1907 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1907 Jul-Dec Index - Volume 19
- A.A. and M.U. Reconciliation, 701
- - - the M.U., 285, 301, 322, 362, 382, 396, 404, 432, 465, 538, 571
- - in the North, 494
- - Notice Boards at Merstham (illustration), 921
- - Scout and the M.U. Agent, 280
- Abbott, C. E. (reply), 624
- Accessories, Novelties in, 282
- - Tyres, Parts, and, at Olympia Show, 836
- - Weights of, 593, 647 613,
- Accident, An, and its Lessons, 560, 947 646, 685, 688, 741, 870,
- Accidents at Brooklands, 208, 447, 454, 501, 535
- - Cyclist v. Motor Car, 324, 376, 398
- - Horse and Tram, 82, 295, 318, 621, 885
- - How they arise, 422
- - Motor Car, 208, 404, 998, 1020
- - Summary of, in Vienna, 1072
- - Traction Engines, etc., 369
- Accumulator and High-tension Magneto Ignition, a Comparison, by W. Watson, 916
- - Edison, a Protest, 891
- - or Magneto, 893
- Accumulators, Charging, from Electric Light Circuit, 775
- A. C. D. (letter), 77
- Ace. George (letter), 465
- Acetylene Generating System, Patent by C. B. Cave-Browne-Cave, 662
- Ackermann, A. S. E. (letter), 988
- A. C. P. (query), 549
- Adams Car, 10 h.p. Car, Experiences, 549, 624
- - - - (illustration), 353
- - Car for Emperor of Abyssinia (illustration), 545
- - 12-14 h.p. Cars (illustration), 696
- - Engine, 12-14 h.p., 367
- - Single-cylinder Car, 296
- - Touring Car for British East Africa, 618
- --- W. L. (letter), 536
- - W. H. (letter), 1032
- Adcock, T. S. (letter), 1028
- Adjustable Packing Piece, by Peto and Radford, 925
- - Steering Wheel, Seat, and Pedals, 1065
- Adler 9 h.p. Car (illustration), 979
- Advertising in France. 600
- Aerial Flight, 399
- Aeroplane Developments, 960, 976, 977
- - Testing at Brooklands Track (illustration), 973
- Aeroplanes, Trials of, 651
- A. F. (query), 549
- After Seven Years' Driving, 987
- A. H. M. C. (letter), 117
- Aids to Cleanliness, 3
- Air Tubes, Non-nipping, 327
- A. J. H. (letter), 361
- Albion 24 h.p. Car, A Run on, 661
- - - Description of, 638, 666
- - - - (illustration), 84
- - 16 h.p. Car (illustration), 399
- - Motor Car Co. (letter), 869
- Alcohol Fuel, its Advantages and Drawbacks, 548
- - Industrial, 535
- - Propaganda, 276, 535, 975
- - Tests, 915, 946
- A. (letters), 287, 397
- A 129 (letter), 395
- A 8087 (letter), 395
- A 0559 (letter), 610
- A 7447 (letter), 645
- Alford and Alder (letter), 39
- Alldays Car, 1080
- Alloys of Aluminium and Copper, 550
- All Speeds Direct, 621, 688
- A. L. M. (letter), 468
- Alps, To the, and Back, 571, 1013, 1048
- Aluminium and Copper Alloys, 550
- Amasis (letter), 571
- Amateur Competitors, 46
- - Owners' Requirements, 893
- A. M. B. (query), 890
- America, An Idea from (illustration), 123
- - Automobile Situation in, 670
- - Motor Law in, 993
- - - Racing in, 542
- - Twenty-four Hours' Race in, 488
- American Methods, 297
- - Notes, 86, 271, 297, 400, 622
- - Panic, 990, 1033, 1069
- American Methods, Racing Events, 1064
- — Sealed Bonnet Competition, 86
- — Show Season, 768
- A. M. I. Mech. E. (letter), 359
- Amir of Afghanistan s Cars, 165
- Analysis and Carburation, Gas, by W. R. Ormandy and J. H. Lester, 940
- Andrews, Alfred (letter), 644
- Another Badger (letter), 76
- — Motorist (letter), 646
- —- Substitute for Pneumatics, 410
- Antarctic Expedition, Car for, 588
- Anti-friction Metal Tests, 407
- Anti-sideslip (letter), 742
- Anxious ( query ), 994
- Appeal from a Clergyman, 469
- Appeals, Three Successful, 635
- A. P. (reply), 890
- A 4359 (query), 774
- A. E. B. F. (query), 660
- Arbuthnot, J. Carnegie (reply), 926
- Ardennes Circuit, 114, 154, 203
- — — Races (illustrations), 202, 208
- A 575 (reply), 624
- Argyll 26-30 h.p. Car at Kirkdale Election (illustration), 623
- — 14-16 h.p. Car Climbing Hill (illustration), 368
- — 40 h.p. Car, New Pattern, Description of, 737
- — Car, R.A.C. Performance Certificate, 568
- — Clutch Pedal Adjustment (illustration), 925
- — 14 h.p., End to End of Ireland, 400
- — Silver Trophy Competition, 306, 494, 695
- Ariel Motors, Ltd. (letter), 118
- — Racer to New Grand Prix Regulations. 900
- Ariel-Simplex, Hints for the Management of, 320
- Aries Motors, Ltd., 654
- Armstrong-Whitworth Engine, 961
- Army Manoeuvres in Buckinghamshire (illustrations), 493, 496
- — Motor Reserve, 266, 637
- Arnott, E. H., Article by, 410
- — Ernest (letter), 76
- Arrival, Immaculate, The (illustration), 658
- Arrol-Johnston Car for British Antarctic Expedition, 588
- — 38-45 h.p. Car, Run on, 513
- — — Chassis (illustration), 853
- Ashford, Weather Screen. 41
- As Others See Us, 387, 557, 903
- Aspinall, J. W. (letter), 1070
- — — — (reply), 994
- Associates of the Royal A.C., 1055
- Aston, Open Hill-climb at, Herts County A.C., 213
- At Brooklands, by H. C. L., 491
- Atchley, E. H. (letters), 79, 118
- Attendance at Olympia, 931
- Austin Carburetter, New, 892
- — 40 h.p. Car (illustration), 264 18-24 h.p. Car (illustration), 618
- — 25-30 h.p. Car, Mr. Harrison's (illustrations), 307
- - Cars, 682
- — 40 h.p. Car, with Cape Cart Hood (illustration), 642
- - Control Lever Arrangement (illustration), 888
- — Jas. (letters), 871, 945
- - Motor Co., 379
- — — Ltd. (letter), 160
- Australia, Motoring in, 515
- — Talbot Cars in (illustration), 531
- Australian Car, the Tarrant, 436
- — Hill-climb, 888
- Australians in Ireland (illustration), 220
- Austrian Motor Car Imports, 1073
- Autocars of 1908, 705, 706
- Automatic Air Valve, Springless, 367
- — Carburetter in the T.T., 571
- — Patent by A. Horch, 700
- — Petrol Measurer, by Walter Jamieson, 298
- Automobile Association, 132, 494, 963
- — — Lamps, 352
- — Hunt, Shooting Buck in South Africa, 526
- — Situation in America, 670
- — Trust in Italy, 680
- Automobilism, Future of, 884
- Badge and Scout Question, 285
- - R.A.C., Design for, 389
- - - (illustration), 682
- Badges, 37, 76, 119, 285, 682
- Baerselman, George (reply), 1080
- Bailey and Co.'s Spare Tyre Carrier, 1007
- Bainbridge, Jack B. (query), 774
- Baker, Patent by, Variable Speed Gear, 446
- Ball Bearings, D. and F. 986
- - - for Crankshafts, 926
- Balloon, Nulli Secundus Encircling St. Paul's (illustration), 552
- Ballymenagh Trophy (illustration), 437
- Bank Holiday Meeting at Brooklands, 226
- Banning of Hill-climbs, 1003, 1069
- Barclay, Jas. W. (letter), 643
- Barnes Compound Motor, Description of, 408
- Barnet Parish Church, Motors Passing, 460, 535
- Barnsley, Hamilton (letter), 539
- Barr, Archd. (letter), 395
- Barret, D. W. (letter), 469
- Barry, Maurice (letter), 362
- Baverey, F., Patent by, New Carburetter Principle, 662
- Baxter, W. H., Patent by, Body Arrangement, 446
- B B 212 (letters), 197, 322, 504
- Bearings, Crankshaft and Connecting Rod 337
- Beeston Humber Car-As Others See Us (illustrations), 958
- - 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 928
- - Cars, Latest Pattern, 694
- Belfast Riots, Incident in the, 280
- Belgian Army, The Motor in the, 101
- - Trials, 154, 246
- Bellamy, Fred. A., (letter) 766
- Bell, G. Dalrymple (letter), 199
- - J. Dalrymple (reply), 580
- Belsize Cars, 732, 880
- Benzol, by Owen John, 531
- - Fuel Tests, 433, 468, 481, 512, 540. 61:1, 733, 758
- - Hints on the Use of, by Edmond Ledoux, 506
- - Running on, 445, 540, 945
- - Trial, 3,000 Miles, 733, 758
- Bennett, F. S. (letters), 946, 1033
- Bentall Carburetter, Description of, 959
- Berkshire, North, A.C., 402
- Berliet, M., Patent by, Compressed Air System, 547
- Berlin Motor Show, 978, 1006
- Bicyclist (letter), 912
- Bigger but not Better, 339
- Binks, C. (letter), 992
- Birch, F., Patent Steering Gear by, 547
- Birdlip Hill-climb, 79, 87, 118
- B. J. (query), 962
- Blackguardism near Brooklands, 285
- Blake and Co., J. (letter), 325
- - L. B. (letter), 742
- Blame in the Wrong Place, 501
- Blow Lamp, Effective, Markt and Co.'s, 107
- Boat Trials, Motor, 398
- Bobsleigh for St. Moritz (illustrations),1058
- Bodies, Motor, Carriage Builders and, 495, 505, 570, 610, 644, 669, 742, 914
- - - Car, Weight of, 970
- - Short, 39
- Body Arrangement, Patent by W. H.
