Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1939 Who's Who In Engineering: Name A

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1939 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

ABBOTT, Arthur Harold. M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Whit. Sch. Partner, Octavius Steel & Co., 14 Fenchurch Street, E.C.3. Private Address: Belstone, Caversham, Reading. Career: Training: Ransomes, Sims & Jefferies, Ipswich; Palmer's, Jarrow; in India with Octavius Steel & Co.

ABBOTT, James P. B.Sc. (Eng.), A . I.Mech.E. Tech. Asst. to Chief Engr., London County Council, County Hall, Westminster Bridge. Private Address: 145, Tentelow Lane, Southall, Middlesex. Age 42. Career: Pembroke Tech. Sch. (Educ.); Chief Engr. Central London Dist. Sch. Hanwell; Asst. The Sonic Works, Alperton and W. Drayton.

ABBOTT, John M.I.Mech.E Works Director Chiswick Products Ltd., London, W.4. Private Address: 20, Devonshire Gardens, Grove Park, Chiswick, W.4. Career: Mech. Inst., Leeds. Fairbairn, Lawson, Coombe and Barbour, Leeds. Reckitt & Sons Ltd., Hull.

ABBOTT, Reginald S. A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.W.M.A. Works Manager Press Caps Limited, Chandos Road, London, N.W.10 Private Address: Thalia, Burlington Lane, Chiswick, W.4.

ABELL, Charles E. A.M.I.Mech. E., A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: Ronkswood, Worcester. Age 53. Ed.: Finsbury Tech. Coll. (Elec.). Until 1936 Chairman of Abell & Smiths Elec. Co., Ltd., Worcester.

ABELL, George John. J.P., M.R.San.I., M.I.H. and V.E. Partner, T. Abell & Sons, Exmouth. Private Address: The Hall, Wreyland, Lustleigh.

ABELL, Thomas B. O.B.E., M.Eng.(Liv.), M.I.N.A. Professor of Naval Architecture (from 1914), Liverpool University. Private Address: 36, Brancote Road, Birkenhead. Career: Training: R.N. Eng. College, Devonport; R.N. College, A Greenwich. Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, 1903; Admiralty Experiment Tank, 1904-08; Instructor in Naval Architecture, 1910-14; temp. Constructor Admiralty, 1916; Asst. Director of Designs, 1917-19.

ABELL, Sir Westcott Stile K.B.E., M.Eng., M.I.N.A. (Vice-Pres.), M.Inst.C.E. Professor Naval Architecture (since 1928), Armstrong College, Newcastleon Tyne. Private Address: 12 Westfield Drive, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne 3. Career: Royal Corps of Naval Constructors, 1900; Professional Secretary to Director of Naval Construction, 1904-07; Instructor in Naval Construction, R.N. College, 1907-10; Professor of Naval Architecture, Liverpool University, 1910-14; Chief Ship Surveyor, Lloyd's Register of Shipping, 1914-18; member of Admiralty Shipbuilding Council, 1917; Technical Adviser to Controller of Shipping, 1917; member of many Government committees during the war and subsequently.

ABLETT, N. Lloyd. Order of the Nile. B.Sc.(Eng.), M.I.Mech.E. Wh. Ex., M. J.I.E. Senr. Inspecting Engineer, Egyptian Government, Queen Anne's Chambers, S.W.1. Private Address: Westhorpe Gordon Road, Claygate, Surrey. Career: R. Hoe & Co., Engr. Lecturer Battersea Polytechnic; Director Classes and Workshops, Dept. of Tech. Education, Cairo; Tech. Asst. to C.M.E., Egyptian State Railways.

ABLITT, George W. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., East Ham Corporation Electy. Dept., London, E.6. Private Address: 84 Longwood Gardens, Ilford, Essex.

ABRAHAM, Major F. W. M.I. Loco.E., A.M.Inst.T. Asst. Div. Supt. of Operations, L.M.S. Railway, Hunts Bank, Manchester. Private Address: West Dean, Bowden, Cheshire. Career: Dover College; Locomotive Carriage and Wagon Works, G.W.R., Swindon; Dist. Loco. Supt. L.M.S. Railway; Asst. to Supt. of Motive Power.

ABRAHAM, Robert A. B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Man. Dir., Robert Abraham Ltd., (artificial stone, roofing, slate Mfs.), 43 Bankhall St., Liverpool 20. Private Address: 43 Moor Lane, Crosby, Liverpool 23. Age 48. Career: Before the war, Asst. Engr. on the Alwen Water Supply to Birkenhead; 1914-18 in H.M. Forces, 4 years in France, Capt. R.F.A.; mentioned in Dispatches; after the war, founded the above firm, works in Hawes, Yorkshire, Liverpool and London; inventor and patentee of various processes and machinery for manufacture of artificial stone specialities, and other mechanical apparatus.

ABRAM, Harold H. M.Sc., M.Inst. Metals, F.Inst.P., M.I. and S.I. Research Metallurgist, Research Dept. Woolwich Arsenal, S.E.18.

ACKERMANN, A. S. E. B.Sc. (Engineering) Lond., F.C.G.I., Hon. F.S.E., M.Cons.E., A.M.Inst.C.E.; Gold Medal (twice) of Soc. of Engrs.; Silver Medal, R.S.A.; Bronze Medal, Colonial and Indian Exhibition. Consulting Engr, Parliament Mansions, by 19 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 9 Rotherwick Road, N.W.11. Career: South African Coll. and Central Tech. Coll., S. Kensington; 3 years in eng. works; Laboratory Asst. to Prof. W. C. Unwin, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E.; trials of various plant; four years on utilisation of solar energy; research on the physical properties of clay; specialised on noise and vibration and the scientific method of dealing with the damage to ancient lights. Designed door for airship sheds; invented skymeter for use in ancient light cases; discovered the pressure of fluidity of clay, lead, tin, aluminium and copper. Has frequently given evidence in High Court on noise and vibration and ancient lights. Is Hon Sec., Inst. Brit. Agricl. E. Books: "Popular Fallacies" (3rd ed. 1923), "Scientific Paradoxes and Problems" (1925), "Physical Properties of Clay" (1919-23). Invented Pile-set Guage.

ACWORTH, Donald G. W. M.A. (Cantab.), A.M.I.E.E. Manager—Domestic Cooker Dept., The General Electric Co. Ltd., Magnet House, Kingsway,, W.0.2. Private Address: Oxhey Warren, Oxhey, Herts. Mechanical Sc. Tripos, Camb. University, 1923. Whole business career with G.E.C. at Cooker Factory, Birmingham and at Head Office, London.

ADAM, Alastair T. M.I. & S.I. A.R.T.C. Glasgow. Works Manager Messrs. Bruntons Musselburgh Ltd., Wire and Wire Rope Mfs., Musselburgh. Private Address: Marionville, Levenhall, Musselburgh. Educ.: Universities of Glasgow and Lausanne (Chem.); Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow (Met.).

ADAM, Eric Kerr. M.A., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst,C.E Asst. Engr. Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Queen Anne's Lodge, S.W.'. Private Address: 63 Uxbridge Road, Ealing, W.S. Career: Glasgow University; John Hastie & Co. Ltd., Greenock; Babtie Shaw & Morton, Conslt. Engrs, Glasgow; Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Conslt. Engrs., Westminster; the Corn, for the Port of Rangoon.

ADAM, John L. M.I.N.A. (Council), M.I.E., M.I.E. S. S. (Council). M.I. of Welding (Council). M.N.E.C. Asst. Chief Surveyor, the British Corp. Register of Shipping and Aircraft, 14 Blythswood Square, Glasgow. Private Address: Gardyne, Milngavie, Dumbartonshire. Career: Apprent. ship draughtsman with D. & W. Henderson & Co., Ltd., Partick; afterwards as draughtsman, etc., with John Cran & Co., Leith, J. I. Thornycroft & Co., Ltd., Woolston; joined staff of British Corp. as ship surveyor in 1912, and became successively Senr. Ship Surveyor and Asst. Chief Surveyor.

ADAM, Thomas W. M.C., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. M.Inst.Min.Engr. Manager The Monckton Coke and Chemical Co. Ltd., Nr. Barnsley, Yorks. Private Address: 20 Avenue Road, Doncaster. Sec. for The Midland Inst. of Mining Engrs; Sec. for The Yorkshire Advisory Com. on Mining Research; Director of The Royston and Brodsworth Gas Co.; Sec. for The Yorkshire Coke Oven Tar Joint Board; Member of Council, Inst. of Mining Engrs. Service in war, 1914-19, France, Capt. in Royal Engineers.

ADAMS, Archibald R. A.K.C., B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Resident Engr. Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, Queen Anne's Lodge, S.W.1. Private Address: 61 Albany Mansions, Albert Bridge Road, S.W.11. Age 35. Career: King's Coll., London; Pupilage with Sir Alexander Gibb; thereafter Res. Eng. Barking Power Station (1930 Extens.) and Galloway Water Power Scheme.

ADAMS, Arthur James. Major R.E. (T.), M.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.R.S.I. Civil Engr. Henry Bolton & Co., Ltd., 106 Queens Head Road, Birmingham 21. Private Address: 15 Hallewell Road, Birmingham, 16. Age: 40. Career: Univ. of Birmingham, 1919-23; Engr. Asst. City of Birmingham P.W.D., 1923-26; Chief Asst. to Stanley C. Eagles, Con. Sanitary Engr., 1926-29; Sewage Disposal Works Engr., Cannock R.D.C., 1929; joined Bolton & Lakin Ltd., 1930.

ADAMS, Dawson A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E. Formerly Preston Corp. Elec. Dept. Private Address: 132 Watling Street Road, Fulwood, Preston. Retired on Superannuation, October, 1937.

ADAMS, Frederick G.T. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Dist. Engr., Lancaster. L.M. & S. Railway, 2 Castle Park, Lancaster. Private Address: The Precinct, Castle Park, Lancaster. Career: City & Guilds, 1898-1901, Diploma C. & M. Eng.; Articled to Chief Engr., L. & N. W. Rly.; Res. Engr. L. & N. W. Rly. on various new works.

ADAMS, Geoffrey Turner. B.Sc., NI.I.Mar.E. M.N.E.C.I.E.S. Asst. Supt. Engr. Bibby Bros. & Co., Liverpool, Martins Bank Building, Water Street, Liverpool. Career: Sir James Laing & Co.; Richardsons, Westgarth & Co.; Chantier de Penhoet, St. Nazaire, France; The North Eastern Marine Eng. Co. Ltd.; Alfred Holt & Co.

ADAMS, Haddon C. M.C., M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Engr. Insp. Ministry of Transport (Bridge Sec.) Metropole Buildings, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. Private Address: Allington Lodge, Sheridan Road, Merton Park, S.W.19. Career: Cambridge Univ., Mech. Scs. Tripos; Asst. Engr., Illinois State Highway Commission; Engr. Designer, F.C. Construction Co.

ADAMS, Henry Charles M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.W.E, Member of Council and Fellow Royal Sanitary Inst., Past President and Fellow Inst. Sanitary Engrs.; Hon. Member Junior Inst. of Engrs.; Hon. Member Inst. Engrs. in Charge. Consulting civil and sanitary engr. practising under title of Henry Adams & Son, 60 Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4, and Fronheulog, Bangor, N. Wales. Career: Resident Engr. on Public Works, a Senior Eng. Asst. to Corp. of Birmingham; private practice on schemes of sewerage and water supply for municipal authorities, central heating and structural work; lecturer on sanitary science and building construction; appointed by Home Secretary to Panel of Civil Engrs. under "Reservoirs Safety Provisions Act. " Books: "Sewerage of Sea Coast Towns, " "Domestic Sanitation, " etc.

ADAMS, Herbert. A.M.I.E.E., Asst. Works Manager Automatic Telephone & Electric Co. Ltd., Strowger Works, Edge Lane, Liverpool 7. Private Address: "Whirlaw, " 46 Lynnbank Road, Calderstones, Liverpool 18. Career: Insp. National Telephone Co. (defunct) and P.O. Eng. Dept., 12 years; Head of Circuit and Development Lab.; Supt. of Insp. Depts. Lecturer in Automatic Telephony, Liverpool Tech. Coll.

ADAMS, Maurice H. M.I.Mech.E. Engr., Generation Dept., The Lancashire Electric Power Company, Kearsley Power Station, Stoneclough, Manchester. Private Address: West Ridge, Whitefield, Manchester. Career: Pupil-appren. with W. H. Allen, Sons & Co. Ltd.; Sea-going Engr. with British India Steam Navigation Co.; Engr. (various positions) with Islington Borough Council Electricity Department.

ADAMS, William F. A.K.C., B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Insp. Ministry of Transport, Metropole Buildings, Northumberland Avenue, W.C.2. Private Address: 43 Merchland Road, S.E.9. Age: 35. Educ.: King's Coll., London, 1921-24.

ADAMS, William H. A.R.I.B.A., M.Inst.M. & Cy.E. Engr. and Surveyor Dearne U.D.C. Private Address: "Whitecot," Highgate Lane, Goldthorpe, nr. Rotherham, Yorks. Career: Chief Asst., Romford, 1914-20; Chief Asst. Leek, 1920-22. Lieut., Royal Engineers (Territorial Force) during war.

ADAMSON, Douglass Ridley. M. Eng. (Liverpool), Assoc.M.Inst.O.E., M.Inst. M. & Cy.E. Chief Eng. Asst., County Borough of Bootle, Liverpool, 20. Private Address: 39 Stourton Road, Ainsdale, Southport. Career: Dorman, Long & Co., Ltd., Middlesbrough, Designer; I.C.I. Ltd., Billingham-on-Tees (1921-31); Senr. Constr. Civil Engr., especially on sewers, roads, bridges and railways. Served with H.M. Forces during Great War (1916-19). Wounded in 1917 at Vimy Ridge. Later Special Lecturer in Army Signal School. Also lecturer for 4 years to Stockton Evening Technical School.

ADAMSON, George Ryder M. I. Mech.E., M.I. and S.I. Joint Managing Director, Joseph Adamson & Co., Ltd., P.O. Box 4, Hyde, Cheshire. Private Address: Gower Hey, Kensington Street, Hyde, Cheshire. Educ.: Mostyn House School; St. Bee's School; Royal Military Coll., Sandhurst. Lieut., The Buffs; served time, Joseph Adamson & Co., Ltd. Constantine Medal, Manchester Assoc. of Engs., 1931-32.

ADAMSON, Joseph. A.M.I.Mech.E. Joint Managing Director Joseph Adamson and Co. Ltd., P.O. Box No. 4, Hyde, Cheshire. Private Address: "Stretton, " Cheadle Hulme, Cheshire. Age: 35. Educ. Radley Coll.; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Appr. Joseph Adamson & Co. and George Richards, Ltd.

ADCOCK, Alan R. W. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Junior Partner R. Stroyer, Consult. Engs., 547-549 Abbey House, Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: Breydon, Abbotsbury Gardens, Eastcote, Middlesex. Formerly Sen. Asst. R. Stroyer; Engr. Asst., Stepney Borough Council.

ADCOCK, Dr. F. M.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.I.Mech.E Chartered Mech. Engr., 75 Beresford Avenue, Coventry. Development Engr., Couritaulds, Ltd., Coventry. Age: 43. Career: Black Lake Sch., W. Bromwich; King Edwards Sch., Aston (Foundation and King Edward Scholarships, Captain of Sch.); Birmingham Univ.; 1920, Bowen Research Scholarship; 1920-22, Research Work on I.C. Engine; 1922-25, Jnr. Engr., Alfd. Hickman, Ltd., Bilston; 192526, Research Metallurgist, Kynoch, Ltd., Birmingham; present appointment, 1926. War Service: 4 years in France, Corpl. and Actg. Serg., R.E., last 2 years i/c Field Workshop.

