1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies F

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
FIBREGLASS LTD., RAVENHEAD, ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.A., " Fibreglass, St. Helens". T.N., St. Helens 4224. London Office: 63/65 PICCADILLY, W.1. T.A., "Fibreglass, Piccy, London". T.N., REGent 2115/ 6. Established 1938. One tank furnace: producer gas; eighty-ninety small unit furnaces, electricity. Fibre glass: staple tissue for pipe wrapping and as an underlay for mastic flooring; rigid sections for pipe insulation, air filters, battery separators and retainers; insulators, electric, heat and sound; glass wicks; glass wool. Trade Name: Fibreglass. Directors: A. M. Hudson-Davies, O.B.E. (Managing); Sir Hugh Chance; W. L. Chance; G. L. Pilkington; A. C. Pilkington; D. V. Phelps; J. B. Mitford. Secretary: R. Heald, A.C.A.
FINCHLEY GLASSWORKS LTD. Head Office: 80 ORPINGLEY ROAD, LONDON, N.7. T. N., ARChway 2299. Works: HUTTON GROVE, LONDON, N.12. T.N., HILLside 4301. Established 1935. Two continuous tank furnaces: oil. Scientific and medical glassware; domestic lighting glassware. Directors: F. W. Taylor (Managing); S. C. F. Carrott (Secretary).
FOLEY (E. G.) & SONS LTD., CRANBORNE ROAD, POTTERS BAR, MIDDLESEX. T.N., Potters Bar 3275. Established 1888. Two tank, one crib, furnaces: oil. Laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; boiler-gauge glasses. Directors: E. L. Foley and C. A. Foley (Joint Managing); R. F. Ellingworth (Secretary).
FORSTER'S GLASS CO. LTD., ATLAS GLASS WORKS, ST. HELENS, LANCS. T.A., "Froking, St. Helens". T.N., St. Helens 2256/9 (4 lines). London Office: ST. MARGARET's HOUSE, 57/9 VICTORIA Street, S.W.1. T.A., "Frocongen, Sowest, London" T.N., ABBey 4438/9 (2 lines). Established 1900. Various furnaces: coal; oil. Machine-made bottles and jars for all purposes, in flint or amber glass; bottles with vitreous enamelled labels. Trade Mark: F.G.C. (Regd.). Trade Name: Forster. Directors: Col. C. E. Ponsonby, T.D., D.L. (Chairman); W. Forster, J.P. (Managing); Major A. C. Bonsor; S. P. Dormer; M. L. Forster, B.A.; C. S. Harrison; Dr. C. J. Peddle, M.B.E., F.R.I.C., F.Inst.P. Secretary: H. Moss.
FOUNTAIN GLASS WORKS LTD., HUDDERSFIELD ROAD, LIVERSEDGE, YORKS. T.N., Heckmondwike 758/9. Four tank furnaces: fuel oil. Bottles; jars; tumblers; machine and hand-pressed domestic glassware. Directors: F. F. Richards and R. Winter (Joint Managing); Mrs. L. M. Richards; H. Rudolf, A.M.I.B.E. Secretary: Mrs. N. Faulkner.
See Also
Sources of Information