1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book: Miscellaneous Companies: P
Note: This is a sub-section of the 1908 Stock Exchange Year-Book
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z
Abbreviated entries (including processing errors)
- P. and W. Maclellan, Limited.—Directors: William T. Maclellan (Chairman), G. S. Maclellan (Deputy-Chairman), Walter T. Maclellan, G. H. Thomson, and J. H. Turner. Secretary: J. Cook. Office: 108A, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered February 14, 1890, to take over the business of the firm of the same name, engineers, iron merchants, &c.
- P. E. Kay, Limited.—Directors: R. Cobley, C. Cole, R James, and G. Monro. Secretary: A. J. Monro. Office: 41-2, King Street, Covent Garden, W.C.—The company was registered March 14, 1889, to carry on the business of fruit and flower growers.
- P. McEvoy, Sons and Pinnington, Limited.—Directors: J. A. Johnston, J. McEvoy (Joint Managing Director), F. S. Pinnington (Joint Managing Director), H. B. Pinnington, and W. Pinnington. Secretary: A. Bedwell. Office: 14-16, Highfield Street, Liverpool. —The company was registered January 17, 1898, to take over the business of wholesale provision merchants of Messrs. P. McEvoy and Sons and Mr. F. S. Pinnington.
- P. R. Jackson and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. B. Darby, W. J. Davy, J. Gee, and R. N. Jackson. Office: Salford Rolling Mills, Manchester.—The company was registered November 19, 1891, to acquire the business and properties of the firm of the same name, steel and iron founders, engineers, &c.
- Pacific Nitrate Co, Limited.—Directors: H. W. Morrison (Chairman), E. F. Harrington, K. Mathieson, W. T. Morrison, H. W. Sillem, G. E. Wright, and J. F. Wright. Secretary: W. L. W. Bird. Office: Winchester House, E.C.—The company was registered June 21, 1905, to acquire properties in the province of Antofagasta, Chili.
- Pacific Oilfields, Limited.—Directors : R. B. Forman, W. Mackenzie, C. H. Moore, T. Royden, and A. B. Williamson. Secretary: F. W. Bishop. Office: Dashwood House, E. C.—The company was registered September 14, 1907, to acquire about 5,900 acres of. land in the counties of Santa Barbara and San Luis, Obispo, California.
- Pacific Phosphate Co, Limited.—Directors: Lord Stanmore (Chairman), J. T. Arundel (Deputy-Chairman), G. W. H. Bowen, E. Cayford, A. R. Dickinson, G. C. Ellis, J. Ewart, F. Hernsheim (Hamburg), H. Kaesemacher (Stettin), E. A. Levy, and H. Voss (Managing Director). Secretary Leadenhall Street, E.C
- Packing Materials Association, Limited. — Directors J. Blackwell (Chairman), B. S. Blackwell, J. D. Blackwell (Managing Director), W. E. Blackwell (Sub-Managing Director), T. E. Briggs, F. S. Earnshaw, J. R. McLaine, and F. J. Scholefield. Secretary: W. H. Hickman. Office: Vauxhall Street, Rochdale Road, Manchester.—The company was registered December 18, 1900, to acquire and amalgamate the businesses of certain firms engaged in the patent packing oilcloth and tarpaulin trade.
- Palace and Derby Castle, Limited.—Directors: J. A. Brown (Chairman), L. Dursley (Vice-Chairman), L. Broadbent, A. Gill, W. H. Smith, and R. Stott. Secretary and Manager: C. Fox, Jun. Office: Gaiety Theatre, Douglas, Isle of Man.—The company was registered March 29,1898, to acquire certain properties and pleasure resorts at Douglas, Isle of Man.
- Palace Theatre, Limited.—Directors: T. E. Polden (Chairman), A. Butt (Managing Director), E. Cremetti, and J. L. Graydon. Secretary: M. E. Benjamin. Office: Palace Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.—The company was registered July 26, 1892, to acquire the Royal English Opera House in Shaftesbury Avenue and convert it into a music-hall.
- Palmer and Co, Limited.—Directors: G. B. Game (Chairman), V. D. T. Palmer, and A. E. Webb. Secretary: A. Pinkney. Office: Victoria Oil and Candle Works, Stratford, E.—The company was registered August 2, 1898, in reconstruction of a company of the same name, registered September 23, 1891, to acquire the business of the firm of the same name, candle and oil manufacturers.