ADCOCK, Frank. M.B.E., D.Sc. (Lond). M.I. and S.I. Senr. Scient. Officer, Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Middlesex. Private Address: 66 Elmfield Avenue, Teddington, Middlesex. Career: King's Coll., London, 1911-14; service with R.E.'s, mostly in France, 1915-19 (M.B.E., Military); Sheffield University, 1920-22; National Physical Laboratory, 1922 to present time. Inventor of Adcock Wireless Direction-Finder.

ADDENBROOKE, George L. M.I.E.E., F.Inst.P., also Physical and Faraday Societies. 35, Holland Villas Road, Kensington W.14. Career: Ed. Winchester. British India Steam Navigation Company; United Telephone Company; Grosvenor Gallery Elec. Supply. Largely interested in the inception of Elec. Power Supply; Midland Elec. Power Corp.; Shropshire, Worcestershire, Staffordshire and Kent Elect. Power Companies. Published (1900) Electrostatic method of measuring alternating currents, etc., etc.

ADDEY, Frederick. B.Sc., M.I.E.E. With Wireless Branch, G.P.O. Headquarters, E.C.1.

ADDISON, Admiral Sir Percy. K.B.E., C.B., C.M.G. Private Address: Sutherland, Lymington, Hants. Formerly Director of Dockyards, 1928-1937, resigned May 1937.

ADDY, Alexander. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A. Supt. Engr., Hellyer Bros., St. Andrews Dock, Hull. Private Address: 29 Glencoe Street, Hull. Age: 46. Career: 7 years apprenticeship Marine Engr. and Boilers; 10 years seagoing Engr.; 15 years Supt. Engr.; 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate.

ADDY-TAYLOR, Thomas Lester. M.I. and S.I., F.R.H.S. Managing Director Farr, Smith & Co. Ltd., New Ferry Wharf, Woolwich, S.E.18. Age: 44. 21 years U.S. Steel Corp. Foreign Manager and Salesman.

ADIE, Harry Frederick. Wh.Pr., M.I.Mar.E. Head Office Engr. The National Boiler and Genl. Insurance Co. Ltd., St. Mary's Parsonage, Manchester 3. Private Address: 56 Broad Walk, Wilmslow, Ches. Age: 35. Career: Marine Engr., Sir R. Ropner & Co. Ltd. and Furness Withy & Co. Ltd., 1925-1930; Engr. Surveyor, The National Boiler & General Insurance Co. Ltd., 1930-1935; present Appointment, 1935.

ADKINS, Bernard. M.A., A. M.I.E.E. Des. Engr. British Thomson Houston Co., Ltd., Rugby. Private Address: 13 Fisher Avenue, Rugby. Age: 34. Ed.: Clare Coll., Cambridge. 1st Class Hons. Maths. Tripos, Pt. 1; 1st Class Hons. Mech. Sci. Tripos., Rex Moir Prize; Student Apprenticeship B.T.H. Co. Present position since completing apprenticeship.

ADLINGTON, Alec. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E. City Engr. and Surveyor, Corporation Offices, Silver Street, Lincoln. Private Address: Deloraine Court, Lincoln. Age: 41. Career: 1913-14 Pupil Malvern U.D.C. 1927-34 Dep. Borough Engr., Bromley. 1934-37 Borough Engr., Ramsgate.

ADLINGTON, Bertram G. F. B.Eng., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I. Min. E. Assist. Divisional Manager I.C.I. (Lime) Ltd., Royal Exchange Buildings, Buxton. Private Address: Kilbride, St. John's Road, Buxton, Derbys. Career: trained as Mining Engr., Sherwood Colliery Co. Ltd., Mansfield. Colliery Managers' Certificate, 1930; Explosives Engr., Imperial Chemical Industries (Explosives Group), 1933-37.

ADLINGTON, Reginald E. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E. Member Institution of Petroleum Technologists. Engr. in the Refining and Technical Branch of Anglo-Iranian Oil Co. Ltd., Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2. Private Address: Claremont Court, 92 Greencroft Gardens, N.W.6. Age: 36. Has held various appointments relative to the design, construction and maintenance of Oil Refining Plant for past 13 years; 1931-34 Acting Chief Engr., National Oil Refineries Ltd., South Wales; 1934-37 Engr. i/c Drawing Office, Abadan Refinery, South Iran.

ADSHEAD, James W. R. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., A.M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., A.M.Inst.Struct.E. Senior Engr. Asst. Stafford County Council, 42 Eccleshall Road, Stafford. Private Address: "Innishail," Weeping Cross, Stafford. Age: 36. Career, Edinburgh Univ., 1919-1921; Heriot Watt Coll., 1921-25; Asst. Engr. L.M.S. Rly., 1925-26; Asst. Engr. (New Works) L.N.E. Rly., 1926-30; Resident Engr., Argyll C.C., 1930-35; Senior Eng. Asst., Sheffield, 1935-38.

ADYE, Arthur F.C. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Works Manager Liverpool Elec. Cable Co. Ltd., Linacre Lane, Bootle. Private Address: 4 Calderfield Road, Liverpool, 18. Career: 1927, Trainee, Callender's Cable and Constr. Co. Ltd.; 1930, Research Engr. Callender's Research and Testing Laboratories, Wood Lane; 1936, present appointment.

ADYE, J. F. M.I.Auto.E., B.Sc. Eng., London. Managing Director, The Coventry Garage Ltd., Coventry; Director The Finchley Road Garage Ltd., Hampstead, N.W.3. Private Address: Parkhold, Kenilworth Road, Coventry. Career: Pupil Hick Hargreaves & Co. Ltd., Bolton; Experimental design of Diesel Engines, Mirrlees, Bickerton & Day Ltd.; Works Director, Record Eng. Co. Ltd.; Tech. Officer, R.A.F. Western Experimental Works, Cardiff; Works Manager, Stanfield & Co. Ltd., Cardiff. Patents: on Impulse Starters; Two Stroke Engines; Compensated Suspension.

AFFLECK, William E. A.M.I.E.E., M.I.B.E. Borough Elec. Engr. and Manager, The Electy. Dept., Woodbridge Road, Guildford. Private Address: Abbotsford, Abbot Road, Guildford. Age: 43. Career: Ed. Twist Grove Academy, Hawick. Asst. Elec. Engr., Holyhead and Stafford; Deputy Engr. and Manager, Electric Supply Co., Guildford.

AGNEW, William A. F.R.S.A., M.I.Mech.E, M.I.Loco.E., M.Inst.T. Electric Traction Engr. Private Address: 101 Goldstone Crescent, Hove. Career: Educ.: Douglas Academy, Heriot-Watt College, apprenticed in elec. eng., King, Brown & Co., Edinburgh. Two years on power plant installation and at the hydro-electric works at Foyers, Loch Ness; 1901, Emergency Engineer and Staff Instructor, Glasgow Corporation Tramways; 1904, Rolling-stock Supt., later Chief Mech. Engr., Metropolitan District Railway; subsequently associated with London Electric and Central London Railways; 1921, C.M.E., London Underground Electric Rlys.; 1933-35, C.M.E. (Railways), London Passenger Transport Board. Has visited America and the Continent on behalf of the London Underground group, investigating the working of electric railways. Past-Pres. Inst. Loco. E. Books: Electric Trains; Their Equipment and Operation.

AIERS, Arthur J. A.M.I.Mech.E., M . Auto.E., M. I.Metals, T I.I. Prod.E. Genl. Manager, Messrs. H. M. Hobsons, Woodstock Mill, Oldham. Private Address: Melandra, Oldham Road, Grasscroft, Oldham. Age: 41. Career: Coventry Tech. Coll.; Dunlop Rim & Wheel Co.; Production Manager, Riley, Coventry, Ltd.; Works Supt., Sunbeam Motors; Works Manager, British Oxygen Co. Contributed Sections in "Workshop Practice" and "Cars and Motor Cycles" (Sir Isaac Pitman).

AIKMAN, A. M.N.A. Director, The Grangemouth Dockyard Co., Ltd., Canal Street, Grangemouth. Private Address: 16 Ancaster Drive, Glasgow, W.3. Career: London & Glasgow Shipbldg. & Engg. Co.; Harland & Wolff; Cammell Laird & Co., Birkenhead; Manager, Ardrossan Drydock & Shipbuilding Co. Ltd.; Manager, The Blythswood Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Glasgow.

AIKMAN, Thomson S. A.M.I. Mech.E. Refractories Engr., General Refractories Ltd., Russell House, Adam Street, Adelphi, London, W.0.2. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; John Brown & Co. (Appr.); Specialised Plant and Furnace Designer to British Mannesmann Tube Co., Newport; Engr. Guest, Keen & Piggotts Ltd., Cardiff; Engr. Horsley Bridge and Thomas Piggott Ltd., Tipton; Refractories Engr. Glenboig Union Fire Clay Co. Ltd., Glasgow.

AITKEN, Andrew. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E. Constructional Engr. (1935 onwards) promoted D.C.R.E. Defences, Lowland Area, Scottish Command (August 1938), 29 Rutland Square, Edinburgh 1. Private Address: 14 Drum Brae South, Corstorphine, Edinburgh, 12. Career: Training—Aberdeen Harbour Commissioners (1918-25); Assistant (1925-27); Southern Railway—Rly. Engr. (1928-30) and subsequently Resident Engr. Harbour Improvements at Cowes, Isle of Wight; Resident Engr. (1930-32) Harbour Improvements at Peterhead; Contractor's Agent Harbour Improvements at Aberdeen (1932-34); with War Department since 1935. Clubs: United Services Club, Edinburgh.

AITKEN, Hugh W. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S. Torburn, Bearsden, Dumbartonshire. Retired from active business some years ago, and resigned the Directorships which he held at that time.

AITKEN, John. B.Sc. (Glasgow), Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., Dip. R.T.C. (Eng. ) Snr. Eng. Asst. (Bridges), Cheshire County Council, Watergate House, Chester. Private Address: "Glen Tor," Caughall Road, Upton Heath, Chester. Age: 31. Career: Royal Tech. Coll. and Univ., Glasgow; Trainee & Eng. Asst. (Bridges) with Chief Engr. (D.A. Donald, Esq.), Glasgow-Edinburgh Road.

AITKEN, Robert. M.Inst.C.E. Supt. Engr., Bedfordshire County Council, Shire Hall, Bedford. Private Address: 21 Beverley Crescent, Bedford.

AITKEN, Robert L. A.M.I.Mech. E., A.M.I.N.A. Diploma in Eng., Sc. of Royal Tech. Coll. Director, Richard Dunston Ltd., Shipbuilders, Thorne, Yorkshire and B. & A. Engineering Co. Ltd., Bush House, W.C.2. Private Address: 16 Raiford Way, Bromley, Kent. Age 35. Training, Fairfield S. & E. Co., Ltd.; Royal Tech. Coll.

AITKEN, William. M.I.E.E., A.Am. I.E.E. Private Address: 14 King's Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.10. Career: 1903, Chief of the Tech. Staff, National Telephone Co., Ltd.; 1913, Engr.., Liverpool Works, British Insulated, Ltd.; 1920, Tech. Advisor Relay Automatic Telephone Co., Ltd.; retained by Automatic Telephone Manufacturing Co., Ltd., and Automatic Electric CO. Inventor of subject matter of about one hundred patents. Books: "Aitken's Manual of the Telephone"; "Automatic Telephone Systems" (3 vols.), etc.

AITKENHEAD, Thomas E. Engr. Rear Admiral (Retired). On Technical Staff, Continent, Egyptian Government, 21 Avenue de la Torson d 'or, Brussels, Belgium. Private Address: Na Coille, Spring Woods, Wentworth, Virginia Water, Surrey. Career: H.M. Navy, 1901-1934, entered as Asst. Engr.; 1923-26 Charge of Training Artificer Apprentices Royal Navy; 1929-31, Fleet Engr. Officer, China Squadron; 1931-34, Fleet Engr. Officer Mediterannean Squadron; 1934, appointed A.D.C. to His late Majesty, King George V.

AITON, Sir J. Arthur, C.B.E., J.P., M.I.Mech.E. Aiton & Co., Ltd., Derby (Steam piping). Private Address: Duffield Park, Duffield, Derbyshire. Career: Apprent. to J. and G. Thomson, Glasgow (now John Brown & Co.); three years in Irrawaddy Flotilla Co.; two years Denny & Co., Dumbarton; built steamer on Lake Titicaca; started marine consulting, London, and founded Aiton & Co., 1895.

AKED, William A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.A.E. Managing Director, W. T. Aked Co. Ltd., St. George's Road, St. Annes-on-Sea. Private Address: St. George's Road, St.. Annes-on-Sea. Engr. Apprent. Morley Elec. Eng. Co. Ltd., Leeds; Student, Leeds Univ.

AKEHURST, Arthur G. A.M.I.E.E., M.I.Metals. Tech. Officer, H.M. Signal School, R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth. Private Address: "Cranford," Burrill Avenue, E. Cosham, Hants. Formerly with Lancs. Dynamo & Motor Co. Ltd.; Igranic Elec. Co. Ltd.; L.B. & S.C. Rly. Co.

AKESTER, A. G. M.Sc., M.I.N.A., M.N.E.C.Inst. E. & S. A Senr. Ship Surveyor Lloyds Register of Shipping, Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Private Address: 15 Moorfield, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 2. Career: Trained Furness Withy & Co. Ltd.; graduate of Armstrong Coll.; Denny Brothers, Dumbarton; Admiralty as Temp. Asst. Constructor during the War.

ALBERTINI, John H. Manager Oil Engine Dept. John Fowler & Co. (Leeds) Ltd., Leeds, 10. (since 1934), Private Address: Ingledew Cottage, Roundhay, Leeds, 8. Age 36. Career: 1918-22; Apprent. Messrs. Sulzer, Bros. Winterthur, Switzerland; 1922-25 Tech. College Winterthur; Tech. High School Hamburg; 1925-29 Merchant Service; 1929-31 Workman Clark, Belfast, (Guarantee Engr.;) 1931-34 Ruston Lister Marine Co., (European Mgr.).

ALCOCK, Edgar M.B.E. Managing Director, the Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Leeds. Private Address: " Woodlands," Gledhow Lane, Leeds, 8. Career: Apprent. with the Lancs. and Yorks. Rly. Co., at Horwich; Asst. Works Manager, Beyer Peacock & Co., Gorton Foundry, Manchester.

ALCOCK, John F. M.A., Honours Degree in Mech. Science Tripos, Cambridge, 1927. Tech. Director, the Hunslet Engine Co., Ltd., Jack Lane, Leeds. Private Address: 25 Alwoodley Lane, Leeds. Career: Educ.: Oundle and Clare (Cambridge). With the Hunslet Engine Co. since 1927; engaged mainly in the development of the Diesel mechanical locomotive.

ALDEN, G. R. M.I.N.A., M.N.A.M.E., American Society of Naval Engineers. General European Agent and Salvage Officer for U.S. Salvage Ass., N.Y., Classification Surveyor for American Bureau of Shipping, for Germany. Business Address: 88 Leadenhall Street, E.C.3. Private Address: 150 Chatsworth Court, Pembroke Road, W.8. Age: 49. St. John's Military Acad., U.S.A.; Montana Coll. (Mech. & Min.E.); U.S. Navy, Engr. Officer during war; Insptr. for Construction, Staten Island S.S. Co., N.Y.; Port. Supt. Engr., U.S. Shipping Board, London and Germany, and later Director for N. Europe; Consulting Engr. and Mar. Surveyor. Inventor of distributor for pulverized fuels, etc. Club: American Club, Hamburg.

