1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies B

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
BAGLEY & CO. LTD., KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Bagley, Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 1 , 2 and 347. London Office: BRITISH RAILWAYS GOODS DEPOT, KING's CROSS, N.l. T.A., "Baglyco, Nordo, London". T.N., TERminus 4328/9. Established 1871. All kinds of bottle and jar; vases. Directors: Dr. S. B. Bagley (Chairman); Dr. S. B. Bagley and P. Bagley (Joint Governing Directors); W. J . Walls (Secretary); K. A. Bagley; P . Bagley, Jun.; H. Billbrough ; F. W. Hodkin, B.Sc., F.R.I.C.
BARNSWICK GLASS WORKS LTD., SUTHERLAND ROAD, BLACKHORSE LANE, LONDON, E.17. T.A., "Fortisglas, Walt, London". T.N., LARkswood 1262. Established 1951. Two six-pot furnaces: oil. Laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; tumblers. Directors: A. Haslam Wood; H. J. Poulten; John H. Poulten (Secretary); J. H. L. Thomson.
BARR & STROUD LTD., CAXTON STREET, ANNIESLAND, GLASGOW, W.3. T.A., "Telemeter, Glasgow". T.N., Scotstoun 4241. London Office: 15 VICTORIA STREET, S.W.1. T.A., "Retemelet, Phone, London". T.N., ABBey 6433. Established 1888. Optical glass; apparatus incorporating optical glass; aspherical lenses; interference filters. Managing Directors: Dr. J. M. Strang (Secretary); F. Morrison.
BATESON BROS. (LIVERPOOL) LTD., ALEXANDRA ROAD, SPEKELAND ROAD, EDGE HILL, LIVERPOOL 7. T.A., "Annealed, Liverpool". T.N., Sefton Park 774. Established 1891. Recuperative tank furnace: coal slack. Bottles, medical and pharmaceutical, druggists and drysalters, preserves, etc. Managing Director and Secretary: H. A. Bateson.
BEATSON, CLARK & CO. LTD. Head Office: GEORGE STREET, ROTHEHHAM. T.A., "Beatson, Rotherham". T.N., Rotherham 3188. Works: ROTHERHAM and STAIRFOOT, BARNSLEY. Established 1751. Pot and tank furnaces: mainly coke oven gas. Corked, screw-capped and stoppered bottles and jars for the chemical, pharmaceutical, toilet and cosmetic trades; medical glassware. Directors: E. B. Clark (Chairman); A. W. Clark (Managing); F. Winks; F. Wragg. See also Section C.
BISHOP (S. & C.) & CO. LTD., GLASS TUBE WORKS, FRASER STREET, ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.A., " Bishop, St. Helens". T.N., St. Helens 2201/2. London Office: 155 MINORIES, E.C.3. T.N., ROYal 4161/3 (3 lines). Established 1836. Two tank furnaces: coal. Machinery glassware; hand-drawn tubing and rod; storage separator tubes. Trade Name: Bishop's Adamant. Managing Director: J. A. Bishop. Secretary: A. S. Eccles. See Advertisement, page 10.
BRITISH HEAT RESISTING GLASS CO., LTD., PHOENIX WORKS, LOXDALE STREET, BILSTON, STAFFS. T.A., " Phoenician, Bilston "T.N., Bilston 41701/4 (4 lines). "Phoenix" heat-resisting ovenware; heat resisting glass for condenser work, radar appliances; high-frequency insulators; electronic valves; tubing and rod; machinery glassware. Specialist service for industrial glass problems. Trade Name: Phoenix. Directors: P. V. W. Gell (Chairman and Managing); P. A. M. Gell (Assistant Managing); D. G. Hann; Sir L. Smith-Gordon, Bart. Secretary: N. Howell. See Advertisement, page 45.
BRITISH THOMSON-HOUSTON CO. LTD. Head Office and Main Works: RUGBY. T.A., "Asteroidal, Rugby". T. N., Rugby 2121. Registered Office: CROWN HOUSE, ALDWYCH, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Asteroidal, Estrand, London". T.N., TEMple Bar 8040. Lamp Works: RUGBY. T.A., "Asteroidal, Rugby". T.N., Rugby 2121. Glass Works: SHEFFIELD ROAD, CHESTERFIELD. T.A., "Asteroidal, Chesterfield". T.N., Chesterfield 3224. Lighting Department: BRIDLE PATH, WATFORD, HERTS. Registered 1896. Converted to Private Company 1945. Member of the Associated Electrical Industries Group of Companies. Three continuous tank furnaces: producer gas. Two continuous tank furnaces: oil. One day tank furnace: oil. One multi pot furnace: producer gas. Three single-pot furnaces: oil. Machine-blown bulbs for lamp and valve manufacture; mouth-blown bulbs for lamp and valve manufacture; mouth-blown bulbs for television tubes; miniature bulbs machine-made from tubing; lead glass tubing for lamp and valve manufacture; lime soda glass tubing for medical purposes, bench working, etc.; neutral glass tubing for medical purposes; special glass in form of blown articles and tubing for sealing metals such as tungsten, molybdenum, copper, kovar, steel, porcelain , etc.; graded seal glasses. Trade Name: Mazda. Proprietors: The British Thomson-Houston Co. Ltd. Directors: Sir Felix J. C. Pole (Chairman); Sir George E. Bailey, C.B.E. (Deputy Chairman); E. H. Ball (Managing); I. R. Cox. D.S.O.; V. C. H. Creer; L. J. Davies; K. R. Hopkirk; H. Jack; W. S. Steel; H. L. Satchell, M.B.E.; W. W. Vinsen; Dr. H. W. H. Warren. Secretary and Comptroller: E. S. Little. See also Section C.
BUTTERWORTH BROS. LTD., NEWTON HEATH GLASS WORKS, MANCHESTER 10. T.A., "Glasses, Phone, Manchester". T.N., Failsworth 1822. Established 1795; Incorporated 1886. Three pot furnaces: coal; one tank furnace: oil; gas and electric kilns. Makers of industrial glassware of every kind , especially the types used by engineers, shipbuilders, cotton, wool and rayon manufacturers, licensed victuallers, stationers' sundrymen and others. Specialties include heat-resisting (borosilicate) glass; enamelled tubes and sight-feeds; thread guides and other glass accessories for the textile industries; large hollow-ware; and many glasses produced to customers' specification. Trade Names: Bull Dog; Invincible; Tenax; Alabaster. Directors: W. Butterworth, M.A.(Cantab.) (Managing); L. M. Angus-Butterworth, M.A., M.I.Mech.E., F.C.I.S. (Secretary); Mrs. M. S. Butterworth. See Advertisement, page 4.
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Sources of Information