1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies P

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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PALATINE GLASS CO. LTD., ST. SIMON STREET, SALFORD 3, LANCS. T.A., "Eclipse, Manchester". T.N., BLAckfriars 2036. Established 1893. Two pot furnaces: coke. Boiler gauge glass; glass rods; machinery glass; glass needle lubricators; glass guides. Trade Name: Eclipse. Directors: P . Child (Managing and Secretary); N. L. Child.
PARAGON GLASS WORKS (HACKNEY) LTD. Head Office: 4 CARLISLE AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.3. T.N., ROYal 2200/2209. Works: 38/40 MORNING LANE, HACKNEY, LONDON, E.9. T.A., "Paraglas, Hack, London". T.N., AMHerst 5375/7 (3 lines). Established 1946. Three tank furnaces: fuel oil. Hand-pressed and machine-blown domestic glassware. Trade name: Paraglas. Directors: S. Ayles; C. E. Faulkner; V. L. Payne; E. A. Kuffall; P. Borzel.
PARKINSON (F. & A.) LTD., GUISELEY, NR. LEEDS. T.A., "Crompark, Guiseley". T.N., Guiseley 341. London Office: CROMPTON HOUSE, ALDWYCH, W.C.2. T.A., "Crompark, Estrand, London". T.N., CHAncery 3333. Established 1932 (Glassworks). One tank, six pot, furnaces: oil. Electric lamp bulbs; vapour discharge tubes; fluorescent lighting tubes; incandescent lamps. Trade Names: Crompton; Kye. In association with Crompton Parkinson Ltd.
PEARSON (SAMUEL) (WEST BROMWICH) LTD., 6 CHARLES STREET, WEST BROMWICH. T.A., "Pearson, 1131 Tipton". T.N., TIPton 1131/2. Established 1888. Two furnaces: coal producer gas; fuel and gas oil. Bottles of all kinds. Directors: S. H. Pearson and W. F. Pearson (Joint Managing); Mrs. L. Pearson; G. E. Pearson; N. H. Pearson; C. S. Bache. Secretary: W. H. Taylor.
PHILIPS BLACKBURN WORKS LTD., PHILIPS ROAD, BLACKBURN, LANCS. T.A., "Philworks, Blackburn". T.N., Blackburn 44241. London Office: CENTURY HOUSE, SHAFTESBURY AVENUE, W.C.2. T.N., GERrard 7777. Established 1938. Two recuperative furnaces: town's gas. Cathode-ray bulbs; radio valve bulbs. Trade Name: Philips. Directors: C. de Wit (Managing); C. F. Cogswell, A.C.A. (Secretary); Sir A. Hutchings, K.B.E.; F. A. Kloppert.
PILKINGTON BROTHERS LTD. Head Office and Works: ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.A., "Pilkington, St. Helens". T.N., St. Helens 4001. Works: PILKINGTON BROTHERS LTD., KIRK SANDALL, DONCASTER; PILKINGTON BROTHERS (SOUTH WALES) LTD., PONTYPOOL, SOUTH WALES; SHEET GLASS LTD., QUEENBOROUGH, KENT. Depots: London: 164 SHEPHERDESS WALK, HOXTON, N.1. Provinces: 135/143 WATERLOO STREET, GLASGOW; WESTGATE ROAD, NEWCASTLE; NEW YORK STREET, LEEDS; 66 FARGATE, SHEFFIELD; 281 MARTIN'S BANK BUILDINGS, WATER STREET, LIVERPOOL; NATIONAL BUILDINGS, ST. MARY'S PARSONAGE, DEANSGATE, MANCHESTER; 40 TALBOT STREET, NOTTINGHAM; GRAHAM STREET, BIRMINGHAM. Bristol Office: 45 REDCLIFF STREET; Warehouse: BECKHAMPTON ROAD, OLDFIELD PARK, BATH. West End Office and Showrooms: SELWYN HOUSE, CLEVELAND ROW, ST. JAMES'S, LONDON, S.W.1. Established 1826. All kinds of structural and decorative glass, including polished plate , flat drawn sheet, cathedral and figured rolled, rolled and rough cast', wired, glass, " Insulight" hollow glass blocks, "Insulight" double and multiple glazing units, " Armourlight" high voltage toughened insulators, "Armourplate" and toughened glass, "Vitrolite"; heat-resisting illuminating glassware; mirrors; spectacle glass blanks; glass processing, such as bending, bevelling, grinding, sandblasting, silvering, etc. Trade Names: Armourplate; Armourlight; Vitrolite; Insulight; Harlequin; Flexon. Directors: W. H. Pilkington (Chairman); A. D. Pilkington; Lord Cozens-Hardy; Col. G. R. Pilkington; G. L. Pilkington; Sir Ronald Weeks; D. V. Phelps; J. Meikle; Hon. H. A. Cozens-Hardy; Arthur C. Pilkington; L. H. A. Pilkington; L. R. Percival; J. B. Watt.