ALDER, Leonard S. B. M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Senr. Scientific Officer, Admiralty Dept. Scientific Research, Experimental Dept., H.M. Signal School, R.N. Barracks, Portsmouth. Private Address: 16 Merton Road, Southsea, Hants. Career: University Coll., London; Special Appr., B.T.H., Rugby; Teaching post, E. London Coll. War Service, Div. Signals, R.E.

ALDERMAN, Percy R. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Contracts Engr., Peter Lind & Co. Ltd., Romney House, Tufton Street, Westminster. Private Address: Telscombe, 41 Central Way, Carshalton Beeches, Surrey. Age: 39. Ed.: Crystal Palace School of Eng.; Asst. under agreement with Peter Lind & Co. Ltd.

ALDERTON, Wilfred F. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.Struct.E. Asst. County Surveyor, Gloucestershire County Council, Shire Hall, Gloucester. Private Address: Waverley, Bisley Road, Stioud, Glos. Age: 43. Career: Pupil Boro. Engr., Aldershot; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; 5 years on New Port in Buenos Aires, Messrs. Livesey, Son & Henderson; 1 year P.L.A. work with Messrs. Rendel, Palmer & Tritton; with Gloucestershire C.C. since 1928, and at present in charge of Trunk Roads.

ALDOUS, Robert C. Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. Deputy City Engr. and Surveyor (since 1934), Nottingham. Private Address: 33 Harrow Road, Wollaton Park, Nottingham. Age: 59. Career: Asst. Borough Engr., Hartlepool, 1900-03; Eng. Asst., Nottingham Corp., 1903-21 (War service, 3 years); Engr. and Surveyor, Bucklow R.D.C., 1921-24; Sewerage Engr., Nottingham Corp.. 1924-34.

ALDOUS, William H. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., D.I.C. Research Engr., General Electric Co., East Lane, North Wembley. Private Address: 23 Arnside Gardens, Wembley, Middlesex. Age: 31. Ed.: Royal Coll. of Science, 1924-27.

ALDRIDGE, Arthur J. M.I.E.E. (Fahie Premium), A.C.G.I. Asst. Staff Engr., P.O. Eng. Dept., G.P.O., Post Office Research Station, Dollis Hill, N.W.2. Private Address: 42 Ducks Hill Road, Northwood, Middlesex. Career: A.C.G.I. Diploma, Central Tech. Coll.; National Telephone Co., 1905-12. Various patents in Telephone Engineering.

ALEXANDER, David H. M.Sc. (Cantab.), B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech E., Sen.Wh.Sc., S.M. (Harvard), A.C.G.I., M.Mar.E. Principal, College of Technology, Belfast, Private Address: 606 Antrim Road, Belfast. Age: 36. Career: Apprent. Harland & Wolff, Ltd.; Coll. of Tech., Belfast; City & Guilds Eng. Coll., 1922-25; Asst. Manager in Engine Works, Harland & Wolff, 1928-33; Lecturing Manchester and Sunderland, 1934-35; present post since 1935.

ALEXANDER, Edward. B.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Proprietor E. Alexander & Co., 32 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: 264 Gledhow Gardens, S.W.5. Career: Uppingham School; Caius Coll., Cambridge; Manchester Ship Canal; Salt Union; Kitsons Foundry; Indian Service of Engs.

ALEXANDER, John. V. B.Sc. (Eng. ), Assoc. M.Inst.C.E Warden, Oxford House Educational Settlement. Risca, Mon. Private Address: Oxford House, Risca, Mon. Age: 36. Career: Pupil, Vickers Ltd., Erith; H.M. Office of Works; Asst. Engr. Islas Del Guadalquivir S.A., Spain; Highfield and Roger Smith, Consulting Engineers; Cameron and Pooley, Constr. Engrs.; Eng. Staff, I.C.I. Ltd.

ALEXANDER, John W. A.M.E.E. Contract Sup. in Newcastle-onTyne, British Insulated Cables, Ltd., 33 Lovaine Crescent, Newcastle-onTyne. Private Address: Dun Tay, Cauldwell Lane, Monkseaton, Northumberland. Age 58. Ed. Dundee Tech. School; Formerly with Balfour Beatty & J. G. White, of London.

ALEXANDER, Robert D. T. D.S.0., O.B.E., T.D., A.K.C., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E. (India). Address: c/o Grindlay & Co., Ltd., 54 Parliament Street, London, S.W.1. Career: Dulwich Coll.; King's Coll., London; pupilage in eng. works both in England and the U.S.A. 1904, Railway Branch of Indian P.W.D., Deputy Chief Engr. Indian State Rlys.; Chief Engr. and acting Agent Bengal Nagpur Rly. (retired 1933); Asst. Sec. Rly. Board, 1920-21; service loaned as Chief Engr. to Bengal Nagpur Rly., 1921. Works include construction of Nagda-Muttra State Rly., Lower Ganges Bridge and Frontier Surveys. 1914-20 war service, India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Waziristan and War Office; Lieut.Col., 1917; Asst. Director Inland Water Transport, Mesopotamian Forces. Pres. I. of E. (India), 1928-29; member of Council (India) Inst. C.E., 1927-30. Captain of the Rifle Team representing India at Bisley, 1935-36-37.

ALEXANDER, Robert P. B.Sc. (Eng.), Belfast (Hons.), Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Chief Drainage Engr.,Belfast Corporation. Private Address: Hawtree, Lisburn, Co. Antrim, N. Ireland. Formerly Eng. Asst., Belfast.

ALEXANDER, William. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Age: 68. Career: Royal Tech. Coll. Glasgow; pupil Mr. C. L. Lindsay: Caledonian Rly., 1896; Contractor's Engr. on construction of Paisley and Barrhead Dist. Rly., 1899; Res. Engr. New Leith Lines, 1900-04; Asst. in Land and Parliamentary work, 1904-23. Parl. Asst. to Div. Eng. L.M.S., 1923-30. Retired.

ALEXANDER, William. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.S., Wh. Exh., Royal Exh., A.R.T.C. Consulting Mechanical and Civil Engr., (own business), 167 St. Vincent Street, Glasgow, C.2. Telegraphic Address: Alsynder, Glasgow. Telephone: Central 122. Private Address: 1 Broomhill Avenue, Whiteinch, Glasgow, W.1. Age: 62. Career: Asst. Manager, High Speed Engine Dept., Alley & McLellan, Ltd., Glasgow; Designer, High Speed Engine Dept., Jas. Howden & Co., Ltd., Glasgow; "Young" Asst. Engr. Dept., Glasgow University; Structural Designer, Woodall & Duckham, Engrs., London; Head of Mech. Engr. Dept., Wellington Tech. Coll. New Zealand; Chief Lecturer in Engr, Transvaal University, Johannesburg; Engr. Officer Tech. Dept. Air Ministry (part of war period). Inventor of patented "Teledep" depth, draught and displacement gauges marketed by Dobbie, McInnes, Ltd. Inventor of various types of "Supreme" Vortex separators for purifying air, gas and steam, marketed by various licencees in Britain, Germany, the U.S.A. and by the patentee.

ALEXANDER, William O. B.Sc. (Hons. Met), Ph.D., M.I.Metals, Assoc. of Scientific Workers. Research Metallurgist, I.C.I. (Metals) Ltd., Wilton, Birmingham. Private Address: 28 Sherbourne Road, Acocks Green, Birmingham, 27. Ed.: Univ. of Birmingham (Metallurgy) Bowen Scholar, William Gibbins Fellow, Thomas Turner Prize.

ALFORD, John Sidney. M.Inst. C.E., F.G.S., M.Cons.E. Consulting Civil Engr., 11 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1.

ALKINS, William E. D. Sc., M.I. Metals, M.A.I.M.E. Research Manager, Thomas Bolton & Sons, Limited, Oakamoor, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs. Private Address: 16 West End Avenue, Leek, Staffordshire. Career: Lecturer in Metallurgy, Univ. of Manchester, 1918-21; present post since 1921. Ed. Manchester Univ.

ALLAM, Eric B. A.M.I.E.E. Director, E. P Allam & Co. Ltd., 6 Great James Street, London, W.C.1. Private Address: Casita, The Ridgeway, Tonbridge, Kent. Career: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Crompton & Co., Ltd., Chelmsford.

ALLAN, Colby Topp T. M.I.E.E., F.R.H.S., F.R.E.S. Asst. Manager, South Wales Elec. Power Co., 27 Newport Road, Cardiff. Private Address: Sunny Bank, The Parade, Whitchurch, nr. Cardiff Career: Walker Eng. Coll., Liverpool, Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Engr., New Explosives Co. Ltd., Stowmarket; Westinghouse Elec. & Mfg. Co.; Construction Engr. in England and Europe; put in service first electric Locomotive in Sweden—this could operate on single phase trolley voltage up to 22,000. In British Isles engaged on electrification of tramways and railways, including London United Tramways, London Underground Railways and Tubes; Steel Works and Colliery Elect. equipment at Home and Abroad.

ALLAN, Daniel, B.Sc., A.R.T.C., A.M.I.Mech.E. Marine Eng. Estimator, Barclay, Curle & Co. Ltd., North British Diesel Engine Works, Scotstown, Glasgow. Private Address: 37 Garnethill Street, Glasgow, C.3. Age: 31. Career: Royal Tech. Coll.; Draughtsman—John Brown & Co. Ltd., Clydebank, and Wm. Beardmore & Co., Ltd., Dalmuir; Asst. Designer and Estimator, Wm. Denny & Bros., Ltd., Dumbarton.

ALLAN, John Caldwell. A.R.S.M., D .C., M.Inst.M.M., Vice Pres. 1938, A.I.M.M.E., C.I.M.M. Managing Director, The British (Non-Ferrous) Mining Corp. Ltd., 9/12, Basinghall Street, London, E.C.2. Private Address: 1 Chatsworth Court, Pembroke Road, W.B. Career: Royal School of Mines, London; Asst. Engr., Burma Corp., 1914; Military Service, 1914-19; General Manager, British (Non-Ferrous) Mining Corp. Ltd., 1925-38. Chairman: Basinghall Mining Syndicate Ltd.; Man. Dir.: Arrendatarios de San Telmo Ltd.; Beralt Tin and Wolfram Ltd.; Jt. Man. Dir. Halkyn District United Mines Ltd.; Dir. Halkyn District Mines Drainage Co.; Huntingdon Heberlein & Co. Ltd.; English Lead Mines Exploration Ltd.; Mount Wellington Ltd.

ALLAN, John Duncan. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., Borough Engrs. Dept., Blackpool Corp. Private Address: 30 Brooklyn Avenue, Layton, Blackpool. Career: Robert Gordon's Tech. Coll., Aberdeen; Messrs. Jenkins & Merr (pupil); Asst. Engr., Construction of Aberdeen Waterworks. Served with 4th Gordon Highlanders (T.F.) 1914-18.

ALLAN, Robert K. A.M.I.Mech.E., M.I.P.E. Chief Draughtsman, Skefko Ball Bearing Co., Ltd., Luton, Beds. Private Address: 60 Westbourne Road, Luton, Beds. Career: Apprent. Textile Eng., Scotland; Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; General Eng. and Machine Tool Design, U.S.A., 1909-14; J. and T. Boyd Ltd., Glasgow, 1914-1920; The Skefko Ball Bearing Co. Ltd., from 1920. Member various B.S.I. Committees.

ALLARD, William. O.B.E., B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E. On staff of Eng. Inspectorate, Ministry of Health, Whitehall, London, S.W.1. Career: Egyptian Irrigation Dept., 1910-27; Sec. of Anglo-Egyptian Nile Commission, 1925; Dir., Iraqi Irrigation Dept., Baghdad, 1928-34. On active military service, 1915-19. Books: (With M. G. Ionides) "Records of the River Karun, S. Persia."

ALLBRIGHT, William James A.M.I.E.E. Private Address: 28 Newstead Road, Lee, S.E.12. Age: 68. Career: House to House Elect. Light Co., (Pupil); Brompton and Kensington Elect. Supply Co. Ltd.; Local Manager South Metropolitan Elect. Light and Power Co.; West Kent Elect. Co. Ltd.; South London Elect. Supply Corp.; Chislehurst Elect. Light Co. Ltd. Now retired.

ALLCOCK, Harold J. M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E, M.E.E. Asst. to Chief Engr., Callenders Cable and Construction Co. Ltd., Hamilton House, Victoria Embankment, W.C.2. Private Address: 80 Hervey Road, Blackheath, S.E.8. Career: Univ. Coll. of S. Wales and Monmouthshire; Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co. Ltd. (Appr.); MetropolitanVickers, Liason Engr. at Westinghouse E. & M. Co., U.S.A. Part Author, "The Nomogram."

ALLCOCK, Harry. M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E Export Manager, W. T. Glover & Co. Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: Radbourne, 011erbarrow Road, Hale, Altrincham. Age: 59. A Vice-Pres., F.B.I.; A Director, Manchester Chamber of Corn.; A Vice-Pres., Decimal Assoc.

ALLDAY, Geoffrey W. A.M.I. Mech.E., M.Brit.F. Director and Works Manager, Heeley and Peart, Ltd., Birmingham and Newport, Mon. Age: 46. Private Address: Crossway Green, Chepstow, Mon.

ALLEN, A. M.I.Loco.E. Representative, Walker Bros. (Wigan) Ltd., Pagefield Works, Wigan. Private Address: 225 Ribbleton Avenue, Preston, Lancs. Age: 34. Career: Training, Atkinson & Co.; Tech. and Sales Representative, Atkinson Walker Wagons, Ltd.

ALLEN, Albert F. A.M.I.Mech.E., 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate. Leading Draughtsman, The Central Marine Engine Works of Sir William Gray & Co. Ltd., West Hartlepool. Private Address: 8 Stratford Road, West Hartlepool. Age: 37. Career: W. Hartlepool Tech. Coll.; Draughtsman—Richardsons, Westgarth & Co. Ltd.; Marine Engr., Alfred Holt & Co.; Draughtsman, Harland & Wolff, Ltd.; Temp. Engr. Surveyor, Lloyd's Register of Shipping.

ALLEN, Commander Francis J. C. A.M.I.E.E. Jt. Man. Dir., Basham & Allen Ltd., 24 Bedford Square, W.C.1. Private Address: The Gadget, Oatlands, Weybridge. Ed.: Wenham & H.M.S. Britannia; served in Royal Navy till 1925.

ALLEN, Harry P. M.I.N.A. General Manager, The Solent Shipyards Ltd., Bursledon Bridge, Garisbury Green, Hants. Private Address: "Rozel, " Victoria Grove, East Cowes, I.0 I.O.W. Age 60. Career: Naval Architect and Shipyard Manager, Simpson, Strickland & Co. Ltd., Dartmouth; Fairfield Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Govan; Farnham Boyd & Co. Ltd., Shanghai; John I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd., London; Short Bros., Ltd., Rochester; Saunders-Roe Ltd., East Cowes.

ALLEN, Jack. M.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Lecturer in Eng., The University, Manchester. Private Address: 24 Beech Avenue, Gatley, Cheshire. Age: 33. Manchester Univ. 1st Class Hons. B.Sc. Vulcan Fellowship, Mechanical experience; has engaged on several river investigations.

ALLEN, John Tamlyn A.M.I.E.E. Engineer, Lancashire Dynamo & Crypto Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: 19 Highfield Road, Hale, Cheshire. Training: Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Lancashire Dynamo and Motor Co. Ltd.