- Baxter, 446
- - Design, Car, 206, 245, 324, 539, 1073
- Boehm, Edgar C. (letters), 913, 949
- Bonnets, To Prevent Rattle in, 703
- Booth, Willie (letter), 119
- Bore, A Question of, 871, 912, 947, 990, 1031
- Boulogne-sur-Mer Automobile Meeting, 156
- Bourdon, Marcus W., Hints and Tips by, 175
- Bowden, Harold (letter), 991
- Bowen, T. W. (letter), 199
- Bradford A.C., 167, 336, 543, 1022
- Brake Rubbing on Live Axle Cars, 849
- - Tester, Electrical, Morris and Lister's 1010
- Brakes, Defective, 765
- - External v. Internal, 286, 323, 361, 397
- - Notes on, by Edward T. Humphries,936
- Braking, Strains of, 663, 767
- Bramley Valve Attachment, 441
- Breakdown Competition, France, 575, 1018
- Biennial Motor Show, 649
- B 4 (reply), 890
- Brescia Circuit, Echoes of the, 423
- - - Points of Interest (illustrations), 356
- - Meeting, 355, 390, 423
- Brett, C. W. (letter), 646
- - S. E. (letter), 645
- Brewer, R. W. A. (letters), 686, 915, 991
- - Thomas (letter), 1070
- Bridge over River Witham, Opening of
- (illustration), 476
- Bright, H. (letter), 160
- Brighton Beach Track, Twenty-four Hours'
- Race (illustration), 351
- Bristol and Gloucestershire A.C., 48, 87, 128
- British Airship and Foreign Engines, 609, 646, 687, 766
- - Antarctic Expedition, Arrol-Johnston
- - Car for, 588
- - Carriage Builders, Institute of, 482
- - East Africa, Motoring in, 406
- - Fuel for Motor Cars, 433, 468, 481,609, 647
- - International Motor Boat Trophy Race (illustration), 229
- - - Race, 237
- - Motor Boat Club, 48, 88, 168, 212, 273, 336, 366, 402, 479, 512, 543, 579,623, 925
- - - - - Cowes Meeting, 273
- Brodtmann, Capt. Paul, on Daimler Car (illustration), 489
- Brooke, Mawdslev (letter), 538
- Brooklands Accident, 447, 454, 501, 535, 537
- - At, by H. C. L., 491
- - Automobile Racing Club, 13, 57, 109, 142, 181, 226, 235, 278, 313, 329, 425, 451, 496, 541, 561
- - Class Races at, 538
- - Dust Trials, 41, 62, 141, 199, 207, 245' 253, 272, 395, 465
- - Fourth Open Meeting, 451
- - Future Conduct of, 174
- - Gleanings from, 59
- - New Driving Regulations, 541
- - Opening Meeting, 46, 54
- - - - Racing Results, 57
- - Racing, Fifth Open Meeting, 590
- - - Machines at Cobham (illustration), 295
- - - Notes, 454
- - - Rules and the R.A.C., 199, 329
- - Ratings, 576, 610, 646
- - Records at, 945, 964, 1012, 1026
- - Second Meeting, Racing Results, 142, 144
- - Some Criticisms and Suggestions, 687, 741
- - - Opinions of, 63, 77, 108
- - Stopping Bank, 465
- - Track, 1, 38, 119, 174, 496, 501
- - - in Winter Time (illustrations), 966
- - - Remarkable Performances at, 889
- Brooks, W. D. (reply), 516
- Brown and Barlow Carburetter, Description of, 616
- - Arthur (letter), 742
- - Car, Week-end Run on a, 443
- - 25-30 h.p. Car (illustration), 884
- - C. W. (letter), 78
- - Edward C. (letter), 445
- - F. H. (letter), 289
- Browne, H. Anthony (letter), 504
- Brussels Salon, 532
- B S 5 (letter), 535
- Budd, E. (letter), 612
- Buick 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 510
- - - Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 749
- - 18 h.p. Town Traffic Test, 136
- Bullock, D. M. W. (letter), 1027
- Burnham-on-Crouch Meeting, British
- Motor Boat Club, 479
- Burst Tyres, 39, 158, 324, 399, 549
- Buxton Inter-club Meet, 47
- Buyers' Guide, Letters re, 868, 912
- B. V. D. (letter), 360
- Byfleet Resident (letter). 285
- Cadillac 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 304
- - Car, Hon. Evelyn Pierrepont's (illustration), 338
- Cadman, Jas. (letter), 945
- Cairns, T. Munro (letter), 324
- Calthorpe Car and Beresford Rim, 994
- Cambered Roads, 375, 403
- Camshaft, Position of, 870
- Canada, Coventry-Humber Car in (illustrations), 637
- Can an Engine Reverse ? 991
- Can I Afford to Keep a Car ? 988, 1027
- Cape Cart Hood (illustrations), 1020
- - - Hoods, To Preserve, 955
- - Colony, Motoring in, 599
- - Hood, T. Wilson's, 428, 469, 504
- Captain Kidd's Hill-climb, 38
- Carayol, Leon, Design of Float Feed
- Chamber by, 106
- Car Body Design, 206, 245, 324, 539, 1073
- - Construction, Reliability in, 2.68
- Carburetter, Austin, New Pattern, 892
- - Benthall, Description of, 959
- - Brown and. Barlow, Description of, 616
- - Chenard-Walcker, Description of, 565
- - Dentan, Description of, 450 Experiments, 281
- - for Beeston-Humber, 549
- - Gillett-Lehmann, 440
- - Paraffin, The Poland, 201
- - Patent, by Wolseley Tool and Motor
- Car Co., 547
- - Principle, New, Patent by F. Baverey, 662
- - Simple Form of, Patent by Levavasseur 700
- - Westinghouse, 882
- Carburetters, 551, 688, 992
- Carburetting, The Principles of, Paper by Dugald Clerk, 983, 1023, 1061
- Cardiff M.C., 300, 458
- - Motor Club's Open Hill-climb, 458
- Carline, 445
- Carlisle (letter), 613
- Carriage Bodies at Olympia Show, 833
- - Builders and Motor Bodies, 495, 505, 570, 610, 613, 644, 669, 688, 742, 914
- Cars of 1908, 551
- Cartwright, E. H. (letters), 288, 870
- Cassils, D. T. (reply), 994
- Cave-Browne-Cave, C. B., Patent by, Acetylene Generating System, 662
- Cavendish, N. F. R. (letter). 246
- Cave Quick-change Rim, 270
- Cayley, Arthur (letter), 39
- C. B. W. (letter), 326
- C. C. (letter), 288
- C. D. L. (letters), 469. 536, 1065
- Census, Motor Car, 132
- Certificates, Official, Royal A.C. Tests, 887
- Certus Friction Drive, 202, 879, 904
- - Friction-driven Car, 879, 904 Chain Drive and Tyres, 774
- - - (letters), 767, 913, 948, 1032
- - Improved, Coventry Chain Co.'s, 282
- Chains in the Scottish Trials, 323
- - v. Live Axles, 358, 397
- Challenges and Counter Challenges, 289, 396, 539, 680, 871, 988
- Challenge to the World, S. F. Edge's, 253, 286
- Chambers Car in Scottish Trials, 92
- Change-speed Gear, B. S. Roberts's, 621
- - - New, 729
- Charges for Retreaded Tyres, 569
- Charging Accumulators from Electric Light Circuit, 775
- - - on High-voltage Circuits, 93
- Charity its own Reward, 571
- Chassis at Olympia, Tabular Details, 1075
- Chateau-Thierry Hill-climb, 533
- Chauffeur Difficulty, 38, 119, 198, 243, 287, 325, 326, 349, 358, 430, 466, 537, 613
- - Mechanic (letters), 244, 325, 613
- Chaytor, H. G. (letter), 946
- Cheap Cars, 600
- Cheaply-made Motor House, 553
- Chemical Test of Rubber Tyres, 349
- Chenard-Walcker Car, 16-20 h.p., 624, 660
- - - Fuel Tests, 636
- - Carburetter, Description of, 565
- Cheshire A.C., 128, 479, 996
- - (letter), 361
- Chirurge on (query), 580
- C. H. (letter), 502
- - (query), 926
- Choked Carburetter Jet, 3
- Church Congress, Motor Car at the (illustration), 578
- Churches, Passing, 460, 535
- C. I. C. (reply), 926
- Cie des Magnetos Simms-Bosch, Ltd. (letter), 647
- Circuit des Ardennes, 114, 154, 203
- - - Drivers of Minerva Cars (illustration), 241
- Civil Engineers, Institution of, Visit to Talbot Works, 1024
- Clapham, C. F. (letter), 610
- - - (reply), 624
- Clark, Alex. G. (letter), 869
- Clarke, Astley V. (reply), 1080
- - Geo. T. (letter), 361
- Class Races at Brooklands, 538
- Cleanliness, Aids to, 3
- Clement 25-35 h.p. Car, Description of, 520, 562
- - Car Fording Stream (illustration), 40
- - 12-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car Gear (illustration), 681
- - 18-28 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 884
- Clement-Talbot 15 h.p. Car, 397
- - Car after Accident (illustration), 350
- - Successes, 138
- Clemesha, Wm. Wesley (letter), 357
- Clerk, Dugald, Paper by, Institution of Automobile Engineers, 983, 1023, 1061 C 2673 (letter),, 468
- C. L. G. (query), 580
- Closed-in Drivers' Seats, 643, 690, 743, 766, 867
- Closing of Roads, Unauthorised, 357
- Clothing, Motor, Exhibition of, 736
- Club Competitions, 504, 571, 613, 644
- - Doings, 47, 87, 125, 166, 211, 247, 300, 336, 365, 402, 442, 479, 511, 543, 579, 623, 925, 996, 1022, 1074
- Clubs and Club Events, 321
- Clutch, 6 h.p. Rover, Improvement to, 210
- Clyde Cars, 1080
- C. M. F. (letter), 911
- C N 17 (letter), 246
- Coates, W. Ford (letter), 466
- Codling, R. J. (letter), 322
- Coils and Trembler, 549, 580
- Coleman, Frederic (letter), 466
- Cole and Sons' Limousine and Vinot
- Chassis (illustration), 883
- - - - Ltd. (letters), 360, 469
- Collins, H. Beale (letter), 467
- Colonel Holden, 489
- Colonial Motoring, Growth of (illustration), 212.
- Colonies, Motor Cars for, 448
- Colver-Glanest, E. (query), 445
- Combination Goggles, A. W. Gamage's, 614
- Combined Motor Car and Boat, 330
- Commercial Traveller's Car (illustrations), 164, 546
- Common Chauffeur (letter), 79
- Commonsense (letter), 912
- Commutators, Distributers, and Coils, 1080
- Comparison, Racing Rules, 422
- Comparisons, Car, 322
- Competitions, 1, 76, 115, 160, 326
- - Steam Cars in, 37, 118, 199
- Complete Motorist, The, Review, 1000
- Complicated Exchange, 580
- Compound Motor, Barnes, Description of, 408
- Compressed Air System, Patent by F. Berliet, 547
- Compression Tester, Southall, 892
- Condenser (query), 549
- Connecting Rods, Universally Jointed, 602
- Considerate Motorists, 643
- Constantly Meshed Gear, 1002
- Constant Reader (letters), 38, 285
- Consumption Tests, Suggestion for the T.T. Race, 527
- - Trial, R.A.C., 619
- Continental Experiences with Four-cylinder Air-cooled Car, 40
- - Notes and News, 113, 154, 203, 242, 274, 354, 386, 422, 462, 497, 532, 574, 600, 650, 678, 756, 909, 974, 1018, 1071
- - Races, The Seven Principal, 492, 512
- Control Levers, 774, 913
- - of London Traffic, 351
- - - the Roads, 431
- Controlling Motor Traffic, 1066
- Converted Wrangler, by F. F. S., 346
- Convertible Car, 8 h.p. Reo (illustration), 670
- Cooke, C. A. (query), 445
- - Stenson (letters), 245, 396
- Cooling without Water, 1006
- Cooper, R. A. (letters), 357, 361
- Copenhagen Automobile Exhibition (illustrations), 575
- Corderoy, C. O., Hints to Drivers of Mercedes Cars, by, 1047
- Corners, Turning, 968, 1028
- Cornack, J. C. (letter), 743
- Correspondence, 37, 76, 115, 157, 197, 243, 285, 321, 357, 395, 429, 465, 501, 535, 569, 609, 643, 685, 741, 765, 867, 911, 945, 987, 1027, 1065
- Corry, Reginald C. (reply), 890
- Corseted Tyres, McConechy's, 324, 569
- Cost of Tyres, 572, 643, 685, 1065
- Costs of Running, 159, 690, 745, 774, 890, 926, 965, 988, 1030, 1058, 1070
- Cotes, Arthur (letter), 912
- Country Doctor (letter), 867
- - House Motor Car, 157, 164
- - Work, Handy Car for, 140
- Coupe de la Presse, 242, 275
- - -- Paris, 756
- - - Vitesse, Report of, 393
- - des Voiturettes, 600, 651, 678
- - - - French Cars (illustrations), 626, 652
- - - - Rules for, 354
- Courtis, E. (letter), 39
- Coventry M.C., 47, 166, 511, 543
- - Chain Co.'s Latest Pattern Chain, 282
- - Manufacturer (letter), 76
- - Humber Car in Canada (illustrations), 637
- - - New Cars, 641
- Cowell, F. B. (letters), 571, 1032
- Cowey Speed Indicator, Description of, 42
- Cowley, R. G. (reply), 926
- Crankshaft and Connecting Rod Bearings, 337
- Craven Tyre Co. (letters), 742, 743, 950
- — — — (reply), 775
- Creditable to the G.P.O., 361
- Creeping of Tyres, 536
- Crimean Veteran and his Car (illustration), 1073
- Critchley Ignition System, Description of, 490
- — J. S. (letters), 539, 611
- Criterium de France, 215, 275
- Criticisms of Olympia, by an Owner Driver, 905, 932
- Crompton, Col. R. E., Early Motor Car by, 598
- Crossley 40 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 1021
- Cross, O. F. (letter), 362
- Crystal Palace A.C., 167, 212, 402
- Cumberland, Inconsiderate Driving in, 284
- Clipper, Oscar (letter), 646
- Current Leakages through Insulation, 133
- Currin, Sydney A. (letters), 537, 612
- C. W. E. P. (letter), 689
- — (query), 699
- Cyclist Danger, 549
- Cylinder Deposit Analysis, 324, 362, 398
- — not Firing, 549, 580, 660, 699
- Cynicus (letters), 359, 871
- Cylinders, Cracked, The Repair of, 627, 963
- Czar and Czarina in Delaunay-Belleville Car (illustrations), 522, 523
- Daimler Car at Poona Trials (illustration), * 620
- — — for H.M. the King (illustration), 56-8
- — 28-36 h.p. Car for Princess of Wales, 404
- — Cars, The Adjustment and Driving of, 221, 261, 303
- — 30 h.p. Limousine (illustration), 546
- — Motoren Ges., Patent by, Motor Starting Device, 446
- — (query), 926
- — Touring Car (illustrations), 96
- Daimlers, Gear-driven, 722
- Damage to Roads, 1027
- Danger of Speed, 497
- — — Spoking Back Wheels, 759
- Dangerous Corner, 1065
- — Spot, 398
- — Track Racing in America, 622
- — Whistles (letter), 1033
- Dangers of the Road, 197 )1.11U
- Darracq 20-28 h.p. Car (illustration), 5i,t)
- — Car in Austrian Reliability Trials (illustration), 601
- — 18 h.p. Car, Particulars of, 673
- Daunton, F. (letter), 646
- Davidson Flying Machine, 977
- Davies, B. H. (letter), 502
- Dawe, Chas. H. (letter), 915
- Deane, R. T. (letter), 431
- Deans, B. T., Paper by, Vaporising Liquid Fuels, 995
- Deasy Car (illustration), 213
- - 24 h.p. Car (illustration), 217
- - 45 h.p. Car (illustrations), 857
- - Cars, Two Patterns of, 681
- - H. H. D. (letter), 1070
- De Dietrich 80 h.p. Car (illustration), 604
- — Car (illustration), 759
- — Grand Prix Car (illustration), 45
- — Live Axle Cars, 635
- — 40-50 h.p. Private Omnibus (illustration), 471
- — Six-wheeled Car (illustration), 943
- Dion-Bouton 10 h.p. Two-cylinder (illustration), 544
- De Dion Car in French Criterium (illustration), 294
- — — — — Malay States (illustration), 225
- — — — South Africa (illustration), 53
- — 15 h.p. Car, Mr. J. W. Stocks's (illustration), 403
- — — Cars, New Pattern, 567
- — -- Clutch, Description of, 567
- - — 14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car, 702
- — — 10 h.p. (illustration), 217
- — — Sparking Plug, 608
- — Stand at Paris Show (illustration), 997
- Defective Tyre Repairs, 330
- Definition of a Touring Car, 856
- De Freville, G. P. H. (letters), 38, 159, 991
- Defries, Colin (letters), 871, 948, 1031
- "De Honestate," Second-hand Cars, 78, 115, 197
- Delaunay-Belleville Cars, Types of, 721
- — Six-cylinder Engine (illustration), 909
- Delighted Traveller (letter), 432
- De Lissa, Osborne L. (letter), 612
- Demuth, L. H. (reply), 1080
- Dennis 40 h.p. Car, A Trip on, 594
- - Car in Dust Trials (illustration), 922
- - Free-wheel Gear, 889
- Dentan Carburetter, Description of, 450
- - - (illustrations), 995
- Derby mad District A.C., 168
- Design, A Good Point in (illustration), 1005
- - for Royal Automobile Club Badge, 389
- - of Car Bodies, 206, 245, 324, 539
- - - Float Feed Chamber, by Leon Carayol, 106
- Detachable Mudguards, 107
- - Rim and Tyre, Jones and Evans, 544
- - - Dunlop, Improved, 671
- - - Elastes, Description of, 659
- - - Michelin, Description of, 209
- - Rims and Tyres, Michelin, 493
- - - Expense of, 869
- - - Without Extra Cost, 756
- Details, Interesting, 536
- - of Scottish Reliability Trials, 184
- Dew, J. W. II., Patent by, Means for Carrying Spare Tyres, 446
- D. and F. Ball Bearings, 986
- D. F. M. (letter), 504
- Diary of Motoring in South Africa, 262, 316, 363, 388, 434
- Dimensions of Cars, Brooklands Racing Club, 278
- Dinner, Annual, Motor Union, 883
- Diploma to Austin Co., 1072
- Disappointed (letter), 78
- Disc (letter), 987
- Disgusted Moto (letter), 77
- Dishonest Practice, 448
- Disposal of Second-hand Cars, 443, 468.
