The Engineer 1949 Jul-Dec: Index

Main Subjects
- ABBEYDALE Works, Sheffield, 151
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Jubilee, (329)
- Acrow (Engineers) Ltd., Steerage Hoe, 710
- Adams Hydraulics, Ltd., Two New Cross-Chantiel Packets, 6
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Duplex Horizontal Milling Machine, 414 ; 3ft Radial Drill, 714
- Addison, Herbert, Megallons, 709 1
- A.E.C., Ltd., 100 B.H.P. Auxiliary Marine Oil Engine, Suppt,, 26.8.49, i 1
- Airmech Laboratories, Ltd., Electronic Process Timer, 264 ]
- Aiton and Co., Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Alar, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Castings, J (597)
- Aldersley Engineering Co, Ltd., - “ All-Crop ” Drier, Recording Milking System, 44
- Alexander, Edward, Obituary, (109)
- Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., Oil Purifier, 215
- Allen, Edgar, and Do., Ltd., Large Spur Tooth Rack, 343
- Allen, W. G., and Sons (Tipton), Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Pit Cages, 354
- Allen, W. H., Sons and Co., Ltd., Two New . Cross-Channel Packets, 6 ; Gas Turbines for Power Generation in Warships, 562 ; 750kW “ Awlinwun ” Marine Auxiliary Geared Turbo-generator, Suppt,, 26.8.49,
- Allen-Williams, Sir Arthur John, Obituary, 675
- Alley and MacLellan, Ltd., Air Compressor, Suppt,, 26.8.49, viii
- Allott, C. S., and Son, Lune Mills Thermal- Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Almin, Ltd., Aluminium Fish Hold, Suppt, 26.8.49, XV
- Aluminium Company of Canada, Aluminium Project, 156
- American Locomotive Co., Gas Turbine Locomotive, 265 ; Welded Locomotive I Boilers, 332 I
- American Structural Products, New Lightweight Roofing Material, 133 I
- Anderson Boyes, Ltd., “ A-B Meco I Moore ” Cutter Loader, 61, 90 ; Universal Arc Shearing Machine, 61 I
- Anderson, D., and Sons, Ltd., Felt Works, I Centenary, (225)
- Anderson, D. S., Provision of Techno- I logical Courses in Universities, Technical Colleges and National Colleges, 677
- Andre Rubber Co., Ltd., Foundation Springs for Machinery, 141
- Anglo-Saxon Petroleum Co., Heavy Fuels in Diesel Engines, (447)
- Anglo-Transvaal Co., Oil-frorn-Coal Plant, 475
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., Castellated Construction, 352
- Arc Manufacturing Co., Ltd., “ Media ” Welding Transformer ; High-Frequency Ioniser, Suppt., 26.8.49, iv
- Armstrong Siddeley “ Python ” Gas Turbine Propeller Engine, 195 ; “ Python ” Aero-Engine Type Test, (267)
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., Work of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 35
- Asea Electric South Africa (Pty.), Ltd., New Cable Factory, 594
- A.S.P. Chemical Co., Ltd., Soil Stabilisation Process, 201
- Associated British Oil Engines, 10 S.H.P. Marine Diesel Engine, 341 ;
- Small Diesel Engine, 532
- Associated Equipment Co B.H.P. Oil Engine, 20
- Atlas Preservative Co., Ltd., Paint, 388
- Austin Hopkinson and Co., Ltd., Scraper Haulage Gear, 60
- Automatic Telephone and Electric Co., Ltd., Mine Telephone Coupling Unit, 132
- Automotive Products Co., Ltd., Lockheed Hydraulic Controller, 341
- Aveling-Barford, Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162
- Avery, W. and T., Ltd., Balancing Machine Indicator Unit; Electrodynamic Balancing Machine, 242 ; Reverse Torsion Testing Machine, 356 ; 1000-Ton Horizontal Structure Testing Machine, 576, 620
- B.A. Collieries, Ltd., Shaft Sinking at Calverton Colliery, 355
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397 ; Bodondo Beach Power Station of California, 565
- Bagnall, W. G., Ltd., Locomotives for Mewar State Railway, 198 ; Locomotives for India, 673
- Bailey, J. C., Aluminium Alloy Pit Cages, 616
- Bakelite, Ltd., Silicone Laminate Material, 455
- Baker, George Stephen, Obituary, 228
- Bardgett, W. E., Low-Carbon Alloy Steels, 617
- Bath Cabinet Co., Ltd., Turbo-Electric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestro,” 232'
- Baxter, Charles, Atomic Research, 227 ; Scientific and Technical Libraries, 406
- Bayham, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Bell Aircraft Co., American Helicopter, (567)
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Belmos Co., Ltd., The, Industrial Contactor Switchboard, 291
- Bennis Combustion, Ltd., Stoker for Shell Type Boiler ; “ Zenith ” Underfeed Stoker, 270
- Bentley and Jackson, Ltd., Rebuilding of Chartham Paper Mill, 351
- Berkell and Parnell, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Bethlehem Steel Co., New Passenger Liners, 206
- Binnie, William James Eames, Obituary, 437
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., New London Transport Rolling Stock, 746
- Blackman, Keith, Ltd., Double-Inlet Blowing Fan, 272 ; Dust Exhauster and Collector Unit, 440
- Blagden, William Martin, Obituary, 676
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, ' 113, 142, 162 ; Lowering of Ground Water at the South Bank Concert Hall, 171 ; British Motor Grader, 679
- Boby, Robert, Ltd., Equipment for “ Independent Frame ” Filming, 223
- Boot, Henry, and Sons, Ltd., New Izal Factory, 95
- Borrington, J. S., Helical Gears Cut on “ Solid Table ” Machines, 176, 420
- Bouellat Engineering, Ltd., General-Purpose Water-Tube Boiler, 700
- Bowden, A. T., Design and Operation of the Parsons Experimental Gas Turbine, 442, 472
- Bradford, Thomas, and Co., Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Bradley, A. J., Microscopical Studies on the Iron-Nickel-Aluminium System, 618
- Braithwaite and Co., Engineers, Ltd
- Welding Technique, (21) ; Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Bray, W. E., and Co., Ltd., Hydraulically Operated Loading Shovel, 104
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., New Izal Factory, 95
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., “ Proteus ” Propeller-Turbine Aero-Engine, 260 ; First Flight of the “ Brabazon,” 281 ; Engine Starting Tender for the “Brabazon I,” 440 ; “ Type 175 ” Civil Airliner, 458 ; Special Lathe with Optical Control, 461 ; Gas Turbines for Power Generation in Warships, 562
- Bristol Tramways and Carriage Co., Ltd., Low Double-Deck Bus, 409
- British Aluminium Co., Ltd., Aluminium for Timber Kiln Doors, 775
- British Area Regulators, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293,311
- British Broadcasting Co., Midlands Television Aerial System on Test, (13) ; Transmitting Station at Postwick Grange, 77 ; Engineering Division, (567) ; Permanent Headquarters for Television, (657) ; Sutton Coldfield Television Transmitting Station, 733
- British Columbia Electric Co., New Power Unit, 156
- British Columbia Electric Railway Co., “ Cold Rubber ” Tests, 432
