1914 (Part 1) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar Index - 1914 Jan-Jun - Volume 32.
- A. A. and M.U. and Hotels, 986
- - Lighting of Street Refuges. 1052
- - Danger and Direction Signs. 455. 506
- - — Map of Police Traps within a Hundred Miles of London. 690
- - — Woodside Ferry Facilities and, 1268
- — — — Work of. 466
- — Charges for Connel Ferry Bridge and. 1160
- — Facilities on the Riviera, 337
- — Headquarters at Nice (illus.). 650
- — Letter re Slow-moving Traffic and Universal Lights. 221
- — Membership, New Class of. 982
- — M.U. Old Members and. 33, 85. 183
- — Office at Newhaven (illus.), 926
- — Patrols and First-aid Services, 1002
- — — — the Police, 980
- — — as Road Inspectors, 543
- AB 2211 (letter), 1158
- Aberdonia 16-20 h.p. Car in Colombo, 194
- Abroad—at Home, by Owen John, 681
- Abuse of the Hooter, 86
- Accelerometer Tests, 692
- Accessories, Cheap, 199
- —- Fitting of, 193
- — Light Car. 557
- Accessory Experiences, Some. 965
- Accident, Fatal, at Ticehurst, 343
- — Statistics in America, 423
- — Sunbeam Car, 780
- — through Spare Wheel, at Girvan (illus.), 911
- Accidents, Avoidance of. Suggestions for, 119
- — in the Champs Elysees, 30
- — Light Car, 643
- — Motor, Due to Skidding. 226
- Accumulators, Alklum, 585
- — Charging, from Lighting Plant, 1270
- — The Care of, 809
- Accurator Speed and Petrol Consumption Indicator, 879
- Acetylene, Bottled, 224
- — Generator, E. and J., 299
- Achilles Carburetter, Description of, 1122
- A.C.P. (letters). 129. 608
- Adjustable Lamp Bracket, Autoclipse, 450
- — Spring Suspension, Patent by Societe Houdaille et Sabot, 654
- — Springs, 715
- Adler Carette, Adler 9 h.p. Carette, 613, 664, 1162
- — — Some Oddments, 742
- — Tourist Trophy Cars. 1075
- Adnet Detachable Wheel. Description of, 767
- Advance (letter), 843
- Advice (letter), 87
- Aeroplane Show at Olympia, Engines at, 587
- A.E.V. (letter), 1101
- African Motorist, An (letter), 1000
- A.G.B. (letter), 460
- Aglace Non-freezing Compound, 744
- AH 312 (letter), 181
- “A Horse! A Horse! My Kingdom for a Horse,” 1117
- Air-cooling in a New Form, Harcourt Radiator. 825
- Air from Crank Chamber, Losing, 752
- — Pressure in Tyres, 1191
- Air-propelled Sleigh by Breguet Aeroplane Co. (illus.), 416. 445
- Air-propeller-driven Sledge, Count Bertrande de Lessep's (illus.), 633
- Air Pump, Pioneer, Description of. 876
- Alarm Lock for Garages, Lavigne, 1143
- Albion Caravan for Use in Spain (illus.), 1140
- — 12 h.p. Two-cylinder Veteran Car (illus.), 515
- — Motor Car Co., Ltd (letter). 752
- Alcohol as a Fuel, by Horace Wyatt, 396
- — — Motor Fuel, 281, 360, 581
- - - - Discussion on Dr. Ormandy’s Paper
- - — — Paper by W. R. Ormandy. 261
- — Carburetters, by R. Owen Allsop, 1144
- — Cheap, The Influence of, 378
- - Fuel Progress in France and Germany, 50
- - — Rebate on, Deputation to Board of Customs Chairman. 256
- — — Swedish Tests of, 400
- — Mixtures, Efficiency of, by Horace Wyatt. 457
- — Motor Fuel Committee, 206. 235. 545 1036
- _ - — Committee’s Preliminaiy Report, 545
- Alda Grand Prix Car (illus.). 1015
- Aldershot County Court Decision, Responsibility for Damage by Car, 1159
- Alexander. E. Steven, Centre Steering Design, by, 888
- Alfre, A. (letter), 1264
- Algeria, Motoring in, by Owen John. 623, 672. 718
- Alin-Liautard Body (illus.). 20
- Alkham Valley Dover to Folkestone, by C. G. Harper. 786
- Alklum Accumulators, 585
- Allen, J D., (letter), 4
- Alldays Cars
- Allsop R. Owen. Alcohol Carburetters, by.
- A-L Meteorlite, Ltd (letter)
- Alpine Tour. Austrian. British Entrant for, 983
- - — List of Entrants for. 984. 1123. 1234
- — — — Revised Itinerary and Map, 1016
- — 1913 Trial, Reminiscences by A. Harold Kendall. 871
- Already Insured (letter). 561
- Also Seized letter). 510
- Aluminium Alloy. New, Miralite, 1010
- — Number Plates. 372, 417
- — Pistons. 605 Alvib (letter). 368
- AM 2602 (letter), 997
- Amateur (letter). 1001
- Amateurs, Car Painting by, 491
- Ambroleum Gear Lubricant. 122
- America, Accident Statistics in. 423
- — A.C. of. Ladies as Members, 890
- — Motor Car Racing in. 442, 465, 495
- — Number of Cars in. 322
- American Carburetter Patents, Stromberg r. Zenith, 541
- — Car Exports, 790. 898
- — Cars, Four-speed and Three-speed Gear Boxes, 466
- — Design. Tendencies of. New York Show, 151
- — Endurance Trial of Moline-Knight Sleeve Valve Engine. 157
- — Grand Prix, Vanderbilt Cup and, 36. 273. 495. 547. 631
- — Motor Tourist. Review by Owen John, 1170
- — “ Safety Fir^ " Campaign. 423
- — View. Bulk Storage of Petrol, 363
- Anastasius (letter), 1186
- Ancient Bridges, by Henry Walker. 1221, 1271
- Anderson Rolled Gear Process, 906
- Andes, Across the, on Buick Car, 544
- Andre, Theo. E. (letter), 1158
- Anglice (letter), 610
- Anglo-American Exhibition, Motor Racing Track at, 827
- — Oil Co., Visit to Denot, 1015
- Anonymously (letter), 32
- Another Confirmation, 857
- — Opportunity, by Owen John. 922
- — Owner-driver (B) (letter), 1188
- Antiques, A Combination of, 394
- Anti-thermo (letter), 799
- Anti trust (letter). 315
- Anzani 8-10 h.p. Engine, Description of, 1025
- AP 3161 (letter), 86
- A.P.D. (letter), 368
- Apollo Electric Horn, 391
- Apollo Manufacturing Co., New Wind Screen Joint, 739
- Apprentices, Training of. in France, 66
- Archer, H. G., An Irish Military Read, by. 663
- — — — Smallest Church and Smallest House in Kingdom, by, 567
- Architecture, Domestic, in Western Midlands, by Barrie Russell. 955. 1005
- Argentine Republic, Motor Cars in, 850
- Argyll Cars at Cape Town (illus.). 662
- — Engine Improvement, Patent by P. Burt and J. S. Matthew, 364
- — 12-18 h.p., Miss O. Graham’s Car (illus.), 526
- — 14-16 h.p. 1908 Model Car (illus.), 388
- — New Racing Car, 689
- Argyll, Ltd. (letters), 226, 272, 462
- Ariel-Simplex 40 h.p. Car (illus.), 282
- Ariel, Snowdon, Famous Cars in Retirement, 493
- Arizona. New Mexico and. Motoring in. 217
- Arms Hill, Henley. Ascent of, 1013. 1102. 1157
- Armstrong-Whitworth Car for Austrian Alpine Trials (illus.), 1136
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 51
- — 17-25 h.p. Cabriolet Inside Chilian Battleship Funnel (illus.), 721
- - Car (illus.), 681, 853
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 634
- Arrol-Johnston 11.9 h.p. Car, 185, 229
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, 613
- - (illus.), 805, 1194
- Arterial Roads for London, 546 A.S.B.G. (letter). 849
- Asbestos in Garage Construction (illus.), 48
- Ascot, Motors at (illus.), 1192 Aston Hill-climb (illus.), 976
- — Open Hill-climb. Report of, 974
- — W. G.. Night Golf, by, 687
- - Patent by. To Prevent Accidental Carburetter Flooding, 842
- - The Care of an Electric Lighting Equipment, by. 379
- - The Variable Cam Engine, by. 934
- — — — Uncomfortable Springing, by, 308
- Astonished (letter), 656
- Atkinson, A. (letter), 510 Atlas Lock, 591
- A.T.N. Detector, 1143
- Attention Required by a Car, 764, 1117, 1184
- Attraction of the Grand Prix. 1246
- Audible - Warning of - Approach, - Police Cases. 1232
- Austin Colonial 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 388
- — 10 h.p. Car. 1053, 1107 - (illus.), 247
- — 20 h.p. Brooklands Car (illus.), 1228
- — — Car (illus.), 14
- — - at Kashmir - (illus.), - 1171
- — — - — - Description of, 1085
- - Carburetter for 665
- - for Austrian Alpine Trials (illus.). 1097, 1127
- - with Coupe Cabriolet Body by J. B. Ferguson, Ltd. (illus.), 528
- - Landaulet Body (illus.), 466, S89
- Austin Test Trark, 258
- Australia. Hill-climb in, A.C. of Victoria, Results of. 1135
- — hill climbing in. 215
- — 15-20 h.p. Vulcan Car in (illus.), 1218
- — Motor Race Track for, 52
- Australian A.C. Hill-climb, Results of, 858
- — — Reliability Trial. 1143
- — Inter-State Trial, Melbourne to Sydney, 354 416. 448
- — Notes. 790
- — Reliability Trial. 183
- Austrian A.C. Car Lighting Equipments Trials, 153, 224
- — Alpine Tour. Route for, 604, 1016
- - Trial, 116. 356, 533. 604, 727, 800, 944. 984. 1016 1032. 1049. 1123, 1189
- Austro-Daimler in Austrian Winter Trial (illus.). 533
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 627
- — Prince Henry Car for Prince Ely of Parma (illus.). 866
- - 27-80 h.p., 37, 476
- Authorship of a Formula, 272. 319, 563, 611
- Autocar Golf Trophy, 299. 435. 58,4. 708
- — Half-inch Maps of England and Wales. 925
- Autocars of 1914, Review, 303
- Auto Challenge Trophy for Two-stroke Engines. 1194
- Autoclear Horn, 882
- Autoclipse Adjustable Lamp Bracket. 450
- Automatic Carburetter Control. Patent by J. Charlton. 160
- — Differential Lock, 693, 797
- Automobile Engineers, Training of, 460
- — Golfing Society, 299, 435, 584. 708. 1194
- — League of France, 1182
- Auto System, Oxy-acetylene Welding, 400
- Auxiliary Cooling. Patent for, 160
- — Hand Throttle. 507
- Aviators' Cars, 645, 647
- A.W.N. (letter), 462
- B (letters), 514, 610, 950
- Baby Peugeot 6 h.p. Car, 851
- Back Axles, Leaking from, 961
- — Screen. Beatonson. Description of, 983
- — — Self-adjuster. Hughes, 872
- Baker, Fred W (letter). 89
- Balanced Crankshafts and Engine Starters, 318. 365, 412, 461, 608
- Balancing Engine, 523
- — — Discussion on Mr. Lanchester’s Paper. 555
- — — Paper by F. W. Lanchester, 501
- Baldur Springs. 1110
- Ballig Bridge, T.T. Course (illus.), 1124
- Banks, E. J., Ltd. (letter), 655
- B.A., Oxon (letter), 1158
- Barber, J. W. (letter), 749
- Barimar, Ltd. (letter), 35
- — Welding, 126
- Barker. Allan (letter), 368
- — W. (letter), 56.3
- Barnfather Tyre Inflator. R.A.C. Trial. 603
- Barratt, Charles S. (letter), 183
- Base Ingratitude, 601
- Bath, H. J. (letter). 950
- Batzell, Eugene P., Death of, 1106
- Bayard Car, 8 h.p. Car (illus.), 389
- Bayer, S. F. (letter), 949
- Bavnes, Leonard (letter), 998
- BD 530 (letter), 318
- Beatonson Back Screen. Description of. 983
- Beautiful Scenery near London. 543
- Beckham. F. H. (letter), 795
- Bedford-Buick 18-22 h.p. Car for South Africa. 1162
- Beejay (letter), 610
- Begg, George D. (letter), 998
- Beginners. Notes for, by Eric W. Walford. 696. 746, 789, 830, 881, 929, 977, 1026. 1097. 1139, 1176, 1256
- Beldam Tyre, New. 606
- Belgian Cape to Cairo Expedition, 156, 301. 320
- — Grand Prix Race. 201
- — Motor Car Exports, 850
- — — — Tax. 184
- — Trials of Lighting Systems, 134. 444
- Bellanger Car, 20 h.p. Car. Description cf, 353
- Bell, J. Dalrymple (letter), 32
- — — — Death of, 66
- Belsize Car after Accident (illus.), 134
- — Sporting Model Car, 542
- Bennett. A. E.. Paper by. Discussion on. 362
- — - — Magneto Ignition, 309
- Bennetts (Nottingham). Ltd. (letter), 31
- Bentley and Bentley, Ltd. (letters), 225, 608. 799
- Benz Attack on One Hour Record, 928
- — Car. First, and Modern Car (illus.), 279
- — — Records by, 990
- — — World’s Records by. 14, 150, 206
- — 100 h.p. Car (illus.),’911
- — 200 h.p.. Passenger's Impressions of, 648
- Benzopet, 561. 705. 799, 897
- Benzole, Claudel-Hobson Carburetter with, 899. 1003
- — Exports 159
- — for Ford Car. 517. 565. 664 - Old Mercedes, 185, 229
- — in Cold Weather. 610
- — Proof Varnish. 275
- — Some Tests with, by F. J. Kean. 832
- — Taxation of, 118. 255. 1032
- Berkshire Automobile Club, 754
- Berliet Car, 25 h.p. Car, 155
- Berlin Automobile Exhibition, 184, .570, 378
- — Intermit ionnl Reliability Trial, 62
- — Motor Rotnl nml Race Trnek (ilhi'.), 477
- Berner, C. (letter), 609
- — Rsrriman. A. K. (letter), 460
- — Henviek Bridge, 65
- Bothell, E, H. (letter), 131
- Beverley and Motorists, 517
- Bianchi Car, 25 40 h.p. Car, Description of, 9
- Bickford, J. S. V. (letters), 366. 766
- Biddle, Craig, on Motor Car (illus.), 348
- Bidwell. Arthur S. (lotf 86
- Biggs. T. J. (letter), 1153
- Binks Petrol-paraffin Carburetter, Description of. 1130
- Bird. Oliver (letter), 319
- Birkigt., M.. Patent by, Starting Carburetter By pass. 314
- Birmingham Inquest, Rule of the Road, at, 52
- — Statistics of Vehicles in. 292
- — Traffic Regulations, 1267
- Birrell. William (letters), 1049, 1188
- BE 2227 (letter), 223
- Blakeborough. J. Fairfax, Leaves from a Sportsman's Notebook, by. 18, 56, 211, 300
- - Motors and Foxhound Fatalities, by. 1126
- - — - — at Race Meetings, by, 883
- — The Man, the Horse, and the Car. by, 1100
- — — - Motor and Rural England, by, 482. 554
- Blakoe Resilient Wheel, R.A.C. Trial, 209
- Blott, J. (letter), 797
- B.M.B. Lighting and Starting Set, Description of. 874
- Boake, E. ,T. (letter). 1101
- Boden. A. (letter), 225
- Body Building, Motor, Improved Method of, 110, 272
- — Convertible, Darroch. 214
- — Design and Construction, 635, 960
- Bodywork at Edinburgh Show (illus.), 200, 202
- — the Manchester Show (illus.), 120, 121, 122
- — Modern, The Design of, 646, 750, 797, 845, 897
- Boilerine Radiator Tablets, 238
- Boiling on Hills, 669, 794, 953, 1003
- — Point at Different Elevations, 1269
- Bond, C. Bernard (letter), 512
- Booth, C. J., Effect of Tyre Depression, by, 23
- Born and Bred There (letter), 1050
- Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd. (letters), 132, 897
- - Contact Breaker and Plate, 1140
- - Lighting Set, Description of, 115
- Bottled Acetylene, 224
- Bournemouth Decorated Car Competition (illus.), 1159
- Bourn, F. Dunham (letter), 752
- Bowden Extra Air Inlet Valve. 1258
- Bradford Piston Ring Tongs, 606
- Brake, Electrically Operated, 282
- — Linings, 32
- — Mechanism, Patent by F. II. Royce and Rolls-Royce, 314
- — Repair and Adjustments, 88. 181
- — Testing, Hill-climbing and. 1102, 1157, 1186
- Bramco. Ltd. (letters), 848. 1049
- Branston, C. A. (letter), 1156
- Brasso for Cleaning Metal Fittings of Cars, 982
- Brazing and Some of its Applications, 237
- B.R.C. Dynauto, Description of. 781
- Breguet-Legrain Air-propelled Motor Sleigh (illus.), 416. 445
- Brewerton, A. E. (letters), 846, 1154
- Bridge. Broken by Steam Roller (illus.), 415
- — New, over Severn (illus.), 800
- Bridges Across Valleys, 506
- — Ancient, by Henry Walker, 1221, 1271
- — T. C. (letter), 1105
- Briley, F. J. (letter), 182
- British Cars and Foreign Contests, 849, 1049
- — - - by Charles L. Freeston, 783
