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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name D

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

DADE, Charles H., Member of Council of the British Elec. Federation, Ltd.; Chairman of Rio Grandense Light and Power Syndicate, Ltd. Address: 17, The Avenue, Beckenham.

DALAL, Chunilal, Raj Sabhabushan, Licentiate of Civil Eng. (Bombay), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E. (India), Hon. M. Mysore Assoc. Engrs., M. Bombay E.Assoc., Special Engr., Flood Preventive Works, Hyderabad-Deccan; b. 1855; s. of Tarachand Dalal. Ed. and Trained: College Poons, Bombay University, India, and Mysore State, D.P.W. Career: Built Borankanve and Marikanve Reservoirs in Mysore; built Osmansagar Reservoir in Hyderabad-Deccan; now building Himayatsagar Reservoir in Hyderabad-Deccan. Address: Special Engr., Hyderabad-Deccan.

DALBY, William Ernest, M.A., B.Sc., F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.N.A., Dean of the City and Guilds (Engineering) College, Exhibition Road, South Kensington. Training Great Eastern Railway Co., Stratford, E.; London and North-Western nct Railway Co., Crewe, and Engineering Department, Cambridge University. Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mathematics at the City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Appointed Professor of Civil and Mechanical Engineering at the Central Technical College (now the City and Guilds Engineering College) in 1904. President of Section G, British Association Sheffield Meeting in 1910. Associate Member of Council Institute of Naval Architects; Member of Council Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Publications: " Steam Power," " The Balancing of Engines," " Valves and Valve Gear Mechanisms." Papers in Proceedings of Royal Society, the Institution of Civil Engineers, the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, the Institution of Naval Architects, the Institute of Metals. War Services.—Confidential work for Admiralty, War Office, Air Board; Member of Board of Invention and Research; Consulting Engineer to Admiralty Engineering Laboratory; Secretary to Sectional Committee on Engineering of the War Committee of the Royal Society; Member of Expert Sub-Committee of H.M. Petroleum Executive.

DALE, Hugh Gordon, F.I.C., M.Inst.Met., Metallurgical Chemist to Sheffield Smelting Co.; b. 1886; s. of Rev. W. Dale (Presbyterian). Ed. Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet. Training: Finsbury Tech. College Research Student with late Prof. R. Meldola, F.R.S., 1906. 1907-19—with F. Claudet, Assayers to Bank of England. Address: 35, Steade Road, Sheffield.

d'ALTON, Patrick Walter, Lt.-Col., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E.; b. 1856; s. of Walter P. d'Alton, M.D. Ed. Dublin. Training: North-Eastern Mar. Engine Works, Sunderland, and Hawthoree and Co., St. Peters-on-Tyne. Career: Chief Engr.'s Certificate, 1884; Chief Engr. to Nordenfeldt Submarine Boats; Engr., Engr.-in-Chief to London Electric Supply Corporation; Major, 6th Battalion Royal Irish Rifles, S. Af. War; Chief Engr., Central London Railway., 1901-2; Chief Mech. Engr. to Dick, Kerr and Co., 1903-14; carried out electrification Liverpool-Southport Branch, L. and. Y. Railway. Co.; Railway. and Power Schemes in many parts of the world; pioneered and reported upon electrification of Victoria-Minas Railway., Victoria to Itabira de Matto Dentro, in Brazil; commenced private practice as Cons. Engr., 1914; 1916-21—Chief Engr. to Valuation Committee, advising M. of M., and later Board of Inland Revenue; resuming Private Practice. Address: 4, Inglewood Mansions, West End Lane, Hampstead, N.W.6.

DALZELL, H. E., M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Southern Railway of Peru, Ferro-Carriles del Sur, Arequipa, Peril. T. A.: " Impulsive, Arequipa." b. 1881. Private tutor up to 12 years; St. Peter's School, Battersea; Battersea Polytechnic. Apprentice with H. Pontifex and Sons, Ltd., Shoe Lane, London, E.C. Works Manager's Assistant and outdoor Superintendent for H. Pontifex and Sons; Draughtsman, Estimator and Tester, Mather and Platt, Ltd., 1902-5; Works Manager, Clarke's Motor Works, Manchester, 1905-6; Assistant to Chief Engineer, Southern Railways, 1907; Resident Engineer, Guaqui Lal Paz Railways, Bolivia, 1907-9; Chief Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Southern Railways and Dependencies, Arequipa, Peril, 1910. Chief Works: Superintendent of the Grimsby Ice Works, erection and trial Soo-ton plant; improvements in the design of turbine pumps; electrification and extension of the Bajada Electric Railway, La Paz, Bolivia; rebuilding and re-engining steamers on Lake Titicaca; design and rebuilding of all new rolling stock of Southern Railway, Peru; design and building of feed water heaters, also superheater attachments for locomotives.

DALZIEL, James, M.I.E.E., Mech. and Elec. Engr.; Chief Elec. Asst., C.M.E. Dept., M. Railway., Derby; b. 1876; s. of George Dalziel, Sanquhar, Scotland. Ed. Sanquhar and George Watson's College, Edinburgh. Training: Bertrams, Ltd., and Heriot-Watt College, Edinburgh.

DAMANT, E. L., B.Sc., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, c/o South African School of Mines and Technology, Johannesburg, South Africa; b. 1894; s. of E. H. Damant, of Kimberley, South Africa. With British Thomson-Houston Co., Rugby. Lecturer in Electrical Engineering at the South African School of Mines, Johannesburg; B.Sc. South Africa; B.Sc. (Eng.) London. War Services.—Enlisted September, 1914; 1915 with R.N.D.E., Gallipoli; 1916-18 in Mesopotamia. Captain Royal Engineers. Appointment, Field Engineer, Corps Headquarters. Twice mentioned in dispatches.

DANA, Robert Washington, O.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, Secretary Institution of Naval Architects, 5, Adelphi Terrace, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Sinai, London." T. N.: 6311 Gerrard. b. 1868; s. of W. P. W. Dana, formerly of Boston, U.S.A. Ed. Clifton College and Pembroke College, Cambridge; M.A. Articled pupil to Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., and H. M. Brunel. Assistant to Sir John Wolfe Barry, K.C.B., F.R.S., and H. M. Brunel, having experience of dock work at Barry Docks, bridge work on the Tower Bridge and railway work as Resident Engineer on Ealing and South Harrow Railway, etc. Was Resident Engineer for the reconstruction of Kew Bridge. Since 1901 has been Secretary of the Institution of Naval Architects. Publication: Editor of the Transactions of the Institution of Naval Architects. Clubs: Athenum, New University. War Services.—Ministry of Munitions (Artillery Supply Section) and 'Admiralty, attached to the Director of Naval Construction's Staff.

DANBY, Charles George Henry, M.I.Mech.E., Carriage and Wagon Supt., E. I. Railway., Lillooah, Bengal, India.

DANNHORN, A. John, B.Sc. (Eng.), A.C.G.I., D.I.C., Electrical Engineer, 14, Stratford Place, London, W.I. T. N.: Mayfair 3294. b. 1892; s. of John Dannhorn, London. Ed. Gildermeister's Institute, Hanover (Germany); Borough Polytechnic Institute, London; Grenoble University (France); City and Guilds (Engineering) College, South Kensington; the Imperial College of Science and Technology. 1912—Export Department, Siemens Schuckertwerke, Berlin. 1913-4—Thomas Transmission, Ltd., London. June, 1914 to outbreak of war—Industrial Department, Siemens Schuckertwerke, Berlin. Arrested as British civilian in Berlin at outbreak of war. Imprisoned Stadvogteigefanguis, August 16 to September 9, 1914, interned Ruhleben, September 9, 1914, to November 20, 1918. President of " Arts and Science Union," Ruhleben. 1918-April, 1920, Director of The Special News Company, London. June, 1919-April 1920, Assistant Editor of The Louis Cassier Company's publications (including " The Metal Industry " and " Engineering and Industrial Management "); rejoined Publicity Department, The English Electrical Co., Ltd., Queen's House, Kingsway, April, 1920.

DARBY, Arthur E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Borough Engr., Bethnal Green. Address: Town Hall, Bethnal Green, London.

DARLEY, Bernard D'Olier, C.I.E., Assoc. M.Inst.0.E., Supt. Engr., Sarda Canal, U.P., India; b. 1880; s. of John Henry Darley. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin. Training: Coopers Hill R.I.E. College Career: Surveyed, designed and constructed Ghaghar Canal, Gavai Canal; d'esigned Benares State Canals and Mirzapur Waterworks; other tanks, Mirzapur District; at present engaged superintending construction of Sarda Canals. Address: Bareilly, U.P., India.

DARLEY, Cecil West, I.S.O., M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Longheath, Little Bookham, Surrey. T. A.: "Darley, Bookham." T. N.: 27 Bookham. b. 1842; fourth s. of the late Henry Darley; m. 1st, 1877, Rosanne (d. 1878), d. of late E. C. Close, Morpeth, N.S.W.; 2nd, 1885, Leila, d. of Hon. Alex. Campbell, M.L.C., Rosemount, Sydney. Ed. King William's College, Isle of Man, and privately. Served pupilage to late W. R. Le Fanu, M.Inst.C.E., on Railway construction in Ireland. Engaged on construction of Railways in South Wales. 1864-66. In 1867 proceeded to New South Wales. Resident Engineer on Newcastle Harbour Works and Northern Rivers. Became Engineer-in-Chief for Harbour and River and Water Supply, had charge and completion of Sydney Water Supply and carried out water work supplies to many country towns. Appointed Engineer-in-Chief for public works, which included all large Bridge Construction, Waterworks, Irrigation Work, Harbour Work, Lighthouses, Naval Station, Garden Island, Sydney, etc. President Metropolitan Water and Sewerage Board till 1901, when appointed Consulting Engineer to N.S.W. Government in London till 1907, when he retired after forty years' service with N.S.W. Government. Clubs: Australia, Sydney; St. Stephen's, Westminster.

DARWIN, Sir Horace, K.B.E., M.A., F.R. S., Designer and Maker of Scientific Instruments; Chairman of the Cambridge and Paul Instrument Co., Ltd., Cambridge and London; The Orchard, Cambridge. T. A.: "Darwin, Orchard, Cambridge." T. N.: 17 Cambridge. b. 1851; s. of Ch. R. Darwin, of Down, Kent; m. Emma Cecilia, d. of the first Lord Farrer. Ed. Trinity College, Cambridge, Pupil at Eastons and Anderson, Erith, Kent. Mayor of Cambridge, 1896-7; Director Cambridge Gas Company. Club: Athenaeum. War Services.—Chairman, Air Invention Committee; Member of the Munitions Invention Panel.

DAUBENY, Edward Cyprian, M.I.Mech.E., Loco. Carr. and Wagon Supt., Barsi Light Railway., Kurduwadi, Deccan, India; b. 1884. Ed. Cheltenham College, Manchester University, G.W.R. Loco. Works, Swindon.

DAVENPORT, Frederic Richard, M.I.E.E., F.S.A., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, I] Victoria Works, Rugby; Director, Peter Brotherhood, Ltd., Engineers, Peterborough, 1907-10; Managing Director, Willans and Robinson, Ltd., Engineers, Rugby, 1911-19. Chairman, British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association, 1914-19. Member of Executive, Federation of British Industries. Clubs: Boodles'; St. James', S.W.I.

DAVEY, Archibald Thomas Harry, A.M.I. A.E M.P.E., 6, St. James's Square, Holland Park, London, W.11; b. 1887. App. with Petters, Ltd., Yeovil; afterwards Asst. Works Manager; later joined C. A. Vandervell and Co., Acton Vale, W., as Chief ToorDraughtsman, and in charge of Planning, Estimating and Progress Departments; Works Manager of Oil Engine Department, Robey and Co., Ltd., Lincoln; Production Engr. to Rotax Motor Accessories Co., Willesden; subsequently Chief Tool Draughtsman with Rolls-Royce,. Ltd., Derby, 1915-20—during this period was chiefly engaged on the production of aircraft engines; now with Iliffe and Sons, Ltd., Tudor Street, London, as Asst. Editor of " Engineering Production "; also Hon. Sec. of Inst. of Production Engrs.

DAVEY, Norman, M.A., Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., Specialist in Thermodynamics, Steam and Gas Turbines, Conaways, Ewell, Surrey; b. 1888; s. of Henry Davey, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Ed. Cambridge, 1908-ii; University of Montpellier, 1914. Engineering training with Hathorn, Davey and Co., Ltd. Director of Hathorn, Davey and Co., Ltd., Leeds. Contributions to the scientific and technical press; " The Gas Turbine " (Constable, 1914). Clubs: Savage, Oxford and Cambridge. War Services.-1914—Royal Artillery; 1915-18— Royal Engineers; 1918-19—Staff Officer on Army Education Scheme under Director of Staff Duties, War Office.

DAVID, John, Councillor, F.0.M.S M.I. Mar.E., Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor, also Man. Dir., Ensign Shipping Co., Ltd., Cardiff; b. 1876; s. of Evan David, Shipowner, Porthcawl. Ed. Biggs', Redland Park, Clifton. Training: Biggs', Redland Park, Clifton; Barry Graving Dock, Ltd., and Palmer's, Jarrow-on-Tyne. Career: Sea experience with P. and 0. Steam Navigation Co., Ltd.; Chief Engr., 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate; Mar. and Supt. Engr. for various Shipowners. Club: Cardiff Conservative. Address: 3, Pier Head Chambers, Cardiff. T. A.: "Straight." T. N.: 4975.

