1950 British Industries Fair: Companies W
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1950 British Industries Fair
Held 8th-19th May at Birmingham
Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- J. T. Wade and Son, Ltd. Stand D,153. ? Fairfield Works, West W’ycombe Road, High Wycombe, Bucks. Teleph. : High Wycombe 520. Tel. Add. : " Wade 520, High Wycombe.”—Compressors, Blowers and Pumps. Pumps and Fittings (Vacuum).
- Waldron, Phillip B., Co Stand A,611. Kings Road, Tyseley, Birmingham, 11. Teleph. : ACo 1124. Tel. Add. ; “ Dronwal, Birmingham.”—Disinfecting Machines, Hose, Garden Syringes, Sprayers, Grease Guns, Hose Fittings, Lime and Whitewashing Machines, Oil Pumps, Pneumatic Sprayers, Pumps, Sprayers (Insecticide), Knapsack Sprayers, Veterinary Syringes, Bilge Pumps, Ear and Hypodermic Syringes.
- Walker Fender Co, Ltd., The. Stand A,230. Despatch Works, Sherborne Street, Ladywood, Birmingham, 16. Teleph.: Edgbaston 1257. Tel. Add. : “ Fireside,” I3irmingham.—Metal Curbs, Companion Stands, Firescreens, Coal Vases, Sparkguard Screens, Pokers, Tongs, Hearth Brushes, Electric Table and Floor Standards, in all finishes— Brass, Copper, Oxidised Silver, Chromium Plate and Stainless Steel.
- Walker, James, and Co, Ltd. Stand D,430. “Lion” Works, Woking, Surrey. Teleph. : Woking 2432 (8 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Lioncelle.”—Packings and Jointings, including the World Famous “ Lion ” Brands designed and developed to overcome the Sealing' Problems of Modern Industry. Synthetic Rubber Precision Seals.
- Wallis and Co (Long Eaton), Ltd. Stand B,510. Nottingham Road, Long Eaton, Nr. Nottingham. Teleph. ; Long Eaton 444 (3 lines). Tel. Add. : “Long Eaton 444.”—Complete Kitchens in Unit Method of Construction with " All Pressed " Cabinets. Leizure Stainless Steel Sinks. Catering and Specially Fabricated Sinks. Porcelain Enamel Steel Sinks. Porcelain Enamel Wash Basins and Loose Bowls.
- Walls, Ltd. Stand A,313. Palmer Street, Birmingham, 9. Teleph. : Vic. 1941. Tel. Add. : " Exmetcon.”—Aluminium Holloware—Cisterns, Rainwater Goods, Electric Kettles, Fires, Heaters, Die Casting, Stainless Steel. Holloware Pressings, Capstan Work, Cistern Fittings, Telegraph Ironwork, Kettles.
- Walsall Conduits, Ltd. Stand C,715. Excelsior Works, West Bromwich. Teleph. : Tipton 1171. Tel. Add. : " Durability, Phone, West Bromwich.”.—“ Walsall ” Steel Conduit, Conduit Fittings, Switches, Switchplugs including Weatherproof Units, Fuseboards, Switchgear, Industrial Lighting Equipment, Flameproof Lighting, Switches and Fittings, Electrical Accessories, Cable Trunking, Underfloor Ducting, Tubular Heaters.
- Walsall Locks and Cart Gear. Stand A,303. Neale Street, Walsall, Staffs. Teleph. : Walsall 2236/7/8. Tel. Add. : “ Security.”—Locks of all kinds including Rim, Mortice, Cabinet, Cylinder. Locks and Latches. Motor Padlocks in great variety, Hames, Chains, Rings, Dees, Buckles, etc.
- Ward, H. W., and Co, Ltd. Stand D,325. Dale Road, Selly Oak, Birmingham, 29. Teleph. : Selly Oak 1131. Tel. Add. : “ Tudor. Birmingham.”—Tools and Tool Holders suitable for all makes of Capstan and Turret Lathes. Automatic Chucks, Air Chucking Devices, Special Fixtures and Attachments for Turret Lathes.
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd. Stand D,719 and Outdoor,1360. Albion Works, Sheffield. Teleph. : 26311. Tel. Add. : "Forward, Sheffield.”—Photographs and Descriptive Matter of the T.W.W. Group’s Heavy Industrial Activities including Shipbreaking, Iron and Steel Production, Scrap Production, General, Mechanical, Electrical and Civil Engineering.
