- show during the later days will probably have the pleasure of seeing a 90 h.p. chassis, which will be sure to prove a great attraction. Among the exhibits placed on the stand is a fine 15 h.p. landaulette. It will be remembered that in those cars the change-speed lever is arranged on the steering column, so that the driver always has it under his hand and eye. The makers have made a feature of this for some years, and see no reason to make any alteration. Those of our readers who favour the small car will be interested in the 8 11.p. Darracq. This, though still fitted with the single cylinder, has the inlet valve mechanically operated, aryl, further. the control is effected by varying the lift of this valve, the lever for operating it being mounted upon the steering. wheel. The frame is of the pressed steel type, and the brakes are constructed on the internal expansion principle. The cardan shaft driving mechanism gives three speeds and a reverse, the drive being direct on the top speed. The variation in price between the two and four- seated car being so small, we anticipate that most of the orders will be for the more commodious pattern. Altogether, this is a machine which takes an important place in a class that is none too large.

H. H. P. DEASY AND CO., LTD., Brompton Road (31).—A 34-40 h.p. Martini, carrying a very handsome special folding limousine by I I uret and Max Richard, of Paris, forms one of the most attractive features of the above company's stand. 'the wheelbase of this car is 9ft. Nin., and the wheel gauge 4ft. 701. the body is very handsomely finished in dark blue, lined ivory, has tasteful brass fittings throughout, and is most comfortably upholstered as to the front seat in black buttoned and pleated leather, and to the interior of the limousine in light fawn buttoned and pleated cloth, with rich trimmings. 'Ike seats in the body will accommodate four passengers. and can be so arranged that the occupants can play " bridge " therein. The seats can also be folded up in such a manner as to make two couches, on which two of the occupants can sleep comfortably. Two electric glow lamps are carried in the roof of the limousine. The driver is protected, when need be, by a swinging glass front, which, when not in use, hooks up under the forward canopy. The whole of the glazing is done in bevel glass, and the tout ensemble of this handsome carriage is most remarkable in every way. The back and roof of the limousine can be folded down and over in order that the occupants of the rear part of the car can travel in the open air.

The 20-24 h.p. chassis carries a very handsome landaulette body by Messrs. Thrupp and Maberley. finished in dark green and black, the body being of cabriolet lines, and of very light and tasteful appearance. A 20-24 h.p. Martini chassis, which, it should be remarked. is a standard type as supplied to customers, and is not specially finished for show purposes, arrived on Saturday. Upon examination it is found that this car has several somewhat important alterations in detail. In the first place the engine nnw revolves from left to right in lieu of the reverse, which has hitherto been the case. The carburetter is exhaust jacketed round the mixing chamber, and is provided with a controllable petrol needle valve by which the petrol supply can be con- trolled from the driver's seat. 'flie half-time gear, which in previous models has been placed naked in front of the engine, is now enclosed in an independent aluminium gear box. A small air force pump, friction driven off the end of the exhaust valve camshaft, is now fitted for the preservation of pressure in the petrol tank. The delivery pipe is fitted with a suitable bye-pass valve. A hand pump for accumulating pres- sure before the engine is started is fitted to the dashboard. The well- known Rocha-Schneider type of clutch spring has now been dropped, and a coil spring is fitted within the clutch spring box, carried on the driving shaft connecting the male clutch with the forward end of the primary gear shaft. The gate system of change speed has now been adopted, and the gear jaw locking rods are now placed under and in front of the gear box. A very neat arrangement is provided on the countershaft for locking the differential in case of mishap to a chain when on the road, so that 0103 can return home driving one wheel. A change is also made in the character of the brakes fitted to the driving wheel hubs. These have flow very substantial fittings, and are of the internally expanding type. Each radius rod carries a small lug upon which is fitted a swinging pawl, which is employed as sprag, both of which are released when required by Bowden wire attachments either from the steering wheel or the dashboard. The petrol tank is fitted with a conveniently placed petrol gauge, and the rear part of the frame is carried on a transverse spring supported by the usual longitudinal springs set outside the frame. We particularly commend this chassis to I he inspection of visitors to the show, for the reason that it is shown here exactly as supplied to customers, and they are able to realise the quality and finish which they may expect to find beneath the bodies.

DENNIS BROTHERS, LTD., Guildford (71).—This firm has a large stand of mostly largo vehicles. The business types will be found described under the heads referring thereto. Here we will confine our remarks to the private carriages. First, we notice that dumb irons have been abolished, and that short laminated springs have been substituted therefore both at front and back. The four-cylinder chassis is fitted with a very fine Aster engine, the details of which are well known. thie little addition has been made thereto, and that is a device for readily adjusting the tension of the belt of the fan for the honeycomb radiator. Pump pressure is employed for the lubrication. One lever only is mounted upon the steering wheel, and that is for controlling the time of the sparking. The throttle may be regulated by either hand or f(sit, a small lever being mounted on the steering column for this purpose. The Longuemare carburetter is used, but is provided with an automatic device of the firm's own construction. Means are provided for readily detaching the clutch, a distance piece tieing removed from the fimt main shaft, and t he (log connection can be moved back, thus allowing the clutch to he detached without disturbing either the engine or the gearing. A spring connection is introduced into the driving shaft, which, it will be remembered, terminates in a worm acting upon the exterior of the balance gear. The dished wooden wheels form another good feature of these excellent Cars. Space prevents our dealing in detail with the carriage work, but this also is deserving of attention. A good selection of patterns is offered, both in the equipment and in the power.

DE DION-BOUTON, LTD., 10, Great Marlborough Street, W. (67).—These ears were dealt with in our report of the Paris Show, and additional particulars may be found therein, and also in recent issues, in which we dealt in full detail with the 15 h.p. four-cylinder car. It will be remembered that the new disc clutch is one of the outstanding features. Another good point it possesses is that it calls for very little effort in order to throw it out of engagement. Another item is the employment not only of a single coil, but also a single contact maker, so that risk of inequality in the sparking is avoided, the distributer being employed in connection with the high-tension circuit only. This car is fitted with a single carburetter, but in the two-cylinder cars, in which the intervals between the intakes are necessarily unequal, two jets are employed, one for each cylinder, though one float serves both. The smaller powered cars of 6, 8, 10, and 12 h.p. are all retained and exhibited. The 6 h.p. makes a very popular runabout, and may be considered the pioneer of its class. The company afford a considerable choice in the matter of bodies, and either French or English bodies may be had, and of the latter various makes, so the quality, convenience, and all other such points may be adapted to one's convenience.

DIXI MOTORS, LTD., Brompton Road, S.W. (130).- The Dixi chassis shows that proper precautions have been taken to protect the mechanism from dirt. We dealt with this car soon after its introduction (see The Autocar, , October 22nd, 1904, pp. 506-508). Exceptional interest is sure to be taken in the two-cylinder hansom cab which is to be seen on this stand. Although it looks very long, the wheelbase is really only 8ft. 6in. It is a smart carriage, and should be carefully examined. Among points of interest which are worth examining in the Dixi cars may be mentioned the arrangement for taking the clutch out, which is very simple, and can be adjusted almost instantly, so that one does not shirk the task of keeping the clutch in tune. The tubular frame on the 12-15 h.p. car is another feature of interest. It will be remembered that the cross members are all clamped to the main side tubes, so that in the event of damage it is very easy to repair the frame. This frame is properly stayed, and altogether a good example of tubular construction. The 24 h.p. seven-seated car, with its double-banked tonneau, should certainly be seen, and among details the formation of the pressed steel front spring hanger should be noted.

DONNE AND WILLANS, LTD., Gillingham Street, S.W. (129).—The Rochet-Schneider and also La Locomotrice, the Belgian edition of the same car, are too well known to need description at ,Jur hands at the moment, particularly as the former and the Martini are sister machines, and the Martini was described and illustrated as recently as Oct. 8th, 1904. A particularly fine Rochet with Lonsdale body should be examined; also the engine, which is separately shown.

THE DURYEA CO., LTD., Widdrington Works, Coventry (52).—The Duryea stand is always a most interesting one. In the early days some objection may have been raised to the appearance of some of the workmanship, but this can certainly not be urged now otherwise than in a complimentary sense, as the English work has succeeded most successfully to the former American work. The newest features are well shown on a chassis, parts of which are sectioned so that the mechanism may be better appreciated. The frame is of channelled steel, with a lining of ash inserted from the inner side. The frame is parallel as to the greater part, but the forward ends are inclined somewhat together to increase the steering lock. Finally the frame terminates in laminated springs running forward.. and curling, under the front axle. This axle ,:arri-3s the steering wheels on inclined centres in the well-known Duryea manner. The steering connections are still in tension, but are now improved by being made adjustable.

Turning to the engine. we find that it is still constructed with three cylinders, the axes of which pass above the axis of the crankshaft, this tending to the better running of the motor. The valve gearing has been considerably improved in detail. The tappet shaft can be readily displaced, so as to leave the valves accessible, and the tappets work through plungers, so as not to put any cross strain upon the valve stems. The carburetter is provided with a mixture control operated through a wire and wheel, thus allowing of a very fine adjustment. The gas is led to a point intermediate between the inlets, so that each receives a fair share. The question of lubrication has been very carefully studied. The splash system is replaced by a pressure device worked from the exhaust. Should the exhaust prove contrary, hand pressure may be readily applied by an ordinary cylinder pump. Much ingenuity has been expended on the various leads, ensuring the lubrication reaching all the vital bearings and moving parts. Accumulator ignition is now depended upon, the magneto having been suppressed. The power drum or two speed gear has also been thoroughly revised, and now looks a strong and substantial construction. Incidentally, it provides a fourth brake, as if the brake of the reversing gear be applied during forward running a retarding effect is produced upon the motion of the car. The engine itself operates as a brake, and a powerful foot brake is fitted on the small sprocket of the driving gear.

Finally, there is a balance brake applied by hand, and working upon the parts of the differential gear. The details of this brake have been very well thought out. The cross-bar steering and one-hand control is retained, and has been improved in detail. Three complete cars are shown. One with the extended top and Surrey body, in which it will be remembered the rear seats are carried higher than the front, so as to give the back riders a clear view. The phaeton is a similar machine, but constructed to carry two, and having a shorter wheelbase. In both types, however, one or two additional passengers may be carried over the front of the radiators. A specimen of the 10 h.p. American-built phaeton is also on view. This is a very moderately-priced machine — indeed one may say that none of the exhibits are dear.

EASTBOURNE MOTOR WORKS, Eastbourne (119).—A two- cylinder car fitted with Aster engine. It also has a carburetter in which the jet and extra air supply are connected, so that as the suction increases with the speed of the engine, a greater quantity of air in proportion to the greater supply of petrol is given.

S. F. EDGE, LTD., 14, New Burlington Street, W. (51).— This exhibit is, of course, one of the chief attractions in the show, and very justly IA , for no car has done more and acted more consistently for British reputation than the Napier. Six cars are exhibited, including two chassis, the completed vehicles having the bodies finished in green, picked out with black and white in the familiar Napier style. The latest Napier ideas are well shown in the four-cylinder chassis exhibited at one end of the stand. This has pressed steel frame, the sides running parallel throughout, but both back and front of the springs have the dumb irons extended laterally. High tension accumulator ignition is provided with the standard pattern, though magneto can he had if preferred by the purchaser. The well-tried hydraulic control of the air inlet is retained, and a good feature is the device for driving the Lump and the governor. In the event of anything sticking in this part, the driva cute itself out, and notification of the derangement is given by the racing of the governor. The change-speed gear box forms a cross member about half-way down the frame, and the final transmission is by cardan shaft and balance-geared axle, this being the latest development of a system already favoured by the company for racing cars. In addition to the throttle and timing handles on the steering wheel, a further control is given from this point by mounting the switch centrally upon the top of the steering column. The clutch has been recently described, so need not be dealt with in detail here. The inlet, as well as the induction, valves are mechanically operated, both being arranged on the right hand side of the engine. The spirit is fed by pressure from the exhaust, instead of the gravity, device now perhaps more frequently employed. The other chassis is on much the same principles, but has a six-cylinder engine, and chain, instead of arbor-shaft, driving. In this case, too, we observe that girder axles are employed at both hack and front, and the main springs are set vertically under the rear part of the frame. The rear springs also are carried under the axle, instead of above, the same as in the first chassis described. The four complete cars exhibit four different types of body, but all are noticeable for the fact that they are provided with side entrances.

The first is an 18-car with double phaeton body. The next is a similar car, but with detachable top. This is very nicely constructed, with movable front glass, and bowed side glasses, and a substantial roof. The third is a landaulette type of body, and the fourth, the most elaborate, is a limousine. This is very completely worked out. The top is built in the form of a clerestory, the front portion being fitted with a Pals, bottom, which serves to carry a spare tyre and tube. The main portion—that is, the part over the passengers' seats—admits extra light, and, if desired. additional air. Lighting is also provided for in the way of electric lamps, and the side windows are made to rise and fall. Inside there is a main seat right across the back in the usual manner, and, in addition to this, two folding seats which may be turned completely out of the way wile. not required. The complete cars are fitted wit Is I he di, type of steering wheel, this being the standard pattern. Within it is arranged a throttle lever hiving a to and fro movement; the switch is arranged immediately below it. From the foregoing it will be readily concluded that the Napiers during the coming season may be depended upon to fully maintain their position. The exhibit is distinguished from others in the fact that it is not surmounted by a sign. This was not an intentional distinction, but the device supplied was not considered worthy of the goods it was to sermount, so that the exhibitors had it removed at the last moment.

