1955 Radio Show

Held 24th August to 03rd September 1955 at Earl's Court
- Admiralty
- Aerialite
- Air Ministry
- Airmec
- Antiference
- Argosy Radiovision
- Arrell Electrical Accessories
- Assimil (England)
- Automatic Coil Winder and Electrical Equipment Co
- Balcombe, A. J.,
- Barclays Bank
- Belling and Lee
- Bernards (Publishers)
- Bowmaker
- British Broadcasting Corporation
- British Communications Corporation
- British Radio and Television (Publishers)
- Brown Brothers
- Bulgin, A. F, and Co
- Bush Radio
- Champion Electric Corporation
- Channel Electronic Industries
- Cole, E. K.,
- Collaro
- Co-operative Wholesale Society
- Cosmocord
- Cossor, A. C.,
- Cossor Instruments
- De La Rue, Thomas, and Co
- Decca Record Co
- Domain Products
- Dubilier Condenser Co (1925)
- Dynatron Radio
- E. A. P. (Tape Recorders)
- EMI Institutes
- EMI Sales and Service
- Econasign Co
- Edison Swan Electric Co
- Electric Audio Reproducers
- English Electric Co
- Evening News, The
- Ever Ready (G.B.)
- Garrard Engineering and Manufacturing Co
- General Electric Co
- Gibbs, Herbert E.,
- Goodmans Industries
- Gramophone Co
- Pam (Radio and Television)
- Pamphonic Reproducers
- Permanoid
- Peto Scott Electrical Instruments
- Philco (Great Britain)
- Philips Electrical
- Pilot Radio
- Plessey Co
- Portogram Radio Electrical Industries
- Pye
- RCA Photophone
- Radio Gramophone Development Co
- Radio Society of Great Britain
- Radio and Television Retailers Association (R.T.R.A.)
- Railway Executive
- Regentone Radio and Television
- Roberts Radio Co
- Rola Celestion
- Rudman, Darlington (Electronics)
- Sapphire Bearings
- Simon Sound Service
- Slingsby, H. C.,
- Sobell Industries
- Specto
- Spencer-West
- Standard Telephones and Cables
- Standard Telephones and Cables
- “The Star” Newspaper Co
- Stella Radio and Television Co
- Tape Recorders (Electronics)
- Taylor Electrical Instruments
- Telegraph Condenser Co
- Telequipment
- Telerection
- Television Society
- Thompson, Diamond and Butcher
- Trader Publishing Co
- Trix Electrical Co
- War Office
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co
- Westminster Bank
- Whiteley Electrical Radio Co
- Wolsey Television
- Wright and Weaire