- British Electric Resistance Co., Ltd Automatic Voltage Stabiliser, 315
- British Electricity Authority, Summer School, (55) ; Electricity Supply Research Council, 125 ; North Hydro-Electric Schemes, (185) ; tricity Load Spreading, 199 ; trical Contracting and Retailing Policy of the B.E.A., 263 ; Liverpool Street- Shenfield Electrification, 369, 391, 439 ; Walsall Power Station, 397 ; Generating Plant Extensions, 449 ; Reinforced Concrete Turbine House, 488 ; Boiler Explosion at York Power Station, 509 ; Hydrogen-Cooled Alternator on Load at Littlebrook Power Station, (537); British Electricity and Rural Electrification, 704
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., Silicone Rubber Insulated Cables and Wires, (109) ; Liverpool Street-Shen- field Electrification, 369, 391, 439 ; Walsall Power Station, 397 ; Research Laboratories, 410 ; Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640
- British Jeffrey-Diamond, Ltd., “ Ace ” Coal Cutter ; Conveyor Loader, 29
- British Oilfield Equipment Co., Ltd
- British Oilfield Equipment, 531
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, New Chairman, 41
- British Power Transformer Co., Ltd., Automatic Voltage Stabiliser, 315
- British Resin Products, Ltd., A Shock- Resisting Plastic Moulding Material, 157 British Ropes, Ltd., Nylon Ropes, Suppt., 2.9.49, ii
- British Ropeway Engineering Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162
- British Rototherm Co., Ltd., Low-Temperature Test Tank, Suppt., 2.9.49, iii
- British South American Airways Corporation, Loss of the Airliner “ Star Ariel,” 755
- British Steel Reinforcement Co., Ltd., Supports and Spacers for Concrete Reinforcement, (83)
- British Sugar Corporation, Ltd., Sugar Beet Harvester Demonstration, (387)
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd<, Extensions to Works at Rugby, 91 ; A.C. Escalator Drive, 152 ; Appointments, Propulsion Gearbox of Ferry Multi-Stage Air Com- Standby Diesel-Alter- Parallel Running, 344 ; Station, 397 ; Helical Solid Table ” Machines, Maxwell ” Precision Speed Indi- 592 ; New London Transport
- Brown, R. S., Plastic Strain and Hysteresis in Drawn Steel Wire, 647
- Brunel, Marc Isambard, 487, 682
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., Scholarship Awards, (159)
- Bryce Fuel Injection, Ltd., Maintenance of Fuel Injection Equipment, (329)
- Buckle Flame Cutter Co., Flame Cutter, 681
- Budd, Wm. C., Locomotive Performance, 16
- Bull Motors, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Super Tandem Lift Motors ; Air Stream Cooled Motor, Suppt,, 2.9.49, vii
- Bulleid, O. V. S., Retirement, 389 ; Welding and Railway Rolling Stock, 501
- Bulls Metal and Melloid Co., Ltd., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6
- Burns, B. D., Iron-Nickel-Chromiurn Alloys, 618
- Burtt, G. F., Obituary, 255
- Butler, G. B., Investigations on an Experimental Blast-Furnace, 662
- Butters Bros, and Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162
- Byford, Cecil, Dover-Ostend Motorship “ Car Ferry,” 72
- Byron Farm Machinery, Ltd., Tractor, 73
- CABLE and Wireless, Ltd., Units for Cable and Wireless (25)
- Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal - Electric Generating Station, 293, 311; Sensitive Galvanometer, 749
- Camm, F. J., Drawing an Ellipse, 555
- Canadian General Electric Co., Ltd., Improved A.C. Load “ Visualiser,” 751
- Canadian Vickers, Ltd., Model Tests for Dredging Equipment, 133 ; Ships for Venezuela, 697
- Canadian Western Lumber Co., New Pulp Mill, 751
- Canso Bridge, Borings, 47
- Carpenter, Charles Edgerton, Obituary, . 770
- Carty, C., Hydro-Electric Power Plants in
- Central France, 193, 219, 246, 275, 302
- Cashmore, John, Ltd., H.M.S. “ Ajax,” (689)
- Cassie, M. A., Gas Blast Circuit Breakers, 630
- Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, Construction of, 113, 142, 162
- C. A.V., Ltd., Mechanical Pressure Lubricator, 103
- Chadburns (Liverpool), Ltd., “ Synchrostep ” Transmission System ; Anti- Vibration Pointer Locking Device, 272
- Chamberlain Industries, Ltd., Hydraulic Arbor Press, 682
- Chambers, R. M., Obituary, (417)
- Champion, C. L., The Training of Engineers, 758
- Chance Brothers, Ltd., Large Optical Glass, 717
- Chandler, Alfred Lincoln, Obituary, (597)
- Chaplin, T. K., Drawing an Approximation to an Ellipse, 676
- Chartham Paper Mill, Rebuilding, 351
- Chesters, J. H., Open-Hearth Furnace Models, 587
- Chisarc and Shell “ D,” Ltd., Reinforced Concrete Turbine House, 488
- Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Christensen, H. P., Experimental Danish Marine Gas Turbine, 281
- Christopher, J., and Sons, Ltd., Potato Planter, 72
- Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Heavy- Duty Plain Grinding Machine, 736
- Churchman, A. T., Change of Electrical Resistance During the Strain Ageing of Iron, 647 '
- Claerwen Dam, 49
- Clark, Bernard Francis, Obituary, 255
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Electrically Driven Winches, 340
- Cleworth, A. B., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-
- Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Clyde Blower Co., Lune Mills Thermal Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Clyde Crane and Engineering Co., Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397 |
- Clyde Tube Forgings, Ltd., Seamless Steel
- Butt Welding Fittings, 291
- Cochran and Co., Annan, Ltd., Fifty Years at Annan, (41)
- Cockburns, Ltd., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6
- Cohen, George, Sons and Co., Ltd., “Pluto” Salvage Work, 407 ; Two Metal Working Machines, 737 ; Sheet Metal Working Plant, Suppt., L9.49, vii
- Coleman, John Percival Doughty, Obituary, 645
- Coleman, T. F., Retirement, (320)
- Collins, R. D., Gaseous Mixing in Open-Hearth Furnace Models, 587 Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co. of
- Canada, New Lead Smelter, 297 ; Slag Fuming Furnace, 751
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Diamond Core Mill, 33 ; Wet Drilling Machines, 91
- Contactor Switchgear, Ltd., Lime Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station,
- 293,311
- Continental Express, Ltd., Centenary, 704 Conway, H. G., Standardisation of Hydraulic Symbols, 773
- Cook, A. J., Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys, 618
- Cook, Gilbert, Strength of Engineering Materials, 424
- Cooke, B., Oil Seals, 100
- Cooper Roller Bearings Co., Ltd., Heavy- Duty Marine Bearing, 339 ; Large Split Roller Bearings, 712
- Cooper-Stewart Engineering Co., Ltd., Portable Sheep Shearing Set, 88
- Cornwall-Walker, A. E., Obituary, 187 Cottrell, A. H., Change of Electrical Resistance During the Strain Ageing of Iron, 647
- Couling, S. A., Helical Gears Cut on “Solid Table” Machines, 176, 420