ALLEN, Leonard. A.M. I.Mech.E., Full Tech. Cert. Machine Design, City and Guilds. Mech. Eng. Asst. to Chief Engr., Sherwood Colliery Co. Ltd., Mansfield, Notts. Private Address: 12a Morven Avenue, Mansfield Woodhouse, Notts. Age: 31. Career: 5 years Improver, 5 years Asst. Engr., Thurcroft Main Collieries, Rotherham; 6 months with Chief Engr., Rother Vale Collieries.

ALLEN, Leslie L. B.Sc. (Eng.), Hons.A.M.I.E.E., A.N.C. Lecturer in Elect. Engr. (since 1936), South East London Tech. Inst., Lewisham High Road, Lewisham. Private Address: 22 Silverdale Road, Petts Wood, Orpington, Kent. Career: Cable Research Dept., Johnson & Phillips, Ltd. (Asst. Engr.) 1930-31; King's Coll., London, 1931-34; Hackbridge Elect. Construction Co., (designer) 1934-36; Lecturer (part time) West Ham Municipal Coll., 1934-36.

ALLEN, Norman Arthur. Ph.D., M.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Cable Manager, Standard Telephones & Cables Ltd., London. Private Address: Bellfairs, Upperton Road, Sidcup, Kent. Age: 37. Career: Student, Western Elect. Co., 1920-21; Power Cable Eng., 1921-28; Western Elect. Co.; from 1928 with Standard Telephones & Cables, Ltd., Tech. and Sales. Club: Farningham Golf Club.

ALLEN, Philip J. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Engineer (Contracts Dept.), Crown Agents for the Colonies, 4, Millbank, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: 25 St. Dunstans Avenue, W.3. Age: 36. Training: Battersea Poly.; Woolwich Arsenal.

ALLEN, Richard W. C.B.E., D.L., J.P. Past-Pres. and Hon. Life M. Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E. (Past-Pres.), M.I. & S.I., A.F.R.Ac.S., Mar. E., M.I.N. A., M.N.E.C.Inst Chairman, W. H. Allen, Sons & Co., Queen's Eng. Works, Bedford. Private Address: Hurst Grove, Bedford.

ALLEN, Ronald. A.M.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A London Manager, J. Samuel White & Co. Ltd., Shipbuilders, 28 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: 60 Pine Ridge, Carshalton, Surrey. Age: 31. Career: West Hartlepool Tech. Coll.; Central Marine Engine Works (apprent.); Central Marine Engine Works, Alfred Holt & Co.

ALLEN, Ronald C. T. M.A., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Eng. Ministry of Transport (Experimental Sectn.). Private Address: Toynbee Hall, 28 Commercial St., London, E.1. Age: 29. Career: Cambridge Univ.; Engr. Nigerian P.W.D.; Asst. C.E., Air Ministry; U.S.A. for study of highway construction.

ALLEN, Engnr. Lt.-Cmdr. Thomas. M. Eng., M.I.Mech.E. Works Manager, Farringdon Works and H. Pontifex & Sons, Ltd., King's Road, Birmingham, 11. Private Address: 77 King's Road, Birmingham, 11. Career: Apprent. to Vickers, Ltd., Barrow-in-Furness, followed by naval service in the Grand Fleet; subsequently Sales Engr. to Sulzer Bros.; also Asst. and Chief Engr. to John Musgrave & Sons, Bolton, and Barclay Perkins, Ltd., London. "Vickers Scholar," National Medallist City and Guilds, Cert. Engr. B.0.T. Books: "Uniflow,, Back-Pressure and Steam Extraction Engines" (Pitman, 42/-); part author of "Workshop Practice" (Pitman), etc.

ALLEN, Vero M. A.M.I.E.E. In business as Engr. and Factor, 106 London Road, Mitcham, Surrey. Career: City and Guilds, South Kensington; D.P. Battery Co. Ltd.; British Westinghouse, Metropolitan Vickers Elect. Co. Ltd., 1901-19; Elect. Engr. Vidal Eng Co. Ltd., 1919-33.

ALLEN, William. A.M.I.E.E. First Asst. Engr., Mansfield Corp. Elect. Dept. Private Address: Ridge Mount, Garth Road, Mansfield. Career: Victoria Univ., Leeds, 1899-1901; Leeds Corp. Elect. Works, Asst.; 1901-06, Gloucester Corp. Elect. Works, Engr.-in-Charge; 1906, Mansfield Corp.

ALLEN, William R. H. B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Eng. Asst., Willesden Borough Council, Dyne Road, Kilburn. Private Address: 98 Gosberton Road, Balham, S.W.12. Age: 30. Career: 1926-27, Battersea Poly., London; 1927-29, King's Coll., London; 1929-36, Eng. Asst., East Sussex C.C.; 1936-38 (May), Senr. Surveying Asst., East Suffolk C.C.

ALLEY, George D. S. B.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., A.R.C.Sc. (I). Asst. Dist. Engr., L.M. & S. Rly. Co., Abergavenny, Mon. Private Address: Glenroy, Chapel Road, Abergavenny, Mon. Career: 4 years Royal Coll. of Sc. for Ireland; joined L.M. & S. Rly. Co. at Crewe as an "Asst, under Agreement" to Alex. Newlands, Esq., M.Inst.C.E.

ALLIBONE, T. Edward. D.Sc., Ph.D., A.M.I.E.E., Member of Council, I.E.E. In charge of High Voltage Laboratory, Metropolitan Vickers Co., Trafford Park, Manchester. Private Address: Senlac, Norman Road, Sale, Ches. Age: 34. Ed.: Universities Sheffield and Cambridge.

ALLIOTT, Eustace Alexander. B.Sc. (Eng.), Honours, London, M.I. Mech.E., M.Inst.Chem.E. Formerly Chairman, British Chemical Plant Manufacturers' Assoc., 1932, 33, and 34. Director, 1915-38 Manlove, Alliott & Co., Ltd., Nottingham. Nov retired. Private Address: Rostherne, Hervines Road, Amersham-on-the-Hill, Bucks. Career: Educ.: Finsbury Tech. Coll. Spent one year in Maschinenfabrik Bayinthal, Cologne, as apprent., 1909-10; thence to Manlove, Alliott & Co., Ltd. Books: "Centrifugal Dryers and Separators" (Benn). Patented inventions for improvements to Laundry Machinery and filter presses.

ALLISON, Archibald. M.I. & S.I. Metallurgist, J. J. Habershon & Sons, Ltd., Holmes Mills, Rotherham. Private Address: 164 Psalter Lane, Sheffield 11. Ed.: Univ. of Sheffield. Formerly Metallurgist and Mill Manager, Cammell Laird & Co. Ltd. Author of "Manufacture of Chilled Iron Rolls," "The Outline of Steel."

ALLISON, Bertram John. M.I. Mech.E., M.S.C.E. (France). Jt. Man. Dir., Kalis, Sons & Co., Ltd., Harbour Works Contractors, Stone House, Bishopsgate, London, E.C.2. Private Address: The Firs, Theydon Bois, Essex. Specialises in matters relating to the improvement and maintenance of harbours, etc.

ALLISON, James W. Assoc.M. Inst. C.E. County Div. Surveyor, Westmorland County Council, Sycamore House, Appleby, Westmorland. Private Address: Sycamore House, Appleby, Westmorland.

ALLOTT, Reginald W. M.A., M.I. & S ., M.I.Brit.F., M.V.D.Eh. F.R.S.A. Man. Dir., Nitralloy, Ltd., Norris Deakin Buildings, King Street, Sheffield. On A.S.L.I.B. Tech. translators panel.

ALLSOP, Major Frederick. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Resident Engr., London Passenger Transport Board, Greenwich Generating Station, Greenwich, S.E. Private Address: 104 Canberra Road, Charlton, S.E.7. Age: 49. Career: E. London Coll.; Apprent. Thames Ironworks, 1908; Generating Engr. and Charge Shift Engr., L.C.C.

ALLSOP, Major J. Kidston. R.A.F. (recd.). M.Inst.C.E, M. Mech.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr., 30 Bedford Row, London, W.C.1. Private Address: 5 Harrington Road, South Kensington, London, S.W.7. Career: Rly. construction and maintenance in Cuba, Spain, India and B.N. Borneo up to the war; R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. throughout the war. Nov practising as Consulting Heating, Ventilating and Elect. Engr. One of the specialists recognised by the Dir.-Gen. of Civil Aviation for aerodrome location and design.

ALLSOPP, Charles O. M.Inst.M. & Cy.E., A.M.I.Struct.E., M.S.R.A., M.R.San.I. Borough Engr., Worksop, Notts. Private Address: 21 Harstoft Avenue, Worksop. Age: 40. Pupilage as an Architect; Engr. training, Sheffield Univ.; Eng. Asst., Nottingham Corp.

ALLWOOD, Albert Wilfred. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Mains Engr., Norwich Corp. Elect. Dept. Private Address: 2 Cantley Lane, Cringleford, Norwich. Career: Faculty of Eng., Univ. of Bristol; Distribution Asst., Torquay Elect. Undertaking.

ALTENHEIN, Eric F. O. D.Eng M.I. & S., .Inst.F., M.Coke Oven Managers' Assoc. M. Sheffield Jnr. Ch. of Corn., M.V.D.E. Dir. and Genl. Man. of W. Edward Kochs & Co., Director of Industrial Combustion Ltd., Addalloy Metal Co., Ltd., and Saml. Woodcock & Sons, Ltd., 14 Park Lane, Sheffield. Age: 32. Studied Metallurgy, refractory and Coke Oven Practice, Tech. Colls., Berlin and Aachen. Formerly Efficiency Engr., Koppers' Coke Oven Co., Ltd.

ALTHAM, Thomas F. A.M.I.E.E. Man. Dir., Transformers and Welders Ltd., Sandown Road, Watford (Herts.) and 11 Southampton Row, W.C.1. Private Address: Tilehurst, Grange Road, Bushey (Herts.). Age: 39. Inventor of the Hackbridge-Altham Protective System and a number of other transformer and cable inventions and developments. Part author of "Voltage Regulation."

ALVEY, George B. M.I.E.E. Chief Elect. Designer, Mather & Platt, Ltd., Park Works, Manchester 10. Private Address: 49 College Road, Whalley Range, Manchester 16.

AMBERTON, Major Richard. (Royal Fusiliers). M.E.E. Man. Dir., Amberton Elect. Ltd.; Dir., Dorman & Smith, Ltd., 32 Queen Victoria Street, E.C.4. Private Address: Laleham, Mdx. Age: 48. Career: City and Guilds; G.E.C. Schenactady (trainee); Dir., Elect. Apparatus Co. Ltd.; Bray, Markham & Reiss, Ltd.; Sections D.E.3 & 4 Ministry of Munitions. Many patents on electric control gear, etc.

AMBROSE, John Goldwell. M.C., M.Inst.C.E., A.M.S.E. Re-inforced Concrete Engr.; Partner, Messrs. Ambrose & Mathews, Haigh Park Road, Stourton, Leeds, 10. London Office, Grand Buildings, Trafalgar Square, W.C.2. Private Address: The Thatched House, Fairmile Avenue, Cobham, Surrey. Managing Director, Concrete, Ltd.

AMIS, Frederick H. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., M.I.R.E. Private Address: Innisfree, Little Bushey Lane, Bushey, Watford, Herts. Age: 41.

ANABLE, Arthur. M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Highbotham, Brampford Speke, Nr. Exeter. Age: 43. Cambridge Univ., 1919-21; Tech. Asst. L.N.E.R., 1921-25; Asst. Engr. & Actg. Executive Engr., Jodhpur Rly., 1925-32. Now retired.

ANDERSON, A. L. C.B., M.Inst. C.E. Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty, Whitehall, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 15 Shelley Court, Tite Street, Chelsea, London, S.W. Career: Articled to Sir James Lemon; served under Civil Engineer-in-Chief, Admiralty, at Portsmouth, Rosyth, Hong Kong, Jamaica, Heligoland, Singapore and other stations, and at Headquarters in Whitehall. Member of Commission des Travaux of the International Commission of the Canal Maritime de Suez.

ANDERSON, Alexander. J.P., M.I.E.E. Man. Dir., Anderson, Boyes & Co., Ltd., Flemington Elect. Works, Motherwell. Private Address: Thornlea Park, Wishaw.

ANDERSON, Cecil J. S. B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E, A.M. Inst. M. & Cy.E., (Diploma in Administration), (King's Coll. Engr. Certificate). Tech. Asst., London County Council, County Hall, S.E.1. Private Address: 47 The Ridgeway, Croydon, Surrey. Career: Palmer's Sch.; King's Coll. London. (Pres. King's Coll. Eng. Soc.); Eng. Asst. Sir Robt. McAlpine & Sons; Surveyor, Merz & McLellan; Asst. Engr., John Mowlem & Co.

ANDERSON, David B. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Assoc.Memb.Inst.W.E Chief Civil Eng. Asst., The South Staffordshire Waterworks Co., 50 Sheepcote Street, Birmingham 15. Private Address: 5 Jervis Crescent, Streetly, nr. Sutton Coldfield. Career: Dundee High Sch.; Dundee Tech. Coll.; Chief Asst. Dundee Waterworks, 1922-25; Senr. Asst. Manchester Corp. Haweswater Scheme, 1925-30.

ANDERSON, David Stirling. Ph.D., A.R.T.C., B.Sc., M.I.Mech. E., M.I.A.E. Principal, Central Tech. Coll., Birmingham. Private Address: Shieldaig, Rednal, nr. Birmingham. Career: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; North British Locomotive Co., Glasgow; Fullerton Hodgart and Barclay, Paisley.

ANDERSON, F. Carleton. A.R.T.C., M.I.E.E. Chairman of Directors, Harland Eng. Co., Ltd., 196 Greengate, Manchester and B.E.P. Works, Alloa. Private Address: Park Hill, Whitefield, nr. Manchester. Age: 62. Career: Studied in Germany; 3 years, Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Apprent., Denny & Co., Dumbarton; subsequently as Shipyard Engr. With colleagues, founded, in 1904, the predecessors of The Harland Eng. Co.

ANDERSON, Frank C. K. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Head of Equipment Dept., British Broadcasting Corp. Private Address: 218 Leigham Court Road, S.W.16. Age: 36. Career: Faraday House, 1920-24; Asst. Transmission Engr., United River Plate Telephone Co., 1925-29; Transmission Engr., Chile Telephone Comp., 1929-31; Chief Engr., Barbados Telephone Comp., 1932-36.

ANDERSON, Frederic Alfred. B.Sc.(Lond.), F.I.C. Chief Engr., Edward Barrs, Consulting Engineer, 10 Gray's Inn Place, Holborn, W.C.1. Private Address: 7 Berkeley Gardens, Kensington, W.8. Career: Originally chemist with firms engaged in water purification; later in charge of eng. laboratory, and subsequently in consulting eng. Books: "Boiler Feed Water" in the "Electrician" series.

ANDERSON, Frederick J. A.M.I.E.E. Business Address: 42 Grey Street, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1. Private Address: 17 Woodbine Avenue, Gosforth, Newcastle-on-Tyne.

ANDERSON, George Carrick. A.M.I.E.E. 10 Douglas Drive, Cambuslang, Glasgow. Career: Glasgow and West of Scotland Tech. Coll., apprent. Mayor & Coulson Ltd., Glasgow, from whose employment he recently retired after 47-i years service, covering contracts for Elect. Lighting and Power, and the manufacture of Elect. plant and Mining Equipment. Retired at 31st Dec., 1937.

ANDERSON, Godfrey A. B.A. (Cantab.), M.I.Metals. Development Engr., British Aluminium Co. Ltd., Adelaide House, King William Street, E.C.4. Private Address: 50 Woodcote Green Road, Epsom. Age: 31. Hons. Mech. Sc. Tripos, 1929.