DAVID, W. T., D.Sc. (Wales), M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M Inst.C.E., Prof. of Eng., University College, Cardiff; b. 1886; s. of S. David, Laugharne, Carmarthenshire. Ed. University College, Cardiff, and Trinity College, Cambridge. Research on Internal Combustion Engines at Eng. Laboratory, Cambridge; John Winbolt Prizeman. App. at Mather and Platts, Salford Ironworks; Asst. Gas Engine Designer at Mather and Platts; Insp. of Gun Ammunition Filling Factories (Military Appointment, Mentioned in Dispatches, Feb., 1916, gazetted Major, Inspection and Research Staff, May, 1916); Director of Dilution of Munitions Labour at M. of M., and later in charge of Dilution of Shipyard Labour at Admiralty; H.M. Inspector of Tech. Schs. (Eng.). Series of researches on the Working Fluid of Internal Combustion Engines, published in the " Philosophical Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Soc.," the " Philosophical Magazine," and " Engineering." Club: New University. Address: University College, Cardiff.

DAVIDSON, A. E., Bt.-Lieut.-Colonel R.E., D.S.O., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., A.M.I.E.E., xi, The Pryors, Hampstead, N.W.3. T. N.: Hampstead 1202. b. 1880. Ed. R.M.A., Woolwich, 1898-9; S.M.E., Chatham, 1900-I. Special Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Courses, Chatham Dockyard, Thornycrofts, Bruce Peebles, etc. Assistant Instructor in Electricity, S.M.E., Chatham; Ospector, Royal Engineers Machinery, Gibraltar; Secretary, War Office Committee on Mechanical Transport; Chief Inspector R.E. Stores, Woolwich. Club: R.A.C. War Services.—South African War, 1902—served with Steam road transport and searchlight section, Royal Engineers. British Expeditionary Force, France and Belgium, 1914-18; Assistant Director of Mechanical Transport at General Headquarters; Technical Adviser on Mechanical Transport questions to Director of Transport.

DAVIDSON, Bernard Robertshaw, M.Met., M.Inst:M et., M.F.S., Research Metallurgist, Research Dept., Royal Arsenal; b. 1889; s. of Edward Davidson, Spring Hill, Sheffield. Ed. Central Secondary School, Sheffield, also University of Sheffield. Applied Sc. Dept., University of Sheffield, 1906-10. Address: Research Department, Woolwich Arsenal. T. N.: 992 Woolwich Arsenal.

DAVIDSON, Charles Irvine, M.I.N.A., Cons. Mar. Engr. and Naval Arch.; b. 1871; s. of the late Charles Davidson, M.Inst.N.A. Ed. Partick Academy and Stockton High School Training: Goldsmiths' Inst. App. at Central Mar. Engine Works, West Hartlepool, and John Penn and Sons, Greenwich; 7 years Ship and Engr. Surveyor to Lloyd's Register of Shipping; 3 years Steamboat Supt. to the G.W. Railway. Co. Member of the Royal Society of Arts. Address: St.' Gothards, 2, Princes Road, Lewisham, London, S.E.13. T. A.: " Cidavilo, Lewis, London."

DAVIDSON, Charles Smith, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Elec. Engr., Barnes Urban District Council. Address: 154, Palewell Park, East Sheen, S.W.

DAVIDSON, William, M.Inst.C.E. (Chairman, Advisory Committee, for Victorian Branch), Maroondah, Lisson Grove, Hawthorn, Melbourne, Victoria.

DAVIES, B. Trevor, M.I.Mech.E., Mech. and Automobile Engr.; Director of Egertons, Ltd., Ipswich; b. 1887. Ed. Swansea Grammar School and Llandovery. Training: Dynevor Eng. Co., Neath. Clubs: Ipswich and Suffolk. Address: Northgate Street, Ipswich. T. A.: " Egertonia, Ipswich." T. N.: 962.

DAVIES, Cyril E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Lynton Works, Bedford. T. A.: "Wharco, Bedford." T. N.: 75o Bedford, b. 1880. Ed. Whitgift Grammar School, Croydon, and Rutherford College, Newcastle. Apprenticeship Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Elswick Works, Newcastle; Draughtsman, W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd., Bedford; Chief of Estimating Department, Fullerton, Hodgart and Barclay, Ltd., Paisley, N.B.; Works Manager, W. H. A. Robertson and Co., Ltd., Bedford. from 1907-13, specializing in Rolling Mills, Wire and Tube Machinery, etc.; Works Manager, Geo. Jones, Ltd., Birmingham. Now General Manager, Rolling Mill Department, W. H. A. Robertson and Co., Ltd., Lynton Works, Bedford. Publications: Contributed many articles to technical press mainly on design and theory of Rolling Mills. War Services.—Engineer in charge of design, construction and testing of submarine mines in Admiralty service, H.M.S. Vernon, and Mining School, Portsmouth.

DAVIES, David Hugh, Borough Elec. Engr. and Tramways Manager, Heywood Corporation; b. 1882; s. of Hugh Davies, Surveyor, Llandudno. Ed. Llandudno College Training: Manchester and Bury Schs. of Technology. Career: Junior Asst. Engr., Bury Corporation; Engr.7in-Charge, then Supt., Darlington Corporation; then Station Supt., Darlington Corporation; Chief Asst. Engr., Stockton-on-Tees Corporation Address Electricity Works, Heywood. T. A.: " Electricity." T. N.: 47.

DAVIES, Francis Henry, Captain, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Ltd., Audrey House, Ely Place, E.C. T. N.: Holborn 2029. Ed. Finsbury Technical College; Polytechnic Engineering School; I.O.M. Course at Ordnance College, Red Barracks, Woolwich. Assistant Engineer, Hampstead and Dundee Corporations Electric Departments; Assistant Engineer, County of London Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Managing Engineer, Lewes and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Engineer on the staff of the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd.; Commercial Engineer, St. Marylebone Borough Council Electric Department; Engineer in the Engineer-in-Chief's Department, G.P.O. Present Position: Sales Manager, Weston Electrical Instrument Co., Ltd. Publications: Three books: " Electric Power and Traction," " Foundations and Machinery Fixing," " Commercial Engineer's Pocket Book "; also numerous contributions to the British and American technical press. War Services.—Three years in the Army: fifteen months in France in command of R.A.O.C. Artillery Repair Mobile Workshops; promoted to Captain, March, 1917.

DAVIES, Frederick William, M.I.Mech.E., City Water Engr., Nottingham; b. 1871. Ed. The Liverpool College, Liverpool. Training: The Liverpool Corporation Waterworks. Club: The Borough, Nottingham. Address: The Water Offices, Castle Boulevard, Nottingham.. T. A.: " Water, Nottingham." T. N.: 4872 (3 lines).

DAVIES, John Cecil, J.P., C.B.E., M.I. and S.I., Director of Baldwins, Ltd. (Man.); Port Talbot Steel Co., Ltd.; Beaufort Works, Ltd.; Brymbo Steel Co., Ltd.; British Mannesmann Tube Co., Ltd.; Briton Ferry Works, Ltd.; British Steel Corporation, Ltd.; Baldwin's Canadian Steel Corporation, Ltd., and other Cos. Ed. Norman College, Swansea. M. S. Wales Engr.'s Inst. Clubs: Swansea County and Mumbles Yacht. Address: " The Mount," Gowerton, Glam. T. A.: " The Mount, Gowerton." T. N.: 19 Gerseinon.

DAVIES, Sydney John, B.Sc. (Lond.), A.M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical and Automobile Engineer, The Clyno Engineering Co., Wolverhampton. T. A.: " Clyno, Wolverhampton." T. N.: 992 Wolverhampton. b. 1891; s. of G. Davies, Denmead, ' T Hants; m. Ida, d. of late H. Owen Davies of Tynemouth, 1919. Ed. H.M. Dockyard School, Portsmouth, and Portsmouth Technical College. Holder of Whitworth Exhibition. Subsequent appointments—H.M. Dockyard, Portsmouth; The Technical College, Loughborough; The Technical College, Sunderland. Nov Assistant Manager, the Clyno Engineering Company's Works. War Services.—Inspector of Aero Engines, Ministry of Munitions.

DAVIES, W. H. St. A., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, The Grange, Boreham Wood, Herts. T. N.: Regent 3866. b. 1883. Ed. King Edward's School, Bromsgrove, and Faraday House College, Southampton Row. Assistant to Grays Thurrock (Electricity Dept.) U.D.C. in 1905; joined the Testing staff of the British ThomsonHouston Co. at Rugby in 1908, remaining with them years. When war broke out was acting as Manager of Shipston Electrical Co. Now a partner in the Central London Electrical Co. War Services.—July, 1915, to May, 1918, with the coast and aeroplane searchlights of the London Electrical Engineers (T.F.); drafted into Field Company of Royal Engineers and from there to No. 2 Tank Bridging Battalion in October, 1918. Demobilized January, 1919.

DAVIS, Alfred Thomas, Major, V.D., M.Inst. C.E., F.S.I., F.R.San.I., County Surveyor for Shropshire, County Buildings, Shrewsbury. T. A.: " County Surveyor, Shrewsbury." T. N.: 52 Shrewsbury. Articled to Robert Davidson, M.Inst. C.E., Borough Engineer of Royal Leamington Spa (and afterwards Borough Engineer of Sheffield). Was Resident Engineer, Leamington Waterworks; Engineer and Surveyor to the Solihull Rural Sanitary Authority; Borough Engineer and Surveyor of Stratford-on-Avon. Since 1899, County Surveyor for Shropshire. Past President of the Institution of Municipal and County Engineers (1904-5). Now Chairman of the West Midland District of that Institution. War Services.—Major, King's Shropshire Light Infantry (T.F.), from October, 1914, to January, 1917, and was slightly wounded in France. A military member of the Shropshire Territorial Force Association since its formation.

DAVIS, Arthur Charles, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.C.S., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, t), Lloyd's Avenue, E.C. T. A.: "Britporcem." T. N.: 6404 Avenue. Ed. Weymouth College and Cambridge University. Managing Director, British Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd.; Managing Director, Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers, Ltd.; Chairman, British Portland Cement Research Association; Member of Engineering Standards Committee. Author of " Portland Cement," 1905, 191o. Clubs: R.A.C. and Constitutional.

DAVIS, Frank William, M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Engr. to and Director of The Cleveland Bridge and Eng. Co., Ltd., Darlington, 3o years; b. 1861; s. of James Davis, Malvern Wells. Ed. Hanley Grammar School Training: Manchester. Awarded Telford Premium for Paper on the King Edward Bridge. Career: As Engr. for the Contractors, was responsible for carrying out New Station and Widening of the Line, Rochdale; New Viaduct, Clayton; Swing Bridge, Ramsey Harbour, I.O.M.; strengthening Tubular Bridge, Conway; New Swing Bridge, Barmouth; King Edward Bridge, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Railway Viaduct, Weymouth; Viaduct and Rolling Lift Bridge, Carmarthen; Loading Jetties, Fowey; large Airship Sheds for the Admiralty; made a special study of compressed air work in foundations. Address: Sylvan Cottage, Darlington. T. N.: 2310.

DAVIS, Joseph, M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr. to New South Wales Government, 64, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.1. T. A.: " Among, Sowest." T. N.: Victoria 5263.

DAVIS, William Thomas, O.B.E., M.I.N.A., Officer of the Order of the Crown of Italy, Cons. Naval Arch.; b. 1867; s. of Lieut. W. Davis. R.N. Ed. and Trained: Portsmouth and Royal Naval College, Greenwich. Career: Portsmouth Dockyard as Asst. and Acting Constructor (R.C.N.C.); 1907-ii— Constructor at Admiralty in Charge of Design work, Superintendence of Building of Ships, etc.; 191215—General Manager, Vickers Shipyard, Barrow; 1915-20—Chief Constructor R.C.N.C., and Hon. Commander, R.N.V.R., in Italy, Egypt and Turkey, on Admiralty service. Publ.: "Naval Dictionary, English-Italian and Italian-English." Address Villa Bettina, Beaulieu-sur-Mer, A.M., France.

DAVISON, Robert, B.Eng., M.Inst.C.E.I., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, 82-3, O'Connell Street, Limerick. T. N.: 381 Limerick. Ed. Royal University (Ireland). Assistant Engineer, Belfast County Borough Council; County Surveyor, East Division Limerick County Council, since 1914.

DAVY, William James, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1860; s. of Edwin Davy, Civil Engr., New Zealand. Ed. Auckland College and Grammar School, N.Z. Training: Insts. in New Zealand, Australia and London. Mar. Eng. Chief Certificate B.O.T. Positions held: Chief Engr., Societie Annonyme Belge Pour le Congo, Africa; Chief Engr., Sandford Exploring Expedition, London, and Congo R., Africa; Man. Dir., Arc Lamps, Ltd., London and St. Albans; Davy Eng. Co., Ltd., Manchester; Man. Dir., Hewitt Piston Valve Engine Ltd., London and Manchester; Director, Auto Car Construction Co., Ltd.; during the War in charge of one of the Depth. M.of M. Addresses: 7, Suffolk Lane, Cannon Street, E.C.; 28, Stanhope Gardens, Highgate, London, N.6. T. N.: City 3896.

DAW, Zacharias Williams, M.Inst.M.M., F.R.S.A., Cons. Engr. ( Min. and Mech.); Partner, A. and Z. Daw, Cons. Engrs., London. Ed. Private College, Tavistock, Devon. Asst. Engr., then Man., Aamdal Mines, Norway; Cons. Engr. and Man, to private owners working Copper, Apatite, Zinc, and Silver Mines; 1893-98—Cons. Practice in London; 1898-1900—Exploration for Gold and reporting on Gold Properties in Minas Geraes, Brazil; 1901-14 —Chiefly consulting work in London; visited and reported on home Properties and Properties in Norway, Sweden, etc.; 1616-17 in Burma examining and advising on Wolfram and Tin Properties in Tavoy, Mergui and Thaton Wolfram Tin Min. Districts. Publ.: " The Blasting of Rock in Mines, Tunnels and Quarries," and " Compressed Air Power, a Treatise on the Development and Transmission of Power by Corn12 pressed Air," Joint Author. Address: i 1, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A.: " Guldnes, London." T. N.: Central 4151.

