1950 British Industries Fair: Companies F
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1950 British Industries Fair
Held 8th-19th May at Birmingham
Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
- Falk, Stadelmann and Co, Ltd. Stand A,529. Dept. X, 91, Farringdon Road, Loudon, E.C.l. Teleph. : Holboru 7654. Tel. Add. : Lamps, London.”—Veritas Perfection Cooking Stoves and Ovens. Falks Kerosene Cooking Stoves. Blue Boy and Blue Ace Oil Stoves. Famos Incandescent Oil Lamps. Veritas Pressure Lanterns. Veritas Blow Lamps. Unitas Oil Stoves.
- Falk, Stadelmann and Co, Ltd. Stand C,419. 91, Farringdon Road, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Holbom 7654. Tel. Add. : “ Lamps, London.”—“ Falks ” Fluorescent and Tungsten Lighting Fittings. “ Raydex ” Cooking and Heating Appliances. “ Coolex ’’ Switchgear. " Efesca ” Street Lighting Fittings and Outdoor Lanterns. “ Hi-Test ” Cables and Flexibles. " Efesca ” Wiring Accessories, etc.
- Farrer, William E., Ltd. Stand B,323 and 222. Welby Road, Hall Green, Birmingham, 28, and London. Teleph. : Birmingham—Springfield 3381/2/3/4. London—^Victoria 5038/9 ; Tel. Add. : " Farrer, Birmingham, 28.”—Sanitary Equipment having unique features, embracing Washing Accommodation of New Design for Factories, Public Buildings and Institutions. The “ Quickspray ” Fountain in Acid-resisting Enamelled Cast Iron and Synthetic Marble.
- W. Fearnehough, Ltd. Stand D,213. Garden Street Works, Sheffield, 1. Teleph.: Sheffield 23247. Tel. Add. : " Fearnehough, Sheffield."—Machine Knives, Shear Blades, Circular Cutters, Veneer Knives, Spiral Cutters, Leather Shaving Knives and Knives used for the Mechanical Cutting of Wood, Tobacco, Paper, Textiles, Bars, Rods, Sheet Metal, etc.
- Federation of British Industries. Stand B,321. 5, Bennett’s Hill, Birmingham, 2. Teleph. : Central 5594.—Reception, Enquiry and Commercial Information Office. Head Office : 21, Tothill Street, London, S.W.l. Teleph.: Whitehall 6711. Tel. Add. : " Fobus- try. Pari, London.”
- Felco Hoists, Ltd. Stand D,128. 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.l. Teleph. : Abbey 7419. Tel. Add. : " Felcohoist, Phone, London.”—“ Felco ” Patented Short- Headroom, Light Weight Lifting Appliances. Chain Pulley Blocks (Hand and Electric). Wire Rope. Electric Hoists. Pulling Jacks. Equalising and Adjuster Slings for Unbalanced Loads. Overhead Travelling Hoists.
- Fellows, Chamberlin, Ltd. Stand A,603. Enamel Works, Barry Docks, South Wales. Teleph. : Barry 750. Tel. Add, : " Enamel, Barry, Glam.”—Domestic Enamelled Holloware. " Goodfellows ” Brand. Specialising in the manufacture of Breadcrocks, Pails, Washups, Stewpans and Casseroles in White or Colours. For Home and Export Markets.
- Fellows, James, and Son. Stand A,603. Pool street Stamping Works, Wolverhampton. Teleph. : 21120.— Vitreous Enamelled Holloware for Hospital and Surgical Requirements, for Butchers, Florists, Hotel Canteen and Bar Fitting Trades. Stainless Steel, Tinned Steel and Aluminium Holloware. Stampings and Pressings for all trades.
- S. J. and E. Fellows, Ltd. Stand A,603. Vulcan Works, Wolverhampton. Teleph. ; Wolverhampton 21471. Tel. Add. ; " Vulcan, Wolverhampton.”—Pressings (8-in. to 30-in.) all types for all trades. In Steel, Galvanised, Tinned or Enamelled. Stainless, Aluminium. Elevator Buckets. Hotel, Canteen Cooking Utensils. Scale Pans. Specialists in Industrial and Domestic Holloware.