- Palmer Tyre, Limited.—Directors; Maj. L. Darwin (Chairman), C. H. Gray, E. J. Mitchell, R, N. Moir (Secretary), and T. H. Woollen. Office: 121, Shaftesbury Avenue, W.C.—The company was registered March 14, 1895.
- Palmer's Stores (1903), Limited.—Directors: E. M. Hope (Chairman), A. J. Collins (Secretary), G. M. Hope, G. J. Pryor (Managing Director), and H. E. Pryor. Office: 11-15, King Street, Hammersmith, W.—The company was registered October 27, 1903, to take over the business of provision dealers, &c., of a company of practically the same name, registered October 11, 1897.
- Pampa Alta Nitrate Co.—The company was incorporated under the laws of Chili in 1904, and owns properties about 2,200 acres in extent in the district of Pampa Alta, in the Province of Antofagasta. The oficina was completed in July, 1905.
- Pan de Azucar Nitrate Co, Limited.—Directors; Hon. H. C. Gibbs (Chairman), B. Cokayne, H. W. Sillem, and J. I. Smail. Secretary: H. P. Leach. Office; 170, Gresham House, E.C.—The company was registered July 12, 1901, to acquire the nitrate grounds of Pan de Azucar, situated in Tarapaca, Chile, and to erect thereon machinery for the manufacture of nitrate of soda and iodine.
- Papuan Industries, Limited.—Directors: G. C. T. Parsons (Chairman), F. H. Hawkins, H. F. Keep, E. W. Pye-Smith, R. Somerville, F. W. Walker (Managing Director), and J. W. Wilson. Secretary: T. Elson. Office: 120, Colmore Row, Birmingham.—The company was registered November 9, 1904, for the purpose of developing the native industries of Papua (New Guinea) and the Islands of the Torres Straits.
- Paquin, Limited.—Directors: J. Barker, M.P. (Chairman), A. von Andre, W. Mendel, Sir A. J. Newton, Bart., and H. K. Newton. Secretary: T. Nevell. Office: 1, Leadenhall Buildings, E.C.—The company was registered November 11, 1896, to acquire the business of Messrs. Paquin and Co., ladies’ dress, &c., makers, of Paris and Dover Street, London, W.
- Para Electric Railways and Lighting Co, Limited.—Directors: Maj. Sir W. Evans-Gordon, M.P. (Chairman), H. Ansell, E. S. Baring Gould, E. C. Cheston, F. M, Voules, and W. K. Whigham. Secretary : G. H. H. Chambers. Office : 20, Birchin Lane, E.C.—The company was registered July 25, 1905, to acquire the tramway and electric lighting undertakings of the Companhia de Estrada de Ferro Paraense of Para, Brazil.
- Park and Croesar Slate Quarries Co, Limited.—Directors: J. G. Ashmore, Sir A. F. D. Cunningham, K.C.I.E., J. Curwen, F. B. Jones, T. Jones, W. Smith, and F. Walker. Secretary: M. Kellow. 0ffi.ee: Penrhyiideudraeth, North Wales.—The company was registered August 21, 1895.
- Park Foundry Co, Limited,—Directors: J. Smedley, W. B. Codd, G. E. Franklin, A. J. Smedley, and W. E. Smedley. Office: Park Foundry, Belper.—The company was registered April 19, 1900, to acquire a private business carried on under the same title at Belper, Derby.
- Parker, Winder and Achurch, Limited.—Directors: H. Parker (Chairman), J. P. Aohurch, G. G. Brodie, W. Pearce, and A. Winder. Secretary: A. C. W. Smith. Office: 51-2, Broad Street, Birmingham.—The company was registered March 12, 1897, to acquire the business of wholesale and retail ironmongers, metal merchants, &c., of the firm of the same name.
- Parke's Drug Stores, Limited.—Directors: P. Wainford-Davis (Chairman), A. Chatto^ J. F. Fuerst, and J. Murison (Managing Director). Secretary: M. Cashmore. Office: 65, Harmood Street, N. W.—The company was registered June 20, 1894, to take over certain businesses.
- Parnall and Sons, Limited—Directors: W. Chamberlain (Chairman), A. H. Gibson, and W. E. Hipkins. General Manager: T. H. Armstrong. Secretary: T. Baxter. Office: 21-2, Narrow Wine Street, Bristol—The company was registered June 29, 1889, to take over the business of the firm of the same name, shop fitters, scale makers, iron and brass founders, &c.
