Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Company L

From Graces Guide

Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Company - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z

LACRE MOTOR CAR CO., Ltd. Head Office: 78, York Road, King's Cross, London, N.I. Works: Letchworth, Herts. T. A.: " Unbaffled, London " " Unbaffied, Letchworth." T. N.: North 2708, Letchworth 154. Established 1902. Capital £25,000. Employees: About 400. Directors E. J. Palmer (Chairman), Claude M. Browne (Managing), E. I. Husey, W. Allnutt. Products.—Lorry chassis, road sweepers, ambulances, prison vans, tipping wagons, tower wagons gully emptiers, mine rescue vans, cable laying and telegraph pole erecting plant, etc., etc.

LACY-HULBERT & Co., (1921), Ltd. Pneumatic Engineers, 91, Victoria Street, London. S.W.I. T. A.: "Percussive, London." T. N.: Victoria 944. Directors: C. E. Lacy-Hulbert, A. G. London and G. D. Halsted. Manufactures.—Air and gas compressors, air hoists, vacuum and air lift pumps, exhausters rotary blowers and all kinds of pneumatic plant.

LAGONDA, Ltd., Motor Car Manufacturers 1, The Causeway, Staines, Middlesex. T. A. " Lagonda, Staines." T. N.: Staines 122 and 123. Established 1899. Products.—Motor cars, 11.9 H.P. 4-seater touring car, and all-weather coupe with dickey.

LAIDLAW, R. & Son (Edinburgh), Ltd. Gas Meter Manufacturers, Howden Street, Edinburgh.

LAING, Sir James & Sons, Ltd., Shipbuilders Brass Founders & Dry Dock Owners, Deptford Yard, Sunderland. T. A.: " Laing, Sunderland." T. N.: 149o. Directors: Sir James Marr (Chairman ) Hugh Laing, J. Lynn Marr, R. Norman Thompson.

LAING WHARTON, Ltd., Manufacturing Electrical Engineers, Mildmay Park Works, Mildmay Avenue, London, N.I. T. A.: " Lunarian, London." T. N.: Dalston 3291. Established 1883. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1909. Capital £4,000 Issued £3,000. Directors: E. A. Vincent and G. V. Twiss. Affiliated with The Twiss Engineering & Electric Transmission, Ltd. Specialities.—High tension switchgear, etc.

LAMBERT BROS. (Walsall), Ltd., Brassfounders, Green Lane, Birchills, Walsall.

LAMBOURNE, Albert, A.M.I.Mech.E., Old Mill Works, Dyke Road Drive, Brighton. T. A.: " Preston Brighton III." T. N.: Preston, Brighton III. Established 1912. Sole Proprietor: Albert Lambourne, M.I.Mech.E. Employees: 3o. Specialities.—" Old Mill " cars (pre-war ), small tools, screw and other gauges, jigs, fixtures, small press tools, presswork, gears and repetition machine work.

LANARKSHIRE STEEL CO., Ltd., Flemington, Motherwell, Scotland. T. A.: " Siemens, Motherwell." T. N.: Motherwell 347-8-9. Established 1889. Capital £450,000. Employees 2,300. Directors: R. A. Workman (Chairman) James M. Strain (Vice-Chairman), Sir Edward Mackay Edgar, Bart., Sir John Esplen, K.B.E. Sir Frederick Lobnitz, K.B.E., William Orr. Workman, C.A., Lieut.-Col. Laurence H. Strain, K.C. D.S.C., and William Dickson. Gen. Manager Andrew Gray. Sec.: R. Forbes Baird. Products.—Steel and constructional steelwork.

LANCASHIRE DYNAMO & MOTOR CO. Ltd. (Associated with the Crypto Electrical Co., Ltd. ) Electrical Engineers, Trafford Park, Manchester. T. A.: " Ironclad, Manchester." T. N.: Manchester 7450 (6 lines). Established 1899. capital £250,000, Issued £248,000. Directors: N. Kilvert (Chairman ), H. V. Kilvert (Deputy Chairman ) Alfred Tongue, R. E. Hattersley, A. P. Wood, R. S. McLeod and G. E. Mason. Employees: 1,000. Manufactures.—D.C. and A.C. motors up to 1,500 B.H.P.; D.C. and A.C. generators up to 1,500 kilowatts.

LANCASHIRE ORDNANCE ACCESSORIES CO., Ltd., Heaton Norris. T. A.: " Ironclad Stockport." T. N.: Heaton Moor 401. Established 1919. Capital £200,000. Directors: N. Kilvert, Sir H. V. Kilvert, A. Tongue, W. Hopwood, G. L. Hardcastle, J. R. Garner, W. Topple and J. A. K. Fearns. Manufactures.—Patent roller bearings, stampings motor-car components, and " L.O.A." petrol economizer.

LANCASHIRE WIRE CO., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. T. A.: " Industry, Manchester." T. N.: Trafford Park 633. Capital £22,000. Directors: W. T. MacLellan, C.B.E., J. Cook, W. Moody, H. T. Tweedy and R. J. Drury.

LANCASTER & Co. (Bow), Ltd., Hancock Road, Bow, E.3. T. A.: "Tunkworks, London." T. N. East 1606-8. Manufactures.—Tanks, galvanizing.

LANCASTER & TONGE, Ltd., Lancaster Works, Pendleton, Manchester. T. A.: " Pistons Manchester." T. N.: Manchester City 4621. Manufactures.—Steam traps and dryers, pistons, limit piston rings, metallic packings, and machine-moulded wheels.

