The Engineer 1943 Jan-Jun: Index

The Engineer 1943 Jan-Jun - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 179 Index
- ABBOT, C. G., The Langley Aeroplane of 1903, 31
- Acheson, E. G., Ltd., Electro-plating on Non-conducting Materials, 160; The Prevention of Valve Seizure, (416)
- Aero Research, Ltd., The "Redux" Process, 395
- Alaska Highway, 204, 225, (360), (400), (438), 481, 499
- Allen, F. J. C., Obituary, 153
- Allen, John, and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., Buckeye Trencher, 443
- Appleford Railway Accident Report, G.W.R., 163
- Appleyard, Rollo, Obituary, 193
- Ascot Gas Water Heaters, Ltd., Request for Films, (360)
- Assheton, R., Industry and the Profit Motive, 459
- Atkinson, L. B., Memorial Lecture, (102), 106; (Leading Article, 112)
- Auger, F. H., The Doctrine of Most Work, 14
- BABCOCK and Wilcox, Ltd., Marine Boiler, 56
- "Badger" Ditching Machine, Bomford and Evershed, Ltd., 442
- Bailey, Duncan, Railway Problems, 391
- Bakelite, Ltd., Plastic Treatment for Porous Castings, 293
- Baldwin, T., and B. Swindells, Jigs of Fusible Alloy for Small Quantity Production, 98
- Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, Oil Freight Locomotive, 30 (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Barnaby, K. C., The Coefficient of Propulsive Efficiency, 472
- B.E.A.I.R.A. Report, 12:3
- B.E.A.M.A., Co-operation with B.E.A., 1
- Beatty, Sir Edward, Obituary, 261
- Bengough, G. D, and V. G. Shepheard, The Fouling of Ships, 327, 331 Beyer-Garrett Heavy Freight Locomotive, 463
- Binns, Asa, Civil Engineers and the Building Industry, 133
- Birchall, C. H.. Obituary, 381
- Bomford and Evershed, Ltd., "Badger" Ditching Marline, 442
- Boot, Sir Horace, Obituary, 291
- Bowden-Smith, C., Dry-Stone Dam, 492
- Bremner, D. A., Retirement from B.E.A., 341, 431
- Brickell, R. G., Laghouat Escape Tunnel, 445
- Bringhauson storage Power Station (R.A.F. Targets), 408
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Hydraulic System, 237; Repair of Damaged Aeroengines, 471
- Bristol Power-operated Gun Turret, L. G. Frise, 313
- British Cast Iron Research Association, New Laboratory, 419, 439
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Services in 1942, 163; Activities, 361; Appointments, 419; Library and Museum, 439
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Generating Plant of 1942, 37; Mine Winder Motor, 58
- Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., Rectifiers and Transformers of 1942, 37
- Bruce-Gardner, Sir Charles, Ministry of Aircraft Production Appointment, 401
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Transformers of 1942, 57; Scholarships, (242)
- "Buckeye" Trencher, John Allen and Sons (Oxford), Ltd., 443
- Buenos Aires Underground Railways, 166, 184
- CANADIAN Industrial Alcohol Co., Ltd., Wheat for Industrial Alcohol, (82)
- Canadian Industries, Ltd., Nylon for Paint Brushes, (338)
- Canadian Pacific Railway, The "Silk Express," (54); Liner Construction, 497
- Cape Town Dry Dock, 487
- Carderock Model Basin, 36 (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Cartwright, Edmund, Bicentenary, 341
- Chalmers, A. A. A., Retirement from Lloyd's Register, (300)
- Chambers, W. J., Profit and Patriotism, 333
- Chandler. F. T. Stuart, Retirement, (438)
- Chesapeake and Ohio Railroad, "Mallet" Locomotive, 31
- Chicago Bridge and Iron Co., Self-supporting Domed Roof, (111)
- "Churchill" Tanks, 17 (Supplement, January 181, 1943), 103
- "City of Paris," Historic Accidents, No. XIX, 84; (Letter, 292)