THE ELECTROMOBILE CO., M.D., 7, Curzon Street, London, W. (70).—The petrol landaulette shown by this firm will he found described together with their electric exhibits.

THE ENFIELD AUTOCAR CO., Redditch OM, show for the first time examples of their 20 h.p. four-cylinder and 10 11.p. two-cylinder cars, and carrying bodies of special design. A stamped steel frame is adopted, the engine being carried directly thereon by means of crank chamber brackets and special brackets bolted to the webs of the longitudinal members. The cylinders are cast in pairs, with the valve chambers on the left-hand side, so that one camshaft alone is used. The bore and stroke of the cylinders are 4in, by bin., the object being to get the engine as squat as possible, to avoid vibration. The crank pins are set at 180 degrees, and the crank-shaft runs in two end and one long central bearings. A very impressive form of tubular radiator tank fills in the forward end of the locomotive boiler-shaped bonnet. No pump fitted, thermo-syphon cooling being depended upon for efficiency. Ordinary high-tension ignition is fitted, the coon• mutator being set upon the dashboard, and driven off the end of the half-time shafts. The incurved dashboard also accommodates accumulators, coil, engine lubricators, fitted tool box, etc. The drive is conveyed from the engine through a combined clutch and brake, the action of the clutch pedal withdrawing the clutch and applying the brake upon the further movement of the pedal. The gear box contains gears affording three speeds and reverse, the gear change being made by a backward movement of the gear lever. The side brakes are applied in a similar way.. The propeller-shaft, Which is provided with a universal joint each end, is formed of three spring steel rods, which twist to the extent of fifty per cent, in taking up the drive, and thus avoid all shock to the gear and bevel driven pinions. The back wheel brakes are of the internally expanded .type, and are applied by the drawback lever already mentioned. The 10 h.p. car is practically the 20 h.p. divided by two, possessing identical features therewith, with the exception of the combined clutch and brake.

ETABLISSEMENTS PROSPER LAMBERT, Paris (132). —The single-cylinder Prosper Lambert will be remembered from its excellent performance in the small car 'trials last September. In addition to the 9 h.p. small car, with its stamped frame and generally smart design, specimens of the engine will be found in the single, two, and four-cylinder patterns. The cylinders on each type are of equal dimensions. The valves are mechanically operated, and the lift of the inlet is varied by a shifting wedge.

THE FIAT MOTOR CO., LTD., Long Acre, W.C. (28).—One of the chief attractions is, of course, tlie 24-40 hip. Fiat chassis, which so far as detail goes is practically the same as that which we described in our report of the French show. It is, however, desirable to indicate the special features which should be looked for in tics fine chassis by visitors to Olympia. These are, the increase of bore and stroke to 125 by 150, which adds power and steadies the running; the improved carburetter, which includes a well-designed piston throttle and Petrol control from the dashboard; and cut-out switches for the low tension ignition. The oil from the tank below the footboard is now lifted to the lubricator by means of a chain lift, and thence finds its way to the various points by gravitation. The steering standard has increased rake, and has been greatly strengthened and improved. An interesting feature is the fitting of two water-cooled band brakes, one on the counter shaft and one on the forward end of the secondary shaft of the gear box; both these brakes are applied by a single foot lever through a compensating arm, the depression of the brake pedal opening a check valve and admitting a certain amount of water to the drum. The differential gear box is now separated from the gear box proper.

A great improvement is considered to be the change from the ordinary form of coil spring clutch to one on the Hele-Shaw principle. Larger sprockets are now fitted, and this chassis is carried on a new form of Italian fluted treaded tyre called the Pirelli, which impresses one considerably by its construction and design. A 16 h.p, chassis is shown carrying a very handsomely finished landaulette body which is capable of being swung up- wards by means of spring and plunger rods fitted below it, and connected to the frame. The body from the rear portion to the footboard can be lifted quite clear of the frame and sustained in an angular pe, ilion, giving ample head room by means of the springs and plungers referred to. This is a great convenience, as the gear box, etc., can be got at with the graateNt possible ease in case of need. This swinging apparatus is neat—the invention of Mr. Thomas, of Messrs. Thomas and Lee, of Hammersmith. A 24 hp. chassis is also shown fitted with a very handsomely finished and well upholstered limousine body.

GERMAIN (CAPT. THEO. MASIU), Hanover Court, W. (45).— An interesting exhibit is a 24-32 h.p. Germain chassis, which is one of the finest examples of automobile engineering in the exhibition, and in which we notice the following additional features since we inspected this chassis for the Paris Show.

The frame is now of cambered stamped steel of channel section. The fan (belt-driven off the end of the half-time shaft) is placed behind the radiator. Push-pedals on Mercedes lines have been added, and rod connections are now made through the centre of the steering standard to the variable valve lift and ignition. A new feature is the method in which the side change gear sector is held up against the lever by scans of spiral springs surrounding the studs at each end, the springs allowing the sector bar to give to the movement of the gear lever.

A 24-32 h.p. chassis carries one of the finest and most impressive - looking double limousine bodies to be found in the exhibition. The interior will accommodate six passengers, with two as usual on the front Neat. The body is made with a forward extension as far as the dashboard, and suitably- shaped leather trunks arc carried on the roof of the carriage. The whole is finished in primrose, with black margins and lined black. The mudguards are in black, and are connected by a wide rubber covered step having drawers fitted beneath, and carrying a tool case on each side, supplemented by an accumulator box on the off side. The interior of the limousine is most luxuriously upholstered in buttoned silk plush. The roof is in polished maple. A small dressing-case is fitted, and the middle seats are pivoted to swing. Projecting tables, which fold down against the side of the car, are also a feature. Without enumerating further particulars, we may describe this handsome vehicle us a car de luxe in every respect. A standard (formai)) tonneau, very handsomely finished and upholstered, fitted with extension hood, is mounted on a 16-22 h.p, chassis, and very tastefully finished in green. At the further end of the stand is a tonneau Royal, with side-entrance and hood—a very fine example of this type of car, and magnificently upholstered and finished. The remaining exhibit is a magnificently finished coup, on a 16-22 chassis. The interior, roof, back, and sides are upholstered in buttoned fawn cloth. The tferinain stand thinly boasts of some of the finest examples of motor body building in the exhibition.

THE GLADIATOR CO, Long Acre, W.C. (50).— On this firm's stand is found a beautifully-finished 16 h.p. chassis set over a mirror fur the purpose of making the underneath portion of the mechanism plainly visible to visitors. The frame of this chassis is of the Imis armee description. The four-cylinder engine, the cylinders of which are separately cast, is carried on an underframe of channel steel. The bore and stroke of these cylinders is 95 a 1.30. They have their valve chambers, which with the conilmstion chambers are amply water-jacketed, set on each side of the cylinder—induction on the right and the exhaust on the left. High tension magneto, with accumulators as a stand by, are fitted. The engine is so made that any system of high-tension ignition can be fitted at will. Dash lubrication is depended upon throughout fur the lubrication of the crankshaft, big ends, etc., but a Dubrulle pump lubricator is employed for the surface of the crankshaft bearings, whirl' are live in number. A special form of metallic disc clutch, very efficient and effective, is fitted. The gear box contains gear affording four speeds forward and reverse, and a propeller-shaft conveys the drive therefrom to the bevel gearing on the crankshaft. Ball bearings are fitted to all gearshafts, and there are flexible couplings both before and in rear of the gearshaft. The bevel spindle and I he crankshaft bearings are served by a force feed lubricator on the dashboard. 'f lu. control is by means of throttle, which can be set from the steering wheel and augmented by means of a foot pedal on the dashboard. The ratchet spring is formed upon the right-hand brill, drum, thence being applied by means of a lever and sector attached to the dashboard.

On a 24-30 h.p. chassis we find a very handsome and beautifully-finished limousine, with forward canopy in dark blue, black margins, lined red, and upholstered in light fawn; buttoned and pleated cloth within, dark-blue leather without. The glass screen over the dashboard slides up beneath the roof, and the windows in front of the limousine body can be opened and removed. A great feature of this body is the ample clearance given for entering from the side--,a very valuable feature in connection with town traffic.

On a 12-14 h.p. chassis we find a very handsome single landaulette body, finished in green-black and lined white, with wide side entrance, and comfortably and tastefully upholstered within; provided with electric light and several conveniences.

On another 12-16 h.p. chassis is a very taking demi-limousine body, with accommodation for luggage on roof, and ample protection from weather by waterproof side curtains and front glass screen. This is finished in dark-blue and red, with chassis and wheels in -red, and is a very smart and taking body.

Finally, we find a standard 9 h.p. two-cylinder Gladiator, with handsome comfortably appointed tonneau body finished in dark green, black, and white, and upholstered in red leather. At the price asked the car is extremely good value, and will meet with a vast amount of approval from visitors to the show, many of whom are on the look-out for just such a car.

GOBRON-BRILLIE MOTOR CARS, New Bond Street (22).— From the reputation made in speed events by the well-known Gobron-Brillie cars, the exhibit on this stand will attract notice. A four-cylinder 35 h.p. chassis occupies the centre of the stand, and although the details of this unique automobile entity are well known to our readers by the various descriptions and illustrations we have offered them from time to time, we would draw attention to the fact that the G.-B. engines are now fitted with both high tension magneto and accumulator fed ignition. . The double clutch, leather lined as to its outer ring and metal to metal as to its inner ring, is an interesting feature of the chassis. Ball bearings are fitted to all shafts save the crankshaft. A 35 h.p. chassis carries a very handsomely finished limousine bedyin dark blue picked out blue, and accommodating six within the limousine and two passengers on the front seat, over which a canopy extends. The roof of the limousine is provided with luggage rail. The machine is a grand example of a comfortable well-arranged touring vehicle. Another 35 h.p. clmssis carries a limousine body in red and black most comfortably upholstered within in cloth, and accommodating four passengers inside the limousine and two passengers on the front seat.

H. E. HALL AND Co., High Street, Tonbridge (24).—The well-known motor agents of Ionbridge show six variously bodied, variously powered Darracqs, from 8 h.p. to 15 h.p.; also five Liliput two-seaters, the mechanical economy of which was fully described in connection with our Crystal Palace Show report; also one of the chassis carrying a light van body.

THE HITCHON GEAR AND AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD., Accrington (108).— The Hitchon-Weller gear, which has been a feature of more than one previous show, is of the sliding type, but each gear is provided with a roller free wheel, so that the change up or down can be made instantly and without releasing the clutch. 'This not only makes the car proof against bad handling by a novice, but it also enables very quick and neat gear changes to be made, so that when climbing the step from gear to gear is hardly felt. ,The free-wheel clutches are of the roller type, and we are assured have given every satisfaction in work. The car is shown with a single-cylinder engine with the gear neatly carried in a case immediately behind the clutch, both the engine and gear being connected together and bolted to the frame as a single unit, because the crank case is extended to envelop the clutch and enclose the gear. The gear is of the Hitchon-Weller type, and gives three speeds and reverse, the top speed being direct. The engine has mechanically operated inlet valves, and the lilt of the inlet valve can be varied by moving the pin of the rocking shaft up or down. By these means neither the cam nor the valve mechanism is interfered with, though a simple form of varying the lift is obtained. This is controlled from the steering wheel.

E. and H. Hora| E. AND H. HORA, LTD.]], Beeston, Notts, and Coventry (34). —The single-cylinder Hurtu car is driven by a De Dion engine having three speeds and reverse, and live axle drive. A flange radiator is provided, and the petrol is carried- inside the bonnet behind the engine. Two-cylinder and four-cylinder cars are also shown fitted with gear drives throughout. The engines on these cars have mechanically operated inlet valves worked by overhead rocking levers.

THE HOZIER ENGINEERING Co., LTD., Glasgow (84).— The Argyll has given remarkable satisfaction during the last year, as many of our readers have recorded; consequently, it is not surprising to find that comparatively few alterations have been made for the coming season, and nearly all the outstanding features, including the inverted U-section frame, have been retained. The time has rather been expended on simplifying, and, one might ;ihnost say, beautifying the various details of construction. Thus, the universal joints in the cardan shaft are now of practically spherical form, and are enclosed in very neat overlapping gun-metal dust cases. Similarly, the expanding brakes to the road wheels are boxed in in flush style. The pedals operating the brake and clutch are adjustable. The clutch, it will be remembered, is constructed under Hole-Shaw's patents, and is of the disc type with V channels to prevent air cushioning. The steering mechanism is also enclosed.

The front road wheels are mounted on ball bearings and the rear ones on rollers. This would seem to be a very good combination. The wheels themselves are built up with stronger spokes. The above remarks apply more particularly to the 24 h.p. chassis, which shows the firm's latest practice; they also apply more or less to the three and two-cylinder varieties. The three-cylinder has been improved by the addition of a governor, and is now of lighter construction throughout, and, altogether, this is a car which deserves very careful consideration. The company's exhibit certainly justifies the opinion that they will be even more successful in the future than in the past.