ANDERSON, Harold Henry B.Sc. ( Hons. Mech. Eng. ), A.M.C.E. Chief Hydraulic Designer, Harland Eng. Co. Ltd., B.E.P. Works, Alloa. Private Address: Duncraig, Bridge of Allan, Scotland. Age: 32. Three years Leeds Univ.; Hydro-Elect. Dept., Armstrong Whitworth; Pump Design Staff, Mather & Platt (10 years).

ANDERSON, James Edward C.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Loco.E. Private Address: Dunstaffnage, Ayr Road, Prestwick, Ayrshire. Career: Formerly deputy C.M.E., Midland Rly.; later Supt. of Motive Power, L.M. & S. Rly. Past Pres. Inst. Loco. E.

ANDERSON, James Kenneth. M.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Jnr. Asst. Engr., London & North Eastern Rly., King's Cross Station, London, N.1. Private Address: 36 Shepherds Hill, Highgate, N.6. Age 27. Ed.: Glasgow Acad.; Cambridge Univ.; Pupil L.N.E.R. Engr.'s Dept., 1932-35.

ANDERSON, John. M.I.N.A. (Premium), M.I.E.S. (Prize winner). Private Address: 87 Overdale Street, Glasgow. Age: 53. Ed.: Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; formerly held senior positions in various establishments. Is now recovering from serious illness. Contributor to Glasgow Herald Supplement, Technical Press and Technical Institutions.

ANDERSON, R. Bruce. Assoc.M. Inst. C.E., A.K.C., M.I.Gas.E. In Private Practice. Address: 28, Priory Rd., London, W.4, Age: 74. Formerly Engr. and Gen. Man. for Gasworks at:—Waterford, Queenstown, Kilkenny, Tipperary, Bagnalstown, Cahir, Carrick-on-Suir, Dungarvan, Fermoy, Lismore, Longford, Magherafelt, Mountmellick, Thurles, Warrenpoint, Wicklow, Hessle, Ludlow, and Westward-Ho. Ed.: Heidelberg and King's Coll.

ANDERSEN, Reginald C. M.G. A M.E.E Man. Dir., Elect. Transmission, Ltd., Culford Works, Kingsbury Road, Dalston, N.1. Private Address: 38 Eaton Place, S.W.1. Career: Faraday House, Manager, Twiss Elect. Transmission.

ANDERSON, William Morley. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Assistant Resident Engr., Tyne Dock, Tyne Improvement Commission. Private Address: 61 Davison Avenue, Whitley Bay, Northumberland. Age: 33. Career: Newcastle Royal Grammar Sch.; apprent. Wright, Anderson & Co.; Asst. Engr., Thos. Hanning & Partners, Consulting Engrs., 1927-30; Structural Engr., Merz & McLellan, Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1930-33; Engr., Sir Alexander Gibb & Partners, London, 1934; Dir. and Tech. Man., Wright, Anderson & Co., Ltd., Structural Engrs., Gateshead, 1934-37; Hon. Sec., The Newcastle-upon-Tyne & Dist. Assoc. Inst. C.E. since 1936.

ANDERSON, William T. M.I.E.E., M.I.Min.E. Con. Engr., W. T. Glover & Co. Ltd., Manchester. Private Address: 6 Birch Avenue, Old Trafford, Manchester. H.M. Eng. Trades Commissioner, Spain, 1917; Late Pres., Assoc. of Mining Elect. Engrs., 1923-4.

ANDERTON, Edward. A.M. Mech.E. Chief Engr., T. J. Smith & Nephew Ltd., Neptune Street, Hull. Private Address: 21 Hamlyn Avenue, Anlaby Road, Hull. Career: Hull Central Dry Dock & Eng. Works; Hull Municipal Tech. Coll., 1920-26; Miehle Printing Press & Mfg. Co. Ltd., Chicago and London, 1926-35; present appointment, 1935.

ANDREW, George Edward. Engnr.-Capt. R.N. (Retd.), C.B. (Mil. Div.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Struct. E., F.R.Soc.A. 3 Southgrove Terrace, Ventnor, I.O.W. Career: Swindon and North Wilts. Tech. Sch.; Kaiser Frederick Wilhelm Universitat, Berlin. G.W.R. Works, Swindon; Earle's Shipbuilding Works, Hull; entered H.M. Navy as Asst. Engr., 1892; Engr.-Lieut., 1899 Engr.-Comdr., 1910; Retd. Engr.-Capt., 1919. Some time Asst. Manager H.M. Dockyard, Devonport and 1st Asst. Manager and Acting Engr.-Man. H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. Present as Engr.-Comdr. H.M.S. Kent at Battle of Falkland Islands, 1915, and at destruction of S.M.S. Dresden off Juan Fernandez, 1916. Mentioned in Despatches and received thanks and appreciation of Lords Commissioners, Admiralty, for services rendered on several occasions.

ANDREW, John Harold. D.Sc., M.I. and S.I. Professor of Metallurgy, the Univ. of Sheffield, St. George's Square, Sheffield, 1. Private Address: Torwood, Endcliffe Grove Avenue, Sheffield, 10. Career: Grad. 1907 with 1st Class Honours, Manchester Univ.; Dalton Research Scholar and Research Fellow; 1914-20 Chief Research Metallurgist, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd., Openshaw, Manchester; 1920-32 Professor of Metallurgy, Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; appointed Professor Metallurgy Sheffield Univ., 1932.

ANDREW, T. Stuart. M.C., A.M.I.E.E. D.F.H., (1st Class). Tech. Engr., S.W.E. & S. Wales Dist. of the Central Elect. Board, Oakfield Road, Bristol 8. Private Address: 20 Sabrina Way, Stoke Bishop, Bristol, 9. Age: 39. Career: Faraday House; Escher Wyss, Zurich; A. Reyrolle & Co., pupil and Asst. Engr.; Central Elect. Board, S.E.E. Dist., Tech. Dept.

ANDREWES Humfrey. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., A.C.G.I., D.I.C. Recording Dir., Disc Recording Ltd., 179 Station Road, Edgware. Private Address: 45 Edgeworth Crescent, Hendon, N.W.4. Ed.: City and Guilds Coll.; Imperial Coll., Univ. of London.

ANDREWS, Arthur E. D. A.M.E.E, M.E.P.E. Assoc. Ch. Testing Engr. (Elect.), Wimbledon Corp., S.W.19. Private Address: 5 Lymescote Gardens, Sutton, Surrey. Age: 34. Formerly Asst. Testing Engr., Cambridge Instrument Co. Ltd.

ANDREWS, Ewart Sigmund. B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., F.C.I.P.A., Past Pres. of the I.Struct.E., M.Cons.E. Consulting Engr. and Chartered Patent Agent, 201 Bank Chambers, High Holborn, W.C.1. Private Address: 15 Westminster Mansions, S.W.1. Career: Univ. Coll., London. Entered H.M. B.O.T. as Asst. Examiner of Patents, 1904; started in private practice, 1919. Books: "Theory and Design of Structures," "Strength of Materials," "Elementary Principles of Reinforced Concrete Constructions."

ANDREWS, Francis M. B. A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Engr., Thames Conservancy, 2 & 3 Norfolk Street, Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: 1 Beaconsfield Road, Bickley, Kent. Career: Hon. Degree Mech. Sciences Tripos, Cambridge, 1924; 5 years contract with the Buenos Aires Great Southern Rly., (1924-1929) Argentine; 2 years in the General Oils (Tech.) Dept., Shell-Mex Ltd. (1929-1931).

ANDREWS, H. J. A.F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Ae.E. Airport Man., Municipal Airport, Liverpool, 19. Private Address: Mount Pleasant, Liverpool Airport, Liverpool, 19. Age 42. Career: Trained, W. H. Allan & Co. Ltd., Bedford; R.N.A.S.; R.A.F.; Directorate of Research, Air Ministry; Advisor in Naval Aeronautics to Spanish Government.

ANDREWS, Leonard M.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.E.E. Consulting Elutriationist, 731 Salisbury House, London Wall, E.C.2. Books: "Electricity Control" (Griffin) ANDREWS, W. G. M.I.A.E. Man. Dir., Airwork General Trading Co. Ltd., Airwork Engine Service Ltd., Heston Airport, Hounslow, Middx. Age: 43. Trained General Automobiles; Manager Motor Dept., British Petroleum Co. Ltd., 1921-32, and Shell Mex B.P. Ltd., 1932-36; 1914-18, served Infantry, R.F.C. & R.A.F.

ANDREWS, William F. A.M.I.E.E. Mains Engr., Stepney Elect. Works, 27 Osborn Street, Whitechapel, E.1. Private Address: 225 Kidbrooke Park Road, Blackheath. Age: 52. Career: E. London Coll. (1898-1902); Tudor Accumulator Co. Ltd.; in Constructional Dept., Stepney Elect. Works, 1914-19; with London Elect. Engrs. R.E. (T.F.).

ANDREWS, William H. A.M.I.E.E. Mem.R.S.G.B. Wireless Asst., Eng. Branch, New Scotland Yard, Metropolitan Police Wireless Station, Keston, Kent. Private Address: 5 Castleford Avenue, New Eltham, S.E.9. Age: 37. Career: Municipal Tech. Coll., Plymouth; City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll.; Wireless Operator, Marconi Co. and Siemens Bros. & Co. Ltd.; Tech. Asst. Marine Wireless Sect., Siemens Bros.; has own Experimental Radio Station, G2YG.

ANDREWS, William Paul. M.C., B.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. With Cement & Concrete Association, 52 Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.1. Private Address: 4 Lindisfarne Road, Wimbledon, S.W.20. Age:45. Ed.: Univ. Coll., Cork. Held Commission in R.E. during the war. Varied experience subsequently, specialising in concrete work.

ANGLES, John W. M.Sc., M.I. Mech.E. Principal, Tech. Coll., Darlington. Private Address: 6 Hartford Road, Darlington. Career: Engr., Richardson Westgarth & Co., Hartlepool; Head of Eng. Dept., West Hartlepool. Tech. Coil.

ANGOLD, Herbert E. A.M.E.E, Chief Engr., Smith Meters Limited, Rowan Road, StreathamVale, London, S.W.16. Private Address: "Oaklyn, " The Hilldens, Westcott, Surrey.

ANGUS. J. M.B.E., M.I.N.A., B.Sc.(Glasgow). With Harland and Wolff, Queens Island, Belfast.

ANGUS. Robert H. M.A., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.A.I.E.E. Univ. Lecturer, Cambridge Univ., Eng. Laboratory, Cambridge. Private Address: Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge. Training: Cambridge Univ., 1923-6; apprent. English Elect. Co., Stafford, 1926-8; Commonwealth Fund Fellow at Stanford Univ., California, 1928-30.

ANGUS, Thomas C. D.F.C., A.M. I.E.E., A.111.H.V E Lecturer, Dept. of Indus. Physiology, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, Keppel Street, W.C.1. Private Address: Banks, Lambourne End, nr. Romford, Essex. Career: City and Guilds, 1909; apprent. E. W. Smithett & Co.; Ventilation Engr., Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd.; Erith's Eng. Co., Ltd.; Research Engr. with Sir Leonard Hill, Medical Research Council. Served in R.N.A.S. and R.A.F., 1915-1918.

ANGUS-BUTTERWORTH, Lionel Milner. F. S.A. Scot., A.M.I.Mech.E. Partner, John Humphreys and Sons, (Engineers since 1795), Newton Heath, Manchester. Private Address: Ashton New Hall, Old Village, Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire. Age: 38. Ed.: Sheffield Univ., 1918-20; Toulouse Univ., France (Cert. d 'Assiduite); Manchester Coll. of Tech. (Industrial administration). Is a Director, Butterworth Bros. Ltd. (inc. 1886); Director, Manchester Geographical Bldg. Co. Ltd.; Member of Council, Salford Tech, and Eng. Assoc.; Sec., I nst. of Factory Managers.

ANGWIN, Colonel Arthur S. D.S.O., M.C., M.I.E.E., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., B.Sc. (Eng.). Member of Council, I.E.E. Deputy Eng.-in-Chief, G.P.O., Alder House, E.C.1. Ed.: East London Coll., (Wh. Ex.); Pupil Yarrow & Co.; Past Chairman, I.E.E.; Member Television Advisory Committee.

ANNEAR, Robert L. B.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. With Lloyd's Register of Shipping, Imperial House, Donegall Square, East, Belfast.

ANNESS, Edward G. M.I.E.E. Elect. Engr., The National Boiler and General Insurance Co. Ltd., Empire House, St. Martin 's-le-Grand, London, E.0.1. Private Address: 24 Hill Top, Hampstead Garden Suburb, N.W.11.

ANNETT, Harold E. M.I.E.E. Engr. and Man., Bolton Corp. Elect. Dept., Back o' th' Bank, Bolton. Private Address: 106 Gilnow Park, Bolton. Career: Faraday House; Blackpool Corp.; Bolton Corp. Member E.D.A. Committee and Tech. Consultative Committee, N.W. England Area.

ANSCOMBE, L. Douglas. M.A., A.M E E Asst. A.C. Design Engr., B.T.H. Co. Rugby. Private Address: 1 Brookside, Dunchurch Road, Rugby. Age: 32. Mech. Sc. Tripos, Cambridge. 1924-27, 1st Class Hons.; B.T.H. Student Apprent., 1927-30; B.T.H. Fellowship to U.S.A., 1930-31. Evening teaching at Rugby Coll. of Tech. and Arts, in Elect. Design. Patents (with B.T.H.) on Synchronous Elect. Mach.

ANSELL, Douglas G. B.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Works Manager, H.E.H. the Nizam's State Rly., Road Transport Dept., Lallaguda, Deccan, India. Private Address: Lallaguda, Deccan, India. Age: 38. Career: Bristol and Birmingham Univ.; apprent. Wolseley Motors Ltd.; Works Man., Crompton Eng. Co. Ltd., Madras; Lecturer, Madras Govmt. Sch. of Tech.

ANSELL, Harold G. A.M.I.Mech.E Manager, Chubb and Sons, Ltd., 128 Victoria Street, E.C.4. Private Address: 2 The Byway, Sutton, Surrey. Age: 49.

ANSELL, Raymond E. M.Sc., A.I.C., M.Metals. Tech. Service Man., Henry Wiggin and Co. Ltd., Thames House, Millbank, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 32 Anglesey Court Road, Carshalton, Surrey. Ed.: Univ. of Birmingham.

ANSLOW, Frank. M.I.E.E. M.Cons.E., M.I. and S.I. Consulting Engr., practising as Walter Dixon & Co., 261 West George Street, Glasgow, C.2. Private Address: 1 Carndow Avenue, Cathcart, Glasgow. Career: After training in mech. elect. and power stations, partner for many years in Walter Dixon & Co.; now proprietor and sole partner.

ANSON, Bernard Oglie. M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr.-in-Chief, G.P.O., Alder House, E.C. Private Address: Springbank, Worsley Bridge Road, Beckenham, Kent. Pioneer in automatic telephone switching, and interested specially in the vocational training of eng. employees.

ANSTEY, Eng.-Commr. Henry C. R.N. retired. O.B.E. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Metals, M.I.N.A. Works Man., Staffordshire Factories, Thomas Bolton and Sons, Ltd., Froghall, Stoke-on-Trent. Private Address: Thornbury Hall, Cheadle, Stoke-on-Trent. Career: Admiralty, Engr.-in-Chief Dept.; Man., Richard Hornsby & Sons, Grantham; and Director of Naval Construction, Chilean Navy; Deputy Asst. Director Materials and Priority, Admiralty.