- Parsons Brothers, Limited.—Directors: E. D. C. Davey, S. Hume, W. L. Mannington (Secretary), J. Parsons (Life Director), T. Parsons (Life Director), W. J. Parsons, and H. S. Woollard. Office; East Gate, Lewes.—The company was registered May 4,1900, to acquire the businesses of Messrs. Parsons Brothers and Messrs. Latter, Parsons and Co., timber and slate merchants.
- Parsons Foreign Patents Co, Limited.— Directors: C. J. Leyland (Chairman), A. H. Barker, A. J. F. Barker, W. Boveri, Hon. C. A. Parsons, C.B., and A. A. C. Swinton. Manager: F. H. Barker. Secretary: A. E. Taylor. Office: 62, New Broad Street, E.C. — The company was registered August 1, 1899, to acquire certain continental patent rights for turbine machinery, &c.
- Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co, Limited.—Directors: Earl of Rosse (Chairman), N. C. Cookson, C. J. Leyland, Hon. C. A. Parsons, C.B. (Joint Managing Director), J. B. Simpson. A. A. C. Swinton, R. J. Walker (Joint Managing Director), and Sir W. H. White, K.C.B. Secretary: W. H. Pilmour. Office: Turbinia Works, Wallsend-on-Tyne,— The company was registered July 17, 1897.
- Patent Enamel Co, Limited. — Directors: G. E. Wright (Chairman), J. Bradley, and A. C. Wright. General Manager and Secretary: A. C. Goodman, Office: Selly Oak, Worcestershire.—The company was registered March 18, 1888, to take over the business carried on at Birmingham under the name of the Patent Enamel Company. This company went into liquidation in July, 1894, and reconstruction took place under the same title as before, the present company being registered July 17, 1894. in reconstruction the capital was largely written down.
- Patent Victoria Stone Co, Limited.—Directors : J. J. Griffiths (Chairman), H. J. Carter, W. T. Douglass, Dr. J. W. L. Glaisher, F. Griffiths, and W. Prevost. Secretary: J. W. Richardson. Office: 10-13, Hamilton House, Bishopsgate Street Without, E.C.—The company was registered June 1888, to acquire a private business carried on under the same title.
- Patentwood Keg Syndicate, Limited.—Secretary: A. B. Bryden. Office: 108a, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered May 29, 1903, to acquire certain British and foreign patent rights of a process for the manufacture of patentwood kegs and other articles.
- Paterson, Laing and Bruce, Limited.— Directors: E. Bruce, S. M. Bruce, T. J. A. Clark (Sydney), J. R. Laing, D. H. Roddick (Managing Director in Melbourne), A. B. Templeman (Sydney), and E. P. Truman (Melbourne). Secretary: G. Hodson. Office: 7-8, Australian Avenue, E.C.—The company was registered June 29, 1901, to acquire and extend the businesses of merchants and warehousemen of a company of the same name, of Melbourne, Sydney, Hobart, and London (registered November 15, 1897), of Lark, Sons and Co, Limited, of Sydney, and R. Lewis and Sons, of Hobart.
- Pavilion, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Limited.—Directors: H. Astley (Chairman), T. Barrasford (Managing Director), J. R. Hall, I. Ibbetson, A. L. Parkinson, G. W. Parkinson, and E. X Wilkinson. Secretary: I. Ibbetson. Office: 1, Durham House Street, Strand, W.C.—The company was registered November 28, 1903.
- Pavilion Theatre, Limited.—Directors: D. Munro and H. T. Munro. Secretary: P. E. Barkshire. Office: 10, Walbrook, E.C.—The company was registered February 22, 1894, to acquire the lease for about 43 years of the Pavilion Theatre, Mile End.
- Pawsons and Leafs, Limited.—Directors : W. B. Leaf (Chairman), T. P. Palmer, and J. Williams. Secretary: J. L. Godfrey. Address: 9, St. Paul’s Churchyard, E.C.— Pawson and Co, Limited, was registered February 25, 1873, to acquire the business of the firm of the same name, as warehousemen. In 1892 amalgamation with Leaf and Co, Limited, was effected, and the name was changed as above.
- Pearks, Limited.—Directors: W. H. Lensh (Chairman), L. M. Evens, S. B. De Mesquita, M.D., and E. H. Plank. Secretary: J. Dumphreys. Office: 6, Bayer Street, E.C.— The company was registered July 15, 1896, as Pearks, Gunston, and Tee, Limited, to acquire various businesses of provision merchants, butchers, &c., and in 1904 the name was changed as above.