HUMBER, LTD., Beeston (Notts.) and Coventry (34).— Messrs. Humber, Ltd., show amongst their present well-known patterns the two new types they are introducing for this year. These are of absolutely new design, and are produced at the Beeston Works. The main features of the two types, which are both four-cylinder engined, the respective powers being 8-10 h.p. and 16-20 h.p. were fully dealt with in The Autocar last week (page 192). As exhibited on the stand, the 8-10 h.p. has a well upholstered two-seated body, with ample cupboard space and draw out luggage rack fitted at the rear of the frame, The excellent design and finish of the body on the 16-20 h.p. touring car should be seen to be appreciated, the carriage work and upholstery being exceedingly good. The other exhibits include a two-cylinder 10-12 h.p. landaulette, and a similarly powered vehicle with side entrances, together with an 8-10 h.p. Coventry Royal Humberette chassis and a three-seated tonneau will, four-cylinder engine.

J. E. HUTTON LTD., 81, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C. (87).— Several specimens of the Mercedes are on view on this stand, the largest being a 70 lip., and the smallest a 28 h.p. There are also examples of the three-cylinder Panhard, and one 22 h.p. Berliet. This appears to be a fine car. Nickel steel enters largely into its construction, and ball bearings are extensively used. An apron extends under the motor and a good way towards the !sick. The flywheel is of the fan type, and surrounds a small clutch on the expansion principle. It is similar in all respects to the one we described in connection with the Paris Exhibition. On this stand also are several specimens of the small Hutton car. This, it will be remembered, is provided with a four-cylinder motor, and other refinements. It is made in two powers — one 8 h.p. and the other 10 h.p.; both are provided with pressed steel frames mounted on artillery wheels. The timing is controlled from a lever OH the steering wheel, while the throttle is actuated by the foot. The cardan system of driving mechanism is employed, and altogether this machine appears to be thoroughly up to date in the small car class. A feature which will be appreciated by the practical man is the arrangement of the contact breaker on the front of the frame, where it can be inspected without even touching the bonnet. Judging by the amount of attention given to these cars by the visitor, we may safely predict their very extensive use as they meet the requirements of so many people.

THE INSTITUTE OF CHAUFFEURS, LTD. (La Metallurgique), Victoria Street, S. W. (111).— This car, which is now among the leading makes of Belgium, has a pressed steel frame, H. section front axle, and gear drive. The specimen at Olympia is a 16-20 h.p. type, with 95 MID. bore and 110 mm. stroke. The engine cylinders are cast in pairs, with mechanically- operated valves, all on one side. The clutch is of the expanding type, and a small dynamo, friction-driven off the flywheel keeps the accumulators fully charged. The inlet-valves have it variable lift by right and left-hand screw, and there is a compression release to give easy starting. The differential casing and back axle sleeve are provided with deep webs. The propeller-shaft is universally jointed at each end, and the spring drive is at the back end of the shaft inside the pedal brake drum. The spiral spring, which takes the shock of the drive, is laid round the inside of the drum. The change-speed gear gives a direct drive on the top speed, and the engine and nivelninisin are properly protected beneath.

IVANHOE MOTOR CO., Oaklands Road, N.W. (139).— The two 24 h.p. Mercury cars are new-comers. They are driven by four-cylinder engines, cast in pairs, with 110 mm. bore by 130 mm. stroke, and the normal speed 4 is 800 per minute. The carburetter air supply is inter connected with the governor, and is extremely simple, there being no springs or water-jacket in its construction. The frame is if the pressed steel type, and four speeds – are given, with direct drive on the top, the final transmission being by ...aside chains, Both the wheel and pedal brakes are of the internal-expanding type.

The back dumb irons are very long, so that the back asic Is almost at the end of the ear, and the weight is kept as far as possible inside the wheelbase, which is 9ft. This gives amply room for a large body with sal, entrance. The idea, of the designers has been to keep the car end mechanism as simple and strong as possible. They have not gone in for any special features originality, but have endeavoured rather to accept modern practice as mt.ands. One ,f thy .ars has a very nicely-finished and comfortable brougham body, and the other has a three-seated tonneau, with Cape cart hood completely covering all five seats. We shall be interested to try this car, as it is not often that a new maker arrives on the scene through the large car direct, without attempting something smaller fimt.

JAMES AND BROWNE, LTD. Hammersmith, W. (102).- For at least two years we have been promised a J. and B. small car, and it makes its claw at Olympia after an extended period of trial. We may say at once that we are very much pleased with the design. The frame is of light pressed steel, cross stayed by three tubular and one channel steel members. The engine is of the horizontal opposed type, placed almost central in the car. The inlet valves are automatic, and the exhaust valves are operated by a spiral gear which encircles the disc crank web. The clutch is of the metal to metal type, the same as has been found so satisfactory on the larger cars of this make. The gear box is carried beside the engine, and provides three speeds and reverse, the top speed being direct. The drive is conveyed from the gearshaft to the back live axle by a single chain, which is on the right hand side of the car, but inside the springs.

The back axle is solid throughout, and has 4in. main bearings at each end. A strong double grip pedal brake is provided at the countershaft, and the side brakes, of the expanding type, are very large. The cooler is carried in front, and a smart stamped steel dashboard takes the place of the bonnet. Only a chassis is shown in the building, but a complete car is to be seen running outside. Altogether the new small car strikes us as being of excellent design, and likely to fully maintain the high name and reputation of the makers. To return to the larger types, that is, the 14 h.p. four-cylinder and the 18 h.p. four-cylinder cars, interesting specimens of these will be found. Among the minor detail improvements may be mentioned the footboard starter, which we described and illustrated last week; also the control, which is now placed on the wheel instead of on the steering column. This is done in a very simple way by means of sliding collars.

It is rather interesting to note that there is not a single car with a bonnet on this stand, though, of course, everyone knows that the J.B. chassis can be bonneted or otherwise, according to the preference of the purchaser.

CHARLES JARROTT AND LETTS, Ltd., 45, Great Marlborough Street, W. (79).— The De Dietrich re-appears in a somewhat now guise, the honeycomb radiator being employed in front of a new design of bonnet, but the alterations throughout are rather in detail than in principle. This remark is true of the engine, which, though looking different from former productions, really contains the same ideas, though in somewhat different form. The carburetter has been altered in the same way, and now contributes oven more effectively than hitherto to smooth and quiet running. In the gear, the transverse shaft, as well as the shaft coupling up the motor to the variable speed gear. is constructed with universal joints instead of the dog jaw engagements hitherto usual in this type of gearing. The carburetter and sparking arc both controlled by small levers on the steering wheel, and the foot accelerator is coupled up in such a way that if this be employed, on being released the parts return to the posit indicated by the hand control. This is a refinement which should appeal to the experienced driver. 'I he elder pattern of car is being retained for the heavier classes of work.

A very fine touring car is exhibited on this stand. The main compartment can be used as 0 day room or bLdroom. the fittings being; adapted to serve either as lounge chairs or as beds, as required. Behind this is a smaller apartment which nerves as a dressing reo- and kitchen, and great ingenuity has been expended in !meting all possible requirements of the hixori-ins tourist. Naturally, the vehicle is an expensive one, but to employ such a means of holiday-making must be delighted. The De Dietrich, with its reputation for reliability, is just the class of car we eould wish to employ for such a purpose.

On a separate stand (91) lli Crossley cars here exhibited by the same firm. The designer may congratulate himself upon the fact that very Iteration ban either been found necessary or been made since the icaehim. was first put upon the market. The four-cylinder motor is cast in two separate pairs, and the low-tension magneto system of ignition is employed. The honeycomb type of radiator is fitted but the fan, instead of being of the usual inclined vane type, has curved vanes mounted upon the face of a plate, so that the air is deflected sidewise, and, incidentally. we may observe that the dust is sent in the sante direction, instead of being drawn through into the engine itself. A convenient lit meat is provided in the valve-lifting tool. This is a kind of suspended fork, by which the yak e springs in:iv he co-ressed and the cotters readily withdrawn, as required. This May seem a mere trifle, list the extraction of cotters by the ordinary methods soon teaches one a lesson. A very good type of landaulette is shown fitted to the Crossley chassis, and the usual other types of bodies are also exhibited. We are glad to hear that these cars are being turned out steadily in very fair numbers.

THE LACRE MOTOR CO., Poland Street, W. (26). — Two Wolseleys (24 h.p. and 12 h.p.) and a 28-36 h. p. Daimler, fitted respectively with Roi des Belges phaeton de luxe side-entrance, tulip phaeton body de luxe, and double landaulette de luxe bodies, are shown by the above-named company, the special attraction of whose stand, however, is the 1905 type Lanchester chassis. All the carriage work seen here. and which is admirable of its kind, is turned out by the Lucre Motor Car Co. themselves. The landaulette body of the Daimler car, which is in very dark red, with 1,1ue margins lined red, is a remarkably fine vehicle. Except for the aluminium radiators, the fittings are in brass throughout. 'no interior of the landaulette is most luxuriously upholstered in drab buttoned and pleated dull', while the front seat is finished in plain leather. The whole of the front of the landaulette is glazed with rounded glass at the angles. This portion of the body sakes a line appearance, owing- to the caracole lines on which the body is built.

The Ideal touring body mounted on the 12 h.p. Wolseley is fitted with collapsible glass screens upon the dashboard, two luxurious semi-bucket seats upholstered in red leather, and two pivoted seats midway between the back ,hid front seats in the rear portion of the ear. The Lac, hood, of the double extension type, completely covers the car from back to front, and closes down in the same way as an ordinary hood. Between the back of the front seat and the pivoted seats there is ample room for a side-entrance. This is a very well-pla•,d body, aml make, delight fail touring car for six or seven passengers. The 24 ht. Wolseley carries a Roi des Beiges body, a phaeton de luxe with removable canopy. and inner and rear sliding glass screens. Pie framework of these scrams slides up under the runt, which is finished in dark and light, brown woods. The mudguards are in red leather, to match the body, and the whole cur flor -ne of the most luxurious vehicles in the exhibition.

One of the chief features shown by the Lucre Motor Car Co. is the new Lanchester 1905 chassis, fitted with side entrance tulip phaeton body de luxe. The Lanchester engine in this case is a four-cylinder vertical motor earried tin the till Lanchester type of frame, varied to suit the special teluirements of the case. The crank chamber, which is aluminium, is hung thereto by four bolts with rubber suspension washers in a manlier siiiiilar It that (ills huh the old frame was carried. The cylinders, which art lw by 3in.. developing 20 Ii. t. at 750 revolutions, are separate castings, and have the valve chambers across the ,TQNI, of the combustion chamber, and the valves placed in the horizontal position, the induction valves on one side, and the exhaust vakes on the other side of the cylinders. The valves are retained upon their seats by Hat lever springs, which exert pressure of 50 lbs. upon each valve for its retention, awl they are operated by the action of the cams on the camshafts against these springs. No pump is requited, thermo-syphon circulation bring adopted, and the water passes from the cylinders by varying diameter talk, front die troit of the forwdrIl elronl,crs, and enters at the hmest !stint of the water jackets. the engine is set on a forward angle to the horizontal. A varied form of the old [alit' hester ignition is employed in the iten' model, but in this case the piston itself makes and b,aks contact within the cylinder. In addition, the E.I.C. high-tension ignition is fitted.

The wick feed carburetter is retained, but a large - rectangular feed chamber in aluminium passes over the top of the engine, communicating with each induction valve chamber. The commutator is driven off the right-hand halt-time shaft I-y skew gearing, the spindle standing inclined outwards from the body of the engine in a readily t-eessible position. The sparking plugs in connection with the ignition are placed in the crown of the combustion chambers. The engine stands :tove the level of the footboard and between the driver and passenger on the front seat, and is enclosed in a metal asbestos-lined casing. The Lanchester gearing and drive is still retained with certain small modifications to accommodate the new order of things.

Considering the interest taken in this new departure on the part of the Lanchester Co., it is to he regretted that this chassis has toil been shown without a body. An ample and specially-designed radiator is set in front of the dash-board, which carries at its top a swinging leather dash of the well-known Lanchester

E. H. LANCASTER, 3. Leicester Street. W.C. (62).— The Clement cars tar 1905 are very fine specimens of a ut ()-obiles, and conta in some interesting improvements. The frames are of t he flitch type hit herto eniplayed an these cars, but a novelty has been introduced in the rear springs. The usual dumb irons are repl,tcecl by a shaln length of minat ed spring, sa that wily the same ellipt spring one has a great length of resilient material to take up the jars. The fain• cylinders of the' motor are all cast separately, and the rapport unit y is taken to provide five bearing, for the crankshaft, so that very little springing of this important member should be possible. The ignition has had considerable anent ion paid to it. For arditiary running I he high-tension magneto is &.inplayed. but high- tension accumulators can he used for starting, or continuously, if preferred. and at umy rate serve as a stand-by. The control of the sparking and throttle frail' t lie steering, heel is particularly sell carried out, sections of the I, heel rim being adapted to rotate on their own axis, so that not even a finger has to be moved to alter the control.

The Loyal radiator is employed, and mechanically-operated lubrication. Turning to the transmission, the clutch is of the multiple disc type, and the cardan shaft is carried in a long extension from the balance gear case. Thus, only one universal joint is required, viz., at the forward end. The lubrication has been well carried out in the back part of the car, to which the oil is led by means of a flexible tube of large diameter.

