1914 (Part 2) The Autocar: Index

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The Autocar Index - 1914 Jul-Dec - Volume 33.
- A 5240 (letter), 720
- A. A, and M.U., 604, 632
- Annual Report, 164
- — — — Arrangements, 318, 857
- — Map, Potential Traps in Home Counties, 244
- — — — Members, How They are Assisting, 732
- — Membership, Special Concession, 899
- — Number of Members, 108
- — Useful Work by, 184
- — — Routes in British Isles, 386
- — Appeal for Motorists’ Help, 684, 776, 901
- — Members, To, 483
- — Patrols for the Front, 508, 536, 767
- — — Work, Cars Meeting Wounded. 724
- — “On the Road,” 771
- A.B.C. (letter), 824
- — Tyre Patch, 149
- Abraham, George D., Some Sporting Routes in Lakeland, by, 235
- Accessibility, Light Car, 499
- Accessories for Ford Cars, 620
- — Light Car, The Finish of, 499
- — Morris, Russell, and Cot., 150
- — New, 744 '
- — of To-day, Descriptions of, 788-816
- — on Racing Cars, 41, 151, 203, 244
- — Stentophone, 320
- Accident, Fatal, Result of (illus.), 353
- — Liability for, 110, 292
- — through Sparrow, to Taxicab Driver, 252
- — to Doctor’s Car (illus.), 46
- Accidents in London, 330
- Accommodation for Luggage, Mercedes Car, 169
- Accumulator, Alklum, Report of Tests and Particulars of Construction, 764
- Accumulators, Clearing Out and Repairing, 3
- — Repairing, 106, 155
- Acetylene and Electric Lamps, Methods of Reducing Light, by Daniel H. Ogley, 755
- — Dissolved, Car Lighting by, 689
- — Some Suggestions, 376, 485, 540
- — Generator, Low, 568, 624, 648, 692
- — Illuminating Co., Ltd. (letter), 485
- — Lighting Systems, Care of, by M.G., 829, 855
- Acme Folding Table, 538
- A Court, S. (letter), 515
- A.C.P. (letter), 393
- Across France during War, by Roy Trevor. 343
- — in Twenty-seven Hours, 286, 321
- Active Service, Cars on, 310
- — — On, Practical Experience of Military Motors, by Horace Wyatt, 741
- A.C.U. Reliability Trial, Route-marking Car in, 193
- Adjustable Carburetter Level, Patent by Lyma Vergaserlabrik Dietz and Co., 246
- — Steering Column, Patent by Lancia and Co., 200
- Adjusting Valve Tappets, 188, 637
- Adler Clutch, 139
- Ad Sum (letter), 681
- Adventurous Journey, An Attempt to Reach F.N. Factory at Liege, 771
- A.E.H. (letter), 722
- Aero Engines, Arrol-Johnston Beardmore (illus.), 652
- — — Sunbeam, 542
- Aeroplane, Complete, Trailer for (illus.), 671
- Aeroplanes, Military, French, Motor Transport for (illus.), 828, 842
- Aetius (letter), 452
- A.F.L. (letter), 659
- Aglace Frost-resisting Preparation, 759
- Aircraft in Warfare, 410, 441, 472, 475, 504
- Air Lock, To Prevent, Hint by Expert Tester, 729
- — Tubes, Burst, Repairing, 117
- — Valve, Extra, Use of, 47
- — — Patent by H. Fergusson, 246
- A.J.M. (letter), 328
- AL 44 (letter), 293
- Alarmed (letter), 681
- Alarms, Penetrating, 352
- Albion Motor Car Co., Ltd. (letters), 421, 630
- — Patent by, Cylinder Construction, 770
- Albregt, A. (letter), 547
- Alcohol Fuel Committee, Formal Appeal for Funds, 138
- — Industrial, Cheap, 464
- —- Mixtures, Carburetter for, German Cudell Device, 869
- Alfre, A. (letter), 203
- Alignment of Wheels, Testing, 657
- Alklum Accumulator, Report of Tests and Particulars of Construction, 764
- Allied Governments, Supplies for, 89*7
- Allies Field Ambulance Corps, Motor Field Kitchen for* 776
- — Our, To Help. 433, 483
- Alpha Chassis with Body by W. Cole and Hons (illus.), 143
- Alpine Motoring, 35 h.p. Vauxhall Car (illus.), 220
- — Rolls-Royce Car, Trial of, 145
- — Trial, 292
- — - Great, Awards, 102
- — Report of, by Chas. L. Freeston, 27 36
- — Trials Austin, A Run on the, 617
- Aluminium Pistons, Exact Composition of, 769
- AM 3736 (letter), 683
- Amateur (letter), 821
- Ambulance Body Designs. 612, 629, 657, 864
- — — on 12-15 h.p. Chassis by Grosvenor Carriage Co. (illus.), 470
- — 20 h.p. Daimler Chassis (illus.), 564
- — — — 30 h.p. Wolseley Car, 629
- — — Temporary (illus.), 388
- — Bodies on Private Cars, by L. M. Meyrick- Jones, 432
- — Columns, Motor, for the Front, 584
- — Contingent, South Africa (illus.), 857
- — Conversion of 18-24 h.p. Austin Car to, 417
- — Drill in Kensington Gardens (illus.), 563
- — Mors, Back from the Front for Repairs (illus.), 879
- — Motor, Convoy for British Force in France (illus.), 639
- — for New Zealand Expeditionary Force, 864
- — — Hupmobile 16 h.p. (illus.), 841
- — — Presented by County of London Practitioners, 702
- — Harrow School (illus.), 895
- — H.M. the King (illus.), 759
- — — — — Wolverhampton Citizens (illus.), 758
- — — Services, 355, 358, 456, 509, 534
- — — Taxicab from Paris as (illus.), 850
- — — Vauxhall, 840
- — Red Cross, Requirements, 563
- — Service, Motor, in the North, 871
- — Trailer, E. M. Tailby’s, 843
- — Work, Private Cars for (illus.), 408, 511, 560, 629
- Ambulances, Motor, Belvoir Hounds Followers and, 751
- — by Mann, Egerton and Co. (illus.), 674
- — for Belgium, 902
- — — — French Red Cross Society, 727
- — Scottish Branch British Red Cross
- — Society (illus.), 612
- — Presented by Hampshire A.C. (illus.), 787
- — — — — Maharajah Scindia of Gwalior (illus.), 896
- — Provided by Salvation Army, 776
- — — Sheffield and District A.C. and, 669
- A.M.C. Electric Horn, 744
- America, Motor Industry in, 180
- — Two Days’ Race in, 414
- American Car Exports and Imports, 156, 180, 330, 660, 738, 760, 879
- — — New, The Dodge, Description of, 783
- — Cars, 393
- — Exports of Motor Spirit, 652
- — Motor Car Exports, The War and, 738
- Shows, 548
- — Society of Automobile Engineers, 482
- — Test of Wood v. Wire Wheels and Tyre Life, 560, 601
- American's Stratagem, An, 474
- A.M.I.E.E. (letter), 823 "
- Ammunition Column, With the, Letters from the Front, 382, 481, 592, 728
- Anastasius (letter), 44
- Andrew, W. A. S. (letter), 681
- Anglo-Norman (letter), 248
- Anglophile (letter), 747
- Anjou, Circuit of, 232
- Annual Report, A.A. and M.U., 164
- — of Road Board, 146
- Anonym (letter), 205
- Another Catholic Layman (letter), 750
- — Ford Owner (letter), 848
- — Owner-driver (letter), 42
- — Private Owner (letter), 293
- Anschutz, M., Patent by, Improved Magneto, 246
- Antwerp, Automobile Notes from, by Norman Pellow, 500
- Anxious (letter), 602
- AO 1843 (letters), 205, 905
- Apollo Manufacturing Co. (letter), 294
- — Sparking Plug, 744
- Appearances, Motoring and, 172 Appreciation, 486, 515
- Aquila-Italiana Grand Prix Cars, 21
- Argentina, Automobile Run in, by E. R. Casares, 653
- Argentine, An (letter), 514
- Argyll 12-18 h.p. Petrol Consumption, 109
- — 15-30 h.p. with Body by Cole and Sons (illus.), 553
- — 25-50 h.p. with Sporting Type Body (illus.), 140
- — Petrol Consumption, 47, 157
- Argyllist (letter), 772
- Armoured Belgian Car with Rotating Turret (illus.), 751
- — Car, First, 416
- — 25 h.p. Isotta-Fraschini (illus.), 757
- — 25-50 h.p. Talbot Chassis as (illus.), 667
- — for Active Service on Continent (illus.), 737
- — in Belgium, With, by Charles G. Harper, 638
- — Isotta-Fraschini, for Imperial Russian Government (illus.), 678, 690
- — Lanchester (illus.), 835
- — The, by H.W., 641
- — with Superstructure, by Barker and Co. (illus.), 781
- — CUTB, 402, 412, 420, 485, 503, 574
- Armoured Cars for London Mounted Brigade, 751
- — — French, in Paris (illus.), 776
- — Motor Cars, German, 386
- Armstrong-Whitworth 20-30 h.p. Car (illux.), 140, 364
- — — — Description of, 195
- Army Service and Others, by Charles G. Harper, 762
- Arnott, Ernest (letter), 452
- Arrol-Johnston Beardmore Aero Engines (illus.), 652
- — Cars for 1915, 699
- — 15.9 h.p. with Body by Long Acre Autocar Co. (illus.), 170
- — 20.9 h.p. Cabriolet (illus.), 580
- Asbestos Lining, Felt or, to Damp out Noises, 780
- A.S.C. Drivers, Comforts for, 757, 840
- Ascot Light Car on Litton Slack Hill (illus.), 175
- Ash, T. H. (letter), 573
- Asiatic Petroleum Co., 514, 544, 601
- Asking the Way in Norfolk, 603
- Asphalt Macadam, Roadside Plant for, 619
- Assistance on the Road, 573
- Assist the Mother Country, 483
- Associated Rubber Manufacturers, Ltd. (letter), 822
- Astington, A. E. (letter), 657
- Aston, W. G., Considerations of Body Design, by, 262
- — Wilfred Gordon (letter), 359
- — — — Some Observations upon Roads, 173
- Atkinson, A. J. (letter), 390
- Atlas Universal Hose Clips, 543
- A. T. Speedometers in Alpine Tour, 158
- Attention Required by a Car, 43
- Audi Car in Austrian Alpine Trial (illus.), 118
- August Meeting, Brooklands, 61, 189, 243, 283
- — Results of, 288
- Austen Apron, 290
- Austin Advocate, Hint to Prevent Excessive Carbonisation, 465
- — Car for Export (illus.), 407
- — 10 h.p. Car (illus.), 270
- — 18-24 h.p. Car Converted into Ambulance Van, 417
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 219
- — with Australian Body (illus.), 438
- — 30 h.p. with Cabriolet Body (illus.), 436, 555
- — Motor Co., Patent by, Silent Foot Brake, 200
- Australia and Germany, Trade between, 906
- — Chauffeurs’ Wages in, 156
- — Hill-climbing and Reliability in (illus.), 128
- — South, Motor Cars in, 206
- Australian Motorists and the War, 591
- — Motor Trade, 439
- — Patriotic Fund, 567
- — Petrol Consumption Test, 190, 448
- — Voluntary Hospital, An Appeal, 563
- Austrian Alpine Trials Memento by Austin Co., 336
- Austro-Daimler Alpine 16-25 h.p; Car^ Carburetter for, 47
- — Cars, Spare Parts for, 336
- — Prince Henry Car (illus.), 50
- Autocar Buyers’ Guide, 523, 665
- Autocars of 1915, Buyers’ Guide, 703-716, 733
- — Buyers’ Guide, Notes on, 687
- Autolycus (letter), 205
- Automatic Carburetter, Patent by C. E. James and T. R. Robertson, 770
- — Gear Changing, 213
- Automobile Encampment, An, 316
- — Engineering and the War, by L. H. Pomeroy, 595
- — Lessons of the War, 463
- — Manufacturing and the War, Conference at Birmingham, 872, 881
- — Materials, 881
- — Movement, Development of, 853
- — Notes from Antwerp, by Norman Pellow, 500
- — Parts, Shortage of, Due to War, 784
- Automobilists and the War, 267
- Auto-Trailers, Ltd., Special Trailer for Dogs (illus.), 362
- Auxiliary Petrol Tank, 547
- Avamore Tyre Loosener, 769
- Avon Indiarubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 513
- — Tyres, 778
- Ayton, R. W. (letters), 421, 572
- B 501 (letter), 514
- Back Axle Gear Box Arrangement, Patent by P. Fleury and H. Morin, 200
- — Gearing on Small Lathes, Substitute for, 883
- Badcock By-pass, Particulars of, 58
- Bad Weather, The Light Car in, 868
- Balanced Single Valve for Four-stroke Engines, 106, 154
- Bangor, Motor Cars in, 252
- B. A., Oxon (letter), 904
- Barimar, Ltd. (letter), 420
- — — Twelve-volt Bonnet Heater, by, 844
- — Radiator Repairs, 426
- — Welding Process for Cracked Bell, 336, 825
- Barson, T. A» (letter), 483
- Bartiept, Albert (letters), 452, 545,
- Battle of the Valves, by Charles Y. Knight, 140, 144
- Replies by Sunbeam and Vauxhall Chief Engineers, 229
- Bearings, Roller, for Springs, 199
- Beaumont Cycle Club Cripples’ Outing, 156
- Beauty Spots in England away from Recognised Resorts, by Owen John, 525
- Bedford Buick Car, 109
- Beeston-Humber 30 h.p. 1907
- — Car as Lorry (illus.), 698
- Beetham. Mr. and Mrs. George, Crossley Ambulance, Presented by, 864
- Beginners, Notes for, by Eric AV. Walford, 18, 59, 185, 226, 276, 375
- Begum of Bhopal, Automobiles given for War by (illus.), 832
- Behind the Firing Line, Experiences of War Correspondent, by Atherton Fleming, 466
- Beldam Tyres, 778
- Belfast- and Motor Ambulances, 744
- Belgian Aeroplanes, Drawing Petrol from Supply Train for (illus.), 906
- — and French Manufacturers, To Help, 433
- — Armoured Car under Artillery Fire (illus.), 583
- — — — with Rotating Turret (illus.), 751
- — — Motor Car (illus.), 497
- — Grand Prix Race, 12, 136, 182
- — Military Staff Car, with Attachment for Cutting Barbed Wire (illus.), 872
