The Engineer 1960 Jan-Jun: Index

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Index: Names
- A.B. Asbrink and Co., Small Pneumatic Hammer, 837
- A.C.E.C., CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- A.E.I.-Birlec, Ltd,, Automatic Heat Treatment Installation, 1018
- A.E.I. Export, Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- A.E.I.-John Thompson Company, Merger with the Nuclear Power Plant Company, 12
- A.E.I.-John Thompson Nuclear Energy Company, Ltd., Berkeley Power Station, (Plate 4, 1.1.60) ; Charge Face Machinery for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, 379 ; “Herald” Research Reactor, 477 ; Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232 ; Reactor Core Building at Berkeley, 427
- A.E.I. (Manchester), Ltd., Analogue Multiplier, 136
- A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Component Division, Diesel Engine Protection Panels, 577 ; Electrical Event Recorder, 656 ; Sealed Sodium Lantern, 479
- A.E.I. (Woolwich), Ltd,, Detecting and Locating Small Leaks in High Vacuum Systems, 908 ; Marine Radio Transmitters, 237 ; 1750W Compact Source Lamp, 136 ; Aids to Electronic Instruction, 271
- A.E.I.-G.R.S., Ltd,, Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- AGIE (Industrial Electronics, Ltd.), Co-Ordinate Spark Erosion Machine, 1052
- AGIP Nuclear, 200MW Reactor at Latina, 15
- A.1. Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- A.I.S.C. Committee, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- A.M.F. Atomics, American Nuclear Contress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- A.P.V. (Aust.) Pty., Ltd., Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, 988
- A.P.V. Company, Ltd.. Continuous Benzole Fractionating Unit, 308
- A.S.E.A., Swedish Mine Hoists for U.S.S.R., 151
- Abbott, R. A. S., The Fairlie Locomotive, 351, 384, 421, 508
- Abteilung Organisation des V.D.I., Verin Deutscher Ingenieure, 837
- Access Equipment, Ltd., “Wall Spider” Suspended Powered Platform, 742
- Accident Prevention Committee, Safety in Industry and on the Road, 959
- Accles and Pollock, Ltd., Filigree of Some 450 Shapes and Sizes of Tube, 962 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Acheson Colloids, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Adams, Cyril, and Co., Ltd., Copy Band- Grinding Machine, 1053
- Adamson-United Company, Tyre Testing Dynamometer, 930
- Adcock and Shipley, Ltd., Automatic Cycle Milling, 144
- Adequate Weighers, Ltd,, Weighing Equipment for Aerial Ropeway Skips, 481
- Adlam, George, and Sons, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Admiralty, Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258 ; Floating Dock, 653 ; Propulsion Machinery of the “Tribal” Class, 45
- Admiralty Materials Laboratory, An Exhibit of Silicon Nitride, 1 35
- Admiralty Research Laboratory, Plotting Tables, 559
- Admiralty Surface Weapons Establishment, Broadband S-band Negative Conductance Amplifier, 134
- Advisory Council on Scientific Policy, British Participation in Space Research, 124 ; Cost of Space Research, 121 ; Education for Electricity Supply, 41
- Aerosol-Turbo, Ltd., Non-Wetting Humidifier, 197
- Aids to Industries Board, Industry in Malta, 485
- Ailsa Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Car Ferry “Freshwater”, 90
- Ainley, J., Feeding Aid for the Paralysed, 577
- Air League of the British Empire, An Aircraft Week, 631
- Air Ministry, Aircraft Inverter Tester, 29 Airport Real Estate Company, Extension of Zurich Airport, 584
- Aish and Co., Ltd., Control and Communications Switchboards, 559
- Ajax Electric Company, Electrically Heated Salt Baths, 985
- AIbu, Austen, British Machine Tool Industry, 161
- Alexander Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Tewkesbury”, 23
- Alexander, W. H. J., Ltd., Tug “Sun XXI”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Alfa-Laval Company, Ltd., Grinding Coolant Clarifier, 872 ; Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 560
- Alimak-Verken A.B., Cableless Lift for TV Mast, 543
- Allam, E. P,, and Co,, Ltd,, Vibration Devices, 790
- Allaway, P, H,, Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop Hammers, 468
- Allen, D, N, de J., Stress Analysis of Integral Vehicle Structures, 946
- Allen, Harold G,, Obituary, 160
- Allen, W, H,, and Co,, Ltd,, Industrial Value of D,S,LR, Research, 710 ; The Venturimeter, 712
- Allen, W, H,, Sons and Co,, Ltd,, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Alley and MacLellan, Ltd,, Valves for the Oil Industry, 965
- Allgemeine Elektricitats-Gesellschaft, Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624
- Allied Employers’ National Federation, Apprentices’ Wage Claim, 873, 1081 ; Wages and Hours, 68
- Allied Food Distributors, Ltd,, Fire-Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103
- Allis-Chalmers Manufacturing Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1030 ; Potential Power Sources, 282
- Allspeeds, Ltd,, New Series of “Kopp” Variable Speed Gears, 743 ; Speed Corrector Unit, 743 Alsthom, Fifty-Cycle A,C, Locomotives in
- Russia, 1027 ; Locomotives for U,S,S,R, Railways, (Plate 5, 1.1,60)
- Alti Fornie Acciaierie d’Italia S,p,A,, Iron and Steel in Italy, 999
- Alumasc Limited, Manufacture of Low Pressure Die-Casting, 1057
- Aluminium Chippis, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Aluminium Company of South Africa, Ltd,, Small Aluminium Craft in Durban Waters, 201 ; Aluminium Bakery Shelves, 879 ; Aluminium Mine Cages, 878
- Aluminium Company, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626
- Aluminium Fran^ais, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Amalgamated Engineering Union, Wages and Hours, 793
- Amber Chemical Company, Ltd,, Combustion Additives for Boilers, 746
- American Bridge Division, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- American Machine and Foundry Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Anderheggen, E,, Organisation_of the Engineering Services at 1063
- Anderson Clyde Self-Propelled “Cologgus” Gantry Crane, 965
- Anderson, John, Technological Teaching, 59,3
- Anderton Springs, Ltd,, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Andre Rubber Company, Ltd,, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Andrew, C,, Continental Machine Tool and Production Engineering Laboratory — Technological University of Aachen, 861
- Andrews, E, G, D,, Rocket Propulsion for Atmospheric and Space Flight, 124
- Andrews, Kent and Stone, World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Anglo-Continental Container Services, Ltd,, Container Handling Crane, 361
- Ansaldo San Giorgi, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Anscomb, R,, Control and a Marine Reactor, 162
- Apparieellages Electriques Signal, 583
- Appleby-Frodingham Steel
- Electric Arc Steel-Making, Furnace Converted to the
- Process, (Plate 2, 1,1,60) ; Industrial Films, 832 ; Continuous Benzole Fractionating Unit, 308 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18 ; Steel Works Expansion Projects, 745 Applications Mecaniques du Caoutchouc,
- Usines Paulstra, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Argonne National Laboratory, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954 ; Large Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometer, 547 ; Nuclear Reactor for Biological Research, 411 ; 12 MeV Tandem Van de Graaf Particle Accelerators, 412
- Armco Steel Corporation, Continuous Galvanising Plant at August Thyssen-Hiitte, 111 Armstrong-Siddeley, Ltd,, Copy
- ing Machine, 1053 Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W,
- Ltd,, Beryllium Fabrication for
- Canning, 355 ; U,H.F. Telemetry Equipment, 236
- Armstrong Whitworth, Sir W, G,, and Co, (Engineers), Ltd,, Internal Combustion Engines, (Plate 12, 8,1,60)
- Arnold, R, R,, Resistance to Deformation of Aluminium and Some Aluminium Alloys, 776
- Arrol, Sir William, and Co., Ltd., First Lifting Bridge, 86 ; Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674
- Arter, K., Progress in Motor Fuels, 848
- Artrite Resins Ltd,, Glass Fibre and Resins Factories, 913
- Ashmore, Benson, Pease and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Ashton, N. C., Ltd., Aluminium Bronze Fabrication, 195
- Ashton, W. F., Fixed-Coil Display System, 639
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Collaboration on Power Plant Research, Drip-Proof Squirrel Cage Induction (type NC) with Class-E Insulation, Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Heavy Division, Electrical Machinery, a Modern German Colliery,
- Engineers, Ltd., “Move-On” Staging, 965 ; Self-Erecting
- Instrumentation of
- Bourdeaux, Traffic
- Company, Ltd.,
- 820 ; Hearth “Ajax” Oxygen
- Band-Grind-
- G., Aircraft, Reactor Fuel
- 695 ; Motor
- 560 ; Plant Division, Electrical Machinery, (Plate 7, 8.1.60) ; Electrical Plant, Kariba, 54 ; KB-D Totally Enclosed Fan-Cooled Induction Motor, 561 ; Bar Mill Modernisation, 105 ; Collaboration on Power Plant Research, 695 ; Dual-Purpose Mine Winders in Yorkshire, 947 ; “Helizyn” Position Control System, 963 ; Henley’s, 27 ; “Herald” Research Reactor, 477 ; High-Gain Computer Amplifier with Hinged Chassis Side Panels, 909 ; Infra-Red Radiation Pyrometer, 963 ; Launch of Guided Missile Destroyer “Devonshire”, 1020 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra, 507 ; Main-Line A.C. Locomotives' (Plate 5, 1.1.60) ; Mercury-Arc Converter for Steel Mill, 693 ; Modified Type 2 Locomotives, 192 ; New Ranges of Totally-Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motors, 102 ; 955 Analogue Computer, 908 ; Nuclear Research, (Plate 11, 8.1.60) ; Potentiometric Recorder, 909 ; Production as a Career, 708 ; Radar Demonstrations for Europe, 401 ; Turbine-Generator Works, Suppt. 8, 17.6.60 ; Turbine Works, Suppt. 3, 17.6.60 ; Two-Speed Electric Motor with a Single Stator Winding, 788 ; BVP17 Air-Insulated, Vertically-Isolated Indoor Unit, 561 ; Cable Indulated with “Terylene”, 561 ; DA400 “Paradyne” Arc Welding Set, 561 ; ‘Escort” Marine Radar, 560 ; Infra-Red, Syrine Steriliser, 561 ; Vacuum Gauges, 617 ; SRI Room Thermostat, 561 ; Propulsion Machinery of the “Tribal” Class, 45 ; TurboElectric Propulsion Machinery for the “Canberra”, 397 ; Switchgear Division, Electrical Plant, Kariba, 54 ; T50 and T50M 1 rans- mitters, 561 ; 330kV Lenticular Tank Oil Circuit Breaker (type JW421), 561 ; Type GA7X4 and TGI Air-Blast Circuit Breakers, 561
- Associated-Rediffusion, Ltd., World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Associated Television, Ltd,, World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia, Iron and Steel in Italy, 999
- Ateliers de Constructions Mecaniques de Vevey, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Ateliers de Secheron, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Traction Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, 452
- Atkins, W. S., and Partners, Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Atkins W. S., Rubber-Tyred Travelling Crane, 771
- Atkinson Agricultural Appliances, Ltd., High- Speed Grit Laying, 399
- Atkinson, R., Manufacture of Doxford Crankshafts, 658 ; Some Crankshaft Failures : Investigations, Causes and Remedies, 310
- Atlas Copco, Ltd., Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699
- Atomic Energy of Canada, Ltd., 12 MeV Tandem Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators, 412
- Atomic atory 231
- Atomic Congress and Atomic Exposition, 993, 1086 ; Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactors, 243
- Atomic Power Construction Company, Ltd., New Station at Trawsfynydd, 14
- Atomic Weapons Research Establishment, Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355 ; “Herald” Research Reactor, 477 ; Nuclear Research, (Plate II, 8.1.60) ; “Oswald” Thermonuclear Apparatus for the Science Museum, 534
- Atomics International, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 993
- Audley Engineering Company, Ltd., Distribution Installation, 743 ; Films, 534
- August Thyssen-Hutte A.G., Continuous Galvanising Plant, 111
- Austic-Layton Machine Tools, Ltd., Centring and Facing Machine, 65
- Australian Aluminium Company, Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, 988
- Australian Atomic Energy Commission, Atomic Energy Irradiation Conference, Sydney, 530 Australian National Committee, Plenary Meeting of the World Power Conference, 943 Auto Diesels, Ltd., Site Caravans, 271 Automatic Telephone and Electric Company, Ltd., Electronic Register Translator, 964 ; Road Signal Control, 496
- Automotive Products Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Galway Sluice Barrage, 107
- Auxiliary Rolling Machinery, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Avco Corporation, Potential Power Sources, 282
- Aviation Development Corporation, Ltd,, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- “Avtoexport” V/O, Paz 652, Coach, 581 ; “Spriditis” Bus, 581
- Energy Research Establishment, Labor- Measurements on Einstein’s Theory,
- Industrial Forum, American Nuclear
- B. and A. Engineering Company, Ltd., Timber Sorting Machine, 907
- B.B. Chemical Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- B.E.A. Helicopter Experimental Unit, Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357
- B. I. P. Chemicals, Ltd., Formaldehyde Plant at Oldbury, 308
- B. I. P. Engineering, Ltd., Plastics Moulding Equipment, 1019
- B.P. Tanker Company, Ltd., Catamaran Firefloat “B.P. Firemaster”, 361 ; Tanker (British Statesman”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60) ; Tanker “British Swift”, 89
- B.S.A. Motor Cycles, Ltd., Industrial Petrol Engines, 191
- Babcock and Wilcox, Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; “Goliath” Crane, (Plate 14, 1.1.60) ; Kariba Power
- Scheme, 806 ; Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232
- Badcock, D., Ltd., Thames Pollution and the L.C.C.’s Responsibilities, 268
- Badgett Terminal Corporation, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 700
- Bailey (Malta), Ltd., H.M. Dockyard Malta, 10 Bailey, N. G., and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; New Lighting for Leeds-Bradford Airport, 1022
- Bairds and Scottish Steel, Ltd., Modernisation and Expansion, 18
- Baker, Perkins, Ltd., Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, lOoO
- Baker, C. J., Obituary, 779
- Baldwin Industrial Controls, Portable Beta Gauge, 443
- Baldwin-Lima-Hamilton Corporation, “Triplex” Locomotives, 262 ; Use of Resistance Strain Gauges, 527
- Balfour, Beatty and Co., Ltd., Blackwell Tunnel Duplication Scheme, 530
- Balfour, D., and Sons, Tema Sewer Outfall, 19
- Balfour Group of Companies, Opening of Research Centre at Leven, 984
- Ballamy, L. M., Engine Tuning, 62
- Ballard, F. J., and Co., Ltd., Gas-Fired Equipment, 395
- Balzers, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Bamburgn Shipping Company, Ltd., Ore Carrier “Bamburgh Castle”, 25
- Bamford, J. C., (Excavators), Ltd., Versatile Excavator, 913
- Banks, D. H., Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Banque de I’lndochine, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Banque Fran?aise pour le Commerce Exterieur, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Barclay, Andrew, Sons and Co., Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd,, Cargo Ship “ I'revaylor”, 88 ; Models at tne I.C.t. Conversazione, 1058
- Barkla, H. M., fne Behaviour of the Sailing Yacnt, 687
- Barlow and Young, Ltd., Palisadoes Airport Lighting, Jamaica, 791
- Barrow, Henry, Temperature
- in Steam, 9UJ
- Barrow, Hepourn and Gale,
- Safety Belts, (275)
- Barry-Wehineller Machinery
- Bottling Plant at Thornton
- Recovery Factors
- Ltd., Lightweight
- Fuel Industrial
- Company, Ltd., Heath, 870
- Bartlett, D. L., Mainly Metallurgy, 566
- Bataafsche Aanneming Maatscnappij, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Bataatse Internationale Petroleum Mij, Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Baudin-Chateauneuf, Tancarville
- (Plate 16, 1.1.60) Beaver Committee, Fuel for Clean Air, 672
- Beaver, Sir Hugh, Engineering and Civilisation, 458
- Beck and Henkel Maschinen Bau-Aktiengessell- schaft. Hydraulic End Tippler Wagons, 796
- Beeching, R., Composition and Plastics, 502
- Belfast Corporation Electricity Electricity Supply, Suppt. 7, 17.6.60
- Belfast Corporation Passenger Transport Services, Transport, Suppt. 5, 17.6.60
- Belfast Harbour Commissioners, Belfast Harbour, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60
- Belfast Water Commissioners, Woodburn System, Supnt. 15, 17.6.60
- Belgian Foundry Research Committee, Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, 565
- Bell, Andrew, Corrosion and Fires in Marine Boiler Air Preheaters with Particular Reference to the Ljungstrom Rotary Regenerative Air Heater, 393
- Bell, F,, Gas Holder Supervision by Telephone, 790
- Bell Telephone Laboratories, Coin-Disposal Mechanism for Public Telephones, 587 ; Experiments with Low-Noise Antqnna, 704 ; Fast Electronic Memory for Computer Application, 760 ; High-Speed Electro-Mechanical Switch, 588 ; Modulator with Germanium Diodes for Millimetric Waves, 492 ; New Electronics Journal, (794) ; New Piezoelectric Compounds, 1032 ; Photo- Optical Memory System with Automatic Plate Processor, 244 ; Travelling Wave Solid-State Amplifier Using Tunnel Diodes, 588 : Zone Melting of Boron, 283
- Bellier, J., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Rotary Air Compressors, 692
- Bells Asbestos and Engineering Company, Ltd., Multi-Purpose Globe Valves, 694
- Ben Line Steamers, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Ben- loyal”, 87
- Benetti, M. and B., Gas Tanker “Agipgas Terza”, 33
- Beresford, James, and Son, Ltd., Pressure Water Supply Equipment, 327
- Bergius Company, Ltd., Two Additions to the Model T “Kelvin” Engines, 130
- Berkshire Knitting (Ulster), Ltd., Fine Gauge Nylon Stockings, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Bethelehem Steel Company, Nuclear Powered Surface Fighting Ship “Long Beach”, Nuclear Powered Frigate “Bainbridge”, 46
- Betts, J. A., The Surface Probe Method for Resistivity and Other Measurements, 511
- Beukers, J. A., Progress in Motor Fuels, 848 Beves and Co. (Structures), Ltd., Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Beyer, Peacock and Co., “Triplex” Locomotives, 262
- Beynon, L. R., Specification and Testing of Filters and Water Separators, 331
- Bierrum and Partners, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Bigwood, Joshua, and Son, Ltd., Large Section Straightening Machine, 197
- Bilney, J. H. G., Heat Losses, 824
- Binnie, Deacon and Gourley, Augmentation of the Water Supply of Hong Kong, 1059
- Birlec-Efco (Melting), Ltd., Pilot Electric Smelting Plant and Service, 362
- Birmetals, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Birmingham Railway Carriage and Wagon Company, Ltd., First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267 ; Mechanical Parts for Main-Line A.C. Locomotives, (Plate 5, 1.1.60)
- Bizerba Waagenfabrik, Balance with Automatic Transfer of Reading-to-Book-Keeping Machine for Invoicing, 834
- Black, Duncan A., Vermiculite ; Its Present and Potential Value to Engineers, 1015
- Blackman, Keith, Ltd., Keith Blackman-Broman Ekstrom System, 824
- Blackwood Hodge, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Blakeborough, J., and Sons, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at JWindscale, Industrial Value Valves, 766, 965
- Blakelay (Hope), Concrete Beams,
- Blaw Knox, Ltd., . .c...
- Materials, 504 ; Bulk Flour Transporter, 442 ; Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam in Malaya, 472 ; Heavy Duty Shovel Loader,
- 270 ; Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612
- Blue Funnel Line, Ship Auto-Pilot, 653
- Blue Star Line, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Ulster Star”, (Plate 10, 1.1.60)
- Bluemel Brothers, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Blyth Harbour Commissioners, Motor Grab Dredger “Cresswell”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Board of Trade, Capital Expenditure, 146 ; Engineering Exports, 793 ; Engineering Production, 198 ; Engineering Production, 986 ; Engineering Statistics, 485, 620, 832 ;
- Local Employment Act, 620 ; Manufacturing Industry’s Stocks, 538 ; Not Much Joy for Decimal Disciples, 764 ; Overseas Trade, 198 ; Reception for Overseas Students, 43 ; Overseas Trade, 363, 485, 948 ; United Kingdom Exports, 659 ; Volume of Trade, 915
- Bolinders Company, Ltd., Diesel and Petrol Engines and Range of Penta Outboards, 130 ; Volvo-Penta “Aquamatic” Inboard and (Dutboard Drive, 130
- Bona, C. F., How to Select New Materials for the Automobile, 895
- Boniface, E. S., Some Experiments in Artificial Recharge in the Lower Lee Valley, 106
- Bonn University Observatory, Outer Space Temperature Research, 854
- Bonnard, D,, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Booth, James, Aluminium, Ltd., Re-equipment of Aluminium Works at Kitts Green, 362
- Bordna Mona, Utilisation of Peat, Suppt. 19, 17.6.60 ; Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt, 16, 17.6.60
- Bosch, Robert, G.m.b.H., High-Frequency Portable Generator, 6999
- Boston Deep Sea Fisheries, Ltd., Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864
- Boussiron, Tancarville Bridge, (Plate 16, 1.1.60) Boving and Co., Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Bovings, Ltd., Electrical Plant, Kariba, 54 Bowditch, F. W,, Summary of Work on “Combustion Problems in Gasoline Engines”, 850 Boyd, John, Lubrication Science and Technology, 96
- Braby, Frederick, and Co., Ltd., Site Caravans,
- 271
- 1002 ;
- of D.S.LR. Research, 766 ;
- Ltd., 34-Ton Prestressed 67
- Batching Plant for Glass
- Brackett, F. W., and Co., Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Bracknell Development Corporation, Heating and Ventilating Research Laboratory, 652
- Bradley, G. and E., Ltd., Anglo-American Radio Partnership, 1078
- Braithwaite and Co., Engineers, Ltd., Hobart Bridge, Tasmania, 102 ; Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690 ; Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Bray Construction Equipment Company, Ltd., “Centaur” Heavy-Duty Tractor, 741 ; Tractors, (Plate 8, 8.1.60)
- Bray, J, S., Experimental Electronic Data- Processing System, 639
- Bredero Bouwbedrijf, N.V., Crude Qil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Bren Manufacturing Company, Automatic Sheet Metal Grading Machine, 125
- Brest Navy Yard, Aircraft Carrier “Clemenceau”, 47
- Brightside Foundry and Engineering Company, Ltd., Bar Mill Modernisation, 105 ; Copper Rod Rolling Mill, 855
- Bristol Aerojet, Ltd., Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, 302
- Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 : Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, 302 ; Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109
- Bristol Aircraft, Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, 302 ; Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109 ; 188 Supersonic
- Research Aircraft, 48
- Bristol Cars, Ltd., Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, 302
- Bristol Siddeley Engines, Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Diesel Engineers Visit to Locomotive Works, 435 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Recirculating Ball Screws and Splines, 270
- Bristol Tool and Gauge Company, Ltd., Automatic Cycle Milling, 144
- British Aluminium Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Large Dockside Shed, 613 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra”, 507
- British and Colonial Aeroplane Company, Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, 302
- British Area Regulators, Ltd., Control Valves, 914
- British Belting and Asbestos, Ltd., Solid Woven Belting, 941
- British Boiler Accessories, Ltd., “Elstac” Electric Steam Accumulator Boiler, 823 ; Sealed Unit Heat Exchanger, 823
- British Broadcasting Corporation, B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; Overseas Broadcasting and the Development of Television, 1010
- British Cast Concrete Federation, Third International Congress of the Industry, (696)
- British Computer Society, Society Conference, 691
- British Council of Industrial
- of Modern British Designs, 1010
- British Council, Reception for Overseas Students, 43
- British Electrical Approvals Board, BEAMA Annual Report, 531
- British Electrical Repairs, Ltd., Internal Expanding Device for Lifting Paper Reels from Both Vertical and Horizontal Positions, 741
- British Empire Steam Navigation Ltd., Cargo Ship “Swan River”, 1.1.60)
- British Employers’ Confederation,
- Training, 659 ; Guillebaud and British Railways, 415 ; Hours and Earnings, 1025 ; Industrial Training, 239, 444 ; Shortening the Working Week, 109 ; Some Problems of Leisure, 82 ; Unofficial Strikes, 915 ; Wages and Hours, 444
- British European Airways, An Aircraft Week, 631 ; B.E.A.’s Maintenance Base at London Airport, 912
- British Ltd.,
- British British
- Plant at Grangemouth, 618
- British India Steam Navigation Company, Ltd,, Cargo Ships “Bulimba” and Bankura”, 89 ; “Ellora” of 37,000 Tons Deadweight, 89
- British Insulated Callender’s Cables, Ltd., Copper Rod Rolling Mill, 855 ; Flexible Plastic Pipelines, 533 ; Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26 ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; 330kV Oil-Filled Cables for Kariba, 98 British Insulated Callender’s Construction Company, Ltd., Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- British Iron and Steel Federation, British Steel, 417 ; Display of the Industry’s Progress, 785 ; Display to Demonstrate how Steel is Made, 1010 ; Easing Foreign Language Problems for Engineers, 777 ; Industrial Training, 444 ; Iron Qre, 751 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 17 ; Photographs and Models at British Exhibition in New York, 962
- British MonoRail, Ltd., Overhead Crane System, 740 ; Overhead Materials Handling in a Wire Works, 103
- British Museum, Museum, 632
- British National Association for
- British National Committee on Space Research, Cost of Space Research, 121
- British Nylon Spinners, Ltd., Nylon Convention, 941 ; Nylon in Industry, (580)
- British Ore Investment Corporation, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751
- British Overseas Airways Corporation, Aircraft Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., 537 ; An Aircraft Week, 631
- British Overseas Fairs, Ltd., Leipzig Spring Fair, 487
- British Oxygen Gases, Ltd., Interrupted-Potential Oxygen Analyser, 691
- British Oxygen Research and Development, Ltd., Interrupted-Potential Oxygen Analyser, 691
- British Petroleum Company, Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337 ; Firing with Oil Fuel, 750 ; Land Speed Record Contender,
- Precast Concrete
- Ltd., Computer
- Design, Collection
- Company, (Plate 10,
- Apprentice
- Federal Welder and Machine Company, Hydraulic Clinching Machine, 796 Geon, Ltd., Jointing Materials, (696) Hydrocarbon Chemicals, Ltd., Phenol
- Director of the Science
- Committee, International
- Hydraulics Research, 574
- 886 ; Production Distillation Simulator, 307 ; Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612
- British Physical Laboratories, Revolutions Per Minute Indicator, 137
- British Post Office, Anglo-French Microwave Link, 939 ; Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021 ; Experiments at Dollis Hill Research Station, (Plate 12,
- British Productivity tions, 574
- British Racing and
- Car show, 62
- British Railways,
- British Railways
- 531 ; British Railways Modernisation, 825 ; Cargo Ship “Colchester”, 90 ; Diesel Locorno- tive Running and Maintenance, 573 ; First B.R. Type 3 Locoriotive, 267 ; Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26 ; Locomotive Coal Trials, 462 ; London Transport’s New Signalling at Steels, 564 ; Main-Line (Plate 5,
- 1. 1.60)
- Council, Industrial Exhibi-
- Sports Car Club, Racing
- A.C. Locomotives, 783 ; Electrification Conference,
- Amersham, 572 ; Low-Alloy A.C. Locomotives, 1.1.60) ; North British-G.E.C.
- 1000/1100-h.p. Bo-Bo Locomotives, (Plate 15, 8.1.60) ; Preservation Fund for Webb Tank Locomotive, (949) ; Promoting Locomotive Exports, 81 ; Railway Crossover, 804 ; Railway Preservation, 82 ; Road-Rail Freight Vehicle, 142 ; 2552-h.p. Bo-Bo Electric
- Locomotives, (Plate 15, 8.1.60) ; 2300/2500- h.p. Type 4 Locomotives, (Plate 15, 8.1.60)1 Very Last Steam Locomotive, 495
- British Refrasil Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- British Road Federation, Aftermath of Guille- baud, 455 ; Basic Road Statistics, (675) ; Exhibition of Car Parking, 438 ; Ring Motorway for London, 707
- British Ropes, Ltd., Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864
- British Steel Corporation, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751
- British Thomson-Houston Company, Ltd., Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra, 507 ; Modified Type 2 Locomotives, 192 ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- British Timken, Ltd., Continuous Heat Treatment Plant for Rollers, 233
- British Transport Commission, Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, 844 ; Advising on British Transport, 672 ; British Railways Modernisation, 825 ; Guillebaud and British Railways, 415 ; “Maid of Kent” Ferry Boat, (Plate 9, 8.1.60) ; Modified Type 2 Locomotives, 192 ; Net Increase of Taxation, 591 ; Preservation Fund for Webb Tank Locomotive, (949) ; Promoting Locomotive Exports, 81 ; Railway Crossover, 804 ; Railway Research Laboratory, 479 ; Railway Un-Settle- ment, 287 ; Railway Wages, 109, 119, 209 ; Safety Tests of 25kV Traction System, 398 ; The Channel Tunnel Report, 718 ; Train Describer Developments, 438 ; Transport’s “Changing Scene”, 239 ; Transport Commission’s Advisory Group, 659
- British Transport Docks, Improvements at Grangemouth Docks, 440
- British United Airways, An Aircraft Week, 631 British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Company, Ltd., Factory Floor Cleaning Machines, 441
- British Waterways, Barge Manipulator, 534 Broadbent, Harry, Ltd., 10ft. Boring and
- Turning Mills and an 18in. Swing Lathe, 1045 Brockhans, H., Injection Versus Carburation : a Comparison of Fuel Quality Requirements, 893
- Brockhouse, J., and Co., Ltd., Engineering Thermoplastic, 400
- Brockhouse Steel Structures, Ltd., Industrial Films, 789
- Brock, S. W. T., Quick Starting of 34.MW Turbo-Alternator at Stepney, 521
- Broeze, J. J., The Automobile of the Near Future, 848
- Broken Hill Proprietary Company, Coke Ovens at Port Kembla, 988
- Bronx Engineering Company, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Brooke Tool Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Centre Column Rotary Transfer Drilling Machine, 1055
- Brookes and Gatehouse, Ltd., Battery-Operated Depthmeter, 307
- Brookhirst Igranic, Ltd., 23-3.3kV Direct-on- Line Starter, 645
- Broom and Wade, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Brown Bayley Steel, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Brown, Boveri and Cie, A.G., 1 : 50 Full-Scale Model of a B.B.C.-Krupp High-Temperature Nuclear Power Station, 836
- Brown Boveri and Co., Transport and Communications Museum, 697 ; 31 MeV Betatron, 71 ; CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Brown, David, Companies, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Brown, David,
- System, 1044 ; Hobber, 1044 ;
- Brown, David, Corporation, 35-B.H.P. Tractor, 309
- Brown, David, Machine Tool Division, Pinion Hobbing Machine, 106
- Brown-Firth Research Laboratories, Industrial Films, 789
- Browne, G. D., Stereophonic Broadcasting System, 190
- Brown, John, and Co. (Clydebank), Ltd., H.M. Cruiser “Tiger”, (Plate 8, 1.1,60)
- Brown, John, and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Automatic Warehouse Dispensing, 689 ; Cruiser H.M.S. “Tiger”, 44
- Brown, John, (SEND), Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Brown, S. G., Ltd., Admiralty’s Decision, 10 Brown, T. W. F., A Marine Engineering Review—Past, Present and Future, 568
- Bruce, A. K., John Rennie, The Albion Flour Mill and Bankside, 189 ; Samuel Pepys and Seventeenth Century Technology, 570
- Bruce, C. E. R., Temperatures in Solar Atmospheric Electrical Discharges, 170
- Brunel, I. K., A Plaque Unveiled, (Plate 16, 8.1.60)
- Brunt Variable Speed Motors, Ltd., Variable- Speed Motor, 646
- Brush Beryllium Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Brush Electrical Engineering Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Mumbles Railway Closed, 64 ; Diesel Engineers Visit to Locomotive Works, 435 ; Diesel Locomotive Running and Maintenance, 573 ; Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141 ; “Rectifex” System, 645 ; Submersible Motor, 645 ; U.K.A.E.A. Computer Section at Risley, 230
- Bryce Electric Construction Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Brymbo Steel Works, Ltd., Modernisation and Expansion, 18
- Buchan, J., Technical Developments for Industrial Uses, 941
- Buhr Machine Tool Company, Transfer Machine for Power Steering Pump Housing, 284 ; Transfer Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder Head, 371
- Buildings Developments, Ltd., Sheerness Dockyard, 10
- Building Research Station, Belfast Harbour, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60
- Bureau for the Combat Operations Research Group of Technical Operations, Incorporated, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 545
- Bureau of Public Road, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 545
- Burman and Sons, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Burnby, M. W., Aftermath of Guillebaud, 650 Burnerd, F., and Co., Ltd., Machine Tool Collet Equipment, 106
- Burnett and Lewis, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Burnett Steamship Company, Ltd., Bulk Sugar or Ore Carrier “Holmside”, 24
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Tewkesbury”, 23 ; General Cargo Carrier “Storrington”, 88
- Burrill, L. C., Propellers in Action Behind a Ship ; Trial Trip and Voyage Analysis, 683
- Burton, A. G., Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806 Burton Griffiths and Co., Ltd., Semi-Automatic Turning Machine, 585
- Butler and Co., Ltd., Barton High Level Bridge, 30
- Butler, G., The Corrosion of Welded or Coated Mild-Steel and of Wrought-Iron Boiler Tubes in Flighly Saline Water, 29
- Butler, L. H., Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, 1069
- Butler, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Barton Accident, 305
- Butterfield, W. P., Ltd., Aluminium Fabrication, 195
- Butterley Company, Ltd., Replacing an lated Steel Bridge, 614
- Bridge
- Bronze
- Articu-
- Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., Pontoon Crane, 615 ; Travelling Monotower Crane, (Plate 14, 1.1.60)
- Company, Ltd., “Emisyn” “M.H. 140” Turbine Gear “P.H.30” Gear Hobber, 1043
- C.I.B.A. Clayton, Ltd., Large Screen Colour Television, 831
- C.I.G.R.E., Large Electricity Supply Systems, 1040
- Cable and Wireless, Ltd., Trans-Pacific Telephone Cable, 306
- Caister, P. R., Quick Starting of 34MW TurboAlternator at Stepney, 521
- Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Baharistan”, 23 ; Cargo Liner “Machaon”, 87
- Calvert Iron Works, f Steel Bridge Competition,
- Calvert, N, G., Hydraulic Pump, 608
- Calvert, R., Precipitation Aluminium Alloys, 776
- Camacho, R. F., The Reclamation and Irrigation of Black Bush Polder in British Guiana, 1016 Cambridge Instrument Company, Ltd., Galvanometers, 135
- Cambridge University, Design of Three-Dimensional Microscope, 852 ; Fatigue of Welded Structures, (31)
- Cameron, M. A., The Channel Tunnel, 778
- Cammell Laird and Co. (Shipbuilders and Engineers), Ltd., Launcn of Guided Missile Destoyer “Devonshire”, 1020
- Campbell, R. A., Experience in Canada, 946 Campenon-Bernard, fancarvilte Bridge, (Plate 16, 1.1.60)
- Canadian Overseas Telecommunication Corporation, 120-Circuit Submerged Repeater, 964
- Canadian Pacific Steamships, Ltd., Launch of “Empress of Canada”, 871
- Canterbury Sidecars, Ltd., Amphibious Sidecar, 235
- Carbide Industries, Ltd,, Electricity Supply, Supp. 7, 17.6.60 ; Important New Plant, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60
- Carolinas-Virginia Nuclear Power Associates, Incorporated, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 993
- Carr and Co., Ltd., Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, 1060
- Carrier Engineering Company, Ltd., Air Conditioning of T.S.S. “Chusan”, 608
- Carrimore Six Wheelers, Ltd., Radar Demonstrations for Europe, 401
- Carron Company, Cargo Transporter for “Canberra”, 100 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra”, 507
- Carter Thermal Engineering, Ltd., Air Conditioning Installation at Printing Works, 269
- Cartwright, W. F., Iron and Steel Works Production Control, 773
- Carves, Simon (Australia) Pty., Ltd., Coke Ovens at Port Kembla, 988
- Casemakers, Ltd., Heat-Dissipating Valve Shields, 397
- Catylators, Ltd., Conservation of Electrolyte, 359
- 11 > D /
- Incorporated, Annual 243
- Ram as a
- Suction
- Effects in
- Liquid
- Cement Makers Federation, Safety in Industry and on the Road, 959
- Cementation Company (Canada), Ltd., A Leakage Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, 945
- Cementation Company, Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Central Advisory Water Committee, Cleaner Rivers Sooner, 157 ; Land Irrigation and Water Supply, 1035 ; The Minister of Housing on Clean Rivers, 1076 ; The Prospect of Clean Rivers, 1037
- Central Electric Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “E” Power Station, 226
- Central Electricity Generating Board, Coal, Electricity and Gas, 619 ; BEAMA Annual Report, 531 ; Berkeley Power Station, (Plate 4, 1.1.60) ; Charge Face Machinery for
- Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, 379 ; Dispersal of Warm Effluent in Coastal Waters, 349 ; Electricity Bulk Supply Tariff, 1960-61, 530 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Expansive Gas, 329 ; Exponential Expansion, Generating Plant Installed in 1959, High-Speed “ ~
- Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 766 ; Instrumented Water Treatment at Willington “A” Power Station, 692 ; New Station at Trawsfynydd, 14 ; Possible Sites for Coal- Fired Power Stations in Nottinghamshire, 436 ; Reactor Core Building at Berkeley, 427 ; Second 55OMW Set for Thorpe Marsh Power Station, 101 ; Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, 232 ; Study of Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in the West Riding, 984 ; The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, 826 ; Thermal Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Power Stations, 786 ; 300MC Station at Bradwell, (Plate 4, 1.1.60) ; Venturimeters, Computing Flows in Pipes, Valves, Oil Hydraulics, 770
- Central Farmers Fertiliser Company, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 700
- Central Office of Information, Promoting Locomotive Exports, 81
- Centralube, Ltd., High-Pressure Lubricant Pump, 232
- Centre d’Etudes de I’Energie Nucleaire, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Centro di Studi Nucleari di Ispra, Time Delay Simulator for Reactor Studies, 573
- CERN, Proton Synchrotron, 277, 315 Chadwyck-Healey, Oliver, Obituary, 378 Chamber of Shipping, Laid-Up Shipping,
- Laid-Up Shipping, 312 ; Report, 485 Chambers, H. H., Potential Power Sources, 282
- Chambre de Commerce du Havre, Tancarville Bridge, (Plate 16, 1.1.60)
- Champion, C. C., Heat Metering Computer, 1058
- Chandos Committee, Replacement “Queen Mary”, 959
- Channel Tunnel Study Group, The Tunnel, 707 ; Report, 718
- Channel Tunnel Company, Ltd., The
- Tunnel Report, 718
- Chantiers de I’Atlantique, Launch of Transatlantic Liner “France”, 869
- Chapman, J. H. B., The Development of the Aircraft Carrier, 569
- Charlton Weddle and Co., Ltd,, Anti-Fouling System for Underwater Structures, 484 ; High-Efficiency Heating Coil, 358
- Charrington Gardner Locket (London), Ltd., Tanker for Thames Estuary, 614
- Charringtons, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Charter Shipping Company, Ltd., “Malaja” of 19,125 Tons Deadweight, 89
- Chemical Equipment Engineering, Ltd., Gearbox for Mixing Duties, 613
- Chesterfield Tube Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Chine Shipping Company, Ltd., Cargo Carrier “Macaulay”, (Plate 9, 8.1.60)
- Chinese Republic Railways, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027
- Chloride Batteries, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Boiler Control at Little Barford “E” Station, 226 ; New “Gauntlet” Plate struction, 648 ; Traction Batteries, 691
- Chloride Electrical Storage Company, Battery Research Laboratories, 1023
- Christiani and Nielsen, Ltd., Medway Bridge on the Proposed M.2, 1076 ; Tanker Terminals, (Plate 5, 8.1.60) ; Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612
- Christie, A. W., Direction Signs for Motorways, 813
- Churchill, Charles, and Co., Ltd., Spiral Point Twist Drills, 401
- Churchill Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Automatic Sizing Internal Grinding Machines, 1046 ; Plain Grinding Machine and Heavy- Duty Roll-Grinding Machine, 1045
- CIBA (A.R.L.), Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Civil Engineering Construction Conciliation Board, Wages and Hours, 198
- Clarke, Chapman and Co., Ltd., Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 460
- Clarke, J. S., A Review of Problems and Developments in Electric Ignition Equipment for Piston Engines, 893
- Clayton, .A. J. H., Traffic Engineering in London, 304
- Cleaver, R. F., Automatic Radio Triangulation System, 639
- Clelands (Successors), Ltd., Mobile Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Cleveland Bridge and Engineering Company, Ltd., The “Shell” Centre, 94
- Clifle Hill Granite Company, Ltd., Comprehensive Stone Freatment Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, 471
- Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Company, Ltd., Mobile Rock Drilling Rigs, 829
- Clondalkin Paper Mills, Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Clyde, Crane and Booth, Ltd., Optimum Pulley Positions for Lcvel-Lulfmg Cargo Cranes, 735 Coakley, S. F., The Handling of Milled Peat at Power Sations, Suppt. 19, 17.6.60
- Exponential Expansion,
- Resistor Tap-Changer,
- of the
- Channel
- Channel
- Electronic Power Con-
- Ltd.,
- Coal Research Establishment, Mechanical Level Sensor, 136
- Coalbrookdale Company, Ltd., Restoration of the Original Works, (Plate 16, 8.1.60)
- Cochran and Co., Annan, Ltd., Boiler Research Building, 748
- Cockburns, Ltd , Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Valves, 965
- Cockerell, C. S., Locomotion, 930; SR-Nl “Hovercraft”, (Plate 1, 1.1,60)
- Cohen, George, “600” Group, Ltd., Large Tower Crane, 476 ; Sectionalised Model of K.L.33 Mobile Crane, and l-Ton and 2-Ton Capacity Lorry Loaders, 739 ; Self-Erecting Tower Crane, 272
- Coil Spring Research Laboratory, New Laboratories, 536
- Collins, Brian D., (Engineers) Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Collins Construction Company, Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Collins, D. W., Some Experiences in Cold Rolling Thin Alloy Strip, 776
- Collins Radio Company, Anglo-American Radio Partnership, 1078
- Collins Submarine Pipelines Overseas, Ltd., Tema Sewer Outfall, 19
- Colonial Development Corporation, Colonial Development, 1081
- Colt Ventilation, Ltd., “TS 500”, “TS 350” and “TS 250”, Industrial Oil-Fired Air Heaters, 823
- Colvilles, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18 ; Steel and the Economy, 274 ; Steel Development Projects, 198
- Commer Cars, Ltd,, Commercial Vehicle of Integral Construction, 67
- Commercial Vermiculite, Ltd., Fire-Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103
- Commissioners of Irish Lights, Twin-Screw Lighthouse Tender “Atlanta”, 90
- Commissioners of Public Works in Ireland, Galway Sluice Barrage, 107
- Committee of European Manufacturers of Agricultural Machinery (C.E.M.A.), European Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, 319
- Common Market Commission, Fusion Urged of Common Market, Euratom and E.C.S.C,, 953
- Commonwealth Edison Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954; Uniform Procedure for Use • - - • •
- of Nuclear Power Reactors,
- Commonwealth Government M.V. “Bass Trader”, 574
- Commonwealth Telecommunications Third Technical and Traffic Meeting,
- Communication Systems, Ltd., Precision Pulse Source, 617
- Compac Works, Semi-Automatic Sorter, 319 Compadec, Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Compagnie Electro-Mecanique, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 ; French Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Compagnie Financiere Tunnel Report, 718
- Compagnie Fran^aise Suspension Railway, Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Compagnie Franijaise de Television, Colour Television System, 746
- Compagnie Framjaise des Petroles, Pipelines, 70 Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, Launch of Transatlantic Liner “France”, 869
- Compagnie Miniere de Conakry, Iron Ore, 751 Computer Developments, Ltd., Computer Bureau in Birmingham, 360 ; Data Processing for Business Problems, 945
- Conacher, J., Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam in Malaya, 472
- Concrete, Ltd., Industrial Films, 534 ; Precast Concrete Manufacture at a Hounslow Works, 689
- Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, Apprentices’ Wage Claim, 873, 1081 ; Shipbuilding Wages and Hours, 239 ; Forty- Two-Hour Week, 312 ; Shipyard Hours, 274, 402 ; Wages and Hours, 68, 198, 793
- Conference Internationale des Grands Reseaux Electriques, Electrical Research 787
- Connell, Charles, and Co., Ltd., “Benloyal”, 87
- Conseil International du Bytiment, Co-Operation in Fire Research,
- Consett Iron Company, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Company, Ltd., Worm Gear Jacks, 913
- Constructors John Brown, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337 ; Oil Terminal at Cardiff, 358
- Consumers Power Company, American Nucleai Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954
- Control Developments, Ltd., Portable Viscometer for Lubricating Oils, 142
- Control Instruments, Ltd., Miniature Potentiometric Recorder, 532
- Convair Division of General Dynamics Corporation, F-106A “Delta Dart”,
- Conveyancer Fork Trucks, Ltd., 6000-lb. Fork Truck, 741
- Coode and Partners, Deep Water Bridgetown, (Plate 13, 1.1.60)
- Cook, E. J., and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Cook, Welton and Gemmell, Ltd., Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864
- Cooke, W. H., (Romford), Ltd., General Purpose Incinerator, 823
- Cooper, Charles, Obituary, 378
- Coors, Adolph, Manufacture of Impact Extruded Aluminium Beer Cans, 838
- Corlett, E. C. B., Methane Transportation by Sea, 643
- Corporation of Trinity House, Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 460
- Corran Works, Ltd., Domestic Radios, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60 ; Radio and Television Equipment Factory, Suppt. 3, 17.6.60
- Corrosion Committee, Low-Alloy Steels, 564 Coseley Buildings, Ltd., Crude Oil
- Kharg Island, 337
- Cosmos Engineering Company, Jubilee at Bristol, 302
- in the Evaluation 243
- Engine
- Works,
- Board,
- 828
- de Suez, The Channel
- d’Entreprises, French
- 755 ; Proposal for a
- Association,
- Cargo Liner
- International
- 1081
- 50
- Fluid-Drive
- Harbour at
- Terminal on
- Engineering
- Figures in
- Brackets (
- Costain-John Brown, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Costain, R. (West Indies), Ltd., Deep Water Harbour at Bridgetown, (Plate 13, 1.1.60)
- Costain-Raymond, Richard, International (U.K.), Pontoon Crane, 615
- Costain, Richard, Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Marine VHF Communications Equipment, 984 ; Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Costain, Richard, (M.E.), Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Cosworth Engineering, Ltd., Engine Tuning, 63 Council of Industrial Design, Industrial Design and Manchester, 495 ; Industrial Design in Practice, 538
- Council of the International Civil Aviation Organisation, Agreements in the Air, 673
- Courtaulds, Ltd., Production of Viscose Rayon Yarn, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Coventry Climax Engines, Ltd., Engine Honoured, 102 ; “Godiva” Cylinder Outboard Engine, High-Performance, Fire-Fighting Pumps,
- Coventry Gauge and Tool Company, Ltd., Compound Angle Sone Table Mounted on Hemispherical Seating, 1052 ; “Matrix” Jig Borer, 1050 ; Measuring Machine for Internal Diameters, 1051 ; Three-Dimensional Measuring Machine for Complicated Components, 1051
- Cowley, Martin, Ltd., Stevenage By-Pass Motorway, 831
- Cowell, T. F., Injection Versus Carburation : a Comparison of Fuel Quality Requirements, 893
- Coyne, A., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Crabtree, J. A., and Co., Ltd., All-Insulated Consumer’s Unit Enclosing 60A Double-Pole Isolating Switch, 648 ; Miniature Circuit Breaker (C-50) Set, 647
- Crane Packing, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Sealing Tape for Threaded Pipe Joints, 400 ; Mechanical Packings for Valves, 788
- Cranston, R. W., Specification and Testing of Filters and Water Separators, 331
- Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., Bar Skimming Machine, 311
- Credit Lyonnais, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Creed and Co., Ltd., Aircraft Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., 537 ; Lightweight Teleprinters, 964
- Crockett, J. H. A., Simplified Anti-Vibration Hammer Foundations, 720
- Crofts (Engineers), Ltd., “Autojust” Series of Magnetic Clutches and Brakes, 743 ; Reduction Gear Units Available in the “Par-O- Mount” Series, 743
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd., Circular Scale Meters, 67 ; First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267 ; New Range of Moulded Current Transformers, 646 ; New Ranges of Totally- Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motors, 102 ; New Series of Totally-Enclosed Fan-Cooled A.C. Motors, 646; 137 Power-Equipments for
- 2300/2500-H.P. Type 4 Locomotives, (Plate 15, 8.1.60)
- Cross Company, Automatic Trunnion Machine for Air Brake Components, 491 ; Cojmmon Transfer Machine for V-6
- Blocks, 799 ; Cross Shuttle for Exhaust Manifolds, 840
- Crouch, Derek, (Contractors) Flood Protection Scheme, (Plate 11, 1.1.60)
- Crucible Steel Company, Large Double-Focusing Mass Spectrometer, 547
- Crypton Equipment, Ltd., Revolutions Per Minute Indicator, 137
- Cubitts-Fitzpatrick-Shand Consortium, Doncaster By-Pass, 85
- Cullen, A, L., Applications of Microwaves, 395 Cullen, J. F., The Use of Milled Pea^ in Large Boilers for the Generation
- Suppt. 19, 17.6.60
- Cullum Detuners, Ltd., British Zurich, 837
- Cunard Company, Replacement Mary”, 959
- Curacaosche Scheepvaart Maatschappij, N.V., Conversion of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, 1024
- Currie, D., New Lighting for Leeds-Bradford Airport, 1022
- Curtiss-Wright Corporation, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1030 ; Rotary Piston Engine Symposium, 365
- Curvat, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Cutlery Research Council, Tradition Versus
- Technology, 579
- 45-H.P., Four-
- 965 ; Latest Lightweight Portable 965
- and V-12 Engine Transfer Machine
- Ltd., Great Ouse
- of
- Jet
- of
- Electricity,
- Detuner at
- the “Queen
- Daily Express, National Boat Show, 27
- Daimler-Benz A.G., Water-Cooled “M.B. 850” Series, and the Air-Cooled “MB 860” Series, 836
- Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd., Self-Contained Dust Collector, 480
- Dalmine S.p.A., Continuous Tube Mill, 36
- Danish Atomic Energy Commission, DR3
- Research Reactor, Denmark, 142
- Danks, Edwin, and Co. (Oldbury), Ltd., Danks- Simmon “Rotecon” Rotating Economiser and “Handimatic” Control, 786 ; 10,000,000
- B.Th.U. Corner Tube, Hot-Water Boiler, and a “Symmetriflo” Boiler, 786
- Darby, Abraham, Process For Smelting Iron
- With Coke, (Plate 16, 8.1.60)
- Darlington Forge, Ltd., Industrial Films, 789
- Darwins, Ltd., Permanent Magnet Sine Angle
- Chucks, 362
- Datwyler and Hausammann, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Davenport Engineering Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., “CoalPak” Boiler, l95kVA Alternator Set, Feed Water Level Control and an Overriding Low Water Cut-Out, 785 ; Rotary Filter Table, 942
- Davidson and Co., Ltd., Sirocco Works, Suppt. 14, 17.6.60
- Davies and Metcalfe, Ltd., First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267
- Davies, I. F., The Application of Power Transistors to the Operation of Gas Discharge Lamps from D.C. Supplies, 137
- Davis, John, and Son (Derby), Ltd., Transistorised Indicator, 137
- Davis, Stuart, Ltd., Backing-off Machine, 409 Dawbarn, Graham, B.B.C. Television Ce;itre, 1076
- Dawe Instruments, Ltd., Clip-On Current Measurement, 578 ; Metal Degreasing Plants for Ultrasonic Cleaning, 576 ; Output Power Meter, 617 ; Sound Measuring Equipment, 400 ; Transistor Vibration Meter, 578 ; U.L.F. Oscillator, 396
- Dawnays, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; The “Shell” Centre, 94
- Dawson and Mason, Ltd., Gas-Fired Continuous Wire Mesh Conveyor Muffle Furnace, 395
- De Bergue Machine Tools, Ltd., Proprietary Disc Brakes, 827
- De Havilland Engine Company, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 10J2 ; First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267
- De Havilland Propellors, Ltd., Data Acquisition and Monitoring, 269 ; Process Control Computer, 1023 ; Turbine Flowmeter, 656
- De La Rue Bull Machines, Ltd., Direct Reading for Data Processing, 28
- De Merwede, Cross-Channel Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina” 263
- De Schelde Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Motor Ships “Prinses Beatrix” and “Koningin Emma”, 263
- Decca Group, Hyperbolic Navigational Computer, 615
- Decca Navigator Company, Ltd., Hyperbolic Navigational Computer, 615 ; Navigational and Radar Equipment, 559
- Decca Navigator Company, Ltd., Ship AutoPilot, 653
- Decca Radar, Ltd., British Radar for Arlanda Airport, 73
- Defries, Heinrich, G.m.b.H., “Hadef-SSK” Electric Winch, 837
- Defence Research Board, Co-operative Electrical Research, 552
- Dehart, Robert C., An Oceanographic Research Submarine of Aluminium for Operation to 15,000 ft. 642
- DeLong Corporation, Mobile Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Demag Aktiengesellschaft, General Meeting, 71 Demag-M.A.N., Construction of Tjbrn
- Bridge, 148
- Denco Miller, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Denny, W., and Brothers, Ltd., “Maid of Kent”
- Ferry Boat, (Plate 9, 8.1.60) ; Fishery Vessel “Norna”, 90
- Denton, A. A,, Theory of Machines, 605 Department of Main Roads of New
- Wales, Parramatta River Bridge, New Wales, 641
- Department of Public Works, Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690 Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Density Currents and Silting in Docks, 1058 ; Displays of Twenty-Five New Instruments and Measuring Techniques, 852 ; Electrical Research Association, 787 ; Ergonomics in Industry, 873 ; Industrial Psychology, 444 ; Industrial Research Development, 1960, 744 ; Industrial Value of D.S.I.K. Research, 709 ; 710 ; International Co-operation in Fire Research, 1081 ; Is the M.T,T.A. Touchy?, 211 ; Machine Tool Industry Inquiry, 269 ; Older Workers, 708 ; Report on Machine Tools, 232, 924 ; Traffic Signal Time-Setting, 563
- Deutsche Messe-und Ausstellungs-A.G,, Hanover Exhibition Grounds, 753
- Development of Scientific and Industrial Research, Machine Tools Under Fire, 42
- Dew, G., and Co,, Ltd., Barton High Level Bridge, 30 ; Accident, 306 ; Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- Dewrance and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Dickens, Stuart B., Ltd., Surface Treatment for Concrete Formwork, 380
- Dickie, W. J., Efficient Use of Electricity in Industry, 824
- Dicksee, C. B., James Clayton Prize, 478 Dieudonne, J., Performance in Service in Service
- of Cargo Vessel and Passenger Ships, 683 Dilworth and Carr, Ltd., Glass Mould Castings
- Plant, 616
- Dinglerwerke, A, G., Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Distillers Company, Ltd., Phenol Plant at Grangemouth, 618 ; Pump for Liquefied Gases, 657
- Distington Engineering Company, Ltd., Electric Arc Steel Furnaces, 193 ; Steel Works Expansion Projects, 745
- Ditchborn and Mare, Transport and Communications Museum, 697
- Division d’Etude de la Traction Electrique, French Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Division of Irrigation of the Southern Rhodesia
- Government, Kariba Power Scheme, 806 Dixon, William, Obituary, 53 Doe, Ernest, and Sons, Ltd., “Triple D” Tractor,
- (Plate 8, 8.1.60) Donaldson Line, Ltd., Cargo
- 89 Dorking Lime Company,
- Narrow Gauge Locomotive
- Dorman Long and Co., Ltd., Handbook for Universal Beams, 509 ; Low-Alloy Steels, 564 ; Parramatta River Bridge, New Soutu Wales, 641 ; ’
- Dorman Long First Lifting at Sukkur, Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607 ; Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 86
- Dorman Long (Steel), Ltd., Iron Ore, 751 Dornier Works, Short Take-Ofif and Landing
- Aircraft, 241
- Douglas, R. M., (Contractors), Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681 ; Ross Spur Motorway, 84 ; Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- Patrol
- South
- South
- Ship “Santona”,
- Ltd., Industrial Preserved, 912
- Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674 (Bridge and Engineering), Ltd., Bridge, 8o ; Indus River Bridge Pakistan, 104 ; Proposal for a
- ) refer to praagraphs
- Plant
- Dow Corning Corporation, Silicones Developments at Barry, 940
- Downs, P. A., Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Dowty Group, Ltd., Propulsion Unit Steering Gear to Dowty Turbo-Craft, Representative Selection from the Range of Hydraulic Equipment, 964
- Dowty Rotol, Ltd., Land tender, 886
- Dowty Seals, Ltd., Land tender, 886
- Dove, H. L.. Development
- Doxford, William, and Sons (Engineers), Ltd., Industrial Films, 789 ; 70.L.B.D. “S” 6
- Engine, 58
- Doxford. William, and Sons (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Cargo Ships “Wavebank” and “Yewbank”, 88
- Draize S.A.. Four-Wheel Trader, 582
- Drake,
- 70
- Drake,
- 648 ; (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- Drummond-Asquith, Ltd., Fourteen-Station In-l ine Transfer Machine, 1047 ; Horizontal- Spindle Copy Milling Machine,_lC47 ; Lathes, 1056 ; Swift Heavv-Duty ~ ~
- 1048
- Drv Dock Owners and Council, Dry Docks and
- Drysdale and Co., Ltd.,
- Motorship “Siren”, 460
- Du Pont Company (United Kingdom), Ltd,, Electricity Supply, Suppt. 7, 17.6.60 ; Engineering Thermoplastic, 400
- Du Pont, E. L, de Nemours and Co., Inc., Engineering Thermoplastic, 400
- Du Pont (U.K.), Ltd., Important New Plant, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60
- Dufaux, A. and H., Transport and Communications Museum, 697
- Duncan, 1. G. T., Long Welded Rails, 684
- Dunford and Elliott Process Engineering, Ltd., Rotary Discharge Valve, 482
- Dunlap and Associates, Inc., “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear Stations, 191 Dunlop Rim and Wheel Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Dunlop Rubber Company, Ltd., Construction and Behaviour Characteristics of Tyres, 253 : Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Unofficial Strikes, 915
- Dunston, Richard, Ltd., Tug “Stackgarth”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Dunthorne, D., The Application of Power Transistors to the Operation of Gas Discharge Lamps from D.C. Supplies, 137
- Dupre, M., Experience in France, 946
- Durham County Water Board, Derwent Reservoir, 266
- Durrant, A. E., The Fairlie Locomotjye, 1014 Dust Control Processes, Ltd.,
- Acidic Smut Emission from Boiler Flues, 690 Dyckerhoff and Widmann K.G.,
- Bridge Over the River Mangfall, 112 ; stressed Concrete Dock Gate, 72 ; Mangfall Bridge, 32
- Dyott, R. B., Beam-Type Parametric Amplifiers : Some Aspects of their Design and Use, 234
- Speed Record
- Speed Record
- and 129 ; Wide
- Con
- Con
- of Anchors, 609
- Edwin Laurentine, Oil Developments
- James, Lancaster By-Pass Motorway. Road Construction in Lancashire.