LANCHESTER MOTOR CO., Ltd., Automobile Engineers, Armourer Mills, Montgomery Street, Birmingham. T. A.: " Motivity, Birmingham " T. N.: Victoria 526. Established 1895. Manufactures.-4o H.P. 6-cylinder Lanchester cars.

LANDIS & GYR, Ltd., Electrical Engineers Elgee Works, Windmill Road, Hampton-Hill. T. A. " Landisgyr, Hampton-Hill." T. N.: Molesey 343• Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1912. Capital £2,000, Issued £2,000. Directors: H. Landis, K. H. Gyr, L. R. Lester. Manufactures.—" Elgee " electricity meters, " Elgee " current limiters, " Elgee " time switches.

LANE, J. J., Ltd., Phoenix Engine Works, Cranbrook Street, E.2. T. A.: " Driftpiece, 'Phone London." T. N.: East 353 and 4539. Established 1840. Capital, £20,000. Employees: 100. Directors James Thomas Lane, Edwin John Lane, Harry James Lane. Products.—Power laundry machines, gas compressors and pumps, engines and boilers.

LANG & SQUIRE, Ltd., Wales Farm Road, Acton, London, W.3. T. A.: " Lang Squire Acton." T. N.: Chiswick 493. Capital £5,000. Employees: 52. Directors: C. H. D. Lang and R. G. H. Squire. Manufactures.—Dynamos and motors, AC and CC; rotary converters, CC to CC and CC to AC; motor generators, AC to CC, etc.

LANG, John & Sons, Ltd., Johnstone, near Glasgow. T. A.: "Lang, Johnstone." T. N. 69 and 70 Johnstone. Established 1873. Employees 750. Directors: John Lang, James Lang, W. B. Lang, John B. Lang, John Norman Lang, John G. Lang. Products.—Lathes and special machine tools.

LANG, W. S. & Co., Machine Tool Makers 48, Oswald Street, Glasgow. T. A.: " Circle Glasgow." T. N.: Central 2539.

LANGDON ENGINEERING WORKS, Marine & Motor Engineers, Northam, Southampton.

LANGHAM STEEL CO., Ltd., 161, New Bond Street, London, W.I. T. N.: Gerrard 3438. Established 1915. Capital £100,000. Directors: D. D. Stathatos, S. Van de Bergh, H. H. Rodnell and Major J. F. W. Lennard (also Secretary).

LANSTON MONOTYPE CORPORATION Ltd., 43, Fetter Lane, London, E.C.4. Works Salfords, near Holley. T. A.: " Monotype, Fleet London." T. N.: Holborn 5722-3. Established 1897. Capital £373,901. Employees: 650. Directors Earl of Dunraven, K.P., Lord Askwith, K.C.B. K.C., Harold Malcolm Duncan (Managing), Arthur Wenham, Alfred E. T. Watson and William. Isaac Burch. Manufactures.—Monotype composing and casting machines, Harris offset presses, Miller feeder.

LARNE SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd., 50, Wellington Street, Glasgow. T. A A. " Oakdale." T. N.: Cent. 7034. Directors: J. Johnson, C. G Olsen, A. C. Auchterlonie, W. Thomson, J. H. Sharpe.

LASH, Robert H., Ltd., 23, Tavistock Square W.C.I. Works at Letchworth (Herts.). T. A. " Fabricants, London." T. N.: 123 Letchworth; 6340 Museum. Established 1911. Capital £10,000 Employees: 85. Director: Robert H. Lash. Products.—Drilling machines, lathes, grinding machines, chucks for lathes and drilling machines.

LATCH & BATCHELOR, Ltd., Hay Mills, Birmingham. T. A.: "Latch, Hay Mills." T.N. Victoria 338-9, Birmingham. Established 1730. Specialities.—Steel wire and wire ropes for all purposes.

LATEX ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Victoria Street, Manchester Road, Droylsden, Manchester. T. A.: " Washer, Droylsden." Established 1911. Capital £12,000. Employees: 60. Managing Director: H. E. Kenyon. Manufactures.—Rubber machinery of all descriptions, hydraulic machinery, tyre moulds, pneumatic and solid.

LATHE, Charles & Co., Ltd., Summerhill, Tipton, Staffs. T. A.: " Lathe, Foundry, Tipton." T. N.: Tipton io. Established 1872. Directors Charles Lathe, J.P., C.C., Alfred Lathe. Manufactures.—Ranges, grates, rustless furnace pans, builders' castings.

LAURENCE, SCOTT & Co., Ltd., Electric Dynamo Machine Manufacturers, Gothic Works, Norwich.

LAWDEN & POOLE, Brass Cock Founders, Newtown Row, Birmingham.

LAWLEY, W. & J., Ltd., Sams Lane, West Bromwich. T. N.: West Bromwich 195 (2 lines). Established 1881 (Private Company ). Employees 250. Directors: William Lawley, Senr., William Lawley, Junr., Joseph Lawley, J. W. Gaunt. Products.—Engineers' castings in solf grey iron brass and aluminium; builders' and plumbers' brass and ironwork.

LAWTON BROS., Ltd., Woodseats Steel and Engineering Works, Sheffield.

LE GRAND, SUTCLIFF & GELL, Ltd. Southall, Middlesex. T. A.: " Abyssinian, Southall," T. N.: Southall 15o. Specialities.—Boring work of every description Abyssinian tube wells and boring tools, Norton's patent turnstiles.

LEA FOUNDRY CO., Ironfounders & Fire-Escape Staircase Makers, Hancock Road, Bromley-by-Bow. T. N.: East 653. Proprietor: Alec. Hutchison.