- - for Continental Touring, 679
- — Coachbuilders and Motor Industry, 216
- — Entrant for the Alpine Trial. 988
- — Gregoire Agency. Ltd. (letter), 129
- — Lucar 10 h.p. Car, 1110
- — Motor Expedition, Cape to Cairo, 274, 399, 734, 827, 1135
- — Oil and Turpentine Corporation, Ltd. (letter), 702
- — — Company, New, 1193
- Briton 10-12 h.p. Four-seater (illus.), 476
- Brolt, Ltd., Patent by, Self-adjusting Dynamo, 508
- Bronte Country, A Pilgrimage to the, by Henry Walker, 1163
- Brooklands, A Close Finish at (illus.). 670
- — Arrangements for 1914, 395
- — British Red Cross Society at (illus.), 1231
- — Easter Meeting, 532, 556, 650, 686, 695, 723-727, 799. 800. 827
- — Handicapping at, 794, 1157, 1183, 1186. 1263
- — Inter-’Varsity Meeting, 1216
- — Light Car Tests at, 60. 456
- — Lichtning Handicaps, 1142
- — Mid-summer Meeting, 1084, - 1142, - 1231, 1259
- — - Entries for, 1259
- — New Poster (illus.), 1021
- — Records, 12-15 h.p. D.F.P. Car, 304
- — Sporting Car Race at, 799
- — Type Austin 20 h.p. Car (illus.) 1228
- — Whit Monday Meeting, 834, 980, 1021 1084. 1093
- — Whitsun Meeting, Report of, 1093, 1136
- — View from New Balcony (illus.). 344
- Brook, R. Vernon C. (letters), 132, 951
- Brooks Horn Bulb Cover, 745
- Browning, B. Percy (letter), 610
- Brussels International Council of Automobile Constructors and S.M.M.T. Standards, 164
- — Motor Show (illus.L 123, 124
- — Show, Census of Wheels at, 274
- Brussels Show, Tendencies in Body l>, sign, 159
- B.S.A. Car, dear Changing on, 755 1910
- — Car, Carburetter for, 275, 321
- — 14 h.p. Car (illus.), 593
- "B" Spark, Lodge, 426, 512, 558, 609
- BT 666 (letter), 317
- Buddhist Temple, India (illus.), 909
- Buenos Ayres, Motor Cars in, 850
- Bugatti, IS., Patent by, Flywheel Mounting, 1150
- — Novel Water Pump Arrangement,, 314
- — Simple Radius Rod, 1150
- — 8 h.p. Car. 265
- Buick Car, Across the Andes by, 544
- — Early (illus.), 1256
- — Cars in Tour de France (illus.), 692
- Built-up Cylinders, Patent by Daimler Motoren Gesellsehaft, 314
- Buist, H. Massac, Ten Years of Motor Racing in Manxland, by, 1061-1070
- — Tourist Trophy Race in Vista and Retrospect., by, 1195-1216
- — Two-wheeled Three Ton Gyrocar, Impressions of Run, by, 826
- Bulawayo to Salisbury on Panhard in 1909. 108
- Bulb, Canvas Woven, 777
- Bulk Storage of Petrol. 31. 54, 85, 123, 128, 179, 223, 269, 315, 363, 368, 509, 610, 1002
- Burmah Motor Association. 775
- - Motoring in (illus.), 883
- Burrow, Edward J., A Tourist by Road in the Fifteenth Century, by, 791
- Burst Tyres, To Avoid, 734, 796, 848, 896, 949, 998, 1047
- Burt, P.. and ,T. S. Matthew, Patent by, Argyll Engine Improvement, 364
- Business Civility, 133
- Bus Drivers as Private Chauff u;s, 35
- Buttar, Chas. (letter), 86
- Buying a Car, (furious Method cf, 90, 133
- Bwlch-y-Groes (letter), 849
- Byron, E. T. (letter), 1103
- Cadillac, Antoine de la Mothe, The Story of a Trade Mark, 334
- — Car Experience, 153
- — Cars for Austrian Alpine Trial, 1082
- — 20-30 h.p. for Maharajah of Hutwa (illus.), 661
- — 1914 Model Car, 709
- Caerphilly Hill-climb, South Wales A.C., 1159
- Cahill, H. (letter), 998
- California, Motor Car for Railway Track (illus.), 227
- - Track Driving in (illus.), 349
- Californian Car with Special Attachment (illus.), 273
- Cam Arrangement Patented by (!. J. Jackson, 215
- Cambridge University A.C. Hill-climb, 445, 564 — — Meeting, 516
- Canada, Motoring in, by R. F. H. Crewe, 158 (illus.), 349, 792
- — Motor Matters in, 962
- — Vauxhall Cars for, 759
- - Views and Experiences from, 728
- Canadian Automobile Federation, 370
- — — Show. Montreal, 134, 184
- — Engine, Russel-Knight, Test of, 502
- - Motor Car Trade, 196, 273
- Cann All-weather Body on Rolls-Royce Chassis (illus.). 860
- Canvas Woven Bulb. 777
- Cape to Cairo Expedition, Belgian, 156, 301 320, 734
- — Town to Cairo Expedition, Ciptain Kelsev s, 274, 399. 734. 827. 1135
- Caravan, Albion, for Use in Spain (illus), 1140
- Carbiener, G. (letter), 512
- Carbon Deposit and its Removal, 847, 859, 893 - by Eric W. Walford, 768-773
- — Pinking, 997, 1048, 1103, 1153, 1266
- — Removal, Oxygen Process of, 185
- — Remover, Cox Oxygen, 405. 899, 953
- — Removers, Gamage, 386
- — Removing from Small Bore Engines, 907
- Carbonisation and Loss of Power, 705
- — — the Sleeve Valve Engine, 762, 862, 1169
- — Prevention of. 801 Carburation, Bellern System of, 26
- Carburetter, Achilles, Description of. 1122
- — Arrangement. Patent by P. A. Poppe, 459
- — Automatic, Patent by P. Schiittler and J. and M. Deutrich. 314
- — Binks Petrol-paraffin, Description of, 11.30
- — Claudel-Hobson, Adjusting. 3, 90. 130
- — — Fitting and Adjustment of, 475
- — — Heating, 573
- — — with Benzole, 899. 953, 1003
- — Control, Automatic, Patent by J. Charlton. 160
- — Cutting-out, Patent by Societe Goudard et Mennesson, 1150
- — Faults Wrongly Attributed to, 44
- — Flooding, Accidental, To Prevent, Patent by W. G. Aston, 842 for 20 h.p. Austin, 665
- - B.S.A. 1910 Car. 275
- - 1907 De Dion, 37, 135
- — — 30 h.p. Napier, 561-. 61*
- — — 15 h.p. Straker-Squire, 899, 953
- — — Rover 6 h.n. Car 417
- - 12 h.p, Talbot, 708 755 1003, 1219
- - 15 h.n. Talbot. 275. 321
- - Wolseley Car, 614, 665 709, 851
- — Improvement. Patent by C. H. Claudel 842
- — Jacket Circulation. 450, 464
- — Longuemare, Description of, 1257
- — New, Patent by F. H. de Veulle, 1150
- — Patents. 256, 608. 660
- - Claudel r. Zenith, by Eric W, Walfo'd , - 256
- — Stromberg v. Zenith in America, 541
- — Polyrhoe. 321
- — New Vertical, 1053
- Carburettor, Roots Forced Induction, 303
- — Smith, 664, 710, 1003
- — Four-jet,, 86, 614
- — S.U., 899
- — Trials in Germany, 688
- — Trouble in Ford Car, 953
- — Well, Patent by P. Schiittler, G. Johannes and M, Deutrieh, 1150
- — White and Poppe, Additions, 1060
- — with Adjustable Float Chamber, 435
- Carburetters, Alcohol, by R. Owen Allsop, 1144
- — Heat for, 965 f<ight Car, 742
- — Modern, Underlying Feature in, by F. Strickland, 451
- — Water-jacketed, 86, 130, 225. 365, 706
- Cardiff Motor Club's Speed Trials at Perthcawl, 1159
- Care for the Car, 414 of Accumulators, 809
- Car Kept and Not Used, 322
- — Prices Abroad, 905
- — Valeting, Quarterly Inspection at Fixed Charge, 541
- Carnet for Foreign Touring, 862
- Carpathian Reliability Trial. 370, 415, 732, 1083, 1129, 1136
- Carpmael, R. 11., Patent by, To Prevent Joy Rides. 459
- — Garrick, Lord, Life on a Galician Oilfield, by, 938
- Case for Klectric Light Rulbl, 1040
- Case-hardening Practice, Improvements in, Paper by IT. L. Heatheote, 945
- Catalogues and Booklets Received, 189, 325, 568, 569, 617, 667, 713, 1111. 1223, 1273
- Cathedral Cities. 813
- Cattle on the Highway, 90
- Cautioned (letter), 32
- Cautious (letter), 315
- C.A.V. Electric Lighting, 1141
- C.D.L. (letter). 1046 CE 1642 (letter), 706
- C.E.B. (letter), 510
- Centre Steering, Design by E. Steven Alexander, 888
- Chain Gearing, Ingenious. 494, 564
- Changing Gear, Notes for Beginners, 1026, 1097, 1176
- - Tyres, 1155
- Charging Accumulators from Lighting Plant, 1270
- Charley, J. J., Patent by. Spring Suspension, 508
- Charlton, J., Patent by, Automatic Carburetter Control, 160
- Charron Cars in London, 1031
- — 15.8 h.p. Car, 1219
- Charronnette 10 h.p. Car (illus.), 814
- — 10 h.p., Details of (illus.). 890
- Charsley, Keith (letters). 609. 797. 950
- Charter Single Sleeve Engine, Description of. 994
- Chassis Testers, 154
- — Testing, Humber Electrical Installation. 250, 251. 317
- Chateaux Country, 275 Chauffeur (letter), 464
- — is he a Manservant ? 464
- — Problem, 300
- — Question, 705, 752. 764
- — — in New South Wales, 8
- — to a Rolls-Royce Car (letter), 849
- Chauffeurs’ Duties, 132
- — Letter of Application, 1159
- — Livery, 954
- Checknumber (letters), 1046, 1048
- Chemical Deearbonisers. 848
- Chester, View in (illus.), 564
- Chief Defect of .the Modern Engine, by Charles Y. Knight, 865
- Children and Motor Car Accidents, New Jersey, 1040
- Chilian Battleship Funnel and Armstrong-Whitworth Car (illus.), 721
- Chowpher (letter), 129
- Christmas Car, My. by Owen John, 153
- Cigar Holder for Motorists, 1165
- Cinematograph, Use of, Lecture by Dr. A. M. Low, 1099
- Circuit of France Voiturette Trial. 184
- Cirencester to Axmouth. The Fosse Way, by Charles G. Harper, 330
- Citroen, Soviet e Anonyme des Engrenages, Patent by. Silent Bevel, 842
- Clarke. C. (letter), 703
- Clark. Win. Archer (letter), 559
- Claudel. C. H.. Patent by, Carburetter Improvement, 842
- — Expert (letter), 90
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, Adjusting, 3, 90. 130
- — - Fitting and Adjustment of, 475
- — -— with Benzole, 899, 953, 1003
- Carburetters, Heating, 573
- Claudel r. Zenith Carburetter in France, 256. 608, 660
- Clav. Arthur J. (letter), 33
- Clayden, A. L„ A Low-priced Four-seater, by. 924
- - Paper by, at I. of A E.. The Inexpensive Family Car, 119
- Clayton, C., Patent by. Com;'re- Yn Release Valve, 654
- Clean Counties. Lie r . s a, , iS!
- Cleaning Car UpluLi v, 4t ,. .<*
- — Hood, 709
- Clement Talbot 1 , 20 p. C 'By-.
- Clerget Car, 60 h.p. Fi<-.. 1 ..in • »' . - 1?4
- Climbing 1 in 4 at 3' 'y '» - .<> - ? M v . - 30
- Clincher Tyres f-orrs - R \'.iVei.
- — R A C. 'Trial t,\ 11 ’ 9, i, - : •
- Clothing. Win Ir.roef. 2v2
- Cluster Four-seated Body .a .?? "y c *' >>
- Clutch Pedal Cov , - ? 3
- — Slipping, 717
- — Spinning, 1
- Clutches, Fierce, 717
- Coachbuilders, British, and Motor Industry, 216
- Coal Gas for Motors, 699
- Coast Road Scheme, Hastings, Eastbourne, 370
- C.O.G. (letter), 897 - .
- Coleman. Frederic, Reminiscences Tourist Trophy Race, by. 677
- Collett, H. R. c. (letter), 110i
- Collicott, H. F. (letter), 705 - . ,
- Collision. Taxicab and Motor Char-a-banc (illus.), 1159 - .
- Colonial and Foreign Edition of Inc Autocar.
- — Austin 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 388
- — Lanchester 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 1218
- - Napier Car in Mandalay, Burmah (illus.), 883
- - - — in Southern Indian (illus.), 1052
- - 20 h.p., A Run on, 1123
- — Car, Description of, 774
- - in South America (illus.), 777
- — Radiators on Light Cars, 824
- — Requirements, A Double Purpose Car, 46
- — Visitors’ Cars, Taxation of, 1249
- Colonies, Light Cars for, 132, 194
- Colours, Distinctive, for Competing Cars, 838
- Combine Motor Spirit, Comparative Tests, 397
- Commercial Travellers' Cars and Preferential Petrol Rebates, 1159
- Competitor (letter), 999
- Completely Lubricated Valves, 572, 705, 798, 849. 949, 1046, 1266
- Compound and Adjustable Springs, by O. D. North, 1120
- Compressed Air Cylinders for Tyre Filling, 664
- Compression Release Valve, Patent by C. Clayton, 654
- — Taps, Notes on, 1011
- Compton Verney (illus.), 192
- Connecticut Master Vibrator, 499
- Connel Ferry Bridge, A.A. and Charges for, 1160
- Constant Reader (letter). 1157
- Constantinesco, G.. Patent by, Petrol Gas for Illumination, 654
- Consuming Thirst, A, Commercial Vehicles and Petrol, 378
- Continental Hotels, 801
- — Touring. British Cars for 679 - Facilities, 773, 862
- Continental Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. (letter), 1047
- — Upholstery in Closed Cars (illus.), 973
- Continent, Immingham Route for, 1002
- Convertible Body, Darroch, 214
- Cooke, M. Adeline, A Winter's Day in Dorset, by, 419
- — Stenson (letters), 33. 460
- Cooling, Auxiliary, Patent for, 160
- Cooper. C. H. (letter), 317
- — F. C. (letter), 463
- Corner, James T. (letter), 181
- — Right-angled, Taking a, 1050, 1105, 1157
- Corniehe Road, near Beaulieu (illus.). 415
- Correspondence. 31, 85, 128, 179, 222, 268, 315, 365. 410. 460, 509, 558, 607, 655. 702, 749, 794, 843. 893, 947, 996, 1046, 1101, 1153, 1184, 1263
- Corsham, Tar Treatment of Roads at, 1002
- Coupe de l’Auto. 985
- Coventry and Warwickshire Motor Club, 361
- - M.C., To-and-fro Contest, 399
- — Modern, by Owen John, 144
- Colwyn Bay, Speed Trials at. 1218
- Cox Combined Welding and Carbon Removing Outfit, 405. 899
- — Oxygen Carbon Remover. 953
- Crabtree. J. H., A Run in the Manchester District, by 711 - 757
- Crawford, F. W. (letter), 87
- Crawshay, Raymond V. E. de B. (letter), 89
- Crewe, R. F. H., Motoring in Canada, by, 158
- Crompton, Col.. Lecture at Scottish A.C., by, Roadmaking for Modern Traffic, 543
- Crossley Car, Bianchi's, T.T. Circuit (illus.), 1128
- — — in South Africa. 527. 1050
- — Cars for British War Office, 116, 471, 839
- — 15 h.p. at Bala Pass, Wales (illus.), 963
- — — near Wadebridge (illus.), 946
- — 15.9 h.p. Car for Power Developments, Ltd., Tests (illus.), 982
- — 20 h.p. in Spain (illus.), 1106
- — — Long Type Car (illus.). 15
- Crossley Motors]], Ltd. (letters). 271, 367. 510. 658
- — Shelsley Model for Swedish Trials, 274. 294 - 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 489
- — - Appreciation of, 740
- — Tourist Trophy Car. 1070, 1077
- — with Australian Body (illus.), 100
- Crowden. Chas. T. (letter). 513
- Crystal Palace, Cars Outside (illus.), 815
- Cuddy. E. J. (letter). 1157
- Cuff Valve Engine Detail. Patent by C. V. Knight, 842
- Cummings, Sydnev G., and Wright (letters). 463, 609
- Cupper, Oscar (letter), 1102
- Curious Method of Buying a Car. 90. 133
- Curtis, W. Parkinson (letter). 847
- Customs Pass, International. New, 205, 580
- Cyclist, Elusiveness of the. 937
- — Motorist's Duty Towards, 503, 706. 905. 1101
- Cyclists, Motorists and, 1001
- [[Daimler, 1913 Car (Ulus.) 16
- Daimler Motoren Gesellsehaft up Cylinders, 314
- Damage by Car, Responsibility
- - County Court Decision, 1159
- — on Trial Run, 900
- Damped Sine-Wave (letter), 703
- Dance, Thos. A. (letier), 35
- Danger and Direction Signs, A.A.
- Patent by, Built- for, Aldershot . 1051
- Driving, 34, 464, 1158, 1187, 1267 1012
- — and M.U., 455 - 506
- — Points, Flash Lights at, 155
- — Spot, Keighley, Yorkshire (lllus.),
- Dangerous and Inconsiderate 829, 1101, 1152,
- — Obstruction, 1157
- — Turn, 1157
- Darracq 12 h.p. Car, 1161
- — 16 h.p. Car, 417
- - (illus.), 204
- — — for Lord Sandys (illus.)