DAWKINS, Sir William Boyd, Kt., D.Sc., M.A., F.R.S., Hon. M.I.Min.E., Assoc.Inst.C.E., Hon. Prof. University, Manchester, Civil and Mining Engineer (Geology), Fallowfield House, Fallowfield, Manchester; b. 1837; s. of Rev. Richard Dawkins; m. Frances Evans, 1866. Ed. Rossall School, Oxford University. Consulting Practice from 1870 in Mining and Civil Engineering, including the proposed Channel Tunnel, Kerosene Shale of New South Wales, South-Eastern Coalfield, the Water Supply of London, Portsmouth, Bristol, Birmingham, Liverpool, Manchester, Bradford, Leeds, Carlisle and other places. Reports on Royal Commission on Metropolitan Water, 1893, and on Royal Commission on Coal Supplies, 1905. Geologist in the Geological Survey of Great Britain. Curator of the Manchester Museum; Professor of Geology in University, Manchester. Chief Works: Discovery of South-Eastern Coalfield, in Kent; discovery of salt-field, in the Isle of Man; the sub-Wealden Exploration in Sussex. Publications: "The Relation of Geology to Engineering," Inst.C.E., 1898, and others. Clubs: The Athenaeum, London, and the Conservative and Unionist, Manchester. War Services.—Advice to Munitions Board on works in Cheshire.

DAWSON, Lionel Edward, B.A Assoc.M.Inst.,C.E., Irrigation and General Civil Engineer, c/o Grindlay and Co.. Bombay, India; b. 1887. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin; Yarrow Scholar, Inst.C.E., 1906. Assistant Engineer, Dublin Corporation, 1909-10; Assistant Engineer, P.W.D., India Irrigation Branch, United Provinces, October, 1910; Assistant Engineer, Hathras Branch, Ganges Canal Construction, 1910-3. Afterwards on running canals. Executive Engineer, 1918. War Services.—Assistant Engineer, Mesopotamian Railways, and Lieutenant from February 25, 1918; Executive Engineer and Captain, 1919. From August 9, 1918, engaged on Ur-Hillah Railway Construction (Euphrates Valley Through Route, Basra to Bagdad) to Jan., 1920.

DAWSON, Sir Philip, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E. (see Kincaid, Waller, Manville and Dawson), Consulting Civil, Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, St. Stephen's House, Victoria Embankment, S.W.'. T. A.: " Kincaid, Vic, London." 7'. N.: Victoria 4311. Graduated at Ghent University as Railway Engineer, and at Montefiore Technical College, Liege, as Electrical Engineer. In 1891 engaged on early electrification work on tramways, and later studied Electric Traction in the United States of America. Associated with many of the electrical installations in this country and abroad. In 1901 was appointed Consulting Electrical Engineer to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, and in 1902 entered into partnership with the firm of Kincaid, Waller and Manville. As Consulting Electrical Engineer to the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway designed and supervised the electrification of the South London line from London Bridge to Victoria, and the extensions to Crystal Palace. Afterwards carried out similar work in connection with the electrification of the whole of the suburban system. Engaged on the preparation of scheme for electrification to Brighton and EastII bourne, when outbreak of war stopped the work. In 1912 appointed by the Caledonian Railway to prepare a scheme for electrification of their lines. Recently appointed by the Great Eastern Railway to prepare a scheme for the electrification of their suburban system. For some years has been retained by the Imperial College of Science and Technology to give post-graduate courses on Railway Electrification. As partner in the firm of Kincaid, Waller, Manville and Dawson has designed and carried out many important electrical supply undertakings combined with dust destructors, and many tramways worked electrically. Is Vice-President of the Belgian Government Commission on Electrification of Railways. Is President of the Association of Engineers and Electricians of the Institut Electro Technique Montefi ore. Has been created a Chevalier d'Ordre de Leopold. Member of the Water Power Resources Committee; also of the Electrification of Railways Advisory Committee of the Minister of Transport. Is a Stephenson Gold Medallist of the Institution of Civil Engineers, and a Silver Medallist of Royal Society of Arts. Member of London County Council. Publications: "Electric Tramways and Railways," " Engineering and Electric Traction Pocket-Book," " Electric Traction in Railways." Clubs: St. Stephen's, Junior Carlton, Savage, Royal Automobile. War Services.—Major, 3rd Volunteer Battalion Royal West Kents, and mentioned by Secretary of State for War for special war services. Member of Disposals Board, Ministry of Munitions.

DAWSON, Sir Trevor, Bt., Commander, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E.; b. May 1, 1866. Ed. R.N. Academy, Gosport, H.M.S. " Britannia "; R.N. Colls., Greenwich and Portsmouth, H.M.S. " Excellent " and " Vernon "; and R.A. College, Woolwich. Training: Royal Navy. Career: Staff of H.M.S. " Excellent," Portsmouth; Experimental Officer for 4 years to Royal Ord. Factories, Woolwich; at present Man. Dir. and Vice-Chairman of Vickers, Ltd., and Director and Supt. of Vickers Artillery Depts.; sometime on Council of M.Inst.Mech.E.; Experimental Officer to Home Office Ctee. under Presidency of Prof. Unwin, for investigation of Gas Cylinders; Member of War Office Ctee., on the accounts of the Royal Ord. Factories; Member of the War Office Ctee. for the investigation of Leading Screws; Inventor and Constructor of many improvements relating to Artillery; in 1914 served as Member of the Admiralty Oil Ctee.; Silver Medallist, R.S.A., and first Gustav Canet Gold Medallist of the J.I.E. Publ.: Several works, principally on Ordnance. Clubs: Marlborough, United Service. Addresess: Edgwarebury House, Elstree, Herts; 6, Great Stanhope Street, Mayfair, W.I. T. N.: ?498 Mayfair.

DAWSON, W. Bell, M.A., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., F.R.S.C., F.R.A.S.C., Tidal Investigation and Hydraulic Engineer, Superintendent of Tidal Surveys, Naval Service Department, Ottawa, Canada; b. 1854; s. of Sir J. William Dawson; in. 1883. Master of Engineering and Doctor of Science of McGill University, Montreal; Graduate of the " Ecole des Ponts et Chaussees," Paris, France, in 1878. With Dominion Bridge Co. in designing of bridges; and Assistant Engineer, Canadian Pacific Railway. From 1893 to date, in charge of Survey of Tides and Currents on Eastern coasts of Canada, Pacific coast and Hudson Bay, for the Dominion Government (including investigation of currents with a Surveying steamer; and erection of Tide Gauges; calculation and annual publication of Tide Tables, in three series, for Eastern coasts of Canada, Pacific coast and Hudson Bay; also tide levels and determination of Mean Sea Level). Was awarded Watt Gold medal by Institution of Civil Engineers, and Prize by Academy of Sciences, Paris, for various branches of tidal work. Publications: Papers for Institution of Civil Engineers, London; several papers on Tidal subjects for Royal Society of Canada, and Royal Astronomical Society of Canada; reports on Tide Levels and Datum Planes in Eastern Canada and on the Pacific coast. During the War it was considered advisable to continue Tidal work for Naval Service and Mercantile marine, and special work for the benefit of the lumber industry in British Columbia, rather than undertake any special war work.

DAWSON, William Maurice Grant, late Captain R.E., M.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, North Bank House, Insch, Aberdeenshire. T. N.: 2 Insch. b. x 892; s. of Lieut.Colonel W. F. G. Dawson, V.D. Ed. Insch Higher Grade Public School; Aberdeen Grammar School; Sedbergh Public School, Yorks. Walker and Duncan, Civil Engineers, Aberdeen; four and a half years' Army service, Captain, 147th Army Troop Company in France. Now Assistant Engineer, Indian Public Works Department. War Services.—Lieutenant 6th Gordon Highlanders, transferred to Royal Engineers; in France since October, 1915; Captain, 147th Army Troop Co. Military Cross, and mentioned in Sir Douglas Haig's dispatches.

DAY, Campbell Rowland Lacy, Lieut.-Colonel, Managing Director, Day, Summers and Co., Ltd., Northam Iron Works, Southampton. T. A.: "Day Summers, Southampton." T. N.: 48, 1265 and 201. Ed. Sherborne School; Owens College, Manchester, and in France. Entered the firm of Day, Summers and Co. in 1894; became partner, 1899; Managing Director, 1912. Is President of the Southampton and South Coast Shipbuilding and Engineering Employers' Association. D.L. for County of Hampshire. War Services.—India, Egypt, Palestine, Territorial Officers' Decoration; raised and commanded 2/5th Battalion Hampshire Regiment, September, 1914, to July, 1917.

DAY, Charles, M.Sc., Wh.Sch., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Man. Dir. of The Mirrlees Watson Co., Ltd., 45, Scotland Street, Glasgow, and of Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., Stockport; b. 1868. Ed. Stockport Grammar School; Manchester Tech. School, and Owens College, Manchester (now Victoria Univ.). App. Emerson Murgatroyd, Stockport, and Stockport Gas Engine Co. Mem. of Council I.Mech.E., P. Pres. and Chairman of N.W. Branch of Manchester Assoc. of E. Author of book on Indicator Diagrams and Engine Testing and of several papers before technical societies. Club: Constitutional.

DAY, Mark Scott Duncan, Major, M.C., late R.E., M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; b. 1887; s. of the late J. C. R. Day. Ed. Worcester Cathedral King's School Training: School of Mines, Camborne, Cornwall. 1st Class Certificate, Camborne School of Mines; 2 mentions in Dispatches. Career: Tin Mining in I. Federated Malay States, with Osborne and Chappel, Mine Managers and Cons. Engrs.; Asst. Min. Engr., Pengkalen, Ltd., Lahat, Perak, F.M.S.; Manager Pengkalen, Ltd., Lahat, Perak, F.M.S.; Chief of Min. Staff to Osborne and Chaff el at Ipoh, Perak, F.M.S.; 1915-19—Field Co., R.E., France. Address: Saltspring Island, British Columbia.

DAY, Sydney Edmund, A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Bury St. Edmunds. Address: Corporation Electricity Works, Bury St. Edmunds.

DAYSON, Archd. R., M.I.E.E., Gen. Manager and Elec. Engr., Sunderland Corporation Tramways, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.

DEACON, Maurice, M.Inst.C.E. (Member of Council), M.I.Min.E. (P.Pres.), F.G.S., M.I.E.E., Min. Engr., Chase Cliffe,Whatstandwell, near Matlock.

DEANE, Henry James, B.Eng. (Sydney), M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Asst. Engr., Port of London Authority, 109, Leadenhall Street, E.C.3. Publ.: Various papers before Scientific Societies. Clubs: St. Stephen's, Royal Canoe.

DEARLOVE, Arthur Lovel, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Senior Partner, Clark, Forde and Taylor, 4, Great Winchester Street, E.C. T. A.: " Curbed, London." T. N.: 640 London Wall; 833 Mayfair. b. 1859; s. of Ralph Dearlove, Higham Park, Northamptonshire. Ed. Private tuition and King's College. In workshop of Clark, Muirhead and Co., Electrical Engineers, Westminster; joined Clark, Forde and Taylor, Civil Engineers, in 1879, with whom he has since remained. Has mainly acted as Consulting Engineer, and has supervised the laying of possibly ioo,000 nautical miles of submarine cable; has acted also in an executive capacity and has been engaged by many Foreign Governments and Companies. Consulting Engineer to many Cable Companies, Pacific Cable Board, Western Union Cable Co., Commercial Cable Co., and many others. Publications: " The Temperature Coefficient of Clark's Standard Cell "; " The E.M.F. and Temperature Coefficient of Weston's Cadmium-Mercury Cell "; " Working Speed of Submarine Telegraph Cables of Various Cores, with other Data "; contributor to the Electrical journals. Clubs: Gresham, City; Devonshire, Constitutional and Ranelagh. War Services.—Carried out much cable work.

DE BURGH, Ernest Macartney, M.Inst.C.E., A.R.C.S.I., M.I.E. of Aus., Civil Engr.; Chief Engr. for Water Supply and Sewerage, P.W.D., New South Wales; b. 1863; s. of Rev. William de Burgh. Ed. Rathmines School, Dublin. Training: R.C. Sc., Ireland, Dublin. Twice awarded " Telford Premium," Inst.C.E. Successively Chief Engr. for Water Supply and Irrigation, Harbours and Water Supply; at present Chief Engr. for Water Supply and Sewerage, P.W.D., New South Wales; at present responsible for the design and construction in connection with the Sydney Water Supply of the Cordeaux Dam (masonry dam), to impound 20,610,000,000 gallons (estimated cost, 675,000); Avon Dam (masonry dam), to impound 43,000,000,000 gallons (estimated cost, £736,000); and the Chichester River Scheme (in connection with the Newcastle Water Supply) (estimated cost, £1,500,000); the Northern Suburbs Ocean Outfall Sewer, in connection with the Sydney Sewerage (estimated cost, £2,165,000). He is Constructing Engr. for New South Wales on the River Murray Waters Scheme for the regulation of the River Murray, involving an expenditure of some eight millions, and in conjunction with Mr. Dethridge, of Victoria, is responsible for the design and construction of the Hume Regulating Reservoir, to contain one million acres feet of water, and estimated to cost £1,600,000, and has been connected professionally with the Murrumbidgee Irrigation Scheme (Barren Jack), and many other large undertakings both in N.S.W. and other Australian States. He is also a member of the Advisory Board for the construction of the Federal Capital of Australia and Chairman of the Expert Ctee. on Hydro-electric Development in N.S.W. Club: Royal Sydney Golf. Address: " Harlowen," Hopetoun Avenue, Vancluse, Sydney, N.S.W. T. A.: " Public Works, Sydney." T. N.: Sydney F7208.

DE CRUZ, Thomas Melville, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.R.San.I., Civil and Sanitary Engineer, P.W.D., Burma; b. 1882. Ed. Public Schools and Engineering Colleges in India and England. Held various appointments as Civil Engineer on Railways in India and the P.W.D., and State Engineer, Pudukottah State, South India. Works of a nondescript nature, including Railway Surveys and Construction, Roads, Buildings, and Irrigation Works. Publications: " A Text-Book of Sanitary Science and Engineering, " Part I. Agents: Higginbothams, Ltd., Madras.

