1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies R

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
REDFEARN BROTHERS LTD. Head Office and Works: OLD MILL GLASS WORKS, BARNSLEY. T.A., "Redfearns, Barnsley". T.N., Barnsley 2468. Works: MONK BRETTON GLASS WORKS, MONK BRETTON, BARNSLEY. T. N., Cudworth 86. London Office: IBEX HOUSE, MINORIES, E.C.3. T.A., "Ettelav, London". T.N., ROYal 2303. Established 1862. Seven tank furnaces: producer gas; oil. Bottles and jars, medical and pharmaceutical; bottles for the beer, wine, spirit and mineral trades; Winchesters; fruit-preserving Jars. Directors: M. Asquith (Chairman and Managing); H. Bunniss (Secretary); J. S. Jessop; M. R. Asquith; A. P. L. Barber.
ROCKWARE GLASS LTD. Head Office and Works: ROCKWARE AVENUE, GREENFORD, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Rockware, Phone, London". T.N. , WAXlow 1141/7 (7 lines). Works: KIRK SANDAL, NR. DONCASTER. T.N., Barnby Dun 295. London Office: W. A. BAILEY, SONS & CO. LTD., Audrey House, ELY PLACE, E.C.1. (Sole Selling Agents). T.A., "Rockware, Wesphone, London". T.N., HOLborn 3038/9. Established 1919. Bottles and jars of all kinds. Directors: W. A. Bailey (Founder and Extraordinary Director); I. M. Bailey, O.B.E., B.Sc., A.R.C.S., and J. B. Livingstone, D.S.C. (Joint Managing); R. G. Bailey; J. W. J. Moir, A.C.A. Secretary: J. F. Lochhead.
See Also
Sources of Information