LEA RECORDER CO., Ltd., 28, Deansgate, Manchester. T. A.: " Recording, Manchester." T. N.: City 5040. Established 1906. Incorporated 1913. Capital £12,000. Directors: Jas. E. Lea B.Sc., M.I.Mech.E., Frank Lea, R. Jarvis, R. K. Derbyshire, Capt. J. Lees. Products.--Lea patent recorders and integrators for measuring steam consumption, boiler feed water and all other liquids; also coal-measuring machines.

LEA SHIPBUILDING & REPAIRING CO. Ltd., Shipwright Street, Canning Town, London E.C. T. A.: "Leashipya, 'Phone, London." T.N. East 1749. Established 1918. Capital £50,000. Employees: about Too. Directors: Thos. A. Blane, John Wallace, F. G. Moore, F. H. J. James. Products.—Tugs, barges, coasting vessels and repairs.

LEACH, S. & Co., Ltd., 26-30, Artillery Lane, E.C. T. A.: " Adnil, Norton." T. N.:L.London 384o. Established 1915. Capital £20,000. Manufactures.—Electrical equipment.

LEADBEATER & SCOTT, Steel Manufacturers, Peniston Road, Sheffield.

LEDWARD & BECKETT, Ltd., King's House, King's Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Preferment Cent, London." T. N.: Central 1743. Manufactures.—Condensers and water-cooling plant.

LEE, Arthur & Sons, Ltd., Bessemer Road, Attercliffe, Sheffield. T. A.:" Crown, Sheffield." T. N. Sheffield 4540 (Private Branch Exchange). Established 1867. Incorporated 1893. Nominal Capital £30,000, Issued £20,200, Reserve £89,176. Managing Directors: Percy W. Lee and Arthur S. Lee. Direc- tors: Harold Bunting and Joseph Bramwell. Employees: 600. Manufactures.—Wire rods, steel wire, steel strip hot and cold rolled, bright drawn steel bars, streamline wires for aeroplanes.

LEE, CROLL & Co., Lawside Foundry, Dundee. T..4.: " Machinery, Dundee." T. N.: 882. Established 1876. Employees: 200. Principals James C. Lee, William J. Lee. Manufactures.—Batching, winding, weaving and finishing machinery for jute, hemp and flax goods.

LEE, HOWL & CO., Ltd., Tipton Engineering Works, Tipton. T. A.: "Howl, Tipton." T. N. Tipton 9. Established 1880. Manufactures.—Steam, power and hand pumps; "Oddie" Duplex pumps.

LEE, Job, Ltd., Mechanical Engineers & Machinists, Premier Engineering Works, Kettering.

LEEDS & BRADFORD BOILER CO., Ltd. Boiler and Tank Makers, Stanningley, nr. Leeds. T. A.: "Boilers, Stanningley." T. N.: Stanningley 44. Established 1875. Manufactures.—Tar distilling plants, tar, oil and ammonia stills, creosoting plants, heaters, air receivers, chimneys, tanks, jacketed pans, etc.

LEEDS ENGINEERING & HYDRAULIC CO., Ltd., Rodley, near Leeds. T. A.: " Pumps Rodley." T. N.: 160 Stanningley. Capital £20,000. Employees: 80. Directors: James Alfred Towler M.I.Mech.E., Reginald W. C. Pickering. Products.—Hydraulic presses, riveters, benders punches, accumulators, pumps driven by hand, belt electricity or steam, electric and hydraulic cranes and lifts.

LEEDS FORGE CO., Ltd., Leeds Forge Leeds. T. A.: "Vulpes, Leeds." T. N.: 20621. Established 1889. Capital £1,250,000. Employees 1,867. Directors: Bernal Bagshawe, C.B.E. (Chairman ), A. W. Fox, Henry Oxley, R. L. Scott, G. C. Hamilton, M. B. U. Dewar (Managing ), M. Webster Jenkinson, and R. W. Storey (Secretary). Products.—Railway rolling stock, corrugated marine boiler furnaces, steel and steel boiler plates.

LEES, Asa & Co., Ltd., Soho Ironworks, Oldham. T.A.:" Asa, Oldham." T.N.: Oldhams 777. Established 1872. Capital £360,000. Directors: James H. Dunkerley, J.P., George A. Schofield, J.P. Edward Hollingworth, C.B.E., J.P., Henry Lawton J.P. (Managing ), Robert Taylor, J.P. (Managing ). Products.—Makers of all kinds of textile machinery.

LEES, T. & R., Ltd., Park Works, Hollinwood, Oldham. T. A.: "Lees, Hollinwood." T. N. 16 Failsworth (Manchester ), 448 Oldham. Established 1852. Employees: 230. Directors: William Lees, M.I.Mech.E. (Chairman), Walter Lees, Ralph Lees, Junr. Manufactures.—Steam engines (high-pressure, condensing, and compound), colliery haulages for steam and compressed air, wood-working machinery (all classes.)

LEES, Walter & Co., Ltd., Brassfounders & Valve Makers, Arundel Street Works, Halifax.

LEHMANN, ARCHER & Co., Ltd., Tool Manufacturers, Engineers, etc., 5, Farringdon Road London, E.C.I. T. A.: " Tapsandies, London." T. N.: City 5298. Established 1886. Private Company. Princif,als: F. R. Archer and S. P. Lehmann. Manufactures.—Engineers' screwing tackle of every description.

LENT, W. & Co., Hall Street, Halifax. Manufactures.—Wood-working machinery.