- Roll Turning Lathe,
- Repairers Central the Budget, 659 Lighthouse Tender
- Preventing
- Conerete Pre
- E-A Automation Systems, Ltd., New Company Within the Group of Elliott-Automation, Ltd., 933
- E.M.L Electronics, Ltd., B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; B.I.C.C. Aerial Mast and the “Mesney” Aerial System, (Plate 12, 1.1.60) ; Camera of Indus!,ial Colour Television System, 933 ; Data Logging System, 483 ; Electronic Figure-Reading, 1021 ; Electronically-Controlled Rotary Machine Table, 29 ; Electronic Positional Control, (Plate 15, 1.1.60) ; New Vidicon Camera Tube, 137 ; 30in. Automatic Indexing Table, 1055 ; Time Delay Simulator for Reactor Studies, 573 ; World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Eagle Airline, An Aircraft Week, 631
- Eagle Tanker Company, Ltd., “San Ernesto” of 18,100 Tons Deadweight, 59 ; Tanker “San Calisto”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60)
- East Suffolk County Council, Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, 232
- Eastern Region of British Railways, Converted to Electric Traction at 25kV, 50c/s, (Plate 5, 1.1.60) ; Diesel Engineers Visit to Locomotive Works, 435 ; Diesel Locomotive Maintenance Depot, 827 ; Diesel Locomotive Running and Maintenance, 573 ; Rail Transporter for Motor Cars, (752) ; Railway Electrification Progress, 791
- Eastwood, W., Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop Hammers, 346, 508, 910
- Economic Policy Committee, Report on Machine Tools, 924
- Economical Parking, Ltd., Car Park Space Saving, 437
- Eden, R. Q. E., Recent Developments in Automotive Fuels and Lubricants, 850
- Edibrac, Ltd., Milling Cutter with “Throw Away” Tips, (31)
- Edinburgh Corporation, Air Auxiliaries on P.S.V.s 395
- Edisbury, J. R., Channel or Bridge ?, 778 Edwards, D. T., and Co., Ltd., Large Dockside
- Shed, 613
- Edwards, F. H., Rubber Technology and Standardisation, 95
- Edv/ards High Vacuum, Ltd., Vacuum Testing of Tube Elements for Steam-Raising Units, 732
- Edwards, H. N., and Partners, Ltd., Unusual Repair of “Live” Sewers, 193
- Efka-Werke Fritz Kiehn G.m.b.H., “Pi-Meter”, 623
- Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft Altona-Kaltenkirchen- Neumiinster, Traffic Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Eisenhiitte Prinz Rudolf, A.G., Automatic Oxy-Acetylene Cutting Machine, 837
- Electric Construction Company, Ltd., Main Switchboards for Modern Ships, 559 ; Moulded-Case Circuit Breakers Built into a Distribution Transformer, 599 ; On-Load
- Double-Pole Contactor, 600 ; Scale Model of the Bristol Siddeley/E.C.C. 3MWm IlkV, Turbine Generator Sets, 599
- Electric Reduction Company, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 700
- Electric Resistance Furnace Company, Ltd., Continuous Heat Treatment Plant for Rollers, 233 ; Aluminium Melting and Holding Furnaces, 914
- Electrical Apparatus Company, Ltd., Refrigeration Control Panels, 559 ; Single-Phasing Preventers 599
- Electricity Board for Northern Ireland, Elec- tricitv Supply, Suppt. 7, 17.6.60
- Electricity Council, Coal, Electricity and Gas, 620 ; Education and Training in Electricity Supply. 64 ; Education for Electricity Supply, 41 ; Electrical Research Association, 787 ; Non-Technical Careers in Electricity, 948
- Electricity Supply Board, Electricity Generation, Suppt. 17, 1 "7.6.60 ; Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Electro-Hydraulics, Ltd., Heat-Soak-Resistant Pivots, 194 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Electro-Mechan-Heat, Ltd., Roll Seam Welding Machine, 482
- Electro-methods, Ltd., Automatic Voltage Regulators Incorporating Magnetic Amplifiers, 55ff
- Electronic Associates Inc., Desk-Size Analogue Computer, 576 ; U.K.A.E.A. Computer Section at Risley, 230
- Electronic Associates, Ltd., Desk-Size Analogue Computer, 576
- Electronic Computing Laboratory, Computer Society Conference, 691
- Electronic Machine Company, Ltd., Electronic Control of Slip Inserter, 197
- Electronics Industry Council, Electronics dustry Council, 4'78
- Elin, A. G., Schwarzach Power Station, 404 Ellerman Lines, Ltd., Cargo Liner “City Melbourne”, (Plate 10, 1.1.60)
- In-
- of
- Elliott-Automation Group, Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, 1060
- Elliott-.Automation, Ltd., Blending of Fuel Oils at Ellesmere Port, 863 ; Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, 1060 ; Earthwork Quantities for Highways, 209 ; Introduction to Computers, 986
- Elliott Brothers (London), Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, 1060 : Installation of Computer-Controlled Plant Operating System, 933 ; “Pneu-Flow” Electronic Controls and Load Cells, 741
- Elliotts Nucleonics, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscalc, 1002
- Ellison Film Unit, Industrial Films, 789
- Ellison, George, Ltd., Four-Way Fuse-Switchboard, 601
- Embassy Machine and Tool Company, Ltd., Tube Cold-Bending Machine, 318 ; Tube Cutting Machine, 452
- Emerson, Sir Ralf, l.C.E. Awards, 786
- Energy Advisory Commission, European Energy Problems, 877
- Enfield Industrial Engines, Ltd., “Lightweight” Unit M.35O Diesel Engine, 131
- Engelhard Industries, Ltd., Special Liquid Preparations for Coating Unglazed Ceramic Bodies. 135
- Engineering and Allied Employers’ National Federation, Forty-Two-Hour Week, 312 ; Unofficial Strikes, 915 ; Wages and Hours, 198 Engineering Works “1st May”, “2DH-75” and “4LD-150A” Installations, 488
- Engineers’ Guild, Earning.s in the Engineering Profession, 477 ; Incomes of Professional Men 417
- Engineers’ Joint Council, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 993, 1086 English Electric Aviation, Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 : Guided Weapons Division, Direct- Reading Permeameter, 853
- English Electric Company, Ltd., A.C. Switchboard for Shipboard Use, 599 ; Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966, 1002 ; CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Complete Constant Frequency A.C. Generating System for Use in Airliners, 488 ; Data Processing and Control Systems : Meters, Relays and Instruments ; Transformers ; and Instrument Wing of Guided Weapons, 853 ; Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, 300 ; Generating Sets, (Plate 6, 8.1.60) ; Heating Electrode, 914 ; High-Speed Resistor Tap-Changer, 654 ; Hirfanli Hydro-Electric Scheme, 101 ; Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 766 ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra, 507 ; Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 460 ; Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109 ; Multi-Unit Sets, (Plate 5, 1.1.60) ; New Range of Contactless Sensing Devices, 562 ; New Ranges of Totally- Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motors, 102 ; Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232 ; Propelling Machinery for “Atlanta”, 90 ; Propulsion Machinery for Trawler “Falstaff”, 90 ; Pump Motor for Translormer Cooling Oil, 561 ; Range of Variable-Speed D.C. Controllers, 562 ; 750V D.C. Motor-Generator Traction Equipment, (Plate 15, 8.1.60) ; “Textorque” Totally-
- Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motor, 561 ; Venturimeters and Head Readings, 767 ; Voice- Frequency Intertripping System, 749 ; Voltage- Controlled Overcurrent Relay, 107
- English Electric Valve Company, Ltd., Electrical Storage Tube, 440 ; High-Power Broadcast Station for Ghana, 27 ; Outer Space Temperature Research, 854 ; Transverse Parametric Amplifier, 134 ; Valves for Airborne Radar, 483 ; Varieties of Electronic Tubes, and New Reflex Klystron Oscillator, K361, 853 ;
- World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- English Steel Corporation, Ltd., A Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633 ; Industrial Films, 789 ; Steel Expansion Projects, 793
- English Steel Forge and Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Industrial Films, 789
- English Steel Rolling Mills Corporation, Ltd., Steel Expansion Projects, 793
- Ensign Conveyor Company, Ltd., Comprehensive Stone Treatment Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, 471
- Ente Nazionale Idrocarboni, Alpin Pipeline Project, 70 ; 200MW Reactor at Latina, 15
- Enticknap, Albert, Future of Road Transport, 715
- Entreprises Camoenon Bernard, Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel,_607 Ericsson Telephones, Ltd., Advanced
- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; hensive Stone Treatment Plant in a shire Quarry, 471
- Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verstads A.B.,
- Dock, 33 Ernault-Batignolles, H., Lathe, 1056 Esaki, Leo, Travelling Wave Solid-State Ampli
- fier Using Tunnel Diodes, 588
- Escher-Wyss A.G., Duplex Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, 443 ; Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029
- Esso A.G., Pipelines, 70
- Esso Petroleum Company, Ltd., Chemical Plant in South Gloucestershire, 484
- Etablissements Baudin Chateauneuf, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Etablissements Neyrpic, Automatic Welding Installation, 281 ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806 Etablissements Saxby, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Ethicon, Incorporated, Industrial Processing Applications of Electron-Beam Radiation, 152 Euco Tools, Ltd., Hydraulic Nut, 657
- Euratom Commissions, Fusion Urged of Common Market, Euratom and E.C.S.C., 953 ; U.S.-Euratom Joint Programme, 664
- European Broadcasting Union, Stereophonic Broadcasting System, 190, 272
- European Coal and Steel Community, Fusion Urged of Common Market, Euratom and E.C.S.C., 953
- European Economic Community, European Free Trade Association, 30
- European Organisation for Nuclear Research, (CERN), 25 GeV. Proton Synchrotron, (Plate 14, 8.1.60)
- European Productivity Agency, International Co-operation in Fire Research, 1081 ; Is the M.T.T.A. Touchy ?, 211 ; Reports on Machine Tools, 232
- Evans Deakin and Co., Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, 988
- Evans, Joseph, and Sons (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Multi-(7ylinder High-Speed Hydraulic Pump, 483
- Everett Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., “Metrac” Live-Line Indicator, 647
- Evershed and Vignoles, Ltd., All-Electric Valve Positioner, 934 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Fuel Distribution Installation, 743 ; Mains-Operated “Megger” Insulation Tester (Series 2), 599 ; Portable Disc-Chart Recorder, 599 Ewbank and Partners, Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; The “Shell” Centre, 94
- Exactor, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Expanded Metal Company, Ltd., Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, 300 ; Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Export Credits Guarantee Department, 751 Eyring and Scheelke, Tube Cutting Machine, 452
- Gas- Compre- Leicester-
- New Dry
- Federation of British Rubber and Allied Manufacturers, Rubber at the Science Museum, 247 Federation of Civil Engineering Contractors,
- 288 ; Spare Capacity in Civil Engineering, 832 Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasaland, Outlook for British Exports, 146
- Feedback, Ltd., Analogue and Simulator Unit, 854 ; Variable Gain D.C. Amplifier, 272 Ferodo, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender,
- 886 ; Proprietary Disc Brakes, 827 Ferranti, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled at Windscals, 1002 ; Air Traffic Computer, 747 ; Aircraft Tactical
- 831 ; Automatic Assembly of Silicon
- 61 ; Developments in Silicon Devices, 218 ; Double-Diffused Meson Silicon Transistors, — “ ‘ “ Cone-and-Plate
- Stabilisation of Kariba Power Water Board :
- Reactor Control Radar, Diodes,
- Figures in Brackets (
- Faber, Oscar, and Partners, Anticlastic Shells in Concrete, 974
- Fahrzeugwerke Walter Hunger, K.G., 3000” High Level Tipping Truck, 447
- Fairey Aviation Company, Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81
- Fairfield Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, P.S. “Nederland” and P.S. “Engeland”, 263
- Fairleede Engineering Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Falls Foundry Engineering Works, The Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation Ltd., Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Farmer, J. C., A Survey of Data Handling for Air Traffic Control, 638
- Farmer Norton, Sir James, and Co., Ltd., High-Speed Tube Saw and a Cropping and Pointing Machine, 1054 ; Two-Roll, Adjustable-Angle Straightening Machine for Tubes and Bars, 1054
- Farquhar, J. C., Rotary Engines, 468
- Farr, A, E., Ltd., Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60) ; Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Farrell Construction Company, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 666
- Farrow and Jackson, Ltd., Easily Cleaned Belt Conveyor, 658
- Farrs and Partners, World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Fawcett, J. W., Sandford, Obituary, 97
- Federal Aviation Agency, Air Traffic Control Computer, 872 ; Autornatic Computers for Data 545 ;
- 638 ;
- 482
- Federal matic Operations Analysis, 545
- Federal Power Board of Rhodesia and Nyasa- land, 330kV Oil-Filled Cables for Kariba, 98
- Federation Internationale de la Precontrainte, Symposium on Grouting Prestressed Concrete, (486)
- Federation Internationale des Societe d’lnge- nieurs des Techniques de I’Automobile, Eight International Automobile Technical Congress, 848, 892
- Federation Nationale des Industries Electron- iques. Electronic Components Exhibition, 111 Federation of British Industries, Appeal to Price, 157 ; BEAMA Annual Report, 531 ; Budget Representations, 402 ; F.B.I. and Price Reduction, 146 ; Industrial Trends, 312, 1025 ; Overseas Scholars Dine, 592 ; Reception for Overseas Students, 43 ; Technical Colleges and their Government, 579 ; The F.B.L, The T.U.C., and the Chancellor, 377
- “HK
- Processing and Operations Analysis, Data Handling in Air Traffic Control, Short-Range Air Navigational Aids,
- Communications Commission, AutoComputers for Data Processing and
- 964 ; Flow Recorder for Visco.meter, 748 ; Gyroscopic a Rolling Platform, 559 ; Scheme, 806 ; Metropolitan
- New Works in 1959, 141 ; Modification of the Ferranti-Shirley Cone and Plate Instrument, 853 : Multi-Pole Connectors, 1079 ; New X-Band Transmitter Oscillator-Amplifier Pair,
- 964 ; Portable Peak Accelerometer, 648 ; “Sirius” and “Argus” Transistorised Digital Computers, 854
- Ferriby, E. A., Heating and Ventilating Research Laboratory, 652
- Ferris, G. S., Development of Anchors, 609 Ferro Enamels, Ltd., Bench Muffle Furnace, 273 Ferry Committee, Conversion of Ferry to Diesel- Hydrostatic Propulsion, 789
- ffolliott, C. H., Stevenage By-Pass Motorway, 831
- Fiala, Martin, K. G,, Heavy Trailer, 72
- Fiat, S. A., Iron and Steel in Italy, 999 ; Enviro- mental Testing Programme, 895
- Field, A. J., Subterranean Atomic Explosions, 778
- Field Tank Steamship Company, Ltd., Tanker “Eskfield”, 89
- Fielden Electronics, Ltd., Transistorised Temperature Controller, 28
- Fielding, C. C., Semi-Automatic Flight Control, 639
- Fietz and Hauri, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Finance Corporation for Industry, Ltd., Financing Capital Investment, 1025
- Fire Offices’ Committee, International Cooperation in Fire Research, 1081
- Firman, Eric, and Partners, Fire-Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103
- Firth Blakeley Sons and Co., Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Firth Cleveland Group of Companies, Marine Radar Simulator, 1080
- Firth Cleveland Instruments,
- tents Gauge, 235
- Firth Cleveland Pumps, Ltd.,
- Systems, 872
- Firth, D., An Old and New
- draulics, 712 ; Some Model Experiments on Special Control Valves, 712
- Firth, Thomas, and John Brown, Ltd., A Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Firth-Vickers Stainless Steel, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; A Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18
- Fischer Bearings Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Fisher Governor Company, Ltd., Blending of Fuel Oils at Ellesmere Port, 863
- Fitton, A., Prevention of Air Pollution from Vehicle Exhausts, 892
- Fitzpatrick and Son (Contractors), Ltd., Two Important Road Schemes in London, 530
- Fleck Committee, Investigations of Windscale Fire, 12
- Fleming Brothers, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Fletcher and Co., Ltd., Beet Sugar Factories for U.S.S.R., 68
- Flexibox, Ltd., Split Mechanical Seal, 479 Flight Refuelling, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Flint, A. R., Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, 1064
- Ford Motor Co., Ltd., Catalytic Converter, 892 ; “Levacar”, 931 ; Tractor Factory at Basildon, 793 ; Tractors Fitted with a Range of Industrial and Agricultural Implements,
- 965 ; Locomotion, 930
- Foreman, F. C., and Partners, Railway Research Laboratory, 479
- Forges et Ateliers de Constructions Electriques de Jeumont, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 ; French Suspension Railway, 755 ; Locomotives for U.S.S.R. Railways, (Plate 5, 1.1.60)
- Forges et Ateliers due Creusot, Locomotives for U.S.S.R. Railways, (Plate 5, 1.1.60)
- Forgings and Presswork, Ltd., Mechanical Engineering Researches, 1038
- Foster-Wheeler, Ltd., Boilers at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 475 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B’’ Power Station, 226
- Foundry and Metallurgical Equipment Company, Ltd., Shell Core Blower, 830
- Foundry Mechanisations (Baillot), Ltd., Glass Mould Castings Plant, 616
- Fox, Samuel, and Co., Ltd., A Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633 ; Mercury-Arc Converter for Steel Mill, 693 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18 ; Steel Works Expansion Projects, 745
- France Fenwick and Co., Ltd., Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship “Goodwood”, 265
- Free Piston Engine Company, Ltd., GS-34 Free-Piston Gasifiers for Ore Carrier “Morar”, 89
- Free State Saiplaas Gold Mining Company, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Freeman and Otter, The Barton Bridge Accident, 288
- Freeman, Fox and Partners, Medway River Bridge on the Proposed M,2, 1076
- French National Railways, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 ; French Mixed- Traffic Locomotives, 798 ; Use of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 314
- Ltd., Tank Con-
- Automatic Water
- Look at Oil Hy-
- ) refer to paragraphs
- French Ministry of Agriculture, Preliminary Report on the Malpasset Dam, 806
- French, T., Construction and Behaviour Characteristics of Tyres, 253
- French, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Woven Webbing Freight Nets. (219)
- French, W. and Co., Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141 ; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering (Contracts, 268 ; Walton South Reservoir, 11
- Fuel Research Station, Oxy-Catalyst Gas-Purifier, 892
- Fulmer Research Institute, Corrosion Iron, 745
- Furness Shipbuilding Company, Ltd., Progress” of 18,000 Tons Deadweight, 57 ; Cargo Ship “Duke of Sparta”, 87 ; Tanker “Overseas Explorer”, 89 ; Tanker “San Calisto”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60)
- Exhaust
- in Cast-
- “Begulf
- G. E. A. Luftkiihler-Gesellschaft, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- G. E, C.-Simon-Carves Atomic Energy Group, “Consort” Nuclear Research Reactor, 392 ; Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437 ; 300MW Station at Hunterston, (Plate 4,
- 1.1.60) ; Merger with Atomic Power Construction Company, 12 ; Building British Reactors Abroad, 15
- G. W. B. Furnaces, Ltd., Automatic Hardening and Tempering Furnace Installation, 233 ; Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless Steels, 359 ; Block Contactor, 20A Rating, 646 ; Electric Arc Steel Furnaces, 193
- Gallay Jean (Usines), CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Gammon Pakistan, Ltd., Indus River Bridge at Sukkur, Pakistan, 104
- Gandoni, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Garage Monteverdi, Racing Car to Formula Junior, 541
- Gardner, William, and Sons (Gloucester), Ltd., Stirred Bunker and Belt Feeder, 618
- Gas Council, Expansive Gas, 329 ; Fuel for Clean Air, 672 ; Gas Council’s Development Section, 538 ; Gas Industry’s Development, 312 ; Heat-Treatment Shop, 785 ; Radio Valve and Television Tube Factory, 390
- Gateaux, Ltd., Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Gaynor, M., Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, 936
- Gee, Walker and Slater, Ltd., Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- General Dynamics Corporation, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954 ; American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1030 ; Nuclear-Powered Submarine “Skipjack”, 77 ; Submarine “Triton”, 77 ; “TRIGA” Nuclear Reactors, 191
- General Electric Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954 ; First Diesel Locomotive for S.W. Africa, 314 ; Internal
- 8.1.60) ; bridge”, ing Ship Sources, Valley Authority,
- Rolling Mill, 920 ; Space Facts, 668 ; Steel Industry Modernisation, “George Washington”, 77 ; Submarine “Triton”, 77
- General Electric Company, Ltd., Adjustable Auxiliary Switch, 195 ; Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Altitude Encoding System for Aircraft, 854 ; Automatic Control of a Wiedemann Turret Press, 1041 ; Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357 ; British Railways A.C. Locomotives, 783 ; Collaboration on Nuclear Power Projects, 12 ; “Consort” Nuclear Research Reactor, 392 ; Data Processing for Business Problems, 945 ; Diesel-Electric Machinery for Fish Factory Trawler “Fairtry 11”, 90; Discharge Lamp Production Development, 774 ; Electrical Machinery, (Plate 7, 8.1.60) ; Ergonomics in the Control Room, 363 ; Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436 ; “Hidu- tac” High-Duty A.C. Switch Fuse, 563 ; “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear Stations, 191 ; Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 140 ; Pressure Vessel Lifting, 360 ; Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, 942 ; Lisbon Underground Railway, 99 ; Mobile Landmark Beacon, 65 ; “Mutac Clipper” 5A, 250V, 563 ; New Diode for " Amplifiers, 66 ; New Lighting Bradford Airport, 1022 ; New 1 Stack Assembly, 854 ; Outlook
- Exports, 146 ; Palisadoes Airport Lighting, Jamaica, 791 ; Parametric Amplifier Operating on the Longitudinal Space Charge Wave Principle, 134; Radiant Electric Heating for Stress-Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, 830 ; Railway Electrification Progress, 791 ; Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437 ; Recovery of Slip Power in Variable Speed A.C. Drives, 529 ; Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, 396 ; Slow-Break Switch Fuses, 441 ; Steering Gear and Two Cubicles of a Group Starter, 599 ; Subscriber Trunk Dialling at Evesham, 102 ; Thermoelectric Cold Box, 480 ; Transistors in Discharge Lamp Circuits, 137 ; 200W Linear Sodium Lamp, 280W Integral Sodium Lamp, the 400W Mercury Fluorescent Reflector Lamp, The “De luxe Natural” Fluorescent Tube, 563 ; (V35OO and V35OI) Air Conditioners, 563 ; Vacuum Furnace, 944 ; Zenith Research Reactor at Win frith, 27
- General Motors Corporation, Gas Turbine Haulage, 324 ; Transfer Machine for Power Steering Purnp Housing, 284
- General Link, 1021 ; 1021 ; .MOV
- 239 ; Post Office, Data Transmission Facilities, 619 ; International Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690 ; Mechanised Parcels Sorting Otfice, 127 ; Radio Station at Anglesey, 944 ; Radio Telephones on Trains, 306 ;
- Combustion Engines, (Plate 12, Nuclear Power Plant for “Bain- 46 ; Nuclear-Powered Surface Fight- “Long Beach”, 75 ; Potentjal Power 282 ; Progress 626 ;
- of the Tennessee
- Remote Control
- 586 ; Submarine
- Parametric for Leeds- in. Square for British
- Post Office, Anglo-French Microwave 909 ; Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, New Aerial System for Somerton, Post Ofiice Student Apprenticeships,
- Ship’s Radiotelephone Service, 271 ; Subscriber Trunk Dialling at Evesham, 102
- General Precision Systems, Ltd., Air Traffic Control Computer, 872
- General Services Administration, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 545
- Geratebau-Anstalt, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- German Federal Railway, French Mixed- Traffic Locomotives, 798
- German Productivity Council, Information Exchanges, 111
- Ghia S.p.A., Future High-Performance Car, 542 Gibb, Coyne, Sogei (Kariba) (Pvt.), Ltd., '
- Power Scheme, 806
- Gibb, Sir Alexander, and Partners, Power Scheme, 806 ; New Airport at does, (Plate 13, 1.1.60) ; Palisadoes Airport Lighting, Jamaica, 791 ; Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Gibberd, Frederick, Impact of Motorways on the Urban Environment, 496
- Gibbs, J, G., Semi-Automatic Flight Control, 639
- Gifford, E.
- Concrete
- 690
- Gilbert, G.
- Installation, 237
- Gilkes, Gilbert, and Gordon, Ltd., Standard Hydro-Electric Generator Sets Up To 25kW, 536
- Girgraph, M. M. O., Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, 735
- Girling, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Glamorgan County Council, Concrete-Frames Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439
- Glasgow Technical College, Marine Radar Simulator, 1080
- Glass Yarns and Deeside Fabrics Ltd., Glass Fibre and Resins Factories, 913
- Glenfield and Kennedy, Ltd., Rotary Straining Equipment, 965 ; Valves, 965
- Globe Pneumatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Air-Operated Bar Feed Mechanism, 29
- Gloster Aircraft Company, Ltd., Interceptor Upgraded, 829
- Glover, D. H., Earthwork Quantities for Highways, 605
- Glover, W, T., and Co., Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Goodale, W. D., Jnr., Coin-Disposal Mechanism for Public Telephones, 587
- Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Company, Tyre Testing Dynamometer, 930
- Goole Shipbuilding and Repairing Company, Ltd,, “Colchester” Cargo Ship for British Railways, 90
- Goransson, Karl Fredrik, Obituary, 1085
- Gordon Automobile Company, Ltd., Gran Turismo Four-Seater, 540 ; Erratum, (664)
- Gosta Green Technical College, Standardisation of Farm Machinery, 105
- Gotham Group of Companies, Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Gotthold Haffner, Maschinenfabrik, Portable Router, 370
- Gourock Ropework Co., Ltd., Airhouse of PVC-Proofed Nylon Fabric, 941
- Great Western Railway Company, The Great Western Railway and Its Personnel, 634
- Green, E., and Son, Ltd., Boilers at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 475
- Greenock Dockyard Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Swan River”, (Plate 10, 1.1.60) ; Travelling Monotower Crane, (Plate 14, 1.1.60)
- Greenwood, G. W., Volume Increases in Fissile Materials on Neutron Irradiation and the Effects of Thermal Fluctuations, 776
- Greifzug Gesellschaft fiir Hebezeugbau m.b.H., “Greifzug” Hoist and “Seilknecht” Tensioning Device, 835 ; “Packan” Hand Grip. 835
- Gretag A.G., Large Screen Colour Television, 831
- Griffin and George Group, Griffin-Clarkesmith Mechtronics Set, 488
- Grubb, Sir Howard, Parsons and Co., Ltd., International Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690
- Guest Keen Iron and Steel Company, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751 ; Steel Expansion Projects, 793
- Guffanti, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Guinness, A., Son and Co. (Dublin), Ltd., Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Gulf Oil (Belgium) S.A., “Belgulf Progress” of 18,000 Tons Deadweight, 57
- Gulf Research and Development Company, Van De Graaff Accelerator, 116
- Gunn, D. C. Effective Combustion in Steam Boilers, 824
- Gunn, R. N., Two-Stroke Engines, 972
- Gunner, A. M., Critical Look at the Novikov Gear, 818
- Gurney, C., Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, 1069
- Gurski, J., Materials Selection for Automobiles in the U.S.A., 895
- Gutehoffnungshiitte Sterkrade Aktiengesell- schaft. Steam Transformer for Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 625
- Gwynnes Pumps, Ltd., Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 766 ; Venturimeters, Head Readings, Flow Computation, On Research in General, 768
- W. H., and Partners, Prestressed Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania,
- and R., Ltd., Continuous Stoving
- H. T. and M. Construction, Ltd,, Storage Racks, 28
- Hackbridge and Hewittic Ltd., Generator Plant for 139
- Haden, G. N., Centre, 94
- Hadfields, Ltd., at Windscale,
- Haefely, CERN
- Electric Company, Transformer Tests,
- and Sons,
- Ltd., The “Shell’,
- Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor 1002
- Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Hahn and Kolb, Precision Measuring Equipment, 319
- Hain Steamship Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Trevaylor”, 88
- Haines and Sheppard, Ltd., Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357
- Halcrow, Sir William, and Partners, Design for a Bored Tunnel, 718 ; Reclamation of Black Bush Polder, 1016 ; Galway Sluice Barrage, 107 ; Ripple Lane Wagon Marshalling Yard, 22
- Halcrow, Sir William, I.C.E. Awards, 786
- Hall, Alexander, and Co., Ltd., Collier “Bally- lesson”, (Plate 9, 8.1.60)
- Hall, J. and E., Ltd., Institute of Refrigeration Dinner, 232 ; Refrigerating Machinery for Liner “Royston Grange”, 88 ; Roya> Mail Liner “Amazon”, 138
- Hall, Matthew, and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Hall, Russell and Co., Ltd,, Bulk Sugar or Ore Carrier “Holmside”, 24 ; Cargo Ship “San- tona”, 89 ; Liner “Eleuthera”, 25
- Hamburger Hochbahn Aktiengessellschaft, Traffic Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Hammers, Paul, Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Hamworthy Engineering, Ltd., Mobile Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Handley Page, Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Supersonic Aircraft Research, (949)
- Handte, Jakob, and Co., Wet Cyclone Dust Collector, 533
- Hardin County Port Authority, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 700
- Hardy Spicer, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Hargreaves, Henry, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Air Conditioning of T.S.S. “Chusan”, 608 ; Belfast Harbour, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60 ; Belfast Works, Suppt. 11, 17.6.60 : Built and Engined the “Ulster Star” Cargo Ship, (Plate 10, 1.1.60) ; Cargo Ships “Bulimba” and Bankura”, 89 ; Cargo Ships “Rosebank”, “Ashbank” and “Pinebank”, 88 ; Cargo Transporter for “Canberra”, 100 ; H.M.S. “Bulwark”, 141 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner Isis”, 138 ; Tanker mary of Civil Engineering Contracts, 268 ; Tanker “British Statesman”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60) ; Turbo-electric Passenger Liner “Canberra”, (Plate 7, 8.1.60) ; Turbo-Electric Propulsion for the “Canberra”, 397
- Harland Engineering Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Harland-Morgan Smith “Roto- valve”, 769
- Harmer and Simmons, Ltd., Automatic Battery Charging, 646
- Harmony Gold Mining Company, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Harris, R. W., Obituary, 160
- Harris, T. R., Some Trevithick Addenda, 299 Harrison, T. S., and Sons, Ltd., 17in. Swing Lathe, 1056
- Hart, Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Hartebeesfontein Gold Mining Company, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Hartley, A. C., Institution of Civil Engineers, 268 ; Obituary, 212
- Hartley, F. St. A., Science Museum, 428
- Harvard University, Laboratory Measurements on Einstein’s Theory, 231 ; Large DoubleFocusing Mass Spectrometer, 547
- Harvey, A. E., Feeding Aid for the Paralysed, 577
- Harvey, G. A., and Co., Ltd., Large Spun Aluminium Pressure Vessel Ends, 236 ; Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437
- Hastings of West Africa, Ltd., Bridge Handrail in Light Alloy, 1080
- Hauser, G. B., Experience in the United States of America, 946
- Hawker Siddeley Brush Turbines, Ltd., Production as a Career, 708
- Hawker Siddeley Group, Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864 ; New Remote Control Equipment, 932 ; Strain Gauge Bridge and Torque Measuring Unit, 932
- Hawker Siddeley Industries, Ltd., Production as a Career, 708
- Hawker Siddeley Nuclear Power Company, Ltd., Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232 ; Nuclear Research, (Plate 11, 8.1.60)
- Hawthorn, Leslie (Shipbuilders), Ltd., Refrigerated Cargo Liner “Royston Grange”, 88 ; Tanker “Thamesfield”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60)
- Hayes, R. S., (Pembroke Dock), Ltd., Catamaran Firefloat “B.P. Firemaster”, 361
- Hayman, R. F., Heat Transfer, 824
- Haynes, A. L., Aerodynamics and the Modern Car, 894
- Hayward, M. S., Vacuum Testing of Tube Elements for Steam-Raising Units, 732
- Hazet-Werk, Mallet Giving Low-Peak-Force Impulses, 664
- Head Wrightson and Co,, Ltd., 27ft. Hearth Diameter, Blast Furnace, 18
- Head Wrightson Iron and Steel Works Engineering, Ltd., Durgapur Steel Works, 55
- Head Wrightson Processes, Ltd., DR3 Research Reactor, Denmark, 142
- Head Wrightson Teesdale, Ltd., Conversion of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, 1024
- Heap, Joshua, and Co., Ltd., Threading Machine, 144
- Heating and Ventilating Research Council, Laboratory, 652
- Heating Investments, Ltd., Transistorised Temperature Controller, 775
- Heemaf, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661 Heenan and Froude, Ltd., “Dynamatic Adjusto-Speed” Drive, 563
- Heggs, P. F., Displaying Tracks and Other Inlormation on a P.P.l. Tube, 639
- Hellyer Brothers, Ltd., Trawler “Falstaff”, 90 Helmer, C. H., Theory of Machines, 867 ; A Subject Abandoned at Southampton, 501
- Henderson Safety Tank Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- 1 1 aii5[jui iti lui v.aiiutiia , ivv , , “Bulwark”, 141 ; Launch of P. and O. “Canberra”, 507 ; Liner “Somers 25 ; Royal Mail Liner “Amazon”, “Eskfield”, 89 ; Tabular Sum-
- Henderson, W., Rules and Regulations for
- Structural Steelwork, 1064
- Hengelo, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Henley, William Thomas, Henley’s, 27
- Henry-Baudot, J., Electric Road Transport, 193
- Hepburn Conveyor Company, Ltd., Vibratory Finishing Machines, 747
- Herbert, Alfred, Ltd., British Machine Tools, 695 ; Surface Grinding Machine, 144
- Herdieckerhoff, Werner, Gliihtopffabrik, High Vacuum Annealing Furnace, 836
- Hertfordshire Rubber Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Hewinson, V. K., Physical Properties of Coated Fabrics, 941
- Heyman, H. W., Electric Road Transport—The Promising Present and the Challenge of the Future, 193
- Hick Hargreaves and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Higgs and Hill, Ltd., B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; Large Dockside Shed, 613
- Higgs, F. and H. F., Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Higgs Motors, Ltd., Totally-Enclosed Fan-Cooled Motors, 480
- High Pressure Components Company, Land
- Speed Record Contender, 886
- High Voltage Engineering Corporation, Industrial Processing Applications of Electron-
- Beam Radiation, 74, 114, 152 ; Particle
- Accelerator Designs, 116 ; 12 MeV Tandem Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators, 412
- High Voltage Servicing Company, Industrial Processing Applications of Electron-Beam Radiation, 152
- Highways Committee, Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia, 66
- Hill, Charles, and Sons, Ltd., Rescue and Salvage Tug “Jantar”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Hinckley, G. L. F., Experimental System for Automatic Detection, Extraction and Encoding of Search Plot Data, 639
- Hochtief Company, Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624
- Hodgkinson, James, (Salford), Ltd., Fuel Feed Elevator for Stoker Hoppers, 145
- Hoesch A.G., Roll Changing Device, 1029
- Hohenstein, W., Sohne, Safety Rope Ladder, 837
- Holcroft, H,, The Great Western Railway and Its Personnel, 554, 594, 634
- Holford, Sir William, B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076
- Holland and Hannen and Cubitts, Ltd., B.E.A.’s Maintenance Base at London Airport, 912 : Two Important Road Schemes in London, 530
- Holliday and Greenwood, Ltd., Railway Research Laboratory, 479
- Holmes, Charles D., and Co., Ltd., Distant and
- Near Water Trawlers, 864
- Holmes, W. C., and Co., Ltd., Drying Town Gas by Refrigeration, 828 ; Holmes-Retroflux Bag Filter, 822
- Holphane, Ltd., High Bay Lighting Fittings, 1021
- Holroyd, John, and Co., Ltd., A Critical Look at the Novikov Gear, 725
- Holt, Alfred, and Co., Cargo Liner “Machaon”, 87
- Holt, John, Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, 942
- Hommelwerke G,m,b.H., Testing Equipment for Cylindrical Components, 409
- Honda Motor Company, “Dream” Overhead- Camshaft Twin Motor Cycle, 842 ; Motom 98 Overhead Camshaft, 583
- Honeywell Brown, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Honeywell Controls, Ltd., Instrumented Water Treatment at Willington “A” Power Station, 692 ; Pressure Control Devices, 1022
- Hoover, Ltd., Factory Fire Warning System, 196
- Hopes Heating and Engineering, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Hornibrook, M. R., McKenzie Clark, Pty., Ltd., Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, 268
- Houlder Line, Ltd., Refrigerated Cargo Liner “Royston Grange”, 88
- Howard, John, and Co., Ltd., First Lifting Bridge, 86 ; Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674 ; Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Howden, James, and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Howes, A. J., (Pty.), Ltd., S.nail Aluminium Craft in Durban Vv'aters, 201
- Howes. R. S., Electric Arc Steel-Making, 820
- Hubbard Combustion, Ltd., Full Range of Oil-Firing Equipment and Ray Horizontal Spinning Cup Oil Burner, 824
- Hudson, J., Experience in East Africa, 946
- Hughes-Johnson Stampings, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Hughes Tool Company, Ltd., Rotary Rock
- Bits for the Oil Industry, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Humphreys and Glasgow, Ltd., Gas Works, (Plate 4, 8.1.60)
- Humphreys, Howard, and Sons, Unusual Repair of “Live” Sewers, 193
- Hunter Engineering Company, Continuous Casting of Wide Aluminium Sheet, 37
- Hunting Aircraft, Ltd., Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109
- Hunting (Eden) Tankers, Ltd., Tanker “Thamesfield”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60)
- Hunting Surveys, Ltd., Earthwork Quantities for Highways, 209
- Husband and Co., 34-Ton Prestressed Concrete Beams, 67
- Hutber, F., Control and Instrumentation of a Marine Reactor, 162
- Huther and Co,, Drying and Mixing Plant for Bituminous Mixes, 796
- Hutson, A. R., New Piezoelectric Compounds, 1032
- Hydraulik G.m.b.H., 30,000,000 lb. Aluminium Plate Stretcher, 324
- Hymatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Gauge Snubber for Hydraulic Systems, 946
- Hyperion Constructors, Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- I.T.T. Laboratories, Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassau, 196
- I.V. Pressure Controllers, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Imperial Chemical Company, Ltd., Electrically Heated Salt Baths, 985
- Imperial Chemical Industries, Ltd., Accident Prevention Report, 873 ; Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355 ; Catalysed Silicone Rubbers, 1022 ; Chemical Plant in South Gloucestershire, 484 ; Metal Degreasing Plants for Ultrasonic Cleaning, 576 ; Molecular Model Encased in a “Perspex” Sphere, with Engraved Panels Describing Specific Achievements, 964 ; The More Costly Metals, 221
- Imperial College of Science and Technologv, Journal Reviewing Construction in Steel, 396 ; Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, 844 ; “Consort” Nuclear Research Reactor, 392 ; Metallic Corrosion Congress, 272 ; Two All-Glass Pumps, 440
- Imperial College, Scientific Satellite, 231
- Impress Ing. Lodigiani S.p.A., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Impresa Umberto Girola, Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Imprese Italiane Allestero S.p.A., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Impresit Kariba (Pvt.) Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Incandescent Heat Company, Ltd., Small Continuous Furnace, 395
- Independent Television Authority, “Streamline 5” Television Transmitters, (Plate 12, 1.1.60)
- Indian Iron and Steel Company, Large Section Straightening Machine, 197
- Indian Steelworks Construction Company, Durgapur Steel Works, 18, 55, (Plate 3, 1.1.60) ; Progress, 772
- Indo-China Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Eastern Trader”, 88
- Industrial Development and Construction, Ltd., Overhead Materials Handling in a Wire Works, 103
- Industrial Development Board, Industry in Malta, 485
- Industrial Development Consultants, Ltd., Overhead Materials Handling in a Wire Works, 103
- Industrial Fan and Heater Company, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Industrial Magnets, Ltd., Magnetic Separators, 657
- Industrial Training Council, Industrial Training, 239
- Industriewerk Schaeffler, “INA”
- Needle Bearing, 837
- Ingersoll Rand Company, Ltd., Boiler Control at Little Barford Station, 226
- Inland Steel Company, Steel Industry Modernisation, 586
- Inspection Services, Ltd., Fuel Pipelines to London Airport, 396
- Institut fur Fordertechnik (Institute for Materials Handling), Universal Loader, 487
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Conference, 1085 ; Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 1085
- International Business Machines Corporation, Machinery for Hire, 919
- International Chamber of Shipping, Annual Meeting, 869
- International Combustion, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966 ; Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Generating Sets, (Plate 6, 8.1.60) ; I.C. Viscometer for Use in Oil-Burning Systems, 822 ; “Lopuleo” Three-Roller Mill, 822
- International Combustion (Nuclear Applications), Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- International Combustion Electronic Boiler Control “B” Power Station, 226
- International Commission Seventh International Congress, 530
- International Commission on Radiological Protection, Ionising Radiations, 109
- International Computers and Tabulators, Ltd., Castlereagh Works, Suppt. 10, 17.6.60 ; Computer Bureau in Birmingham, 360 ; Data Processing for Business Problems, 945 ; New London Computer Centres, 828
- International-Costain, Raymond, Crude Terminal on Kharg Island, 357
- International Federation for Automatic Control, Congress, 625 ; Moscow International Congress on Automatic Control, 530
- International General Electric, Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624
- International Marine Constructors C.A., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- International Nickel Company of Canada, Ltd., Gas Turbine Haulage, 324
- International Rectifier Company (Great Britain), Ltd., Semi-conductor Factory, 944
- International Rectifier Corporation, Semiconductor Factory, 944
- International Road Federation, The Channel Tunnel Report, 718
- International Telephone and Telegraph Corporation, Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassay, 196
- Iranian Oil Exploration and Producing Company, Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Irish Glass Bottle Company, Ltd., Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Irish Railways, Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Irish Ropes, Ltd., Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17,6.60
- Iron and Steel Board ; BEAMA Annual Report, 531 ; Industrial Research Development 1960, 744 ; Iron and Steel, 146, 312, 485, 695, 873, 1025 ; Iron and Steel Prices, 274, 659 ; Steel Development Projects, 198
- Iron and Steel Federation, British Steel, 884
- Irwin, E. G., and Partners, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Coolsd Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Iscor Works, Large Load Carried by the South African Road Transport Service, 622
- Ison, H. C. K., The Corrosion of Welded or Coated Mild-Steel and of Wrought-Iron Boiler Tubes in Highly Saline Water, 29
- Jackson, A., Electric Arc Steel-Making, 820
- Jackson, P., Some Crankshaft Failures : Investigations, Causes and Remedies, 310
- Jaguar Cars, Ltd., Clutch Fan Drive, 542
- Japan Atomic Power Company, Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436 ; Building British Reactors Abroad, 15
- Jarvis, J., and Sons, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141 ; Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Jenkins, H. G., Progress in Electric Lamps, 857
- Johnson and Phillips, Ltd., Extensible Oil Switch Units, 194 ; SX Oil Switch, 601 ; Type PDB Double-Break Arc-Control Oil Circuit- Breakers, 601
- Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd., Bright Platinum Plating, 658 ; The More Costly Metals, 221
- Joint Iron Council, Iron Castings, 948
- Jones, William, Ltd., Upstroking Hydraulic Presses, 145
- Jourdain, M., Performance in Service of Cargo Vessel and Passenger Ships, 683
- Joy-Sullivan, Ltd., Mine Stable Hole Conveyor, 503 ; Rope Belt Conveyor, 618
- Junkers and Co., Safety Device for Gas Cookers, 1085
- K.E.VI.A. Laboratories, Extensible Oil Switch Units, 194
- Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, Aluminium Pipeline for Natural Gas, 548 ; 30,000,000-lb. Aluminium Plate Stretcher, 324
- Kaiser Engineers and Constructors Inc., Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Kapp, Reginald O., Peak Load Gas Turbines with Air Storage, 650
- Karlstads Mekaniska Werkstad A.B., Water Turbine Laboratory at Kristinehamn, 875
- Kassbohrer, Karl, Fahrzeugwerke G.m.b.H., Neoplan, a Long-Haul Luxury Coach, 581
- Kearns, H. W., and Co., Ltd., No. 3 Universal Boring and Milling Machine, 1052 ; No. 3 Universal Boring and Milling Machine, (Plate 15, 1.1.60) ; New “451 P” “Optimstric” Horizontal Surfacing, Boring, Milling, Drilling and Tapping Machine, 1052
- Kehrhahn, Friedrich, Reconstruction of Norder- Elbe Bridge, 950
- Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools), Ltd., Heavy-Duty Internal Grinding Machine, 1046
- Keir, J. L., and Co., Ltd., Medway River Bridge on the Proposed M.2, 1076
- Keller-Sona, Cross-Channel Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina”, 263
- Kellogg Switchboard and Supply Company, Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassau, 196
- Kelley, A. G., The Handling of Milled Peat at Power Stations, Suppt. 19, 17.6.60
- Kelly, John, Ltd., Collier “Ballylesson”, (Plate 9, 8.1.60)
- Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial), Ltd., Temperature Controllers, Ultrasonic Flaw Detector, Simulator, Data Handling System, 909
- Kendall and Gent, Ltd., Large Plano-Milling Machine, 166
- Kennicott, J. T., Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Kent County Council, Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674 ; Maidstone By-Pass Motorway, 87, 984
- Kent, George, Ltd., Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, 749
- Kerensky, O. A., Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, 1064
- Kerry's (Engineering), Ltd., Drilling Machine and New 11/13-in. Swing Lathe, 1045
- Kerry's (Great Britain), Ltd., Drilling Machine and New 11/13-in. Swing Lathe, 1045
- Kerry's (Ultrasonics), Ltd., Ultrasonic Drilling and Cleaning Equipment, 1045
- Key Engineering Company, Ltd., Repair of “Live” Sewers, 193
- Kidd, R. A., Doncaster By-Pass, 85
- Kidde, Walter, Company, Ltd., Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale,
- Kincaid, J. G., and Co., Ltd., Trunk Unusual Advanced 1002 Piston Oil
- Engine for Cargo Ship “Storrington”, 89 ; Turbo-Pressure-Charged Opposed Piston Oil Engine for Cargo Liner “Machaon”, 88
- King Aircraft Corporation, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- King, Geo. W., Ltd., Light “Dual-Duty” Overhead Conveyor, 740 ; “My-te-Min”, Mark 11 Electric Chain Pulley Block, 740 ; World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- King and Harper, Ltd., Bulk Flour Transporter, 442
- Kinnear Moodie and Co., Ltd., Experimental Underground Tunnel, 267
- Kissinger, Ralph, An Oceanographic Research Submarine of Aluminium for Operation to 15,000-ft., 642
- Kitchen and Wade, Ltd., “Duplex” Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, 443
- Klinger, Richard, Ltd., Jointing Materials, (696)
- Kidckner-Humboldt-Deutz A.G., “Model FL 310” Air-Cooled Four-Stroke Engine, 834
- Klug and Smith Company, Aluminium Sheet Rolling Mill, 203
- Kneepkens, M. B. J., Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance at the Netherlands State Mines, 1063
- Koninklijke Maatschappij “De Schelde” N.V., Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449
- Koninklijke Marine, Tunnel, 661
- Kornbichler, Heinz,
- Kahl Nuclear Power
- L.C.E., Ltd., Anglo-American Radio Partnership, 1078
- L.M.B. Components, Ltd., Lightweight Chassis for 1172 Formula Racing, 62
- Laboratoire Central de Telecommunications, Electronic Telephone Exchange, 259
- Lafarge Aluminous Cement Company, Ltd., Synthetic Aggregate for Aluminous-Cement- Concrete, 234
- Lagos Executive Development Board, Bridge Handrail in Light Alloy, 1080
- Laing, John, and Co. (Rhodesia), Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Laing, John, and Son, Ltd., Surface Treatment for Concrete Formwork, 397 ; Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Lancashire County Council, Barton Bridge Accident, 60 ; Lancaster By-Pass Motorway, 648 ; Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- Lancashire Dynamo and Crypto, Ltd., Kings- ferry Lifting Bridge, 674
- Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products, Ltd., New Resistance Welding Controls, Series “CWRI”, 647
- Landis Lund, Ltd., Automatic Crankpin Grinder, 1057
- Lang, John, and Sons, Ltd., Indexing Power Chuck for Multi-Branch Parts, 1057 ; Model “B” 20-in. by 68-in. Sliding, Surfacing and Screwcutting Lathe, 1057
- Langley Alloys, Ltd., Alloy Plug Valves, Larkman, E. C., Some Experiences in
- Rolling Thin Alloy Strip, 776 Larsson-Wilson Marine Motor Company,
- Albin Petrol-Paraffin Engines, 130
- Latham, J. B., Industrial motive Preserved, 912
- Laurence, Scott and Advanced Gas-Cooled 1002
- Le Materiel Electrique Schneider-Westinghouse, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027
- Le Materiel Telephonique, Anglo-French Microwave Link, 939
- Le Materiel de Traction Electrique, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027
- Lear, Incorporated, American Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Leathard, J. F., Methane Transportation by Sea, 643
- Lee, Arthur, and Sons, Ltd., Overhead Materials Handling in a Wire Works, 103
- Lee Beesley and Co., Ltd., Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- Lee, C. E., Robert Stevenson’s Memoir, (Plate 16, 8.1.60)
- Lee Howl and Co., Ltd., Central Heating System Accelerator, 691 ; Lisbon Underground Railway, 99
- Leesona Corporation, Potential Power Sources, 282
- Lehane, Mackenzie and Shand, Ltd., Two Important Road Schemes in London, 530
- Leicestershire County Council, London-Yorkshire Motorway, 102
- Lesnor-Maehr Marine Company, Inc., “MultiPitch” Propeller, 623
- Levermore, A., and Co., Ltd., Surface Temperature Indicating Materials, 265
- Lewis Construction Company (S.A.), Ltd., Aluminium Aircraft Hangar, 878
- Lewis and Duvivier, Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357
- Leyland Motors, Ltd., Air Auxiliaries on P.S.V.’s, 395 ; Conversion of Ferry to Diesel- Hydrostatic Propulsion, 789 ; Double-Reduction Axle, 658
- Liebherr, H., “Model HB” Building Crane ; “Model 6A” Tower Crane ; “Model llA/13” Equipped with a Telescopic Column, 795
- Liechtenstein, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Light Metal Forgings, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Lightfoot, E., Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, 73,5
- Lincoln County Council, Grantham By-Pass, 268
- Lint Cotton Price Committee, Industrial Power Consumption in Uganda, 1081
- Lister, R, A., and Co., Ltd., Air-Cooled Diesel Engines, (916)
- Lithgows, Ltd., Ore Carrier “Morar”, 89
- Liverpool Corporation, Draw-Off Tower at Tryweryn Reservoir, 399
- Livesey and Henderson, Design for a Bored Tunnel, 718
- Llewellyn, J, A., Experimental Electronic Data-Processing System, 639
- Lloyd, Edward, Industrial Films, 534
- Lloyd, T. Alwyn, and Gordon, Concrete- Framed Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439
- Lloyd, T. I., Railway Conversion, 720
- Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Annual Report, 436 ; Bicentenary, 923, 938 ; Launches in 1959, 363 ; Returns, 234, 751 ; Rules for Oil Tankers, 474
- Lobitos Oilfields, Ltd., Tanker “El Lobo”, 57 Lockers (Engineers), Ltd., “Locker Amplitrol” Mechanical Vibrating Feeder, 740
- Lockett, W. T., Obituary, 378
- Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, C-130B “Hercules”, 52
- Loewy Engineering Company, Ltd., Re-Equipment ~ ' ' ' ’ "
- 362
- Logan, Tankers, 683
- Loma Machine Manufacturing Company, Automatic Cold Sawing Machine for Aluminium Billets, 800 ; Remote Control Rolling Mill, 920
- Londex, Ltd., Light-Operated Switch, 533
- London County Council, Northern Outfall, 19 ; Ring Motorway for London, 707 ; Thames Pollution and the L.C.C.’s Responsibilities, 268 ; The London Plan, 456 ; Two Important Road Schemes in London, 530
- London Electricity Board, B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- London Midland Region of British Railways, British Railways A.C. Locomotives, 783 ; Lancaster By-Pass Motorway, 648 ; Main- Line A.C. Locomotives, (Plate 5, 1.1.60); Power Signalling at Edge Hill, 531 ; Radio Telephones on Trains, 306 ; The Shape of Signalboxes, 553
- London and Overseas Tankers, Ltd., Tanker “Overseas Explorer”, 89
- London Research Station of the Gas Council, Gas from Low-Grade Coal, 984
- London Road Committee, Ring Motorway for London, 707
- London and Saint Catherine Dock Institute of Refrigeration Dinner,
- London School of Economics, Locomotive Exports, 81
- London Transformer Products, Ltd., Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale,
- Company, 232 Promoting
- Advancej 1002
- (486)
- Cold
- Ltd.,
- Narrow Gauge Loco-
- Electromotors, Ltd.,
- Reactor at Windscale,
- of Aluminium Works at Kitts Green,
- A,, Service Performance of a Fleet of
- London Transport, Experimental Underground Tunnel, 267 ; London Transport’s Ng^v Signalling at Amersham, 572 ; New Upminstej- Depot, 22
- Longden, George, and Son, Ltd., 34-Ton Prestressed Concrete Beans, 67
- Lonsdale, J. E., A Review of Industrial Uses for Nylon, 941
- Lisinger, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Lovell, S. Maynard, Doncaster By-Pass, 85 Lucas, Joseph, (Industries), Ltd., Anglo-American Radio Partnership, 1078
- Lucas, Joseph, Ltd., A.C. Generator for Motor Vehicles, 439 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Lucerne Council, Transport and Communications Museum, 697
- Lumb, J., and Co., Division of United Glass, Ltd., Batching Plant for Glass Materials, 504 Lynn, W. M., Wind Tunnel Tests on Ship Models, 308
- Lyon, Arthur, and Co. (Engineers), Ltd., Aircraft Inverter Tester, 29
- M.O. Valve Company, Ltd., New V.H.F. Triode, 854
- Maaskant, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- McAlpine, Sir Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Doncaster By-Pass, 85 ; Great Ouse Flood Protection Scheme, (Plate 11, 1.1.60) ; The
- “Shell” Centre, 94 ; Western Section of the Maidstone By-Pass, 87
- MacAlpine, Sir Robert, Automatic Control at Yard, 679
- MacDonald, Sir M., and Flood Protection Scheme, (Plate 11, 1.1.60)
- McDonnell Aircraft Corporation, F4H-1 “Phantom”. 50
- Macfarlane Engineering Company, Ltd., Brushless Alternators, 105
- McGeoch, William, and Co., Ltd., Large Electrolier, 599
- McGloughlin, J. and C., Ltd., Galway Sluice Barrage, 107
- McGregor, Robert, and Sons, Ltd., Grantham By-Pass, 268
- Machine Tool Advisory Council, Is the M.T.T.A. Touchy?, 211 ; Machine Tool Industry Inquiry, 269 ; Reports on Machine Tools, 232
- Mackinac Bridge Authority, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- Mackley, J. T., and Co., Ltd., Sewage Outfall at Shoreham-by-Sea, 19
- McLellan, A. G., Derwent Reservoir, 266 McManus, A. C., Gas v. Electricity, 170 MacMullan, J. S., Experimental Electronic Data-Processing System, 639
- McMullen, John J., Sea Transport of Liquid Methane, 213
- Mager and Wedemayer, Rivet Shearing Machine, 36
- Magma Power Company, Potential Power Sources, 282
- Magneti Marelli, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Management Training (P.E.), Ltd., Course for Systems-Analysts, 575
- Manchester College of Science and Technology, Barton Bridge Accident, 306 ; Reports on Machine Tools, 232
- Manchester Ship Canal Company, Manchester Ship Canal, 402
- Manchester University, Laboratory Measurements on Einstein’s Theory, 231
- Mancuna Engineering, Ltd,, Grit and Dust Sampling Equipment, 108
- Mandel, Philip, An Oceanographic Research Submarine of Aluminium for Operation to 15,000-ft., 642
- Mandoval, Ltd., Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Mann (Handling), Ltd., Overhead Chain Conveyor, 577
- Manser, A. W., Experience with Subway Rolling Stock, 946
- Mantle, K. G., Use of Resistance Strain Gauges, 527
- Manufacture Franpaise des Pneumatiques Michelin, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Marconi Instruments, Ltd., Demonstrations of Nuclear Instrumentation, 90^; High-Speed Counter/Timer with Digital Low-Capacitance Bridge, Admittance Bridge, 307
- Marconi International Marine Company, Ltd., Marine Transmitter, 750 ; Marine VHF Communications Equipment, 984
- (South Wales), Ltd., Margam Marshalling
- Partners, Great Ouse
- Readout, 908 ;
- 617 ; V.H.F.