DEEBLE, William Rufus, M.I.Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Tasmanian Government Railways., Launceston, Tasmania.

DE HAVILLAND, Geoffrey, Capt., O.B.E., A.F.C., F.R.Ae.S., A.M.M ech.E., Aeronautical Engr.; b. 1882; s. of Rev. Charles de Havilland, M.A. Ed. St. Edwards, Oxford. Training: Crystal Palace Eng. School, and Willans and Robinson, Rugby. Career: In Drawing Office of Wolseley Motor Co., Birmingham; Vanguard Motor Bus Co.; London .General Motor Bus Co. Started designing Aeroplane Engine and Aeroplanes in 1909; Designer and Pilot, Royal Aircraft Factory, Farnborough, and .designed Aeroplanes, including B.E.2, B.E.3, R.E.I, etc.; joined Aircraft Mfg. Co. in. June, 1914, and .designed Machines during the War; formed " De Havilland Aircraft Co." Club: Royal Aero. Address: " Bytheway," Stanmore. (Stag Lane Aerodrome, Edgware—Firm's Address). T. A.: Havilland, Edgware." T. N.: Kingsbury 102.

DELAHUNTY, Thomas J., B.A., B.A.I.,.M.Inst.C.E.I., Civil Engr.; County Surveyor, South Kerry; b. 1881. Ed. Clongowes Wood College Training: Trinity College, Dublin. Career: 1903—Asst. Engr., Pembroke U.D.C. (Dublin); 1906—Surveyor Tralee Urban Council (Kerry); 1911—Borough Surveyor, Drogheda (Louth); 1920—County Surveyor, South Kerry. Address: Spa, Tralee, or •Co. Surveyor, Tralee. T. A.: " Courthouse, Tralee." T. N.: Tralee 78.

DELANY, Joseph Francis, M.I.Mech.E., City Engr., City Hall, Cork.

DENHAM, John, M.I.E.E. (Former Member of Council), M.I.Mech.E., M.Arner.I.E.E., 'Government Inspector of Machinery, Mines Dept., I3 Johannesburg; b. 1863; s. of John Denham, Solicitor, London. Ed. City and Guilds of London Inst. under Ayrton and Perry. Training: Latimer Clark, Muirhead and Co.; Brush Elec. Eng. Co. Career: Elec. Engr. to the Cape Govt. Railways., and Elec. Adviser to all. Cape Govt. Depts.; Elec. Inspector and Govt. Electrician, 1889-1911; present position, 1911 to date. Address: Box 1072, Johannesburg, Transvaal. T. N.: Johannesburg, Central 5675.

DENNIS, George P., M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, 66, South John Street, Liverpool. T. A.: "Vanguard." T. N.: 4737 Bank. b. 1875. Ed. Liverpool Technical School and Liverpool University. Apprenticed with the Telegraph Manufacturing Co. and Helsby Cable Co.; Assistant Lecturer at Liverpool Central Technical School, and became Head of the Electrical Engineering Department at the same school. Acting as Consulting Engineer for Corporations and many large commercial firms. Was Technical Representative for Board of Trade Coal Mines Department for steam raising. Member Liverpool Engineering Society. War Services.—Assisted Munitions of War Committee, Liverpool; Technical Representative of Board of Trade Coal Mines Department for steam raising.

DENNIS, Nelson Frederick, M.In st.0.E., Borough Engr., West Hartlepool.

DENNISS, Arthur Workman, M.I.Mech.E., Loco. Running Supt., G.N.,Rly. (Ireland), Dundalk.

DENNY, Sir Archibald, Bt., F.R.S., J.P., LL.D., P.Pres. J.Inst.E., and P. Pres.I.E.S Vice-Pres. I.N.A., Chairman B.E.S.A., etc., Director in the firm of William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Dumbarton; b. 1860. Address: To, St. Helen's Place, London, E.C.3.

DENNY, Henry Samuel, C.B.E., M.Inst.M.M., M.Arner.I.M.M.E., M.S.A.I.E., M.Inst.P.T., Man. Dir., Denny Chemical Eng. Co., Ltd.; Man. Dir., Callow Rock Lime Co., Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of Thomas Denny, Engr., Kent, England. Ed. High School, Sydney, Australia. Training: School of Mines in the University of Melbourne, Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. Career: Work in connection with Min. and Metallurgy in S. Af., U.S. of America, Mexico, Austro Hungary, Portugal, Canada, etc.; responsible for the introduction of Tube Milling, Filter Pressing, and circulation of Cyanide Solution through Mills, on the Rand; during the War responsible for Design Construction and Organization, and successful production of several High Explosive Factories, under the M. of M.; after the Armistice selected Head of Tech. Commission to Asst. Gen. Plumer in the occupied German Territory; Deputy Civil Commissioner in the British occupied Area, Germany, under General Plumer. Many pubis. in Tech. Journals and proceedings of Technical Societies in S. Af., U.S., Mexico, and U.K. Club: Chemical Industries. I Address: 810-81i, Salisbury House, London Wall, London. E.C. T. A.: " Engicont, London." T. N.: London Wall 14o.

DENNY, James, Mar. Engr.; Director of William Denny and Brothers, Ltd., Dumbarton; b. 1849; s. of James Denny, Shipbuilder, Dumbarton. Ed. Dumbarton Academy, Larchfield Academy, Helensburgh, and Edinburgh High School Training: Engine Works (Denny and Co.), Dumbarton. Address: Dunstane, Dumbarton. T. N.: Dumbarton 21.

DENNY, Maurice Edward, C.B.E., B.Sc., Deputy Chairman, William Denny and Brothers, Ltd.; b. 1886; s. of Sir Archibald Denny, Bart, LL.D. Ed. Tonbridge, France, Germany, and University in U.S.A. Clubs: Windham; New Club (Glasgow). Address: Ardenvohr, Cardross.

DENT, Charles Hastings, M.I.Mech.E., Gen. Manager, Great Northern Railway., King's Cross, N. i DE ROEMER, C. W., Major, Associate I.E.E., F.I.D., M.R.I., Electrical Engineer, Herstmonceux, Sussex. T. A.: " Roemer, Herstmonceux." T. N.: 3 Herstmonceux. b. 1887. Ed. Eton College and by Engineering correspondence course and books. Designed and built Herstmonceux Electricity Works, of which he is now Engineer and Manager; Assistant Managing Director, Edison Accumulators Ltd.; Chairman, Eastbourne Aviation Co., Ltd.; Member, Sussex Council of Roads Improvement Association. Member of White's Club. War Services.—Called up on August 4, 1914; in Royal Artillery till May 4, 1917; Royal Air Force until May, 1919. Has Mons Star and clasp; mentioned in Dispatches.

DERRY, Cyril, Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, c/o Letchworth Engineering Co., Ltd., Victory Works, Letchworth. Private Address: " Garthowen," The Broadway, Letchworth. T. A.: " Allnew, Letchworth." T. N.: 61 Letchworth. b. 1895. Ed. Four years' course with Faraday House Electrical Training Institute, Southampton Row, London. Now Joint Managing Director, The Letchworth Engineering Co., Ltd., Victory Works, Letchworth, Herts. Member of the Royal Automobile and National Liberal Clubs. War Services.—Lieutenant, Workshops Officer, R.A.S.C. (M.T.), for 3/ years. Served both in France and Flanders for 2 years. Mentioned in Dispatches.

DE SALIS, Henry Rodolph, J.P., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., Chy-Morvah, St. Ives, Cornwall; b. 1866; second s. of John F. W. Count de Salis (d.), of Hillingdon Place, Uxbridge; m. 1893, May, eldest d. of Captain Robert Lambert (d.) of Weston, Thames Ditton. Ed. Eton College,1880-4; pupil of William Stroudley, Locomotive Superintendent, L.B. and S.C. Railway, 1884-7; Inspector, Locomotive Department, L.B. and S.C. Railway, 1887-90. Director, Fellows, Morton and Clayton, Ltd., Canal Carriers; Justice of the Peace for Bucks; High Sheriff of Bucks, 1915-6. Publications: " Bradshaw's Canals and Navigable Rivers of England and Wales."

DESCH, Cecil Henry, D.Sc. (Loud.), Ph.D. (Wiirzburg), Metallurgist, The University, Sheffield; b. 1874. Ed. Technical College, Finsbury; Wiirzburg University; University Colltge, London. Graham Young Lecturer in Metallurgical Chemistry, Glasgow University, 1909-18; Professor of Metallurgy, Royal Technical College, Glasgow, 1918-20; Professor of Metallurgy, Sheffield University, 1920. Publications: " Metallography " (Longmans), 1910, second edition, 1913, third edition, 1920, German translation, 1914; " The Chemistry and Testing of Cement " (Arnold), 1911; " Intermetallic Compounds " (Longmans), 1913; many papers in technical journals.

DE SEYFRIED, John T., B.Sc., M.Eng., Agent and Manager of the Llay Main Collieries, Ltd., Gresford, near Wrexham. Ed. in Paris and at the University of Birmingham (Honours degree, 1907). Trained under the late Sir Arthur Markham, Bart., M.P. Formerly Manager of the Bullcroft Colliery (Yorks), and Agent of the Oxcroft Collieries (Derbyshire), and of the Wyken and Craven Collieries (Warwickshire). Technical Translator to the Home Office, 1909; travelled in France, Germany and Poland for the Parliamentary Commission on Spontaneous Combustion in Coal Mines, 1913. Joint report to the above on the practicability of Hydraulic Stowing in the British Coal Fields. War Services.—Home Office, Coal Mines Department—Chief Technical Administrator of the Coal Mines Control Agreement. Home Office, Inland Revenue Conjoint Branch—Chief Technical Adviser.

DE STRZELECKI, Algernon Percy Augustus,. Assoc. M.Min.E., M.G.S., Secretary Inst. of Min. Engrs.; b. 1867; s. of Erazm de Strzelecki. Ed. Gateshead Wesleyan Schs., and Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Practical Training: N.E. Railway. Co.'s Locomotive Works, Gateshead-on-Tyne. Tech. Training: S. Kensington Science Classes. Editor of " Transactions " of the Inst. of Min..Engrs. Address: 12, Telford Avenue, Streatham Hill, S.W.2. T. A.: " Instimini, London." T. N.: Victoria 2 I 49, and Streatham 2169.

DE VILLE, Martin, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.. I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Ardlui, Coulsdon, Surrey. T. A.: " Irruption, Sedist, London." T. N.: Hop 1227. b. 1871; s. of LouisDe Ville, A.R.I.B.A.; m. 1896, Harriott Elizabeth, d. of John Saltmarsh, I.S.O. Ed. Battersea Grammar School; Full course Mechanical Engineering, City and Guilds Technical College, Finsbury. Three years. shops of S. Owens and Co., London; Bronze Medallist, Science and Art Department; Whitworth Exhibitioner and Medallist; Miller Prize Paper read before Civil Engineers; 7 years Assistant Engineer on staff of Vulcan Boiler and General Insurance Co., Manchester; Chief Engineer since 190o, Engineering. Department of the Ocean Accident and Guarantee Corporation, Ltd., London.

DEVONSHIRE, James, M.I.E.E., Man. Dir. North Metropolitan Electric Power Supply Co.

DEWHURST, John Henry, M.I.Mech.E.,. M. and S.I., Chairman and Man. Dir, of Dewhurst's Engineering Co., Ltd., Sheffield; b. 1854; s. of John. Dewhurst, M.I.Mech.E. Ed. Milk Street Academy, Sheffield. App. Sharp, Stewart and Co., Loco. Works, Manchester; Eng. Dept., J. Brown and Co., Ltd., Sheffield. Eng. at Mossbay Iron and Steel Works and. Frodingham I. and S. Works. Partner of John Dewhurst and Son, Engineers, Sheffield. Address: Attercliff e Road, Sheffield. T. A. c/o " Ladles, Sheffield." T. N.: Central 1614, 3861; Attercliffe 299.

DEWHURST, Melbourne, M.Sc. (Viet.),. A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 28, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.I. T. A.: "Marryat, London." T. N.: 6522 Holborn. b. 1888; s. Coun. William Dewhurst, J.P. of Colne, Lancashire; m. Rebecca, d. of John Stidolph of Dartford, Kent. Ed. Burnley Grammar School. Professional Training during 4 years at the Victoria University of Manchester. Joined the staff of Mather and Platt,. Ltd., of Park Works, Manchester, in 1910; The Marconi Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., in 1912; and, 16 Crompton and Co., Ltd., in 1913. Resigned the post of Chief Assistant Engineer to the latter company in 1919, to become Managing Director of Dewhurst and Partner, Ltd., of 28, Hatton Garden, E.C.i

DEWHURST, Paul Coulthard, Mech.E., M.Inst.Loco.E., M.J.Inst.E., Chief Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt., Jamaica Govt. Railways.; b. 1883; s. of P. A. Dewhurst, late of Claims Section of Goods Dept., Midland Railway. Ed. St. Albans, Portsmouth and Hendon. Training: Regent Street Polytechnic and Private Tutorage. Career: io years—Locomotive Department, Midland Railway.; 4 years—Locomotive Department, Chilian Transandine Railway.; Mech. and Hydro-electric Eng. on Copper Min. Plants; Internal Combustion Engines; 3 years—Works Manager, Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works; 4 years—Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt., Jamaica Govt. Railways.; Designing of Locomotives, Rolling Stock, Workshops and Running-sheds; also construction, operation and maintenance of same; together with Water Stations, Electric Lighting, etc.; Member of the Bd. of Jamaica Govt. Tech. Schs. Publ.: " Steel Fireboxes and Tubes in Locomotive Boilers," Inst. Loco. Engrs.; " The Jamaica Govt. Railway. and Its Locomotives "; " Locomotive 4ractice on the Chilian Transandine Railway.," etc. Address: Government Railways., Jamaica, B.W.I. T. A.: " Dewhurst, Railyway, Jamaica."