LEONARD, A. & Co., Ltd., Hampton Road, Croydon. T. A.: " Leonine, Croydon." T. N.: Croydon 155 and 156. Established 1915. Incorporated 1919. Capital Z25,000, Issued 219,425. Directors: A. L. Pailthorpe (Managing), Dr. F. G. Pailthorpe, A. H. Pailthorpe and L. H. Pollett B. Sc., A.M. I. E. E. , Assoc.M. I nst. C. E. Employees: 75. Manufactures.—Gauges; precision tool room equipment.

LEROY, F. & Co., Gray Street, nr. Philpot Street, Commercial Road, London, E.I. T. A. " Efficiency, Edo, London." T. N.: Central 5055. Members of Firm: H. J. Leroy, A. H. Leroy. Est. 1865. Manufactures.—Various coverings for boilers steam pipes, etc., for preventing the loss of heat.

LEVICK, Swift & Sons, Ltd., Steel Manufacturers, Clarence Steel Works, Sheffield. T. A. "Levick, Sheffield." T. N.: Sheffield Central 4571 (Private Branch Exchange). Established 1883. Directors: Swift Levick (Chairman), Henry S. Levick (Managing), Major C. E. Levick, Hugh Pratt, H. B. Levick and Norman Burton. Manufactures.—CRUCIBLE CAST STEELS FOR ENGIneers' tools, high-speed steels, alloy steels made by electric furnace, forgings, permanent magnets, files hammers, etc.

LEWIS, Edwin & Sons, Ltd., Gas Fittings Manufacturers, Britannia Tube Works, Wolverhampton.

LEWIS, G. & Son, Ltd., Queen Street Ironworks Kettering. T. A.: " Lewis's Ironworks." T. N. 193 Kettering. Established 1862. Employees: 22. Products.—Horse shoes, sack lifters and barrows cheese press (small), weighing machines.

LEWIS, R. W. & Sons, Ltd., Steam Boiler Manufacturers, North Esplanade East, Aberdeen.

LEYLAND & BIRMINGHAM RUBBER CO., Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. T. A.: " Rubber Leyland." T. N.: Leyland 34. Established 1898. Capital £600,000. Directors: R. T. Byrne (Chairman), J. T. Gondie and A. S. Morrison. Sec. G. Walmsley.

LEYLAND MOTORS, Ltd., Leyland, Lancs. T. A.: " Leymotors, Leyland." 7'. N.: 37 Leyland r A (3 lines ). Established 1895. Directors: H. Spurrier A. Spurrier, C. B. Nixon, G. L. Bevan, P. HaigThomas, C. C. Hatry. Products.—Lorries, fire engines, chars-h-bancs Omnibuses, municipal vehicles, commercial motor vehicles, petrol or steam.

LEY'S MALLEABLE CASTINGS CO., Ltd., Derby. T. A.: "Ley's, Derby." T. N. Derby 896 (2 lines and Private Exchange). Established 1874. Incorporated as a Private Limited Co. 1897. Director;: Major Sir Gordon Ley, Bait. (Governing ) Ernest N. Wood, Ian F. Panton (General Manager and W. H. Atherton. Staff: About 1,500. Specialities.—Ley's homogeneous " Black Heart " malleable castings, and chain belts of various types

LIDGERWOOD, Ltd., Friars House, New Broad Street, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Lidgerwood, London." T. N.: London Wall 7422 and 6192. Established 1860. Incorporated 1913. Capital £100,000 issued £53,900, Reserve £118,000. Manufactures.—Hoists, cableways, logging machinery, etc.

LIFT & HOIST CO., 108-114, Prince Street Deptford, S.E.8. T. A.: " Endless, London." T. N.: New Cross 223. Established 1870. Manufactures.—Lifts, cranes and hoists for all purposes, operated by electric, hydraulic and hand power; makers of revolving steel and wood shutters.

LIGHT PRODUCTION CO., Ltd., Piston Ring Makers, 6o-66, Rochester Row, London, S.W.I T. N.: Victoria 6443.

LIGHT RAILWAYS, Ltd., 3, London Wall Buildings, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Lyterales London." T. N.: City 4175-7. Established 1916. Directors: Arthur Hoare (Chairman), A. Turner Laing, Commander J. K. B. Birch, R.N. (ret. ) Lt.-Col. A. G. Birch, D.S.O., R.E. (T.) (Managing) and G. T. Neilson. Sec.: A. Roll Clyne. Manufactures.—Rails, sleepers, fastenings, contractors' wagons, coal tubs, rolling stock, steam and internal combustion locomotives.

LIGHTFOOT REFRIGERATION CO., Ltd. 35, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. A. " Separator, Cannon, London." T. N.: City 5154. Established 1916. Capital £150,000. Directors T. B. Lightfoot (Chairman ), R. C. Grant, K. S. Murray, K. Lightfoot, and W. B. Statham.

LILLESHALL CO., Ltd., Oakengates, Salop. T. A.: "Lilleshall, Oakengates." T. N.: Oakengates 28. Established 1812. Employees: 3,000. Directors: Rt. Hon. Earl Granville, H. R. Pugh H. Morrison, J. F. Wright, W. Perrott, and G. E. Wright. Manufactures.—Steam and gas engines, Bessemer and Siemen's steel and bar iron.

LIMIT ENGINEERING CO., 71, Southwark Street, London, S.E.1. T. A.:" Gramolimit, Boroh, London." T. N.: Hop 5217. Proprietors H. N. Collins and A. L. Collins. Sales Representatives Hays, Standen & Co., Ltd. Manufactures.—Accessories to the electrical engineering and gramophone trades.