- — Refugees, Farm for, 657 Industry, 643
- — Roads, 631
- Belgium, Experiences in, by Charles G. Harper, 597
- — In, with an Armoured Car, by Charles G. Harper, 638
- — Motor Ambulances for, 902
- — Car Exports and Imports, 424
- — Private Cars in Military Use (illus.), 574
- — Reminiscences of, by Wanderer, 404, 449, 479
- — War Correspondent’s Car in (illus.), 548
- Belsize Cars for 1915, Particulars of, 599
- — Four-seater, 752
- — 10 h.p. Car (illus.), 591
- — 10-12 h.p. Car (illus.), 370 Extra Air, 109
- — 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 46
- Belt-driven Speedometer, 499
- Bennett, F. S. (letters), 600, 682
- — S. W. (letter), 631
- Bentley and Bentley, Ltd. (letter), 656
- Benz Car, Records by Hornsted on, 11
- Benzole and the S.U. Carburetter, 157, 331
- — Charge Against, 18
- — Impurities in, 371
- — on Ford Car, 253
- Bergische Co.’s Steel for Mercedes Cars, 169
- Berliet 25 h.p. as Ambulance, 702
- — Car Whistling Rufus (illus.), 172
- Best, Sigismund P., Where Waste Occurs in Running Costs, by, 552, 578
- B. H. (letter), 292
- Bianchi Car Guarantee, 825
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illus.), 270
- Bill, J. M. (letter), 877
- Binks Bi-fuel Carburetter, Test of, 353
- — Carburetter for Ford Car, 575, 605
- — C. (letters), 722, 773
- Bishop, L. F. (letter), 515
- Blackmail, A Form of, 659
- Blakeborough, J. Fairfax, Rural Economics, Present and Future, by, 415, 444
- Bleriot Electric Searchlight for Cars (illus.) 612
- — Portable Searchlight, Description of, 413
- Bluebeard (letter), 681
- Board of Industry, Suggested, 898
- Body Construction, Patent by A. Legrand, 770
- — Design and Construction, 230
- — — Considerations of, 360
- — by W. G. Aston, 262
- Boissy, H. (letter), 42
- Bolt Tyre Valve, 648
- Bonnet Hinge, New, Patent by Gebruder Stoewer, 285
- Bonniksen Speedometer Drive and Revolution Indicator, 471
- Bore-stroke Ratio, 364
- Bosch Magneto Co., Ltd., A Peculiar Case, 417 (letters), 45, 152, 294
- — - Patents, by Eric W. Walford, 383
- — Repairs, 515, 571
- Bottom Inlet Port, by Eric W. Walford, 191
- Botwoods, Ltd. (letter), 360
- Boulogne-sur-Mer Automobile Meeting, 46
- B. P. (letter), 681
- Bracewell, A. (letter), 155
- Bradley, W. F. (letter), 45
- Braithwaite, R. W. (letter), 48$
- Brake and Clutch Linings, Ferodo, 559, 825
- Brakes, Front Wheel, 62, 205, 248
- — Quick-wearing, 339
- — Why they Deteriorate. 772
- — by Eric W. Walford, 739
- Bramah Mudguards, 589
- Brazil, Motor Cars for, 512
- Brewer, R. W. A., Patent by, Heating Induction Pipe, 770
- Bridge Improvement at Richmond, 46
- Bridges, Middlesex C.C., 269
- — T. C. (letter), 251
- Brierley, Harold E. (letter), 572
- Bright, H. (letter), 358
- — Work, Non-corrosive Metal spraying System, 511
- Bristol (letter), 747
- Britain, Pushing out. 170
- British Ambulance Committee and Cars for French Army, 894
- — Armoured Car in Antwerp (illus.), 592
- — Army, Motors and the, 380
- — Automobile Engineering, 666, 74.8, 846, 876
- — Commerce in France 70)
- British German Motor Trade, 574
- British Grand prix Cars, 22
- British-made Sparking Plugs, 773, 823, 847, 876
- British Magneto, Thomson-Bennett, 351
- — Magnetos, 390
- — Motor Ambulance Practice at Angers, France (illus.), 676
- — Manufacturers and Canadian Requirements, 270
- — — Service Volunteer Corps, 346, 389
- — Motorist (letter), 514
- — Naval Gun-carrying Biplane (illus.), 660
- — or German Tyres, 453, 545
- — Petroleum Co., Ltd. (letter), 601
- — Red Cross Society, Ambulance Drill in Kensington Gardens (illus.), 563
- — Scottish Branch, 482
- — The Term, 769
- — War Office, Type of Car favoured by, 463
- Britisher (letters), 453, 570
- Briton Cars for 1915, 567
- — 14 h.p. Car (illus.), 437
- — {letter), 659
- — Light Car, New, 538
- Brocker, J. W. G. (letter), 877
- Brolt Engine Starter, Description of, 583
- Brooker, J. W. G. (letters), 455, 721
- — J. W. G., External Leakage on Sparking Plugs, by, 738
- Brooklands August Meeting, 61, 189, 243, 288
- — Results of, 288
- — Handicapping at, 42, 103, 151
- — Inter-’Varsity Meeting at, 37
- — Meeting Abandoned, 478
- — Midsummer Meeting, Report of, 8
- — Motor Course, 542
- — Road Race on (illus.), 124
- — Transformed, Road-racing Possibilities on, 125
- — v. the Isle of Man, 266
- Browning, K. C. (letter), 515
- Brush, Orlwaise for Cleaning Wire Wheels, 543
- B.S.A. Car in India, 425
- — for War Office Use (illus.), 348
- — 1915 Car, 623
- — Cars, Equipment of, 759
- B.T.H. Magneto, Description of, 315
- Bucherer, M., Patent by, New Carburetter, 537
- Buick 15-18 h.p. Car (illus.), 527
- Buist, H. Massac, First Motor Mountaineering Tour, by, 4
- — Gossip about Grand Prix Race, by, 88
- — International Motor Racing in 1915, by, 121-126
- — (letters), 202, 248, 291, 326
- Bulk Storage of Petrol, 370, 422, 452 Burgess, D. (letter), 681
- Burns, Bruises, or Cuts, First Aid in Cases of, 339, 422
- Burridge, Ernest C. (letter), 904
- Burrow, Edward J., Camp Hunting for Motorists, by, 372
- — (letter), 393
- Burst Tyres, 602
- Burton, A. Pelham (letter), 848
- ’Bus, Motor, Traffic, Sheffield Corporation and, 287
- ’Buses, Motor, for Army in France (illus.), 621
- Butler, Edward (letter), 327
- — H. (letter), 103
- — W. (letter), 602
- Buyers’ Guide, Autocars of 1915, 703-716, 733
- Some Notes on, 685
- The Autocar, 523, 665
- Buy Now, 493
- By-pass,* Badcock, Particulars of, 58
- By the Wayside, by Charles G. Harper, 736
- Cadillac Car with Burnt Hood (illus.), 118
- — Cars for Mexico, 384
- Cadman, Prof, John, Paper by, Development of Trinidad Oilfields, 897
- Caerphilly Hill-climb, Report of, 13 Calcutta, Motor Cars in, 684
- Calibrating Petrol Jets, 55
- Californian Three Days Race, Winner of (illus.), 850
- Calthorpe 1915 Cars. 567
- — 15 h.p. 1911 Model, 426
- — Minor in Six Days Scottish Trials, 12
- Camp Hunting for Motorists, by Edward J. Burrow, 372
- Camping with a Car, by Major E. Harvey Jarvis, 166
- Canada, Automobile Machine Gun Battery (illus.), 596
- — Motor Matters in, 329
- Canadian Contingent Transport Lorry (illus.), 763
- — Highlanders on London Motor ’Bus (illus.), 632
- — Requirements, British Motor Manufacturers and, 270
- — Roads, £7,000,000 for, 888
- Canal Boats, Motor, 781
- Cancelled Orders. 431
- Cape to Cairo Expedition, Death of Captain Kelsey, 148
- Capital Screen and Hood Co. (letter), 628
- Capture of De Wet, Cars used, 843, 869 Carbide Economiser, 3
- Carbon Deposit, 750, 823, 848
- — Removal Outfit, Dyer Oxygen Gun, 538
- Carbonisation, Excessive, To Prevent, 465
- Carburetter Alteration, Patent by C. H.
- Claudel, 537
- — Automatic, Patent by C. E. James and T. R. Robertson, 770
- — E. E. Dou6, 285
- — Binks Bi-fuel. Test of, 353
- — for Alcohol Mixtures, Cudell Device, 869
- — Alpine Austro-Daimler 16-25 h.p. Car, 47
- — Ford Car, 752, 826
- — — 12 h.p. Talbot, 47
- Carburetter Heating Arrangement, 261
- — Level, Adjustable, Patent by Lyma Vergaserfabrik Dietz and Co., 246
- — Lixall Floatlesa, 272
- — New, Patent by M. Bucherer, 537
- — T. Welsh and Thomson-Bennett, Ltd., 200
- — Simple, Patent by Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, 246
- — Sthenos, 633, 685, 777
- — S.U., Benzole and, 157, 331
- — Extra Air Valve to, 851, 880
- — that does not Choke, 266
- — Ware, 425, 457, 487
- Carburetters, 683
- Carburetting System, Paraffin, Patent by F. J. Langley, 537
- Carelessness of the Public, by L. J. Martin, 284
- Care of Acetylene Lighting Systems, by M.G.. 829, 855
- Carowner (letter), 359
- Carry On, 420
- Cars of 1915, 579
- — on Active Service, 310
- Carvill, J. A. (letter), 249
- Casares, E. R., Automobile Club Run in ( Argentina, by, 653
- Catalogue Horse-power, 517
- Catalogues and Booklets Received, 257, 850
- Cattle on the Highways, 395
- Causer, W. J. (letter), 292
- C. A.V. Searchlight, 699
- Cayley, Arthur (letter), 848
- C. D.L. (letter), 570
- C. G. (letter), 155
- Chamberlain Birthday Celebration in 1906 (illus.), 54
- Chambers, Cornelius (letter), 903
- Changing Down Early, Light Cars, 188
- — Gear, Further Notes on, 59
- Chantrey, S. (letter), 393
- Charron Consumption Tests under R.A.C. Observation, 190, 198
- Chassis Prices, 205, 292, 328
- Chauffeur (letters), 45, 657
- — Meaning of, 456
- — Rhyl (letter), 485
- — W.J.R. (letter), 658
- Chauffeur-mechanic, SW 46 (letter),. 573
- — The, 484, 514
- Chauffeurs and Enlistment, 666, 781
- — A Warning to, 515
- — Employment of, 359, 391, 420, 545, 572, 601, 630, 658, 682, 722, 749, 774, 824, 849, 905
- — Lady Drivers to Replace, 666
- Chicago, Dazzling Head Light Ordinance at, 46
- Christmas Presents for Drivers of Motor Vehicles in France, 591, 640
- Churchill, H. D. (letter), 420
- Circuit of Anjou, 232
- Civilian Trade Transport, 356
- CL 32 (letter), 721
- Clarke, W. O. (letter), 725
- Clark, Percy (letter), 512
- Claudel Carburetter Alteration, Patent by C. H. Claudel, 537
- Claudel-Hobson Carburetter, 462
- Clement Cars, Repairs and Spares for, 880
- Clincher Plantation Rubber Tyres, R.A.C. Trial, 542
- Clipstone Speed Trials, 12
- Clock, Motor Car, Phinney-Walker, 150
- Club Run, Automobile, in Argentina, 653
- Clutch of 15 h.p. Deasy Car, 686
- Clutches, Fierce, 729
- — Multiple-disc, 371
- C. M. (letter), 904
- Coaches 300 Years Ago, 903
- Coachmakers’ and Coach-harness Makers’ Co., Prizes Offered by, 684
- Coal, Study of, in Germany, 231
- Coath, D. A. (letter), 849
- Coefficient of Friction (letter), 658
- Cole, Geo. F. (letter), 848
- Collapsible Starting Handle, by R. G. Tolley, 149
- Collins, J. Taylor (letter), 544
- Collision, Car and Motor Cycle and Sidecar (illus.), 353
- — with Stationary Car, 487
- Collisions. Precautions after, 117
- Colmore Depot, Birmingham (letter), 327
- Colonial Model 40-50 h.p. Rolls-Royce Car for War Office (illus.), 784
- — Napier 20 h.p. Car, R.A.C. Trial, 182, 216, 231, 357
- — Use, Adapting Standard Type Car, 465
- Colonies, Motor Cars in the, 329
- Colorado, Annual Motor Derby, 362
- Colwyn Bay Speed Trials, 60, 156, 252
- Combined Cuff and Poppet Engine, Description of, 833
- Coming Generation of Motorists, 115
- Commercial Travellers. 155
- Comparative Tyre Trials, 775, 822, 849, 904
- Comrades Well Met, by Charles G. Harper, 835
- Conditional Military Service, 390
- Conference of Makers of Steel Castings and Automobile Manufacturers, 850, 872
- Connel Ferry Railway Bridge and Vehicular Traffic, 181, 316
- Constant Reader (letters), 630, 722
- — Tension Strap, 700
- Construction, Defects in, 486
- Constructive Suggestion. A, Replacing Horse Transport by Mechanical Vehicles, 435, 469
- Continental Patents, 544
- — Roads, How to Avert Glare of, 243
- — Tyre and Rubber Co. (Great Britain), Ltd. (letter), 104
- Co.’s Covers for Spare Tyres, 149
- Coop, F. (letters), 658, 848
- Cooper Slide Valve Engine, Description of, 277
- Copies of Entries from Register, 364
- Copper, J., M.D. (letter), 683
- - Piping, To Bond. 883
- Cordingley, Chas., The Late, 354
- Corner, James T. (letters). 390, 453
- — Right angle, Taking a. 276
- Cornwall, An Appeal from. 350
- Correspondence. 41, 103, 151, 201, 247, 326, 358, 390, 420, 452. 483. 512, 544, 570, 600. 628, 656. 680, "”A ° ° 720, 747. 772, 821, 846. 875, C22 902
- Cost of Replacements
- — Touring, 721
- Cottee, S. W. (letter), ...
- County Garage Co., Ltd. (letter). 453
- Country Hotels, 253. 659
- Coupe de l’Auto. 136, 182
- Covell, H. C.
- Coventry and Warwickshire M.C. Hill-climb, 386
- Covers for Sparc Tyres, Continental Tyre Rubber Co., 149
- Cowey Car, 1915 10-12 h.p. Car, Description of,
- Cows Quaint Predicament (illus.), 782
- Cox, Rev. E. V. (letter). 573
- Corens, J. C. (letter), 545 CR 1534 (letter). 877
- Cracked Water Jacket, 752, 777
- Crank Case. Emptying, 261
- Crankshaft Welding, 851
- Cressage Bridge, near Shrewsbury (illus.).
