Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 167,557 pages of information and 247,064 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1950 British Industries Fair: Companies D

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of the 1950 British Industries Fair

Held 8th-19th May at Birmingham

Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

  • D. P. Battery Co, Ltd., The. Stand C,711. Bakewell, Derbyshire, England. Teleph. : Bakewell 81 (3 lines). Tel. Add. : "'Battery, BakeweU.”—Accumulators or Batteries for Lighting Plants, Power Stations, Telephone Exchanges, from 10 to 73,000 A.H. capacity. Kathanode Traction Batteries for Electric Trucks, Delivery- Vans, Locomotives. Kathanode Submarine and Marine Batteries.
  • T. H. and J. Daniels, Ltd. Stand D.31O Lightpill Iron Works, Stroud, Glos. Teleph. ; Stroud 661/2/3. Tel. Add. : " Daniels, Stroud.”—Compression and Transfer Moulding Presses for Thermosetting Plastics, also Preforming Machines. Both Types of Machine will be shown in operation.
  • Danks, Edwin and Co (Oldbury), Ltd. Stand D,407 and 306. Oldbury. Teleph, : Broadwell 1381. Tel. Add. : " Boiler, Oldbury.”— Cylindrical Boilers of all types. Chain Grate Stokers.
  • Dargue Brothers, Ltd. Stand D,126. Simplon Works, South Street, West Parade, Halifax. Teleph. : Halifax 2473. Tel. Add. : “ Simplon,” Halifax.—Simplon Drawing Office Appliances and Technical Requisites. Simplon- and Facila Adjustable Set Squares, Drawing Boards, Drafting Machines and Tables, Curves, Set Squares and Protractors in Celluloid and other Plastic Materials,
  • Darlaston Galvanized Holloware Co, Ltd., The. Stand A,509. Progress Works. Holyhead Road, Wednesbury. Teleph. : Wed. 0503. Tel. Add. ; “ Progress,” Wednesbury.—Buckets, Latrine Pails, Baths, Calf Feeding Pails, Mop Buckets, Fireside Ware, Waterloos, Out Work Galvanizing, Cattle Buckets, Watering Cans.
  • Darlington Railway Plant and Foundry Co, Ltd. Stand D,719 and Outdoor, 1360. Bank Top, Darlington. Teleph. : Darlington 2994/5. Tel. Add. ; " Crossings, Darlington.”—Railway Equipment and Accessories, including Actual and Photographic Examples of Turnouts, Crossings, Switches, etc., in Standard and Narrow Gauge ; also examples of Foundry and General Engineering Work.
  • A. D. Davidson Electric Co Stand C,726. 62, Granville Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Mid. 2865. Tel. Add. : " Everglow, Birmingham.”—Cofiee Making Machines, Electric Cooking Canteen Equipment, Electric Domestic Appliances, Electric Fires, Electric Irons, Electric Kettles, Chromium-plated Copper Teapots.
  • Davis, John, and Son (Derby), Ltd. Stand A,327 and 226. All Saints Works, Derby. Teleph. : Derby 45403/4. Tel. Add. : “ Davis, Derby.”—Mining Equipment comprising Compressed Air Turbine Lamps, Fluorescent, Mercury Vapour and Metal Filament ; Mine Signalling Systems ; Conveyor Sequence Control Units ; Blasting Machines ; Air Measuring Instruments ; Flame Safety Lamps ; Surveying Instruments.
  • Davis Sheet Metal Engineering Co, Ltd. Stand C,105. 54, Islington Park Street, London, N.I, Teleph. : Canonbury 4974.— Sheet Metal Engineering, Cable Trunking, Bus Bar Chambers, Illuminated Directional Signs, Trough Lighting Reflectors, Stage Lighting Equipment, Spot Lights, Floods, Footlights, Battens, Dance Hall Equipment, Colour Lighting, Mirror Balls, Switchboards.
  • Davis and Timmins, Ltd. Stand C,316. Billet Works, Billet Road, Walthamstow, London, E.17. Teleph. : Larkswood 2313. Tel. Add. : “ Screwdatim, Easephone, London."— Screws, Nuts, Washers, Studding, Terminals, Cable Sockets, Connectors, Conduit Bushes, all kinds of Brass Automatic Screw Machine Repetition Parts used in the Electrical and Allied Trades, Inserts for Plastics. Presswork.
  • Decel Engineers. Ltd. Birtley, Co Durham. Teleph. : Birtley Newcastle-on-Tyne.—Mechanical Handling line Hoists, Conveyors and Winches. Chock Releases and “ Bowdil ” Chain Cutters for Mining and Quarrying. Machines for Accelerated Weathering Tests on Paints, Varnishes, Dyestuffs and Fabrics.