LINCOLN WAGON & ENGINE CO., Ltd. (The), Railway Rolling Stock Manufacturers and Repairers, Lincoln. T. A.: "Wagon, Lincoln." T. N. Lincoln 68. Established and Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1873. Capital 1,000,000, Reserve Fund £138,000. Directors: A. C. Newsum, J. S. Battle, G. H. Peake and H. E. Page. Managing Director and Secretary J. Lodge.

LINDLEY, C. & Co., Ltd., Beauvoir Works, Luddenden, Yorks. T. A.: " Beauvoir, London Luddenden." T. N.: Dalston 643. Established 1865. incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1901. Manufactures.—Black and bright bolts and nuts.

LINDSAY, R. B. & Co., 38, Mair Street, Plantation, Glasgow. T. A.: "Conical, Glasgow." T. N. Ibrox 303. Established 1869. Products.—Conical and square asbestos metallic packing, suitable for all steam pressures; packing for pumps, stern glands, etc.

LINDSAYS PADDINGTON IRONWORKS Ltd., 15, North Side, Paddington, W. T. N. Paddington 74. Manufactures.—Girders, joists, cast-iron columns wrought-iron sashes and fireproof floors.

LINOTYPE AND MACHINERY, Ltd., Manufacturers of the "Linotype " Machine and Printing Machinery, 188, Fleet Street, London, E.C.4. T. A. " Linotype, London." T. N.: Holborn 1464. Established 1889. Incorporated as a Limited Liability Co. 1903. Capital £2,500,000, Issued £1,950,007 Reserve £212,60 7.

LION ENGINE CO., Ltd., 158-162, Pentonville Road, King's Cross, London, N.'. T. A. " Oscillate, Kincross." T. N.: North 2184. Established 1919. Capital £5,000. Directors: F. W. A. Moutrie (Managing), E. V. Moutrie. Manufactures.—Oil and petrol engines for all purposes.

LION SPRING CO., Ltd., Broadwell Road, Oldbury.

LIPSCOMBE, F. & Co., 49, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C.4. T. N.: City 2833. Manufactures.—Filters for all purposes.

LISTER, Joshua & Co., Ltd., Cobden Works, Pendleton, Manchester. T. N.: Pendleton 113. Established 1876. Capital £4,000. Employees: 25. Directors: Joshua Lister (Managing), A. Stafford. Products.—Heating, ventilating and dust-removal plant, general sheet metal workers and steam drying cylinder makers, oxy-acetylene welding.

LISTER, R. A. & Co., Ltd., Dursley, Glos. T. A.: "Machinery,. Dursley." T. N.: Dursley 7. Established 1867. Incorporated as a Private Limited Co. in 1893. Directors: Sir Ashton Lister (Chairman) C. Ashton Lister, J.P., Austin A. Lister. Manufactures.—Cream separators and dairy machinery, petrol, gas and oil engines, sheep-shearing machinery, motor ploughs, tractors and tractor ploughs.

LISTER, Thomas & Co. (Brassfounders) Ltd., Perseverance Brass & Iron Works, Brighouse.

LITHANODE, Ltd., 190, Queen's Road, Battersea London, S.W.8. T. A.: " Lithanode, Battpark London." T. N.: Victoria 3123. Established 1880. Directors: Alfred Baker and A. Noel Hazlehurst M.Sc. Specialities.—Lithanode unspillable accumulators accumulator hand-lamps, etc. Batteries for motorcar lighting, ignition and self-starting, etc.

LITHGOWS, Ltd., Kingston Shipbuilding Yard. Port Glasgow. T. A.: " Russell." T. N.: Port Glasgow, 191 and 193. Directors: James Lithgow, Henry Lithgow, John Muirhead, W. B. Allan.

LITHOLITE, Ltd., Insulator Manufacturers, 55-7 Hackney Grove, London, E.8. T. N.: Dalsion 592.

LIVERPOOL CASTINGS & TOOL SUPPLY CO., Model Engineers and General Engineers, 41 South Castle Street, Liverpool. Established 1890. Director: Hesketh Walker. Manufactures.—Model engines, bolts and nuts, and model boiler fittings, black enamels and cold lacquers.

LIVERPOOL ELECTRIC CABLE CO., Ltd. Linacre Lane, Bootle, Liverpool. T. A.: " Concentric, Liverpool." 2'. N.: Bootle 542. Established 1901. Capital £30,000. Directors: Robert Taylor (Chairman), A. N. Smith, E. Leete, W. J. Terry H. F. Smith, W. S. Taylor (Managing and Sec. ). Products.—Rubber insulated wires and cables of all types for all purposes.

LIVERPOOL REFRIGERATION CO., Ltd. Colonial House, Liverpool. T. A.: " Polar, Liverpool." T. N.: 2896 and 2897 Central, Liverpool. Established 1897. Capital £735,00. Employees: 800. Directors: W. G. Brettell (Chairman), W. S. Malcolm A. J. Adamson, Alfred S. Edwards. Products. — Refrigerating machinery for ships' cargo and provisions, and for every purpose on land. Pumps, air compressors and pipe coils.

LIVINGSTON, John & Sons, Ltd., Engineers, Brass Moulders and Finishers, Coppersmiths, etc. Zetland Works, Middlesbrough. T. A.: " Living-. ston, Middlesbrough." T. N.: Middlesbrough 59. Established 1861. Incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1900. Capital £14,500. Directors: John Livingston and George T. Livingston.

LIVINGSTONE & COOPER, Ltd., Ship-builders & Engineers, Hessle, near Hull. T. A..• 11 Stability, Hull." T. N.: 243 and 244 Hessle. Employees: 810. Products.—All classes of vessels, seven berths up to 450 ft., and repairs.

LLANELLY STEEL CO. (1907), Ltd., Old Castle Road, Llanelly.