- Disproportionate Fines, 1057
- Dissolved Acetylene, 549
- Distributer, A New, Gratze Synd., Description of, 283
- - Set, Wade and Jones', 1060
- Dixon, Chas. W. (letter), 741
- D. J. M. (letter), 115
- D 1617 (letter), 741
- D N 85 (reply), 926
- Doctor's Car and Water Rate, 45
- - - (illustration), 509
- Dogs and Motor Cars, 200
- Downing Automatic Gear Lock, 655
- D 29 (reply), 774
- Drip Lubricators, 849
- Drivers, Official Examination of, 159
- Driving in the New Forest, 270
- - on the Footpath, 997, 1028
- - Regulations, Brooklands, 541
- - Skilful, Criticisms and Suggestions, by Marcus W. Bourdon, 175
- Drummond Lathe (illustration), 891
- Dry Air (letter), 357
- Dublin Motor Show, 879
- Duckhana, A. (letters), 77, 118, 243, 362, 466, 610, 947
- - - (reply), 926
- DuCros, Harvey (letters), 743, 990
- Duffield, Edgar N. (letter), 949
- Dunelm (letter), 445
- Dunlop Detachable Rim, Description of, 71
- - - - Improved, 671
- - Security Bolt, 461
- - Tyre Lever, 255
- Dunn, Thomas (letter), 503
- Dun (query), 580
- Du Pre Challenge Cup, 211
- Dust, Motor Bodies and, 244
- - Prevention Competition Awards, 331
- - - Judges' Report on Tar Trials, 698
- - Road, and Automobile Engines, by G. D. Macdougald, 675
- - - Rubber in, 461
- - To Avoid Breathing, 245
- - Trials, R.A.C., 41, 62, 141, 199, 207, 245, 253, 272, 395, 429, 465, 536, 922
- D X 13 (letter), 686
- Dynamo for Charging, 445
- Early Automobile, An, 197
- - Motor Car, Col. Crompton's, 598
- East, Gilbert A. C. (letter), 869
- - Suffolk and Ipswich A.C., 47, 126, 543
- Eastmead, Frederic (letters), 243, 358
- Edge, S. F., Twenty-four Hours' Drive by, 4, 326
- - - Interview with, 11
- - (letters), 116, 244, 246, 429, 432, 433, 913, 915, 991
- - - Tests of Weight on Speed, 384
- Edinburgh M.C., 168
- Edison Accumulator, A Protest, 891, 945
- Editor University Engineering Journal (letter), 767
- Effect of Speed on Fuel Consumption, 636
- - - Weight on Speed, Tests at Brook-lands, 384
- Efficiency and Hill-climbs, 161, 244
- Egypt, Upper, Motoring in (illustration), 664
- E.I.C. Distributers, 323, 362, 397
- Eight Thousand Miles without' Tyre Troubles, 742, 868, 913
- Eisemann H.T. Magneto Ignition Systems, 222
- - Magneto. Improved, Description of, 744
- Elastes Detachable Rim, Description of, 659
- - Tests, 352
- Electrical Brake Tester, Morris and Lister's, 1010
- - Novelties, 172
- Electric Lamps, 759
- - Landaulet Co.'s Car (illustration), 279
- - Tail Lamps, 624, 699
- - Tyre Repairing, 418
- Elliott Mileage Recorder, 566
- - Motormeter, Description of, 148
- Elphinstone-Holden Starting Device, 100, 566
- Emptor (query), 962
- Endorsement, Illegal, of Motor Drivers' Licences, 78, 172
- End to End of Ireland, 14 h.p. Argyll Car, 400, 469
- Energy, by Chas. F. Street, 672
- Enfield Car 18 h.p. Car, 684
- - 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 52
- - E. H. Lancaster's (illustration), 508
- - - (letter), 468
- Engine, Armstrong-Whitworth, 961
- - Heat and Efficiency, 612
- - Sizes and Speed, Some Surprising Comparisons, 463
- - Talbot 35 h.p. (illustrations), 657
- Engines at Olympia, Tabular Details, 1077
- - Automobile, Road Dust and, by G. D. Macdougald, 675
- - Barnes Compound, Description of, 408
- England and the Grand Prix, 76, 116, 161, 200
- - to the Riviera, 926
- English and Continental Cars, 79, 159
- - as she is spoke, 763, 870, 1028
- - Cars in Florio Cup Race, 424
- - - on the Continent, 37, 76, 85, 116
- - Motor Market, 327
- - Riviera (illustration), 433
- E. N. (letter), 914
- Enquirer (letter), 743
- E. P. (query), 962
- E. R. W. (Linares, Spain) (query), 660
- Essex County A.C., 128, 211
- E. S. W. (query), 516
- Euston (query), 624
- Evans, J. Pugh (reply), 580
- Evian, Motor Boats at, 386
- E. V. (letter), 1028
- Evreux Cup Meeting, 756
- Examination after Trial, 260, 345, 401
- - of Public Service Vehicles, 539
- Example of Prejudice against Motors, 257
- Exhaust Gas Analysis, Principles of Carburetting, 983, 1023, 1061
- Ex Parte, 1056
- Expense of Detachable Rims, 869
- Expenses on Tour, Motor Servants, 361
- Experienced Chauffeur (letter), 38
- Experiences, 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Napier, 445
- - Some, 331
- - Wanted, 288, 699
- Experientia (letter), 537
- Experiments in Steam Production, 372
- Expert() Crede (letter), 644
- Exports, Imports and, 90, 371, 444, 617, 661, 1035
- External v. Internal Brakes, 286, 323, 361, 397
- Eyre Non-skids, 660
- Eysseric Wind Shield (illustration), 696
- Fable of Modern Times, 1042
- Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino,
- Patent by, Fiat Carburetter, 446
- Factions in the American Motor Trade, 86
- Fagard, J. (letter), 1029
- Failure to Run Engine on Magneto, 445
- Fair Field and No Favour (letter), 609
- - Wages (letter), 467
- Fairplay (letters), 571, 1030, 1032
- Fans in Cold Weather, 929
- Farman, M., Flights of, Aeroplane Developments, 960
- Fawell, S. H. (query), 994
- F. B. T. (query), 699
- Fergusson, W. H. (letter), 536
- Fiat Carburetter, Patent by Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, 446
- - 30-40 h.p. Car, Miss Ellaline Terriss (illustration), 656
- - - - with Kempshall Tyres (illustration), 859
- - - Limousine (illustration), 695
- - Co., The Position of, 683
- Fingerposts in Towns, 539
- Finish of Motor Cars, 484
- Fire Equipments, Motor, Humber Chassis (illustration), 776
- - Motor Car on (illustration), 438
- Fishguard Route to Ireland, 465, 571
- Fitting an Additional Seat, 383
- F. J. G. (letter), 743
- F K 129 (letter), 361
- Float Feed Chamber, Design of, by Leon Carayol, 106
- Florio Cup Race, Interview with English Driver, 424
- - - - Next, 534, 756
- - - Report of, 390
- Flying Machines, 702
- F. N. (letter), 1028
- Folding Hoods, 428, 469, 504
- Foot Control v. Hand, 913
- Footpath, Driving on the, 997, 1028
- Forbes, Ian (letter), 468
- - -- (query), 774
- Ford, Archibald (letter), 159
- Formula, H.P., 992, 1031
- Forthcoming Race Meetings at Brooklands, 109
- Foster, T. Scott (letters), 56, 570, 645, 871
- Four-cylinder Air-cooled Car, Continental Experiences with, 40
- Four-inch Race, R.A.C., 922, 965
- Four Speeds in Small Cars, 766
- France, Racing in, 274
- - Special Motor Roads in, 1034
- - To Retrieve the Position of, 462, 533,4 57
- Francis, A. (letter), 326
- Franklin, H. H. (letter), 40
- Freezing of Cooling Water, To Prevent, 1072
- French Aeroplanist (illustration), 478
- - Cars, Exportation of, 534
- - - in the Coupe des Voiturettes (illustrations), 626
- - Chalk, Value of, 377
- - Motor Industry, 462, 533, 574, 658, 680. 743, 756, 974
- - Trial, A Novel Contest, 497
- - Voiturette Reliability Trials, 532
- Friction Clutch, Bvis and Valence's, 233
- - Driven Car, Cettus, 202, 879, 904
- Front Tyre Bursts, 39, 158
- F. R. S. (letter), 869
- F. S. T. (letter), 502
- Fuel, British, for Motor Cars, 433, 468, 481, 647
- - Consumption, Effect of Speed on, 636, 686, 743
- - Question, 131, 149
- Fuels Committee of the Motor Union, 253
- - - Report of, 684
- - Motor, Future of, Letters re, 199
- - - Future of, Report of Motor Union
- Fuels Committee, 149, 259
- Fumi, L., Patent by, Tyre Lever, 700
- Fungor Vice; Coils, 1058
- Fusilier (letter), 159
- Future Conduct of Brooklands, 174
- --- of Automobilism, 884
- - - French Show, 975, 1020
- - the Trade. 354
- - - Tourist Trophy Race, 39
- F. W. B. G. (Oxon) (reply), 624
- F. W. S. H. (query), 549
- Gaal and Co., A. (letter), 397
- Gabriel Horn (illustration), 993
- Gaillon Hill-climb, 575, 650
- Galloway, Touring in, 289, 324
- - W., and Co. (letter), 200
- Gamage, A. W., Ltd. (reply), 775
- Garage Proprietor, A Word for, 347
- - - Liability of, 962
- Garden, F. A. (letter), 431
- Gas Analysis and Carburation, by W. R. Ormandy and J. H. Lester, 940
- - - - - Letters, 988, 1029, 1067
- Gauthier Whistle, 696
- G. B. (letter), 445
- Gear Changing, 3
- - Constantly Meshed, E. Wright's Patent, 1002
- - Increase by Changing Road Wheels, 645
- - Lever Lock, Safety, The Downing, 655
- - of 12-14 h.p. Four-cylinder Clement Car (illustration), 681
- - Question, More about the, 412
- - Tests, 1070
- - Variable, by Brigadier Ruck, Description of, 472
- Gear-driven Daimlers, 722
- Gearless Magneto, Van Baden, Description of, 414
- Gears and Gearing, F. Humphris's Lecture, 1036
- G. E. D. (letter), 326
- Generator (reply), 516
- George and Jobling's Two-purpose Hood, 924
- Germain 14 h.p. Car, 774, 890, 926
- — Cars and Grand. Prix Race, 77
- — Car, Two-seated (illustration), 623
- — Pullman Limousine (illustration), 889
- German Army Manoeuvres, English Car in (illustration), 736
- -- Emperor at Highcliffe Castle (illustration), 936
- Germany, the Motorist's Lot, 373, 399, 400
- G. F. E. (letters), 503, 1027
- G. H. A. (letters), 688, 914
- G. H. C. (letter), 430
- Gianoli, L. A., Patent by, Magneto Distributer, 700
- Giantess on Argyll Car (illustration), 513
- Gibbons, Walter (letters), 398, 431
- Gibbs, G. Harold (letter), 743
- — John E. (letter), 199
- Gilbert, W. S. (reply), 775
- Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, Description of, 440
- — Device, 516
- Give Me Air (query), 516
- Gladiator Car, Engine of (illustration), 284
- Gleanings from Brooklands, 59
- Glidden Tour, 238, 295, 419
- Glossop, W. (reply), 774
- Gloucestershire A.C., Bristol and, 48, 128
- Gloves, Motor, 871
- Gobron-Brillie 70-90 h.p. Car (illustration), 882
- Goggles, Combination, A. W. Gamage's, 614
- — New, 44
- Gordon-Bennett Balloon Race (illustration), 746, 764
- Gordon, W. (reply), 549
- Gossip, Occasional, by " The Autocrat," 72
- Grahame-White, C. (letter), 396
- Grand Juries, 683, 741
- — Prix, 1908, 113, 334, 1018
- — — Aftermath, 156
- — — England and the, 76, 116, 161, 200
- — — Race, Circuit and Total Times, 36
- — — — Mr. Weigel's Impressions, 85
- — — — Report of, 32
- - — Weigel Cars, 85
- Graphic Demonstration, Mors Car (illustration), 564
- Gratze Contact Maker and Distributer, Description of, 283
- Greener, W. (letter), 432
- Green, B. M. (letter), 161
- G 553 (reply), 660
- G 1140 (reply), 1080
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Article by, 853
- — — — Statistics of the Salon and Olympia. 980
- Grim Peur (letter), 466
- Grosvenor, R. A. (letter), 580
- Ground, Edward, M.D. (letter), 870
- Grouse (letter), 79
- Grouville and Arquembourg Tyre Pump, 1017
- Grove, H. N. (letter), 1067
- Guildford, 868
- Gyroscope and its Effects on Motor Cars and Aeroplanes, 362
- Hackney Carriage Act, 92
- Hody, E. H. (letter), 468
- Halifax A.C., 125
- Hull Cripples on Motor Outing (illustration), 507
- Hall, J. Wilson (letter), 431
- Hall-Wright, J. E. (letter), 396
- Handles for Batteries, 93
- Hunter, H. N. (letter), 198
- Harding, Francis E. (letter), 945