- Darroch Convertible Body, 214
- Dashboard Lamps, 412
- — Petrol Fillers, 1233
- Dawson, Col. C., (letters), 513, 753
- Daylight on Knight, 35, 88, 133, 182
- Dayrell, F. W. (letter), 1186
- Day’s Run from Manchester, by Harry Wade, 373
- Dazzling Head Lamps, 676. 797, 846, 850, 897
- — — Lights, Experiments by National Physical Laboratory, 651
- Deaco Lighting and Starting Equipment, 827
- Dean Electric Horn, 870
- Deasy, Capt. H. H. P., Solution of Road Traffic Problem, by, 880
- Death of Captain Kelsey, 1135
- — — Eugene P. Batzell, 1106
- — — Herr Theodor Dreher, 952
- — — Mr. Willy Poege, 1100
- Decarbonising, Oxygen, in Private Garage, 76 5, 859, 1154
- De Dion Bouton (1907), Ltd. (letter), 896
- — — 1907, Carburetter for. 37, 135
- — — 8 h.p. on Arms Hill, Henley (illus.), 1013
- — — 8-10 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial, 928
- — — 14 h.p. Car (illus.), 274
- — with Body by T. Spartin and Sons 1126
- — 18 h.p. Car (illus.), 683
- — Description of, 629
- — with V-fronted Landau’.et (illus.), 1106
- — 24 h.p. Eight-cylinder Car, R.A.C. Trial, 603
- Deemster 10 h.p. Car on Arms Hill, Henley (illus.), 1142
- De Freville, G. H. P. (letter), 511
- Defries, D. C. (letters), 180, 223. 316, 563, 703
- Delage 12 h.p. with Three-seated Body (illus.), 593
- — (illus
- — 18
- - 24
- — 15.9 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 1028
- — — — — Experience, 1269
- — Grand Prix Car (illus.), 1246
- Delaunav-Belleville Automobiles (England), Ltd. (illus.), 131, 1156
- — Car, Lord Tollemache’s (illus.). 863
- — Societe Anonvme des Automobiles, Patent by, Expanding Brake Improvement, 459
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 247
- — 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 61
- — 26 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 406
- - — New Taper Bonnet (illus.), 963
- — 37 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 516
- Del Monte Process. 927, 1039
- Denbighshire Death Traps, 706
- Dendy Marshall, C. F., An Ignition Experiment. by, 1245
- Dengate First Intention Springs. 834
- Dennis Private Omnibus and Estate Car (illus.). 47
- Denton, F. M. (letters), 85, 181, 226, 319. 461, 949
- Depreciation in Cars, 272
- Desaxi, The Meaning of, 456, 512, 563, 610. 752
- Descending Hills, Notes for Beginners, 1256
- Design, American, Tendencies of, New York Show, 151
- — and Construction, Body, 635
- — — Material, 85
- — (letter), 268
- — Motor Car, and Relative Motion, Lecture by Dr. A. M. Low, 1099
- — of Modern Bodvwork, 646, 750, 797, 845. 897
- Desondi (letter), 1105
- Detachable Disc Wheel. Harris, 1037
- — Flanges, Facility. 275, 371. 418. 517
- — Multi-cylinder Head Casting, Patent by
- — Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., 364
- — Wheel. Adnet, 767
- — — Gavin-Armour, Description of, 117
- - Patent, J. S. Napier, by Eric W. Walford. 822
- — — Patents. Riley v. Pugh. 780, 799. 847
- — Wheels and Detachable Rims, 32, 89, 131, 318
- — — on Light Cars, 254
- Detroiter Car, 16-20 h.p. Car, Description of. 819. 898
- Deutrich. M., and P. Schuttler, G. Johannes. Patent by, Another Well Carburetter, 1150
- De Veulle, F. H., Patent by, New Carburetter. 1150
- Devon and Cornwall A.C., 465
- — (letter). 897
- Dew. A. J., and Co. (letter), 1047
- D.F.P. 12-15 h.p. Car (illus.), 292
- - — Records by, 304
- — Tourist Trophy Car, Description of. 878. 952, 1075
- - - Driver (illus.). 925
- — with Cabriolet Body. 635
- Diamond Spirit. 899. 953
- Dickson. Eric D. (letter! 1167
- Diesel Engine, by Eric W. Watford. 266
- Differential Gear. New. by W. Romeiser, 978
- — Lock. Automatic, 693. 797
- — The Deficiencies of, 1113
- Dimensions Lieht Car. 401
- Dingwall, Charles F. (letter), 1267
- Dinmore Hill Closed, 450
- Direction Posts and Plates Competition 134
- Disappointed (letter), 1265 - ’ - 4
- Disc Clutches, 59
- Discs for Wire Wheels, 639, 749, 847, 1000
- Disc Wheel, Detachable, Harris, 1037 - *0f>0
- Disgusted (letter), 272
- Disposal of Second-hand Cars, A Clearing House Suggested, 973
- Dixon’s Graphite Motor Lubricants, 1057
- D.M.K.-M. (letter), 849
- Dodds, C. Acton (letter), 368
- Dogs, Motorists and, 34, 133, 464
- Domestic Architecture in Western Midlands by Barrie Russell, 955, 1005
- Dorman Engine with Enclosed and Completely Lubricated Valves, 572
- — W. H, and Co., Ltd. (letters), 949, 1266
- Dorset A.C., 920
- — A Winter’s Day in, by M. Adeline Cooke, 419
- Double Spiral Piston Ring, Whidbourne and Lishman, 926
- Dovedale (illus.), 2
- Dover to Folkestone, The Alkham Valley, by
- C. G. Harper, 786
- Dreher, Herr Theodor, Death of, 952
- Driver (letters), 133, 414
- — of Red Car (letter), 464
- Drivers for Humber Cars in Tourist Trophy Race, 972
- — — T.T. Star Cars (illus.), 1031
- — — Vauxhall Racing Cars, 777, 820, 884
- — Licences, 35
- — Mirrors, 671 Driving at Night, 717
- — Axle, Lamplough, Description of, 1138
- — Further Refinements in, 929
- — Inconsiderate, Dangerous and, 34, 464, 829, 1101, 1152, 1158, 1187
- — Licences, Endorsements on, 779
- — Past Tramcars, 468
- — Position, 268
- — Signals, 317, 369
- Dry Batteries, Notes on, 1227
- DLT 6360 (letter), 34
- DU 5130 (letter), 1267
- Dual Throttle Control, Need of, 59
- Duckham, A. (letter), 894
- Duco Rapid Car Washer, 492
- — Renovating Outfit, 1143
- Due South, The Road to the Riviera, by Francis Miltoun, 239
- Dulwich (letter), 1153
- Duncan, H. O., Reminiscences of Early Days of Motoring, by, 381, 429
- Dunhill’s Constant Feed Sponge, 208
- Dunlop, J. B., jun. (letter), 1185
- Duplex Air Inlet Valve, Sheen, 402
- DX 2 (letters), 85, 179, 270
- Dynamo and Magneto, Combined, Patent by F. R. Simms, 459
- — Lighting, Tonelyte, 986
- — Mira, Description of, 390
- — Self-adjusting, Patent by Brolt, Ltd., 508
- — Spiral, Description of, ill
- — The No-cell. 163
- Dvnamotor, North East, U.M.I., Description of, 700
- Dynauto, B.R.C., Description of, 781
- E.A.H. (letter), 705
- Eames, A. G. (letter), 560
- E. and J. Acetylene Generator, 299
- Early Days of Motoring, Reminiscences of, by H. O. Duncan, 381, 429
- — — — — Reminiscences of, 513
- E.A.S. (letter), 319
- Easter Meeting, Brooklands. 532, - 556. - 650, 686, 695, 723-727. 799. 800, 827
- - Preparing for, An Artist’s Day Dream (illus.), 679
- — Reliability Trial, 951, 1000
- — Tripper, An Orgy of Traffic, by, 835
- E.B. and Co. (letter), 1101
- Ebrall, F. W. (letter). 1266
- Economist (letter), 997
- Economy (letter), 1048
- Eden, Christopher G., Automatic Differential Lock, by, 693
- Edge, S. F. (letters), 35, 182, 509, 655, 702. 896. 1103, 1104
- Edgeworth. T. N. (letter), 225
- Edinburgh. Decorated Car Parade in. 1160
- — Motor Show, Report of. 165-178. 200
- — Show. Bodvwork at (illus.), 200, 202
- Edkins, Boyd (letter), 183
- Effect of Tyre Dejiression, by C. J. Booth, 23
- Efficiency, Touring and Racing, Combined. 1185
- E.H.C. (letter). 706
- Eight-cylinder Hillman Car on the Track, 990
- — Possibilities, 571
- Electric Battery Co. (letter), 272
- — Engine Starters. 32, 366. 425. 559
- — Horn. Dean. 870
- — Lamp for Dashboard, 319
- — Light Bulbs. Case for, 1040
- — Lighting and Starting Equipment, White. 801
- - Rotax, 45
- - - - - Systems, 366. 559, 608. 658, 750, 797, 846.'893, 920, 947. 1047, 1104. 1154 1263
- - Bulbs for Cars, 212, 835
- - C.A.V.. 1141
- - Equipment. The Care of. 379
- - Equipments. 32. 87, 131, 182. 366, 559
- - Sets. R A C. Trials of. 11, 87. 272
- - Set Voltage, 91
- — Starters. Patent by F. W. Lanchester, 1150
- Electrical Brake Block 662
- — Equipment. Ford, 609
- — — — Description of, 499
- - Kohinoor. 920 - . - „
- - White Petrol Car and, 613. 664, 710
- Electrical Testing of Chassis, Humber Installation. 250, 251, 517
- Electrically-operated Brake, 282
- E. (letter). 657
- Elliott. Rev 11. V. (letter). 225
- Elnsiveness of the Cyclist, 937
- Empire Car, 755
- Empty Quick Petrol Filler, 134
- Endorsements on Driving Licences, 779
- Enfield Autocar Co., Ltd. (letter), 1156
- Enfield Autolette, 663, 731. 801
- - Ascending Birdlip Hill (illus.), 301
- - (illus.), 158, 754
- — 14.3 h.p. Cars for London C.C. Tramways Dept, (illus.), 221
- Engineer (letter), 271
- Engine Addition, Reno, Patent by E. V. Reno, 364
- — Anzani 8-10 h.p., Description of, 1025
- — Balancing, 523
- - Discussion on Mr, Lanchester’s Paper, 555
- - — Paper by F. W. Lanehester, 501
- — Canadian. II ussell-K night. Test of, 502
- — Charter Single Sleeve, 994
- — Cleaner. Spray, 409
- — Cleansing, 143
- — Crossley T.T. Car. 1070
- — Diesel, by Eric W. Walford, 266
- — Dr. A. M. Low’s, 1218
- - Heavy Oil, Tismer, Description of. 162
- — Improvement, Argyll, Patent by P. Burt and J. S. Matthew, 364
- — Knock, 1219
- — Lubricating Oils, 619. 702, 1048. 1083 - by W. R. Ormandy. 595-601, 644
- — L.U.C., Description of 433
- — Mendip Light. Car, 125
- — Mileage. White and Poppe, 836
- — Noisy, 186
- — Oil, Speedwell White Ideal. 1135
- — Record Two-stroke, Description of, 384
- — Rotary Valve, Patent by C. F. Henriod, 314
- — Size, A Comparison (illus.), 153
- — Sleeve Valve. Carbonisation and, 762, 865, 1169
- — — — Patent by Redrup, C.B. and A.L., and Boyle K.K. and J., 364
- — Starters, Balanced Crankshafts and, 318, 365, 412, 608
- — — Easy Starting Engines v., 327, 462
- — — Electric, 32, 366, 425, 559
- - Safety Device for. Patent by L. C. V. Riper, 508
- — Starting Danger, 424
- — — Difficulties in, 789
- — — on Cold Mornings. 59. 130
- — Test, 337 Hours, Moline-Knight Engine, 157, 161, 294
- - Two-cylinder Opposed, 473. 558, 752
- — Two-stroke. Competition. R.A.C., 1194
- — Variable Cam, 1001, 1009, 1046, 1153 - by W. G. Aston, 934
- — Vauxhall, Cross Sections of, 979
- Engines at Aeroplane Show at Olympia, 587
- — Care of, 894
- — Denaxc. 456, 512, 563, 610, 752
- — Dirty, 761, 763
- — Easy Starting, v. Engine Starters, 327, 462
- — for Punts and Skiffs, 670
- — Four-cylinder, Inherent Defect in, 524
- — Sleeve Valve and Poppet Valve, 607, 702, 795. 896, 1000, 1103, 1184
- — Small Bore, Removing Carbon from, 907
- — Two in One. 1001 - 1009. 1046, 1153, 1225
- - Two-stroke, Possibilities for Light Cars, 20
- England, Rural. The Motor and, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 482, 554
- English and French Mechanics, 182
- — Language, Phraseology of Motoring and, 1228
- Enquiring Mind, An, 1158 Enquiry, A Case for, 1187
- En Route (letter). 180
- Epping Urban Council and R.A.C. Guides, 727
- Essex M.C. Hill-climb, 494. 564
- - Speed Trials at Westcliff-on-Sea, 1040
- — Roads, Re-surfacing Scheme, 61
- Establishment Licences, Payment of, 128
- Evans, Brice S. (letter), 463
- Everett, W. J. (letter), 369
- Ever Ready Cleaner, 361
- — — Spring Starter, 229
- Every Day Commercial, An (letter), 510
- Exchequer Grants, Proposed, for Road Maintenance, 640
- Exhaust Pipe Joints, 717
- Expanding Brake Improvement, Patent by Soc. Anon, des Automobiles Delaunay-Belleville, 459
- Experienced Motorist (letter), 1101
- Expert Tester (letter), 130
- Exports, Imports and, Motor Car, in United Kingdom, 1040
- — Motor Car, American, 790, 898
- — — — France, 1146 Ex-Test Shop (letter), 560
- Extra Air Inlet Valve, Bowden, 1258
- — — Valve, Use of, 1220 Eye Lamp, 122
- Eyre, Vesey II. B. (letter), 656
- F. A. (letter), 753
- Fabric Clutch Linings, 143
- Facility Detachable Flanges, 275, 371, 418, 517
- — Rims on R.W. Wire Wheels, 38
- Family Car, Inexpensive, 141, 182
- — — — Paper by A. L. Clayden at I. of A.E., 119
- Famous Cars in Retirement, 1907
- — Kaiserpreis Minerva, 1024
- — — — — The Snowdon Ariel, 493
- Fan-dynamo, Kernco, 22
- Farmers, Cars for, 35, 58. 132, 194, 222, 290, 316, 413, 513, 563, 660, 728, 1105
- Farmers, Real, Cars for, by Owen John, 58
- Farnham to Dorking, Run from, by C. G. Harper, 684
- Faults Wrongly Attributed to Carburetter, 44
- Fawssett, E. (letter), 656
- — — Week with Eight Car in South of Scotland, by, 469, 5i9
- Fearless Brush, 606
- Federated Malay States, Motoring in (illus.), 850
- Feed Pipes, 656, 1104
- Ferrer, R. (letter), 413
- Festina Lente (letter), 611
- F.I.A.T. Car for King of Italy (illus.), 800
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 632
- — 28-35 h.p., Mills Jet on, 467, 517, 565
- — 40 h.p. under Repair (illus.), 728
- Fierce Clutch. 3, 37, 717
- Fifteen English Counties. Tour through, by Allan Phillip, 803, 854
- Fifteenth Century Tourist by Road, by Edward J. Burrow, 791
- Finish of Car, Preserving, 143
- Finlay, Gordon (letter), 1266
- Fire at White Lion Hotel, Cobham. 36
- — Extinguisher, Jarvis Security, 1143
- — Insurance, Garage, 1004
- — on Motor Delivery Van, Daily Newspaper Report, 1137
- First Intention Springs, Derngate, 834
- — Past the Posters, by Owen John, 579
- — Tourist Trophy Race, Reminiscences by
- Frederic Coleman, 677
- Fischer, M., Patent by, Live Axle Construction, 508
- Fishguard, Road Diversion near, 680
- Fitments for Ford Cars, 276, 361
- Fitting of Accessories, 193
- Five-finger Tread, Goodrich Tyres, 1259
- Fixed Rug, 907
- Flag Signalling on Motor Cars (illus.), 146
- Flash Lights at Danger Points, 155
- Florio Cup Rai e, SicLy, 516. 995, 1032, 1083, 1114. 1116, 1142, 1176
- Flywheel Mounting, Patent by E. Bugatti, 1150
- F.N. (letter), 1158
- — Cars in Cape Town Trial, 488
- — 40 h.p. Car for King cf Servia (illus.), 1126
- - 12-14 h.p. Two-seater (illus.), 861
- Foot Pounds and Pound Feet, 35
- Forced Feed Carburetter, Roots, Description of, 303
- Ford Car, 663, 1003
- — — Benzole for, 517, 565, 664
- — — - Carburetter - Trouble - in, 953
- — — - Dismantled - (illus.), - 188
- — for Oriental Roads, 320
- — Head Lights for, 185, - 229, 321, 417, 1162
- — — Magneto for, 371
- — — - Oiling, 851
- — — - Starting of, - 900
- — Water Boiling in, 467, 565, 709
- — with Streamline Body (illus.), 861
- — Cars, Fitments for, 276, 361
- — — Sphinx Plug for, 409
- — — Synchronised Ignition on, 92
- — — Tyres on, 953
- — — Warland Rims for, 899
- — — with Offord Bodies (illus.), 196, 1039, 1223
- - Chassis with Cabriolet Body (illus.), 29
- — English Bodywork (illus.), 504
- - Special Body for Speed Work (illus.), 246
- — Differential Grease, 321
- — Electrical Equipment, 609
- — — — Description of, 499
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 150
- — on Leicestershire Main Road (illus.), 783
- Foreign Contests, British Cars and, 849, 1049
- - - - by Charles L. Freeston, 783
- Formula, Authorship of, 272, 319, 563, 611
- Forse Rim, Fitting of, 1232
- Fosse Way, Cirencester to Axmouth, by Charles G. Harper. 330
- - Lincoln to Cirencester, by Charles G. Harper, 284
- Four-cylinder Engines, Inherent Defect in, 524
- Four-seater (letter), 1186
- Foxhound Fatalities, Motors and, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 1126
- Foy-Steele Car for Swedish Trials (illus.), 293
- Frame, Cracked, Repairs to, 525
- Frameless Windows, 127
- France and Morocco, Touring Competition in, 701
- — as Touring Ground, 636
- — Automobile League of, 1182
- — Military and Industrial Motor Vehicle Trials, Results from. 457
- — Motor Car Exports of. Decline in, 1146
- — — — Imports in, 708, 744
- — — Cars Registered in. 1051
- — Proposed Tax on Rubber in. 876
- — South-east and South-west of. Motoring in, 15
- — Tour de, 583
- — Tyre Industry in, 564
- Franklin Cars, America, Interesting Petrol Consumption Test, 923, 1070
- Freeston, Chas. L., Austrian Alpine Trial, by, 1123, 1189. 12341244
- — — — British Cais and Foreign Contests, by, 783
- — In South-west Tyrol, by, 574
- — — — Lure of the Loibl. by, 1018
- — — — Over the Stelvio, by. 4
- Frenay Car, 10-12 h.p. Car. Description of, 988
- French and German Arrangement for Checking Dangerous Driving. 540
- — Army Car with Air Propeller (illus.), 134
- — Grand Prix Race, 61, 161. 209. 253. 640. 722, 745. 826. 868
- — Light Car Movement, Trend of, 500, 722
- — Mechanics, English and, 182
- — How They are Made, 66
- French Roads, 534, 583
- Friction Drive Cars, 1053
- From the Mechanic's Heat, Sunbeam Racer (illus.), 1149
- Frozen Roads and Studded Tyres, 22
- Fryer, E. H. (letter), 561
- Fuel, Alcohol as, 281, 360
- — — — a, by Horace Wyatt, 396
- — — Discussion on Dr. Ormandy’s Paper, 305
- — — Possibilities of, Paper by W. R. Ormandy, 261
- — Board of — — Rebate on.
- - Deputation to Customs Chairman, 256
- — — Swedish Tests of, 400
- — Committee. Motor Alcohol, 206, 235, 1036
- — Consumption Test, Franklin Cars, America, 923, 1070
- — Problem, 53, 368
- — Question, by W. R. Ormandy, 50
- Fuller, Carl S. (letter), 558
- G. (letter), 657
- Galician Oilfield, Life on, by Lord Carrick, 938
- Gallop, R. Clive (letter), 1267
- Gamage Carbon Removers, 386
- Garage at Bangkok for King of Siam's Cars (illus.), 424
- — Construction, Asbestos in (illus.), 48
- — Fire Insurance, 1004
- — Heating of, Notion Stove, 22
- — Turntable, Patent by R. E. Hall, 654
- Garages, Lavigne Alarm Lock for, 1143
- Garth, F. W. (letter). 1153
- Gateways, Some Old, 1151
- Gavin-Armour Steel Wheel, 128
- — — — Description of 63, 117
- Gavin, W. J. (letter), 128
- G.C. (letter), 369
- Geach, C. L. E. (letter). 1157
- Gear Changing. Early, 671
- — — Notes for Beginners, 1026, 1097, 1176
- — — on B.S.A. Car, 755
- - - Hupmobile, 801, 851, 899, 953
- — — Trouble Solved, 283
- — Control, Gray, Description of, 778, 833
- — Differential, New, by W. Romeiser, 978
- — Lubricant, Ambroleum, 122
- — Wheels, Ilot Rolled. 906
- Gearing, Chain, Ingenious, 494, 564
- Gears Slipping Out of Engagement, 907
- General Petroleum Co., 345
- German A.C. Trial, 734
- — and French Arrangement for Checking Dangerous Driving. 540
- — Emperor, 45-50 h.p. Mercedes Car for (illus.), 828
- — Emperor’s 90-100 h.p. Mercedes Car (illus.), 584
- Germany, Carburetter Trials in, 688
- — Motor Car Imports in, 432, 1245
- G.F.E (letter), 35
- G. H.A. (letter), 704
- Gibaud Magneto, Description of, 298
- Gipsies, Number Plates for, 30
- Glasgow-Greenock Road, Swing Bridge on (illus.), 62
- Glasgow, Speed Prosecutions at, 972
- Gobron Cars, 1219
- Godalming Hotels, Motorists’ Behaviour, 1159
- Godfree, Chas. (letter), 132
- Godstone Road (illus.), 940
- Goggles, Triplex Glass, 1110
- Golf at Night, by W. G. Aston, 687
- — Trophy, The Autocar, 299, 435, 584, 708
- Golfing Society, Automobile, 1194
- Gomm. W. (letter), 513
- Goodrich Tyres, Newr Five-finger Rubber Tread, 1259
- Goodyear Tyres, 447
- Goudard et Mennesson, Patent by. Cutting-out Carburetter, 1150
- Grand Prix, American, Vanderbilt Cup and, 495 - 547 - 631
- — — and T.T. Vauxhalls, Description of, 966. 967-972
- - de l’A.C.F., 61, 161, 209, 253, 640, 722. 745. 826, 868. 1178
- — — — — Attraction of the, 1246
- — — — — Entries for, 253
- — — Delage Car (illus.). 1246
- — — des Voitures Leseres. 49
- — — Headquarters, Plan of Grand Stand (illus.), 868
- — — 1914, Lyons Circuit. View of Course (illus.), 1116
- — — Mercedes Cars (illus.), 1247
- — — Nagant Car (illus.), 1129
- — — Opel Car (illus.), 1249
- — — Peugeot Car (illus.). 1180
- - Practice for the. 1192. 1250
- - Race, Best Points on Course, by Edward Vicars. 1178
- — — — Telegraphic Reports of, 1232
- — — Sunbeam Cars (illus.), 1248
- Grant, G. Harold (letter), 461
- — W. A. (letter). 269
- Graphite Motor Lubricants. Dixon's. 1057
- Gray Gear Control. Description of, 778, 833
- Greatorex, J. R. (letter), 88
- Greenfield. E. Louis (letter), 414
- Gregoire 16-24 h.p. Car Climbing Hill (illus.), 211
- Gregory, H. H„ Patent by. Luggage Trailer,
- Grievance, Long-standing. Taxation Visitors' Cars, 1249
- Griffith, W. Branson (letter). 90
- Grimston. Geo. S. (l<-tre. , 31o
- — Tyre Insurance, 453
- Grinding-in Tap Plugs. 96i
- Grouser (letters). 848, 894, 91
- G.S.P. (letter). 181
- Guarantee for Oversize Tyr> ; - '
- — — Retreading. Value of.