LLOYD, F. H. & Co., Ltd., James Bridge Steel Works, near Wednesbury. T. A.: " Steel, Darlaston." T. N.: 44 and 45. Established 1879. Capital £100,000. Employees: 650. Directors: J. Hemming D. C. Lloyd, W. H. de Winton, G. W. Summers F. J. Hemming. Products.—Steel castings of all descriptions up to 20 tons individual weight, by the acid and basic open hearth and Tropenas processes.

LLOYD MOTOR ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. L.M.C. Works, Monument Road, Birmingham. T. A.: " Obliging, Birmingham." T. N.: Edgbaston 542. Established 1907. Directors: J. W. Sparke (Managing), W. J. Lloyd, W. A. Lawrence. Products.—" L.M.C." Colonial motor cycle " L.M.C." standard motor cycle, " L.M.C." engines and fittings.

LLOYD, Richard & Co., Ltd., Steelhouse Lane, Birmingham. T. A.: "Cogs, Birmingham." T.N. 7251, 7254. Manufactures.—Universal gauge, tool and cutter grinders.

LOBNITZ & Co., Ltd., Renfrew, Scot. T.. " Lobnitz, Renfrew." Manufactures.—Dredging machines and iron ship and steamboat builders.

LOCKE, BLACKETT & Co., Ltd., Lead Manufacturers, Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: " Locke :Newcastle-upon-Tyne." T. N.: Central 280. Established 1797. Incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1891. Employees: 400.

LOCKER, Thomas & Co., Ltd., Engineers, 'Church Street, Warrington. T. A.: " Lockers, Warrington." T. N.: Warrington 141. Established 1879. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1900. Managing Directors: James T. Locker and Thomas Locker. Secretary: T. C. Locker, A.M.I.Mech.E. Manufactures.—All descriptions of woven wire ,and perforated metal screens for separating, grinding.grading, milling and all purposes, battery screening.

LODGE PLUGS, Ltd., Rugby. T. A.: " Lodge Rugby." T. N.: Rugby 276 (2 lines) (Private Branch Exchange). Established 1904. Incorporated r 9r 9. Capital 13oo,000, Issued £250,000. Directors: J. Alfred Hopps (Chairman), Alec M. Lodge, F. Brodie Lodge and Bernard Hopps. About 500 hands employed. Sole Manufactures.—Lodge sparking plugs.

LONDON ALUMINIUM CO., Ltd., The Aluminium Manufacturers, Westwood Road, Aston Birmingham. T. A.: " Aluminium, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham, East 497 and 498. Capital £100,000. Employees 300-400. Manufactures. —" Diamond " brand aluminium cooking utensils. Vessels, coils and all kinds of -sheet metal appliances in aluminium.

LONDON & GLASGOW ENGINEERING & IRON SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd., Govan Shipbuilding Yard, Glasgow. T. A.: " Harlandic Glasgow." T. N.: 632 Govan. Established 1864. Capital £450,000. Employees: 5,000 (approx.). Directors: The Lord Pirrie, K.P. (Chairman), John Dickinson, Robert Crighton. Products.—Ships and repairs, etc.

LONDON DIE CASTING FOUNDRY, Ltd. Tremlett Grove, Junction Road, London, N.19. T. A.: " Charcoal, Uphol., London." T. N. Hornsey 1580.

LONDON ELECTRIC WIRE CO. & SMITHS Ltd. Registered Office: 7, Playhouse Yard, Golden Lane, London, E.C.I. Works: Church Road, A Leyton, E. I0; and " Anaconda " Works, Salford Manchester. T. A.: "Electric, London." T. N. Clerkenwell 1388 /9o. Established: London, 1879; Salford, 1859; present Co., 1909. Capital £1,250,000. Employees: 2,000. Directors: Sir George H. Fisher-Smith, J.P. (Chairman), A. L. Don, Ernest Leete (Managing), A. N. Smith (Managing), H. F. Smith, W. J. Terry (also Secretary ). Products.—High conductivity copper wires, cables and strip; armature, magnet, instrument and high resistance wires; flexibles, dynamo wires; bronze and other alloys.

LONDON FOUNDRY CO., Ltd., Brimsdown Enfield Highway. T. A.: " Castings, Enfield." T. N.: Waltham Cross 175. Manufactures.—Electric alloy steel.

LONDON SHAFTING & PULLEY CO. Mechanical Engineers and Millwrights, i8, Northdown Street, London, N.'. T. A.: " Chaseley, Kincross London." T. N.: North 196. Established 185o. Principal: Edward Stanley Harpham. Manufactures.—Shafting, pulleys (C.I., W.I. and wood), plummer blocks, compression couplings, etc.

LONDON SMALL ARMS CO., Ltd., Albany Works, 8o, Ossory Road, Old Kent Road, S.E.I. T. A.: "Smallarms." T. N.: Hop 1042.

LONES, VERNON & HOLDEN, Ltd. Sandwell Ironworks, Lewisham Road, Smethwick. Established 1902. Capital g8,000. Directors: E. Holden, J. Lones and J. Lones, Junr. Manufactures.—Railway plant and rolling stock.

LONG EATON LACE MACHINE BUILDING CO., Ltd., Austins Factory, Long Eaton. T. A.: "Mechanical, Long Eaton." T. N.: Long Eaton 69. Established 1905. Incorporated as a Limited Co. in 1911. Directors: W. Collins, F. Marriott and J. C. Balmforth. Manufactures.—Lace machines.