- Warico (Great Britain), Ltd. Stand B,305 and 204. Victoria Works, 2, North Street, Coventry, Warwickshire. Teleph. : Coventry 4204.—" Warico ” World-Renowned Fireplaces, made by craftsmen, incorporating hand-made faience. Most fireplaces embody our patent “ Velk ” finish Tiles which are exclusive to “ Warico ” and give a lustre of unparalleled beauty.
- Warren Products, Ltd. Stand B,203. 72, Victoria Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Victoria 8631 (9 lines).— Manufacturers of " Electrosan,” the new world-patented system of Pressbutton Sanitation for all Areas without Complete Deodorisation and Sterilisation or Mains-voltage Units available.
- Warry Patent Building Equipment Co, Ltd. The Pavilion, Sheen Park, Sheen Road, Richmond 1266.—Universal Platform Hoist, Outstanding in Mobile and Static Role. Unique Safety and Labour Saving Devices, Grippa Brick Trucks, .revolutionary design gives greatly increased efficiency in handling Bricks, Breeze, Slabs. Blocks.
- Warsop Power Tools, Ltd. Stand Outdoor,1319 and 1318. 27, Regent Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Regent 4632. Tel. Add. : " Warpetdril, Piccy, London.”—Portable Self-contained Concrete Breakers and Rock Drills, “ Built-In ” Petrol Engine Ehminates Compressor and Batteries, easily transported, economical operation and maintenance with unskilled labour. Portable Self-Priming Centrifugal Pumps, Petrol and Diesel.
- Warwick Rim and Sectioning Co, Ltd. Stand D,405 and 304. Golds Green, West Bromwich. Teleph. : Wednesbury 0238. Tel. Add. : “ Waricrim, West Bromwich.”—Cold Rolled Sections.
- Water Heating Systems, Ltd. Stand B,300. Esplanade (East), Kirkcaldy, Scotland. Teleph. : Kirkcaldy 3569. Tel. Add. : “ Kirkcaldy 3569.”—Copper Cylinders, Calorifiers, Combination Tanks, Copper and Steel Boilers. All Types of Domestic Institutional, Industrial Water Heating and Storage Apparatus, Solid Fuel, Gas, Electricity, Steam. General Copperwork, Brasswork, Special Products.
- Watten Emulsifying Machines, Ltd. Stand B,519. 55, Wandle Road, Trinity Road, London, S.W.17. Teleph. : Balham 7076. The Watten mixing and emulsifying machines are the new creation in the field of mixing and emulsifying, resulting in particle and globule sizes under 0.5 microns. 3 models, J to 5 H.P.
- H. C. Webb and Co, Ltd. Stand A,511. Tame Road, Witton, Birmingham, 6. Teleph. : East 1216 (4 lines). Tel. Add. ; “ Mailing, Phone, Birmingham.”—Lawnmowers, 12 inch Hand Models, “ Wasp,” “ Witch ” and the patent Two-Speed 14 inch Electric Mower. 16 inch Portable Domestic Rubber Roller Wringer. Cycle Pedals and Caliper Brakes. Motorcycle Forks.
- Webley and Scott, Ltd. Weaman Street, Birmingham, 4. Teleph. : Cen. 7854. “ Webley, Birmingham.”—Air Pistols ; Air Rifles and Sporting Guns ; Revolvers ; Target Pistols ; Signal Pistols ; Humane Killers ; Sports Starting Pistols; Electric Fans; Engineering Components.
- Weldcraft, Ltd. Stand D,739 and 638. Progress Way, Croydon, Surrey. Teleph. : Croydon 1908 (P.B.X.). Tel. Add. : “ Hanco, Phone Croydon.”—Oxy-Acetylene Welding and Cutting Equipment, including “ Sight Feed ” and " Aut-O-Cet ” Acetylene Generators, “ Bronzecraft ” Low Temperature Welding Rods for Bronze Welding, and “ Hardcraft ” Hard Surfacing Materials.
- Weldall and Assembly, Ltd. Stand Outdoor, 1338. Eyre Street, Birmingham, 18. Teleph. : Edg. 2161/2163. Tel. Add. : “ Weldassem, Birmingham.” Also at Old Wharf Road, Stourbridge. Teleph : 57661 (7 lines).—“ Udesignit ” Patent Fitted Kitchen Units. “ Mary Jane ” Combined Chairs, Ironing Boards and Step-ladders. Electric Washing Machines, Welded Fabrications of all types and sizes for all industries.