- J. H. Fenner and Co, Ltd. Stand D,404. Marfleet, Hull. Teleph. : Central 33802. Tel. Add. ; “ Fenner, Hull.”— V-belts, V-belt Drives, V-pulleys, Flat Beltings, Cotton, Leather, Hair and Rubber, Conveyor, Anti-vibration Mountings (Resilla Bond), “ Resilla ” Rubber Rollers, Fenner “ Resilla ” Bond Flexible Couplings, Spindle Tapes and Webbings, Hydraulic, Mechanical and Pneumatic Leathers, Waterproof Belt Cement, “ FennoUn ” Belt Dressing.
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd. Stand C,617. Higher Openshaw, Manchester, 11. Teleph. : Droylsden 1301. Tel. Add. : “ Tension, Manchester.”—66 kV. Outdoor Oil Circuit Breaker Equipment ; 11 kV. Indoor Metalclad Switchgear ; Remote Control Equipment ; Low Voltage Industrial Switchgear ; Instrument and Control Switches ; Switchgear Accessories.
- Ferranti, Ltd. Stand C,615 and 514. Hollinwood, Lancs. Teleph. : FAI. 2000. Tel. Add. : " Ferranti, Hollin- wood.”—Transformers, Voltage Regulators, High Voltage Testing Equipment, Power Factor Correction Condensers, A.C. and D.C. Meters, Measuring Instruments, Electronic Equipments, Electric Fires and Clocks, Space Heaters and Water Heaters, Castings and Insulation Tubes.
- Ferro Enamels, Ltd. Stand B,515. Wombourn, Wolverhampton. Teleph. ; Wombourn 2281. Tel. Add. ; “ Femam.' —Vitreous Enamel Frits, Colour Oxides, Raw Materials and Supplies : Pottery Glazes and Stains. Continuous and Static Enamelling Furnaces, Equipment and Plant. Allied Pottery and Ceramic Kilns. Vitreous Enamelled Appliance Components.
- Fescol, Ltd. Stand D,652. North Road, London, N.7. Teleph. : North 3025/6/7. Tel. Add. : “ Fescoldom, Phone, London.”—Treatment of Machinery Components in Nickel and/or Chromium by the Fescol Process for the Prevention of Corrosion and Wear and the Reclamation of Worn Components.
- Fibreglass, Ltd. Stand D,312. Ravenhead, St. Helens, Lancs. Teleph. : St. Helens 4224. Tel. Add. ; " Fibreglass, St. Helens.”—Insulation. All forms of Heat, Sound and Electrical Insulation.
- J. P. Fielding and Co, Ltd. Stand B,718. WUlow Bank Works, Whit Lane, Salford, 6. Teleph, : Pendleton. 4211, Tel, Add, : " Jaypef, Manchester,”—Door Furniture ; Lever Handles ; Mortice Lock and Latch Sets ; Postal Knockers ; Letter Plates ; Hat and Coat Hooks ; Wardrobe Hooks ; Towel Rails ; Basin Stands ; Shelf Brackets ; Tumbler and Toothbrush Holders ; Soap Dishes ; Conduit Fittings ; Electroplating.
- Fielding and Platt, Ltd. Stand D,132. Hydraulic Engineers, Atlas Works, Gloucester. Teleph. ; Gloucester 20351 (6 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Atlas.” Gloucester.—-Specialists, Designers, and Manufacturers of a wide variety of Hydraulically Operated Presses and Ancillary Equipment, also High Speed Variable Delivery Oil Pumps, and numerous other products related to Hydraulic Engineering.
- Finney Presses, Ltd. Stand D,243. 27, Berkley Street, Birmingham, 1. Teleph. : Midland 3795/6. Tel. Add. : " Finhyd.”—Hydraulic Presses, Automatic and Hand Operated. Pumps, Valves, Gas, Steam and Electric Hotplates, Hobbing Presses, Moulds, Bolsters, Steels, Pelletting, Finishing and Polishing Machines. Hydraulic Engineers to Plastic and Engineering trades.
- “Fire Prevention and Accident Prevention Review.” Stand A,427. Bouverie House, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 3212. Tel. Add. : “ Benbrolish, Fleet, London.”—(Benn Brothers]], Ltd., Publishers). The leading journal for the Fire Service and for Fire Protection and Safety Officers in Industry. Published monthly. Annual Subscription U.K. and Abroad, 20/-. including Year Book.
- Firth Brown Tools, Ltd. Stand D,627. Bessemer Building, Carlisle Street, Shefideld. Teleph. : Sheffield 20081. Tel. Add. : “ Firth, Telex, Sheffield.”—Engineers’ Cutting Tools of all kinds. Milling Cutters, Files, Reamers, Twist Drills, Lathe Tools, Saws, Taps and Dies, Carbide Tipped Tools and Dies, Hardness Testing Machines, Precision Tools.