A really practical sprag is fitted. not of the trailing iron type, but in the form of a pulley acting upon a ratchet ring tipe- the hub of the road driving wheel, so that its effect is positive and direct. A good assortment of bodies is displayed, the most noticeable certainly being the Salmons brougham detachable top. This is fitted to what in its form is a tonneau body, and, by a cleverly-concealed system of overlapping, the car looks exactly what it is meant to look in both font's, the tonneau being fitted with the usual scroll, which has generally proved an obstacle to convertible arrangements of this sort. The stand is surmounted by a very handsome sign of obviously French origin.

J. A. LAWTON AND Co., 24, Orchard Street, W. (63).- This firm, who have also several depots io the North, make a handsome exhibit of Mercedes, Napier, amid Panhard cars. As we have occasion to deal with these exhibits on other stands we need not refer to details here, but some of the cars are fitted with the Lawton touring bodies, which are carried out on very substantial and roomy lines, mid are undoubtedly thoroughly well constructed. In particular one is struck with the width of the side ',trance doors. These arc generally more or less cut down, but in this case they are of ample dimension., and afford very easy access to the back of the car. In fact, the work all through betokcns the hand of the skilled carriage builder.

LEA AND FRANCIS, LTD., Coventry (88).— The somewhat daring lines upon which this company's first car was designed have proved to have teen well warranted, practice having shown them to work out most successfully — indeed, so successful is the design that little alteration has been required. It will be remembered that the motor is horizontal, and has three cylinders, with the valve chambers forward. The connecting rods tr, very long, and work upon a crankshaft carrying chain wheels, which provide two direct speeds by chain transmission to the road wheels. A third (low) speed is provided through epicyclic gearing, and t lie reverse is obtained by similar mechanism. This low speed and the reverse arc now engaged by friction clutches, instead of positive clutches, and more space is provided around the ignition plugs, which are now quite easily accessible. Flexible metallic piping has bean substituted for rubber tubing in the water connections, and they are led more conveniently than hitherto.

The gearing has been further improved by mounting the pinions on roller bearings, and by enclosing the side chains in very workmanlike gear cases, the radius rods upon which they are mounted being specially constructed to carry them, and, indeed, forming part of them. These and other good points are well shown on the chassis, which is certainly most original.

The particular construction of the chassis lends itself to ample space in the bodywork without undue length in the wheelbase, as no mechanism projects materially above the frame.

A third car was not ready at the time of our visit, but we understand that it will comprise something very practical in the way of tool cases. The workmanship throughout is characteristic of the firm, and we can give it tet higher praise, as every little detail has been carefully worked out, and Um spanners fit the nuts.

LEGROS AND KNOWLES, LTD., Cumberland Park, Willesden Junction, N.W. (15), show for the first time at this exhibition as automobile engineers, and are by no means discredited by their initial exhibit. The 20-25 h.p. chassis is well worth inspection. The four-cylinder engine (120 by 120mm.) has its cylinders cast in pairs, with the exhaust valve chambers on the left of the motor, and the induction valves set in the crown of the cylinders, actuated from overhead by rocking tappets. The induction valves have variable lift, which is obtained by setting the spindles of the rocking tappets on an eccentric which can be rotated in a sleeve from a lever set in the centre of the steering wheel. The great object kept in view by the designer of this well considered machine has been accessibility from one end to the other. By the removal of a few bolts either camshaft can be lifted with the upper cover of the half-time shalt gear case clear away from the engine. The commutator of the high tension ignition is driven by skew gear off the centre of the exhaust half-time shaft, and is most easily get-at-able for cleaning and adjustment. The pump, which is gear-driven off the forward end of the same half-time shaft, is set level with the top of the frame, and is also most accessible. The induction valves are momentarily removed, the induetiOn tappet rods carrying at their tipper ends a loose adjustable cap, which can be immediately slipped off the top of the rod, the rocking tappet lever tilted, and the valve with valve seating at once removed.

The radiator is formed with top and bottom tank connected by vertical lengths of plain gilled tube. The engine is enclosed by a metal apron and bonnet, and draught is induced through the radiator by the helical arms of the flywheel. Inspection doors of the furnace clinker door type are fitted to the crank chamber, and are at once removed by a quarter circle movement of the handle. The clutch is of rhe ordinary cone section type, withdrawn by twin draw-bars and cress. On, clutch ling. The act of de-clutching throttles tit). by means of a butterfly throttle valve in the lotusofl'„ take. This action, however, can be obviated by exhibits throttle pedal conveniently fitted. The carlanii, the special features, except with regard to the This automatic a.ic valve placed above the jet cham4s more made with a plunger valve having triangular actor less coinciding with similar openings in the (Js also fit,,, ink; to the suction of the engine. The with low tension magneto ignition, whiehmans of the varied, according to the engine speed. .half-time shaft. governor carried on the end of the ignit:Yell made set of The gear box contains a well designed ld actuated by 4 gearing giving four speeds forward ;o on the Mercedes a gear lever we- og in a double g driving wheels lines. The masses thence t kets and chaini:• by 1110 IDS of I controlled entirely

As we have al' rakes, which are from the of the internal expanding order, are of interest, for the reason that they can be adjusted from outside, it never being necessary to disclose them for this purpose. This end is very ingeniously achieved, and we hope to particularise the special points of this car throughout by means of diagrams and photographs at an early date.

LONDON AND PARISIAN MOTOR CO., LTD., 58, South Molton Street, W. (134).— The 1905 Hotchkiss chassis; also the ball bearing crankshaft which was shown at the Crystal Palace. As we have so recently dealt with the Hotchkiss, it is only necessary to say that the chassis is to be seen in the annexe.

THE LONDON MOTOR GARAGE, LTD., Wardour Street, W. (82).— The C.G.V. and Pipe cars are exhibited here. These very fine machines present some features in common. For example, all those exhibited are of 18h.p., and the two complete machines have limousine bodies, and very good bodies they are. The engines of both types are fitted with high tension magneto ignition. The frames, however, are different. the" the Pipe is of pressed steel, channel section; while frame'.V. retains its characteristic square section tubular .arranghitherto. A remarkable feature of the Pipe is the hewis at of the valves. These spring from the cylinder b of about forty-five degrees, and are operated the iodevers. The exhausts are ranged on one side, arm and open' the other, but are both similarly constructed

MANN AND OVERVERTONS, LTD., Lower Belgrave Street, S.W. 1).,ard aimic car is a special model made by Georges I frame - . for Mann and Overtons It has a stamped es,, stee cylinder engine, with mechanically operated inlet val v T he g a gifrry accessible low tension magneto ignition drive bt,ing (hire° speeds forward and reverse, the top employed. TN A live axle driven by propeller-shaft is rings a has the Trantfaolt spring check to the f rent sp, enone a„d very strong inelerframe on which the tyre carried, while the engine is properly encased.

To all intents and purposes this car is a small edition of the larger four-cylinder 16-20 h.p. type, one of which is shown, and it attracts much attention, though some disappointment is felt that the Gordon-Bennett winning car, which was shown in Paris, has not been brought over to the British exhibition. In fact, if this had been placed on the space available, -Messrs. Mann and Overtons would have been unable to show much else. It is interesting to note that on the large four-cylinder car the thermo-syphon system of cooling is employed; also that the Trauffault check is used to the back as well as to the front springs. The details throughout of this car are very good, as might be expected. and are well worthy of careful study, as they embody so many points of the best Prowl, practice.

JOHN MARSTON, LTD., Wolverhampton (103).—As we dealt with the 1905 Sunbeam somewhat fully as recently as Dec. 31st of last year, we need not do more now than say that there are several handsome specimens of the cars to be seen. What particularly interested us was to note that the chassis staged has exactly the same finish at: that usually supplied. There is no attempt at any more superfluous polish than usual. It is interesting, too, as exemplifying the complete encasement of the mechanism and the gear. This under protection extends trot only to the engine, gear striking mechanism, and other under parts, but also to the chains, as these are protected in the well known oil bath cases. This net only ensures efficiency of transmission, but makes for silence of running and long life of the chains, besides absolving the owner from the necessity of cleaning and otherwise looking after the chains. The four-cylinder engine has 84 mm. are by 120 mm. stroke, and runs normally at 800 per minute, while the weight of the car complete with side-entrance body, which is a standard fitting this year, is under 18 cwts. The bodies tore nicely designed to ensure comfort with graceful out line.

THE MAUDSLAY MOTOR CO., LTD., Coventry (49).- the Maudslay stand an interesting exhibit is the new four-cylinder 30 h.p. chassis, in which the frame and underframe are formed of rectangular steel tube with ash insertion, as in previous models. The four-cylinder engine is carried se the underfiume, and has the cylinders Caot in pairs, the stroke and bore being 5iu. by the valve operation is carried (rut in the well-known Maudslay style, namely, by an overhead camshaft operated off the engine shaft by bevel gearing and vertical shaft. The neat and ettectise radiator, by the Lune Valley Co consists of an upper and lower tank, c-eitiocted by vertical copper tubes, with phosphor bronze wire wound round them in such a manner as to form effective radiating gills. This radiator has a six-vane fan set and enclosed behind it, and is belt driven oil the engine shaft. High tension ignition is employed. The lubrication is, as in Dormer models (-• the Maudslay Co., by oil being passed by force pumps through leads in the crankshaft, connecting rods, etc. clutch is of the same type as hitherto, but in the gear box we now find a Panhard type of gear giving four speeds forward and reverse, with shafts parallel on the horizontal plane. The differential gear box is separate front and bolted to the gear box itself. The water-cooled band brake, pedal-applied, is fitted to the countershaft, and the now well-known large and powerful external band brakes to the brake drums and the rear wheel hubs. The weight of this chassis has been reduced nearly two hundredweight. since it was shown at year.

A 20 h.p. chassis is shown, with very handsome double landaulette body, finished in two blues, and upholstered in dark-blue leather, buttoned and pleated. One of the most interesting exhibits on the stand is the 27 b.h.p. with side entrance omnibus, affording accommodation for seven passengers, besides the driver, and fitted to carry baggage on the roof. The upper portion of the 'bus is detachable, thus affording a pleasant open vehicle when required. The sides of the upper portion are glazed throughout with bevel glass, the front and side windows dropping into the frame. The glass screen in front of the driver can be slung up to the roof of the forward canopy, when desired. 't his is a very fine example of light 'bus -for station and country h(mse work, and is beautifully finished in every detail.

A 20 h.p. chassis carries a handsome side entrance phaeton with solid canopy finished in green, black, and red. A new departure for the Maudslay Co. is the All Round car fitted on a 14 1).11.1). chassis, and running on De Nevers solid tyres. This vehicle will seat eight inside passengers and two beside the driver, who are protected from the weather by a good looking waterproof canvas tilt carried on detachable ribs. The seats within the car are detachable to obtain the maximum luggage carrying capacity. The car is propelled by a type of engine somewhat new to the Maudslay Co., namely, the two-cylinder engine, the cylinders cast in one, with overhead induction valves actuated by rocking tappets off a single lay-shaft on the right- hand side of the motor. By loosening two nuts the tappets and the rocking spindle can 'be swung clear of the end of the valve spindle, as is the lay-shaft on the standard Maudslay motors.

THE METROPOLITAN ENGINEERING AND GENERAL MOTOR CAR CO., LTD., Mitcham, Surrey (100).— Several specimens of this firm's cars are on view at this stand, having single-cylinder motors, but none of the two-cylinder vehicles are present. The car follows popular lines, having the usual friction clutch and universally-jointed propeller-shaft, balance-geared axle, and variable speed gear, giving three forward speeds and a reverse inothm• The engine is governed, which one does not usually find in a single cylinder motor. A special feature is made of the radiator. This consists of a series of vertical flat pipes, arranged edgewise to the draught. This is simple, strong, neat, and, we should think, fairly efficient. Behind the usual double seat is arranged either a third seat or a large detachable box, as the purchaser may prefer. The company's delivery vans will be found described under the special heading devoted to that subject.

MINERVA MOTORS LTD, 40, Holborn, E.C. (72).— Several types of Minerva car are exhibited on this stand. First, there is the 5 h.p. Minerva. This is a very taking little runabout. It is fitted with a single-cylinder motor, the axis being arranged transversely of the car. In an extension of the crank case is the variable gear, which provides for two speeds for- ward and one reverse. The clutch, which is of good dimensions, is mounted on the countershaft, which is connected on the one hand to the motor by one chain, and on the other hand to the balance gear by a, second chain; hence the transmission is parallel throughout—a system which has been found to give excellent; results. Provision has been made for the proper tensioning of both chains. The levers are provided on the steering column for changing the speed and the direction, and the ignition and mixture levers are mounted on the steering wheel. Natural circulation is depended upon for the cooling water, and the clutch is coupled up to the throttle, so that when the clutch is disengaged the engine will not race. Two brakes, operated by band and foot respectively, are provided, both being adapted to operate upon the exterior of the balance gear. The four-cylinder car is a very excellent production, and is reckoned to give about 14 h.p. The cylinders are cast separately, and the drive is through a transverse countershaft and side chains. The drive to the countershaft is direct on the top speed, the second gearshaft only being called into action for lower speeds. In this car the levers on the steering wheel control the ignition and the throttle, and the latter is coupled up to the governor. The two-cylinder car is very similar, but gives 10 hip. A single-cylinder 8 h.p. cab, with solid tyres, is also exhibited. It is of the type in which the passengers' seat is of the hansom variety, a single pedestal seat being provided for the driver.