- Weldless Steel Tube Co, Ltd., The. Stand D,617/516 and D,619/518. Wednesfield, Near Wolverhampton. Teleph. : Fallings Park 31601. Tel. • Add. : “ Weldless, Wolverhampton.”—-Hot Finished 'Weldless Steel Tube ; Specialising in Steel Boiler, Superheater and Stay Tubes for High Pressure Service ; Hot Finished Tubes for General Engineering purposes, including Conveyor Rollers and Axle Cases.
- Wellings, Thos. B., and Co, Ltd. Stand D,163. Elbow Works, Old HUI, Staffs. Teleph. : Cradley Heath 6207. Tel. Add. : ” Thos. Wellings. Old HUI.”—Shipping Tackle, Shackles all types, Heart and Round Thimbles, Swivels, Wire Rope, Grips, Rigging, Screws, Marline Spikes, Lifting Hooks and Cable Chain, Drop Forgings for Motor Engineering and Trawler Industry.
- Wellington Tube Works, Ltd, Stand C,300. Great Bridge, Tipton, Staffs. Teleph. : Tipton 1242. Tel. Add. : “ Vigilantia, Tipton.”—Steel Tubes and Fittings, Fabricated Pipework, Unit Air Heaters (Gas, Steam and Hot Water), Process Plenum and Convector eaters, Heat Exchangers, Fabricated Tubular Steelwork.
- Welsh Metal Industries. Stand A,313. Caerphilly, Glam. Teleph. : Caerphilly 2282. Tel. Add. : “ Galvanize, Cardiff.”—Galvanized Tanks, Cisterns, Agricultural Feeding Troughs.
- Wessex Industries (Poole), Ltd. Stand A,309. Dolphin Works, West Street, Poole, Dorset. Teleph. : Poole 900. Tel. Add. ; “ Industries, Poole.”—?" Wrigley ” Trucks, Trolleys, Trailers, in Variety of Body Sizes and Types, including New Models of Our Motor Truck for Road Delivery, Lifting, Tipping, and General Transport in Industry and Agriculture.
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co Stand C,508. 82, York Way, King’s Cross, London, N.I. Teleph. : Terminus 6432. Tel. Add. : " Westinghouse, Nordo, Loudon.”—Power Signalling for Railways. Air Vacuum and Electro-Pneumatic Brakes for Railways. Air Brakes for Road Vehicles. Tub Handling Plant for Mines. Metal Rectifiers for all branches of Industrial Service.
- Westminster Bank Ltd. Stand A,201. 103, Colmore Row, Birmingham. 3. Teleph. : Central 8161.—Comprehensive Banking Faculties provided for the convenience of exhibitors and visitors, including the services of Interpreters and Specialists in Foreign Business to advise on problems in connection with Overseas Trade.
- West of Scotland Wringer Co, Ltd., The. Stand A,421. Carntyne Industrial Estate, Glasgow, E.2. Teleph. : Shettleston 2823. Tel. Add. : “ Wringers, Glasgow.”—Wringers, Wringer Stands, and Rubber Rollers of modern design and highest quality, combined with exceptionally good finishes at most competitive prices. Range includes Beresford, Briton, Berkeley and Gael Machines.
- W. Westover and Co Stand D,236. “ Ultra ” Works, River Road, Barking, Essex. Teleph. : Rippleway 2217 (5 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Westover, Barking.”—Wheelbarrows, Concrete Tippers, Water Barrows, Garden Barrows, Sack Trucks, Hand Bar Croppers and Benders, .Angle and Flat Croppers, Powered Steel Sheet Nibbling and Shearing Machines. All types Trucks and Trolleys.
- Wests Cornice Pole Co, Ltd. Stand A,614. Weaste Road South, Salford, 5. Teleph. ; Pendleton 2644.—Nine Sixtyfourths feet to One and seven-eights inches Wood Dowels. Quarter and Half Round Mouldings. Coffin and other Mouldings for all Trades. Broom Handles, Flag Sticks.