- Cripples’ Outing. Beaumont Cycling Club,
- Crompton. Andrew S. (letter), 153, 823
- Crosbie, M. A. (letter). 748
- Crossley Cars, 1915 Cars, 655
- — 15 h.p. Shelsley Model Car (illus.), 218
- — 15-20 h.p. Ambulance for New Zealand Expeditionary Force. 864
- — 20-25 h.p. Four-cylinder Military Type Car (illus.), 490
- Cross Roads. Dangerous, 547
- C.S. (letters), 546, 773, 878
- C.S.J. (letter), 876
- C.T.C. and Lighting of Motor Cars, 225
- C.T. (letter). 155
- Cudell Benzole-alcohol Carburetter, 869
- Cuff Valve, Helically-operated, 858
- Cumberland Hills, In the Heart of Allan Phillip, 519
- Cunard Motor and Carriage Co., Ltd. 625 732 156
- — the, by
- Cuninghame, John (letter), 392
- Curran, S., and D. Thomas, Patent Rotating Poppet Valve, 537
- Curren, Charles A. V. (letter), 630
- Custody of Cars. Liability of, 618
- C.W.T. (letter), 294
- Cylinder Cleaning, Oakland, 289
- — To Facilitate, Patent by G. F. Stack Others, 770
- — Construction, Patent by Albion Co., Ltd., 770
- — Heads, 682
- Cylinders, Cleaning, Fluid for, 207
- — Offset, 905
- — (letter), 748
- Daimler Cars for 1915, Description
- — Co., Late Member of Staff, Max the Mitrailleuse Man, by, 785
- — 6 h.p. 1903 Engine, Practical Use for, 105
- — of, 675
- — 20 h.p. Ambulance, Presented by H.M. the King (illus.), 759
- — for Maharajah of Mysore (illus.), 527
- — with Ambulance Body (illus.), 564
- — 30 h.p. Car (illus.), 108
- — with Body by Arthur Mulliner, Ltd. (illus.), 272
- — 38 h.p. Car in Australia (illus.), 424
- — Special Car for Queen of Spain (illus.), 458
- — 45 h.p. Car (illus.), 39
- — 57 h.p. 1910 Car, 109 250
- — Chassis, Fleet of, for War Office
- — (letter),
- — Lorry (illus.), 356
- — six-cyl. with Ambulance Body by Bridgwater Motor Co. (illus.), 511
- — 3 ton 40 h.p. Char-a-banc with Hound Van Body (illus.), 606
- Damage, Road, by Heavy Traction, 245
- — to Roads by Motor ’Bus Traffic, Sheffield Corporation and, 287
- Danger Spot in Devon, 536, 603
- Dangerous Corners, Road Mirrors at, 126, 182
- — Cross Roads, 547
- — Pond on Manorowen Road (illus.), 164
- Danish and Swedish A.C.’s International Tour, _ 304
- — Co. (illus.), 511
- Darracq 16 h.p., 907
- — with Limousine-landaulet Body
- David, Mrs. Constance M. (letter), 571
- Davidson, Allan (letter), 572
- — R. L. (letter), 329
- — W. A. (letter). 722
- Davis, Heyworth (letter), 485
- — Stanley H. (letter), 631
- Deasy 15 h.p. Car Clutch, 686
- Death of Charles Cordingley, 354
- — — Robert Louie Jefferson, F.R.C.S., Debole (letters), 104, 361, 849, 904
- Decarbonisation, 602
- — by Oxygen Process, 154, 294
- De Dion Bouton (1907), Ltd. (letter),
- — — — 14 h.p. Car (illus.), 260 — 24 h.p. Car (illua.), 173
- — — — — — ae Ambulance (illus.), 534
- — — — 30 h.p. Eight-cylinder Car (illue.), 386
- — — Cara for 1915, 834
- — — 14 h.p. Car, Sir Richard Rycroft’e (illus.), 830
- — - 18 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illus.), 51, 171
- — — 24 h.p. xaght-cylinder Car (illus.), 526
- — — Industrial Vehicle with Anti-aircraft Gun 011M.), 668
- — ~ with Special Body for French Army (illus.), 861
- Defects in Construction, 486
- of the Modern Motor Body, 512, 571, 628, (illus.), 377 440 105
- Delage Colonial Oar with Body by Sankey and Kona (illiiR.), 298
- — Grand Prix Cars, 22
- — 14 h.p. Four-cylinder Car (illus.), 492
- — 15.9 h.p. Six-cylinder Oar, 109
- Delaunay-Belleville 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 672
- — — for Royal Navy (illus.), 667
- — 45-50 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 581
- — Private ’Bus for Red Cross Society (illua), 490
- Delco Voltage Regulator, 682
- Dennis Motor Transport Lorry, Britieh Soldiers on (illus.), 624
- Departure of the Guns (illue.), 179
- Design, Body, and Construction, 230
- — Considerations of, by W. G. Aston. 262
- — Car, Improvements in, by Eric W. Walford, 340
- — Poppet Valve, by Robert Jardine, 644
- Detachable Flanges, Facility, 109
- — Wheels, 249
- Detention of a Car, 425
- Device for Cutting Wires Across Roadway (illus.), 498, 872
- Devon, Danger Spot in, 536, 603
- — S. (letter), 546
- Devonshire Roads, 205, 512
- De Wet, the Capture of, Cam Used in, 843, 869
- Diameter of Rear Axle, 207
- Diatto Car, 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 604
- Dickey Seat to Morris-Oxford Car, 605, 633
- Dickinson, A. E. (letter), 877
- Dieppe, Myers Garage, English Cars at (illus.), 394
- Dieu et Mon Droit (letters), 153, 329, 484
- Differential, Driving Without, 352
- — Gear, 546
- Difficult Months. Some Advisable Precautions, by Eric W. Walford, 637
- Dilemmas, 659, 683, 721
- “ Dimlight ” for Lamp Glasses, 850
- Disc Covers for Wire Wheels, 186
- — Steel, Wood, and Wire Wheels, 294, 326, 361, 391
- — Wheels, 203
- Disfigurement of the Landscape, by C. G. Harper, 265
- Disgusted Chauffeur (letter). 824
- Dissolved Acetylene, Some Suggestions, 376. 485, 540
- Distance and Speed, Judging, 375
- Dixon’s Graphite for Cars in Indianapolis Race, 17
- Doctor, Help for, 652
- Dodge Car, New, Description of, 783
- Dog, A Hardy, 295, 361
- Dogs and Motorists, 603
- — Conveyance of, Special Trailer for (illus.), 362
- Donald, A. A. (letter.), 204, 328
- Door Support and Silencer, Widney, 873
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., A. J. Stubbings and, Patent by, Heating Induction Pipe, 200
- Double-clutching, The Advantage of, 761
- Double Direct Drive, by Eric W. Walford, 865
- Doue, E. E., Patent by, Simple Automatic Carburetter, 285
- Draughty Back Seats, 781
- Drip Feed, Intermittent, 254
- — — Lubricators, 689
- Drive, Double Direct, by Eric W. Walford, 865
- Driver-mechanic (letter), 658
- Drivers’ Fines and Employers, 364
- Drives for Convalescent Wounded, 478. 515, 535, 544
- Driving Car at Night, 55
- — Inconsiderate, 107, 154. 295. 484, 566, 631
- — in Wet Weather, To Facilitate, Patent by E. Faber, 200
- — Licences, Production of, 692
- — of Motor Cars in Metropolis, Police Warning, 678
- — on Deflated Tyres, 723, 748
- — Restrained, 188
- — Signale, 392
- _ Tests 575
- — Without a Differential. 352
- Duckham, Alexander, and Co., Ltd. (letters), 452 773
- Duckworth, E. (letter), 393
- Duco Simpatch, A Self-vulcanising Patch, 60
- Du Cros, Arthur, Motor Ambulance Convoy Organised bv (illue.), 639
- Dumolite Motor Lamp Chest, 150
- Dundee and Speed Limits, 277
- — Ferry Steamers at, 46
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd. (letters), 422, 658, 749
- — Tyree and Accessories, New. 627
- Dunn, Thomas, Invention by, Locked Non-stop Tyre, 587
- Dutch Army Officers in 24-30 h.p. Wolseley Car (illus.). 836
- — Customs Officers and Cars, 156
- — Officials Holding up Touring Car at Frontier (illus.), 762
- Dyer Oxygen Gun, Carbon Removal Outfit, 538
- Dykes. F. J. (letter), 849
- Dynamotor Ignition, 688
- Dysert, M. D. (letter), 454
- E.A.M. (letter), 391
- Early Worm (letter), 155
- East Anglia and Fen Country as Touring Grounds, 38
- Ebrall, F. W. (letter), 154
- Ec-on (letter). 484
- Economy in Motoring, Where it Should Begin, 690
- Edge, S. F. (letter), 202
- Edinburgh Decorated Car Competition, Swift Light Car (illus.), 37
- Edison Accumulators, Ltd., Fire at Factory, 871
- Educative Motor Rides, 233, 628
- Efficiency Indicator, Engine, McDonald, Mostyn, and Co., 194
- Egerton, J. Reginald (letters), 391, 486
- Electric and Acetylene Lamps. Methods of Reducing Light, by Daniel 11. Ogley, 755
- — Car Lighting and Engine Starting, 106, 153
- — Horn, A.M.C., 744
- — Light Adapter, Stentophone, for Cars, 320
- — Bulbs, Dumolite Chest for, 150
- — Osram, Cases for, 51
- — Lighting Efficiency, Mazda Lamps, 695
- — or* War Office Transport Vehicles, 430
- — Starter on Ford Car, 851
- — Patent bjT L. Renault, 246
- — Starting Mechanism, Patent by O. Heins, 418
- — Patent by H. Leitner, 285
- Electricity and the Motor Car, Review,
- Elgin Motor Car Races, America, 414
- E.M.P.B., Across France in Twenty-seven Hours, by, 321
- Empire Car, Description of, 273
- E.M.K. (letter), 151
- Employer (letter), 658
- — and Thirteen Years’ Owner (letter), 775
- Employers, Drivers’ Fines and, 364
- EN37 (letter), 153
- Encampment, An Automobile, 316
- Endorsement of Licence, 549
- Enemies’ Road Signs, 681
- Enfield Cars, Electric Engine Starting Equipment on, 63
- Engine Cleanliness, by Eric W. Walford, 899
- — Combined Cuff and Poppet, Description of, 833
- — Cooper Slide Valve, Description of, 277
- — Efficiency Indicator, McDonald, Mostyn, and Co., 194
- — Harding Two-stroke, Description of, 901
- — Kelly Two-stroke, Description of, 565 601, 630
- — Refilling, 165
- — Robinson Double Piston, Particulars of, 283
- — Starter, Brolt, Description of, 588
- — Mechanical, 726
- — North-east, 225
- — Simple, Patent by A. Giorgi, 537
- — Starting, Electric Car Lighting and, 106, 153
- — from Seat, Newton-Bennett Cars, 144
- — — in Winter, 777
- — Thomas Sleeve Valve, Description of, 275
- — Two-stroke, 753
- — Development, 182
- — — R.A.C. Competition, 150
- — Tyre Pump, 297, 457
- Engines, Aero, Arrol-Johnston (illus.), 652
- — — Sunbeam, 542
- — Four-stroke, Balanced 874
- — Heat from, 165
- Engineering Lessons of Valve for, 106, 154
- — the Grand Prix, 130-134 in, 564
- — Motor Car, Instruction , .
- England Awake— Mostly, by Owen John, 437
- — in War Time, by Owen John, 377
- English Girl as Parisian Taxi Driver, 866
- Epicyclic Gearing, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 285
- E.P.R.T. (letter), 43
- Equipment, Car, for Active Service, 409
- Eros Speedometer, 150
- Esses Descent, Hairpin Bend on (illus.), 86-87
- Essex M.C. Open Speed Trials, 19
- Evans, D. L. (letter), 247
- Evening Classes in Motor Car Engineering, 516
- Eve of the Grand Prix, Details of Competing Cars, 20
- Exhaust Pressure Feed Petrol Systems, 403
- — The Note of the, 487, 517
- — Valve Springs, 883 Exhausts, Semi-open, 817
- Expectant (letter), 683 Experienced (letter), 295
- Experiences at the Front with Car and Aeroplane, 508
- Experientia Docet (letter), 658
- Experiments, Fuel, by Professor W. Morgan, 859
- — Paper by Professor W. Watson at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 838
- Expert Driver-mechanic (letter), 601
- Exports, American Motor Car, The War and 738
- — of Motor Spirit, 652
- — and Imports, Car, America, 156, 180, 660, 760,
- — Belgium, 424 France, 156, 206, 307
- — Germany, 206, 244, 374
- — Motor Car, 598
- — Benzole and Toluol, 482
- — Car, Italy, 424
- — Motor Spirit, United States, 660
- — Tyre, United States, 516, 660
- External Leakage on Sparking Plugs, 818, 823, 847,
- — by J. W. G. Brooker, 738 330, 879 674, 876
- Extra Air Inlet, Patent by Lydon Manufacturing Co., 418
- — Valve to S.U. Carburetter, 851, 880 Use of, 47
- Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino, Patent by, Simple Carburetter, 246
- Faber, E. II. (letter), 249
- Patent by, To Facilitate Driving in Wet Weather, 200
- Facility Detachable Flanges, 109
- Fair Play (letter), 849
- Farm (letter), 44
- Fatality, Starting up, 584
- Fawssett, E. (letter), 721
- F.C.W. (letter), 877
- Features of Interest in and around Oxford, 217
- Fellows Magneto, Description of, 535
- Felt or Asbestos Lining to Damp out Noises, 780
- Fergusson, H., Patent by, An Air Valve, 246
- Ferodo Brake and Clutch Linings, 559, 825
- Ferry Facilities, Scotland, 134
- F.I.A.T. Grand Prix Cars, 21
- — 12-14 h.p. Car with Ambulance Body (illus.), 464
- — 20-30 h.p. Car, Mrs. Lloyd of Broadway’s (illus.), 173
- Fiction, The Motor Car in, 486
- Field Gun Haulage by Motor Car, Demonstration in Yorkshire, 177, 219
- Fierce Clutches, 729
- Filling Greasers, 3
- Finding the Owner, 488
- Finlay, Gordon (letters), 103, 205, 455
- Tuning up 12 h.p. Rover, by, 214
- Fire Extinguishers, Motor Cars and, 486
- First Accident in Five Years (letter), 484
- — Aid in Cases of Burns, Bruises, or Cuts, 339, 422
- — Motor Mountaineering Tour, by H. Massac Buist, 4
- Fitzwilliam, Earl, Demonstration of Field Gun Haulage, 177
- Flags of the Allies, 508
- Flanders 15-20 h.p. Car, 395 _
- Fleming, Atherton, Behind the Firing Line, by, 466
- Fleury. P., and H. Morin, Patent by, Back Axle Gear Box Arrangement, 200
- Floods in Potteries (illus.), 330
- Floorboards, Loose, Danger of, 850
- Flying Corps, French, Car and Trailer (illus.), 828
- F.M. (letter), 104
- F.N. Cars for Next Year, 647
- — Factory at Liege, A. E. Gelder’s Attempt to Reach, 771
- Patriotism of Workpeople, 839
- Folding Table, Acme, 538
- Footballers and the War, 681, 773, 821
- Foot Brake, Silent, Patent by Austin Motor Co., 200
- — Warmer, Koze, 735