  • De La Rue and Co, Ltd., Thomas. Plastics Division Stand D,612. Imperial House, 84/86, Regent Street, W.l. Teleph. : Regent 2901. Tel. Add. : " Delinsul, Piccy, London.”—Traffolyte Plastic Engraved or Printed Signs, Dials, and Notices. Delaflex Electrical Insulated Sleevings. Hamofil Connecting Wires for Radio and Electronic Circuits. Delaron Laminated Plastic Board. Paper or Fabric Base.
  • De La Rue Extrusions, Ltd. Stand D,612. Imperial House, 84/86, Regent Street, London, W.l. Teleph. : Regent 2901. Tel. Add. ; “ Delinsul, Piccy, London.”—Plastic Extrusions in Cellulose Acetate, Cellulose Acetate Butyrate, Polythene, P.V.C.
  • De La Rue Floors and Furnishings. Stand D,612. Imperial House, 84/86, Regent Street, London, W.l. Teleph. ; Regent 2901. Tel. Add. : “ Delinsul, Piccy, London.”—Plastic Floor Tiles.
  • Deloro Stellite, Ltd. Stand'D,403. Highlands Road, Shirley, Birmingham. Teleph. : Solihull 2254/5/6. Tel. Add. : " Stellite, Birmingham.”—" Stellite ” Alloy Toolbits, Tipped Tools, Milling Blades. “ Stellite ” Hardfacing Rods for Valves, Dies, Earthmoving Equipment. Demonstrations of " Stellite ” Hardfacing.
  • Delta Metal Co, Ltd., The. Stand D,311. Delta Works, Dartmouth Street, Birmingham. 7. Teleph. : ‘(Aston Cross 1971. Tel. Add. : “ Extrusion. Birmingham.”—Extruded Rods, Sections, etc., in Brass, Manganese Bronze, Yellowmetal, Copper. “ Delta ” High Speed Turning Rods. “ Delta ” Stamping Rods, Over half a Century’s world wide reputation.
  • Delta Metal Co, Ltd., The. Stand D,311. Delta Works, East Greenwich, London, S.E.IO. Teleph. : Greenwich 0123. Tel. Add. ; " Delta Green, London.”—Non-Ferrous Metals and Alloys, Bronze, Brass, Copper, Zinc, Yellow metal, White Metal, Extruded Rods and Sections (Original and largest manufacturers)-. Forgings, Stampings, Tubes, Wire, Sheet, etc., " Delta ” High Grade Engineering Bronzes.
  • Denison Sami. and Son, Ltd. Hunslet Foundry, Leeds, 10. " Weigh Leeds. "-^0 Ton Dial 12,550 lb. Dial Indicating Tensile Testing Machine. Creep Testing Machine. Compression Testing Machine. Dial Platform Weigher, DiM Suspended Weigher. Dial Bench Scale.
  • Dennis Brothers, Ltd. Stand A,315. Guildford, Surrey. Teleph. 5291. Tel. Add. : " Dennis, Guildford."— Motor Lawn Mowers and Accessories.
  • G. P. Dennis, Ltd. Stand C,610. Fleming Road, Speke, Liverpool. Teleph. ; Hunts Cross 1217/8/9. Tel. Add. : " Desco, Liverpool."—Rewireable Fuses, H.R.C. Fuses and Cartridges, Metalclad Switches, Switchfuses, Switchsplitters, Distribution Boards, Cooker Units, Consumer Control Units, Medium Voltage Oil Circuit Breakers, Metalclad Industrial and Cubicle Switchboards, Substation Distribution Boards.
  • Denver Equipment Co, Ltd. Stand D,7S2. 226, Salisbury House, London, E.C.2, Teleph. : Monarch 3750. Tel. Add. : “ Decolon Ave.”—Mineral Dressing Machines for Ores of Metallic and Non-Metallic Minerals. Reagent Feeders, Pumps, Flotation Cells of Small Standard Commercial sizes in actual operating conditions.
  • Derby for Industry. Stand A,327 and 226. The Council House, Corporation Street, Derby. Teleph. : Derby 2477.— Products of Derby Industries : Dairy and Mining Equipment, Gas Cookers, Precision Lathes, Automatic Peelers, Milk Churns, Joinery, Machinery, Horticultural Tools, Pressure Cookers, Aero Engines, Precision Castings, Plastics, Paints and Varnishes.
  • Desoutter Brothers, Ltd. Stand C,415. The Hyde, Hendon, London, N.W.9. Teleph. : Colindale 6346/9. Tel. Add. ; " Despnuco, Hyde, London.”—Portable Pneumatic Power Tools including Straight and Corner Drills, Jig-DrUls, Counter-sinking Drills, Screwdrivers, Nutrunners, Shears, Nibbier, Grinders, and Miniature Screwdrivers, Portable Electric Drills and Grinder, and Standardised Press Tool Sets.