ANTCLIFF, Frank R. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Head of Sch. of Engg., Coll. of Tech., Leicester. Private Address: The Elms, Blaby,, Leicestershire. Age: 44. Career: Apprent. Belliss & Morcom Ltd.; Mech. Trans. Workshop Officer, R.A.S.C.; Lecturer in Eng., Handsworth Tech. Coll., Birmingham. Member of Tech. Committees, B.S.I.

APLIN, Major William H. S. A.F.C., A.M Inst C.E., Assoc.Inst. P.C. Man. Dir., Ipscol Ltd., Ivor Works, Kings Langley, Herts. Private Address: Ivor House, King's Langley, Herts.

APPLEBY, Frederick V. M.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Engineer, Romford Borough Council, Essex. Private Address: 8 Hall Road, Gidea Park, Romford, Essex. Career: Univ. of Birmingham, 1920-24; City of Birmingham; Wolverhampton C.B.; Brighton C.B.

APPLETON, William S. M.I. Mech.E. Gen. Man., Fleming and Ferguson, Ltd., Phoenix Works, Paisley. Private Address: 24 Thornly Park Drive, Paisley. Career: For many years Chief Draughtsman with Lobnitz & Co., Ltd., Renfrew; Travelling Tech. Representative for Fleming and Ferguson Ltd., from 1925, visiting the Far East, Antipodes, Europe, etc., advising on dredging plant; General Manager, 1934; Director 1937.

APPLEYARD, Rollo. O.B.E., J.P., Commdr. R.N.V.R., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.E.E. Consulting Engr., 80 St. Mary's Mansions, Paddington, W.2. Born: 1867. Career: On staff Royal Indian Eng. Coll., 1885-92; with Silvertown Co., sub-marine cables, 1892-1914; Tech. Adviser and Writer to The Times, 1905-14; R.N.V.R., 1914-30; lent to Air Service, as Adviser on Aero Instruments; 1917, War staff, Convoy Section; 1918, founded and directed Tech. History Section, Admiralty. Research on Dielectrics, Alloys, Surface-Tension, etc.; invented the Conductometer and various Aeronautical and other Instruments; Discovered and Tabulated the Length-Function for Solution of catenary problems. Books: "The Conductometer and Elec. Conductivity," "Measurement of Air-Speed," "The Elements of Convoy Defence in Submarine Warfare," Charles Parsons, his life and work," "The History of the Institution of Electrical Engineers," etc.

ARCHBUTT, Sydney L. F.I.C. Principal Scientific Officer, National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middx. Private Address: 48 Clarence Road, Teddington, Middx. Ed.: Derby School and Univ. Coll., Nottingham.

ARCHER, F. M.I.N.A, .E., M.I.W. Surveyor to Bureau Veritas for Szechuen (non-exclusive); own business. Business Address: No. 7 Dai Jia Hang, Chungking, West China. Private Address: 52 Brodie Road, Enfield, Middlesex. Ed.: Romford Rd. Tech. Inst.; Liverpool Univ.; Apprent. Yarrow & Co. Ltd.

ARCHER, Ralph Melville. Sc., M.I.E.E., B.Sc., Fellow of Physical Society. Lecturer in Elect. Eng., Royal Aircraft Establishment and Farnborough Evening Tech. Schools, Farnborough. Private Address: "Birchover, " 116 Reading Road, Farnborough, Hants. Age: 64. Career: Hartley Coll. Southampton; R. Coll. of Sc., London; Demonstrator, Royal Coll. of Sc., London; Asst. Lecturer in Physics, Battersea Poly.; Head of Elec. Eng. Dept., and Lecturer in Physics, Derby Tech. Coll.; Investigator,Oxygen Research Committee, D.S.I.R.; Research Officer, R.A.E.; Visiting Teacher in Elect. Eng., Borough Poly. Books: "Direct Current Dynamo and Motor Faults" (Pitman); "Commercial Electrical Measuring Instruments' (Pitman).

ARCHIBALD, Col. Gordon K. D.S.O. A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Dir. of Supplies and Transport, Headquarters Western Command, Chester. Private Address: c/o National Provincial Bank, Ltd., 66 Trafalgar Square, W.C.2. Career: Special Army Apprent.; J. I. Thornycroft & Co. Ltd., Basingstoke and Southampton; various tech. army courses. Private study tech, courses, London Poly. Has held various tech. army appointments, employment as Inspector, and at War Office.

ARCHIBALD, Robert Douglas. D.Sc. (Glasgow), Assoc. of the Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow, M.I.E.E., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E. Senr. Lecturer, Admiralty, Royal Naval Eng. Coll., Devonport. Private Address: 8 Nelson Gardens, Stoke, Devonport. Career: Glasgow Univ.; Royal Tech. Coll. Apprent. Fairfield Shipbuilding Yard, Govan, and Mayor and Coulson, Glasgow. Eng. experience at Electric Construction Co., Wolverhampton; teaching experience as Chief Asst. Elect. Dept., Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow; head of Elect. and, for some time, of Mech. Dept., Tech. Coll., Dundee; Extra-Mural Lecturer of St. Andrew's Univ.; then present appointment. 1914-18, R.G.A.(T); Staff Captain (Despatches). Books: "Alternating Current Machinery" (with J. R. Barr), " Junior Electrical Laboratory" (with R. Rankin), "Polyphase Electric Motors. "

ARDLEY, William Guy. M.I.Met., F.R.S.A. Asst. Man. Dir., Geo. Kent Ltd., 199 High Holborn, London and Luton, Beds. Private Address: "Berea, " Lemsford Road, St. Albans. Age: 62. Ed.: Regent St. Poly. For 45 years with Geo. Kent Ltd. Patents: Measurement and Control Apparatus, etc.

ARENGO-JONES, Christopher G. A.M.I.Mech.E. Factory Engr., W. D. & H. 0. Wills, Ltd., Raleigh Road, Ashton, Bristol. Private Address: 34 Clifton Park Road, Clifton, Bristol. Age: 27.

ARIGER, John. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Dist. Engr., Installation Dept., City of Birmingham Elect. Supply Dept. Private Address: 169 Holly Lane, Erdington, Birmingham. Ed.: Brighton Tech. Coll., 1905-08; Apprent. C. A. Parsons & Co., Heaton.

ARMAN, Adrian N. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.C.G.I., A.M.I.E.E. Research Engr., Callenders Cable & Construction Co., 38 Wood Lane, Shepherds Bush. Private Address: 62 The Fairway, North Wembley, Middx. Age: 38. Training: City and Guilds Eng. Coll., 1917-21; A. Reyrolle & Co., 1921-23.

ARMFIELD, J. Harold. A.M.I. Mech.E. Director, Joseph J. Armfield & Co. Ltd., Vale of Avon Iron Works, Ringwood, Hants. Private Address: Oaktree House, Hightown, Ringwood, Hants. Age: 48. Ed. Manchester Univ. Frequently consulted professionally and given evidence in High Court and Arbitration on matters relating to Water Power, Water Rights, Millowners' Compensation for loss of Water Power and abstraction of water by Water Companies, etc.

ARMITAGE, Geoffrey L. B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.P.I. Regional Engr., Edmundson's Elect. Corp., Kennington Lane, Oxford. Private Address: Walton House, Sutton Courtenay, Abingdon, Berks. Age: 32. Career: Uppingham School; Manchester Univ.; Mains and Substation Engr., The Lancashire Elect. Power Company, 1928-31.

ARMITAGE, Herbert C. M.I. Mech.E., M.I.Prod.E. Production Engr., Austin Motor Co. Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham. Private Address: Lady Byron Lane, Knowle, Warwickshire.

ARMOUR, James G. M.I.Mech.E. Private Address: 59 Berkley Street, Prince's Park, Liverpool, 8. Life member of I.Mech.E.

ARMSDEN, Woodruffe J. B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Engr.-in-Charge, Trunk Roads Dept., Bedfordshire County Council, Shire Hall, Bedford. Private Address: 1 Kingsbrook Rd., Bedford. Age: 32. Career: Brighton Tech. Coll.; Asst. Engr., East Sussex C.C.; Resident Engr., Wm. T. Rees Ltd., Public Works Contractor; Asst. Engr., Kent C.C.; Lurgan U.D. Council, Resident Engr.; Senr. Trunk Road Engr., Leicester C.C.

ARMSTRONG, The Lord, M.A., Cantab., Hon. D.C.L., Durham, Hon. Member of Society of Engrs., J.P. and D.L. for Northumberland, J.P. Newcastle-on-Tyne. Chairman Thermal Syndicate; Dir., Newcastle and Gateshead Water Co.; local Dir., North British and Mercantile Insurance Co.; Past Pres. N.E.C. Inst. Major (retd.) Northumberland Hussars; Hon. Freeman, Newcastleon-Tyne; High Sheriff of Northumberland, 1899-1900.

ARMSTRONG, C. H. M.Inst.F. Director, Copes Regulators, Ltd., Burleigh House, Theobalds Road, W.C.1. Private Address: Four Chimneys, Elms Avenue, N.W.4. Career: Apprent. Worthington-Simpson, Ltd. Marine experience: Fourth Engr. on tramp steamer, six months. Power station experience: Birmingham Elect. Supply, Junr. Engr.; Dudley Elect. Supply, Chief Engr., 1914, 1914-18, R.E. and R.A.F. (2nd Lieut.). 1919-37: design and sales of Copes Boiler Feed Regulators. Patentee of several feed regulation patents.

ARMSTRONG, Christopher F. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Asst. Engr., Ministry of Transport, Metropole Buildings, Northumberland Avenue, W.0.2. Private Address: 22 The High, High Road, Streatham, S.W.16. Age: 30. City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll., 1925-29; Eng. Asst. under County Surveyor of Oxfordshire, 1929-35.

ARMSTRONG, Colin F. B.Sc., Assoc. M. Inst.C.E. Civil Engr., Dept. of Civil Engr.-inChief, Admiralty, H.M. Dockyard, Chatham. Private Address: 13 Watts Avenue, Rochester, Kent. Age: 36. Career: Geo. Watson's Coll. and Univ., Edinburgh; Apprent. L.M. & S.R.; Asst. Engr., Leith Dock Commissioners.

ARMSTRONG, Denys G. AI.I. Metals, B.Sc. (Met.), London, A.R.S.M. Mill Asst., Mawchi Mines Ltd., S. Shan States, Burma. Private Address: Westway, Grange Lane, Bromham, Beds. 4 years studentship, W. H. Allen, Sons & Co. Ltd., Bedford; Royal School of Mines, London.

ARMSTRONG, Frederick H. M.Sc., A.M.I.Mech.E. Scientific Officer, Dept. Scientific and Industrial Research, Forest Products Research Laboratory, Princes Risborough. Private Address: "Dundealgan," Princes Risborough, Bucks. Career: Apprent. Mech. Engr., Dundalk Iron Works and Great Northern Railway Company, Ireland; Sub-Station Engr., Belfast Corp. Elect. Dept.; Lecturer in Applied Mechanics, Magnetism, and Elementary Elect., (evening classes), Belfast Coll. of Tech.

ARMSTRONG, Harry Clifford. A.C.G.I., M.Inst.C.E., F.Inst.F. (Council). Fuel Dept. Man. and Tech., Thomas Firth and John Brown, Ltd., Atlas Works, Sheffield. Private Address: "Sychwell," Bamford, Derbyshire. Career: 35 years, at home and abroad, in steel works of Messrs. Sir W. G. Armstrong-Whitworth and T. Firth and J. Brown, Ltd.; with R.F.A. during the war. Books: "Practical Boiler Firing" (Charles Griffin); "Fuels and Furnaces for Industrial Heating" (Charles Griffin), etc.

ARMSTRONG, Robert. A.M.I. Mech.E. Morris Industries Exports, Ltd., Cowley, Oxford. Age: 39. Ed.: Univ. Coll., Southampton; War Service: 14th O.C. Bat., 3rd and 4th Hampshire Regiments, specialising in Anti-Gas measures with the 15th Hampshire in France. Career: From 1924 with Morris on the Service Organisation side, Overseas activities being started in 1927. Work includes six years in Australia and work in most of the Dominions of the Empire. European Service Representative since 1935.

ARMYTAGE, George J. A.M.I. Mech.E. Head of Eng. Dept., City of Leeds School, Leeds. Private Address: The Nook, Crossgates, Leeds. Ed.: Manchester Tech. Coll. Books: "Metal work for Schools and Colleges" (Oxford Univ. Press), 10/6.

ARNOLD, Alun H. Ph.D., D.Eng., A.M.E.E. Scientific Officer, National Physical Laboratory, E lectrotechnics Dept., Teddington, Middx. Private Address: 7 Cole Court Lodge, Twickenham. Age: 36. Trained Liverpool Univ., 1920-25; Metropolitan Vickers, 1925-26.

ARNOLD, Arthur. A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.F. Editor, "The Power and Works Engineer," Transport (1910), Ltd., 33 Tothill Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Career: Practical experience in central elect. generating plants and eng. works. Temporary commission in R.N. (Engr.-Lieut.). Student's Premium, I.E.E., 1914. Books: "The Modern Electrical Engineer" (Caxton); launched "Colliery Engineering," 1924; has been consulting editor of certain other technical journals.

ARNOLD, Charles L. A.M.I.E.E. Jt. Man. Dir. and Gen. Man., M.K. Electric Ltd., Wakefield Street, Edmonton, N.18. Private Address: "Tower House, " The Ridgeway, Enfield Chase. Career: S. London Telegraph Training Coll.; 3 years shops of Caird & Raynor, Johnson & Phillips, etc.; Wireless Dept., Lloyd's Shipping Agency; Chief Asst. Elect. Machine Designer, Crompton & Co.; 4-i years Army (Captaindespatches). Original partner, Belling & Co. Inventions relating to Elec. Accessories, etc. Is also a Director of Insulators Ltd., etc.

ARNOLD, Edward W. B.A. (Camb.), A.M.I.E.E. Director, Veritys Ltd., Elect. Engrs., Brettenham House, Strand, W.C.2. Private Address: "Roughcot, " Hempstead Road, Watford. With Veritys since 1898.

ARNOLD, Ronald N. B.Sc., A.R.T.C., Ph.D., M.S.(Illinois), A.M.I.Mech.E. Asst. Lecturer, The Royal Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Private Address: 9 Mount Stuart Street, Glasgow, S.1. Age: 29. Ed.: Glasgow, Sheffield and Illinois Univs.; Sir James Caird's Senior Travelling Scholar in Eng., 1932-34; Commonwealth Fund Fellow (University of Illinois, U.S.A.), 1934-36.

ARNOTT, Marmaduke H. M.Inst.C.E. 40 Beeches Road, Gt. Barr, Birmingham. Born: 1858. Career: After training at Royal Indian Eng. Coll. and under the late James Mansergh, entered Indian P.W.D., 1881; 1882-92, Asst. Engr., Roads, Bridges and Irrigation, Bengal; 1892-05, Exec. Engr., Irrigation; 1905, selected to build Phipps' Agric. Coll., etc. (126,000); 1906, Supt. Engr.; 1912, Acting Chief Engr. and Sec., Irrigation Branch, Govmt. of Bihar and Orissa. Books: "Report of Repairs to some of the Principal Temples at Bhubaneshwar, etc." (Bengal Govmt. Request).

ARROWSMITH, John C. M.Met., M.I.Metals, M.I. and S.I., A.M.I.A.E. Chief Metallurgist Pressed Steel Co. of Great Britain Ltd. Cowley Oxford. Private Address: 52 Sandfield Road, Headington Oxford. Career: Sheffield Univ.; Research Asst. to British Cast Iron Research Assoc.; Research Asst. Metallurgical Dept. University Coll. Swansea; Asst. Lecturer in Metallurgy, University Coll., Swansea.