- Communication
- Single-Sideband
- Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Company, Ltd., Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258 ; Aircraft Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., 537 ; Automatic D.F, Receiver, 1023 : Automatic Fixer System for Aircraft, 66 ; Automatic Printer for Drawing Office, 65 ; B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; “Canberra’s” Radio Installation, 599 ; High-Power Broadcast Stalion fcr Ghsna, 27 ; Marine Transmitters and Receivers, 599 ; Outer Space Temperature Research, 854 ; Programme Microwave Link Equipment, (Plate 12, 1.1.60) ; Radar for Small Ships, 1024 ; World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Mare Island Naval Shipyard, Guided Missile Nuclear Powered Submarine “Halibut”, 47 Markal Company, Surface Temperature eating Materials, 265
- Marr, J., and Sons, Ltd., Distant and Water Trawlers, 864
- Marrel, Bennes, Large Tipper Truck, 150 Marshall, Sons and Co., Ltd., Heavy Wheeled Tractor, 693
- Martin Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086 : “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear Reactor, 372
- Martins Bank, Ltd., Unofficial Strikes, 109 Maschinenfabrik Augsburg-Niirnberg A.G., Collaboration on Nuclear Power Projects, 12 ; Neutron Diffraction Apparatus, 150 Maschinenfabrik Pelzer and Ehlers, Bar Cut-Off Machines, 370
- Mason, N., Dimensional Aspects of Lost Wax Investment Casting, 851
- Massachusetts Department of Public Works, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- Massey, B. and S., Ltd., Power Hammers, 197 Massey-Ferguson, Ltd., “702 Yellow Equipment” Tractor, (Plate 8, 8.1.60); Tractor Fitted with a Front-Mounted Shovel and Rear-Mounted Digger, 742 ; Tractors Fitted with a Range of Industrial and Agricultural Implements, 965
- Massman Construction Company, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 666
- Masterman, D. M. A., Injection Versus Car- buration : a Comparison of Fuel Quality Requirements, 893
- Matchless Machines, Ltd., Dial Test Indicator, 452
- Material Electrique Schneider-Westinghouse, Locomotives for U.S.S.R. Railways, (Plate 5, 1.1.60)
- Material de Traction Electrique, Locomotives for U.S.S.R. Railways, (Plate 5,
- Matisa Equipment, Ltd., Track Trolleys, 880
- Mather, M. L., Putting Industrial Practice, 538
- Mather and Platt, Ltd., Advanced Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Boiler Control at Little Barford Station, 226 ; Industrial Design Chester, 495
- Matterson, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Matthew, G. D., Theory of Machines, 605
- Maunsell, G., and Partners, Hobart Bridge, Tasmania, 102 ; Parramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641 ; Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690 ; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, 268
- Mawdsley’s Ltd., L.T. Master Switchboard, 599 Medical Research Council, Bathing Beaches and Sewage, 41 ; Ionising Radiations, 109
- Meeson, F. J., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Mellor, P. B., Plastic Instability in Tension, 517 Mendip (Chemical Engineering), Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Mengel, Elfried, Universal Fly-Cutter, 837 Mercedes-Benz, Ltd., Water-Cooled, Four- Stroke Diesel Engines, 131
- Mercer, Thomas, Ltd., Visual Measurement During Precision Spool Grinding, 483
- Merriespruit Gold Mining Company, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Merritt-Chapman and Scott Corporation, Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Merryweather and Sons, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Mersey Docks and Harbour Board, Replacing an Articulated Steel Bridge, 614
- Merz A.G., Semi-Trailer, 582
- Merz and McLellan, Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Electrical Plant, Kariba, 54 ; 330kV Oil-Filled Cables for Kariba, 98
- Messier, Electro-Pneumatic Servo-Motor for Operating Valves, 836
- Metal Physics Committee, Institute of Metals Spring Meeting, 776
- Metallizing Equipment Company, Ltd., Automatic Control Equipment for Metal Spraying Plant, 236
- Metcalf, B. L., Twelfth W. M. Thornton Lecture, 1063
- Metropolitan Engineering Company, Ltd., “Metro-Flex” Thermal Storage System, 824 Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Company, Ltd.,
- CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Export Company, Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Metropolitan Water Board, Artificial Recharge of Aquifers, 106 ; Industrial Value of D.S.LR. Research, 766 ; New Works in 1959, 141 ; Venturimeters, Head Measurements, Flow Measurements, Valves, Research in General, 769 ; Walton South Reservoir, 11
- Meyer, M. L., National and International Aspects of Stress Analysis, 90
- Meyer, Rud. Otto, (ROM), Prestressed Concrete Dock Gate, 72
- Michael and Partners, Ltd., Wagon-Emptying Grab, (752)
- Michelin Durin et Cie, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Michelin Tyre Company, Ltd., Rubber-Tyred Travelling Crane, 771
- Microcell Group of Companies, Glass Fibre and Resins Factories, 913
- Middlesex County Council, Metropolitan Water Board ; New Works in 1959, 141 ; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts,
- Indi-
- Near
- Duty
- 1.1.60) Recording
- Design into
- Gas-Cooled Electronic “E” Power and Man-
- 268 ; Thames Pollution and the L.C.C.’s Responsibilities, 268
- Midland and Great Northern Joint Railway, Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia,
- Midland Data Processing Bureau, Computer Bureau
- Midland Heating and Ventilation Company, Ltd., Water Cooling Towers, 310
- Midland Silicones, Ltd., Silicones Plant Developments at Barry, 940
- Mielich, A., Experience in Germany, 946 Miles, K., Decimal Calculator, 194
- Miller, P. and L., Ltd., Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258
- Millet et Cie, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Mills, William, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Milman Engineering Company, Tapping Machine, 65
- inistrj' of Aviation, Air Traffic Control Computer, 747 ; Altitude Encoding System for Aircraft, 854 ; Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357 ; Computer Installations and Projects, 638 ; Government and Aircraft, 288 ; Mobile Landmark Beacon, 65 ; Supersonic Aircraft Research, (949)
- Ministry of Commerce, Northern Ireland, Suppt. 3, 17.6.60
- Ministry of Education, Agricultural Engineering Education, 158 ; Industrial Training, 239 ; Institute of the Motor Industry, 659 ; Staff College for Technical Teachers, 248 ; Universities, Parents, and Awards to Students, 1001 ; Young People in Industry, 538
- Ministry of Health, Bathing Beaches and Sewage, 41
- Ministry of Housing and Local Government, Barrage and Barrier that Nobody Wants ?, 416 ; Control of Water Resources, 884 ; Factories in the New Towns, 986 ; Land Irrigation and Water Supply, 1035 ; Smoke and Dust Control, 832
- Ministry of Labour, Employment, 832 ; Hours and Earnings, 1025 ; Industrial Disputes in
- 1959, 986 ; Industrial Research Development,
- 1960, 744 ; Industrial Training, 239 ; Ionising Radiations, 109 ; Safety in Diving Operations, 363 ; Toxic Substances in Factory Atmospheres, 695 ; Trade Union Membership, 68 ; Treatment of Injuries in Factories, 68 ; Unemployment, 198, 402, 579, 751, 948 ; Wages and Hours, 915 ; Work of Engineering Construction, 538
- Ministry of Power, Sheet Steel, 948
- Ministry of Supply, Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Government and Aircraft, 288
- Ministry of Transport, Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, 1069 ; British Shipping, 248 ; Grantham By-Pass, 268 ; High-Speed Grit Laying, 399 ; Hook Road Underpass, 301 ; Merchant Navy Engineer Examinations, 943 ; Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141 ; Midland Motorway Links, 441 ; Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia, 66 ; Results of the 1959 Road Census, 436 ; Road Accidents, 631 ; Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60) ; Road Signal Control, 496 ; Safety Tests of 25kV Traction System, 398 ; Second Stage of Birmingham-South Wales Motorway, 530 ; Slade Green Collision Report, 234 ; Stevenage By-Pass Motorway, 831 ; Transport Commission’s Advisory Group, 659 ; Vehicle- Actuated Traffic Signals, 478
- Ministry of Works, Constructional Work, 444, 1025
- Minnesota Mining and Manufacturing Company, Potential Power Sources, 282
- Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day, Ltd., “Monarch” Class Diesel Engines, 58
- Mirro Aluminium Company, Aluminium Sheet Rolling Mill, 203
- Mission Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Equipment for the Oil Industry, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Mitchell Construction Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Mitchell Engineering, Ltd., Model of a Proposed Nuclear-Powered Submarine Freighter Called “Moby Dick”, 1058 ; “Parcar” Mechanical Car Park, 742
- Mitchell - Fairfield - Combustion Engineering Nuclear Power Consortium, Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232
- Mobil Oil Company, Ltd., Blending of Fuel Oils at Ellesmere Port, 863 ; Viscosity Controller, 619
- Mobile Jet Dispersals, Ltd., Snow and Ice Clearance, 438
- Modern Air Company, Automatic Heat Treatment Installation, 1018
- Molins Machine Company, Ltd., Mark 8 Cigarette-Making Machine, 965, 1010
- Moltum, J. K., Multi-Purpose Water Cooler, 622
- Mond Nickel Company, Ltd., Nickel Exhibition, 748 ; The More Costly Metals, 221 ; Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel- Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, 729
- Monk, A., and Co., Ltd., Second Stage of Birmingham-South Wales Motorway, 530
- Monk, Arthur, Obituary, 97
- Monks and Crane, Ltd., Machine Tool Exhibition, (53)
- Monninger, C. D., Ltd., Portable Router, 370 Montres Rolex, S. A., Recovery of Watches
- Bearing Strontium-90, 492
- Moor, D. L, A Method of Predicting Measured- Mile Performance from Tank
- Results, 683
- Moore, R. L., Direction Signs for 813
- Morgan Crucible Company, Ltd., Silicon Carbide Elements, 965 ; ' Heavy-Duty Resistors, 965
- Morgan Fairest, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Morgan, 1. G., High Precision Pneumatic Test Indicator, 466
- Morgan, John, (Builders), Ltd., Heads of the Valleys Road, 234
- Morgan, John, Ltd,, Automatic Control Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- Morris, B. O., Ltd., Backstand Grinder, 914 Morris, B. U., Ltd., Die Grinding Tool, 603
- 66
- in Birmingham, 360
- and Trial
- Motorways,
- “Crusilite” Morganite”
- at
- Figures in Brackets (
- Morris, Philip, Cigarette-Making and Packaging “Factory”, 1010
- Morrison-Knudsen Company Inc., Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Moss, William, and Sons, Ltd., Concrete- Framed Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439 ; Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, 268
- Motherwell Bridge and Engineering Company, Ltd., Reactor Service Machine for Hunter- ston, 437 ; Pressure-Vessel Lifting Operations at Hunterston, 360
- Motor Panels (Coventry), Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Mott, Hay and Anderson, Blackwell Tunnel Duplication Scheme, 530 ; First Lifting Bridge, 86 ; Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674 ; Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 86
- Mountford, N. D. G., Precipitation Effects in Liquid Aluminium Alloys, 776
- Mowlem, J., and Co., Ltd., New Airport at Palisadoes, (Plate 13, 1.1.60) ; Derwent
- Reservoir, 266 ; Tanker Terminals, (Plate 5, 8.1.60)
- Mucklow, G. F., James Clayton Prize, 478
- Muirhead and Co., Ltd., Integrating Power Meter, 481 ; U.K.A.E.A. Computer Section at Risley, 230
- Mullard Educational Service, Filmstrips for Student Electronic Engineer, (31)
- Mullard Equipment, Ltd., 4MeV Linear Accelerator for Radiographic Examination of Welds, 657
- Mullard, Ltd., Aids to Electronics Instruction, 271 ; Direct-Viewing Storage Tube with “Flood” Electron Gun, 932 ; Low-Voltage Packaged Magnetron, 932 ; Radio Valve and Television Tube Factory, 390 ; Electronic Apparatus for a ferometer, 137 ; Stereophonic System, 190, 272
- Mullard Research Laboratories, Electronic Apparatus for a Stellar Interferometer, 137
- Muller, C. H. F., Low-Filtration X-Ray Tube, 281
- Mumbles Railway and Pier Company, Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Munters, Carl, Multi-Channel Cooling Tower, 358
- Muntz, Alan, Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship “Goodwood”, 265
- Murray, J. M., Merchant Ships, 1860-1960, 898
- Specimens of Stellar InterBroadcasting
- Specimens of
- N.A.S.A,, Scientific Satellite, 231 N.A.T.O., Britain’s Contribution rent, 298
- N.G.N. Electrical, Ltd,, Vacuum 309
- N.S.U. Company, Rotary Piston posium, 365
- to the Deter
- Pumping Set,
- Engine Sym-
- N.V. tot Keuring van Elektrotechnische Materi- alen, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Napier, D., and Son, Ltd., “Eland”, “Gazelle” Gas Turbine Engines, “Deltic” Diesels, and “C-045” Turbo-Blower, 488
- National Advisory Council of Industry, Machine Tool Industry Inquiry, 268
- National Aeronautics and Space tion, N.B.S. Research on the Properties of Metals, 758
- National Bureau of Standards, Computers for Data Processing tions Analysis, 545 ; Expanded Standard Materials Programme at the N.B.S., 410 ; International Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690 ; N.B.S. Research on the Mechanical Properties of Metals, 758
- National Coal Board, The Case for Coal, 695 ; Coal, 923 ; Coal, Electricity and Gas, 620 ; Coal — The More Distant Prospect, 764 ; Coal Prospects, 120 ; Dual-Purpose Mine Winders in Yorkshire, 947 ; Electrical Machinery, (Plate 7, 8.1.60) ; Exponential Expansion, 375 ; Fuel for Clean Air, 672 ; Gamma-Ray Level Indicator, 136; Lifters for Armoured Face Conveyors, 1079 ; Management is an Expanding Economy, 873 ; Mining Research Establishment, Technology and the Future, 1063 ; Modern Ways of Automatically, Smokelessly and Efficiently Burning Coal Demonstrations, 785 ; Oil Imports and the Coal Industry, 1037 ; Scientific Department, Mechanical Level Sensor, 136
- National College of Agricultural Engineering, Agricultural Engineering Education, 158, 805 National College of Rubber Technology, Rubber at the Science Museum, 247
- National Council for Technological Awards. BEAMA Annual Report, 531
- National Dock Labour Board, 986
- National Engineering Laboratory, Industrial Value of D.S.LR. Research, 709, 710, 766 ; Mechanical Engineering Researches, 1038 ; Oil Hydraulics, 712 ; Roundness Measuring Machine, 1055 ; Self-Induced Road Tunnels, 1069 ; Spur Gears, 602
- National Equipment Leasing Machinery for Hire, 919
- National Foundry Training Centre, Appeal, 915 National Gas and Oil Engine Company, Ltd., Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864 ; “Sovereign” Class of Medium Power Diesel Engines, 58
- National Gas Turbine Establishment, Gas Turbine Researches, 927
- National Luchvaartlaboratorium, Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- National Physical Laboratory, International Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690 ; Measuring Pitch Errors of Screws to High Accuracy, 846 ; Open Days, 934 ; Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, 1069 ; Spur and Helical Gears, 602 ; Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel-Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, 729
- National Production Advisory Council for Industry, Export Requirements, 915 ; Is the M.T.T.A. Touchy ?, 211 ; Reports on Machine Tools, 232 ; Wages, Hours and Costs, 274
- National Research Council, Co-operative Electrical Research, 552
- ) refer to paragraphs
- Administra- Mechanical
- Automatic and Opera-
- Ventilation of
- and Helical
- Corporation,
- National Smelting Company, Ltd., Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355
- National Union of General and Municipal Workers, Shipyard Labourers’ Wages, 1081
- National Union of Mineworkers, Coal — The More Distant Prospect, 764
- National Union of Railwaymen, Railway Wages, 109, 119, 209
- Natural Rubber Development Board, Rubber at the Science Museum, 247 ; Use of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 314
- Naval Research Laboratory, Internationa'. Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690
- Neal, R. H., and Co., Ltd., Self-Propelled Diesel-Mechanical Crane, 739
- Neckar Water Softener Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Instrumented Water Treatment at Willington “A” Power Station, 692
- Nederlandsch-Amerikaansche Stoomvaart Maat- schappi, Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449
- Nederlandsche Instrumentenfabriek “Nonius”, N.V., Noiseless Blowpipe, 544
- Neill, James, and Co. (Sheffield), Ltd., “Eclipse” High Speed Steel Hacksaw Blades with Hacksaw Frames and Special Saws, 965 ; No. 66 General Purpose Saw, 965
- Nelson, Lord, of Stafford,
- Research, 432
- Nervi, Pier Luigi, Exhibition fessor Nervi, 574
- Nervi, P. L., Palazzo dello
- 1.1.60) ; The Work of P. L. Nervi, 665
- Neville, J. C., Ltd., Automatic Tube-Cutting and Screwing Machine, 544
- New Industrial Charting and Publicity, Ltd., Work Loading or Programming Chart^ 358
- New York Naval Shipyard, Aircraft “Independence”, 75
- Newall Engineering Company, Ltd., Wheel Grinding Machine, 1049 ; matic” Jig Borer, (Plate 15, 1.1.60) ; matic 2657” Jig Boring Machine, 1050
- Newall Group Sales, Ltd., Plunge-Cut Cylindrical-Grinding Machine, 943
- Newberry and Wyatt, Railway Research Laboratory, 479
- Newhouse, F., I.C.E. “General Conditions of Contract”, 224 ; “Re-Appraisal” of Brunel, (Plate 16, 8.1,60)
- Newman, F, H,, Heat Recovery, 824
- Newman Industries, Ltd,, “Inverted” Induction Motor, 600 ; Newly Developed Brake Motor, 963 ; Water-Cooled Flameproof Motor for Mining Services, 600
- Newport News Shipbuilding and Dry Dock Company, First Nuclear Powered Aircraft Carrier “Enterprise”, 46
- Newsome, J. P., The Surface Probe Method for Resistivity and Other Measurements, 511
- Newton Chambers and Co,, Ltd,, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Rail Transporter for Motor Cars, (752) ; Redfyre Oil-Fired Corner Tube and “Centramake 50”, 785 ;
- stressed Concrete Beams, 67
- Newton, R, N,, Standard Model Admiralty Experiment Works, Turning and Manoeuvring Trials, 683
- Nickols, L, W,, Measuring Pitch Errors of Screws to High Accuracy, 846
- Nielsen, H., of Son Maskinfabrik A/S., Asphalt Drying and Mixing Plant, 202
- Niemeyer, Brasilia, 394
- Nife Batteries, Ltd,, Switchgear Battery Unit with Controlled Charging, 749
- Nitroglycerin A,B,, Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699
- Nixon, R. A,, Eliminating Rotation Errors from Pump Head Measurements, 711
- Nock, O. S,, “Merchant Navy” Locomotives : Performance and Efficiency Tests on Southern Region, 975
- Nomura, S,, Rolling Aluminium Foil, 776 Non-Corrosive Metal Products, Ltd., Light Alloy Gangway, 747
- Nonius, Ltd., Noiseless Blowpipe, 544
- Norfolk County Council, Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia, 66
- Norman and Dawbarn, B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076
- Norris Hydraulic Laboratory, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 666
- Norris Brothers, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- North American Aviation, Incorporated, Automatic Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine, 800 ; Hallam Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska, 320 ; Internal Combustion Engines, (Plate 12, 8,1,60) ; “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear Reactor, 372 ; Supersonic Aerodynes, (Plate 13, 8,1.60)
- North British Locomotive Company, Ltd., British Railways A.C. Locomotives, 783
- North-Eastern Region of British Railways, Modified Type 2 Locomotives, 192
- North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Highland Water Power, 477
- North Thames Gas Board, " "
- Grade Coal, 984
- North-Western Gas Board, Development, 312 ; Radio vision Tube Factory, 390
- Northern Aluminium Company, Ltd., Aluminium Aircraft Hangar, 878 ; “Noral” Aluminium Busbar, 562 ; Prototype Coils in Aluminium Foil for 50kVA, ll,000/433V, Three-Phase, Oil-Immersed Distribution Transformer, 562 ; “Solidal” Plastics- Insulated Aluminium Cable, 562
- Northern Cable and Wire Works, A/S, Laying of 170kV Submarine Cable in Denmark, 279
- Northern Ireland Development Council, Suppt. 3, 17.6.60
- Northern Petroleum Tank Steamship Company, Ltd., Tanker “Eskfield”, 89
- Northrop Aircraft Inc., Supersonic Aerodynes, (Plate 13, 8.1.60)
- Northumberland County Council, South-East Northumberland, 961
- Norton Tool Company, Ltd., High-Speed Press Roll Feed, 143
- Nuclear Development Corporation, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Management of
- of Work by Pro
- Sport, (Plate 16,
- Carrier
- Multi- “Space- “Space-
- Steam Boiler
- 34-Ton Pre-
- Technique at Haslar, 609 ;
- Gas from Low-
- Gas Industry’s Valve and Tele
- Nuclear Power Group, Nuclear Propulsion of Ships, 232
- Nuclear Power Plant Company, Ltd., Bradwell Power Station, (Plate 4, 1.1.60) ; Merger with A.E.I.-John Thompson Company, 12
- Nuclear Research Centre, Institute for Nuclear Fusion, 877
- Nuovo Pignone, Latina Nuclear Power Station, 15
- Nuttall, Edmund, Sons and Co. (London), Ltd., Experimental Underground Tunnel,
- 267
- Q.E.E.C. European Productivity Legislation On Restrictive Business 1081
- Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tandem Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators, 412
- Oerlikon Engineering Company, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Oil Well Engineering Company, Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Old, William, Ltd., Hook Road Underpass, 301 Oldham and Son, Ltd., ~
- Chargers, 872
- Oleodotti Internazionali, Project, 70
- Olin Gas Transmission minium Pipeline for Natural Gas, 548
- Optical Measuring Tools, Ltd., Electronically- Controlled Rotary Machine Table, 29 ; 30-in. Automatic Indexing Table, 1055
- Optical-Mechanical (Instruments), Ltd., Binocular Magnifier, 578 ; Precision Measuring Equipment, 319
- Orenstein-Koppel und Liibecker Maschinenbau Aktiengesellschaft, 1.5 Cubic Metre Dumper, 1029
- Orient Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment for S.S. “Oriana”, 781
- Ottensener Eisenwerke A.G., Prestressed Concrete Dock Gate, 72
- Otter, J. R. H., Tidal Flow Computations, 177, 232
- Otto, Dr. C., and Co., Gas from Low-Grade Coal, 984
- Ove Arup and Partners, Model of Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge Over the Ankobra River, Ghana, 1058
- Overseas Aviation, Ltd., Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Overseas Dredging Company, Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Owen Organisation, “Conveyancer” Battery Electric Fork Truck, 962
- Oxford University, Industry in Rural Areas, 83 Ozonair Engineering Company, Ltd., matically-Controlled Air Supply Valve,
- Agency, Practices,
- 12 MeV
- Traction Battery
- Alpine Pipeline
- Cornoration, Alu-
- Pneu-
- 534
- Liner
- P. and O. Company, Launch of P. and O. “Canberra”, 507
- P. and O. Steam Navigation Company, Passenger Liner “Canberra”, (Plate 7, 8.1.60)
- Pacific Gas and Electric Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954 ; Potential Power Sources, 282
- Pacific Steam Navigation Company, Liner “Somers Isle”, 25
- Palfrey, William, Ltd., Royal Marine Barracks and Naval Gunwharf at Chatham, 10
- Palm Line, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Ibadan Palm”, 24
- Pan-Malayan Department of Telecommunications, Trunk Telephone Network, (Plate 12, 1.1.60)
- Pangborn Corporation, Vibratory Finishing Machines, 747
- Pantak, Ltd., Portable X-Ray Unit, 440
- Pantin, W, C., Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Parker, R. C., Automobile Braking, 498
- Parker, R. J., Resistance to Deformation of Aluminium and Sorne Aluminium Alloys, 776 Parkinson,
- Burring Machine for Gear Teeth, Vertical Milling Machine with Swivel Head, 1055
- Parkinson, Sir Lindsay, and Co., Ltd., Lancaster By-Pass Motorway, 648 ; Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- Parmee, J. L., Preparation of High Purity Single Crystal Silicon, 979
- Parrott, A. J., Obituary, 160
- Parsons, Brinckerhoff, Quade and Douglas, Scheme for an Immersed Tube, 719
- Parsons, C. A., and Co., Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Generating Sets, (Plate 6, 8.1.60) ; Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Large Plano- Milling Machine, 166 : Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626
- Parsons and Marine Engineering Turbine Research and Development Association, Integrating Power Meter, 481
- Patchen, Mingledorff and Williams, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- Paterson Engineering Company, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Pauling and Co. (Overseas), Ltd., Reclamation of Black Bush Polder, 1016
- Pavillard, Marcel, Side-Board Latch, 582 Pearson Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Combined Press Brake and Shearing Machine, 615
- Pearson, T. B., and Sons, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Feejies, Bruce, and Co., Ltd., Electronic Pipe Finder, 442
- Peerman Hutton, Stanley, The Prediction of Venturimeter Coefficients and their Variation with Roughness and Age, 711
- Pegson, Ltd., Centrifugal Pumps, 575
- Pelapone, Ltd., Power Ramfner, 575
- Peninsular and Oriental Steam Navigation Co., Marine V.H.F. Installations, 535
- Pergamon Press, Ltd., New Electronics Journal, (794)
- Ltd.,
- J., and Son (Shipley), Ltd., De-
- - ? iQjy .
- Perk ms Engines, Ltd., “Four 99” Engine, 965 “P4/203” Diesel Engine, 965
- Perkins, Ltd., “Mars” Gas Turbine Pump, 130 New 5-Litre Diesel Engine, 129
- Permutit " - .
- Control
- 226
- Petroleum tion in Oil Wall Map, (31)
- Petters, Ltd., 950 R.M.R., 23 C.V.R.M.R. and the A.S.2 R.M.R. Engines, 131
- Philadelphia Electric Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954, 993
- Philco Corporation, Transportable Digital Computer, 694
- Phillip and Son, Ltd., Tug “Sun XXI”, (Plate 10, 8,1.60); Twin-Screw Lighthouse Tender “Atlanta”, 90
- Philips Electrical, Ltd., Radio Factory Extensions, 616
- Phillips, CERN Phoenix Timber
- Machine, 907
- Piacentini, M.,
- 1, 1.60)
- Pinin Farina, Hard-Top Convertible, Coupe, 541 Pioneer Oilsealing and Moulding Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Pirelli-General Cable Works, Ltd,, Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26
- Plessey Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Aircraft Constant-Speed Alternators, 656 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Reversible Gear- Type Hydraulic Motor with a High Starting Torque, 743 ; Telemetry System, 1024
- Flint and Partners, Ltd., Profiled Leaves for Laminated Springs, 108
- Plowman, J, M., Measuring the Workability of Concrete, 1007
- Plowright Brothers, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Polish Salvage Company, Rescue and Salvage Tug “Jantar”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Pollard Bearings, Ltd., “Self-Lube”, Self- Lubricating, Self-Sealing, Self-Aligning Ball Bearing Pillow Blocks and Bearings, 742
- Pollock Brothers (London), Ltd., Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Porsche, F., K.-G,, Engine with Wido Installation, 623
- Port of London Authority, Large Dockside Shed, 613 ; Port of London, 1010
- Potash Company, A Leakage Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, 945
- Potter Rax, Ltd., Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Potts, C. J,, Noise Abatement, 96
- Poultney, E. C., Locomotive Coal Trials, 462 ; “Triples” Locomotives, 262
- Powell Duffryn Engineering Company, Ltd,, “Dempster-Dumpster” Mechanised Equipment for Handling Bulk Materials, 742
- Powell, R. W,, Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel-Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, 729
- Power Authority of the State of New York, Lewiston Generating Station, 1 1
- Power Flexible Tubing Company, Ltd.,
- Speed Record Contender, 886
- Prain, Sir Ronald, Mineral Resources
- Metal Reserves, 611
- Precision Electrical Products (Stockport), Self-Priming Pump, (31)
- Precision Mecanique Labinal, Aircraft stant-Speed Alternators, 656
- Press, William, and Sons, Ltd,, Fuel to London Airport, 396
- Pressed Steel_ Company, Road-Rail Vehicle,
- Prestressed
- Medway
- 1076
- Priestman
- Locomotives, 229
- Prigmore, B. John, Traffic Planning and Tramways, 1064
- Printerhall, Ltd., Traffic Engineering Journal, (752)
- Process and Product Development Department, Silicones Plant Developments at Barry, 940
- Procter, A, N., Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, 676, 1014
- Procter, E,, Use of Resistance Strain Gauges, 527
- Product Development Group, Silicones Plant Developments at Barry, 940
- Production-Engineering, Ltd., Course for Sys- tems-Analysts, 575
- Public Works Department of Malaya, Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam in Malays, 472
- Public Works Loans Board, Spare Capacity in Civil Engineering, 832
- Puerto Rico Water Resources Authority, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954
- Pugsley, Sir Alfred, The Crumpling of Tubular Structures under Impact Conditions, 946
- Pulsometer Engineering Company, Ltd,, Pump Motor for Transformer Cooling Oil, 561
- Pye, Ltd,, B.B,C, Television Centre, 1076 ; Industrial Television Camera with Stereoscopic Attachment, 908 ; Joystick Control Switches, 104 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Oil-Cooled, Moving-Coil Vibrator, 908 ; “Soniscope” Electronic Stethoscope, 908 ; “Streamline 5” Television Transmitters (Plate 12, 1.1,60) ; World’s Largest Television Studio, 983
- Pye, Sir David R., Obituary, 330
- Pye Telecommunications, Ltd., An American First in Space, 456 ; Radio Telephones on Trains, 306
- Pye, W. G., and
- Effecting Positive Pyrene Company,
- Contender, 886
- Queen’s University, Engineering Studies, Suppt,
- 7, 17.6.60
- Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler at Little Barford “B” Power Station,
- Information Bureau, Oil Consump- 1959, 751 ; Oil Consumption, 1025 ;
- Proton Synchrotron, 315 Company, Ltd., Timber Sorting
- Palazzo dello Sport, (Plate 16,
- Land
- and
- Ltd.,
- Con-
- Pipelines
- Freight
- 142
- Concrete Development
- River Bridge on the Proposed M.2,
- Group,
- Brothers, Some Early Oil-Engined
- Co., Ltd., Rotary Burette Displacement of Fluid, 135 Ltd., Land Speed Record
- Q.V.F., Ltd., Demonstration of Flow Transition,
- 308 ; Largest All-Glass Condenser, 965 ; Two
- All-Glass Pumps, 440
- R.I.L.E.M., Symposium on Grouting Prestressed Concrete, (486)
- R.J.C. Motors and Marine Engineers, Ltd., G.M. Diesel Engines, 130
- Racal Instruments, Ltd., Capacitive Transducer System, 532
- Racall Engineering, Ltd., Radio Engineering Anniversary, 941
- R,ade Koncar, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Radiant-Heating, Ltd., “Mastertherm” Continuous Core Oven, 395
- Radio and Electronic Components Manufacturers’ Federation, Electronic Components Exports, 751 ; Electronics Industry Council, 478
- Radio Corporation of America, Auxiliary Power for Rockets, 154 ; Data Processing for Business, 840
- Radio Industry Council, Electronics Industry Council, 478
- Radio Spectroscopy Group, Solid State Microwave Amplifiers, 195
- Radio Trades Examination Board, Report, 191 Railway Executive Committee, The Great Western Railway and Its Personnel, 634
- Randall, James H., and Son, Ltd., Exhibition of Storage Equipment,
- Rank-XeroX, Ltd., Drawing Office, 65
- Ransley, C. E., The minium-Magnesium Alloys by Sodium, 776
- Ransome and Maries Bearing Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Ransomes and Rapier, Ltd., Mobile Crane with 30ft. Strut Jib, 739
- Rawcliffe, G. H., Two-Speed Electric Motor with a Single Stator Winding, 788, 866
- Raybestos-Manhattan Inc., Belt Drives, 482 Raymon, F. H., Electric Road Transport, 193 Rea, F. E. A., Quick Starting of 34MW TurboAlternator at Stepney, 521
- Redheugh De Poray Boilers, Ltd., Vertical Water-Tube Boiler, 823
- Redifon, Ltd., Coast Station Radio Receivers, 616 ; Marine V.H.F. Installations, 535 ; Ship’s Radiotelephone Service, 271 ; Telep- hony/Teleprinter Converter, 644
- Reed and Mallik, Ltd., Hobart ~ ~
- mania, 102 ; Parramatta River
- South Wales, 641 ; Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690
- Reed Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Controlled Creep Speed Drive for Cranes, 238
- Reed Paper Group, Rubber-Tyred Travelling Crane, 771
- Reekie, David, and Sons, Ltd., Portable Flange Facing and Turning Machines, 310
- Reeves, George, and Sons, Ltd., Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, 268
- Regent Oil Company, Ltd,, Oil Terminal at Cardiff, 358
- Regie Nationale des Usines Renault, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Reich, Karl M., Maschinenfabrik, “Holzher Model NB-7/8” Pneumatic Hand Nailing Equipment, 796 ; Panel Saw, 543
- Reinecker, J. E., Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., Backing-off Machine, 409
- Renault, Ltd., “Dauphine”, 63
- Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Design for a Bored Tunnel, 718 ; Heads of the Valleys Road, 234 ; Nasiriyah Road Bridge, (Plate 13,
- 1.1.60) ; Proposals for a Thames Flood Barrier, 430 ; Tanker Terminals, (Plate 5,
- 8.1.60) ; Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612
- Renold Chains, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Range of Transmission Chains Accompanied by A.P.I. Chains for Oilfield Applications, 962
- Research and Control Instruments, Ltd., D.C. Microvoltmeter, 483 ; Low-Filtration X-Ray Tube, 281 ; Thermocouple Wires, 479
- Research Reactors Division, Harwell, 477 Reveirs, George, An End for an Honoured Name, 843
- Revo Electric Company, Ltd,, Home Workshop Power Equipment, (31)
- Reyrolle, A., and Co,, Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Collaboration on Power Plant Research, 695 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Rheinisch-Westfalisches Elektrizitatswerk A.G., Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624
- Rheinische Olefinwerke G.m.b.H., No. II Ethylene Plant, 70
- Rheinische Stahlwerke, Large Turbine Gear Wheel for a 77,000-Ton Tanker, 835
- Rheinstahl Eisenwerke Gelsenkirchen A.G., Continuously — Cast Pipes, 835
- Rheinstahl Hamburg G.m.b.H., Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Rheinstahl Hanomag A.G., “K65” Loader
- Equipped with a Side-Tipping Bucker, 83^
- Rheinstahl Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf “Seag” Road Transporter, 835
- Rheinstahl-Union Briickenbau A.G., struction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Ribble Navigation and Preston Docks Twin-Screw Tug “Charles Hearn”, (Plate 10,
- 8.1.60)
- Richard Ironworks, Ltd., Distant and Near Water Trawlers, 864
- Richards and Ross, Ltd., Vacuum Testing of Tube Elements for Steam-Raising Units, 732
- Richards Structural Steel Company, Ltd., Motorised Drum Suitable for Conveyor and Elevator Drives, 740
- Richardson, P. D., Vector Dimensional Analysis, 866
- Richardsons Westgarth (Hartlepool), Ltd., Blast-Furnace Gas Turbo-Alternator, 398
- Ridehalgh, H., I.C.E. Awards, 786
- Riley, J. E., Some Experiences in Cold Rolling Thin Alloy Strip, 776
- River Dove Water Board, Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, 749
- 829
- Automatic Printer for
- Embrittlement of Alu-
- Bridge, Tas- Bridge, New
- A.G.,
- Recon-
- Board,
- Road Research Laboratory, Automobile Braking, 498 ; Direction Signs for Motorways, 813 ; Hook Road Underpass, 301 ; Road Signal Control, 496 ; Safety in Industry and on the Road, 959 ; The Road Programme and National Prosperity, 1036 ; The Status of Traffic Engineering, 803
- Robb, Henry, Ltd., Cargo Carrier, “Macaulay”, (Plate 9, 8.1.60) ; Motor Grab Dredger
- “Cresswell”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60); Twin-Screw Tug “Charles Hearn”, (Plate 10, 8.1.60)
- Roberts, W. J., and Sons, Ltd., Lightweight Fire Protection
- Robertson, Sir Centre, 1076
- Robertson, W. H. A., and Co., Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Robinson, F. J., Automatic Radio Triangulation System, 639
- Robinson, L., and Company (Gillingham), Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Robinson, Thomas, and Son, Ltd., Electrically- Controlled Electro-Pneumatic Diverter Valve, 740 ; Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, 1060
- Robson, A. E., British Railways’ Experience with Light Alloy Diesel Railcars, 946
- Rockweld, Ltd., Tank Seam Welding Machine, 871
- Rockwell Machine Tool Company, Ltd., ABA- Werk Jig Boring Machine, 1050 ; Bar Cut-Off Machines, 370 ; Programme-Controlled Milling Machines, 319
- Rocol, Ltd., Display of Special Lubricants, 965 Rolex Watch Corporation, Recovery of Watches Bearing Strontium-90, 492
- Rolls-Royce, Ltd., By-Pass Engines, 142 ; By- Pass Turbo-Jet, (31) ; Production as a Career, 708 ; Turbo-Charged Engine of 300-b.h.p. Adapted for 73-ft. Trawlers, 130
- “Roompot”, The Channel Crossing, 1064 Rootes, Brian, The Driving Need, 827
- Rootes Group, “Routevendor” Mobile Shops, 964
- Rootes, Ltd., Vehicle Servicing Depot, 575
- Rose Brothers, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Rosen, Edward E,, and Co., Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, 1020
- Ross, Donald, and Partners, Ltd., Barge Manipulator, 534
- Roto-Finish, Ltd., Small Batch Barrelling Machine, 398
- Rotterdam Drydock Company, Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449
- Rover Company, Ltd., Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 766
- Royal Air Force, Mobile Landmark Beacon, 65 Royal Aircraft Establishment, Transportable Digital Computer, 694
- Royal Dutch/Shell Group, Conversion of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, 1024
- Royal Greenwich Observatory, International Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690
- Royal McBee Corporation, Office Electronic Computer, 235
- Royal Military College of Science, Military Science, 970
- Royal Radar Establishment, New Electronics Journal, (794)
- Royal School of Mines, Metals, Abstracts and Books, 565
- Royal Swedish Board of Telecommunications, Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021
- Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled_ Reactor at WindscaJe, 1002 ; Heavy Duty 962 ; Land Rudkin
- Ruhrstahl A.G., Automatic Tube-Cutting and Screwing Machine, 544 ; Large Turbine Gear Wheel for a 77,000-Ton Tanker, 835
- Rummel, Roman, Gas from Low-Grade Coal, 984
- Russell, C. R., Beam-Type Parametric Amplifiers : Some Aspects of their Design and Use, 234
- Russell Constructions, Ltd., Container Raising and Tipping Machine, 145
- Russell, John Scott, Centenary of Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 141
- Russell, S., and Sons, Ltd., Air-Operated Bar Feed Mechanism, 29 ; Automatic Cold Sawing Machine, 1053 ; Horizontal Cold Circular Sawing Machine, 1053
- Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., “AT” Diesel Engines, 59 ; Diesel-Hydraulic Shunting Locomotive, 871 ; Fuel Injection Pump for Ruston “AT” Engines, 401 ; Head Readings, 714 ; Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 710
- Rutherford Laboratory, Research, 13
- Ryley, Denis J., Temperature Recovery Factors in Steam, 903
- Rymatic Engineering Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- for Structural Steel, 143 Floward, B.B.C. Television
- Trailer and a Shorrock Supercharger, Isotope Research Laboratories, 895 ; Speed Record Contender, 886 and Riley, Ltd., Grinding Machine, 658
- S.P.E. Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Sadler, R. E„ I.C.E. Awards, 786
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report, 792
- Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., GammaRay Level Indicator Equipment, 136 ; MultiRange Test Sets, 1079 ; New Series of MultiRange Test Sets Including a Pocket-Size Unit, the “Minitest”, 854
- Salter, Geo., and Co., Ltd., Birmingham Firm’s Bicentenary, 680
- Salveson, Chr., and Co., Quick-Freeze Fish Factory Trawler “Fairtry 11”, 90
- Salon Internationale de I’Aeronautique, Short Take-Ott’ and Landing Aircraft, 241
- Salzgitter Maschinen, Aktiengesellschaft, “HL 290/R” Shovel Loader ; “SG 750” Mobile Rotary Drill, 488
- Sarnes, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Samuely, Felix J., and Partners, Concrete- Framed Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439
- Sandvik Steelworks, Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699
- Sandvik Steel Works Co., Extrusion Tube Mill, 953 ; Tool Tips and Holders, 273
- Sandvik Swedish Steels, Ltd.,
- Tool Tips and Holders, 273
- Sankey, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Works Rebuilding and Modernisation Scheme, 168
- Sartorius-Werke A.G., “Electrono” Electronic Micro-Balance, 834
- Saunders-Roe, Ltd., Design Study for Proposed Submarine “Moby Dick”, 1058 ; “Hovercraft”, 930 ; “Hovercraft” S.R.N.L, 129, (Plate 1, 1.1.60); “Medina” 7J-h.p. Water Cooled Two-Stroke Outboard Motor, 129
- Saunders-Roe Structures, Ltd., Bridge Handrail in Light Alloy, 1080
- Saunders Valve Company, Ltd., Diaphragm Valves, (275)
- Saunders, W. H., Automatic Voltage Regulators Incorporating Magnetic Amplifiers, 559
- Savage and Parsons, Ltd., Cable Racking System, 396
- Saxton Nuclear Experimental Corporation, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954
- Scammell Lorries, Ltd., High-Speed Grit Laying, 399
- Scan-Technic, Soot Gun, 1029
- Schiess A.G., Semi-Automatic Turning Machine, 585
- Schloemann Aktiengesellschaft, Automatic Bundling of Bars, 409
- Schmitter, G., < ~
- Scholefield, H.
- Rolling Thin Scholten, C. G.
- System, 639 Schweizerische
- Gesellschaft, Transport and Communications Museum, 697
- Sciaky Brothers, Incorporated, Automatic Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine, 800
- Sciaky Electric Welding Machines, Ltd., Synchronous Digital . - - _.