- Pearks Stores (Africa), Limited.—Directors: C. Steel (Chairman), E. T. Boxall, E, Levi, and E. H. Plank. Secretary: J. Dumphreys. Office: 6 Bayer Street, E.C,—The company was registered July 12, 1902, to take over from Pearks, Gunston and Tee, Limited, the business in South Africa of tea and provision dealers, &c.
- Pearson Fire Alarm, Limited.—Directors: A. D. Fairbairn (Chairman), H. C. Hall, J. H. Hartridge, G. Lewis, and A. Williamson. Secretary: W. Hill. Office: 62, King William Street, E.C.—The company . was registered March 9, 1903, in reconstruction of the Pearson Fire Alarm System, Limited, registered December 19, 1898.
- Pearson Fire Alarm Syndicate (Railways, Docks and Shipping). Directors: J. Dixon (Managing Director) and J. F. W. Perowne. W. Adams. Office: 109, Victoria Street, S.W.—The company was registered April 11 1901.
- Peek Brothers and Winch, Limited.—Directors: F. S. E. Drury (Chairman), R. Alston (Managing Director), J. Brooks, J. Harrison, and D. Mossman. Secretary: E. W. Burch. Office: 20, Eastcheap, E.C.—The company was registered May 10, 1895, to acquire the businesses of Messrs. Peek Brothers and Co., and Messrs. Francis Peek, Winch and Co., of London, and Messrs. Peek Brothers and Winch, of Liverpool, wholesale dealers in tea, coffee, &c.
- Peek, Frean and Co, Limited.—Directors: A. Carr (Chairman and Managing Director), E. Carr, J. Carr, Jun., G. H. Davis, T. Gadsby, and G. Roberts. Secretary: A. Greene. Registered Office: 158, Drummond Road, Bermondsey, S.E.—The company was registered March 22, 1901, to acquire the business of biscuit manufacturers of the firm of the same name.
- Pekin Syndicate, Limited.—Directors : C. Meyer (Chairman), Comte L. de Bertier de Sauvigny (Paris), G. Jamieson, C.M.G. (Managing Director), and R. Miller. Secretary : T. Gilbert. Office: 110, Cannon Street, E.C.—The company was registered March 17, 1897, for the purpose of obtaining and developing concessions for mining, railway, and other undertakings in China. In May, 1898, the syndicate acquired the sole right for sixty years to open and work coal and iron mines and petroleum deposits throughout certain specified districts in the province of Shansi, China, covering an area of approximately 20,000 square miles, and shortly afterwards a contract on similar terms was signed covering all that part of the province of Honan which lies to the north of the Yellow River. Certain railway rights were given under the concessions. The Chinese government is to receive a royalty of 5 per cent, on the prime cost of all minerals extracted ; and of the net profits, after providing for 6 per cent, interest on capital employed, and setting aside 10 per cent, of the profits as a sinking fund the Chinese government is to receive 25 per cent.
- Pelling, Stanley and Co, Limited.—Directors: T. L. Felling (Chairman), A. Damsell, G. Litt, E. Felling, and G. D. Tobey. Secretary: H. Williams. 0ffice: 28, Mathew Street, Liverpool.—The company was registered September 30, 1897, to acquire the business of provision and fruit merchants of the firm of the same name.
- Perrins, Limited.—Directors: Sir F. C. Walker, Bart. (Chairman), A. E. Beck, T. Hall, F. A. Frost, H. Greenall (representing the ordinary shareholders), T. Bird, and G. Townsend (representing the founders’ shareholders). Secretary: E. J. Hall. Office: 3, Winwick Street, Warrington.—The company was registered May 28, 1900, to acquire the British, foreign, and colonial patent rights in an invention of Mr. H. Perrins for an improved method of making wrought-iron and steel tubes; in May, 1905, the company took over the Mostyn Tube works at Latchford, Warrington, and became a manufacturing company.
- Perry and Co, Limited.—Directors: J. J. Ferry (Chairman), J. M. Smith and W. Wiley (Managing Directors), E. S. Ferry, H. Smith, and R. Heaton. Secretary: C. J. Hampton. Offices: 36, Lancaster Street, Birmingham.—The company was registered January 28,1876, to take over the businesses of Sir Josiah Mason and A. Sommerville and Co., manufacturers of pens, &c., Birmingham; of W. E. Wiley and Son, manufacturers of pencil cases, solitaires, studs, &c., Birmingham; and James Perry and Co., manufacturers and merchants, London, while the company also manufactures cycle chains and accessories.