MOBILE MOTOR AND ENGINEERING CO., Birmingham (138). — The single-cylinder Mobile is driven by a 6 h.p. De Dion engine. It has three speeds forward and direct drive on the top speed. It is a smartly-finished little car with two bucket seats, doors to the footboard, and a most useful V-shaped luggage basket. There is also a two-cylinder car, driven by an Aster engine, and a larger vehicle with four cylinders. The two-cylinder has a gear drive, and the larger car drives by chains. This has a very roomy side entrance body, with folding lima] for the beck seat, and looks very smart.

MO-CAR SYNDICATE, LTD., Paisley, Scotland (42).— The new three-cylinder Arrol-Johnston is quite an innovation, not only for the makers themselves, but also in motor car practice generally. The engine is in front, and is of three- cylinder type, the stroke being 5in. The two outside cylinders have 4Ain bore, and the -c'entral one The ignition is by low tension magneto. The drive is taken from the crankshaft to the first shaft of the gear box by Renold silent chain. The gear box not only contains the four-speed sliding

MORS LTD . . . .



miles tour Oldsmobiles at some part of the journey, and those who did not will now have that opportunity, as they are staged 11,,

THE ORLEANS MOTOR CO., LTD., Twickenham, Middlesex (105).- The Orleans, which, as everyone is pleased to know, is no longer called the New Orleans, is shown publicly for the first time in its new form. The four cylinders are east separately with flat sides to the jackets, so that they come very snugly together. The inlet valves are automatic, and the makers thoroughly believe in this type, while the results which were given in the comparative test we made with this engine recently, and detailed in our issue of January 28th, certainly show that excellent results are to be obtained by these means. However, we need not defend the automatic inlet valve, because it has proved itself many times before this, and while it may be a fact that mechanical valves are in the majority at the moment, yet there is no question that. the autoinaties appreciated by those who know how to keep the engine in tune. The governor, ind through it the throttle, are both hand and foot controlled, and the ignition and hand throttle iwe placel above the steering wheel. The clutch is most easily get-at-able, and can be, if necessary, very quickly dismounted without interfering with any other part of the car. The details throughout are most practically considered. Perhaps one of the best proofs of this is the small chain 'wipe, which is lilted at the cal of the live axle casing, so that the oil is supplied to the outside bearing of the sleeve is should there be any excess of it, carried away. This is a really practical point, because it, prevents the side brakes getting oil, and so losing their Dower, besides keeping the back of the car much cleaner. The lubricators for the back wheels, which are usually in an inaccessible place, are outside, where they can be got at instantly. The lines of the side entrance tonneau are particularly pleasing, and the body throughout. is most comfortable, while we are glad to note that the side doors are retained to the dashboard.

OTTO-BENNETT MOTOR CO., Snow dill, E.C. (217).— The Avon Trimobilo and the Avon delivery ear, but It of which were fully described in our report of the motor cars at the Stanley ,how, are on view here.

PANHARD AND LEVASSOR, 14, Regent Street, S.W. (53)— Only about half a dozen cars are exhibited here. They comprise a good range, viz., from the three-cylinder 8 h.p. to the four-cylinder 50 h.p. One feature they have in common— the cylinders are in each case cast separately. 'the frames, as hitherto, are of the flitch plate type. Other well known features are the Krebs carburetter—one of the first of the automatics, and one that still holds its own in spite of competition. In fact, the whole Panhard exhibit. impresses one with the fact that the firm have long passed the experimental stage, and have settled down to turn out it business-like article that seldom calls for any considerable a iteration. This is borne out in the finish, which, though not of the show nature found on many stands, is yet thoroughly good, and none the less impressive because quiet.

The bodies constructed by several different firms are shown, and we heard very favourable comment upon that fitted by the Regent Carriage Co. to one of the 15 h.p. cars. This is provided with a phaeton type of body, and a substantially constructed. top, and handsomely arranged windows of the bow type. One need never feel that he has done wrong if he settles upon a Panhard. The 5011.p. is an entirely new pattern, and has never been shown in England before. It is one of the finest examples of high-powered cars in the show. There scarcely seems to be a superfluous part in it, and its strong simple design is much appreciated after comparing it with some of the big cars, which are too often needlessly complicated and inaccessible. Not only so, but there is no attempt at show finish.

THE PHOENIX MOTOR CO, Southport (32). The 10 h.p. Barcar chassis which is shown by this firm limy fairly be classed as one of the few novelties iii this big show, chassis exhibits several points if great interest. Attached to a swept frame of rectangular section tubing is an aluminium combination crank and gear case box, in which the engine. clutch, and gear box are enclosed altogether lslow the frame. The engine is cast in one piece, with three cylinders, having two high-pressure cylinders, one at each end, with, the low-pressure cylinder in the centre. The stroke and bore of the high pressure cylinder are 31 x and the lo ure w-press cylinaer x T Va 1,, are all mechanically actuated, the valve chambers being set on cite ii side of the cylinder castings, lind two exhaust valves on the right-hand side of the engine are employed to allow the p.sage of the partially expanded exhaust from the high pressure cylinders to the low pressure. awl or the gas has been completely expanded in the latter, it then escapes by a third exha Wit Ill I vt. actuated by a cam on the left-hand camshaft. The cranks are set at 180 degrees, the two high-pressure ',anis being together set in opposition to tIii low-pressure crank. The elute!, is of the metal-to-metal type. the clutch shaft carrying small pulley whit-hi is set within two segmental clamps carried on pins on the flywheel web. These clamp, are lugged at their ends, and are comu,ted together by studs by right aml left-hand threads, which are capable of being rocked by central levers and toggles attached to the dutch ring. The thrust of the clutch spring causes the segmental clamps to close on the if mounted on the clutch shaft, and drive ensues. The pressure upon the clutch pedal has the effect of causing the right and left-handed Sert,'S to release the clamps, and declutching is effected. The gear. which gives three speeds forward and reverse, is of the Panhard type, with parallel shafts in the horizontal plane, but is modified to the extent I sit itt the top speed the shaft with ,d1 its gear heels is thrown out of gear;die.

The foot brake is if unique design. A steel disc is mounted to float on the feathered gearshaft, and has on each side of it, and of equal size, two thin copper washers, punched with twenty half-inth holes. When the brake pedal is actuated, two steel dist, whirls are mounted on the frame are caused to apply the pedal pressure to the copper washers and ' grip against the first mentioned steel discs carried on the feathered gearshaft. The surface thus afforded for braking purposes is very large, and can be employed with exactly the pressure required. The object of the holes in the copper washers is that air imprisoned therein when the brake is applied shall heat up and expand, causing the brake dist, to be hit'enoff so soon uts the foot pressure is relieved. All the change-speed gear Jind differential gears are open and get-at-able, being carried in one large open chamber formed by the iduniblimn casting above referred to. Two 12 h.p. two-cylinder heenix CM'S ii it It Wiuit. ii bodies are also shown.

RENAULT FRERES, LTD., Long Acre, W.C. (144).- Considerable interest is taken in the Renault, not only because of the well-deserved reputation of the car, but also on account of the fact that the new system of cooling is seen for the first time in this country. It will be remembered that in this arrangement the cooler is situated behind the engine, and the draught through it is produced by the flywheel without pulling dust and (lies thriugh the engine. This, with the wide-flared wings, gives the front a very distinctive appearance. The Renault is another car which was dealt with fully in our Paris Show report. We might remind our readers tint the 10 hp. is a two cylinder vehicle, and the 14 h.p. and 20 h.p. are provided, with four-cylinder engines.

REX MOTOR MFG. CO., LTD., Coventry (146).-As we have said before, the Rex tandem is on the border line between the motor cycle and motor car. It possesses the attributes of both, and is a very speedy little vehicle, of which quite a large number are already in use.

C. S. ROLLS AND CO., 14, Conduit Street, London W. (65).— The Rolls-Royce car was one of the representatives of British industry in Paris, and those who did not avail themselves of the opportunity of inspecting it there should give it their attention at Olympia. The motors are built up with two cylinder units, and fitted with a special carburettor, of which we shall be giving a detailed and illustrated description in an early issue. The advantages of the spark gap for high-tension ignition are introduced in a most practical manner by fitting them at the dash board, within view of the driver. Arbor shaft propelling mechanism is employed, which drives through stars from the ends of the balanced geared axles. Messrs. Rolls and Co. have striven after silence and efficiency. and, as we said after our trial a few weeks back, they have attained them. The Minerva and Orleans cars will be found described in our report elsewhere, but Messrs. Rolls anti Co. are in each case the agents to whom application should be made.

THE ROVER CYCLE CO, Coventry (16).- Excellently-finished examples of the 8 and 6 h.p. Rover cars are shown. The 8 h.p. chassis is fitted with a well-finished three-seated body with passage to the rear Veni,oly set by tile side of the driver's seat. The body is finished in light green, edged black, and picked out with white.

The 6 h.p. car has -cycle-budt wheels, and carries a neat itnd tasteful two-seated body. The mechanical details of this car have been so lately described in our columns, and are now so well known to out readers, that there is no necessity to repeat ourselves in the course of this show report.

RYDE MOTORS, LTD., West Ealing (77).— This car, which was first seen at the February Show last year, has undergone practically no alteration, as everything has been found satisfactory. The three-cylinder engine, 4in. by 5in., has all three cylinders cast in a piece, with jacketing iind valve box complete. The mechanically-operated inlet, valves are on one side, and the exhaust on the other. The two to one gear is properly enclosed, and everything is substantially made. The normal speed of the engine is 750 a minute. but it can be accelerated to 1,200 or more. Three speeds are provided. and the drive is by propeller shaft to a live back axle. The control is very easy, as in addition to the governor, which. as usual, can be put out of action, a hand throttle is fitted above the steering wheel. The motor strikes us as being a very sound example of British work. It is provided with a comfortable body, access to which is obtained by opening up the left front scat. This may be a little more trouble than the side entrance, but there is no doubt that it provides a most comfortable car, as the hack is snug, and the wheelbase is not unduly elongated.

THE RYKENFIELD ENGINE Co., Burton-on-Trent (83).- This firm made a very favourable impression when they introduced themselves to the motor public last year, and since t hen they have made certain improvements in their cars which should tend to still further popularise them. As we are now dealing s, these cars it, there is no need for recapitulation here.

SIDDELEY AUTOCAR CO, York Street, Wi•tinilister, S.W.;30).- The chief attraction of this stand, where the Siddeley Autocar Co. stage two chassis and an 18 h.p. Siddeley fitted with a landaulette body, is flue chassis of the two-cylinder 12 h.p., which so successfully completed its long run of 5,000 miles last Wednesday week, as recorded in our last issue. One of the pistons has been removed, for the purpose of showing the perfect condition of the cylinder walls. Thee gear box, back axle (divided), differential gear, and piston are all exposed on a board placed across the frame. If anything is needed to convince the public of the wonderful perfection which the manufacture of automobile mechanism has arrived at, the exposition of the parts of this famous car, as it stands in the show to-day, is surely sufficient. The big end bearings are without any signs of wear whatsoever, and the saint. ivinark can be applied to the bearings of the countershaft, differential gear, the bearings of the f;ear shafts, and the teeth of the gear wheels. These show absolutely no signs of si•ear whatsoever, and, indeed, are hardly silvered by the contact of one wheel wit!, another. A 6 Siddeley light car with a two-seated body. a 6 h.p. with vertical engine and cardan shaft drive, and an 1811.p. four-cylinder Siddeley chassis, are also shown. All these cars, particularly the vertical 6 the 12 h.p., and the 18 h.p. Siddeley, have been so lately described and illustrated in our columns, that there is no necessity for us to detail their mechanical points at length in this report.

THE SIMMS MFG. CO., LTD., Willesden Lane, N.W. (54).— The Simms. Co. have made an effort to go one better in the show finish competition by having one of their exhibits plated throughout, and, not content with nickel-plating, they have indulged in silver. The result is, of course, most striking, though it will not appeal to the tastes of everyone. The chassis so emblazoned is illustrative of all the chassis exhibited on the stand. One characteristic feature is the employment of stampings, instead of the- too common castings. The improvements are largely in detail, and show great care and thought. For example, the plungers of the valves- are fitted with caps designed to exclude dirt, which often accumulates at this point, from working into the- crank case. The arm in which the .fanshaft is carried is fitted with a spring, so that the tension of the belt is always maintained. To avoid accidents arising from possible jamming of the pump, this, instead of being driven rigidly, has the motion transmitted through a long spiral spring. Another feature is the extensive employment of ball joints. In designing the leads for the exhausted cooling water, the joints, instead of being square, are always. eased off to guide the fluid in the direction it is intended to follow.

The carburetter is of the automatic type, and the refinement consists in snaking the height of the jet adjustable. This will compensate for various heights of the float, owing to different densities of fluid. Both the air regulator and the petrol feed can be controlled from the dashboard. The clutch spring is. readily adjustable by a "tommy," and the parts are so arranged that the clutch must be disengaged before the gear can be changed. An air dash-pot is provided to soften the engagement of the clutch. The car is fitted with a substantial sprag (a fitment too often omitted in these days), and this is automatically locked out of action during reversing The drive is through a cardan shaft, one universal joint only being fitted, the case carrying-: the shaft being rigid with the balance gear case. The balance gear driving axles drive the wheels through stars, the wheels themselves being carried on tubular extensions. The 12-15 h.p. car has a new pattern motor, of which we may give full details later. It is fitted with mechanically operated valves, actuated by rocking bars, and the four cylinders are all cast separately. The bodies are well designed, and good specimens of Morgan's workman- ship. The company exhibiting a number of other features, descriptions of which will be found under their respective headings.

