1909 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar 1909a Index - Volume 22
- A. A., M. U. (letter), 884
- A. A. Scouts, 232
- — Signs in Lancashire, 605
- A. B. C. (letter), 516
- Acceleration Test, Royal A.C., Monthly Trials, 855
- Accidents, Motor, Analysis of, 187 Car, 33, 187, 478
- — not Motor, 63, 294, 558
- — Road, in Sarthe, France, 570
- Accumulator, Fors, 452
- Accumulators, Charging, 639
- — Charging from Alternating Current, 45
- Acer, Ltd. (letter), 229
- Acetylene, Electricity in Lieu of, 164, 365, 402, 446, 480. 515, 555
- — Generators, How to Clean, 495
- Adams Aeroplane Engine, 611
- — 10 h.p. Car Experience, 454
- — 10 h.p. ’Varsity Car (illustrations), 489, 895
- — 14-16 h.p. Car on the Road, 286
- — Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 440
- Adams Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (letter), 367
- — R. S. V. (letter), 291
- — 9 h.p. Single-cylinder Car, Run on, 217, 286
- Adler Car, 12 h.p. Car, 218 •
- — Description of, 458
- Adjustable Lamp-bracket, 286
- Advance Four-cylinder Engine, Test of, 284
- A. E. G. (letter), 402
- Aerial Engine, Green, 362
- — League at the Mansion House, 512
- Aero-Amateur (letters), 366, 446, 483, 518, 703
- Aero and Motor Boat Show, Report of, 424
- — Car Organisations, Squabbles of, 224
- — Club Dinner to the Brothers Wright, 659
- — of United Kingdom, 412
- — Course, Practical, in Essex, 261
- — Exhibition at Olympia, 178, 424, 477
- — Exhibitions and Aero Clubs, Some
- — Reflections on, 644, 703
- Aero, The, 622, 741, 767
- Aeronautical International Congress, 121
- — Exhibition, France, 222
- — Salon, First Flying Machine Exhibition, Report of, 21, 66
- — Paris (illustrations), 14, 21, 48, 63, 66, 67, 68
- — Society‘s Meeting, 466
- Aeronautic Politics, 129
- Aeronautics, 12, 54, 97, 98, 122, 165, 197, 222, 254, 285, 335, 354, 365, 382, 386, 402, 445, 465, 520, 559, 594, 612, 646, 689 721
- — “ Owen John ” on, 644, 703
- Aeroplane Club, 54
- — Dinner, 122
- — Grounds, 595
- — Clubs, Probable Amalgamation of, 165
- — Jottings, by W. G. Windham, 12, 56, 99, 123, 165, 223, 255. 285, 388, 560, 594, 612, 646, 689, 721
- — News, Continental, 262
- — Sheds and Starting Pilone at Napoule (illustration), 560
- — Theory of, by the Marquis de Mouzilly St. Mars, 386, 465
- Aeroplanes, Brooklands for, 89
- — Howard Wright, 104
- Africa, Across, Lieut. Graetz’s Journey, 52
- Agar, Harold (letter), 740
- Agent (letter), 29
- Agents’ Commissions, 29
- Agriculturists and Motor Cars, 59
- Ailerons, by W. Windham, 197
- Air-cooled Engines, 529, 584
- Air cooling, Mr. G. H. Morgan’s System, 603
- — Paraffin Carburetters, 662
- — Views of an American Motor Manufacturer, 456
- — Valve, Bowden, 474
- Aitken, J. H. (letter), 700
- A. J. P. (letter), 553
- Albion Car, 24-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 858
- — Cars, Development of (illustration), 930
- Alcohol as Motor Fuel, 174
- Aldershot, A Field Day at, 870
- — Munmuvres, At the (illustration), 749
- A 9494 (letters), 810, 811, 813
- All-British Petrol, Wells in British West Indies, 186, 235, 290
- Alldays Car, 10-12 h.p. Car (illustration), 405
- — 10 h.p. Car, Well fitted, 393
- — 20-30 h.p. Car with Team of Cricketers (illustration), 706
- Allen, Thos. G. (letter), 169
- Allin, Chas. J. (letter), 134
- A. L. M. (letter), 776
- Along the North-west Frontier of India, 714
- Amateur Expert, 136
- — Legislators, Extravagant Proposals by, 128
- — (letter), 516
- Amateurs at Brooklands, 63
- America, Automobilism in, by F. R. Simms, 448
- — News from, 908
- American Brooklands, Particulars of Indianapolis Motor Speedway, 502
- — Gudgeon Pin Attachment, 616
- — Motor Manufacturer’s Views on Air Cooling, 456
- — Sparking Plugs, 45
- Analysis of Motor Accidents, 187
- — the Paris Show, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 36
- An Englishman (letter), 921
- — Invalid (letter), 700
- — Unfortunate Owner (letter), 884
- Anglo-Indian (letter), 519
- Another General Practitioner (letter), 133
- — Injustice to Ireland (letter), 700
- — Man of Sussex (letter), 202
- — Mere Chauffeur (letter), 555, 625
- — Satisfied Humberite (letter), 293
- — Standard Owner (letter), 554
- Antarctic Autocar, Arrol-Johnston, 438
- — Regions, Motor Car in, 795
- Anti-bonnet (letter), 202
- Anti-rust Process, Coslett, 697
- Anti-trapping Boycott, 846
- A O 451 (letter), 555
- Appearance, Bonnets and Radiators, of Cars, 572
- Appreciation, 270
- Appreciative Motorist (letter), 365
- Aquila (letters), 700, 776
- Arabia, Argyll Car in, 742
- Argus Car, 120 h.p. Car (illustrations), 463
- Argyll 14-16 h.p. Car (illustration), 558
- — in New Zealand, 597
- — 1909 Model (illustration), 171
- — Doctor’s Brougham (illustrations), 644
- — 10-12 h.p., Miss O’Brien‘s (illustration), 240
- Argyll’s, Ltd. (letter), 140
- Ariel 18-22 h.p. Car Experience, 142
- Ariel Motors, Ltd. (letter), 29
- — 20 h.p., Views of Hood (illustrations). £08
- Associate of the R.A.C. (letter h
- Associates’ Badges, Royal A.C. (illustration), 571
- Auster, Ltd. (letter), 554
- Austin Body Design, 225
- — 18-24 h.p. Car, 231, 269,
- — Chassis (illustration), 160
- — Landaulet (illustration), 889
- — 100 h.p. Car (illustrations), 525
- — 25-30 h.p. Car, Talbot Power’s (illustration), 283
- — Car with Flush-sided Body (illustration), 889
- — 15 h.p. Four-cylinder Landaulet (illustration), 488
- — Phaeton (illustration), 824
- — Motor Co., End of Slander. 44
- — Ltd. (letters), 28, 270
- — Pullman Landaulet, 397
- — Single-cylinder Car, 814
- Austin-Gladiator 18-24 h.p. Car (illustration), 209
- Australasia, Motoring in, by Percy Hunter, 114
- Australia, Automobile Club of, 818
- — Motoring in, 102, 815
- Australian Tour on 8-10 h.p. Darracq, 504
- Austrian Automobile Club Trial and Hill-climb, 499
- Autocar, The, Lectures, 297
- Autocars of 1909, 243, 299, 339, 572
- — Bonnets and Radiators, 572
- Automobile Association, 742
- — Correction of Misleading Statements, 2, 32
- — — Fourth Annual Dinner, 464, 477
- — Meeting at Cardiff, 780
- — Northern Section Dinner, 234
- Automobiles and Aeroplanes in the Pyrenees, by Francis Miltoun, 394
- Automobilisation Experiment, Army Council’s Appreciation, 438
- — Experiments, 347, 398, 405, 518, 601, 690
- — Reply to some Critics, 420
- — The Guards passing Westminster (illustration), 421
- — Yorkshire A.C., 504, 606
- Automobilism in America, A Chat on, by F. R. Simms, 448
- Autorette Spanner Kit, 161
- Avoiding Centres of Population, 731
- “ Avion,” M. Ader’s Flying Machine (illustration), 68
- Avon Tyres, 248
- A W 362 (letter), 61
- A. W. (letters), 699, 923
- Axle Alignment, 417
- Ayton, R. W (letters), 171, 775, 924
- Badges, Associates’, Royal A.C. (illustration), 571
- Bailey, W. H., and Co. (letters), 97, 134
- B. A. (letter), 924
- Balkan Crisis, Motor Cars in the, 144
- Ballantyne, H., Some Chemical Notes on Petrol, by, 368
- Ball Bearing Crankshafts, 28, 94, 97
- — Bearings, Ransome and Co.’s, 920
- Bangkok, Procession of Motor Cars in (illustration), 212
- Barford, V. G. (letter), 267
- Barton, P. Frederick (letter), 332
- — J. Kingston (letters), 26, 290
- Barwell, Leycester (letter), 168
- Bathe, J. J. (letters), 97, 365
- Bath, H. J. (letter), 447
- Battery, New Type of, Neotherm Cell, 796
- Bayley, G. Herbert (letter), 168
- B. Careful (letter), 624
- B. D.734 (letter), 365
- Beauchamp, Ronald C. W. (letter), 554
- Beaumont, W. Worby (letter). 848
- Bedford Cars for Irish Trials (illustration), Bedfordshire A.C., 242 [815
- Beeco Ratchet Box Spanner, 586
- Beecroft, L. C. (letter), 265
- Beeston Humber Carburetters, 674
- Bellamy, Fred. A. (letter), 96
- — Fredk. W. (letter), 588
- Belle Vue Show at Manchester, 280
- Bell, J. Dalrymple (letters), 588, 741
- Belsize 14-16 h.p. Brooklands Model (illustrations), 489, 597
- — Car, Description of, 146
- — Run through Byways of Midlands, 642
- — Landaulet, Dr. F. Stephenson’s (illustration), 706
- — 1909 Car (illustration), 447
- — 40 h.p. D-fronted Limousine (illustration), 610
- Benzol Experiments, Decauville Car, 834
- — The Use of, 749
- Bentall Car, Hill-climbing at Bristol (illustration), 632
- Berkshire A.C., 633
- Beveridge, W. II. (letter), 661
- B. G. B. (letter), 624
- B. H. D. (letter). 553
- B. H. (letter', 131
- B.H.P. at Road Wheels, 924
- Bickford, J. S. V., Does a Spray Carburetter Spray? by, 678
- Bicycles, Rear Reflector for, 237
- Bingham, Chas., and Co. (letter), 447
- Binks. Charles (letter), 65
- Birmingham M.U., 632
- University (illustration), 894
- B K 21 (letter), 132
- Blackball (letter), 334
- Black, Goorge Gordon (letter), 96
- Blackheath A.C., 139, 312, 781, 818
- Blaisdell’s Energised Solid Rubber Tyre, 163
- Bleriot Lighting and Charging Dynamo, Description of, 686
- — Ltd. (letters), 402, 403, 483
- Blount, Bertram, Composition of Commercial Petrol, by, 368
- — (letters), 94, 845
- Blowing Noises, 417
- B. M. and B. Co., Ltd. (letter), 136
- Boake, E. J. (letter), 366
- Boating, Motor, at London (illustration), 772
- Boat, Motor, for Salvage Work, 734
- Boats, Motor, at Olympia Show, 430
- Bodies, Motor Car, Letters re, 29, 661
- Body and Accessory Details of New Car, by Owen John, 257, 331
- — Design, Austin, 225
- — Hints on, 185, 230, 346
- — Two Fine Examples of, 798
- — Novel, for Antwerp Gentleman (illustration), 101
- B O 203 (letter), 446
- B O 282 (letter), 515
- Bombay Motorist (letter), 662
- Bonnetless Cars, 134, 167, 202, 232, 269
- Bonnet Retainers, 379
- Bonnets and Radiators, Autocars of 1909, 572
- Boots (letter), 405
- Bore and Stroke, The Pros and Cons of Long and Short Strokes, 395
- Bosch Magneto, New, 373
- Bossu, Pierre (letter), 662
- Boston (U.S.A.) Motor Show, Fire at, 140
- Bosworth, W. J. (letter), 405
- Boulogne Circuit (illustration), 241
- — Voiturette Cup Race, 876, 910
- Bourdon, Marcus, Motoring Enthusiast’s Letters, by, 106, 213, 314, 530
- Bowden Controlled Air Valve, 474, 558
- — Harold (letters), 131, 481, 883
- Box Lid Rattling, To Stop, 857
- Bradford A.C., 312
- Bradley, Hermon (letter), 482
- Brakes, Expanding, 60
- — Wear of, 181, 345
- — Front Wheel, 28, 168
- Brake Shoes, Wear in, 713
- — Trials, Front Wheel, 326
- Braking System, Peugeot, 927
- Brasier Car, 10 h.p., Two-cylinder, Description of, 110
- Breguet-Richet Multiplane (illustration), 68
- Bridges over River Trent, 69
- Brighton “ Fire Midget,” 896
- British Aeronautic Exhibitions, 54
- — Army Aeroplane Test (illustration), 77