- Cowans, Ltd., Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640
- Cowling, W. L., Is Force a Fiction ? 708 Cowlishaw, Walker and Co., Ltd., Coal-Face Conveying Equipment, 31
- Cox, F. W., Electricity in the Cotton Industry, 685,717
- Crane Packing, Ltd., Chemical-Resistmg Thermo-Plastic Gland Packings, (507)
- Creole Petroleum Corporation, Model Tests for Dredging Equipment, 133
- Critchfield, Charles E. M., Is Force a Fiction ? 676
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Jewel Inspection by Polarised Light Microscope, 8 ; New House Service Meter, 23 ; Automatic Power Factor and Load Control in a Foundry, 230 ; An Improved Oil- Immersed Fuse - Operated Circuit Breaker, 612
- Crossley Brothers, Ltd., Six-Cylinder, 450 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine ; Twelve-Cylinder, 1800 B.H.P. Locomotive Engine, Suppt., 26.8.49, xii
- Cyc Arc, Ltd., Electro-Hydraulic Stud Welding Head, 623
- Cylinder Components, Ltd., Press Shop Equipment Exhibition, (563)
- DANKS, Edwin, and Co. (Oldbury), Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Dannenmuller, D., Segregation and Liquation of Alloys, 483
- Darling, R. F., Combustion Chambers for Open-Cycle Marine Gas Turbines, 653, 670
- Davenport, J., Obituary, (597)
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., Standby Diesel-Altemator Sets for Parallel Running, 344 ; Pressure-Charged Engine, Suppt., 26.8.49, vii
- Davy and United Engineering Co., Ltd., Fast Rod Mill, 591
- Dawe Instruments, Ltd., Dynamic Balancing Machine, 715
- Deck, Henry, Obituary, 586
- Demolition and Construction Co., Ltd., Sea Defence Works at Seaford, Sussex, 481
- Denison, S., and Son, Ltd., Creep Testing Machine, 273
- Denny, William, and Brothers, Ltd., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6 ; Launch of the Cross-Channel Steamer “ Brighton,” 419
- Despo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Surface Treatment o:f Ferrous Metals, (665)
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311 ; Slide Valve ; Steam Trap, 306
- Dibben, C. R., Oil Seals, 16
- Dines, L. H. G., Is Force a Fiction ? 708
- Distington Engineering Co., Ltd., Shortwall Coal Cutter ; Shaker Conveyor and Drive, 58
- Dollery and Palmer (Pneumatic Tools), Ltd., Wet Pick, 90
- Dominion Bridge Co., Welded Locomotive Boilers, 751
- Donetz Basin, U.S.S.R., Reconstruction of, 128
- Doran, R. J., Present-Day Locomotive Working, 739
- Dorman, Long and Co., Ltd., North-East Coast Steel Works Expansion, 149; Liverpool Street-Shenfield Electrification, 369, 391, 439 ; Sixtieth Ordinary General Meeting, 752
- Dorman, Long (Africa), Ltd., Losses on S.A.R., 777
- Dorman, W. H., and Co., Ltd., New
- Foundry, 352 ; 31 B.H.P. Oil Engine, Suppt., 2.9.49, ii
- Dougall and Mimro, Ltd., Umgeni Water Supply Scheme for the City of Durban, 363
- Douglas, Alan, Cold Cathode Lighting, 202 Doxford, William, and Sons, Ltd., Dox- ford-Engined Trawler, 563
- Drynamels, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Pit
- Cages, 354 ; Process for Painting Aluminium, (705)
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd., Two New Cross
- Channel Packets, 6 ; Glasgow Engineering Centre, (721)
- Dugdale, Nigel, Radon in Engineering Radiography, 616
- Duncan, Norman, High-Speed Trains, 496
- Dunlop Rubber Co., Ltd., An Aircraft Brake, 345
- Dunlop, Ltd., Rubber Research Centre in Malaya, (687)
- EAGLE Oil and Shipping Co., Ltd., TurboElectric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestro,” 232
- Earle, Bourne and Co., Ltd., Anniversary, (537)
- Eastern Coach Works, Ltd., Low DoubleDeck Bus, 409 .
- Eastern and North-Eastern Region (British ' Railways), Norwich Railway Accident Report, (83) ; Locomotive Variable Cam Poppet Valve Gear, 289 ; Central Line Extension to Epping, 347 ; Liverpool Street-Shenfield Electrification, (300), 369, 391, 439 ; Renewal of Newcastle Crossing Network, (417) ; Track Stabilisation by Sand Piling, 521
- Edwards, F. J., Ltd., Rotary Combination Machine ; Dowel Turning Machine, 241 Eimco (Great Britain), Ltd., | Cubic Yard “ Rockershovel,” 59
- Electric Furnace Co., Ltd., Automatic Power Factor and Load Control in a Foundry, 230
- Electrical Power Engineering Co. (Birmingham), Flameproof Propeller Fan Motor, Suppt., 2.9.49, v
- Ellingworth, S., Locomotive Interchange Trials, 175
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Standardised Magnetic Amplifiers, (84)
- Ellis, Bernard Pemberton, Obituary, 347 Ellson, George, Obituary, 405
- Elsinore Shipyard, Ltd., the “ Hugin,” 320
- Emley, E. F., Non-Metallic Inclusions in Magnesium-Base Alloys and the Flux Refining Process, 484
- Enborne Valley Reservoir, 469
- Energie des Mers, Low-Pressure Plant in Morocco, 25
- Engineering Developments (England), Ltd., Industrial Magnification, (689)
- English Electric Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ; Dual Fuel (Gas-Diesel), Engines, 324 ; A Guide to Apprenticeship, (597) ; Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640; “ Canberra ” Jet Bomber, 649 ; 165 B.H.P. Dual Fuel Engine ; 200 B.H.P. Six-Cylinder Oil Engine, Suppt., 2.9.49, iv
- English Electric Export and Trading Co., Ltd., Main Line Electric Locomotives for the E.F.S.J., Brazil, 549
- English Steel Corporation, Twist Drill Works, 559
- Everett, Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., Photometric Terms, (597)
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293,311
- FAIREY Aviation Co., Ltd., Envelope Jigs for Aircraft Construction, 651, 673 Fell Developments, Ltd., Diesel Locomotive, 76
- Ferguson, Harry, Ltd., Manure Loader and Spreader, 45
- Ferguson, Pailin, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Finham Metallic Productions, Hand- Operated Guillotine Shear, 471
- Firestone Tyre and Rubber Co., Ltd., Rubber for Highways, 265
- Firth Brown, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Fleming, Sir Ambrose, Centenary, 629
- Fleming, Sir Arthur P. M., Bridging the Gap Between Science and Industry, 274
- Flight Refuelling, Ltd., Jet Aircraft Endurance Record, 161 ; Radar Beacon, 652
- Foraky Boring and Shaft Sinking Co., Ltd., Shaft Sinking at Calverton Colliery, 355
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Single-Furrow Reversible Mounted Plough, 87 ; Education for Agricultural Engineering, 379 ; Root Harvester, 666
- Foreloda Equipment Co., Ltd., Lifter and Loader, 666
- Forrest, J. S., Performance of the British Grid System in Thunderstorms, 750
- Fortescue, C. L., Obituary, 375
- Foster, Yates and Thom, Ltd., Large Curing Pan, (147)
- Foundation Maritime, Ltd., Canso Bridge Borings, 47
- Fowler, John, and Co. (Leeds), Ltd., 150 B.H.P. Shunting Locomotive, Suppt 26.8.49, V