- Footpaths, Pedestrians and, 292
- Ford Car, Benzole on, 253
- — Binks Carburetter for, 575
- — Carburetter for, 752, 826
- — Electric Starter on, 851
- — M.R. Specialities for, 576
- — Cars, Accessories for, 620
- — Special Warland Rim for, 199
- — — Stentophone Electric Light Adapter and Spark Gap, 320
- — Supplementary Springs for, 150, 297, 332
- — Motor Co. (England), Ltd. (letter), 152
- — Owner (letter), 822 (S.T.C.) (letter), 878
- Foreign Competition, 629
- — Trade, A Suggested Board of Industry, 898
- Forgate, William (letter), 721
- For King and Country (letter), 876
- Forward Waterproof Plug, 873
- Fothergill, H., Patent by, Easy Starting, 418
- Four-stroke Engines, Balanced Single Valve for, 106, 154
- Foy-Steele Four-seated Car, 633
- France, Across, During War, by Roy Trevor, 343
- — in Twenty-seven Hours, 286, 321
- — British Commerce in, 701
- — Car Imports and Exports, 156, 206, 307
- Franco-Espagnol (letter), 629
- Franke, T., Process by, Motor Spirit from Peat 278
- Franklin Car Tests, U.S.A., 574, 632
- Freeston, Charles L., Great Alpine Trial, by, 27-36
- Freezing, To Prevent, 12-volt Bonnet Heater, 844
- Frenay Cars, 627
- French A.C. Service of Motor Cars for the Front, 612
- — and Belgian Manufactures, To Help, 433
- — Armoured Cars in Paris (illus.), 776
- — Military Motor (illus.), 380
- — Army Ambulance Service, De Dion Cars (illus.), 861
- — Industrial De Dion with Anti-aircraft Gun (illus.), 668
- — — Motor Searchlights (illus.), 556
- — Supply Depot for Tyres and Spare Parts (illus.), 861
- — Banister and Co., Ltd. (letter), 359
- — Flying Corps, Car and Trailer (illus.), 828
- — Industrial Vehicle as Workshop (illus.), 387
- — Military Aeroplanes, Motor Transport for (illus.J. 842 v
- — Motor •^r’*’'. Searchlight on (lllus.), 494
- — Trade, 645 ,
- — Red Cross Society, Motor Ambulances for, 727
- Front, At the, Life of a Motorist, 767
- — What the Motoring Blood is Doing, 757
- — Spring Suspension, 819
- — Wheel Brakes, 62, 205, 248
- Frost-resisting Preparation, Aglace, 75S
- F.H.H. (letter), 877 _
- Fuel Committee, Alcohol, Formal Appeal for Funds, 138
- — Economy, 772
- — Experiments, 827
- — Home, by Professor W. Morgan 859
- — Paper by Professor W. Watson at Institution of Automobile Engineers, 838
- — from Peat, Paper by Dr. F. Moll wo Perkin,
- — Paraffin as, 353, 359, 422
- — Binks, Bi-fuel Carburetter,
— * Tests, Charron, U A C., J90, 198
- — R. A C the Authority for, /ZB
- — Trouble and its Solution, 900 m.u.i
- — Within the Empire, Development of Trinidad Oilfields, 897
- Full Circle, by Owen John, 883
- Fur-lined Coats, War Office Supplying, 754
- Gale, J. (letter), 105
- Galician Oil Companies, British Interests and, 724
- Gallery Boys— and the Others, by Owen John, 407
- Gamage Tool Roll, 700
- Garage Owners (letter), 422
- Garages and Inhabited House Duty, 605
- — Local (letter), 359
- G.D.B. (letter), 723
- Gear Box and Back Axle Arrangement, Patent by P. Fleury and H. Morin, 200
- — Changing, Automatic, 213
- — Further Notes on, 59
- — on Hupmobile, 109
- — Trouble, 371
- — Wheel Mounting, Improved, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 246
- Gear-Ease, A New Lubricant for Gear Boxes, 555
- Gears always in Mesh, 817
- — Jumping Out of Mesh on Light Cars, 674
- — Laminated, 293
- Gearing, Epicyclic, Patent by F. H. Royce and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., 285
- Gelder, A. E., Attempt to Reach F.N. Factory at Liege, 771
- Gemco Tyre-saving Jacks, 700
- General Motors (Europe), Ltd., 151
- — Tendency for Next Year, 577
- Generous Offer, 452
- — Treatment, 722
- German and Austrian Trade, To Capture, 600
- — Armoured Cars (illus.), 402
- German-British Motor Trade, 374
- German Cars Captured by British Army in France, 879
- — Cudell Benzole-alcohol Carburetter, 869
- — Firms, Trading with, 635, 663
- — Lorry Laden with Gas Cylinders (illus.), 388
- — Military Car Device for Cutting Wires (illus.), 498
- — Municipalities, Cars Owned by, 456
- — Motor Parts and Accessories, 635, 663
- — — Transport Destroyed (illus.), 539
- — Prisoners of War on Daimler Lorry (illus.), 540
- — Subvention Motor Train (illus.), 528
- — Trade during War and After, 903
- Germans, Use of Motor Cars by. 743
- Germany and Her Petrol Supplies, 582, 656, 669. 696, 841
- — by Albert Lidgett. 582, 696, 841
- — Erik Hildesheim, Copenhagen, 669
- — Motor Car Imports and Exports, 206, 244, 374
- — Number of Cars in, 156
- — Petrol Largely Superseded in, 828
- — Shortage of Petrol in, by Albert Lidgett, 502
- — Rubber in, 700
- — Study of Coal in, 231
- Germany’s Foreign Trade in Motor Cars, by Chas. J. Webb, 529
- Gier Valley, Along the (illus.), 72
- Giorgi, A., Patent by, Simple Engine Starter, 537
- Givors, Bridge at, Grand Prix Race (illus.), 101
- Glare of Continental Roads, How to Avert, 243
- Glass Road, Illinois, 837
- Glengarry Castle, 392
- Godalming and Motorists, 234, 314
- Godin Motometer, 150
- Goodyear Tyres, 634, 819
- Goods Haulage, Motor versus Horse for, 607
- Gossip about the Grand Prix Race, by H. Massac Buist, 88-100
- Government Aid Needed, Fuel Experiments, 828
- — and Police, Cars for, 360
- Gradient Meter 297
- Grand Prix Belgian Races, 12, 136, 182
- — Engineering Lessons of, 130-134
- — Eve of the, Details of Competing Cars, 20
- — — Items, 138
- — Mercedes Car, 138, 151, 202, 248, 291
- — — - Details of, 100
- — Victory, Commemorating, 102, 192
- — Race, 53, 201, 291, 326
- — Gossip about, by H. Massac Buist, 88-100
- — — — Report of, 65-85
- — — Racing Cars, T.T. and, 42, 103, 151, 201. 247, 249, 291, 326, 361
- — Telegraphic Reports of, 26
- Grantham (letter), 295
- Gray, Alfred J. (letter), 515
- Greasers, Filling, 3
- Great Orme, Descent of, 393
- Greenhough, Wm. H. (letter), 824
- Grierson, Dudley, Valve Tappet Adjustment, Hint by, 637
- Grippa Tyre Amalgam, 409
- Grouser (letter), 107
- Guarantee, Value of, 546, 572
- Guarantees, Retreading, 44, 104, 153
- Gudgeon Pin,’ Method of Removing, 339
- Gun Haulage by Motor Car, Demonstration in Yorkshire, 177, 219
- H.A.A.D. (letter), 251
- Hackney Carriage, Private use of, 661
- Hairpin Bond on Esses Descent (IIIUK.), 86-87
- Hallam, L. H. (letter), 390
- Hampshire A C., Motor Ambulances
- — Road Mirror Erected by, at Hythe, J26
- — Automobile Club, Patriotic Activity ot. 621
- Hancock, Wm., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 422
- Hand Starter, Triplex, 851, 880, 907
- Handicapping at Brooklands, 42, 103, 151
- Handy Bush Extractor, 873 Hard Hit (letter), 420
- Harding Two-stroke Engine, Description of, 901
- Hardware and Oil Van, Touring Car Chassis as (illus.), 724
- Harmens (Motor Agencies), Ltd., Accessories at, 640
- Harper, Charles G., A London Motor ’Bus in Belgium, by, 616
- — An Impromptu Bivouac, by, 860
- — Army Service and Others, by, 762
- — By the Wayside, by, 736
- — Comrades Well Met, by, 835
- — Disfigurement of the Landscape, by, 265
- — Experiences in Belgium, by, 597
- - Haunted Houses, by, 890
- — News from Somewhere, by, 670
- — Wansford Bridge, by, 242
- — With an Armoured Car in Belgium, by, 638
- Harris Detachable Disc Wheel Co. (letter), 203
- Harrogate, Speed of Cars in, 357
- Harry L. (letter), 903
- Haunted Houses, by Charles G. Harper, 890
- Hay-Williams, P. (letter), 361
- H.C.W. (letter), 750
- H.E. (letter), 722
- Head Chauffeur (letter), 749
- — Lights, Powerful, 684
- — Swivelling, 518
- Hearn, S. G. (letter), 249, 392
- Heater, Bonnet, 12-volt, by Barimar, Ltd., 844
- Heat from Engines,. 165
- Heating, Carburetter, Arrangement, 261
- — Induction Pipe, Patent by A. J. Stubbings and W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., 200
- — R. W. A. Brewer, 770
- Heavy Traction, Road Damage by, 245, 259, 287
- Heins, O., Patent by, Electric Starting Mechanism, 418
- Held Up for Identification Purposes (illus.), 347, 348
- — in Switzerland, 384
- Helically-operated Cuff Valve, 858
- Help for a Doctor, 652
- — our Allies, 433, ,483
- Hempel, F. (letter), 629
- Hemsworth, W. (letter), 107
- Henslowe, Leonard (letter), 327
- Heron Mechanical Horn, 194
- Herts County A.C. Cripples’ Outing (illus.), 252
- — Presentation, 769
- H.F. Portable Vulcaniser, 686
- — Vulcanisers and the War, 654
- H.H. (letter), 659
- Highlands, Motoring in the (illus.), 252
- High Tension Co. (letter), 153
- Highway, Cattle on the, 395
- Hildesheim, Erik, Copenhagen, Germany and
- Her Petrol Supplies, by, 669
- Hill-climb, Annual, at Woodhouse Eaves, 194, 227
- — Contests, 393
- — South Harting. 116
- Hill-climbing and Reliability in Australia (illus.), 128
- Hillman Light Car for Next Year, 624
- Hills, Irregular Running on, 487
- Hints and Tips, Useful, 3, 55, 117, 165, 214, 261, 305, 339, 371, 403, 434, 465, 495, 524, 552, 578, 609, 637, 664, 689, 729, 755, 780. 829, 855, 883
- — on Buying Second-hand Car. 664
- Hispano-Suiza 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 40
- Hobson, H. M., Ltd. (letter), 294
- — Lubricating Shackle Bolt, 543
- Holiday with Car and Tent, 49
- Holloway, C. M. (letter), 631
- Home-made Luggage Rack for Two-seater, 371
- — Petrol Gauge, 165
- Honduras, School for Motorists in, 516
- Hook, Cyril L. (letter), 485
- Hopeful Unemployed (letter), 630
- Hopkinson, A. (letter), 393
- Hopps, N. S. (letter), 393
- Horn Blowing, 1, 547
- — Mechanical, Heron, 194
- Hornsted’s Records on Benz Car, 11
- Horse-power, Actual, 546
- — Catalogue, 517
- — of Racing Engines, 683
- — Rating, 721
- Horseshoe Competition, R.I.A., 766
- Horse Transport, Replacing by Mechanical Vehicles, 435, 469
- Hose Clips, Atlas Universal, 543
- Hotchkiss Cars for 1915, 640
- Hotel Accommodation at Dunbar, 683
- — Keepers’ Liability, 332
- Hotels, Country, 659
- — Recommended, 298, 423, 683, 723
- Houdaille Hydraulic Suspension Co., Ltd. (letter), 42
- — Shock Absorbers. 581
- Hound Van Body, 3 Ton 40 h.p. Daimler with (illus.), 606
- House of Commons and Offer of Motor Cars,
- — E. W. N.. Col. (letter), 847
- Hughes Hallett, L. Cl. (letter), 748
- Hull and Holland, Rates for Cars between, 108
- — Royal Visit to (illus.), 2
- Humber Cars for 1915, Description of.
- — 10 h.p. Carburetter, 575
- — Impressions of Trial, 64
- Humber 11 h.p., Extra Air Inlet on, 253
- — 11.9 h.p, Car, G. D. Abraham’s (illus.), 579
- — Petrol Consumption of, 253
- — Zenith Carburettor on, 457
- — 12 20 h.p 1910 Car, Petrol Consumption, 395, 425
- — 14 h.p. with Sporting typo Body (illus.), 57
- — 16 20 h.p.. Zenith carburetter for, 517
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 456
- — 28 h.p. Car (illus.), 218
- — Programme for Next Year, 677
- Humphreys, H. Howard (letter), 328
- Humphries, Lewis (letter), 295
- Hunwicko, F. S. (letter)f 204
- Hupmobile, Gear Changing on, 109
- — 15-18 h.p., Russian Commission in (illus.), 692
- — 16 h.p. with Two-stretcher Ambulance Body (illus.), 841
- — The, 395
- Hurtu 14 h.p. with Body by Alford and Alder (illus.), 863
- Hutton, F. H. (letter), 720
- Hydrovol or Hydro-aeroplane, 442
- I. (letter), 201
- Ideal Motor Car, 53
- Ide, John Jay (letter), 391
- Identification Marks, Military Cars and, 720
- — of Motorists during the War, 494
- Igniters for Dissolved Acetylene, 540
- Ignition, Two-point, 41, 105, 421, 514, 544, 572, 600, 657
- Imports and Exports, America, 156, 180, 330, 660, 760, 879
- — — — Car, Belgium, 424
- — — France, 156, 206, 307
- — Germany, 206, 244, 374
- — Motor Car, 598
- — Motor Car, in Java, 7
- — — Spirit, into United Kingdom, 636
- — in United Kingdom, 192
- Impromptu Bivouac, An, by Charles G. Harper, 860
- Improvements in Car Design, by Eric W. Walford, 340
- Income Tax and the War, 515
- — — Items, Some, 867
- Inconsiderate Driving, 107, 154, 295, 484, 631
- — Drivers, Suggested Pillory for, 905
- India, B.S.A. Car in, 425
- — Car Prices in, 292, 422
- — Southern, 16 h.p. Minerva Car in (illus.), 691
- — Short Trip in, by Sloe, 489
- Indian Fleet of Motor Cars given by Begum of Bhopal (illus.), 832
- — Motorist (letters), 292, 422
- — Policeman on Bournemouth Road (illus.), 757
- Indianapolis 500-mile Race, 45
- Induction Pipe, Heating, Patent by A. J. Stubbings and W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., 200
- — R. W. A. Brewer, 770
- Indulgences, Malines Cathedral and, 572, 602, 631, 657, 683, 750, 773
- Industrial Alcohol, Cheap, 464
- Inexperienced (letter), 905
- Inflation, Tyre, 296
- Inland Revenue Licence, 683
- Inlet Port, Bottom, by Eric W. Walford, 191
- Innocent Angler (letter), 360
- Institution of Automobile Engineers, 37, 471, 536, 615, 825
- — Conference at Birmingham, 850, 872 ..