- Clark, E. Kitson, Obituary, 332
- Clark, F. S., F. H. Rosencrants, and W. H. Armacost, Large Forced Circulation Boiler, 356, 377
- Clayton, J., Links in the History of the Locomotive, 247
- Commercial Electric Refrigeration Association, 63
- Commercial Structures, Ltd., Plastic Treatment for Porous Castings, 293
- Common, G. O., Retirement from Lloyd's Register, (300)
- Copernicus Quatercentenary Celebration, 419
- Couley, J. E., The Bloating of Waste Slate, (231)
- Couling, S. A., The Production of High-speed Helical Gears, 88, 98, 119
- Crowther, J. G., Science in the Soviet Union, 330
- "Curtis," U.S. Seaplane Tender, 5
- Cuthbertson, J. W., Recent Advances in the Electro-metallurgical Industry, 451
- DARWIN, Sir Charles, The Extreme Properties of Matter (Forrest Lecture), 54, 65; (Leading Article, 72); Return to N.P.L., 175
- De Havilland " Mosquito " Bomber and Fighter, 7, 373
- Delaware Aqueduct, Now York, 344, 362, 382, 402, 422, 440, 461
- Deloro Smelting and Refining Co., Ltd., New Method of Etching on Metals, 217
- Denny, Sir Maurice, Universities and the Shipbuilding Industry, 123
- Derwent Hall packhorse bridge, Removal of, 23
- Dewhurst, P. C., Commentary on The British Steam Locomotive," 215
- Dickinson, H. W., Fibre Rope-making, 297
- Dinsdale, C., Steels for Railway Rolling Stock, 483
- Dixie Highway, Kentucky, (380)
- Dubuque Bridge, Iowa, (400)
- Dunsheath, P., Industrial Research in Great Britain, (102), 106; (Leading Article, 112)
- EDER DAM and Power Station (R.A.F. Targets), 405
- Ehrensvard, G., Synthetic Rubber in Sweden, (400)
- Engelbach, C. R., Obituary, 173
- Ewing Medal Award, 83
- Eyles, E. D., High-speed Cinematography, (267)
- FARADAY Medal Award, (142)
- Federation of British Industries, Research in Industry Committee, 31
- Fenner, J. H., and Co., Ltd., The Care of V Ropes, (22)
- Ferguson, J. H., Organisation for Social Reconstruction, 34; "Time and the Progress of Inventions," 372
- Ferguson Pailin and Co., Ltd., Switchgear of 1942, 39
- Ferraby, H. C., Some Signposts from the Naval Events of 1942, 2; Obituary, 23
- Ferranti, Ltd., Transformers of 1942, 57
- Fielden, M., Reflection as a Factor in Heating, 486
- Fitch, John, Bicentenary, 71
- Focke-Wulf "F.W.190" Fighter, 68, 109
- Ford, E. B., Obituary, 451
- Forrest Lecture, The Extreme Properties of Matter, Sir C. Darwin, 54, 65; (Leading Article, 72)
- Forster, A. Lindsay, Obituary, 153
- Forth Road Bridge Scheme, 123
- Foster Wheeler, Ltd., "D" Type Boilers, 56
- Frise, L. G. Bristol Power-operated Gun Turret, 313
- Frommer, Leopold, Obituary, 134
- GAMAGE, L., Post-war Export Trade, 261
- Gardner, R., and Sons, Trench Cutter, 420
- Gauge and Tool Makers' Association, 431
- Gobble, J. Ramsay, Fast or Less Fast Ships, 196; (Leading Article, 192); (Letter, 233)
- Geer, H. E., Obituary, (242)
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Appointments, 143, 439
- "General Grant" and "General Lee" Tanks, 16 (Supplement, January 1st, 1943)
- General Paz Avenue, Buenos Aires, 25
- "General Sherman" Tank, 16 (Supplement, January 1st, 1943)
- Gibb, H. M., Obituary, 391
- Gill, Sir F., Engineering Economics, 267; (Leading Article, 270)
- Goldfield Rhodesian Development Co., Ltd., Tungsten Supply, (171)
- Goodyear Tyre Co., Non-skid Aircraft Wheel Tyres, (516)
- Gordon, Lord Dudley, Post-war Industry, 321
- Grand Coulee Dam, 45
- Great Western Railway, Appleford Accident Report, 163; Stover Canal Abandonment, 223
- Greenock Harbour Post-war Development, 419