- Guide to Strange City
- — Tyre Buyers’. 525 "48 , 1. ’ 508 l Colonial 1188, 1265
- Guildford. Awkward Corner in, 474
- Guillot. G., and P. Bassett, Patent by Interesting Car, 654
- Gyrocar. Two-wheeled Three Ton, Impressions of Ran, by H. Massac Buist, 826
- Gyroscope Applied to Road Locomotion, Two-wheeled Car, 591, 642, 826, 838
- H. (letter), 799
- Hackney Carriage Licences, 136, 186
- Hadsome (letter), 658
- Hairpin Corner in Wales (illns.), 963
- Half a Horseshoe in a Tyre, 731
- — Width (letter), 90
- Hall, F. H., Experiences in New- York, by, 1217
- — R. E., Patent by, Garage Turntable, 654
- — Rigid Flap for Totally Enclosed Cars, 450
- Halliwell, R. F. (letter), 183
- Hampshire, Police Trapping in, 1216
- Hampton Light Car, Hill-climb by, 864
- Handicapping at Brooklands, 794, 1157, 1183, 1186, 1263
- Harcourt Radiator, Air-cooling in New Form, 825
- Hardy, E. J., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 32
- Harper, A. (letter), 225
- — Charles G. (letter), 133
- — — — The Alkham Valley, by, 786
- — - Fosse Way, by. 284, 330
- — — — — Tillingbourne Valley, Farnham to Dorking, by, 684
- Harris Detachable Disc Wheel, 1037
- — F. H. (letter), 750
- Harrods' Puttee Tyre, 979
- Harrogate, Motorists' Rally at, 892, 1002, 1045
- Harvey Frost Guide to Retreading Motor Tyres 903
- Hay-Williams, P. (letter), 1104
- H.C.J. (letter), 1105
- Head Lamps, Dazzling, 676, 797, 846, 850, 897
- — Light Testing by Camera, 751, 846
- — Lights, Dazzling, Experiments by National Physical Laboratory. 651
- - for Ford Car, 185, 229, 321, 417, 1162
- — — Nups, 149
- — — Zeiss, 829
- Heathcote, H. L., Improvements in Case-hardening Practice, by, 945
- Heat for Carburetters, 965
- Heating Claudel-Hobson Carburetters, 573
- — Motor House, 91
- Heavy Oil Engine, Tismer, Description of, 162
- — Spirit, LTse of, on Light Cars, 1177
- Henley Tyres, 919
- Henriod, C.. E., Patent by, Rotary Valve Engine, 314
- Herbert Frood Co., Ltd. (letter), 88
- Hercules Reclaimed Tyres. 1017
- Herkomer, Sir Hubert von, Death of, 640
- Hersey, M. H. (letter), 1158
- Hertford Pageant, 1088
- Herts County A.C. Annual Gymkhana, 1229
- — — — Hill-climb at Aston, Report of, 974
- H. H. (letters), 1000, 1046, 1103
- High Tension Co. (letters.), 609, 1264
- - Wires, 849, 897, 948
- — — — by Eric W. Walford, 793
- Highway, Cattle on the. 90
- — Law, Somersetshire A.C. Leaflet, 84
- Hill-climb at Aston, Herts County A.C., Report of, 974
- — Australian A.C., Results of, 858
- — in Australia, A.C. of Victoria. 1135
- — Inter-’Varsity, 1038, 1078
- — Lancashire A.C., 777, 1044
- Hill-climbing and Brake Testing, 1102, 1157, 1186
- — in Australia, 215
- Hill in Wrest of England, The Nailsworth Ladder (illus.), 864, 922
- Hillman Eight-cylinder Car on the Track, 990
- — 9 h.p. Light Car after Accident (illus.), 764
- — — Performance at Brooklands, 838
- — Light Car, 417
- — Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 845
- Hills, Boiling oil, 669. 794. 953, 1003. 1269
- — Descending, Notes for Beginners, 1256
- Hinged Starting Handle Clips, 163
- Hints and Tips, Curious, 1089
- - Useful, 3. 44. 99. 143, 193, 237, 283, 329, 379, 425, 475, 525, 573, 621, 671, 717. 763, 809, 859, 907, 961. 1011, 1060. 1115, 1169, 1227
- Hire Purchase System, Second-hand Cars and,
- Hispano-Suiza 80x130 mm. Car (illus.), 632
- Historic Inn, The “ George,” at Norton St. Philip, 260
- Hobson-Pognon Plugs, 649
- Hoffmann. A. (letter), 513
- Holiday Traffic, 1059
- Holland Light Car Reliability Trial. 358
- Hollick and Pratt Body on Morris-Oxford Light Car (illus.), 964
- Hong Kong, Motoring in, 612
- Hood, Cleaning a, 709
- Hooter, Abuse of the. 86
- Hoo, The Hundred of, by Charles G. Harper, 810
- Horn, Autoclear, 882
- — Dean Electric. 870
- — Electric, Apollo, 391
- — How to Fit. 329
- Horns, Motor, and Whistles, Display of. 690
- Hornsted in Benz Car, World’s Records by, 14. 150, 206
- Horseshoe Competition, Roads Improvement
- Hotchkiss 18-22 n p. Car for Central Motor Co. t p us.),
- Lin i ir ? (illns.), 220
- — 20 30 1 • with Body by Hamshaw, Leicester (illu .'. n >
- Hotel Pr< * - 798
- Hotel-. - it-,.” U. ar.d 986
- Hotels, Countryside, Suggestions for Resuscitation, 436
- — Undesirable Characteristics in, 860
- Hot Rolled Gear Wheels, 906
- Houdaille et Sabot, Patent by, Adjustable Spring Suspension, 654
- — Hvdraulic Spring Checks, Description of, 357
- — — — — for T.T. Racers, 1052
- — Shock Absorbers for Delaunay-Belleville Cars, 805
- Housing and the Modern Motor Car, 141
- How to Keep Warm or Cool, 671
- Hoyle, Savile (letters), 703, 895
- H. S. (letter), 414
- Hudlass, F. W. (letter), 798
- Hudson Car, 25 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (lllus.), 17
- — John G. (letter), 129
- — Tourist Trophy Car, 1078
- Hughes Self-adjuster Back Screen, 872
- Hull and District A.C., 320
- Humber Car Drivers for Tourist Trophy Race, 972
- — Cars for the T.T. Race, Description of, 529, 1078
- — Electrical Chassis Testing Installation, 250, 251, 317
- — 10 h.p. Climbing Hill (illus.), 524
- — — — — Chester (illus.), 505
- — — with Two-seated Body (illus.), 590
- — 11 h.p. Car, Appreciation of, 1043
- — — — (illus.), 194
- — 11.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 579
- — — — in New Zealand (illus.), 634
- — — on Mail Contract Service in India (illus.), 1183
- — 14 h.p. Car. Appreciation of, 891
- — 15 h.p. Landaulet, 1908 Pattern (illus.), 1268
- — Ltd. (letter), 317
- Hundred of Hoo, by Charles G. Harper, 810
- Hungarian R.A.C. International Competition, 370, 415, 732, 1083, 1129, 1136
- Hunter, C. P. (letter), 1050
- Hunting, Motors and, 211
- Hunwieke, R. F. (letter), 610
- Hupmobile Car, Zenith Carburetter on, 517
- — Gear Changing on. 801, 851, 899, 953
- — 15 h.p. for Grand Duke Michael Alexandrovitch (illus.), 650
- — 15.9 h.p. Car, Trial Run on, 676
- — 15-18 h.p. Car (illus.), 245
- — 17.1 h.p. Four-seater, 371
- Hurtu 14 h.p. Car. Impressions of, 27
- Hydraulic Spring Checks, 462, 514, 610, 655, 703
- Hydrocar, by Leslie Lambert (illus.), 812
- Ice Cream Cart, Motor, in Berlin (illus.), 831
- Iceland, Overland Car in (illus.), 1119
- Ide, John Jay (letters), 272, 563
- Ignition Experience, Curious, 843, 897, 951
- — Experiment, by C. F. Dendy Marshall, 1245
- — Lever, Notes for Beginners. 696
- — Magneto, Discussion on Paper by A. E. Bennett, 362
- — — Paper by A. E. Bennett, 309
- — Two-point, 328, 410, 558
- Ignoramus (letter), 225
- Immingham Route for Continent, 1002
- Imperial Grant, Increased, for Road Maintenance, 880
- Imports and Exports, Motor Car, in United Kingdom, 1040
- — Motor Car, in Australia, 790
- - France, 708, 744
- — — — -- Germany, 432, 1245
- — — — — South Africa, 788
- Improvements in Case-hardening Practice, Paper by H. L. Heathcote, 945
- Improving Old Cars, 89
- Imray, Oliver (letter), 182
- Inconsiderate and Dangerous Driving 34, 464, 829, - 1101, - 1152, 1158, - 1187, 1267
- Independent Engineer, Lighter Pistons, by, 147
- Indianapolis 500 Miles Race, 926, 1073, 1136, 1156, 1173, 1266
- — — — — Details of Contest, 1173
- India, Buddhist Temple in (illus.), 909
- — Hill Country, 16-20 h.p. Wolseley in (illus.), 694
- — 11.9 h.p. Humber Car on Mail Contract Service (illus). 1183
- — Napier Six-cylinder Car in (illus.), 1146
- — 9.5 h.p. Standard Car in (illus.). 1170
- — Southern. Colonial Napier in (illus.), 636
- Indicator of Speed and Petrol Consumption, The Accurator, 879
- Inexpensive Family Car, 141, 182
- — Paper by A. L. Clayden at I. of A.E., 119
- Inland Revenue Licence, Devon C.C. and, 888
- Inn, Historic, The “ George,” at Norton St. Philip. 196. 260
- Inner Tubes. Large, 3
- Inns, Old. of England, 90. 133
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 348, 465, 661, 708
- - Annual Meeting, 540
- — — — — Engine Balancing, 501. 555
- _ — - Lecture by Dr. A. M. Low, 1099
- - Paper by A. E. Bennett, Magneto
- Ignition, 309, 362
- — - - A. L. Clay den, 119
- — . — — - F. W. Lanchester, 501
- — — Petroleum Technologists, 497
- Insurance. Car, Callousness Induced by. 1033
- — Motor Car, 443. 489. 561
- — on Mileage Basis, 467
- — Touting for, 656
- Interchangeable Bodies, Registration of. 756, 851
- Interested (letter), 1048
- Interesting Car, Patent by G, Guillot and P. Bassett. 654
- Internal Combustion Engine Cleaning Co., Ltd. (letter). 1154
- — - Engines, Single-balanced Valve for, 1154
- Internal Combustion Turbine, by Eric W. Walford, 249
- International Customs Pass, New, 205, 580
- — Road Congress, Direction Posts and Platen Competition, 134
- - — Funds, 227
- — Touring Competition, Russian Imperial A.C., 61, 515, 626, 1038, 1088, 1137
- — — Pass in Russia, 307
- Inter-State Reliability Trial, Australian, 354 416, 448
- Inter-’Varsity Hill-climb, 1038, 1078
- — Meetings, Brooklands, 1216
- Irish Light Car Trial, 653, 767, 921, 98] 1083, 1125, H85
- — Military Road, An, by H. G. Archer, 666
- — Motor Directory and Motor Annual Review, 987
- Iron and Steel Institute, Paper at. Improvements in Case-hardening, 945
- Isaac, G. Washington (letter), 319
- Isle of Man Tourist Trophy Course, Maps and Description of, 971, 1071
- - Wight, Charges for Landing Motor Cars
- at, 662
- Isotta-Fraschini 12-15 h.p. Car, Description of 747
- — 125 h.p. Car (illus.), 1021
- — 100 h.p. Car, Description of, 197 - (illus.), 255
- Itala Car, R. Robertson-Shersby-Harvie's, 827
- — 35 h.p. London-to-Turin Model Car (illus.), 290
- — — Rotary Valve Car (illus.), 144, 466
- — 50 h.p. Rotary Valve Car (illus.), 784
- — 100 h.p. Grand Prix Car (illus.), 638
- — — for South America (illus.), 1160
- Italy, Motor Car Imports in, 564
- — Restrictions on Motor Tourists in, 349
- Ivel Agricultural Motors, Ltd. (letter), 660
- Jacob, J. T. (letter), 1267
- Jacking up Car when Out of Use, 1097
- Jackson, G. J., Cam Arrangement, Patent by, 215
- — Foot Starter, R.A.C. Trial, 603
- James, F. C. (letter), 1155
- — Talbot and Davison, Ltd. (letters), 270, 752
- Japan, Motor Imports, 184
- Jarrott, Chas. (letters), 133, 843, 1000, 1187
- — — Swedish Winter Trials, by, 293, 350
- Jarvis Security Fire Extinguisher, 1143
- J.B.G. (letter), 1155
- Jet Combination for Zenith Carburetter, 1107
- J.K.S. (letter), 181
- J.L.D. (letter), 794
- J.M.L. (letters), 128, 224, 269. 369
- Johnson, Walter II. (letter), 317
- Johnstone, E. Bruce (letter), 34
- Joint Committee on Petrol Substitutes, 98
- Jones, W. Yarworth (letters), 704, 799
- Joy Rides, To Prevent, Patent by R. H. Carpmael, 459
- J.P. (letter), 1158
- J.T. (letter), 752
- June Meeting, Brooklands, 1084, 1142, 1231, 1259
- J. - W.P. (letter) 35
- K. - (letter), 1184
- Kalahari Desert, 20 h.p. Six-cylinder Standard
- Car in (illus.), 1255
- Kantkik Safety Ratchet, 1175
- Kashmir, 20 h.p. Austin Car at (illus.), 1171
- Kean, F. J. (letters), 847, 849
- — — — Some Tests with Benzole, by, 832
- Keddie, F. W. (letter). 182
- Keep. A. W. (letter), 272
- Kellner Touring Body with Snider Seat 1 illus.), 20
- Kelsey, Captain, Death of, 1135
- Kemro Fan-dynamo, 22
- Kendall, A. Harold, Reminiscences of 1913 Alpine Trial, by, 871
- Kendal-Windermere Road. 398
- Kenilworth. Warwickshire, Dangerous Corner in (illus.), 254
- Kenneth. H. (letter), 1158
- Kent A.C., 465
- — Main Road, Flash Light Equipment on. 155
- Kentish Landmark. Keston Old Mill 1 illus.). 502
- Kenway Philip T. (letter). 411
- Keppel Gate Corner. T.T. Course (illus.). 1128
- Kettle, H. L., On the North York-hire Moors, by. 901
- King George in Panhard Car at Paris (illus.). 1051
- Kingston (letter). 411
- — Police Court Case, Drunk in Charge of Car. 1052
- Kipling. H. Spencer (letter). 130
- Klaxon Co., Ltd (letter), 1265
- Kleiter, J. (letter), 316
- Knight and Kilbourne Patents Co.