- — Graduates’ Section, Paper on
- — Humphris Gear, 778
- — Drawing Office Systems, 896
- — Members who have Joined the Colours, 879
- — Paper by Professor W. Watson,? Fuel Experiments, 838
- — Some Fuel Experiments, Discussion on, 859
- — — Petroleum Technologists, 617
- — Paper by Dr. F. Mollwo Perkin, 702
- — Professor John Cadman, 897
- Instruction in Motor Car Engineering, 564
- Insurance, Car, 572
- — War Risks and, 384, 390, 402, 456, 628, 680
- — Companies, Unpatriotic, 390
- Inter-club Hill-climb at Woodhouse Eaves, 194, 227
- — Meeting, South Harting Hill-climb? 116
- Interested Retailers (letter), 849
- Intermittent Drip Feed, 254
- International Motor Racing in 1915, by H. Massac Buist, 121-126
- — Tour, Swedish and Danish A.C.’s, 304
- Inter varsity Meeting at Brooklands, 37
- in the Enclosure, Grand Prix Race (illus.), 82
- Inverness to Perth, by John LI. Warden Page, 333, 365, 397
- Ireland, Tours in, 157, 207
- Irregular Running on Hills, 487
- Isotta Fraschini Car with Starting and Lighting Equipment (illus), 416
- — 25 h.p. Armoured Car (illus.), 757 100 J
- — 20 h.p. Armoured Car for Russian Government (illus.), 678, 690, 736
- Itala 100 h.p. with Body by Maythorn and Son.), 516
- Italian Roads, A Warning, 250
- Italy Exports, Car, 424
- Jacob, J. T. (letter), 154
- Jaquet-Moral and Condac, Ltd (letter), 251
- James, Alec. (letter), M2I
- — and his Kidney" (letter). {>02
- James, C. E., and T. R. Robertson, Patent by, Automatic Carburetter, 770
- — Transmission Mechanism, 418
- — F. C. (letters), 152, 250, 657
- Japan, Motor Car Army Corps for, 46
- — Cars in, 330
- Jardine, Robert, Poppet Valve Design, by, 644
- — Valves of Tungsten Steel, by, 127
- Jarrott, Chas, (letters), 105, 483, 657
- — Armoured Car Supplied to Russian
- — Government by (illus.), 678, 690
- Jarvis, Major E. Harvey, Camping with a Car, by, 166
- Java, Imports, Motor Car, in, 7
- J.B.G. (letter), 682
- J.C. (letters), 358, 422, 485
- Jefferson, Robert Louis, Death of, 440
- Jet Combination for Zenith Carburetter, 425
- Jigs, Paper by Max R. Lawrence at Manchester Association of Engineers, 874
- J.M.C.—Unemployed (letter), 631
- J.M. Shock Absorber, 194
- Johnson, G. E. M. (letter), 544
- — S. T. (letter), 248
- Johnston, Alexander (letter), 42
- Joining the Colours, 773, 821, 846, 875, 902
- Jones, W. Yarworth (letters), 422, 545, 681, 774, 848
- J.R.T. (letter), 905
- J.T. (letter), 904
- Joynson-Hicks, W. (letter), 903
- Judging Distance and Speed, 375
- June Meeting, Brooklands, Report of, 8
- “ Justice ” Tempered with Harshness, 659
- J. W. (letter), 877
- K 9 (letter). 361
- K 6713 (letter), 545
- Kean, F. J. (letters), 329, 774
- Keeble, W. S. (letter), 774
- Keily, M. D. (letter), 750
- Kelly, T. D. (letter), 630
- — Two-stroke Engine, 601, 630
- — — — Description of, 565
- Kelsey, Captain, Death of, Cape to Cairo Expedition, 148
- Kendall, Luke (letter), 358
- Kennedy, John, jun. (letter), 603
- Kensington Borough Council and Road Improvements, 724
- Kenway, Philip T. (letter), 773
- Kick Off (letters), 681, 773
- King and Queen, Visit to Canadian Expeditionary Force (illus.), 702
- — H.M. the, on 20-30 h.p. Peugeot (illus.), 688
- Kingston Bridge, 724
- Kitchen, Motor Field, for Allies’ Field Ambulance Corps, 776
- Soup, for St. John Ambulance Association, 870
- Klaxon Co., Ltd. (letter), 45
- Knight, Charles Y., The Battle of the Valves, by, 140-144
- Knowles, E. Miles (letter), 291
- Kon. Ned. Maatschappij tot Exploitatie van Petroleumbronnen in Ned. Indie (letter), 680
- Koze Foot Warmer, 735
- K.R.I.T. 1913 Car, 826
- La Buire 15 h.p. Car, Description of, 240 (illus.), 731
- Lady Driver (letter), 682
- — Drivers to Displace Able-bodied Chauffeurs, 666
- L.A.F. (letter), 359
- Lakeland, Some Sporting Routes in, by George D. Abraham, 235
- Lalonde, William (letters), 547, 822
- Laminated Gears, 293
- Lamps, Acetylene and Electric, Methods of Reducing Light, by Daniel H. Ogley, 755
- — Light Car, 376
- Lanchester as Armoured Car. (illus.), 835
- — 38 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 120, 437
- — Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 571
- Lancia and Co., Patent by, Adjustable Steering Column, 200
- — Cars for Next Year, 655
- — 35 h.p. Car (illus.), 271
- — with Mulliner Body (illus.), 51
- — Sporting Body (illus.), 866
- Landscape, Disfigurement of, by C. G. Harper, 265
- Lane, George (letter), 248
- Langley, F. J., Patent by, Paraffin Carburetting System, 537
- Langner, Lawrence (letter), 545
- Lang, S. (letter), 421
- La Tour (letter), 546
- Launch, Motor, Wanted for North of Scotland, 879
- Lautenschlager’s Last Lap (illus.), 79
- Laverick? P. W. (letter), 486
- Law, Points of. 907
- Lawrence, Max R., Paper on Jigs, by, 874
- L.C.C. Circumlocution Office, 155
- Leaky Inlet Valve Guides, Suggestions by Eric W. Walford, 609
- — Piston Rings, 855
- Leather for Non-skid Tyres, Shortage of, 844
- Legrand, A., Patent by, Body Construction, 770
- Lee. G. Thomas (letter), 659
- Loft on the Road Injured, 393
- Leicester, Ambulance Cars in, 473
- — and Deakin (letter), 630
- Leicestershire A.U. and Compulsory Rear Lights, 671
- — Road Improvements, 548
- — Hill climb, 194. 2'27
- — Roads, 10H. 204
- Leigh Clare, 11. (letter), 906
- Leitner, H, Patent by, Electric Starting, 285
- Le Piege de la Mort, Grand Prix Race (illus.), 95
- Lessons, Engineering, of the Grand Prix, 130-134
- — from the Recent Traffic Census, 607
- Letters from Military Transport Drivers, 382, 481, 592, 728, 895
- Level Crossing Accident, Result of (illus.), 632
- — Crossings, Staines and Sunbury Road, 665
- Lewes, School Hill, 295
- Lewin, F. Guy (jun.), Motoring in South Africa, by, 183
- Leyland Lorries for War Department (illus.), 528
- L.F.S. (letter), 544
- LH 5155 (letter), 107
- LTI 5191 (letter), 573
- Liability for Accident, 110, 292
- Custody of Cars, 618
- Licence, Endorsement of, 549
- Lidgett, Albert, Germany and Her Petrol Supplies, by, 582, 696, 841
- — Shortage of Petrol in Germany, by, 502
- Liege, A. E. Gelder’s Attempt to Reach, 771
- — Automobile Interest in, 318
- Life and Retreading of Tyres, 824
- — of a Motorist at the Front, 767 Lifting Jacks, 517
- Light Car Accessories, The Finish of, 499
- — — Coupes, 817
- — — in Bad Weather, 868
- — — Petrol Consumption and, 376
- — R.A.C. Impromptu Trials, 12, 193, 244
- — — Talk, by Runabout, 139, 188, 239, 266, 352, 376, 412, 498, 540, 593, 648, 674, 698, 745, 761, 817, 845, 868, 900
- — Trials, 104
- — A Page of Secret History, 868
- — Cars, 43, 152, 203, 249, 294, 878, 900
- — — Four-seated, 674
- — Shade, and Speed (illus.), 101
- Lighting and Starting, Electric, 106, 153
- — Car, by Dissolved Acetylene, 689
- — Order,- New, 755
- — Systems, Acetylene, Care of, by M.G., 829, 855
- Lining, Felt or Asbestos, to Damp out Noises, 780
- Linley, C. M. (letter), 682
- Liverpool Motorist, Commendable Act by, 417
- Lixall Floatless Carburetter, 272
- Llandudno-Colwyn Bay Road, 295, 393, 498
- Lloyd, F. Lindsay (letter), 42
- Local Government Board Regulations, Heavy Motor Vehicles, 189
- Locked Non-stop Tyre, Thomas Dunn’s Invention, 587
- Lock Nut, Vislok, 699
- Lodge Brothers and Co. (letter), 485
- — Igniter, 390
- — Plugs for Ford Cars, 633. 685
- — Sparking Plug Co., Ltd. (letters), 41, 151, 249, 601, 823
- — — and External Leakage on Sparking Plugs, 818
- — Plugs, 550
- London—for Strangers, by Owen John, 553
- — Lighting Order, Rear Lamps on all
- — Vehicles, 865
- — Motor ’Bus in Belgium, by Charles G. Harper, 616
- — ’Buses for Army in France (illus.), 621
- — Salon at Guy Lewin, Ltd., 686, 746
- — Traffic, 779
- — Street Traffic Bill, 206
- — Traffic Census, 564 Longfield, Lewis (letter), 512
- Long Legs (letter), 629
- Lorraine-Dietrich 14-18 h.p. Car, Description of, 642
- Los Angeles Agent's Car with Seat over Dashboard (illus.), 830
- Loudon, H. (letter), 680
- Loud Warning Signals, 44, 152, 205, 249, 294, 352
- Low Acetylene Generator, 568, 624, 648, 692
- Lubricants, Friction Curves of, 254
- Lubricant, New, for Gear Boxes, Gear Ease, 555
- Lubricating Steering Joints, 403
- Lubrication System, 371, 524
- Lubricators, Drip Feed, 689
- Luggage Accommodation, Mercedes Car, 169
- — Rack, Home-made, for Two-seater, 371
- — Trailer for Cars (illus.), 187
- Luke, Charles H. (letter), 600
- Lydon Manufacturing Co., Patent by, Extra Air Inlet, 418
- Lyma Vergaserfabrik Dietz and Co., Patent by, Adjustable Carburetter Level, 246
- Lynton Wheel and Tyre Syndicate, Ltd. (letter), 327
- M. A., A.M.I.E.E. (letter), 106
- Macfie, Chas, (letter), 328
- Machin, E. M. (letter), 294
- Machine Gun Batteries, Motor, 751
- Macleod, A. Gordon (letter), 104
- Madras, Burning Oil Tanks at (illus.), 818
- — 20 h.p. Colonial Napier in (illus.), 56
- Magneto, B.T.H., Description of, 315
- — by Morris and Lister, 448
- — Development, Important, 315
- — Fellows Description of, 535
- — H.T. Wire Terminals, Fitting, 729
- — Improved. Patent by M. Anschutz. 246
- — Manufacture, 421
- — Moisture on the, 780
- — Monopoly, 337, 424
- — Parts. 453
- — Patents, Bosch, by Eric W. Walford, 383
- — Repair*, 462, 515. 571
- — Thomson Bennett, 409
- — Thomson-Bennott, Description of. 351
- — To Displace the. 545. 600. 657. 681
- Magnetos, British, 390
- — supply of, 269, 328, 337, 352,^68,_ 390,
- Maharajah Scindia of Gwalior, Motor Ambulances Presented by (illus.), 896
- Maintenance and Preparation of Cars for Official Service, 495, 524
- Malines Cathedral and Indulgences, 572, 602, 631, 657, 683, 750, 773
- Manchester Association of Engineers, Paper on Jigs, 874
- — Improvements in Thoroughfares, 46
- Mann, Egerton, and Co., Ltd. (letter), 360
- Manorowen Road, Dangerous Pond on, 164
- Manufacturer (letter), 391
- Map, A.A. and M.U., Potential Traps in Home Counties, 244
- Marshall, C. F. Dendy (letter),,822
- Martin, Matthews, R. (letter), 295
- — Stanley N. (letter), 876
- Maude, Ronald E. (letter), 775
- Maudslay 17 h.p. Car (illus.), 156
- Max, the Mitrailleuse Man, by Late Member of Staff of Daimler Co., 785
- Maxwell Motor Co., Ltd. (letter), 775
- Mazda Half Watt Lamps, 695
- Mayo (letter), 721
- Maythorn Body on 100 h.p. Itala (illus.), 516
- McCulley, R. G. (letter), 747
- McDonald, Mostyn, and Co., Engine Efficiency Indicator, by, 194
- McMeekin, Thos. D. (letter), 155
- MCY 5 (letter). 422
- Mears, J. (letter), 295
- Mechanical Engine Starter, 726
- Mechanic (letter), 484
- Medicus (letter), 659
- Mercedes Car Captured from Germans (illus.), 582
- — in Belgian Service (illus.), 566
- — Engines, Flying Record by, 61
- — Grand Prix Car, Details of, 100
- — Engine (illus.), 130, 131, 132
- — Victory, Commemorating, 102, 192
- — 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 38
- — 90 h.p. Car (illus.), 141
- — Cars, Steel for, 169
- — Winning Grand Prix Car, 138, 151, 202, 248, 291
- — with Body by Regent Carriage Co. (illus.), 169
- Mercer, Howard (letter), 903
- Mersey Motor Club Speed Trials at Colwyn Bay, 60
- Metallurgy in Motor Car Construction, 164
- Metal-spraying System, Non-corrosive Bright Work, 511
- Metric System, 544
- Metropolis, Motor Drivers in, Police Warning, 678
- Mexico, Enquiry from, 778
- — Motor Cars in, 684
- Meyrick-Jones, L. M., Ambulance Bodies on Private Cars, by, 432
- M.G., Care of Acetylene Lighting Systems, by, 829, 855
- Michelin Jack as Weapon, 684
- Midland A.C., Help Wanted for Conveying Wounded Soldiers, 695
- Midsummer Meeting, Brooklands, Report of, 8
- Mileage per Gallon on Small Cars, 845, 904
- Miles, W. H., Vulcanising System Designed by, 746
- Milk Deliveries, London, Motor Cars and, 882
- Military Aeroplane, 441
- — Cars and Identification Marks, 720
- — Motor Cars, Special, by Eric W. Walford, 445
- — Transport, by Horace Wyatt, 268, 306, 355> 387
- — Motors, Practical Experience of, by Horace Wyatt, 741
- — Motorists and Rules of the Road, 679
- — Service, Conditional, 390
- — Transport Drivers, Letters from, 382, 481, 592, 728, 895
- — — Ideal, 464
- Mills, H. (letters), 423, 455
- — Jet Guarantee, 455, 485, 545, 824, 849
- Milnes-Daimler-Mercedes, Ltd. (letters), 151, 203 291
- Minchin, G. R. N. (letter), 360
- Minerva Car in Belgium, M. de Keersmaecker’s (illus.), 660
- — 16 h.p. in Southern India (illus.), 691
- — 18 h.p. with Body by W. Cole and Sons (illus.). 174
- — Factory in Antwerp, 896
- — Motors, Ltd. (letter), 154
- Minnett, Herbert (letter), 774
- Mirrors, Road, at Dangerous Corners, 126, 182
- Misfiring, 47, 331, 752, 777
- — under Load, 689
- Mitrailleuse Man, Max, the, by Late Member of Staff of Daimler Co., 785
- M.J.C.D. (letter), 106
- Mobilisation and Motors, Private Car and Movement of Troops, 319, 354
- — Motors and (illus.), 308, 310j 311, 317
- — — — at Various Centres, 312
- Mobilised Territorials Leaving Warwick Castle (illus.), 350
- Model Car Made by Chauffeur (illus.), 389
- Modern Road-making, 619
- Monmouthshire C.C. and Road Improvements, 46
- Montreal, Canada, Motor Car Show at, 676, 724 872
- Mordax Detachable Mudguard, 701, 761’
- Morgan-Adler 9 h.p. Light Car (illus.), 120
- Morgan, H. George (letter), 105
- — Professor W., Some Fuel Experiments, 859
- Morin, H., P. Fleury and, Patent by, Back Axle Gear Box Arrangement, 200
- Morris and Lister, Magneto by, 448
- Morris-Oxford Car, Dickey Seat for, 633
- — de Luxe (illus.), 234
- — Light Car, 549, 605
- Morris, Russell, and Co.’s Accessories, 150
- Mors Ambulance Back from the Front for Repairs (illus.), 879
- — 17-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 604
- — with Knight Engine (illus.), 127
- Morton, V. (letter), 822
- Moseley, David, and Sons, Ltd. (letters), 44, 358
- Motometer, Godin, 150