- Spot Welder, 947
- Science Museum,
- Museum, 632 ;
- Rubber at the Science Museum, 247
- Scientific Furnishings, Ltd., Flow Recorder Cone-and-Plate Viscometer, 748
- Scott, J., and Co., Ltd., Lighting Aids Brain Surgery, 942
- Scott, Kenneth, Associates, High-Power Broadcast Station for Ghana, 27
- Scott, Laurence, and Electromotors, Ltd., Plotting Tables, 559
- Scott, P. A., The Reclamation and Irrigation of Black Bush Polder in British Guiana, 1016
- Scott and Wilson, Kirkpatrick and Partners, 984 ; B.E.A.’s Maintenance Base at London Airport, 912 ; Ross Spur Motorway, 84 ; The “Shell” Centre, 94
- Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Lord Gladstone”, (Plate 10,
- 1.1.60) ; Oil Tanker “British Swift”, 89 ; “Queda” of 19,000 Tons Deadweight, 60
- Scottish Gas Board, Coal and the Gas Industry, 948 ; Gasification Plant at Westfield, (Plate 4,
- 8.1.60)
- Scottish Home Department, Patrol Vessel “Norna”, 90
- Scottish Ore Carriers, Ltd., Ore Carrier “Morar”, 89
- Scottish Region of British Railways, Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26
- Seaborg, Glenn. T., Enrico Fermi Award, 206 Select Committees on Estimates, The Civil
- Engineer in Overseas Territories, 1000 Selleck, L., Engineers’ Salaries, 972 Selson Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Kamenicek
- Semi-Automatic Internal Grinding Machine, 1046
- Semi-conductors, Ltd., Transportable Digital Computer, 694
- Sendzimir, T., Continuous Galvanising Plant at August Thyssen-Hiitte, 11 I
- Seneca Oil Company, Oil “ Serpell, C. A., Recent
- Current Practice in a ment, 870
- Servomex Controls, Ltd.,
- Field Plotter, 854
- Sharman, F. A., The Reclamation and Irrigation of Black Bush Polder in British Guiana, 1016 Shearer, D. A., Wind Tunnel Tests on Ship Models, 308
- Sheepbridge Equipment, Ltd., trolled Fork Lift Truck, 741 Sheffield Smelting Company,
- Bicentenaries, 938
- Shell Group, Pipelines, 70 Shell International Petroleum
- Drilling for Oil, (752) ; Mobile Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Shell-Mex and B.P., Ltd., Film, “The Advancing Flame”, 785 ; Fuel Distribution Installation, 743 ; Fuel Pipelines to London Airport, 396
- Shell Research, Ltd., Corrosion in Cast-Iron,
- 745 ; Special Automotive Lubricants, 309 Shell Trinidad, Ltd., Coastal Tanker “Point
- Fortin”, 89
- Shelton Iron and Steel, Ltd., Blast-Furnace-Gas Turbo-Alternator, 398
- Shepcote Lane Rolling Mills, Ltd., Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless Steels, 359 ; A Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633
- Shepheard, Sir Victor G., The Prediction of Ship Performance from Model Tests ; The Nature of the Problem, 683
- Sheppard, G. A. R., Augmentation of the Water Supply of Hong Kong 1059
- Ship and Boat Builders’ National Federation, National Boat Show, 27
- Ship Hydrodynamics Laboratory, Centenary of
- Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 141 Shipbuilding Employers’ Federation, Apprentices’ Wage Claim, 873, 1081 ; Shipbuilding Wages and Hours, 239 ; Shipyard Hours, 274, 402 ; Shipyard Labourers’ Wages, 1081 Short Brothers and Harland, Ltd., Aviation
- Mergers, 81 ; Belfast Harbour, Suppt. 4, 17.6.60 ; Computer Amplifier, 576 ; Full- Scale Model of a “Sea Cat” Missile Launcher, 559 ; Main Works at Queen’s Island, Suppt. 13, 17.6.60 ; Transition to Jet Lift, 658
- Ltd., Sandviken
- ; “Throw-Away”
- “Throw-Away”
- CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 H., Some Experiences in Cold Alloy Strip, 776
- . H., “Satco” Air Traffic Control
- Verkehrswissenschaftliche
- Control of Four-Channel
- Director of the Science Rocket Astronomy, 197 ;
- for
- for
- Developments, 70
- Developments and Distribution Depart-
- Resistance Analogue
- Pedestrian Con-
- Ltd., Sheffield
- Company, Ltd.,
- Siemens Edison Swan, Ltd., Kariba Power Scheme, 806 ; Register Equipment, (Plate 12, 1.1.60)
- Siemens and General Electric Railway and Signal Company Ltd., Road Signal Control, 496
- Siemens and Halske Aktiengesellschaft, AudioFrequency Operated Selector Switch, 797 ; Core of “Argonaut” Reactor Without Shield or Water System, 796 ; Lisbon Underground Railway, 99 ; Protective Relay for Fault Currents, 797 ; “Simatic” Speed Control, 797 ; Spot Welding Machine With “Simatic” Ignition Control, 797
- Siemens-Reiniger-Werke A.G., Mobile Industrial Betatron, 151
- Siemens-Schuckertwerke Aktiengesellschaft, Audio-Frequency Operated Selector Switch, 797 ; Automatic Compensation of Reactive Current, 318 ; CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Core of “Argonaut” Reactor Without Shield or Water System, 796 ; Fault Current Protection, 1084 ; High-Power Xenon Lamp, 1085 ; Lisbon Underground Railway, 99 ; Luminous Traffic Policemen, 73 ; New Electronics Journal, (794) ; Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029 ; (SSW), Prestressed Concrete Dock Gate, 72 ; Protective Relay for Fault Currents, 797 ; Schwarzach Power Station, 404 ; “Simatic” Speed Control, 797 ; Spot Welding Machine With “Simatic” Ignition Control, 797
- Simmering-Graz-Pauker, A,G., Heavy Diesel Shunting Engine, 917
- Simmonds Aerocessories, Ltd,, Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Simmonds, L, E,, Ltd,, Heavy-Duty Relay, 484 Simmons, W, J,, Sons and Cooke, Ltd,, Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Simon-Carves, Ltd., Coke Oven Battery for Durgapur Steel Plant, 18 ; Durgapur Steel Works, 55 ; Electro-Precipitator, 823 ; Gas from Low-Grade Coal, 984 ; No, 1 Coke Oven for Durgapur Works in India, (Plate 3, 1,1.60) ; Progress at Durgapur, 772
- Simon, Henry, Ltd., Bin-Level Controller, 947 ; Low Capacity Powder Pump, 238
- Simons, William, and Co., Ltd., Quick-Freeze Fish Factory Trawler “Fairtry IL’, 90
- Sims, A. J., Warships 1860-1960, 898
- Sinex Engineering Company, Ltd., Combined Screen and Conveyor, 613 ; Vibratory Conveyor, (31)
- Skonska Cementgjuteriet, A.B., Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699 ; Construction of Tjorn Bridge, 148
- Small Electric Motors, Ltd.,
- Motor-Driven
- 600 ; Alter-
- Coolant Pump for Machine Tools, 250A, Single-Phase, 427 C/S Welding nator, 600
- Smalley, A. D., British Standard No. 1959, 388
- 3117 :
- Smart and Brown (Machine Tools) Ltd., Pipe Screwing Machine, 913
- Smethurst, G., Draw-Off Tower at Tryweryn Reservoir 399
- Smit, L., and Zoon, Pusher Tug “Olivier van Noort”, 33
- Smith-Clarke, G. T., Obituary, 378
- Smith, Daniel, Ltd., Rolling Mill for Roofing Sections, 1077
- Smith, “ Aids
- Smith,
- 383
- Smith,
- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Metropolitan Water Board ; New Works in 1959, 141
- Smith, Leonard, (Engineers), Ltd., Formaldehyde Plant at Oldbury, 308
- Smith, N. J., Displaying Tracks and Other Information on a P.P.I. Tube, 639
- Smith, R., (Horley), Ltd., Electrical Research Association, 787
- Smith, Thomas, and Co., Ltd., Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, 735
- Smith’s Delivery Vehicles, “Commuter” Vehicle, 964 ; “Routevendor” Mobile Shops, 964
- Smith’s Dock Company, Ltd., Improved Machine Shop Facilities, 935 ; “Malaja” of 19, 125 Tons Deadweight, 89 ; Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship “Goodwood”, 265 ; “San Ernesto” of 18,100 Tons Deadweight, 59 ; Trawler “Falstaff”, 90
- Smith’s Industrial Instruments Ltd., Blending of Fuel Oils at Ellesmere Port, 863 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Viscosity Controller, 619
- Smiths, Ltd., Mk. 22 Modified Altimeter, 854 Smollett, D., The Lamella Roof, 173
- Snow, Frederick S., and Partners, Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Snowy Mountains Hydro-Electric Authority, Snowy Mountains Diversion Tunnel, 988
- Soag Machine Tools, Ltd., Wotan Internal Grinding Machine, 1046
- Sociedades Reunidas de Fabricacies Metalicas Lda, Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Societa Adriatica di Electricita, Vaiont Dam, (Plate 7, 1.1.60)
- Societa per I’lndustria el’Elettricita S.p.A., Iron and Steel in Italy, 999
- Societa Italiana Acciaierie Cornigliano, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 ; Iron and Steel in Italy, 999
- Societe des Acieries de Pompey, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Socidte Alsacienne de Constructions Mecaniques, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Societd Anonyme des Automobiles Peugeot, 403 ; Engine, 542
- Societe Anonyme Fran^aise d’Etudes de Gestion et d’Entreprises, French Suspension Railway, 755
- Society Beige des Mecaniciens, Conference and Annual Meeting, 488
- Soci6te Concessionnaire du Chemin de Fer Sous-Marin Entre la France et I’Angleterre, 718
- Society d’Equipment Industrie! et de Labora- toire, Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Societe d’Etudes et d’Equipments d’Entreprises, Savines Bridge, 544
- Soci6te Fives-Lille, French Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Donald, Seymour and Rooley, Lighting for Brain Surgery, 942
- J. G., Junction Design on Motorways,
- John, (Keighley), Ltd., Advanced Gas-
- Figures in Brackets (
- Societe des Forges et Ateliers du Creusot (Usines Schneider) Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 ;
- 755
- Societe Generale et M6caniques Railway, 755
- Societe Generale Design for a Power Scheme,
- Societe Genevoise d’Instruments de Physique, Co-ordinate Spark Erosion Machine, 1052
- Societe Genevoise, Ltd., Optical Jig Boring and 1052 : 31|-in Diameter
- Dividing Table, 1052
- Societe des Grands Travaux de Savines Bridge, 544
- Socidte Grenobloise d’Etudes et d’Applications Hydrauliques, Karib^ Power Scheme, 806
- Societe des Mines
- Ore, 751
- Societe Nationale Channel Tunnel
- Societe Nouvelle d’Electronique, British Radar for Arlanda Airport, 73
- Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders, Ltd., Automotive Exports, 833
- Socoman Company, Prestressed Pipeline in South Africa, 200
- Solartron Electronic Group, Ltd., Automatic Warehouse Dispensing, 689 ; Chokeless Power Supply Sub-Units, 235 ; Clip-on D.C. Milliammeter, 136 ; Marine Radar Simulator, 1080 ; Miniaturisation of Electronic Equipment, 933 ; Portable DoubleBeam Oxcilloscope, 273
- Solartron-John Brown Automation, Ltd., Automatic Warehouse Dispensing, 689
- Solartron Radar Simulators, Ltd., Marine Radar Simulator, 1080
- Sommer, A. H., Lightweight Diesel Trains, 96 Sony Corporation, New Electronics Journal, (794) ; Travelling Wave Solid-State Amplifier Using Tunnel Diodes, 588
- Sorefama, Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Sothcott, P., Automatic Radio Triangulation System, 639
- Sound Diffusion (Auto-thermatic), Ltd., Gas Holder Supervision by Telephone, 790 ; Factory Fire Warning System, 196
- South African Council for Scientific and Industrial Research, Research in Aerodynamics, 989
- South African Iron and Steel Corporation, Track Improvements on S.A. Railways, 879 South African Railways, First Diesel Locomotive for S.W. Africa, 314 ; Large Load Carried by the South African Road Transport Service, 622 ; Track Improvements on S.A. Railways, 879 ; Track Recording Trolleys, 880 ; Use of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 3'
- South Durham Steel and Iron Ore, 751
- South of Scotland Electricity cross Nuclear Power Station, Nuclear Power Station, 140 ; Pressure-Vessel Lifting Operations at Hunterston, 360 ; Radiant Electric Heating for Stress Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, 830 ; Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437 ; 300MW Nuclear Power Station, 232 ; 300MW Station at Hunterston, (Plate 4, 1.1.60) ; Vacuum Testing of Tube Elements for Steam-Raising Units, 732
- South Shields Water Company, Derwent Reservoir, 266
- South Wales Transport Company, Ltd., Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- South-Western Electricity Board, Bristol Sidde- ley/E,C,C, 3MW, llkV, Turbine Generator Sets, 599
- Southern California Edison Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 993
- Southern Gas Board, Gas Holder Supervision by Telephone, 790
- Southern Region of British Railways, Car Ferry “Freshwater”, 90 ; First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267 ; Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674 ; Slade Green Collision Report, 234 Sovex, Ltd., Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment for S.S. “Oriana”, 781 ; Mechanised Parcels Sorting Office, 127
- Space Technology Laboratories, Equipment “Pioneer V”, 532
- Spaeter, Carl, G.m.b.H., Reconstruction Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Spax, Ltd., Adjustable Damper, 310
- Spear and Jackson, Ltd., Sheffield Bicentenaries,
- 938
- Speedex Castings and Accessories, Ltd., 95 c.c. Clinton Engine, 62
- Speediwarm, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Spence, K. A., and Partners, Fuel Pipelines to London Airport, 396
- Spencer-Bonecourt-Clarkson, Ltd., “Steambloc” Packaged Boiler, a Clarkson Bato/lOO Boiler, and a New Development in Waste Heat Recovery, 786
- Sperry Gyroscope Company, Ltd., Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449 ; Industrial Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 766 ; Magnetic Drums for Data Storage, 103 ; Visual Measurement During Precision Spool Grinding, 483 Spieser, R,, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Spinedi, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Square D, Ltd,, Joystick Controller, 66 Stafford, F, L,, Assessment of Economics Obtained with Lightweight Rolling Stock, 946 Stahlbau Eggers, Reconstruction of Norder- Elbe Bridge, 950
- Stainless Steel Pumps, Ltd., Small Rotary Pump, 537
- Standard Telephones and Cables, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258 ; Anglo-French Microwave Link, 909,
- 939 ; Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021 ; Electronic Telephone Exchange, 259 ; 500kW Silicon Rectifier Equipment, 560 ; Latest Form of “Stantec” Computing System, 933 ; Magnetic Drums for Data Storage, 103 ; New Range of Electron Components, and New Series of Quartz Crystal Filters, 933 ; 60-Circuit Submarine Telephone Repeater,
- French Suspension Railway,
- de Constructions Electriques Alsthom, French Suspension
- d’Exploitations Industrielles, Bored Tunnel, 718 ; Kariba 806
- “Hydroptic-6A'
- Milling
- Optical
- Machine, Circular
- Marseille,
- de Fer de Mauritanie, Iron
- des Chemins de Fer, The Report, 718
- ) refer to paragraphs
- 14
- Company, Iron
- Board, Chapel- 12 ; Hunterston
- of
- of
- 963 ; Small-Diameter Coaxial Cables, 560 ; STRAD Automatic Electronic Telegraph Relay System, 964 ; Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, 749 ; Transmitters for
- H. F. and L.F., (Plate 12, 1.1.60) ; Transportable Digital Computer, 694 ; Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassau, 196 ; Tunnel Diodes, 99
- Standardised Disinfectants Company, Ltd., A Method of Preserving Timber, (580)
- Stanton Ironworks Company, Ltd., Blast- Furnaces at Stanton, 533 ; New Ore Preparation Plant, (Plate 3, 1.1.60)
- Star Aluminium Co., Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Startrite Machine Tool Company, Ltd., Bandsawing Machine, 270
- State Dockyard, M.V. “Bass Trader”, 574
- Stead, J., and Co., Ltd., Hacksaw Blades, (486) ; Hand Tools, 534
- Steam Navigation Company, Ltd., TurboElectric Propulsion for the “Canberra”, 397 Steel Company of Wales, Ltd., Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679 ; Four-Stand Cold Reduction Mill, (Plate 2,
- I. 1.60) ; Iron Ore, 751 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 17 ; Steel Development Projects, 198 ; 2-Ton Mobile Bar-Turn Furnace Box- Charging Machine, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Steel Engineering Company, Ltd.,
- Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314 Steels Engineering Products, Ltd.,
- Cranes and the Recently Introduced nant” Wide Chassis Crane, 739 ; Container Handling Crane, 361
- Steel, Peech and Tozer, Ltd., Bar Mill Modernisation, 105 ; Electric Arc Steel-Making, 820 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18 ; Steel Works ExpansionJ^rojects, 745
- Steiger, R. “ -
- 315 Steinman, petition, , imjuo .x.wi unug'- “>•
- Pakistan, 104 ; Tagus Bridge, 1029 Stephen, Alexander, and Sons, Ltd., Cargo
- Liner “City of Melbourne”, (Plate 10, 1.1.60) ; Twelve-Cylinder Sulzer Mark R.S.A.D.76 Engine, 58
- Stephenson Clarke, Ltd., General Cargo Carrier “Storrington”, 88
- Stephenson, Robert, Britannia and Victoria Tubular Bridges, (Plate 16, 8.1.60)
- Sterndale, A. C., Locomotive Coal Trials, 866 Stewart, Duncan, and Co., Ltd., Beet Sugar Factories for U.S.S.R., 68
- Stewarts and Lloyds, Ltd., Advanced Gas- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18
- Stone, J., and Co. (Propellers) Ltd., Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 460
- Stone and Webster Engineering, Ltd., Phenol Plant at Grangemouth, 618
- Stordy Engineering, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Stork, N. V., Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661 Stothert and Pitt, Ltd., Level Luffing Jib Cranes, (Plate 14, 1.1.60) ; Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, 735
- Strabag Bau A.G., Kettig Viaduct, 242 Strachan and Henshaw, Ltd., Rubber-Tyred Travelling Crane, 771
- Strassenverwaltung Rheinland-Pfalz, Kettig Viaduct, 242
- Strub, R. A., Pump/Turbine Investigations, 343 Stuart Bros. Pty., Ltd., Parramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641
- Stubs Welding, Ltd., Electrodes, 825
- Sturtevant Engineering Company, Ltd., B.A.V.A. Fan, 823 ; High Temperature Textile Filter, 824
- Submarine Cables, Ltd., Armourless Lightweight Coaxial Cable, 964 ; 120-Circuit Submerged Repeater, 964
- Siiddeutsche Eisenbau G.m.b.H., Mangfall Bridge, 32
- Stiddl Aktiengesellschaft fiir Eroddlwirtschaft, Alpine Pipeline Project, 70
- Sudworth, J. F., Nylon Industrial Products in the E.F.T.A., 941
- Sulzer Bros. (London), Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford "B” Power Station, 226 ; First B.R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267
- Summers, John, and Sons, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18
- Summerson, Thomas, and Sons, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Sunrod, Ltd., Fully Packaged Boiler and Low- Water Safety Device for Steam Boilers, 786
- Supra Chemicals and Paints, Ltd., Sound Deadening Material for Sheet Metal Equipment, (69b)
- Surface Water Survey Centre, The Minister of Housing on Clean Rivers, 1076
- Surfard, Ltd., Automatic Spin Hardening Machine for Gears, 395
- Surrey County Council, Hook Road Underpass, 301
- Sutcliffe, Richard, Ltd., Conveyor Circuit and Multi-Blade Conveyor Belt Scraper, 740
- Sutcliffe, W. J., Limitations of the Collapse Method of Design, 514
- Svenska Rotor Maschiner A.B., A Critical Look at the Novikov Gear, 725
- Svitzer’s, Em. Z., Salvage Company, Laying of 170kV Submarine Cable in Denmark, 279
- Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Cargo Liner “Ibadan Palm”, 24 ; Cargo Ship “Eastern Trader”, 88 ; Ore Carrier “Bamburgh Castle”, 25 ; Shell Tanker “Varicella”, (Plate 9, 1.1.60) ; Tanker “El Lobo”, 57
- Swansea and Mumbles Railway Company, Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Swanson, S. A. V., Theory of Machines, 650 Swedish Department of Public Works, Construction of Tjorn Bridge, 148
- Swift, George, and Sons, Ltd., Heavy-Duty Lathe, 1048
- Swiss Federal Railways, Traction Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, 452 ; Transport Communications Museum, 697
- Swiss Locomotive Works, Transport Communications Museum, 697
- Switchgear and Cowans, Ltd., Advanced Cooled Reactors at Windscale, 1002
- World’s
- “Coles” “Domi-
- and P., CERN Proton Synchrotron,
- D. B., Annual Steel Bridge Com- 243 ; Indus River Bridge at Sukkur,
- and
- and
- Gas-
- Sydney University, Stellar Interferometer Under Construction, 137
- Sykes, W. E., Ltd., Horizontal Gear Generator Equipped with an Automatic Cycle, 1049 ; Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; “VlOB” Vertical Gear Generating Machine, 1049
- Sykes, W. R., Interlocking Signal Company, Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Symes, W. S., Hot Stretching of Nylon Cords, 941
- Syndicat des Industries de Pieces Detachees et Accessoires Radio61ectriques et Electroniques, Electronic Components Exhibition, 111
- Systems Engineering Group, Process Control Computer, 1023
- Talbot, D. E. J., The Embrittlement of Alu- minium-Magnesium Alloys by Sodium, 776
- Tanner, T., Full-Scale Tank Tests of an International 10 Square Metre Class Canoe, 688 ; The Geometry of Sailing to Windward, 688
- Tapco Group, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Tarmac Civil Engineering, Ltd., Anticlastic Shells in Concrete, 974 ; Ross Spur Motorway, 84 ; The Minister of Housing on Clean Rivers, 1076
- Tauernkraftwerke A.G., Schwarzach Power Station, 404
- Taylor, F., and Sons (Manchester), Ltd., Mobile Rock Drilling Rigs, 829
- Taylor, R., Dimensional Aspects of Lost Wax Investment Casting, 851
- Taylor, Sir Geoffrey, Award of the Kelvin Medal, 306
- Taylor Woodrow (Ghana), Ltd., Tema Sewer Outfall, 19
- Tecalemit, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Ribbon Filter Elements, 613
- Technical Studies Incorporated, The Channel Tunnel Report, 718
- Technological Irradiation Group, Isotope Research Laboratories, 895
- Telecommunications, Ltd., Radio, Telephone and Line Carrying Equipment, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Company, Ltd., Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021 ; Automatic Boilers, (486)
- Television Advisory Committee, Television Line Standards, 960
- Telfer, E. V., The Reconciliation of Model Data, Measured-Mile Results and Service Performance of Ships, 683
- Telling, A. C. V., Lightweight Fire Protection for Structural Steel, 143
- Tema Port Authority, Light Alloy Gangwav, 747
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626, 666, 700
- Tesa S.A., Dial Test Indicator, 452
- Texas Instruments, Ltd., Anticlastic Shells in Concrete, 974 ; First Commercially Available Solid Circuit Semi-Conductor Networks in this Country, 933
- Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Company, Ltd., Radio-Controlled Tugs, 309
- Thermalay, Ltd., Electrically-Heated Underlay, 599
- Thermotank, Ltd., Long Throw Louvres, 143 ; Multi-Channel Cooling Tower, 358 ; Royal Mail Liner “Amazon”, 138
- Thiokol Chemical Company, Auxiliary Power for Rockets, 154 ; Potential Power Sources, 282
- Thomas, J. R. M., Fairlie Locomotives, 604 Thomas, Richard, and Baldwins, Ltd., Iron Ore, 751 ; Steel Development Projects, 198
- Thompson, John, (Boilers), Ltd., Automatic Boiler Control, 559
- Thompson, John, Industrial Constructions, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Thompson, John, Ltd., Steam Raising Plant and Ancillary Equipment, 785
- Thompson, John, Ordnance Company, Ltd., Charge Face Machinery for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, 379
- Thompson, John, (Wilson Boilers), Ltd., “Multipac” and “Demipac” Package Boilers, 785
- Thompson, John, (Wolverhampton), Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Thompson-Kennicott, John, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- Thompson Ramo Wooldridge, Incorporated, American Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086
- Thomson, W. R., Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Thorn Electrical Industries, Ltd., Refinement for Dial Indicators, 135
- Thornton Research Centre, Corrosion in Cast- Iron, 745
- Thornton Research Centre of “Shell” Research, Ltd., Lubricant for Marine Reduction Gearing, 193
- Thornycroft, John L, and Co., Ltd., “Caris- brooke Castle” Ferry Boat, (Plate 9, 8.1.60) ; Last Southampton Paddle Steamer, 982 ; Mark RKRN 6 Diesel Engine of 125-h.p., at l6C0-r.p.m., 131 ; 28ft. 6in. Cabin Cruiser, 131
- Thorpe, E., Recent Developments in Vehicle- Actuated Traffic Signal Control, 478
- Thring, J. F., General Aspects of Design in Aluminium, 946
- Thwaites Engineering Company, Ltd., Side- Discharge Dumper for Concrete, 443
- Tilghman’s, Ltd., Air Compressor Set for Mine Stowage Operations, 619
- Timken Roller Bearing Company, Automatic Heat Treatment Installation, 1018
- Timms, C., Spur and Helical Gears, 602 Timoney, S. G., A Spark Compression-Ignition
- Engine, 899
- Tippetts-Abbett-McCarthy-Stratton, Hirfanl Hydro-Electric Scheme, 101
- Todd, F. H., Methods for Carrying out Ship Model Resistance and Propulsion Experiments, 683
- Toledo Woodhead Springs, Ltd., Profiled Leaves for Laminated Springs, 108
- Tolmon, F. R., High Precision Pneumatic Test Indicator, 466
- Torbay Steamers, Ltd., Last Southampton Paddle Steamer, 982
- Torno, Guiseppe, and C.S.p.A., Kariba Power Scheme, 806
- Torry Research Thermometer,
- Tottenham, H., Paraboloid Shells, 573
- Tower Iron Works Incorporated, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243
- Towler Brothers (Patents), Ltd., High-Speed, High-Pressure Hydraulic Pumping Set, 962 ; Industrial Value of D.S.l.R. Research, 766 ; Oil Hydraulics, 766
- Townson and Mercer, Ltd., Non-Ferrous Metal Classifier, 442
- Trade Effluents Sub-Committee, Cleaner Rivers Sooner, 157
- Trades Union Congress, Apprentice Training, 659 : Budget Representations, 402 ; Conference of Standards Engineers, 915 ; Industrial Training, 239 ; Railway Un-Settlement, 287 ; The F.B.L, the T.U.C., and the Chancellor, 377 ; T.U.C. and a Shorter Working Week, 30 ; Unofficial Strikes, 109
- Traffic Engineering Study Group, The Parking Problem, 603, 637 ; The Status of Traffic Engineering, 803
- Transport and General Workers’ Union, Shipyard Labourers’ Wages, 1081
- Treasury, British Construction Work Abroad, 68 ; Employment in the 1950s, 68
- Trent Maritime Company, Ltd., Cargo Ship “Duke of Sparta”, 87
- Tretol-Servicised, Ltd., Split Watersealing Device for Joints in Concrete, 537
- Triplex Safety Glass Company, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Tripp, G. W., Cross-Channel Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina”, 263 ; Last Southampton Paddle Steamer, 982
- Triumph Motor Co. (1945), Ltd., “Herald” Convertible, 541
- Trollope and Colls, Ltd., Fire-Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103
- Tschumi, Jean, I960 Reynolds Memorial Award, 664
- Tube Investments, Ltd., Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355 ; Tubes Ranging from 39-in. Inside Diameter Down to 0.001-in., 962
- Tube Turns, Incorporated, Aluminium Pipeline for Natural Gas, 548
- Tubewrights, Ltd., B.E.A.’s Maintenance Base at London Airport, 912 ; Large Dockside Shed, 613
- Tudor Engineering Company, Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Tudsbery, M. T., B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 Tufnol, Ltd., Industrial Films, 789
- Tunney Cranes, Ltd., 2-Ton Capacity Truck- Mounted Crane, 739
- Tunzini, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Tuplin, W. A., Routine Calculations, Surface Stresses in
- 182
- Turkish State Water Electric Scheme, 101
- Turner and Brown, Plant, 401 ; Fume Fan, 871
- Turner Brothers Asbestos Company, Ltd., Aluminised Asbestos Cloth, (752) ; Belt Drives, 482
- Turner, T. Henry, B.C.l.R.A. Journal, 1013 ; Bathing Beaches and Sewage, 132 ; Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, 565 ; Continuous Casting of Steel, 21 ; Copper Roofing, 1013 ; Extra Pure Silicon, 1012 ; Growth of Electric Furnace Steelmaking, 21 ; Growth of Oxygen Steelmaking, 21 ; Institute of Metals Spring Meeting, 387, 776 ; Institution of Metallurgists, 1012 ; Iron and Steel Metallurgy, 20 ; Links Between Engineers and Metallurgists, 776 ; Long Welded Rails, 605 ; Low-Alloy Steels, 564 ; Mainly Metallurgy, 20, 220, 386, 564, 776, 1012 ; Metals, Abstracts and Books, 565 ; Non-Ferrous Metals in Plating Zinc Alloy Die Castings, 1013 ; Professional Metallurgy, 20; Railway Rails, 386 ; Some Metallurgical Events of The Extrusion of Steel, 21 ; The Iron-Ore Situation in 1959, 20
- Turriff Construction Corporation, Ltd., Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Turton, J. S., Pressure Drop in a Duct with Heat Transfer, 902
- Tuxford Secondary Modern School, Industrial Films, 789
- Tye, R. P., Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel-Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, 729
- Laboratory, Resistance Spear
- 852
- The Analysis of Hyperbolic
- 388 :
- Spur and Helical Gears,
- Board, Hirfanli Hydro
- Ltd., Acid De-Greasing
- 1959, 220 ;
- 1959, 20 ;
- U.A.M. Company, Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- UCLAF, Ltd., Extra Pure Silicon, 1012
- U.K. Optical Bausch and Lomb, Ltd., Spectacle Frames and Lenses, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- U.N.E.S.C.O. Board, Humanism and Technology, 763
- U.S. Air Force, Aircraft and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- U.S. Air Force Cambridge Research Centre, Equipment of “Pioneer V’’, 532
- U.S. Army Office of Ordnance, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 545
- U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam in Malaya, 472
- U.S.—Euratom Joint Research and Development Office, U.S.—Euratom Joint Programme, 664
- U.S. Naval Observatory, International Coordination of Time Signals, 690
- U.S. Steel Corporation, Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243 ; Iron and Steel Works Production Control, 773
- U.S.S.R. Railways, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027
- Uganda Electricity Board, Industrial Power Consumption in Uganda, 1081
- Ulster Transport Authority, Transport Service, Suppt. 5, 15, 17.6.60
- Ultra Electric (Holdings), Ltd., Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, 1020
- Ultra Electric, Ltd., Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, 1020
- Ultra Electronics, Ltd., Demonstration Rig of the Ultra Electric Throttle Control System, 909 ; Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, 1020 ; Temperature Trip Amplifier for Nuclear Reactor Protection, 909
- Ultra Radio and Television, Ltd., Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, 1020
- Unicorn Head Visual Aids, Ltd., Filmstrips for Student Electronics Engineers, (31)
- Unidare, Ltd., Works to be Visited in the Irish Republic, Suppt. 16, 17.6.60
- Union Carbide Chemicals Company, Rare Earth Metal Investigated, 668
- Union Carbide Nuclear Company, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 1086 ; Hallam Nebraska, 320
- Union Kraftstoff
- Coal, 984
- Unione Costruttori Italian! Macchine Utensili, Italian Machine Tool Exhibition, 837
- United Coke and Chemicals Company, Ltd., Industrial Films, 832 ; Steel Works Expansion Projects, 745
- United Engineering and Foundry Company, Steel Industry Modernisation, 586
- United Glass, Ltd., Glass Mould Castings Plant, 616
- United Kingdom Atomic Energy Authority, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966, 1002 ; BEAMA Annual Report,
- 531 ; Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355 ; Building British Reactors Abroad, 15 ; Changes in the Atomic Energy Authority, 15 ; Computer Section at Risley, 230 ; Data Logging System, 483 ; Design and Development by Industrial Consortia, 16 ; Dounreay, 12 ; 4MeV Linear Accelerator for Radiographic Examination of Welds, 657 ; Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436 ; Gamma Radiation Processing Plant, 14 ; Heat-Dissipating Valve Shields, 397 ; “Herald” Research Reactor, 477 ; Isotope Information Bureau, 1075 ; Licensing and Insurance, 16 ; Metallic Valve Seals, 829 ; New Station at Trawsfynydd, 14 ; Nuclear Power Slowdown, 1035 ; Nuclear Research, (Plate II, 8.1.60) ; Progress made in the Nuclear Power Programme, 785 ; Research and Development, 13 ; The Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, 826 ; 'Training in Radiological Health and Safety, 770 ; Zenith Research Reactor at Winfrith, 27 ; Beryllium Monitor, 533 ; Isotope Research Laboratories, 895
- United Shoe Machinery Corporation, Machinery for Hire, 919
- United Springs, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- United States Army Ballistic Missile Agency, Internal Combustion Engines, (Plate 12, 8.1.60)
- United States Atomic Energy Commission, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954 ; Argonne Fast Reactor in Idaho, 371 ; Expanded Standard Materials Programme at the N.B.S., 410 ; Hallam Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska, 320 ; Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626, 700 ; Recovery of Watches Bearing Strontium-90, 492 ; Remote Control Rolling Mill, 920 ; Research and Development, 13 ; “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear Reactor, 372 ; 12MeV Tandem Van de Graaff Particle Accelerators, 412 ; U.S.— Euratom Joint Programme, 664
- United States Line, Large Dockside Shed, 613 United States National Academy of Sciences, Scientific Satellite, 231
- United States Naval Headquarters, Rocket Astronomy, 197
- United States Steel Corporation, Large DoubleFocusing Mass Spectrometer, 547
- United States Steel Export Company, Tagus Bridge, 1029
- United Steel Companies, Ltd., Bar Mill Modernisation, 105 ; Electric Arc Steel Furnaces, 193 ; Experimental and Development at Barrow Steel Works, (Plate 2, 1.1.60) ;
- Iron Ore, 751 ; Modernisation and Expansion, 18 ; “People and Things”, 377 ; Steel Works Expansion Projects, 745 ; Technical Colleges and their Government, 579
- United Steel Structural Company, Barton Bridge Accident, 60, 306
- University College, Reinforced Concrete Association, 1021 ; Scientific Satellite, 231
- University Marine, Ltd., “Lightweight” Unit M.35O Diesel Engine, 131
- University of Birmingham, Laboratory Measurements on Einstein’s Theory, 231 ; Scientific Satellite, 231
- University of Chicago, Equipment of “Pioneer V”, 532
- University of Glasgow, Heat Exchange in a Self-Jacketed Fluid, 723
- University of Leeds Computing Laboratory, Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, 735
- University of Minnesota, Equipment of “Pioneer V”, 532
- University of Nottingham, Engineering Graduates’ Association, (752)
- Upsil, Ltd., Extra Pure Silicon, 1012
- Nuclear Power Station in
- A.G., Gas from Low-Grade
- Source
- V.E.B. Bergbaumaschinen, Cutting Machine for Drainage Headings in Opencast Lignite Mines, 487
- V.E.B. Carl Zeiss, “KONI 007” Automatic Precision Level, 488
- V.E.B. Erfurter Malzerei-und Speicherbau, Automatic Fish-Curing Plant, 447
- V.E.B. Flugzeugbau, Fuselage Mock-Up of the “152” Jet Airliner, 448 ; “Pirna 014” and " - ? ? - • 448 ;
- Glider
- “Pirna 017” Gas Turbine Engines, Single-Seater High ~ “Libelle”, 448
- V.E.B. Fritz-Heckert-Werk, ' Vertical Milling Machine, FRES” Vertical Rotary Machine, 447
- V.E.B. Kranbau Eberswalde, Crane, 487
- V.E.B. Mahdrescherwerk, “Model E675” Complete Potato Harvester, 448 ; Diesel-Powered Cable Plough, 798
- V.E.B. Maschinenfabrik John Schehr, “DXR 400” Tube-Ending Lathe for Heavy Steel Tubes, 487
- V.E.B. Pressenwerk, “Pasu 40” Automatic Piercing and Blanking Press, 447
- V.E.B. Fiillmaschinenbau, “Malimo 500” Thread Layer Sewing and Knitting Machine, 447
- V.E.B. Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Auerbach, Machine Employing Diamond Cutting Discs, 447
- V.E.B.
- Fourteen-Station
- Line, 447
- Vaal Reefs Gold
- Company, Ltd., Shaft Sinking, 314
- Vacuum Industrial Applicat'ons, Ltd., Vacuum Furnace, 944
- Van Doorne’s Automobelfabriek N.V., Motor Vehicle Production in Holland, 1083
- Van Os, W. E., Mechanical and Electrical Maintenance at the Netherlands State Mines, 1063
- Vandoni, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Varley, B. S., Routing Attachment, 145
- Vaughan Crane Company, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681
- Vaughan-Lee A. G., Obituary, 597
- Vauxhall Motors, Ltd., Automobile Engineering Test Facilities, 598
- Veladini, C. E. G., Multi-Purpose Water Cooler, 622
- Venner Electronics, Ltd., Transistorised Analogue Frequency Meter, 192
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Rotary Piston Engine Symposium, 365
- Verein “Verkehrshaus der Schweiz” — V.H.S.), Transport and Communications Museum, 697
- Vereinigte Armaturen-Gesellschaft, G.m.b.H., Gate Valve with Compression Rubber Seal, 835
- Vereinigte Economiser-Werke, G.m.b.H., Heat Exchanger, 835
- Verfahrenstechnische Gesellschaft im V.D.L, Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, 837
- Verkehrsbetriebe Hamburg-Holstein A.G., Traffic Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Vernon Engineering Group, Miniature Potentiometric Recorder, 532
- Vickers and Bookers, Ltd., Beet Sugar Factories for U.S.S.R., 68
- Vickers Armstrongs, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor
- Pacific
- 60
- “Hermes’ “TRIGA
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Aircraft), Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109
- Vickers-Armstrongs (Engineers), Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226 ; Explosive Forming of Metal Plates, 655 ; First B. R. Type 3 Locomotive, 267
- V ickers-Armstrongs Aircraft Carrier i...,
- H. M.S. “Hermes”, (Plate 8, 1.1.60) ; Launch of “Empress of Canada”, 871 ; Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment for S.S. “Oriana”, 781 ; Nuclear-Powered Submarine “Dreadnought”, (Plate 8, 1.1.60)
- Vickers Group of Companies, Beet Sugar Factories for U.S.S.R., 68 ; Models and Photographs at British Exhibition in New York, 963
- Vickers, Ltd., Merger of Aircraft Firms, 109
- Victoria Bakery, Aluminium Bakery Shelves, 879
- Vimec Equipment, Ltd., “Locker Amplitrol” Mechanical Vibrating Feeder, 740
- Vinten, W., Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Visco Engineering Company, Ltd., Wet Cyclone Dust Collector, 533
- Visible Writing Machine Company, Ltd., Office Electronic Computer, 235
- Vitelozzi, A., Palazzo dello Sport, (Plate 16,
- I. 1.60)
- Vlakfontein Gold Mining Company, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Voith, J. M., G.m.b.H., Schwarzach Power Station, 404
- Vokes, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Air Pipeline Filters, 273 ; Filters for Fluids, 984
- Volkswagen, G.m.b.H., Entzmann Roadster, 541
- Volvo, A.B., “Aquamatic” Transom Drive, 623 ; Penta Installation, 623
- Von Laue, Max, Obituary, 779
- Vosper, D. F. C., Aftermath of Guillebaud, 508 ; H.M.S. “Brave Borderer”, 45
- Voyles, K. E., Coin-Disposal Mechanism for Public Telephones, 587
- Vulcan Foundry, Ltd,, Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, 300
- Vulcascot (Great Britain), Ltd,, Skates for Moving Machines on Factory Floors, 985
- Performance
- “Model
- , 447 ;
- Table
- FKRS” “Model Milling
- Harbour Jib
- Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Vogtland, Fully-Automatic Transfer
- Mining and Exploration World’s Record in Mine
- at Windscale, 1002 ; Canadian Liner, (696) ; 440V. Three-Phase
- c/s System Installation for H.M.S. 559 ; Shaw Savill Liner, (794) ; Nuclear Reactors, 191
- (Shipbuilders), Ltd., H.M.S. “Hermes”, 44 ;
- Wadkin, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681 ; Articulated Arm Router, 1054 ; Drilling Machine, (Plate 15, 1.1.60) ; Plano Miller for Work Up To 8ft. by 5ft. by 40in. High, 1054
- Wadlow, E. C., Locating Electric Cables Under Water, 524
- Wadsworth, F, A., Recent Developments in Automotive Fuels and Lubricants, 850
- Wailes Dove Bitumastic, Ltd., Fuel Pipelines to London Airport, 396
- Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils, Ltd., Oil Mist Spray Equipment, 67 ; Turbine Bearing Corrosion, 943
- Walker, B. A., Distribution of Shear Stress in a Box Beam, 1067
- Walker, Gear,
- Wallace
- 832
- Wallace
- Control at Little Barford “B 226
- Wallis, Barnes, “Swallow” Project, 49 Walterisation Company, Ltd., Rust Proofing, 28 ; Surface Treatment of Aluminium, 791
- Wandsbeker Werkzeug-Gesellschaft Beinhoff and Co., Metal Cutting Circular Saw, 699
- Wantage Radiation Laboratories, Gamma Radiation Processing Plant, 14
- Ward, H. W., and Co., Ltd., No. 7 “Prelector” Turret Lathe, 1044
- Ward, Thos. W., Ltd., Comprehensive Stone Treatment Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, 471 ; Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Wark, 1. W,, Exploitation of Minerals for Mankind, 677
- Warner Swasey-Asquith, Single-Spindle Chucking Automatic, 1048
- Water Pollution Research Laboratory, Detergent Troubles, 708
- Water Power Resources Committee, Control of Water Resources, 884
- Watford Electric and Manufacturing Company, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870 ; Mechanised Parcels Sorting Qffice, 127
- Watson, H. D., Model of a Proposed Nuclear- Powered Submarine Freighter “Moby Dick”, 1058
- Watson and Sons (Electro-Medical), Ltd., Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, 942 ; 31 MeV Betatron, 71
- Wayss and Freytag A.G., Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Webster, F. V., Traffic Signal Time-Setting, 563 Wegmann, H., CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315 Weir, Andrew, and Co., Ltd., Cargo Ships “Rosebank”, “Ashbank” and “Pinebank”, 88 ; Cargo Ships, “Wavebank” and “Yewbank”, 88
- Weir, C. D., Heat Exchange in a Self-Jacketed Fluid, 723
- Weir, G. and J., Ltd., Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra”, 507
- Welding Industries, Ltd., Mobile A.C. Welding Set, (31)
- Wellman Smith Owen Engineering Corporation, Ltd., Aluminium Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, 681 ; Copper Rod Rolling Mill, 855 ; Progress at Durgapur, 772 ; 2-Ton Mobile Bar-Turn Furnace Box-Charging Machine, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60; Works in Northern
- Ireland, Suppt. 15, 17.6.60
- Harry, A Critical Look at the Novikov 725
- Productions, Ltd., Industrial Films,
- and Tiernan, Ltd., Electronic Boiler ’ Power Station,
- Wenk, Edward, An Oceanographic Research Submarine of Aluminium for Operation to 15,000ft., 642
- Werkspoor N.V., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337 ; Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661 ; “Euromast” Television Transmitter and Observation Tower, (Plate 16, 1.1.60)
- Werner, Fritz, A.C., Programme-Controlled Milling Machines, 319
- Wessex Industries (Poole), Ltd., Electric Personnel Carrier, 145
- West, Allen, Ltd., Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, 870
- West, Allen, and Co., Ltd., Contactor Panel, 599
- West, E, G., The Properties of Aluminium, 946 West Instrument, Ltd., Multi-Point Temperature Scanner, 693
- West. Metall.-Industrie G.m.b.H., Hella Switch, 583
- West Midlands Gas Board, Gas Industry’s Development, 312
- West Rand Consolidated Mines, Ltd., World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Western Electric Company, Fast Electronic Memory for Computer Application, 760
- Western Electricity Board, Gas Holder Supervision by Telephone, 790
- Western General Hospital, Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, 942
- Western Region of British Railways, Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679 ; Midland Motorway Links, 441 ; Train Describer Developments, 438
- Westinghouse Brake and Signal Company, Ltd., Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021 ; Application of “Trinistors” and Silicon Power Transistors, 645 ; Equipment for Automatically Controlling the Speed of Hump-Shunted Rolling Stock, 853 : 40kW Silicon Rectifier Designed for Installation in Ships of the Royal Navy, 559 ; London Transport’s New Signalling at Amersham, 572 ; Power Signalling at Edge Hill, 531
- Westinghouse Electric Corporation, Aircraft and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489 ; “Enterprise” Engines, 46 ; “Halibut” Engines, 47 ; Nuclear-Powered Surface Fighting Ship “Long Beach”, 75 ; Potential Power Sources, 282 ; Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626 ; Propulsion Machinery for the “Dreadnought”, 45 ; Stepwise Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic Powders, 283 ; Submarine “George Washington”, 77
- Westland Aircraft Ltd., Aviation Mergers, 81 ; Battersea Heliport Lighting, 357 ; Shaft Turbine Helicopters, 124
- Westool, Ltd., Bench-Mounted Winding Machine, 104 ; Miniature Electromagnetic Clutch, 535 ; Modified (916)
- West's Gas Improvement “Camberoller” Conveyor Bucket Conveyor, 740
- Weyersberg, Gebr., Polycarbonate amide Plastics for Shrink-Fit and Bushes, 834
- Electric Clutches,
- Company, Idler,
- Ltd.,
- 740 ; Lip
- and PolyExpansion
- Figures in Brackets (
- Wharton Crane and Hoist Company, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Whatlings, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002
- Whessoe, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966, 1002 ; Oil Terminal at Cardiff, 358
- Whipp and Bourne, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Main Switchboards for Modern Ships, 559
- White Fish Authority, Fishing Boat Power Units, (752)
- White, J. Samuel, and Co., Ltd., Lighthouse Tender Motorship “Siren”, 460
- White, S,, Construction of Aluminium Vehicles, 946
- White, Sir Bruce, Wolfe Barry and Partners, Proposals for a Thames Flood Barrier, 430
- White, William, (Switchgear), Ltd., Control and Communications, Switchboards, 559
- Whitney, M. F,, A Survey of Data Handling for Air Traffic Control, 638
- Whitton, P. W., The Rolling of Thin Titanum Strip, 776
- Wickeder-Eisen-u Stahlwerk G.m.b.H., Aluminium Clad Steel Strip, 613
- Widnell and Trollope, High-Power Broadcast Station for Ghana, 27
- Wiggin, Henry, clature, 971 ; Industry, 538
- Wilcox, R. J., Strip, 776
- Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces, Ltd., Demonstration of the Manufacture of Low Pressure Die-Castings, 1057 ; Resistance Furnace, Induction Heating and Vacuum Equipment, 1057
- Wilen Engineering Company, Steering “Box” With a Pinion Having Nine Instead of Six Teeth, 63
- Williams Brothers-Constructors John Brown, Ltd., Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, 337
- Williams, H., and Son, Ltd., Semi-Automatic Sorter, 319
- Williams, Sir Owen, and Partners, Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, 1069
- Williams, T. J., Some Applications of “Deuce” to Diesel Engine Design, 186
- Wilson, G. A., Large Dockside Shed, 613
- Wilson, L. B., Transverse Strength of Single Hulled Ships : Elastic Analysis by the Displacement Method Using an Electronic Computer, 686
- Wilson Lovatt and Son, Ltd., Road Construction in Lancashire, (Plate 2, 8.1.60)
- Wimpey, George, and Co., Ltd., B.B.C. Television Centre, 1076 ; Hirfanli Hydro-Electric Scheme, 101
- Windle, D. W., Stress Analysis of Integral Vehicle Structures, 946
- Winston Electronics, Ltd., Production Distillation Simulator, 307
- Winter, T. S. R., Problems in the Design and Construction of a Large Scheme of Capital Works, 870
- Wolf Electric Tools, Ltd., Industrial Films, 144
- Wood, B., Peak Load Gas Turbine with Air Storage, 418, 721 ; Some High Spots in Thermal Power Generation, 250, 290
- Wood, E. M. S., Fairlie Locomotives, 604
- Wood, L. C., Seeing it in the Round, 867
- Wood, R. H., I.C.E. Awards, 786 Woodall-Duckham Production Company, Ltd.,
- Gas Works, (Plate 4, 8.1.60)
- Woodfield Pickering, Ltd., Mobile Oil Drilling Platform, 18
- Woollacott, Arthur, and Rappings, Ltd., Land Speed Record Contender, 886
- Woolwich Polytechnic, 942
- Worcestershire County Council, Second Stage of Birmingham-South Wales Motorway, 530
- Wray (Optical Works), Ltd., Binocular Magnifier, 578
- Wright Air Development Centre, Rate Earth Metal Investigated, 668
- Wright Air Development Division’s Air Force Electronic Technology Laboratory, Aircraft and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- and Co., Ltd., Metals Nomen- Nickel, 220 ; Nickel Alloys in
- The Rolling of Thin Titanium
- Yankee Atomic Electric Company, American Nuclear Congress ~ 954
- Yarrow-Admiralty Launch of Guided shire”, 1020 ; Launch of P. and O. Liner “Canberra, 507 ; Propulsion Machinery of the “Tribal” Class, 45 ; Replacement of the “Queen Mary”, 959
- Yarrow and Co., Ltd., “Tribal” Class of General Purpose Frigates, 45
- Yokote, Y., Rolling Aluminium Foil, 776
- York, Shipley, Ltd., Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 1002 ; Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam in Malaya, 472
- Yorkshire Hennebique Contracting Company, Ltd., Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Young, Joseph, and Sons, Ltd., Multi-Bank Hydraulic Control Valves, 269
- Young, Leslie, Some Model Experiments on Special Control Valves, 712
- Yuille, 1. M., Transverse Strength of Single Hulled Ships : Elastic Analysis by the Displacement Method Using Computer, 686
- Zahnradfabrik Friedrichshafen, “Simatic” Speed Control, 797
- Zeeland Steamship Company, Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina”, 263
- Zeiss, Carl, Stream-Crossing Equipment for the Self-Compensating Level “Ni 2”, 836
- Zimmermann, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
- Zschokke, Conrad, CERN Proton Synchrotron, 315
Index: Classified
- Abandonment of “Blue Streak”, (Leading Article, 671)
- Abatement, Noise, C. J. Potts, (Letter, 96)
- Abbey Works, The Steel Company of Wales Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Abnormal Loading on Composite Slab Bridges, (Report, 824)
- Abroad, British Construction Work, 68 Absorbers, Shock, (Patent, 1089)
- Acceleration and Gravitation, (Leading Article, 211)
- Accelerator, Central Heating System, Lee Howl and Co., Ltd., 691 12 MeV Tandem Van de Graaf Particle, 412 4 MeV Linear, for Radiographic Examination of Welds, Mullard Ltd., 657
- Accelerometer, Portable Peak, Ferranti Ltd., 648
- Accident, Barton Bridge, 60, 306, (Leading Article, 288) Electrical, (Leading Article, 43) Prevention Report, 873 Road, (Leading Article, 631)
- Accuracy, Measuring Pitch Errors of Screws to High, L. W. Nickols, 846
- Acid De-Greasing Plant, Turner and Brown Ltd., 401
- Acidic Smut Emission from Boiler Flues, Prevention, Dust Control Processes Ltd., 690
- Acquisition and Monitoring of Data, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 269
- Act, Local Employment, 620
- Additional Traffic Lanes for the Sydney Harbour Bridge, 357
- Additives for Boilers, Combustion, Amber Chemical Co., Ltd., 746
- Adhesives Guide, Joyce Hurd, 342
- Adjudicator and Arbitrator, The Engineer as, I.C.E. General Conditions of Contract, F. Nev.'house, 224
- Adjustable Auxiliary Switch, General Electric Co., Ltd., 195
- Hydraulic Damper, Spax Ltd., 310
- Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, Standard Model Technique, R. N. Newton, 609 Floating Dock, 653 W/T Station, Aerial Exchanges, 258
- Admittance Bridge, V.H.F., Marconi Instruments Ltd., 307
- Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966, 1002
- Mechanics of Fluids, Hunter Rouse, (Review, 388)
- Studies in Electric Traction, (Leading Article, 844)
- Advising on British Transport, (Leading Article, 672)
- Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258 Mast, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 12,
- Messengers, 1860, 159
- Ropeway Skips, Weighing Equipment,
- Adequate Weighers Ltd., 481
- System for Somerton, New, 1021 Aerodynamics, South African Research, 989
- Abandonment of “Blue Streak”, (Leading Article, 671)
- Advanced Aero Engine Testing, A. W. Morley and Jean Fabri, (Review, 778)
- Aeronautical Conference Proceedings, Sixth
- Anglo-American, 779 Aeronautics in 1959, 47
- Aeroplane, The, Directory of British Aviation, (Review, 1066)
- Agreements in the Air, (Leading Article, 673)
- Air Traffic Control Computer, Ferranti Ltd., 747 ; General Precision Incorporated, 872 Aircraft, (Patents, 589, 842, 958)
- Constant-Speed Alternators, Plessey Ltd., 656
- Engines, (Patent, 79)
- Inverter Tester, Arthur Lyon and (Engineers) Ltd., 29
- and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- Tactical Radar, Ferranti Ltd., 831
- Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., Marconi's Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 537
- Airport at Palisadoes, Jamaica, Plate 13,
- Altitude Encoding System for Aircraft, The
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 854 An Aircraft Week, (Leading Article, 631) Automatic Fixer System for Aircraft, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 66 Aviation Mergers, (Leading Article, 81)
- B. E.A.’s Maintenance Base at London Airport, 912
- Battersea Heliport Lighting, General Electric Co., Ltd., 357
- British Participation in Space Research, 124
- Radar for Arlanda Airport, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- By-Pass Turbo
- (31) Convair F-106A Cost of Space
- 121)
- Data Handling in Air Traffic Control, 638 Development of the Aircraft Carrier, J. H. B.