- Knight, C. Y., American Patent for. 800
- — — — Chief Defect of the Modern Engine. by, 865
- — — - Patent by. Cuff Valve Engine Detail. 842
- — — — - Slide Valve Arrangement, 842
- — Daylight on. 35. 88. 133. 182
- Knock when Running Free. 321
- Knowles E. Miles (letter). 849. 1047
- Kohincur Electrical Equipment. 920
- K.R.I.T. 15-20 h.p. Car. Description of. 404
- LA 47 (letter), 848
- Labour Unrest in Motor Factories. Paris, 30
- La Buire Car. Maharajah of Bikenar’s (illus. 1 - 142
- Lady Drivers, Light Car Trial. 843. 896. 999. 1046
- raisin', 1,., Patent by. Simple Spring Shackle, 160
- Lake District Improvement, Kendal Windermere Road; 398
- Lambert, Leslie, Hydrocar by (illus.), 812
- — Percy, Memorial, 19, 66. 117, 210, 253, 303. 349. 397, 446. 496. 543, 591, 637, 738, 800, 944
- Lamp, Electric, The Eye, 122
- — Reflectors, To Polish, 648 Lamps, Dashboard, 412
- — Ingeniously Arranged on 12 h.p. Darraeq, 745
- — Stand-by (letter), 283
- Lamplugh Balanced Worm Drive, 1138
- Lancashire A.C. Mill-climb, 777, 1044
- — County Council and Improvements, 320, 754
- Lanchester Car in Canada (illus.), 30
- — Colonial 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 1218
- — F. W. (letter), 179
- — - Paper by. Engine Balancing, 501
- — — — Patent by. Electric Starters, 1150
- — 38 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 491
- — — with Limousine Body by E. L. Morcom (illus.), 1027
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letters), 655, 845, 947
- — Vibration Damper, 558
- Lancia 20 h.p. with Cann Body (illus,), 728
- La Ponette 10 h.p. Car (illus.), 255, 823
- Larus (letter), 88
- La Touche, J. N. D. (letter), 269
- L'Awto Sketch, Les Grandes Inventions, 950
- Lavigne Unpickable Electric Lock. 1143
- Lavoie, A. J., Patent by, Overhead Valve Arrangement, 459
- Law of Scotland Relating to Motor Cars, Review, 210
- LB 9695 (letter), 414
- LC 9843 (letters), 318 412
- Leaking from Back Axles, 961
- Leaky Petrol Tank, 1011
- Leaves from a Sportsman’s Notebook, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 18, 56, 211, 300
- Leeds and its Environment from Motorists' Point of View, 632
- Legislation, Early, to Encourage Automobiles, 592
- — Motor, South African, 264
- Leicester, Motor Car Regulations in, 898
- Leicestershire A.C., 466, 898
- Leitch, Walter (letter), 369
- Les Grandes Inventions. 950
- Lessons of Motor Omnibus Practice, 179, 226, 460
- - by O. D. North, 104
- Level Crossings, 409
- Lever for Spanners by 1). McPherson, 492
- Levinstein, Ivan (letter), 31
- Lewis, Henry (letter), 749
- Licence 199 (letter), 951
- — Question. Car Kept and Not Used, 322
- Licences and Clean Counties, 161
- — Hackney Carriage, 136, 186
- Life on a Galician Oilfield, by Lord Garrick, 938
- Lifts for Frameless Windows, 361
- Light Car at Brooklands, 60
- - Defects, 441
- - Definition, 191, 268, 316
- — — Engine, Mendip, 125
- — — Industry, France, 500, 722 - Lamps, 586
- — — Membership of A.A. and M.U., 982 - 550 Mile Trip, 507
- - New. Riley, 978
- — Speed, 608, 656, 691, 703, 965, 1092, 1155
- — Talk, by Runabout. 28, - 59, - 103, - 154, 199, - 254, - 297, - 401, - 441, - 507, - 557, - 586, 643, - 691, - 742, - 776, - 824, - 873, - 918, - 965. 1033, 1092, 1125, 1177, 1233
- — — Tests at Brooklands, 456
- — The, 132, 194, 222, 268, 297, 365, 463, 1155, 1185, 1264
- - Trial, Irish A.C., 653, 767, 921, 981, 1083, - 1185
- — Lady Drivers, 843, 896, 999, 1048
- — — Trials, Owen John and, 963, 1102, 1177
- — — — Presentation of Challenge Cup, 1032
- — It.A.O., 222. 494, 553, 606, 689, 731, 785, - 824, - 833, - 843, - 877, - 918, - 931, - 959, 981. 999, 1048
- — — Competition Rules for. 553
- — Report of, 877, 918, 931 Road Dye for Indicating Direction) 870
- — Curs, 194, 365, 463, 1155, 1185, 1264
- — and Motor Shows, 1048
- — A Trio of, Compared, 776
- — in (Scottish Trials, 154, 1233 of 1914, 496
- — Oil Supplies for, 507
- — Sparking Plugs for, 1265
- — Three or Four Speeds for, 164
- Lighter Pistons, 270, 318, 367. 413, 461, 510, 560, 609, 655, 704, 752
- — by An Independent Engineer, 147 Eric \V. Wnlfui d, 252
- Lighting and Starting Set, B.M.B., Description of, 874
- — Systems. Electric, 366, 559, 608. 658, 750, 797, 846, 893, 920, 947, 1047, 1104, 1154, 1263
- — Car, Competition in Belgium (illus,), 134, 444
- — Dynamo, Totielvte, 986
- — Electric, C.A.V.. 1141
- — of Motor Cars, 361. 411, 462, 488
- — Street Refuges. A A. and M.C. and, 1052
- — Vehicles at Night, Necessity id, 512, 1051
- — Set, Bosch, Description of. 115
- Lightning Handicaps, Brooklands. 1142
- Lincolnshire Automobile Club, 228
- — Hi'udicap, Cars at (illus,), 662
- Lincoln to Cirencester, The Fosse Way, b\ Charles G Harp,.i 284
- Little Hudworlh and Dehnuere Forest, by Hurry Wade, 1109
- Little, Frank (letter), 1267
- — Things that Matter, 338, 412, 513, 560
- Live Axle Construction, Latent by M. Fischer, 508
- Liverpool from Motorist’s Point of View, 908, 1050
- LK 5382 (letter), 182
- LK 5283 (letters), 414, 1048
- Llandudno, Harassing of Motorists at, 1244
- Lock, Atlas, 591
- — Automatic Differential, 693, 797
- Lodge, Alex M. (letter), 410
- Lodge Brothers and Co. (letter), 558
- — " B Spark, 426, 512, 558, 609
- — Sparking Plug Co., Ltd (letters), 704, 1265
- - Plugs, 1152, 1265
- — Weatherproof Plug, 409
- Loibl Pass, The Lure of the, by Chas. L. Freeston, 1018
- Lomax, J. A. Barber (letter), 1154
- London and Parisian Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 1157
- — Arterial Roads for, 546
- — Cambridge Road, Milestones on (illus.), 458
- — C.C. and Road Board, 304
- — — — Speed Limits, 754
- — — Number of Cars Registered, 1051
- — Edinburgh Run, M.C.C., Report of, 1082, 1136
- — Environs, Sectional Road Map, The Auto car, 1114
- — Manchester Flight (illus.), 1268
- — Slow-moving Traffic in, 483
- — Traffic and Speed Limits, 98
- — — Composition of, 1187
- Longuemare Carburetter, Description of, 1257
- Looking Forward, by Owen John, 476
- Looping the Loop, Coloured Supplement, 98
- Los Angeles, Sale of Petrol in, 227
- Loud Warning Signals, 1059. 1158, 1187. 1265
- Low, A. M., D.Sc. (letters), 86, 223. 797, 798
- — Periodic. Destruction of Roads, by, 479
- Lecture by, Motor Car Design and Relative Motion, 1099
- Low-priced Four-seater, Paper by A. Ludlow Clay den, 924
- L.R.A.S. (letter), 794
- Lubricate, Spring Leaves, To, Patent by M. Schildgc, 459
- Lubricating Oil, Water in, 671
- — Oils, Engine, 619, 702, 1048, 1083
- — by W. R.. Ormandy, 595-601, 644
- Lubrication of Spring Leaves, 514
- L.U.C. Engine, Description of, 433
- Luggage Problem, 199
- Trailer, Patent by 11. TL Gregory, 508
- Lure of the Loibl, by Chas. L. Freeston, 1018
- Lyall, E. (letter), 657
- Lynton Cliff Railway and Cars, 466
- - North Devon, New Road at, 274, 800
- M. - (letters), 224. 655, 660, 703
- M.A. (letter), 460
- Maeleod, A. Cordon (letter), 1155
- Madeley, D. B. (letter), 510
- Madgett, L. R. (letter), 1101
- M.A.F. Four-cylinder Car Engine (illus.), 867
- Magneto for Ford Car, 371
- — Gibaud, Description of, 298
- — High Tension. Possible Rival for, 426 Hint, 961
- — Ignition, Discussion on A. E. Bennett’s Paper, 362
- — Paper by A. E. Bennett, 309
- — Improvement, 193
- — Monopoly. 87, 183
- — Protection. 425
- — Repairs and Spares, 32, 87, 132
- — Waterproof, U.IL, 957 Magnetos. Simms, 208
- Maharajah of Bikenar's La Buire Car (illus.), 142
- Major-General and a Motorist of Many Years Standing (letter), 949
- Mamet Shock Absorber, 1110
- Manchester A.C. Reliability and Consumption Trial, 990
- — A Day's Run from, by Harry Wade, 373
- — as a Motor Centre, by Owen John, 387
- — District, A Run in, by .1. II. Crabtree, 711, 757
- — (riiuniitin r. Gibson, Libel Case, 937
- Motor Club President (illus.), 264 1915 Show, 192
- — Show. Survey of Exhibits. 67 84, 120
- Mann, Egerton and Co., Motor Bodies by (illus.), 960
- — Co.'s Motor Department, 839
- Mail, The, the Horse, and the Car, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 1100
- Manxland Ten Years of Motor Racing, by H. Massac Buist, 1061 1070
- Maps, Half inch, of England and Wales, 925
- Marshall. Bernard S. (letter), 86
- Marsh, Wallace W. (letter), 369 Mascot (letter), 317
- Mass Paige Car, 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 887
- — in Hornsey, Hants (illus.), 713
- Material, Design and, 85
- Mathcson, Roderick (letter), 268
- Mathis Babylettc, On the Road with, 1033
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 1111
- Matthews, C. 1). (letter), 560
- Maxwell Car, 18 22 h.p. Car, 1107
- — 25 h.p. Car, Description of, 207 (illus.), 780
- — Racing Car Crankshaft (illus.), 980
- May Day at Knutsford (illus.), 886
- M.B.F. (letter), 226
- M.C.C. London Edinburgh Run, 1082, 1136
- McDonagh, J. S. (letter), 514
- McPherson, D. Level foi Spanners, by, 492
- McGuecnv, J. B (letters). 1104. 1154
- M.D., (letter), 951
- Mechanic (letter), 706
- Mechanic driver. The Lnneoessarv. 526
- Mechanics, English and French. 182
- Mechanic's Scat, From the, Sunbeam Racer (illlus.) 1149
- Medicus (letter), 463
- Melbourne to Adelaide, Record Drive on 25 ti n. Vauxhall Prince Henry Car, 731, 198
- Sydney, Australian Inter-State Reliability Trial, 448
- Member (letter), 1049
- Memorial Fund. The Percy Lambert, 19, 66, 117, 210, 253, 303, 349, 397, 446, 496, 543. 591, 637, 738, 800, 944
- Mendip Light Car Engine, 125
- "Mens"? Why Not, 226, 268, 319
- Mercedes Grand Prix Gars (illus.), 1247
- — 45-50 h.p. Car for German Emperor, 828
- — 80-90 h.p. Car (illus.). 908
- — 90 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illus.), 370
- — 90-100 h.p. Car for German Emperor (illus.), 5b4
- — 120 h.p. Six-cylinder, M. Gustave Hamel’s Car, 647
- — New Model Car, 407
- — Old, Benzole for, 185, 229
- — 1904, with Sheriff's Semi-State Coach Body, 394
- Merton, H., Patent by, Poppet Valve Construction, 459
- Metal Finish for Car Fittings, 183
- Metallurgique 15-20 h.p. Car, 1107
- - (illus.), 962
- — — — Description of, 295
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 302
- — 24-40 h.p. Car (illus.), 635
- — 35-90 h.p. Car (illus.), 764
- — 38-80 h.p. Car (illus.), 336
- — Ltd. (letters), 271. 608, 610, 752
- M.G. (letter), 897
- — Writer of the Article (letter), 797
- Michelin 1914 Guide, 1194
- — Map of the British Isles, Review, 987
- — Touring Dept., 1103
- — Tyre Co. (letter), 33
- Middlesex C.O. (Western Road Improvements and Finance) Bill, 446, 1017
- — County A.C. and Roads, 320
- Midland A.C. Hill-climb, Shelsley-Walsh, 1031
- — Light Car Club, 515
- Midlands, Through, and into Wales, Run in May, 1012
- Midsummer Meeting, Brooklands, 1084, 1142, 1231, 1259
- — — — Entries for, 1259
- Miesse Cars (letter), 182
- Mileage of Roads and Railways, 322
- Miles-Knowles, E. (letter), 34
- Mills Jet. 613
- - on 28 35 h.p. F.I.A.T., 467, 517, 565
- Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes 100 h.p. Six-cylinder Chassis, 731
- Miltoun, Francis, Due South, The Road to the Riviera, by. 239
- Minerva-Knight Tourist Trophy Cars, 981. 1074
- Minerva Seven-year-old Racing Car, 1024
- Mira Dynamo, Description of. 390
- Miralite, New Aluminium Alloy, 1010
- Mischievous Boys and Tail Eights, 414
- Misfiring, 1269
- “Mistral,” by Owen John, 642
- Mitchell. C. (letter). 705
- Mobilisation, Motor, in Ulster, 620, 627, 863. 1160
- Modern Coventry, by Owen John, 144
- Moisture on Sparking Plugs, 193
- Moldavia (letter), 368
- Molesworth's Pocket Book of Engineering Formula, Review, 210
- Moline-Knight Sleeve Valve Engine, 337
- Hours’ Test. 157. 161. 294
- Moonbeams, Ltd. (letter), 1104
- Mont Ventoux Hill-climb 898
- Morgan, A. E. (letter), 367
- — H. G. (letter), 1048
- Morison. T. 1). (letter), 1187
- Morocco Reliability Trials, 1194
- Morris-Oxford Car. Vn Appreciation of. 873
- — Cars, Engines for. 855
- — 10 h.p. Cars. A Contrast (illus.), 437
- — Light Car, 37. 46. 229, 692
- — with Body by Hollick and Pratt (illus.), 964
- — Cars, Engines for, 1193
- — with Coupe Cabriolet Body (illus.), 707
- Mors 12-15 h.p. Car (illus.), 49
- — 12-15 h.p. Car, Appreciation of, 313
- — 14-16 h.p. Car. Description of, 439
- Moseley, D., and Sons. Ltd. (letter), 848
- — Detachable Rim, 753
- Moteur Pousse, 534, 608
- Motor Engineer (letter), 844
- — Exhibitions, 182
- — Owners’ Petrol Combine, 383
- — Petrol Association. Ltd., 649
- — Ton" in Belgium and Germany, Review. 210
- — Traffic (Street Noises) Bill. 637
- Motors and Foxhound Fatalities, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 1126
- Motoring B\ product, \. by Owen John. 246
- — in the Midland Counties, Review. 210
- Motorist (letter), 1049
- Motorists and Dogs. 34. 133
- — Duty Towards the Cyclist. 503, 706
- — Organisations, 611, 704
- Mudguard Trials, Suggested. 34
- Mulliners. Ltd.. Three-quarter Landaulet by l illus.). 144
- Multi cylinder Head Casting. Detachable,
- — Patent by Wolseley Tool j in. Motor Car Co.. 364
- Munn and I’nderwood (fitter . ii-„>
- M l'. Old Members and (he V,. :* t
- Murray, Stanley (letter). 369
- Murrell, .1 (letter), 129
- Mutual Helpful* ess ? letteri. * - >
- — Protection, Fcr, 423
- My Christmas tai, by w’v •
- Mystified tletturi, 161 35. 183. 317
- Nagant Car for Grand Prix Race .illus. . 1129
- N.A.G.-Wanderer 12 h.p. Car illus. , 1117
- Nailsworth Ladder: West of England Hill illus. . 864, 922
- Baines of Roman Roads, hr Reginald Wellbye, 1054
- Napier Car Drivers, Prizes for, 397, 446, 927
- — Cars. Fleet or illus.!, 924
- — Colonial Car in Mandalay, Hannah 777 636, 1187
- — illus. , 883 1052 1123
- — of Siam 416 912
- — — — in South America .illus.},
- — — — in Southern India .ihu~. ,
- — D., and Sons, Ltd. ^letters,, 88.
- — 15 h.p. Car {illus.), 730
- — 20 h.p. Colonial Car, run on,
- - — — Description of, 774
- — — Four-cylinder Cars for King (illus.), 424, 443
- — 30 h.p. Car, Carburetter for, 565, 613
- — — Six-cylinder in South Anion llns
- — 30-35 h.p. Six-cylinder Car ulus. , 290,
- — — — — Description of, 913-917
- — — — — F. H. F. Beckham's (llius.), 1119
- — — — for Maharajah of Not tore dims.), 515
- — 45 h.p. Six-cylinder, H. G. Spicer’s Car illus.;, 1230
- — — — Landaulet, Miss Barrett’s illus.), 1012
- — 60 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 813
- — — with Maytnorn Laudaulet oedy .liius ), 527
- — J. S., Detachable Wheel Patent, by Eric W Walford, 822
- — Six-cylinder Car, Nizam of Hyderabad’s (illus.), 1146
- N.A.P. Tyre, 216
- National Defence, Scottish Motor Trade Association and, 245
- — Physical Laboratory Experiments: Dazzling Head Lights, 651
- Nazzaro Car, 20-30 h.p. oar (illus.), 47, 189, 228
- — — with Pullman body illus.), 61
- Negotiating a Water Splash. 869, 923, 1000, 1040, 1050
- Never Again (letter), 183
- Newall, a. M (letter), 7 93
- New forest Roads and Scenery, 1158
- — Mexico and Arizona, Motoring in, 217
- — Oil Refining Process, Liu., Motor Spirit by, 20
- — South Wales, 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam Car (Ulus.), 1118
- — — — The Chauffeur Question in, 8
- Newson, J. (letter), 133
- Newton-Bennett 12 h.p. Car, 663, 710. 755 (illus ), 730
- New York, Experiences in, Mr. F. H. Hall’s, 1217
- — — Show, Engine Starters at. 164
- — — — Tendencies of American Design, 151, 412
- — — State, Women Inspectors for, 370
- New Zealand, Competitions in, 779
- — — Customs Duty, 612
- — — Motor Car as H.M.S. (illus.), 62
- - Motoring in (illus.), 436, 441, 442, 952
- — — Petrol consumption Test in, 707, 7 79
- — — Road Scene in (illus.), 858
- — — Steam Car by A. W. Reid (iilus.j, 1002
- Nicholl, E. E. (letter), 705
- Night Driving, 717
- — Goli, by W. G Aston, 687
- No-cell Dynamo, 163
- Noise and Rattle, Some Causes of, 99
- Noisy Engine, 186
- Non-competitor (letter), 1263
- Non-freezing Compound, Aglace, 744
- Non-skids, Combination, 1092
- North-east Dynamotcr, TJ.IU.J.., Description of, 700
- — Equipment, 1053, 1107
- — Motor Generator, 130
- - R.A.O. Trial, 546, 603
- North-eastern Automobile Association, 403
- North, O. D. (letters), 226, 365, 461. 845, 895, 997, 1046
- - — Compound and Adjustable Springs, by, 1120
- — — — Lessons of Motel' Omnibus Practice, by. 102
- - — The Springing Question, by, 735
- — Yorkshire Moors, On tlic, by H. L. Kettle, 901
- Northern Motor Co., Ltd. (letters), 797, 897, 998
- Northey, Percy W., Former Tourist Trophy Races, by. 837
- Northumberland, Police Activities in, 1230
- Norway, A.C. Motor Race, 1106
- Norwegian A.C. Reliability Trial, 708
- Nostaw (letter 1049
- Not a Cycle Car (letter), 656
- Notes and News from Paris, 30, 57, 1~8. 534. 583. 636. 699, 722, 1182
- — for Beginners, by Eric 1) - \\ alb rd. 696 - "46. 789 - 830, 881, 929. 977, 1026, 1097 1139. 1 - ' - 1176, 1256
- No Tin (letter), 31
- Notion Stove for Heating Garage, 2-
- Novice (letter), 657
- Number of Cars in America. 322
- — Plates, Aluminium, 372, 417
- — — for Gipsies, 30
- — Illumination of, 59
- Nups Head Lights, 149
- Nut and Locking Device, Perfioi
- Oakley Car, 16 10 h.p. Car, Appreciation of. 1131
- Oakley, Albert K. (letter), 609
- Obituary, 66, 640, 642, 952, 1100. 1106. 1135
- Observant (letter), 133
- Obstruction, Dangerous. 1157
- Octrol Gate;-, Through the, 699
- Offord All weather Body, Ford Car with (ill us.), 1039, 1223
- O.G.. (letter). 1266
- Ogley, Daniel H.. (letter>), 512. 751, 752, 846 19
- Oilcan, Acccmodation lor. 283
- Oil Company, British, New. 119?
- Oil Companies and Shareholder-' Interests, 335
- — Engine Lubricating. 619. 702, 1048, 1083
- — — Speedwell White Ideal. 1135
- — Industries Exhibition. Earl's Court, 593
- — Non-carbonising, 1048. 1083
- — Resources of the Empire, Paper by Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin. 637
- — Supplies for Light Cars. 507
- Oils. Engine Lubricating, by W. R. Ormandy. 595-601. - 644
- Oilfield. Galician. Life on. by Lord Carrick, 938
- Oiling Ford Car, 851
- Old Cars, Improving, 89
- — — Taxation of. 86. 180, 225. 369, 460, 542
- — Covers. Good Market for, 743, 849, 897. 925
- — Gateways, Some. 1151
- — Inns of England. 90, 133
- — M.U. Members and the A.A., 33, 85, 183. 317
- Oleo Sparking Plugs. 892
- Olympia Aeroplane Show. Engines at. 587
- — Show Poster, 368
- O.M.H. (letter), 706
- Omnibus. Motor. Practice, Lessons of. 179. 226, 460
- - - - by O. D. North. 102
- — Private, by Star Engineering Co. (illus.). 729
- Once a Farmer (letter). 413 One of Them (letter), 133
- On the Road, by Owen John. 15, 46, 100, 194. 290, 335, 387. 436. 476. 526. 632. 728. 764, 813. 860. 908, 962. 1012, 1089. 1117. 1170. 1228
- - Track. 14. 60. 150. 206. 395. 456, 556, 602. 650, 695. 838. 923. 990. 1021. 1084. 1142, 1183. 1231
- Opel Car, 851
- — Grand Prix Car (illus.), 1249
- — 100 h.p., at Hill-climb. Austria (illus.), 952
- Opportunity lletter), 18?