- Motoring in Another Epoch, by Owen John, 856
- Motor Manufacturers, Adaptability of, 906
- — Men at the Front, For the, 754
- — Spirit, Another Revolution in, 727
- Exports, United States, 660
- from Peat, T. Franke’s Process, by W. R. Ormandy, 278
- Imports into United Kingdom, 636
- Motors and the British Army, 380
- Mountaineering Tour, Motor, First, by H. Massac Buist, 4
- Mud and Motors on Salisbury Plain, by A. W. Wright, 889
- Mudguard, Detachable, Mordax, 701, 761
- Mudguards, Bramah, 589
- Mud Logged Wheel, Star Car, Queensland (illus.), 448
- Mug (letter), 514
- Mulliner, Arthur, London, Ltd., Body by (illus.), 272
- Multiple-disc Clutches, 371
- Municipal Motor Garage for American Town, 776
- Musson, A. F. (letters), 390, 601
- Mustard, David (letter), 292
- Mysterious Trouble, A, 772, 822, 848, 877
- Nagant Grand Prix Cars, 24
- Napier Cars for 1915, 679
- — Colonial Car Crossing River (illus.), 189
- — — 20 h.p. Car for Odessa (illus.), 502
- — Model, R.A.C. Trial, 182, 216, 231, 357
- — D., and Son, Ltd. (letters), 152, 250, 361, 391 421 453
- — 1915 16-22 h.p. Car, Description of, 585
- — 16-22 h.p. with Red Cross Ambulance Body (illus.), 548
- — 20 h.p. Colonial Car in Madras (illus.), 56
- — 30-35 h.p. Car (illus.), 525
- — Lorries for War Office Transport Service (illus.), 568
- — Travelling Workshop for Russian Imperial Government (illus.), 679
- N.A.P. Tyres, 661, 725
- National Volunteer Reserve Motor Section, 847
- Nazzaro and S.C.A.T. Cars for Next Year, 719
- — Grand Prix Car, 22
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 554
- N.B.W. (letter), 747
- Necessity for Systematic Research, 827
- Nelson, A., Major (letter), 630
- News from Somewhere, by Charles G. Harper, 670
- — the Front, 673, 718, 728, 895
- Newton-Bennett Engine Starter, 144, 252
- — Particulars of, 144
- — 12 h.p. Car (illus.). 170, 243
- Newton Car, 12 h.p. 1915 Car, An Appreciation of, 832
- — Description of, 693
- New Forest Roads, Animals on, 548
- — South Wales Tail Lamp Regulation, 632
- — York Motor Car Show, 844
- — Zealand Expeditionary Force, Crossley Ambulance for, 864
- Next Year’s Programmes, 656, 681, 720
- Nias, A. E. (letter), 603
- Nicholls, H. E. (letter), 327
- Nicol, Quintin A. (letter), 628
- Night, Driving Car at, 55
- Noise, Unnecessary, The Need for, 1
- Non-corrosive Bright Work, Metal-spraying System, 511
- Non-skid Tyres, Leather for, 844
- Non-skids, Use of, 877
- Non-stop Tyre, Locked, Thomas Dunn’s Invention, 587
- Norfolk Bridge, between Worthing and Shoreham, 890
- Northampton Polytechnic Institute, 470
- North British Rubber Co., Ltd. (letter), 849
- North-East Engine Starter, 225
- North of England, Motor Ambulance Service in, 871
- Northern Cycle Car Club, 296
- Norton, Tom (letter), 359
- Norway, Enquiry for Motors Cars, 826
- Not Ashamed (letter), 659
- — too Good for the Ranks (letter), 875
- Notes for Beginners, by Eric W. Walford, 18, 59, 185, 226, 276, 375
- Nulyte Portable Electric Co., 880
- Number One Thousand, 853
- Nut Locking Method, Simple, 883
- O 8451 (letter), 545
- Oakland Cylinder Cleaning, 289
- Oakley, A. H. (letter), 683
- Oban to Inverness, by John L. Warden Page, 111, 159, 209, 255. 299, 459
- Obituary 354, 440
- Oborn, L. W. (letter), 750
- Observations upon Roads, by Wilfred Gordon Aston, 173
- O’Connor, C. M. (letters), 251, 773
- Official Service, Preparation and Maintenance, 495, 524
- Ogley, Daniel H., Methods of Reducing Light of Lamps, by, 755
- Oil as Contraband of War, 756
- — Consumption on Light Cars, 845
- — Dealer Delivering by Means of Touring Car (illus.), 353
- — Indicators, 139
- — Tanks, Burning, at Madras (illus.), 818 Oilskins, Modern, 845
- Old and New Racing Cars, 42
- Olympia Show, 369, 391, 416, 420, 452, 485, 498, 523
- Omnibus, Motor, in War, 356
- One of the Hunted (letter), 603
- — Who Knows (letter), 572
- — Regrets he is Considered too Old Again to Risk his Skin for England (letter), 875
- On the Road, by Owen John, 38, 56, 118, 170, 217, 270, 490, 525, 579, 610, 666, 690, 730, 757, 781, 830
- — Track, 11, 61, 189, 243
- Opel Grand Prix Cars, 24
- Open Sore, The, by Owen John, 347
- Opportunities Brought About by the War, 579
- Optalyte Lamps, 422, 455
- — Ltd. (letter), 455
- Orders, Cancelled, 431
- Orlwaise Cleaning Brush for Wire Wheels, 543
- Ormandy, W. R., Motor Spirit from Peat, by, 278 '
- Orthodox Superstitions, 107
- Osram Lamps, Cases for, 51
- Ostend Annual Meeting, 46
- Out of Action, German Motor Transport Destroyed (illus.), 539
- Over-developed Individuality, 431
- Overhead Valves, 151, 249
- Overheating, 633, 661, 685, 725, 777, 826, 880
- Overland Car, Description of, 281
- — with Body by Hollick and Pratt, 438
- — Cars for Belgian Government, 540
- — 1915, Particulars of, 541
- Oversize Tyres, 44, 104, 158
- Overtaking and Passing Cars, Hints on, 375
- Owen John, England Awake—Mostly, by, 437
- — in War Time, by, 377
- — Full Circle, by, 884
- — Gallery Boys—and the Others, by, 407
- — London—for Strangers, by, 553
- — Motoring in Another Epoch, by, 856
- On the Road, by, 38, 56, 118, 170, 217, 270, 490, 525, 579, 610, 666, 690, 730, 757, 781, 831
- — — The Motor in War, by, 308
- Open Sore, by, 347
- Owner-driver, Points for the, by E. W. Walford, 305
- Owner-driver’s Experience, 904
- Owner of Garage (letter), 572
- Owner’s Responsibility for Damage Caused by Car, 660
- Oxford, Features of Interest In and Around, 217
- Oxygen Gun, Dyer, Carbon Removal Outfit, 538
- — Process. Decarbonisation by, 154, 294
- P 8169 (letter), 878
- P 9850 (letter), 824
- Page, John LI. Warden, A Triangular Tour, by, 111, 159, 209, 255, 299, 333, 365, 397. 427, 459
- Pain’s Hill Bridge, Cobham, 501
- Palladium 11 h.p. Car (illus.), 309
- — 12-22 h.p. Car (illus.), 375
- — 18-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 39
- Panhard 12 h.p. with Body by Joseph Sankey and Sons, 174
- — 16-20 h.p. Car for 1915, Description of, 651
- — Views of Chassis (illus.), 839
- — with Body by Windovers, Ltd. (illus.), 691
- — 28 h.p. Car (illus.), 48
- — Old 12 h.p., 44
- Panic Methods in Business, 360
- Panther Shot by E. S. P. Carrad, Colombo (illus.), 394
- Paraffin Carburetting System, Patent by F. J. Langley, 537
- — as a Motor Fuel, 359, 422
- Fuel, Test of Binks Bi-fuel Carburetter, 353
- Parisians’ Private Cars for Red Cross Work (illus.), 352
- Parisian Taxi-driver, English Girl as, 866
- Parker, Edwin C. (letter), 824
- Parliament and Offer of Motor Cars for War Service, 313
- — Questions in, Road Damage by Heavy Traction, 245
- Parliamentary Joint Committee, Motor Traction and Roads, 245, 259
- Parnacott, A. E. (letters), 360, 749
- Parsons Chains for Motor Transport in Winter, 594
- Passing Places of Worship, 250
- — Tram cars, 297
- Patch, A.B.C., for Tyre, 149
- — Self-vulcanising, Duco Simpatch, 60
- Patent Office Library, 682
- — Rules, New, Important, by Eric W. Walford, 385
- Patents, Bosch Magneto, by Eric W. Walford, w 383
- — Continental, 544
- — Held by Alien Enemies, Vandervell and Co.’s Application, 632
- — Recent, by Eric W. Walford, 200, 246, 285, 418, 537, 770
- Patriot (letter). 656
- Patriotism in Purchases, 360, 453, 484
- — Practical Form of, 338
- P.C.C. (letter), 42
- Peacock, J. Arthur (letter), 294
- — W. B. (letter), 571
- Petrol and Benzole
- — for Belgian Aeroplane, Drawing off (illus.), 906
- — Gauge, Home-made, 165
- — Jets, Calibrating, 55
- — Largely Superseded in Germany, 828
- — Pipes near the Silencer, 3
- — Price of. 45. 63, 137, 228. 250, 288, 312, 320, 327, 358, 391, 394, 448, 541, 551, 660
- — by Petrolicus, 137
- — in Highlands, 250, 359
- — — — Reduction in, 63, 137
- — — United States, 228
- — Prices, The War and, 312, 358, 551
- — Shortage of, in Germany, by Albert Lidgett,
- — Storage, New Regulations, 650
- — Supplies. Germany and Her, by Lidgett, 582, 696, 841
- — Erik Hildesheim, Copenhagen, 669
- — Supply, Our, 452, 551, 656, 681, 720, 747, 773, 849, 904
- — Temporary, Hint by Expert Tester, 609
- — Tank, Auxiliary, 547
- — Tins, Empty, 391
- Petroleum Export from Roumania Prohibited. 760
- — Production in Russia, 825
- — Technologists, Institution of, 617
- Petrolicus (letter), 571
- — Price of Petrol, by, 137
- Peugeot Grand Prix Cars, 20
- — 20-30 h.p., H.M. the King on (illus.), 688
- — — Limousine (illus.), 140
- — with Body by Alford and Alder (illus.), 280
- — with Body by Joseph Sankey and Sons (illus.), 530
- Phillip, Allan, In the Heart of the Cumberland Hills, by, 519
- Phillips, Robert E. (letter), 106
- Phinney-Walker Motor Car Clock, 150
- Phoenix Car, 11.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 330
- — 1915 11.9 h.p. Car, Description of, 531
- Pick Car, 20 h.p. 1915 Car, Description of, 649
- Picking up Water for Steamers, 47
- Pile-driving Apparatus and 1903 6 h.p.
- Daimler Engine, 105
- Pinking, 45
- — and Valve Design, 603
- Pistons, Aluminium, Exact Composition of, 769
- Piston Rings, Leaky, 855
- Plug-cum-carburetter Trouble, 412, 540
- Points for the Owner-driver, by E. W. Walford, a T 305
- — of Law, 907
- Police Cases, 46, 108, 759, 825, 906
- — Signalling to Motorists, 743
- — Trapping, 681
- — Campaign near Southampton, 37
- — Traps in Home Counties, Map of, 244
- — Warning to Motor Drivers, 678
- Pomeroy, L. H., Automobile Engineering and the War, by, 595
- Poppet Engine, Combined Cuff and, Description of, 833
- — Valve Design, by Robert Jardine, 644
- — Material, 163
- --Rotating, Patent by S. Curran and D. Thomas, 537
- Portable Motor Car Houses, 414
- Porthcawl Speed Trials, Report of, 15
- Power-weight Ratio, 720, 878
- Practical Patriot (letter), 720
- — Use for Old Car Engine, 105
- Precautions after Collisions, 117
- Preparation and Maintenance of Cars for Official Service, 495, 524
- Preston, Colvin P. (letter), 823
- Price of Tyres. 484
- — per Cubic Centimetre, 772
- Prices, Chassis, 205, 292
- Prince Henry Austro-Daimler Car (illus.), 50
- Private Cars, Ambulance Bodies on, by L. M. Meyrick-Jones, 432
- — and Movement of Troops, 319, 354
- — for the War Office, 318, 344, 352, 354
- — Owner (letter), 205
- — Use of Hackney Carriage, 661
- Production of Cars for Hard Usage, 115
- Progress (letter), 613
- Promiscuous Loan Unrequited, 544
- Proper Spirit, The, Aid for Employees, 312
- Prowodnik Tyres, 819
- Pseudonym (letter), 249
- Pugh, John (letters), 42, 249, 601, 821
- Puncture, How to Mend, 276
- Queries and Replies, 47, 109, 157, 207, 253, 297, 331, 363, 395, 425, 457, 487, 517, 549, 575, 605, 633, 661, 685, 725, 752, 777, 826, 851, 880, 907
- R.A.C. Light Car Impromptu Trials, 12, 193, 244
- — Trial, Charron Fuel Tests, 190, 198
- — — Clincher Plantation Rubber Tyres, 542
- — Colonial Medel Napier Car, 182, 216, 231, 357
- — Signposting by, 284
- — Two-stroke Engine Competition, 150
- Races and Competitions, Influence of, 115, 201
- Racing Cars, Accessories on, 41, 151, 203, 249
- — Old and New, 42
- — T.T. and Grand Prix, 42, 103, 151, 201, 247, 249, 291
- — Engines, Horse-power of, 683
- — International, in 1915, by H. Massac Buist, 121-126
- Radley, James (letter), 292
- Railway Bridge, Connel Ferry, and Vehicular Traffic, 181, 316
- — Whistles, Early Objection to, 205
- Rangoon, Siddeley-Deasy Car in (illus.), 56
- Ratepayer (letter), 251
- Rattling Rods, 817
- Rear Axle, Diameter of, 207
- — Lamps on all Vehicles in London, 865
- — Lights on all Vehicles, 659, 775
- Recent Patents, by Eric W. Walford, 200, 246, 285, 418, 537
- Records by Hornsted on Benz Car, 11
- Recruiting for the War, 422
- — Parade in Warwickshire, Cars in (illus.), 768
- Red Cross Ambulance Requirements, 563
- — — — Services, Notes on Progress, 509
- — — Motor Work, 876 Refilling Engine, 165
- Refrigerating Plant for Cold Weather, Carburetter Tests, 569
- Regent Carriage Co., Body with Luggage Accommodation, by, 169
- Reid, G. Archdale (letters), 45, 658
- Reminiscences of Belgium, by Wanderer, 404, 449, 479
- Remy Coil Ignition, Description of, 561
- — Magneto Substitute, 601, 657
- Renault 8 h.p. Carrying Luggage, 723
- — L., Patent by, Electric Starter, 246
- Repairs and Repairers, 423, 455, 485
- — to Badly-damaged Tyres, Tom Cann, Ltd., 873
- Repairers Playing the Game, 631
- — To Help, 359
- Repairing Accumulators, 106, 155
- — Burst Air Tubes, 117 Replacements, Cost of, 546
- Reservists’ Families, Care of, 327
- Rest and be Thankful (letter), 390
- Retreading Guarantees, 44, 104, 153
- Return Home, The (illus.), 325 Reviews, 874
- Rhodesia, Motor Cars in, 436
- R.I.A. and Street Obstruction by Advertisements, 776
- — Horseshoe Competition, 776
- — Recovery of Highway by, 776
- Rich Tungsten Valves, 127
- Right-angle Corner, Taking a, 276
- Right of Way, A Question of, 723
- Riley 10 h.p. Light Car, 676 Ring (letter), 515
- Ripault, Leo, and Co. (letter), 203
- Ripley, Strong, and Co. (letter), 153
- R.M.C. (letter), 749
- R.M.N. (letters), 602, 657
- Road at Kingston Hill, Flint Chippings on, 871
- Road Board, 351
- — Annual Report of, 146
- — — Grants to Highway Authorities, Fifteenth List, 181
- — Sixteenth List, 618
- — Construction for the Unemployed, 417
- — Courtesies, 773
- — Damage by Heavy Traction, 245, 259, 287
- — Danger, Unobserved, 658
- — Improvement, Pembrokeshire C.C. (illus.), 379
- — Improvements, Leicestershire, 548 Monmouthshire, 46
- — Making and Repairing, 250
- — of Glass, Illinois, 837
- — Problems, 515, 545, 573
- — Proposed, Llandudno-Colwyn Bay, 498
- — Race on Brooklands (illus.), 124
- — Racing Possibilities on Transformed Brooklands, 125
- — Repairing, Stones the whole Width, 251
- — Rule of the, 292, 328, 821, 876 Problem, 153, 205, 328, 484
- — Warnings, 150, 156, 242
- Roads, Canadian, £7,000,000 for, 888
- — Closed, 516
