1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies N

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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NATIONAL GLASS WORKS (YORK) LTD., FISHERGATE, YORK. T.A., "Natiworx, York" . T.N., York 3021. London Office: 105 HATTON GARDEN, E.C.1. T.A., "Natiworx, Smith, London". T.N., HOLborn 2146. Established 1930. Three regenerative furnaces: oil. Bottles and jars of all kinds; tumblers. Directors: W. L. Pratt (Managing); S. J. Sellar (Secretary); Sir I. W. H . Thomson, Bart.; H. Townsend.
NAZEING GLASS WORKS LTD. Head Office and Works: BROXBOURNE, HERTS. T.A., "Nazeinglass, Broxbourne". T.N., Hoddesdon 3078/9. Works: No. 2 FACTORY, BROCHET ROAD, HODDESDON, HERTS. T.N., Hoddesdon 2446. Established 1928. Pot and tank furnaces : fuel oil. High quality hand-cut crystal glassware; hand-blown tableware and stem ware; hand-pressed domestic glassware; hotel and confectioners' glassware; lighting globes and shades; tubing and rod; vacuum flask inners and outers; Vitrite for electric lamp cap manufacture. Trade Name: Nazeing. Directors: M. Pollock-Hill (Managing); R. J. Mayer. Secretary: K. V. Hulverson. See Advertisement, page 387.
NELSON (WILLIAM) LTD., ANCOATS GLASS WORKS, HARRISON STREET, MANCHESTER 4. T.A., "Glasspot, Manchester". T.N., ARDwick 3029. Established 1860. Two tank, three pot, furnaces: coal; coke. Insulators; textile machinery glassware; glass needle lubricators; spirit level tubes; powdered glass; stoppers; mosaics. Directors: W. Easton (Managing); J. Rimington; T. C. Moorhouse, F. Wallwork; Mrs. C. R. M. Whittaker. Secretary: S. Thorp.
See Also
Sources of Information