- Harris, F. H. (letter), 323
- Harrogate and District A.C., 336, 442, 511, 1022
- Harvey Frost Vulcaniser, Patent by W. R. Ormandy and Harvey Frost and Co., 662
- Hastings Gymkhana, 48
- Hithersay, R. B. (letter), 765
- Hawkes, H. G. (letter), 690
- Haynes, B. C. (letter), 686
- Hayward, R. C. (letter), 38
- H. C. L., Article by, 258
- — (letter), 40
- Headlight (query), 549
- Health, Motoring and, 171, 249
- Hearn, R. K. (letter), 431
- Heath, G. F. (letter), 117
- Hedges, Dangers of High, 620
- Hereford, J. T. (letter), 741
- Herkomer, Prof., Knighthood for, 2
- Hertfordshire County A.C., 125, 168, 213, 366, 442, 579
- Herts County A.C. Open Hill-climb at Aston, 213, 437
- Heymans, Louis (reply), 926
- H. G. M. C. (query), 549
- H. G. M. (letter), 643
- H. G. (replies), 774, 890
- High-handed Conduct of Police, 39
- --- Exciseman, 946
- High v. Low Tension Magneto Ignition, 323, 395
- - Tension Magneto Ignition, Accumulator and, by W. Watson, 916
- Highway Obstruction, 643, 677, 767
- - Protection League, For the, 364
- Highways, Improvement of, 625
- Hill-climb, Australian, 888
- - Birdlip, 79
- - Irish A.C., 216
- - Open, Herts County A.C., 213, 442
- - - in Wales, 458
- - - North-east Lanes A.C., 134
- - South Harting, 73
- - Ventoux, 113
- Hill-climbs, Banning of, 1003, 1069
- - Efficiency and, 161, 244
- - of Scottish Reliability Trials, 28, 173
- Hill-climbing, Cob Hill (illustrations), 253
- - Formulae, R.A.C., 116
- - Test, Mont Pilat, 498
- - Tests (illustration), 769
- Hill Gradients, 624
- Hills, Dangerous, 334
- Hillman-Coatalen. 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 554
- - Car (illustrations), 370
- - Compensating Brake (illustration), 1054
- Hindes-Howell, G. H. (letter) 742
- Hints for the Efficient Management of an Ariel-Simplex, 320
- -- and Tips for Automobilists Review, 931
- - - Useful, 3, 67, 93, 133, 175, 221, 261, 303, 340, 377, 413, 449, 485, 519 553, 589, 627, 665, 703, 759, 849, 895, 929, 967, 1005, 1047
- -- on the usel of Benzol, by Edmond Ledoux, 506
- Hispano-Suiza 20-24 h.p. Car (illustration), 684
- Historical Car, The Selden Autocar (illustration), 545
- H.M. the King leaving Rufford Abbey (illustration), 448
- Hoddle, C. (letter), 118
- Hodgson, F. R. (letter), 536
- Holcroft, Bertram M. (reply), 1080
- Holden, Colonel, 489
- Holtec (letters), 980, 1067
- Home-made Fuel. Testing, 114
- - Motor Car, 299
- Home Vulcanising, 689, 743
- Hood, Motor, "The Ideal," 649
- - Two-purpose, by George and Jobling, 924
- - Useful, 499
- Hoods, Folding, 428, 469, 504, 1020 Hook, Bryan (letter), 396
- Horsch Motors, Ltd. (letter), 571
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 82, 295, 318, 621
- Horsh, A., Patent by, Automatic Carburetter, 700
- Hotchkiss Car, Examination after Trial, 345, 401
- - - with Limousine (illustration), 889
- - 16-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 573
- - Long-distance Trial, Certificate of Performance, 697
- - Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 83
- - - - 10,000 Miles Trial of, 100, 172, 282, 294, 335, 345, 697
- - Trial, 998
- Hotel Garages, 219
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 43, 62, 92, 145, 215, 237, 267
- Howell, G. R. Hindes (letters), 79, 610
- How to Baulk the Police, 161
- - - see the Lakes by Car, 110, 169
- H.P. Formula, 992, 1031, 1069
- H. R. F. (letter), 395
- Hughes, H. (letter), 199
- Hull and District A.C., 366, 15
- Humber (letter), 398
- Humber, Ltd. (letter), 325
- Humbers in London, 41
- Humours of a Local Hill-climb, 98
- Humphreys, G. A. (letter), 535
- Humphries, Edward Thos. (letter), 357
- - - T., Notes on Brakes, by, 936
- Humphris, F., Lecture by, Toothed Gears and Gearing," 106
- Hunt, Automobile, Shooting Buck in South Africa, 526
- Hutchinson Tyres, 516, 580
- Hutton, J. E. (letters), 161, 1067
- Huxley, J. R. (letter), 571
- Hydroplane Motor Boat, New, 1015
- - Novel, 756
- - Santos Dumont's Invention (illustration), 518
- "Ideal" Motor Hood, 649
- Idea Front-driven Landaulet, 764
- Idiot (letter), 767
- Igniter, The Lodge, Description of, 730
- Ignition Experiments, 112
- - Improvement, Patent by Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., 547
- - Improvements, 1001
- - System, Critchley, Description of, 490
- - Timing, Setting Valves and, 445
- I J 266 (letter), 766
- I. L. J. (reply), 516
- Illegal Endorsement of Motor Drivers' Licenses, 78
- Illuminated Signposts, 999
- Imports and Exports, Motor Car, 90, 371, 444, 617, 661, 1035
- Impressions of Olympia, by Owen John, 858
- Imprisonment, A Month's, 327
- Improved Cape Hood, T. Wilson's 428
- Improvement of Highways, 625
- - to the 6 h.p. Rover Clutch, 210
- Incompetent Repairers, 399
- Inconsiderate Driving, 115, 123, 158, 469, 505, 645, 741, 869, 915, 947
- India, Car for, 115, 357
- - Future Reliability Trials, 403 -
- - Lanchester Cars for, 148
- - Motor Garage in (illustration), 315
- - Motoring in, 136
- - Steam Car for, 445, 516, 549
- Indicator, Convey, Description of, 42
- Industrial Alcohol, 535
- - Motor Vehicle Trial, R.A.C., 407, 427
- Inflators and Accessories, 396
- Influence of Track Racing, 301
- In Praise of the Small Car, 296
- - Quest of a Car, Some Criticisms of Olympia, 905, 932
- - I N 85 (query), 890
- Inspection Pit Substitute, 133
- Institute of British Carriage Manufacturers, 370, 482
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 171, 370, 921
- - - - - Paper by Dugald Clerk, 983, 1023, 1061
- - - Civil Engineers, Paper by R. T. Deans, 995
- - - - - Visit to Talbot Works, 1024
- - - Mechanical Engineers, Report on Alloys of Aluminium and Copper, 550
- Instruction Car, 1059
- Insurance, 432, 503, 1070
- - A Point in, 1027
- Intending Purchaser (letter), 286
- Inter-club Meet at Buxton, 47
- - - Kent and East Surrey A.C., 511
- Interested (letters), 321, 612, 1067
- - (query), 926
- Interesting Details, 536
- Internal Combustion Engine, Patent by Westinghouse, 662
- - Friction, Loss Caused by, 338
- International Conference, 155
- - Cup Eliminating Trial, Motor Yacht Club, 176
- - Regulations, 650
- - Touring Competitions in America, 86
- Interview with Mr. S. F. Edge, 11
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 47, 126, 543
- Ireland, End to End of, 14 h.p. Argyll Car, 400, 432, 469
- - Fishguard Route to, 465, 571
- - Touring in (illustration), 220
- Iris Car Brake Band Attachment (illustration), 925
- - 40 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 852 Irish A.C., 47, 87, 216
- - - Hill-climb, Report of, 216
- - - Trials, Marks Gained, 104
- - Reliability Trials, Fuel Consumption Competition, 145
- - Trials Awards, 103, 243, 353
- - - (illustrations), 150, 151, 152, 153
- Isle of Wight, Dangerous Corners in, 293
- - - - Taking Car to, 577
- Isotta-Fraschini Car (illustration), 108
- Itala Automobiles, Ltd., 161
- - Car in Coupe de Vitesse (illustration), 412
- - - Queen of Italy's (illustration), 758
- - 75 h.p. Car, Miss Daisy Hampton's (illustration), 958
- - 60 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 12
- Italian Napier Cars (illustration), 376
- - Successes, Effect of, 462
- Italy, Automobile Trust in, 680
- - Motoring in (illustrations), 972, 974
- - The Industry in,. 276
- Jack, To work, without Hand Lever, 67
- James and Browne (letter), 433
- J. (letter), 430
- Jameson, Stuart, and Co. (letter), 465
- Jamieson, Walter, Automatic Petrol Measurer, 298
- Japan, Motor Car Expedition in, 691
- Jardine, P. J. (letter), 288
- Jarrott, Chas. (letters), 198, 286, 505, 570, 613, 644, 690, 991
- Jay Challenge Cup (illustration), 336 J. B. C. B. (reply), 699
- J. B. Paraffin Carburetter, 328, 433, 469
- J. C. (letter), 287
- - (reply), 774
- J. (1. S. (letter), 868
- J. D. (letter), 289
- Jefferson, R. L. in South Africa, 46, 84
- - - Some Criticisms by, 435
- Jeffreys, W. Rees (letter), 78
- Jenne, E. B. (letter), 766
- J. H. L. (letters), 950, 1076
- J. J. P. (letter), 433
- J. M., jun. (letter), 688
- John, Owen, An Up-to-date Victory, by, 1040
- - - As Others See Us, by, 387
- - - On the Road, by, 98, 196, 230, 319, 346, 500, 595, 631, 669, 763, 858, 899, 951, 979, 1058
- - - Robert the Peacemaker, by, 1037
- Jolly, J. B. (letter), 945
- Jones Speedometer, Description of, 378
- Jordan, E. C. (letter), 467
- Journalistic Methods, 955
- J. (reply), 699
- J. S. W., Article by, 347
- - (reply), 660
- Junior A.C., 512, 543
- - 30-40 h.p. Car (illustration), 884
- Justice for a Motorist, 494
- Justices' Justice, 334
- Kaiser Watching German Military Manoeuvres (illustration), 476
- Kember, George (letter), 359
- Kennedy, J., jun. (letter), 611
- Kensington A.C., 996
- - Hood, 693
- Kent A.C.,48, 88, 126, 211, 511
- Kentish, m. (letter), 198
- Kinder, C. M. (letter), 947
- Kindness Unrewarded, 569
- Kingston, Motorists and, 429, 467, 501, 514, 556
- Kinross Motorist (letter), 465
- Kitching, Arthur G. (letter), 537
- Knighthood for Professor Herkomer, 2
- Knox, Chas. E. (reply), 549
- La Buire 20 h.p. Car (illustration), 921
- - - 24 h.p. 1907 Landaulet (illustration), 379
- - Coupe des Voiturettes, 600, 651
- Ladies' A.C., 128, 168, 1022
- - - at Bookham (illustration), 132
- - as Motor Car Drivers, 614
- Lady Motorist's Adventures in Malaya, 770, 854, 1008
- - - in the Malay States, 121
- - - Page, 522
- Lacy-Hulbert Garage Pump, 695
- Lambert, Geo. (query), 890
- - Harold C. (letter), 467, 611
- Lamp Generators in Cold Weather, 967
- - Single Head, Position of, 881
- Lamps, Lucas and Co.'s, 885
- Lancashire, North-east, A.C., 247
- - - - Open Hill-climb, 134, 365
- Lancaster Motor Garage (letter), 245
- Lanchester 20 h.p. Car, Experience Wanted, 1080
- - Car for Prince Ranjitsihnji, 350
- - Cars for India, 148
- - C. H. (letter), 950
- - 50 h.p. Six-cylinder Engine, 729
- - F. W., Paper by, Letter, 39
- - Motor Co. (letter), 324
- - Wheel-steering Cars, 635
- Lancia 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 676
- Lang, R. C. V. (reply), 624
- Langridge, G. T. (letter), 37
- Latzel, J., Patent by, Continuous Live Axle, 446
- Laurie and Marner Body (illustration), 201
- Laurin-Klement Engine (illustrations), 908
- Law as to Giving Information, 615
- - Motor, in America, 993
- - S. H. (letter), 432
- - The Course of the, 643
- - versus Manners, 79
- L C 2151 (letters), 609, 690
- L C 6190 (query), 1080
- L. C. T. (letter), 1065
- Leading Exhibits at Olympia, 753
- Lea, S. T. (reply), 775
- Ledoux, Edmond, Hints on the Use of Benzol, by, 506
- Leechman, Douglas, Article by, 344
- - - (letter), 115
- Legislation, Motor Car, 92
- - Taxation and, Suggestions, 989, 1028
- Leicester, Motor Union Meet at, 477
- Leicestershire A.C., 543
- Leonard, W. (query), 445
- Le-Plain Air Valve, 367
- Lester, J. H., Article by, 372
- - - (letters), 504, 686, 1067