- — Automobile Commercial Syndicate, 360
- — Motor Boat Club, 35, 139, 177, 342, 412, 599, 670, 780, 854
- British-built 18-22 h.p. Clement Car (illustration), 616
- “ Briton ” Cars, ” Starling,” Group of (illustration), 716
- Brixia Zust 25 h.p. Car (illustration), 411
- — Landaulet (illustration), 526
- Broadbent, Frank (letter), 661
- Bromley and District Motor Drivers’ and Mechanics’ Club, 413, 708
- Brooklands, Amateurs at, 63
- — American—Indianapolis Motor Speed way, 502
- — A.R.C., 195, 296, 476, 501, 840, 854
- — Armstrong-Whitworth Car Trial, 409, 582, 740
- — Easter Race Meeting, 532
- — for Aeroplanes, 89
- — Inter-club Competitions at, 360, 377, 891
- — Meeting, June 30th, Entries, 917
- — New Manager, Major Lloyd, 31
- — Popularising, 150
- — Reduced Subscription to, 160, 168
- — Regulations for Bogey Competition, 296
- — Test Hill at, 226, 256, 460, 461
- — The Opening of, 463
- — Track, Measurement of, 728
- — Whitsuntide Meeting, 622, 760, 786
- Brown, Arthur (letters), 294, 777
- — Kenneth, and Co. (letter), 403
- Brush Runabout, 437
- Bryan Slide Valve Engine, 609
- B.S.A. 14-18 h.p. Car, Dr. Harvey’s, of Wolverton (illustration), 830
- — Chassis with Wire Wheels (illustration), 743
- B T 404 (letter), 625
- Budd, E. (letters), 132, 481
- Budget and Motor Taxation, Correspondence re, 663, 701, 7 76
- — Fighting the, 814, 837, 925
- — Last Year’s, 658
- — Notes on the, 676
- — Proposals Affecting Motor Cars, 637, 655, 657, 676, 711, 739, 748
- — Deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 897
- Buenos Ayres International Exhibition,894
- Buffalo Bill Indians in Motor Cars, 539
- Burfield, A. (letter), 167
- Burns, Robert (letter), 702
- Busy Motorist (letter), 701
- Buttemer, R. W. (letter), 883
- Butterworth Lubricating Oil, 196
- B W 533 (letter), 518
- Cadillac 20-30 h.p. Cars (illustration), 863
- — 10 h.p. Car in Java (illustrations), 927
- Calcium Chloride, Dust-laying Tests of, 789 839
- Callendar, H. L. (letter), 590
- Callous Horse Driver, 624
- Calthorpe Grand Prix Engine, Brake Test of, 654
- — Voiturette, Particulars of, 722
- Calvert, E. (letter), 882
- Cambridge University A.C., 276
- Cam Design, 266, 291
- — Notes on, by Bertram C. Joy, 152
- Camping, Motor Car, 700
- Canada, Motor Cars for, 202, 445
- Canada’s Flying Machine, 594 Canning Gear, 237
- — Leopold (letter), 518 Cann, Ltd. (letter), 29
- Capel Cure, Francis (letter), 845
- Cape Town—Crown Prince of Belgium in White Steam Car (illustration), 743
- Captain (letter), 25
- Carbon Deposits, To Remove, 457, 746, 777, 845, 882, 922, 925 Carburation, 775
- Carburetter and Ignition, 454
- — Gillett-Lehmann, Testing, 652
- — Improvement, 855
- — Ray, 178 Carburetters, 492, 710, 746
- — Paraffin, 663, 700, 712, 741, 776, 809
- — Transparent, and what they show, 678, 809, 810, 8?5
- — White and Poppe, Tuning up, 604
- Cardiff M.C., 92, 139, 208, 242, 781
- Car Insurance Broker (letter), 480
- Carless, Capel and Leonard (letter), 665
- — Holiday, 493
- Carrier, New, for Spare Wheels, 352, 501
- Cartwright, Vernon A. (letter), 591
- Cattle and Sheep on the Highway, 230, 239, 653, 668
- — Driving at Night, 653
- Caution on the Great North Road, 777
- C D 863 (letter), 332
- Central Committee for Motor Legislation, 526, 838, 865
- — Road Authority, 768
- Ceylon, Motoring in (illustration), 912
- C. F. (letter), 773
- Chadwick, S. T. (letter), 404
- Chain or Gear Drive ?? 61, 65
- Challenge, A—Daimler Engine Test, 444
- — Reinforced Inner Tube, 359, 598
- Chancellor of the Exchequer, Deputation to, 897
- Change Speed Gear, D.S.R., Description of, 550
- Chapman, Dora d’Espagne (letter), 332
- Charging Accumulators, 639
- from an Alternating Current, 45
- Chauffeur Question, 15
- Chauffeurs’ Seats, 266
- Chaytor, H. S. (letter), 881
- Chemical Notes on Petrol, by H. Ballantyne, 368
- Chenard-Walcker 8 h.p. (illustration), 163
- — (England) (letter), 848
- Cheshire A.C., 745
- — Speed Limits—A Sensible County, 884
- China, Automobile Club of, 744
- Christiania Motor Show— First in Norway, 770
- Cicero (letter), 663
- Clarkson, Thomas (letter), 480
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter— Experiments with Benzol, 834
- Clay, Arthur J. (letter), 270
- Cleaning Acetylene Generators, 495
- Clegg, H. n. (letter), 290
- — W- Engine with Rotating Sleeve
- — Valves, 873
- Clement 18-22 h.p. Car for New Zealand (illustration), 619
- Clement Car, Mr. Marshall’s, 353
- Clement Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 205
- Clifford, Turner, and Hopton (letter), 2G
- Club Doings, 35, 92, 139, 177, 208, 242, 276, 312, 341, 374, 412, 453, 490, 527, 551, 599, 633, 670, 707, 744, 780, 818, 853, 891, 931
- — Report and Balance Sheet, Criticism on Finance and Policy, 361, 382
- — Secretaries, A Note to, 744
- Clutch Leverage, 391
- Coachbuilding and some other Matters, 353
- Coghill, N. A. (letter), 773
- Coils, Foreign-made, 661
- Coil Tremblers, 567
- Coincidence, A, 518
- Colboume, Harold B. (letter), 921
- Collapsable Table and Wind Shield for Back Seats, 72
- Collingham, Robt. M. (letter), 846
- Colonist (letter), 626
- Combridge, C. (letter), 740
- Comfortable Car — Charlesworth Motor Bodies, Ltd., 151
- Commission Aerienne Mixte, 352
- Competitions, Motor, 40
- Composition of Commercial Petrol, by Bertram Blount, 368
- Compression, A Point regarding, 229
- Confederacy of Motorists, 295
- Consumeter— Machines for Registering Consumption of Fuel, 358
- Contented (letter), 291
- Continental Aeroplane News, 262
- — Competition—Rochet-Schneider Cup, 635
- Control, Engine, Observations on, 246
- Conway Suspension Bridge, 366
- Conybeare, H. G. M. (letters), 171, 268
- Cooke, Stenson (letters), 26, 64, 168, 662
- Cooling Fans, 168
- Cooper, W. R., R.A.C., Paper by, “ Investigation of Dustlessness of Cars,” 729
- Cork Inserts in Leather Clutch, 181
- Cornishman (letter), 625
- Cornwall, Duchy of—Prince and Princess of Wales’s Tour, 862, 880
- Correction of Inaccuracies, 51
- — Misleading Statements, Automobile Association, 32
- Correspondence, 25, 61, 93, 131, 167, 201, 229, 265, 290, 331, 363, 401, 443, 479, 515, 553, 587, 623, 661, 699, 737, 773, 809, 845, 881, 921 Coslett Anti-rust Process, 697
- Cosmopolitan (letter), 294
- Cost of a Car, 25
- — Running, 26, 94, 131, 171, 201, 231, 270, 367, 472, 480, 481, 515, 555
- Couchman, Charles J. (letter), 810
- Counties to Avoid, 665, 699
- County Councils’ Association Road Conference, 672
- —- versus Borough, 602, 648
- Coupe des Voiturettes, France, 876
- Courtesies and Discourtesies of the Road, 332, 366, 744, 813, 845, 846, 882
- Courtesy at Garages, 588
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C., 177, 242, 374, 483, 490, 633, 891, 932
- — Military Reconnaissance, 681, 683
- -— Simplex Engines, Ltd. (letter), 28
- — to Oxford Motor Trip, Imperial Press
- Delegates, 868
- Criminally Dangerous Game, 167
- Croft, Bertram B. (letter), 203
- Crompton, Lieut.-colonel j Road Construction and Maintenance, by, 156
- Cross, J. (letter), 65
- — Roads, Signs at, 405
- — Wm. (letter), 267
- Crossley, C. W. (letter), 443
- — 12-14 h.p. and 18-20 h.p. Chassis, Description of, 919
- — Four-cylinder Engine, Power Curve of, 896
- C. S. G. (letter), 64
- C. T.C. and Motorists, 366
- Cumberland, Warning Posts in, 419
- Cured (letter), 28
- Currin, Sydney A. (letters), 93, 94
- Cyclist (letters), 591, 700
- Cyclists, Motorists and, 28, 332
- — Touring Club, 238
- Cylinder Lubrication by Oil Spray Induction, by Eric W. Walford, 849
- Daimler 57 h.p., Mr. Bolton’s, 836
- — 1898 Car—A Pioneer, 660
- — 22 h.p. Car in India (illustration), 837
- — Car, Smaller, The Running of, 512
- — 15 h.p. Car, Some Particulars of, 879
- — 1909 Engine, 93, 134, 270, 334
- — Engine, Sectional Model of, 360
- Daimler Engine Test—A Challenge, 444, 846
- — under R.A.C. Observation, 418, 462, 477, 538, 590, 617
- — New Cur, 100 Miles on, 166
- — Engine, Lecture by C. Y. Knight, 91, 174
- — Presentation Function, 635
- — Slide Valve Engine, Patent Specifications, 839
- Damage to Road Surfaces, 715
- Dangerous Corner, London-Brighton Road (illustration), 274
- Danger Signs, Erection of, 178, 433
- — Illuminated, 650
- — Superfluous, 623
- Dar-es-Salaam to Swakopmund, Lieut. Graetz’s Journey, 52
- Darracq 25-35 h.p. Car, Mr. H. B. Cook’s (illustrations), 368
- — 8-10 h.p. Car (illustration), 391
- — 7-9 h.p., Experiences of, 710
- — “ Four Inch ” Car, Hill-climbing (illustration), 558
- — Race Car (illustration), 140
- Darvell, Frederick (letter), 367
- Dashboard, Comfortable, 817
- — Fitments, 626
- Date of Manufacture, 179
- Dauncey, W. R. (letter), 231
- Dawe, C. H. (letter), 202
- Deaf Cyclists, Signals for, 202
- Dean, Chas. Percy (letters), 232, 293, 363, 403
- Dear Tea, A. (letter), 588
- Deasy Car, Miss Muriel Hind’s (illustration), 671
- — 15 h.p. Car with Special Two-seated
- — Body (illustration), 451
- — 25 h.p. for Bishop of Southampton (illustration), 289
- Deasy Motor Car Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (letter), 482
- Debole (letter), 554
- Decauville 16-20 h.p., Interesting Run on a, 834
- De Dietrich 75 h.p. Car, Mr. P. F. Collier on his (illustration), 450
- — Car for Marquis of Stafford (illustration), 838
- — Dion-Bouton Cars, Fleet of (illustration), 715
- — (1907), Ltd. (letter), 447
- — Dion 30 h.p. Car (illustration), 326
- — Cars, Small, 447
- — — Patents, 360
- — 10-12 h.p., J. W. Stocks’s (illustration), 166
- Type de Course, by Runabout, 914
- — Voiturette, 221
- — Malglaive, Henri (letters), 443, 590
- Dee, J. C. (letter), 169
- Defiance (letter), 925
- Definition of a Good Car, 179
- Defries, D. C. (letter), 663
- De Korwin-Rebikoff Engine, 171
- — Description of, 125
- Delage 14 h.p. with Grand Prix Body (illustration), 340
- Delaunay-Belleville 10 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustrations), 412
- Denmark Automobile Club, 511
- Dennis Brothers, Examining Room (illustration), 852
- — Car, Chas. Campion’s (illustrations), 486
- — 18 h.p. Car, B. W. Leader’s (illustration), 705
- — 40 h.p.—Testing Car and Carburetter, 704
- Depreciation ? Fair, What is, 231
- Deputation to the Chancellor of the Exchequer, 897
- Derby and District A.C., 374, 453, 490, 599, 633, 818, 891
- Derbyshire, A Disclaimer from, 741
- — and North Stafford A.C., 634, 818, 931
- Disc (letter), 63
- Design, Cam, A Few Notes on, by Bertram C. Joy, 132
- — for Week-end Motor Cottage, 536
- — Individuality of, 26
- Desondi (letter), 885 ?
