1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies S

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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S. & W. (LIGHTING) LTD. Head Office: BRIERLEY HILL GLASSWORKS, BRIERLEY HILL, STAFFS. T.A., "Crystal, Brierley Hill". T.N., Brierley Hill 7154. Works: CHURCH LANE, DUDLEY PORT, TIPTON, STAFFS. T.A., "Glassworks, Tipton". T.N., Tipton 1709. Established 1912. Two continuous tank, one pot, two day tank, furnaces: producer gas; oil. Commercial and domestic illuminating glassware. Directors: H. S. Williams-Thomas (Chairman); Col. R. S. Williams-Thomas, J.P., D.S.O., T.D. (Managing); W. H. Taylor; H. Fletcher; E. Williams-Thomas; E. F. Williams-Thomas; R. Halle; H. Ingram. Secretary: F. A. Hill, A.C.I.S.
SCOTTISH CENTRAL GLASS WORKS LTD., KELLIEBANK, ALLOA, SCOTLAND. T.A., " Bottles, Alloa". T.N., Alloa 131. Established 1919. Two furnaces: coal (producer gas). Bottles, beer, wine, spirit and mineral. Directors: Capt. J. P. Younger, C.B.E. (Chairman and Managing); Viscount Younger of Leckie; G. Eadie; H. G. Younger; R. Bruce; J. A. Yeaman; W. McEwan Younger; W. B. Duthrie. Secretary: J. D. Henderson.
SHARP BROTHERS (CLAPTON PARK) LTD., 178 GLYN ROAD, CLAPTON PARK, LONDON, E.5. T.A., " Flintglass, Hack, London" T.N., AMHerst 1191. London Agents: JOSEPH LANG & Co. LTD., BATH HOUSE, 57/60 HOLBORN VIADUCT, E.C.1. T.A., " Jolangco, London". T.N ., CENtral 1824. Established 1872; Limited 1945. Three pot, one tank, furnaces: oil. All types of bottle; hand-blown tableware; machine-pressed domestic glassware; domestic illuminating glassware; glass buttons. Directors: M . Pollock-Hill; J. Lang; C. P. Slade.
SOWERBY'S ELLISON GLASS WORKS LTD., 11 EAST STREET, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE 8, Co. DURHAM. T.A., "Sowerby, Gateshead". T. N., Gateshead 71031/2. London Office: BANK CHAMBERS, 329 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 0802. Established approximately 1760. One pot, two tank, furnaces: gas. Hand-pressed domestic glassware; specialties for the lighting and electro-plate trades. Directors: The Rev. R. S. G. Green (Chairman); J. B. Lauderdale; A. E. Dodds; T. C. Martin; E. F. Weidner. General Manager: F. E. Smethurst. Secretary: Miss E. Willey.
STANDARD BOTTLE CO. LTD., BOUNDS GREEN ROAD, NEW SOUTHGATE, LONDON, N.11. T.N., ENTerprise 1181/3 (3 lines). Established 1836. Three regenerative furnaces: oil. All types of bottle and jar. Directors: H. E. Anger (Managing); D. Weir, C.A. (Secretary); Mrs. G. Clark; D. W. Ames; B. H. Roach, F.C.A.
STEVENS & WILLIAMS LTD., BRIERLEY HILL GLASS WORKS, BRIERLEY HILL, STAFFS. T.A., "Crystal, Brierley Hill" . T.N., Brierley Hill 7154. London Office: NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK BUILDINGS, ELY PLACE, E.C.1. Established about 1740. Furnaces with pot capacity of twenty-six; solid fuel. Crystal door knobs; cased coloured crystal; pot coloured crystal; high quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stem ware; hand-pressed domestic glassware; table glassware for shipping companies; communion cruets. Trade Names: Royal Brierley Crystal; S & W. Directors: H. S. Williams-Thomas (Chairman); Col. R. S. Williams-Thomas (Managing); H. Fletcher (Secretary); W. H. Taylor; J. H. Whitworth; H. Ingram.
STOURBRIDGE GLASS CO. LTD., AUDNAM, STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.A., "Tableglass, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 57335. London Agents: J. H. SERVICE & SONS, 21 CHARTERHOUSE STREET, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 6368. Established 1922. Two ten-pot furnaces: coal. High quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stemware. Trade Name: Tudor Crystal. Directors: W. H. Aston (Chairman and Managing); R. H. Price (Secretary); J. H. Cunneen; K. Wilkinson; A. D. B. Price.
STUART & SONS LTD., RED HOUSE GLASS WORKS, STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.A., " Stuart, Stourbridge". T.N., Brierley Hill 7191/2. Temporary London Office: 11 CHARTERHOUSE STREET, HOLBORN CIRCUS, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 5041. Established 1885; Incorporated 1911. Three ten-pot, one two-pot, one single pot, furnaces: fuel oil; town's gas. Hand-blown lead crystal tableware, cutting, intaglio engraving, acid printing and enamelling; hand-blown demi-crystal tableware; scientific glassware. Trade Name: Stuart Crystal. Directors: C. F. Stuart; W. A. Stuart; F. H. Stuart (Managing); E. M. Stuart (Secretary); G. W. Stuart; W. E. Cook; F. C. Pauli; F. G. Stuart.
SWINGEWOOD (W. H.) & CO LTD., ALBERT GLASS WORKS, BRIDGE STREET, WORDSLEY, STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.N., Brierley Hill 7151. Established 1946. Three tank, two pot, furnaces: town's gas. Domestic illuminating glassware. Directors: H. A. Marler (Managing); A. E. Marler (Secretary).
See Also
Sources of Information