1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies M

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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MELTON MOWBRAY MARVELS LTD. Registered Office: AVON HOUSE, 356/366 OXFORD STREET, LONDON, W.1. Sales Office: 7 EMPIRE ROAD, LEICESTER. T.A., "Mouldings, Leicester". T.N., Leicester 23481/2. Works: BROOK STREET, MELTON MOWBRAY. T.N., Melton Mowbray 391. London Office: 74 GAMAGE BUILDING, H OLBORN, E.C. l. T.A., "Jewellens, Smith, London" . T.N., CHAncery 6981. Established 1950. One tank furnace: gas. Glass marbles in crystal and variegated colours, for technical and toy purposes. Trade Name: Zimbo. Directors: R. E. Osborne (Secretary); J. Oplatek; K. E. G. Trier.
MIRFIELD GLASS INDUSTRIES LTD., TAYLOR HALL LANE, MIRFIELD, YORKS. T.A., "Glassindus, Mirfield". T.N., Mirfield 3178. Established 1948. One six skittle pot furnace: gas. Glass globes for use in moulding plastics; electric lamp bulbs; Christmas tree decorations; tumblers. Directors: G. K. Walker (Chairman); G. H. Hoyland (Manager); H. W. Wills. Secretary: E. Jenkinson.
MONCRIEFF (JOHN) LTD., NORTH BRITISH GLASS WORKS, PERTH. T.A., "Moncrieff, Perth". T.N., Perth 711/2. London Agent: NORMAN SHELDON, 30 CURZON STREET, W.1. T.N., GROsvenor 3396. Established 1865. Two tank, three pot, furnaces: coal. "Monart" decorative art glassware in vases, bowls, table lamps, paper-weights, etc.; miners' lamp glasses (approved quality ); laboratory and scientific glassware; machinery glassware; tubing and rod. Trade Names: Monax; Unific; Monart. Directors: T. Kaye (Managing); W. A. Aslett (Secretary); D. T. Turner; J. H. E. Moncrieff.
See Also
Sources of Information