- Detachable Rim, Hall and Baynes, Description of, 356
- — Rims, 481, 518, 554, 600
- — Wheels, 232, 600, 749, 922
- — and Front Brakes, 717
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 374
- — Dumpling (letter), 479
- Devonshire, Caution Signals in, 340, 433
- Dewar Challenge Trophy, 111
- Dieppe Circuit, Two Days’ Race on, 544
- Different Kinds of Danger, 171
- Difficulties of Identification, 719, 929
- Digby, H. A. (letter), 518
- Dines, J. 8. (letter), 365
- Diogenes (letter), 363
- Disc Clutches, 741
- Dispensing with Pump, 133
- Disturbers of Peace, 700
- Disunion of Motorists, 814, 837, 92J
- D 3654 (letter), 331
- D N 169 (letter), 131
- Doal Oil Cabinet, 195
- Doctor’s Car, 14-20 h.p. Wolseley-Siddeley,
- Dolly Darracq (letter), 665
- Double Ignition, Advantage of, 495
- — Tyre Rim, W. T. Skeldring’s Device, 915
- Do we want the Wrights ? 365, 445, 483, 516
- Drake, W. J. (letter), 809
- Dreyfus (letter), 885
- Drip Feed Glasses, To Feed, 639
- Driver of Nine Years (letter), 270
- Drivers, Thoughtlessness of, 230
- Driving and Proficiency Certificates, R.A.C., 116
- — Apron, 332
- — of Cattle at Night, 653
- — Reckless, 882
- — Skilful, Demonstration of, 415
- — to the Common Danger, Alleged, 338
- Dry Cells as Spares, 391
- D.S.R. Change Speed Gear, Description of, 550
- Dual Ignition, Hall, Description of, 198
- — Simple Form of, 417
- Duchy of Cornwall—Prince and Princess of Wales’s Tour, 862, 880
- Duckham, A. (letters), 291, 846, 922
- Duffield, E. N. (letter), 591
- Dumbleton, E. H. (letter), 96
- Dummy Valves for Tyre Fitting, 677, 713
- Duncan, Colin R. (letter), 516
- Durandal Non-skid Band, 262
- Dust Experiments and Inter-club Competition, 927
- — Prevention Test — Calcium Chloride, 782, 839
- — Problem Statistics—Roads Improvement Association Report, 621
- — Question and its Dustless Investigation, 695, 729
- — Raising, 747, 836, 846
- — Trials, Royal A.C., 263, 927
- Dynamo, Lighting and Charging, Bleriot,
- Description of, 686
- 18-24 (letter), 231
- E. A. C. letter), 813
- Eagleton, L. O, (letter), 924
- Easter Tours and Fixtures, 527
- East Suffolk, Improved Roads in, 566
- — Ipswich and, A.C., 312
- — Surrey A.C., 341
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 335, 446, 664
- Edinburgh Show, 162
- — Taxicab Finance, 501
- E. D. (letter), 661
- Edmonds, Rowland W. (letter), 268
- Engine, Slide Valve, Minerva-Knight, 726
- E. G, H. (letter), 290
- E. H. (letter), 171
- E.I.C. Generator Set for Head, Side, and Tail Lamps, 390
- Electric Head Lamps for Cars, 118
- — Horn Switch, Lanchester, 248
- — Lighting for Cars, Installation, 619
- — the Car— E.I.C. Plant, 390
- Electricity in Lieu of Acetylene, 164. 365, 402, 446, 480, 515, 554, 662, 709
- E 872 (letter), 294
- E 424 (letter), 591
- Ellis, C. H. (letter), 62
- Elsass-Lothringen, In—On the Road, 684
- Elwes, H. T. (letter), 482
- “ Energised ” Solid Rubber Tyre, Mr. Blaisdell’s, 163
- Enfield Car, 18-24 h.p. Car, Description of, 384
- — 30-35 h.p. Car—Experience, 710
- Engine, Calthorpe, Brake Test of, 654
- — Control, A Few Observations on, 246
- — Controls, 335, 447, 885
- — Daimler, R.A.C. Test of, 418, 462, 477, 538, 590
- — Lightweight, The Adams, 611
- — Explosion Recoil, F. Lyst’s, 724
- — French, for Aeroplanes—De Korwin-Rebikoff, 125
- — Power, Increased, 132
- — Size, 856
- — with Rotating Sleeve Valves, W. H. Clegg’s, 873
- Engineer (letter), 64
- Engines, Aeroplane— Olympia Exhibition, 427
- — Slide Valve, Coming, 842
- English Competition, from the French of M. Clair (Omnia), 57
- Englishman’s Home, An, 265, 290, 334
- Enlightened County Council— Gloucestershire, 108
- Enquirer (letter), <332
- Entering1 Main Roads, 4.>7,
- alb Enthusiast (letter), 703
- “ En-tout-cas ” Coat—Samuel Bros., 4 73
- E. P. (letter), 63
- Equatorial Trading and Manufacturing Co., Ltd. (letter), 922
- E. R. H. (letter), 334
- Essex County A.C., 781, 853
- Events of the Week (illustrations), 155, 200, 235, 250, 261, 281, 349, 400, 469, 514
- Exasperated (letter), 702
- Excessive Speed, 626
- Exhaust Blasts, Separating, 132
- — Gas Extractor, 94
- Expanding Brakes, 60
- — Wear of, 181, 345
- Experiences, 64
- Experiments with Naphthaline as Fuel, 38
- Explosion Recoil Engine— F. Lyst’s Invention, 724
- Exports and Imports of Motor Cars, 125.
- — 40 h p. (letter), 845
- “ Fair ” Methods of Police, 294
- — Play (letters), 171, 483
- False Economy, 143, 202
- Fatal No. 20 (letter), 884
- Fawcett, E. Douglas (letters), 62, 169
- — E. D., The Small Car in the Mountains, by, 506
- Featherweight (letter), 402
- Federation Aeronautique Internationale
- — Congress, 121
- Fenn, Alan R. (letter), 885
- Ferguson, J. B. (letter), 229 .
- F.I.A.T. 75 h.p., Viscount Torrington’s (illustration), 274
- Field Day at Aldershot, 870
- Finance Bill—New Car and Petrol Taxes, 794, 826
- — R.A.C. Proposals, 772, 819, 82Q, 837
- — The Motor Union and, 880
- Fire Brigade, Brighton. Motor Fire Hose Cart, 896
- — Motor Cars Destroyed by, 69
- Fitting Tribute to Nixon, 136, 229
- Fleet of Cars, Mr. Leopold de Rothschild’s (illustration), 779
- — De Dion-Bouton Cars, France (illustration), 715
- Flere, Thos. H. (letter), 812
- F 1655 (letter), 661
- Flex Terminals, 785
- F. L. G. (letter), 334
- Flight as a Mode of Locomotion, by F. W. Lanchester, 276
- Florida Race Meeting, 474, 773
- Flying Associations of Great Britain, 520, 559, 594
- — Kilometre at Hyfcres, 598
- — Machine, From the Deck of (illustration), 378
- — Prize, Michelin, 433
- — Where it is done, 470
- Footboard of 15 h.p. Napier Car, 102
- Foreign-made Coils, 661
- Forgings and Stampings, Strength of, 34
- Formula, H. P., A Simple and Practical. 784, 848
- Fors Accumulator, 452
- Foster, T. Scott (letter), 703
- Four Generations of Motorists (illustration), 632
- — Years’ Motoring— 54,245 Miles, 73
- “ Four in One ” Aries Engine, 214, 365
- Fowler and Co. (letter), 925
- Fox, Alfred (letter), 335
- — C. Leslie (letter), 623
- — Fred. H. (letter), 265
- France, Great Industrial Scission in, 263
- — Suspending Car Drivers, 544
- Freezing, To Avoid—Cooling Water, 18
- French Milestones, New, 138
- — Roads and Road-making, by Francis Miltoun, 484, 522
- — Salon, The Future of the, 19, 225, 697. 842, 865
- — Voiturette Cup Race, 876, 910
- Friction, Transmission by, 830
- Friend in Need, 290, 404
- Front Brakes, Detachable Wheels and, 717
- — Wheel Brakes, 28, 168, 268, 326
- Brake Trials, R.A.C., 326
- Frozen Water Jackets, 145
- — Pumps, 45
- F. R. S. (letter), 776
- Fryer, Edward H. (letter), 923
- — F. E. (letter), 28
- Fuel Consumption Tests, R.A.C., 690
- — New, for Motor Cars, 877
- Future Ex-motorist, (letter). 701
- Gang Warily (letter). . p)
- Garage Proprietors, Liability of. .14-
- Garages. Court osy at, 588
- Gardner, W. (letter). 233
- Garrard. C. R. (letters). 205, 232. 292
- — Screw Threads, by. 16
- Gason, O. F. (letters), 741, 882
- Gate Gear Patents, 170, 188, 220, 233, 322, 328, 3 41)
- Gauze Wind Screens, 279, 363, 335, 444, 481, 515, 554, 697
- — To Make Easy— W. Canning’s Design, 37
- — Lubrication, 90
- Gears, Planetary and Epicyclic, 367, 404
- General Committee, Royal A.C., 109
- Generator, Separating, King of the Road Lamp, 909
- Germain 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 215,
- German Auto League, 253
- — Emperor at Malta (illustration), 851
- — Voiturette Race, 414
- G. H. (letter), 293 .
- Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, 674
- — Testing, 652
- Girling Ignition Indicator, 491
- Glass Carburetter Experiments, 825
- G. L. (letter), 29
- Glos (letter), 366
- Gloucestershire County Council, 108
- Glycerine, Effect on Cooling Water of Engine, 18, 135, 290
- Goodwin, Alfred (letter), 134
- Gordon, A. B. (letter), 131
- — F. (letter), 810
- — George M. (letter), 203
- Governor General of Australia at Fremantle (illustration), 74
- Gradieit Posts on Main Roads, 884
- Graetz, Lieut., Journey Across Africa, 52
- Grand Prix, 1909, 28, 70
- — des Voiturettes, 108
- — (letter), 848
- — Suppression of, 70
- Grateful (letter), 290
- Gratze Speedometer, 674
- Graves, John (letters), 702, 776
- Gray, Mrs. E. (letter), 848
- Grease Pump, Rudge-Whitworth (illustrations), 738
- — Storing, Necessity for Care in, 567
- Green Aerial Engine, 362
- Gregoire Car, Capt. Masui’s, 238
- — Runabout (illustration), 33
- Griffin, H. Hewitt, Analysis of the Paris Show, by, 36
- Guarantee, A Question of, 528
- Gudgeon Pin Attachment, American, 616
- G. W. (letter), 291
- G. Y. (letter), 167
- H 3092 (letter), 519
- Half-aprons, 60
- Halford Lever Spring Suspension System, 173
- Hall and Baynes Detachable Rim, Description of, 356
- — Dual Ignition, Description of, 198
- — J. H. (letters), 96, 443
- — Spare Wheel, 65, 96
- Hamilton Anti-collide Indicator, 521
- — N. H. (letter), 589
- Hampshire A.C., 634
- — man (letter), 133
- — Motorist (letter), 134
- Handbooks, Belated, 591
- Hands, Warm, when Driving, 342
- Harding, Francis E. (letter), 737
- Hardman, F. A. De R. (letter), 813
- Hardy-Smith, Leonard (letter), 444
- Hare, John (letter), 334
- Harris, F. H. (letter), 268
- Harrogate and District A.C., 412
- Harrold, H. G. (letter), 403
- Harsh Treatment of Motorists in Liverpool, 716
- Hart Davies, Ivan B. (letter), 26
- Hartlepools A.C., 208
- Harvey Frost Vulcanisers, 464
- Hayter Springing System, 228
- H. C. G. (letter), 332
- Headech, Ernest T. (letters), 662, 741
- Head Lamps and Gilt Reflectors, 403, 479
- — — Central Mounting of, 825
- - Electric, for Cars, 118
- Headlights, Position of, 138, 825
- — Powerful, 700
- Headlights, Swivelling, 377, 392, 444, 481
- Health. Restorative, Motoring as, 73
- Heating and Lighting Motor House — Primary Cell, 142
- Helix (letter), 591
- Holsby Tyre, Experience, 924.