- Firth Co, Florence Mills, Nora Street, Warrington, Lancs. Teleph. ; 685/6. Tel. Add. : " Firth, Warrington.”—Steel Wire, Bright, Annealed, Galvanized and Coppered Finishes, for the Manufacture of Ropes, Hawsers, Cables, NaUs, Chains, Rivets, Needles, Corset, Upholstery, Mattress, Electrodes, Weaving. Also Fencing, Barbed, Strand, Staples, Springs.
- Firth Vickers Stainless Steels, Ltd. Stand D,419 and 320. Staybrite Works, Sheffield. Teleph. : Sheffield 42051. Tel. Add. : " Staybrite, Sheffield.”—-Firth Vickers " Staybrite ” Stainless and Heat- Resisting Steels in Forms of Sheet, Strip, Bar, Castings and Forgings,
- Fisco Ltd. Stand B,702. St. John’s Works, St. John’s Road. London, N.I5. Teleph. : Stamford HUI 6531 and 6742. Tel. Add. : Jonsworks, Southtot, London. Steel Tape Rules, Measuring Tapes, Drawing Pins.
- Fisher Governor Co, Ltd. Stand C,320. Century Works, Lewisham, London, S.E.13. Teleph. : Tideway 3232. Tel. Add. : " OHM,” Telex, London,—Equipment for Automatic Control ~ ? - _. - Motor Valves, Reducing, Automatic
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd. Stand D,202 and 308. Albion Works, Erdington, Birmingham, 24. Teleph. ; Erdington 2141. Tel. Add. : “ Fisholow, Birmingham.”—Bendix Automatic Washer and Hydro-extractor ; Porcelain Enamelled Lavatory Basins, Stainless Steel Sink Bowls and Sink and Draining Board Units, Examples of Press Work and Sheet Metal Work.
- Fisher and Ludlow Ltd. (Gridway Division). Stand B,309 and 208. Rolfe Street, Smethwick. Teleph. : Smethwick 2061. Tel. Add. : Fisholow, Smethwick.”—Flowline Belt and Flowlink Chain Conveyors, Storage Equipment, Various types of Mechanical Handling Equipment including Pallet and Pallet Storage Systems, Flowstyle Unit-Construction Furniture and Flowchair Industrial Seating.
- Fisher and Ludlow, Bordesley Works, Clyde Street, Bordesley, Birmingham, 12. Teleph. : Victoria 2371. Tel. Add. : " Flowline,” Birmingham.^—Range of “ Flowstyle ’’ New Unit-Construction System for Building into Shelves, Cabinets. Tables, Desks, etc., also “ Flowchair,” adjustable in height, fully revolving and Scientifically Designed to give correct work posture.
- Fisher and Ludlow, Ltd. (Gridway Division). Stand Outdoor,1322. Bordesley Works, Clyde Street, Bordesley, Birmingham, 12. Teleph. : Victoria 2371. Tel. Add. : " Flowline, Birmingham.”—“ Flowline ” Belt and " Flowlink ” Chain Conveyors. “ Flowcline ” Press Elevator, Roller Conveyor, Various Types of Mechanical Handling Equipment, Storage Equipment and Large Range of Different Types of Pallets and Stackable Containers.
- Fitzgibbon and Murray, Ltd. Stand C,105. The Lower Mill, Kingston Road, Ewell, Surrey. Teleph. : Ewell 3015. Tel. Add. ; “ FitzMurray, Ewell.”—Manufacturers of Electrical Accessories and Capstan Repetition in All Insulating Materials, Switchplates in Metal, Candle Tubes, Torpedo Switches, Switch Lampholders, Flex Connectors, Card Frame Push Plates, Pear Switches, etc.
- Fleetway Manufacturing Co, Ltd. Stand A,607 and 504. Winton House, St. Andrew Street, London, E.C.4. Teleph. : Central 1488/9. Tel. Add. : " Utilware, Phone, London.”-—Hand and Breast DrUls, Carpet Sweepers, Wringers, Wringer Stands.