DEWRANCE, Sir John, K.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I. and S.I., M.Inst. Met., Chairman of. Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., and Proprietor of Dewrance and Co., 165, Great Dover Street, London, S.E.I. T. A.: "Dewrance, London." T. N.: Hop 3237. b. 1858; s. of John Dewrance m. Isabella A. Trevithick. Ed. Charterhouse and King's College. Pupil of the late Colonel Davis, A.D.C., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Pres. of the Engineering and the National Employers' Federation, Assoc. Mem. Roy. Engrs. Board. Vice-Pres., I.Mech.E., and Chairman of two of their Research Committees; Member of Council Inst.Met. Publ.: " Machinery Bearings," and " The Corrosion of Marine Boilers." Clubs: Junior Carlton, St. Stephen's, Gresham and Automobile. War Services.—Member of Advisory Committees of the Minister of Munitions and the Minister of Labour.

DEY, Birendra Nath, B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., etc., Consulting Engineer, 64, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Vynav, Sowest, London." T. N.: 666o Victoria. b. in Calcutta, 1892. Ed. Calcutta and Glasgow Universities. Obtained Hons. Degree of B.Sc. in Eng. and Cert. of Proficiency in Engineering of University of Glasgow. Specialized in advanced courses in Engineering at the Royal Technical College, Glasgow. Practical Training with eminent Engineers. Career: Assistant Engineer Glasgow and South Western Railway; sometime Lecturer in Engineering, Technical College, West Hartlepool; Chief Engineer, Peter Lind and Co.; Director of Wear Concrete Shipbuilding Co.; Director of Economic System Group of Constructional Engineers and Contractors. Introduced new laboursaving methods among British workmen; designed and supervised erection of various Engineering Works in Great Britain; Consulting Engineer for Large Construction Works (Ferro-Concrete and Steel Structures, Railways, Conveyors, Drainage, Foundations, etc.) for the Corporation of Glasgow. Publications: II " Modern Municipal Engineering Practice " (4 vols.); Vol. II, " Modern Waterworks Practice " (in preparation). War Services.—Designed ferro-concrete barges, ships, pontoons,' floating docks, for various firms doing Government work; designed and carried out various constructional work, factories, buildings, etc., war requirements.

DICK, William, B.Sc.(Eng.), Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Asst. Engr., Open Lines, F.M.S. Railway.; b. 1883; s. of Thomas Dick, Lockhead, Arbroath, Scot. Ed. Arbroath and St. Andrew's University. App. Douglas Fraser and Sons, Ltd., Mech. Engrs., Arbroath. Career: J. G. White and Co., Ltd., South London Tramways; Central Argentine Railway. Surveys and Construction; and Sectional Engr., Egyptian Delta Light Railway. District Engr. Address: c/o Engineer, Way and Works, Kuala Lampur, F.M.S.

DICKENSON, J. H., M.I.A.E. (Member of Council), Vickers, Ltd., River Don Works, Sheffield.

DICKINSON, Edward Winram, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer (Power Station Construction and Operation), 3o, Westcombe Park Road, Blackheath, S.E.3. T. N.: Greenwich 6o. b. 1872; second s. of John and Margaret Anne Dickinson of Ulverston, North Lancashire; m. 1898, Mabel May Girle Hamel-Smith (née Tucker) of Trinidad, British West Indies. Ed. Private tuition; Manchester Grammar School; Bradford Technical College; and apprenticed under John H. Rider, M. I nst. C. E., M. I.Mech. E., M. I. E. E., etc., in Halifax, Yorkshire. 1893-4—Engineer to Corlett Electrical Engineering Co., Wigan, coal getting and mining work, mill and factory lighting and power. 1894-6—Assistant Engineer, Bolton Corporation Electricity Works, erection and operation. 18968—Engineer and Manager, Trinidad Electric Light and Power Co., supply to city lighting and tramways. 1898-1903—With British Electric Traction Co., as (a) Chief Assistant Power Engineer; (b) Chief Assistant to Consulting Engineer; (c) Rolling Stock Engineer; light railway, tramway and lighting work throughout British Isles. 1903 to date—With London County Council: supervised layout and construction of the Mechanical and Electrical Plant of the Greenwich Power Station; now Power Station Engineer. Chief Work: Resident Engineer in erection and operation of large modern Power Station. Publications: Sundry small papers and notes. Club: The Royal, Norfolk House, St. James' Square. War Services.—Closely engaged in supply of electrical power for tramways and munitions during war; instrumental in advocating and experimenting successfully in use of coke and coke breeze in place of " green " coal for steam raising on large scale.

DICKINSON, Harold, M.Inst.C.E., Mech.E., M.I.E.E., City Elec. Engr., Liverpool; b. 1867. Ed. Tettenhall College, Wolverhampton. Training: Mason's College, Birmingham. Career: Engr. and Manager. The Yorkshire House to House Electricity Co., Ltd.; then Engr. and Manager, Electric Supply Undertaking, Leeds Corporation City Elec. Engr., Liverpool. Address: 35, Ennerdale Road, New Brighton, Cheshire.

DICKINSON, John, M.I.N.A., Member of Council I.E.S., Harland and Wolff, Govan, Glasgow.

DICKINSON, R. H., Chief Engr. to the Corporation Tramways, Birmingham.

DICKSON, John, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Director of Companies; b. Feb. 17, 1853; Student Inst.C.E.; Civil Engr. (Construction of Railways. and Docks). Member of Iron and Steel, L'pool Eng. Soc., Concrete Inst., Inst. of Directors. Address: Stairdale, Yorks, and Christow, near Exeter.

DICKSON, Norman Bonnington, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E.; b. 1869; s. of Thos. Dickson, of Ceylon and 58, Courtfield Gardens. Training: Crystal Palace, S. of E., Black and Hawthorn, and Clarke, Chapman and Parsons. Career: Engr., various Argentine Railways.; Contractor's Agent for building the first Railway. in Siam; Chief Engr., Leopoldnia Railway.; General Manager, Cuban Central Railways.; Chairman, Shire Highlands Railway., Central Africa Railway., City of Santos Improvements, and Director of other Foreign Railways. Clubs: Union and City of London. Address: Struan, Wimbledon Park, S.W.19.

DIGBY, Capt. William Pollard, R.E. (T.F.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.Cons.E., of Heap, Digby and Ryley, Cons. Engrs. (Elec. and Mech.); b. 1876. Eldest s. of William Digby, C.I.E.; m. Edith Louise Bean. Ed. Guildhall School, Bury St. Edmunds, and Crystal Palace Engr. School Publ.: Various tech. papers on proceedings of scientific societies. Club: National Liberal. Address: 48, Westminster Palace Gardens, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A A.: " Grounds, Sowest." T. N.: Victoria 666.

DINGLE, Frederick Charles, M.I.Mar.E., Chief Engr., R.M.S.P. Co.; b. 1866; s. of William Hawkins Dingle. Training: Hartley Inst., Southampton. Career: 31 years with The Royal Mail Steam Packet Co. and io years Chief Engr.; lately Inspecting Engr. of Reconditioning Steamers at Belfast. Address: Lyme Regis, 68, Hill Lane, Southampton.

DIVECHA, Ramchandra Nursey, F.R.S.A., M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Civil Engineer, Chief Engineer, Shahpur Mills, Bungalow No. 4484, Ahmedabad. T. A.: " Ram, Ahmedabad." T. N.: 6 Ahmedabad, India. Hindu Kshatrya, married. b. in Bombay 1859. Ed. up to Matric. Training as Overseer and Draughtsman in Sir Jamselji Jeejibhai School of Arts, Bombay, and then served as apprentice in Mechanical Engineering Department in the Bombay Iron Works and the Jadowjie Raghowji's Mill, Bombay, and passed First Class Engineer's Examination held by the Bombay Government. Served as Chief Engineer and as Consulting Engineer; designed and erected twelve Spinning and Weaving Mills, Ahmedabad Municipal Pumping Station, and several flour mills and factories. A Member of the Hemabhai Institute, a Member of the Gujerat Vernacular Society; Member of the Ahmedabad Municipal Sanitary Committee; Director and Consulting Engineer to the India Spinning and Weaving Mills Co., Ltd., and Chief Engineer to Sir Chinubhaie's Shahpur Mills, Ahmedabad. President of the Ahmedabad Industrial Club. Published a book, " Steam Engineer," in Gujerati language. War Services.—Supervised the work of turning 13 lb. shells.

DIXON, Arthur Thomas, M.I. and Si., Metallurgist and Chief Chemist, Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss; b. 1888; s. of the late George Dixon, of Aynsome, Grange-over-Sands. Training: North Lonsdale Iron and Steel Co., Ulverston. Career: 1909—Chief Chemist and Metallurgist, British Griffin Chilled Iron and Steel Co.; 1911—With Bayliss, Jones and Bayliss, Ltd., as Chief Chemist and. Metallurgist; designed Laboratories and specialized in Manufacture of Chilled Rolls; inventor of Processes for Improvements in the Melting of Metal for Roll Making, etc.; member of S. Staffs Iron and Steel Inst., Birmingham Metallurgical Soc., etc. Address: Richmond Road, Wolverhampton.

DIXON, Edward Keville, M.E. (Royal),. M.Inst.C.E., County Surveyor, Castlebar, Mayo.

DIXON, Frederic John, M.Inst.C.E., M.I. Mech.E., F.G.S., Engr.-in-Chief, South Staffordshire Waterworks, 26A, Paradise Street, Birmingham.

DIXON., Herman George, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., Vice-Pres., British Acetylene and Welding Assoc., etc., Senior Engr. Surveyor, B.O.T.; b. 1869; s. of George Phillips Dixon. Ed. Private Schs. in Swansea. Training: Various Eng. and Shipbuilding Works. Career: At sea as Mar. Engr.; ist Engr. in charge of Highpowered Machinery; since 1898 has been Engr. and Ship Surveyor to the Marine Department, B.O.T. Club: R.A.C. Address: "Rosendael," Cole Park,. Twickenham.

DIXON, H. Leslie, Captain, R.A.F., A.M.I.Mech.E., Electrical Engineer, " Lumen," Park Rise, Leatherhead, Surrey. T. A.: "Lumen, Leatherhead." T. N.: 6 Leatherhead. b. 1873; s. of Thos. F. Dixon and Emma Leslie (well-known authoress); m. 1905. Ed. Lee Grammar School, Goldsmiths' Technical Institute and Finsbury Technical College. Apprenticed to J. G. Statter and Co., West Drayton. Electrical Assistant at. Immisch's, Ltd., Camden Town; Second Demonstrator at New Cross Technical Institute; Mains. Superintendent, National Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Preston, Lancashire; Electrical Engineer to, Manlove, Alliott and Co., Ltd., Nottingham; Assistant to Electrical Engineer and Inspector Corporation of London; Chief Engineer and Manager of Leatherhead and District Electricity Co., Ltd.,. Leatherhead, Surrey, from 1906 to Sept., 1920._ Clubs: R.A.F., -The Road. War Services.—January, 1917, to June 1, 1919, France and Home areas. Staff Captain, Royal Air Force.

DIXON, James Thomson, B.Eng., M.Inst.. M.M., Min. Engr.; Partner of Inder, Henderson and Dixon, Cons. Engrs.; b. 1873; s. of W. A. Dixon, F.I.C., F.C.S. Ed. Sydney Grammar School, Sydney, N.S.W. Training: School of Mines, University of Sydney. Hons. at Graduation, Slade Prize. Career: Management and reporting on Mines, etc., Queensland, Sumatra, British Colombia, West Af., Siberia, Russia, Mexico, Colombia, Venezuela, Northern Ontario, Johannesburg, New Zealand and Peru; also for M. of M. Address: 1, London Wall Bdgs., London Wall, E.C.2. T. A.: " Inderdaad, Ave.,. London." T. N.: London Wall 5059.

DIXON, Lewis W., M.I.E.E., Managing Engineer, The Merthyr Electric Traction and Lighting Co., Ltd., 53, Pontmorlais, Merthyr Tydfil. T. A.: " Tramways, Merthyr." T. N.: Merthyr 180. b. 1878. First articled to J. G. W. Aldridge of Southampton, 1894-6. Served time in shops of the L. and S.W. Railway at Southampton, and for a short time transferred to the staff of Siemens Brothers on cable-laying, 1896-8. Shift Engineer in Southampton Docks Electricity Works, 1898-1900, and afterwards joined the staff of Sir Frederick Bramwell and H. Graham Hains at Westminster as Engineering Assistant and Surveyor, 1900-2; joined the staff of the South Wales Power Distribution Co. as Engineering Assistant, and. was promoted to the position of Outside and Mains Engineer, which position was held until 1907; has acted as Managing Engineer of the Merthyr Electric Traction and Lighting Co., and has designed and carried out important extensions over a large district. Hon. Secretary of the Electricity Supply Committee for South Wales and Monmouthshire, and Joint Hon. Secretary of South Wales Electrical Supply Joint Industrial Council, and District Joint Board Electricity Supply for the same area. Chief Works: Merthyr Electricity Works, Penydaren, Merthyr. War Services.—Hon. District Engineer for the Board of Trade, Coal Controller's Department; Member of the Tramways (Board of Trade) Committee.

DIXON, R. B., Eng. Rear-Admiral, C.B., M.I.N.A., M.Inst.Met. (Member of Council), 21, Ashley Gardens, Westminster, S.W.I.

DIXON, Stephen Mitchell, M.A., M.Sc., B.A.I., M.Inst.C.E., Prof. Civil Eng., Imperial College, S. Kensington, since 1913. Address: 18, Carlyle Mansions, Cheyne Walk, Chelsea, S.W.3. T. N.: Kensington 5871.

DOAK, Walter James, B.E. (Sydney), M.In st C.E., Chief Bridge Engr., Engr.'s Office, Railway. Dept., Brisbane, Queensland.

DOBSON, James, A.M.I.E.E., M.Inst.T., Gen. Manager and Engr., Southampton Corporation Tramways and Motor Services Department; b. 1884. Ed. Newcastle and Bedford. Training: United Electric Car Co. Career: With United Electric Car Co.; Traction and Lighting Installations in Af. and Brazil; Cons. Engr. to Brazilian Government; Gen. Manager and Engr., Barrow-in-Furness Tramways and Motor Services, and Gravesend Tramways and North Kent Motor Services. Address: 161, Above Bar Street, Southampton. T. A.: " Tramways, Southampton." T. N.: 301 Southampton.