PLOWDEN & THOMPSON LTD., DIAL GLASS WORKS, STOURBRIDGE, WORCS. T.A., "Dial, Stourbridge". T.N., Stourbridge 57243. Established 1922. Three nine-pot, one six-pot, one three-pot, two one-pot, furnaces: coal; oil. Glass tubing and rod for scientific, industrial, neon lighting, and decorative purposes; sealing glasses (Kodial, etc); glass ampoules, and hand-made repetition glassware; specialists in every kind of hand-made glass tubing and rod, clear, coloured, opal, etc.; medical, bacteriological and laboratory glassware; lampblown articles and apparatus. Trade Names: Dial; Dialume; Kodial. Directors: R. E. Threlfall (Managing); J. E. Plowden (Secretary); J. L. Threlfall; T. Mallin. See Advertisement, page 389.
PLYGLASS LTD. Head Office: SANDHURST CLOSE, SOUTH CROYDON, SURREY. T.A., "Sanderstead 2823". T.N., SANderstead 2823. Works: SYLKO WORKS, LEA BRIDGE ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON, E.10. T.A., "Plylux, Wait, London". T.N., LEYtonstone 3514. Established 1946. Furnaces for glass fibre manufacture: town's gas. Fibre glass, continuous filament; glass fabrics; glass wool ; illuminating glassware; light diffusing and/or heat insulating laminates; veneered sheet glass (white or coloured); vitre-oplastic sheets and interlayers; contrast graded lighting panels. Trade Names: Plyglass; Veneeropal; Opalspun; Vitrofloss; Contralux. Directors: E. G. Elton (Managing); H. Perry, M.Inst.B.E.; W. O. Julius; B. Mayer. Secretary: B. Elton.
PORTLAND GLASS CO. LTD., PORTLAND ROAD, IRVINE, AYRSHIRE. T.A., "Portglass, Phone, Irvine". T.N., Irvine 2203/4. Established 1920. Four regenerative continuous furnaces: producer gas. Bottles, beer, mineral, wine and spirit ; bottles, medical and pharmaceutical; Winchesters. Trade Name: P.G.C. Dr. A. G. White (Chairman); R. Millar (Managing); L. Hall; O. R. Lineham; G. H. McKenzie. Secretary: W. H. Whitfield.
POWELL (JAMES) & SONS (WHITEFRIARS) LTD., WHITEFRIARS GLASS WORKS, TUDOR ROAD, WEALDSTONE, MIDDLESEX. T.A., " Powell, Whitefriars, Wealdstone". T.N., HARrow 1527. London Wholesale Showrooms: 4 DYERS' BUILDINGS, HOLBORN, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 2375. Established 1680. One ten-pot, two eight-pot, one four-pot, one single-pot, furnaces: fuel oil. High quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stem ware; chemical and medical glassware; thermometer and barometer tubing; hand-drawn tubing and rod; antique glass; bullions; designers and makers of stained glass windows and mural tablets; sanctuary lamp glasses. Trade Name: Whitefriars. Directors: Sir Graham Cunningham, K.B.E. (Chairman); W. J. Wilson, M.S.I.A. (General Manager); F. G. Orme, O.B.E.; The Hon. Mrs N. M. Sandilands. Secretary: J. W. Lee. See Advertisement, page 36.
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