- Wheway, Job, and Son, Ltd. Stand B,226. Green Lane, Walsall. Teleph. : Walsall 3171. Tel. Add. : “Wheway, Walsall.”—Chains, Hames, Spring Hooks, all Saddlery requirements. Pulley Block Chain, Ploughing Traces, Timbering and Logging Chains, Sugar Cane Chains, Cowties, Non-skid Chains, Elevator Chains.
- Whitehouse, Cornelius, and Sons, Ltd. Stand A,431. Cannock Edge Tool Works, Cannock, Staffs. Teleph.; 2201. Tel. Add. : “ Tools, Cannock.”—Augers, Bits, Axes, Chisels, Choppers, Hammers, Hatchets, Hooks, Hoes. Picks, Shears, Slashers, Trowels, Vices, Wedges, Builders’ Garden, Mining, Agricultural and Railway Tools.
- Whitehouse, Wm., and Co, Ltd. Stand D,768. Brueton Street, Birmingham, 4. Teleph. : Aston Cross 2451. Tel. Add. : " Empire, Phone, Birmingham.”—Gas Main Cocks, Union Cocks and Joints, Floor Cocks, Plug-in Cocks, Patent “ Saflex ” and Safety locking Cocks, Stove Cocks to Makers’ own patterns and small Gas Fittings of every description.
- Whitehouse, William, and Co (Atlas Forge), Ltd. Stand D,155. Atlas Works, Netherton, Dudley, Worcs. Teleph. : Dudley 4024. Tel. Add. : “ Dudley 4024.”—Hand Tools for Engineers, Fitters, Carpenters, Bricklayers, Builders, Garages, Railways, Road Contractors, Electricians, Motor Panel Beaters, Sheet Metal Workers and Art Metal Workers.
- Whitecross Co, Ltd, The. Warrington, Lancashire. Teleph. : Warrington 1509/11. " Whitecross, Warrington.”—Bright, Annealed, Coppered, Tinned, Shaped Wires, ' - ? . Conductors. Barb, Netting. Nails, Rolled Steel Strip, Copper Wires, Welding Wires.
- Wickham Engineering Co, Ltd. Stand Oatdoor,1215 and 1114. 34, Victoria Street, London, S.W. 1. Teleph. : Abbey 5967. Tel. Add. : “ Wicamite, Sowest, London.”—20/30-cwt. Haulage Winch with Footbrake and Sidelever Control. V/lOyCwt. Builders' Hoist with Emergency Brake, Automatic Overrun Control, Safety Gates. Major Mobile Hoist .with Safety Gates. Patent Brick Barrows. Lift and Force and Open Discharge Diaphragm Pumps. 35-cwt. Jib and Jack Cranes.
- Wickham, French and Co (Stevenage), Ltd. Stand Outdoor,1215 and 1114 Six Hills Works, Stevenage. Teleph. ; Stevenage 610/611. Tel. Add. ; “ Stevenage 610.”—Exhibits from our Range of Steel Sack and Case Trucks, Agricultural Trucks, Sliding Wheel, Low Loading, Turntable, Beam, Nursery and Platform Trucks. Tubular Barrel Skids.- Brushmakers’ Shears and Guillotines.
- Widnes Foundry and Engineering Co, Ltd. Stand D,719 and Outdoor, 1360. Lugsdale Road, Widnes, Lancs. I'eleph. : Widnes 2251/4. Tel. Add. : " Foundry, Widnes.”—Cast and Fabricated Vessels and Plant in Cast Irons, Mild and Stainless Steels for the Chemical Oil, Food and similar Industries. Special Castings in High-Duty Irons, including Ni-Resist.
- Wilcox and Lines, Ltd. Stand 11,412. Bromford Lane, Erdington, Birmingham, 24. Teleph. : Erd. 1698. Tel. Add. : “ Utmost, Phone, Birmingham.”—Hot Stampings and Pressings in Brass, Manganese Bronze, Naval Brass, Copper, and Light Alloys for the Water, Gas, Motor, Electrical, General Engineering and Allied Trades Postal and Window Fittings.
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd. Stand C,321 and 220. Elecfurn Works, Watford By-pass, Watford, Herts. Teleph. : Watford 6094 (4 lines). Tel. Add. : "Elecfurn, Watford."—Batch Type Furnaces for all Heat-treatment Processes, including Carburising, Tempering, Nitriding and Annealing, Laboratory Muffles, Paragen Atmosphere Control System. Samples of Work covering Dielectric and Induction Heating and Gas Carburising.