- Peruvian Corporation, Limited—Directors: Sir H. W. Tyler (Chairman), F. W. Barrow, G. A. Davis, W. S. Byre, A. Naylor, J. Kulp (Paris), H. M. Read, and H. Van Kempen (Amsterdam). Secretary: T. E. Webb, Office; 43-6, Threadneedle Street, E.C. —This company was registered March 20, 1800, to take up concessions granted by the Peruvian government to Peruvian bondholders under the contract for the settlement of the Peruvian external debt. Prior to such contract being concluded, the whole of the outstanding Peruvian bonds of 1870 and 1872 had been registered with the Peruvian Bondholders’ Committee, and clause 1 of the said contract, in the following terms, releases the government of Peru from all further claims by the bondholders: “The committee of bondholders, in representation of the latter, releases the government of Peru fully, absolutely, and irrevocably from all responsibility for the loans of 1869,. 1870, and 1872, so that said responsibility cannot be hereafter revived against Peru, either in whole or in part for any cause or motive.” Further, each bond had to be stamped as follows: “Peru remains absolutely, completely, and irrevocably released from all responsibility for the capital and interest represented by this bond, in accordance with the contract approved by the congress of Peru on October 25, 1889.”
- Peruvian Cotton Manufacturing Co, Limited.—Directors: E. Eyre, W. S. Eyre, A. Naylor, and T. E. Webb, Secretary; H. D. Yates. Office; 43, Threadneedle Street, E.C.—The company was registered December 30, 1890, and acquired a mill situated near Lima, and in 1897 reconstruction took place, the present company being registered March 31, 1897.
- Peter Jones, Limited.—Directors: J. Lewis (Chairman), H. M. Baker, F. Ford (Managing Director), and J. S. Lewis. Secretary: W. G. Pike. Office: 31, Symons Street, Sloane Square, S.W.—The company was registered May 28, 1900, to take over the business of general draper and outfitter of Mr. Peter Jones.
- Peter Robinson, Limited. Directors: W. Hitchins (Chairman), T. P. Clarkson, J. Griffiths, R. Rabbidge, E. W. Robinson, and W. A. Sargeant. Secretary: F. Rawkins, Office: 7, Great Portland Street, W.—The company was registered March 31, 1896, to take over the business of drapers, &c., carried on under the same title.
- Petroleum Company of Roumania, Limited.—Directors: Sir W. L. Buller, K.C.M.G. (Chairman), A. Buelle, Prince E. Ghica, C. Dissesco, Dr. E. H. Goering, Dr. B. I. Haeberlin, J. Schwarz, Dr. S. Sihleano, Prince G. D. Stourza, and Count R. F. Von Tolna. Secretary: G. T. Broadbridge. Office: 62, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered November 25, 1904, to acquire oil lands in various parts of Roumania.
- Pettigrew and Stephens, Limited.—Directors: A. H. Pettigrew (Chairman and Managing Director), J. H. Pettigrew (Vice-Chairman), J. Campbell, J. Chrystal, E. Macbean, and A. M. Stewart. Secretary: J. Gibb. Office: 191, Sauchiehall Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered November 25, 1904, to acquire the business of drapers, furnishers, general outfitters, &c., of the firm of the same name.
- Petty and Sons, Limited.—Directors: W. Petty (Chairman and Joint Managing Director), W. Bellhouse (Secretary), A. Monteith, B. Petty (Joint Managing Director), J. H. Petty, and J. P. Petty. Office: Whitehall Printeries, Leeds.—The company was registered August 21, 1894, to acquire a business of printers, manufacturing stationers, &c.
- Philip Johnston and Sons. Limited.—Directors; S. A. Johnston (Chairman), J. Campbell, F. A. Cunningham, and W. Hogg. Secretary: H. Irwin. Office : North Derby Street, York Road, Belfast.—The company was registered April 2, 1879, to acquire a business of flax and tow spinners.
- Phosphor Bronze Co, Limited.—Directors; F. W. C. Cumming (Chairman), J. B. Garnham, and R. Lagerwall (Managing Director). Secretary: Z. Payne. Office: 87, Sumner Street, Southwark, S.E.—The company was registered May 20, 1874.
- Pickford's, Limited.—Directors: F. H. Baxendale, J. W. Baxendale, L. H. Baxendale, and N. O. Walker. Secretary: O. M. Doy. Office: 57, Gresham Street, E.C.—The company was registered March 21, 1901, to acquire the business of general carriers and railway agents of the firm of the same name.