- — Continental, How to Avert Glare of, 243
- — Devonshire, 205, 512
- — Importance of, 387
- — in Leicestershire, 108, 394
- — Italian, A Warning, 250
- — Some Observations upon, by Wilfred Gordon Aston, 173
- — Utilisation of Unemployed Labour, 318
- Roadmaking, Modern, 619
- Robinson Double Piston Engine, 283
- Roller Bearings for Springs, 199
- Rolls-Royce Alpine Car, Trial of, 145
- — Car, Duke of Westminster in (illus.), 765
- — 40-50 h.p. Colonial Car for War Office 784
- — Car with Body by Arthur Mulliner, London, Ltd. (illus.), 38
- — Cunard Motor and Carriage Co., Ltd. (illus.), 730
- — John Barker and Co., Ltd. (illus.), 58, 208
- — Mann, Egerton and Co. (illus.), 232, 837
- — new Burlington Motor Body Co. (illus.), 108
- — Vincent, Reading (illus.), 456
- — Two-seater, Mr. Rowland Hodge’s (illus.), 728
- Roots, J. D. (letters), 106, 293
- Rosmer, Milton (letter), 573
- Rotating Poppet Valve, Patent by S. Curran and D. Thomas, 537
- Rotax Motor Accessories Co. (letter), 422
- Rough Rubber Tyre, 138
- Route-marking Car in A.C.U. Trial, 193
- Routes, Sporting, in Lakeland, by George D. Abraham, 235
- Rover Car, 549
- — 12 h.p. Car in Straits Settlements (illus.), 362
- — — for 1915, Detail Improvements, 840
- — — Petrol Consumption, 157
- — Tuning up, by Gordon Finlay, 214
- Rovers, 6 h.p. and 8 h.p., 363, 457, 517
- Royal A.C. and Alien Enemies, 448
- — Trials, 42, 104, 151, 203, 250, 328, 361. 392, 453
- — Dutch Company, 570, 680
- — Tour in Scotland (illus.), 119
- — Visit to Hull (illus.). 2
- Royce, F. H., and Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Patent by, Epicyclic Gearing, 285
- — Improved Gear Wheel Mounting, 246
- Rubberine, Practical Substitute for Pneumatic Inner Tube, 534, 701, 826
- Ruburwurkur (letter), 155
- Rudge-Whitworth, Ltd. (letter), 154, 361
- — Wheels in Alpine Trials, 156
- — Grand Prix Race, 206
- — Wire Wheel Developments, 186
- Rugs, Motor, for Soldiers, 906
- Rule of the Road, 292, 328, 821, 876
- Rules of the Road, Military Motorists and, 679
- Runabout (letters), 45, 204
- Running Costs, 903
- — — Where Waste Occurs, by Sigismund P. Best, 552, 578
- Rural Economics, Present and Future, by J. Fairfax Blakeborough, 415, 444
- Russell, J. (letter), 486
- Russia, Enquiry from, 778
- — Petroleum Production in, 825
- — Sunbeam Cars for, 622
- Russian Commission in 15-18 h.p. Hupmobile Car (illus.), 692
- — Government, Armoured Car Supplied by Charles Jarrott for (illus.), 678, 690, 736
- — Motor Car Rally, 234
- — War Office, Star Lorry for (illus.), 668
- — Stepney Wheels for, 826
- Salisbury Plain, Mud and Motors on, by A. W. Wright, 889
- Saltburn Speed Trials, Yorkshire A.C., 147
- Salvation Army, Motor Ambulances Provided by, 776
- Sainson, Commander, on Six-cylinder Wolseley Car (illus.), 497
- Satisfied (letter), 772
- S.A.V.A. Clutchshaft (illus.), 648
- — 14 h.p. with Cabriolet Body, 666, 724
- — 20-30 h.p. Car (illus.), 378
- — 24-30 h.p. Car for 1915, Description of, 646
- — 25 h.p. Sporting Type Car (illus.), 610
- Saxon Car (lllus.), 206
- — 11.1 h.p. Car, Run Across America, 245
- S.C.A.R. Spare Parts, 550
- — with Body by A. Knight and Co., Poole
- (illus.), 580
- S.C.A.T. and Nazzaro Cars for Next Year, 719
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 363
- School Barrier at Beckenham, Kent (illus.), 185
- — Hill, Lewes, 295
- “ Scorn for Skulkers,” 452, 483, 571, 602
- Scotland, Royal Tour in (illus.), 119
- — Signposts in, 455, 825
- Scotsman, A (letter), 107
- Scott, Dugald (letter), 420
- — Winnifred J. (letter), 750
- Scottish Branch British Red Cross Society, Motor Ambulances for (illus.), 612
- — Motor Show, Postponement of, 482
- — Offices of A.A. and Road Signs, 825
- Screen or No Screen, 761
- Seafarer (letter), 250
- Searchlight, Bleriot Portable, Description of, 413
- — on French Motor Lorry (illus.), 494
- Searchlights, Motor, in Action (illus.), 556
- Searle Unburstable Inner Tube Co., Ltd. (letter), 848
- — Tube, 562, 725, 752, 773, 777, 826, 847, 877, 904
- Sears, R. H. (letter), 154
- Seaside and a Soldier’s Girl (letter), 483
- Seas of Mud, Canadian Contingent Transport Lorry (illus.), 763
- Second-hand Car, Hints on Buying, 664
- Self-vulcanising Patch, Duco Simpatch, 60
- Sentries on the Roads, A Warning, 573
- Seven Hills (letter), 250
- Sexton, Arthur (letter), 359
- Shackle Bolt, Lubricating, Hobson, 543
- Shackleton Expedition, Repair Equipment for,
- Shall We Use our Cars? 303, 358, 390, 422, 453, 485
- Share List, The Autocar, 743
- Shawlands Motor Supply Co. (letter), 391
- Sheep, Motorists and, Lanarkshire, 108
- Sheffield and District A.C. and Motor Ambulances, 669
- — Meeting (illus.), 216
- — Corporation and Motor 'Bus Traffic, 287
- Sheffield-Simplex Cars, 719 •
- — 30 h.p. Car, Route-marking in A.C.U. Trial, 193
- — — Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 396, 482
- — Motor Works, Ltd. (letter), 292
- — Speedometer Drive, 37
- Shell Motor Spirit Interests, 570, 630
- — Transport and Trading Co., 639
- Sherrin, Geo. C. (letter), 775
- Shipping Cars to Russia (illus.), 736
- — Rates for Cars, 108
- Shock Absorber, J.M., 194
- — Absorbers, 109, 157, 207, 251, 295, 332
- — — for Ford Cars, 150, 297, 332
- — Singer Light Car, 332
- — — Houdaille, 581
- — — on Light Cars, 593
- Shortage of Automobile Parts Due to War, 784
- — — Cars After the War, 493
- — Petrol in Germany, by Albert Lidgett, 502
- Short-circuited (letter), 847
- Short Circuiting, 602
- Shows, Motor, 369, 391, 416, 420, 452, 485, 498, 499, 508, 513, 523, 656
- Siddeley-Deasy Car in Rangoon (illus.), 56
- — Cars for 1915, 622
- — 14-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 378
- — Red Cross Car (illus.), 745
- — 18-24 h.p. 1914 Car, 157, 331
- — 30-36 h.p. Car (illus.), 217
- Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 254, 526
- Side Lamps, 849
- Signalling of Police to Motorists, 743
- Signposts in Scotland, 455, 825
- Signposting by R.A.C., 284
- Simms Motor Units, Ltd. (letter), 390
- Singer Light Car, Shock Absorbers for, 332
- — 10 h.p. Car, 745
- — Light Car on Great Orme, Llandudno (illus.), 354
- — 15 h.p. Car (illus.), 296
- — Description of,. 505
- — Light Four-seater, 230
- Single Balanced Valve. 204, 293, 454
- — Track Automobile, 753
- Sizaire-Berwick 1915 20 h.p. Car, Description of, 613
- — Car, 332, 363
- — 20 h.p. Car (illus.), 217, 424
- — Mr. Maurice Sizaire on (illus.K 684
- Skew Tyre, Round Tread, 819
- Skidding and Slipping of Tyres, 657, 823, 848
- Slaughter, E. A. (letter), 750
- Sleeve Valve Engine Prospectus, 154, 251
- Sloe, Short Trip in Southern India, by, 489
- Smith, A. (letter), 513
- — Gordon (letter), 878
- — Charlie F. (letter), 5.15
- — H. B. Protheroe (letter), 250
- — — Nelson (letter), 103
- S.M.M.T., Work for the, 635, 663
- S.M.P. (Franco-British) Ball Bearings, 662
- Snelgrove, W. J. (letter)-, 155
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, 386
- — Recommendation to, 435
- Solomon, A. M. H. (letter), 452
- Something for Nothing, An Enjoyable Way of Occupying an Hour, 233
- Southampton, Police Trapping Campaign near, « 37
- South Africa, Motoring in {illus.), 856
- — by F. Guy Lewin, jun., 183
- — African Ambulance Contingent (illus.), 857
- — — Roads, 172
- — Devon (letter), 514
- — — Tide Trap, 443
- — Harting Hill-climb, 116
- — Wales, Open Competitions in, Report of, 13
- Southern India, Short Trip in, by Sloe, 489
- Soup Kitchens, Motor, for St. John Ambulance Association, 870
- Spanish Market for Motor Cars, 629
- Spare Tyres, Protection of, Covers for, 149
- — Wheel Covers, 883
- Spares and Replacements Carried on Tour, 18
- — for Volunteered Cars, 421
- Sparking Plug, Apollo, 744
- — Experience, Another, 139
- — — Problem, 761
- — Puzzle, 412, 540, 544
- — Waterproof, Forward, 873
- — Plugs, 45, 107, 139, 152, 203, 293, 327, 455, 648* 868
- — British-made, 773, 823, 847, 876
- — External Leakage on, by J. W. G. Brooker, 738
- — Leaking on, 674, 818, 823, 847, 876
- — on Racing Cars, 151, 203, 244
- Sooted, 412
- Speed Limit, Proposed, in Berwickshire, 682
- — Limits, 150, 194, 272, 277, 290, 296, 330, 482, 682, 850
- — Trials, Clipstone, 12
- Speedometer, Belt-driven, 499
- — Eros, 150
- — Drive, Bonniksen, 471
- Spencer, F. (letter), 295
- — George, Moulton, and Co. (letter), 327
- Sphinx Manufacturing Co. (letter), 876
- — Plugs for Army and Navy Use, 880
- Sporting Routes in Lakeland, by George D. Abraham, 235
- — Three-seater 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam, E. Watchorn’s, 760
- Sportsman’s Battalion, Motor Cars for, 604
- Spring Suspension, 453
- — Front, 819
- Spring Suspension, Patent by W. R. Williams, 246
- Springs, Attention to, 434
- — Roller Bearings for, 199
- — Supplementary, 109, 157, 207, 251, 295, 332
- — for Ford Cars, 150, 297, 332
- Springing, Variations in, 698
- Spyker Cars for 1915, 624
- Square and Compass (letters), 657, 846, 876
- Stabilit (letter), 421
- Stack, G. F., and Others, Patent by, To Facilitate Cylinder Cleaning, 770
- St. Albans Rubber Co. (letter), 104
- Standard Red Cross Car, Vincent Barningham's (illus.), 611
- — Type Car, Adapting for Colonial Use, 465
- — Works, Marquee for (illus.), 296
- Stanley, Arthur (letter), 483
- — Detachable Steel Wheel, Description of, 419
- Star Car, New, for 1915, 566
- — Wheel, Mud-logged, Queensland (illus.), 448
- — 15.9 h.p. Car (illus.), 171
- — Chassis with All-weather Body (illus.), 831
- — — with Australian Body (illus.), 4
- — Lorry for Russian War Office (illus.), 668
- Starting, Easy, Patent by H. Fothergill, 418
- — Engine, Electric Car Lighting and, 106, 153
- — — from Seat, Newton-Bennett Cars, 144
- — in Winter, 777, 851
- — Difficulty, 575, 685
- — Handle Clip, 883
- — Collapsible, by R. G. Tolley, 149
- — Lost, 516
- — Improvement in, 817
- — Mechanism, Electric, Patent by O. Heins, 418
- — To Facilitate, Patent by C. G. Tate, 418
- — Up Fatality, 584
- Stationary Car, Collision with, 487
- Steam and Petrol Cars, Relative Merits of, 633, 851
- Steamers, Picking up Water for, 47
- Steel (letter), 294
- — Alloys, Paper at Faraday Society, 330
- — for Mercedes Cars, 169
- — Industry, Automobile Manufacturers and the, 872, 881
- — Wheel, Detachable, Starley, Description of, 419
- — Wheels, Wire, Disc, Wood, and, 294, 326, 361, 391
- Steel-studded Tyres, 658, 681, 749, 774, 822, 848, 904
- Steering Column, Adjustable, Patent by Lancia and Co., 200
- — Connections, Rattling, 261
- — Joints, Lubricating,. 403
- Stelastic Tyre, New, 134
- — Tyres, 47
- Stentophone Accessories, 320
- — Specialities, 778
- Stephens, Henry C. (letter), 391
- Stepney Oversize Tyres, 700
- — Supplementary Springs for Ford Cars, 150
- — Wheels for Russian War Office, 826
- Stevens, G. H. (letter), 683
- — L. G. (letters), 203, 328
- Stewart Precision Carburetter Co., Ltd. (letter), 360
- — R. N. (letter), 151
- — W. L., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 328
- Sthenos Carburetter, 633, 685, 777
- Still Unemployed (letter), 572
- St. John Ambulance Association, Motor Soup Kitchen for, 870
- Stoewer Car, 48, 157
- — Gebruder, Patent by, New Bonnet Hinge, 285
- Stolen Motor Cars, America, 267
- Stones the Whole Width of Road, 251
- Storage, Bulk, of Petrol, 370, 422
- — of Petrol, New Regulation, 650
- Straits Settlements, 12 h.p. Rover in (illus.), 362
- Straker-Squire 15-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 156
- Strap, Constant Tension, by H. Taylor and Co., 700
- Stubbings, A. J., and W. H. Dorman and Co., Ltd., Patent by, Heating Induction Pipe, 200
- Studebaker Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 192
- Sturdy Little Car, 8 h.p. Renault, 723
- S.U. Carburetter, Benzole and, 157, 331
- — Extra Air Valve to, 851, 880
- Sufferer, A (letters), 205, 295
- Superstitions, Orthodox, 107
- Sunbeam (letter), 205
- — Aero Engines, 542
- — and Delage Cars between Givors and La Madeleine (illus.), 72
- — Aviation Dept, (illus.), 502
- — Car at the Front* Letter from Sunbeam Employee 898
- — Cars for Russia (illus.), 622
- — 12-16 h.p. Car (illus.), 141, 206, 525
- — with Three-seated Body, E. Watchorn’s, 760
- — 16-20 h.p. Car (illus.), 610
- — 20 h.p. Ambulance, Presented by Wolverhampton Citizens (illus.), 758
- — 25-30 h.p. Six-cylinder Car (illus.), 271
- — Motor Car Co., Presentation to Mr. Thomas Cureton, 867
- — Changes in Management, 671 Supply of Tyres, 422, 513
- Swansea Tramways, 513
- Swedish and Danish A.C.’s International Tour, 304
- Swellings in Tyre Covers, 458
- Swift Cars for 1915, 677
- — 10 h.p. Light Car, Description of, 476
- — 11.9 h.p. Car in Northern France, 843
- — Light Car, Decorated, at Edinburgh (illus.), 37
- Switzerland A.C., 40
- — Held Up in, 384
- Swivelling Head Lights, 518
- Systematic Research, Necessity of, 827
- Tail Lamp. Extinguished, 458
- — — Regulation, New South Wales, 652
- — Lights, 659, 775
- Tailby, E. M.. Ambulance Trailer used by, 843
- Taking a Right-angle Corner, 276
- Talbot 12 h.p., Carburetter for, 47
- — 15 h.p. 1911 Car as Ambulance Van (illus.), 385
- — — in Weston-Super-Mare Trial (illus.). 129
- — 20-30 h.p. Car in Sutton Coldfield A.C. Hillclimb (illus.), 245
- — — with Ambulance Body (illus), 407
- — 25-50 h.p. as Armoured Car (illus.), 582, 667
- — Armoured Car for Active Service on Continent (illus.), 737
- — Car (illus.). 298
- — — Four-cylinder Car. Description of, 557
- — — Touring Car for British Admiralty (illus.). 684
- Tar-sprayed Roads, Skidding on, 657, 823, 848
- Tate, C. G., Patent By, To Facilitate Starting, 418
- Taunton Car, Description of, 135
- Tax Adjustment (Scarff’s) Agency (letter), 515
- — Hackney Carriage, 880
- Taxes, Motor Car. 1913-14, 230