LONGBOTTOM & FARRAR, Ltd., Mechanical and Electrical Engineers, Suresnes Road, Keighley. T. A.: "Progress, Keighley." T. N. Keighley 26o. Established 1880. Incorporated as a Limited Co. November 20, 1916. Directors: H. H. Longbottom and F. R. Farrar.

LORD & SHAND, Ltd., Electrical Engineers, Buckland House, Millbay, Plymouth, Devon. T. A.: " Ohm, Plymouth." T. N.: Plymouth 588. Established 1903. Capital £10,000. Employees: 45. Mang. Directors: Captain A. F. Lord, A.M.I.E.E. M.J.Inst.E., and Captain W. L. D. Gundry A.M.I.E.E., M.J.Inst.E. Products.—Complete electric light and power installations installed. Country house lighting and heating a speciality. Complete telephone and electric bell installations.

LORD, R. & Son, Barn Brook Boiler Works, Bury. T. A.: " Lords, Barn Brook, Bury." T. N. Bury 226. Established 1843. Principals: R. Lord sen., W. Lord and R. Lord, jun. Specialities.—Steam boilers, revolving boilers and digestors, kiers, steam chests, multitubular heaters, vulcanizers and cavity 'pans.

LOTT & WALNE, Ltd., Agricultural Implement Manufacturers, General Engineers and Ironfounders, A Q The Foundry, Dorchester. T. A.: " Foundry Dorchester." T. N.: Dorchester 16. Established over 50 years. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1901. Directors: J. J. Walne and 0. C. Vidler. Secretary: J. B. Penfold. Specialities.—Ploughs, patent zigzag harrows watercarts, horse hoes, etc.

LOUDON BROTHERS, Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Clyde Engineering Works, Johnstone, Scot. T. A.: " Achilles, Glasgow." T. N.. Glasgow Central 7553. Established 1871. James Tait Stuart Chairman. Directors: Robert Goudie, Hugh L. Hopkin, Wm. Barr, J. P. Reynolds and Thomas Wilson.

LOVEGROVE, R. W. & Co, 12, Rochester Row, Victoria Street, London, S.W.1. T. A. " Evorgevol, London." T. N: Victoria 7131. Established 1906. Employees: 12. Proprietor R. W. Lovegrove. Products.—Cast-iron boilers and radiators for heating installation, gunmetal valves, connections.

LOVERIDGE, Ltd., Ships' Furnishers, Docks Cardiff. T. A.: " Justice, Cardiff." T. N.: Cardiff 2640. Established 1881. Employees: 80. Directors T. Lawton Loveridge (Managing), W. R. Evans W. C. Preece. Products.—Ships' blocks, steering gear spring buffers, stretching screws and shipping tackle.

LOW & DUFF, Ltd., Mechanical Engineers, Albert Works, Monifieth, Scot. T. A.: " Albert Monifieth." T. N.: 25 Monifieth. Established 1830. Managing Director: Robert W. Beath. Specialities.—Confectionery, chocolate and preserve machinery, brassfounders and coppersmiths.

LOW, Jas. F. & Co. Ltd., Textile Engineers Monifieth Foundry, Monifieth, Scotland. T. A. " Low, Monifieth." T. N.: Monifieth Y. Employees 850. Directors: William Low (Chairman ), Charles T. Gordon. Products.—Breaker and finisher cards; drawing roving, spinning and twisting frames; roving spinning necks and steps; wheel gearing.

LOWE, Henry & Sons, Ltd., Downey Iron Works (Old and New), Royton, Lancashire. T. A.: " Oldham 1585/6." T. N.: Oldham 1585/6. Established 1872. Incorporated as a Limited Liability Co. 1915. Capital £16,000, Issued £10,000, Reserve Fund £4,000. Joint Managing Directors: Henry Lowe (Chairman), John Lowe. Directors: A. Hirst J. J. Wood, W. Bentley and W. H. Bentley. Speciality.—Mechanical and electrical self-landing hoists and friction hoists.

LOWKE, J. T., & Sons, Boilermakers Northampton.

LOWOOD, J. Grayson & Co., Ltd., Deepcar, nr. Sheffield. T. A.: "Lowood, Deepcar." T. N.: Stocksbridge 18. Established as a Private Firm 1868. Incorporated as a Limited Co. 1890. Capital L6o,coo, Issued 248,312. Directors: The Right Hon. Lord Stuart of Wortley, P.C., Sir Samuel Roberts, Bart., J.P., D.L., M.P., Cyrus Jones and Alfred Tongue. Specialities.—Silica firebricks and other refractory materials for steel, iron, copper, gas and glass works.

LUCAS ELECTRICAL CO., Ltd., Well Street Birmingham. T. A.: "Magdyno." T. N.: 1308 (Pvte. Bch. Ex. ). Established 1919. Proprietors Joseph Lucas, Ltd. Directors: Alderman H. J. Sayer, Harry Lucas, P. F. B. Bennett, Oliver Lucas, C. L. Breeden, J. A. Thomson. Manufactures.—Lighting and starting sets for cars, commercial vehicles, etc.; magnetos, dynamos batteries, etc.; electric lighting for motor-cycles.

LUCAS, J. E. & Son, Ltd., 64, Haymarket, S.W.I. T. A.: " Lucasillo, Charles, London." T. N.: Gerrard 3181. Established 1892. Capital 2,000 (Nominal). Employees: 20 (approx.). Directors: Chas. E. Lucas (Manag. Director and Chairman ), Mrs. J. E. Lucas, Alfred J. Sindall. Products.—Hand lifts, folding partitions and doors rolling shutters'.