- Pilkington Brothers, Limited.—Directors; T. Pilkington, W. W. Pilkington, R. Pilkington, W. L. Pilkington, G. H. Pilkington, A. R. Pilkington, R. A, Pilkington, A. C. Pilkington, W. N. Pilkington, and A. D. Pilkington {Secretary}. Office : St. Helens, Lancashire.—The company was registered June 30, 1894, to take over the business of glass manufacturers of the firm of the same name.
- Pillsbury-Washburn Flour Mills Co, Limited. — Directors : (Chairman), F. Spencer (Managing Director), G. Cloutte, C. M. De La Barre, H. L. Little, A. F. Pillsbury, and W. D. Washburn (the last five forming a committee of management in America). Secretary: H. K. Davis. Office: 20, Broad Street Avenue, E.C. — The company was registered October 28, 1889, to take over various flour mills, businesses, and properties at Minneapolis, in the state of Minnesota, U.S.A.
- Pim Brothers, Limited.—Directors: J. D. Fisher (Secretary), Rt. Hon. J. Hogg, F. W, Bim, H. B. Pim, H. L. Pim, and J. T. Pim. Office : 22, William Street, Dublin.—The company was registered June 14, 1877, to take over the wholesale and retail drapery business of Pim Brothers and Co.
- Pintsch's Patent Lighting Co, Limited. — Directors: R. Milburn (Chairman), W. B. Rickman, A. Hall, A. Pintsch, and T. W. Worsdell. Manager and Secretary: F. R. C. Worsley. Office: 38, Leadenhall Street, E.C.—The company was registered April 30, 1878, to acquire certain inventions and patent rights for lighting railway carriages, &c.
- Plant, Green and Manton, Limited,—Directors: J, R. Green (Chairman and Managing Director), E. H. Green, A. Manton, A. E. Matthews, and J. T. Skirrow. Secretary: E. J. Green. Office: Warstone Lane, Birmingham.—The company was registered November 9, 1900, to acquire the button manufacturing business of Messrs. Plant and Green and Messrs. J. S. Manton and Co.
- Planters Stores and Agency Co, Limited.—Directors: R. Rowe (Chairman), H. Magnus, E. G. Rock (Managing Director), J. Warren, and W. S. Warren. Joint Secretaries: S. E. Munday and C. T. Wale. Office: 1, Great Winchester Street, E.C.—The company was registered September 13, 1878, to acquire the business of the Planters Stores Co, Limited, an Indian undertaking.
- Plasmon Bread Co, Limited. — Directors: Sir E. M. Nelson, K.C.M.G. (Chairman), C. E. Agate, H. R. Lowe (Managing Director), and G. S. Fort. Secretary: P. C. Bowater. Office: Clock House, Arundel Street, W.C.—The company was registered October 11, 1907, and acquired five bakers’ businesses and an agreement with the International Plasmon, Limited, conferring certain rights to purchase plasmon from it for the manufacture of bread.
- Plum Mill, Limited.—Directors: A. Ashworth, W. Chadwick, J. Clegg, W. Healey, W. B. Holt, J. J, Smithies, and J. Taylor. Secretary: E. Fitton. Office: 4, Bethell Street, Heywood.—The company was registered November 9,1905, to carry on the business of cotton spinners, &c.
- Plummer Roddis, Limited. — Directors: A. Newham (Chairman), E. (Vice-Chairman), G. Roddis, J. J. Boutwood (Secretary), L. Hay, E. F. J. Millman, the Chairman and Vice-Chairman and the last four being Managing Directors. Office: 119-120, London Wall, E.C.—The company was registered June 24, 1896, as Plummer Roddis and Tyrrell, Limited, to take over businesses of drapers, house furnishers, &c., at several places on the South Coast, and in 1903 the name was changed as above.
- Plymouth Promenade Pier and Pavilion Co, Limited.— Directors: F. B. Westlake (Chairman), J. T. Fouracre, and G. F. Watson. Alanager: J. Higson. Secretary: E. Saunders. Office: Promenade Pier, Plymouth.—The company was registered August 12, 1889, to take over the pier at Plymouth.
- Pouting Brothers, Limited.—Being wound up. Liquidator: A. O. Miles, 28, King Street, E.U.
- Porcherine, Limited.—Directors: S. W. Duttson (Chairman), T. Blanc (Lyons), C. H. Meares (Managing Director), W. L. Nott (Lyons), and P. Porchere (Lyons). Secretary: H. Hoyle. Office: 11, Queen Victoria Street, E.C.—The company was registered September 17, 1900, to acquire certain patent rights for an invention relating to the production of sweetening liquids.