- Fletcher Miller, Ltd. Stand D,240. Alma Mills, Hyde, Nr. Manchester. Teleph. : Hyde 781. Tel. Add. : "Emulsion, Hyde.”—Metal Cutting Oils (soluble and neat). Rust Preventives in liquid and solid grades. De-watering OU, Drawing Compounds. Degreasing and Cleaning Materials. Heat Treatment Oils and Compounds.
- Flextol Engineering Co, Ltd. Stand D,231. Flextol Works, The Green, Ealing, W. 5, Middlesex. Teleph. : Ealing 6444/5/6. Tel. Add. : " Dominating, Ealux, London.”—Flexible Shaft Machinery, Electric and Petrol Motors. Types, Grinders, Sanders. Screwdriving. Metal Shears, Rotary FUing Stone Working Equipment, Glass Polishing and Bevelling and Drilling Machines, Bone Trimming, Cattle Grooming Machines and Accessories.
- Flight Publishing Co, Dorset House, Stamford Street, London, S.E.l. Teleph. : Waterloo 3333. Tel. Add. : “ Flightpres, Sedist, London.”—" Flight,” the World's foremost Aeronautical Weekly, providing the Best General, Technical and Service Information. Technical Books including “ Gas Turbines and Jet Propulsion for Aircraft,” (See also Associated Iliffe Press).
- Florence Stove and Hardware Co, Ltd. Stand A,515. 56, Waldegrave Road, Teddington, Middlesex. Teleph. : Molesey 2122 and 2887. Tel. Add. : " Florenstov, Teddington.”—Oil Cooking and Heating Stoves and Ovens, and General Hollow-ware.
- Flushing Appliances, Ltd. Stand B,704. Meadowbrook Road, Dorking, Surrey,—Lavatory Cisterns and Flushing Units. Ball Valves operating on Diaphragms with Adjustable Water Level. Self-closing Taps for Standpipes, Sinks and Basins. Improved Water Traps for Sinks, Basins and Baths.
- Folkes, John (Lye Forge), Ltd. Stand D,613. Lye Forge, Nr. Stourbridge. Teleph. : Lye 46. Tel. Add. : “ Folkes, Lye.”—Steel Forgings up to 15 tons weight, each supphed Black, Rough or Finished Machined. On Admiralty, Lloyds’ and Other Lists. Hydraulic, Pressed or Hammered Forging Shafts, Bars, Rings, Crankshafts, etc.
- Follows and Bate, Ltd. Stand A,321. Froxmer Street, Gorton, Manchester, 18. Teleph. : East 1251/3. Tel. Add. : “ Climax, Gorton.”—Lawn Mowers (Hand).
- Follsain-Wycliffe Foundries, Ltd. Stand D,709. Lutterworth, Nr. Rugby. Teleph. : 10 and 60. Tel. Add. : " Penet- metal and Wycliffe.”—-Blackheart Malleable Iron Castings ; Repetition, Jobbing, Machined or Unmachined. Heat and Wear-resisting Iron and Steel Alloy Castings for Collieries, Power Stations, Brick Works, Quarries, Hardening Shops, Cement Works, etc.
- Foster Instrument Co, Ltd. Stand C,727. Letchworth, Herts. Teleph. : Letchworth 984/5/6. Tel. Add. : “ Resilia,” Letchworth.—Pyrometers, Indicating, Recording and Controlling Thermo- Electric, D.F., Optical, Photoelectric, Total Radiation, Potentiometric, Indicating, Recording and Controlling. Electrically Operated Control Valves. Electric Resistance Thermometers. Introscopes for Internal Inspection and Industrial Microscopes.
- W. and J. Foster, 88/96, Market Street, Preston, Lancs. Teleph. : Preston 5206. Tel. Add. : " Hosiery, Preston.”—Knitting Machines—Hand, Flat and Circular—Convertible Pneumatic and Mechanical Power Drives. Instruction Books, Accessories, Spares and Needles. Industrial and Domestic Needs Satisfied.
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd. Stand D,504. Canal Works, Blackbum, Lancs. Teleph. ; 4224 (4 lines). Tel. Add. : “ Yates, Blackburn.”—Multi-Daylight Hot Platen Hydraulic Presses, Mixers, Dryers and Plant for Wall-Board Production, Veneering and Plywood Presses, Dry Powder Mixers, Industrial Boiler Plant, and a wide variety of Heavy Engineering Equipment.