- Orgy of Traffic. An. by Easter Tripper. 835
- Ormandy. W. R., Engine Lubricating Oils, by, 595-601. 644
- — Paper by, Alcohol as Motor Fuel, 261
- - The Fuel Question, by. 50
- Orno Grease Pump, 458
- — Safety Starting Handle 418
- O.S. Speedometer. Description of. 454
- Our Kindly Invaders, by Owen John, 301 Overhead (letter), 948
- — Valve Arrangement, Patent by A. J. Lavoie, 459
- Overheard (letter), 1050
- Overland 20-25 h.p. Car, Description of, 113
- — Car in Iceland (illus.). 1119
- — — on the Acropolis (illus.), 743
- — — Impressions of Trial Run, 653
- Overloading of C*rs. 762, 845
- Oversize Tyres, 663. 709, 949, 998. 1035, 1040, 1047, - 1266
- — Guarantee for, 1040
- Over the Stelvio. by Chas. L. Freeston, 4
- Owen, J. (letter), 996
- — — Road Reform by, 816
- — John (letter), 1000
- — — A Motoring By-product, by, 246
- — — and the Light Car. 297
- — — Another Opportunity, by. 922
- — — Cars for Real Farmers, by, 58
- — — First Past the Posters, by, 579
- — — " Mistral." by. 642
- — — Modern Coventry, by, 144
- — — Motoring in Algeria, by, 623, 672, 718
- — — My Christmas Car. by. 153
- — — On Road Reform, by, 889
- - On the Road, by. 15. 46, 100, 194, 290, 335. 387. 436. 476, 526, 632, 728, 764. 813, 860, 908, 962. 1012, 1089, 1117. 1170, 1228
- — — Our Kindly Invaders, by, 301
- - Spring Meeting of Automobile Golfing Society, by, 584
- Owner-Driver (C.) (letters), 749, 948
- Owner Not an Owner, 398
- Oxford M.C. 24 Hours’ Run, 478
- Oxygen Carbon Remover, Cox. 405. 899
- — Decarbonising in Private Garage, 763, 859, 1154
- — Process of Carbon Removal. 185
- Oxygen Welding Works, Ltd (letters.), 318. 413. 462, 560
- Padmore-Mann, E. (letter). 365
- Paid Driver (letters), 1048, 1266
- Painting. Car. by Amateurs. 491. 709
- Paint that will Stand Exhaust Heat. 1127
- Palmer Tyres, Price Reduction of. 1?44
- Panhard Car, From Bulawayo to Salisbury on, 108
- — 12 h.p. Car, 371, 755
- — 12 h.p. for Maharana Holkar of Indore (illus.). 337
- — 12 h.p. with Two-seated Victoria Body (illus.). 889
- — 15-20 h.p. in New Zealand (illus.), 441. 442
- - 1904 Pattern Car in South Australia, 564
- — 28 h.p. King George at Paris (illus.), 1051
- Panonlix Paints, 1127
- Paraffin as Fuel. Bellem System of Carburation. 26
- Paris, London, and Berlin Shows. Dates of. 396
- — Notes and News from. 30. 57. 178. 500, 534. 583. 636. 699. 722. 1182
- — Traffic. Random Reflections on. 835
- Parliament and Motor Cars, 403
- — Road Board Criticised in, 408
- Parnacott. A. E. (letters), 268. 316. 558. 608. 796. 894. 897, 950. 1153, 1154. 1157, 1185
- Parry, R B. (letters). 1047. 1264
- Parsons Chains, 129. 225, 229
- — F. O. (letter), 949
- — Harry, Paper by. at Southampton Chamber of Commerce, 1106
- Passengers on Test Cars, Legal Decision. 164
- Patent, American, for O. Y. Knight. 800
- — Law. 31. 88. 182
- Patented Articles, 322
- — Processes, T se of. 1103. 1154
- Patents. Carburetter, Claudel France. 256. 608
- _ _ Stromberg v. Zenith, in America. 641
- — Detachable Wheel. Riley r. Pugh. 780, 799, 847
- — Recent. Some, by Eric W. Walford, 314. 364. 459. 508, 654. 842,
- Paterson. Kenneth R. (letter), 412
- Patriot (letter). 182
- Pawson. G. (letters). 130. 413
- Payment of Establishment Licences. 128
- Payne. W. W.. and W. D. Talbert (letter). 225
- Peculiar Self-propelled Vehicle (illus.), 808
- Pedal Covers. 283, 425, 611
- Pedestrian Wilful. 1184
- "Peen,” New American Word. 662
- Pembrokeshire, Road Improvements in (illus 1, 1091
- Perfloc Nut. 19
- Periodic Destruction of Roads. 753. 797
- - by A. M. Low. 479
- - Movement of Pistons, 289. 347. 407. 461
- Perkin, Dr. F. Mollwo, Oil Resources of the Empire, by. 637
- Perplexed /letters), 89. 1264
- Perrin, William R. (letter! 319
- Persia. Motor Tour through. 821
- Peto. Wm. (letter). 660
- Petrol and Car Taxes. Disposal of, 665
- — at Tennence a Gallon. 649
- — A World Substitute for, 282
- — Bulk Storage of. 31. 54 85. 123, 128, 179. 223. 269. 315. 363 - 368. 509. 610. 1002
- — Can Stoppo-j:. 1158. 1267
- — Combine. Motor Owne-s-. 383. 581. 592
- — Consumption, 38, 1047, 1107, 1157. 1161. 1219
- — — on Light Cars. 586. 656
- — — Test. Interesting. 923 - 1070
- — Denot. Interesting Visit to, 1015
- — Fillers, Dashboard. 1233
- — Gas for Illumination. Patent by G. Constantineseo. 654
- — Paraffin Carburetter, Binks, Description of, 1130
- — Prices, Possible Influence on. 345
- — Rebate on, 9^4
- — Sfn-vation. Dint and Tip. 425
- — Substitute Joint Committee on, 98
- — Supplies, Coonerative 203. 257, 292, 315. 368. 410. 510. 581, 592, 610
- — Snuuly. 321, 657. 752
- — Tank. Leaky, 1011
- — Tap. Whvte. 25
- — The Wav to Cheapen, 203, 257, 292. 315, 368. 410 - 510. 581 - 592. 610
- — — - — by Petrolious. 203, 257, 581
- Petroleum from South Africa. 399
- — Substitute. 228. 272
- — Technologists. Institution of, 497
- Petrolicous (letter). 411
- — The Way to Cheapen Petrol, by, 203, 257, 581
- Peugeot Car for Grand Prix (illus.). 1180
- — 14-20 h.p., Mr. E. Crinwood's (illus.), 395
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.). 325
- — — — Demi-intion of 1034
- — with Bodv by Million-flu'et (illus.), 1170
- — 1913 Three-litre Car (illus.), 21
- Phapomobile, The, 275. 321
- — Three-wheeler, Owner-driver’s Experiences. 392. 513
- Phanomobiles Ltd. (letter). 514
- Phillip. Allan. Tour through Fifteen English Counties, by. 803. 854
- Phillips. Horatio (letter). 558
- — W. Herbert (letter). 1187
- Phillinss (letter! 608, 660
- Phoenix Car. 467
- — Motors. Ltd. (letter). 705
- — 11.9 h.p. Three-seater. 92
- Phraseology - of - Motoring - and - the - English Language 1228
- Picking up Water for Steamers. 1107. 1219
- Piers (letter). 90
- Pilgrim (letter) - 316
- Pilgrimage to the Bronte Country, by Henry Walker-. U63
- Pinking, Carbon Deposit and, 997, 1048. 1103. 1153, - 1266
- — Poppet r. Sleeve Valves and, 950
- — What is 857. 949
- Pioneer Air Pump, Description of. 876
- — Journey, - Bulawayo - to - Salisbury - on - Panhard in 1909. 108
- Pipe Car, 24-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 707
- Piston Ring, Double Spiral. Whidbourne and Lishman. 926
- — — Tongs. Bradford, 606
- — Rings, Hammering Process for, Peen, 662 Pistons. Aluminium, 605
- — Lighter, 270. 318, 367. 413. 461. 510, 560, 609. 655. 704. 752
- — — by Eric W . Walford. 252
- — by Independent Engineer, 147
- — Periodic Movement of, 289. 347, 407, 461
- — Steel. 704. 752
- Plain Bearings. Taking up, in Gear Boxes. 99
- Plantation Rubber. Clincher Tyres, R.A.C. Trial of. 1119. 1141. 1226
- — — for Motor Tyres. 591
- Plating Process. Sehoop, 445
- Plugs. Big. on Small Cars. 824
- — Hobson-Pognon. 649
- — Vita. Longevity of. 836
- Poege. Mr. Willy. Death of. 1100
- Point-to-point Meeting. Motor Cars at (illus.). 612
- Poland. Motor Car Reliability Trial in. 282
- Police. A.A. Patrols and. 980
- — Vetivitie' in Northumberland. 1230
- — Cases. 36. 239, 349. 707. 815. 850, 972 1160. 1218
- — Llandudno. 1244
- Police Cases, West Riding of Yorkshire, Audible Warning of Approach, 1232
- — Methods with Motorists, 34, 1158
- — Regulations of Traffic, 271
- — Trapping, 1101, 1268 _
- — in Hampshire, 1216
- Traps at Godalming, 777
- — within a Hundred Miles of London, 690
- — Polish for Car Bodies, 467, 565, 665
- Polyrhoe Carburetter, 321
- — New Vertical Carburetter, 1053
- Pomeroy, L. H. (letter), 131
- Poppe, P. A., Patent by, Carburetter Arrangement, 459
- Poppet Valve Construction, Patent by M. Merton, 459
- — r. Sleeve Valves and Pinking, 950
- Porthcawl Speed Trials, Cardiff M.C., 1159
- Portland Motor Club, 1051
- Port Sunlight, The King at (illus,), 652
- Portugal, Motor Car Show in, 1084
- — Motoring in, 578, 657, 707, 752, 799
- Position of Warning Instruments, 1011
- Possibility of Alcohol as Motor Fuel, Paper by W. R. Ormandy, 261
- Posters, First Past the, by Owen John, 579
- Potential Developments, Ltd., Crossley Car for Fuel Tests (illus.), 982
- Pound Feet, Foot Pounds and, 35
- Powerful Provincial Motor Organisation, 403
- Practical Points on Motoring, 200 (review), 987
- — Test of Motor Mobilisation, 863
- Practice for the Grand Prix, 1192, 1250
- Practising for the Tourist Trophy Race, 1029, 1030, 1080, 1133
- Prague Motor Show, Exhibits at (illus.), 866, 867
- Preserving Finish of Car, 143
- Preston, New Street in, 831
- Pretoria, Motorists' Laws in, 1268
- Prevention of Carbonisation, 801
- Price, Edgar (letter), 1001
- Prices, Car, Abroad, 905
- Prince Henry 27-80 h.p. Austro-Daimler, 37
- Private Bills Affecting Motorists, 403
- — Car as Aid to Mobilisation, 620, 627
- Prizes for Drivers of Napier Cars, 397
- Problem of Road Traffic, Its Solution, by Capt. H. H. P. Deasy, 80
- Prosecution, Short Notice of, 853
- Provincial Motor Shows, 130
- Pugh, John V. (letters), 89. 129. 268, 799, 847
- — — — Steering Wheel Wobble, Experiments by, 12
- Pulyn Yrlegg (letter), 704
- Punts and Skiffs, Engines for, 670
- Puttee Tyre, Ilarrod’s, 979
- P.W.B.S. (letter), 90
- Pye-English, William (letter), 222
- Queen Alexander and Dowager Empress of Russia at Hendon (illus), 1052
- Queries and Replies. 37, 91, 135, 185, 229. 275, 321, 371, 417, 467, 517, 565, 613, 663. 709, 755. 801. 851, 899, 953, 1003.
- 1053, 1107, 1161, 1219, 1269
- Quivis (letter), 1156
- Race Meetings, Motors at, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 883
- Racing Cars, Old and New. 1263
- R.A.C. and a Ban, 611. 656, 704
- — Guides and Epping Urban Council. 727
- — Light Car Trial, Owen John and, 963, 1102.
- - Trials. 222. 494. 553. 606, 689. 731 785, 824, 833, 843, 877, 918, 931, 959, 981 999, 1048
- — — — — Competition Rules for, 553
- - Report of, 877, 918, 931
- — The, 1049
- — Trial. Barnfather Tyre Inflator. 603
- — — Blakoe Resilient Wheel, 209
- — — Combine Motor Spirit, 397
- — — De Dion 24 n.p Eight-cylinder Car, 603
- - 8-10 h.p. Car, 928
- - Jackson Foot Starter, 603
- — — North-east Motor Generator, 546. 603
- — — Tel Speed Indicator and Recorder, 652
- — Trials, 703, 749. 794. 849. 895. 948. 999 1049 1104. 1156 U87
- — — Clincher Tyres from Plantation Rubber, 1119, 1141. 1226
- — — of Electric Lighting Sets. 11, 87. 272
- — Two-stroke Engine Competition, 1194
- Radiation, Alpine Passes and, 33. 87. 131
- Radiator Fronts, Manufacture of, in France, 1182
- — Harcourt. Air Cooling in New Form, 825
- — Repairs, 1040
- — Tablets. Boilerine, 238
- — Water, To Prevent Loss of. 643
- Radiators, Colonial, on Light Cars. 824
- Radius Rods, Simple, Patent by E. Bugatti, 1150
- Railway and Steamboat Rates for Cars. 1102
- — Level Crossing. Peterborough, Bridge f< r. 1052
- — — Crossings, 380, 466
- — Motor Car Adapted to .illus , 227
- Rain. Clearing Wind Sir«u cl. 470
- Rundall, H G. letter , 222
- Raudoui Notes Rouud T.T. Course, Sup sir June 13th
- H; tipid Valve Truer. 255
- R.C.H. Cars. 37. 91. 135
- Real Farmers. Cars for. By Owen Jt ‘ilU, 58
- Rebate on A iiHxhol Kuri, Ii< epntutiou to Beard of Customs Chairman, 256
- - Petrol 954
- Reclaimed Tyres. Hercules. 1017
- Record Two-stroke Engine. ] Ueacnptii >11 ot f. 384
- Records, Brooklands. 12-15 h.p. D.F.P. Car. 304
- — Class, by Horusted ou B ecx Cat, $*90
- Records, World's, by Hornsted on Benz Car, 14, 150, 206
- — — — Sunbeam Car, 602
- Redman, Gordon G. (letters), 132, 414
- Redrup, C. B., and Others, Patent by Sleeve Valve Engine, 364
- Regent Carriage Co, Ltd. (letterr), 750, 845
- Registration of Intercnangeaole Bodies, 756. 851
- Regular Traveller, A (letter), 706
- Regulations, Motor Oar, New, in Transvaal, 45
- Relative Motion, Motor Car Design aim, Lecture by Dr. is.. M. Low, 1099
- Reliability Trial for Light curs in Ireland, 653
- Reminiscences of Early Days of Mott ring, 513
- — — — — — — by H. O. Duncan, 381, 429
- Removing Carbon from Small Bore Engines, 907
- Renault Car (illus.), 101
- Reno Engine Addition, Patent by E. V. Reno, 364
- — E. V., Patent by. Reno Engine Addition, 364
- Repairer Recommended, 272
- Repairing Method, Barimar Welding, 126
- Repairs and Adjustment.:, Brake, 88
- — — Spares, Magneto, 32, 87, 132
- — to C&aeked Frame, 525
- Replacements, Cost of, 199, 367
- Reregistration of Car, 1108
- Retreaded (letter), 1105
- Retreading Guarantee, Value of, 133, 1105. 1188, 1265
- Reviews, 210, 305, 474, 880, 903, 987, 1023. 1106, 1114, 1171
- Rex Wind Screen, Description of, C98
- R.H.B. (letter), 894
- Rhodesia, Run on Punhurd Car in 1909 in, 108
- Riches and Co. and J. Okill, Patent by, Spring Leaf Lubricator, 842
- — G. T„ and Co., Ltd. (letters), 514. 1156
- Right-angled Corner, Taking a, 1050, - 1105, 1157
- Riley Detachable Wire Wheel for Ford Cars, 361
- — Light Car, 878
- — v. Pugh, Detachable Wheel Patents. 780. 799, £47
- Rim, Detachable, Moseley, 753
- — Forse, Fitting of, 1232
- Rims, Detachable, and Detachable Wheels, 32, 89, 131, 318
- — Facility, on R.W. Wire Wheels, 38
- — Standardisation of, 641
- — Warland Twin Dual, Description of, 885
- Riper, L. C. V., Patent by, Safety Device for Engine Starters, 508
- Ripley, Police Trapping at, 1101
- — Strong and Co. (letter), 1188
- Rivalry of the Valves, 1225
- Riviera, A.A. Facilities on the, 337
- — Notes, 53
- — The Road to the, by Francis Miltoun, 239
- Rivett, A. (letter), 894
- R.M.C. Car, 18-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 387
- — — — Stability of (illus.), 796
- — Seabrook Car, 135, 663
- — — 18-20 h p. Car, Description of, 1260
- Road Administration and London C.C., 370
- — Board, 377, 389, 466, 1136
- — — Criticised in Parliament, 408
- — — Difficulties Encountered by, 808
- — — Grants, Fourteenth List, 716
- — — — Thirteenth List, 127
- — — London County Council and, 304
- — Bridge, Inverness-shire, Swept Away (illus.), 1226
- — Conditions in Canada, 158
- — Dangers, 369, 414, 464, 884
- — Diversion near Fishguard, 680
- — Dye for Indicating Direction in Trials. 870
- — Improvement, London-Aylesbury Road (illus ). 879
- — Improvements, 415, - 564, - 612, 680, 898. 1002, 1192
- — — in Pembrokeshire (illus), 1091
- — — Lancashire C.C. and, 320, 754
- — Maintenance and Motor Taxation in France. 500
- — — Increased Imperial Grant for, 880
- — — Proposed Exeheauer Grant* for, 640
- — Making for Modern Traffic, by Col. Crompton,
- — Scottish A.C. Lecture, 543
- — Methods, 90. 181
- — — Scientific, 743
- — Map, Sectional, of London Environs, The Autocar, 1114
- — Motor, 1,000 Mile, 834
- — New, at Lynton, North Devon, 274, 800
- — Question in South Africa, 960
- — Reform, 807, 816, 996, 1049 - by J. Owen, 816
- — — On, by Owen John, 889
- — Repairs, Suffolk, 706
- — Suggesteu Thornton Healb-Furley, 898
- — SuxtV e of Hill illus.), 1228
- — Tarring and Reconstruction, Official Information 785, 840, 941, 991, 1041 - 1147
- — — Practical Hints on preview;, 474
- — Tax, France, 583
- — Toll, Ancient, 834
- — to the Riviera, by Francis Miltoun. 239
- — Traffic Problem, Its Solution, by Capt. H. H. P. Deasy, 880
- — Viaducts, 506
- — Warnings. 36. 228 416. 446, 515. 516, 606 707, 716. 777, 840, 952, 1106, 1160, 1218
- — Waves, 1, 64, 86, 129, 18U, 223, 2t9. 316 369 798
- — — Criticism of Col. Crompton's Theory, 64
- — Worcester-Tewkesbury. 185
- Roads and Railways, Mileage of, 322
- — Arterial, for Loudon, 546
- — French, 534
- — Kronen, and Studded Tyres, 22
- — Improvement Association, 198, 754 831 952
- - and Middlesex C.C Bill, 1017
- — - - Annual Meeting, 831
- — — — Horseshoe Competition. 61
- - — Review of Year's Work. 741
- — in the South of England. 748
- Roads in Wilts., 35
- — Periodic Destruction of, 753, 797
- — — — — by A. if. Low, 479
- — Taxation for, Motorists and, 542
- Roberts, George (letter), 128
- — John (letter), 35
- Robertfcon-Bhersby Harvie, R., with Italy Car, „ , - 827
- Rodakowski. E. A. (letters/, 559, 659
- Rolls-Royce Car for Czar of Russia, 870
- — — Mr. and Mrs. F. Coleman in (illus.), 1084
- — Cars in America and Canada, 835
- — 40-50 h.p. Oar (illus/, 17, 447, <93