- Chapman, 569 Dutch Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Effect of Inertia Cross-Coupling on Aircraft Response in Rolling Manoeuvres, (Report, 305)
- Engineering Jubilee at Bristol, Bristol Aeroplane Co., 302
- Fuel Pipelines to London Airport, 396 General Requirements for Aircraft Electrical Equipments, (B.S.L, 865)
- Glider “Libelle”, 446
- Government and Aircraft, (Leading Article, 288)
- Heat-Soak-Resistant Pivots, Electro-Hydraulics Ltd., 194
- Hovercraft, Saunders-Roe Ltd., 930 ; Plate 1,
- 1.1.60
- Interavia A.B.C., 1960, (Review, 1014)
- Interceptor Upgraded, Gloster Aircraft Co., Ltd., 829
- Jet Propulsion Engines, O. E. Lancaster, (Review, 468)
- Lockheed C-130B “Hercules” Transport Aircraft, 47
- Low-Speed Wind-Tunnel Tests on the De Havilland “Sea Venom”, (Report, 651)
- McDonnell F4H-1 “Phantom” Deck Landing Interceptor, 47
- Merger of Aircraft Firms, Vickers Ltd., The English Electric Co., Ltd., The Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 109
- New Lighting for Leeds-Bradford Airport, 1022
- North American “Hound Dog”, Plate 13,
- 8.1.60
- Northrop N-156F Fighter, Plate 13, 8.1.60
- Palisadoes Airport Lighting, Jamaica, The General Electric Co., Ltd., Barlow and Young Ltd., 791
- Rolls-Royce “Conway” By-Pass Engines, 142 S.B.A.C. Exhibition, 1960, 658
- Saunders-Roe P.53I, 4
- Shaft Turbine Helicopters, Westland Aircraft Ltd., 124
- Short-Range Air Navigational Aids, 482 Take-Off and Landing Aircraft, Dornier Works, 241
- South African Research in Aerodynamics, 989
- Space Facts, Handbook, 668
- Steady Straight Flight with Inclined Thrust, 467
- Supersonic Aircraft Research, Handley Page Ltd., (949)
- Timber Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Transition to Jet Lift, Short S.C.l, 658 Untersuchungen uber die Umlenkung eines frein Lufstrahls mit Hilfe von Drall, K. Iserland, (Review, 911)
- Zurich Airport Extension, 584
- Aluminium Alloy Craft in Durban Waters,
- A. J. Howes (Pty.) Ltd., 201
- Automatic Lighthouse for Wilnerton, 276
- Cape Town, New Railway Station, 201
- Durban Harbour Improvements, 879
- East London Harbour 880
- First Diesel Locomotive for S.W. Africa, International General Electric Company of America, 314
- Kariba Power Scheme, 806, (Leading Article, 844)
- Large Load Carried by the South African Road Transport Service, 622
- Multi-purpose Water Cooler, 622
- Progress of Aluminium Construction in South Africa, 878
- Socoman Prestressed Pipeline in South Africa, 200
- South African Research in Aerodynamics, 989
- Track Improvements on S.A. Railways, 879 Recording Trolleys, 880
- Transvaal Railway Line Improvement, 276
- Dse of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 314 World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Aftermath of Guillebaud, (Leading Article, 455) ; D. F. C. Vosper, (Letter, 508) ; M. W. Burnby, (Letter, 650)
- Aggregate for Aluminous-Cement-Concrete, Synthetic, Lafarge Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., 234
- Study of the Granulators in the Production, (Report, 467)
- Agreements in the Air, (Leading Article, 673)
- Agricultural Engineers’ Association, Agricultural Machinery, 485 ; Annual Meeting, 793
- Agricultural Engineering, (Leading Article, 805)
- Education, (Leading Article, 158) Machinery, (Patent, 922) Machinery Exports, 485
- Agriculture and the Engineer, (Leading Article, 552)
- Diesel-Powered Cable Plough, V.E.B. Mah- drescherwerk, 798
- European Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, (C.E.M.A.), 319
- Galway Sluice Barrage, 107
- National Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Open Day, 868
- Potato Harvester, V.E.B. Mahdrescherwerk, 446
- Standardisation of Farm Machinery, 105 Tractor, Bray Construction Co., Ltd., Plate 8, 8.1.60
- 850 “Implematic”, David Brown Corporation, 309
- “Triple D”, Ernest Doe and Sons Ltd., Plate 8, 8.1.60
- Aids for Brain Surgery, Lighting, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 942
- to Electronics Instruction, Associated Electrical Industries (Woolwich) Ltd., 271
- for the Paralysed, Feeding, 577 Short-Range Air Navigational, 482
- Air, Agreements in, (Leading Article, 673)
- Auxiliaries on P.S.Vs., Leyland Motors Ltd., 395
- Brake Components, Automatic Trunnion Machine, Cross Company, 491
- Compressors, Rotary, Beiliss and Morcom Ltd., 692
- Compressor Set for Mine Stowage Operations, Tilghman’s Ltd., 619
- Conditioning Installation at Printing Works, Carter Thermal Engineering Ltd., 269
- Conditioning of T.S.S. “Chusan”, Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., 608
- Cooled Diesel Engines, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., (916)
- Cooling Methods for Gas Turbine Combustion Systems, (Report, 305)
- Fuel for Clean, (Leading Article, 672)
- Heaters, Oil-Fired, Colt Ventilation Ltd., 822 and Hydraulics Exhibition, International Compressed, 574
- Navigational Aids, Short-Range, 482
- Operated Bar Feed Mechanism, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 29
- Pavements in the, (Leading Article, 328) Pipeline Filters, Yokes Ltd., 273
- Preheaters, Fires in, A. Bell, 393 Receivers, Solid Drawn Steel, (B.S.L, 907) Report on Clean, (Leading Article, 845) Storage, Peak Load Gas Turbine with. Wood and T. F. Wick, 418
- Supply Valve, Pneumatically-Controlled, Ozo- nair Engineering Co., Ltd., 534
- Traffic Control, Data Handling, 638 Aircraft Carrier “Albion”, 4
- “Ark Royal”, 4 H.M.S. “Hermes”, 44, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- U.S.S. “Independence”, 75
- “Victorious”, 4
- Direction Frigate H.M.S. “Llandaff”, 4 and Missile Applications of Molecular Electronics, 489
- Airport, British Radar for Arlanda, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- Extension, Zurich, 584
- Fuel Pipelines to London, 396
- New Lighting for Leeds-Bradford, 1022 at Palisadoes, Jamaica, Plate 13, 1.1.60 Albion Flour Mill and Bankside, John Rennie,
- A. K. Bruce, 189
- Alloy, Bridge Handrail in Light, Saunders Roe Structures Ltd., 1080
- Coal Trucks, Aluminium, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- Die Castings, Plating Zinc, 1013
- Gangway, Light, Non-Corrosive Metal Products Ltd., 747
- in Industry, Nickel, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 538
- Nickel, and Nickel, (B.S.L, 133)
- Plug Valves, Langley Alloys Ltd., (486)
- Small Aluminium, Craft in Durban Waters, A. J. Howes (Pty.) Ltd., 201
- Thermal and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel-Chromium (Nimonic), R. W. Powell and R. P. Tye, 729
- Alternators, Aircraft Constant-Speed, Plessey Co., Ltd., 656
- Brushless, Macfarlane Engineering Co., Ltd., 105
- 250A Single-phase 427 c/s Welding, Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Altitude Encoding System for Aircraft, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 854
- Aluminised Asbestos Cloth, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., (752)
- Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- Craft in Durban Waters, A. J. Howes (Pty.) Ltd., 201
- Systems, Annotated Equilibrium Diagrams H. W. L. Phillips, (Review, 389)
- Beer Cans, Manufacture of Impact Extruded, Adolph Coors Co., 838
- Billets, Automatic Cold Sawing Machine, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 800
- Bronze Fabrication, N. C. Ashton Ltd., and W. P. Butterfield Ltd., 195
- Busbar, A. G. Thomas and P. J. H. Rata, (Review, 651)
- Cable, Plastics-insulated, Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 562
- Clad Steel Strip, F. W. Kubach Ltd., 613 Construction in South Africa, Progress, 878 Development Association, Aluminium in Railway Rolling Stock, 790, 946
- Melting and Holding Furnace, Electric Resistance Furnace Co,, Ltd., 914
- Pipeline for Natural Gas, Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, 548
- Plate Stretcher, 30,000,000 lb., Hydraulik
- G. m.b.H., 324
- Pressure Vessel Ends, Large Spun, G. A.
- Harvey and Co. (London) Ltd., 236 Railway Rolling Stock, 790, 946 Rolling Mill, Mirro Aluminium Company,
- 203
- Sheet, Continuous Casting of Wide, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Strip Mill at Woodgate Works, Birmetals
- Ltd., 681
- Surface Treatment, The Walterisation Co.,
- Ltd., 791
- Works at Kitts Green, Re-equipment, James
- Booth Aluminium Ltd., 362
- Aluminous-Cement-Concrete, Synthetic Aggregate, Lafarge Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., 234
- Aircraft Carrier U.S.S. “Independence”, 75 and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- Aluminium Pipeline for Natural Gas, Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, 548
- Plate Stretcher, 30,000,000 lb., Hydraulik
- G. m.b.H., 324
- Sheet Rolling Mill, Mirro Aluminium Company, 203
- American Automotive Developments, V. G. Raviolo, 931
- Machine Screws and Nuts, (B.S.I., 819) Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954, 993, 1030, 1086
- An American First in Space, (Leading Article, 456)
- Anglo-American Radio Partnership, L.C.E. Ltd., 1078
- Annual Steel Bridge Competition, 243 Argonne Fast Source Reactor in Idaho, 371 Automatic Cold Sawing Machine for Aluminium Billets, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 800
- Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 5454
- Trunnion Machine for Air Brake Components, Cross Company, 491
- Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Auxiliary Power for Rockets, Radio Corporation of America, 154
- British Exhibition in New York, 962, 1010 Coin-Disposal Mechanism for Public Telephones, Bell Telephone System, 587
- Common Transfer Machine for V-6 and V-12 Engine Blocks, Cross Company, 799
- Continuous Casting of Wide Aluminium Sheet, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Cross Shuttle Transfer Machine for Exhaust Manifolds, Cross Co., 840
- Data Processing for Business, 840 Destroyer Escort “Claud Jones”, 75 Electro-Mechanical Switch, High-Speed, Bell
- Telephone Laboratories, 588
- Expanded Standard Materials Programme at the N.B.S., 410
- Experiments with Low-Noise^kntenna, 704 Fast Electronic
- cation, 760
- Gas Turbine Corporation,
- Hallam Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska, 320
- Industrial Processing Applications of Electron- Beam Radiation, 74, 114, 152
- Lewiston Generating Station, 11 Machinery for Hire, 919
- Manufacture of Impact Extruded Aluminium Beer Cans, Adolph Coors Company, 838
- Mass Spectrometer, Large Double-Focusing, 547
- Modulator with Germanium Diodes for Millimetric Waves, 492
- Nuclear Reactor for Biological Research, 411 Photo-Optical Memory System with Automatic Plate Processor, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244
- Piezoelectric Compounds, New, 1032 Potential Power Sources, 282
- Progress of the Tennessee Valley Authority, 626, 666, 700
- Rare Earth Metal Investigated, 668
- Recovery of Watches Bearing Strontium-90, 492
- Remote Control Rolling Mill, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 920
- Research on the Mechanical Properties of Metals, National Bureau of Standards, 758 St. Lawrence Seaway, 232 ; Authority, Annual Report, 792
- Satellite “Pioneer V”, Equipment, 532
- Seaborg, Dr. Glenn T., Receives Enrico Fermi Award, 206
- “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear Reactor, North American Aviation, 372
- Space Facts, Handbook, 668
- Steel Industry Modernisation, 586
- Stepwise Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic Powders, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- Study Tour of U.S. Roads, Cement and Concrete Association, 395
- Submarine U.S. “George Washington”, 77 U.S.S. “Skipjack”, 77
- U.S. “Triton”, 77
- Tandem Van de Graaf Particle Accelerators, 12 MeV., 412
- Transfer Machine for Power Steering Pump
- Housings, Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284 Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder Head, Buhr
- Machine Tool Company, 371
- Travelling Wave Solid-State Amplifier Using Tunnel Diodes, Bell Telephone Laboratories 588
- Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactors, 243
- U.S.-Euratom Joint Programme, 664
- U.S.S. “Long Beach” Warship, 75
- Zone Melting of Boron, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 283
- Amersham, London Transport’s New Signalling, 572
- Radiochemical Centre, 826
- Amphibious Sidecar, Canterbury Sidecars Ltd., 235
- Amplifier, Computer, Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., 576
- Diode for Parametric, General Electric Co., Ltd., 66
- Electron Beam Parametric, R. B. Dyott and
- C. R. Russell, 234
- Operating on the Longitudinal Space Charge, General Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Operating on the Transverse Field, English Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- High-gain Computer, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 908
- for Nuclear Reactor Protection, Temperature Trip, Ultra Electronics Ltd., 909
- Solid State Microwave, 195
- Using Tunnel Diodes, Travelling Wave Solid-State, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 588
- Variable Gain D.C., Feedback Ltd., 272 Analogue Computer, Desk-size, Electronic Associates Ltd., 576
- Field Plotter, Resistance, Servomex Controls Ltd., 854
- Frequency Meter, Transistorised, Venner Electronics Ltd., 192
- Multiplier, A.E.I. (Manchester) Ltd., 134 Analyser, Interrupted-Potential Oxygen,
- British Oxygen Research and Development Ltd., 691
- Analysis, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and Operations, 545
- of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells, 574 National and International Aspects of Stress, M. L. Meyer, 90
- and Sampling of Fuel Gas, (B.S.L, 172)
- Vector Dimensional, P. D. Richardson, (Letter, 866)
- Anchors, Development, H. L. Dove and G. S. Ferris, 609
- Angle Bay Jetty, Underwater Concreting, 612 Anglesey, Post Office Radio Station, 944 Anglo-American Radio Partnership, L.C.E.
- Ltd., 1078
- French Microwave Link, 909, 939
- Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021
- Annealing Furnace, Dr. Werner Herdieckerhoff, 836
- Anniversary, Bristol Aeroplane Co., 302
- Radio Engineering, Racall Engineering Ltd., 941
- Annotated Equilibrium Diagrams of Some Aluminium Alloy Systems, H. W. L. Phillips, (Review, 389)
- Aeronautics in 1959, 47
- Iron and Steel Industry, 17
- Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Motorway Construction in 1959, 85
- Naval Construction in 1959, Raymond V. B. Blackman, 44
- Nuclear Power Development in 1959, 12
- Royal Navy— 1959, 4
- Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering in 1959, 23, 57, 87
- Some Metallurgical Events of 1959, 20
- Annual Steel Bridge Competition, America, 243 Antenna, Experiments with Low-Noise, 704 Anti-Aircraft Frigate H.M.S. “Leopard”, 4
- Clastic Shells in Concrete, Texas Instruments Ltd., 974
- Fouling System for Underwater Structures, Charlton, Weddle and Co., Ltd., 484
- Vibration Foundations for JDrop Hammers, Simplified Design, W. Eastwood, 346 ; P. H. Allaway, (Letter, 468) ; W. Eastwood, (Letter, 508) ; J. H. A. Crockett, (Letter, 720) ; W. Eastwood, (Letter, 910)
- Appeal to Price, (Leading Article, 157) Applications of “Deuce” to Diesel Engine Design, Some, T. J. Williams, 186
- of Microwaves, A. L. Cullen, 395
- Applied Mechanics, P. D. Collins, (Review, 1014)
- Mechanics, Worked Examples, W. C. Durney, (Review, 223)
- Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, B. C. Craft and M. F. Hawkins, (Review, 721)
- Apprentice Training, 659
- Wage Claim, 873, 1081 Apprenticeships, Post Office Student, 239 Aquifers, Artificial Recharge, E. S. Boniface, 106
- Arbitrator and Adjudicator, The Engineer as, I.C.E. General Conditions of Contract, F. Newhouse, 224
- Arc Discharge Lamp, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 134
- Type Gears, Doucle Circular, (B.S.L, 501)
- Welding, Filler Rods and Wires for Inert Gas, (B.S.L, 973)
- Architecture, Naval, B. Baxter, (Review, 685) Areas, Rural, Industry in, (Leading Article, 83) Argentina, Mission, 480
- Argonne Fast Source Reactor in Idaho, 371 Arlanda Airport, British Radar, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- Arm Router, Articulated, Wadkin Ltd., 1054 Armaments, Precision Gearing for Control
- Systems, (Review, 972)
- Armature, Overhung, in Tower-Mounted Friction Winders, Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Armed Forces, Estimates, (Leading Article, 375) Armoured Face Conveyors, Lifters, 1079 Articulated Arm Router, Wadkin Ltd., 1054
- Steel Bridge, Replacing, Mersey, 614
- Artificial Recharge of Aquifers, E. S. Boniface, 106
- Asbestos Cloth, Aluminised, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd. (752)
- Asphalt Drying and Mixing Plant, H. Nielson of Son, Maskinfabrik A/S, 202
- Assembly of Silicon Diodes, Automatic, Ferranti Ltd., 61
- Association of British Chambers of Commerce Decimal Coinage, 787, (Leading Article, 764)
- of Mining Electrical and Mechanical Engineers, Annual Convention, 1062
- of Supervising Electrical Engineers, Electrical Engineers Exhibition, 559
- Associations, Engineering, 1860, 83
- Atmospheres, Toxic Substances in Factory, 695 Atmospheric Electrical Discharges, Temperatures in Solar, C. E. R. Bruce, (Letter, 170)
- Atlantic and E.E.C., and E.F.T.A., Article, 883)
- Liner “Rotterdam”, Dutch, 449 Augmentation of the Water Supply
- Kong, 1059
- Additional Traffic Lanes for Sydney Harbour Bridge, 357
- Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- Atomic Energy Irradiation Conference, Sydney, 530
- Coke Ovens at Port Kembla Broken Hill Proprietary Company, 988
- Paramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641
- Snowy Mountains Diversion Tunnel, 988
- Automatic Assembly of Silicon Diodes, Ferranti Ltd., 61
- Battery Charging, Harmer and Simmons Ltd., 646
- Blanking and Piercing Press, V. E. B. Pressen- werk, 446
- Boilers, The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., (486)
- Bundling of Bars, Schloemann A.G., 409 Cold Sawing Machine, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 1053
- for Aluminium Billets, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 800
- Compensation of Reactive Current, Siemens- Schuckertwerke A.G., 318
- Computers for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, 545
- Control, Congress, 625
- Control Equipment for Metal Spraying Plant, Metallizing Equipment Co., Ltd., 236
- Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679 Control, Moscow International Congress on, 530
- Control, Recent Mechanical Engineering Development, 122
- Control of a Wiedmann Turret Press, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 1041
- Co-ordinate Setting on Jig Boring Machine, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., 1050
- Cycle Milling, Adcock and Shipley Ltd., 143
- D. F. Receiver, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 1023
- Fixer System for Aircraft, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 66
- Forging, B.I.S.R.A., 746
- Hardening and Tempering Furnace Installation, G. W. B. "
- Heat Treatment
- Ltd., 1018
- Indexing Table, Ltd., 1054
- Lighthouse for Wilnerton, 276
- Plate Processor, Photo-Optical Memory System, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244
- Positioning System on Jig Borer, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Printer for Drawing Office, Rank-Xerox Ltd., 65
- Refrigeration, S. A. Andersen, (Review, 684) Sheet Metal Grading Machine, Bren Manufacturing Co., 125
- Sizing Internal Grinders, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools) Ltd., 1046
- Sorter, Semi-, Compac Works, 319
- Switch for Reversing Lights, Hella, 583 Train Control, (Patent, 589)
- Trunnion Machine for Air Brake Components, Cross Company, 491
- Tube-Cutting and Screwing Machine, Ruhr- stahl A.G., 544
- Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Voltage Control, Static Equipment, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 645
- Warehouse Dispensing, Solartron-John Brown Automation Ltd., 689
- Water Systems, Firth Cleveland Pumps Ltd., 872
- Welding Installation. Etablissements Neypric, 281
- Automation and Bulk Handling at Biscuit Works, Carr and Co., Ltd., 1060
- Instruments and Electronics Exhibition, 852, 908, 932
- is Integration”, Hawker Siddeley Group, 932
- Air Auxiliaries on P.S.Vs,, Leyland Motors Ltd., 395
- Aluminium Alloy Coal Trucks, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- American Automotive Developments, V. G. Raviolo, 931
- Amphibious Sidecar, Canterbury Sidecars Ltd,, 235
- Automobile Braking, R. C. Parker, 498 Engineering Test Facilities, Vauxha Motors Ltd., 598
- Automotive Exports, (833)
- Battery-Electric Vehicles, Electric Vehicle
- Association of Great Britain Ltd., 61.3
- B. M.C. ADO-15 Power Unit, 540 Body for Future High-Performance Car,
- Ghia S.p.A., 540
- Bulk Flour Transporter, Blaw Knox Ltd., 442
- Car Park Space Saving, Economical Parking Ltd., 437
- Chassis for 1172 Formula Racing, Lightweight, 62
- Commercial Vehicle of Integral Construction, Commer Cars Ltd., 67
- Construction and Behaviour Characteristics of Tyres, T. French, 253
- Coupe, Pinin Farina, 540 Delage Racing Car, 63 Double-Reduction Axle, Leyland Motors
- Ltd., 658
- Electric Personnel Carrier, Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., 144
- Road Transport, H. W. Heyman, 193 Engine Honoured, Coventry Climax Engines Ltd., 102
- H-litre A.J.B., 63
- Entzmann Supercharged Roadster, 540 Exhibition of Car Parking, 438
- Formula Junior Racing Car, Garage Monteverdi, 540
- Four-Seater Car, The Gordon Automobile
- Co., Ltd., 540
- Future of Road Transport, A. Enticknap, 715 Generator, A.C., for Motor Vehicles, Joseph
- T .1 if? A Lit ci 39
- Geneva Motor Show, 540, 581, 623, 664 “go-kart” Racing Vehicle, 62
- High-Speed Grit Laying, Scammell Lorries
- Ltd., 399
- Land Speed Record Contender, “Bluebird”,
- 886
- “Levacar”, Propeller-driven and Jet-propelled,
- 930
- Locomotion, 930
- Lotus with Ford 105E Engine, 62
- Lubricants, Special Automotive, Shell search Ltd., 309
- Motom 98 Overhead Camshaft Motor Cycle, 583
- Motor Cars - Handbook of the Collection,
- C. F. Gaunter, The Science Museum, (Review, 651)
- Cycle, Honda “Dream” Overhead Camshaft Twin, 582
- Industry Research Association, Open Days, 1078
- Vehicle Production in Holland, 1083
- Vehicles, (Patents, Neoplan Long Haul Patent, 117 Paz 652 Coach, 581 Peugeot 403 Engine, “Pi-Meter” Pressure Gauge Efka-Werke
- Fritz Kiehn G.m.b.H., 623
- Racing Car Show, 62
- Rail Transporter for Motor Cars, Newton
- Chambers and Co., Ltd., (752)
- Road Census, 1959, 436
- Rail Freight Vehicle, Pressed Steel Co., 142 Semi-Trailer, Merz A.G., 581 “Setra” Coach, Karl Kassbohrer Fahrzeug- werke G.m.b.H., 581
- Side-Board Latch, Marcel Pavillard, 581 Speedometers and Odometers for Road
- Vehicles, (B.S.I., 819)
- “Spriditis” Bus, 581
- Technical Congress, Eighth International
- Automobile, 848, 892
- Tipper Truck, Large, Bennes Marrel, 150 Tipping Truck, High Level, Fahrzeugwerke
- Walter Hunger, K.G., 446
- Traffic Signal Equipment, A.E.B., 583
- Trailer Axle, Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., 962
- Four-wheel, Draize S.A., 581
- Triumph “Herald” Convertible, 540
- Tyre Testing Dynamometer, Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., 930
- V-16 B.R.M. Racing Car, 63 Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Signals, E. Thorpe, 478
- (Patent, 493)
- Servicing Depot, Rootes Ltd., 575
- Who’s Who in the Motor Industry, (Review, 305)
- Automotive Developments, American, V. G. Raviolo, 931
- Auto-Pilot, Ship, The Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 653
- Autostrada del Sole, 113
- Auxiliary Power for Rockets, Radio Corporation of America, 154
- Switch, Adjustable, General Electric Co., Ltd., 195
- Available Energy and Second Law Analysis,
- E. A. Bruges, (Review, 566)
- Aviation Mergers, (Leading Article, 81)
- Award to Professor Tschumi, 664
- to Students, Universities, Parents and, (Leading Article, 1001)
- Axle, Double-Reduction, Leyland Motors Ltd., 658
- Trailer, Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., 962
- Backing-off Machine, J. E. Reinecker Maschi- nenbau G.m.b.H., 409
- Backstand Grinder, B. O. Morris Ltd., 914
- Baggage Handling Equipment for S.S. “Oriana”,
- Mechanised, Sovex Ltd., 781
- Balistique, Viscosimetre, F. Charron, (Review, 261)
- Ball Bearing, Self-Aligning, Pollard Bearings Ltd., 739
- Screws and Splines, Recirculating, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 270
- Bandsawing Machine, Startrite Machine Tool Co,, Ltd., 270
- Bankside, John Rennie, The Albion Flour Mill,
- A. K. Bruce, 189
- Bar Cut-Off Machines, Maschinenfabrik Peltzer and Ehlers, 370
- Feed Mechanism, Air-Operated, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 29
- Mill Modernisation, Steel, Peech and Tozer, 105
- Skimming Machine, Craven Brothers (Manchester), Ltd., 311
- Barge Manipulator, Donald Ross and Partners Ltd., 534
- Barking, Ripple Lane, Wagon Marshalling Yard, 22
- Barrage and Barrier That Nobody Wants ? (Leading Article, 416)
- Galway Sluice, 107
- Barrelling Machine, Small Batch, Roto-Finish Ltd., 398
- Barrier and Barrage That Nobody Wants ? (Leading Article, 416)
- Proposal for a Thames Flood, 430, (Leading Article, 416)
- Barrow Steel Works, The United Steel Companies Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Barry, Silicones Plant Development, Midland Silicones Ltd., 940
- Bars, Automatic Bundling, Schloemann A.G., 409
- and Tubes, Straightening Machine, Sir James Farmer Norton and Co., Ltd., 1054
- Barton Bridge Accident, 60, 306, (Leading
- Article, 288)
- High Level Bridge, Termination of Employment, 30
- Basic Road Statistics, (675) Basildon, Tractor Factory,
- Ltd., 793
- Batch Barrelling Machine,
- Ltd., 398
- Batching and Mixing Plant,
- hei r, 795
- Plant for Glass Materials, Blaw Knox Ltd., 504
- Bathing Beaches and Sewage, (Leading Article, 41) ; T. Henry Turner, (Letter, 132)
- Baths, Electrically-Heated Salt, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 985
- Bathyscaphe, Seven Mile Descent, 202
- Batteries, Electric, (Patent, 841)
- Exide-Ironclad, Chloride Batteries Ltd., 648 Traction, Chloride Batteries Ltd., 691
- Battersea Heliport Lighting, General Electric Co., Ltd., 357
- Battery Chargers, Traction, Oldham and Son, Ltd., 872
- Charging, Automatic, Harmer and Simmons Ltd., 646
- Electric Vehicles, Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain Ltd., 613
- Operated Depthmeter, Brookes and Gatehouse Ltd., 307
- Research Laboratories, Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 1023
- Unit with Controlled Charging, Switchgear, Nife Batteries Ltd., 749
- Bayonet Cap Lampholders of Moulded Insulating Material, (B.S.L, 819)
- Beaches, Bathing, and Sewage, (Leading Article, 41) ; T. Henry Turner, (Letter, 132)
- Beacon, Mobile Landmark, General Electric Co., Ltd., 65
- Beams, Broad Flange and Universal, and Column Sections, (B.S.I., 133)
- Distribution of Shear Stress in a Box, B. A. Walker, 1067
- Handbook of Universal, (Review. 569) Parametric Amplifiers, Electron, R. B. Dyott and C. R. Russell, 234
- 34-ton Prestressed Concrete Blakelay (Hope) Ltd., 67
- Bearing Corrosion, Turbine, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 943
- Dimensions of Tapered Roller, (B.S.L, 685) Needle, Industriewerk Schaeffler, 837 Self-Aligning Ball, Pollard Bearings Ltd., 739 Bedford, Britannia Works, 1860, 1001 Beer Cans, Manufacture of Impact Extruded
- Aluminium, Adolph Coors Co., 838
- Beet Sugar Factories for U.S.S.R., 68
- Behavioar Characteristics and Construction of Tyres, T. French, 253
- of the Sailing Yacht, H. M. Barkla, 687
- Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, 565
- Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless Steels,
- G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Belt Conveyor, Easily Cleaned, Farrow and JacKson, Ltd., 658
- Rope, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 618
- Drives, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., 482
- Feeder and Bunker Stirrer, William Gardner and Sons (Gloucester) Ltd., 618
- Bench-Mounted Winding Machine, Westool Ltd., 105
- Murflfc Furnace, Ferro Enamels Ltd., 273 Bending Lathe, Tube, V. E. B. Maschinenfabrik Jo;in Schenr, 487
- Machine, Tube Cold, Embassy Machine and t ool Co., Ltd., 318
- Strength of Plywood, (Report, 685)
- Benzole Fractionating Unit, Continuous, The A.P.V. Co., Ltd., 308
- Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, Charge Face Iviachinery, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379 ; Reactor Core Building, 427 ; Plate 4, 1.1.60
- Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 3J5
- Monitor, U.K.A.E.A., 533
- Beta Gauge, Portable, Baldwin Instrument Controls, 443
- Betatron, Mobile Industrial, Siemens-Reiniger- Werke A.G., 151
- 31 MeV, Brown Boveri and Co., Ltd., 71 Bicentenaries, Sheffield, Spear and Jackson Ltd.
- Sheffield Smelting Co., Ltd., 938
- Bicentenary, Geo. Salter and Co., Ltd., 680 of Lloyd’s Register, 938, (Leading Article, 923)
- Bin-Level Controller, Henry Simon Ltd., 947
- Binocular Magnifier, Wray (Optical Works) Ltd., 578
- Biological Research, Nuclear Reactor for, 411 Birmingham, Computer Bureau, International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., 360 South Wales Motorway, Second Stage, 530 Birthday Honours, 1011
- Biscuit Works, Bulk Handling and Automation, Carr and Co., Ltd., 1060
- Bitumenised Paper Pipes, 1860, 673
- Bituminous Mixes, Drying and Mixing Plant, H'.ither and Co.. 796
- Black Bush Poller, Reclamation, P. A, Scott, R, F. Camacho and F. A, Sharman, 1016
- Bia Ics, Hacksaw, J. Stead and Co., Ltd., (486)
- Blanking and Piercing Press, Automatic, V. E. B. Pressenwerk, 446
- Blast-Furnace-Gas Turbo-Alternator, Brown 3 jveri, 398
- Funaces at Stanton, Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 533
- Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699
- Blending of Fuel Oils at Ellesmere Port, Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., 863
- Block Contactor, G, W, B. Furnaces Ltd,, 646
- Blower, Shell Core, Foundry and Metallurgical Equipment Co., Ltd,, 830
- Blowpipe, Noiseless, N.V. Nederlandsche Instru- mentenfabriek, 544
- “Blue Streak”, Abandonment, (Leading Article, 67!)
- Boat Show, Engines, 129
- National, 27
- Automatic Boilers, The Telegraph Construction and Maintenance Co., Ltd., (486)
- Boiler Research Building, Cochran and Co., Annan Ltd., 748
- at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 475
- “CoalPak” Boiler, Davey, Paxman and Co., Ltd., 785
- Combustion Additives for Boilers, Amber Chemical Co., Ltd., 746
- Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, G. Butler and H. C. K. Ison, 29
- and Deposits in Coal and Oil Fired Boilers and Gas Turbines, (Review, 261)
- “Demipac” Boiler, John Thompson (Wilson Boilers) Ltd., 785
- Electronic Boiler Control at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 226
- Hot-Water Boiler ; “Symmetriflo” Boiler, Edwin Danks and Co. (Oldbury) Ltd., 786
- Low-Water Safety Device for Steam Boilers, Sunrod Ltd., 786
- Preventing Acidic Smut Emission from Boiler Flues, Dust Control Processes Ltd., 690
- Steam. Raising Plant, John Thompson Ltd., 785
- Vertical W'ater-Tube Boiler, Poray Boilers Ltd., 822
- Bolts and Nuts, (Patent, 39)
- Bomb Test, French Nuclear, 306
- Books Received, 97, 133, 172,
- 342, 389, 429, 470, 510, 567, 722, 779, 819, 867, 911, 937, 973, 1014, 1066
- Borer, “Matrix” Jig, Coventry Gauge and Tool Co,, Ltd,, 1050
- Boring, Drilling and Screwing Machine, Duplex Kitchen and Wade Ltd,, 443
- Machine, Automatic Co-ordinate Setting on Jig, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., 1050
- Jig, Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1050 Milling and Drilling Machine, Horizontal
- Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047 and Milling Machine, Horizontal Surfacing,
- H. W. Kearns and Co,, Ltd,, 1052
- and Milling Machine, Optical Jig, Soci6te Genevoise, 1052
- and Milling Machine, Universal, Electronic Automatic Co-ordinate Setting Equipment.
- H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60 Boron, Zone Melting, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 283
- Bottling Plant at Thornton Heath, Charringtons Ltd., 870
- Box Beam, Distribution Walker, 1067
- Thermoelectric Cold, Ltd., 480
- Bradwell Nuclear Power
- Brain Surgery. Lighting Aids, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 942
- Brake, Combined Press, and Shearing Machine, Pearson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 615
- Components, Automatic Trunnion Machine for Air, Cross Company, 491
- Proprietary Disc, Ferodo Ltd., 827
- Railway, (Patent, 493)
- Braking, Automobile, R. C. Parker, 498
- Brazil, New Capital, Brasilia, 394 Breakers, Circuit, (Patent, 245)
- Miniature Circuit, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd.. 647
- Moulded-Case Circuit, Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 599
- Oil Circuit, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 601 Breaking Machine, Stone, (Patent, 493) Bridge, Low-Capacitance, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 617
- V. H. F. Admittance, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 307
- Abnormal Loading on Composite Slab
- Bridges, (Report, 824)
- Additional Traffic Lanes for the Sydney
- Harbour Bridge, 357
- Annual Steel Bridge Competition, American
- Institute of Steel Construction, 243
- Barton Bridge Accident, 60, 306, (Leading Article, 288)
- High Level Bridge, Termination of Employment, 30
- Bridge Handrail in Light Alloy, Saunders Roe Structures Ltd., 1080
- Over the River Wharfe on the Wetherby By-Pass, 85
- Channel or Bridge ? J. R. Edisbury, (Letter, 778)
- Crossing, (Leading Article, 591) Construction of Tjdrn Bridge, 148
- Hobart Bridge, Tasmania, 102
- Indus River Bridge at Sukkur Pakistan, 104
- Kettig Viaduct, German Route B9, 242
- Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674
- Lifting Bridge, River Swale, 86
- Mangfall Bridge, 32
- Medwav River Bridge on the Proposed M.2, 1076
- Nasiriyah Road Bridge, Plate 13, 1.1.60
- Parramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641
- Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690
- Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950
- Replacing an Articulated Steel Bridge, Mersey, 614
- Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 86
- Savines Bridge, 544
- Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Tancarville Bridge, Plate 16, 1.1.60
- Bright Platinum Plating, Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd., 658
- Britain’s Contribution to the Deterrent, 298
- Britannia Works, Bedford, 1860, 1001
- British Association for the Advancement of Science, Decimal Coinage, 787, (Leading Article, 764)
- Association of Machine Tool Merchants, Buying Capital Equipment, 239 ; Machine Tool Industry Inquiry, 269
- Cast-Iron Research Association, Journal, 1013
- Computer Society, Annual Conference, 691
- Construction Work Abroad, 68
- Constructional Steelwork Association, Quarterly Journal, 396
- Electrical and Allied Manufacturers Association, Annual Report, 531 ; Electrical Exports, 274
- Electrical Power Convention, Electricity : The New Horizon, Lord Chandos, 926
- Employers Confederation, Unofficial Strikes, 915
- Exhibition in New York, 962, 1010
- Exports, Outlook, 145
- Gear Manufacturers’ Association, Novikov Gearing, 862
- Institution of Radio Engineers, Underwater Echo-Ranging, D. G. Tucker, 107
- Investment Casters’ Technical Association, Annual Conference, 946
- Iron and Steel Federation, Easing Foreign Language Problems for Engineers, I'll
- Iron and Steel Research Association, Automatic Forging, 746 ; Forging with Programme Control, 535
- Jet Detuner at Zurich, 837
- Machine Tool Industry, A. Albu, 161
- Machine Tools, Alfred Herbert Ltd,, 695
- Manufacturers, F.B.L Register, 1960, (Review, 567)
- Mining Equipment Export Association, (Leading Article, 924)
- and Overseas Standards for Steels, Comparison, (B.S.L, 341)
- Participation in Space Research, 124
- Petroleum Equipment, (Review, 510) Radar for Arlanda Airport, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- Railways A.C. Locomotives, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 783 ; Electrification Conference, 531
- Railways and Guiilebaud, (Leading Article, 415)
- Railways Modernisat'on, 825
- Road Federation, Ring Motorway for London (Leading Article, 707)
- Shipping, (Leading Article, 248)
- Standards Institution, Bayonet Cap Lampholders of Moulded Insulating Material ; Speedometers and Odometers for Road Vehicles ; American Machine Screws and Nuts ; Hose Connections for Welding and Cutting Equipment, 819 ; Conference of Standards Engineers, 915 ; Corrosion- Inhibited Ethanediol for Water-Cooled Engines ; Sampling and Analysis of Fuel Gas : Charpy V-Notch Impact Test ; Loaded and Unloaded Ebonite for General Purposes, 172 ; Electrically Conducting Rubber Flooring : Gear Hobs : British and Overseas Standards for Steels 341 ; Enclosed Distribution Fuseboards for Low and Medium Voltages ; Dimension.s of Main Friction Clutches, Main Powertake-off Assemblies ; Methods of Testing Plastics, 606 ; Equipment for Eye, Face and Neck Protection Against Radiation Arising during Welding and Similar Operations, Valves for the Petroleum Industry, 1090 ; Filters for Use During Welding ; Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel ; Printed Matters and Stationery, 567 ; Flat Bottom Railway Rails ; Spring Calipers and Spring Dividers, 223 : General Re-equipment for Aircraft Electrical Equipments, 865 ; Master Schedule of Steel Standards, 30 ; Mechanical Testing of Steel at Elevated Temperatures ; Power-Driven Mast Hoists for Materials, 257 ; Nickel and Nickel Alloys ; Broad Flange Beams, Universal Beams and Column Sections ; Wheel Pairs for Locomotives and Rolling Stock ; Toughened Polystyrene Moulding Materials, 133 ; Non-Silver-Staining Natural Rubber Compounds, 779 ; Properties of Steel at Elevated Temperatures ; Solid Drawn Steel Air Receivers not Intended for Transport, 907 ; Sampling Liquid Petroleum Products in Bulk Storage ; Steel Sheets for Magnetic Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus ; Healds, Heald Frames and Reeds ; Dimensions of Tapered Roller Bearings, 685 ; Standards Engineers’ Conference, 579 ; Testing Vulcanised Rubber ; Toughened Polystyrene for Sheet Extrusion ; Filler Rods and Wires for Inert Gas Arc Welding, 973 ; Thimbles for Natural Fibre Ropes ; Kerosene (Paraffin) Unflued Space Heaters, Cooking and Boiling ' " ?
- Twist Drills ; Double Gears, 501 ; Use of uvLumi -jiwi i.. Building, 429 ; World Standards for Protective Helmets, 1079
- Steel, (Leading Articles, 417, 883) Transport, Advising, (Leading Article, 672) Welding Research Association, Fatigue of
- Welded Structures, (31) ; Measuring the Hydrogen Content of Steels, 943
- Broad Flange Beams, Universal Beams and
- Column Sections, (B.S.I., 133)
- Broadcast Station for Ghana, High-Power, 27 Broadcasting System, Stereophonic, Mullard Ltd., 190, 272
- Brochures and Catalogues, 40, 246, 550, 590, 630, 706, 802, 842
- Bronze Aluminium Fabrication, N. C, Ashton Ltd., and W. P. Butterfield Ltd., 195
- Brushless Alternators, Macfarlane Engineering Co., Ltd., 105
- Budget and Dry Docks, 659
- Representations, 402
- The, 1860, 329
- Buffers (Patent, 493)
- Buildings at Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, Reactor Core, 427
- Fire Protection, (Report, 305)
- Materials, Flame-Retardant, (Report, 467) to Resist Mining Subsidence, Concrete- Framed, 439
- of the “Shell” Centre, 94
- Structural Use of Prestressed Concrete, (Code, 688)
- Studies, Factory, (Report, 651)
- Timber Roofs for Factory, (Report, 722)
- Use of Structural Steel, (B.S.L, 429)
- Bulk Cargo Carrier “Macaulay”, Henry Robb Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Flour Transporter, Blaw Knox Ltd., 442
- Handling and Automation at Biscuit Works, Carr and Co,, Ltd,, 1060
- Storage Sampling Liquid Petroleum Products, (B.S.l,, 685)
- Sugar or Ore Carrier “Holmside”, The Burnett Steamship Co,, Ltd,, 23
- Supply Tariff, 1960-61, Electricity, 530 Bundling of Bars, Automatic, Schloemann A.G,,
- 409
- Bunker and Belt Feeder, Stirred, William
- Gardner and Sons, (Gloucester) Ltd., 618 Bureau, Isotope Information, 1075 Burette, W, G, Pye and Co., Ltd., 134 Bus, “Spriditis”, 581
- Busbar, Aluminium, A, G. Thomas and P. J. H.
- Rata, (Review, 651)
- Buyers Guide, The Engineer, (Review, 389) Buying Capital Equipment. 239
- By-Pass Engines Rolls-Royce “Conway”, 142 Grantham, 268
- Maidstone
- Motorway, Lancaster, 648
- Motorway, Maidstone, 984
- Motorway, Stevenage, 831
- Turbo Jet, Rolls-Royce R.B., 141, (31) Wetherby, 85
- Cableless Lift for TV Mast, Alimak-Verken
- A. B., 543
- Cables, Anglp-Swedish Telephone, 1021 in Denmark, Laying of 170kV, Submarine, 279
- for Kariba, 330kV Oil-Filled, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd,, 98
- Plastics-insulated Aluminium, Northern Aluminium Co,, Ltd,, 562
- Plough, Diesel-Powered, V,E.B. Mahdrescher- werk, 798
- Racking System, Savage and Parsons Ltd., 396
- Small Diameter Coaxial, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 560
- Trans-Pacific Telephone, 306
- Linder Water, Locating Electric, E. C. Wad- low, 524
- Calculation of Gas Turbine Performance, Thermodynamic Data, (Report, 824)
- Routine, W. A. Tuplin, (Letter, 388) Calculator, Decimal, 194
- Calculer Electroniques, Machines a : Arithme- tiques et Analogiques, M. Pelegrin, (Review, 304)
- Calendars and Diaries, 80
- Calipers, Spring, and Spring Dividers, (B.S.L, 223)
- Camera, Colour Television, E,M,L Electronics Ltd,, 933
- Industrial Television, Pye Ltd., 908
- Tube, Vidicon, E.M.I. Electronic,s Ltd., 134
- Canadian Electrical Association, Electric Road Transport, 193
- Leakage Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, 945
- Liner “Empress of Canada”, Vickers-Arm- strongs Ltd,, (696)
- St, Lambert Lock, Montreal, Plate 1, 8.1.60
- St. Lawrence Seaway, 232
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report, 792
- Some High Spots in Thermal Power Generation, B. Wood. 250, 290
- Blasting of Earth-Covered Rock, 699
- Manchester Ship Canal, 402
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report, 792
- Canning, Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel, 355
- Canoe, Full-Scale Tank Tests of an International
- 10 Square Metre Class, T. Tanner, 688
- Cans, Manufacture of Impact Extruded Aluminium Beer, Adolph Coors Co., 838
- Capacitive Transducer System, Racal Instruments Ltd., 532
- Capacity in Civil Engineering, Spare, 832 Cape Town, New Railway Station, 201 Capital of Brazil, 394
- Equipment, Buying, 239
- Expenditure, 145
- Investment, Coal, Electricity and Gas, 620
- Investment, Financing, 1025
- Investment in Industry, 793
- Caravans, Site, Frederick Braby and Co., Ltd., 271
- Aircraft
- 1.1.60
- Aircraft,
- Aircraft, “Victorious'
- Bulk Sugar or Ore, ‘ Steamship Co., Ltd., 23
- Cargo, “Storrington”, Stephenson Clarke Ltd. 87
- Development of the Aircraft, J. H. B. Chapman, 569
- Electric Personnel, Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., 144
- H. M.S. “Bulwark” Commando, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 141
- Ore, “Bamburgh Castle”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 23
- Ore, “Morar”, Lithgows Ltd., 87 Case for Coal, 695
- Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, Belgian Researches on Grey, 565
- Iron, Corrosion in. Shell Research Ltd., 745 Casting, Dimensional Aspects of Lost Wax Investment, R. Taylor and N. Mason, 851
- of Wide Aluminium Sheet, Continuous, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Castings. Output of Iron, 948
- Plant, Glass Mould, Dilworth and Carr Ltd., 616
- Plating Zinc Alloy Die, 1013
- Catalogues and Brochures, 40, 246, 550, 590, 630, 706, 802, 842
- Catalysed Silicone Rubbers, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 1022
- Catamaran Firefloat “B.P. Firemaster”, B.P. Tanker Co., Ltd., 361
- Cement-Concrete, Aluminous, Synthetic Aggregate for, Lafarge Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., 234
- and Concrete Association, Prestressed Concrete, (Leading Article, 159) ; Study Tour of U.S. Roads, 395
- Census, Results of the 1959 Road, 436 Centenary, Internal Combustion Engine, (Leading Article, 210)
- Meeting of Naval Architects, 898, (Leading Article, 885)
- of the Royal Institution of Naval Architects, 141
- Central Heating System Accelerator, Lee Howl and Co., Ltd., 691
- Centrifugal Pump, Pegson Ltd., 575
- Pump Dimensional Standardisation, 341 Centring and Facing Machine, Austic-Layton
- Machine Tools Ltd., 65
- Ceramic and Metallic Powders, Stepwise Compaction Process, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- CERN Proton Synchrotron, 277, 315 ; Plate 14,
- 8.1.60
- Chain Conveyor, Overhead, Mann (Handling) Ltd., 577
- Challenge of Nuclear Energy 111, Industrial — Stresa Conference, (Review, 96)
- Chamber of Shipping Report, 485 Chambers, Combustion, (Patent, 325) Chance Vought “Scout” Satellite, 231 Chancellor, The F.B.L, The T.U.C. and the,
- 402 (Leading Article, 377)
- Channel Crossing, (Leading Article, 591) ; (Letter, 1064)
- Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing, 607 Tunnel, (Leading Article, 707) ; M. A. Cameron, (Letter, 778) ; J. R. Edisbury, (Letter, 778) ; Report, 718
- Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 12 Characteristics of Tyres, Construction and
- Behaviour, T. French, 253
- Charge Face Machinery for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379
- Chargers, Traction Battery, Oldham and Son, Ltd., 872
- Charging, Automatic Battery, Harmer and Simmons Ltd., 646
- Charpy V-Notch Impact Test, (B.S.l., 172) Chart Recorder, Portable Disc, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 599
- Chartered Engineers, Sir Willis Jackson, 395 Charts, Work Loading and Programming, New
- Industrial Charting and Publicity Ltd., 358
- Chemical Engineering Practice, Vol. view, 470)
- Plant in South Gloucestershire, Chemical Industries Ltd., 484
- Chemistry for Engineers, E. Cartmel, 606)
- Chokeless Power Supply Sub-Units, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 235
- Chuck, Indexing Power, John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Chucks, Permanent Magent Sine Angle, Darwins Ltd., 362
- Circuit Breaker, Miniature, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd., 647
- Breakers, Moulded-Case, Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 599
- Breaker, Oil, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 601 Breakers, (Patent, 245)
- Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus, Steel Sheets for Magnetic, (B.S.L, 685) Transistor, K. W. Cattermole, (Review, 429) Transistors in Discharge Lamp, General Electric Co., Ltd., 137
- Circular Saw, Metal Cutting, Wandsbeker Werkzeug-Gesellschaft BeinhofF and Co., 699
- Scale Meters, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 67 Circulator Motor, Gas, General Electric Co., Ltd., Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Cities, Impact of Motorways on, (Leading Article, 496)
- Civil Engineer in Overseas Territories, (Leading Article, 1000)
- Engineering Contracts, Tabular Summary, Erratum, 268
- Engineering, Safety Regulations, 402 Engineering, Spare Capacity, 832
- Civilisation and Engineering, Sir Hugh Beaver, 458
- Claims, Apprentices Wage, 873, 1081
- Clarifier, Grinding Coolant, Alfa-Laval Ltd., 872
- Classifier, Non-Ferrous Metal, Townson Mercer Ltd., 442
- Clean Air, Fuel for, (Leading Article, Report, (Leading Article, 845)
- Clean Rivers, Minister of Housing, Prospect of, (Leading Article, 1037)
- Cleaner Rivers Sooner, (Leading Article, Cleaning Machines, Factory Floor,
- The Case for Coal, 695
- Coal, (Leading Article, 923)
- Electricity and Gas, Capital Investment, 620
- and Gas Industry, D. D. Melvin, 948
- — The More Distant Prospect, (Leading Article, 764)
- Prospects, (Leading Article, 120)
- Trucks, Aluminium Alloy, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- Gas from Low-grade Coal, North Thames Gas Board, 984
- Locomotive Coal Trials, A. C. Sterndale, (Letter, 866)
- “Lopulco” Three-Roller Mill, International Combustion Ltd., 822
- Mechanical Level Sensor, Coal Research Establishment: 134
- Oil Imports and the Coal Industry. (Leading Article, 1037)
- Possible Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in Nottinghamshire, 436
- Study of Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in the West Riding, 984
- Coal and Oil Fired Boilers and Gas Turbines, Corrosion and Deposits, (Review, 261)
- Trials, Locomotive, E. C. Poultney, 462 Coalbrookdale Works Site and Furnace, Plate
- 16,8.1.60
- Coast Station Radio Receivers, Redifon Ltd., 616
- Coastal Tanker “Point Fortin”, Hall Russell and Co., Ltd., 87
- Waters. Dispersal of Warm Effiuent, A. W Wyness, 349
- Coatings, Platinum Metal, Engelhard Industries Ltd., 134
- Coaxial Cables, Small Diameter, Standard
- Telephones and Cables Ltd., 560 Cofferdams, Kariba, 808 ; (Leading Article, 844) Coil, High-Efficiency Heating, Charlton Weddle and Co., Ltd., 358
- Spring Federation, Coil Spring Research Laboratory, 536
- Spring Research Laboratory, 536
- Coin Disposal Mechanism for Public Tele
- phones, Bell Telephone System, 587 Coinage, Decimal, (Leading Article, 764)
- Decimal, and the Metric System, 787
- Coke Ovens at Port Kembla, Broken Hill Proprietary Co., 988
- Cold Bending Machine, Tube, Embassy Machine and Tool Co., Ltd., 318
- Box, Thermoelectric, General Electric Co., Ltd., 480
- Sawing Machine for Aluminium Billets, Automatic, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 800
- Sawing Machine, Automatic, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 1053
- Collaboration on Power Plant Research, 695 Collapse Method of Design, Limitations, W. J. Sutcliffe, V/. J. Sutcliffe, 514
- Collector, Self-Contained Dust, Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd., 480
- Wet Cyclone Dust, Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 533
- College for Technical Teachers, Staff, (Leading Article, 248)
- Colleges and their Government, Technical, 579
- Collet Equipment, Machine Tool, F. Burnerd and Co., Ltd., 106
- Collier “Ballylesson”, Alexander Hall and Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Collision Report, Slade Green,/234
- Cologne, Urban Roads, 280
- Colonial Development, 1081 and Foreign Jottings, 1860, 885
- Colour Television Camera, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 933
- Television, Large Screen. C.I.B.A, Clayton Ltd.. 831
- Television System, R. Chaste and P. Cassagne, 745
- Column Sections, Broad Flange Beams and Universal Beams, (B.S.L, 133)
- Combination, Diesel-Gas-Turbine, (Leading Article, 158)
- Combustion Additives for Boilers, Amber Chemical Co., Ltd., 746
- Chambers, (Patent, 325)
- Engine Centenary, Internal, (Leading Article, 210)
- Engines, Internal, (Patents 373, 761, 801, 841, 1090)
- Systems, Air-Cooling for Gas Turbine, (Report, 305)
- Commando Carrier H.M.S. “Bulwark”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 141
- Commercial Vehicle of Integral Construction, Commer Cars Ltd., 67
- Common Market, Euratom and E.C.S.C., Fusion Urged, 953
- Transfer Machine for V-6 and V-12 Engine Blocks, Cross Company, 799
- Commonwealth Technical Training Week, 269 Telecommunications Board, 828
- Communication Equipment, Marine VHF, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd , 984
- Communications and Transport Museum, 697 Communities, Industrial, Social Welfare, 45 Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic Powders, Stepwise, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- Comparison of British and Overseas Standards for Steels, (B.S.L, 341)
- Compensation of Reactive Current, Automatic, Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., 318
- Competition, Annual Steel Bridge, 243
- Components, Automatic Trunnion for Air Brake, Cross Company, Electronic, Exhibition, 111 Exports, Electronic, 751 and Materials, 1961, Conference tronic, 467
- Testing Equipment for Cylindrical, werk^e G.m.b.H., 409
- Composite Slab Bridges, Abnormal (Report, 824)
- Composition and Structure of Plastics, R. Beeching, 502
- Comprehensive Stone Treatment Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, 471
- Compressed Air and Hydraulics Exhibition, International, 574
- Compression-Ignition Engine, Spark, S. G. Timoney, 899
- Compressor Set for Mine Stowage Operations, Air, Tilghman’s Ltd., 619
- Compressors, Rotary Air, Beiliss and Morcom Ltd., 692
- Computations, Tidal Flow, J. R. H. Otter and A. S. Day, 177; Erratum, 232
- Computer, Air Traffic Control, Ferranti Ltd., 747
- Air Traffic Control, General Precision Incorporated, 872
- Amplifier, Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., 576
- Amplifier, High-Gain, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 908
- Application, Fast Electronic Memory, 760 Bureau in Birmingham, International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., 360
- Centres, London. International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., 828
- Controlled Plant Operating System, Elliot Brothers (London) Ltd., 933
- for Data Processing and Operations Analysis, Automatic, 545
- Desk-size Analogue, Electronic Associates Ltd. 576
- Discussion Meeting, 165
- Electronic, T. E. Ivall, (Review, 721) Exhibition and Symposium, 306
- Hyperbolic Navigational, The Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 615
- Introduction, B.B.C., 986
- Office Electronic, Visible Writing Machine Co., Ltd., 235
- Process Control, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 1023
- Programmes for Engineering, (Leading Article, 765)
- Section at Risley, U.K.A.E.A., 229
- Simple Approach to Electronic, E. H. W. Hersee, (Review, 470)
- Society Conference, 691
- Transportable Digital, 694
- Computing System, “Stantec”, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 932
- Anticlastic Shells in Concrete, Texas Instruments Ltd., 974
- Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant, H. Liebherr, 795
- Framed Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439
- Machinery, (Patent, 922)
- Plant at Klang Gates Darn in Malaya, L. Conacher, 472
- Congress of the Precast Concrete Industry, Stockholm, (696)
- International Association for Shell Structures, 143
- Measuring the Workability of Concrete, J. M. Plowman, 1007
- Parramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641
- Precast Concrete Manufacture at a Hounslow Works, Concrete Ltd., 689
- Prestressed Concrete, (Leading Article, 159) Concrete Beams, 34-ton, Blakelay (Hope) Ltd., 67
- Concrete Dock Gate, “Elbe 17”, 72 Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690
- Side-Discharge Dumper for Concrete, Thwaites Engineering Co., Ltd., 443
- Socoman Prestressed Pipeline in South Africa, 200
- Split Watersealing Device for Joints in Concrete, Tretol-Servicised Ltd., 537
- Structural Use of Prestressed Concrete in Buildings, (Code, 688)
- Surface Treatment for Concrete Formwork, Stuart B. Dickens Ltd., 397
- Symposium on Grouting Prestressed Concrete, (486)
- Synthetic Aggregate for Aluminous-Cement- Concrete, Lafarge Aluminous Cement Co., Ltd., 234
- Tensile Cracks in Reinforced Concrete, A. Efsen and H. Krenchel, (Review, 685) Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty 612
- Conditioning of T.S.S. “Chusan”, Air, Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., 608
- Conditions of Contract, LC.E. General, The Engineer as Adjudicator and Arbitrator,
- F. Newhouse, 224
- for Export Contracts, General, 101 Conducting Rubber Flooring, Electrically, (B.S.L, 341)
- Conductivities, Thermal and Electrical, of Nickel-Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, R. W. Powell and R. P. Tye, 729
- Cone and Plate Viscometer, Flow Recorder, Ferranti Ltd., 748
- Conference, Atomic Energy Irradiation, Sydney, 530
- British Railways Electrification, 531 on Electronic Components and Materials, 1961, 467
- Industrial Electronics, 306, 691 International Atomic Energy Agency, 1085 Standards Engineers’, 579, 915
- World Power, Plenary Meeting, 943
- Congress and Atomic Exposition, American Nuclear, 954, 993, 1030, 1086
- for Automatic Control, 625
- on Automatic Control, Moscow International, 530
- Eighth International Automobile Technical, 848, 892
- on Large Dams, 192 ; Seventh International, 530
- Metallic Corrosion, 272
- of the Precast Concrete Industry, Stockholm, (696)
- Connections for Welding and Cutting Equipment, Dimensions of Hose, (B.S.L, 819)
- Connectors, Multi-Pole, Ferranti Ltd., 1079 Conservation of Electrolyte, Caiylators Ltd., ^59 “Consort” Nuclear Research “
- General Electric Co., Ltd.,
- Constant-Speed Alternators,
- Co., Ltd., 656
- Construction and Behaviour
- Tyres, T. French, 253 and Classification of Steel
- Regulations, 1959, (Review, 389) Commercial Vehicle of Integral, Commer Cars Ltd., 67
- in Lancashire, Road, Plate 2, 8.1.60 Naval, in 1959, Raymond V. B. Blackman, 44 in 1959, Motorway, 85
- in South Africa, Progress of Aluminium, 878 of Tjbrn Bridge, 148
- Work Abroad, British, 68 Work of Engineering, 538
- Constructional Work, 444, 1025
- Consumer’s Unit, All-insulated, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd., 647
- Consumption, Oil, 1025
- Contactor, Block, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 646 On-Load Double-Pole, Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 599
- Container Handling Crane, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 361
- Raising and Tipping Machine, Russell Constructions Ltd., 144
- Contents Gauge, Tank, Firth Cleveland Instruments Ltd., 235
- Annealing Furnace, Dr. Werner Herdiecker- hoff, 836
- “Aquamatic” Transom Drive, Volvo Penta, 623
- Asphalt Drying and Mixing Plant, H. Nielson of Son Maskinfabrik A/S, 202
- Automatic Blanking and Piercing Press, V.E.B. Pressenwerk, 446
- Bundling of Bars, Schloemann A.G., 409 Compensation of Reactive Current, Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., 318
- Switch for Reversing Lights, Hella, 583 Tube-Cutting and Screwing Machine, Ruhrstahl A.G., 544
- Welding Installation, Etablissements Ney- pric, 281
- Automobile Technical Congress, Eighth International, 848, 892
- Autostrada del Sole, 113 Award to Professor Tschumi, 6^4 _ Backing-off" Machine, J. - . .
- Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., Bar Cut-Off Machines,
- Peltzer and Ehlers, 370 Bathyscaphe, Seven-Mile Descent, 202 Betatron, 31 MeV, Brown Boveri and Co.,
- Ltd., 71
- Blasting of Earth Covered Rock, 699
- British Jet Detuner at Zurich, 837
- Radar for Arlanda Airport, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- Cableless Lift for TV Mast, Alimak-Verken A,B,, 543
- CERN Proton Synchrotron, 277, 315 Concrete Batching and Mixing Plant, H.
- Liebherr, 795
- Congress for Automatic Control, 625 Construction of Tjorn Bridge, 148 Continental Machine Tool and Production
- Engineering Laboratory, 861
- Continuous Galvanising Plant at August Thyssen-Hiitte, 111
- Dalmine Continuous Tube Mill, Dalmine S.p.A., 36
- Dial Test Indicator, Tesa S.A., 452
- Diesel Engine, “Model FL 310”, Klockner- Humboldt-Deutz, 834
- Powered Cable Plough, V.E.B, Mahdres- cherwerk, 798
- Diving Sphere, Fried, Krupp, 754
- Dock Crane, V.E.B. Kranbau Eberswalde,
- 487
- Dortmund Tower, 34
- Drydock of Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstads AB., 33
- Drying and Mixing Plant for Bituminous Mixes, Huther and Co., 796
- Dumper, 1.5 Cubic Metre, Orenstein-Koppel und Lubecker Maschinenbau A.G., 1029 Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449
- Transonic Wind Tunnel, 661
- Electric Winch, Heinrich Defries G.m.b.H., 837
- Electronic Components Exhibition, 111
- Micro-balance, Sartorius-Werke A.G., '834 Electro-pneumatic Servo-motor, Messier, 836 Elementary Particle, New, 664 “Euromast” Rotterdam, Plate 16, 1.1.60 European Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, (C.E.M.A.), 319
- Energy Problems, 877
- Free Trade Association, 30
- Fault Current Correction, 1034
- Fifty-Cycle A.C, Locomotives in Russia, 1027
- Fish Curing Plant, V.E.B. Erfurter Malzerei- und-Speicherbau, 446
- Fly-cutter, Elfried Mengel, 837
- Fork Lift Truck, N.V. Maschinefabriek Thole, 370
- Frankfurt Batelle Institute, Annual Report, 1085
- French Frigate “L’Alsacien”, 44
- Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Nuclear Bomb Test, 306
- Suspension Railway, 755
- Fusion Urged of Common Market, Euratom and E.C.S.C., 953
- Gas Tanker “Agipgas Terza”, M. and B. Benetti, 33
- Turbine, “Pirna 017”, 446
- Gate Valve, Vereinigte Armaturen-Gesell- schaft m.b.H., 835
- Generator, High-Frequency Portable, Robert
- Bosch G.m.b.H., 699
- Geneva Motor Show, 540, 581, 623, 664 German Industries Fair at Hanover, 753, 795, 834
- Roads, 112
- Glider “Libelle”, 446
- Gdransson, Karl Fredrik, Obituary, 1085 Haringvliet Dam, Plate 6, 1.1.60
- High-Power Xenon Lamp, 1085
- Honda “Dream”, Overhead Camshaft Twin,
- Motor Cycle. 582
- Hydraulic Clinching Machine, British
- Federal Welder and Machine Co., 795 Industrial Betatron, Mobile, Siemens-Reiniger- Werke A.G., 151
- Diesel Engines, Mercedes-Benz, 826 Information Exchanges, 111 Institute for Nuclear Fusion, 877 International Atomic Energy Agency, Conference, 1085
- Italian Dams, 35
- Machine Tool Exhibition, 544, 837
- Jaw Crusher, Fried. Krjjpp., 795
- Jet Airliner, “I Kahl Nuclear
- Transformer,
- Kettig Viaduct, Latina Nuclear
- Laying of 170kV Submarine Cable in Denmark, 279
- Leipzig Spring Fair, 446, 487
- Level, Self-compensating, Carl Zeiss, 836 Liege International Fair, 488
- Locomotive, 135-ton, V.E.B. Lokomotivbau-
- Elektrotechnische Werke, 487 Low-Filtration X-Ray Tube, C. H. F. Muller,
- 281
- Luminous Traffic Policemen, 73
- Mallet Giving Low-Peak-Force Impulses, Hazet-Werk, 664
- Malpasset Dam, Preliminary Report, 812 Mangfall Bridge, 32 Mannheim-Ludwigshaven
- Plate 3, 8.1.60
- Metal Cutting Circular
- Werkzeug-Gesellschaft
- 699
- Motom 98 Overhead Camshaft Motor Cycle,
- 583
- Motor Vehicle Production in Holland, 1083 “Multi-Pitch” Propeller, Lesnor-Maehr Marine Co., Inc., 623
- Needle Bearing, Industriewerk Schaeffler, 837 Neoplan Long Haul Luxury Coach, 581 Neutron Diffraction Apparatus, 150
- Noiseless Blowpipe, N.V., Nederlandsche
- Instrumentenfabriek, 544 Novosibirsk Power Station, 32 Oil Developments, 70
- Drilling Equipment, Engineering Works “1st May”, Ploesti, 487
- “152” Jet Airliner, V.E.B. Flugzeugbau, 446 Oxy-acetylene Cutting Machine, A.G. Eisen- hutte Prinz Rudolf, 837
- “Packan” Hand Grip, Greifzug, 835
- Palazzo dello Sport, Rome, Plate 16, 1.1.60 Panel Saw, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 543
- Paz 652 Coach, 581 “Pirna 014”, Jet Engine, 446 Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029 Plano-milling Machine, TOS Factory, 487
- Platform Scale, Bizerba, 834
- Pneumatic Hammer, A. B. Asbrink and Co., 837
- Hand Nailing Equipment, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 796
- Portable Router, Gotthold Haffner Maschinenfabrik, 370
- Potato Harvester, V.E.B. Mahdrescherwerk, 446
- Power Shovel, Side-Tipping, Rheinstahl Hanomag A.G., 835
- Precision Measuring Equipment, Hahn and Kolb, 319
- Pressure Gauge, “Pi-Meter”, Fritz Kiehn G m.b.H., 623
- Prestressed Concrete Dock Gate,
- 72
- Programme-Controlled Milling Fritz Werner, A.G., 319
- Pusher Tug “Olivier van Noort”,
- Efka-Werke
- Machines,
- 33
- Reactor, “Argonaut”, Siemens, 796 Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950 Re-Railing Crane for Electrified Lines,
- Krupp-Ardelt G.m.b.H., 953
- Retractable Stern Gear, Wido, 623
- River Shearing Machine, Mager and Wede- mayer, 36
- Road Transporter for Railway Wagons, Rheinstahl Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf A.G.,
- 835
- Roll Changing Device, Hoesch A.G., 1029 Rope Ladder, W. Hohenstein Sohne, 837 Rotary Piston Engine Symposium, V.D I., 365
- Safety Device for Gas Cookers, 1085
- Sandviken Extrusion Tube Mill, Sandvik Steel Works, 95,3
- Savines Bridge, 544
- Schwarzach Power Station, 404
- Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 1085
- Selector Switch, Audio-frequency Operated, Siemens, 796
- Semi-Automatic Sorter, Compac Works, 319 Trailer, Merz A.G., 582
- “Setra” Coach, Karl Kassbohrer Fahrzeug- werke G.m.b.H., 581
- Sewing and Knitting Machine, V. E. B. Tijllmaschinenbau, 446
- Short Take-off and Landing Aircraft, Dornier Works, 241
- Shovel Loader, Salzgitter
- Shunting Engine, Heavy Graz-Pauker A.G., 917
- Side-board Latch, Marcel “Simatic”, Transistorised Control System,
- Siemens, 796
- Societe Beige des Mecaniciens, Conference and Annual Meeting, 488
- Soot Gun, Scan-Technic, 1029
- Soviet Power Development, 699
- “Spriditis” Bus, 581
- Swedish Mine Hoists for U.S.S.R., A.S.E.A., 151
- Tagus Bridge. 1029
- Tancarville Bridge, Plate 16, 1.1.60
- Testing Equipment for Cylindrical Components, Hommelwerke G.m.b.H., 409
- Tipper Truck, Large, Bennes Marrel, 150
- Tipping Truck, High Level, Fahrzeugwerke Walter Hunger, K.G., 446
- Tower Crane, H. Liebherr, 795
- Traction Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, 452 Traffic Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Signal Equipment, A.E.B., 583
- Trailer, Four-wheel, Draize S.A., 581
- Heavy, Martin Fiala K.G., 72
- Tramcar, V. E. B. Waggonbau Gotha. 487 Transfer Line, Fully-Automatic, V. E.
- Werkzeugmaschinenfabrik Vogtland, 446 Transport and Communications Museum, 697 Tube Bending Lathe, V. E. B. Maschinenfabrik John Schehr, 487
- Cold Bending Machine, 318
- Cutting Machine, Eyring and Scheelke, 452 Turning Machine, Semi-Automatic, Schiess
- A.G., 585
- Twin-spot Welder, Brown, Boveri and Cie,
- 836
- Universal Loader Institut fiir Fordertechnik, 487
- Urban Roads in Cologne, 280
- U.S.-Euratom Joint Programme, 664
- Utrecht Technical Spring Fair, 488
- Vaiont Dam, 35
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Annual Meeting,
- 837
- Vertical Milling Machine, V. E. B. Fritz- Heckert-Werk, 446
- Vodo Dam, 35
- Wagon Tippler, Beck and Henkel, 796
- Water Turbine Laboratory at Kristinehamn, 875
- Work of P, L. Nervi, 665
- Zurich Airport Extension, 584
- Devices, Pressure, Honeywell Controls Ltd., 1022
- Dust and Smoke, 832
- Equipment, “CRWl” Welding, Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products Ltd., 647
- Equipment for Metal Spraying Plant, Automatic, Metallizing Equipment Co., Ltd., 236
- Forging with Programme, B.I.S.R.A., 535 of Four-Channel Spot Welder, Synchronous Digital, Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., 947
- and Instrumentation of a Marine Reactor, R. Asneomb and F. Hutber, 162
- Iron and Steel Works Production, 773
- at Little Barford “B” Power Station, Electronic, 226
- of Machine Tools, Electronic, Electrical Industries Ltd., 962 at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- Moscow International Congress matic, 530
- Associated
- Automatic,
- on Auto-
- Maschinen, 487 Diesel, Simmering-
- Pavillard, 581
- B.
- Continuous Benzole Fractionating Unit, The A.P.V. Co., Ltd., 308
- Casting of Wide Aluminium Sheet, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Galvanising Plant at August Thyssen-Hiitte, 111
- Heat Treatment Plant for Rollers, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 233
- Stoving Installation, G. and R. Gilbert Ltd.. 237
- Tube Mill, Dalmine S.p.A., 36
- Contour Milling and Diesinking Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Contract, I.C.E. General Conditions, The Engineer as Adjudicator and Arbitrator, F. Newhouse, 224
- Contracts, 31, 69, 146, 240, 275, 313, 364, 403, 445, 486, 539, 580, 621, 660, 696, 752, 794, 833, 874, 916, 949, 987, 1026, 1082 General Conditions for Export, 101
- Contribution to the Deterrent, Britain’s, 298 a I’etude des ultrasonsaeriens : production et applications, R. Boucher, (Review, 510) Control, Automatic Train, (Patent, 589) Computer, Air Traffic, Ferranti Ltd., 747 Computer, Air Traffic, General Precision Incorporated, 872
- Computer. Process, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 1023
- Congress for Automatic, 625
- Data Handling in Air Traffic, 638
- of Nuclear Stations, “Human Engineering”, General Electric Co., Ltd.. 191
- Process, (Patent, 997)
- of Pumping Stations, Supervisory, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 749
- Recent Mechanical Engineering Development in Automatic, 122
- Remote. Rolling Mill, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 920
- Road Signal, (Leading Article, 496)
- Road Traffic, (Patent, 245)
- Room, Ergonomics, General Electric Co., Ltd., 363
- of Slip Inserter, Electronic, Electronic Machine Co., Ltd., 197
- Static Equipment for Automatic Voltage, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 645
- Switches, Joystick, Pye Ltd., 104
- System, “Simatic” Transistorised, Siemens, 796
- Systems and Armaments, Precision Gearing, (Review, 972)
- Valves, British Area Regulators Ltd., 914
- Valves, Multi-Bank Hydraulic, Joseph Young and Sons, Ltd., 269
- of Water Resources, (Leading Article, 884) of a Wiedmann Turret Press, Automatic, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 1041
- Controlled Air Supply Valve, Pneumatically, Ozonair Engineering Co., Ltd., 534
- Creep Speed Drive for Cranes, Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238
- Rectifiers, Silicon, General Electric Co., Ltd., 396
- Controller, Bin Level, Henry Simon Ltd., 947 Joystick, Square D Ltd., 66
- Transistorised Temperature, Fielden Electronics Ltd., 28
- Transistorised Temperature, Heating Investments Ltd., 775
- Viscosity, Smiths Industrial Instruments Ltd., 619
- Convention, British Electrical Power. Electricity : The New Horizon, Lord Chandos, 926
- Nylon, British Nylon Spinners Ltd., 941 Conversazione, Models at Institution of Civil Engineers, 1058
- Conversion of Ferry to Diesel-Hydrostatic Propulsion, 789
- of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, 1024 Proposals in East Anglia, Rail-to-Road, 66 Railway, T. I. Lloyd, (Letter, 720)
- Converter for Steel Mill, Mercury-Arc, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 693 Telephony/Teleprinter, Redifon Ltd., 644 Conveying Plant, Pneumatic, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd., 739
- Conveyor Circuit, Richard Sutcliffe Ltd., 739 Easily Cleaned Belt, Farrow and Jackson, Ltd., 658
- Idler, West’s Gas Improvement Co., Ltd., 739 Lifters for Armoured Face, 1079
- Mine Stable Hole, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 503 Overhead, Geo. W. King Ltd., 739 Overhead Chain, Mann (Handling) Ltd., 577 Rope Belt, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 618 and Screen, Combined, Sinex Engineering Co., Ltd., 613
- Vibratory, Sinex Engineering Co., Ltd., (31) Cookers, Safety Device for Gas, 1085
- Coolant Clarifier, Grinding, Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., 872
- Pump, Motor-driven, Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Cooler, Multi-purpose Water, 622
- Cooling Tower, Multi-Channel, Thermotank Ltd., 358
- Towers, Water, Midland Heating and Ventilation Co., Ltd., 310
- Co-operation in Fire Research, International, 1081
- Co-operative Article, 552) Co-ordination
- 690 Copper Rod
- Callender’s Cables Ltd., 855
- Roofing, 1013 Copy Band Grinding Machine, Cyril Adams and
- Co., Ltd., 1053
- Core Blower, Shell, Foundry and Metallurgical Equipment Co., Ltd., 830
- Building at Berkeley Nuclear Power Station. Reactor. 427
- Correction, Fault Current, 1084 Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, G. Butler and
- H. C. K. Ison, 29 in Cast Iron, Shell Research Ltd., 745 Congress, Metallic, 272 and Deposits in Coal and Oil Fired Boilers
- and Gas Turbines, (Review, 261)
- Inhibited Ethanediol for Water-Cooled Engines, (B.S.I.. 172)
- and Oxidation of Metals, Ulick R. Evans, (Review, 509)
- Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel for Protection Against, (B.S.L, 567)
- Turbine Bearing, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 943
- Cost of Space Research, (Leading Article, 121) Costs, Hours and Wages, 274
- Counter/Timer, High-Speed, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 908
- Course for Systems-Analysts, Production Engineering Ltd., 575
- Crack Propagation in Sheet Material, (Report, 824)
- Cracks in Reinforced Concrete, Tensile, A. Efsen and H. Krenchel, (Review, 685)
- Craft in Durban Waters, Small Aluminium Alloy, A. J. Howes (Pty.) Ltd., 201
- Crane, Container Handling, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 361
- Controlled Creep Speed Drive, Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238
- Dock, V. E. B. Kranbau Eberswalde, 487 for Electrified Lines, Re-Railing, Krupp- Ardelt, G.m.b.H., 953
- 48 tons, Stothert and Pitt Ltd., Plate 14, 1.1.60 “Goliath”, Babcock and Wilcox Ltd., Plate 14, 1.1.60
- K.L.33 Mobile, George Cohen “600” Group Ltd., 739
- Large Tower, George Cohen “600” Group Ltd., 476
- Mobile, Ransomes and Rapier Ltd., 739 Mobile Diesel-Electric, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 739
- Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo, E. Lightfoot and M. M. O. Girgrah, 735
- Pontoon, Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., 615 Rubber-Tyred Travelling, Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., 771
- Self-Erecting Tower, George Cohen, Sons and Co., Ltd., 272
- System, Overhead, British Mono-Rail Ltd., 739
- Tower, H. Liebherr, 795
- Travelling Monotower, Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., Plate 14, 1.1.60
- Truck-Mounted, Tunny Cranes Ltd., 739
- Crankcase Lubricating Oils, Engine Testing, 1080
- Crankshaft Failures, R. Atkinson and P. Jackson, 310
- Creep Speed Drive for Cranes, Controlled,
- . Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238
- Critical Look at the Novikov Gear, Harry Walker, 725 ; A. M. Gunner, (Letter, 818)
- Cross Channel Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina”, G. W. Tripp, 263
- Shuttle Transfer Machine for Exhaust Manifolds, Cross Co., 840
- Crossing, Channel, (Leading Article, 591) ; (Letter, 1064)
- of the Channel, Proposal for a Road and Rail, 607
- Crossover, Railway, (Leading Article, 804) Crude Oil Terminal on Kharg Island, Iranian
- Oil Exploration and Producing Co., 337
- Crucher, Jaw, Fried. Krupp, 795
- Cruiser H.M.S. “Tiger”, 44 ; Plate 8, 1.1.60
- Cryogenic Engineering, R. B. Scott, and Progress in Cryogenics, K. Mendelssohn, (Reviews, 304)
- Crystal Silicon, Preparation of High Purity Single, J. L. Parmee, 979
- Current, Automatic Compensation of Reactive, Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., 318 Correction, Fault, 1084
- Measurement, Clip-on, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 578
- Curve Surveying, R. B. M, Jenkins, (Review, 818)
- Cut-Off Machines, Bar, Maschinenfabrik Peltzer and Ehlers, 370
- Cutter, Milling, with “Throw Away” Tips, Edibrac Ltd., (31)
- Cutting and Flame Processing, Powder, B. Brandstet, (Review, 779)
- Fluids, (Review, 133)
- Machine, Oxy-acetylene, A. G. Eisenhutte Prinz Rudolf, 837
- Machine, Tube, Eyring and Scheelke, 452 and Screwing Machine, Automatic Tube, Ruhrstahl A.G., 544
- Tools, (Patent, 1089)
- and Welding Equipment, Dimensions of Hose Connections, (B.S.I., 819)
- Cycle Milling, Automatic, Adcock and Shipley Ltd., 143
- Motor, Honda “Dream” Overhead Camshaft Twin, 582
- Motor, Motom 98 Overhead Camshaft, 583
- Cyclone Dust Collector, Wet, Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 533
- Cylinder Head, Transfer Machining of Die-Cast, Buhr Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 371
- Cylindrical Components, Testing Equipment, Hommelwerke, G.m.b.H., 409
- Grinding Machine, Plunge-Cut, Newall Group Sales Ltd., 943
- Electrical Research, (Leading
- of Time Signals, International,
- Rolling Mill, British Insulated
- Dalmine Continuous Tube Mill, Dalmine S.p.A., 36
- Damper, Adjustable Hydraulic, Spax Ltd., 310 Dams, Congress on Large, 192
- Haringvliet, Plate 6, 1.1.60
- Italian, 35
- in Malaya, Klang Gates, Concrete Plant, J, Conacher, 472
- Preliminary Report on the Malpasset, 812 Seventh International Congress on Large, 530 Vaiont, 35, Plate 7, 1.1.60
- Vodo, 35
- Data Acquisition and Monitoring, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 269
- for the Calculation of Gas Turbine Performance, Thermodynamic, (Report, 824)
- Handling in Air Traffic Control, 638 Handling System, Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial) Ltd., 908
- Logging System, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 483 Processing for Business, 840_ Processing national
- 945
- Processing,
- Machines Ltd., 28
- Processing and Operations matic Computers, 545
- Processing System Development, I.B.M.
- United Kingdom Ltd., 533
- Inter-
- Tabulators Ltd.,
- for Business i^oblems. Computers and
- Direct Reading,
- De La Rue Bull
- Analysis, Auto-
- Storage, Magnetic Drums, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 103
- Transmission Facilities, 619
- Deadening Material for Sheet Metal Equipment, Sound, Supra Chemicals and Paints Ltd., (696)
- Decimal Calculator, 194
- Coinage, (Leading Article, 764)
- Coinage and the Metric System, 787
- Deep Water Harbour at Bridgetown, Barbados, Plate 13, 1.1.60
- Defence, (Leading Article, 289)
- Britain’s Contribution to the Deterrent, 298 Problems, Outstanding, (Leading Article, 1000)
- Second Thoughts, (Leading Article, 803) with Some Difference, (Leading Article, 327) of the Thames, 1860, 417
- De-Greasing Plant, Acid, Turner and Brown Ltd., 401
- Plants for Ultrasonic Cleaning Metal, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 576 Delay Simulator for Reactor Studies, Time, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 573
- Demonstration of Flow Transition, Q.V.F. Ltd., 308
- Demonstrations for Europe, Radar, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 401
- Denmark DR3 Research Reactor, 142
- Laying of l70kV Submarine Cable, 279
- Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Industrial Value of Research (Leading Article, 709) ; No. 1, 710, 766
- Deposits and Corrosion in Coal and Oil Fired Boilers and Gas Turbines, (Review, 261)
- Depthmeter, Battery-Operated, Brookes and Gatehouse Ltd., 307
- Derwent Reservoir, 266
- Descent of Bathyscaphe, Seven-Mile, 202 Describer Developments, Train, 438 Design of Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop-Hammers, Simplified, W. Eastwood, 346
- Limitations of the Collapse Method, W. J. Sutcliffe, 514
- and Manchester, Industrial, (Leading Article, 495)
- in Practice, Industrial, 538 Servomechanisms and Regulating System, H. Chestnut and R, W. Mayer, (Review, 170)
- Some Applications of “Deuce” to Diesel Engine, T, J. Williams, 186
- of Welded Pipe Fittings, P. H. R. Lane and R. T. Rose, (Review, 305)
- Destroyer “Devonshire”, Launch of Guided Missile, 1020
- Escort U.S. “Claud Jones”, 75
- U.S.S. “Richard S. Edwards”, 44
- Destroyers, Guided Missile, 44
- Detergent Troubles, (Leading Article, 708) Determinants, Matrices and Tensors, Elements of, for Engineers, S. Austen Stigant, (Review, 171)
- Deterrent, Britain’s Contribution to, 298 Detuner, British Jet, at Zurich, 837 “Deuce”, Some Applications, to Diesel Engine Design T. J. Williams, 186
- Dial Indicators, Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd., 134
- Test Indicator, Tesa S.A., 452
- Dialling, Subscriber Trunk, at Evesham, 102 Diaries and Calendars, 80
- Die-Cast Cylinder Head, Transfer Machining, Buhr Machine Tool Company, 371
- Die Castings, Plating Zinc Alloy, 1013
- Grinding Tool, B.U. Morris Ltd., 603
- Diesel-Electric Cranes, Mobile, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 739
- Diesel-Electric Locomotive, English Electric- Vulcan Foundry 1100 h.p. (Type 2) Bo-Bo, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, The English Electric Co,, Ltd., 300
- Diesel Engines, Air-Cooled, R. A. Lister and and Co., Ltd., (916)
- “AT”, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 57
- Design, Some Applications of “Deuce”, T. J. Williams, 186
- 5-litre, Perkins Ltd., 129
- Industrial, Mercedes-Benz, 836 Mark RKRN 6 Thornycroft, 129 “Model FL 310”, Klockner-Humboldt- Deutz, 834
- Model T4 Kelvin, 129
- “Monarch” Class, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day Ltd., 58
- Perkins Six 3O5(M) Marine, 129
- Protection Panel, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components IDivision, 577
- “Sovereign” Class, National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd,, 58
- Diesel Engineers and Users Association, Luncheon, 654 ; Visit to Locomotive, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 435
- Diesel-Gas-Turbine . Combination, (Leading Article, 158)
- Diesel-Hydraulic Shunting Locomotive, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 871
- Diesel-Hydrostatic Propulsion, Conversion of Ferry, 789
- Diesel Locomotive Maintenance Depot, 827 Locomotive Running and Maintenance, 573
- Diesel-Powered Cable Plough, V.E.B. Mahdrescherwerk, 798
- Diesel Shunting Engine Heavy, Simmering- Graz-Pauker A.G., 917
- Trains, Lightweight, A. H. Sommer, (Letter, 96)
- Diesinking and Contour Milling Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Diffraction Apparatus, Neutron, Technological University of Munich, 150
- Digital Computer, Transportable, 694
- Control of Four-Channel Spot Welder Synchronous, Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd,, 947
- Dimensional Analysis, Vector, P. D. Richardson, (Letter, 866)
- Aspects of Lost Wax Investment Casting, R. Taylor and N, Mason, 851
- Standardisation, Centrifugal Pump, 341
- Dimensions of Hose Connections for Welding Cutting Equipment, (B.S.L, 819) of Main Friction Clutches, Main Power-takeoff Assemblies and Associated Attachments, (B.S.L, 606)
- Dine, Overseas Scholars, (Leading Article, 592)
- Diodes, Automatic Assembly of Silicon, Ferranti, Ltd., 61
- for Millimetric Waves, Modulator with Germanium. 492
- for Parametric Amplifiers, General Electric Co., Ltd., 66
- Tunnel, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 99
- Direct Reading for Data Processing, De La Rue Bull Machines Ltd., 28
- Direction Signs for Motorways, R. L. Moore and A. W. Christie, 813
- Director of the Science Museum, (Leading Article, 632) •
- Directory of German Industries, Seibt Export, (Review, 172)
- Disc Brakes, Proprietary, Ferodo Ltd., 827 Chart Recorder, Portable, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 599
- Discharge Lamp, Arc, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 134
- Lamp Circuits Transistors, General Co., Ltd., 137
- Lamp Production Development, The Electric Co,, Ltd,, 774
- Valve, Rotary, Dunford and Elliott Engineering Ltd,, 482 '
- Discharges, Temperatures in Solar Atmospheric
- Electrical, C. E. R, Bruce, (Letter, 170)
- Dispensing, Automatic Warehouse, Solartron- John Brown Automation Ltd,, 689
- Dispersal of Warm Effluent in Coastal Waters, A, W, Wyness, 349
- Disposal Mechanism for Public Telephones, Coin, Bell Telephone System, 587 of Radioactive Waste, Sea, 1085
- Disputes in 1959, Industrial, 986
- Distillation Simulator, Production, British Petroleum Co,, Ltd,, 307
- Distribution Fuseboards for Low and Medium Voltages, Enclosed, (B,S,I,, 606)
- Installation, Fuel, Shell-Mex and B,P,, Ltd,, 743
- of Shear Stress in a Box Beam, B, A, Walker 1067
- Diversion Tunnel, Snowy Mountains, 988
- Dividers, Spring, and Spring Calipers, (B,S.I., 223)
- Diving Operations, Safety, 363 Sphere, Fried. Krupp, 754
- Admiralty Floating Dock, 653
- Deep Water Harbour at Bridgetown, Barbados, Plate 13, 1.1.60
- Dock Crane, V. E. B. Kranbau Eberswalde. 487
- and Harbour Engineering, H. F. Cornick, (Review, 1065)
- Dockside Shed, Large, Higgs and Hill Ltd., 613
- Dry Docks and the Budget, 659
- Drydock of Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstads A.B., 33
- Durban Harbour Improvements, 879
- East London Harbour, 880
- Grangemouth Docks, Improvements, 440
- National Dock Labour Board, Employment, 986
- Prestressed Concrete Dock Gate, “Elbe 17”, 72
- St. Lambert Lock, Montreal, Plate 1, 8.1.60 Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612
- Dortmund Tower, 34
- Double Circular Arc Type Gears, (B.S.I., 501)
- Focusing Mass Spectrometer, Large, 547
- Reduction Axle, Leyland Motors Ltd., 658 Drawing Office, Automatic Printer, Rank-
- Xerox Ltd., 65
- Draw-Off Tower at Tryweryn Reservoir, 399 Dredger, Motor Grab, “Cressell”, Henry Robb
- Ld., Plate 10, 8.1.60 Drehstromasynchronmotoren, Schnellaufende,
- H. Moser, (Review, 606)
- Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, Duplex, Kitchen and Wade Ltd., 443
- Equipment, Oil, Engineering Works “1st May”, Ploesti, 487
- Machine, Kerry’s (Great Britain) Ltd., 1045 Machine with Electronic Positional Control, Wadkin Ltd., and E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Machine, Radial, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Machine, Transfer, Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1055
- for Oil, Shell International Petroleum Co., Ltd., (752)
- Platform, Mobile Oil, Clelands (Successors) Ltd., 18
- Rigs, Mobile Rock, Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Co,, Ltd., 829
- Drills, Spiral Point Twist, Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd., 401
- Twist, (B.S.L, 501)
- Drives, “Aquamatic” Transom, Volvo Penta 623
- Belt, Turner Brothers Asbestos Co., Ltd., 482 for Cranes, Controlled Speed Creep, Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238
- Motor-coupling, Heenan and Froude Ltd., 563
- Recovery of Slip Power in Variable Speed A.C., General Electric Co,, Ltd., 529 Drip-proof Squirrel Cage Induction Motor,
- Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., 560 Drop Hammers, Simplified Design of AntiVibration Foundations, W. Eastwood, 346 ; P. H. Allaway, (Letter, 468) ; W. Eastwood, (Letter, 508)
- Pressure, in a Duct with Heat Transfer, J. S. Turton, 902
- Drums, Magnetic, for Data Storage, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd,, 103
- Motorised, Richards Structural Steel Co., Ltd., 739
- Dry Docks and the Budget, 659
- Drydock of Eriksbergs Mekaniska Verkstads A.B., 33
- Drying and Mixing Plant, Asphalt, H. Nielson of Son Maskinfabrik A/S, 202 and Mixing Plant for Bituminous Mixes, Huther and Co., 796
- Town Gas by Refrigeration, W. C. Holmes and Co., Ltd., 828
- Dual-purpose Mine Winders in Yorkshire, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 947
- Duct with Heat Transfer, Pressure Drop, J. S. Turton, 902
- Dumper for Concrete, Side-Discharge, Thwaites Engineering Co., Ltd., 443
- “Dempster-Dumper”, Powell Duffryn Engineering Co., Ltd., 739
- 1.5 Cubic Metre, Orenstein-Koppel und Lubecker Maschinenbau A.G., 1029
- Duplex Drilling, Boring and Screwing Machine, Kitchen and Wade Ltd., 443
- Durban Harbour Improvements, 879
- Waters, Small Aluminium Alloy Craft, A. J. Howes (Pty.) Ltd., 201
- Durgapur Iron and Steel Works, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., 55 ; Plate 3,
- 1.1.60
- Dust Collector, Self-Contained, Dallow Lambert and Co., Ltd. 480
- Collector, Wet Cyclone, Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 533
- and Grit Sampling Equipment, Mancuna Engineering Ltd., 108
- and Smoke Control, 832
- Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449 Transonic Wind Tunnel 661
- Dynamometer, Tyre Testing, Goodyear Tyre and Rubber Co., 930
- E. C.S.C., Common Market and Euraton,
- Fusion Urged, 953
- E. E.C., E.F.T.A., and the Atlantic, (Leading
- Article, 883)
- Early Oil-Engined Locomotives, Some. 229
- Earnings in the Engineering Profession, 477
- and Hours, 1025
- Earth-Covered Rock, Blasting, 699
- Metal Investigated, Rare, 668
- Earthwork Quantities for Highways, (Leading
- Article, 209) ; D. H. Glover, (Letter, 605)
- Easing Foreign Language Problems for Engineers, 777
- East Anglia, Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals, 66
- London Harbour, 880
- Ebonite for General Purposes, Loaded and
- Unloaded, (B.S.I., 172)
- Echo-Ranging, Underwater, D. G. Tucker, 107
- Economy, Management in an Expanding, 873
- Steel and the. Sir Andrew McCance, 274 Edge Hill, Power Signalling, 531
- Agricultural Engineering Education, (Leading Article, 158)
- Education for Electricity Supply, (Leading Article, 41)
- and Training in Electricity Supply, 64
- Electro-Technology for National Certificate Courses, Vol. 3, H. Buckingham and E. M. Price, 304
- Engineering Education, 1860, 765
- Examinations in Technical Writing, (Leading Article, 210)
- Filmstrips for Student Electronics Engineers, Mullard, (31)
- Humanism and Technology, (Leading Article, 763)
- Industrial Training, 239
- John Anderson and Technological Teaching, (Leading Article, 593)
- Management Education, 579
- Merchant Navy Engineer Examinations, 943
- Non-Technical Careers in Industry, 948 Overseas Scholars Dine, (Leading Article, 592) Radio Trades Examination Board, Report for the Year, 191
- Reception for Overseas Students, (Leading Article, 43)
- Staff College for Technical Teachers, (Leading Article, 248)
- Technical Colleges and their Government, 579
- Universities, Parents, and Awards to Students, (Leading Article, 1001)
- Woolwich Polytechnic, Associateship, 942
- Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Power Stations, Thermal, 786
- Efficiency Exhibition, Fuel, 785, 822
- Effluent in Coastal Waters, Dispersal of Warm, A. W. Wyness, 349
- and Water Treatment Exhibition, 533 ; (Leading Article, 845)
- Einfiihrung in die Strahlungstechnik, O. F. Joklik, 9n
- Einstein’s
- 231
- Elasticher
- Medien, view, 223)
- Adjustable Auxiliary Switch, General Electric Co.. Ltd., 195
- Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, (Leading Article, 844)
- Aids to Electronics Instruction, Associated Electrical Industries (Woolwich) Ltd., 271 Air-insulated Vertically Isolated Switch Unit, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560
- Aircraft and Missile Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- Aluminium Busbar, A. G. Thomas and P. J. H. Rata, (Review, 651)
- Melting and Holding Furnaces, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd,, 914
- Analogue Computer, Desk-Size, Electronic Associates Ltd., 576
- Application of Controlled Silicon Rectifiers to Speed Control, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 645
- Arc Discharge Lamp, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 134
- Automatic Assembly of Silicon Ferranti Ltd,, 61
- Battery Charging, Harmer and
- Ltd., 646 Compensation of Reactive Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., Control
- Plant,
- 236
- Control
- General Electric Co., Ltd,, 1041 Switch for Reversing Lights, Hella, 583 “Automation is Integration”, Hawker Siddeley Group, 932
- Auxiliary Power for Rockets, Radio Corporation of America, 154
- Battersea Heliport Lighting, General Electric Co., Ltd., 357
- Battery-Electric Vehicles Electric Vehicle Association of Great Britain Ltd., 613
- Operated Depthmeter, Brookes and Gatehouse Ltd., 307
- Research Laboratories, Chloride Electrical Storage Co,, Ltd,, 1023
- Bayonet Cap Lampholders of Moulded Insulating Material, (B.S.I., 819)
- Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless Steels, G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Bench Muffle Furnace, Ferro Enamels Ltd., 273
- Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, Plate 4,
- 1.1.60
- Betatron, 31 MeV, Brown Boveri and Co,, Ltd., 71
- Blast-Furnace-Gas Turbo-Alternator, Brown Boveri, 398
- Block Contactor, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd,, 646 Boilers at Little Barford “B” Power Station, 475
- Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, Plate 4,
- 1.1.60
- British Electrical Power Convention, Electricity : The New Horizon, Lord Chandos, 926
- Railways A.C. Locomotives, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 783
- Railways Electrification Conference, 531
- Brushless Alternators, Macfarlane Engineering Co., Ltd., 105
- Capacitive Transducer System, Racal Instruments Ltd., 532
- Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 12 Charge Face Machinery for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379
- Chokeless Power Supply Sub-Units, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 235
- Circuit Breakers, (Patent, 245)
- Circular Scale Meters, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 67
- Clip-on Current Measurement, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 578
- Coal, Electricity and Gas, Capital Investment, 620
- Coaxial Cables, Small Diameter, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 560
- Collaboration on Power Plant Research, 695 Computer Amplifier, Short Brothers and Harland Ltd., 576
- Amplifier, High-gain, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 908
- Controlled Plant Operating System, Elliott Brothers (London) Ltd., 933
- Conference on Electronic Components and Materials, 1961, 467
- Conservation of Electrolyte, Catylators Ltd., 359
- Consumer’s Unit, All-insulated, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd., 647
- Controlled Creep Speed Drive for Cranes, Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238
- Co-operative Electrical Research, (Leading Article, 552)
- Counter-Timer, High-Speed, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 908
- Data Handling System, Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial) Ltd., 908
- Logging System, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 483
- Processing for Business Problems, International Computers and Tabulators Ltd., 945
- Transmission Facilities, 619
- Diesel-Electric Cranes, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 739
- Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 300
- Engine Protection Panels, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 577 Direct-Reading Permeameter,
- Electric Co., Ltd., 853
- Disc Chart Recorder, Portable, Vignoles Ltd., 599
- Discharge Lamp Production The General Electric Co., Ltd., 774
- Drilling Machine with Electronic Positional Control, Wadkin Ltd., and E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Drip-proof Squirrel Cage Induction Motor, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560
- Education for Electricity Supply, (Leading Article, 41)
- and Training in Electricity Supply, 64
- Electric Arc Steel Furnaces, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 193
- Arc Steel-making, A. Jackson and R. S. Howes, 820
- Batteries, (Patent, 841) Light Applied to Surgery, 1860, 249 Lighting, (Patent, 325)
- Locomotives 2552-h.p. Bo-Bo., Southern Region, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Personnel Carrier, Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., 144
- Road Transport, 193
- Traction, (Patents, 207, 453, 629, 705, 881, 921, 1033)
- Electrical Accidents, (Leading Article, 43) Engineering, (Patent, 413) Event Recorder, A.E.I. Radio tronic Components Division,
- Exports, 274
- Plant at Kariba Power Station, Storage Tube, English Electric
- Ltd., 440
- Electrically Conducting Rubber Flooring, (B.S.L, 341)
- Heated Salt Baths, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 985
- Electricity Bulk Supply Tariff, 1960-61, 530 Electricity : The New Horizon, Lord Chandos, 926
- Electricity Undertakings of the World, (Review, 389)
- Electro-Mechanical Switch, High-Speed, Bell
- Telephone Laboratories, 588
- Technology for National Certificate Courses, Vol. 3, H. Buckingham and E. M. Price, (Review, 304)
- Electronic Automatic Co-ordinate Setting Equipment on Universal Boring and Milling Machine, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Components Exhibition. Ill
- Components Exports, 751 Computers, T. E. Ivall, (Review, 721) Control at Little Barford “B” Power
- Station, 226
- Control of Machine Tools, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 962
- Control of Slip Inserter, Electronic Machine Co., Ltd., 197
- Equipment Reliability, Symposium, 572 Figure Reading, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 1021
- Micro-balance, Sartorius-Werke A.G., 834 Pipe Finder, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 442
- Telephone Exchange, Laboratoire Central de Telecommunications, 259 Electronically-Controlled Rotary Machine
- Table, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 29 Electronics (Patents, 39, 79, 117, 373, 413, 762,
- 841, 882, 921, 958, 997, 1033) Industry Council, 478
- Enclosed Distribution Fuseboards for Low and Medium Voltages, (B.S.L, 606) Exhibition, Electrical Engineers, 559, 599, 645
- Exide-Ironclad
- Ltd., 648
- Extensible Oil
- Phillips Ltd., Fast Electronic
- cation, 760
- Fault Current Correction, 1084
- Filmstrips for Student Electronics Engineers, Mullard, (31)
- Four-Way Fuse Switchboard, George Ellison Ltd., 601
- Fractional Horsepower Motors, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- Fuel for Takai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436
- Gas Circulator Motor for Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, General Electric Co,, Ltd., Plate 7, 8.1.60
- V. Electricity, A. C. McManus, (Letter, 170) General Requirements for Aircraft Electrical
- Equipments, (B.S.L, 865)
- Generating Plant Installed by the C.E.G.B. in 1959, 101
- Set, 200MW, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Plate 6, 8.1.60
- Generator, A.C,, for Motor Vehicles, Joseph
- Lucas, Ltd., 439
- High-Frequency Portable, Robert Bosch
- G. m.b.H., 699
- Plant for Transformer Tests, Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 139 Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26 Hallam Nuclear Power
- 320
- Heat-Dissipating Valve
- Ltd., 397
- Heating Electrode, The
- Ltd., 914
- High Bay Lighting Fittings, Holophane Ltd., 1021
- Power Xenon Lamp, 1085 Speed Resistor Tap-Changer,
- Electric Co., Ltd., 654 Highland Water Power, North Hydro-Electric Board, 477 Hirfanli Hydro-Electric Scheme, Home Workshop Power Equipment, Revo
- Electric Co., Ltd., (31)
- “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear Stations, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 140 ;
- Plate 4, 1.1.60
- Pressure-Vessel Lifting Operations, 360 Impact of Nuclear Development on Electricity
- Supply and Instrument Techniques, (31) Impulse Voltage Testing, W. G. Haeley, (Review, 651)
- Indicator, “Metrac” Live-line, Everett Edg- cumbe and Co., Ltd., 647
- Industrial Electronics Conference, 306, 691 Power Consumption in Uganda, 1081 Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition, 852, 908, 932
- Insulation Tester, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 599
- “Inverted” Induction Motor. Newman Industries Ltd., 600
- Joystick Control Switches, Pye Ltd., 104 Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624 ; Steam Transformer, 625
- Landmark Beacons, Mobile, General Electric Co., Ltd., 65
- Laplace Transforms for Electronic Engineers, James G. Holbrook, (Review, 508)
- Large Electricity Supply Systems, 1040 Latina Nuclear Power Station, 15
- Laying of 170kV Submarine Cable in, Denmark. 279
- Lewiston Generating Station, 11 Light-Operated Switch, Londex Ltd., 533 Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 942
- Locating Electric Cables Under Water, E. C, Wadlow, 524
- Low-Capacitance Bridge, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 617
- Magnetic Drums for Data Storage, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 103
- Microvoltmeter, D.C., Research and Control Instruments, Ltd., 483
- Milliammeter, d.c., Solartron Electronics Group Ltd., 134
- Miniature Circuit Breaker, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd., 647
- Modified Electric Clutches, Westool Ltd,, (916)
- Motor-coupling Drive, Heenan and
- Ltd., 563 driven Coolant Pump, Small
- Motors Ltd., 600
- Moulded-Case Circuit Breakers, Construction Co., Ltd., 599
- Current Transformers, Crompton son Ltd., 646
- Multi-Pole Connectors, Ferranti Ltd.,
- Range Test Sets, Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., 1079
- New Electronics Journal, (794) Lighting for Leeds-Bradford Airport, 1022
- Novosibirsk Power Station, 32
- Nuclear Power Slowdown, (Leading 1035)
- Office Electronic Computer, Visible Machine Co., Ltd., 235
- Oil Circuit Breaker, Johnson and Ltd., 601
- Filled Cables for Kariba, 330kV,
- Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 98
- On-Load Double-Pole Contactor, Electric Construction Co., Ltd.. 599
- Oscilloscope, Portable Double-Beam, Solar- tron Electronic Group Ltd., 273
- Overhung Armature in Tower-Mounted Friction Winders, A.E.L, Plate 7, 8,1.60
- Patents, 155, 373, 549, 589, 629, 705,
- Peak Load Gas Turbine with Air
- B. Wood and T. F. Wick, 418
- Piezoelectric Compounds, New, 1032
- Pilot Electric Smelting Plant and Birlec-Efco (Melting) Ltd., 362
- Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029
- Plastics-insulated Aluminium Cable, Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 562
- Portable Peak Accelerometer, Ferranti Ltd., 648
- Possible Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in Nottinghamshire, 436
- Potential Power Sources, American, 282
- Preparation of High Purity Single Crystal Silicon, J. L. Parmee, 979
- Principles of Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation, Gordon R. Partridge, (Review, 261)
- Process Integration and Instrumentation, Electrical Development Association, (Review, 606)
- Progress in Electric Lamps, H. G. 'Jenkins, 857
- Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, Ultra Electric (Holdings) Ltd., 1020
- Propulsion Motors for Passenger Liner “Canberra”, Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Pump Motor, English Electric Co., Ltd., 561
- Quick Starting of 34MW Turbo-Alternator at Stepney, F. E. A. Rea, P. R. Caister and S. W. T. Brock, 521
- Radiant Electric Heating for Stress Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 830
- Railway Electrification, (Patent, 79) Electrification Progress, 791
- Reactor Core Building at Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, 427
- Service Machine for Hunterston, 437
- Recovery of Slip Power in Variable Speed A. C. Drives, General Electric Co., Ltd., 529
- Reflex Klystron Oscillator, English Electric Valve Co., Ltd., 853
- Relay, Heavy-Duty, L. E. Simmonds Ltd., 484
- Resistance Analogue Field Plotter, Servomex Controls Ltd., 854
- Safety Tests of 25kV Traction System, 398 Schwarzach Power Station, 404
- Sealed Quench Furnace, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd., 1057
- Sodium Lantern, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 479
- Semiconductor Factory, International Rectifier Co., (Great Britain) Ltd., 944
- Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 396
- Power Transistors and “Transistors”, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 645
- “Simatic” Transistorised Control System, Siemens, 796
- Simple Approach to Electronic Computers, E. H. W. Hersee, (Review, 470)
- Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, 232 Slow-Break Switch Fuses, General Electric
- Co., Ltd., 441
- Solid Circuit Semi-conductor Networks, Texas Instruments Ltd., 933
- Some High Spots in Thermal Power Generation, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Soviet Power Development, 699
- Standard Hydro-Electric Generator To 25kW, Gilbert Gilkes and Ltd., 536
- “Stantec” Computing System, Telephones and Cables Ltd., 932
- Starter, 3.3kV Direct-on-Line, Brookhirst Igranic Ltd., 645
- Static Equipment for Automatic Voltage Control, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 645
- Steam Turbo-Generator, 200MW, English Electric Co., Ltd., Plate 6, 8.1.60
- Steel Sheets for Magnetic Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus, (B.S.L, 685)
- Study of Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in the West Riding, 984
- Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 749
- Switch Fuse, General Electric Co., Ltd., 563 Switchgear Battery Unit with Controlled
- Charging, Nife Batteries Ltd., 749 Switching Devices, (Patent, 589) Synchronous Digital Control of Four-Channel
- Spot Welder, Sciaky Electric Machines Ltd., 947
- “Tapemaster” Hayes/Ferranti
- Machine, Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Temperature Trip Amplifier for
- Reactor Protection, Ultra Electronics Ltd., 909
- Temperatures in Solar Atmospheric Electrical Discharges, C. E. R. Bruce, (Letter, 170)
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress, 626, 666. 700
- Thermal Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Stations, 786 and Electrical Conductivities of Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, Powell and R. P. Tye, 729
- Thermoelectric Cold Box, General
- Co., Ltd., 480
- Thorpe Marsh Power Station, Second 55OMW Set, 101
- Totally-enclosed Fan-Cooled A.C. Motors, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- enclosed Fan-cooled Induction Motor, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560 enclosed Fan-cooled Motor, English Electric Co., Ltd., 561
- Enclosed Fan-cooled Motors Ltd., 480
- Enclosed Fan-cooled
- Ranges, A.E.L Ltd., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., English Electric Co., Ltd., 102 Traction Batteries, Chloride Batteries Ltd., 691
- Battery Chargers, Oldham and Son, Ltd., 872
- Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, 452 Transistor Vibration Meter, Dawe ments Ltd., 578 Transistorised Analogue Frequency Venner Electronics Ltd., 192
- Temperature Controller, ments Ltd., 775 Transistors in Discharge
- General Electric Co., Ltd., Tunnel Diodes, Standard
- Cables Ltd., 99
- Turbo-Electric Propulsion
- the “Canberra”, Associated
- Industries (Rugby) Ltd., 397
- Two-Speed Electric Motor with a Single Stator Winding, Associated Electrical Industries, 788 ; G. H. Rawcliffe, (Letter, 866) Valve Positioner, All-electric, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 934
- Variable Gain D.C. Amplifier, Feedback Ltd., 272
- Speed Motor, Brunt Variable Speed Motors Ltd., 646
- Viscometer, Ferranti Ltd., 853 Voice-Frequency Intertripping System, The
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 750
- Voltage Controlled Overcurrent Relay,
- English Electric Co., Ltd., 107
- Regulator, (Patent, 245)
- Water-Cooled Flameproof Motor, Newman Industries Ltd., 600
- Welding Alternator, 250A, Single-phase 427 c/s. Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Control Equipment, “CRWl”, Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products Ltd., 647 Willington “A” Power Station, Instrumented
- Water Treatment, 692
- Winch, Electric, Heinrich Defries G.m.b.H., 837
- Winding Machine, Bench-Mounted, Westool Ltd., 105
- Electrical Power Engineers’ Association, Education for Electricity Supply, (Leading Article, 41) ; Education and Training in Electricity Supply, 64
- Research Association, Annual Report, 787 ; Co-operative Electrical Research, (Leading Article, 552) ; Exhibits at the Electrical Engineers Exhibition, 559
- Electrodes, Stubs Welding Ltd., 825 Electrolyte, Conservation, Catylators Ltd., 359 Electromagnetic Clutch, Miniature, Westool Ltd., 535
- Electro-Mechanical Switch, High-Speed, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 588
- Electron-Beam Parametric Amplifier operating on the Transverse Field, English Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- -Beam Parametric Amplifier operating on the Longitudinal Space Charge, General Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Beam Parametric Amplifiers, R. B. Dyott and C. R. Russell, 234
- -Beam Radiation, Industrial Processing Applications, 74, 114, 152
- Electronic Engineering Association, Computer Exhibition and Symposium, 306
- Electro-pneumatic Servo-motor, Messier, 836 Elementary Particle, New, 664
- Elements of Determinants, Matrices and Tensors for Engineers, S. Austen Stigant, (Review, 171)
- Elevated Temperatures, Mechanical Testing of Steel, (B.S.L, 257)
- Temperatures, Properties of Steel at, (B,S.L, 907)
- Elevator for Stoker Hoppers, Fuel Hodgkinson (Salford) Ltd., 144
- Ellesmere Port, Blending of Fuel Oil Co., Ltd., 863
- Embankment of the Thames, 1860,
- Emission from Boiler Flues, Preventing
- Smut, Dust Control Processes Ltd., 690 Employment, 832
- Act, Local, 620
- Engineering, 1860, 709 National Dock Labour Board, 986 in the 1950s, 68
- Employer’s Liability for Other People’s Premises, 296
- Enclosed Distribution Fuseboards for Low and Medium Voltages, (B.S.L, 606)
- Encoding System for Aircraft, Altitude, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 854
- Energy Problems, European, 877
- and the Second Law Analysis, Available, E. A. Bruges, (Review, 566)
- Engine Centenary, Internal Combustion, (Leading Article, 210)
- Engineering, Agricultural, (Leading Article, 805) Anniversary, Radio, Racall Engineering Ltd., 941
- Applied Petroleum Reservoir, B. C. Craft and M. F. Hawkins, (Review, 721)
- Associations, 1860, 83
- and Civilisation, Sir Hugh Beaver, 458 Computer Programmes, (Leading Article, 765) Construction, Work, 538
- Development in Automatic Control, Recent Mechanical, 122
- Dock and Harbour, H. F. Corncik, (Review, 1065)
- Education, 1860, 765
- Education, Agricultural, (Leading Article, 158)
- Electrical, (Patents, 155, 373, 413, 549, 589, 629, 705, 881)
- Employment, 1860, 709
- Equipment Users Association, Centrifugal Pump Dimensional Standardisation, 341 Exports, 793
- Graduates’ Association, Formation, (752) “Human”, and the Control of Nuclear Stations, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Institute of Canada, Some High Spots in Thermal Power Generation, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Journal, Traffic, (752)
- Laboratory, Continental Machine Tool and Production, 861
- in London, Traffic, (Leading Article, 83) ; A. J. H. Clayton, (Letter, 304)
- Marine, and Shipbuilding in 1959, 23, 57, Practice, Chemical, Vol. II, (Review, 4) Production, 198, 986 Profession, Earnings, 477 Researches, Mechanical, 1038
- Review, Marine, T. W. F. Brown, 568 Safety Regulations for Civil, 402 Spare Capacity in Civil, 832 Statistics, 485, 620, 832
- Status of Traffic, (Leading Article, 803) Test Facilities, Automobile, Vauxhall Motors Ltd., 598
- Thermoplastic, E. 1. Du Pont de Nemours and Co,, Inc., 400
- Engineers as Adjudicator and Arbitrator I.C.E. General Conditions of Contract, F. Newhouse, 224
- and Agriculture, (Leading Article, 552) Chartered, Sir Willis Jackson, 395 Chemistry for, E. Cartmel, (Review, 606) Conference, Standards, 579, 915 Easing Foreign Language Problems, 777 Examinations, Merchant Navy, 943
- Guild, Earnings in the Engineering Profession, 477
- Laplace Transforms for Electronic, James G. Holbrook, (Review, 508)
- and Mental Evolution, (Leading Article, 960) and Metallurgists, Links Between, 776 Mullard Filmstrips for Student Electronics, (31)
- In Overseas Territories, Civil, (Leading Article, 1000)
- Patents for, Lawrence H. A. Carr and J. C. Wood, (Review, 911)
- The Present and Potential Value of Vermiculite to, Duncan A. Black, 1015
- Salaries, L. Selleck, (Letter, 972)
- Year Book, Kempe’s, 1960, Review, 470) Engines, Air-Cooled Diesel, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., (16)
- Aircraft, (Patent, 79)
- “AT” Diesel, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 57 at the Boat Show, 129
- Blocks, Common Transfer Machine for V-6 and V-12, Cross Company, 799
- Perkins Six 3O5(M) Marine Diesel, 129 “Pirna 014” Jet, 446
- Proportions, Marine, 1860, 633
- Protection Panel, Diesel, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 577
- Rolls-Royce By-Pass “Conway”, 142
- Rolls Royce Turbo-Charged 300 b.h.p., 129 Rotary, J. C. Farquhar, (Letter, 468)
- 70 L.B.D. “S” Turbo-charged, William Dox- ford and Sons (Engineers) Ltd., 58
- “Sovereign” Class Diesel, National Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 58
- Spark Compression-Ignition, S. G. Timoney, 899
- Sulzer Mark R.S.A.D.76, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 58
- Symposium, Rotary Piston, V.D.L, 365
- Testing, Advanced Aero, A. W. Morley and Jean Fabri, (Review, 778)
- Testing of Crankcase Lubricating Oils, 1080 Two-Stroke, R. N. Gunn, (Letter, 972)
- Engines, Corrosion-Inhibited Ethanediol for Water-Cooled, (B.S.L, 172)
- Diesel, “Model FL 310”, Klockner-Hum- boldt-Deutz, 834
- Design, Some Applications of “Deuce” to Diesel, T. J. Williams, 186
- 5-litre Diesel, Perkins Ltd. 129 Flameproofed, Perkins, (833) Friction and Water Pressure, Fuel Injection Pump for
- Ruston and Hornsby Ltd.,
- Heavy Diesel Shunting,
- Pauker A.G., 917
- Honoured, Coventry Climax Engines Ltd., 102
- Industrial Diesel, Mercedes-Benz, 836
- Industrial Petrol, B.S.A. Motor Cycles Ltd., 191
- Internal Combustion, (Patents, 373, 761, 801, 841, 1090)
- Jet Propulsion, O. E. Lancaster, (Review, 468) Locomotive, 1860, 289
- Marine Oil, 58
- Mark RKRN 6 Thornycroft Diesel, 129 Model T4 Kelvin Diesel, 129
- “Monarch” Class Diesel, Mirrlees, Bickerton and Day Ltd., 58
- Equilibrium Diagrams of Some Aluminium Alloy Systems, Annotated, H. W. L. Phillips, (Review, 389)
- Ergonomics in the Control Room, General Electric Co., Ltd., 363
- in Industry, 873
- Errors of Screws to High Accuracy, Measuring Pitch, L. W. Nickols, 846
- Estimates for the Armed Forces, (Leading Article, 375)
- Esturial Tanker, M.V. “Charmo”, Charrington Gardner Locket (London) Ltd,, 614 _
- Ethanediol for Water-Cooled
- sion-Inhibited, (B.S.L, 172) Euraton, Common Market
- Fusion Urged, 953 “Euromast” Rotterdam, Plate Europe, Radar Demonstrations,
- Electrical Industries Ltd,, 401
- European Agricultural Machinery Manufacturers, (C.E.M.A.), 319
- Energy Problems, 877
- Free Trade Association, 30
- Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactors, Uniform Procedure, America, 243
- Event Recorder, Electrical, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 656
- Evesham, Subscriber Trunk Dialling, 102
- Evolution and Engineers, Mental, (Leading Article, 960)
- Examination Board, Radio Trades, Report for the Year, 191
- Merchant Navy Engineer, 943
- in Technical Writing, (Leading Article, 210) of Welds, 4 MeV Linear Accelerator for Radiographic, Mullard Ltd., 657
- Examples in Applied Mechanics, Worked,
- W. C. Durney, (Review, 223)
- Excavator, Versatile, J. C. Bamford (Excavators) Ltd., 913
- Exchange, Electronic Telephone, Laboratoire Central de Telecommunications, 259 in a Self-Jacketed Fluid, Heat, C. D. Weir, 723
- Exchanger, Heat, British Boiler Accessories Ltd., 822
- Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, Aerial, 258
- Information, 111
- British Exhibition in New York, 962, 1010 Computer Exhibition and Symposium, 306 Effluent and Water Treatment Exhibition, 533 ; (Leading Article, 845)
- Electrical Engineers Exhibition, 559, 599, 645 Electronic Components Exhibition, 111 Engines at the Boat Show, 129
- Exhibition of Car Parking, 438
- Fuel Efficiency Exhibition, 785, 822 Efficiency and Power for Industry Exhibition, 574
- Gas in Industry Exhibition, 395
- Geneva Motor Show, 540, 581, 623, 664
- German Industries Fair at Hanover, 753, 795, 834
- Instruments, Electronics and Automation, 852, 908, 932
- Exhibition in Moscow, 234
- International Compressed Air and Hydraulics Exhibition, 574
- Machine Tool Exhibition, 1043
- Italian Machine Tool Exhibition, 544, 837 Leipzig Spring Fair, 446, 487
- Liege International Fair, 488
- Machine Tool Exhibition, Monks and Crane Ltd., (53)
- Mechanical Handling Exhibition, 739 National Boat Show, 27
- Nickel Alloys in Industry, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 538
- Exhibition, The Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., 748
- Parks and People, (Leading Article, 551) Physical Society, 134
- Pipes and Pipelines Exhibition, Prestressed Concrete, (Leading Production Exhibition, 574 Racing Car Show, 62 S.B.A.C. Exhibition, 1960, 658 Storage Equipment, James H.