- “ Henry Edmunds ” Hill-climb, 879, 929
- Hertfordshire County A'.C., 276, 341, 490, 670, 707, 780, 854, 892, 931
- H. G. M. C. (letter), 701
- Hickman, G. (letter), 294
- — V. E. (letter), 554
- Highly Glazed Paper, 28
- High Tension Terminal, Simms, 645
- Highway, Cattle and Sheep on, 230, 239, 294, 365
- — Law, Lecture by G. D. Leechman, 118
- Hill-climbing Tests, 863
- Hill-climb, South Australia, 139, 158
- Hillman-Coatalen 12-15 h.p. Car, Description of, 568
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 4, 45, 72, 106, 145, 181, 213, 245, 298, 314, 345, 379, 417, 457, 495, 530, 567, 604, 639, 677, 713, 749, 785, 821, 857, 895
- — on Body Design, 185, 230
- Historical Motor Cars, 587, 747, 760, 827, 863
- H. N. (letter), 922
- Holden, H. C. L. (letter), 587
- Holiday, A Carless, 493
- — Experiences, 587, 700
- — Police Traps, 498
- Holmes, E. L. Radcliffe (letter), 201
- Home Defence, Motorists and, 482
- Home-made Petrol and a Surface Carburetter, 897
- Homoil, Demonstration of, 897
- Hood and Screen, Marryatt, 260
- — Separators, 609
- Hoods, To Prevent Wear of, 345
- Horder, Thomas J. (letter), 624
- Horn Bulb Protector, 635
- — Novel, for White Steamer, 345
- — Regulations — An Example from Ceylon, 96
- Horse and Tram Accidents, 138, 221
- — Driver, Drunken, at Kingston, 275
- — The Callous, 624
- Horse-power at the Road Wheels, 511, 661
- — Formula, Simple and Practical, 784, 848
- — Rating, 845, 883, 923
- — Tests, Prolonged, 313
- Horseshoe in Tyre (illustration), 778
- — Nails on the Road, 921 Hospital Sunday, 842
- Hotchkiss Cars, Capt. C. P. Wood’s (illustration), 271
- — 30-40 h.p. Car (illustration), 126
- House of Commons and Motor Cars, 286, 359, 399, 436, 478, 513, 583, 698, 736, 782, 805, 814, 842, 917
- How a Motor Engineer’s Experience is Gained, 468
- — to Avoid London, 731, 810
- Howard Wright Aeroplanes, 104
- H. T. D. (letter), 774
- H. T. (letter), 924
- Hubbard, W. L. (letter), 201
- Hughes, Hugh (letter), 479
- Hull and District A.C., 341
- Human Voice v. Hom, 332
- Humber Car in Australia (illustration), 394
- — Team in Irish Trials (illustration), 879
- — 16 h.p. Car, New Model, 130, 268, 547
- — Cars, Petrol Consumption in, 232, 265, 293, 363, 403, 518
- — (letter), 846
- — Ltd., Reconstruction Scheme, 175, 199
- Hunter, Fred. C. (letter), 232
- — Percy, Motoring in Australasia, 114
- Huth, Alfred II. (letters), 63, 167, 291, 640
- Hyde, P. A. (letter), 401
- — Tom (letter), 402
- “ Hydroplanes ” or “ Skimmers ” ? by Sir John I. Thornycroft, 370
- Hydraulic Gear for Autocars, The Janney, Description of, 467
- Hydros, Flying Kilometre at, 598
- H. Y. (letter), 665
- Identification, Difficulties of, 719, 929
- — Number, 530
- Idolatry amongst Motorists, 774
- Ignition Indicator, The Girling, 491
- — Influence of, 565
- — Problem, 811
- — Systems, 528
- — Timer, Larrad Valve and, Description of, 206
- — Transmission and, 555, 588, 625
- Illegal Conviction by Sussex Police, 852
- Illuminated Danger Signs, 650
- Imperial International Exhibition, 621
- Imperial Press Conference, Motors at, 586, 868
- — Delegates, Motor Trip, Coventry to Oxford, 868
- Imports and Exports of Motor Cars, 125, 218
- — To Suppress, 39
- Increased Engine Power, 132
- India, Along the North-west Frontier of, 714
- — Amateur’s Difficulties in, 25
- — Motor Cars in, 401
- Indianapolis Motor Track, 264, 502
- Individuality of Design, 26
- Industrial Scission in France, 263
- Inland Revenue Licences, 96
- I N 40 (letter), 203
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 668, 669, 778
- — and Aeronautics, 544
- — Papers at, 223, 368
- — Year’s Progress, 319
- Instone, E. M. C. (letter), 445
- Instruction, A System of, 40
- Insurance, Motor Car, 26, 231, 333, 699, 740# 775
- Interchangeable Nuts, 2
- Inter-club Competitions at Brooklands, 360, 377, 891
- — Competition in Staffordshire, 853
- — Meets, R.A.C., 497, 706
- Interested (letter), 738
- Interviews with Coventry Houses, State of Motor Industry, 264
- Inventors, Society to Assist, 597
- Investigation of Dustlessnes3 of Cars without using Dust, R.A.C. Paper, 729
- Ipswich and East Suffolk A.C., 312, 707
- Iris Cars, Ltd. (letter), 774
- Irish A.C., 92, 242, 341
- — Reliability Trials, 161, 226, 271, 385, 635, 766, 800, 809, 831, 843, 848, 881 A Log of the, 800
- — Official Results, 871
- — The Aftermath, 843, 881
- Isle of Man Racing, 697
- Itala 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 182
- — Car with D-front Body (illustration), 563
- James and Browne, Ltd. (letter), 232
- Janney Hydraulic Gear for Autocars, Description of, 467
- Jarrott and Letts, Ltd. (letters), 170, 235
- — Chas, (letters), 95, 136, 291
- — My Russian Experiences, by, 561, 592, 629
- Java, Automobilism in, 596
- — Cadillac Car in (illustrations), 927
- J. C. (letter), 811
- J. C., M.D. (letter), 133
- Jefferson, R. L., Peculiar Requirements of Peculiar Countries, 112
- — Robert (letter), 229
- J. F. B. (letter), 405
- J. F. (letter), 402
- J. (letter), 740
- John, Owen, On the Road, by, 15, 117, 185, 224, 257, 295, 329, 353, 435, 477, 500, 549, 580, 617, 644, 684, 761, 791, 837, 861
- Johnson, Dr., on Balloons, 210
- — J. (letter), 847
- Jones, Leonard R. (letter), 846
- — Speedometer Drive, 584
- Joy, Bertram C. (letter), 291
- Notes on Cam Design, by, 152
- J. P. B. (letter), 701
- Junicus Junior (letter), 848
- Justice (letter), 774
- J. W. (letter), 519
- K. B. S. (letter), 171
- Kempshall Anti-skid Tyres, 437
- — Tyres, Non-skidding Tests of, 325
- Kendrick, A. L. (letter), 481
- Kennedy, Walter J. (letters), 27, 171
- Kent A.C., 527, 931, 932
- — Authorities, 589
- — County Council and Road Improvements, 140
- Kenway, Philip T. (letter), 700
- Kerry, A Run in, 203
- Kinder, C. W. (letter), 404
- King and Duke of Connaught at Wellington College (illustration), 918
- — Queen leaving Olympia (illustration), 841
- — of the Road Separating Generator, 909
- King. T. G.. jun. (loiter), 773
- Kingscote, R. A. F. Hotter), 881
- King’s Derby a Motor Derby, 793
- Kingston Bench and Horse Driver, 275
- Kleploos (letter), 882
- Knight, J. B. (letter), 401
- — C.Y., Lecture by, New Daimler Engine, 91, 174, 236
- — Patent Latest, Specification of, 839
- Knowles, E. Miles (letter), 404
- Kuklos, Article by, 5
- Labanhie and Puthet Glider (illustration), •778
- La Buire “Voiture de Course” (illustrations), 347
- Ladies’ A.C., 891
- Lady Motorist (letter), 201
- Lafone, H. C., On the Track, by, 120, 160, 282, 337, 369, 409, 416, 461, 503, 627, 649, 696, 723, 765, 799, 833, 877, 916
- Lamp-brackets, Swivelling, 286, 377, 392, 444, 481
- Lamb, D. R. (letter), 625
- Lamp Glasses, Broken, 495
- — Trials, Royal A.C., 203, 227, 343, 443, 482, 706, 874, 922
- Lamps and the Small Car, 926
- — Rear, 288
- Lancashire, A.A. Signs in, 605
- — A.C., 374, 453, 490, 551, 634, 708, 745, 780, 854, 931
- Lanchester Cars, Experiences, 600, 636, 674
- — Magneto Balancing Arrangement, 371
- — Electric Horn Switch, 248
- — F. W., Achievements of, 259
- — Flight as a Mode of Locomotion, 276
- — G. H. (letters), 292, 444, 364
- — Motor Co., Ltd., 26
- — (letter), 404
- — Springing (illustration), 139
- — Steering Joint Gaiter, 383
- Lancia 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 865
- Landowning Motorist (letter), 63
- Langridge, G. T. (letter), 331
- La Petite Voiture Brasier,” Description of, 110
- Large Diameter Wheels, A Plea for, 589, 623
- Larrad Valve and Ignition Timer, Description of, 206
- Last Year’s Budget, 658
- Launch, Motor, for Asia Minor, 237
- Laurin and Klement 1909 Models, Description of, 316
- Law as to Overtaking Traffic, 486
- Lawmongering Extraordinary, 128
- L. B. (letter), 232
- LB 7882 (letter), 811
- L C 5937 (letter), 401
- Leamington Spa, An Example from, 648
- Leather Non-skids, 404
- Lectures, The Autocar, 297
- Leaky Honeycomb Radiators, 298, 677
- — Water Pumps, 45
- Lee, Wm. Cooper (letter), 776
- Lee-Trigwell Band, New, 474
- Leitner, Henry (letter), 555
- Leng, C. D. (letter), 231
- Letters from Motoring Enthusiast, by Marcus Bourdon, 4, 106, 213, 314, 530
- L. IL D. (letter), 366
- L. H. P. (letter), 65
- Liability for Damages. 88
- Licence and Registration Fees, Motorists’, 94, 132, 202
- Life of Cars, 710, 746
- Lighting and Charging Dynamo, 741
- — Bleriot, Description of, 686
- — of Motor Houses, 154, 290, 367, 403
- Light Six-cylinder Cars, 133, 229, 332, 364, 444, 516, 553, 624, 661, 777
- Lights on Vehicles Act, 1907. Places where Byelaws have been made, 241
- Ligue Internationale des Associations Touristes, 348, 552
- Limiting Speed Limits, 775
- Lincolnshire A.C., 35, 242, 341, 599, 670, 818, 891, 932
- Liquid Level Indicators, 379
- Little Briton Car, Trial Run on a, 753, 926
- Liverpool A.C., 312
- — Harsh Treatment of Motorists in, 716
- — M.C., 92, 139, 177, 208, 341, 490, 527. 633
- — Police and Passing of Tramcars, 164
- L 977 (letter), 846
- Llewellyn, A. (letter), 701
- Lloyd, Major F. Lindsay, Brooklands Manager, 31
- L N 4957 (letter), 553
- L N 8175 (letter), 738
- Local Government Board Order, New, 285
- Lock-it Screens, 614
- Lodge Bros, and Co. (letter), 885
- — Reversing and Two-way Switch, 35
- London Cab Drivers Learning to drive
- — Standard Car (illustrations), 669
- — County Council and Motor Car Legislation, 767
- — How to Avoid, 731, 810
- — (letter), 623
- — Parks, Motor Cars in, 435
- — to Edinburgh Run, Officially Observed by R.A.C., 149
- London-Edinburgh Run (illustration). 890
- — M.C.C., 717, 804
- Long and Short Strokes, 479
- Lonsdale, N. (letter), 333