- Fowler, W. A., Rolling of Aluminium, 467 Fox, John, Historic Locomotives, 436 Freyssinet, E., Prestressed Concrete, 582, 611, 635, 667
- Furnace Shipbuilding Electric Oil Tanker 232, 251
- GAS Light and Coke holder, 459
- Gatwick Airport, Future of, 213
- General Electric Co., Cross-Channel Motorship “ Car Ferry,” 9 ; Research Laboratories’ Conversazione, 12 ; Mobile Motor Generators for Docks, 23 ; L.M.R. Telephone Equipment at Crewe, 52 ; Cold- Cathode Tubes in Ceiling Louvres, 53 ; Sodium Approach Light for Horizon Bar Landing Systems, 80 ; New Izal Factory, 95 ; Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96 ; Electrification of a Bengal Jute Mill, (107) ; Supervisory Control for London Transport N.E. Extension, 178 ; Magnetic Tape Recorder, 198; Turbo-Electric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestre,” 232, 251 ; Liverpool Street- Shenfield Electrification, 369, 391, 439 ; P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455 ; V.H.F. Radio Equipment for Railways and Heavy Industries, .502 ; Ex-Apprentices Register, (537) ; London-Birmingham Television Radio-Relay Link, 551 ; Engineering Works Extensions at Witton, (567) ; V.H.F. Radio for Intercommunication in a Waterworks System, (597) ; Heating Development in Mine Shaft Sinking, (721)
- General Motors of Canada, Ltd., Locomotive Plant, 415
- General Refractories, Ltd., Metal-Cased Basic Bricks, (657)
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Bridge Construction for the North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, 380 ; Reinforced Concrete Turbine House, 488 ; Development Plan for Iran, 496
- Glacier Metal Co., Ltd., Standard Plain Bearings and Bushes, 155
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Work of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 35 ; Micro-Straining Plant, 290 ; Bruce Ball National Certificate Prize, 599
- Gloucester Railway Carriage and Wagon Co., Ltd., New London Transport Rolling Stock, 746
- Godfrey, Sir George, and Partners, Ltd., Industrial Blower, 341
- Gordon, James, and Co., Ltd., Turbo- Electric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestre,” 232, 251 ; P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Gough, H. J., Engineering Steels Under Combined Cyclic and Static Stresses, 497, 510, 540, 570
- Grant, W., Is Force a Fiction ? 739
- Gray, Eddie T. Y., “ Tip-It-All ” Trailer, 45
- Green, E., and Sons, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293,311
- Greig, J., Developments in the Teaching of Electrical Measurements, 469
- Guest, Keen and Nettlefolds, Ltd., Fast Rod Mill, 591
- Gullick, Ltd., “ Coalburster ” Pump ; Cutter Head, 60
- Guy Motors, Ltd., Engineering Firms’ Apprentice Schemes, (160)
- Gwynnes' Pumps, Ltd., Vertical Split Casing Pump ; General-Purpose Pump, Suppt,, 2.9.49, ii
- HACKBRIDGE and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 60-MVA Transformers for Canada, 281 ; Power Supply for the Liverpool- Southport Electric Lines, 640
- Hacking, Sir John, Electricity Supply Trends in America, 146
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Claerwen Dam, 49 ; Sea Defence Works at Seaford, Sussex, 481
- Hall, Arthur Henry, Obituary, 317
- Hall Harding, Ltd., Adjustable Drafting Square, 216
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Turbo-Electric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestre,” 232, 251
- Halliday, I. M. D., Flow Patterns in Model Furnaces, 587
- Hamilton, R., Trouble with Mill Rollers, 16 Hammond, Rolt, Air Survey in Relation to Civil Engineering, 248
- Hamworthy Engineering Co., Ltd., Vertical Spindle Marine Pumps, 622 ; Single- Acting Starting Air Compressors, Suppt,
- 26.8.49, xiv
- Hancock and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Electronically Controlled Oxygen Cutting Machine, 240
- Hanovia Ltd., Ultra-Violet Radiation in Industry, 680
- Harbormaster, Ltd., Outboard Propulsion Unit, Suppt., 2.9.49, vi
- Harbour and General Works, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Hardypick, Ltd., Heading Drill, 32
- Hargreaves, F., Stereoscopic Radiography, 154
- Harland Engineering Co., Ltd., Compensated Boiler Feed Pump, 129
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Two Liner Laimches, 239 ; 1600 B.H.P. Eight-Cylinder Oil Engine ; Six-Cylinder Engine, 338
- Harris Lebus, Ltd., Aluminium for Timber Kiln Doors, 775
- Harrison, R. C., and Sons (Brass Founders), Standard Handwheels, (597)
- Harvey, Alfred Laird, Obituary, 175
- Harvey, G. A., and Co. (London), Ltd., Engineering and Marine Exhibition, Suppt., 2.9.49, V
- Harwell, “ Hot ” Laboratory, 48
- Hastie, John, and Co., Ltd., Turbo-Electric
- Oil Tanker “ San Silvestre,” 232, 251
- Hawker Aircraft, Ltd., Blackpool Airfield, (721)
- Hawkes worth Bridge, British Guiana, (360) Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Shaft • Sinking at Calverton Colliery, 355 ;
- Umgeni Water Supply Scheme for the City of Durban, 364
- Henderson, John M., and Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., Exhibition of Machine Tools, (211) ; “ Preoptive
- IGRANIC Electric Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ®
- Ingersoll-Rand Co., Ltd., Portable Air Compressor, 183
- International Combustion, Ltd., Engineering Shops at Port Elizabeth, 475 ; Celebration, (779)
- International Corporation, Ltd., An Infinitely Variable Gear, 747
- Isle of Wight and South of England Royal Mail Steam Packet Co., Ltd., Motor Vessel “ Balmoral,” 569, 606
- Ivo Engineering and Construction Co., Ltd., Farm Crop [Dehydrator, 710
- J. D. Insulating Co., Ltd., Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96
- Jefferson, J. L., Design and Operation of the Parsons Experimental Gas Turbine, 442, 472
- Jenkins, Robert, and Co., Ltd., Long-Service Awards, (555)
- Jenolite, Ltd., Rust Protection on Safes, (561)
- Johnson, A. E., Behaviour of Cast Steel at Elevated Temperatures, 126, 138, 165, 189
- Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd., Protective Equipment for Handling Radium Sources, 93
- Johnson, W. A., The Engineering Implications and Economics of Surface Preparation of Mild Steel Prior to Fabrication, 589
- Jones, F. W., Free Energy and Metastable States in the Iron-Nickel and Iron- Manganese Systems, 618
- KANSAS City Bridge Co., New Mississippi Bridge, 265
- Kay, John Aiton, Obituary, 57
- Keiller, C. M., Present-Day Locomotive Working, 555
- Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial), Ltd., Supersonic Probes for Butt Weld Testing, 309
- Kennedy, W., Tube Bending Machine, 241
- Kent Engineering and Foundry, Ltd., “ Autoblast ” Sprayer, 75
- Kent, George, and Co., Ltd., London Offices, (368) ; Walsall Power Station, 397 ; K.M.” Flow Controller, Suppt, 2.9.49, vi
