1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies C

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
- A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -
CANNING TOWN GLASS WORKS LTD. Head Office and Works: STEPHENSON STREET, CANNING TOWN, LONDON, E.16. T.N., ALBert Dock 2703/6 (4 lines). Works: QUEENBOROUGH, KENT. T.N., Sheerness 2205/7 (3 lines). Sales Office: NEW BRIDGE STREET HOUSE, 30/34 NEW BRIDGE STREET, LONDON, E.C.4. T.A., "Dryad, Lud, London" . T.N., CENtral 5342/5 (4 lines). Established 1926. Six regenerative tank furnaces: coal producer gas at Canning Town; fuel oil at Queenborough. Bottles and jars of all types; machine-pressed domestic glassware; tumblers and tankards. Directors: G. L. Wates, J.P. (Chairman); C. E. Bowmaker; J. D. Cauwood, M.Sc.; B. Manning, D.L., J.P., F.C.A.; J. G. Scott. Secretary: J . Whyte, C .A.
CENTURY GLASS WORKS LTD., ANGEL FACTORY COLONY, EDMONTON, LONDON, N.18. T.A., "Verraria, Southtot, London". T. N., TOTtenham 3751 and 3942. London Office: 159A REGENT STREET, W.1. T.N., REGent 5488. Four glass tank furnaces: fuel oil. Machine-blown and hand-pressed domestic glassware. Trade Name: Century. Directors: R. Winter (Managing); F. F. Richards. Secretary: Mrs. L. Stark.
CHANCE BROTHERS LTD. Head Office: GLASS WORKS, SMETHWICK, 40, Birmingham. T.A., "Chance, Telex, Smethwick". T.N., WESt Bromwich 1051. Works: SMETHWICK, 40, Birmingham; FIRHILL, GLASGOW ; UMBROC WORKS, ST. HELENS, LANCS.; Pickersleigh Avenue, MALVERN, Worcs. London Office: 28 ST. JAMES'S SQUARE, S.W.1. T.N., WHItehall 1603. Established 1824. Antique, rolled-plate, sheet, cathedral, figured and wired glass; machine and hand-pressed domestic glassware; illuminating glassware, including lighthouse glass and prisms; optical glass and lens blanks; machine and hand-drawn tubing; laboratory and scientific glassware; heat-absorbing/heat-resisting glass; all-glass interchangeable syringes; constructional glassware; bending. Trade Names: Hysil (Regd.); Veridia (Regd.); Protex (Regd.); Protal (Regd.); Neodex; Crookes. Directors: Sir Hugh Chance, M.A. (Chairman); W. L. Chance, J.P. (Deputy Chairman); J. Raymond, M.I.E.E., F.I.I.A. (Managing); H . L. Barman; G. R. L. Chance, J.P.; W. M. Hampton, Ph.D., F.Inst.P., F.R.I.C., F.S.G.T.; D. V. Phelps, J.P.; A. C. Pilkington. Secretary: L. H. Cleaver, A.C.A. See Advertisement, page 9.
CHILD (W. J.) LTD., ETON GLASS WORKS, GRANGE ROAD, LEYTON, LONDON, E.10. T.N., LEYtonstone 3230. Established 1919; Company formed 1935. Five tank furnaces: heavy fuel oil. Bottles, medical and pharmaceutical, druggists and drysalters, etc.; machine-pressed domestic glassware; fire-extinguisher tubes; stoppers. Directors: W. J. Child (Managing); F. Child (Secretary); E. E. Child; F . Child.
CITY GLASS BOTTLE CO. LTD., ST. JOHN'S ROAD, FORDS PARK, CANNING TOWN, LONDON, E.16. T.A., " Giaspots, Vicdock, London". T.N., ALBert Dock 2774/6 (3 lines). Established 1898. Two regenerative furnaces: producer gas, oil and electricity. Bottles and jars of all types; domestic glassware. Directors: L. E. Norton (Managing and Secretary); H. C. Palmer; E. W. Hunter; I. H. Palmer; E. Meigh.
COLMORE ADHESIVES LTD. Head Office: 7TH AVENUE, TEAM VALLEY TRADING ESTATE, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE, Co. DURHAM. T.N. Low Fell 75064/6 (3 lines). Works: ASH STREET, TEAM VALLEY TRADING ESTATE, GATESHEAD-UPON-TYNE, Co. DURHAM. Established 1937. Laminated safety spectacle lenses; Meniscus sun lenses; laminated and toughened safety glass; industrial eye-protective glasses. Directors: A. Lawton (Managing); G. M. Slicer; E. I. Simpson. Secretary: E. Simpson.
COMMERCIAL GLASS BOTTLE WORKS LTD., 53 MARSHGATE LANE, STRATFORD, LONDON, E.15. T.N., MARyland 3462. Established 1920. Two tank furnaces: fuel oil. Bottles for medical and pharmaceutical trades; Winchesters. Directors: G. Elland (Managing); W. L. Elland. Secretary: W. Mudd.
CO-OPERATIVE WHOLESALE SOCIETY LTD. Head Office and Works: C.W.S. GLASS WORKS, SANDY LANE, WORKSOP, NOTTS. T.A., "Wholesale, Worksop" . T.N., Worksop 2241/3 (3 lines). Works: EXCELSIOR GLASS WORKS, WITHINGTON STREET, PENDLETON, MANCHESTER 6. T.A., "Copenglas, Manchester". T.N., PENdleton 2049. Established 1919. Five regenerative, one recuperative, furnaces: producer gas; fuel oil. All types of bottle and jar; machine-drawn tubing; sandblasting; silk-screen printing; domestic glassware; fish bowls. Proprietors: Co-operative Wholesale Society, 1 Balloon Street, Manchester 4. Glass Works Manager: W. A. Moorshead, A.R.C.S.
CRYSTAL GLASS CO. (Proprietors: BAGLEY & CO. LTD.), KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Crystal, Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 28. London Agent: J. Artis, MORLEY House, 26 HOLBORN VIADUCT, E.C.1. T.N., CENtral 8556. Established 1914. Hand-pressed domestic glassware; jars, preserve; tankards and tumblers; illuminating glassware; stoppers. Trade Name: Crystopal. Directors: Dr. S. B. Bagley (Chairman); Dr. S. B. Bagley and P.Bagley (Joint Governing); W. J. Walls (Secretary); K. A. Bagley; P. Bagley, Jun.; H. Billbrough; F. W. Hodkin, B.Sc., F.R.I.C. See also Bagley & Co. Ltd., Section A.
See Also
Sources of Information