1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry: Companies L

Note: This is a sub-section of 1951 Directory for the British Glass Industry
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LAMP PRESSCAPS LTD., 146 GREAT CAMBRIDGE ROAD, ENFIELD, MIDDLESEX. T.A., "Presscaps, Enfield". T.N., HOWard 2735 and ENField 1228. Established 1938. One recuperative tank furnace: gas/oil. Sealing glass for electric lamp caps. Managing Director: H. N. Moss. Secretary: R. E. Davis. Subsidiary of Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd.
LAX & SHAW LTD. Head Office: SCOTT HOUSE, 69 SOUTH ACCOMMODATION ROAD, LEEDS 10. T.A., " Feeders, Leeds 10". T.N., Leeds 21568/9. Works: ALBERT, CLARENCE AND DONISTHORPE GLASS WORKS, LEEDS 10. London Office: ST. MARTIN's HOUSE, 29 LUDCATE HILL, E.C.4. T.N., CITy 7170. Established 1891. Two producer gas recuperative, two gas-fired regenerative, one oil-fired regenerative, furnaces: coal; oil. Bottles, jars and containers of every kind; hand-pressed domestic glassware; stoppers. Directors: F. Lax (Managing); J. F. Shaw; A. D. Shaw; G. T. Lax. Secretary: R. A. Wise.
LEMINGTON GLASS WORKS LTD. Head Office: THE GENERAL ELECTRIC Co. LTD., (Proprietors), KINGSWAY, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., " Electricity, Westcent, London". T.N., TEMple Bar 8000. Works: LEMINGTON GLASS WORKS, LEMINGTON, NORTHUMBERLAND. T.A., "Lamps, Phone, Lemington ". T.N., Lemington 74109, 74100, 74805. Registered Office: 31 COPTHALL AVENUE, LONDON, E.C.2. T.A., "Groundwork, Stock, London". T.N., MONarch 9396/7. Established 1906. Four six-pot, one two-pot, eight tank, furnaces: coal for producers; town's gas; fuel oil. Hand-made bulbs for transmitting and receiving valves; hand-made glass for photo-electric cells and oscillograph apparatus; electronic tubes; illuminating glassware; tubing and rod; vacuum-flask inners and outers; hand-pressed domestic glassware; heat-resisting ovenware; tumblers. Directors: Sir Harry Railing; Leslie Gamage; George Chelioti. Proprietors: General Electric Co. Ltd.
LEWIS & TOWERS LTD., HARTWELL STREET, DALSTON JUNCTION, LONDON, E.8. T.A., "Poisons, Hack, London". T.N., CLIssold 0275/6. Established 1898. Five furnaces: fuel oil. Lightweight whisky bottles; Winchesters; bottles for medical and pharmaceutical, toilet and cosmetics trades. Directors: W. N. Towers (Managing); M. Towers; A. J. M. Roberts. Secretary: W. H. Childs.
LUMB (JOHN) & CO. LTD. Head Office: 8 LEICESTER STREET, LONDON, W.C.2. T.A., " Unglaboman, Lesquare, London". T.N., GERrard 8611. Works: CASTLEFORD, YORKS. T.A., "Lumb, Phone, Castleford". T.N., Castleford 2811/4 (4 lines). London Office: IBEX HOUSE, THE MINORIES, E.C.3. T.A., "Jolumglass, Phone, London". T.N., ROYal 3793. Established 1842. Three tank furnaces: coal. Bottles and jars of every kind. Directors: W. Morris (Managing); E. A. S. Alexander; J. S. Cannington; H. W. Howes; H. St. John Judd; W. Reid. Secretary: H. Dickinson.
See Also
Sources of Information