ARTHUR, Captain W. H. Duncan. .C., M.Inst.W.E., M.I.M.C.E., M.I.Struc.E., Borough Engr. and Surveyor, Tiverton. Private Address: "Camwell, " Tiverton, Devon. Career: Ed.: Wellington Coll. and Glasgow; Asst., Wolverhampton Corp.; Deputy, Bacup Corp.; Borough Surveyor, Congleton. War Service, 1914-19, S. Staff's. Reg't. and R.E. Active Service: Egypt, Gallipoli, France, Belgium and Italy.

ASBURY, George E. M.I.Mech.E. Man. Dir., Abbott & Co. (Newark), Ltd., Newark Boiler Works, Newark. Private Address: Friary Field House, Newark.

ASH, Major Edwin R. A.M. Mech.E. Ordn. Mech. Engr., Headquarters, Southern Command. Private Address: 20 Bourne Avenue, Salisbury.

ASH, Horace W. B.Sc.(Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., F.I.A. Works Man., Amalgamated Dental Co. Ltd., Walton-on-Thames. Private Address: 18 River Mount, Walton-onThames. Training, 3 years Civil and Mech. Eng. Course, City and Guilds awarded Diploma A.C.G.I. (1908-11); 3 years Adv. Workshop Student, Woolwich Arsenal, 1911-14.

ASH, Walter W. H. Wh.Sch., A.M.E.E., John Samuel Scholar. Elect. Engr., D.E.E. Dept., Admiralty, Whitehall, S.W.1. Private Address: "Oakwood," 38 Downlands Road, Purley, Surrey. Age: 32. Appointed Asst. Elect. Engr., D.E.E. Dept., Admiralty, 1933, and Elect. Engr., 1937; visiting lecturer in "Design of Electrical Machinery and Apparatus" to R.N. Coll., Greenwich, 1934-37.

ASHBRIDGE, Sir Noel, (Kt. cr. 1935). B.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E. Knight of Royal Order of Dannebrog (Danish), 1934. Controller of Engg., British Broadcasting Corp., Broadcasting House, London, W.1. Career: King's Coll., London, 1907-11. Training: Yarrow & Co., Ltd., and B.T.H. Co., Ltd.; served European War Royal Fusiliers and R.E.; 6 years Marconi's, at Writtle Experimental Station; joined B.B.C. 1926 as Asst. Chief Engr.; Chief Engr. B.B.C. since 1929; Vice. Pres. I.E.E.; Member of Radio Research Board; Member of Television Committee; Fellow of King's Coll.; Served on Advisory Committees in Belgium and Denmark in connection with the development of Broadcasting.

ASHBY, Donald. B. Sc., A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.C.G.I. D.I.C. Chief Designer, Rectifier Eng. Dept., The Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co. Ltd., 82 York Way, King's Cross, London, N.1. Private Address: "Witch's Broom," Yester Park, Chislehurst, Kent. Age: 30 Ed. City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll.

ASHBY, Ernest W. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E., M.A.Mining E.E. Sales Representative, Callender's Cable and Construction Co. Ltd., 22 Lord Street, Liverpool. Private Address: 36 Woolacombe Road, Childwall, Liverpool, 16. Career: Royal Engineers, Signal Service, 1914-19; Chief Contract Engr., Sandycroft Ltd., nr. Chester, 1919-25; Joined Callender's Cable and Construction Co. Ltd., 1925.

ASHDOWN, Albert J. A.M. I. Mech.E. Man. Dir., A.J. Ashdown Ltd., 25 Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: Tumbling Bay, Hampton Court Road, East Molesey, Surrey. Age: 51. Career: The Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co. Ltd; Westinghouse Brake Co. Ltd.; Tech. Man., Morse Chain Co. Ltd., Letchworth. Inventor of The Ashdown Rotoscope Scientific Apparatus in connection with Psychology.

ASHDOWN, Jabez William Whitworth Exhibitioner, M.I.Mech.E. Man. Dir., William Weeks and Son, Ltd., Perseverance Iron Works, Waterside, Maidstone. Private Address: Nuthurst, 24 St. Michaels Road, Maidstone. Age: 63. Career: Aske's School; Apprent. Wm. Dell & Son, Croydon; Goldsmith's Inst.; D.O., Fraser Chalmers; with William Weeks & Son for past 40 years, starting as Asst. Man., and for the last 30 years Man. Dir,

ASHDOWNE, Major Herbert A. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.E.E. Regional Engr., Post Office. Private Address: 37 Cluny Gardens, Morningside, Edinburgh. Age: 36. Whole career with Post Office.

ASHFORD, Thomas. Mc.M., A.M.I.I.Mech.E. Chief Indl. Smoke Inspector and Engr. Consultant, Glasgow P.H. Dept., 23 Montrose Street, Glasgow, C.1. Private Address: "Minngaret, " Uplawmoor, Renfrewshire. Career: Apprent. late John McDonald, M.I. Mech.E., 5 years; Royal Tech. Coll. Glasgow, 5 years; 1914-19, Engr. Officer, Royal Indian Marine and Royal Fleet Auxiliaries; thereafter 3 years Merchant Service-1st Class B.0.T.; Tech. Dept., Babcock & Wilcox Ltd., 2 years; present post, as Asst., 7 years; Chief Insptr., 9 years. Is official lecturer in Scotland, National Smoke Abatement Soc.

ASHFORTH, George E. M.Sc., M.Inst. C.E. County Surveyor and Bridgemaster, Cheshire County Council, The Castle, Chester. Private Address: Rowton Grange, Chester.

ASHMORE, Joseph. M.E.E., M.Am.E.E., M.Assn.Min.E.E. Dist. British Elect. Repairs, Ltd., 218 Witton Lane, Birmingham, 6. Private Address: "Werneth Low, " 108 Antrobus Road, Sutton Coldfield. Career: Ed: School of Tech., Manchester; Royal Tech. Inst., Salford; Apprent., British Westinghouse Elect. and Mfg. Co. Ltd., Manchester; Engr. Surveyor, British Engine Boiler and Elect. Insurance Co. Ltd., Manchester.

ASHTON, Harold. A.M.E.E. Chartered Elect. Engr., 3 Bulls Head Passage, Market Place, Manchester. Private Address: Heathwood, Chelford, Cheshire. Ed.: Manchester Mech. Inst.; Manchester Sch. of Tech.; formerly on Staffs of "Practical Engineer," "Mechanical World," and "Textile Mercury." Insp. Elect. Engr., and Consultant, to several Insurance Companies and Parochial Church Councils. Invented the Ashton Patent Cage Aerial for Radio and Television; The Ashton Air Conditioner Units, etc.

ASHTON, Harry Wilkinson. Assoc. M.Inst.E.E. Resident Engr. and Man., South Cumberland Elect. Supply Co. Ltd., Egremont, Cumb. Private Address: Ehen Bank House, Cleator Moor, Cumberland. Age: 56. Career: Yorkshire Coll., Leeds; Thos. Harding-Churton, Leeds; Harrogate Corp. Power Station.

ASHTON, Henry. A. M.E.E. Chief Insp., Post Office Engrs., Head Post Office, Preston, Lancs. Private Address: Konowynne, Parkside, Preston. Age: 48. Ed.: Accrington Grammar School; thereafter with National Telephone Co.

ASHWELL, George M. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E. Chief Works Engr., I.C.I. (Alkali) Ltd., Fleetwood, Lancs. Private Address: Little Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancs. Age: 39. Career: Manchester Grammar Sch.; Sheffield Univ.; Eng. Staff, Davy Bros., Ltd. and John Brown & Co., Ltd.; during War, Lt., R.F.C. and R.A.F.

ASHWORTH, Graham. B.Sc. (Eng.), A.M.I.Mech.E. Whitworth Senior Scholar. Deputy Armament Supply Officer, Admiralty, S.W.1. Private Address: 87 The High, Streatham, S.W.16. Career: City and Guilds (Eng.) Coll.; Pupil, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth & Co. Ltd.; Resident Insp. Engr., Crown Agents for the Colonies; Works Man., Gun Carriage Factory, Jubbulpore, C.P. India; Works Man., C. Isler & Co. Ltd.; Deputy Man., Ministry of Labour, Watford Training Centre.

ASLETT, E. S. M.I.Loco.E. Director, Hobbies Ltd., Dereham, Norfolk. Private Address: Yew Lodge, Bessels Green, Sevenoaks, Kent. Age: 47. Career: Bristol Univ. Pupilage, L. & Y. Rly., L. & S.W. Rly. and G.E. Rly.; Indian State Rlys. (N.W. Rly).; Mech. and Running Depts., Buenos Aires and Pacific Rly.

ASTBURY, Arthur R. C.S.I., C.I.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.T.P.I. Deputy Chief Tech. Adviser, Air Raid Precautions Dept., Home Office, Horseferry House, Thorney Street, London, S.W.1. Private Address: 8 Magdelane House, Manor Fields, Putney S.W.15. Age: 57. Career: Coopers Hill; Indian Service of Engrs., Chief Engr. and Sec. to Government, P.W.D., Punjab, India.

ASTBURY, Samuel J. M.A. Sec., the Institute of Petroleum, The Adelphi, W.C.2. Private Address: 107 Copse Hill, Wimbledon, London, S.W.20. Career: Sidney Sussex Coll., Cambridge, 1916-20; on staff of N. Hingley & Sons, Ltd., Netherton Ironworks, Dudley, 1920-33, as Chief Metallurgist, Fellow Royal Statistical Society.

ATCHISON, Charles C. M.I.Mech.E, M.E.E. Wall Tyning, Bitton, Bristol. Age: 66. Career: Engr.-in-Charge, Metropolitan Elect. Supply Co., London; Elect. Engr., Blackpool Winter Gardens; Elect, and Tramways Engr., Rochdale Corp.; Conciliation Officer Ministry of Munitions, 1917-18; Ministry of Labour, 1919-21. Then retired. At present Member of the Warmley R.D.C., and Chairman of Elect. Committee, Member of Gloucestershire C.C., Chairman, Gloucester Dist. Council Assoc.

ATHERTON, Thomas W. B.Sc. (Eng.), Whit. Scholar., D.C., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.H.E., Grad.M.Inst.Mech.E. Snr. Eng. Asst., County Borough of Southampton, Civic Centre, Southampton. Private Address: "Prestwood, " Tarbock Road, Huyton, nr. Liverpool. Age: 29. Career: Training: British Insulated Cables Ltd.; Struct. Asst. L.M.S. Rly.; Civil Eng. Asst., H.M. Dockyard, Devonport; Trunk Roads Asst., Norfolk C.C.

ATHERTON, William H. Wh. Ex., Ryl. Ex., M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E. (Life Member). Tech. Dir., Ewart Chambelt Co. Ltd., Colombo Street, Derby. Private Address: 113 Whitaker Road, Derby. Age: 70. Career: Manchester Tech. Sch.; Royal Coll. of Sc.; Armstrong Coll.; Apprent., Craven Bros., Ltd., Manchester; Draughtsman, Armstrong, Whitworth & Co. Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne; Representative, Mather & Platt, Ltd., Manchester; Director, Ley's Malleable Castings Co. Ltd., Derby. Specialist in Chains and Conveyors, and applications of Malleable Castings.

ATKINS, Albert. B.Sc. (Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst.O.E. Snr. Eng. Asst., Exeter City Council, Southernhay, Exeter. Career: Various posts with Civil Eng. Consultants, Contractors, and Municipal Corporations.

ATKINS, Evan Arthur. M.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.W., M.I. & S.I. Tech. Consultant, Rylands Bros., Ltd., Warrington. Private Address: 9 Breckside Park, Liverpool, 6. Career: Gen. Works Man. of Rylands Bros., Ltd., and later Tech. Consultant to this and other works of the same group. Formerly Evening Lecturer at City Tech. Coll., Liverpool. Books: "Practical Electric Arc and Oxy-Acetylene Welding," "Practical Sheet and Plate Metalwork," etc.

ATKINS, Harry F. M.I.Mech.E. Consulting Machine Tool Mfr., Old Fletton, Peterborough. Private Address: Steeple Gidding, Hunts. Originator of commercial thread grinding; designer of special purpose machine tools, principal line to-day being profile milling and grinding machines.

ATKINS, Malcolm R. C.B.E., B.Sc.(Eng.), M.Inst.C.E., M.T.P.I., M.I.E.(India). Eng. Insp., Ministry of Health. Private Address: Teela, Bayham Road, Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Age: 57. Career: Civil Eng. training, Messrs. James Mansergh & Sons, Westminster; held appointments in England, Ceylon, and India. Retired in 1936 from post of Chief Engr. Calcutta Improvement Trust.

ATKINS, Roy E. A.M.I.E.E. Dist. Engr., Norwich Corp. Elect. Dept., Duke Street, Norwich. Private Address: 114 Thorpe Road, Norwich.

ATKINS, Wilfrid A. M.I.Metals, M.I. and S.I. Metallurgical Engr., Elect. and Musical Industries, Ltd., Blyth Road, Hayes, Middx. Private Address: 56 Fairdale Gardens, Hayes, Middx. Age: 31. Career: Liverpool Tech. Coll.; Trainee and Lab. Asst., Rylands Bros. Ltd., 1925-27; Lancashire Steel Corp.; Asst. Metallurgist, Automatic Elect. Co., 1927-32; Part-time Lecturer in practical Metl. Microscopy, 1933.

ATKINS, William S. A. B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Chairman and Man. Dir., The London Ferro-Concrete Co. Ltd., 9 Tufton Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: White Bays, Warren Drive, Kingswood, Surrey. Ed.: Queen's Coll., Manchester, and Univ. Coll., London.

ATKINSON, Clifford G. F.S.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. Registered Architect. Surveyor and Water Engr., Horsham. Private Address: Sunnyside, West Parade, Horsham. Born: 1884. 1900-09, Holloway Bros. (London) Ltd. (trainee and junior); 1909-13, Asst. Eng,r., Wimbledon Corp.; 191314, Dep. Surveyor and Water Engr., Wellingboro' U.D.C.; 1914-15, Engr. and Surveyor, Chertsey U.D.C.; 191519, Artists Rifles and Lieut. R.E.; 1919-21, Dep. Engr. and Surveyor, Gillingham Corp.; 1921, present appointment.

ATKINSON, Frank S. M.Eng. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M.M., M.I. Min.E. Professor of Mining, Univ. of Leeds. Private Address: 236 Otley Road, Head ingley, Leeds. Age: 38. Technical Education and Training: Articled pupil of J. H. W. Laverick, Esq., M.Inst.C.E.; Sheffield Univ.; thereafter Manager of Hatfield Main Colliery.

ATKINSON, James A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Engr., Engr.-in-Chief's Office, G.P.O., Alder House, Aldersgate Street, E.C.1. Private Address: "Bleasdale," Arundel Avenue, E. Ewell. Age: 29. Ed: Preston Grammar School, Preston Tech. Inst., Northampton Polytechnic.

ATKINSON, James Stanley. M.I.Mech.E. Man. Dir., Stein and Atkinson, Ltd., 47 Victoria Street, S.W.1. Private Address: Derby House, Weston Green Road, Thames Ditton, Surrey. Career: Macclesfield Grammar Sch.; Tech. Coll., Glasgow. Apprent., John Cochran & Co., Barrhead, and Joseph Adamson & Co., Hyde; served two years as marine engr.; two years draughtsman, Manlove, Alliott & Co., Nottingham, and Wellman, Seaver and Head; 22 years in present position.