- Griffiths, E., Heat Insulating and Decking Materials for Ships, (380)
- Grumell, E. S., Melchett Medal Award, 497
- HADFIELDS, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 281
- "Halifax" Four-engined Bomber, 490
- Hall, Albert, Obituary, (418)
- Handeck Power Station, 187
- Harbord, F. W., Obituary, 9
- Harrison, F. E., Spot Sleepering, (418)
- Hartree, D. R., Mechanical Integration in Electrical Problems (Kelvin Lecture), 361
- Hathorn, Davey and Co., Ltd., Pumping Plant for Flood Protection, 433. 452
- Hawker "Typhoon" Single-seater Fighter, 366
- Hazleton, R., Obituary, (102), 183
- Healy, H. W., A Town Planning Charter, 251; (Leading Article, 252); (Letters, 292, 333)
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., 8in. High-speed Lathe, 40, (82); Pipe Flange Grinding Machine, 217
- Herbert, Sir A., Profit and Patriotism, 33, 75
- Hex River Electricity Service, (418)
- Hills (Patents), Ltd., Repetition Chuck, 338
- Hirst of Witton, Lord, Obituary, 94
- Hoffe, C. M., South African Merchant Fleet, 11
- Holden and Hunt, Ltd., Air-operated Spot Welder, 414
- Holms, F., London, 292
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Double-ended Broaching Machine, 98
- Howrah Bridge, Calcutta, 26; (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Hudson, B. M., Obituary, (212)
- Hudson, H. W., Obituary, (280)
- Hull Steel Foundries, Ltd., Enlarging and Canadian Foundry, 40
- Hurst, O., The Speed of Cargo Ships, 233
- IMPERIAL Chemical Industries, Ltd, Annual Meeting, 439
- Imperial Institute Jubilee, 381
- "Indomitable", H.M. Aircraft Carrier, 34
- Innertkirchen Hydro-electric Project, 208 227
- International Nickel Co., Ltd., Nickel Production in Canada, (162), 361
- "Iowa," U.S. Battleship, 47
- JACOBS, E. L., Elected Chairman' Lloyd's Register, (516)
- Jackson, F. W., Adviser on Post-war Reconstruction, (62)
- Jackson, Samuel, Obituary, 489
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Annual Meeting, 401
- Jones, Sir B. Melvill, Chairman, Aeronautical Research Committee, 240
- Jones, E. H. (Machine Tools), Ltd., Demonstration of Statistical Control, (122); Newall Plain Grinding Machine, 426
- Jones, Joseph, The Position and Development of the Gas Engine, 254, 256, 276
- KAISER Shipyard, 35 (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Kansas Railway Signalling, (380)
- Kariba Dam, Southern Rhodesia, (438)
- Kavanagh, A. L., War Damage to Public Utility Undertakings, 154
- Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools), Ltd., Newall Plain Grinding Machine, 426
- Kelvin Lecture, Mechanical Integration in Electrical Problems, D. R. Hartree, 361
- Kingsley Dam, Nebraska, 45
- Kirkpatrick, G. L., Obituary, 43
- Klockner Humboldt Deutz A.G., High-power Light Oil Engine, 73
- Knight, B. H., South African Chair of Highway Engineering, (320)
- Knight, R. L., Review of Basic Open-hearth Practice at an Australian Plant, 404
- Knutsford Motors, Ltd., Yates Mole Trencher, 421
- Kodak Ltd., School of Industrial and Engineering Radiography, 51
- "LAFAYETTE", Salvage of, (400)
- Laghouart Escape Tunnel, R. C. Brickell, 445
- La Mont Boiler, F. H. Rosencrants, F. S. Clark, and W. H. Armacost, 356, 377
- Land, E. S., American Shipbuilding, 116
- Langley Aeroplane of 1903, C. G. Abbot, 31
- Laurie, K. S., Some Textile Finishing Machines, 170, 176, 198, 218
- Le Maistre, C., Wartime Standardisation, 97
- Lea, F. C., Elected President, I. Mech. E., 169
- Lemon, Sir Ernest, Retirement from L.M.S., 151