- Son, Ltd., 829
- Utrecht Technical Spring Fair, 488
- Work by Professor Nervi, 574
- Expanded Standard Materials Programme at the N.B.S., 410
- Expanding Economy, Management, 873 Expansion, Exponential, (Leading Article, 375) Expansive Gas, (Leading Article, 329) Expenditure, Capital, 145
- Experimental Nuclear Reactor, North American Aviation, 372
- Underground Tunnel, London Transport, 267 Experiments with Low-Noise Antenna, 704 Exploitation of Minerals for Mankind, 1. W.
- Wark, 677
- Explosions, Subterranean Atomic, A. J. Field, (Letter, 778)
- Explosive Forming of Metal Plates, Vickers- Armstrongs (Engineers) Ltd., 655
- Explosives, Modern, (Report, 722)
- Exponential Expansion, (Leading Article, 375) Exports, Agricultural Machinery, 485
- Association, British Mining Equipment, (Leading Article, 924)
- Automotive, (833)
- Contracts, General Conditions, 101
- Credits Guarantee Department, Report, 751 Directory of German Industries, Seibt, (Review, 172)
- Electrical, 274
- Electronic Components, 751
- Engineering, 793
- Outlook for British, 145
- Promoting Locomotive, (Leading Article, 81) Requirements, 915
- United Kingdom, 659
- Exposition, American Nuclear Congress and Atomic, 954, 993, 1030, 1086
- Extensible Oil Switch Units, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 194
- Extinction of Vesuvius, 1860, 159
- Extra Pure Silicon, 1012
- Extruded Aluminium Beer Cans, Manufacture of Impact, Adolph Coors Co., 838
- Extrusion, (Patent, 801)
- Toughened Polystyrene for Sheet, 973)
- Tube Mill, Sandviken, Sandvik Steel
- 953
- Fabrication, Aluminium Bronze, N. C. Ltd., and W. P. Butterfield Ltd., 195 for Reactor Fuel Canning, Beryllium, 355
- Face Conveyors, Lifteis lor Armoured, 1079
- Machinery Charge, for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 679
- Facing and Centring Machine, Austic-Layton Machine Tools, Ltd., 65 and Turning Machine,
- David Reekie and Sons, Factories, Glass Fibre and
- Group, 913
- in the New Towns, 986 for U.S.S.R., Sugar Beet, 68 Treatment of Injuries, 68
- Factory Atmospheres, Toxic Substances, 695 at Basildon, Tractor, Ford Motor Co., Ltd., 793
- Building Studies, (Report, 651)
- Buildings, Timber Roofs, (Report, 722) Extensions, Radio, Philips Electrical Ltd,. 616
- Fire Warming System, Sound Diffusion (Auto-Thermic) Ltd., 196
- Floor Cleaning Machines, British Vacuum Cleaner and Engineering Co., Ltd., 441
- Floors, Skates for Moving Machines, Vulcascot (Great Britain) Ltd., 985
- Radio Valve and Television Tube, Mullard Ltd., 390
- Semi-conductor, International Rectifier Co., (Great Britain) Ltd., 944
- Failures, Crankshaft, R. Atkinson and P. Jackson, 310
- Fair at Hanover, German Industries, 753, 795, 834
- Italian Machine Tool, 544 Leipzig Spring, 446, 487 Liege International, 488 Utrecht Technical Spring, 488
- Fairlie Locomotive, R. A. S. Abbott, 351, 384, 421 ; (Letter, 508) ; E. M. S. Wood, (Letter, 604) ; A. E. Durrant, (Letter, 1014)
- Fan, B.A.V.A., Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 823
- cooled Induction Motor, Totally-enclosed, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560 cooled Motors, New Ranges of Totally- Enclosed, A.E.I. Ltd., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., English Electric Co., Ltd., 102
- cooled Motors, Totally-Enclosed, Higgs Motors Ltd., 480
- cooled Totally-enclosed Motor, English Electric Co., Ltd., 561
- Fume, Turner and Brown Ltd., 871 Farm Machinery, Standardisation, 105 Fast Source Reactor in Idaho, Argonne, 371 Fatigue and Stresses in Metals, Internal G. M., Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, (Review, 778) of Welded Structures, (31)
- Fault Current Correction, 1084
- Federation of British Industries, Industrial Trends, 312 ; Overseas Scholars Dine, (Leading Article, 592) ; and Price Reduction, 145 ; Technical Colleges and their Government, 579 ; The T.U.C. and the Chancellor, 402, (Leading Article, 377) of Civil Engineering Contractors, Spare Capacity in Civil Engineering, 832
- Federation Internationale des Societe d’ln- genieurs des Techniques de I’Automobile, 848, 892
- Feed Elevator for Stoker Hoppers, Fuel, James Hodgkinson (Salford) Ltd., 144
- High-Speed Press Roll, Norton Tool Co., Ltd., 143
- Mechanism, Air-Operated Bar, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 29
- Feeder, Belt, and Bunker Stirrer, William Gardner and Sons (Gloucester) Ltd., 618 Mechanical Vibrating, Vimec Equipment Ltd., 739
- Feeding Aid for the Paralysed, 577
- Ferry “Carisbrooke Castle”, John 1. Thorny- croft and Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Conversion to Diesel-Hydrostatic Propulsion, 789
- “Maid of Kent”, W. Denny and Brothers Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Festschrift fiir Richard Grammel, (Review, 722)
- Fibre Pipes, Pitch, 788 and Resins Factories, Glass, Microcell Group, 913
- R.opes, Thimbles for Natural, (B.S.L, 1034) Field Plotter, Resistance Analogue, Servomex Controls Ltd., 854
- Figure-Reading, Electronic, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 1021
- Filler Rods and Wires for Inert Gas Arc Welding, (B.S.L, 973)
- Film, British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 750
- Films, Industrial, Concrete Ltd., Audley Engineering Co., Ltd., 534
- Industrial, Electrical Development Association, Wolf Electric Tools Ltd., 143 Filmstrips for Student Electronics Engineers, (31)
- Filters, Air Pipeline, Vokes Ltd., 273 Elements, Ribbon, Tecalemit Ltd., 613 for Fluids, Vokes Ltd., 984 High-Temperature Textile, Sturtevant Engineering Co., Ltd., 822
- (Patents, 117, 325)
- Table, Rotary, Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., 942
- for Use During Welding, (B.S.I., 567) and Water Separators, Specification and Testing, L. R. Beynon and R. W. Cranston, 331
- Financing Capital Investment, 1025
- Finder, Electronic Pipe, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 442
- Finishing Machine, Vibratory, Hepburn Conveyor Co., Ltd., 747
- Fire in Air Preheaters, A. Bell, 393
- Machine Tools Under, (Leading Article, 42) Protection, (Leading Article, 329)
- Protection Association, A. F. O’Shea, 986 Protection of Buildings, (Report, 305) Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103, 143, (Leading Article, 120)
- Warning System, Factory, Sound Diffusion (Auto-Thermic) Ltd., 196
- Research, International Cooperation, 1081^ Firefloat, Catamaran, “B.P.
- Tanker Co., Ltd., 361
- Firing with Fuel Oil, Film,
- Co., Ltd., 750 Firms, Merger of Aircraft, English Electric Co., Ltd., plane Co., Ltd., 109
- First in Space, An American, (Leading Article, 456)
- Vacuum Ltd,, 441
- Skates for Vulcascot Flooring,
- (B S.L, 341)
- Flour Mill and Bankside, John Rennie, The Albion, A. K. Bruce, 189
- Transporter, Bulk, Blaw Knox Ltd., 442 Flow Computations, Tidal, J. R. H. Otter and A, S. Day, 177, Erratum, 232
- Recorder for Cone and Plate Viscometer, Ferranti Ltd., 748
- Transition, Demonstration, Q.V.F. Ltd., 308 Flowmeter, Turbine, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 656
- Ultrasonic, B.S.I.R.A., 134
- Flues, Preventing Acidic Smut Emission from Boiler, Dust Control Processes Ltd., 690
- Fluid, Heat Exchange in a Self-Jacketed, C. D. Weir, 723
- Fluids, Advanced Mechanics, Hunter Rouse, (Review, 388)
- Cutting, (Review, 133)
- Filters for, Vokes Ltd., 984
- Fly-cutter, Elfried Mengel, 837
- Forces, Estimates for the Armed, (Leading Article, 375)
- Foreign and Colonial Jottings, 1860, 885
- Language Problems for Engineers, Easing, 777
- Forewarned, Forearmed, (Leading Article, 925) Forges, Modernisation, (Report, 467) Forging, Automatic, B.I.S.R.A., 746
- with Programme Control, B.l.S.R.A., Fork Lift Truck, N.V. Maschinefabriek 370
- Lift Truck, Pedestrian Controlled, bridge Equipment Ltd., 739
- Truck, 6000 lb.. Conveyancer Fork Trucks Ltd., 739
- Formaldehyde Plant at Oldbury, B.I.P. Chemicals Ltd., 308
- Forming of Metal Plates, Explosive, Vickers- Armstrongs (Engineers) Ltd., 655
- Formwork, Surface Treatment for
- Stuart B. Dickens Ltd,, 397 Foundations for Drop Hammers,
- Design of Anti-Vibration, W.
- 346 ; P. H. Allaway, (Letter, 468); W. East' wood, (Letters, 508, 910) ; J, H. A. Crockett, (Letter, 720)
- Foundry Equipment, (Patent, 761)
- Training Centre, National, 915
- Fractional Horsepower Motors, Crompton Parkinson Ltd,, 646
- Fractionating Unit, Continuous Benzole, The A.P.V. Co., Ltd., 308
- Frankfurt Batelle Institute, Annual Report, 1085
- Free Trade Association, European, 30
- Freight Nets, Woven Webbing, Thomas French and Sons, Ltd., (219)
- Vehicle, Road-Rail, Pressed Steel Co., 142 French Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Nuclear Bomb Test, 306
- Suspension Railway, 755
- Frequency Meter, Transistorised Analogue, Venner Electronics Ltd., 192
- Friction Clutches, Dimensions of Main, (B.S.I., 606)
- and Water Pressure Engihes, 1860, 377 and Wear, Robert Davies, (Review, 132) Frigate, Aircraft Direction, H.M.S. “Llandaff”, 4
- Anti-Aircraft, H.M.S. “Leopard”, 4 “L’Alsacien”, French, 44
- Fuel Canning, Beryllium Fabrication for actor, 355
- for Clean Air, (Leading Article, 672)
- Distribution Installation, Shell-Mex B.P. Ltd., 743
- Efficiency Exhibition, 785, 822
- Efficiency and Power for Industry Exhibition, 574
- Feed Elevator for Stoker Hoppers, James Hodgkinson (Salford) Ltd., 144
- Gas, Sampling and Analysis, (B.S.L, 172)
- Oils, Blending, at Ellesmere Port, Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., 863
- Pipelines to London Airport, 396
- Pumps, (Patent, 453)
- for Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436
- Fume Fan, Turner and Brown Ltd., 871
- Fund for Webb Tank Locomotive, Preservation, (949)
- Furnaces, Aluminium Melting and Holding, Electric Resistance Furnace Co,, Ltd., 914 Annealing, Dr. Werner Herdieckerhoff, 836 Bench Muffle, Ferro Enamels Ltd., 273 Blast, at Stanton, Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., 533
- Conversion, Open Hearth, Appleby-Froding- ham Steel Company, Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Electric Arc Steel, G.W.B, Furnaces Ltd., 193 for Heat Treating Stainless Steels, Bell, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Installation, Automatic Hardening and Tempering, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 233
- (Patents, 493, 1089)
- Sealed Quench, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd., 1057
- Vacuum, Vacuum Industrial Appliances Ltd., and The General Electric Co., Ltd., 944 Fuse, Slow-Break Switch, General Electric Co., Ltd., 441
- Switch, General Electric Co., Ltd., 563
- Switchboard, Four-Way, George Ellison Ltd., 601
- Fuseboards, Enclosed Distribution, for Low and Medium Voltages, (B.S.I., 606)
- Fusion Welding Machine, Automatic Tungsten
- Inert Gas, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Future and the Past, 1860, 4.3
- Galvanising Plant at August Thyssen-Hiitte, Continuous, 111
- Galvanometers, Prototype, Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 134
- Galway Sluice Barrage, 107
- Gamma-Ray Level Indicator, Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., 134
- Gangway, Light Alloy, Non-Corrosive Metal Products Ltd., 747
- Gas, Aluminium Pipeline for Natural, Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, 548 Arc Welding, Filler Rods and Wires for Inert, (B.S.I., 973)
- Circulator Motor, General Electric Co., Ltd., Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Coal and Electricity, Capital Investment, 620 and Coal Industry, D. D. Melvin, 948 Conversion of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid, 1024
- Cookers, Safety Device, 1085
- Cooled Reactor at Windscale, Advanced, 966, 1002
- Council’s Development Section, 538
- Drying Town, by Refrigeration, W. C. Holmes and Co., Ltd., 828
- V. Electricity, A. C. McManus, (Letter, 170) Expansive, (Leading Article, 329)
- Fusion Welding Machine, Automatic Tungsten Inert, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Holder Supervision by Telephone, Sound Diffusion (Auto-thermatic) Ltd., 790
- in Industry Exhibition, 395
- Industry’s Development, 312 from Low-Grade Coal, North Thames Gas
- Board, 984
- Sampling and Analysis of Fuel, (B.S.I., 172) Tanker “Agipgas Terza”, M. and B. Benetti, 33
- Turbine-Diesel Combination, (Leading Article, 158)
- Turbine
- Turbine
- Air-Cooling Methods for Gas Turbine Combustion Systems, (Report, 305)
- Gas Turbine Haulage, General Motors Corporation, 324
- Turbine “Pirna 017”, 446
- Patent, 285
- Peak Load Gas Turbine with Air Storage, B. Wood and T. F. Wick, 418 ; Reginald O. Kapp, (Letter, 650) ; B. Wood, (Letter, 721)
- Researches, 927
- Thermodynamic Data for the Calculation of Gas Turbine Performance, (Report, 824)
- Turbines and Boilers, Corrosion and Deposits in Coal and Oil Fired, (Review, 261)
- Works, West Midlands Gas Board, Plate 4, 8 I.60
- Westfield, Plate 4, 8.1.60
- Gases, Pump for Liquefied, Distillers Co., Ltd., 657
- Gate, Prestressed Concrete Dock, “Elbe 17”, 72
- Valve, Vereinigte Armaturen-Gesellschaft, m.b.H., 835
- Gatwick Airport, Timber Hangar, 792
- Gauges, Portable Beta, Baldwin Instrument Controls, 443
- Pressure, “Pi-Meter”, Kiehn G.m b.H., 623
- of Railways, 1860, 805
- Snubber for Hydraulic
- Engineering Co., Ltd.,
- Tank Contents, Firt’n Cleveland Instruments Ltd., 235
- Use of Resistance Strain, K, G. Mantle and E. Procter, 527
- Vacuum, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 617
- Gauging Equipment, (Patent, 957)
- Gears, A Critical Look at the Novikov, Harry Walker, 725 ; A. M. Gunner, (Letter 818)
- Double Circular Arc Type, (B.S.L, 501)
- Generator, Vertical, W. E. Sykes Ltd., 1049
- Hobber “P.H. 30” : Turbine Gear Hobber “M.H.140”, David Brown Co., Ltd., 1043
- Hobs, (B.S.I., 341)
- Jacks, Worm, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 913
- Retractable Stern, Wido, 623
- Spur and Helical, C. Timms, 602
- Surface Stresses in Spur and Helical, W. A. Tuplin, 182
- Units, Reduction, Crofts (Engineers) Ltd., 743
- Variable Speed, Allspeeds Ltd., 739
- Gearbox for Mixing Duties, Chemical Equipment Engineering Ltd., 613
- Gearing for Control Systems and Armaments, Precision, (Review, 972)
- Lubricant for Marine Reduction, Shell Research Ltd., 193
- General Conditions of Contract, I.C.E., The Engineer as Adjudicator and Arbitrator,
- F. Newhouse, 224
- Conditions for Export Contracts, 101 Generating Plant Installed by the C.E.G.B. in 1959 101
- Set, 200MW, C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Plate 6, 8.1.60
- Station, Lewiston, 11
- Generation, Some High Spots in Thermal Power, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Generator, A.C., for Motor Vehicles, Joseph Lucas Ltd., 439
- High-Frequency Portable, Robert Bisch,
- G. m.b.H., 699
- Plant for Transformer Tests, Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 139
- Sets Up To 25kW, Standard Hydro-Electric, Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd., 536
- Vertical Gear, W. E. Sykes Ltd., 1049 Geneva Motor Show, 540, 581, 623, 664 Geometry of Sailing to Windward, T. Tanner, 688 German Industries, Seibt Export Directory, (Review, 172)
- Industries Fair at Hanover, 753, 795, Roads, 112
- Germanium Diodes for Millimetric Modulator with, 492
- Ghana, High-Power Broadcast Station, Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26
- Glass Fibre and Resins Factories, Microcell Group, 913
- Materials, Batching Plant, Blaw Knox Ltd., 504
- Mould Castings Plant, Dilworth and Carr Ltd., 616
- Pumps, Two All-, Q.V.F, Ltd., 440
- Glider “Libelle”, 446
- Globe Valves, Multi-Purpose, Bells Asbestos and Engineering Ltd., 694
- Gloucestershire, South, Chemical Plant, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 484
- Government and Aircraft, (Leading Article, 287) Technical Colleges, 579
- Grab, Wagon-Emptying, Michael and Partners Ltd., (752)
- Grading Machine, Automatic Sheet Metal, Bren Manufacturing Co., 125
- Grangemouth Docks, Improvements, 440
- Phenol Plant, British Hydrocarbon Chemicals Ltd., 618
- Grantham By-Pass, 268
- Granulators in the Production of Road Aggregates, (Report, 467)
- Graphite, Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake, 565 _
- Gravel and Gravitation
- 211)
- Great Ouse
- 1.1.60
- Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite,
- Belgian Researches, 565
- Grinders, Automatic Sizing Internal, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools) Ltd., 1046
- Backstand, B. O. Morris Ltd., 914 Grinding Coolant Clarifier, Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., 872
- Machine, Copy Band, Cyril Adams and Co., Ltd., 1053
- Machine, Kamenicek Internal, Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1046
- Machine, Multi-wheel, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., 1049
- Machine, Plain, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1045
- Machine, Plunge-cut Cylindrical, Newall Group Sales Ltd., 943
- Machine, Roll, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1045
- Machine, Rudkin and Riley Ltd., 658
- Machine, Surface, Alfred Herbert Ltd., 143
- Machine, Wotan, Soag Machine Tool Co., Ltd . 1046
- Tool, Die, B.U. Morris Ltd., 603
- Visual Measurement During Precision Spool Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- Grit and Dust Sampling Equipment, Mancuna Engineering Ltd., 108
- Laying, High-Speed, Scammell Lorries Ltd., 399
- Grouting Prestressed Concrete, Symposium, (486)
- Guide Adhesives Joyce Hurd, 342
- The Engineer Buyers, (Review, 389)
- Guided Missile Destroyer “Devonshire”, Launch, 1020
- Missile Destroyers, 44 Guillebaud and British Railways,
- Article, 415)
- Aftermath, (Leading Article, 455) ; Vosper, (Letter, 508) ; M. W. (Letter, 650)
- Guillotine Shears, (Patent, 669) Gun, Soot, Scan-Technic, 1029
- Hacksaw Blades, J. Stead and Co., Ltd., (486) Hallam Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska, 320 Hamburg, Traffic Planning, 991
- Hammers, Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop, W. Eastwood, (Letters, 508, 910 ;
- J. H. A. Crockett, (Letter, 720)
- Pneumatic, A. B. Asbrink and Co., 837 Power, B. and S. Massey Ltd., 197
- Hand Grip “Packan”, Greifzug, 835
- Nailing Equipment, Pneumatic, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 796
- Tools, J. Stead and Co., Ltd., 534
- Handbook, Ironfoundry, (Review, 305) Petroleum, (Review, 567)
- Sand and Gravel, (Review, 851)
- Space Facts, 668
- of Universal Beams, (Review, 569)
- Handling in Air Traffic Control, Data, 638 and Automation, Bulk, at Biscuit Works, Carr and Co., Ltd., 1060
- Crane, Container, Steels Engineering Products Ltd., 361
- Equipment for S.S. “Oriana”, Mechanised Baggage, Sovex Ltd., 781
- Exhibition, Mechanical, 739
- System, Data, Kelvin and Hughes (Industrial) Ltd., 908
- xxn
- Handrail in Light Alloy, Bridge, Saunders Roe Structures Ltd., 1080
- Hangar at Gatwick Airport, Timber, 792 Hanover, German Industries Fair, 753, 795, 834 Harbour and Dock Engineering, H. F. Cornick, (Review, 1065) ’
- East London, 880
- Improvements, Durban, 879
- Hardening and Tempering Furnace Installation Automatic, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 233
- Haringviiet Dam, Plate 6, 1.1.60
- Harvester, Potato, V. E. B. Mahdrescherwerk, 446
- Harwell, Reactor Research Division, 477 Haulage, Gas Turbine, General Motors Corporation, 324
- Head, Transfer Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder, Buhr Machine Tool Company, 371
- Heads of the Valley Road, Wales, 234
- Healds, Heald Frames and Reeds, (B.S.I., 685) Health and Safety, Training in Radiological, 770
- Heat Bibliography, 1958, (Review, 1066) Dissipating Valve Shields, Casemakers Ltd.. 397
- Exchange in a Self-Jacketed Fluid, C. D Weir, 723
- Exchanger, British Boiler Accessories Ltd., 822
- Soak-Resistant Pivots, Electro-Hydraulics Ltd., 194
- Transfer, Pressure Drop in a Duct with, J. S. Turton, 902
- Treating Stainless Steels, Bell Furnaces,
- G. W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Treatment Installation, Automatic, A. E. 1. Birlec Ltd., 1018
- Treatment Plant for Rollers, Continuous, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 233 Heated Salt Baths, Electrically, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 985
- Heaters, Cooking and Boiling Appliances, Kerosene (Paraffin), Unflued Space, (B.S.L, 1034)
- Oil-Fired Air, Colt Ventilation Ltd., 822 Heating Coil, High-Efficiency, Charlton, Weddle and Co., Ltd., 358
- Electrode, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 914 Equipment, Induction, (Patent, 958)
- Radiant Electric, for Stress Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 830
- System Accelerator, Central, Lee Howl and Co., Ltd., 691
- and Ventilating Research Laboratory, 652 Helical and Spur Gears, C. Timms, 602
- and Spur Gears, Surface Stresses, Tuplin, 182
- Helicopters, Shaft Turbine, Westland
- Ltd., 124
- Heliport Lighting, Battersea, General
- Co., Ltd., 357
- Hydraulic Damper, Adjustable, Spax Ltd., 310
- Motor, Plessey Co., Ltd., 739
- Nut, Euco Tools Ltd., 657
- Presses, Upstroking, William Jones Ltd., 144 Pump, (Patent, 549)
- Pump, Multi-Cylinder High-Speed, Joseph Evans and Sons (Wolverhampton) Ltd., 483
- Pumping Set, Towler Brothers (Patents) Ltd. 962
- Ram as a Suction Pump, N. G. Calvert, 608
- Systems, Gauge Snubber, Hymatic Engineering Co., Ltd., 946
- Hydraulics and Compressed Air International, 574
- W. A.
- Aircraft
- Electric
- Helmets, World Standards for Protective, 1079 High-Temperature Processes, Kinetics, W. D. Kingery, (Review, 510)
- Property Measurements, W. D. Kingery, (Review, 260)
- Highland Water Power, North of Scotland Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Report, 477
- Highways, Earthwork Quantities, (Leading
- Article, 209) ; D. H. Glover, (Letter, 605) Hire, Machinery for, 919
- Hirfanii Hydro-Electric Scheme, 101
- History of Scientific Ideas to 1900 Short, Charles Singer, (Review, 222)
- of Western Technology, Friedrick Klemm, (Review, 428)
- Hobart Bridge, Tasmania, 102
- Hobart, Tasmania, Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge, 690
- Hobber, Gear, “P.H.30” ; Turbine Gear Hobber “M.H. 140”, David Brown Co., Ltd., 1043
- Hobbing Machine, Pinion, David Brown Machine Tool Division, 106
- Hobs, ? ?
- Hoists
- 257)
- Hoists
- 151
- Holders and Tips, “Throw-Away” Tool, Sandvik Steel Works Co., Ltd., 273
- Holding and Melting Furnace, Aluminium, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 914
- Hole Conveyor, Mine Stable, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 503
- Holland, Motor Vehicle Production, 1083
- Home Workshop Power Equipment, Revo Electric Co., Ltd., (31)
- Hong Kong, Augmentation of the Water-Supply, 1059
- Honours, Birthday, 1011
- New Year, 56
- Hook Road Underpass, 301, (Leading Article, 289)
- Hoppers, Fuel Feed Elevators for Stoker, James Hodgkinson (Salford) Ltd., 144
- Horizontal Boring, Milling and Drilling Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Surfacing, Boring and Milling Machine,
- H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., 1052
- Hose Connections for Welding and Cutting Equipment, Dimensions, (B.S.I.’s, 8, 19)
- Hounslow Works, Precast Concrete Manufacture, Concrete Ltd., 689
- Hours and Earnings, 1025
- Shipyard, 274, 402
- and Wages, 68, 198, 444, 793, 915
- Wages and Costs, 274
- and Wages, Shipbuilding, 239
- Houses of Parliament, New, 1860, 1037 Housing, Transfer Machine for Power Steering
- Pump, Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284
- “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear Stations, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Humanism
- 763)
- Humidifier,
- 197
- Hunterston
- 4, 1.1.60 ; Pressure-Vessel Lifting Operation, 360 ; Reactor Service Machine. 437
- Hydraulic Clinching Machine, British Federal Welder and Machine Co., 795
- Hydraulic Control Valves, Multi-Bank, Joseph Young and Sons, Ltd., 269
- Gear, (B.S.L, 341)
- for Materials, Power-Driven, (B.S.L,
- for U.S.S.R., Swedish A.S.E.A. Mine,
- and Technology, (Leading Article,
- Non-Wetting, Aerosol-Turbo Ltd.,
- Nuclear Power Station, 140, (Plate
- Exhibition,
- of Scotland Report, 477 101
- Highland Water Power, North
- Hydro-Electric Board, Annual Hirfanii Hydro-Electric Scheme, Kariba Power Scheme, 806, (Leading Article, 844)
- Lewiston Generating Station, 11
- Oil-Filled Cables for Kariba, 330kV, British
- Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 98 Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029 Schwarzach Power Station, 404 Standard Hydro-Electric Generator Sets Up
- To 25kW, Gilbert Gilkes and Gordon Ltd., 536
- Hydrogen Content of Steels, Measuring, 943 Hygrometer, Continuous-Recording Dew- Point, Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd.,_[34 Hyperbolic Navigational Computer, Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 615 Paraboloid Shells, Analysis, 574
- The
- Ice and Snow Clearance, Mobile Jet Dispersals
- Ltd., 438
- Idaho, Argonne Past Source Reactor, 371
- Ideas to 1900, A Short History of Scientific, Charles Singer, (Review, 222)
- Idler, Conveyor, West’s Gas Improvement Co., Ltd., 739
- Illuminating Engineering Society, Progress in
- Electric Lamps, H. G. Jenkins, 857
- Impact Extruded Aluminium Beer Cans, Manufacture, Adolph Coors Co., 838
- of Motorways on Cities, (Leading Article, 496)
- of Nuclear Development on Electricity Supply and Instrument Techniques, (31)
- Test, Charpy V-Notch, (B.S.L, 172)
- Imports, and the Coal Industry, (Leading Article, 1037)
- Impulse Voltage Testing, W. G. Hawley, (Review, 651)
- “In the Round, See It”, (Leading Article, 671) Incinerator, W. H. Cooke (Romford) Ltd., 823 Incomes, Prices and Productivity, 873
- of Professional Men, (Leading Article, 417) Increase of Taxation, Net, (Leading Article, 591) Indexing Power Chuck, John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Table, Automatic, Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., 1054
- Durgapur Steel Works, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., 55
- Indus River Bridge at Sukkur, Pakistan, 104 Progress at Durgapur, 772
- Indicating Materials, Surface Temperature, Markal Company, 265
- Indicator, Dial, Thorn Electrical Industries Ltd., 134
- Dial Test, Tesa S.A., 452
- Gamma-Ray Level, Salford Electrical Instruments, Ltd., 134
- High Precision Pneumatic Test, 1. G. Morgan and F. R. Tolman, 466
- “Metrac” Live-line, Everett Edgcumbe and Co., Ltd., 647
- Revolutions per Minute, British Physical Laboratories, 134
- Induction Heating Equipment, (Patent, 958)
- Motor, Drip-proof Squirrel Cage, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560
- Motor, “Inverted”, Newman industries Ltd., 600
- Motor, Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled, Associated Electrical Industries, Ltd., 560
- Indus River Bridge at Sukkur, Pakistan, 104 Industrial Betatron, Mobile, Siemens-Reiniger- Werke A.G., 151
- Challenge of Nuclear Energy, III—Stresa Conference, (Review, 96)
- Communities, Social Welfare, 145
- Design and Manchester, (Leading Article, 495)
- Design in Practice, 538
- Diesel Engines, Mercedes-Benz, 836 Disputes in 1959, 986
- Electronics Conference, 306, 691
- Films, Appleby-Frodingham Steel Co., United Coke and
- Brown-Firth ixcscaivn r-auuiaiwiiv;. , Tufnol Ltd. ; The English Steel Corporation, Ltd., William Doxford and Sons (Engineers) Ltd., Brockhouse Steel Structures Ltd., 789 ; Concrete Ltd., Audley Engineering Co., Ltd., 534 ; Electrical Development Association, Wolf Electric Tools Ltd., 143
- Narrow Gauge Locomotive Preserved, 912 Pest Control Association, Method of Preserving Timber, (580)
- Petrol Engines, B.S.A. Motor Cycles Ltd., 191 Power Consumption in Uganda_^ 1081 Processing Applications of ' "
- Radiation, 74, 114, 152
- Property, Protection, 269 Research Development 1960, Television Camera, Pye Ltd.,
- Chemicals Co., Ltd., 832 ; Research Laboratories ;
- Electron-Beam
- 744
- 908
- Tractor, Massey Ferguson Ltd., 739 Training, 444
- Training Council, First Report, 239 Trends, 312, 1025
- Value of D.S.I.R. Research, (Leading Article, 709) ; No. ? --
- Industries Fair
- 834
- Seibt Export
- 172) Industry, British Machine Tool, A. Albu, 161 Capital Investment, 793
- Coal and Gas, D. D. Melvin, 948 Ergonomics, 873
- Inquiry, Machine Tool, 269 Iron and Steel, 17 in Malta, 485
- Modernisation, American Stpel, 586 Nickel Alloys in, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 538
- Non-Technical Careers, 948
- Nylon in, British Nylon Spinners Ltd., (580) Oil Imports and the Coal, (Leading Article, 1037)
- Operator Training, W. Douglas Seymour, (Review, 684)
- Power for, and Fuel Efficiency Exhibition, 574 in Rural Areas, (Leading Article, 83)
- Safety in, and on the Road, (Leading Article, 959)
- Shipbuilding, and the Future, (Leading Article, 551)
- Valves for the Petroleum, (B.S.L, 1090) Who’s Who in the Motor, (Review, 305) Young People in, 538
- Industry’s Development, Gas, 312 Stocks, Manufacturing, 538
- Inert Gas Arc Welding, Filler Rods and Wires, (B.S.L, 973)
- Gas Fusion Welding Machine, Automatic Tungsten, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Inertia Cross-Coupling on Aircraft Response in Rolling Manoeuvres, Effect of, (Report, 305) Information Bureau, Isotope, 1075
- Exchanges, 111
- Initiation aux Processus Aleatoires, M. Girault, (Review, 261)
- Injection Pump for Ruston “AT” Engines, Fuel, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 401
- Injuries in Factories, Treatment, 68 Inquiry, Machine Tool Industry, 269 Inserter, Electronic Control of Slip, Electronic
- Machine Co., Ltd., 197
- Inshore Minesweeper, H.M.S. “Chelsham”, 4 Instability in Tension, Plastic, P. B. Mellor, 517 Installations, Marine V.H.F., Redifon Ltd., 535 Institute of Marine Engineers, Annual Dinner,
- 478 ; Control and Instrumentation of a Marine Reactor, R. Anscomb and F. Hutber, 162 ; Crankshaft Failures, R. Atkinson and P. Jackson, 310 ; Fires in Air Preheaters, A. Bell, 393
- of Metals, Dinner, (Leading Article, 592) ; Links Between Engineers and Metallurgists, 776 ; 1960 Spring Meeting, 611, 776
- of the Motor Industry, Annual Dinner, 659 for Nuclear Fusion, 877
- of Petroleum, Symposium on Engine Testing of Crankcase Lubricating Oils, 1080
- of Physics, Solid State Microwave Amplifiers, 195
- of Refrigeration, Dinner, 232
- of Road Transport Engineers, Future of Road Transport, A. Enticknap, 715
- of Sewage Purification, Annual Conference, 1075
- of Transport, Transport’s “Changing Scene”, Sir John Benstead, 239
- Institution of Agricultural Engineers, Annual Luncheon, (Leading Article, 804) ; Standardisation of Farm Machiney, 105
- of Civil Engineers, An Institution Merger, (Leading Article, 159) ; Annual Dinner, 745 ; Award of Kelvin Medal, 306 ; Civil Engineer in Overseas Territories, (Leading Article, 1000) ; Composition and Structure of Plastics, R. Beeching, 502 ; Engineering and Civilisation, Sir Hugh Beaver, 458 ; General Conditions of Contract, The Engineer as Adjudicator and Arbitrator, F. Newhouse, 224 ; Impact of Motorways on Cities, (Leading Article, 496) ; Memorial Service, A. C. Hartley, 268 ; Models at Conversazione, 1058 ; The Parking Problem, 603, 637 ; Parks and People, (Leading Article, 551) ; Reclamation of Black Bush Polder, P. A. Scott, R. F. Camacho and F. A. Sharman, 1016 ; Some Experiments in Artificial Recharge in the Lower Lee Valley, E. S. Boniface, 106 ; Traffic Engineering in London, (Leading Article, 83) ; Traffic Engineering Study Group, Motorway Junctions, 383
- of Electrical Engineers, Agreements in the Air, (Leading Article, 673) ; Applications of Microwaves, A. L. Cullen, 395 ; Chartered Engineers, Sir Willis Jackson, 395 ; Colour Television System, R. Chaste and P. Cassagne, 745 ; Computer Discussion Meeting, 165 ; Data Handling in Air Traffic Control, 638 ; Electron Beam ' Parametric Amplifiers, R. B. Dytot and
- C. R. Russell, 234 ; Electronic Euqipment Reliability, 572 ; Engineering and Civilisation, Sir Hugh Beaver, 458 ; Honorary Membership, B. H. Leeson, 268 ; Impact of Nuclear Development on Electricity Supply and Instrument Techniques, (31) ; Transistors in Discharge Lamp Circuits, I. F. Davies and D. Dunthorne, 137
- of Gas Engineers, Coal and Gas, D. D. Melvin, 948
- of Highway Engineers, Road Signal Control, (Leading Article, 496) ; Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Signals, E. Thorpe, 478
- of Locomotive Engineers, Aluminium in Railway Rolling Stock, 790, 946 ; Annual Luncheon, 426
- of Mechanical Engineers, American Automotive Developments, V. G. Raviolo, 931 ; Automobile Braking, R, C. Parker, 498 ; Construction and Behaviour Characteristics of Tyres, T. French, 253 ; The Diesel Engine in Association with the Gas Turbine, E. Chatterton, (Leading Article, 158) ; Engineering and Civilisation, Sir Hugh Beaver, 458 ; James Clayton Prize, 478 ; Leonardo da Vinci Lectures, (Leading
- 1, 710, 766
- at Hanover, German, 753, 795,
- Directory of German, (Review,
- Article, 708) ; Meetings, (Leading Article, 247) ; Recent Mechanical Engineering Development in Automatic Control, 122 ; Reception for Overseas Students, (Leading Article, 43) ; Thomas Lowe Gray Lecture, Sea Transport of Liquid Methane, John J. McMullen, 213
- Merger, (Leading Article, 159)
- of Metallurgists, Annual General Meeting, 1012
- of Mining and Metallurgy, Exploitation of Minerals for Mankind, 1. W. Wark, 677
- of Municipal Engineers, An Institution Merger, (Leading Article, 159)
- of Naval Architects, 1860, Formation, 121
- of Production Engineers, Conference of Standards Engineers, 915 ; Spur and Helical Gears, C. Timms, 602 ; Standards Engineers’ Conference, 579
- of Structural Engineers, Annual Dinner, 574 of Water Engineers, Annual General Meeting,
- 870 ; Control of Water Resources, (Leading Article, 884)
- Instruction, Aids to Electronics, Associated Electrical Industries (Woolwich) Ltd., 271
- Instrumentation, (Patents, 155, 761, 997, 1034) and Control of a Marine Reactor, R. Anscomb and F, Hutber, 162
- Process Integration, Electrical Development Association, (Review, 606)
- Instrumented Water Treatment at Willington “A” Power Station, 692
- Instruments, Electronics and Automation Exhibition, 852, 908, 932
- Exhibition in Moscow, 234
- and Instrumentation, Principles of Electronic,
- Gordon R. Partridge, (Review, 261) Manual, (Review, 510) Measuring, (Patent, 801)
- Techniques, Impact of Nuclear Development on Electricity Supply and, (31)
- Insulation Tester, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 599
- Integral Construction, Commercial Vehicle, Commer Cars Ltd,, 67
- Integrating Power Meter, Pametrada, 481
- Integration and Instrumentation, Process, Electrical Development Association, (Review, 606)
- Interavia A.B.C., 1960, (Review, 1014) Interceptor Upgraded, Gloster Aircraft Co.,
- Ltd., 829
- Interchange, Pepperstock, M.l, Plate 1, 8.1.60 Interferometer, Mullard Research Laboratories, 134
- Air-Cooled Diesel Engines, R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., (916)
- “AT” Diesel Engine, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 57
- Coventry Climax H.30, Sir W. G. Armstrong Whitworth and Co. (Engineers) Ltd., Plate 12, 8.1.60
- Diesel Engine, 5-litre, Perkins Ltd., 129
- Engine, “Model FL 310”, Klockner- Humboldt-Deutz, 834
- Engine Protection Panel, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 577
- Gas-Turbine Combination, (Leading Article, 158)
- Engine Honoured, Coventry Climax Engines Ltd., 102
- Engines at the Boat Show, 129 Flameproofed Engine, Perkins, (833) Fuel Injection Pump for Ruston “AT”
- Engines, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 401 General Electric CJ-805-23 for the Convair
- “600”, Plate 12, 8.1.60
- Industrial Diesel Engines, Mercedes-Benz, 836
- Petrol Engines, B.S.A. Motor
- 191
- Internal Combustion Engine
- (Leading Article, 210) Kelvin Diesel Engine, Model T4, Marine Oil Engines, 58 Marinised Ford Zephyr Engine,
- Cycles Ltd.,
- Centenary,
- 129
- 129
- Mark RKRN 6 Thornycroft Diesel Engine, 129
- “Medina” 7i-h.p. Water-Cooled Two-Stroke Outboard Motor, Saunders-Roe Ltd., 129 “Monarch Class Diesel Engine, Mirrlees,
- Bickerton and Day Ltd., 58
- North American Aviation “Saturn”, Plate 12, 8.1.60
- Patents, 373. 761, 801, 841, 1090
- Perkins Six 3O5(M) Marine Diesel Engine, 129
- Rolls Royce Turbo-Charged 300-b.h.p. Engine, 129
- Rotary Piston Engine, V.D.I. Symposium, 365 Some Applications of “Deuce” to Diesel
- Engine Design, T. J. Williams, 186 “Sovereign” Class Diesel Engine, National
- Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 58
- Spark Compression-Ignition Engine, S. G. Timoney, 899
- Sulzer Mark R.S.A.D.76 Engine, Alexander Stephen and Sons Ltd., 58
- Symposium on Engine Testing of Crankcase Lubricating Oils, 1080
- Turbo-charged Engine,
- William Doxford and
- Ltd., 58
- Two-Stroke Engines, R.
- 972)
- 70 L.B.D. “S”, Sons (Engineers)
- N. Gunn, (Letter,
- Internal Grinders, Automatic Sizing, (^hurchill Machine Tool Co,, Ltd., Keighley (Machine Tools) Ltd,, 1046
- Grinding Machine, Kamenicek, Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1046
- Stresses and Fatigue in Metals, Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, (Review, 778) International Association for Hydraulics Research, British National Committee, 574
- Association for the Protection of Industrial Property Congress, 269
- Association for Steel Structures, 143
- Atomic Energy Agency, Conference, 1085
- Automobile Technical Congress, Eighth, 848, 892
- Chamber of Shipping, Annual Meeting, 869^
- Grinders
- Selson
- G. M.
- Compressed Air and Hydraulics Exhibition, 574
- Conference on Large Electric Systems,
- C. I.G.R.E. Meeting in Paris, 1040
- Congress on Automatic Control, Moscow, 530
- Congress on Large Dams, Seventh, 530 Co-operation in Fire Research, 1081 Co-ordination of Time Signals, 690 Fair, Liege, 488
- Machine Tool Exhibition, 1043
- and National Aspects of Stress Analysis, M. L. Meyer, 90
- Interrupted-Potential Qxygen Analyser, British Qxygen Research and Development Ltd., 691
- Intertripping System, Voice-Frequency, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 750
- Introduction to Computers, B.B.C., 986
- to Plasticity, William Prager, (Review, 97) Isotope Research Laboratories, 895 “Inverted” Induction Motor, Newman Industries Ltd., 600
- Inverter Tester, Aircraft, Arthur Lyon and Co.
