Category:Bus Companies
Pages in category "Bus Companies"
The following 222 pages are in this category, out of 222 total.
- Badgerline
- Bath Tramways Motor Co
- Bee Line Buzz Co
- Berks Bucks Bus Co
- Birmingham and Midland Motor Omnibus Co
- Birmingham and Midland Tramways
- Birmingham Motor Express Co
- Black and White Motorways
- Brailes Shipston on Stour and Stratford on Avon Steam Omnibus Co
- Brighton, Hove and Preston United Omnibus Co
- Brighton and Hove Bus and Coach Co
- Brighton, Hove and District Omnibus Co
- Bristol Omnibus Co
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co
- British Automobile Development Co
- British Automobile Traction Co
- British Bus
- British Transport Commission
- Busways Travel Services
- Caldaire
- Caledonian Omnibus Co
- Cambridge Motor Bus Co
- Cambus Holdings
- Canford Cliffs Motor Omnibus Co
- Cheltenham and Gloucester Omnibus Co
- Cheltenham District Traction Co
- Citybus
- Citylink
- Clansman Travel and Leisure
- Clydeside 2000
- Compagnie Generale des Omnibus
- T. Cowie
- Crosville Motor Co
- Crosville Motor Services
- Crosville Wales
- Cumberland Motor Services
- Ganson Brothers
- Gearless Motor Omnibus Co
- General Steam Carriage Co
- Glasgow General Omnibus and Motor Services
- Go-Ahead Group
- Gosport and Fareham Omnibus Co
- Grampian Regional Transport
- Great Eastern London Motor Omnibus Co
- Great Western Holdings
- Greater Manchester Buses
- Green Line
- Grey-Green Coaches
- Lancashire United Transport and Power Co
- Leamington and Warwick Transport Co
- Ledbury Transport Co
- Leicester CityBus
- Lewis Omnibus Co
- Lincolnshire Road Car Co
- London and District Motor Bus Co
- London and Provincial Motor Bus and Traction Co
- London and South Coast Motor Service
- London Buses
- London Buses Limited
- London Central Bus Co
- London Central Motor Omnibus Co
- London Central Omnibus Co
- London Coastal Coaches
- London Country Bus (South West)
- London Country Bus Services
- London Electric Omnibus Co
- London Forest Travel
- London General Omnibus Co
- London General Transport Services
- London Motor Omnibus Co
- London Northern Bus Co
- London Omnibus Carriage Co
- London Power Omnibus Co
- London Regional Transport
- London Road Car Co
- London Standard Motor Omnibus Co
- London Steam Omnibus Co
- London Transport
- London Transport Board
- London Transport Executive
- Lowland Scottish Omnibuses
- Luton and District Transport
- Maidstone and District Motor Services
- Manchester Motor Transport Co
- Mansfield District Traction Co
- Metroline
- Mexborough and Swinton Traction Co
- Midland Fox
- Midland General Omnibus Co
- Midland Red (Express)
- Midland Red (North)
- Midland Red (South)
- Midland Red (West)
- Midland Red East
- Midland Scottish Omnibuses
- Morecambe General Omnibus and Livery Stable Co
- Motor Bus Co
- Motor Coaches
- National Bus Co
- National Express
- National Omnibus and Transport Co
- National Steam Car Co
- National Welsh Omnibus Holdings
- Neath and Cardiff Luxury Coaches
- New London and Suburban Omnibus Co
- Newbury and District Motor Services
- North Warwickshire Motor Traction Co
- North Western Road Car Co
- Northern General Transport Co
- Northern Scottish Omnibuses
- Northumbria Motor Services
- Norwich Omnibus Co
- Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Traction Co
- Scottish Motor Traction Co
- Scottish Transport Group
- Selnec
- Shamrock and Rambler Motor Coaches
- South East London and Kent Bus Co
- South London Transport
- South Midland Motor Services
- South Wales Transport Co
- South Yorkshire Transport
- Southdown Motor Services
- Southern National Omnibus Co
- Southern Vectis
- Southern Vectis Motor Omnibus Co
- Southern Vectis Omnibus Co
- Speedlink Airport Services
- Stagecoach Group
- Star Omnibus Co
- Stratford-upon-Avon Blue Motors
- Strathclyde Buses
- Strathtay Scottish Omnibuses
- Sussex Coastline Buses
- Sussex Motor Road Car Co
- Tayside Public Transport Co
- Tees and District Transport Co
- Thames Valley Traction Co
- Thamesway
- Thomas Brothers (Port Talbot)
- Thomas Tilling
- Throughways Transport
- Tilling and British Automobile Traction Co
- Tilling Motor Services
- A. Timpson and Sons
- Transport for London
- Transport Holding Co
- Trent Motor Traction
- Trent Motor Traction Co
- Tyneside Tramways and Tramroads Co