- Lethbridge, Charles (letter), 358
- Levassor, M., Monument to (illustrations), 747
- Levavasseur, Patent by, Simple Form of Carburetter, 700
- Lever Lock (letter), 117
- Levy, Godfrey (letter), 991
- Lex (letter), 767
- L. G. (letter), 323
- Liability for Servants' Negligence, 1017
- - of Garage Proprietor, 962
- Liedekerke Cup, 205
- Lights on Vehicles, 43
- Light Pistons, 606
- Limousine, Airy, Max Graddon's (illustration), 474
- Lincolnshire A.C., 127, 300, 543, 623
- - - Hill-climb, 310
- - - - (illustration), 311
- - County Council and Motor Cars, 293
- Little, W. F. (letters), 198, 288
- Live Axle, Chains v., 358, 397
- - - Continuous, J. Latzel's Patent, 446
- Liverpool M.C., 47
- L N 690 (letter), 990
- L N 6092 (query), 994
- L N 3989 (reply), 660
- L N 2600 (reply), 994
- Loch, J. L. (letter), 647
- Lodge, Alec M. (letter), 946
- - Igniter, Description of, 731
- Londoner (letter), 539
- London, North, A.C., 125, 167, 925
- - Traffic, Control of, 351
- - - Trial, Forty-eight Hours', 704
- Long Distance Trials, 41, 217
- - - - of Small Cars, 399, 429
- - - Tyre Trials, a Challenge, 331
- Longman, S. R. (letter), 119
- Lonsada, N. P. (letter), 326
- Looking Ahead, 91, 161
- - Backward Glass, 524, 627
- Loraine, Eustace (reply), 775
- Louis, Charles (reply), 108011
- Low Tension Magneto, 503, 947, 1033
- Lubrication of Petrol Engines, by J. Veitch Wilson, 49, 89, 129
- - The Nature of, 603
- Lubricator, The Noakes, 935
- Luckins, W. (query), 774
- Lumley, Dr. G. Armstrong, Article by, 262, 313, 363, 388, 434
- - G. Armstrong (letter), 766
- L. W. P. (reply), 516
- Lynton Spring Wheel, Description of, 410
- - to Lynmouth, New Road, 766
- Lytham Motor Gymkhana, 300
- Macatilay, S. B., The Adjustment of Daimler Cars, by, 221, 303
- MacDougald, G. D., Road Dust and Automobile Engines, 675
- Machine, The Man and the, 571, 613
- Maclachlan, J. L. (letter), 399
- Madison Square Show, 866
- Magistrates and Motorists, 765
- Magneto, Accumulator or, 893
- - Distributer, Patent by L. A. Gianoli, 700
- - Gearless, Van Raden, Description of, 414
- - Ignition, High v. Low Tension, 395, 503
- - - Systems, Eisemann H.T., 222
- - Improved Eisemann, Description of,744
- - Nilmelior, Description of, 633
- - Reliability, 898, 957
- - Seat-started, Description of, 348
- - Spare, Self-starting, 377
- - Timing on Talbot Cars, 759
- - Tips, 1005
- - Trouble, Mysterious, 67, 589
- Maidenhead Bridge Tolls, 493
- Maja Car, Description of, 420
- Makeshift Repair, Clever, 449
- - Pin for Universal Joint, 589
- Malaya, Motoring in, 597, 770, 854, 1008
- Malay States, Lady Motorists in the, 121
- M. A. (letter), 503
- Maling, Fred. T. (letter), 396
- Manchester A.C., 127, 211, 543, 579, 996, 1022
- - to Chorley, Route from, 959
- Manners, H. (letter), 116
- Mansell, H. J. (letter), 432
- Maps of Police Traps, 69, 178, 235, 313
- M.A. (query), 516
- Marchant, Will (letters), 611, 686, 765
- Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Patent by, 547
- Markt and Co.'s Blow Lamp, 107
- Marples, Stephen A. (letter), 535
- Martin, Frederick (reply), 624
- — Horace (queries), 580, 699
- — Leo G. (letter), 117
- Martyn's Patent Cable Connector, 621
- — — Motor Car Terminal, 769
- Masailand, Motoring in, 406
- Mass Cars, 18 h.p. and 24 h.p., Description of, 342
- — 24 h.p. Car (illustrations), 294, 762, 855
- — 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 637
- Maudslay Car 45 h.p. Car (illustration), 121
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 246
- McConechy Corseted Tyre, 324, 569
- McKinney, A. J. (letter), 687
- -- Flints and Tips by, 485, 519
- McLachlan, G. C. (reply), 890
- McMeekin, Thos. D. (letter), 569
- McTaggart, W. R. (letter), 432
- Means for Carrying Spare Tyres, Patent by J. W. H. Dew, 446
- Meares, G. M. (letter), 1033
- Mechanical Tyre Pumps, 433, 536
- " Mechanic Driver," S. A. W. D. (letter), 359
- Mecredy, R. J. (letter), 987
- Medical Motorist, 461
- — Normanton (reply), 699
- Medicus (query), 994
- Melville, M. F. (letter), 161
- Member of Both (letters), 119, 465
- Mercedes 75 h.p. Car, Description of, 80
- — Cars, Hints to Drivers, 1047
- — 135 h.p. Car (illustration), 260
- — Mr. Fry's Car (illustration), 521
- — 125 h.p. Car, Mr. F. R. Fry's (illustration), 45
- — Six-cylinder (illustration), 1009
- — (letter), 116
- — Pullman Limousine, 45 h.p., 163
- Metal Disc Clutches, 580, 624, 660
- Metallurgique Car, 962
- "Me Too," by Col. Bosworth (illustration), 404
- Michelin Detachable Rim, Description of, 209
- — — Rims and Tyres, 493
- — Mechanical Tyre Inflator, 527
- — Tyres, Price of, 160
- Micklewood, E. H. (letter), 288
- Midland A.C., 1074
- — Automobile Club Open Hill-climb,
- - Report of, 94
- Miesse Petrol Car Syndicate, Ltd. (letter), 612
- Miles per Gallon, 945
- Military Manoeuvres in Buckinghamshire (illustrations), 493, 496
- Miller, Chas. F. L. (reply), 775
- Mills, H. G. (letter), 243
- Mina Mice (letter), 197
- Minerva 24 h.p. at Australia (illustration), 954
- — Car at Johannesburg (illustration), 6.23
- — Cars for Circuit des-Ardennes (illustration), 140
- Miraculum, 99, 218
- M 1548 (letter), 468
- M.M.C. 1902 Car Modernised (illustration), 84
- — 35-45 h.p. Chassis (illustration), 881
- Model of Early Steam Car, J. H. Knights, (illustration), 1014
- Momentum (letter), 398
- Monck, G. Stanley (letter), 323
- Monmouth, South Wales and, A.C., 48, 125, 442, 512
- Montagu, Lily H. (letters), 741, 870, 915
- Month's Imprisonment, 327
- Mont Pilat Hill-climb, 498
- — Ventoux Hill-climb, 464
- Monument to M. Levassor (illustrations), 747
- Moodie, Alexander, Reminiscences by, 760
- Mooney, Dermot (letters), 395, 466
- Moore, B. J. (letter), 1030
- Morocco Bound (illustration), 689
- Morris and Lister Electrical Brake Tester, 1010
- Moseley Detachable Tyres, Mudguards and, 687
- Moss, Bernard (letter), 660
- Motor Boat, Hydroplane, 1015
- — — Trials, 398, 601, 756
- — Boats at Evian, 386
- — Bodies and Dust, 244
- — Car Collisions and Accidents Bill, 267
- — — Census, 132
- — — Expedition in Japan, 691
- — — Thieves, 1067
- — Club, 48
- — Cycling Club, 48, 543
- — Cyclist (letter), 1028
- — Driver (letter), 467
- Motor Fire Equipments, Humber Chassis (illustration), 776
- - Humour, 899
- - Industry in the United States, 50
- - Law a Tiger, 674
- - Lawn. Mower, 549, 580, 624
- - Legislation in the Air, 561
- - Mechanic (letter), 430
- - Propelled Carriages at Olympia, 780
- - Racing on the Railway, 607
- - Roads in France, Special, 1034
- - Servants' Expenses on Tour, 289
- Motor Union, 124, 218, 403, 475, 477. 1007
- - and R.A.C., Agreement, 1025
- - -Annual Dinner, 883
- - Appeals, (;35
- - Badge (illustration), 956
- - Committee Meeting, 866
- - Conviction, Malicious Damages Act, 776
- - Fuels Committee, Report of, 149
- - Its Position and Future Policy, 1051
- - Legal and Legislative Defence Fund, 769, 1007 (letter), 323
- - Medals for Local Clubs, 438
- - Meet at Leicester, 477
- - - Southport, 122, 137
- - of Western India Trials, 545
- - R.A.C. and, 773, 848, 878, 883, 898, 943, 951, 1025, 1051
- - Road Scheme, 322, 383, 398, 399
- - Recent Legal Victories, 82
- - The Public and the, 499
- Motor Yacht Club, 48, 127, 168, 176, 211, 300, 336, 402, 442, 479, 511, 543, 579, 623, 996, 1022, 1074
- - - International Cup Eliminating Trial, 176
- - - Regatta, 402
- - - Reliability Trials, 218, 246, 248, 250, 366
- - - Reliability Trials, Judges' Report, 250, 366
- Motoring and Health, 171, 249
- - Experiences, Some, 401
- - for Men of Moderate Means (illustration), 433
- - in India, 136
- - - Masailand, 406
- - - New South Wales, 515, 573, 609, 647
- - - Norway (illustration), 341
- - - South Africa, Criticisms, 535
- - - Spain and France (illustration), 527
- - - Upper Egypt (illustration), 664
- - Schools, 429
- Motorist (letters), 613, 660, 871
- Motorist's Lot in Germany, 373
- Motormeter, Elliott, Description of, 148
- Mounting Studded Tyres, 303
- Mount Prarion, Ascent of, 1071
- Mourily, Walter E. J. (letter), 465
- Movable Headlight, 119
- - Wind Screen, 445, 516
- M.P. Car, Description of, 426
- M 536 (query), 926
- M. S. (letter), 322
- M. T. (letter), 398
- Mudguards, Detachable, 107
- - The Vexed Question of, 653, 687, 950
- M.U. and Disposal of Second-hand Cars, 443, 468
- - - the Act, 285, 301, 322, 362, 382, 396, 404, 432, 465, 503, 538, 571
- - Road Signs, 376, 439
- Mulholland, Harry (letter), 689
- Milliner Body on Austin Chassis (illustration), 909
- - - Interior View of (illustration), 848
- Multiple Jet Carburetter, Patent by J. A. Prestwich, 547
- Myburgh, H. H. (letter), 445
- Myddelton, R. E. (letter), 324
- Nagant-Hobson Car, Mr. Harry Lauder's (illustration), 620
- Naish, P. (letter), 77
- Napier Car, R.A.C. Certificate, 546
- - - Mr. John Lion's (illustration), 310
- - 30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 558
- - - - - Drive on, 615
- - 40 h.p. Six-cylinder, Experiences, 445, 516
- Nash, Fred (letter), 505
- Natal, Motor Boat Club for, 579
- Nature of Lubrication, 603
- Navigation, Prehistoric, 231
- Neal, H. A. (letter), 399
- Nemesis (letter), 467
- Never Too Late to Mend (letter), 321
- New Engine (Motor) Co., Ltd. (letter), 505
- - Forest, Tour in the, 361, 398, 432
- - Racing Rules, 113
- - South Wales, Motoring in, 515, 573, 609, 647, 689
- New Tubes in New Covers, 1005
- - York to Paris Race, 969, 1019
- Newly-laid Stones, 987
- Newnham Hill-climb. 199
- Night Running of Cars, 119, 197, 243, 246, 271, 321, 357, 398, 431, 504, 536, 569, 611, 645, 685, 767, 871, 949, 988, 1068
- Nilmelior Magneto, Description of, 632
- Nil Nisi Veritate (letter), 912
- Niwri, H. (letter), 949
- Noakes Lubricator, 935
- Noblesse Oblige (letter), 39
- Noble, Wilson (letter), 912
- - - (reply), 775
- Noise, To Reduce, 849
- Noisy Coupling Shafts, To Remedy, 849
- Non-nipping Air Tubes, 327
- Non-skids, 890, 926, 927, 962, 994
- Non-skid Trailer, 928
- Non-success of some Cars, 321
- Norman, W. Harold (letter), 118
- North Berkshire A.C., 402
- - Eastern Automobile Association, 402
- - East Lancashire A.C., 247, 365
- - - - Open Hill-climb, 134
- - London A.C.. 125, 167, 925
- - Yorkshire A.C., 126
- Norway, Motoring in (illustration), 341
- Notes on Brakes, by Edward T. Humphries, 936
- Nottingham A.C. and the Motor Union, 866
- Notts A.C., 48, 126, 511, 543
- Novel Body Design, 12-16 h.p. Vauxhall Landaulet (illustration), 957
- - Contest, France, 497
- Novice's Experiences, 646
- Novice (query), 962
- "Nulli Secund s" en panne (illustration), 619
- Number Plates, Fixing, 93
- Nunn, F. (letter), 537, 539
- - Francis (query), 445
- N. W. P. (letter), 868
- - (reply), 699
- Obstruction, Road, 643, 677, 767n
- Obtaining Spare Parts, 766
- O'Connor, James (letters), 612, 994