- Kent, Herbert Harcourt, Obituary, 615
- Kitchen Equipment Co., Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., Universal Radial Drilling Machine, 715
- K. and L. Steelfounders and Engineers, Ltd., 4-Ton Mobile Crane, 271
- Kocher, Erich, Obituary, 69
- LACHINE Canal Tunnels, 47
- Lake and Elliot, Automatic Power Factor and Load Control in a Foundry, 230
- Lamourdedieu, M., Factory for the Working of Light Alloys, 467
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6 ; Lune Mills Thermal - Electric Generating Station, 293, 311 ; Walsall Power Station, 397
- Lane, J. and J., Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96
- Lapoint Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Horizontal Broaching Machine, 523
- Laurence Scott and Electromotors, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Ledward and Beckett, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Leith Docks, Improvements to, (125)
- Leliavsky, S. Bey, Underpinning and Repairing the Roda Island Nilometer, 660, 693, 729
- Lewis, John, and Sons, Ltd., Doxford- Engined Trawler, 563
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Insulated Meat Van, 711
- Lime Street Station, Liverpool, Remodelling, 172
- Lincoln Electric Co., Ltd., “ Welded Bridges of the Future,” (721)
- Lindsay, F. E., Behaviour of Cast Steel at “ Elevated ” Temperatures, 285
- Lister, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Eight-Cylinder Supercharged Blackstone Engine, 340 ; M.V. “ Balmoral ” for Isle of Wight Services, 606 ; Small Petrol Engine Works, 765
- Liu, Y. H., X-Ray Study of the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-Nickel System, 618
- Lloyd’s Register Shipbuilding Returns, 111, 479 ; Wreck Returns, (359)
- Locomotive Valve Gears, Ltd., Locomotive Variable Cam Poppet Valve Gear, 289
- Loewy Engineering Co., Ltd., Works of F.B. Engineers, Ltd., 487
- London Midland Region (British Railways), Telephone Equipment at Crewe, 52 ; Fell Diesel Locomotive, 76 ; Scrapping of Veteran Locomotives, (159) ; Remodelling of Lime Street Station, Liverpool, 172 ; New Goods Office at Liverpool Docks, (299) ; Weed-Killing Trains, (299) ; Railway Overhead Equipment Maintenance Unit, 342 ; Toton Marshalling Yard, (387) ; Euston Track Relaying, (417) ; Track Repairs in Thack- ley Tunnel, (477) ; Toton Modernisation Scheme, 479 ; Loudspeaker Communication for Mechanised Marshalling Yard, 611 ; Power Supply for the Liverpool- Southport Electric Lines, 640 ; Metal Salvage, (721)
- London Transport, A.C. Escalator Drive, 152 ; Transport Developments in London, 153 ; Supervisory Control for N.E. Extension, 178 ; Canteen Staff Training Centre, 181 ; Sloane Square Station, (211) ; Central Line Extension to Epping, 347 ; Architects’ Organisation, (359);.Cab Heaters for London Buses, (567) ; Experimental Fans in Tube Stock, (567) ; Trafficators for London Buses, (594) ; Docking Pits for Vehicles, 609 ; Instruction Train, 623 ; Signalling, 738 ; New Rolling Stock, 746
- Longlac Pulp and Paper Co., Ltd., Canadian Sulphate Pulp Mill, 119
- MACARD Screws, Ltd., Powerful Axial-Flow Mine Ventilation Fan, 528
- MacCullam, John S., Obituary, 755
- MacMillan, R. H., Epicyclic Gear Efficiencies, 727
- Maddocks, W. R., Effect of Sodium Oxide Additions to Steel-making Slags, 663
- Magnetic Equipment Co., Bin Level Indicator, (500)
- Maitland, Sir Adam, Obituary, (537)
- Manchester Ship Canal Co., Staff Changes, 389
- Maple-Martyn, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Midlands Television Aerial System on Test, (13) ; Waterworks Radio Com- mimication, (83) ; Demonstration of Mobile Radio at London Airport, (608)
- Marr, J., and Son, Ltd., Doxford-Engined Trawler, 563
- Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., “ Grain- Marshall ” Combine Harvester, 89
- Marston, A. P., Drawing an Approximation to an Ellipse, 485, 771
- Masefield, Peter, New Appointment, 449
- Mason, E. N., and Sons, Ltd., Continuous Plan Printer; Vertical Plan Filing Cabinet ; Drafting Stand with Drafting Machine, Suppt,, 26.8.49, xvi
- Mason, F. O., Gas Blast Circuit Breakers, 630
- Massey-Harris, Ltd., Self-Propelled Combine Harvester ; Diesel-Engined Tractor, 74
- Massman Construction Co., New Mississippi Bridge, 265
- Mather and Platt, Ltd.„ Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96
- Matter, J., Factory for the Light Alloys, 467
- Mavor and Coulson, Ltd., Loader ; 19in Coal Cutter Gummer; 15in Turret Cutter, 28
- M. and C. Switchgear, Ltd., Room and Control Switch, 62
- McAlpine, Sir Alfred, and Son, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- McCance, Sir Andrew, Plastic Behaviour of Solids, 529, 546
- McConnel, F. W., Ltd., Hedge-Cutting Machine, 666
- McGowan, Lord, Standardisation, 137 Mclnnes and Partners, P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455 McKechnie, J., Obituary, (211) McLean, Hugh, and Son, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Meadows, Henry, Ltd., 95 B.H.P. “ Frobisher ” Marine Oil Engine, Suppt,, 26.8.49, vi
- Melling, C. T., Industrial Electrification and National Productivity, 533
- Merz and McLellan, Reinforced Concrete Turbine House, 488
- Metallisation, Ltd., Metal Spraying Plant for Constructional Steelwork, 180
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Jubilee, 11 ; Infra-Red Element Projector Units, 104 ; Construction of the Castelo-d-o-Bode JDam, Portugal, 113, 142,162 ; Trolleybus with Side-Moimted Electrical Equipment, 183 ; Scanner of “ Seascan ” Radar ; Console of “ Seascan ” Radar, 307 ; Rebuilding of Chartham Paper Mill, 351 ; 25kW Radio Frequency Induction Furnace, 441 ; White Magnetic Fluid for Crack Detection, 533 ; Versatile Spot Welder, 684
- Metropolitan Water Board, Enborne Valley Reservoir, 469 ; Annual Report, 525 ; Hampton-Chingford Raw Water Main, 592
- Mexican Light and Power Co., Diesel Generating Plant, 265
- Middleton, A. B., Pure Platinum, 485
- Midland Dynamo Co., Ltd., Armature Winding Machine, Suppt,, 26.8.49, xiii
- Milbank Floors, Ltd., Light Precast Concrete Roof, 705
- Millspaugh, Ltd., Rebuilding of Chartham Paper Mill, 351
- Mining Engineering Co., Ltd., “ A-B Meco Moore ” Cutter Loader, 90
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., British Oilfield Equipment, 531
- Missenden, Sir Eustace, Railway Motive Power, 60
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311 ; Walsall Power Station, 397
- Modern Designs, Ltd., Packman Potato Planter, 7 4
- Mono Pumps, Ltd., Dispensing Pump, Suppt,, 2.9.49, vii
- Morgan Crucible Co., Ltd., Tilting Crucible Furnace, Suppt,, 2.9.49, viii
- Morris, Herbert, Ltd., Light Alloy Overhead Travelling Cranes, 748
- Mouchel, L. G., and Partners, Walsall Power Station, 397