SINGER AND CO., LTD., Coventry (101).— The Singer cars make their first appearance at Olympia, or any other show. They are made under license from Lea and Francis from Mr. A. Craig's design. The frame is of H section pressed steel, and the two sides are connected together by three large tubular members. The engine is of the two-cylinder horizontal type placed beneath the foot-board. The connecting rods are very long - 32in., in fact — so that there is no counter-shaft in the ordinary sense of the word, the drive on the top and second speeds being direct to the live back axle. One chain is used at a time for the high or second-speed, as two clutches are employed. When one speed is in operation the other clutch is withdrawn. This gives absolutely direct drive on the top and middle speeds from the chain sprocket on the crankshaft to the back axle. The first speed and reverse are obtained by epicyclic gears, one on each end of the crankshaft. To return to the engine, the valve gear is instantly accessible, as it is only necessary to loosen two bolts when the valve shaft can be thrown back out of the way, and all four valves instantly got at, while the adjustment of the lift of the valves can also be effected instantaneously. The lubrication is by force pump from the base of the crank chamber through the crankshaft bearings, crank pins, down the long connecting reds to the gudgeon pin, thence to the cylinder walls. From the cylinders it drains back into the crank pit, and the circuit is repeated. There is no possibility of suggesting that this horizontal engine is either inaccessible or improperly lubricated. The ignition is by high tension magneto, and we should prefer to see a gear drive instead of the short chain which is used to connect the magneto to the lay-shaft, but it is only fair to Messrs. Singer to say that they have used the chain driven magneto on their cycles for a long time and have never had the least trouble with it, so that it would appear that the careful fitting. of a good cycle manufacturer overcomes the objection which motorists usually have to chain drive. Every part of the engine is remarkably accessible. The control is very clever, but we must deal with this at some future period. The bodies hinge up from the back, and the foot-board and dashboard also turn back, so that everything can he got at almost instantly. The crankshaft with the engine case is remarkably strongly held to the frame; in fact, the design throughout shows very sound engineering practice. The cars are made in two sizes, a two or three seated, with 8 h.p. engine, 4in. bore and 4in. stroke, and a larger pattern four-seated with 4in. bore and 6in. stroke. Both give ample body room with comparatively short wheelbases, as the whole of th3 length of the chassis is available for the occupants of the car, the mechanism being entirely beneath the floor. For instance, the total length of the four-seated car, with side entrance and very roomy tonneau, is only 10ft. 6in. It has been found quite easy to give this very ample accommodation with a 7ft. wheelbase.

THE SPEEDWELL MOTOR AND ENGINEERING CO., LTD. (44).- In addition to the Serpollet, two six-cylinder, one 9, one 10, and two 12 h. p. variously bodied Speedwells are shown. These are of new types for 1905. All the engines are fitted with carburetters provided with automatic sir inlet and piston throttles actuated by the governor, and controllable from the seat. The 6 h.p. has two speeds forward and reverse, direct drive on the top. The frame and underframe are of steel tube with suitably stiffened transverse members. The two-seated Victoria body is well finished and upholstered, and provided with a smart beaver cloth-lined hood. From the 611.p. upwards all are provided with a takingly shaped tank radiator, in which horizontal lines of flanged radiating tube connect the surrounding tank. Folded hinged bonnets are also fitted to all these cars. The 9 h.p. car is practically the same in detail as that above described, except that the engine is, of course, of larger power. The gear box has three speeds forward and reverse, and the commutator is placed in a vertical position above the level of the engine, and driven by bevel gearing off the end of the half-time shaft. The body is nicely finished and upholstered in red buttoned leather. This oar is a smart and taking looking vehicle. The 10 h.p. Speedwell tonneau shown has a two-cylinder engine. the cylinders cast together, carried on tubular underframe. and driven from a three-speed gear, with direct drive on top Speed. An additional feature in this car is the Mercedes control of ignition and throttle in the centre of the steering wheels. A belt-driven fan is mounted behind the radiator,;--d a long step connects both the mudguards On both sides of the cal. The rear part of the car is gained by swinging the near side front bucket seat. At the moderate figure asked this vehicle seems good value, the body being well finished and upholstered.

The 12 h.p. chassis shows that in this car a stamped steel frame is substituted for the tubular frame which has hitherto obtained. The wheelbase is considerably elongated, but otherwise the details of the car are similar in design to those previously referred to. The pressure feed lubricator is fitted I.(- the dashboard, and test pushes and voltmeters to t he coil box. 'Ibis chassis, carrying a well finished, well upholstered double phaeton body, with swinging side entrance, is also moderately priced.

Another 12 h.p. chassis with elongated wheelbase is fitted with a very handsome looking landaulette body, upholstered in fawn coloured buttoned cloth, and looking altogether a very tasteful awl comfortable vehicle.

A 24 h.p. tonneau, a very fine and handsome looking car, occupies it corner of the stand.

THE STANDARD MOTOR CO., LTD., Coventry (7).- On the Standard Motor Co.'s stand we find an 18-20 h.p. six-cylinder unfinished chassis, which is shown for the first time, and is the latest type of chassis produced by this firm. A stamped steel frame is adopted, and the engine and crank chamber are carried by three transverse steel tubes net in sockets riveted to the web of the longitudinal frame. The gear box is similarly supported. The cylinders are 80 mm, bore by 100 non. stroke, have the exhaust valve chambers ,111 the left, and the induction valve chambers on their right- hand side. The valve chambers are made accessible by means of valve chamber caps, those on the right carrying the sparking plugs.

The cylinders are cast separately, but ,et on the crank chamber within a 16th of an inch of each other. The crankshaft, which is machined from solid nickel steel, runs in four phosphor bronze bearings, a bearing being set between each pair of cylinders. Between each crank the crankshaft_ carries, formed out of its own material, a disc of 160 min. in diameter, four of them being 18mm. in thickness, and the central disc 28 lam. in thickness. The water connections for supply and delivery are both in cast aluminium, and serve each cylinder front below the exhaust valve chamber. The water deliveries are both fitted with proof cocks. The crank chamber is built up in three longitudinal sections, one section to each pair of cylinders. The carburetter which feeds this engine is interesting, and all that can be desired. It is provided with the ordinary float-feed chamber and mixing chamber, but the petrol jet is furnished with a graduated needle valve, which permits a larger or smaller opening for the passage of petrol ill proportion to the suction of the engine acting upon a dash-pot in the top of the mixing chamber. On each branch of the two-branch induction pitr are fitted two rather novel forms of throttle valves. 'These take the shape of an induction valve operating in a bell-shaped chamber, and are held out of action at the will of the driver. When it is desired to operate them, however, they are Imo, or less closed by the suction of the engine, which is thereby rendered self-throttling to any desired degrcs, at any desired speed. A multiple disc type of metal-to-metal clutch is mounted on the rear of the crankshaft, and this is connected to the gearshaft by means of a double universal joint.

The gear box is very neat in form, and contains the ordinary typo of clan-4e speed gear giving three speeds forward and reverse with direct drive on top speed. The drive from the gear box passes by means of a strongly designed propeller-shaft, which is provided with a universal telescopic joint in connection with the brake drum mounted on the rear end of the gearshaft. The propeller-shaft rotates in the long metal sleeve by means of two ball bearings and a plain bearing at the rear axle end. Special attention is given in this car to the design of the differential gear, the box of which is made in skeleton form in order that the largest possible diameter may be afforded to the planet wheels on the inner ends of the live axle. The result of this design has been to enable the makers to fit these pinions live inches in diameter. The back of the differential case is made with a circular inspection door, on which is fitted a pocket oil tiller, whereby the gear box can bet filled with the requisite quantity of oil with a minimum of time and trouble.

A powerful double-grip band brake is fitted on the brake drum on the rear end of the gearshaft already referred to, and two ingeniously designed internally expanding brakes are fitted to the hubs of the driving wheels. When these brakes are released they contract on to three steadying arms, and when applied expand from two studs, giving perfectly equal action all round the periphery of the drum, We cordially commend the inspection of this carefully and interestingly designed car to the attention of the visitors to the show. The wheelbase is 9ft., wheel gauge 4ft. bin.

Also on the stand is a 16-20 folic-cylinder Standard car with side entrance laxly specially designed for hard usage. The stroke an bore of the cylinders are 4in. by 4in. respectively. It is provided with a very get-at-able gear box, strongly made propeller-shaft, back axle, etc., and is a car which could be adopted with confidence for laird continuous work.

THE SWIFT MOTOR Co., LTD., Coventry (33).— The 7-8 and 12-14 h.p. chassis which are shown by this firm are their new patterns for 1905, and deserve close attention. The Swift Motor Co. have now altogether relimuished tubular frames, find in these models a ARID I wd steel cambered channel section frame, with transverse members of similar description, is adopted. lit the 7-8 ht. two-cylinder the engine, is carried with the gear box on un underfranie of channel steel, strongly braced to the longitudinal members. The stroke and bore of the engine are 80 x 85. The valves are mechanically actuated, and are placed, the exhaust on the left and the induction on the right of the cylinders. The valves are get-at-able in each cant' by the removal of screw valve caps sit in the crow n of the valve box. A good form of automatic carburetter is fitted. The engine is throttle controlled on the induction pipe, and tired ity the usual form of high tension ignition. The pump is driven off the flywheel and carried in an accessible position on one member of the end frame. The pump is a speciality of the Swift Motor Co., being fitted with a ball thrust bearing at the curl of the pump spindle which prevents undue friction of the face of the fan vanes against the end of III, pump body. The clutch is of the ordinary cone description. Th, gear encloses a very well-designed form of gear, with gear-shafts in the horizontal 1,1ane, giving three speeds forts and and reverse, with drive on lop speed. The gear-shafts are of extra largo diameter, and six-pitch teeth are used. The gearshaft bearings are ring lubricated, the oil being supplied from a drip feed fixed in the usual position on the dashboard.

A powerful brake is carried on the end of the shaft, projecting from the gear box, and the drive is by a pro yeller-shaft !nude with large well-designed hardened universal joints to the bevel gearing, on the differential gear of the back axle. The (hiving bevel pinion is fitted with an end bearing. The end thrust on the bevel pinion is taken up by two hardened steel washers; and from the bevel ring by ball thrust bearings. Ball thrust bearings are also used at each end of the live axle. Push pedals are fitted to both clutch and foot brake, and the levers for the control of the ignition and throttle are set conveniently below the steering wheel. One gear lever alone is fitted, and the side brakes, which are of the same description as that already referred to, area applied by a lever in the usual way. The wheelbase is 6ft. 6in., and the wheel gauge is 3ft. 10in. Long springs are fitted to each axle, the rear springs being sot outside the frame: The 12-14 h.p. Swift is practically, so far as detail goes, a replica of the car above described, save that, of course, in all particulars the sections, etc., are heavier to suit the higher-powered engine, which, save for an extra stroke of 5 mm , is a double of the above engine. The radiator in this car, which is formed of top and bottom brass tank connected by vertical lengths of flanged radiating tube, has a six-varied fan set behind it, strap-driven off the end of the crankshaft. The fan rotates on ball bearings. The engine is enclosed by a very smart-looking, well-made folding bonnet with brass louvre panels and mountings.

The dashboard carries the gravity feed lubricator and coil box, together with two spring cup lubricators, and leads for the supply of the ring -lubricators are fitted to the gearshaft. The wheelbase is 7ft., and the wheel gauge 3ft. 10in. The wheels are 32in. x 3in. Protection to the engine clutch, gear box, etc., is afforded by a complete metal apron from the radiator to the rear of -the gear box. The car is handsomely finished in dark green, with black margins, lined white, has brass fittings throughout, splayed front mudguards, with long convenient steps, and ample sized tonneau, access to which is provided by upturning the front seat. The car is upholstered in buttoned and pleated black leather of the best quality, and is altogether a smart, fast, and comfortable vehicle.

The Swift Co. have the greatest confidence in this their latest production. The 7-8 h.p. chassis is shown with a smart dogcart body, and a similar chassis carries a handsome-looking two-seated standard body finished in dark green, black, and white, and upholstered in black leather with brass fittings.

A similar body is shown fitted with a smart-looking hood and glass shield above the dashboard, and is very easily removed. The 16-18 h.p. chassis is also shown with four-cylinder governed engine, the cylinders being cast in pairs, - and carried on a boss .armer frame by means of an underframe slung there from. This car is fitted with gear box giving four speeds forward and reverse. The control of this car is obtained by means of ignition and mixture levers set beneath the steersing wheel and throttle pedal on the footboard. High tension magneto ignition is also fitted, a changing switch enabling either ignition to be used as desired.

THE THOR MOTOR CO, Horseferry Road, S.W. (17), show a 7-9 h.p. two-seated car and a similar chassis fitted with a delivery van body.

JOHN I. THORNYCROFT AND CO., Chiswick, W. (61). – The heavier Thornycroft vehicles will be found dealt with under other headings. This stand is devoted to private carriages, and several improvements have been introduced for the present year.