LUCAS, Joseph, Ltd. (Proprietors of the Lucas Electrical Co., Ltd., and Thomson-Bennett Magnetos Ltd.), Manufacturers of Motor, Motor-Cycle and Cycle Accessories, Great King Street, Birmingham. T. A.: "Lucas, Birmingham." T. N.: Birmingham Central 673o. Established 1875. Incorporated 1897. Capital £500,000, Reserve £100,000. Directors: Alderman H. J. Sayer (Chairman ), Harry Lucas (Joint Managing), Peter F. B. Bennett (Joint Managing), J. A. Thomson, and 0. Lucas. Secretary Walter J. Perkins. Employees: About 3,000.

LUCY, W. & Co., Ltd., Eagle Ironworks Oxford. T. A.: "Lucy, Oxford." T. N.: 97 Oxford. Established 1760. Capital £10,800, Ordinary; £2,500, Preference. Chairman: W. L. Madgen M.I.E.E. Joint Mang. Director: John R. Dick B.Sc., M.I.E.E., Joint Mang. Director and Sec. F. J. Madgen, A.M.I.E.E. Products.—Street lighting, feeder pillars, joint disconnecting and fuse boxes, steel shelving. Everything for outside electrical work except cables.

LUGARD, C. E. & Co., Ashover, near Chesterfield Derbyshire. T. A.: " Lugard, Ashover." Established 1908. Private Company. Principal: Cecil Edward Lugard. Products.—Electro-magnetic clutches up to 10,000 H.P., the Vulcan drive for planers, flexible couplings (large and small).

LUKE & SPENCER, Ltd., Broadheath, near Manchester. T. A.: " Emery, Altrincham." T. N.: Altrincham 49. Established 1877. Directors: Walter C. Bendall (Chairman), Arthur D. Sturrock (Managing ), Chas. Waterhouse, R. Bendall Luke, J. H. T. Cuthbertson. GeneralManager Wm. Waterhouse. Sales Manager: R. F. Jackson. Manufactures.—Abrasive wheels for every known purpose. Sole manufacturers " Lukspenite " abrasive wheels. Grinding and polishing machinery.

LUMB, E. & Co., Lathe & Tool Makers, Hanson Lane, Halifax.

LUMB, James & Sons, Ltd., Perseverance Steel & Engineering Works, Elland. T. A.: "Lumb Engineer, Elland." T. N.: 141, 142 and 175 Elland. Established 1876. Capital £50,000. Employees: 135. Directors: James Lumb (Chairman ), Abraham Lumb Levi Lumb. Products.—General steel castings for engineers Lumb's governing system with speed recorder C.02. recorders and steam engine lubricators.

LUMLEY, L. & Co., Ltd., The Minories, London E.I. T. A.: "Ulaxite, 'Phone, London." T. N. Avenue 853. Manufactures.—Brewing machinery, bottling machinery, jam-making machinery, dairy machinery hotel and bar furnishers.

LUMSDEN MACHINE CO., Ltd., Machine Tool Makers, Hawkes Road, Gateshead. T. A. Expert, Gateshead." T. N.: Gateshead 151. Manufactures.—Grinding machines.

LUND, Edward, 136, Northgate Road, Stockport. T. A.: " Lund, Engineer, Stockport." Established 1873 as Hulme & Lund, Manchester. Principal: Edward Lund. Manufactures.—Mine dip pumps driven by water pressure; centrifugal and rotary pumps; hydraulic rams driven by fall of water; triple ram pumps; new parts for Hulme & Lund's pumps.

LUNDBERG, A. P. & Sons, Pioneer Electrical Works, 477-489, Liverpool Road, London, N. T.A. " Lundberg, London." T. N.: North 1746. Partners: A. P. Lundberg, M.I.E.E., Gus. C. Lundberg, M.I.E.E., P. A. Lundberg, M.I.E.E. Est. in 1882. Manufactures.—Electrical accessories of all descriptions, tumbler switches for special purposes, plug connectors, automobile switchboards, etc.

LUNE VALLEY ENGINEERING CO., Ltd. Water Tube Boilers Manufacturers, Lancaster.

LUNKEN CO., Ltd., 25, Great Dover Street London, S.E.I. T. A.: "Luken, Sedist." T. N. Hop 4487. Manufactures.—Steam engine and boiler fittings valve lubricators and injectors.

LUPTON & PLACE, Ltd., Textile Engineers, Queen Street Ironworks, Burnley. T. A.: "Climax Burnley." T. N.: Burnley 331. Private Company. Specialities.—Patentees and sole manufacturers of " Climax " dobbers, " Climax " spring top motions and improved undermotions.

LUX CANDLE CO., Ltd., Electrical Engineers, 36, Whitfield Street, London, W.I. T. N.: Gerrard 3151. Established July, 1908. Capital Issued £803. Director: A. A. Barron.

LYSAGHT, John, Ltd., Ironmasters, Galvanizers, Constructional Engineers, etc., St. Vincent's Iron Works, Bristol. T. A. & Cable A.: " Lysaght, Bristol." T. N.: Bristol 5720. Directors: H. Seymour Berry, J.P. (Chairman), D. R. Llewellyn (Deputy-Chairman ), J. Gomer Berry W. E. Berry, H. G. Hill, Sir L. W. Llewellyn, K.B.E. Morton H. Llewellyn, D. C. Lysaght, S. R. Lysaght W. R. Lysaght, C.B.E., Rt. Hon. Viscountess Rhondda, George H. Sankey, W. Trimmer. Est. 1857. Manufactures.—Black steel sheets, galvanized sheets, electrical sheets, railway panel plates, wire netting, cisterns and tanks, galvanized hollow-ware.


See Also


Sources of Information