- M‘Queen, H. A., and Co., Ltd., Saw Sharpening Machine, 290
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., Miniature Standard Cell, 355
- Mullard Electronic Products, Ltd., Industrial Thyratrons, (721) ; Ultrasonic Soldering Iron for Light Alloys, 737
- Murad Developments, Ltd., Pedestal Grinder with a Dust Extractor, 414
- Murex Welding Processes, Ltd., Diesel Engine Driven Welding Equipment, Suppt., 26.8.49, xiii
- NAPIER, D., and Son, Ltd., Turbo Blower, Suppt,, 26.8.49, x
- National Coal Board, Changes in Policy and Organisation, 137 ; Cleaner Coal, 57 ; Liberal Summer School at Oxford, 137 ; Aluminium Alloy Pit Cages, 354 ; Quarterly Statement, 358, 720 ; Report, 21, 68
- National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 466 B.H.P. Marine Auxiliary Engine, Suppt., .26.8.49, ii
- Naylor, F. S., A Productivity Scheme, 364
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Unusual Adaptation of a Mobile Crane, 715
- Negretti and Zambra, Proportional Controller Mechanism, 308
- New Medway Steam Packet Co., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6
- Newalls, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Newby, Albert Ernest, Obituary, 645
- Newby, M. P., Gas and Fluid Flow in a Side-Blown Converter Model, 587
- Newton, Chambers and Co., Ltd., New Izal Factory, 95
- Nock, O. S., Present-Day Locomotive Working in Great Britain, 514, 543, 573, 600
- North British Locmotive Co., Ltd., 100 H.P. Mine Locomotive, 29
- North-Eastern Marine Engineering Co. (1928), Ltd., Prime Movers, 339
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 46 ; Transmission Lines in Argyll and Inverness, 27 ; Bridge Construction, 380 ; Library, (387)
- Northern Electric Co., Ltd., Wire and Cable Plant, 415 ; British “ Dial ” Equipment for Canada’s Telephone City, (507)
- Norwich Railway Accident Report, (83) Nuttall, Edmund, Sons and Co., Ltd., Claerwen Dam, 49
- OAK Tree Appliances, Ltd., “Ota” Tractor, 709
- Onslow, D. V., Behaviour of Cast Steel at “ Elevated ” Temperatures, 227
- Orton, L. H., Gas Blast Circuit Breakers, 630
- Orton, R. R., Fluid Bearings, 431
- Ortviken Chemical Pulp Co., Swedish Paper Mill, (643)
- Overseas Consultants, Inc., Development Plan for Iran, 496
- Owen, E. A., X-Ray Study of the Equilibrium Diagram of the Iron-Nickel System, 618
- Ozalid Co., Ltd., Plan Copying Machine, Suppt,, 2.9.49, iii
- PAGE-HERSEY Tube, Ltd., New Steel
- Pipe Mill, 47
- Palmer Tyre, Ltd., Non-Destructive Testing in Industry, (689)
- Parker, A., World Energy Resources and their Utilisation, 603
- Parker, E. B., Railway Rolling Stock, 43
- Parker, Frederick, Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ; Small Concrete Mixer, 619
- Parkes, Oscar, German and Japanese .Battleships, 39, 80
- Parkinson and Cowan (Gas Meters), Ltd., Infra-Red Baking Oven for Motor Stators, 501
- Parmiter, Hope and Sugden, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Parsons, C. and A., Ltd., 50kW Turbo- Generators, 337
- Parsons, Walter C., Obituary, (537)
- Patent Shaft and Axletree, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Pauling and Co., Ltd., Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ; ‘‘ Prelude to Power,” (746)
- Pearson, D. M., Locomotive Interchange Trials, 202
- Peck, S. C., Obituary, 1
- Peebles, Bruce, Ltd., Oil-Immersed Rectifier for Battery Charging; Battery- Charging Transformer and Rectifier, 292
- Peerless and Ericsson, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Pelapone Engines, Ltd., Pelapone-Ricardo Diesel Engine, Suppt., 26.8.49, xv
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Liner “ Chusan,” 1 ; Liner “ Himalaya,” 269, 407, 423, 455
- Pennington, R., High-Temperature Boiler Feed Pumps, 202
- Permutit Co., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-
- Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Perrin, J. F., “ The Place of Imagination in Science,” 436 ; Is Force a Fiction ? 616
- Perring, H. H., Obituary, (83)
- Pest Control, Ltd., “ Spray copter,” Mark II ; “ Weedmaster ” Low-Volume Sprayer, 46
- Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., Two New CrossChannel Packets, 6 ; the Argentine Liner ‘‘Presidente Peron” (136)
- Petrochemicals, Ltd., New Heat T?ransfer Medium, 453
- Petters, Ltd., “ B 4 T ” Traction Type Diesel Engine, 710
- Pfeil, L. B., Pure Platinum, 485
- Philip, A. R., Flow Patterns in Model Furnaces, 587 ; Flow Visualisation and Photography, 587 ; Open-Hearth Furnace Models, 587
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., 2-5kW Radio- Frequency Heating Equipment, 104 ; Sound Reproduction Equipment in Exeter Cathedral, (774)
- Phillips, Wallington and Co., Ltd., Indus-' trial Truck, 716
- Phoenix Bridge Co., Pecos High Bridge, Texas, Replaced, 206
- Pickerings, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Pickett, G. A., “ Tirpitz,” 72
- Pickford’s, Ltd., Unusual Road Transport Task, 617
- Pilchers, Ltd., Brighter Factories, (185)
- Pilkington Brothers, Ltd., Double Glazing, (447) ; Armourplate ” and “ Armourlight ” Glass, (721)
- Pilkington Glass Co. of Canada, “ Hot Glass,” (359)
- Plenty, Edward Pellew, Obituary, 586
- Plessey Co., Ltd., Valve Holders for Miniature Valves, 263; V.H.F. and H.F. Medium-Powered Transmitter, 413 ; Mobile V.H.F. Transmitter-Receiver, 716
- Polakowski, N. H., Compression Test in Relation to Cold Rolling, 646
- Portevin, A. M., Segregation and Liquation of Alloys, 483
- Poultney, E. C., Two Notable British Locomotives, 118 ; Locomotive Interchange Trials, 125 ; American Railroads, 285 ; Welded Locomotive Boilers, 332
- Powell, C., Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, 763
- Powell Duffryn Technical Services, Ltd Coal Resources of Pakistan, (689)
- Powell River Co., Ltd., Accident Prevention, 415
- Power Plant Co., Ltd., “ Finroc ” Gear Shaving Process, 77
- Premier Coolei* Co., Shaft Sinking at Calverton Colliery, 355
- Price, H. C., Obituary, (267)
- Prior Stokers, Ltd., The “ Zephair ” Air Heater, 132
- Prowde, Oswald Longstaff, Obituary, 555
- Pullin, V. E., Notes on the Use of Radon in Engineering Radiography, 452
- Pumphrey, W. I., Free Energy and Metastable States in the Iron-Nickel and Iron- Manganese Systems, 618
- QUASI-ARC, Ltd., AGP 170 Are Welding Set, 306
- RACHINGER, W. A., Crystallite Theory of Strength of Metals, 484
- Radiovisor Parent Co., Ltd., Twenty-first Anniversary, (359)
- Raleigh Industries, Ltd., Engineering Firms’ Apprentice Schemes, (160)
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Large Spur Tooth Rack, 343; Umgeni Water Supply Scheme for the City of Durban, 363
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies, Ltd., Motor Cultivator ; Single-Furrow Reversible Mounted Plough, 87 ; Electric-Hydraulic Forklift Truck, 216 ; Foundry, 520