DOCKER, Frank Dudley, C.B., J.P., Director of London Joint, City and Midland Bank, British Trade Corporation, Metropolitan Railway., L.B. and S.C. Railway., The Gables, Kenilworth. T. N.: 19 Kenilworth. b. 1862; s. of Ralph Docker, solicitor; m. Lucy Constance, d. of J. B. Hebbert. Ed. Private. First Pres., Federation of British Industries. Member of the Carlton Club.

DODD, Benjamin, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council),:Min. Engr., Hencotes House, Hexham.

DODD, Peter, M.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., F.R. San.I., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (Member of Council), Borough Engr. of Wandsworth; during the War II was Member of the War Office Road Stone Control Committee. Club: R.A.C. Address: 215, Balham High Road, S.W.17. T. N.: Battersea 1664.

DODDS, Thomas Ernest, B.Sc. (Lond.), F.R.G.S., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Wh.Sc., A.M.C.I., Civil Engineer, The Moorings, Dunston-on-Tyne; b. 1891. Ed. City and Guilds Engineering College, South Kensington, S.W.I, and Royal Military Academy, Woolwich. Whitworth Scholar, 1914. Assistant to Henry Adams and Son, M.M.Inst.C.E.,. Consulting Engineers, 6o, Queen Victoria Street, E.C. Chiefly engaged on design and supervision of Reinforced Concrete structures. Club: Overseas. Member Royal United Service Institution. War Services.—Active service in Greece, Serbia and Bulgaria. Promoted Acting Captain, R.E., January 8, 1919; in charge of the Royal Engineer Base Workshops of the British Salonica Force, 1.419.

DOMMETT, William Erskine, Capt. (R.A.F.), A.F.R.Ae.S., M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I.A.E., F.R.S.A., Wh. Ex., Cons. Engr.; b. 1885; s. of Thomas Richard Erskine Dommett. Ed. Devonport High School, Portsmouth Dockyard School, Royal College of Science. Training: H.M. Portsmouth Dockyard. Admiralty Prizeman, Mech. National Scholarship, Wh. Ex. Career: H.M. Portsmouth Dockyard; Examiner, H.M. Patent Office; R.N.A.S. and R.A.F. Aeroplane and Airship Construction Overseer; Director I.L. Syndicate, Mfrs. Magnetos and Dynamos; Cons. Engr., Varioplane Co., Ltd., Brooklands; Cons. Engr. and Designer, Simpson, Taylor, Ltd.; Designer of the Thor 15 H.P. Car; Lecturer in Eng., Surrey, and London Evening Tech. Inst. Publ.: " Petrol Engine Construction," " Motor Car Mechanism," " Submarine Vessels, Aeroplanes and Airships," " Metric Tables," " Draughtsman's Pocket Book," " Mathematical Tables." Address: 14, Cranes Park, Surbiton, Surrey.

DON, John, M.A., B.Sc. (Lond.), F.I.C., A.M.I.Mech.E., Waterworks Engineer, Gardenrose, Maybole, Ayrshire. T. A.: " Don, Maybole. b. 1861; s. of John Don, blacksmith and millwright. Ed. Aberdeen University, Royal College of Science. Also with late Professor Jamieson, M.Inst.C.E., and. with Gibb and Hogg, Engineers, Airdrie. Principal, Burgh Technical School, Inverness; Rector of Peterhead Academy, also Carrick Academy. Gained the first Award of the Water Arbitration Prize of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers. Chief Works: Chiefly consulting at home and abroad on methods of water treatment and supply. Publications: " Modern Methods of Water Purification," and many manuals on scientific subjects. Member of the University of London Club, Gower Street, London. War Services.—July to September, 1918, at War Office Contracts, Westminster; Technical Adviser to War Office Contracts, Glasgow.

DONALDSON, Thornycroft, M.A., M.Inst. C.E., M.I.N.A., Director, John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., and responsible for Eng. Dept. to General Manager, Southampton; b. 1872; s. of John Donaldson, original Partner J.I.T. and Co., 1872-99. Ed. Charterhouse and Trinity College, Cambridge. Training: Central Tech. College, S. Kensington, and J.I.T. and Co., Chiswick. Telford Premium, Inst.C.E. Career: For 20 years responsible for Machinery, Design and Trials of Vessels (except Motor Boats) rn built by John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., including Destroyers and Leaders up to 45,000 S.H.P. Club: Leander Racing. Address: c /o John I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd., Woolston Works, Southampton.

DONOHUE, William Edward, Col., C.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.Inst.T., M.I.A.E., Civil and Mech. Engr.; Manager, Egyptian Transport Services, Ltd., Alexandra; b. 1861. Training: Royal College of Sc., London. Distinctions: Wh. School, Hons. (Bronze Medal); Mech. Eng., City and Guilds of London. Career: With Mar. Engrs. and Shipbuilders; Commissioned in the Royal Garrison Artillery, April, 1886: designed Recording Towing Targets and Range-finding Sights, Heavy Guns; transferred to Royal Army Service Corps, April, 1904, for duty with Mechanical Transport; Mem. Mech. Transport Ctee. and Tech. Adviser to Director of Transport, W. Corn. Office; organized Inspection and Stores Dept. for Equipment of M.T. Vehicles, Expeditionary Force, from outbreak of War, Aug., 1914; appointed Inspector Mech. Transport Services, Eastern Theatres of operation, and served continuously in Salonica, Egypt, Palestine, E. Africa, N.W. Frontier of India, Mesopotamia, Persia, and Caucasia. Clubs: R.A.C., Pall Mall; Union, Alexandria. Address: Union Club, Alexandria.

DONOVAN, Edward Wynne, M.I.Mech.E., Mech., Elec. and Ventilating Engr.; Man. Dir. and Chairman of Donbvan and Co., Ltd.; b. 1862; s. of Richard Donovan, Esq., D.L., Co. Wexford. Ed. Clifton College Training: Falcon Engine and Car Works, Loughborough. Clubs: Constitutional, Manchester; Freemasons, Manchester; St. Stephen's, London. Address: Broughton Bridge Ironworks, Salford, Manchester. T. A.: " Dazzle, Manchester." 7'. N.: 3404 Central.

DORE, Alan Sydney Whitehorn, Lt.-Col., D.S.0 T.D., M.A., M.I. and S.I., Metallurgical Engr.; Manager, Baldwins Ltd., Iron and Steel Manufacturers; b. 1882; s. of S. L. Dore. Ed. Mill Hill School and Jesus College, Cambridge. Training: Cambridge University, and Works, Baldwins Ltd. School of Jesus College, Cambridge; 1st Class Hons., Nat. Sc. Tripos (Chemistry, Metallurgy, Zoology and Botany). Appointed Manager of Baldwins Ltd., Midland Branch Works, Wilden, near Stourport, Worcs., / 1910; superintended modernisation of Plant at these Works; served with Royal Air Force during War, and twice mentioned in Dispatches. Member of Iron and Steel Institute. Articles in " Iron and Steel Trades Review." Clubs: Oxford and Cambridge, Royal Aero, and New City. Address: Eastcote Point, Pinner, Middlesex. T. N.: 26X Pinner.

DORMAN, R. H., M.Inst.C.E., Member of Council Inst.M. and C.E., County Surveyor, Armagh, Ireland.

DOUBBLE, Theodore William A.NI.I.Mech. E., F.C.I.P.A., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer and Chartered Patent Agent, 12, Bank Street, Dundee. T. N.: 1487 Dundee. b. 1874. Apprenticed to John Esson and Co., printers' engineers. Afterwards draughtsman to Linotype Co., Ltd., then to Electrical Works of L. and N.W. Railway. Passed qualifying examination, Chartered Institute of Patent Agents, 1911. Now carrying on Patent Agent's practice in Dundee. Hon. Member of the Dundee Institute of Engineers.

DOUGLAS, Ernest, Min. Engr., Pemberton Colliery, Wigan.

DOUGLAS, W. D., A.R.C.Sc.I., A.M.I.E.E., A.F.Ae.S. In charge of Mech. Tests, Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough. Engaged in Research Work for structural strength both in materials used in aircraft construction and of the strength of completed aircraft structures.

DOUGLAS, William Donald, A.R.C.Sc.I., A.F.R.Ae.S., A.M.I.E.E., Aeronautical Engineer, " Croft," Fellows Road, South Farnborough, Hants. T. A.: "Balooning, South Farnborough." T. N.: ro8 North Camp; b. 1887; eldest s. of S. H. Douglas, I.S.O., of Dublin. Ed. Royal College of Science for Ireland, 1906. Apprenticeship with British Westinghouse Co., March, 1906-9. Assistant Demonstrator in Physics and Electrical Engineering at Royal College of Science for Ireland, 1912-16; Engineer in charge of Full Scale Tests of Aeroplane Structures at Royal Aircraft Establishment since 1916. Member Illuminating Engineering Society. Publications: Various Advisory Committee of Aeronautics Reports, etc. War Services.—Hon. Radiographer to Dr. Steevens' Hospital, Dublin; Volunteer instructional and routine work; Aeronautical work as above.

DOWLING, E., Chief Engr., Smithfield Markets Electric Supply Co., Ltd., " Woodhouse," Woodhouse Lane, N. Finchley, London, N.12.

DOWN, Frederick Jonathan, M.I.E.E., F.C.S., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Electrical Engineer, 9o, Fenchurch Street, London, E.C.3. T. A. " c/o Windsail, London." T. N.: Avenue 366o. b. 1855. Ed. Sandycroft College, pupil at Engineering Works of A. and W. Smith, Glasgow. Chemistry with Professor Fresinius at Wiesbaden. Entered the laboratory of Sir C. Tenant and Partner's works at Hebburn-onTyne, and afterwards with the Blaydon Manure and Alkali Co., Blaydon-on-Tyne. In 1883 partner in the firm of Laing, Wharton and Down, Holborn Viaduct, E.C., who in 1885 introduced the Thomson-Houston System of Electric Lighting, etc., into this country, and formed the British ThomsonHouston Co., Ltd. In 1901 was called in to reconstruct the Electric Lifts on the City and South London Railway. Now specializing in electric traction, lighting and power, prevention or stoppage of " Vibration," and electric jointing; also advising Fire Insurance Companies on electrical fire losses.

DOWN, Percy Bissett, M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., Wh.Ex., Man. Dir., The Standard Eng. Tools Co., Ltd.; b. 1876; s. of G. B. Down. Ed. Stamford Hill Collegiate School Training: City and Guilds of London Inst. Career: With Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Works, G.E. Railway., Stratford; Thomas Parker, Ltd., Wolverhampton; Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton; Manistee Ironworks, Manistee, U.S.A.; Down and Johnston, Kingsway, London; Inspection Dept., Royal Arsenal, Woolwich. Publ.: "Handy -Copper Wire Tables." Address: 109, Dukes Avenue, Muswell Hill, N.1°.

DOWNING, Montague, M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I. Mech.E.; b. 1887; s. of William Ambrose Downing. Ed. James Meadows School and Municipal College, Grimsby. Training: Municipal College, Grimsby. Distinctions: 1st Class B.O.T. Certificate. App. to Consolidated Steam Fishing and Ice Co. (Grimsby), Ltd.; on Sea-going Staff of Cunard Steamship Co.; Supt. Engr. for Nautical Steam Fishing Co., Niblick Steam Fishing Co., Mayfair Trawlers, Ltd., and H. Wood and Co., 1919-20; engaged in research since 1920. Address: 149, Brereton Ave., Cleethorpes, Lincolnshire.

DOWSON, Ernest MacLeod, C.B.E., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.C.G.I., Civil Engineer, Zamalek, Gezira, Cairo; b. 1876. Ed. Central Technical College. City and Guild of London Institute. Engineering Diploma. Joined Egyptian Delta Light Railways, 1898, and the Survey of Egypt, 1901. Became Surveyor-General of Egypt and was transferred to the Egyptian Ministry of Finance as Under Secretary of State for Finance, 1919. War Services.—The Survey of Egypt, was charged with survey and mapwork in all the Near Eastern theatres of war, and furnished officers to the Survey Companies operating on those fronts.

DOXFORD, Albert Ernest, M.A. (Cantab.), J.P., Pres. N.E.C.Inst., Mar. Engr.; late Director of William Doxford and Sons, Ltd., Sunderland; b. 1867; ,s. of the late Sir William Theodore Doxford. Ed. Durham School and Caius College, Cambridge. Clubs: United University and Ranelagh. Address: Grindon Hall, Sunderland. T. N.:401 S.inderland.

DRAKE, Bernard Mervyn, Electrical Engineer, Copyhold, Cuckfield, and 36, Grosvenor Gardens; b. 1858; s. of the late General Drake, C.B., Royal Engineers. Ed. Rossall School, and pupil of Sir Joseph Whitworth's at Manchester Works. Managing Engineer of the Brush Midland Electric Light Co. and the Great Western Brush Co. Later Managing Engineer to the Electrical Power Storage Co. Founded Drake and Gorham, Ltd., in 1886; since Chairman of this Company. Also Managing Director of the D.P. Battery Co. and Chairman of the Tudor Accumulator Co. Member of the Board of Trade Committee appointed to deal with trade after the war. Clubs: Wellington, St. Stephen's, and Automobile.

DRAKE, Mervyn Geo., A.M.I.E.E., Joint Man. Dir., Drake and Gorham, Ltd., Glebe House, Pangbourne, Berks.

DRAPER, Charles Frederick, Major, R.E., O.B.E.(M.Div.), M.A. Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.C.E.I., Civil and Bridge Engineer, Canadian Pacific Railway, Windsor Street, Montreal. b. 1876; s. of Carter Draper, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Trinity College, Dublin. Pupil to his father; Assistant Engineer, G.S. and W. Railway, Ireland; Assistant Engineer of Bridges, Canadian Pacific Railway. War Services.—Major, Royal Engineers; twice mentioned in Dispatches; O.B.E. (Military). Engineer in charge of Light Railways, South Section Suez Canal; and later Engineer of Bridges, Palestine Military Railways.