- Lotis de Luxe Car, 842
- Lowe, Godfrey (letter), 293
- Low First Speeds, 783
- Lubricating Oil, Congealed, 298
- Lubrication, Cylinder, by Oil Spray Induction, 849
- — of the Car, 60
- — Trouble and its Cure, 639
- Lubricator Case, Doal, 195
- Lucas Head Lamps, 372
- Lynam, F. J. (letter), 233
- “ Lyn ton ” Wheel, A Run on the, 649
- Lyst, F., Invention by—Explosion Recoil Engine, 724
- — Francis (letter), 62
- Macartney, Walter C. (letter), 809
- Macleod, A. Gordon (letter), 134
- Mac (letter), 739
- Madras, Peculiar Requirements of, 692
- Magneto Balancing Arrangement, Lanchester, 371
- — Derangement, Hints and Tips on, 895
- — Simms, Switch-starter, 704
- — v. Accumulator, 454
- Main Road and By-road Traffic, 331, 457, 516, 553
- Making Converts, 232
- Malglaive, Henri de (letter), 776
- Manchester A.C., 92, 177, 208, 341, 374, 527, 551, 671, 745, 781
- — Belle Vue Show, 280
- — Club’s Hill-climb (illustration), 653
- — M.C., 208, 490, 670, 781, 891, 931
- Man of Kent (letter), 94
- — Sussex (letter), 132
- Map of Police Traps, 755
- — Strip, Case for, 795
- Marine Motor Association, 551
- Markt and Co.’s Speedometers, 275
- Marryatt Hood and Screen, 260
- Martin, Robert (letter), 201
- Marx, C. M. (letter), 290
- Mass Car, “Special” 15 h.p. Car (illustrations), 618
- Masui’s, Capt., Gregoire Car, 238
- — Theo (letter), 25
- Matthew, J. S. (letter), 665
- Maudslay 17 h.p. New Pattern Car, 878
- M.C.C. London-Edinburgh Run, 717, 804
- McCurdy, Douglas, and his 50 h.p. Aeroplane (illustration), 450
- McKinney, A. J., Resilient Fillings for Tyres, by, 822
- Measurement of Brooklands Track, 728
- Mechanically Operated Inlet Valve Broken, 785
- Mechanical Transport for the Army, 358, 398, 405
- — Tyre Inflators, 142
- Mecredy, R. J. (letter), 515 *
- Medical Men, Cars for, 133, 452
- — Motorist of Ten Years’ Standing (letter), 202
- — Motorists and Budget Proposals, 817
- Medicus (letters), 479, 699
- Meditations on the Motor Tax, by a Man of Modest Income, 656
- Meet of Draghounds, Napier Car at (illustration), 503
- Melhuish and Co. (letter), 335
- Mell, Parry (letter), 94
- Member, A (letter on the R.A.C.), 290
- — of Engineering Standards Committee
- — (letters), 204, 333
- — the R.A.C. (letter), 205
- Mercedes 15-20 h.p. Car, Description of, 887
- — 18-28 h.p. Car and Four Generations of
- Motorists (illustration), 632
- — 35-45 h.p. Car, 492
- — 65 h.p., J. Watney’s (illustrations), 798, 830
- — 75 h.p. Car for Prince of Hatzfeld (illustration), 372
- — 100 h.p. Aero Motor, 521
- — Car, A. W. Tate’s, at Brooklands (illustration), 580
- — for Crown Prince of Japan (illustration), 289
- Mercedes Car, H.M. the King’s (illustration), 775
- — in Prince Henry Trials (illustration),
- — Cars, Body Design of, 798
- — Co., Subdivision of Capital, 69
- — Daimler Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 233
- — Patents, 170, 188, 220, 233
- — Patents, Abridgments of, 188
- — Some Anticipations of, 322
- Merchant Venturers’ College, Bristol, and
- Motor Car Engineering, 442
- Mere Chauffeur (letter), 266
- Merionethshire, The Police in, 699, 880, 923
- Metallurgique 40-50 h.p. Car (illustrations), 275, 851
- — Phaeton (illustration), 381
- Metal-to-metal Clutch, “ Saver,” 406
- Metropolitan Police Tyranny, 708
- Mica Low Tension Plugs, 785
- Michelin Cup, Wilbur Wright Winner, 55
- — Flying Prize, 433, 583
- — Trophy (illustrations), 612
- — Rim Clips, To Remove, 145
- — Spare Rim Brackets, 393
- Middle-class Motorist (letter), 665
- Midland A.C., 551, 599, 854, 891
- Mileage per Gallon, 405, 555
- Milestones, French, New Type, 138
- Military Motor Exercises, Reconnaissance in the Midlands, 618
- — Reconnaissance, Motor, 681
- Mills, J. W., and Co. (letter), 26
- Milne, J. A. (letter), 811
- Miltoun, Francis, Automobiles and Aeroplanes in the Pyrenees, by, 394
- — French Roads and Road-making, by, 484, 522
- M. I. M. E. (letters), 517, 664
- Minerva 15 h.p. Car (illustration), 253
- — 14 h.p. Remodelled (illustrations), 627
- — Knight Engine, Particulars of, 726
- Misfire, Puzzling, 60
- Misfiring, 345
- Misleading Statements, Correction of, 26, 32, 34, 168
- Mitchell’s Patent Wind Shields, Description of, 258
- Mobilisation Experiment, Defence of Yorkshire Coast, 504, 606
- — Scottish A.C. Scheme, 769, 783
- Moderation (letter), 885
- Moffat, Hugh (letters), 268, 334, 364, 405
- Monaco, Aeroplane Meeting at, 98, 99, 327, 560
- — and Aeroplane Races (illustration), 41
- — Motor Boat Meeting, 372, 398, 513, 542
- Montgomerie, V. (letters), 230, 364, 444
- Monty (letters), 205, 231, 333
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T. C. (letter), 97
- Moores, Geo. (letter), 267
- Moore, T. (letter), 924
- Moorews, George (letter), 97
- Mors 12-15 h.p. Car (illustrations), 288, 449
- — 15 h.p. Four-cylinder Car Test, 691
- Morgan, H. F. S. (letter), 664
- — William (letter), 626
- Moskovic, F. E. (letter), 773
- Motobloc Cars, 376
- Motor Accessories Co. (letters), 204, 482
- Motor Boat Club, 276
- — Meeting at Monaco, 372, 398, 513, 542
- — Cars Abroad, 105, 112
- — Car, The— A History and Souvenir, Review, 227
- — Club, 177, 312
- — Competitions, 40
- — Cycles, Motor Cars and, 893
- Motor Cycling Club, 453, 744, 745
- — Cyclist (letter), 809
- — House, Notable Racing Cars at, 176
- Motor Maintenance Co. (letter), 701
- — Union and Ligue Internationale des
- — Associations Touristes, 348
- — the Finance Bill, 880, 929
- — Annual General Meeting, 628
- — Business, General Committee Meeting, 172, 762
- — Centres, Newly-formed, 101
- — General Committee, 284, 449
- — Notes, 17, 53, 75, 119, 159, 193, 219, 251, 287, 321, 423, 355, 389, 471, 505, 545, 579, 615, 651, 691, 727, 763, 797, 835, 867, 913
- — Repairers in France, 175
- — Road Signs, 596
- — Unionist (letter), 810
- — r. Train in Blizzard, 359
- — Yacht Club, 208, 312, 341, 413, 453, 490, 527, 551, 599, 634, 671, 708, 744, 854, 931
- Paper, by Sir John I. Thornycroft, 370 , „
- Motoring Enthusiast’s Letters, by Marcus Bourdon, 4, 106, 213, 314
- Motorist, in Embryo. 405
- — (letters), 868. 804. 365, 623»JP
- Motorists and Home Defence, 482
- — Club of a Dream. 46
- — Treated as Hogues and Vagabonds, 3b(>
- Motorphobia, 326
- Motors, Heads, and Taxes, 27, 37, 63, 71> 132, 167, 202, 291
- Mountains, The Small Car in the, by E. D. Fawcett, 506
- M. P. (letter), 924
- M. So. (letter), 813
- Mudcatcher, A, 639
- Muirhead Tyre Protector, 930
- Mulliner, H. J. (letters), 333, 364
- — Limousine Body (illustrations), 815, 892
- Murray, Leslie F. (letter), 925
- Napier Car, Captain Disney Watt’s (illustration), 503
- — in Victoria (illustration), 812
- — Miss Bessie Burns (illustration), 69
- — Jas. Langmuir (letter), 135
- — New 10 h.p. Two-cylinder Car, 126
- — Cars 239
- — 26 h.p. Car (illustration), 372
- — 40 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration), 808
- — 60 h.p., in Australia (illustrations), 622
- Newfoundland (illustration), 109
- Naphthalene as Fuel, Experiments with, 38
- Native of Kent (letter), 589
- N. E. G. (letter), 483
- Neotherm Cell, New Source of Electricity, 796
- New Arrol-Johnston Car Co., (letter), 447
- — Cars form Old (illustration), 144
- — Engine, Latest Model (illustration), 172
- — (Motor) Co., Ltd. (letters), 167, 740
- — Forest, Royal A.C. Visit, 757
- — Patents Act, Gate Patents and, 328
- — South Wales, Motor Van in, 34
- — Thing in Cars, 25
- — Zealand, Cadillac Engine driving Sheep-shearing Machine (illustration), 176
- — — Reliability Trials, 336, 487
- — Subscriber (letter), 885
- — Trials (illustrations), 315, 337
- Newquay, Roads in, 515
- Nice Automobile Week, 286, 470, 475
- — Meeting, Revival of, 195, 286
- Noad, Percy H. (letter), 809
- Noise and Carburetter, 142, 674
- Noises, Motor Car, and the Public, 26
- Noisy Cars, 211, 290, 331, 363, 401, 443, 677
- Non-skid Detachable Band, Durendal, 262
- — Regulations, 1
- — Steel-studded Bands, 142
- Non-skids, Leather, 404
- Non-slipping Trials, 288, 313, 325
- Nordenfelt Limousine with Frankonia Mudguards, 373
- Northern Games, Stockholm, Motoring in, 249, 283
- North Middlesex A.C., 242, 551, 853
- — Road Hotel, 626
- — Stafford A.C., Derbyshire and, 634
- — Wales Automobile Club, 707
- Northumberland (letter), 922
- Norway, First Motor Show at Christiania, 770
- Nottinghamshire A.C., 92, 208, 780, 892, 931
- Novice (letters), 367, 555
- Nuts, Interchangeable, 2
- Nuttall, J. S. (letter), 741
- Observer (letter), 925
- Obstructing the Police, Warning Motorists of Traps, 209, 271, 381, 473
- Obstruction, Charges of, Leaving Motor Car, 588, 598
- O’Connor, Henry, Article by, 18
- — — (letter), 290
- Oil, Good, and Convenience, 578
- — Lamps, Extinguishing, 145
- Tap Shut when Horizontal, 181
- Oils and Oils, 825
- Oldham, A. H. (letter), 883
- O 2909 (letter), 96
- O 181 (letter), 921
- Olympia Motor Show, 597
- One Policy, One Centre, One Ideal, 864
- Onslow, Arther L. (letter), 663
- On the Road, Abroad, 761, 791
- — by Owen John, 15, 117, 185, 224, 257, 295, 329, 353, 382, 435, 477, 500, 549, 580, 617, 644, 684, 761, 791, 837,
- — In Elsass Lothringen, 684
- — by H. C. Lafone, 120, 160, 282, 337, 369, 409, 416, 461, 503,. 627, 649, 696, 723, 765, 799, 833, 878, 916
- Opinions and Experiences, 885
- Ordinary Car Owner (letter), 70Z
- Organisations, Motorists’, 813
- Ormandy, W. R. (letter), 168
- Orno Recoverer, 778
- Overheating, Curious Case of, 457
- Overtaking Cars, 774, 813, 845 t
- — Traffic, Statement by Motor Union, 39y
- — Traffic, Law as to, 486
- Owen-Lewis, A. F, (letter), 23
