1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies G

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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GARSTON BOTTLE CO. LTD., WINDOW LANE, GARSTON, LIVERPOOL 19. T.A., "Garbotco, Liverpool". T.N., Garston 2351/3 (3 lines). Established 1915. Three regenerative furnaces: coal; fuel oil. All types of bottle and jar. Directors: J. J. Calder (Chairman); G. C. M. Barlow; J. M. Barlow; J. W. Joyce; F. G. Macalpine; W. A. O'Reilly. Secretary: H. B. Griffiths.
GLASS BULBS LTD., HARWORTH, NR. DONCASTER, YORKS. T.A., "Glassbulb, Doncaster". T.N., Tickhill 371/2. Established 1948. One regenerative cross-fired furnace: gas. Electric lamp bulbs; radio valve bulbs; Christmas tree decoration bulbs. Directors: G. C. Chelioti (Chairman); V. C. H. Creer (Vice-Chairman); T. J. Dagley; L. J. Davies; A. E. Hill; M. Ryle; W. H. Williams. Secretary: E. S. Little.
GLASS FABRICS LTD., BEECHVALLEY MILL, DUNGANNON, Co. TYRONE, NORTHERN IRELAND. T.A., " Beechvalley, Dungannon". T.N., Dungannon 8. Sales Office: 213 WEST CAMPBELL STREET, GLASGOW, C.2. T.N., DOUglas 8882. Established 1945. Fibre-glass, continuous filament; glass fabric and yarn ; glass insulation tapes; glass wicks. Trade Name: Beechvalley. Directors: T. C. H. Dickson (Managing); J. H. Clugston (Secretary); W. M. Good; J. B. Frew; S. H. Miller; A. Duncan.
GREGG & CO. (KNOTTINGLEY) LTD., HOPE GLASS WORKS, KNOTTINGLEY, YORKS. T.A., "Gregg, Knottingley". T.N., Knottingley 368/9. London Agents: A. 0PPENHEIMER (BOTTLES) LTD., 52 HIGH HOLBORN, W.C.1. T.A., "Oppbottle, Holb, London". T.N., CHAncery 6581. Established 1902. Two furnaces: coal. Bottles, medical and pharmaceutical, druggists and drysalters, preserves. Directors: H. Gregg (Managing); A. Schofield (Secretary); A. Gregg; W. U. H. Gregg.
See Also
Sources of Information