- Lever Brothers and Unilever, Ltd., The Problem of Unemployment, 90; (Leading Article, 92)
- Limaye, V. D., Timber for Constructional Work, (229)
- Linters Ltd., " Resilitex," 159, (467)
- Liverpool's Early Ships, A. C. Wardle, 278
- Lloyd, F. H. M., Time and the Production of Mechanisms, 392
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, Aircraft Tooling with Plastics, 127
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway. Wagon Repairs, (22); Euston and Birmingham Trains, (42); Anti-gas Vehicles, (102); Welding Cast Iron Axle-boxes, 118; Salvage of Used Rail Tickets, (122); Sir Ernest Lemon's Retirement, 151; Freight Engine Hours, (161); Coal Saving, (162); Salvage Campaign, (182); Herbert Jackson Prize, (182); Annual Meeting, 203; Locomotive " No. 20,002," (242); Reclamation of Worn Parts of Road Motor Vehicles, 255; Repair of Broken Drill, 293; " Coasting " Electric Trains, (320); Closed Stations, (366); Concrete Sleeper Blocks, (438); Record Non-stop Run, (458); Out-of-Gauge Loads, (476); War Traffic, (496)
- London and North Eastern Railway Loud speakers at Stations, (22); 4-6-0 Mixed Traffic Engine, 59; Appointments, (102), (458); Annual Meeting, 203: New Locomotive Depot, 315; An Air Raid Incident.," 476
- Lowe-Brown, W. L., An Introduction to Soil Mechanics, 104, 124, 144
- Lowe Gray Lecture, Some Types of Propelling Machinery Available to Shipowners. C. C. Pounder, 48, 77
- Lumsden Machine Co., Ltd., Pipo Flange Grinding Machine, 217
- MACKENZIE, M., The Doctrine of Most Work, 35
- Mackinac," U.S. Seaplane Tender, 27
- Macrome Process, 139
- Maginness, G. S., Appointed President, Engineering and Allied Employers' National Federation, 203
- Manarson Delver, Whitlock Brothers, Ltd., 420
- Maryon, A. T., Obituary, (112), 134
- Masterman, C. A., British Gas Federation Appointment, 143
- Mavor, Sam, Obituary, 489
- May, W. S., Atlantic Flight. Record, 361, (380)
- Maybury, Sir Henry, Obituary, 54
- McGavack, J., USF Rubber, (82)
- McMurtrie, F., Naval Construction in 1942, 4, 27, 46, 67 (Supplement, January lst, 1943)
- Median, Sir Henry, Obituary, 490
- Medians, Ltd., Lifeboats for Tankers. (514)
- Melchett Medal, 497
- Merriman Dam, 64 (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Messerschmitt "210 A-1", (182)
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Turbo-generator Work in 1942, 20; 12-Ton Electric Locomotive, 58; Atomic Hydrogen Welding Equipment, 160
- Michell, A. G. M., Watt Modal Award, 93
- Moline Dam, Ruhr (R.A.F. Targets), 405
- Monks, E. H., London, 333
- Moore, Dr. H., Institute of Metals Platinum Medal Award, 83
- Mordell, S. J., Sixty Years Ago: A Mathematical Prize, 490
- Moscow's Urderground Railway, (62)
- "Mosquito" Bomber and Fighter, 7, 373
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., "Murex" Deck Welder, 179
- Murphy, J. J. Obituary, (222)
- Naylor, C. H., Obituary, (258)
- Nebesar, R. J., Wood in Aircraft Construction, 412; (Leading Article, 410)
- Nelson, Sir George, Elected President, F.B.I., 63, 329
- New, E. Sanford, Obituary, 213
- New York Central Locomotives, E. C. Poultney, 500
- Newall Plain Grinding Machine, E. H. Jones (Machine Tools), Ltd., 426
- Newey, F., Presidential Address, I.M.E.A., 505
- Newton, Isaac, and Aerodynamics, Th. von Karman, 149; Library Purchase, 301
- Newton's Birthplace, 476
- Niagara Water Power, (398)
- Nicaragua Railway Scheme, (380)
- North American Aviation, Ltd., Aircraft Assembly Plant, 425
- Nuffield, Lord, The Technician in War, 163; (Leading Article, 172)