- Paddon, Phil (letter), 813
- Paddy (letter), 700
- Paint and Upholstery, To Save, 375
- Painting Car, 454, 492
- Palethorpe, C. H. (letter), 367
- Palmer, C. Lucey (letter), 230
- — Tyre Cord, Testing Strength of (illustration), 180
- — X Ray Photograph of, 448
- Panhard 60 h.p. Car (illustration), 516
- — 25-30 h.p. Car in Toronto (illustration), 519
- Paraffin a Safer Fuel than Petrol, 609
- — Carburetters, 663, 700, 712, 741, 776,
- — for Steam Cars, 785
- Paris Salon, Future of the, 19, 225, 697, 842, 865
- — Show Analysis, by H. Hewitt Griffin, 36
- — Touring by Motor Cars (illustration), 141
- Parks, Motors in, 479
- — Regulations Act and Motorists, 38, 513
- Parliament and Motor Cars, 261, 286, 359, 399, 436, 478, 513, 583, 698, 736, 782, 805, 814, 917
- Parsons Non-skid Chain, 454
- — Panflex Wheel, 847
- Passenger (letter), 813
- Passer-by (letter), 270
- Passing Motor Cyclists, 553, 809
- — Tramcars, 3, 90, 105, 124, 163, 164, 167, 234, 271, 285, 286, 327, 346, 437, 442,
- Patent, German, Protective Value of, 226
- Patents, Gate Change, 170, 188, 220, 233, 322, 328, 346
- — Mercedes Daimler, Gate Change, 170, 188, 220, 233, 346
- — Revocation of, Decision of High Court, 475
- — Working of New Act, 3
- Patton, Marcus (letters), 94, 97
- P. B. C. (letter), 882
- Pearce, T. M. (letter), 294
- Pearson and Cox Steam Car, 454
- Peculiar Requirements of Peculiar Countries, 112, 610, 666, 692
- — Letters re, 203, 229, 269, 444, 519, 554, 590, 626, 699, 737, 774, 778, 812, 885
- Pembrokeshire A.C., 744
- Pendine Sands, Speed Trials on, 765
- Peninsular (letter), 132
- Pen war den, H. (letters), 267, 847
- Peter Union Tyres, 376
- Petite (letter), 401
- Peto and Radford, Ltd. (letter), 403
- Petornoto (letter), 923
- Petrol and Oil Strainers, 245, 677
- — Car, Development of the (illustration), 930
- — Composition of, by Bertram Blount, 368
- — Consumption of Humber Cars, 232, 265, 293, 363, 403, 518
- — on Small Cars, 776
- — Reducing, 278, 367, 411
- — Filtering Tundish, 603
- — Funnel and Strainer— Ferranti, Ltd., 909
- — Indicator, 909
- — Gauge, Ingenious, Hewer’s Car Bodies, Ltd., 817
- — Home-made, and a Surface Carburetter, 897
- — No Dearth of, 455
- — Pipes, Broken, 495
- — Price of, 328, 398, 455. 735, 847
- — Prices and Problems, 655 The Future of, 455
- — Registering Consumption of, 358
- — Russian, P.G.R., 282
- — Some Chemical Notes on, by H. Ballantyne, 368
- — Specification, 782
- — Tank Positions, 548
- — Tax, Recently Imposed, 735, 811, 846, 855
- — The Voting on the, 805
- — The “ Mex,” Bowering Petroleum Co.’s, 192
- Petroleum Spirit and Public Safety, 756*
- — Wells in British West Indies, 186, 233,
- Peugeot 12-16 h.p., Description of, 496^°
- Pfleumatic Tyre Filling, Test of, 189, 525, 541, 586, 596
- P.G.R. Motor Spirit, 282
- Pheby, G. (letter), 231
- Philadelphia, Spectators’ Care at Match (illustration), 2
- Phillips, Horatio (letter), 335
- Phipps, H. B. (letter), 445
- Phoenix 10-12 h.p. Car, Description of, 407
- — Two-seater (illustration), 209
- Phoenix Car: Easy Starting Device, 452
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 25
- Pickford, J. H. (letter), 446
- Pig that Barked, 269
- Pilgrim Chauffeur (letter), 269
- Pilot Jet, The, 30, 97, 133, 137, 365
- Pinkerton, C. E. H. (letter), 404
- Pioneer, A, and his Critics, 537
- — Car, 1898 Daimler, 660
- — The Work of a, Review of F. W. Lanchester’s Achievements, 259
- Pizey, G. H. (letter), 624
- Places to Avoid, 625, 773, 813, 846
- Planetary and Epicyclic Gears, 367, 404
- P. M. B. H. (letter), 925
- Police Cases, 348, 366, 375, 400, 618, 622, 719, 798, 815, 851, 875, 929
- — “ Fair ” Methods of, 294, 698
- — Inconsistency, 588
- — Injuries to, in Metropolis, 194
- — Methods in West Suffolk, 885
- — Obstructing the, Warning against Trap, 209, 271, 381
- — Rebuked by Just Mayor, 792
- — Trap in Scotland, Avoiding, 741
- — Traps, 621, 749, 754, 779, 816, 890, 925
- — Easter Holiday, 498
- — Neurotic Constables Employed, 602
- — of England, Map of, 755
- Politics, Aeronautic, 129
- Polkey Electric Lighting System for Cars, 619
- Polkey, John (letters), 482, 923
- P 0000 (letter), 775
- Poor Man’s Aeroplane, 122
- Popularising Brooklands, 150
- Porcus Viatus (letter), 269
- Possibilities of New Touring Centres— the Black Country, 580
- Power Curve, 12-14 h.p. Crossley Four-cylinder Engine, 896
- — Horse, at the Road Wheels, 511
- Powys-Keck, H. J. (letter), 4§2
- Practical (letter), 481
- Presentation Function, Daimler Co., 635
- President-elect Taft and his White Steam Car, 88
- Pressy, E. P. (letter), 331
- Primary Cell—Heating and Lighting Motor House, 142
- — Charging of Accumulators, 746
- Priming with Petrol, 457
- Prince and Princess of Wales’s Tour of Cornwall, 862, 880
- — Henry Tour, 161, 204
- — Touring Car Trials (illustrations), 856, 929
- Private Owners and their Drivers, 28, 64
- Prophecy, Motor Cars in, 403
- Protecting Ears from the Wind, 821
- Provincial Meetings, R.A.C., 670, 870
- Ptoof, S. O. A. (letter), 334
- Punctured Float, How to Repair, 567, 713
- Puncture-proof Band, Tesama, 69
- Puncture Test—Sealomatic Tubes, 452
- Pyrenees, Automobiles and Aeroplanes in, 394
- Q. E. D. (letter), 588
- Quarterly Reports, R.A.C., 586
- Queries and Replies, 142, 376, 454, 492, 528, 564, 600, 636, 674, 709, 746
- Question from the Skies, 335
- Quick Picking Up, 855
- R.A.C., 334
- — and Associated Clubs, 653
- — First Annual Dinner, 127
- - Motor Car Taxation Proposals, 772, 819, 826, 837
- — Scottish Reliability Trials, 1908, 6
- — Annual General Meeting, 439
- — Dinner, 263, 279, 373, 439
- — Associate (letter), 134
- — Associates and New Club House, 134 205, 265, 290, 331
- — Badges (illustration), 571
- — Certificate—Armstrong-Whitworth Car Test, 582
- — Club, Models of Cars at, 240
- — Driving and Proficiency Certificates, 116
- — Dust Trials, 263, 927
- — Finance, 361, 382
- — R.A.C, Fuel Consumption Tests, 690
- — General Committee, 109, 141, 236, 328, 535
- — Head Lamp Trials, 203, 227, 343, 443, 482, 706, 874, 922
- — Objects and Chief Regulations, 874
- — Inter-club Meets, 497, 706
- — Monthly Trials, 556, 736, 795, 855, 877
- — Official Tests, 277, 736
- — Organising Committee, 816
- — Paper, “ Investigation of Dustlessness without using Dust,” 729
- — by Sir John I. Thornycroft, “ Hydroplanes or Skimmers,” 370
- — Provincial Meeting at Lyndhurst, 670
- — Warwickshire, 870
- — Quarterly Reports, 586
- — Small Car Trials, 327
- — Test of New Daimler Engine, 418, 462, 477 SQO K17
- — Pfleumatic Tyre Filling, 489’, 525,’541, 586, 596
- — Trial and its Reception, 617
- — of Reinforced Inner Tubes, 764
- — Forthcoming, 90, 138, 414
- — Tyre Tests, 237
- — Visit to Hampshire, 757
- Race Meetings at Brooklands, 532
- Racers, 6 h.p., 95, 137, 169, 229, 291, 553
- Races, Records, Hill-climbs, and Trials Tables, 80
- Racing at Brooklands, 820
- — Outlook, by G. T, Rose, 546
- Radcliffe-Holmes, E. L. (letter), 26
- Radiator Vents, 713
- Radiators, Bonnets and—Autocars of 1909, 572
- — Honeycomb, Leaky, 298, 677
- — Removing Water from, 857
- — Sunbeam, Megevet, The Making of, 540
- Rapid Car, 14 h.p. Car (illustrations), 625
- — 1909 Models, 371
- Rating Formula, Extraordinary, 414
- Rattling Bonnets, 145
- Ray Carburetter, 178
- Real Reliability Trial, Advance Engine,284
- — Road Hog, 624, 700
- Police Case, 226
- Rear Reflector for Bicycles, 237
- — White Lights, Dangers of, 96
- Rebmuh (lettfer), 518
- Reckless Driving, 882, 885
- Recoil Piston Engine, 62
- Reconnaissance, Motor Military, 681
- Records at Florida—A Protest, 773
- Red Rock (letters), 363, 479
- Reeves, J. (letter), 481
- Registering Consumption of Fuel, Consumeter, 358
- Registration Fees, Motorists’ Licence and, 94, 132, 202
- — Figures, England—What the French think, 3
- Reinforced Inner Tube, 773
- Reliability Trials, 894
- Remaking a Road, 813
- Removing Deposit from Cylinders, 457, 746. 777, 845, 882, 922, 925
- Renault Type of Car, 29, 62, 132, 270, 293
- Renonf, P. L. (letter), 268
- Resilient Fillings for Tyres, by A. J. McKinney, 822
- — Letter re, 921
- — Wheels, 142
- “ Rest and be Thankful ” Hill (illustrations), 422, 874*
- Result Tables for Races, etc., 1908, 80
- Retreads, Cheap, 133
- Retrospect, A, 1908, 6
- Reversing and Two-way Switch, Lodge Bros, and Co., 35
- Review at Aldershot (illustration), 779
- — of Chief Events in 1908, 6
- Races, Records, Hill-climbs, and Trials of 1908, 77
- Reviews, 24, 89, 174, 227, 413, 613, 671, 892
- Revocation of Patents, Application for, 328
- — Decision of High Court, 475
- — Working of New Act, 3, 328
- R. F. W. (letter), 331
- R. G. O. (letter), 774 R. H. (letter), 741
- Richardson, C. H. (letter), 699
- — W. Dudley (letter), 231
- Richmond and District M.C., 412, 453, 527, 599, 745, 818
- Rights of Police when Trapping, 636
- — on the Road—A Jury’s Decision, 207
- Riley 10 h.p. Car (illustration), 928
- — Slide Valve Engine, Description of
- — Invention, 886
- — Two-cylinder Landaulet (illustration), 7
- Rim, Wynne Patent, 118
- R 523 (letters), 702, 776
- R* (letter), 740
- R. M. W. (letter), 62
- Road as a Playground, 415
- — Broken, 290
- — Conference, County Council’s Association, 672 _
- — Construction and Maintenance, by
- — Lieut.-colonel Crompton, 156
- — Courtesies, 332, 366, 774, 813, 845, 846
- — Wheels, B.H.P. at, 924
- — Horse-power at the, 511, 661
- Roads and Motors—County Councils’ Association Conference, 451
- Road-making, French, by Francis Miltoun, 484, 522
- — Damage by Motor Traffic, 443
- — Improvement Association, 605