  • Dexion, Ltd. Stand B,306a 34, Fouberts Place, London, W.l. Teleph. : Gerrard 2039. Tel. Add. : " Dexion, Piccy, London.”-—Dexion Angle for Frameworks of Buildings, Machine Guards, Electrical Panels, Trolleys, Storage Racks, Work Benches, Machine Stands, Staging and Works Equipment. Simple, Economical and Time Saving. Unskilled Labour. No Waste.
  • Diamond Motors (Wolverhampton), Ltd. Stand C,229. Upper Villiers Street, Wolverhampton, Staffs. Teleph. : Wolverhampton 22951. Tel. Add. : " Graiselect.”—The Graiseley Pedestrian Controlled Electric Vehicle, Eminently Suitable for Innumerable Internal Transport Needs in Factories, Stores, Warehouses, Hospitals, Foundries, etc. Also Admirably Adaptable for Handling Awkward Loads in Confined Spaces.
  • Diesel Equipment, Ltd. Stand Outdoor,1323 and 1222. Cowley Mill Road, Uxbridge, Middlesex. Teleph. : Uxbridge 2204. Tel. Add. : “ Del, Uxbridge.”—-Del Nozzle Testers for Testing any type of Fuel Injectors up to 4,000 lbs. Pressure on Stationary, Industrial, Agricultural Vehicle or Marine Engines.
  • Dimenso, Ltd. Stand B,621 and 518. 12, Dartmouth Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Abbey 6861. Tel. Add. : “ Dimenso, Wesdo, London.”—The Modern Air and Stove Drying Finish for Wood, Metal, and Plastic, produced by special spray gun, giving endless variety of patterns in two colours, in one spraying operation.
  • “Directorio de Industrias Britanicas.” Stand A,427. Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 3212. Tel. Add. : " Benbrolish, Fleet, London.”—(Benn Brothers]], Ltd., Publishers), The only Directory of British Industries and Trades, published annually in Spanish, for circulation throughout Central and South America. Subscription 21/-.
  • District Iron and Steel Co, Ltd. Stand D,405 and 304. Brasshouse Lane, Smethwick, 40, Teleph. : Smethwick 1255. Tel, Add. : " District, Phone Smethwick.”—Hot Rolled Steel Angles and Flats, etc.
  • R. G. Dixon and Co, Ltd. Stand C.721. Capitol Works, Empire Way, Wembley, Middx. Teleph. : Wembley 6001. Tel. Add. : “ Drxoclene, Wembley.”—Manufacturers of “ Dixon ” Industrial Floor Scrubbing, PoUshing and Carpet Shampooing Machines, Poweer, Suction Squeegees, Pressure Wax Sprayers, and the “ Columbus ” Suction Floor Polisher which Sweeps, Cleans and Burnishes Simultaneously.
  • Dohm, Ltd. Stand B,211. 167, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Vic. 1414/5/6 and 7913. Tel. Add, ; “ Micron, Sowest, London.”—Producers of all Powdered Raw Materials for Industry. Pulverising, Grading and Refining Raw Materials from ail parts of the world. Special features : Castogel—for flexible Moulds, Cork Filled Plastic Floor Covering in TUes and RoUs, Exfoliated Vermiculite—Featherweight Aggregate and Insulating Material,
  • Donovan Electrical Co, Ltd., The. Stand C,110. 70/82, Granville Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. ; Mid. 5683/7, Tel. Add. : " Donovan, Birmingham.”—Ironclad Switches and Switch Fuses, Fuseboards. Industrial Plugs and Sockets. Motor Control Apparatus. Starters. Relays. Float Switches. Control Accessories.
  • Douglas Door Closer. (Proprietors : Douglas Appliances, Ltd.). 84, Cox Street West, Balsall Heath, Birmingham, 12. Teleph. : Calthorpe 0629.—Overhead Doorclosers in various finishes with the unique Twin Spring Unit suitable for all sizes of doors. Floor Springs and Spring Hinges. Capstan and Auto work and Machined Components.
  • Doulton and Co, Ltd. Stand D,743 and 642. Doulton House, Albert Embankment, Lambeth, London, S.E.l. Teleph. : Reliance 1241. Tel. Add. : " Doulton, ILamb, London.”—Stoneware and Porcelain Plant for the Chemical Industry. Porcelain Electrical Insulators. Porous Ceramic Materials for filtration and aeration. Laboratory Porcelain.
  • Downex Cleaners, Ltd. Stand A,634. 2. Carlisle Avenue, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3. Teleph. : Mansion House 5807. Tel. Add. : " Steve, BUgate, London.”—Golden Fleece is a Non-metallic Scouring Cloth for Cleaning Kitchen Utensils and General Household Use. Should be used wet, with or without soap.