- Reavel and Co., Ltd., Three-Stage, 4500 lb Compressor ; Axial-Flow Compressor, 337
- Record Electrical Co., Ltd., “ Major ” Insulation Tester, 643
- Redifon, Ltd., Radio-Frequency Induction Heater, Suppt,, 26.8.49, xv
- Rees, W. P., Iron-Nickel-Chromium Alloys, 618
- Reeve, L., Low-Carbon Alloy Steels, 617 Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Takoradi Harbour Extensions, 57
- Renfrew Airport, (237)
- Reyrolle, A., and Co., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311; 3-3kV, 150MVA Metal-Enclosed Air Break Circuit Breaker, Suppt,, 2.9.49, ii
- Rhodes, E. C., Pure Platinum, 485
- Ricardo and Co., Eng. (1927), Ltd., Fell . Diesel Locomotive, 76 ; Shell-Ricardo Lubricating Oil Test Engine, 259
- Richards, John Arthur, Obituary, 615
- Road Machines (Drayton), Ltd., Mono-Rail Transporter, 684
- Robertson, Vernon Alec Murray, Twenty Years’ Development in Civil Engineering on British Railways, 526 ; Sea Defence Works at Seaford, 586
- Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Press Shop Equipment Exhibition, (563)
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., Appointments, 361
- Rootes Securities, Ltd., Pupil and Apprentice Training Scheme, (567)
- Runbaken, J. H. Obituary, (135)
- Russell, A. M., Ltd., “ Multiplanter ” Feed Attachment, “ Multiplanter ” Cabbage Planter, 72
- Russell Newbery and Co., Ltd., 6kW Alternator Set, Suppt,, 26.8.49, v
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 3|-Ton Mine Locomotive ; 100 B.H.P. Mine Locomotive, 58 ; Construction of the Castelo- do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ; Remodelling of Lime Street Station, Liverpool, 172 ; Gas Turbine, 203 ; Narrow-Gauge Oil-Engined Locomotive, Suppt,, 26.8.49, xi
- Ruths Accumulators (Cochran), Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Ryan, C., and Co., Portable Electric Jointing Kit, (344)
- Ryder, Thos., and Co., Ltd., Automatic Cask Washing Machine, 354
- Ryley, Denis J., Steam Nozzle Testing Apparatus, 633
- SAGE, Fredk., and Co., Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- St. Andrews Steam Fishing Co., Ltd., Dox- ford-Engined Trawler, 563
- Salopian Engineers, Ltd., “ Sweeplift ” Crop Collector,- 88
- Sao Paulo Railway Co., Main Line Electric Locomotives for the E.F.S.J., Brazil, 549
- Sargrove Electronics, Ltd., An Electronic Counter-Batcher, 132
- Sarjant, R. J., Furnace Design and Practice, 744,776
- Satow, M. G., Loughborough College, 43
- Saimders, Charles Wallace, Obituary, 406
- Saunders, H. L., Distribution of Materials in the Blast-furnace, 662 ; Investigations on an Experimental Blast-furnace, 662
- Saunders Roe, Ltd., Progress on the Saunders-Roe “ Princess ” Flying Boat, 145
- Savages, Ltd., Centenary, (753)
- Schlesinger, Georg, Obituary, 438
- Schofield and Samson, Ltd., Worm Reduction Unit, 339
- Schori Metallising Process, Ltd., Reconditioning of Structural Steelwork, (417), 519
- Scorer, A. B., Behaviour of Cast Steel at “ Elevated ” Temperatures, 202
- Scott, Laurence, and Electromotors, Ltd., “ Convertor ” Winch, Suppt,, 26.8.49, vi
- Scott and Wilson, Lowering of Ground Water at the South Bank Concert Hall, 171
- Scottish Region (British Railways), Eyemouth Branch Line, (43), 97; Locomotive Watering Difficulties in the West Highlands, (185) ; Bridge Demolition, (673)
- Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., , Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Sell Pipe Line Co., New Pipe Line, 265
- Sentinel (Shrewsbury), Ltd., 26 B.H.P. Oil Engine, Suppt,, 26.8.49, xii
- Serck Radiators, Ltd., Combined Heat Exchanger, Suppt., 2.9.49, viii
- Sharpies Centrifuges, Ltd., “ Super-D- Canter ” “ Super-D-Hydrator,” ; Oil Purifier, Suppt., 26.8.49, viii
- Shaw, John, Obituary, (537)
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Standard Test Engine and Control Panel, 308
- Shell Petroleum Co., Ltd., New Oxford Geology and Mineralogy Laboratory, 85 Deep South American Oil Well, 289
- Siemens and General Electric Railway Signal Co., Ltd., Improved Road Traffic Signalling Detector, 500
- Siemens-Schuckert (Great Britain), Ltd., Boltless Drill Transformer Panel, 60
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd., “ Nylon ” Stop Nut, Suppt., 2.9.49, i
- Skelton, R. A., and Co., Ltd., Liverpool Street-Shenfield Electrification, 369, 391, 439
- Smith, C. A. Middleton, The Engineer in Hong Kong, 115
- Smith, G. S., New Scale of Hardness, 235
- Snow, Deakin and Co., Ltd., Portable Hardness Tester, 591
- Snowy River Hydro-Electric Scheme, 449
- South Durham Steel and Iron Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 778
- Southern Region (British Railways), Mobile Motor Generators for Docks, 23 ; Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 389; Double-Decked Train, 560
- Spencer-Bonecourt, Ltd., Gas Turbine Installation for Coventry Gasworks, 27
- Standard Oil Co., Model Tests for Dredging Equipment, 133
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Remodelling of Lime Street Station, Liverpool, 172 ; Long-Distance Telephone Project in Eire, 227 ; Liverpool Street- Shenfield Electrification, 369, 391, 439 ; Extensions to Finnish Telephone Network, (507) ; British “Dial ” Equipment for Canada’s Telephone City, (507) ; London-Birmingham Television Radio Relay Link, 551 ; Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640 ; Manufacture of Communications Cables in India, (753)
- Steel Company of Canada, Ltd., Production, 415 ; Stelco Tin Line, 415
- Stelp and Leighton, Ltd., Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96
- Stephen, A., and Sons, P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Sterne, L., and Co., Ltd., Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96
- Stewart, C. and A., Ltd., Variable-Stroke Pump, 290
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311 ; Large Seamless Steel Tube Mill at Clydesdale, 665, 699
- Stone, J., and Co., Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Stonebridge, Arthur Watson, Obituary, 645
- Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96 ; Construction of the Castelo-do-Bode Dam, Portugal, 113, 142, 162 ; Electric Deck Crane, 240 ; 14 Cubic Foot Concrete Mixer, 775 Strachan, Robert, Retirement, 755 Strutt, Denner John, Obituary, (597) Suez Canal Co., Traffic, (359)
- Sulzer Brothers, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Sutcliffe, Richard, Ltd., Coal Conveying Plant, 90
- Swale, W. E., Electricity in the Cotton Industry, 685, 717
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Launch of Destroyer H.M.S. “ Daring,” 161
- Swan, R. G., Obituary, 297
- Swift, B. and P., Ltd., Gear Pump, 215