- — — W. C. Hely on (illus.), 825
- — with Cann All-weather Roy (illus.), 8C0
- — — with Salmons and Sons’ Rody (lilus), 691
- — Ltd. (letters), 365, 1049
- — Six-cylinder, witn Body by Hooper and Co., 146
- — with Limousine Body (illus.), 335
- — — Saloon Rody (illus.), 729
- Roman Roads, Names or, by Reginald Wellbye, 1054
- Romeiser, \\., New Differential Gear by. 978
- Roots’s Forced Induction Carburetter, 303
- Roots, J. D. (letters), 752, 1155
- Rotary Valve Engine, Patent by C. E. Henriod, 314
- Rotax Autophone, 492
- — Electric Lighting and Starting, 45
- — Twelve Voit Lighting Set, 565
- Rouen, Octroi Duties at, 800
- Round the World in a Motor Car (review), 1023
- Rover 6 h.p. Car, Carburetter for, 417
- — 12 h.p. with Body by H. E. Griffin illus./, 145
- — — — Coupe Body (illus.), 336
- Royal Society of Arts, Paper at, Oil Resources of the Empire, 637
- — — — — — by A. L. Clayden, 924
- — — — — — W. R. Ormandy, Alcohol Fuei, 261, 305
- Royce, F. H., and Rolls-Royce, Patent by. Brake Mechanism, 314
- Rubber, Plantation, for Motor Tyres, 591. 1119 1141, 1226
- — Tax, Proposed, in France, 876
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. (letters , 847, 1050
- — Wheels for French Grand Prix Cars, 731
- — Wire Wheel Discs, 639 Rug, Fixed, 907
- Rule of the Road, Need for Revision, 52
- Run in May through Mialanas and into Wales. 1012
- Rural England, The Motor and, by J. Fairfax Blakebcrough, 482, 554
- Rushmore Lamps, Ltd. (letters), 87. 659
- Russell, Barrie, Domestic Architecture in the Western Midlands, by, 955, 1005
- Russell-Knight Engine, Test of, 502
- Russia, International Touring Pass in, 307
- — Motor Vehicle Industry in, 36, 415
- Russian Grand Prix, Report of, 1088. 1137
- — Imperial A.C. International Touring Competition, 61, 515, 626, 1038, 1088 - 1137
- R.W.P. (letter), 1050
- S. (letters), 1155, 1156, 1157
- Safeguard, Compulsory, Against Theft, 127
- — Patent by Philipp Strasser, 160
- Safety Device for Engine Starters, Patent by L. C. V. Riper. 508
- “Safety First ” Campaign in America. 423
- Safety Starting Handle, Orno, 418
- Salmons - All-weather Body - on 40-50 - h.p. Rolls-Royce (illus.), 490
- Salsbury, H. (letter), 897
- Saltburn Races, 999, 1244
- Sand, Driving Through, Special - Attachment for (illus.), 273
- Sanders, - Ernest A. lletter), - 1186
- Sandes, Flora (letter), 896
- Satisfied - (letters), 89. 462
- — User (letter), 610
- S.A.V.A. Car for T.T. Race. 932, 1022, 1035. 1078
- — 18-26 h.p. Car (illus.), 46
- Saver Clutch, 613
- S.C.A.T. Car in New Zealand (illus.), 436
- — — - Targa Florio, 1142
- Schildge, M . Patent by. To Lubricate Spring Leaves, 459
- Schilowskv, Dr. P., Gyroscopic Car Designed by, 591 - 642. 826, 838
- Schoop Plating Process, 445
- Schuttler, P., and J. and M. Deutrich, Patent by. Automatic Carburetter, 314
- — P., G. Johannes and M. Deutrich. Patent by Another Well Carburetter. 1150
- Scientific Chassis Testing, Humber Installation. 250. 251
- Scotland, An Example from. National Defence, 245
- Scottish A.C. Annual Dinner, 406
- - Lecture by Col. Crompton. Road M.ik ing for Modern Traffic. 543
- — Light Car Trial. 154. 1233
- — Motor Trade Association and National Defence, 245
- — Show, Bodywork at (illus.), 200, 202
- — — Report of. 165-178, 200
- Scott Tyre Economisers, Description of, 355
- Scout Colonial Car, 20 h.p. Car for South Africa (illus.), 102
- Screen. Back. Beatonson. Description of. 983
- - — Self-locking, Hughes, 872
- — Light, 821
- — Wind. Rex. Description of, 698
- S.D. (letter). 849
- Seabrook Brothers, (letter). 796
- — Cars. 37. 91
- — BMC. Car, 135. 663
- - 18 20 h.p. Car, Description of 1260
- Searle Unburstable Air Tube- Experience. 1269
- — — — — in New York. 1217
- Second hand Oars and Hire Purchase System. 398
- - Disposal of. A Clearing House Suggested, 973
- Security Bolts. 226
- Self-adjusting Dynamo. Patent by Brolt. Ltd., 508
- Self locking Back Screen. 872
- Self-propelled Vehicle. Peculiar (illus.), 808
- Sempill, W. (letter), 656
- S.E.P. (letter), 795
- Severn. New Bridge over (illus.). 800
- S.G.R. (letter), 563
- Shaving Cyclists. 503, 706. 905. 1101
- Sheen Duplex Air Inlet Valve, 402
- Sheffield A.C. and Water Charge, 228
- Sheffield-Simplex 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 346
- - — on Continental Tour, 987
- — — — with Special Cann Body (illus.), 645
- — — Six-cylinder Car (illus.). 681, 800
- — — with Screen Eight, 821
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letters), 560. 611. 659
- Speedometer Drive (illus.), 1172
- Shelsley Crosslev 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 1117, 1172
- — Model Crossley Car, Manchester M.C. President's, 264
- — - 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 489
- — — — — —An Appreciation of, 740
- — — — for Swedish Trials. 274, 294
- Shenton, E. W. II. (letter). 1188
- Shock Absorber. Mamet. 1110
- — Absorbers, 462. 562. 873
- Shorland. F., Presentation to. 1032
- Short Notice of Prosecution. 853
- — Wheelbase Cars, Tip-up Seat Back for 544
- Shows, Motor, Light Cars and. 1048
- — Paris. London, and Berlin. Dates of, 396
- — Three, in November, 1193 Shrewsbury and Motorists. 88
- Sicilian Race. The Targa Florio, 516, 995. 1032, 1083, 1114. 1116, 1142. 1176
- Sicily, Motor Car Trade in. 61
- Siddeley-Deasy Car on Braemar-Ballater Road (illus.). 248
- — 18-24 h.p. Car in India (illus.). 909
- — 30-36 h.p.. Appreciation of, 509, 560, 607, 655, 703
- - Car (illus.), 908
- - Six-cylinder Car. Description of, 535-540
- — - in Pyrenees (illus.), 36
- — Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letter), 847
- Side-slip, 830
- Side Tilt. Result of. 1060
- Signposts, London-Folkestone Road, 556
- — Simple, 112
- — Warning, 317
- Silence on all Gears. 1046, 1156
- Silent Bevel, Patent by Soeiete Anonyme des Engrenages Citroen. 842
- Silly Suffolk (letter), 849
- Simms. F. R„ Patent by. Combined Dynamo and Magneto. 459
- — Magnetos. 208
- — Traffic Regulator, 532
- — Universal Vulcaniser, 1161
- Simple Simon (letter). 87
- Simplex Water Pipe Clip, 446
- Singer 14 h.p. Car (illus.). 579
- — 20 h.p. Speed Model (illus.), 273
- Single-balanced Valve for Internal Combustion Engines. 1154, 1266
- Siren. A, 1053
- Six-cylinder Cars, R.A.C. Trials of, 703, 749. 794
- Sizaire-Berwick 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 203, 783. 962
- — with Charlesworth Body (illus.), 1171
- Sizaire-Naudin 18-30 h.p. Car (illus.). 1230
- Sizaire 12 h.p. Single cylinder Car. 1219
- S.J.R. (letter), 89
- S.K. (letter). 464
- Skidding and its Effect on the Engine. 319. 414. 464
- Sledge, Air-propelled. Count Bert: and ds Lesseps (illus.). 633
- Sleeve Valve and Poppet Valve Engines, 607. 702. 795, 896, 1000. 1103, 1184
- — — Engine, Carbonisation and, 762, - 865. 1169
- — — — Patent by Redrup. C B. and A.L., and Boyle, K.K. and J.. 364
- Sleigh, Air-propelled, by Breguet Aeroplane Co. (illus.). 416. 445
- — Motor, with Aeroplane Tractor Screw (illus.), 116
- Slide Valve Arrangement, Patent by C. Y. Knight, 842
- Slinger, J. D. (letter), 319
- Slipping Clutch, 954
- Slow moving Traffic and Universal Lights, 221
- — — in London. 483
- Small Car to Carry Two Persons. 91
- Smallest Church and Smallest House in the Kingdom, by H. O. Archer. 567
- Smith Carburetter, 664 710, 1003
- — David J. (letter). 656 Four-jet Carburetter. 86, 614
- — H. Nelson (letter). 999
- — .T. W. (letter). 948
- — Sydney, Negotiating a Water Spla«li, by. 869, 923. 1000, 1040, 1050
- s.M.M T. in Pall Mall, 253
- Snaefell Summit (illus.). Sup. viii.. June 13th
- Snercold Engineering Co., Ltd. (letters), 224. 316. 510
- Snowdon Ariel, Famous Cars in Retirement. 493
- Societe Anon, des Automobiles Delaunay-Belleville, Patent by, Expanding Brake Improvement, 459
- — — Engrenages Citroen, Patent by, Silent Bevel. 842
- — Houdaille et Sabot, Patent by. Adjustable Spring Suspension, 654
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders. _ . . 1160
- Soldering Sweating and Some Notes on, by Eric W. Watford, 1115
- Somersetshire A.C. Leaflet, Highway Law, 84
- Sometime Independent, Now interested, Engineer (letter), i67
- Sooty Plug, 92
- South Africa and Road Making. 743
- — — as Motor Market. 788. 832
- — — Crossley Car in, 527, 1050
- — — 15 9 h.o. Arrol-Johnston Car in (illus.), 1194
- — Motor Car Imports, 960
- — — — Developments in, 960
- — — Petroleum from, 399
- — African Motor Legislation, 264
- — — Reliability Trial, 661
- — America, Motoring in (illus.), 777
- Southampton Chamber of Commerce, Paper by Harry Parsons, 1106
- South-east and Soutli-west of r ranee. Motoring in, 15 - .
- South of England, Roads in the, /48
- - Scotand. Week with Light Car in, by E. Fawssett, 469, 519
- — Wales A.C. and Cardiff M.C. Hill-climb, 515, 1159
- South-west Tyrol, in, by Chas. L. Freeston, 574
- Southern India, Colonial Napier Car in (illus.), 1052
- Spain, Motoring in (illus.), 228
- Spanish Grand Prix. 823
- Spanners, Lever for, by D. McPherson, 492
- Spare Wheel, Space for, on 38 h.p. Lanchester Car (illus.), 1027
- Spares, Supply of, 1104, 1156, 1188. 1267
- Sparking Plug, Hobson-Pognon. 649
- — — Thermal Safety. 212
- — Plugs, 557. 704, 873
- — — for Light Cars, 1265
- — — Lodge, 1152, 1265
- - Moisture on, 193
- - Oleo, 892
- Sparqulator (letter), 512
- Speed and Consumption Indicator, Accurator, 879
- — Contests, 813
- — Limits, 416, 543, 754, 1052, 1160
- — — London C.C. and, 754
- — — — Traffic and, 98
- — of Light Cars, 608, 656, 691, 703, 965, 1092, 1155
- - Motor Cars in Paris, 1182
- — Prosecutions at Glasgow. 972
- — Recorder, Magnetic, Warner, Description of, Trials at Weston-super-Mare, 946, 1181
- Speedometer Fitting, 907
- — O.S., Description of, 454
- Speedometers, Stewart and Warner, 397
- Speight, A. (letters), 319. 611
- Spencer-Moulton Three-libbed Tyre, 834
- Sphinx Plug for Ford Cars, 409
- Spinning Ciuteh, 1011
- Spiral Dynamo, Description of, 111
- Splashguards, Compulsory Use of, Paris, 699
- Sponge. Constant Feed, Dunhill's, 208
- Sporting Car Race at Brooklands, 799
- — Models, 607, 657. 704, 752
- Sprags, Starting on Hills, 977
- Spray Engine Cleaner, 409
- Spring (letter), 610
- - C. (letter), 513
- — Checks, an Argument for, 2
- - — Hydraulic, 462, 514. 610, 655, 703
- — Cleaning at Brooklands, An Artist's Day-Dream (illus.), 679
- — Design on Light Cars, 1177, 1233
- — Leaf Lubricator, Patent by G. T. Riches and Co., 842
- -- Leaves, Lubrication of, 514
- — — To Lubricate, Patent by M. Schildge, 4"9
- — Meeting of Automobile Golfing Society, by Owen John, 584
- — Shackle, Simple, Patent by L. Laisne, 160
- — Starter, Ever-Ready, 229
- — Suspension, Adjustable. Patent by Societe Houdaille et Sabot, 654
- - Patent by J. J. Charley, 508
- - R. S. Trott. 160
- Springs, Adjustable, 715
- — Baldur, 1110
- — Compound and Adjustable, by O. D. North. 1120
- — First Intention, Dengate, 834
- Springing of Cars, 316
- — Question, 795, £43, 894, 947, 996. 1046, 1153. 1233
- — — by O. D. North. 735
- — System, Curious. Patent by O. Stolp. 160
- — Uncomfortable, by W. G. Aston, 308
- Spyker Car for Queen of Holland, 805. 1002
- — 30-40 h.p. Car (illus.), 483
- Stabilia Car (illus.). 444
- Stanbridge. Henry (letter), 464
- Standard 9.5 h.p. Car, Description of. 359
- - Light Car, Mrs. E. Kennard's (illus.). 837
- — 20 h.p. with Flush-sided Body (illus.). 102
- — — Six-cylinder in Kalahari Desert, 1255
- — Metric Equivalent Tables, Review, 987
- Standardisation of Rims, 641
- Stand-by Lamps. 283
- Stanley Steam Car, Early. Capabilities of. 697
- Star Car. Accident to, 731
- — Cars for T.T. Race, 921. 1075
- — Engineering Co., Private Omnibus by (illus.), 729
- — 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 387
- - — for Argentine Land Co. (illus.), 478
- — 20.1 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 302
- — Car in Sfiain (illus.), 228
- Starting and Lighting Systems, 511
- — Carburetter, By-pa-s, Patent by M. Birkigt. 314
- — Car when Self starter Fails, 3
- — Danger, 424
- — Engine by Momentum of Car, 830
- — Difficulties in, 789, 849
- — — on Cold Mornings, 59. 130
- — Handle Clip, 127, 225
- Starting Handle Clips, Hinged, 163, 182
- - Kantkik, 1175
- — — Lock lor Ford Cars, 361
- — — Lubrication and Setting, 717
- — of Ford Car, 900
- — on Hills, Sprags, 977
- Steamers, Picking up Water lor, 1107, 1219
- Steel Cylinders, Attachment of, 660, 703
- — Pistons, 704
- — Wheel Construction, Gavin-Armour, 63
- — Wheels, Stelfast, 989
- Steering, Bad, 99
- — Centre, Design, by E. Steven Alexander, 888
- — Wheel Wobble, 85, 129
- — — — Experiments by John V. Pugh, 12
- Stelfast Steel Wheels, 989
- Stelvio Pass, Over the, by Charles L. Freeston, 4
- Stephenson, C. H. (letter), 559
- Step Scraper for Peugeot Car (illus.), 325
- Stern Sonneborn Oil Co., Ltd, (letter), 894
- Stewart and Warner Speedometers, 397
- — Gordon (letter), 704
- St. Hill, G. H. (letter), 87
- Sticky Valves, 143
- Stocks, J. W. (letters), 896, 1048
- Stoewer Cars, 135, 1269
- — 13.9 h.p. Car, 91 Stokes, F. F. (letter), 705
- Stolp, O., Patent by, Curious Springing System, 160
- Stone, R. P. (letters), 269. 753
- Stones as Scotches for Vehicles, 661
- — Full Width of Road, 90. 181
- Stop Leak Compounds, 417
- Storage, Bulk, of Petrol, 31, 54, 85, 123. 128, 179, 223, 269, 315, 363, 368, 509, 610, 1002
- Straker, Donald (letters), 607. 795, 1001, 1185
- Straker-Squire Cars for T.T. Race (illus.), 766
- — Engine (illus.), 1014
- — 15 h.p., Carburetter for, 899, 953
- - Car, Trial Trip of, 828
- — 15-20 h.p. Speed Model (illus.), 922
- — Tourist Trophy Car, 1076
- Strasser, Philipp, Patent by, A Safeguard, 160
- Strickland, F., The Submerged Jet. by, 451
- Stromberg v. Zenith in America, Carburetter Patents, 451
- Stud Book, The Autocar, 1267
- Studded Tyres, 275, 755
- Studebaker Chassis with Meier and Son’s Body I illus.), 136
- — Four-cylinder Car, 1161
- — — — Description of, 484
- Submerged Jet, by F. Strickland, 451
- Subterranean Motoring, 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam
- — Car in New South W’ales (illus.), 1118
- S.U. Carburetter, 899
- Successful Freak Car, Phanomobile Three-wheeler, 392, 513
- — Private Competitor, Brooklands Easter Meeting, 827
- Suchislife (letter), 464
- Suffolk Road Repairs, 706
- Summer Motoring Precautions, 1169
- Sumner, Alf. E. (letter), 412
- Sunbeam Aviation Engine for War Office. 320
- — — to Maurice Farman Biplane. 1268
- — Cars for Grand Prix (illus.). 1248
- — — — Toronto Motor Exhibition (illus.), 118
- - T.T. Race (illus.), 765
- — 12-16 h.p. 1911 Car, 613. 851
- - 1914 Car, Detail Improvements, 259. 348
- — — Car for Mr. Dario Resta (illus.). 370
- — — — in New South Wales (illus.), 1118
- — - with Bodv by Barker and Co. (illus.), 582
- — — — — Coward Bodv (illus.), 184 16-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 101
- — 25-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Limousine (illus.), 145
- — - with Saloon Body (illus.). 759
- — Racer. From the Mechanic's Seat (illus.), 1149
- — Racers for 1914. 948
- — Six-cylinder Car Improvements, 976
- — Sporting Tvpe Car, 927
- — Tourist Trophy Cars, 638 1038, 1076
- — Twelve-cylinder, World's Record by, 602
- Surrey Road Improvements. 661
- Sutton, F. Bass (letters), 86, 183
- Swansea, Motorists and Tramcars. 466
- Sweating and Soldering, Some Notes on, by Eric W. Walford, 1115
- Swedish Tests of Alcohol Fuel 400
- — Winter Trials, 228. 274. 293. 350. 400. 415 445. 495
- — — — Preliminary Details, by Charles Jarrott. 293
- - — Report of. by Charles Jarrott, 350
- Swift Light Car (illus.). 481
- Swing Bridge on Glasgow-Greenock Read (illus.). 62
- Switzerland, Motor Cars in, 1159
- — Motoring in. 799
- S.X. (letter). 896
- Synchronised Ignition on Ford Cars. 92
- Synchronising Coil, Thomson-Bennett. 993
- Tail Lights, Mischievous Boys and, 414
- Taking a Right angled Corner, 1050, 1105. 1157