ATKINSON, James William. I.S.O., M.I.E.E. Deputy Regional Dir., G.P.O., Leeds, 1. Private Address: 450 Street Lane, Leeds, 7. Career: G.P.O., Sect. Engr., Sutton (Surrey); Kingston-onThames; Bristol. Asst. Staff Engr., Headquarters (London); Asst. Supt. Engr., London Dist.; Superintending Engr., N.E.District, Leeds; Deputy Suptg. Engr., London Dist.

ATKINSON, Leonard Stewart. A.M.I.E.E. Asst. Chief Engr., Waygood-Otis Ltd. Falmouth Road, London, S.E.1, Private Address: 89 The Manorway, Blackheath, S.E.3. Ed.: Borough Poly. Inst., London, S.E.1.; joined present firm as an apprentice in 1914. Member of Committee B.S.I., and of Panel Building Inds. Nat. Council, dealing with Lifts and Escalators.

ATKINSON, Llewelyn Birchall Fellow King's Coll., London Univ. Advisory Dir., Cable Makers' Assoc., London. Private Address: Lawn Farm, Ferndown, Wimborne, Dorset. Career: Merchant Taylor's Sch.; City and Guilds Coll.; King's Coll., London. Served in workshops Kitson & Co. (loco. builders), Leeds; afterwards with Goolden & Co. (elect. engrs). later Director W. T. Glover and Co., Ltd., Manchester; 1916, Director of Cable Makers' Assoc. Pres., 1920-21, I.E.E.; Chairman of Council of Royal Soc. of Arts, 1924; Past Pres. Elect. Research Assoc.; Chairman since 1921, Jt. Indust. Council, Elect. Cable Making Industry, etc. Author of many lectures, etc.

ATKINSON, Reginald C. Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E. With Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., Electra House, Victoria Embankment, W.C.2. Private Address: 68 Fernleigh Road, Winchmore Hill, N.21. Career: City and Guilds; 3 years apprent. Marine Eng. Works; Yorkshire Elect. Power Co.; Private Practice as Consulting Engr.

ATKINSON, Richard S. A.M.I.E.E. Engr.-in-Charge, Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Ferrybridge Power Station, Yorks. Private Address: 139 Doncaster Road, Selby, Yorks. Age: 37. Career: Rutherford Tech. Coll.; Austin & Co., Engineers, Newcastle (apprent.); Engr.-in-Charge, Valley Road Power Station, Bradford Corp.; Sulcoates Power Station, Kingstonupon-Hull.

ATKINSON, Robert Morton. M.I.A.E. Man. Dir., Sulzer Bros. (London) Ltd., London; Man. Dir., Hathorn, Davey & Co. Ltd., Leeds. Business Address: 31 Bedford Square, London, W.C.1. Private Address: 5 York Place Mansions, Baker Street, London, W.I. Career: Oundle; Sheffield Univ.; 1912-16, Asst. Manager, Drop Forge, Vickers Ltd.; 1916-18, Director Forgings and Castings, M. of M.; 1918, Director Materials and Supply (Rolls-Royce Engine Branch), Air Min.; 1919-24, Deputy Manager, Rlwy. Dept., Vickers-Armstrong Ltd.; 1924-37, Vickers Ltd. (Overseas Sales Policy); Director, Vickers & Metropolitan Carriage (South Africa) Ltd., Johannesburg; British Separators Ltd., York; and Special Director, Cooke, Troughton & Simms Ltd., York.

ATKINSON, William. Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Assoc.M.Inst.W.E. Asst. Engr. to Water Engr., City of Cardiff Corp. Waterworks. Private Address: "Glanwern, " Windway Avenue, Cardiff. Formerly Asst. Engr., Rochdale Corp. Waterworks, on the construction of the Water Grove Reservoir.

ATLEY, William W. M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.Gas.E. Engr., General Manager and Director, Athole G. Allen & Co. (Stockton) Ltd., Stockton Chemical Works, Stockton-on-Tees. Private Address: 37 Richmond Road, Stockton-onTees. Careey: Pupil, Thos. Bower, M.Inst.C.E., Gas and Water Engr., West Hartlepool; 3 years apprent., Central Marine Engine Works, West Hartlepool; Engr. and Genl. Man., Whitwood Chemical Co. Ltd., Normanton, Yorks.; Engr. and Genl. Man., Stockton Corp. Gas Dept.

ATTWELL, Sydney W. M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E. Principal Scientific Officer, D.S.I.R., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Mddx. Private Address: 54 King Edward Grove, Teddington, Mddx. Born: 1876. Career: Caterham Sch.; Finsbury Tech. Coll.; trained, Easton, Anderson & Goolden Ltd., and Insptn. Dept., Vickers, Sons & Maxim, Ltd.; joined the N.P.L., 1904. 1914-18, M. of M., Testing Gauges, and latterly responsible for the tech. side of this work. Author of "Measurements on Error of Workmanship," B.E.S.I. (now (B.S.I.).

AUDEN, Arthur C. M.Inst.C. E. Private Address: "Medina," Eastbourne Grove, Westcliff-on-Sea, Essex. Career: Fairfield Eng. Co., Glasgow; Glasgow Univ. Jnr. Asst., Snr. Asst., then Chief Engr., Gas Patents Syndicate Ltd., pioneers in the use of Oil as fuel, particularly in Naval and Mercantile Marine Service; subsequently Consulting Engr., own account, Westminster; now retired.

AULAGNIER, Louis E. F.C.I.I., A.M.I.E.E. 8 Brampton Grove, Hendon, N.W.4. Formerly with The Westminster Fire Office; now retired.

AUST, Frank. M.Sc., B.Sc., Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E. Head of Dept. of Elect. Eng., Rugby Coll. of Tech. and Arts, Rugby. Private Address: 84 Hillmorton Road, Rugby. Career: Glasgow Univ.; Willans & Robinson Ltd. (apprent.); Draughtsman, Strachan & Harshaw; Sudan Mission, 1905-8; Prof. of Mech.E., Pei-Yung Univ. and Shansi Univ., N. China, 1909-22.

AUSTIN OF LONGBRIDGE, Lord Austin. K.B.E., LL.D., J.P. Chairman, Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Longbridge Works, Birmingham. Private Address: Lickey Grange, near Bromsgrove, Worcestershire. Career: Educ.: Rotherham Grammar Sch., Brampton College. Apprent. in Australia to eng.; managed several small works in Melbourne. Returned to England in 1891 to control manufacture of Wolseley Sheep-shearing Machine, and later motor cars; Director, 1900; Engr. and Genl. Manager, Wolseley Tool and Motor Car Co., Ltd., 1900-05; 1905 founded Austin Motor Co., Ltd., which he has since controlled. M.P. (U) King's Norton, 1919-24; Commandeur de 1 'Ordre de Leopold II. A founder of the Soc. of Motor Manufacturers and Traders; member of A.C.G.B. and I.; Past Pres. of Automobile and Cycle Engrs. Inst. and of S.M.M. & T.; Past Master of the Worshipful Co. of Coachmakers and Coach Harness Makers of London; Pres. of the Motor Trade Assoc., 1937 and 1938.

AUSTIN, Cyril. A.M.I.E.E. Engr., Research Dept., Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd., Chelmsford, Essex. Private Address: 57 Aytoun Road, Stockwell, S.W.9. Age: 39. Career: William Ellis Sch.; Indian Radio and Cables Communication Co. Ltd.; Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co. Ltd.; Marconi's International Marine Communication Co. Ltd.

AUSTIN, George W. O.B.E., M.Sc., M.I.Metals, M.I. and S.I., V.D.I., V.D.Eh., D.Ges.f.Met. Principal Scientific Officer, R.N. Torpedo Factory, Greenock, Renfrewshire. Private Address: 59 Octavia Terrace, Greenock. Training: Univ. of Birmingham; Royal Tech. High Sch., Aachen.

AUSTIN, Gilbert, M.I.E.S. Chairman and Director, Messrs. Gilbert Austin, Ltd., 21 Old Castle Road, Cathcart, Glasgow, S.4. Private Address: 10 Calderwood Road, Newlands, Glasgow, S.3. Maker of elect. machinery for windlasses, capstans, winches, haulages, dock gates and ship propulsion, all on special patented systems. Developed the constant current system for use as above, bearing the name "Austin System."

AUSTIN, Herbert S.E. A.M.I.E.E. Sandal Magna, Holt Road, Cromer. Retired October 6th, 1936.

AUSTIN, Percy C. A.M.Mech.E. Mech. Engr., Midland Elect. Mfg. Co. Ltd., Tyseley, Birmingham. Private Address: 40 Tetley Road, Hall Green. Career: Birmingham Cent. Tech. Coll.; Apprent. Wolseley Motors, Ltd.; 5 years Tech. Dept. British Timken Ltd.; Army Service, R.E.; Man. Dir., Aston Motor Co. Ltd., 4 years; Dunlop Rubber Co. Ltd.; G.E.C.; present post, 1930.

AUSTIN, Percy E. B.Sc.(Eng.), A.M.I.E.E. Charge Engr., Yorkshire Elect. Power Co., Thornhill Power Station, Yorkshire. Private Address: Craig Lee, Woodstock Road, Barnsley, Yorkshire. Age: 36. Career: King's Coll., London; Apprent. Goodchild & Co., Westminster; Yorkshire Power Co., Thornhill Power Station, Works Chemist; Barugh Power Station Charge Engr.; Ferrybridge Power Station, Relief Charge Engr.

AUSTIN, Raymond Howard. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Div. Asst. Surveyor, Westminster City Council, Westminster City Hall, W.C.2. Private Address: 48 Cleveland Square, W.2. Career: Haileybury; Artd. to W. Lionel Jenkins, M.Inst.C.E., Newport; Chief Asst. to Sewerage Engr., Main Drainage, Nottingham.

AUSTIN, William D. A.M.I.Mech. E., A.M. I.P.E. Works Engr., Parnall Aircraft Ltd., Oakcroft Road, Tolworth, Surrey. Private Address: 57 Elgar Avenue, Tolworth, Surrey. Career: Apprent. H.M. Dockyard, Chatham; Asst. Works Engr., Sterling Tele. Co.; Planning Engr. and Eng. Prod. Staff, The Gramophone Co.; Lecturer in Welding, Acton Tech. Coll.

AVERY, Alfred H. A.M.I.E.E. Elect. Consultant. Address: Linden House, Ampthill, Bedfordshire. Career: Asst. Electrician, Lancs. and Yorks. R. Co.; Founder and Director of "Fulmen Electrical Works," Tunbridge Wells; Tech. Director, George Kent Ltd. (Elect. Dept.); Tech. Correspondent to principal weekly electrical journals. Specialist in fractional horsepower motors and generators. Author of many practical handbooks on Electrical Apparatus.

AVISON, Allan. A.M.I.Mech.E. Genl. Sales Mangr., David Brown & Sons (Huddersfield) Ltd., Huddersfield. Private Address: "Runton, " Heaton Road, Gledholt, Huddersfield Age: 41. Career: Huddersfield Tech. Coll.; Works Supt., Chief Estimator, London Manager, David Brown & Sons (Hudd.) Ltd.

AVRIL, S. M. V.D., M.I.Loco.E. Business Address: c/o Messrs. Grindlay & Co., Ltd., 54 Parliament Street S.W.1. Private Address: Lyncourt, Brookmans Park, Herts. Age: 58. Career: R. Stephenson & Son (Trainee); Sea-going Engr., 5 years; Tata Iron & Steel Co., India, 4 years; Indian State Rlwys. (N.W.R.), 20 years; Baroda State Rlwy., 3 years (to Manager).

AXBEY, Edward H. A.M.I.Mech.E. Chief Draughtsman, H. Pontifex and Sons, Ltd., 9 George Street, Portman Square, W.1. Private Address: "Deejay," Temple Avenue, Oakleigh Park, N.20. Career: 5 years in shops, Gwynnes Pumps Ltd., Hammersmith; Snr. Draughtsman, G. J. Worssam & Sons Ltd., Wenlock Road, London; Chief Engr. and Works Manager, British Miller Hydro Co. Ltd., Slough; also with Farrow & Jacksons, London.

AXFORD, Norman. B.Sc. (Eng)., A.M.E.E. District Supt., The North Metropolitan Elect. Power Supply Co., College Road, Harrow, Middx. Private Address: 34 Northwick Park Road, Harrow. Career: Univ. Coll., London; with North Met. Co. since 1923, through various stages to Resident Engr., Wood Green; Transferred to Harrow, October, 1937. War service, 1917-19.

AYLOTT, Henry J. M.I.E.E. Director, Christy Bros. & Co. Ltd., Chelmsford. Private Address: "Greengates, " Mildmay Road, Chelmsford, Essex. Age: 44. Training: Polytechnic Regent St.; Fraser & Chalmers, Erith; Crompton & Co., Chelmsford. Is also Director, North Somerset Elect. Supply Co.; Jnt. Managing Director, West Devon Elect. Supply Co.

AYRE, Sir Amos L. Kt., 0.B.E., M .N. A., M.N.E.0. Inst., M.I.E.S. Chairman, The Shipbuilding Conference, 13 Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. Private Address: Chinnery Way, Butler's Dene Road, Woldingham, Surrey. Career: Armstrong Coll.: King's Prizeman in Naval Architecture, 1904-05; Honours, Medallist, Naval Architecture, 1905-06. Pres. Shipbuilding Employers' Fed., 1930-31; Chairman of League of Nations Committee on International Shipbuilding Statistics, 1928; member of British delegation to "Safety at Sea" International Conference, 1929; in 1936 retired from Chairmanship of Burnt-island Shipbuilding Co., Ltd.; Chairman of B.O.T. Advisory Committee on Merchant Shipping, and member of other Government committees. At present Chairman of the Shipbuilding Conference and ViceChairman, National Shipbuilders' Security, Ltd. A Vice-Pres. of the Inst.N.A. During war was Director for Scotland for Admiralty, and Supervisor, Fleet Coaling, Firth of Forth.

AYRE, Wilfrid. M.I.N. A., M.I.E.S., M.N.E.C., I.E. and S., M.W.C.S. and L.C.L., Hons.N.A. Chairman and Managing Director, The Burntisland Shipbuilding Co. Ltd., Burntisland, Fife. Private Address: Drumlarig, Burntisland, Fife. Age: 48. Ed.: King's Coll., Newcastle-on-Tyne.

AYRES, William E. Milton. M .E.E. (Extra Premium). Designer and Research Engr., English Elect. Co., Ltd., Siemens Works, Stafford. Private Address: 301 Tixall Road, Stafford. Career: Harris' Inst., Preston; Manchester Coll. of Tech.; Apprent., Dick Kerr & Co.; British Westinghouse Co. Ltd., and Metropolitan-Vickers Elect. Co. Ltd. Chief Designer of A.C. Motors.

AYTON, Frank. M.I.E.E., M.I.P.E. Works Director, Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Orwell Works, Ipswich, Suffolk. Private Address: The Hill House, Anglesea Road, Ipswich. Career: Trained Siemens Bros., Ltd., Woolwich; asst. to Sir Alex. B. W. Kennedy, M.Inst.C.E., etc., F.R.S.; Chief Engr. and Manager, Ipswich Corp. Elect. Supply and Tramways. Member of Council of British Engineers' Assoc. Past Pres. I.M.E.A. Started and edited for some years "The Electric Vehicle."

AYTON, Reginald. M.I.E.E. City Elect. Engr. and Manager, Corp. of the City of Winchester. Private Address: 21 Christchurch Road, Winchester. Age: 57. Career: Dist. Engr., Newcastle-on-Tyne Elect. Supply Co. Ltd.; Asst. in Chief Engr's. Office, Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co. Ltd., Johannesburg.

See Also


Sources of Information