- OAKES, E. C., Some Ancient Waterworks, 316
- Oberbasli Hydro-electric Power Scheme, 46, 187, 208, 226, 245, 264, 287, 305
- Oerlikon, Ltd., Swiss Manufacturers and German War Material, 95
- O'Neill, H., Tensile Properties of Metals, 50:3
- Oregon Shipbuilding Co., Tanker Launch, (162)
- PAGE, Sir Archibald, Faraday Medal Award, (142)
- Paget's Multi-cylinder Locomotive, J. Clayton, 247
- Palestine Railway Extension, (100)
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Turbo-generator Work in 1942, 20
- Parsons, R. H., Chimney Loss Measurements Without CO2 Meters, 165
- Paul, R. W., Obituary, 271
- Paulin, G. H., Historic Accidents and Disasters, 292
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Annual Meeting, 1
- Pestereff, N. V., Gas Turbine Development, 14; Engineering Education, 75, 174; Profit and Patriotism, 2:33, 314, 351
- Philip, W. Littlejohn, Hydraulic Operation of Lathes for the Production of Shells, 367, 371, 397
- Philips Lamps, Ltd., Industrial X-ray Unit, 118; A Magnetic Skimmer, 395 Pit River Bridge, (260)
- Pittsburgh Corning Corporation, " Foam- gins," (62), 476
- Port Elizabeth, South Africa, Water Supply, 140
- Portsmouth Royal Dockyard School Centenary, 261
- Potter, A. A., Washington Award for 1943, (418)
- Poultney, E. C., Oil-electric Locomotives, 173; New York Central Locomotives, 500
- Pounder, C. C., Some Types of Propelling Machinery Available to Ship-owners, Lowe Gray Lecture, 48, 77
- Pretoria Steel Works Progress, 315
- Priestman Brothers, Ltd., "Teredo" Attachment, 442
- Pullman-Standard Car Manufacturing Co., Aeroplane Parts, (300)
- Pulsometer Engineering Co., Ltd., Pump for High-temperature Liquids, 414
- "REDUX" Process, Aero Research, Ltd. 395
- Reed, Brian, Modern Locomotive Superheating, 283, 304
- Rennie, W., Combustion Appliance Makers' Association, Presidential Address, 381
- Renold, Hans, Obituary, 372
- Reynolds Tube Co., Ltd., Electro-Magnetic Crack Detection in Welded Tubular Structures, 178
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Switchgear in 1942, 20
- Richardson, H., Obituary, 271
- "Richelieu," French Battleship, 143
- Rissik, H., Quality Assurance Through Sampling Inspection, 334, 346
- Roberts-Austen Centenary Lecture, S. W. Smith, (102), 194
- Robinson, Norman, Obituary, (333)
- Robinson, Sir Robert, Chemicals and War, 143
- Robotham. E. O., South African Overseas Trade After the War, 140
- Rowland, F. E., Infra-red Lamp Heating in Industry, 355
- Royds, R., The Meaning of "Efficiency." 272
- Russell, Alexander, Obituary, 74
- ST. LAWRENCE Seaway Project, (82). (438)
- Sampson Navy Base, Seneca Fulls, (42)
- Sande Bridge, Sweden, (42)
- "Schenectady," All-welded Tanker, Failure of, 413
- Schlesinger, G., Surface Finish and the Function of Parts, 429, 434, 454, 466; (Leading Article, 448)
- Scottish Power Co., Ltd., General Meeting, 261
- Shakeshaft, F., The Mechanical Equipment of the Turbine House, 325
- Shasta Dam, California, 45
- Shepheard, R. B., Shipyard Lay-out for Welded Construction, 504
- Shepheard, V. G., and G. D. Bengough, The Fouling of Ships, 327, 331
- Shipping World, Diamond Jubilee, (360)
- Short Brothers (Rochester and Bedford), Ltd., New Directors, 281
- Short and Harland, Ltd., Appointments, 497
- Sigmund Apprentice Training Scheme, 349
- Simon, Sir Ernest, University Education and Research in America, 375
- Sinnatt, F. S., Obituary, 114
- Skelton, J. H., Obituary, 153
- Smith, F. G., Obituary, (222)
- Smith, S. W., Sir William Chandler Roberts-Austen, 194