- Taxicab from Paris as Motor Ambulance (illus.), 850
- Taxi Driver, Parisian, English Girl as. 866
- T. C. (letter). 877
- Telegraphic Reports of Grand Prix, 26
- Tent, Holiday with Car and, 49
- Territorials, Mobilised, Leaving Warwick Castle (illus.), 350
- Test Hills in Devonshire. 514, 573
- Testing Alignment of Wheels, 657
- Theft, Mean, 722
- Thefts from Cars, 108
- There, Here, and Then, 903
- Thirty-one Years a Soldier (letter), 821
- Thomas, Edgar H. (letter), 847
- — Sleeve Valve, "327
- — — — Engine, Description of, 275
- Thomson-Bennett, Ltd., T. Welsh and, Patent by, New Carburetter, 200
- — Magneto, Description of, 351
- — Magnetos, 409
- Thourault, C. (letter), 294
- Three-seater 12-16 h.p. Sunbeam, E. Watchorn’s. 760
- Thunderstorms, Motor Cars in, 43
- Tide Trap, South Devon, 443
- Tilbury, William H. (letter), 657
- Tips, Useful Hints and, 3. 55. 117. 165, 214, 261, 305, 339, 371, 403, 434, 465, 495, 524, 552, 578, 609, 637, 664, 689, 729, 755, 780. 829, 855, 883
- Tolley, R. G., Collapsible Starting Handle. 149
- Tom Cann, Ltd., Repairs to Tyres by, 873
- Too Good for the Ranks (letter), 847
- Tool Kit, Gamage, 700
- Tools, Valve Spring, Simple, by Eric W. Walford, 434
- Top Speed (letter), 721
- Tour by a Lady. 750
- — On, Spares and Replacements Carried, 18
- Tours in Ireland, 157, 207
- Touring Car Chassis as Travelling Hardware and Oil Van (illus.), 724
- — — Held up by Dutch Officials at Frontier, 762
- — Cost of, 721
- — Notes, Week-end and. 49, 111. 159. 209. 255, 299, 333, 365, 397, 427, 459, 489, 519
- Tourist (letters), 250, 455
- — Trophy Race, Next Year’s, 269
- Trade Confidence, 390
- Trader (letter), 875
- Trading with the Enemy. 635
- Traffic Census, London, 564, 607
- — — Recent, Lessons from the, 607
- — in the Belligerent Capitals, 766
- — Motor, London, 779
- — Regulations, 291
- Trailer for Carrying Complete Aeroplane (illus.), 671
- Training of Motor Transport Drivers, 680, 747
- Tramcars. Passing, 297
- Transport-Ambulance Waggon, New Type of. 842
- Transport Driver, Motor, Experiences of Junior Member of Staff. 767
- — Drivers, Motor, Training of, 680, 747
- — Enlistment of, 751
- — Motor, and the War, 358, 601
- — — and the War, by Horace Wyatt, 268, 306, 355
- — Correspondence. 570
- — — at the Front, 608. 680
- — — in War, Review, 874
- — Military, by Horace Wyatt, 268, 306, 355, 387. 528
- Transmission Mechanism, Patent by C. E. James and T. R. Robertson, 418
- Treloggan, A. H. (letter), 205
- Trenchard, M. A. (letters), 43. 847
- Trevor, Roy, Across France during War, by,‘ 343
- Triangular Tour, by John Ll. Warden Page, 111, 159, 209, 255, 299, 333, 365, 397, 427, 459
- Tribunal Sketches, Some (illus.), 68
- Trinidad Oilfields, Development of, Paper by Prof. John Cadman, 897
- Triplex Glass Screen, 158
- — Hand Starter, 851. 880. 907
- Tripoli, Military Motors in, 741
- True Blue (letter), 201
- T.T. (letters), 602, 774, 849
- — and Grand Prix Racing Cars, 42, 103, 151, 201, 247,. 249, 291
- Tungsten Steel, Poppet Valve Manufacture, 285
- — Valves of, by Robert Jardine, 127
- Tuning up 12 h.p. Rover, by Gordon Finlay, 214
- Turnbull, Goo. G. (letter), 682
- Turner, A. E. A. M. (letter), 251
- — Geo, H. (letter), 292
- Twin Tyres, 721, 749
- Two litre T.T. Race, The Case and Place for, by H. Massac Buist, 121
- Two-Point Ignition, 41, 105, 421, 514, 544. 572, 600, 657
- Two-stroke Engine, 753
- — Competition, R.A.C., 150
- — Development, 182
- — Harding, 901
- — — Kelly, 565, 601, 630
- — Light Car ? Why Not a, 648
- Tyke (letters), 203, 656, 720
- Tyler Apparatus Co., Ltd. (letter), 514
- Type of Car Favoured by British War Office, 463
- Types of Motorists and Super-motorists (illus.), 91
- Tyre Amalgam, Grippa, 409
- — Covers, Swellings in’, 458
- — Exports, United States, 516, 660
- — Inflation, 296
- — Life, American Test of Wood v. Wire Wheels, 560, 601
- — Locked Non-stop, Thomas Dunn’s Invention, 587
- — Loosener, Avamore, 769
- — Mileage, 104, 204, 294, 361
- — Patch, A.B.C., 149
- — Plug Patches, 251
- — Pressures, 185
- — Prices, How to Reduce, 155
- — Pump, Engine, 297, 457
- — Repairers for Royal Flying Corps, 844 War Office, 367
- — Rough Rubber, 138
- — Saving Jacks, Gemco, 700
- — Skew, Round Tread, 819
- —- Trials, Comparative, 775, 822, 849, 877, 904
- — Valves, Attention to, 689
- — Wear, 239, 296
- Tyres and Accessories, Dunlop, New, 627
- — Avon, 778
- — Badly Damaged, Repairs to, 873
- — Beldam, 778
- — Burst, 602
- — Clincher Plantation Rubber, R.A.C. Trial, 542
- — Deflated, Driving on, 723, 748
- — Goodyear, 819
- — in Gun Transport Demonstration, 481
- — Life and Retreading of, 824, 877
- — Motor, Possible Scarcity of, 358, 391, 422, 513
- — N.A.P., 661, 725
- — Non-skid, Leather for, 844
- — Oversize, 44, 104
- — Price of, 484, 850
- — Prowodnik, 819
- — Ruination of, Flint Chippings on Road, 871
- — Size of, 185
- — Skidding and Slipping of, 657, 823
- — Spare, Protection of, Covers for, 149
- — Steel-studded, 658, 681, 749, 774. 822, 848, 904
- — Stelastic, 47, 134
- — Stepney Oversize, 700
- — Supply of, 422, 513
- — Twin, 721, 749
- — Vanadium Puncture-proof and Non-skid, 374, 510
- — Victor, 453, 545, 601
- Ulster (letter), 423
- Unburstable Tube, Searle, 562, 725, 752, 773, 777, 826, 847, 877, 904
- Unemployed (letter), 601
- — All-round Driver-mechanic (letter), 723
- — Labour, Utilisation of. upon Roads, 318
- Unemployment Problem, 359, 391
- United States Car Exports and Imports, 1'56, 180, 330, 660, 760, 879
- — Motor Cars and Parts Imports, 660, 760
- — Spirit Exports, 660
- — Price of Petrol in, 228
- — — Tyre Exports, 516, 660
- Universal Hose Clips, Atlas, 543
- — Joints, 499
- University of London Lectures on Modern Explosion Engines, 538
- Unlucky (letter), 601
- Unnecessary Noise, The Need for, 1
- Unpatriotic Insurance Companies, 390
- Ure, J. A. (letter), 486
- Use of Motor Cars by Germans, 743
- — Non-skids, 877
- Valley of the Gier, Along the (illus.), 72
- Value for Money (letter), 772
- — of a Guarantee, 546
- Valve Breakages, 371
- — Cuff, Helically-operated, 858
- — Design, Pinking and, 603
- — Grinding, 239
- — Material, 163
- — Single-balanced, 204, 293, 454
- — Spring Tools, Simple, by Eric W. Walford,
- — Tappets, Adjusting, 188, 637
- Valves of Tungsten Steel, by Robert Jardine
- — Manufacture of, 285
- — Overhead, 151, 249
- — The Battle of the, by Charles Y.
- — Replies by Sunbeam and Vauxhall Chief Engineers, 229
- Vanadium Puncture-proof Tyres, 374, 510
- — Ltd. (letter), 391
- Vandervell and Co.’s Application for Patent, 632
- Vane, II. T. (letters), 152, 250, 361, 421, 453
- Van Hooydonk, J. (letter), 572
- Vauxhall 16-20 h.p. Ambulance (illus.), 906
- — 25 h.p. with D-fronted Landaulet, 576
- — Rudge-Whitworth Wire Wheels and Discs (illus.), 488
- — 35 h.p. Car Alpine Motoring (illus.), 220
- — Six-cylinder, Description of, 221
- — Improvements, 735
- — Motor Ambulance, 840
- Vehicular Traffic, Connel Ferry Railway Bridge, 181
- Velpontier (letter), 600
- Vernon, Lady Georgina, Sending Wounded Soldiers for Motor Bun (illus.), 724
- — L. B. (letters), 153, 249
- Victim (letter), 359
- Victor Steel-studded Tyre after Wear (illus.), 102
- — Tyre Co., Ltd. (letter), 823
- — Tyres, 453, 545, 601
- Vigilance of Motorists, 360 Village Visiting, 339
- Vislok Lock Nut, 699
- Volunteer Corps, British Motor Service, 346
- — Motor Mobilisation Corps, 879
- Vulcan Cars for Next Year, 621
- — 1915 Cars, Particulars of, 594
- — 15 h.p. with 1915 Type Body (illus.), 730
- — 15.9 h.p., Petrol Consumption of, 517, 549, 575, 661, 685
- — 15-20 h.p., Chassis Views of (illus.), 740
- — 20-25 h.p. with Portable Wireless Equipment (illus.), 895
- — Light Car, New, 290
- Vulcanisers, H.F., and the War, 654
- — — Portable, 686
- Vulcanising System Designed by W. H. Miles, 746
- Vrilya (letter), 877
- Wade, Christopher (letter), 603
- Wake Up, County Police! 514
- Walker, J. D. (letter), 547
- Walford, Eric W. (letters), 544, 601, 773, 847
- — Bosch Magneto Patents, by, 383
- — — — Bottom Inlet Port, by, 191
- — Engine Cleanliness, by, 896
- — Important New Patent Rules, by, 385
- — Improvements in Car Design, by, 340
- — Leaky Inlet Valve Guides, Suggestions, by, 609
- — — — Notes for Beginners, by, 18, 59, 185, 226, 276, 375
- — Points for the Owner-driver, 305
- — Simple Valve Spring Tools, by, 434
- — Some Recent Patents, by, 200, 246, 285, 418, 537, 770
- — Special Military Motor Cars, by, 445
- — The Difficult Months, Some Advisable
- — Precautions, by, 637
- — — Double Direct Drive, by, 865
- Why Brakes Deteriorate, by, 739
- Walter, A. (letter), 106
- Wanderer (letter), 602
- — Reminiscences of Belgium, by, 404, 449, 479
- Wansford Bridge, 328
- — by Charles G. Harper, 242
- War and American Motor Car Exports, 738
- — Petrol Prices, 312
- — Office Appreciation of Automobile Engineers, 754
- — Automobile Engineering and the, by L. H. Pomeroy, 595
- — Lessons of the, 463
- — — Manufacturing and the, Conference at Birmingham, 872
- — Automobilists and the, 267
- — Correspondent, Experiences of, Behind the Firing Line, by Atherton Fleming, 466
- — Correspondent’s Car in Belgium (illus.), 548
- — Footballers and the, 631, 773, 821
- — H.F. Vulcanisers and the, 654
- — Income Tax and the, 515
- — Items, 448
- — Motor Transport and the, 358, 601
- — by Horace Wyatt, 268, 306, 355, 387, 528
- — Office, Private Cars for, 318, 344, 352, 354
- — — 40-50 h.p. Bolls-Boyce Car for (illus.), 784
- — Patent Matters during, by Eric W. Walford, 385
- — Risks and Car Insurance, 384, 390, 401, 456, 628, 680
- — Service, Offer of Motor Cars for, 313
- — The Automobile in, by Charles G. Harper, 597
- — Motor Car Trade and the, 854 in, by Owen John, 308
- — Times Suggestions, 57u
- Warden, William (letter), 723 Ware Carburetter, 425, 457, 487
- Warfare, Aircraft in, 410, 441, 472, 504
- Warland Dual Rim Co., Ltd. (letters), 327, 392, 657, 749
- — Rims for War Office, 522
- — Rim, Special, for Ford Cars, 199
- Warning Device for Motor Garage, 559
- — Signals and their Necessity, 56
- — Loud, 44, 152, 205, 249, 294
- Warrington, T. F. (letter), 631
- Warwick Castle, Mobilised Territorials Leaving (illus.), 350
- Warwickshire. Recruiting Parade, Cars in (illus.). 768
- Washing Down the Car, 11
- Waste in Running Costs, by Sigismund P. Best, 552, 578 „ ,
- Watchorn, E., Sporting Three-seater Body, Designed by, 760
- Water at the Price of Milk, 155
- — Jacket, Cracked, 752, 777
- Watney, Gordon (letters), 248, 423, 485
- Watson, Professor W., Paper by, Some Fuel Experiments, 838
- Waverley, 15 h.p., R. Wilson Smith’s Car (illus.), 731
- W.B. (letter), 547
- W. (Chauffeur-mechanic) (letters), 630, 722, 774
- W.D.R. (letter), 603
- Webb, Charles J. (letter), 570
- — Germany's Foreign Trade in Motor Cars, by, 529
- Week-end and Touring Notes, 49, 111, 159, 209, 255, 299, 333, 365, 397, 427, 459, 489, 519
- — Service for Motorists, 390 Weight of Light Cars, 674
- Weldings, Ltd. (letter), 359
- Welsh, T., and Thomson-Bennett, Ltd., Patent by, New Carburetter, 200
- Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex M.C. Speed Trials at, 19
- Westminster, Duke of, in Rolls-Royce Car (illus.), 765
- Wet Weather Driving, To Facilitate, Patent by E. Faber, 200
- What are the Clubs Doing ? 485
- — Every Motorist Should Know, 226
- Wheel, Steel, Detachable, Starley, Description of, 419
- Wheels, Detachable, 249
- — Wire, Disc, Steel and Wood, 294, 326, 361, 391
- — Wood v. Wire, American Test of Tyre Life, 560, 601, 657
- White City, Shepherd’s Bush, Motor Car Races at, 548
- White Car, 20-30 h.p. Car on Active Service (illus.), 665
- — P. (letter), 544
- — Steamer in Ceylon (illus.), 394
- — 1908 Model, 605
- W.H.J. (letter), 657
- W.H.S. (letter), 393
- Whyte, J. R. (letter), 392
- Wickham, R. T. (letter), 772
- Widney Concentric Door Support and Silencer, 873
- Wightwick, Norman H. (letter), 602
- Wilkinson, W. (letter), 773
- Williams, L. Crawshay (letter), 327
- — W. R., Patent by, Spring Suspension, 246
- Willing Spirit (letter), 390
- Wilmer, H. (letter), 602
- Wind Screen, Triplex Glass, 158
- Winning Car, Grand Prix, Details of, 100
- Winter, Motor Transport in, 594
- — Precautions, by Eric W. Walford, 637
- — Starting Engine in, 851
- Wires, Motor Car, High and Low Tension, 778
- Wire Wheel Developments, Rudge-Whitworth, 186
- — Wheels, 107, 154, 203, 294, 326, 391
- — Cleaning Brush, The Orlwaise, 543
- — Disc Covers for, 154, 186
- Wolf, S., and Co., Ltd. (letter), 484
- Wolseley Cars, Particulars of Current Types, 569
- — 16-20 h.p. Car in Lake District (illus.), 176
- — South Africa (illus.), 856
- — Petrol Consumption on, 395
- — with Bodywork made in Calcutta (illus.), , « 516
- — 24-30 h.p. Car, Dutch Army Officers in (illus.), 836
- — with Body and Hood by Flewitt, Ltd. (illus.), 550
- — 30 h.p. on Active Service, 825
- — with Ambulance Body, 629
- — Six-cylinder Car, Commander Samson on (illus.), 497
- Woodhouse Eaves, Annual Inter-club Hillclimb at, 194, 227
- Wood v. Wire Wheels, American Test of Tyre Life, 560, 601, 657
- Works Foreman (letter), 631
- W.P.C. (letter), 656
- Wright. A. W., Mud and Motors on Salisbury Plain, by, 889
- W. S. (letter), 453
- Wyatt. Horace (letters), 358, 601
- — Motor Transport and the War, by, 268, 306, 355, 387, 528
- — Practical Experience of Military Motors, by, 741
- X. (letter), 723
- X.Y.Z. (letters), 45, 683
- Yorkshire A.C. Hill-climb Abandoned, 478
- — Saltburn Speed Trials, 147
- — Field-gun Haulage Demonstration in, 177, 219
- Youth will be Served (letter), 201
- Zenith Carburetter, Jet Combination for, 425
- — on 11.9 h.p. Humber, 457
- — 16-20 h.p. Humber, 517
- Zoar (letter), 904
- 26-50 (letter), 155