1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies D

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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DALE, BROWN & CO. LTD., SWINTON, MEXBOROUGH, YORKS. T.A., "Clearness, Swinton, Mexborough". T.N., Mexborough 2121/2. Established 1913. Five continuous tank furnaces; coke-oven gas. All kinds of bottle for mineral water, beer, wines and spirits, squashes, pickles; food containers; bottles for pharmaceutical and toilet trades. Directors: A. G. L. Brown (Managing); J. Priestley (Secretary); J. S. Robson; J. B. Wilkinson; C. G. Bailey; M. H. W. Davey.
DAVEY & MOORE LTD., LOCKFIELD AVENUE, BRIMSDOWN, ENFIELD. T.A., " Bottles, Enfield" . T.N., HOWard 2722/4 (3 lines). Established 1805. Four oil-fired recuperative furnaces: heavy fuel oil. Bottles for medical and pharmaceutical trades. druggists, drysalters, etc.; illuminating glassware ; laboratory and medical glassware. Trade Name: Davisil. Directors: E. J. C. Bowmaker (Managing); Sir Ernest Fisk; L. J. Brown. Secretary: R. Grayton.
DAVIDSON (GEO.) & CO. LTD., TEAMS GLASS WORKS, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE, Co. DURHAM. T.A., " Davidson, Gateshead". T.N., Dunston 84263. London Office: 118 NEWGATE STREET, E.C.1. T.N., MONarch 3380. Established 1867. Pot and tank furnaces: town's gas. Hand-pressed domestic glassware; illuminating glassware; machinery glassware. Trade Names: Chippendale; Davidson. Directors: C. L. Fraser (Governing); G. W. Hayter, O.B.E.; D. G. Brown. Secretary: J. Gilhespy.
DOWELL (JOHN) & SONS (GLASS BOTTLE MANUFACTURERS) LTD., LEAGRAVE WORKS AND GLOBE WORKS, CHATSWORTH ROAD, LONDON, E.5. T.A., "Acetized, Easphone, London". T.N. AMHerst 1515, 2219 (2 lines), and 1744. Established 1912. Five furnaces: oil; coke. Bottles and jars for medical and pharmaceutical, toilet and cosmetics, druggists and drysalters trades; feeding bottles; droppers; grinding and drilling. Directors: R. G. Dowell (Governing); E. C. Higgs; E. G. Gough. Secretary: E. A. Cox.
DUROGLASS LTD. Head Office: WEBB'S CRYSTAL GLASS CO. LTD., 2/3 NORFOLK STREET, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., "Conglomera, Phone, London" . T.N., TEMple Bar 3831/4 (4 lines). Works: DUROGLASS WORKS, BLACKHORSE LANE, WALTHAMSTOW, LONDON, E.17. T .N., LARkswood 2654/5. Established 1918. Four pot, two tank, furnaces: gas; oil. Heat-resisting illuminating glassware; street lighting; display sign globes; electronic tubes and valve envelopes; heat-resisting ovenware. Trade Names: Duroven; Durosil. Directors: J. H. Northwood (Managing); R. W. Johnston; J. H. Pattison. Secretary: W. B. Anderson.
See Also
Sources of Information