- Wilkes, Berger Engineering Co, Ltd. Stand A,501. 143/9, Curtain Road, London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Bishopsgate 3414. Tel. Add. : " Wilbereng, Ave, London.”—General Brassfoundry and Ironmongery for the Building. Cabinet and Hardware Industries. Metal Pressings and Repetition Parts to Customers’ Own Requirements. Metal Components for the Toys, Sports and Games Industries.
- A. H. Wilkes and Co Ltd. Stand D,53. " Alcosa ” Works, Stourport-on-Severn, Worcestershire. Teleph. : Stour- port 311/4. Tel. Add. : “ Yadall, Stourport-on-Severn.” London Address ; Cresswell Works, Albert Road, South Norwood, London, S.E.25. Teleph. : Addiscombe 1162 and 1295. Also at Birmingham.—Gas Burners and Injectors. Automatically Proportioned Mixers. Industrial Gas Equipment, including Soldering Stoves, Brazing Blowpipes, Tinning Baths. Melting, Hot, Brass Stamping, Heat Treatment, and all types Furnaces. Copper, Gas, Electric, Soldering Irons. Tinsmiths’ Tools.
- Wilkins and Mitchell, Ltd. Stand D,600. The Green, Darlaston, South Staffs. Teleph. : Darlaston 541/5. Tel. Add. : “ Servis, Darlaston.”—Crankless Single and Multi-point Suspension Power Presses of AU Steel Ring Frame Construction. Working Exhibit and Photographic Record of Presses up to 2,000 tons Capacity.
- Wilkinson Rubber Linatex, Ltd. Stand D,317. St. Mary’s Works, Frimley Road, Camberley, Surrey. Teleph. ; Cam- berley 1595. Tel. Add. : “ Linatex, Camberley.”—Model Linatex Lined Material Handling and Chemical Plant. The Linatex Pump, Ball, Mill Valves, Tanks, and Pipes. Ancillary Coal Preparation and Handling Equipment. Flexatex Hose. Linatex Industrial Rubber Components, Seals, Gaskets.
- Williams (Birmingham), Ltd. Stand A,413 and 314 Offices : Westwood Road, Witton, Birmingham, 6. Works : Goodman Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : East 1561 (8 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Aluminium, Birmingham.”—^Manufacturers of " Atlas ” Brand Alu- miniumware for Domestic, Canteen, Hotel and Restaurant use. Hotplate Utensils for Electric Cooking, “ Atlas ” Chromium Plated Table Ware, Tea Sets, Coffee Pots, etc.
- Williams, Edward. Stand B,309 and 208. Benson Works, Foundry Lane, Smethwick, Birmingham. Teleph. : Smethwick 1286/7/8. Tel. Add. Sprockets.”—Cycle Chain, Wheels and Cranks.
- Williams, John (Wishaw), Ltd. Stand D,719 and Outdoor,1360. Excelsior Iron and Steel Works, Wishaw, Lanarkshire. Teleph. : Wishaw 466. Tel. Add. : “ Williams, Wishaw.”—Makers of Mild Steel Medium Plates and Sheets J-in. to 20 gauge up to 60-in. wide. Cut Steel Nails, Wire Nails and Staples, Rivets and Washers. Wire Lengths and Coils.
- T. Williams (Tilton Road Works), Ltd. Stand A,618. Small Heath, Birmingham, 9. Teleph. : Victoria 1931/2. Tel. Add. : ‘‘ T. Williams, Birmingham.”—Engineers and Motorists Hand Tools, Super Shm Spanners, Pliers, Pincers, Adjustable Wrenches. Screwdrivers. Drop Forgings in Mild Carbon and Alloy Steels.
- W. and A. Williamson and Co, Ltd. Stand A,524. 12, Greek Street; London, W.L Teleph. : Gerrard 4111. Tel. Add. : " Betaware, Wesdo, London."—^Various Examples of Fabricated and Pressed Sheet-Metal Work including Light AUoy Long Range Fuel Tanks for Aircraft. Display Cabinets, Headlamps, Radiator Film Blocks, etc.
- Willmot Trucks, Ltd. Stand D,644. Ivanhoe Truck Works, Scotts Green, Dudley, Worcs. Teleph. : Dudley 2926. Tel. Add. : " Trucks,” Dudley.—Tubular Steel Sack Trucks, Steel Warehouse and Factory Production Trucks. Tughft Stillages Manually Operated and for Power Elevating Trucks. Tuglift Mobile Pallets for Forkhft Stacking. Street Refuse Collection Trucks.