DRAYCOTT, George Edwin, A.M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., Senior Lecturer, Engineering and Building Trades Department, The Borough Polytechnic Institute, London, S.E.I. T. A.: " Polychrest, Sedist." T. N.: Hop 3686. Ed. Norwich, and East London Technical College. Apprenticed at Norwich. Lecturer, Norwich School of Science and Art; Whitworth Exhibitioner, 1890; Lecturer, etc., at East London Technical College, 1889-97; Senior Lecturer at T1 the Borough Polytechnic Institute since 1897. Chief Works: Designing and fitting up new Engineering Laboratories, 1904, • and Engineering Block of the Borough Polytechnic; and as consultant on similar schemes elsewhere. Publications: Contributor to Technical Press.

DRAYSON, Walter Francis, M.I.A.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Motor, Mechanical, Electrical and Marine Engineer, c/o The Commercial and Marine Engine Co., Ltd., Oak Works, Hanwell, W.7. T. A.: "Endraypet, Han, London." T. N.: Ealing 1281 and 1374. b. 1886. Ed. Tyttenhanger Lodge, near St. Albans; Malvern College; Central Technical College; King's College, University of London. With J. Tylor and Son, Ltd., 1906-12, Manager Motor Department; The Commercial and Marine Engine Co., Ltd., 1912, Managing Director. Member of the Primrose Club. War Services.—Major, 2nd T.C. Battalion Middlesex Regiment; Accessor, Metropolitan Munition Tribunal.

DREWRY, Thomas, M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., F.C.M.S., Cons. Engr., Naval Arch. and Mar. Surveyor; b. 1858; s. of John and Elizabeth Drewry, Cleethorpes. Ed. Humberstone Grammar School Training: M.S. and L. Railway. Co., University of London. Career: Chief Engr. of several Ocean Liners. Head of Shipbuilding Department, P. and O.S.N. Co.; Manager of their large Ship and Engine Repairing Yard; Tech. Adviser to the Director of Ship Repairs (Foreign) at Ministry of Shipping during the War. Clubs: National Liberal. Address: 58, Claremont Road, London, E.7. T. A.: " Ewryshidra, Forgate, London." T. N.: Stratford 375.

DRIVER, Edgar Thomas, B.Sc.Eng. (Lond.), A.M.I.E.E., A.Amer.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 146, Wheeler Avenue, Toronto, Canada. T. A.: " Cryolite, Toronto." b. 1890. Ed. St. Dunstan's College, Catford, Northampton Engineering College, 1907-11. Awarded diploma in Electrical Engineering. Workshop experience with the Electric Construction Co., Wolverhampton, and British Thomson Houston Co., Rugby. Entered Electrical Department of the British Aluminium Co., Ltd., in 1912. Transferred to Canadian Head Office of this company on demobilization in February, 1919, as Technical Adviser. Now Manager of this office. Secretary, Northampton Engineering College Engineering Society, 1910, and Chairman, 1911; Secretary, Students' Section I.E.E., 1913-4, and Chairman, 1914-5. Publications: Several articles on Overhead Power Transmission in the English and Canadian technical journals. Member of the Engineers' Club of Toronto, and Electric Club of Toronto. War Services.—Wireless Officer, R.A.F., France and Belgium. Mentioned in Dispatches.

DRIVER, James Frederick, M.I.E.E. (Hon. Sec., East Midland Sub-Centre), A.M.I.Mech.E., Head of Engineering Departments and Works Manager, The Technical College, Loughborough. T. A.: "Education, Loughborough." T. N.: 88 Loughborough. b. 1881. Ed. West Buckland School and Leicester Municipal Technical School. Apprenticed Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. Head of Electrical Department Rolling Stock side of works, The Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.; Assistant to Chief Constructor, Her bert Morris, Ltd.; Head of Mechanical and Electrical Engineering Departments, The Technical College, Loughborough. Publications: " Shell Turning for Munition Workers " (joint author), " Engineering for Munition Workers " (joint author). War Services.—Works Manager, Ministry of Munitions Instructional Factory, Loughborough.

DRON, Robert Wilson, F.R.S.E., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., M.I.Min.E., F.S.I., Mining Engineer, i 1, W. Regent Street, Glasgow. T.A.: "Levels, Glasgow." T. N.: Douglas 1696.b. 1869. Ed. Glasgow Academy. Apprenticeship with John Reid, Mining Engineer, Glasgow, and pupil at Earnock Colliery, Hamilton. Has been in practice in Glasgow since 1893. Consulting Engineer for Collieries in Scotland and England; Director of several Coal Companies. Has been employed inspecting mines in U.S.A., Canada, Spain, Russia, France. Publications: " Coal Fields of Scotland " (1902) and numerous papers in Transactions of various societies. Club: Conservative (Glasgow). War Services.—Volunteer.

DRUMMOND, Bernard G., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, 43, Golder's Green Road, N.W.4. T. A.: "Echoless, Gold, London." T. N.: 1624 (2 lines) Finchley. b. 1881. Ed. Warreston College, Moffat, N.B.; Handel Schule, Berlin, and Crompton and Co.'s Works, Chelmsford. Engineer and Manager to the Hendon Electric Supply Co., Ltd., Hendon. War Services.—Engaged on the public supply, but chiefly to aircraft factories and munition works.

DRUMMOND, George Richard, M.I.Mech.E., Elec. and Mech. Engr. to Jodhpur State, Jodhpur, Rajputana, India.

DRY, Flying Officer W. F., Tech. Officer, R.A.F., Aeroplane Experimental Establishment, Martlesham.

DRYLAND, Alfred, M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E., County Engr. of Middlesex, Guildhall, Westminster, S.W. T. A.: " Seaxes, Parl., London." T. N.: 4400 Victoria. b. 1865. Articled to A. W. Conquest, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Folkestone. Borough Surveyor of Deal, 1883-90; Asst. County Surveyor, Kent, 1890-8; County Surveyor and Arch. of Herefordshire, 1898-1906; County Surveyor of Wiltshire, 1906-8; County Surveyor of Surrey, 1908 to 1920. P. Pres., County Surveyors' Soc.; Ex-Chairman, S.E. District Municipal and County Engrs.; Member of Council, Municipal and County Engrs.; Member of the Eng. Advisory Committee of the late Road Board; Member of Institute of Transport. Chief Works: Sea defence wall, Deal; public buildings in Herefordshire and Wiltshire; bridges in Herefordshire, Wiltshire, Surrey and Middlesex. Construction of Great West, New Cambridge and North Circular Arterial Roads. Publications: Numerous articles in " Surveyor," papers Inst. of Municipal and County Engineers, and Institution of Civil Engineers; contributor of " Roads and Roadmakers' Column " in " The King's Highway " Magazine.

DUCKHAM, Sir Arthur McDougal, K.C.B., M.Inst.C.E., Gas Engineer, Ashtead, Surrey, and 52, Grosvenor Gardens, S.W.I; b. 1879; s. of Fred E. Duckham, M.Inst.C.E.; m. Maud, d. of A. D. Peppercorn. Ed. Blackheath School. Served time in Engineering workshops under Sir George Livesay, M.Inst.C.E. Specialized in furnace work, carbonization of coal, and engineering connected with chemical developments; devised and patented schemes on this and kindred subjects; travelled abroad in connection with Engineering schemes. President of Society of British Gas Industries. Member of the Bath and Reform Clubs. War Services.—Member of Munitions Council; Director-General of Aircraft Production; Member of Air Council; Member of Coal Commission.

DUCKHAM, Frederic William, M.Inst.C.E., Consultant Civil Engineer; Director, Kirk and Randall, 24, Grosvenor Place, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 2945-6. b. 1875. Ed. University College, London, and East Ferry Engineering Works. Constructional Engineer at Surrey Commercial Docks and at Breydon Viaduct. In charge of construction at Admiralty Harbour, Dover, the Pier Widening at Dover, and the new Royal Albert Dock (south). Specialist in the design and Construction of Docks. Club: R.A.C. War Services.—Assistant Controller for Tanks to the Ministry of Munitions; Chief Engineer to the American Cellulose Company.

DUFF, James Robertson, Engr. and Secretary, Banbury Gas Co.; Pres., Midland Assoc. Gas Engrs.; b. 1875; s. of William Duff. Ed. Grammar School, Lancaster. Training: Morecambe. Career: Chief Engr. at the Gasworks, Morecambe, until 1907; appointed Engr. to the Banbury Gas Co., 1907; rebuilt the whole works and plant. Address: Warkworth House, Banbury. T. A.: " Duff, Banbury." T. N.: 6o.

DUFFIELD, Hugh J. B.Eng M.Inst.C.E D.L.S., Civil Engineer, 31o, Beveridge Building, Calgary, Canada. b. 1872. Served time in Fall's Foundry, Belfast, Ireland.. Studied at Queen's College, Belfast, and Royal University of Ireland. Resident Engineer on Carrickfergus Sewerage Works; Contractor's Engineer on Manchester Waterworks; Assistant Engineer on Cape Government Railways, Capetown; Constructing Engineer on several railways of South America (Argentine and Peru).

DUGGAN, E. M., B.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Chairman, The Port Trust, Aden T. A.: " Duggan, Aden." b. 1884. Ed. Marlborough College, Wilts, and Victoria University, Manchester. Royal Arsenal, Woolwich, 1904-5; Indian Public Works Department from 1905. Public Positions: Under Secretary in the Public Works Department to the Government of Bombay, 1912-14; Under Secretary in the Public Works Department to the Government of India, 1916-17; First Honorary Secretary of the Bombay Engineering Congress, 1915-16; Chairman of the Port Trust and of the Settlement Committee, Aden, 1919. Publications: " A Note on the Card Index System," Proceedings of Bombay Engineering Congress, 1917; " A Note on the Working Cost of Steam Rolling," Proceedings of Bombay Engineering Congress, 1918. War Services.—Captain, Indian Defence Force.

DUGGAN, George Herrick, M.Can.Soc.C.E., M.Inst.C.E., M.Amer.S. C.E., D.Sc., LL.D., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, c/o Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., Montreal, P.Q., Canada. T. A.: " Dominion, Montreal." b. 1862; s. of John Duggan, Q.C., and :2 Amelia (Tulloh); m. Mildred Scarth Stevenson, 1888. Ed. School of Science, Toronto University, 1883; postgraduate course, 1884. In Engineering Department, C.P.R., 1884-6; Engineering Department, Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., 1886-1901; Chief Engineer, Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd., 1891-1901; Assistant to President and Consulting Engineer, Dominion Iron and Steel Co. and Dominion Coal Co., 1902-3; Second Vice-President and General Manager, Dominion Coal Co., 1904-10; Chief Engineer, Dominion Bridge Co., 1910-11; General Manager, Dominion Bridge Co., 1912-6; Chief Engineer of St. Lawrence Bridge Co. when that company designed and constructed the steel superstructure of the Quebec Bridge. Now President, Dominion Bridge Co., Ltd.; Dominion Engineering and Machinery Co., Ltd.; Robb Engineering Works; Dominion Copper Products Company. Director: Foundation Company; Royal Bank of Canada; Montreal Trust Company; Wayagamack Pulp and Paper Company; Hillcrest Collieries; Steel Company of Canada. Chief Engineer, Dominion Bridge Company during period that company built most of the important bridges in Canada; also Chief Engineer of the St. Lawrence Bridge Company when that company designed and constructed the Quebec Bridge. Member of Council, Institution of Civil Engineers, 1919-20; President, Canadian Society of Engineers, now Engineering Institute of Canada, 1916; Member Canadian Mining Institution. Meinber of the Mount Royal Club; St. James's Club; University Club; Forest and Stream Club; Royal St. Lawrence Yacht Club, Montreal; Rideau Club, Ottawa; Garrison Club, Quebec; Royal Canadian Yacht Club, Toronto; Royal Cape Breton Yacht Club, Sydney, Nova Scotia.

DUGUID, Alexander Turner, M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Water Supply, Sewage, etc.), Sanitary Engineer, Shillong, Assam, India. T. A.: " Santenger,, Shillong." Ed. Gordon's College, Aberdeen, and Edinburgh University. Received training with Carter and Penman, Civil Engineers, Edinburgh, and afterwards as Assistant with C. C. Lindsay, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow, and on the construction of the Bengal-Doran Railway and the building of Ramno-Dacca, the capital to the later province of Eastern Bengal and Assam. Present Position: Sanitary Engineer to the Government of Assam, India.

DUNCAN, E. MacGregor, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Engr.; Director of Windor Elec. Installation Co., Ltd.; Slough and Datchet Electric Supply Co., Ltd. 21, Old Queen Street, Westminster, London, S.W.i. T. A.. "Duncangor." T. N.: Victoria 5288.

DUNCAN, Gordon Stewart, M.Inst.M.M., A.R.S.M., M.Amer.I.Min.E., Min. and Metallurgical Engr.; Partner in the firm of Wilkens and Devereux, Cons. Min. Engrs., and Mine Managers, New York; b. 1884; s. of Col. Patrick Duncan, R.A., of Preasmor, Aberdeenshire. Ed. Trinity College, Glen Almond. Training: Royal School of Mines. First Class Geology and Mineralogy. Asst. Engr. with Union Miniere du Haute, Katanga, Congo Belge, Central Af.; Testing Engr., Great Falls; Concentrator of the Anaconda Copper Min. Co., Montana, U.S.A.; Min. Engr. to Ledoux and Co., New York City; Inspections of and Reports on Mines in Canada, South Dakota, Colorado, Arizona, Mexico, and Canada; Res. Manager in Haiti, West Indies, for I the Meme Syndicate; London Manager for the Mines Management Co., New York and London; Secretary of the Glasgow Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Wishaw, N.B. Publ.: A contribution to the " Study of the Harney Peak Region, South Dakota " (Trans. A.I.M.E.). Clubs: Constitutional, Mining and Metallurgical. Address: 7, Victoria Avenue, Bishopsgate, London. T. A.: " Minmanaco, Ave., London." T. N.: London Wall 6288.