- Fowell, George, Ltd. Stand B,309 and 208. Service Works, Rabone Lane, Smethwick, 40, Staffs. Teleph. : Smethwick 0801/2. Tel. Add. : “ Foweld, Smethwick.”—G.F. Light Dumper, New Design, Extremely Portable, Designed to speed up site transport problems. Baromix Mixers, Unique Design, very great capacity with easy loading and extreme portability.
- Fox, Samuel, and Co Ltd. (Associated with The United Steel Cos., Ltd.). Stand D,519 Stocksbridge Works, Near Sheffield. Teleph.: Oughtibridge 40871. Tel. Add. : “ Fox-Deepcar."—" Silver Fox ” Stainless Steels and " Red Fox ” Heat Resisting'Steels, Alloy and Special Steels.
- Fox, Wm., and Sons (Smethwick), Ltd. Stand B,309 and 208. Brewery Street, Smethwick, Teleph. : Smethwick 1044.—Micrometers and Gauges.
- W. H. Fraley and Sons, Ltd. Stand B,308. Gas Street, Birmingham. Teleph. ; Mid. 0617. Tel. Add. : " Marble, Birmingham.”—All articles in Marble Granite and Stone. Fireplaces. Lavatory Basins, Tables, Flooring, Wall Linings. Altars, Shopfittings, Counters, Memorial. Tablets, Monumental Work, Fine Bronze Work, Architectural Iron Work.
- Fractional H. P. Motors, Ltd. Stand C,712. Rookery Way, Hendon, London, N.W.9. Teleph. : Colindale 8022/3. Tel. Add. : " Fracmo, Hyde, London.”—Shunt Wound Motors, Universal Motors, Shaded Pole Motors, Permanent Capacitor Motors, Split Phase Motors, Three Phase Motors, Geared Units, " Sylentflo ” Hair Dryers.
- Freeman Brothers Stand A,625. 44/46, Kingsway, London, W.C.2. Teleph. : Holbom 6230. Tel. Add. : " Avecervis Westcent, London.”—Tower Carpet Sweepers, Palette Bathroom Fittings, Sanette Bathroom Cabinets, Toilet Paper Holders, Rolette Bread Bins, Foodsafes, Binette, Waste Receptacles, Brush Holders, Tidies.
- W. T. French and Son, Ltd. Stand A,433. “ Mysto ” Works, Browning Street, Birmingham, 16. Teleph. ; Edgbaston 2994/5/6/7. Tel. Add. : “ Syringes, Birmingham."—“ Mysto ” Brand Agricultural and Horticultural Spraying Equipment ; Lime-washing, Paint and Acid Sprayers. Veterinary Syringes. “ Mysto ” Domestic Electrical Appliances, including Kettles, Fires, Irons, Toasters, Boiling Rings, Percolators, Soldering Irons. Hearth Furniture.
- Frost, William, Products, Ltd. Stand C,210. 64, Herries Street, London, N.W.IO. Teleph. : LAD. 3311. Tel. Add. : y Ultric, Nottarch, London.”—Vulcanising Equipment of all descriptions, including Conveyor Belt Joining and Repairing Vulcanisers, Moulding Presses and a range of Vulcanisers for the Motor Trade.
- Fullers Earth Union, Ltd., The. Stand D,117. Patteson Court, Nutfield Road, Redhill, Surrey. Teleph. : Redhill 3521. Tel. Add. : “ Yelwac, Redhill.”—•“ Fulbond ” for Bonding aU Foundry Sands, " Fulbent ” for Rotary Well Drilling ; Bonding Refractories and Abrasives ; Suspending Foundry Paint and Blacking, Activated Fullers Earth for Oil Refining and Waste Oil Regeneration.
- R. J. Fullwood and Bland, Ltd. Stand A,224. Fullwood House, Victoria Street, Ellesmere, Shropshire. Teleph. : 29 and 169. Tel. Add. : “ Fullwood, Ellesmere, Salop.”—Fullwood Milking Machine, Bucket type units. Fullwood Midgets, electric and petrol driven types, specially designed for milking small herds.
- Funditor Limited. Stand D,330. Woodbridge House, 3 Woodbridge Street, London, E.C.l. Teleph. : Clerkenwell 6155/6/7. Tel. Add.: " Funditors, Smith, London.”— Marking Machines and Accessories for Marking Metal, Plastics and Wood, etc. Sawing Machines for Lead Alloys and Plastics. Electric Remelting Furnaces, Electric Ladles and Soldering Equipment. Riveters, Electric Heating Elements.
See Also
Sources of Information