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, (280)
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation, Steel-making Expansion in South Africa., 157; Pretoria Steel Works Progress, 315; War Contribution, 358
- South-Western Cotton Co., Hemispherical Grain Storage Bins, 318
- Southern Railway, 0-6-0 Goods Engine, 29; (Supplement, January 8th, 1943); Waddon Train Accident Report, 103; Arrival Meeting, 223; Burning of Creosote-pitch Mixtures, 352; Buffer Stop Collision at Victoria, (380); Record Train, (418)
- Spurrier Memorial Scholarship, (496)
- Stanier, Sir William, Election to the Athenteum, (162)
- Sten Gun, (478)
- Stewart, Charles, Obituary, (418)
- Stilgoe, H. E., Obituary, 233
- Stodola, Dr. Aural, Obituary, 341
- Story Bridge, Brisbane River, 26
- Stover Canal Abandonment, G.W.E., 223
- Stradling, R. E., Ewing Medal Award, 83
- Sulzer Brothers, 1560 B.H.P., Opposed-piston Oil Engine, 73
- Swindells, B., and T. Baldwin, Jigs of Fusible Alloy for Small Quantity Production, 98
- TABER, T., Historic Locomotives and Scrap, (324)
- Test Valley Flooding, 43
- Thames Tunnel Centenary, (340)
- "Thetis", H.M. Submarine, Loss of, 341
- Thompson, G. P., Electron Diffraction (May Lecture), (380), 409
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Air/Sea Rescue Launches, 250
- Thornycroft, Sir John, Post-war Rebuilding, 401; (Leading Article, 428)
- Throp, Arnold, Marking Methods and War Production, 512
- Thunderbolt, Fighter Aeroplane, 398
- Thunderbolt, H.M. Submarine, Loss of, 341
- Timber Fireproofing Co., Ltd., Fireproofing Timber, (35)
- Tirso Dam and Power House, Sardinia (R.A.F. Targets). 443
- Tjitjalengka," H.M. Hospital Ship, 5
- Todd, H. J., Hydro-electric Development in Scotland, 114
- Toledo Water Supply, 136, 146, 164
- Tratman, E. E. R., Alaska Highway. 204, 225
- "Typhoon" Single-seater Fighter. 366
- VEGA Aircraft Corporation, Aircraft Tooling with Plastics, 127
- "Vega-Ventura," Bomber, 341
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., Appointments, 459
- Vought-Sikorsky Helicopter, 230; (Leading Article, 2:32)
- Vowles, H. P., Profit and Patriotism, 291, 333
- WADDON Train Accident Report, Southern Railway, 103
- Walker, C. H., Crystallography for Routine Analysis, 492
- Wardle, A. C., Liverpool's Early Ships, 278
- Warner, E., Post-war Aviation (Wilbur Wright Lecture), 506
- Waterloo Bridge, London, 26 (Supplement, January 8th, 1943)
- Wates, Leslie, Profit in Industry, 401
- Watson, Sir D. Milne-Gas: Its Place in the National Fuel Economy, 10
- Watson, F. L., Engineering Education, 53, 95; Profit and Patriotism, 392
- Watson Tile Drainer, Kennedy and Kempe, Ltd., 421
- Watt International Medal. Award to A. G. M. Mitchell. 03
- Watts, E. R., and Son, Ltd., Optical Bevel Protractor, 138
- Western Avenue, Completion, 35
- Westinghouse Research Laboratories, Tin Ore Concentrates, (53); Electro-static Separation of Tin, (131)
- Whitehead and Staff Ltd., Bonus for Indirect Workers, 212; (Letter, 253)
- Whitlock Brothers, Ltd., The Manarson Delver, 420
- Wilbur Wright Lecture; E. Warner, 506
- Williams, Hal, Obituary, 153
- Willow Run Aircraft Factory, Tractor-Trailers for Transporting Bombers, 60
- Wilson, J. L., Obituary, 332
- "Wollongong," H.M. Australian Sloop, 4
- "Wolverine", U.S. Instructional Aircraft Carrier, 47
- Woodburn, A., Profit. and Patriotism, 13; (Letters, 33, 53, 75, 215, 233, 253, 291, 314, 333, 351. 392)
- Wrinch, E. P., Obituary, (111)
- YATES Mole Trencher, Knutsford Motors, Ltd., 421
See Also
Sources of Information