- Report, Dust Problem Statistics, 621
- — in East Suffolk, Improved, 566
- — Gloucester and Somerset, 883
- — Main, Gradient Posts on, 884
- — Motors, and Taxes, 27, 37, 63, 71, 132, 167, 202, 291
- Roadside Notice in Surrey (illustration), 837
- — Repairing Van (illustrations), 380
- — Telephone Call Box (illustration), 49
- Robinson, C. O. (letter), 701
- Rochet-Schneider Competition, 635
- Rolls-Royce Car at Corners (illustrations), 721
- — Mentone (illustration), 411
- — Sir Edgar Boehm’s (illustration), 838
- — Cars, 175
- — Refinements, Next Year’s, 832
- — Sparking Plug and Valve Clearance Gauge, 90
- Roper, William (letter), 847
- Ropner, L. (letter), 202
- Rose, A. (letter), 168
- — G. T., The Racing Outlook, by, 546
- — John G. (letter), 699
- Rotating Sleeve Valve Engine, 873
- Routes for a Tour, 710
- Route to France, 265
- Rover 8 h.p. Carburetter Test, 705
- — Car (letter), 364
- — Some Details of, 324
- — 6 h.p. Car, Latest Pattern, 771
- — 15 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 239
- — Cars, 446
- — Control, 454, 492, 528, 564, 636
- — Improvement—New Air Throttle, 296, 526
- — The 80 h.p., by Kuklos, 5, 95
- Roxburgh, A. C. (letter), 553
- Royal Autocar Progress, The First, 862, 880, 896
- — Remedy, A, 493 Rubber Mats, To Clean, 379
- Rudge-Whitworth Grease Pump (illustrations), 738
- — Ltd. (letter), 554
- Rule of the Road—Important Legal Pronouncement in Scotland, 129, 244 Overtaking of Traffic, 399, 486
- — Tramcars and the, 3, 90, 105, 124, 163, 164, 167, 234, 271, 285, 286, 327, 346, 437, 442, 598
- Runabout, De Dion Type de Course, by, 9i4
- — Small Car Talk, by, 30, 60, 137, 196, 278, 318, 391, 434, 548, 585, 620, 725, 825, 926
- Runciman. Philip (letter), 774
- Running Backwards, To Prevent, 636
- — Costs, 26, 94, 131, 171, 201, 231, 270, 367, 472, 480, 481, 515, 555
- Run Northwards on a 15 h.p. Star, 695
- Russian Experiences, by Charles Jarrott, 561, 592, 629
- Saltburn Race Meeting, Yorkshire A.C., 720
- Salvage Work, Motor Boat for, 734
- S A M D 393 (letter), 367
- Samways, D. W. (letters), 132, 589, 624
- Sankey Wheel, Description of, 194, 238
- Santos-Dumont’s Experiments, 560, 595
- Satisfied (letter), 924
- Saunders, Arthur (letter), 133
- Saver Metal-to-metal Clutch, 406
- Sayers, Henry M. (letter), 480
- — P. (letter), 266
- Scaife, Robt. (letter), 270
- S.C.A.T. 14 h.p. Car (illustration), 518
- — Chassis with Limousine Body (illustration), 136
- Scotland, How* Inconsiderate Driving is checked in, 513
- Scottish A.C., 35, 92, 199, 276, 527, 551, 707
- — Annual Dinner, 199
- — and Coast Defence, 501, 769, 783
- — Finance Bill, 826
- — Road Surveyor’s Conference, 408
- — Autocar Trial, Details of Event, 866
- — Automobile Club House, 70
- — Ferries and Waterways, 699
- — Marine M.C., 892
- — Military Conveyance Scheme, 769, 783
- — Reliability Trial, 226, 556, 583, 782
- — Rules, 362, 583, 866
- — Trials, Diary of, 898, (illustrations), 878, 880
- — Results, 905
- — Route, 769
- Scouts (letter), 28
- Scovell, G. V. (letters), 444, 515
- Screens. The “ Lock-it,” 614
- Screw Threads, by C. R. Garrard, 16
- Standardisation of, 16, 97, 204, 231, 267, 291, 332, 405
- Scalomatic Tubes, A Puncture Test, 452
- Sealy ham (letter), 443
- Sealy, Leofric (letter), 63
- Sears, R. H. (letter), 29
- Second-hand Cars, Selling, 713, 813
- S. E. C. Von L. (letters), 445, 515
- Seeker after Efficiency (letter), 737
- Selden Four-cylinder Car (illustration), 566
- Self-starter, New, 667
- Sero Sed Serio (letter), 267
- Set Screw, Clutch, 495
- Shanks and Co., O. (letter), 809
- Sheffield and District A.C., 35, 177, 341, 412
- — (letter), 332
- Sheffield-Simplex 45 h.p. Car (illustration), 850
- — Car, Sir B. Cunard’s (illustration), 20
- — Gear-box-less Car, 517
- — (illustrations), 220, 669
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 29
- Shepherd’s Bush, Historical Cars at, 827
- Sherrin, Geo. (letter), 884
- S. H. L. (letter), 333
- Shippey, Arthur (letters), 777, 883
- Short Motoring Holidays, 333, 401
- — Stroke (letter), 479
- Shows, The Question of the, 697
- Siam, Motoring in, 116, 212, 410
- Sicilian Motor Races. 658
- Siddeley 14-20 h.p. Car, Mr. V. G. New’s (illustration), 139
- — 200 h.p. Engine for Steam Yacht (illustration), 101
- — Sparking Plug, 235
- — 20 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illustration). 742
- — 18-28 h.p. with Hewer Body (illustrations), 602
- Signboards, Contradictory, 553
- Signs at Cross Roads, 405
- Silencer (letter), 65
- Silent Cars, Use of Horns on, 495
- Similarity in Cars, 133, 205
- Simms, Fred R., Aeroplane for, 200
- — F. R., Automobilism in America, by, 448
- — Magneto Switch Starter, 704
- — Terminal, 645
- Simms-Welbeck 12-15 h.p. Car in Siam (illustration), 278
- Simple Honesty (letter), 699
- — Motorist (letter), 925
- Simplicity (letters), 28, 167, 701
- Simultaneous Sparks in Cylinder, 821, 884, 924
- Singer 16 h.p. Car, Mr. C. B. Grenside’s (illustration), 557
- — Machines, Dr. Stanley Duke’s (illustration). 210
- Sizaire-Naudin 12 h.p. Car (illustration), 340
- — Car in West Africa, 517
- — 8-9 h.p. Car Test. 690
- Sizaire and Naudin Practising at Wintor Velodrome, Paris (illustration), 141
- S. (letter), 62
- S671 (letter), 95
- Slide-Valve Daimler Engine, Patent
- Specifications, 839
- Slide Valve Engine, Lecture by C. Y. Knight, 171. 236
- — New. 799
- — The Bryan, 609
- — with External Sleeves, 886
- — Engines, Coining, 842
- Slipping Clutches, Temporary Remedy for, 857
- — the Clutch, 401
- Small Car Climbing in the Alps, 61
- — Dash, 278
- — in the Mountains, by E. D. Fawcett, 506
- — Talk, by Runabout, 30, 60, 137, 196, 278, 318, 391, 434, 548, 585, 620, 725, 825, 926
- — Trials, R.A.C., 327, 391
- — Cars, 401, 403. 481, 519, 554, 589, 811
- — at the Show, 27, 65, 95, 170, 291
- — — for the Tropics, 674
- Smith, G, H. (letter), 664
- — J. Martyn, Costs of Running Austin Car, by, 473
- Snow, E. (letter), 444
- — Motor Cars in, 68
- Snuggs, J. (letter), 363
- Soar, Henry (letter), 133
- — Speedometer and Autolog, Description of, 103, 133
- Society of Automobile Mechanic Drivers, 312, 342, 374, 453, 490, 552, 634, 708
- — Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 59, 126, 578, 616
- Solar Headlight and Generator, Description of, 50
- — Lamps, 917
- Solicitor-Motorist (letter), 740
- Somerset A.C., 599
- South Africa, Motoring in, 778
- — African (letters), 132, 738
- — Peculiar Requirements of, 692
- — Australia, Hill-climb in, 139, 158
- Southend and District M.C., 177
- Southern M.C., 312, 412, 708, 892, 932
- Southward Ho 1 by Owen John, 228
- Spanish Aeroplane, 594
- — Voiturette Race, 764
- Spanner, Folding, Terry and Sons, 239
- — Ratchet Box, Beeco, 586
- Spare Motor Wheels, Stepney v. Hall, 65, 96
- — Wheel Carrier, C. G. Hilton’s Invention, 915
- — New, 352, 501
- — Hall, 65, 96
- Spark Gaps and Clearances, Gauge for Testing, 90
- Sparking Plug Carrier, 184
- — Test Brackets, 245
- — Traveller, 238, 270
- — Plugs, American, 45
- — Special Small Car, 333
- — Spanners, Making, 145
- Speed Alarums, A Retrograde Step, 494
- — and Comfort, Luxurious Combination of, Daimler Car, 836
- — Excessive, 626
- — Indicator, Magisterial Acceptance of, 474
- — Limit Control Device, W. Roper’s
- — Invention, 718, 810, 847, 889, 924
- — Notices, Inadequate, 460, 553, 925
- — Limits, 30, 68, 184, 398, 488, 499, 616, 659, 890
- — New Taxes and, 884
- — — Prospective, 499, 616, 683, 834
- — To Limit, 775
- — Warwickshire and, 659
- — Regulations, New, at Croydon, 468
- — through Villages, 94
- — Trials on Pendine Sands, 765
- Speedometer and Autolog, Soar, Description of, 103, 133
- — Drive, Jones’s Instruments, 584
- Speeds, Motor Car, 885
- — of Stage Coaches, 61
- Spencer-Moulton Tyres, 342
- Spinney, R. D. (letter), 294
- Spray Carburetter, Does it Spray ? 678, 809, 810, 847
- Spring Belts v. Leather Belts, 29
- — Suspension System, Halford, 173
- — The Hayter, 228
- Springing, Improvements in, 268, 292, 334, 364, 405, 443
- Squabbles of Aero and Motor Car Organisations, 224
- Squeaks, Common Causes of, 45
- Staffordshire, Inter-club Competition at, 853
- — (letter), 626
- Standard Car Badge (illustration), 668
- — In Ceylon (illustration), 705
- — Kempton Cannon and (illustrations), 712
- — Cars for Press Delegates {illustrations), 890, 916
- Standard Cars (illustrations), 595
- — in the Colonics, 406
- — Enthusiast, 625
- — Owner (letter), 516
- — Two-seated Car, Eugene Sandow’s (illustration), 875
- — 20 h.p. Landaulet (illustration), 414
- Star Car and the Late Hon. Thomas Price (illustration), 833
- — in South Africa (illustrations), 218
- — Cars, Experiences of, 564, 600
- — in Competition, 918
- — 15 h.p. Car, Run Northwards on, 695
- — 16 h.p. Car for Madrid (illustration), 100
- — Engineering Co. (letter), 405
- Starling Cars, Group of (illustration), 716
- Starting Device on Phoenix Car, 452
- — Easy, 565
- — from Cold, Stubborn, 457
- — on the Switch, 921
- State of the Motor Industry, Interviews with Coventry Houses, 264
- Steam and Petrol Cars, Packing for, 392
- — Cars, 376, 454, 492
- Steel Discovery, New, 272
- Steering Joint Gaiter, Lanchester, 383
- — Rod, To Prevent Falling, 785
- — Stiff, 72
- Stepney Spare Motor Wheel, Ltd. (letter), 65
- — Wheel, Showing Arab (illustration), 557
- Stockholm, Reliability Trials at, 249, 283
- Stockton and District A.C., 527, 599
- Stones, Freshly Laid, How to Cross, 821
- Stone-throwing at Motor Cars, 557, 851
- St. Petersburg-Moscow Race, 592
- Strain, Lawrence (letter), 921