- Wilson, Lawrence, Ltd. Stand D,144. Assam Works, Rockingham Street, Sheffield. Teleph. : Sheffield 27386/7. Tel. Add. : “ 27386/7 Sheffield.”—Sheffield Steel Hand Tools, and Tool Kits for Garages, Engineers and Fitters.
- Wilsons and Mathiesons, Ltd. Stand B,501 and 400. Armley, Leeds, 12. Teleph. : Leeds .38011. Tel. Add. : ‘‘Thistle, Armley.”—Solid Fuel Burning Appliances including Yorkist Combination Grate ; Yorkseal Free Standing Cookers ; Yorkray Slow Combustion Stoves ; Yorkdale Back-to-Back Ranges ; Independent Barless Fires ; Glenburn Domestic Boilers ; Dyneley Oven Over Fire.
- Wilsons of Wolverhampton, Ltd. Stand D,109. Trent Valley Works, Lichfield, Staffs. Teleph. : 3052. Tel. Add. : “ Lichfield 3052.”—Vices, Machine, Bench, Tube. Woodworkers’ Lathes, Hobby Modelmakers Type. Milk Coolers, Copper and Stainless. Vernier Sine Gauge for Tool Room.
- Windmill Furniture Products, Ltd. Stand B,604. Cruso Street, Leek, Staffordshire. Teleph. : Leek 792.— Bathroom Furniture consisting of Cabinets, Linen Boxes, Stools, etc., also Kitchen Cabinets all in Wood.
- R. H. Windsor, Stand C,227 and 104 London, E.C.2. Teleph. : Monarch 8722. Tel. Finsquare, London.”—Plastic Injection Moulding oz. Injection Extrusion Combined Machine. Multi .Screw Extrusion Machine of Revolutionary Design. Moulds for Plastics, Dies for Extrusion Machines.
- Winget, Ltd. Stand Outdoor, 1307 and 1206. Rochester, Kent. Teleph. ; Strood 7276. Tel. Add. : “ Wingetism, Rochester.”—Concrete Mixers and Contractors’ Plant, showing Machines for Crushing, Screening, Storing, Weighing, Batching, Mixing and Placing Concrete. Concrete Vibrators and Trench Excavators. Machinery for Producing Concrete and or Earth Blocks.
- Wire Drawing Dies (Manchester), Ltd. Stand D,165. Adelphi Iron Works, Salford, 3. Teleph. : Blackfriars 9227. Tel. Add. : “ Wiredies, Manchester.”—Diamond Dies, Diamond Powder, Tungsten , Carbide Finished and Rough Drilled Dies for Wiredrawing. Square, Round, Rectangular, Hexagon, Tube, Bar Flattening Rolls, Guides, Bushes, Extrusion Bushes, Plugs, Mandrels and Miscellaneous Products.
- Wireohms, Ltd. Stand C,516. Peas Hill Road, Nottingham. Teleph. ; 46351 (3 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Wireohms, Nottingham.”—Heating Elements for Domestic and Industrial Appliances, Mica Elements, etc. Will be displayed on the Stand of H. J. Baldwin and Co, Ltd. with whom we are associated.
- Wiseman, Alfred, and Co, Ltd. Stand D,148. Glover Street, Birmingham, 9. Teleph. : Birmingham, Victoria 2216/9. Tel. Add.: “ Verus, Phone, Birmingham.”—Gear Wheels and Pinions for Electric Railways and Tramways. Single and Double Worm Reduction Gear Units. Spur, Single Helical and Bevel Gear Units. Overhead Line Equipment fop Tramways and Trolleybuses.
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd. Stand C,603. Pioneer Works, Hanger Lane, Ealing, London, W.5. Teleph. : Perivale 5631/4. Tel. Add. : “ Wolflede„Phone London.”—Portable Electric Tools including Drills, Screwdrivers, Sanders, Chisel, Mortisers, Hammers, Blowers, Hand, Bench, Pedestal and Flexible Shaft Grinders. Valve Refacers, Valve. Seat Grinding Kits and Mobilectric Workshop. Soldering Irons.