- — the Lead. T.T. Race illus h 1213
- Talbot Car in Australia, 937
- — Cars, 665
- — 12 h.p. Car in Australia illus 594
- — — Carburetter tor. 709. "SS. 1003, 1219
- — 15 h.p.. Carburetter for. 275
- - 20 h.p. Six-cylinder Car .illus . 320
- - Janies, and Davison, Ltd. .letter, 511
- Tapper, A K. letter. 609
- Tappet, Noisy, 859
- 'I'li|< - Or*n/1 Jf•« Iti, 961
- Til H'II llnllil llfii", Olfl, 095, JO’iS, I Of) V 1114 1115 - 1142, 1176
- Trirpnflfiv limit Hf'i'pli'i hi - * • H , Motor ('urn tit
- fillin' ), id)0
- Tim Ini' mill Kin Ofinlrilf'l Ion, lf< ml, < >fH( 1 nI I nfor
- mill lull, V«l>, H40 041, 991, 1041, 1147
- Till Tii'iilnn nl of ( !II|"MIIIIIII llfiflfh, (.VuiitiJiillifii
- of, 10051
- TUMIIIOII fo| l(iHI<‘1M, Moffiilut* mill, 542
- of Onjmiliil VIKHIHH' ('mi. I ::49
- < Mil < inr H, 110 - | HO 2510, ’160, 460 - 642
- Tm mi llnlili' i I' i (iimnrl in I riinin, 670
- Til' n i n I'li ii ll'iinili of iliiiinl I’m Ifnri’, l 272
- T T Unit, OH l 10552, 1064
- Tel H inoo I I in 11 • oi t tit iiinl Uioril"i, l( A <! Trinl 652
- Tmiiiii’«l, A, il (letter), 116
- Ti’lllplnI, •! let li'l), 0 I I
- Toni tiln. II it Inn <1 I lil Or), II 07
- Toni in lion (lol l oi 1, 704
- Ton Vonin oi A!111111 Itm im.’ in Mnnvlnnil, Kv
- II M imno IIit 1 it I 00 I 1070
- Toil (Inn, l,iiNiotiKon mi, l,o|fnl I loolulnn, 164
- Triioli, Amlin, 258
- TOIIIIIH, (1 ii IIMH i M , Ho I ml i llo, llnnilior 1 nstulliitinii, 2SO, 261, 517
- T’lti with Moimnlo, Iiv I1' .1 Komi, 855:
- TIIIIIIIIH li'l Aulntiinoo 1267
- Tlmti lioil CIIIIIOII ill Murillo (l.fura.l, 1000
- Tliotiinil Knlotv Hiinilunn Pirnr, 212
- Tlioininm plnin ('IIonl itimi, Wntcr im kotoil Onr
- limnlioi Mini, 86 I 0, 225, 365
- Tillnl I'limnllKol nil I.IRIII < (nr,H. 1177
- Tllll'lt Mlion mi Him tlirninrli IVntor. Ri <1, 92,5 1000, 1030, 1040, 1050
- Tin>ninH, 0, \V (letter), 797
- \Y i'urlior, FI rat Tour 1st Trophy Rnno by 1098
- Thompion, (I. 8. (letter), 753
- i I II not t .V (letter). 224
- (lion l K (letter), 1263
- Tlimmmi I ton not t Syin limnisinp ('oil, 993
- Tlmmiiinl Milo Motm Komi, 634
- Tliroo m l’'nur S|ioi>(U tor liiirht Ours, 164
- Tin oo whoolors, 463
- TliiliiKlcmrno Valley, l’'iirnlmin to Dorkirip, by (’ 0 Harper, 684
- Tinu'on, \\ 1 licit er), 799 ‘lip up Bent Hack for Short Whoelbnrr Cura. 544 Tips, Panful Uinta nml, 5. 44, 99, 145, 193. 257, 283, 539. 379, 425, 475, 525. 573, 621. 671, 717. 765 - 809. 859, 907, 961. 1011. 1060, 1115, 1169, 1227
- 'l'lamt'1 Monvy Oil Knpino, Description of, 162
- (omul fro Contest, Coventry and Warwickshire
- M (' , 399
- Tnilay anti Yesterday illm. , 98
- Tnllov 11 ti (lottor), 561
- I'onolyto I iplitmp Dynamo, 986
- IVolklts, l.ipht Car, 586
- T. - rnuo Member. Troublesome, 756
- Totally Knolosml t'ais. Hall llipjd Flap for. 450
- Tom do Frunee. 563 656 692, 753, 825
- through Fifteen Kmrlish Counties. hr Allan Phillip. 803, 854
- Tonriup and Kaoinp KtHeieno) Coiuhinod. 1185
- t'mnpotition in Franco anti Morocco, 701
- Coatuiontal. Facilities, 773, 862
- — Department, Miohelin, 1103
- — in the Pyrenees, 467
- Nett s (oi IWinnors. 1159
- Week-end ami, 59, 93. 137. 1S7. 231. 277. 325. 575. 419. 469. 519, 567. 615. 666, 711, 757. 805. 854. 901. 955. 1005. 1054 - 1109. 1165. 1221. 1271
- Pass, International in Russia, 507
- with l.tpht Cars, 645
- Tourist by Road in the Fifteenth Century, by Edward J. Burrow. 791
- — Trophy Adler Cars, 1075
- — and (irantl Pns Vauxhalls, Description of. 966. 967-972. 1078
- — Cars (Illus) 1152
- — Brief Descriptions of, 1074-1078
- — Leading Details of. 1155
- — Crossley Car, 1070. 1077
- — D.F.P. Car. Inscription of. 878. 952 1075
- — Hudson Car. 1078
- — Humber Car, Description of. 529 1078
- — Course of the Isle of Man. Maps and Description of. 971. 1071
- — Minerva Cars. 961. 1074
- — Practising and Humber Car. 1186
- — Race and Light Car Car Trial. 299
- — Echoes of. 1167
- — First recollections by W. Parker Thomas
- — Reminiscences by Frederic Coleman. 677
- — G. C. Roberts. 744
- - — in Prospect 1079
- — in Vista and Retrospect by H. Massac Buist
- Track Driving in California
- Trade Mark
- "Trader " Handbook and Dairy, 1914 (review), 987
- Traffic, An Orgy of, Paris, 855
- — London, Corporation "f, 1187
- — Police Regulation of, 271
- — Regulator, Rimma, 552
- — Sloww Moving, and Universal Lights. 221
- Tramcars, Driving Past, 468
- Tramways and Traffic Congestion, Plymouth, 661
- Transvaal, New Motor Car Regulation* in, 45
- Trim-hard, Mohnn Ashfordby (letters), 848, 1184
- Trott. R. H., Patent by, Spring Suspension, 160
- Trouble in Store, 656 T.H.F. (lottfr). 1265
- Turbine, Internal Combustion, by Eric W. Walford, 249
- Turner Car, 10 h.p.. Four-cylinder Light Car (illus.), 291
- — 10-15 h.p. Petrol Coupe, 755 /
- — 12 h.p. Light Car (illus.), 19,
- Turning a Cur Round, 881, 951/
- T.W. (letter), 35
- Two-cylinder Opposed Engine. J473, 558, 752
- Two Engines in One, 1001, 1,009, 1046, 1153, 1225
- — (inffnrs (letter), 1153
- - Hundred Practical Points on Motoring (review). 987
- Interesting Old Churched, by W. H. Webb. 615
- Two-point Ignition, 328 - 410, 558
- Two-stroke Engine Competition, R.A.C., 1194
- — Engines, Possibilities for Light Cars, 20
- Two wheeled Car, The Gyroscope applied to Road Locomotion, 591, 642, 826
- Three-ton Gyroear, Impressions of Run by H. Massac Buist, 826
- Tyler, S. F. (letters), ^66, 512, 751, 893, 948. 1104, 1264
- Tyre, Beldam, New', 606
- — Buyers' Guide, 52&, 548-552, 594
- — Changing, 1155
- — Depression, 86
- — effect of. by C, ,T. Booth, 23
- — — Wheel Slip and, 181 Economisers, Scott. Description of, 355
- — Filling, Compressed Air Cylinders for, 664
- — Half a Horseshoe in, 731
- — Inflation and Tyre Valves, 557
- — Insurance. Ufimston. 453
- — Mileage, 182, 543. 657, 705, 753, 1105
- — Competition, Victor, 1040
- — N A P., 216
- — Prices, 1244
- — Protector, by H. Silburn, South Africa, 150
- — Pump, Mechanical. 467, 517, 665
- — Puncture (illus ), 25
- — Puttee, Harrod’s, 979
- — Repairs, 225. 319. 369
- — Spencer-Moulton Three-ribbed. 834
- — Tests on Wood Wheels and Wire Wheels, 694
- — Treatment. 717
- — Wear, Unsuspected Cause of, 43, 128. 179. 225. 272
- — Wood-Milne. New. 745
- Tyres, Air Pressure in, 1191
- — Burst. To Avoid, 734. 796. 848, 896, 949. 998. 1047
- — Goodrich, New Five-finger Rubber Tread. 1259
- — Goodyear. 447
- — Heuley. 919
- — Motor, Plantation Rubber for, 591. 1119 1141. 1226
- — on Ford Cars. 953
- — Oversize, 663, 709. 949. 998, 1035. 1040. 1047, 1266
- — Guarantee for. 1040
- — Reclaimed, Hercules, 1017
- — Retreading. Harvev Frost Guide to, 903
- — Studded, 275. 755
- — — Fresen Roads anil. 22
- Tyrol. South-west, In. by Chas. L. Freeston. 574
- Uffington Blowing Stone. 183
- U.H. Waterproof Magneto. 957
- Ulster. Motor Mobilisation in. 620. 627. 863. 1160
- U.M.I. North-east Dynamotor. Description of. 7C0
- Uncomfortable Springing, by W. G. Aston. 308
- Unctroi Lmorami. 1157
- Uniformly Optimistic Accounts of Cars. 1010
- Unintentional Discourtesy. 414 Union Oil Co.. 1193
- United Motor Industries. Ltd. tlett.rsl, 130. 559
- — States. Motor Car Imports. 62. 850
- — — Number cf Cars in. 2 - Six-cylinder Cars in, 227
- — — Worm and Bevel-driven Cars in. 466
- Universal Agency Co.. Ltd letter). 1265
- — Lights. Slow-moiing Tr-tR and. 221 l
- Unnecessary Mechanic-driver. by Owen John. 526
- Unsuspected Cause of Tyre Wear, 45. 128. 179. 225. 272
- Unsworth. T. letter). 1165 Upholstery. Oar. Oraairg 402
- — Continental in Closed Oars illus. . 973
- Use of Extra Air Valve, 1220
- — Patented Prowsas. 1103. 1154
- Vale of Llangollen Engineering and Garage Co
- — letters-.. 1124,
- — Valeting a Car at Fixed Charge. 541 V
- Valve Broken
- Valve Seating, New Process Applied to, 662
- — Hinkle-balanced, for Internal Combustion Engines, 1154, 1266
- — Springs, Fitting of, 492, 560
- — Trner, Rapid, 255
- Valves Completely Lubricated. 572, 705, 798, 849, 949. 1046, 1266
- — Rivalry of the, 1225
- — Sticky, 143 - _
- Vanderbilt Cup and American Grand Prix. 495. 547. 708
- Vandervell and Co., C. A. (letter), 224
- Vane, H. T. (letters), 794, 895, 999
- Van Hooydonk, J., Patent by, Valve Improvement, 459
- Variable Cam Engine, 1001, 1009, 1046, 1153
- — — — The, by W. G. Aston, 934
- Variations in Sister Chassis, 254
- Vash, E. (letter), 462
- Vaudrey, Edmund (letter), 315
- Vauxhall Accident in T.T. Race, 1185
- — Fluted Bonnet (illus.), 813
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 658
- — 20 h.p. in Australia (illus.), 661
- — 25 h.p. Car (illus.), 335, 349, 526, 1273
- — in Canada (illus.), 792
- — 35 h.p. Six-cylinder Car for Canada, 759
- — Prince Henry Car for Alpine Trial, 985
- - — — Record Drive Melbourne to Adelaide, 731. 898
- — Racing Car Drivers, 777, 820, 884
- — — Engine, Cross Sections of, 979
- — Tourist Trophy and Grand Prix Cars, 966 967-972, 1078
- Vermorel Car, 801
- Vernier Device for Cam Adjustment, 1104
- Very Interested (letter), 560
- Veteran Racing Car, Seven-year-old Minerva, 1024
- — Steamer, A, Early Stanley Steam Car, 697
- Viaducts, Road, 506
- Vibration Damper, Lanchester, 558
- Vicars, Edward, Best Points on Grand Prix Course, by, 1178
- Victoria A.C. Hill-climb, 215
- — (Australia), A.C. of, Hill-climb Results, 1135
- Victor Tyre Mileage Competition, 1040
- Vienna, Car Lighting Competition in, 153, 224
- Visser, F. A. (letter), 1050
- Vita Plugs, Longevity of, 836
- Vulcan Car, (letter), 130
- — 8 h.p. and 15-20 h.p. Cars (illus.), 1138
- — 10-15 h.p. Car, 709
- - for New Zealand (illus.). 100
- — 15.9 h.p. Modele de Luxe (illus.), 862
- — 15-20 h.p. Car, Victoria, Australia (illus.), 1218
- Vulcaniser, Simms Universal, 1161
- Vulcanising, Some Notes on, 621, 745
- W. (letter), 129
- Waddington Fells, Lancashire A.C. Hill-climb at, 777. 1044
- Wade, Christopher letter), 704.
- — Harry, A Day’s Run from Manchester, by, 373
- - Little Budworth and Delamere Forest, by. 1109
- Wadlow, T. Jesse (letter, 752
- Waite, John .letters 1105
- Waiting for the Sea to go down lilus), 946
- Walford, Eric W. letters), 180, 560, 1000 1154
- — — — Carburetter Patents, by, 256, 541
- — — — Carbon Deposit and its Removal, by. 768, 773
- — — — Diesel Engine, by, 266
- — — — High-tension Wires, by, 793
- — — — Internal Combustion Turbine, by. 249
- — — — J. S. Napier Detachable Wheel Patent by, 822
- — — — Lighter Pistons, by, 252
- — — — Notes for Beginners, by, 696, - 746. 789, 830, 881, 929, 977, 1026, 1097. 1139 1176. 1256
- — — — Notes on Sweating and Soldering, by. 1115
- — — — Peril*. M;veu.-nt of Pistons, by, 289 407
- — — — Some R cent Patents, by, 160, 314 364. 459. 508. 654, 842. 1150
- — — — Tismer Heavy Oil Engine, by 162
- Walker. Henry. Ancient Bridges, by. 1221, 1271
- — — A Pilgrimage to the Brente C< untrv. bT. 1163
- Walsh, Richard W. letter., 1102
- Walter. A FtTer , 410
- Wanderer, Week in Valiev of Wre. by. 3993 137. 187. 231. 277. 323
- Warland Dual Rim Co.. Ltd. erten . 33 131 272. 318. 11C4
- — Rims foe Ford Cars. 899
- — Twin Dual Rim lHu*. , 927
- — — — Runs. De-onplKNi of, 8S5
- Warner Automecer, De-oripte* of. 213
- Warning Instruments. A Cars* ns Decun a. 3-
- — — Peart I* a of. 1011
- — Signals. L. o*L 1059, 1158, 1187 - 1265
- — Signp 317
- \V I s lett-r. 316
- Waiting Car. 1*3*.- R,;
- .-ByabiM. SA 1» 225. 365.
- Water Pipe (%n Swpkr 4*6
- — i Myjr. 3 ?
- Watts, Fred
- Waverley Car, Light Car
- Wavy Road Surfaces, 1, C4, 86, 129, 180, 223. 269, 316, 369. 798
- Way to Cheapen Petrol, by Petrolicus, 203, 257
- - — Cheapen Petrol, 203, 257, 292, 315
- W.B. (letter), 182
- Webb, Chas. .1. (letter), 1187
- - W. H. (letter), 1000
- - — — Two Interesting Old Churches, by, 615
- Week-end and Touring Notes. 39, 93, 137, 187, 231, 277, 323, 373, 419, 469, 519, 567, 615, 666, 711, 757, 803, 854, 901, 955, 1005, 1054, 1109, 1163, 1221, 1271
- Week in Valley of Wye, by Wanderer, 39, 93, 137, 187, 231, 277, 323
- — with Light Car in South of Scotland, by E. Pawssett 469, 519
- Weight and Springing, 199
- Wellbye, Reginald, Names of Roman Roads, by, 1054
- Welding and Carbon Removing Outfit, Combined, 405
- — Barimar, Repairing Method, 126
- — Oxy-acetylqne, Auto System, 400
- Welford, LeonifccLC. (letter), 133
- Well Carburettrr, Another, Patent by P. Schiittler, OC Johannes, and M. Deutrich, ' - 1150
- West Cars, 38 $nK
- Westcliff on Sea, ' JJpt n’fiSpeed Trials at, 1040
- Western Road, “New, from London, 446
- Weston-super-Mare Srjtied^Trials, 946, 1181
- W.G.A. (letter), 85W^ - *
- Whatton, J. S. (lettlNfc. &14
- — Experience 'mth Phancmobile Car, 392
- Wheat, Rev. Henry (letter), 655
- Wheel, Gavin-Armour, 128
- — — Description of, 63
- — Slip and Tvre Depression, 181
- Wheels, Unbalanced, Experiments by John V. Pugh, 12
- Whidbourne and Lishman, Double Spiral Piston Ring, by, 926
- Whitaker, George (letter), 1048
- White and Poppe Carburetter Additions, 1060
- - with Adjustable Float Chamber, 435
- — — — Engine Mileage, 836
- White Electric Lighting and Starting Equipment, 801
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Test of, 301
- — Lion Hotel, Cobham, Fire at, 36
- — Petrol Car and its Electric Equipment, 613, 664, 710
- — Rose (letter), 369
- Whiting-Federal l1/’ Ton Commercial Vehicle, R.A.C. Test (ill us.), 919
- Whit-Monday Meeting of Brooklands A.R.C., 834, 980. 1021, 1084, 1093
- Whitsun Meeting, Brooklands, Report cf, 1093, 1136
- Whitwell, E. (letter). 1050
- Whyte Petrol Tap, 25
- Wilding, A. F., on Alda Car (illus.), 465
- Williamson, G. E. (letter), 1267
- Wilts, Roads in, 35
- Wimperis, H. E., Accelerometer Tests, by, 692
- — — — Invention by, 782
- Windows, Frameless, 127
- Windproof Clothing, 212
- Wind Screen Joint, New, Apollo Mfg. Co., 739
- — Rex, Description of, 698
- Winter Trials, Swedish, 228. 274, 293, 350, 400, 415, 445, 495
- - — — by Chas. Jarrott, 293, 350
- Winter’s Day in Dorset, by M. Adeline Cooke, 419
- Wire Wheels and Tyre Wear, 43, 128, 179
- - Discs for, 639, 749, 847, 1000, 1050
- — — in T.T. Race, 637 W.K.Y. (letter), 951
- Woakes, Ernest R. (letter), 951
- Wolseley Car, Carburetter for, 614, 665, 709, 851
- - Details, Little Things that Matter, 338-343, 450
- — Extensions, 205
- - Gyroscopic. Two-wheeled Car, 591, 642, 826, 838
- — 16-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 157
- — on Bwleh-y-Groes Pass (illus.), 601
- — in Federated Malay States (illus.), 850
- — Madras Presidency (illus.), 694
- — with Coupe Cabriolet Body (illus.), 817
- — 24 30 h.p. Six-cylinder, Bishop of Exeter’s (illus.) 465
- — — — with Saloon Body (illus.), 1273
- — 24-30 h.p. with V-fronted Screen (illus.), 446
- — 30-40 h.p. with Body by Howes and Sons (illus.), 860
- — — — — — Meier and Son (illus.), 195
- — 50 h.p. Six-cylinder for Prince of Bhopal (illus.), 910
- — Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., Detachable Multi-cylinder Head Casting, 364
- Woodhouse, G. F. (letter), 412
- Wood-Milne Tyre, New, 745
- Wood, Moor (letter), 1266
- — S. Bennington (letter), 411
- Worcester-Tewkesbury Road, 183, 272
- World’s Records by Hornsted on Benz Car, 14 150, 206
- Worm Drive at New York Show, 412
- Worst Regulated Traffic, in the World, 369
- W.R. (letter). 272
- Wright, A. W. (letter), 1188
- — E. R. (letter), 464
- — W. (letter). 752
- W. - T.W. (letter), 897
- Wyatt. Horace, Alcohol as a Fuel, by. 396
- — — Efficiency of Alcohol Mixtures, by. 457
- Wye Valley, Week in, by Wanderer, 39. 93, 137 187, 231, 277, 323
- X.Y.Z. (letter), 225
- York and Ainsty Hunt Point-to print Race (illus.). 5
- — — District Motor Club. 502
- Yorkshire Danger Spot illus . 1051
- Yorkshiremen and the Black Prince. 705
- Yorkshire Moors, On the, by H. L. Kettle, 901
- Young but Experienced Motorist .illus , 785
- Zeiss Head Lights, 829
- Zenith Carburetter. Jet Combination for, 1107
- — — Jets. 371, 467
- — — on Hupmohile Car, 517
- Z.Y.X. (letter), 1153
- 30 h.p. (letter), 1187
See Also
Sources of Information