- Official Examination of Drivers, 159
- Ogilvie, G. Stuart (letter), 688
- O'Gorman, Mervyn (letter), 157
- Oil, Waste, from Garage Floors, 516
- O. L. De L. (letter), 686
- Oldfield, Herbert R. (letter), 538
- Old Joe (letter), 536
- - Route Book, Pages from, 369
- Olympia 1908, 609, 966
- - Attendance at, 931
- - Catarrh at, 991
- - Criticisms of, in Quest of a Car, 905, 932
- - Impressions of, by Owen John, 858 Incidents at, 950, 1030, 1070
- - Items of Interest at, 860, 861, 862, 863, 864, 865
- Olympia Show, 514, 614, 911
- - Carriage Bodies, 833
- - Catalogues, 612
- - General Review of, 777
- - Motor-propelled Carriages, 780
- - Next, 38
- - Tyres, Parts, and Accessories, 836
- - Some Leading Exhibits at, 753 Statistics of, 853
- Tabular Details of Chassis, 1075
- - Ventilation of, 949, 987, 991
- - One in Doubt (letter), 325
- - of the Jaded Ones (letter), 949
- - Who Wants to Learn (letter), 871 Onlooker (letter), 118
- Ontario Motor League's Outing (illustrations), 439
- On the Road, by Owen John, 98, 196, 230, 271, 319, 346, 500, 595, 631, 669, 688, 763, 858, 899, 951, 979, 1058
- Opinion on Cars Wanted, 994
- Ormandy, W. R., and H. Frost and Co., Patent by 662
- - - - J. H. Lester, Article by, 940
- - (letter), 1067
- Ormond Daytona Race Meet, 1064
- O.S. Speedometer, 660, 774
- Ostende Cup (illustration), 577
- O.T.A.V. Car, Capt. Owen on (illustration), 905
- Overheating, 445
- Overloading, 608
- Owen, E. H. (letter), 361
- Owen-Lewis, A. F. (letter), 503
- Owner (letters), 119, 288, 994
- Oxford and District A.C., 211
- - (reply), 1080
- Oxygen in Motor Car Races, 116, 198, 246, 286
- Paddon, W. (letters), 1029, 1068
- - - (reply), 962
- Paid Driver (letter), 1069
- Palmer Tyres on Heavy Cars, 612
- - Cord Tyres, 962, 994, 1080
- - - Tyre Trial, R.A.C., 1074
- Panhard 15-18 h.p. Chassis (illustration),
- - Lorry (illustration), 534 745
- - 1908 Prices, 600
- - Traveller's Car (illustration), 605
- Paraffin Carburetter, J.B., 328
- Paragon Gear, Description of, 331
- Paris Salon, 113, 462, 534, 772, 872
- - - Fate of, 975
- - - Notes on Interesting Exhibits, 874
- - - Review of, 872, 909
- Parkes, Chas. H. (query), 549
- Parliamentary Grants for Road Maintenance, 267
- Parliament, Motor Cars in, 43, 62, 92, 145, 215, 237, 267
- Parsons Chains, 994, 1080
- Passey, Ernest (letter), 322
- Patents, Recent, by Eric W. Walford, 446, 547, 662, 700
- Paterson, C. Napier (letter), 429
- Pattinson, Thos. R. (letter), 399
- Peare, W. F. (letter), 571
- Pearson, J. H. (letter), 569
- " Pedals to Push, that's all " (illustration), 403
- Pekin-Paris Ride, 275, 290, 355, 386
- - Trio who completed (illustration), 293
- Pekin to Paris, on the Road (illustrations), 162, 291
- People who use Motors, 868
- Performance Certificate, R.A.C., Argyll Car, 568
- Permanent Circuit, 386
- Perry, Percival (letters), 160, 362, 429
- Peto and Radford Adjustable Packing Piece, 925
- - - - Charging Set (illustration), 887
- Petrol Consumption, 326, 398, 432, 468, 502, 610, 890, 926, 962, 994
- - - Record, 741
- - Engine, Rollason Six-stroke, Description of, 734
- - Gauge, 627, 699
- - Inferior, 539
- - (letter), 323
- - Measurer, Automatic, by Walter Jamieson, 298
- - Storage House, Model of (illustration), 975
- - New Regulations, 335, 344
- - Supply System, Stoppages in, 256
- - Tanks, 569, 687
- - Hints and Tips on, 485, 519
- - v. Steam Contest, 297
- Petrol-electric Car, Stevens, a Practical Demonstration, 481
- Peugeot 10-12 h.p., 124, 962, 994, 1080
- - 18-24 h.p. Car for. Princess Toussoun (illustration), 387
- - 12 h.p., Mr. William Anderson's, 380
- Peugeot-Victoria, 8 h.p., Mr. Guy Lewin's (illustration), 1071
- P. G. (letter), 1031
- Phillips, Robert E. (letters), 199, 870
- P. H. (letter), 911
- Phoenix Motors, Ltd. (letter), 397
- --- Small Cars, 1908 Pattern, 1016
- - 8 h.p. Two-cylinder Light Car, Description of, 97
- Photographer's Background (illustration), 1057
- Photographing, The Art of, 10 h.p. Adams Car (illustration), 957
- Physical Condition at the end of Twenty-four Hours' Drive, 10
- Picard Pictet Car (illustration), 855
- Pick Light Car, 73
- Picric Acid and Petrol, 580
- Pigeon (letter), 569
- Pilain Car 28 h.p. Car (illustration), 1073
- - Dashboard (illustration.), 1047
- Pinnock, Chas. (letter), 289
- Pipes from Carburetter, 870
- Pistons, Light, 606
- Pit Substitute, Another, 133
- Plantagenet-Brome, A. E. (letter), 324
- Platinum Points, 699
- P 415 (letter), 118
- Pneumatics (letter), 945
- - Another Substitute for, 410
- Poisonous Exhalations, 1004
- Poland Paraffin Carburetters, Description of, 201
- Police and Motorists, 200, 207, 245, 357
- - Cases, 123, 345, 355, 508, 514, 619, 622, 671, 762, 763, 776, 859, 928, 944, 986, 997, 1017, 1055, 1057
- - High-handed Conduct of, 39
- Police, Marvellous Precision of, 465
- - Masquerading as A.A. Scouts, 245
- - Methods, 322, 362, 476, 481
- -- Procedure, 239, 569
- - Rampant, Magistrates Restant, 326
- - Rebuffed, 514
- - Traps, Effect of, 663
- - Trap Souvenirs, 37
- - - Warnings, 43
- Police-timed Roads, 68, 178, 234, 312, 438
- Pollock, J. Stewart (letter), 362
- Poona Trials Winner (illustration), 601
- Popular. Car, The Most, 890
- - Prejudice, To Excite, 281
- Porthos Car, Six-cylinder, Description of, 416
- - 24 h.p. Car (illustrations), 333, 347, 776
- - Kaiser Cup Car in Touring Garb (illustration), 658
- - Top Gear Trial, R.A.C. Report Condensed, 925
- Portal, E. A. (letter), 947
- Portugal, Motoring in, 385
- Pouring Petrol, the Right Way, 895
- Position of a Single Head Lamp, 881
- Power and Spark, 946, 1029
- - Leakages, 338
- Prehistoric Navigation, 231
- Prejudice, Example of, 935, 948
- Premier Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 469
- P 3128 (reply), 580
- Pressure Feed, 994
- President Fallieres at Paris Salon, 975
- - Roosevelt in White Steam Car (illustration), 619
- Press Entertainment, 484
- Pressure in Tyres, 339, 580, 660, 699, 774, 867, 945, 1068
- Prestwich, J. A., Patent by, Multiple Jet Carburetter, 547
- Preventing Grease Droppings, A Means of, 929
- Prevent, To, Damage to Rim or Tyre, 929
- Price Question, 286, 324, 355, 652
- Prices of Cars for 1908, 587
- - - in France, 652, 743, 756
- Prince Albert of Belgium in Collision, 1020
- - Borghese and Party (illustrations), 266, 267
- - Henry of Prussia's Cup, 976
- - - - Prussia on Automobilism, 1071
- - Ranjitsinhji's State Car, 350
- " Principles of Carburetting," Paper by Dugald Clerk, 983, 1023, 1061
- Prize for Tyres, 118
- Probet Omnes Esse Oportet (letter), 79
- Progress of the Motor Car Industry, 155
- Prospective Purchaser (queries), 612, 1080
- Prosser, H. (letter), 326
- Protection from the Weather, 380
- Protect the Innocent, To, 326
- Proud, E. P. (letter), 38
- - Owner (reply), 890
- Provincial Clubs, Banning of Hill-climbs, 1003, 1069
- P. S. McH. (letter), 243
- Pugh, John V. (letters), 643, 645, 689, 767
- Pumps, Tyre, 433, 536
- Punch (letter), 429
- Punctures, Small, To Locate, 93
- Putney Heath, Motorists on, 569
- Queen's, H.M. the, New Car (illustration), 405
- Queries and Replies, 445, 516, 549, 580, 624, 660, 699, 774, 890, 926, 962, 994, 1080
- Question of Bore, 871, 912, 947, 990, 1031
- R.A.C. and Motor Union, 773, 848, 878, 898, 943, 951, 1025
- - Badge (illustration), 682
- - Certificate, Rolls-Royce Trial, 750
- - Dust Trials, 41, 62, 141, 199, 207, 245, 253, 272, 395, 429, 536, 922
- - - (illustration), 177
- - - - Judges' Report, 272
- - Founders' Dinner, 963
- - Four-inch Race, 965
- - Hill-climbing Formulae, 116
- - Industrial Vehicle Trials, 407, 427
- - Medals for Drivers, 333
- - 2,000 Miles Reliability Trial, 51, 219
- - New Clubhouse for, 1004, 1056
- - Palmer Cord Tyre Trial, 1074
- - Performance Certificate, Argyll Car, 568
- - Report Condensed, Porthos Top Gear Trial, 925
- Races, Continental, Results at a Glance, 492, 512
- - Records, Hill-climbs, and Trials, 581, 608
- Racing at Brooklands, Fifth Open Meeting. 590
- - - - Fourth Open Meeting, 451
- - - - Opening Meeting, 46, 54
- - Car in Touring Garb (illustration), 658
- - Models, Special, 2
- - Motor, in America. 542
- - Results, Brooklands Opening Meeting, 57
- Rapid 40 h.p. Car, 774, 926 Reader (letter), 432
- Reading, Harold C. (letter), 286
- Rear Light Indicator, 525
- - Lights, 517
- - Views of Cars (illustrations), 111, 112
- Recent Patents, by Eric W. Walford, 446, 547, 662, 700
- Recognition of Services, 765, 871, 913, 949
- Records at Brooklands, 945, 964, 991, 1012, 1026
- - Races, Hill-climbs, and Trials, 581, 608
- Record, Twenty-four Hours', 4, 62, 122
- Redfern, Francis (letter), 397
- Red Letter Day, A, 513
- Registration Statistics, 146
- Reid, John D. (letter), 326
- - K. (letter), 946
- Relation between Power and Spark, by W. Watson, 916
- Reliability in Car Construction, 268
- - Trial, A Great, 51, 219, 302
- - - Unique, Sunbeam Car, 165, 240
- - Trials, 1908, 2,000 Miles, 302
- - - Motor Yacht Club, 218, 246, 248, 250, 289, 366
- Judges' Report, 250, 366
- - - Scottish, Report of, 1, 14, 182
- Remarkable Performance, 463
- Reminiscences, by Alexander Moodie, 760
- Remove, To, a Stud, 849, 929
- Renault 50-60 h.p. Engine (illustration), 1052
- Rendel, S. S. (letter), 1068
- Renold, Chas. G. (letter), 323
- Renouf, P. L., Stationary Air-cooled Engine, 99
- Reo Car 18 h.p. Car for Portuguese Nobleman (illustration), 1053
- - - - (illustration), 334
- - 8 h.p. Convertible Car (illustration), 670 Repair of Rubber Bulbs, 3
- - Work, Smart, 362
- Repairers, Incompetent, 399
- Repairing Broken Cylinders, 627, 963
- Repairs, 40, 449, 539
- - at Night, 449
- Requirements of the Average Motorist, 285, 398
- Resident (letter), 324
- Results of Seven Principal Continental
- Races, 492, 512
- Review of the Paris Salon, 872, 909
- Reviews, 70, 170, 299, 300, 336, 482, 579, 623, 931, 954, 1000, 1074
- Revival of the Voiturette, 354
- Rex Four-cylinder Car, 648
- R. F. D. (letter), 871
- Richardson, Percy (letter), 611
- Rigid Contact Tests, 746
- Riley 12 h.p. Car, 962, 1080
- Rim or Tyre, To Prevent Damage to, 929
- Rims and Tyres, Detachable, Michelin, 493
- - (letter), 869
- Rio de Janeiro, Wolseley Cars in, 574
- River Reader (letter), 643
- Rivett Screen, 1006
- R. K. H. (letter), 197
- R. K. M. (letter), 198
- R 7253 (letter), 119
- R 7235 (letters), 246, 321
- R. (letter), 323
- R. M. G. (letters), 646, 765, 775
- R. N. (letter), 988
- Road Courtesies, 395, 429, 432, 611
- - Dangers of the, 197
- - Dust and Automobile Engines, by O. D. Macdougald, 673
- - - Rubber in, 461, 525
- - Hogs, 289
- - Improvements, 601
- - Maintenance, Parliamentary Grants, b)67
- - Obstruction, 643, 677, 767
- Roads, 517
- - Control of the, 431
- - Damage to, 1027
- - Excessively Cambered, 375