The clutch, for instance, is of the Hele-Shaw multiple disc type. A honeycomb radiator is fitted, but no fan is found necessary in I lie ordinary manner, t hough provision finder 16-18 h.p. Swift chassis is Ina& fur employing one if desired. The distributer of the high tension ignition is brought well up into an accessible position. Similarly, provision is made for fitting high tension magneto ignition if preferred, a gear wheel being mounted behind the motor for this purpose. The drive is of the cardan type, ions popular even for -the more powerful vehicles, and two radius rods are provided, working direct at the back on the main axle. There is also a link to prevent rotation of the balance gear casing. The brakes- are of the band type, but the bands, instead of being flat, are of truncated cone section—in fact, very similar to the V belt employed upon motor bicycles. These brakes should be particularly effective. The control of the throttle and ignition is provided in what is new recognised to be the popular place, viz., upon the steering wheel itself. The detail is carried out somewhat differently from any other method we have noticed. Whether of 2011.p. or 24 h.p., the engines are all provided with four cylinders, and differ only in dimensions. The bodies offer a good selection, and include a fine shooting brake with long wheelbase. The workmanship on these cars is of a very high order, and altogether the vehicles compare well with others in the exhibition.

VULCAN MOTOR MFG. AND ENGINEERING CO., LTD., Southport (142).—The Southport vehicles, which are not very well known the South, have a good name in their own locality. No special features are claimed for them, except soundness of construction. The two-cylinder and four- cylinder engines are cast in pairs, with mechanically operated valves on either side. One feature which deserves special mention is the brake on the countershaft, this being worked by a positive cam action, which gives a most powerful grip, and provides fur instant adjustment.

THE VAUXHALL IRONWORKS CO., LTD., London (86).- The three-cylinder Vauxhall is now the standard and only pattern turned out by this firm. We dealt with it so thoroughly in our issues of Nov. 12th and 19th last that we cannot do better than refer our readers to these numbers for a description. We may say, however, that the car follows modern ideas in the matter of pressed steel frame, and accessibility, combined with the protection of parts against mud;Ind dust. A new model on the same lutes has been introduced; it is of A rgenl Archer 7 h.p. This is particularly well adapted for doctors' use, and a very nice specimen of such a vehicle is CX1111,110d NV 11 Cape cart hood and front screen, and is sold complete with lamps, etc., at a really moderate figure. Another car is on tonneau lines, Baal the rear seat entrance is from the front, the left-hand seat being movable for this purpose. The back seat is of considerable width, and below it is an extensive locker, Ndlich can he got at from behind the car without disturbing the passengers in any way. Both the 1211.p, and the 7 h.p. cars displayed certainly show a considerable advance on anything the company have hitherto done.

THE WHITLOCK AUTOMOBILE CO., LTD., Holland Gate, London, W. (116).- The two Whitlock-Aster cars ill, exceedingly handsome vehicles, and so is the Paithard landaulette. This is really is splendid specimen of coach building. Not only is ample accommodation provided for two on the rear seat of the landaulette, but, there is comfortable room for two more facing them, An electric light, is provided, and the upholstery and finish generally are what, mnint expected front a firm of carriage builders like Henry Whitlock, Lad. The driver's seat, too, is far more comfit:laid, than usual; this is tts it should be.

The four-cylinder car has a canopy top, and to avoid tie extreme length of a side-entrance vehicle, the front scat is made to turn, so that the advantage of a sale entrance is obtained with httle or no inconvenience to the occupant of the front seat, who need not dismount,. I In the otlle r side there 15 I 811011 door through cc hich a ma» can easily get in or out. The arrange...lit really requires illustrating to be fully understood, but it is practically a novelty.

THE WINTON MOTOR CARRIAGE CO., 48, Holborn Viaduct, (73).--This is tin interesting exhibit, as ust;t1, and gives good idea of what our American cousins can do in I he motor line. The Winton is, of course, fairly familiar to English show visitors, and the many ingenious points in its construction will be fresh in tin it memory; if not, they have an (-ppm trinity of reminding themselves here. Hitherto, the cars have been fitted with horizontal motors, and this type is still retained. A new pattern is that of 40 h.p. With vertical engine. Especial car3 has been taken to provide for the accessibility of the crankshaft and big ends of the connecting rods; the latter especially can be got at instantaneously. The inlet valves are controlled hv air pressure, and another feature consists in the pressure of a reservoir for petrol gas, so that there is always a supply ready for starting purposes.

We notice a convenience which is worthy of imitation in that the different classes of pipes are coloured different hues. It is mit, broadly speaking, a iiew idea, but it is one that is well worthy of adoption. Two forms of high tension ignition are provided --first by at:cm-11111Am., which is generally employed for staiting, and a magneto, which may be switched On when the car is already in action. Of course, either can be used independently it desired. The frames have enclosed bottom right away back to the transmission gear. This is a feature which wt. arc glad to notice is becoming comment all round. Some of t he cars are fitted with double springs, or rather some of th, cations air divided into two sets, so that under a light load c ne has practically the use of a light spring:, and miner as heavy load the use of a strong spring The custom:, is given a. considerable choice in the introduction of bodies, and some of the combination forms of body meet a great range of rtluirements. Considering the work and power in these cars they cannot be considered (xi,ensive.

WOLSELEY TOOL AND MOTOR CAR CO., LTD., Birmingham (43).— This is an exceedingly interesting exhibit. Not only is a chassis of the 6 h.p., 8 h.p., and 12 types shown, but each one has a card on it, so that the visitor can tell at once which is the machine in which he is particularly interested. Not only so, but the cars are all of them marked. This is it most commendable practice, and we wish it was followed by every exhibitor. Among I he improvements to be noted is an improved hand and foot throttle. This is a very good thing indeed, as it combines with the sensitiveness of hand control the extreme usefulness of the pedal when both hands are engaged, and when it would be difficult, if not impossible, to prevent the engine racing. Side entrance bodies ate shown in several types, but one of the most comfortable of of the cars is a 12 h.p. with swing front seat to give entrance to the tonneau. It is a very snug body with a high back and a hood which can be used either as a protection against weather or dust. The main features of the Wolseley have not been altered, but the cars show many improvements in detail Irmo the automatic carburetter to the improved throttle, ii huh till make for quieter running, besides giving easier control tool a greater range of power. The Wolseley was one Of the first cars with two or more cylinder engines to be turned out without a governor. At the time this simplification was most unfavourably criticised, but it was maintained that a good foot and hand throttle rendered it unnecessary, and now we find many other good cars without governors.

There are some section models on this stand, the one of a Wolseley engine being the best little demonstration model of the working of an internal combustion engine that we have ever seen. The operation of the Otto cycle of four strokes can clearly he followed with this model.

On Stand 14, attributed in the catalogue to Selbach, Ltd., but particulars of which were not received at the compilation of catalogue, and which stand was empty until Monday morning, three fine examples of the 20-28 h.p. Hotchkiss cars are shown, one tastefully and comfortably finished with double limousine body, and canopy extension over, and glass screen in front of driver. These cars, illustrated particulars of which were recently given in The Autocar are shown by the British Automobile Commercial Syndicate, and are similar to those exhibited on other stands previously dealt with.

. . . front seat, wand contains ten gallons of oil, sufficient for a run of 150 odes. The back brakes, fitted for the first time on this car, are compensated by a simple form of rocking lever attached one end to a fast and the other to a loose arm. Some small detailed improvements have been made in the generator and the burner; the tubes in the former are of smaller diameter and of nickel steel, while the jets of the homer sew concentrate their flame into one common trough. The chassis, with double phaeton body, now turns the scale at 15 cwts.

THE DURYEA CO., LTD., of Coventry (52), are agents for the Turner-Miesse steam car. This has been improved in several respects for the coining season, though the general arrangement remains as before. At first sight one might easily mistake the car for a petrol vehicle, but the bonnet conceals not the motor, but the generator. The engine is under the footboard; the condensers occupy the forward position of the usual radiators. The generator has been improved by providing for the cutting out of the bottom section, so that in the event of failure the water may be coupled up one section higher, and the trouble avoided for the time being. A new section can be inserted on returning to headquarters. A convenient lever is provided on the front of the steering column for regulating the water feed, and hence the speed of the car. More directly, a pedal controls the steal., and may be conveniently employed in traffic. When depressed beyond a certain point it not only cuts off the steam, but also applies the brake. The steam lever proper is arranged belched the steering column, and provides for forward, stop, and reverse, as required. After starting, the same lever is employed for linking up. A point in the operation of this lever is that when in the mid position no lift is given tee the inlet valves by their cams, but the exhaust valves are slightly held from their seats; there is thus no compression, and the car can run freely without skidding the wheels. No variable speed gear is employed, the engine driving the balance-gear pinion, the power being finally transmitted by side chains to the driving wheels. The horsepower varies from ten to twenty, according to the requirements, and paraffin is employed for fuel.

WHITE STEAM CARS, 35, King Street, W. (81).— The famous 10 h.p. White steam car is now practically superseded, though one specimen of it is shown on the stand. It is not superseded in the sense that it was unsatisfactory, but rather in the form of improvements which have brought up the power some fifty per cent. The generator, for example, has now sonic 350ft. of tubing in place of the 250 in the older pattern. The tanks for water and fuel have also been increased to a capacity of twelve gallons, which should give a range of about 150 miles. The condenser has been increased in dimensions. The pipes are now arranged vertically, and a fan has been added, thus conducing to economy of water. The emergency gear, as the final prefer to call it, is of the simple type, giving two speeds, with a direct drive on the higher speed. The change appears to be very easily effected. Not only has the power been increased, but also the comfort, and this in various ways. For example the bodies have been enlarged, the springs increased in length, and the wheels brought up to 34in. diameter. All these points are good, and, we think, especially the last. Too many cars at the present time are fitted with under-sized wheels. Altogether, the White is, as it has been in the past, a first-rate specimen of the steamer class.

. . . being obtained through an epicyclic train. The boat exhibited gives seating accommodation for six people, one of whom has the entire control of the craft in his own hands. (hie thing in connection with the engine should be mentioned, and that is the system of ignition, which is mechanical make-and-break worked by one lead from a magneto, or from an accumulator. Either of the systems gives equally good results. We understand that this firm have been making, and have in use, a six-cylinder engine of 250 b.h.p. This drives a solid-bladed propeller, and the reverse is obtained by stopping the engine and sliding the ignition and valve camshafts, so as to get the opposite valve setting. Air pressure is used for starting, and is in connection with three cylinders which are used as compressed air motors for starting. The three remaining cylinders come into operation, and the air is shut off. The whole of the six cylinders then become active. The whole of the operation is controlled by three levers, and is very quickly performed. Several types of Buffalo marine engines, with their reversing gear, are exhibited on the stand.

A. B. COLLIS, LTD., Bitterne Park, Southampton (148).— A 17ft. carvel-built motor launch fitted with a single-cylinder 6 li.p. motor is exhibited by this firm. The position of the engine in this boat is somewhat different from that which usually obtains, inasmuch as it is placed well forward of the widest part of the beam. Water circulation is maintained by means of a plunger pump eccentrically driven fre- the halftime shaft. A reversible propeller is employed. The boat has plenty of beam and a deep keel, making it suitable for use in rough sea weather.

S. F. EDGE, LTD., New Burlington Street, W. (160).— A magnificent 40ft. river launch is made the feature of Messrs. S. F. Edge's marine motor exhibit. As an example of luxuriousness in design, appointments, and finish, it stands practically unequalled. The hull, which is designed by Messrs. Saunders and built on their own principle, is it magnificent piece of workmanship. The interior fittings are of polished mahogany, the seats being upholstered in green leather. The full seating accommodation is for ten passengers, including the helmsman. The four-cylinder 10 h.p. motor is enclosed in a compactly-designed and glazed casement. The fittings of the boat are all silver-plated. With its canopy top. The whole fermi: one of the most delightful and perfect pieces of marine engineering work which it has ever been our good fortune to inspect.

THE GAINES REVERSIBLE PROPELLER CO.. LTD., 6-7, Stonecutter Street, E.C. (162). — Gaine's reversible propellers are, of course, the feature of this exhibit, soil are displayed with both lever and worm segment operating Slmuld any of our readers not be mlaminted rr ith the action of the reversible propeller, it might be briefly described with advantage. The blades of the Sell, propeller are formed with a pitch or twist in them similar to the thread on an ordinary sun,. When the edge of this blade presents a more or less flat surface to the water at right angles to the length of the boat no motion is given to the craft. As the blades are turned in their central boss by means of simple gearing, the broadened edge of the propeller is presented to the volume of water, and the craft is thrust forward, so that when turned in one direction the propeller drives the craft forward, and when turned in the opposite direction the reverse motion is given.

HUMBER, LTD., Beeston (Notts.) and Coventry (153).— The Humber firm make a new departure in the Olympia Show, inasmuch as they are exhibiting a motor launch. The craft shown is a very well-designed 30ft. boat suitable for river or lake work. The propelling power is supplied by a 10 four-cylinder engine similar to that used in the light-powered car built by this firm. A solid-bladed propeller is employed, and for going astern a. reverse gear is provided.

J. E. HUTTON, LTD., 81-83, Shaftesbury Avenue, W. (150). — La Coquette, a. 35ft. sea-going or river launch, fitted with a 10 h.p. four-cylinder Panhard motor, is the principal exhibit here. The engine is of the Pan hard marine type, and is fitted with a- Lion carburetter, adaptable for the use of petrol, paraffin, and naphthalene. The ignition is high-tension magneto. The propeller is of the reversible type. The control is entirely in the hands of one person, who has a clear lookout ahead owing to the engine being !-ared forward of amidships. The cabin is fitted with a fair way from end to end. 'lie- boat is very well appointed, and has very graceful lines. It might be mentioned that this is not a new boat, but one that has been in use on the Thames for upwards of twelve months. Several three-cylinder Panhard marine engines tire also exhibited.