DUNCAN, Robert, M.I.N.A., Life M.Aust. Inst. of Mar.E., Secretary, Mar. Dept. and Inspection of Machinery Dept. of New Zealand; Chief Surveyor of Ships; Chief Inspector of Machinery; Chief Examiner of Engrs. under N.Z. Govt.; b. 1857; s. of Capt. Alexander Duncan, shipowner. Ed. Arbroath High School, Arbroath, Scotland. Training: Sc. and Art Classes in Scotland; Liverpool School of Sc., Liverpool; and City and Guilds, London. Five years app. with Alex. Thanks and Sons, Engrs., Arbroath; 1 year with Laird Brothers, Engrs., Birkenhead; 1 year at Thames Ironworks, London; 3 years Engr., British India S.S. Co's. service 2 years Chief Engr. with Northern S.S. Co., Auckland, N.Z.; 3 years Chief Engr., N.Z. South Sea Island Mail Service; 3o years with N.Z. Govt.; Member of Bd. of Examiners under Min. Act, and Chairman of Bd. of Examiners under Machinery Acts, N.Z.; Control all Surveys of Shipping, all Machinery Inspectors on Land, and Mar. and Land Engr. Examinations connected with Acts under direction of the Dept. Address: Marine and Inspection of Machinery Dept., Wellington, New Zealand. T. A.: "Marine, Wellington, New Zealand." T.N.: 20,386.

DUNCAN, Robert, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I. N.A., Ex. M.P., Senior Partner of Ross and Duncan, Mar. Engrs., Whitefield, Govan; b. 1850; s. of William Duncan, of Coltness Iron Co., Ltd., Glasgow, Ed. Glasgow High School, Academy and University. Training: Alexander Chaplin and Co., Dubs and Co., W. and A. McOril. Walker's Prizeman, etc., Glasgow University. Partner in above firm in 1876; senior Partner since 1880; has engined many vessels for the British Admiralty and Foreign Governments. Address: Dalchonzie, Comrie, Perthshire. T. A.: " Whitefield, Glasgow." T. N.: Ibrox 730.

DUNCAN, William, M.I.Mech.E., Mech. Engr., S.A. Railway. Workshops, Uitenhage, S. Af; b. 1869. Ed. Woodside Public School, and Robert Gordon's Tech. College, Aberdeen. Silver Medal, City and Guilds. Inst. App. at G.N. of Scotland Railway. Workshops. Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Gordon's College, Aberdeen. Manager, River Oil Works Co., King -Williams Town, S. Af.; Principal, Railway. Tech. School, and Draughtsman, Cape Govt. Railways., Uitenhage; District Loco. Supt., C. G. Railways., Naauwpoort; Asst. Supt. (Mech.), S. Af. Railways., Cape Town; Mech. Engr., S. Af. Railways., Pietermaritzburg. Address: Sandilli House, Uitenhage, S. Af. T. A.: "Workshops, Uitenhage."

DUNELL, Hubert, O.B.E., A.C.G.I., Mech. Engr., c/o " The Engr.," 33, Norfolk Street, London, W.C.2. b. 1880. Ed. Central Tech. College App. C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., and J. I. Thornycroft and Co., Ltd. Assistant Editor, " Shipping World "; Assistant Editor, " African Engineering "; Editor, " Eastern Engineering "; Assistant Editor, " The Engineer." War Services.—In charge of power and heating plant, National Shell Filling Factory, Chilwell, 1916-9, 22

DUNHAM, David, B.Sc. (Lond., Hons.), A.C.G.I., Electrical Engineer, 38, Albert Road, Caversham, Reading. b. 1892; m. 1915. Apprenticeship, Edmundson's Electricity Corporation, 1938-10; Central Technical College (City and Guilds), 1910-3; British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., apprentice in Testing Department, 1913-4 and 1919-20; David Hughes Scholarship, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1912. Now Director of Read and Partners, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Reading. Publications: Paper, Students Section, Institute of Electrical Engineers in conjunction with E. A. Richards on " Single Phase Commutator Motors," 1913. Premium award. War Services.-1914-5—Private, 4th Royal Berks Regiment, England and France; 1915—Commission in 3rd Battalion South Lancs Regiment; I916— Seconded to Signal Service, Royal Engineers; services in Egypt and Palestine up to 1919.

DUNLOP, D. N., Associate I.E.E., Director, British Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association ([ncorporated), King's House, Kingsway, W.C.2. T. A.: "Trifurcate, Westcent, London." T.N.: Holborn 5750-1. Member of Council, Institution of Electrical Engineers; Member of Executive Committee, Federation of British Industries, etc.

DUNN, Walter Thomas, M.I.Mech.E., F.C. 1.S., Gas Engr.; Sec. Inst. Gas Engrs.; b. 1864. Ed. Riches Grammar School and King's College, London. Training: Maudslay Sons and Field, Mar. Engrs., Lambeth. Maudslay Schp. Address: 3D, Grosvenor Gardens, Westminster, S.W.I. T. A.: " Gasophaner, Sowest London." T. N.: 912 Victoria.

DUNSHEATH, Percy, O.B.E., M.A., B.Sc., Chief of Research Department, W. T. Henley's Telegraph Works Co., Ltd., North Woolwich, London, E.16; b. 1886. Engineering education at Universities of Sheffield and Cambridge, and practical training with Davy Brothers, Sheffield. Entered Engineer-inChief's Office, G.P.O., in 1908, acting as Assistant Engineer on telephone, telegraph and power schemes in London and the provinces. Took up present appointment in 1919. War Services.—Captain, Royal Engineers, Commanding Telegraph Construction Company in France, erecting main routes; had charge of communications for Independent Air Force operating in Lorraine; compiled " Signal Service Diagrams," a standard technical instruction for the Army signals.

DU-PLAT-TAYLOR, Francis Maurice, M. Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer (Docks and Harbours), Resident Engineer's Office, Port of London Authority, Tilbury Docks, Essex. T. N.: Tilbury 181. Private Address: Tilbury Gardens, Tilbury, Essex. T. N.: Tilbury 185. b. 1878; s. of the late Colonel Du-Plat-Taylor, C.B.; m. in 1909, Violet, d. of J. F. Clerk of Harmer Green, Welwyn. Ed. Farnborough School, Hants; Winchester College, and London University. Pupil to A. G. Lyster, Engineer-inChief to the Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, 1897. With Mersey Docks and Harbour Board from 1900 to 1904, during which time was on the construction of the new system of docks under the 1898 scheme, including the New Southern (Brunswick) River entrances, King's and Queen's Dock extensions, etc., totalling about 2,000,000. From 1904 to the present date has been Resident Engineer under the London and India Docks Company and the Port I2 of London Authority, first for five years in charge of the East and West India Docks, and subsequently in charge of the Tilbury Docks. During the latter period was in charge of the construction of the Tilbury Dock Extension, 1912, and the Tilbury Deep Water Cargo Jetty of reinforced concrete, the cost of the two works together being about £500,000. Publications: Handbook for Volunteer Artillery, 1902; . Handbook for Territorial Field Howitzer Batteries, 1908. Club: Junior Army and Navy. War Services.—Rejoined from Territorial Force Reserve and served in this country and France in the Royal Artillery. For some time was commandant of the Royal Garrison Artillery reinforcement training school in France. During medical unfitness acted as Principal Military Representative on Military Service Act Tribunals for South-East Essex, and was Chairman of Territorial Force Association Recruiting Committee.

DURLEY, Richard John, M.B.E., M.Eng., M.Inst.C.E., Wh.Sc., Mech. Engr.; Secretary, Canadian Eng. Standards Assoc., Ottawa; b. 1868; Ed. Bedford Modern School Training: University College, Bristol; University College, London. App. Earles Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Hull; Chief Lecturer in Mech. Eng., Municipal Tech. Schs., Hull; Prof. Mech. Eng., McGill University, Montreal; Cons. Engr., Montreal; Officer-in-charge Gauges and Standards, M. of M.; Inspection Dept. (Canada), 1915-19. Publ.: " Kinematics of Machines (Wiley)," 1903. Clubs: Rideau, Ottawa; University, Montre-il. Address: 654, Rideau Street, Ottawa. T. N.: Rideau 236.

DURTNALL, William Peter, Capt., M.I. Loco.E., M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1872. Ed. Herne Bay Grammar School Training: Pupil under W. J. L. Hamilton; Workshops of Maxim Weston Electric Co., Dalston. Career: Chief Mech. and Elec. Engr. to Cannon Street Hotel, London, 1891-7; Chief Engr. and Manager of the Walsall Elec. Eng. Co., Ltd., 1902; in 1905 made a study of Naval Architecture and Mar. Eng. and Screw Propellers, and invented his system of " Thermo-Electric Ship Propulsion "; 1908—read Paper on driving Ocean-going Ships by Elec. Energy, at the Franco British Exhibition, under the auspices of the Inst. of Mar. E., for which he was awarded the Denny Gold Medal. The American Government carried out experiment on a 20,00o-ton cargo ship on his system, proving 27 per cent. fuel economy. Brought out his system of generating variable frequency A.C.; also his new high frequency A.C. generator for Wireless Telegraphy, Telephony, and the production of cold shining light without heat, and for guiding ships by means of submerged cables; 1911—read a Paper indicating his invention of the " Paragon " Super-Diesel Internal-combustion Engine; also the coming of the High-pressure Gas Producer; in 1913 his licences were taken up by Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie and Co., Ltd.; designed the Thermo Electric Mech. Siege-gun Train, which could negotiate shallow rivers and soft ground; in 1917 he was invited by Vice-Admiral the Hon. E. S. Fitzherbert, K.C.B., to join the Research Department of the British Navy, and did work in connection with Signalling and Submarines; in 1918 became Staff Capt. R.A.F.; June, 1920, he joined Cons. Staff of Messrs. R. and W. Hawthorn Leslie and Co., Ltd.; Cons. Engr. to the International Syndicate controlling the " Cristiana " Patents; has brought out an invention by which whole of the locomotives on a railway are " electrically " coupled together and are enabled to exchange energy between themselves without the use of central generating stations. Address: 23, Bessborough Street, Westminster, S.W.

DU TOIT, Jacob Daniel, B.Sc., Civil Engineer (especially Hydraulic), " Rus in Urbe," Long Street, Montagu, Cape Province, South Africa. b. 1894. Ed. Matriculated at Montagu High School; Diploma in Civil Engineering at South African College, Cape Town; B.Sc. in Civil Engineering at University of Cape Town. Junior Assistant to T. Stewart, M.Inst.C.E., Cape Town, for eighteen months from December 1, 1916; Junior Assistant to J. Powell, City Engineer, East London, for six months; then Engineer in charge of the Kruis Water Scheme, for an additional water supply for the village of Montagu, for 21 months. Now Resident Engineer, LeeuwGamka Irrigation Board, Fraserburg Road. Chief Works: Kruis Water Scheme for the augmentation of the water supply of Montagu. Pipe line, five miles in length; earthen dam, iomillion gallons capacity; cost of scheme, about 13,4poo. LeeuwGamka Irrigation Works for irrigating about 5,000 acres of land. About 24 miles of main canals and 7 miles distributing canals.

DYKES, Alfred Herbert, M.Inst.C.E., E.E., M.Cons.E., Partner in Handcock and Dykes, Consulting Engineers, 11, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.B. T. A.: " Rheophore." T. N.: 231 Victoria. b. 1869; m. Annie Jassmann. Technical Training: Three years' course at Central Technical College, First Class Diploma; five years Siemens Brothers, Woolwich. Professional Career: Joined Latimer Clerk, Muirhead and Co., becoming Chief Electrician and afterwards Works Manager. In 1894 joined H. W. Handcock, Consulting Engineer, Victoria Street, Westminster. The firm, now Handcock and Dykes, are Cons. Engrs. to Cambridge University and a number of Cos. and Local Authorities, including Corpns. of Richmond, Reigate, Redditch, etc.; Companies—Karachi Electric Supply, United Provinces Electric Supply (India), Leatherhead, Ascot, Egham, Farnham, Bognor, Hindhead, and other Electricity Supply Companies. Has read various papers before Institution of Electrical Engineers and other bodies. Hon. Secretary, Association of Consulting Engineers; Member and Past Chairman, Beckenham Urban District Council. Member of St. Stephen's Club. War Services.—Chairman of War Relief Committee, Chairman of Belgian Relief Committee, and Member of Military Tribunal, Beckenham.

DYKES, Arthur John, M.I.Mech.E., Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt., Mauritius Government Railways., Central Railway. Station, Port Louis, Mauritius.

DYSON, Herbert Kempton, M.C.I., Cons. Engr.; b. 1880; s. of William Franklin Dyson, Architect. Ed. Battersea Grammar School Training: Several Tech. Coils. and Insts. Career: In, private practice as Cons. Engr., specializing in reinforced concrete and structural steelwork since 1906; Cons. Engr. for works ensuring stability of St. Paul's Cathedral, London; Lecturer on Reinforced Concrete and Structural Eng. at L.C.C. School of Building; Member of British Joint Committee on Reinforced Concrete; Hon. Sec. of Conference on the London Steel Frame Act; as first Secretary, helped to found the Concrete Inst. Publ.: " Everyday Uses of I2 Portland Cement," published by the Cement Marketing Co., Ltd. Address: 17, Warwick Square, WestMinster, S.W.I. T. N.: Victoria 5832.

DYSON, W. H. In charge of Metallurgical Research Work at the Royal Aircraft Establishment, Farnborough; supervised a large amount of Investigation of the Properties of Alloys suitable for the Construction of Aircraft and Aircraft Engines; has been responsible for the Developments of Aluminium Alloys capable of being used for the Construction of Cylinders, Cylinder Heads and Pistons for Internal Combustion Engines.

See Also


Sources of Information