1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies W

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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WALSH (JOHN WALSH) LTD. (Incorporating T. J. HANDS & SON and ROBINSON, SON & Co.), SOHO AND VESTA GLASS WORKS, LODGE ROAD, HOCKLEY, BIRMINGHAM 18. T.A., "Vesta, Birmingham". T.N., NORthern 1353/5 (3 lines) and 3441. Established 1801. Three recuperative pot furnaces: coal. High quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stem ware; pressed lead crystal for domestic, scientific and industrial purposes; commercial and domestic illuminating glassware; scientific and medical glassware; mirrors, reflectors, and prisms; stoppers. Trade Names: Walsh Crystal; Vesta Glass; Vestaray Reflectors. Directors: W. G. Riley (Managing and Proprietor); R. S. Dyball (Chairman); R. H. Riley. Secretary: T. C. Foxley. See Advertisement, page 34.
WATERSTONE GLASSWARE LTD., COMMON LANE, WATH-ON-DEARNE, NR. ROTHERHAM, YORKS. T.A., " Waterstone, Wath-on-Dearne". T.N., Wath-on-Dearne 296/7. Sole Distributors: INTERNATIONAL BOTTLE Co. LTD., 140 PARK LANE, LONDON, W.1. T.A., "Autrefois, Audley, London". T.N., MAYfair 6992/6 (5 lines). Established 1937. Three pot, one tank, furnaces: coal; gas. Bottles and jars, medical and pharmaceutical, toilet and cosmetics; neutral glass vials for serums. Directors: G. A. Broadbent (Joint Managing and Secretary); W. R. Barker (Joint Managing); D. C. Cann; T. T. Seago. See Advertisement, page 405.
WEBB (THOMAS) & CORBETT LTD. Head Office and Works: COALBOURNHILL GLASS WORKS, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Webb Corbett, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 5281/2. Works: TUTBURY GLASS WORKS, TUTBURY, BURTON-ON-TRENT. T.A., "Webb Corbett, Tutbury". T.N., Tutbury 6113. Established 1897. Two ten-pot, one eight-pot, two single-pot, furnaces: oil; coal. Domestic and fancy glassware, including a full range of tableware, decorative pieces and toilet ware. Trade Name: Webb Corbett Crystal. Directors: F. G. Gregory (Managing); Dr. W. Maskill, B.Sc., A.R.C.S., F.S.G.T.; W. E. Guest; P. Guest; J. H. Webb. Secretary: G. F. Johnson.
WEBB (THOS.) & SONS. Head Office: WEBB'S CRYSTAL GLASS CO. LTD., 2/3 NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Conglomera, Phone, London". T.N., TEMple Bar 3831. Works: DENNIS GLASS WORKS, AMBLECOTE, NR. STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.A., "Wilkes, Phone, Stourbridge". T.N ., Stourbridge 5665. London Office: 26 HATTON GARDEN, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 0811. Established 1837. Eight recuperative pot, one tank, furnaces: oil. High quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stemware; heat-resisting ovenware and tableware; heat-resisting domestic illuminating glassware; X-ray and cathode tubes. General Manager: S. Fogelberg.
WEBB'S CRYSTAL GLASS CO. LTD. Head Office: 2/3 NORFOLK STREET, STRAND, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Conglomera, Phone, London". T.N. , TEMple Bar 3831/4 (4 lines). Works: THE EDINBURGH & LEITH FLINT GLASS WORKS. T.A., "Edileitho, Edinburgh" . T.N., Edinburgh 75490. THOS. WEBB & SONS, STOURBRIDGE. T.A., "Wilkes, Phone, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 5665. DUROGLASS LTD., LONDON, E.17. T.N., LARkswood 2654. London Agent: 26 HATTON GARDEN, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 0811. Established last century. Nine pot, three tank, furnaces: gas; oil; coal. Crystal table glassware; illuminating glass; domestic oven glass; scientific glass (as for radar, and many other purposes). Trade Names: Webb; Edinburgh Crystal; Duroglass; Durosil; Duroven. Directors: R. E. N . d'Abo; J. H. Pattison (Managing); R. W. Johnston; J. Ismay. Secretary: W. B. Anderson.
WOOD BROTHERS GLASS CO. LTD., BOROUGH FLINT GLASS WORKS, BARNSLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Woods, Barnsley". T.N., Barnsley 3637/9 (3 lines). London Representative: R. A. PREESTON, 12 GREAT PORTLAND STREET, W.1. T.N., MUSeum 7263. Established 1828. Four pot, three small tank, furnaces: gas; coal. Lamp-blown and moulded laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; bottles and jars, medical and pharmaceutical, toilet and cosmetics; illuminating glassware; machinery glassware; pavement lights; milking machine funnels; stationery glassware; razor-blade hones; road lamp lenses; indicator glasses; museum jars; sugar dredgers. Trade Name: W Brand. Directors: A. Haslam Wood (Chairman and Managing); Mrs. E. B. Wood; Mrs. I. M. Wood; J. H. L. Thomson, C.A.; Miss A. M. Jackson, B.Sc., F.S.G.T. Secretary: J. L. Potts. See Advertisement, page 399.
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Sources of Information