THE KENSINGTON MOTOR BOAT CO., Avonmore Road, Kensington (161).— The Clift marine engine is a new introduction. and gives promise of good performance so far as its appearance and the general lines upon which it is built are concerned. The engine is built up with lour separate cylinders of 401. bore by 5in. stroke, developing 30 h.p. at seven hundred revolutions per minute. A feature has been made of accessibility, and an inspection of the engine will demonstrate how easy it is to immediately have access to any of its vital parts. For the operation of the valves, an overhead cam is employed, the valves being actuated through rocking levers. These levers are readily removable, and by undoing a large nut the valve and its seating are also removable. A double ignition is employed—high tension by accumulator and coil and high tension magneto. The plugs are arranged side by side, and at the side of the cylinder; on the opposite side of the cylinder is an orifice, closed by a cone-shaped boss held in position by a screw-down cramp. The slacking off of a fly nut releases the cramps, and one can instantly ascertain whether the plugs are behaving in the manner desired. The crank chat--er on both sides is provided with easily detachable plates, so that ready access can be obtained to the whole of the interior of the crank chamber. For occasional inspection, one side is fitted with hand holes, the covers being held down by screw cramps. The engine exhibited was fitted to work on petroleum. and for this purpose each cylinder is provided with a distinct and separate carburetter. For use with petrol, a Longuemare or other type of vaporiser can be used. Driven by the engine are two pumps, one of which circulates cooling water around the cylinders, while the other ejects bilge water. Both these pumps are driven at one-fourth of the speed of the engine. Lubrication is effected by force-feed through a rotary pump. Time exhaust, as it leaves the cylinders, is ejected into a large water-cooled chamber for the purpose of cooling, and for the more ready silencing of such waste gases. The engine exhibited was fitted with the Durham-Churchill reversing gear and with an irreversible tiller wheel. The whole is very compactly designed, and deserves commendation.

THE LAUNCH MOTOR CO., LTD., Chiswick (151).- Lozier marine engines of one, two, and four cylinders, ranging from 3 to 5 h.p., are the principal items on this stand. The majority of the motors are of the two-cycle type, and work on lines which have been well tried in America. The four-cycle type is very similar in general appearance to the two-cycle type, and only one specimen of this—a two-cylinder 10 -is exhibited. In cases of the Ligher-powered engines--that is to say, from 50 h.p. upwards — a solid propeller is used, and reversing gear is fitted to the engine. The ignition is in all cases by magneto, which is driven by a friction wheel on the flywheel of the engine. A 20ft. launch fitted with a 3 h.p. two-cycle motor is also staged, and is a very pretty little boat for river work, and giving ample accommodation.

THE MAUDEMAY MOTOR CO. LTD, Coventry (99).— A 40 h.p. launch motor of six cylinders is mounted on a wood bedding, with connections to give the drive to a propeller-shaft, eith, ahead or astern. The usual features, consisting of the Maudslay overhead camshaft motion, vertical shaft, and automatic carburetter, together with water-jacketed exhaust connection, are embodied in this engine.

E. MESSUM AND SONS, Lansdown Boat House, Richmond (147).—A nicely-built 16ft. carver launch is exhibited by this firm. It has a beam of 5ft., and gives seating accommodation for twelve persons. The engine is a li.p. Simms, with magneto ignition, and drives a reversible propeller. The whole of the mechanism is under the control of the helmsman. As the draught of this boat is only about eighteen inches with a full load aboard, it is eminently suitable for use on rivers where shallow places are met with.

THE MITCHAM MOTOR CO., Cowes, Isle of Wight (164).— The Fay and Bowen, an American-built two-cycle engine, is the specialty of this firm, who are also builders. The principal part of their space is devoted to the F. and B. engines, of which a 32 ti.p. single cylinder, a 4 11.p. two cylinder, a 7 h.p. two cylinder, a 6 h.p. three cylinder, and a 15 h.p. four cylinder are exhibited. An illustration of the last-named is given, which shows the general lines upon which this motor is constructed. The whole of the work is carried out with the idea of simplification of all the working parts. A 15ft. clinch-built yacht's dinghy, fitted with a 3 h.p. double-cylinder F. and 11. engine, is also staged.

THE MOTOR CASTINGS Co., Gray's Inn Road, W.C. (156), have a very interesting little exhibit, which includes a four-cylinder lake marine motor complete with reversing gear, which is so arranged that no gears are in operation except at such times as the boat, is going astern. In this particular engine the inlet valves are operated by tappets and rods working over the exhaust valves. A second engine is shown in which the exhaust valves are placed on one side of the cylinder, and the inlets on the other. Small boat owners will be interested in a very complete little set which is sold by this firm. It consists of a small 4 h p. two-cylinder engine, complete with reversible propeller, the price of t he set being very moderate. A four-cylinder engine by Lloyd and Plaister is also exhibited on this stand. This is chiefly remarkable for having an unenclosed valve camshaft.

THE NEPTUNE MOTOR MFG. CO., King Street, Hammersmith (155), exhibit a 4 h.p. marine motor which has been specially designed for the work to which it is applied. Simplification of the working parts and accessibility form the keynote of the design. For going astern a reversing gear is fitted, and a friction clutch is employed in conjunction with the operation of this gear, and is so arranged that when the gear is brought into operation the clutch is momentarily withdrawn. Under ordinary circumstances the drive is direct with the reverse pinions running idle. A 15 ft. clinch-built dinghy, suitable fur work in conjunction with one of the previously mentioned engines, is also exhibited.

NORRIS AND HENTY, 87, Queen Victoria Street, F.C. (116a). A three-cylinder 45 b.h.p. petroleum-fed engine is exhibited by this firm. The most interesting feature of this engine is the way in which it is supplied with fuel. A force-feed pump passes the petroleum into a separate chamber, which maintains an equal pressure of about 4 lbs, to the square inch. Any oil passed in above that pressure is returned through an automatic relief valve to the main supply tank. From the pressure reservoir the oil is fed to a vaporiser to each of the cylinders. The fuel for the engine passes to a valve placed above the level of the burner, which is fitted with a needle valve regulating the supply of oil, so that it nay be adjusted to the exact requirements of the engine. An automatic valve is fitted in this chamber, which opens on the suction stroke of the engine, and passes the required amount of fuel to the vaporiser. whence it is drawn into the cylinder and fired by magneto ignition. For cushioning purposes and to obtain steady running, a small quantity of water is introduced into the cylinder on each working stroke, and this is done by means of an automatic valve placed in the cylinder head. Fresh water is allowed to drip into a little cup above this valve, and on the suction stroke the water (the quantity of which may be regulated to suit the requirements of the engine) is drawn into the cylinder and converted into steam on the explosion stroke, and acts as a cushion en the working stroke. For starting purposes, a relief cam is brought into operation to relieve the compression. A single-cylinder engine of 3 11.p., on the same principle, is also exhibited.

PERMAN AND CO., LTD., Charing Cross Road (154).—Two 30ft. launches, one of which is fitted with a 16 h.p. Delahaye motor and the other with a 24 h.p. engine of the same make, u t .0.1.tal., 6 are exhibited by this firm. The latter boat is provided with a cabin extending from the skill to midships. Forward of that the boat is open. It is fitted with low weather-beard forward, and has turtle-back deck over the bows. A 15ft. carrel-built yacht's dinghy is also exhibited. To those who have followed the doings of the automobile boat during last summer's racing, the success of the Delahaye-engined boats will be well remembered.

THE PUTNEY MOTOR Co. (204).— The Craig Dorwald marine petrol motor. This twelve cylinder launch engine, winch has been previously fully described and illustrated, is to be found on the stand of the Birmingham Aluminium Castings Co., in the Gallery. The cylinders are arranged V fashion and in pairs.

THE SEAL MOTOR CO., Hammersmith (152).- The Seal motor strikes one immediately by reason of its very diminutive dimensions, particularly with regard to its total height. The bore of the cylinder is greater than the stroke, and the cylinder lies beneath the crankshaft instead of over it, as is more usual. The lubrication of the crankshaft and piston is effected in a simple but thoroughly reliable manner. The fuel is taken into the cylinder through a special form of carburetter, upon which, in the case of the two-cylinder 6 h.p. engine, the governor acts. The actuation of the exhaust valve is carried out by means of a rotating worm, and has a somewhat curiously-shaped form of star wheel. which gives the necessary actuation to the valve once in every two complete revolutions. The Seal motor strike3 us as being iin engine particularly well adapted for use in very light-built craft, -wing to the weight being carried so low down and to the absence of vibration. A dinghy is shown fitted with one of these engines.

THE SIMMS MFG. Co., Kimberley Road, Kilburn, N.W. (163).— Single-cylinder engines, suitable fur launch work, of 114, and 6 h.p. are exhibited. With the exception of the lowest powered engine, all are water-cooled, and fitted with the Simms-Bosch low tension magneto ignition. All the sets are exhibited complete with the Durham-Churchill reversing gear. The engine is well made, simple, and accessible, and has moreover been well tried at the hands of the public. We de not think we can say more than this. Motors of still higher powers than those already mentioned are on view, these being a two-cylinder 12 h.p. and a four-cylinder 20 h.p. A 16ft. dingey fitted with a 3.5 h.p. engine is also on this stand.

THE STIRLING LAUNCH CO., Twickenham (1591.—A 251t. fast cruising launch is exhibited by this firm. flue engine fitted is a two-cylinder 16 h.p. Mutel. A three-bladed feathering propeller is used. The lines of the boat are somewhat different front those usually seen on this type of craft, particularly as regards the stern, which follows the lines of a sailing yacht rather than those of a speedy launch. A yacht's dingey is also exhibited.

JOHN I. THORNYCROFT, LTD., Chiswick (1581.-As might be expected of so well known a firm in the construction of high-speed boats, a very interesting exhibit is staged. The centre of attraction is a 401t. steel torpedo boat, the Dragonfly. This is engined with a four-cylinder petrol engine, developing 108 1-.p. at 800 revolutions per minute, with 8i-. by 8in. bore and stroke. The engine is placed just forward of midshi-s, and is covered by a hurricane deck, projecting a hove which is a funnel, giving the craft a steam-like appearance. but which really contains the silencer. The propulsive power is taken direct from the engine for going ahead, and a set of gearing is employed for going astern. As is the case with the smaller types of boat, the whole of the, control of the craft is in the hands of one member of the crew. Over the side is slung a torpedo, carried in toggle lever jaws, which release it when necessary. We noticed that when H.R.H. the Prince of Wales made his tour of inspection before the opening of the show, the details of this particular boat attracted a very considerable amount of his attention. A fine-looking six-cylinder engine is exhibited on the stand, and gives one the impression of immense power. It is, as a matter of fact, an 82 11.p, engine, though it might well pass for a 100 11.1). motor so far as looks are concerned. On another part of the stainl is seen a similar type of engine to that employed in the Dray,,,-/g. Several smaller-powered motors are also exhibited suitable for launches. In most instances the Simms low tension ignition is employed. A 30ft. carvel-built racing launch is also to be seen on the stand. This is fitted with a 20 h.p. engine, with 4in. bore and 4gin. stroke, and is speeded up to 1,000 revolutions per minute. In this case a combination of the high-tension ignition with coil and accumulator and the low-tension magneto ignition is employed.

UNITED MOTOR INDUSTRIES, LTD., Poland Street, W. (234). - The Cremorne twin-cylinder launch engine should 1,e examined by all who are interested in marine motoring. The engine has several features that differ from the ordinary type of oil engine, among which is the arrangement of the valves. These are in duplicate, that is, there are two inlet and two exhaust valves for each cylinder, or eight valves in all. 'They are all mechanically operated on top of the combustion head by tappet rods and levers pivoted on a rim on the combustion head. By an arranpment of the adjusting screw and lock• not the two inlet valves can be t i-ed to open simultaneously, and elan the exhaust valves. It will he easily seen that some suitable adjustment of this kind is necessary, otherwise the valves would 'open one after the other. 1 he clutch consists of a drum in which V groove's are turned, the part 1\ Ilia is usually the fen ale portion, consisting of two halves of a ring which is made to chimp around the male part by means of a lever and toggle which operates the reverse way to the majority of toggle actuated friction clutches. The cylinders are cast open, bored, anal turned all over the jacket, wWel, is in brass, being fitted on afterwards, and joints made by means of a cone fitting inside at the top and bottom, and drawn into place by Screws.

THE WOLSELEY TOOL AND MOTOR CAR Co., Birmingham (43). - A crankshaft for a 120 h.p. six-cylinder engine occupies a prominent position upon this company's stand in the marine Anal., The cranks, as will be seen from the accompanying illustration, are set at 120°, and in opposed pairs. Hard by the crankshaft is seen a 24 h.p. four-cylinder marine engine, very similar in type to that employed in the Siddeley cars, while at the other end of the stand is seen a still larger engine of the same type; this is of 6011.p. Also on the stand is a 30ft. earvel-built river launch fitted with a two-cylinder 1211.p. engine. The hull is built by Summers and Payne, Southampton. (Next week we shall deal with the various exhibits which are staged in the gallery, and are individually well worthy of inspection.

See Also


Sources of Information