- Swift, George, and Co., Ltd., Special Lathe with Optical Control, 461
- Tecalemit, Ltd., “ Line-O-Matic ” Grease Lubricator, Suppt,, 2.9.49, i
- Tees Side Bridge and Engineering Works, Ltd., All-Welded Steel Barge Construction, 101
- Texas Oil Co., Oil-from-Coal Plant, 475
- Thermotank Co., Ltd., Two New Cross Channel Packets, 6
- Thomas, Bertram (Engineers), Ltd., Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640
- Thomas, C. O., Putting Off the Evil Day, 616
- Thomas, W. J., Rolling of Aluminium, 467
- Thompson Grinder Co., Large Surface Grinder, 147
- Thompson, John, Water Tube Boilers, Ltd., Turbo-Electric Oil Tanker “ San Silvestro,” 232, 251
- Thornycroft, John I., and Co., Ltd., Customs Patrol Launch for Ceylon, 562 ; Isle of Wight Motor Vessel “ Balmoral,” 569, 606 ; Liquid Fuel Burner, Suppt,, 26.8.49, iii
- T.I. Aluminium, Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Pit Cages, 354
- Tilbury Contracting and Dredging Co., Ltd., Work of the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 35
- Tilghman's Patent Sand Blast Co., Ltd., Metal Spraying Plant for Constructional Steelwork, 180
- Tilling-Stevens, Ltd., Infra-Red Baking Oven for Motor Stators, 501
- Towler Brothers (Patents), Ltd., Axial Plunger Swash Plate Pump ; Unloading Relief Valve, 243
- Transplanters (Robot), Ltd., Beet Harvester, 666
- Transport Equipment (Thornycroft), Ltd., “ Trident ” Medium-Load Oil-Engined Chassis with Dual-Purpose Cattle Truck Body, 711
- Triplex Safety Glass Co., Ltd., The Use and Design of Curved Safety Glass, (159); Curved Safety Glass Screens, 413
- Tripp, G. W., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6 ; New Heat Transfer Medium, 453 ; M.V. “ Balmoral ” for Isle of Wight Services, 606
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Bows and Arrows, (121)
- Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd., Power Supply for the Liverpool-Southport Electric Lines, 640
- Tufnol, Ltd., Gears, 307
- Tuplin, W. A., Helical Gears Cut on “ Solid Table ” Machines, 202 ; Cab Arrangement for Standard B.R. Locomotives, 739
- Turner Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 40 H.P. Diesel Tractor, 88
- Tweedales and Smalley, Ltd., Standby Diesel-Alternator Sets for Parallel Running, 344 ,
- Tweedy, J. M., Investigations on an Experimental Blast-furnace, 662
- Tyler, J. D., Gaseous Mixing in Open- Hearth Furnace Models, 587
- Tyzack, William, and Sons, Abbeydale Works, Sheffield, 151
- UMGENI Water Supply Scheme for the City of Durban, 363
- United Ebonite and Lorival, Ltd., Ebonite Bobbins, (19)
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Steel Production, (136)
- Uskside Engineering Co., Ltd., 30in Gate Belt Conveyor, 90
- VARLEY, Cromwell Hanford, Obituary, 675
- Venables, A. J., Obituary, (186)
- Venesta, Ltd., New Plywood, (489)
- Verulam, The Earl of, Obituary, 707
- Vickers-Armstrongs, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Chusan,” 1 ; Argentine Liner “ Presidente Peron,” 96 ; Equipment for “ Independent Frame ” Filming, 223 ; Two Liner Launches, 239 ; Printers’ Roller Casting Mould ; Book Stitching Machine, 244 ; P. and O. Liner laya,” 269, 407, 423, 455; “ Viscount ” Airliner, 331 :
- Vulcan Motors, Ltd., Centrifugal Switch Armature Assembly ; Centrifugal Switch Slip-Ring Carrier ; Dual Fan, Squirrel- Cage Rotor ; Single-Phase Capacitor- Start Motor; Three-Phase Industrial Motor, 270
- WALDRAM, Percy John, Obituary, 586
- Walker Brothers (Wigan), Ltd., Powerful Axial-Flow Mine Ventilation Fan, 528
- Walker, Sir Herbert A., Obituary, 406
- Wallsend Slipway and Engineering Co., Two New Cross-Channel Packets, 6
- Walmsley (Bury), Ltd., Rebuilding of Chartham Paper Mill, 351
- Walsall Power Station, 397
- Wans, Oswald, Retirement, 389
- Ward Blenkinsop and Co., Ltd., Process for “ Printed ” Electrical Circuits, 764
- Waring and Gillow, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Warren, Morrison, Ltd., Straight-Through Valve, 155
- Watford Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Automatic Power Factor and Load Control in a Foundry, 230
- Watney, Richard, Obituary, 201
- Watson, Stephen John, Obituary, 615
- Weddell, Albert, Obituary, (83)
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal- Electric Generating Station, 293, 311 ; Walsall Power Station, 397 ; P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Welboum, D. B., Axial-Flow Ducted Fan Theory, 86
- Welin McLachlan Davits, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- West Hartlepool Steam Navigation Co., Ltd., Doxford-Engined Trawler, 563
- Western Region (British Railways), Railway Workers’ Educational Classes, (387)
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., Remodelling of Lime Street Station, Liverpool, 172
- West's Gas Improvement Co., Ltd., Gas Turbine Installation for Coventry Gasworks, 27
- West's Piling and Construction Co., Ltd., Cast In Situ Piling, (267)
- Wheeler, F. H., and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., New Izal Factory, 95
- Whipp and Bourne, Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Whittaker Ellis, Ltd., Walsall Power Station, 397
- Wickman, A. C., Ltd., Deep Hole Drilling Attachment for Automatics, 355
- Widdop, W., and Co., Ltd., 220 B.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, 245
- Wiggin, Henry, and Co., Ltd., Properties of Monel and Inconel, (25) ; Nickel Properties and Applications, (267) ; Glass- to-Metal Seals, (597)
- Wiggins, Teape and Co. (1919), Ltd., Rebuilding of Chartham Paper Mill, 351
- Wild, M. B., and Co., Ltd., Gang Seeder, 709
- Wild, R., Distribution of Materials in the Blast-furnace, 662
- William, J., Productivity, 406
- Williams, Edwin, Technical Schools, 227 Williamson, Jas., and Son, Ltd., Lune Mills Thermal-Electric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Willment Brothers, Ltd., Lowering of Ground Water at the South Bank Concert Hall, 171
- Wilms, G. R., Mechanism of Creep in Metals, 484
- Wilson, Henry, and Co., Ltd., P. and O. Liner “ Himalaya,” 407, 423, 455
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., “ Situfoam ” House Construction, (779)
- Wood, Harold Carrington, Open-Hearth Furnace Charging, 724, 756
- Wood, Hugh, and Co., Ltd., Top Belt Loading Trunk Conveyor, 90
- Wood, W. A., Crystallite Theory of Strength of Metals, 484 ; Mechanism of Creep in Metals, 484
- Woodeson, William Armstrong, Obituary, 438
- Woods of Colchester, Ltd., Fortieth Anniversary, (537)
- Worthington-Simpson, Ltd., Driven Domestic Pump, 339
- YORKE, Peter, Work of the Commission, 770
- Yorkshire Electric Transformer Lime Mills Thermal-Elecfric Generating Station, 293, 311
- Yuille, John (Metal Works), Ltd., “ Metwul ” Filters, 291
See Also
Sources of Information