- Port Said Salt Association, Limited.—Directors : P. Carver (President), L. M. Savon,. Port Said (Vice-President), P. Petcovich, G. Salt (Port Said), and E. Vermond. Secretary : F. C. Clifte. Office: 3-4, Lime Street Square, E.C.—The company was registered December 14, 1899, to acquire a concession granted by the Egyptian Government.
- Portland Cement Company of Utah, Limited. — Directors: J. T, Richardson (Chairman), F. W. Smyth, and J. L. Spoor. Secretary: M. H. Adams. Office: 20, Eastcheap, E.C.—The company was registered August 18, 1900.
- Portman Rooms, Limited.—Directors: C. A. Eavenscroft (Chairman), H. W. Nightingale, and A. Probyn. Secretary: F. Burgoyne. Office: 32, Dorset Street, Baker Street, W.— The company was registered July 15, 1887.
- Power and Traction, Limited.—Directors: J. Browne Martin (Chairman), A. Greenwood, K. A. Smith (Managing Director), and H. C. Walker. Secretary (pro tem.): R. A. Smith. Office: 79, Palace Chambers, Westminster, S.W.—The company was registered November 8, 1897.
- Prairie Cattle Co, Limited. —Directors: Sir A. McDonald (Chairman), J. M. Hannah, Prof. R. F. C. Leith, H. Miller, R. S. Waugh, and J. Wilson. Secretary: J. M. Rusk. Office: 2, York Place, Edinburgh. — The company was registered December 30, 1880, and owns properties in Colorado and Texas.
- Pranges Estancia Co, Limited.—Directors: E. S. Frisch (Chairman), G. A. J. Bell, J. W. Bell, J. E. Gordon, and H. H. Springmann. Secretary: H. B. Wyatt. Office: 29, Exchange Chambers, Liverpool.—The company was registered in 1867, and owns sheep and cattle runs in Uruguay.
- Premier Cycle Co, Limited.—Directors: A. Rotherham (Chairman), W. H. Herbert, and G. F. Twist. Secretary: W. J. Green. Office: Premier Works, Coventry.— The company was registered June 29, 1896, as the New Premier Cycle Co, Limited, to acquire the business of the Premier Cycle Co, Limited, registered July 23, 1891, and in 1902 the original title was reverted to.
- Premier Oil Extracting Mills, Limited.—Directors: J. Rank (Chairman), J. Caley, G. F. Grant, J. S. Kemp, and F. Till (Secretary). Office: Hospital Lane, Stoneferry, Hull. —The company was registered July 20, 1904, to acquire the business of oil extractors, &c., carried on by Joseph Rank, Limited, at Stoneferry, Hull, in connection with the business of flour millers and corn merchants carried on by that company at Hull and elsewhere.
- Prentice Brothers, Limited.—Directors : B. T. L. Thomson (Chairman), W. H. Prentice (Managing Director), A. J. Walker, and E. A. Wedd, Secretary: G. F. Ormes. Office: Stowmarket.—The company was registered August 4, 1891, to acquire the business of chemical manufacturers of the firm of the same name, and in 1892-3 the Great Yarmouth Chemical Works were taken over.
- Price and Pierce, Limited.—Directors: E. G. Price (Chairman), F. H. Benn, I. H. Benn, H. S. Price, and K. W. Price. Secretary: E. A. Oliver. Office: 27, Clements Lane, E.C.—The company was registered April 1, 1905, to take over the business of merchants of the firm of the same name.
- Price's Patent Candle Co, Limited.—Directors: Sir P. Spokes (Chairman), C. T. Harris (Deputy-Chairman), Col. M. S. Brownrigg, W. W. Comer, B. H. Pearse, P. S. Spokes, and F. L. Wright. Secretary: H. Salisbury. Office: 31, Threadneedle Street, E.C.—This company was established in 1847.
- Priest, Marians and Co, Limited.—Directors: E. J. Bellord (Chairman), A, Blake, H. W. Lea (Manager in Japan), E. A. O’Bryen (Secretary), H. G. Priest (Managing Director), W. C. B. Priest, and J. Roberts. Office: St. Mary Axe, E.C.—The company was registered October 26, 1896, as Priest, Marians, Bethell, Moss and Co, Limited, to acquire certain businesses of Oriental merchants, and in May, 1900, the name was changed as above.
- Printing Machinery Co, Limited. —Directors: Sir H. H. Bemrose (Chairman), S. C. Galpin, W. H. Lock, A. H. Pollen, and E. Wahab. Secretary: G. Maxwell. Office : 188, Fleet Street, E.C.—The company was registered December 23, 1898, to acquire rights in certain patents and inventions from three American printing-press companies, and to acquire the business of the Condor Agency, Limited, of London.