- - from Pekin to Paris (illustrations), 162
- - Improvement Association, 1065
- - in North-west, of Scotland, 243
- - Rules, a Comparison, 422
- - - New, 113
- Radiator Cap, Tight, How to Undo, 553
- Railway, Motor Racing on the, 607, 647
- - Rates, Excessive, for Motors, 79, 1 1 8
- Ranjitsinhji, Prince, Lanchester ear for, 350, 956
- Roads, Police-timed, 68, 178
- - Steel-studded Tyres and, 474, 625, 688, 742, 869, 911, 927, 950, 1045, 1067
- Roadside Incident, 537
- - Repair, Effective, 614, 689
- Roberts, B. S., Change Speed Gear, 621
- - C. A. (letter), 569
- - J. M. (letter), 867
- Robert the Peacemaker, by Owen John, 1037
- Robinson, S. T. (letter), 326
- Roe, A. V. (letters), 358, 399
- Rollason, A. (letters), 767, 948, 1028
- - Six-stroke Petrol Engine, 701, 734, 767, 914, 948, 991, 1027
- - - - - Description of, 734
- Rolls, Chas. S. (letter), 38
- Rolls-Royce Car in New York (illustration), 592
- - Foot Brake, 963 139, 265, 335,
- - Long-distance Trial, 62, 750
- - 15,000 Miles Trial, R.A.C. Certificate, 750
- Roots, J. D. (letters), 611, 988
- Roper, Wm. (letter), 988
- Ropner, L. (letter), 468
- Rose, Mr. Charles Day, M.P., 853
- Roslington, A. W. (letters), 573, 647
- Ross Gymkhana, 442, 511
- Rotax Sparking Plugs, 439
- Rothwell Car, Half-an-hour with a, 648
- Round the World Race, 969, 1019
- Route Book, Old, Pages from, 369
- - Manchester to Chorley, 959
- Rover Cars for 1908, 670
- - 8 h.p. Car, Mr. Chester Fox's (illustration), 920
- - 6 h.p. Clutch, Improvement in, 210
- Rowe, J. (reply), 926
- Royal A.C. and Motor Union Agreement, 1025
- - - Associates, 1055
- - - 2,000 Miles Trial, 1026
- - - Official Tests, 887
- - - Rating, 1045
- - Commission on Congested Districts (illustration), 702
- - Parks Regulations, 172
- - Party leaving for Goodwood Races, 22
- - Visit, Daimler Cars (illustration), 748
- - Wedding (illustrations), 885, 886 Roydale Car, Trial of, 979
- - Chassis, Rear Plan View of, 920
- - Engine, Near Side View of (illustration), 905
- -- Two-jet Carburetter, 964 Rubber-covered Shackles, 964
- Rubber in Road Dust, 461, 525
- - Tyres, Chemical Tests of, 349
- Ruck, Brigadier, New Variable Gear by, Description of, 472, 503
- - R. M. (letter), 504
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. (letter), 538
- - Wire Wheels, 130, 852
- Rule for Tyre Sizes, 340
- - of the Road, 320, 358
- Running at Low Speeds, To Improve, 849
- - Cost of, 159, 690, 745, 774, 890, 926, 965, 988, 1030, 1058, 1070
- - of Motor Cars at Night, 119, 197, 243, 246, 271, 321, 357, 398, 431
- - on Benzol, 445
- Russell, Edgar (letter), 699
- - (letter), 685
- R. W. B. (reply), 580
- Salmons and Sons (letter), 766
- Salon and Olympia, 966
- - - - Compared, by H. H. Griffin, 980
- - Fate of the, 975, 1020
- Samways, D. W. (letters), 285, 914
- Sandwich Quarter Session, Presentment at, 683
- Satisfied (letter), 324
- - (reply), 962
- Savory, L. (letters), 643, 743, 867
- Scaife, Robt. (letter). 646
- Scarth, Leveson (reply), 624
- S.C.A.T. 22 h.p. Car, Description of, 724, 910, 938
- School, Motor, Well-equipped, 736
- Scobell, Walter (letter), 115
- Scotch Caution, 539
- Scottish A.C., 167, 579, 996
- - A.C.'s Warning Triangle (illustration), 700
- - Automobile Club Legal Committee
- - Meeting, 622
- - Reliability Trials, 122, 163, 173, 182, 245, 325, 352
- - - - Hill-climbs 28, 193
- - - - Report of, 1, 14, 182
- - Speed Limits, Proposed, 92
- - Trials, Echoes of the, 74
- - - Entries and Particulars of Cars, 184
- Scottish Trials. Gold Medal Winners (illustrations), 183
- - - Incident (illustrations), 83, 124
- - Trial and 2,000 Miles R.A.C. Trial, 999
- Screen, Rivett, 1006
- - Weather, Mr. Ashford's Patent, 41
- - Wind, Movable, 445, 516
- Screens, Experiences, 445, 516
- - Wind, A Study of, 900, 949, 952, 972
- Sear, A. E. (letters), 288, 360
- Seat, Additional, Fitting an,383
- Seat-started Magneto, Description of, 348
- S. E. B. (letters), 118, 613
- Second-hand Cars, De Honestate, 78, 115
- - - Disposal of, 443, 468
- Security Bolts, Bent, 413
- - - close to Valve, 1005
- - Bolt Heads, 665, 703, 967
- Seddon, R. Dyson (letter), 325
- Segrave, Charles W. (letter), 685
- Selden Monopoly, 297
- - Car (illustration), 545
- Self-starting Spare Magneto, 377
- Semmering Hill-climb, 498
- - - (illustration), 544
- Senior (query), 962
- Sequel to an Accident, 247, 376
- Servant's Negligence, Liability for, 1017
- Setting Valves and Ignition Timing, 445
- Seven Years' Driving, After, 987
- S. G. C. (letter), 569
- Sharpe, Cecil (letter), 992
- Shaw, James S. (letter), 912
- Sheffield and District A.C., 127, 211, 442, 1022
- Sheffield-Simplex Car (illustration), 615,752
- Shelsley Walsh Open Hill-climb, 94
- Sheppard, T. W. (letter), 1033
- Sheppee, E. W. (letters), 37, 39
- Sherrin, Geo. (letters), 398, 570, 64-.,
- Shippey Bros. (letter), 1069
- Shock Absorbers, 580, 596, 624
- - Absorber, Siddeley, Description of, 596
- - - Smith and Parfrey's, 496
- Shooting Buck in South Africa, an Automobile Hunt, 526
- - Expedition (illustration), 998
- Short Car Bodies, 39
- Show at Olympia, General lie-view of, 779
- - Motor, Biennial, 849
- S. H. (reply), 549
- Siddeley 30 h.p. Car, Description of, 486, 528
- - Car in Brazil (illustrations), 575
- - Cars for India (illustration), 997
- - 18 h.p. Car for Prince Louis of Battenburg (illustration), 164
- - Models, Particulars of, 605
- - Shock Absorber, Description of, 596
- Side Lamps, 967
- Side-slip, 1045
- - Devices, 509
- Sigma (letter), 571
- Signposts, Illuminated, 999
- - Warning, on the Highways, 634
- Silence, To Ensure, 115
- Silver Plaque by F. Lutiger (illustration), 981
- Simcar 3,000 Miles Benzol Trial, 733
- Simpliton, J. (query), 994
- Simpson, L. (letters), 158, 324, 1030
- Single Lever Control, 891
- Six-cylinder Output, 646
- - Porthos Car, Description of, 416
- Six-cylinders (letter), 913
- - on the Continent, 650
- Six-stroke Petrol Engine, 701, 734, 767, 914, 948, 991, 1027
- - - - The Rollason, Description of,734
- Sixteen Thousand and Thirty Miles without a Puncture, 915
- Sizes of Tyres and Side-slip, 999
- Skilful Driving, Criticisms and Suggestions, by Marcus W. Bourdon, 175
- Skinner, H. (letter), 685, 870
- Skipper (query), 549
- S K 4 (letter), 324
- Slip at Road Wheels, 990
- S. L. (letter), 987
- Small Car, In Praise of, 296
- Smith and Parfrey's Shock Absorber, 496
- - F. R. (letter), 197
- - J. A. (letter), 119
- - Robert J. (letter), 535
- - Sydney (letter), 199
- Smoke Emission Trials, 254
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 215, 415, 620
- Soldiers as Chauffeurs, 62
- Somaliland, The First Car through, 944
- Some Car Comparisons, 322
- - Criticisms, by R. L. Jefferson, 435
- - Motoring Experiences, 401
- - Opinions of Brooklands, 63
- Somerset A.C., 88, 366, 623
- Sounding the Horn, 285
- South Africa, Diary of Motoring in, 262, 316, 363, 388, 434, 765
- South Africa, Motoring in, Criticisms, 535, 686
- - African Gymkhana, 937, 955
- - - Roads, 138
- Southall Compression Tester, 892
- South-bound Car, The, 954, 1044
- Southend and District M.C., 88, 128, 168, 479
- Southern India Trials, 318, 507
- - M.C., 88, 996
- South Hants (letter), 395
- - Harting Hill-climb, 73, 118
- - - (illustrations), 101
- - - - Report of, 100, 102
- - Indian Motor Union, 507
- - Pole, by Motor Car to the, 588
- - Wales and Monmouth A.C., 48, 88, 125, 442, 512
- Southport, Motor Union Meet at, 122, 137
- Spain, Motoring in (illustration), 578
- Spanner, Large, Using a, 67
- Spare Cover, 895
- - Magneto as Engine-starting Device, 413
- - Parts, Obtaining, 766
- - Tyre Carrier, 526, 1007
- - - W. Cole and Sons, Ltd., 473
- - Tyres, Means for Carrying, Patent by J. W. H. Dew, 446
- Sparking Plug, De Dion, 608
- - Plugs, To Prevent Falling, 67
- Special Motor Roads in France, 1034
- Spectator .(letters), 502, 611
- Speed and Fuel Consumption, 868
- - Danger of, 497
- - Effect of, on Fuel Consumption, 636, 686, 743
- - Indicator, Cowey, Description of, 42
- - - Test, 561
- - Limit at Llangollen, Proposed, 870, 912
- - Limits on Roads, 83, 123, 163, 208, 254
- Speedometer, Jones, Description of, 378
- - The O.S., 660, 774
- Speedometers as Evidence, 659
- Speeds, Three or Four, 411
- Speedwell 25 h.p. Car, 746
- Spiral Springs, 775
- Springless Automatic Air Valve, 367
- Springthorpe, Gerald W. (letter), 324
- Sprox (letter), 288
- S 695 (reply), 1080
- Stacpoole, Richard J. (letter), 432
- Standard 15 h.p. Car, Experience, 699, 774
- - Cars, New, 564
- - 20 h.p. Six-cylinder Car, Description of, 850
- Standeven, F. W. (letter), 1027
- Stanley Alarm, Tyre Saving Device, 540
- - Show, Report of, 923
- Star Car, 12 h.p. Four-cylinder Engine, 968
- - Cars, New Pattern, 635, 968
- - Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 405
- - - Landaulet (illustration), 510
- Starting Device, 44
- - - Elphinstone-Holder, 566
- - - Patent by Daimler Motoren Ges.,446
- - - Spare Magneto as, 413
- - Handle, Keeping Clean, 627
- - To Facilitate, 665
- - Uphill with Greasy Surface, 67
- Stationary, Air-cooled Motor, P. L. Renouf's, 99
- Statistics of Olympia, 853
- - Olympia Show, Details of Chassis, 1075
- - Registration, 146
- - the Salon and Olympia Compared, 980
- Steam Car for India, 445, 516, 549
- - - 30 h.p. Turner-Miesse, Description of, 726
- -- Cars in Competitions, 37, 118, 199
- - Condenser, 549
- - Generator, Steward, Description of, 982
- - (letters), 647, 687
- - Production, Experiments in, 372
- Steamer (query), 962
- Steel Pistons, 277, 475
- Steel-studded Tyres and Roads, 474, 625, 688, 742, 869, 911, 927, 950, 1045, 1067
- Steering, a Warning, 553
- - Gear, Patent by F. Birch, 547
- - Wheel Repair, 449
- Stellite Universal Joint, 993
- Stepney Spare Wheel, 279
- - Wheel Tip, 413
- Stern-Sonneborn Oil Co., Ltd. (letter), 398
- Stevens Petrol-electric Car, a Practical Demonstration, 481
- - - - (illustration), 508
- - R. H. (reply), 624
- Steward Steam Generator, Description of, 982
- Stiff Screw, To Start a, 67
- Stonehouse, Jas. (letter), 398
- Stones, Newly-laid, 987
- Stoppages in Petrol Supply System, 256
- Stops, H. Jackson (letter), 868
- Storage of Petrol, New Regulations, 335, 344
- Storing Tyres, 926
- Stove for Motor House, 624, 660, 774
- Strain, Laurence H. (reply), 774
- Strains of Braking, 663, 767
- Street, Chas. F., Energy, by, 672
- Strickland, F., Article by, 268
- Studded Tyres, 329
- - - Mounting, 303
- Study of Wind Screens, 900, 949, 952
- Sturrock, J. Leng (letter), 115
- Sufnell, A. W. (letter), 1030
- Sultan of Zanzibar in Paris (illustration), 422
- Sunbeam Cars, 642 -• 35 h.p. Car, 723
- - Car, Trial of, 165, 240
- Sunlight (query), 774
- Sunshine and Darkness, Daimler Car at Poona Trials (illustration), 620
- Surrey (letter), 502
- - West, A.C., 247