- Straker-Squire 14-16 h.p. Car for Egypt, 488
- Stuart Sage, F. (letter), 270
- Stud of Cars, Christopher Wade’s (illustration), 728
- Sturmey Motors, Ltd. (letter), 269
- Subterranean Road, Washington, U.S.A, (illustrations), 720
- Successful Defence, 589
- — Top Gear Climb, 581
- Suggested New Road, Birmingham and Wolverhampton, 212
- Sunbeam, 14-18 h.p. Car, Description of, 350
- — Car, Tyre Costs, 737, 773, 810, 845, 884
- — 487 (letter), 810
- — Live Axle Car, 840
- Sunbeam-Megevet Radiators, The Making of, 540
- Superfluous Danger Signs, 623
- Supporter (letter), 96
- Surrey, A Lesson to, 65
- — Police Checkmated, 552
- Suspending Car Drivers in France, 544
- Sussex County Branch of R.A.C., 818
- — Motor Yacht Club, 342, 412, 633, 853, 932
- — Persecution, 623
- — Police Hoist with their Own Petard, 852
- Swift Car, 528 . ,
- — 18-24 h.p. Car (illustration), 928
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 554
- Switch, Reversing and Two-way, Lodge Brothers and Co., 35
- Switzer, J. S. (letter), 739
- Switzerland, Hotel Trade in, 210
- — Western, Motoring in, 506
- Swivelling Lamp-brackets, 377, 392, 444, 481
- Talbot 15 h.p. Car, An Appreciation of, 380
- — Four-cylinder Car, Description of, 750
- — Run on 12 h.p., 100
- Tap, Oil, Shut when Horizontal, 181
- Targa-Florio, 658, 684, 685
- Tariffs, Motor Car, 33, 163
- Taxation— If Motor Cars, why not Pictures and Diamonds ? 591
- — Motor Car, and Scottish A.C., 826
- — Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 890
- — the Motor Union, 880, 929
- — R.A.C., 772, 819, 826, 837
- — Increased, 637, 655, 675, 711, 739, 748, 806, 826, 837, 928
- The Budget and, Correspondence re, 663, 701, 776, 846, 921
- Taxicab Finance in Edinburgh, 501
- — Ride, Longest on Record, 706
- Taxicabs, Motorists and, 500, 586, 623 Taxi (letter), 587
- Tax upon Petrol, Recently Imposed, 735, 811
- Technical Instruction in Motor Car Engineering, 442
- Tendency Towards Cheapness Bad, 144
- — 10-14 h.p., South Australia (letter), 553
- Territorial Forces, Motorists and, 243
- Terry’s Small Folding Spanner, 239
- Tesama Puncture-proof Band, 69
- — Tyre Lever, 273
- Testing Gillett-Lehmann Carburetter, 652
- — Road Efficiency, Machine for. 693
- Tests, Horse-power, Prolonged, 313
- Thackeray and Aerial Machines, 171
- Thermal and Combustion Efficiency, 696
- Thery, Plaster Model of (illustration), 892
- Thornycroft, Sir John I., Paper by, “ Hydroplanes or Skimmers,” 370
- Thosburn, S. S. (letter^ 739
- Tiddler, Tom (letter), 229
- Tillard, P. S. (letter), 94
- Timing Coincidence, Extraordinary, 875
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 4, 45, 72, 106, 145, 181, 213, 245, 298, 314, 345, 379, 417, 457, 495, 530; 567, 604, 639, 677, 713, 749, 785, 821, 857, 895
- T 786 (letter), 588
- Tolls, Vexatious, 876
- Tonneau and Side-entrance Bodies, 136
- Torpedo Body, A Precursor of, 717 Its Evolution and Possibilities, 640
- Tortoise (letter), 590 '
- Touring, 495, 564
- — Committee, R.A.C., and Road Improvements, 489
- Touristes Associations, Ligue Internationale des, 348
- Tour through Australia on 8-10 h.p. Darracq, 504
- Towns, Motorists and, 864
- Trade, State of the Motor, 26.4
- Tram Accidents, Horse and, 138
- Tramcars and the Rule of the Road, 3, 90, 105, 124, 163, 164, 167, 234, 271, 285, 286, 327, 346, 437, 442, 598
- Tramway Danger, New, 270
- — Question, Car v.—Law Case, 124, 163
- Transmission and Ignition, 555, 588, 625.
- — by Friction, 830
- Transparent Carburetters and what they show, 678, 809, 810, 825
- Trespasser in the Car, by John J. Ward, 808
- Trial and Hill-climb, Austrian Automobile Club, 499
- Trials, Front Wheel Brake, 326
- — R.A.C., Engine, Car, etc., 414
- — Unofficial, To Replace, 277
- Tribute, Fitting, to Nixon, 136, 229
- Trophy, Aeroplane, for the Brothers Wright (illustration), 123
- Trovato, Ben (letter), 846
- Tunisia, Motoring in, 406
- Turning out of Side Road, Action re, 129, 244
- — 25 H.P. (letter), 332
- Two-cylinder Magneto on Four-cylinder Engine, 332
- Two Problems, 738, 809
- Tyre Changing on Detachable Wheels, 298
- — Costs, 417, 737, 773, 810, 845
- — Sunbeam Car, 737, 773. 810, 845, 884
- — Fillings, R.A.C. Tests, 489, 525, 541, 586, 596
- — Helsby, Experience of. 924
- — Lever, New, Tesama, 273
- — Pressures, 230, 365, 443
- — Protecting Device, Duran dal, 262
- — Protector, Muirhead, 930
- — Pump, Simple, United Motor Industries 715
- — Records, 516, 554, 591, 624
- — Repairs, 636
- — Rim, Double, W. T. Skeldring’s Device, 915
- — Solid Rubber, H. R. Carter’s, 33
- — Tests by the Royal A.C., 237
- — Valve Derangement, To Stop, 857
- — Tip, 145
- Tyres, 62
- — and Tubes, Old, Disposal of, 813, 927 JC T 185
- — Resilient Fillings for, by A. J. McKinney, 822
- — Strong—The “ Via,” 645
- Uitlander (letter), 812
- Uncommon Car, Coward and Sons, 481
- Unconventional Vehicle, 9 h.p., Adams Car, 217
- Undue Blame—Taxation, 675
- United Motor Industries, Ltd. (letter), 365
- Unofficial Trials, To Replace. 277
- Unsprung Weight, 233, 234
- Upholstery and Paint, To Save, 375
- Upkeep, Costs of, 26, 94, 131, 171, 201, 231, 270, 367, 472, 480, 481. 515. 555
- — of an 18-24 h.p. Austin Car, 472
- Urstwith, A. B. (letter), 334
- Usus Faciendi (letter), 333
- Valet (letter), 64
- Valve and Ignition Timer, “ Larrad,” Description of, 206
- Valveless Engines, 132, 738, 811, 846, 882
- Vandervell, C. A., and Co. (letters), 480, 516
- Van Hooydonk, J. (letter), 65
- Variable Compression, 62
- Vauxhall Cars (illustrations), 631
- — 16 h.p., W. Gardner’s (illustration), 240
- — 20 h.p. Car in New Zealand Trial (illustration), 527
- — P. Kidner’s (illustration), 124
- — Motors, I/td. (letters), 590, 923
- Vaughan, Chas. F. (letters), 233, 881
- Vestrant, G. Van (letter), 204
- Vexatious Tolls, 876
- Via Tyres, 645
- Vibstad (letter), 847
- Vincent, F. H. (letters), 203, 269
- Vinot Chassis (illustrations), 346
- Voiturette Cup Race, Boulogne Circuit, 876, 910
- — Grand Prix, 241, 278, 685, 723
- — Race in Germany, 414
- — Spain, for Catalagna Cup, 764
- Voting on the Petrol Tax, 805
- Vulcan Car, 16 h.p. Car, Description of, 252
- Vulcaniser, Small, 746
- Vulcanising Damaged Tyres, 240
- Walford, Eric W. (letter), 230
- — Cylinder Lubrication by Oil Spray Induction, by, 849
- — Janney Hydraulic Gear, 467
- — Slide Valve Engine with External Sleeves, by, 886
- Ward, John J., Trespasser in the Car, by, 808
- Warne’s Hotel Sign (illustration), 130
- Warning against Police Trap, 209, 271, 381, 473
- — and Example, Taxation Proposals, 711
- — of Speed Limit near Worthing (illustration), 760
- Warwick and Applications for Speed Limits, 184
- — Inconsistency at, 622
- Warwickshire and Speed Limits, 659
- — R.A.C. Provincial Meeting at, 870
- — Warning to Avoid, 570, 602, 648
- Water Circulating Troubles, 29
- — Jacketed Generator—Solar Lamp, Description of, 50
- Week-end Motor Cottage, Design for, 537
- Weigel Brougham, 40 h.p. (illustration), 516
- — 40 h.p. Car, V. Eyre’s (illustration), 102
- — To Frensham on, 244
- Weight of Cars, 363
- Wells, Robert G. (letter), 883
- Welsh A.C., 276
- — Roads, 699, 880, 923
- Westall, S. C. (letter), 402
- West Essex A.C., 374, 780
- Westinghouse Car, 20-30 h.p. Car, Description of, 42
- W. G. (letters), 230, 334
- What is a Chassis ? 479
- Wheels, Large Diameter, A Plea for, 589, 623
- — Removing, from Live Axles, 677
- White and Poppe Carburetters, Tuning up,
- — 15 h.p. 1909 Car, 320, 528 [604
- — Landaulet, 526
- — City, Historical Cars at, 587, 747, 760, 827, 863
- — House Garage, 451
- — Rear Lights, Dangers of, 96
- — R. Prosser (letter), 776
- White Steam Car, 40 h.p., Atkinson Jowett’s (illustration), 742
- — Crown Prince of Belgium in (illustration), 743
- — Lord Norbury’s (illustration), 242
- — Steamer, Novel Horn for, 345
- Whitfield, J. B. (letter), 882
- Whitmore, H. B. W. (letter), 773
- Whitsuntide Racing, at Brooklands, 760, 786
- Whittaker, C. E. (letter), 170
- Wilbur Wright, Winner of Michelin Cup, 55
- Williams, Walter (letter), 922
- Wilson, Edgar (letter), 517
- Windham, W. G., Aeroplane Jottings, by, 12, 56, 99, 123, 165, 223, 255, 285, 388, 560, 594, 612, 646, 689, 721
- Windham, W., Ailerons, by, 197
- — (letter), 741
- Windproof Breast Plate, 379
- Wind, Protection from the, 821
- — Screens, Arrangement for Positioning, 614
- — Gauze, 279, 335, 444, 481, 515, 554, 697
- — Shields, Mitchell’s Patent, Description of, 258
- Winter Driving Apron, 181
- Wire Wheels (letter), 741
- Wiring Separate Unit Coils, 245
- W. J. P. (letter), 403
- W. (letters), 132, 202
- W. McK. (letter), 626
- Wolseley-Siddeley 14-20 h.p. Doctor’s Car, 841
- Woodforde, F. Archibald (letter), 846
- Wood, Philip (letter), 168
- Worcestershire, Road Maintenance in, 908
- Working Partner, 883
- Work of a Pioneer, Review of F. W. Lanchester’s Achievements, 259
- Worm who has turned (letter), 702
- Workmen’s Insurance Act, 643
- Wright Brothers in England, 621, 668
- — C. C. (letter), 269
- — Flying Machine (patent), 388
- — J. A. Cecil (letter), 364
- — Patents, 99
- W. W. (letter), 553
- Wynne Double-purpose Rim, 118
- Yacht Club, Motor, 208, 312, 341, 413, 453, 490, 527, 551, 599, 634, 671, 708, 744, 854, 931
- — Sussex Motor, 342, 412, 633, 853, 932
- Y. (letter), 136
- Yorkshire A.C., 92, 208, 707, 854
- — Mobilisation Experiment, 504, 606
- — Race Meeting at Saltbum, 720
- Y. Y. (?) (letter), 405
- Yzelen, D. (letter), 61
- Zedel Car on Corniche Road (illustration), 765
- — Cars, 185
- Z. (letter), 776
- Zust Car, 25 h.p. Car (illustration), 628