1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies J

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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JACKSON BROS. (OF KNOTTINGLEY) LTD., HEADLAND GLASS WORKS, KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Bottles, Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 216/7. Established 1894. Four tank furnaces: producer gas. Bottles and jars of all types; domestic glassware. Directors: J. Jackson (Managing); F. B. Jackson; T. W. Watkins; P. Jackson. Secretary: G. Ashworth, A.C.A.
JOBLING (JAMES A.) & CO. LTD., WEAR GLASS WORKS, SUNDERLAND, Co. DURHAM. T.A., "Greener, Sunderland". T .N., Sunderland 2882/4 (3 lines). London Office: 13 CHARTERHOUSE STREET, E.C.1. T.N., HOLborn 7904. Established approximately 1850; Incorporated 1921. Seven tank and pot furnaces: coal; fuel oil. "Pyrex" brand glass pipe line and fittings; " Pyrex" brand precision bore tubing; "Pyrex" brand all-glass syringes; hand-pressed domestic glassware; heat-resisting (ovenware and tableware; illuminating glassware; laboratory, scientific and medical glassware; machinery glassware; vacuum flask inners and outers; reflectors; tubing and rod. Trade Names: "Pyrex" brand; Flameware; Britique; Opalique; Paralux; Orlak. Directors: J. A. Falconer (Chairman}; C. J. Purser Hope, B.Sc.Tech. (Managing); H. N. Robson; S. M. Cox, M.B.E., Sc.D. Secretary: J. Wrightson. See Advertisement, page 391.
See Also
Sources of Information