- Priory Tea and Coffee Co, Limited.—Directors: L. S. Richards (Chairman); J. H. Brindley and T. H. Saunders (Managing Directors). Secretary: A. W. Watson. Office: Priory Buildings, Lower Priory, Birmingham. —The company was registered April 26, 1898, to acquire certain businesses of wholesale tea and coffee dealers.
- Produce Brokers Co, Limited.—Directors: J. D. Tannahill (Chairman), E. A. Bevan, F. N. Garrard, and W. Garrard (Managing Directors); and W. Douglas. Secretary: W. A. J. Bussey. Office: 29, Great St. Helen’s, E.C.—The company was registered March 20, 1899, to take over the business of a company of the same title, registered March 4, 1891.
- Projectile Co (1902), Limited.—Directors: B. A. Firth (Chairman), C. T. Cayley (Managing Director), G. Flett, J. R. Hoyle, and J. Sampson. Secretary: H. S. Adams. Office: New Road, Wandsworth Road, S.W.—The company was registered January 20,1902, to acquire the business of a company of almost similar title registered in 1898, manufacturing shell and projectiles of all classes.
- Proprietors of Hay's Wharf, Limited.—Directors: H. C. Smith (Chairman), J. A. Humphery, J. Humphery, O. C. Magniac, and O. H. Smith. Secretary: J. Wilson. Office: Hay’s Wharf, Tooley Street, S.E.—The company was registered May 11, 1907, to take over Hay’s Wharf, Tooley Street, and to carry on the business of wharfingers.
- Pryce Jones, Limited.—Director's: Sir P. Pryce-Jones (Chairman), Sir W. L. Napier, Bart., Col. E. Pryce-Jones, A. W. Pryce-Jones, W. E. Pryce-Jones, and R. Roberts. Secretary: T. Meredith. Office: Royal Welsh Warehouse, Newtown, North Wales.—The company was registered October 1, 1892, to acquire the business of Welsh flannel and tweed manufacturers and merchants of the firm of the same name.
- Public Benefit Boot Co, Limited.—Directors: T. J. Lennard (Chairman and Managing Director), B. Dickinson, J. Harker, B. Hunn, G. Kirby, and J. Kirby. Secretary: J. Hazelip. Office: St. Paul’s Street, Leeds.—The company was registered May 5, 1897, to take over the business of boot manufacturers of a private company of the same name, as well as other businesses
- Puebla Tramway, Light and Power Co.—Directors: J. B. Body (Mexico), R. C. Brown (Mexico), P. Escandon (Mexico), F. M. Hubbard, S. Mackew, F. S. Pearson, and Sir W. D. Pearson, Bart. London Secretary: W. H. Hickman. London Office: 47, Parliament Street, S. W.—The company was formed under Canadian Laws in 1906 to acquire tramways and electric light systems in the city of Puebla, Mexico.
- Pullin, Thomas and Slade (late James Dole and Co.), Limited.—Managing Directors: S. J. Thomas (Chairman) and W. H. Pullin. Directors: R. F. Miles, W. H. Pullin, Jun., H. L. Riseley, and C. H. Slade. Secretary: W. H. Pullin, Jun. Office: 82-3, West Street, Bristol.—The company was registered May 27, 1897, to take over a business of bacon curers and provision merchants, and in 1898 the business of Messrs. Symes and Co. was acquired.
- Pullman Co.—Office: Chicago, U.S.A.—The company was established in 1867 as the Pullman’s Palace Car Company. Late in 1899, in connection with the absorption of another concern, the capital was largely increased, and still further augmented in 1907,
- Pumpherston Oil Co, Limited.—Directors: J. Paterson (Chairman), T. Alexander, J. Bryson, A. Fraser (Secretary and General Manager), W. Fraser (Managing Director), T. M‘Lintock, and R. B. Tennent. Assistant Secretary: R. G. McCulley, Office: 135, Buchanan Street, Glasgow.—The company was registered November 3, 1883, to acquire certain properties on leases for 31 years.
- Putna Forest and Sawmills Co, Limited.—Directors : Dr. E. Hilb (Chairman), P. Engel, Baron B. Groedel, A. von Lonyay, and A. von Vecsey. Secretary: C. E. Swinson. Office: 4-6, Great St. Helen’s, E.C.—The company was registered August 24, 1903, and owns properties in Roumania.
See Also
Sources of Information