  • S. J. Downham and Co, Ltd. Stand B,406. Stone Court Works, Lower Green, Pembury, near Tunbridge Wells, Kent. Teleph. : Pembury 169.—Bathroom Furnishing and Fittings, including Cabinets of aU kinds. Illuminated Cabinets, Bathroom Stools, Linen Bins, Glass and Mirror Splash-backs. Colour Furnishings a Speciality.
  • Drew, Clark and Co, Ltd. Stand B,310. “ Diamond ” Patent Ladder Works, Leyton, London, E.IO. Teleph. : Leytonstone 2246/7. Tel. Add. : “ Druanklark, Ley stone.”—?' Diamond ” Patent Extension Ladders in Two and Three Sections, Push-up Extension Ladders, Patent Auto-folding Platform Steps, Trestles, Steps, Tower Ladders, Telescopic Travelling Platforms, and " Rap-Rig" Patent Sectional Scafiolding,
  • Drivall Limited. Stand Outdoor 1349 and 1248. Station Approach, Waltham Cross. Herts. Teleph. : Howard 2529. Tel, Add. : “ Drivall, Waltham Cross,”—" Drivall ” Post Drivers for Speediest Erection of Posts and Stakes without preparing holes or damaging heads. “ Roadall ” Concrete Breakers much more effective than other hand breaking tools. “ LiftaU ” Post Extractors.
  • Ductile Steels, Ltd. Stand D,328. Jubilee Works, Short Heath, Nr. Willenhall, Staffs. Teleph. : Willenhall 601. Tel. Add. : " Ductility, Willenhall.”—Cold Rolled Bright and Hot Rolled Black Mild Steel Strip in Flat Lengths and Coils.
  • Dudley Fort Rolling Mills, Ltd. Stand D,328. Lower Church Lane, Tipton, Staffs. Teleph. : Tipton 1054.—Hot Rolled. Mdd Steel Flats, Rounds, Squares, etc., in Small Sizes. Special Sections of all descriptions, including Clog and Pegged and Plain Shoe Tipped Sections, Bucket Handle and Lock Rim.
  • Dunlop Rubber Co, Ltd. (Aviation Division). Stand D,520. Holbrook Lane, Coventry. Teleph. : Coventry 88733. Tel. Add : “ Sound, Coventry.”—Flexible Pipes fitted with a Wide Range of Leakproof End Fittings suitable for : Fork Lift Trucks, Tipping Gear, Tractors, Earth Moving Equipment, Machine Tools, Portable Riveting Machines, etc.
  • Dunlop Rubber Co, Ltd. (General Rubber Goods Division). Stand D,621 and 520. Cambridge Street, Manchester. Teleph. : Central 2131. Tel. Add. : " Rubber, Manchester.”—Chief exhibits will be Ebonites, all Hoses, Rollers, all types of Belting, Protective Clothing, Rubber Flooring and all types of Moulded, Mechanical and other Rubber Goods.
  • Dunlop Special Products, Ltd. Stand D,621 and 520. Fort Dunlop, Erdington, Birmingham, 24. Teleph. : Erdington 2121. Tel. Add. : " Dunlops, Birmingham.”—Dunlop Special Products]], Ltd., will be showing Barrel and Disc Type Flexible Couphngs, Anti-Vibration Mountings, Rubber Suspensions, Carpet Mountings Mountings. Taps. Durable Collapsible Taps, Stationary and Rotary. Durable Cutter Heads. Durable Centre Setting Gauges. Durable Adjustable Taps. Durable Expanding Reamers. Durable Shell Reamers. Durable Boring Bar Tools.
  • Durafencing, Ltd. Stand Outdoor,1109 and 1008. 72, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Victoria 8631 (10 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Durafence, Souwest, London.”—Durafencing]], Ltd., are exhibiting a Chain Link Weaving Machine, incorporating many New Features, including New Design Gearbox, Winding Mechanism and Weave Change, resulting in faster production. Also Chain Link Fencing,
  • Durex Abrasives, Ltd. Stand D,314. Arden Road, Adderley Park, Birmingham, 8. Teleph. : East 1605.* Tel. Add. : “ Durexives, Birmingham.”—Abrasive Materials, Coated Abrasive Papers and Cloths, etc. Self-adhesive Cellulose, Masking and Shoe Tapes. “ Safety-Walk ” Non-slip Safe Tread (non-slip Floor Covering). ^Adhesives (for Industrial Purposes). Reflective Material (for Traffic and Road Signs, Advertising, etc,). Magnetic Recording Material in Tape, Film and Sheet.

See Also


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