- Wolseley Sheep Shearing Machine Co, Ltd., The Stand D,713. Outdoor. 1337 and 1236. Electric Avenue, Witton, Birmingham, 6. Teleph. : East 0435/8. Tel. Add. : “ Shearing, Phone Birmingham.”—Electric, Vacuum and Hand Clipping Machines for Sheep, Cattle and Horses, Electric Fencers, Petrol and Paraffin Engines, Mobile Loading Elevators, Milk Coolers, Dairy Utensils, Electric Animal Drovers, Pumps.
- Wolverhampton Steel and Iron Co. Stand D,719 and Outdoor, 1360 Osier Bed Works, Wolverhampton. Teleph. : Wolverhampton 23641. Tel, Add. : ” Osier, Wolverhampton.”—Sample Sections of Ordinary and Special Steels, including Carbon Steels, Free Cutting, Alloy, Lead Bearing Qualities, and Specials in Rounds, Squares, Angles, Flats, Hexagons.
- Wolverwire, Ltd. Stand B,316. 234, Bilston Road, Wolverhampton. Teleph. : 23223/4. Tel. Add. : ” Castings,” Wolverhampton.—Brass Wire for Machining in Coils and Straight Lengths. Also Rivetting and Cold Heading Qualities. Sizes from 22 S.W.G. up to |-in. dia.. Hexagon and Square J-in. up to 5/16-in.
- Wood, Gilbert, and Co, Ltd. Stand D,214. Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.l. Teleph. : Waterloo 3333. Tel. Add. : “ Iliffpress, Sedist, London.”—” The Architect and Building News ” gives up-to-date information for all interested in building.
- Wood, Thomas, and Son (Heckmondwike), Ltd. Stand D,60? Union Road, Heckmondwike, Yorkshire. Teleph.: Heckmondwike 471/2. Tel. Add. ; “ Wire, Heckmondwike.”—Wire for Corsets, Pins, Hairpins, Safety Pins, Paper Clips, Florists, Brushes, Hinges, Baling, Foundries, Sparklers, Printing Trade, Washers, Mattresses, Flexible Tubings. All Finishes in Steel or Mild Steel Qualities.
- Woodlau Industries, Ltd Stand C,113. Kenwood Works. Hipley Street, Old Woking, Surrey.—Electrical Appliances.
- Workington Iron and Steel Co (Branch of The United Steel Cos., Ltd.). Stand I),519 Moss Bay, Workington, Cumberland. Teleph. : Workington 206. Tel. Add. : “ Mosbay, Workington.”—" Uco ” Refined Irons, Steel Rails and Sleepers.
- Wottons (Croydon), Ltd. Stand B,615 and 512. Poplar Walk, Croydon. Teleph. : Croydon 2756. Tel. Add. : “ Wotton- croy, Croydon.”—Copper Light (Fire Resistant) Glazing, Decorative Lead Light Glazing, Lead and Aluminium Roof Glazing.
- F. L. Wraight and Co, Ltd. Stand B,207. Vulcan Works, Mucklow Hill, Halesowen, Birmingham. Teleph. : Halesowen 1183/4. Tel. Add. : “ Wraforge, Halesowen.”—Wraforge Patented StiUson Wrenches. Pipe Grips. Wraforge Patented Convertagrips. Wraforge Patented Wire Cutters. Patented Machine Vices. Bench Vices. Chaff Cutter Blades. Drop Forgings. Machined Components. Centreless and Surface Ground Parts.
- Wright, Ernest N., Ltd. Stand D,511/408 and Outdoor, 1333/1232. Millfields Foundry, Wolverhampton. Teleph. : Bilston 41255/6. Tel. Add. : “ Bilston 41255/6.”—Iron Castings up to 10 tons. Moulds for the Metal Trade, Blast Furnace Steelwork, Slag Ladles and Carriages, Steel Plate Work, Hot Blast Stoves, Rivetted Steel Tubing.
- Wrights Ropes, Ltd. Stand D,529. “ Universe ” Works, Garrison Street, Birmingham, 9. Teleph. : Vic. 1914 (5 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Universe, Birmingham.”—Steel Ropes, Hemp Ropes and Cords for Mining, Bridges, Aerial, Ropeways, Lifts, Cranes, Excavators, Shipping, Fishing. Whaling, Agriculture, etc. Car, Aircraft and Yachting Cables. " John Bull ” Binder Twine and “ Balerband.”
See Also
Sources of Information