- Sussex Motor Boat Club, 48, 167
- Swan, C. V. (letter), 76
- Swift Car 10-12 h.p. Car (illustration), 1054
- - Covered-in Car (illustration), 509
- Sword, R. S. (letter), 117, 291 (letter), 988
- Tabular Details of Chassis at Olympia, 1074
- Tail Lights for Cyclists, 912, 987
- Talbot Car for Canada (illustration), 488
- - 15-20 h.p. Car (illustration), 479
- - 35 h.p. Car, Description of, 896, 898, 930
- - - - (illustration), 635
- - - Engine (illustrations), 657
- - - Four-cylinder Car, 704
- - 12-16 h.p. Car, Mrs. Parry's (illustration), 123
- - Cars, 44
- - - at Ingestre Hall (illustration), 894
- - - in Australia (illustration), 531
- - Trophies (illustration), 886
- Tall Yarn, A, 646, 689
- Tanner and Deane (letter), 688
- Targa-Florio Race, 156, 1020
- Tarrant 14-16 h.p. Car, Australian, 436
- Tar Trials, Judges' Report on, 698
- Taxation and Legislation Suggestions, 989, 1028
- - of Motor Cars, 505
- Taximeter Cabs, 92
- Tax, Motor Car, 115
- - on Engine Bores, France, 574
- Taylor, John (letter), 947
- - P. (query), 1080
- T. B. (query), 774
- T. B. W. (query), .994
- Teaching Car, 1059
- Temporary Bolt, 133
- Ten-mile Limit Boards, Unauthorised, 465, 535
- Tennyson-Smith, A. (reply), 624
- Terminal, Martyn's Patent, 769
- Testing a Home-made Fuel, 114
- - Compression with Tyre Tester, 665, 869
- - Machine, Wellington's, Description 120 of,
- Tests, Anti-friction Metal, 407
- - at Brooklands, Effect of Weight on Speed, 384
- - A Rigid Contract, 746
- - of Elastes, 352
- - Tyre Pressure, 470, 483, 502
- - Wind Resistance, 308
- Thalassa, Thalassa, 258
- Thames 60 h.p. Car, Mr. Clifford Earp's (illustration), 1012
- - - - Trial of, 921
- Thomas Resilient Tyre, 441
- Thompson, A. C. (letter), 465
- - O. S. (letter), 161
- Thornton, B. M. (letter), 429
- - C. I. (letters), 322, 501
- Thornycroft 30 h.p. Car, Capt. J. C. Field-Richards' (illustration), 594
- - Cars, New Pattern, 725
- - Motor Boats, Fleet of (illustration), 514
- - Tom (letter), 158
- T. H. P. (letter), 116
- Three or Four Speeds, 411
- - Thousand Miles on Benzol, 540
- Tighe, N. (letter), 505
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3, 67, 93, 133, 175, 221, 261, 303, 340, 377, 413, 449, 485, 519, 553, 589, 627, 665; 703, 759, 849, 895, 929, 967, 1005, 1047
- T 520 (letter), 1027
- To Avoid Breathing Dust, 245
- Tobin, Blake (query), 890
- Toll, Freeing Freckleton Marsh from, 652
- - How to Miss a, 217
- Tolls, Motor Union and, 657
- Tomlinson, Herbert (letter), 686
- Ton Mileage, 361
- "Toothed Gears and Gearing," F. Humphris's Lecture, 1036
- Torpedo Boat Destroyer by J. I. Thornycroft and Co. (illustration), 1046
- Touring Bodies in Competitions, 158
- - Car, Definition of a, 856
- - in Galloway, 289, 324
- - Races, End of, 274
- - the World in a Motor Car, 419
- Tour in the New Forest, 361, 398, 432 -
- - to the Alps and Back, 971, 1013, 1048
- Tourist Trophy Race, A Suggestion for, 527
- - - - Future of, 39
- - - - in 1908, 757, 768, 867, 888
- Town Traffic Test, 18 h.p. Buick Cai., 136
- T. (query), 699
- Track Racing, Influence of, 301
- Transvaal A.C., 167
- - - Reliability Trials, 385
- Travers, Gilbert N. (letter), 246
- Trembler Blades, Sticking, 133
- Tremblers, Slow Working of, 133
- Trial, Reliability, A Great, 51
- Trials of Aeroplanes, 650
- Trippel, H. F. (letters), 609, 687, 766
- T. R. (Leicester) (reply), 1080
- True Motorist, The, 322
- T. R. R. (letters), 1031, 1069
- Tryon, Henry C. (letter), 198
- T. S. A. (query), 549
- Turner and Co., Ltd. (letters), 469, 870
- - S. A. (letter), 988
- Turner-Miesse 30 h.p. Steam Car, Description of, 726
- Turning Corners, 967, 1028
- Twenty-four Hours, 1,582 Miles in, 4
- - - Record, 4, 62, 122, 198
- - - Race in America, 488
- Two Accounts, 243
- - Good Things, 566
- Two-cycle (letter), 1030
- Two-jet Carburetter, The Roydale, 964
- Two-purpose Hood, George and Jobling's, 924
- Tyke, A. (letter), 37
- Tyre Bursts, 39, 158, 324, 399, 549
- - Carrier, 526
- - Damage, How to Avoid, 3
- - Experiences, 38, 118
- - Inflation, 198, 324
- - Inflator, Michelin, 527
- - Lever, Dunlop, 255
- - - Patent by L. Fumi, 700
- - New, The Thomas, 441
- - Pressures, 339, 580, 660, 699, 774, 867, 945, 1068
- - Pressure Tests, 470, 483, 502
- - Pump, Grouvelle and Arquembourg, 1017
- - Reliability (letter), 1030
- - Remover, Serviceable, 332
- - Repairing, Electric, 418
- - Repairs, 284
- - - Defective, 330
- - Repair, Useful, 661
- - Sizes, A Rule for, 340, 913
- - Tester, Roberts Non-skid Band Co.'s, 544
- - Trials, Long Distance, a Challenge, 331
- - Troubles, How to Minimise, 703
- - Valves, Leaky, 67
- Tyre-filling Substances, 580, 624, 699, 775
- Tyre-saving Device, Stanley Alarm, 540
- Tyres, Corseted, McConechy's, 324, 569
- - Cost of, 572, 643, 685, 1065
- - Creeping of, 536
- - Equal Size, 895
- - Old, What Becomes of, 899, 949
- - Parts, and Accessories, Olympia Show, 836
- - Periodical Examination of, 589
- - Rubber, Chemical Tests of, 349
- - Steel-studded, 329, 474, 625, 688, 742, 869, 911
- - Wrong-sized, 994
- Tyrrell, Guy (reply), 624
- Unauthorised Drives, 518
- - Ten-mile Limit Boards, 465, 535
- Underwood, J. J. (letter), 1066
- Unification of Racing Car Limits, 157
- Unique Experience, 40
- - Weather Screen, Mr. Ashford's Patent, 41
- United States, The Motor Industry in, 50
- Universal Joint Pins, 503, 536, 571, 589, 611
- - - Stellite, 993
- Universally-jointed Connecting Rods, 602
- Unsatisfactory Running of Old Car, 890
- Upholstery Materials, 284
- Up-to-date Victory, by Owen John, 1040
- U 715, U 456 (letter), 926
- Valve Attachment, The Bramley, 441
- - Spring Arrangement, Patent, by A. Winton and H. D. Anderson, 547
- Valveless Car, Description of, 934
- — — (letter), 1030
- — Motor, 480
- Vanderbilt Race, Next, 622, 956, 1064
- Vandervell. Electric Lamps, 695
- Vane, H. T. (letter). 1033
- Van Raden Gearless Magneto, Description of, 414
- " Vaporising Liquid Fuels," Paper by R. T. Deans, 995
- Variable Gear, New, by Brigadier Ruck,
- - Description of, 472, 503
- — Speed Gep, Patent by Baker, 446
- Vaughan, Chas. F. (letter), 1065
- Vauxhall Car Dashboard (illustration), 40
- — 12-16 h.p. Landaulet, Novel Body Design (illustration), 957
- — Motors, Ltd. (letters), 38, 115, 361, 397
- Ventilation of Olympia, 949, 987, 993
- Ventoux Hill-climb, 113
- Veritas (letter), 119
- — Tyres, 774, 890
- Verney, R. H. (letter), 502
- Vexed Question of Mudguards, 653
- Victim (letter), 399
- Victoria Hood on Daimler Car (illustration), 163
- Vision of the Coming Car, 1028
- Voiturette Trials, 600, 651, 678, 1019
- Vosper and Co. Ltd. (letters), 289, 398
- V. P. (query), 445
- V. S.-(letter), 1028
- "Vulcanising" Ordinary Patches, 93
- W 765, 688
- W. A. B. (letter), 1029
- Wade and Jones Distributer Set, 1060
- Wagner Horn, 897
- Wales, Hill-climb in, 458
- Walford, Eric W. (letters), 243, 767
- — — Recent Patents, by. 446, 547, 662, 700
- Walker, A. Huntley (letter), 610
- Wallace, Arthur J. (letters), 362, 868
- — Jno. (letter), 399
- Waller, A. D., and Co. (letter), 200
- Wallis, E. W. (letter), 537
- Walmesley, Jas. (letter), 644
- Walter, Albert E. (letter), 950
- Warning Signposts on the Highways, 634
- — Signals, 432
- Washing Doctor's Car and Water Rate, 45
- Waste Oil from Garage Floors, 516
- Water for Washing Motor Cars, 1002
- — Pipes, 3
- — Union, Rough and Ready, 589
- Watson, S. J. (letter), 645
- — W. (letter), 287
- — — Relation between Power and Spark, 916
- Watt, Disney (reply), 516
- W. B. S. (reply), 660
- W. D. (letter), 1070
- Weather, Protection from the, 380
- Webb, Arthur (letter), 432
- Week-end Run on a Brown Car, 443
- Weigel 25 h.p. Car, 496
- — Case Adjourned, 607
- -- D. M. (letters), 117, 160, 200, 289
- — Grand Prix Cars, 85
- Weighing a Car, Hints and Tips on, 377
- Weight, Effect on Speed, Tests at Brooklands, 384
- — Factor in Formulae, 287, 323
- — of Motor Car Bodies, 970
- Weights of some Accessories, 593, 647
- Wellington's Car-testing Machine, Description of, 120
- Welsh A.C., 300
- West-Aster 20-22 h.p. Car (illustration), 1043
- Western India Reliability Trials, 473
- Westinghouse Car Advt. (illustration), 978
- — Cars, 994, 1080
- — Carburetter, Description of, 882
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 628
- — — — (illustration), 879
- — Engine (illustrations), 1063
- -- Patent by, Internal Combustion Engine, 662
- West Surrey A.C., 247
- Wet Weather Tip, 67
- — Week-end, 307
- W. G. (letter), 245
- What a Dog can do, 200
- — becomes of Old Tyres, 899, 949
- — next ? 259
- Wheel and Tyre Changes, S. F. Edge's Car
- _ (diagram), 44
- Wheelbase, Length of; 437
- Where is the Fallacy ? 243, 288
- — the Grass Grows in the Streets, 683
- W. H. H. (reply), 660
- Whistles, Dangerous, 1033
- Whitby Road (illustration), 541
- White, E. (letter), 469
- White, for Night, 847
- — House, Milford (illustration), 976
- — J. Stuart (letters), 468, 501, 988
- — — — (replies), 580, 660
- — Steamer, President Roosevelt's, 368
- — William Henry (letter), 613
- Whittaker, C. E. (letter), 244
- Who Would be Liable ? 549
- Why and the Wherefore, etc., 1043
- — does a Car Run Better at Night? 119, 197, 243, 246, 271, 321, 357, 398, 431, 504, 536, 569, 611, 645, 685, 767, 871, 949, 988, 1068
- Wilding-Jones, C. W. (query), 775
- Wilkinson, F. (letter), 37
- Williamson, G. E. (letter), 643
- Williams, Tom (letters), 115, 324
- — W. Geo. (letter), 536
- Wills, W. A. (letter), 158
- Wilson, A. J. (letters), 358, 911
- — C. Leonard (letter), 286
- — J. Veitch, Lubrication of Petrol Engines, by, 49. 89, 129
- Windham Covered Body, 956
- — Detachable Mudguards, 107
- Wind Resistance Tests, 308, 358
- — Screens, A Study of, 900, 949, 952, 973
- — Shield, Eysseric (illustration), 696
- Winton and Anderson, Patent by, 547
- Winton Six-teen-six, 524
- Wire Wheels, 130, 683, 852, 962
- — — on Brooklands Track, 611, 643
- W. (letter), 198
- W. N. D. (query), 699
- W. N. (letter), 949
- Wolseley Car in Rio de Janeiro (illustration), 574
- — Tool and Motor Car Co. Patent Carburetter, 547
- Women as Motor Car Drivers, 353
- Wood, Agnes E. (reply), 775
- — r. Wire Wheels, 680, 767
- Woollen, T. H. (letter), 245
- Workman, Robert E. (letter), 687 Worried (query), 580
- Would-be Chauffeur (letter), 325 Wranglers Pages, 322
- Writer of the Article (letter), 689
- — — — Report (letter), 245
- Wrong-sized Tyres, 994
- W. S. N. (query), 624
- X 433 (letter), 200
- X. Y. Z. (letter), 289
- Yacht Club, Motor, 48, 127, 168, 176, 211, 300, 336, 402, 442, 479, 511, 579, 623, 996, 1022, 1074
- — — — Annual Dinner, 887
- — — — Reliability Trials, 218, 246, 248, 250, 289, 366
- Yorkshire A.C., 211, 366, 925
- — North, A.C.. 126
- Yorks (letter), 200
- Young, A. Rowell (letter), 158
- Z. (letter), 362