- (Engineers) Ltd., 29
- Investigations, Pump/Turbine, R. A. Strub, 343 Investment, Capital, Coal, Electricity and Gas, 620
- Casting, Dimensional Aspects of Lost Wax, R. Taylor and N. Mason, 851
- Financing Capital, 1025
- in Industry, Capital, 793 Ionising Radiations, 109
- Abbey Works, The Steel Company of Wales Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Aluminium Clad Steel Strip, F, W. Kubach Ltd., 613
- Annual Steel Bridge Competition, America, 243
- Automatic Forging, B.I.S.R.A., 746
- Bar Mill Modernisation, Steel, Peech and Tozer, 105
- Barrow Steel Works, The United Steel Companies Ltd. Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, 565
- Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless Steels, G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- British Steel, (Leading Articles, 417, 883) Coalbrookdale Works Site and Furnace, Plate 16, 8.1.60
- Comparison of British and Qverseas Standards for Steels, (B.S.L, 341)
- Corrosion in Cast-Iron, Shell Research Ltd., 745
- Durgapur Iron and Steel Works, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., Plate 3,
- 1.1.60 ; 55 ; Progress, 772
- Electric Arc Steel Furnaces, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 193
- Arc Steel-Making, A. Jackson and R. S. Howes, 820
- Fire-Protection of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103
- Iron Castings, Qutput, 948
- Qre, New Company, British Qre Investment Corporation Ltd., 751
- and Steel Industry, 17 and Steel Prices, 274 and Steel Production, 145, 312, 485, 695, 873, 1025
- and Steel Works Production Control, 773 Ironfoundries, 538
- Ironfoundry Handbook, (Review, 305) Low-Alloy Steels, 564
- Master Schedule of Steel Standards, 30 Measuring the Hydrogen Content of Steels, 943
- the Speed of Steel Strip, B.I.S.R.A., 852 Mechanical Testing of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, (B.S.L, 257)
- Mercury-Arc Converter for Steel Mill, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 693
- Open Hearth Furnace Conversion, Appleby- Frodingham Steel Company, Plate 2,
- 1.1.60
- Ore Preparation Plant, Ilkeston, Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., Plate 3, 1.1.60
- Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel for Protection Against Corrosion, (B.S.L, 567)
- Properties of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, (B.S.I., 907)
- Replacing an Articulated Steel Bridge, Mersey, 614
- Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, A. N. Procter, 676, Erratum, (794) ; M. Gaynor, (Letter, 936) ; A. N. Procter, (Letter, 1014) ; A. R. Flint, W. Henderson, O. A. Kerensky, (Letter, 1064)
- Sandviken Extrusion Tube Mill, Sandvik Steel Works, 953
- Sheet Steel, 948
- Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, (Leading Article, 633)
- Solid Drawn Steel Air Receivers, (B.S.L, 907) Steel Development Projects, Steel Company of Wales Ltd., 198
- and the Economy, Sir Andrew McCance, Colvilles Ltd., 274
- Expansion Projects, Guest Keen Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., English Steel Corporation Ltd., 793
- Industry Modernisation, America, 586 Plate Mills, Iron and Steel Institute, 654 Prices, 659 ; (Leading Article, 249)
- Steelmaking for Steelmakers, A. Jackson, (Review, 342)
- Steelworks Expansion Projects, Appleby- Frodingham Steel Co., and Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., 745
- Use of Structural Steel in Building, (B.S.L, 429)
- Iron and Steel Institute, Electric Arc Steel- Making, A. Jackson and R. S. Howes, 820 ; Heavy Plate Mills, 477 ; Iron and Steel Works Production Control, 773 ; Special Meeting in Italy, (Leading Article, 999) ; Steel Plate Mills, 654
- Irradiation Conference, Sydney, Atomic Energy, 530
- Irrigation and Water Supply, Land, (Leading Article, 1035)
- Isotope Information Bureau, 1075
- Italian Dams, 35
- Machine Tool Exhibition, 837
- Machine Tool Fair, 544
- Italy, Iron and Steel Institute Special Meeting, (Leading Article 999)
- Jacks, Worm Gear, Consolidated Pneumatic
- Tool Co., Ltd., 913
- Jaw Crusher, Fried. Krupp, 795
- Jet Airliner, “152”, V. E. B. Flugzeugbau, 446
- By-Pass Turbo, Rolls-Royce R.B,, 141, (31) Detuner at Zurich, British, 837
- Engine, “Pirna 014”, 446
- Lift, Transition, Short S.C.l, 658
- Propulsion Engines Q. E. Lancaster, (Review, 468)
- Jets Propulsifs, Mecanisme de la Deviation des, M. Kadosch, (Review, 819)
- Jetty, Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay, 612 Jig Borer, Automatic Positioning System, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Boring Machine, Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1050
- Boring Machine, Automatic Co-ordinate Setting, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., 1050 Boring and Milling Machine, Qptical, Societe Genevoise, 1052
- Joint Panel on Nuclear Propulsion, Control and Instrumentation of a Marine Reactor, R. Anscomb and F, Hutber, 162
- Jointing Materials, Richard Klinger Ltd., (696) Joints in Concrete, Split Watersealing Device, Tretol-Servicised Ltd., 537
- Sealing Tape for Threaded Pipe, Packing Ltd., 400
- Joystick Control Switches, Pye Ltd., 104 Controller, Square D Ltd., 66
- Journal, New Electronics, (794)
- Review Construction in Steel, 396 Traffic Engineering, (752)
- Jubilee, Silver, in Stainless Steel, (Leading Article, 633)
- Junctions, Motorway, 383
- Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624 ; Steam Transformer, 625
- Kaltemaschinen-Regeln, (Review, 685)
- Kariba Power Scheme, 806, (Leading Article, 844) ; Electrical Plant, 54 ; 330kV Qil-Filled Cables, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 98
- Kempe’s Engineers Year Book, 1960, (Review, 470)
- Kerosene (Paraffin) Unflued Space Heating, Cooking and Boiling Apparatus, (B.S.I., 1034)
- Kettig Viaduct, German Route B9, 242
- Kharg Island, Crude Qil Terminal, Iranian Qil Exploration and Producing Co., 337
- Kinematisch-Getriebedynamisches Praktikum, Rudolph Beyer, (Review, 1066)
- Kinetics of High-Temperature Processes, W. D. Kingery, (Review, 510)
- Kingsferry Lifting Bridge, 674
- Kitts Green, Re-Equipment of Aluminium Works, James Booth Aluminium Ltd., 362
- Klang Gates Dam in Malaya, Concrete Plant,
- J. Conacher, 472
- Klystron Oscillator, Reflex, English Electric Valve Co., Ltd., 853
- Knitting and Sewing Machine, V. E. B. Tiill- maschinenbau, 446
- Knowledge of Electronics, Promoting, Ultra Electric (Holdings) Ltd., 1020
- Kolbenverdichter, Ch. Bouche, (Review, 1066) Kristineham, Water Turbine Laboratory, 875
- Laboratory, Battery Research, Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 1023
- Continental Machine Tool and Production Engineering, 861
- Coil Spring Research, 536
- Heating and Ventilating Research, 652 Isotope Research, 895
- Kristinehamn, Water Turbine, 875 Measurements on Einstein’s Theory, 231 Railway Research, 479
- Aftermath of Guillebaud, (Leading Article, 455) ; D. F. C. Vosper, (Letter, 508) ; M. W. Burnby, (Letter, 650)
- Apprentice Training, 659
- Wage Claim, 873, 1081
- Barton High Level Bridge, Termination of Employment, 30
- Commonwealth Technical Training Week, 269
- Earnings in the Engineering Profession, 477 Employer’s Liability for Qther People’s Premises, 296
- Employment, 832
- in the 1950s, 68
- Engineering Employment, 1860, 709
- Engineers’ Salaries, L. Selleck, (Letter, 972) Ergonomics in Industry, 873
- Forty-Two-Hour Week, 312
- Guillebaud and British R’ailways, (Leading Article, 415)
- Hours and Earnings, 1025
- Incomes of Professional Men, (Leading Article, 417) ; 436
- Industrial Disputes in 1959, 986
- Training, 239, 444
- Industry in Rural Areas, (Leading Article, 83) Local Employment Act, 620
- Management in an Expanding Economy, 873 National Dock Labour Board, Employment, 986
- Non-Technical Careers in Industry, 948 Older Workers, (Leading Article, 708)
- Operator Training in Industry, W. Douglas Seymour, (Review, 684)
- Post Office Student Apprenticeships, 239 Production as a Career, (Leading Article, 708) Railway Un-Settlement, (Leading Article, 287) Scientific Management, Lord Baillieu, 363 Shipbuilding Wages and Hours, 239 Shipyard Hours, 274, 402
- Labourers’ Wages, 1081
- Shortening the Working Week, 109
- Some Problems of Leisure, (Leading Article, 82)
- T.U.C. and a Shorter Working Week, 30 Trade Union Membership, 68
- Unemployment, 198, 402, 579, 751, 948 Unofficial Strikes, 915 ; Sir A. Harold Bibby 109
- Wages and Hours, 68, 198, 444, 793, 915 Hours and Costs, 274
- Railway, 109 ; (Leading Articles, 119, 209) Young People in Industry, 538
- Labourers’ Wages, Shipyard, 1081
- Ladder, Rope, W. Hohenstein Sohne, 837 Laid-up Shipping, 30, 312
- Lamella Roof, D. Smollett, 173
- Laminar Boundary Layer, An Approximate
- Method of Calculating : (Reports, 651) Laminated Springs, Profiled Leaves, Toledo
- Woodhead Springs Ltd., 108
- Lamp, Arc Discharge, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 134
- Circuits, Transistors in Discharge, General
- Electric Co., Ltd., 137
- High-Power Xenon, 1085 Production Development, Discharge, The
- General Electric Co., Ltd., 774
- Progress in Electric, H. G. Jenkins, 857 Lampholders, Bayonet Cap, of Moulded Insulating Material, (B.S.I., 819)
- Lancashire, Road Construction, Plate 2, 8.1.60 Lancaster By-Pass Motorway, 648
- Land Irrigation and Water Supply, (Leading
- Article, 1035)
- Speed Record Contender, “Bluebird”, 886 Landmark Beacons, Mobile, General Electric Co., Ltd., 65
- Language Problems for Engineers, Easing Foreign, 777
- Lantern, Sealed Sodium, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 479
- Laplace Transforms for Electronic Engineers, James G. Holbrook, (Review, 508)
- Last Steam Locomotive, Very, (Leading Article, 495)
- Latch, Side-board, Marcel Pavillard, 581 Lathes, Roll Turning, Drummond-Asquith
- Ltd., 1047
- Sliding, Surfacing and Screwcutting, John
- Lang and Sons Ltd., 1057
- Swing, Kerry’s (Great Britain) Ltd., 1045
- Swing, T. S. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., 1056
- Tube Bending, V. E. B. Maschinenfabrik John
- Schehr, 487
- Turret, H. W. Ward and Co., Ltd., 1044 Latina Nuclear Power Station, 15 Launch of Guided Missile Destroyer, “Devonshire”, 1020
- of P. and Q. Liner “Canberra”, Harland and
- Wolff Ltd., 507
- Launches in 1959, 363
- and Trial Trips, 156, 208, 484, 537, 578, 658,
- 750, 792, 831, 872, 914, 985, 1080
- Laying, High-Speed Grit, Scammell Lorries Ltd., 399
- Abandonment of “Blue Streak”, 671
- Acceleration and Gravitation, 211 .Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, 844 Advising on British Transport, 672 Aftermath of Guillebaud, 455
- Agreements in the Air, 673
- Agricultural Engineering, 805
- Engineering Education, 158
- Agriculture and the Engineer, 552
- Aircraft Week, An, 631
- An American First in Space, 456
- An End for an Honoured Name, 843
- Appeal to Price, 157
- Aviation Mergers, 81
- Barrage and Barrier That Nobody Wants?, 416 Barton Bridge Accident, 288
- Bathing Beaches and Sewage, 41 Bicentenary of Lloyd’s Register, 923
- British Mining Equipment Export Association, 924
- Shipping, 248
- Steel, 417, 883
- Centenary Meeting of Naval Architects, 885 Channel Crossing, 591
- Tunnel, 707
- Civil Engineer in Overseas Territories, 1000
- Clean Air, Report, 845
- Cleaner Rivers Sooner, 157
- Coal, 923
- The More Distant Prospect, 764
- Prospects, 120
- Computer Programmes for Engineering, 765
- Control of Water Resources, 884 Co-operative Electrical Research, 552 Cost of Space Research, 121 “De Re Metallica”, 592
- Defence, 289
- Defence with Some Difference, 327
- Detergent Troubles, 708
- Diesel-Gas-Turbine Combination, 158 Director of the Science Museum, 632 Earthwork Quantities for Highways, 209
- Education for Electricity Supply, 41
- E. E.C., E.F.T.A,, and the Atlantic, 883
- Effluent and Water Treatment Exhibition, 845
- Electrical Accidents, 43
- Estimates for the Armed Forces, 375
- Examinations in Technical Writing, 210 Expansive Gas, 329
- Exponential Expansion, 375
- F. B.L, The T.U.C. and the Chancellor, 377 Fire Protection, 329
- Protection for Structural Steel, 120 Forewarned, Forearmed, 925 Four-and-a-Half Tons in Orbit, 844
- Fuel for Clean Air, 672
- Government and Aircraft, 288
- Graham Clark, In Memory of, 457 Guillebaud and British Railways, 415
- Hook Road Underpass, 289
- Humanism and Technology, 763
- Impact of Motorways on Cities, 496 Incomes of Professional Men, 417 Industrial Design and Manchester, 495
- Value of D.S.I.R. Research, 709
- Industry in Rural Areas, 83
- Institution Merger, 159
- Internal Combusion Engine Centenary, 210 Iron and Steel in Italy, 999
- Is the M.T.T.A. Touchy ? 211
- John Anderson and Technological Teaching, 593
- Kariba, 844
- Land Irrigation and Water Supply, 1035
- London Association of Engineers, Annual Dinner, 497
- Plan, 456
- Machine Tools Under Fire, 42 “Mechanicals” Meeting, 247 Mental Evolution and Engineers, 960
- Net Increase of Taxation, 591
- Not Much Joy for Decimal Disciples 764 Nuclear Power Slowdown, 1035
- Qil Imports and the Coal Industry, 1037 Qlder Workers, 708
- Qutstanding Defence Problems, 1000 Qverseas Scholars Dine, 592
- Parks and People, 551
- Pavements in the Air, 328
- “People and Things”, 377
- Prestressed Concrete, 159
- Production as a Career, 708
- Promoting Locomotive Exports, 81
- Prospect of Clean Rivers, 1037
- Railway Crossover, 804
- Preservation, 82
- Un-Settlement, 287
- Wages, 119, 209
- Reception for Qverseas Students, 43 Replacement of the “Queen Mary”, 959 Report on Machine Tools, 924
- Retrospect and Prospect, 1
- Ring Motorway for London, 707
- Road Accidents, 631
- Programme and National Prosperity, 1036 Signal Control, 496
- Rubber at The Science Museum, 247
- Safety in Industry and on the Road, 959 Satellitic Spying, 843
- Second Thoughts on Defence, 803
- See It “In the Round”, 671
- Shape of Signal-boxes, 553
- Shipbuilding Industry and the Future, 551 Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, 633
- Some Problems of Leisure, 82
- South-East Northumberland, 961
- Staff College for Technical Teachers, 248
- Status of Traffic Engineering, (Leading Article, 803)
- Steel Prices, 249
- Television Line Standards, 960
- Tercentenary of the Royal Society, 376
- Too Limited a Space Policy ?, 328
- Traffic Engineering in London, 83
- Universities, Parents, and Awards to Students, 1001
- Very Last Steam Locomotive, 495
- Leakage Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, 945
- Leaves for Laminated Springs, Profiled,
- Toledo Woodhead Springs Ltd., 108 Leeds-Bradford Airport, New Lighting, 1022 Leicestershire Quarry, Comprehensive Stone
- Treatment Plant, 471 Leichtmetall-Verseifungstrager fur Hangesteg,
- K. Sutter and A. M. Mackie, (Review, 867) Leipzig Spring Fair, 446, 487 Leisure, Some Problems of,
- 82)
- Leonardo da Vinci Lectures,
- 708)
- L’Essai de Microduret6 et
- (Report, 998)
- Aftermath of Guillebaud, D. F. C. Vosper, 508 ; M. W. Burnby, 650
- Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop Hammers, P. H. Allaway, 468 ; W. Eastwood, 508
- Bathing Beaches and Sewage, T. Henry Turner, 132
- British Standard No. 3117, A. D. Smalley, 388
- Channel or Bridge ? J. R. Edisbury, 778 Tunnel, M. A. Cameron, 778 Crossing, 1064
- Critical Look at the Novikov Gear, A. M. Gunner, 818
- Earthwork Quantities for Highways, D. H. Glover, 605
- Engineers’ Salaries, L. Selleck, 972
- Fairlie Locomotives, R. A. S. Abbott, 508 ; E. M. S. Wood, 604 ; A. E. Durrant, 1014
- Gas V. Electricity, A. C. McManus, 170 Lightweight Diesel Trains, A. H. Sommer, 96 Locomotive Coal Trials, A, C. Sterndale, 866 Long Welded Rails, T, Henry Turner, 605 ;
- 1. G. T. Duncan and S. Wise, 684
- Lubrication Science and Technology, John Boyd, 96
- Mainly Metallurgy, D, L. Bartlett, 566
- Noise Abatement, C. J. Potts, 96
- Peak Load Gas Turbines with Air Storage, Reginald Q. Kapp, 650 ; B. Wood, 721
- Railway Conversion, T. 1. Lloyd, 720
- Rotary Engines, J. C. Farquhar, 468
- Routine Calculations, W. A. Tuplin, 388
- Rules and Regulations for Structural Steelwork, M. Gaynor, 936 ; A. N. Procter, 1014 ; A. R. Flint, W. Henderson, Q. K. Kerensky, 1064
- Science Museum, F.St. A. Hartley, 428
- Seeing it in the Round, L. C. Wood, 867
- Simplified Anti-Vibration Hammer Foundations, J. H. A. Crockett, 720 ; W, Eastwood, 910
- Subterranean Atomic Explosions, A. J. Field, 778
- Temperatures in Solar Atmospheric Electrical Discharges, C. E. R. Bruce, 170
- Theory of Machines, G. D. Matthew, Coull, and A. A. Denton, 605 Swanson, 650 ; C. H. Helmer, 867
- Traffic Engineering in London, A. J. H. Clayton, 304
- Traffic Planning and Tramways, B. J. Prig- more, 1064
- Two-Speed Electric Motor with a Single Stator Winding, G. H. Rawcliffe, 866
- Two-Stroke Engines, R, N, Gunn, 972
- Vector Dimensional Analysis, P. D. Richardson, 866
- A. ; S. A. V.
- Level Controller, Bin, Henry Simon Ltd., 947
- Indicator, Gamma-Ray, Salford Electrical Instruments Ltd., 134
- Luffing Cargo Cranes, Optimum Pulley Positions, E. Lightfoot and M. M. O. Girgraph, 735
- Self-compensating, Carl Zeiss, 836
- Sensor, Mechanical, Coal Research Establishment, 134
- Levan, Opening of Research Centre, 984 Lewiston Generating Station, 11
- Liability for Other People’s Premises, Employer’s, 296
- Liege International Fair, 488
- Lift, Transition to. Short S.C.l, 658
- Truck, Fork. N.V. Maschinefabriek Thole, 370
- for TV Mast, Cableless, Alimak-Verken A.B., 543
- Lifters for Armoured Face Conveyors, 1079 Lifting Bridge, Kingsferry, 674
- Bridge, River Swale, 86
- Light, Automatic Switch for Reversing, Hella, 583
- Electric, Applied to Surgery, 1860, 249
- Operated Switch, Londex Ltd., 533
- Lighthouse Tender “Atlanta”, Philip and Son, Ltd., 87
- Tender Motorship “Siren”, J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 460
- for Wilnerton, Automatic, 276
- The World’s, Before 1820, D. Alan Stevenson, (Review, 223)
- Lighting Aids for Brain Surgery, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 942
- Batterseas Heliport, General Electric Co,, Ltd., 357
- Electric, (Patent, 325)
- Fittings, High Bay, Holophane Ltd., 1021 for Leeds-Bradford Airport, New, 1022 Palisadoes Airport, The General Electric Co., Ltd., Barlow and Young Ltd., 791
- Limitations of the Collapse Method of Design, W. J. Sutcliffe, 514
- Limited a Space Policy, Too ? (Leading Article, 328)
- Line Standards, Television, (Leading Article, 960)
- Linear Accelerator for Radiographic Examination of Welds, 4MeV, Mullard Ltd., 657
- Liners, “Amazon”, Royal Mail, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 138
- “Baharistan”, Cargo, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 23
- “Canberra”, Launch of P. and O., Harland and Wolff Ltd., 507
- Cargo, “Benloyal”, Charles Connell and Co., Ltd., 87
- Cargo, “Machaon”, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- “France”, Launch of Transatlantic, Com- pagnie Generale Transatlantique, 869
- Refrigerated Cargo, “Royston Grange”, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 87
- “Tewksbury”, Cargo, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 23
- Link, Anglo-French Microwave, 909, 939
- Links Between Engineers and Metallurgists, 776 Liquefied Gases, Pump, Distillers Co., Ltd., 657 Liquid Gas, Conversion of Oil Tanker to Carry, 1024
- Methane, Sea Transport, John J. McMullen, 213
- Petroleum Products in Bulk Storage, Sampling, (B.S.I., 685)
- Li'bon Underground Railway, 99
- Books Received, 97, 133, 172, 223, 261, 305, 342, 389, 429, 470, 510, 567, 606, 651, 685, 722, 779, 819, 867, 911, 937, 973, 1014, 1066
- Aeroplane, The, Directory of British Aviation, 1066
- British Petroleum Equipment, 510
- Deutsches Schiffahrt und Hafen-Jahrbuch, 1066
- The Engineer Buyers Guide, 389
- F.B.I. Register of British Manufacturers, 1960, 567
- Handbook of Universal Beams, 569
- Heat Bibliography, 1958, 1066
- Instrument Manual, 510
- Interavia A.B.C., 1960, 1014
- Ironfoundry Handbook, 305
- Kempe’s Engineers Year Book, 1960, 470 Petroleum Handbook, 567
- Plastic Properties of Rolled Sections, 172
- Produktenboek V.M.I. 1958, 172
- Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships, 1959, 389
- Sand and Gravel Handbook, 851
- Seibt Export Directory of German Industries, 172
- Shipping World Year Book and Who’s Who, 1960, 389
- Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, Erratum, 268
- Who’s Who in the Motor Industry, 305
- Acres du Colloque de Calcul Num^rique P6rigueux 1957, 779
- Adhesives Guide, Joyce Hurd, 342
- Advanced Aero Engine Testing, A. W. Morley and Jean Fabri, 778
- Mechanics of Fluids, Hunter Rouse, 388 Aeronautical Conference Proceedings, Sixth Anglo-American, 779
- Aluminium Busbar, A. G. Thomas and P. J. H. Rata, 651
- Annotated Equilibrium Diagrams of Sorne Aluminium Alloy Systems, H. W. Phillips, 389
- Applied Mechanics, P. D. Collins, 1014 Petroleum Reservoir Engineering, B. Craft and M. F. Hawkins, 721
- Automatic Refrigeration, S. A. Andersen, 684 Available Energy and the Second Law Analysis, E. A. Bruges, 566
- Berechnen und Entwerfen der Schweisskon- struktionen, P. Schimpke, H. A. Horn and J. Ruge, 819
- Chemical Engineering Practice Vol. II, 470 Chemistry for Engineers, E. Cartmel, 606 Contribution a I’etude des ultrasons aeriens : production et applications, R. Boucher, 510
- Corrosion and Deposits m Coal and Oil Fired Boilers and Gas turbines, 261 and Oxidation of Metals, Ulick R. Evans, 509
- Cryogenic Engineering, R. B. Scott, and Progress in Cryogenics, K. Menelssohn, 304
- Curve Surveying, R. B. M. Jenkins, 818 Cutting Fluids, 133
- Das Walzen von Hohlkdrpern und Kali- brieren von Werkzeugen zur Herstellung Nahtloser Rohre, Paul Gruner, 172
- Design of Welded Pipe Fittings, P, H. Lane and R. T. Rose, 305
- Dock and Harbour Engineering, H. Cornick, 1065
- Einfiihrung in die Strahlungstechnik, O. Joklik, 973
- Electricity Undertakings of the World, 389 Electro-Technology for National Certificate Courses, Vol. Ill, H. Bauckingham E. M. Price, 304
- Electronic Computers — Principles Applications, T. E. Ivall, 721
- Elements ~ "
- Tensors for Engineers, S. Austen Stigant, 171
- Festschrift
- Friction and Wear, Robert Davies, 132 History of Western Technology, Friedrich Klemm, 428
- Improved Material Utilisation, 429
- Impulse Voltage Testing, W. G. Hawley, 651 Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy III— Stresa Conference, 96
- Initiation aux Processus Aleatoires, M. Girault, (Review, 261)
- Internal Stresses and Fatigue in Metals, G. M. Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, 778
- Introduction to Plasticity, William Prager, 97 Jet Propulsion Engines, O. E. Lancaster, 468 Kaltemaschinen-Regeln, 685
- Kinematisch-Getriebedynamisches Praktikum, Rudolph Beyer, 1066
- Kinetics of High Temperature Processes, W. D. Kingery, 510
- Kolbenverdichter, Ch. Bouche, 1066
- Laplace Transforms for Electronic Engineers, James G. Holbrook, 508
- Leichtmetall-Versteifungstrager fur Hanges- teg, K. Sutter and A. M. Mackie, 687
- Lieu des racines Equation alg6brique dependant d’un parametre : Application a la stabilite et au guidage des fusdes, Francisque Salles, 342
- Liverpool Overhead Charles E. Box, 566 ‘Locomotives I Have elyne, 936
- Machines A Calculer m6tiques et Analogiques, M. Pelegrin, 304 Marine Lubrication, G. H. Clark, 722 Maschinenfundamente und andere dynamisch beanspruchte Baukonstruktionen, E. Rausch, 684
- Massivumformung, H. Meyer and W. Bieder- stedt, 867
- Mecanisme de la Deviation des Jets Propulsifs, M. Kadosch, 819
- Mechanisms and Motions, K. H. Hunt, 260 Methodes generales d’essai et de controle en laboratoire, R. L’Hermite, 973
- Motor Cars ; Handbook of the Collection, C. F. Gaunter, The Science Museum, 651 Naval Architecture, B. Baxter, 685 Nebulogranulometre pour I’fetude des brouil- lards naturels et artihciels, A. Arnulf, J. Bricard, C. Veret and R. Burtin, 937
- Nuclear Reactor Materials, B. R. T, Frost and M. B. Waldron, 651
- Operator Training in Industry, W. Douglas Seymour, 684
- Other Side of the Moon, 911
- Patents for Engineers, Lawrence H. A. Carr and J. C. Wood, 911
- Petroleum Refinery Manual, 684
- Physical Metallurgy of Rolling, F. H. Scott, (Review, 389)
- Powder Cutting and Flame Processing. B. Brandstet, 779
- Praktische Spannungsoptik, Foppl and E. Monch, 567
- Precision Gearing for Control System.s and Armaments, 972
- Principles of Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation, Gordon R. Partridge, 261 Process Integration and Instrumentation, Electrical Development Association, 606 Progress in Non-Destructive Testing, E. G. Stanford and J. H. Fearon, 1065 in Nuclear Energy : Series XI, Plasma Physics and lhermonuclear C. Longmire, 222
- Property Measurements at High tures, W. D. Kingery, 260
- Recherches experimentales sur les choc produites par les decharges con- dens6es dans les gaz rares, Michel Cloupeau, 133
- Registrierinstrumente, A. Palm, 685
- of
- fur
- L.
- c.
- R.
- F.
- F.
- and
- and
- Determinants, Matrices
- Richard Grammel, 722
- and
- Railway, 1893-1956,
- Known’, J. N. Mask-
- Electroniques : Arith-
- Research,
- Tempera-
- ondes de
- Resolution ^par Analogic electrique d’6qua- tions aux deriveds partielles du quatrieme ordre intervenant dans divers problems d’elasticlt6, Jean Boscher, 172
- Schnellaufende Drehstromasynchronmotoren, H. Moser, 606
- Schwingungstechnik, 171
- Servomechanisms and Regulating System Design, H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, 170
- Short History of Scientific Udeas to 1900, Charles Singer, 222
- Simple Approach to Electronic Computers, E. H. W. Hersee, 470
- Spannungsoptische Untersuchungen Turbinenscheiben mit angefrasten
- von
- und
- Eingesetzten Schaufeln, Karl Leist and Joseph Weber, 685
- Steelmaking for Steelmakers, A. Jackson, 342 Stoff-und Warmeubertragung in der Chem- ischen Kinetik, D. A. Frank-Kamenetzki, 685
- Surveying, A. Bannister and S. Raymond, 261
- Tensile Cracks in Reinforced Concrete, A. Efsen and H. Krenchel, 685
- Theodolite Practice, J. A. Sandover, 937 Transistor Circuits, K. W. Cattermole, 429 Trockner und Trocknungsverfahren, K. Kroll, 260
- Uber Herde Elasticher Wellen in Isotropen Homogenen Medien, F. Gassmann, 223 Untersuchungen uber die Umlenkung eines frein Lufstrahls mit Hilfe von Drall, K. Iserland, 911
- Viscosimetre Balistique, F. Charron, 261 Windscale ; Problems of Civil Construction and Maintenance, Stuart Sinclair, 342 Work Study, R. M. Currie, 819
- Worked Examples in Applied Mechanics, W. C. Durney, 223
- World’s Lighthouses Before 1820, D. Alan Stevenson, 223
- Little Barford “B” Power Station, Boilers, 475 ; Electronic Control, 226
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, 1893-1956, Charles E. Box, (Review, 566)
- Lloyd’s Register, Annual Report, tenary, 938, (Leading Article, building Returns, 234
- Load Carried by the South African port Service, Large, 622
- Loaded and Unloaded Ebonite Purposes, (B.S.I., 172)
- 436 ; Bicen-
- 923) : Ship-
- Road Trans
- fer General
- Loader, Heavy Duty Shovel, Biaw Knox Ltd., 270
- Shovel, Slazgitter Maschinen, 487
- Universal, Institut fiir Fdrdertechnik, 487
- Loading on Composite Slab Bridges, Abnormal, (Report, 824)
- or Programming Charts, Work, New Industrial Charting and Publicity Ltd,, 358 Local Employment Act, 620
- Locating Electric Cables Under Water, E. C. Wadlow, 524
- Lock Nuts, (Patent, 245)
- St. Lambert, Montreal, Plate 1, 8.1.60
- A.C. Locomotive, 3,300-h.p., Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Plate 5, 1.1.60
- A. C. Traction, Plate 5, 1.1.60
- British Railways A.C. Locomotives, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 783
- B. R. Type 3 Locomotive, First, 267
- Diesel-Electric Locomotive, English Electric- Vulcan Foundry 1,100-h.p. (Type 2) Bo-Bo- Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Diesel-Electric Locomotives for Sudan Railways, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 300
- Diesel-Hydraulic Shunting Locomotive, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 871
- Diesel Locomotive Maintenance Depot, 827
- Diesel Locomotive Running and Maintenance, 573
- Diesel Shunting Engine, Heavy, Simmering- Graz-Pauker, A.G., 917
- Electric Locomotives, 2,552-h.p. Bo-Bo, Southern Region, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Fairlie Locomotive, R. A. S. Abbott, 351, 384, 421, (Letter, 508) ; E. M. S. Wood, (Letter, 604) ; A. E. Durrant, (Letter, 1014)
- Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 First Diesel Locomotive for S.W. Africa,
- International General Electric Company of America, 314
- French Mixed Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Industrial Narrow Gauge Locomotive Preserved, 912
- Lightweight Diesel Trains, A. H. Sommer, (Letter, 96)
- Locomotive Coal Trials, E. C. Poultney, 462 ; A. C. Sterndale, (Letter, 866)
- Engines, 1860, 289
- 135-ton, V.E.B. Lokomotivbau-Elektro- technische Werke, 487
- Locomotives I Have Known, J. N. Maskelyne, (Review, 936)
- “Merchant Navy” Locomotives : Performance and Efficiency Tests on Southern Region, O. S. Nock, 975
- Modified Type 2 Locomotives, North-Eastern Region, 192
- North British-G.E.C. 1,000/1,100-h.p. Bo-Bo Locomotive, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Power Equipments for 2,300/2,500-h.p. Type 4 Locomotives,- Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Preservation Fund for Webb Tank Locomotive, (949)
- Promoting Locomotive Exports, (Leading Article, 81)
- Some Early Oil-Engined Locomotives, 229 “Triplex” Locomotives, E, C. Poultney, 262 Very Last Steam Locomotive, (Leading Article, 495)
- Wheel Pairs for Locomotives and Rolling Stock, (B.S.L, 133), Erratum, 388
- Logging System, Data, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 483
- Long Throw Louvres, Thermotank Ltd., 143
- Welded Rails, T, Henry Turner, (Letter, 605) ;
- I. G, T. Duncan and S. Wise, (Letter, 684) London Airport, B.E.A,’s Maintenance Base,
- 912 ; Fuel Pipelines, 396
- Association of Engineers, Annual Dinner, (Leading Article, 497)
- Computer Centres, International Computers and Tabulators Ltd,, 828
- Plan, (Leading Article, 456) Ring Motorway, (Leading Article, 707) Traffic Engineering, (Leading Article, 83) Traffic Engineering, A. J. H. Clayton, (Letter, 304)
- Transport’s New Signalling at Amersham,
- 572
- Two Important Road Schemes, 530 Yorkshire Motorway, 102
- Lost Wax Investment Casting, Dimensional Aspects, R. Taylor and N. Mason, 851
- Louvres, Long Throw, Thermotank Ltd,, 143 Low-Alloy Steels, 564
- Low-Capacitance Bridge, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 617
- Low-Filtration X-Ray Tube, C, H. F. Muller, 281
- Low Temperatures, Traction Rectifiers in, 452 Lubricant for Marine Reduction Gearing, Shell
- Research Ltd., 193
- Pump, High-Pressure, Centralube Ltd., 232 Lubricants, Special Automotive, Shell Research Ltd., 309
- Lubricating Oils, Engine Testing of Crank-case, 1080
- Oils, Portable Viscometer, Control Developments Ltd., 142
- LubricatiQn, Marine, G. H. Clark, (Review, 722) Science and Technology, John Boyd, (Letter, 96)
- Luminous Traffic Policemen, 73
- Machine Screws and Nuts, American, (B.S.I., 819)
- Shop Facilities, Improved, Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd., 935
- Air-Operated Bar Feed Mechanism, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 29
- Aluminium Plate Stretcher, 30,000,000 lb., Hydraulik G.m.b.H., 324
- Articulated Arm Router, Wadkin Ltd., 1054 Automatic Blanking and Piercing Press, V. E. B. Pressenwerk, 446
- Cold Sawing Machine, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 1053
- Cold Sawing Machine for Aluminium Billets, Loma Machins Manufacturing Co., 800
- Control of a Wiedmann Turret Press, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 1041
- Co-ordinate Setting on Jig Boring Machines, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., 1050
- Cycle Milling, Adcock and Shipley Ltd., 143
- Indexing Table, Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., 1054
- Positioning System on Jig Borer, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Sheet Metal Grading Machine, Bren Manufacturing Co., 125
- Sizing Internal Grinders, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., Keighley Grinders (Machine Tools) Ltd., 1046
- Trunnion Machine for Air Brake Components, Cross Company, 491
- Tube-Cutting and Screwing Machine, Ruhrstahl A.G., 544
- Backing-off Machine, J. E. Reinecker Maschinenbau G.m.b.H., 409
- Backstand Grinder, B. O. Morris Ltd., 914 Bandsawmg Machine, Startrite Machine
- Tool Co., Ltd., 270
- Bar Cut-Off Machines, Maschinenfabrik Peltzer and Ehlers, 370
- Skimming Machine, Craven Brothers (Manchester) Ltd., 311
- British Machine Tool Industry, A. Albu, 161
- Machine Tools, Alfred Heroert Ltd., 695 Buying Capital Equipment, British Associa
- tion of Machine Tool Merchants, 239
- Centring and Facing Machine, Austic-Layton
- Macnme Tools Ltd., 65
- Common Transfer Machine for V-6 and V-12
- Engine Blocks, Cross Company, 799 Compound Angle Sine Table, Coventry
- Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., 1051 Continental Machine Tool and Production
- Engineering Laboratory, 861
- Contour Milling and Diesinking Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Copy Band Grinding Macnine, Cyril Adams and Co., Ltd., 1053
- Cutting Fluids, (Review, 133)
- Die Grinding Tool, B.U. Morris Ltd., 603 Drilling Machine, Kerry’s (Great Britain) Ltd., 1045
- Machine with Electronic Positional Control, Wadkin Ltd., and E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.6 J
- Duplex Drilling, Boring and Screwing
- Machine, Kitchen and Wade Ltd., 443 Electronic Automatic Co-ordinate Setting Equipment on Universal Boring and Milling Machine, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Control of Machine Tools, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 962 Electronically-Controlled Rotary Machine
- Table, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 29
- Flange Facing and fuming Machines, Portable, David Reekie and Sons Ltd., 310 Gear Hobber, “P.H. 30’’, David Brown Co* Etd., 1043
- Grinding Coolant Clarifier, Alfa-Laval Co., Ltd., 872
- Machine, Rudkin and Riley Ltd., 658
- D9
- Machine, Multi-Wheel, Newall Engineering Co., Ltd.. 1049
- Machine, Wotan, Soag Machine Tools Ltd.,
- 1046
- Guillotine Shears,
- High-Speed Press
- Co., Ltd., 143
- Home Workshop
- Electric Co., Ltd., (31)
- Horizontal Boring, Milling and Drilling Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047 Surfacing Boring and Milling Machine, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., 1052
- Indexing Power Chuck, John Lang and Sons, Ltd,, 1057
- International Machine Tool Exhibition, 1043 Is the M.T.T.A. Touchy, (Leading Article, 211) Italian Machine Tool Exhibition, 544, 837
- Jig Borer, “Matrix”, Coventry Gauge and Tool Co. Ltd., 1050
- Boring Machine, Rockwell Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1050
- Joystick Controller, Square D Ltd., 66 Kamenicek Internal Grinding Machine Selson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1046
- Lathe, Sliding Surfacing and Screwcutting, John Lang and Sons, Ltd,, 1056
- Machine Tool Collet Equipment, F. Burnerd and Co., Ltd., 106
- Tool Exhibition, Monks and Crane Ltd., (53)
- Tool Industry Inquiry, 269
- Tool Orders. 596
- Tools Under Fire, (Leading Article, 42) Measuring Machine for Internal Diameters, Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., 1051 Milling Cutter with “Throw Away” Tips, Edibrac Ltd., (31)
- Machine, “Tapemaster”, Hayes/Ferranti, Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Machine, Vertical, V. E. B. Fritz-Heckel- Werk, 446
- Oil Mist Spray Equipment, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 67
- Optical Jig Boring and Milling Machine, Societe Genevoise, 1052
- Patents, 39, 207, 325, 373, 669, 1089
- Pinion Hobbing Machine, David Brown Machine Tool Division, 106
- Pipe Screwing Machine Smart and Brown (Machine Tools) Ltd., 913
- Plain Grinding Machine, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd,, 1045
- Plano-Milling Machine, Large, Kendall and Gent Ltd., 166
- Machine, T(js Factory, 487
- Plunge-Cut Cylindrical-Grinding Machine, Newall Group Sales Ltd., 943
- Press Brake and Shearing Machine Combined, Pearson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 615
- Programme-Controlled Milling Machines, Fritz Werner A.G., 319
- Radial Drilling Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Report on Machine Tools, (Leading Article, 924)
- Reports on Machine Tools, M.T.T.A., 232
- Roll Grinding Machine, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1045
- Turning Lathe, Drummond-Asquith Ltd.,
- 1047
- Turning Machine, George Swift and Sons, Ltd., 1048
- Roundness Measuring Machine, Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., 1054
- Router, Portable, Gotthold Haffner Maschi- nenfabrik, 370
- Routing Attachment, B. S. Varley, 144 Straightening Machine, Large Section, Joshua Bigwood and Son, Ltd., 197
- Machine for Tubes and Bars, Sir James Farmer Norton and Co., Ltd., 1054 Surface Grinding Machine, Alfred Herbert Ltd., 143
- Swing Lathe, Kerry’s (Great Britain) 1045
- Lathe, T. S. Harrison and Sons Ltd.,
- Tapping Machine, Milman Engineering Company, 65
- Threading Machine, Joshua Heap and Co., Ltd., 143
- “Throw-Away” Tool Tips and Holders, Sandvik Steel Works Co., Ltd., 273
- Transfer Drilling Machine, Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1055
- Line, Fully-Automatic, V. E. B. Werkzeug- maschinenfabrik Vogtiand, 446
- Machine, Fourteen-station in-line, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Machine for Power Steering Pump Housings, Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284
- Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder Head, Buhr Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 371
- Tube Bending Lathe, V. E. B. Maschinenfabrik John Schehr, 487
- Cold Bending Machine, Embassy Machine and Tool Co., Ltd., 318
- Cutting Machine, Eyring and Scheelke, 452
- Turning Machine, Semi-Automatic, Schiess A.G., 585
- Turret Lathes, No. 7, H. W. Ward and Co., Ltd., 1044
- Twist Drills, (B.S.L, 501)
- Drills, Spiral Point, Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd., 401
- Upstroking Hydraulic Presses, William Jones Ltd., 144
- Vertical Gear Generator, W. E. Sykes Ltd., 1049
- Milling Machine, J. Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Ltd., 1055
- Visual Measurement During Precision Spool Grinding, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- (Patent, 669)
- Roll Feed, Norton Tool
- Power Equipment, Revo
- Ltd.,
- 1056
- Machine Tool Trades Association, Is It Touchy ? (Leading Article, 211) ; Machine Tool Orders, 695 ; Reports on Machine Tools, 232
- Machinery for Hire, 919 Standardisation of Farm, 105
- Machines d Calculer Electroniques ; Arithme- tiques et Analogiques, M. Pelegrin, (Review, 304)
- Machines, Theory, C. H. Helmer, 501, (Letter, 867) ; G. D. Matthew, A. Coull and A. A. Denton, (Letters, 605) ; S. A. V. Swanson, (Letter, 650)
- Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder Head, Transfer, Buhr Machine Tool Company, 371
- Magnet Sine Angle Chucks, Permanent, Darwins Ltd., 362
- Magnetic Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus, Steel Sheets, (B.S.L, 685)
- Drums for Data Storage, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 10.3
- Separators, Industrial Magnets Ltd., 657 Magnetron, Low-Voltage Packaged, Mullard Ltd., 932
- Magnifier, Binocular, Wray (Optical Works) Ltd., 578
- Maidstone By-Pass, 85, 984
- Main Friction Clutches, Dimensions, (B.S.L, 606)
- Mainly Metallurgy, D. L, Bartlett, (LeMer, 566) Maintenance Base at London Airport, B.E.A.’s, 912
- Depot, Diesel Locomotive, 827
- Diesel Locomotive Running and 573
- Malaya, Concrete Plant at Klang Gates Dam, J. Conacher, 472
- Mallet Giving Low-Peak-Force Impulses, Hazet Work, 664
- Malpasset Dam, Preliminary Report, 812 Malta, Industry, 485
- Management Education, 579
- of Research, Lord Nelson of Stafford, 432 Scientific, Lord Baillieu, 361^
- Manchester and Industrial Article, 495)
- Ship Canal. 402
- Mandrels, (Patent, 453) Mangfall Bridge, 32 Manipulator, Barge, Donald
- Ltd., 534
- Mankind, Exploitation of Wark, 677
- Mannheim-Ludwigshaven Plate 3, 8.1.60
- Manual, Instrument, (Review, 510) Petroleum Refinery, (Review, 684)
- Manufacture at a Hounslow Works, Precast Concrete, Concrete Ltd., 689
- of Impact Extruded Aluminium Beer Cans, Adolph Coors Company, 838
- Manufacturers, F.B.I. Register of British, 1960, (Review, 567)
- Manufacturing Industry’s Stocks, 538
- Map, Oil Wall, (31)
- Margam Marshalling Yard, Automatic Control, 679
- Marine Diesel Engine, Perkins Six 305(M), 129 Engine Proportions, 1860, 633
- Engineering Review, T. W. F. Brown, 568 Engineering and Shipbuilding in 1959, 23, 57, 87
- Equipment, (Patent, 549)
- Lubrication, G. H. Clark, (Review, 722) Oil Engines, 58
- Radar Simulator, Solartron Radar Simulators, Ltd., 1080
- Radio Transmitters, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 237
- Reactor, Control and Instrumentation, R. Anscomb and F. Hutber, 162
- Reduction Gearing, Lubricant, Shell Research Ltd., 193
- Single-Sideband
- International Marine
- Ltd., 750
- VHF Communication International Marine Ltd., 984
- V.H.F. Installations, Redifon Ltd., 535 Marinised Ford Zephyr Engine, 129 Marshalling Yard, Automatic Control at Mar- gam, 679
- Yard, Wagon, Ripple Lane, Barking, 22
- Maschinenfundamente und andere dynamisch beanspruchte Baukonstruktionen, E. Rausch, (Review, 684)
- Mass Spectrometer, Large Double-Focusing, 547
- Massivumformung, H. Meyer and W. Bieder- stedt, (Review, 867)
- Mast, Cableless Lift for TV, Alimak-Verken A.B., 543
- Aerial, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Hoists for Materials, Power-Driven, (B.S.L, 257)
- Master Schedule of Steel Standards, 30 Material Utilisation, Improved, (Review, 429) Materials and Components, 1961, Conference on Electronic, 467
- Batching for Glass, Blaw Knox Ltd., 504 Flame-Retardant Building, (Report, 467) Handling in a Wire Works, Overhead, Arthur Lee and Sons Ltd., 103
- Programme at the N.B.S., Expanded Standard, 410
- Matrices and Tensors for Engineers, The Elements of Determinants, S. Austen Stigant, (Review, 171)
- Measurements, Clip-on Current, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 578
- on Einstein’s Theory, Laboratory, 231 at High Temperatures, Property, W. Kingery, (Review, 260)
- during Precision Spool Grinding, Visual, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- The Surface Probe Method for Resistivity and Other, J. P. Newsome and J. A. Betts, 511 Measuring Equipment, (Patent, 325)
- Equipment, Precision, Hahn and Kolb, 319 Equipment, Sound, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 400
- the Hydrogen Content of Steels, 943 Instruments, (Patent, 801)
- Machine for Internal Diameters, Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., 1051
- Machine, Roundness, Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., 1054
- Pitch Errors of Screws to High Accuracy, L. W. Nickols, 846
- the Speed of Steel Strip, B.I.S.R.A., 852 the Workability of Concrete, J. M. Plowman, 1007
- Mechanical Car Park, Mitchell Engineering Ltd., 739
- Engineering Development in Automatic Control, Recent, 122
- Engineering Researches. 1038 Handling Exhibition 739
- Level Sensor, Coal Research Establishment, 134
- Packings for Valves, Crane Packings Ltd., 788 Properties of Metals, Research, National Bureau of Standards, 758
- Seal, Split, Flexibox Ltd., 479
- Testing of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, (B.S.L, 257)
- Vibrating Feeder, Vimec
- 739 “Mechanicals” Meetings,
- 247) Mechanics, Applied, P. D.
- 1014)
- Stepwise Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic Powders, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- Surface Treatment of Aluminium, The Walterisation Co., Ltd., 791
- Turbine Bearing Corrosion, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 943
- Equipment Ltd.,
- (Leading Article,
- Collins, (Review,
- Design, (Leading
- Ross and Partners
- Minerals, 1. W.
- Road Schemes,
- Transmitter, Marconi Communication Co.,
- Equipment, Marconi Communication Co.,
- D.
- of Fluids, Advanced, Hunter Rouse, (Review, 388)
- Worked Examples in Applied, W. C. Durney, (Review, 223)
- Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment
- S.S. “Oriana”, Sovex Ltd., 781 Parcels Sorting Office, Sovex Ltd., 127 Mechanism, Air-Operated Bar Feed,
- Russell and Sons, Ltd., 29 and Motions, K. H. Hunt, (Review, 260) for Public Telephones, Coin Disposal, Bell
- Telephone System, 587
- Medway River Bridge on the Proposed M.2, 1076
- Melting of Boron, Zone, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 283
- and Holding Furnace, Aluminium, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 914 Membership, Trade Union, 68 Memorial Service, A. C. Hartley, 268 Memory for Computer Application, Electronic, 760
- of Graham Clark, 457
- System with Automatic Plate Processor, Photo-Optical, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244
- Men, Incomes of Professional, (Leading Article, 417)
- Mental Evolution and Engineers, (Leading Article, 960)
- Merchant Navy Engineer Examinations, 943
- Navy Locomotives ; Performance and Efficiency Tests on Southern Region, O. S. Nock, 975
- Mercury-Arc Converter for Steel Mill, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 693
- Merger of Aircraft Firms, Vickers Ltd., The English Electric Co., Ltd., The Bristol Aeroplane Co., Ltd., 109
- Aviation, (Leading Article, 81)
- An Institution, (Leading Article, 159) Messengers, Aerial, 1860, 159 Metals Classifier, Non-Ferrous, Townson and Mercer Ltd., 442
- Coatings, Platinum, Engelhard Industries Ltd., 134
- Corrosion and Oxidation, Ulick R. Evans (Review, 509)
- Cutting Circular Saw, Wandsbeker Werkzeug- Gesellschaft Beinhoff and Co., 699
- Degreasing Plants for Ultrasonic Cleaning,
- Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 576 Grading Machine, Automatic Sheet, Bren
- Manufacturing Co., 125
- Internal Stresses and Fatigue, G. M. Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, (Review, 778) Investigated, Rare Earth, 668 in 1959, Non-Ferrous, 220
- Nomenclature, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 971
- Plates, Explosive Forming, Vickers-Arm- strongs (Engineers) Ltd., 655
- Research on the Mechanical Properties,
- National Bureau of Standards, 758
- Spraying Plant, Automatic Control Equipment, Metallizing Equipment Co., Ltd., 236 Metallic and Ceramic paction Process, Corporation, 283
- Corrosion Congress,
- Valve Seals, U.K.A.E.A., 829 Metallurgists, Links Between Engineers and, 776
- for
- S.
- Fast
- Powders, Stepwise Com- Westinghouse Electric
- 272
- Belgian Researches on Grey Cast-Iron Con
- taining Flake Graphite, 565 Copper Roofing, 1013 Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, G. Butler and
- H. C. K. Ison, 29
- in Cast-Iron, Shell Research Ltd., 745 and Oxidation of Metals, Click R. Evans, (Review, 509)
- Extra Pure Silicon, 1012
- Fatigue of Welded Structures, (31)
- Institute of Metals Spring Meeting, 776 Internal Stresses and fatigue in Metals,
- G. M. Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, (Review, 778)
- Links Between Engineers and Metallurgists,
- 776
- Low-Alloy Steels, 564
- Mainly Metallurgy, D. L. Bartlett, (Letter, 566)
- Measuring the Hydrogen Content of Steel,
- 943
- Metallic Corrosion Congress, 272 Metals, Abstracts and Books, 565
- Nomenclature, Henry Wiggin and Ltd., 971
- Non-Ferrous Metals in 1959, 220 Patents, 761, 922, 957 Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel for
- Protection Against Corrosion, (B.S.L, 567) Physical Metallurgy of Rolling, F. H. Scott,
- (Review, 389)
- Plating Zinc Alloy
- Properties of Steel
- (B.S.L, 907)
- Railway Rails, 386 Research on the
- Metals,
- 758
- Co.,
- Die Castings, 1013 at Elevated Temperatures,
- Mechanical Properties of National Bureau of Standards,
- Rust Proofing, Walterisation Co., Ltd., 28 Some Metallurgical Events of 1959, 20
- Meteorological Progress, I860, 961
- Meters, Circular Scale, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 67
- Integrating Power, Pametrada, 481
- Output Power, Dawe Instruments Ltd.', 617 Transistor Vibration, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 578
- Transistorised Analogue Frequency, Venner Electronics Ltd., 192
- Methane, Sea Transport of Liquid, John J. McMullen, 213
- Transportation by Sea, J. F. Leathard and E. C. B. Corlett, 643
- Methodes generales d’essai et de controole en laboratoire, R. L’Hermite, 973
- Methods of Testing Plastics, (B.S.L, 606) Metric System and Decimal Coinage, 787
- Metropolitan Underground Railway, 1860, 211 Micro-balance, Electronic, Sartorius-Werke A.G., 834
- Microscope, Cambridge University, 852 Microvoltmeter, D.C., Research and Control Instruments Ltd., 483
- Microwave Amplifiers, Solid State, 195 Applications, A. L. Cullen, 395 Link, Anglo-French, 909, 939
- Midland Motorway Links, 441
- Military Science, 970
- Mill, The Albion Flour, John Rennie and Bankside, A. K. Bruce, 189
- Aluminium Sheet Rolling, Mirro Aluminium Company, 203
- Copper Rod Rolling, British Insulated (Zallender’s Cables Ltd., 855
- Dalmine Continuous Tube, Dalmine S.p.A., 36
- “Lopulco” Three-Roller, International Combustion Ltd., 822
- Mercury-Arc Converter for Steel, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 693
- Modernisation, Bar, Steel, Peech and Tozer, 105
- Remote Control Rolling, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 920
- for Roofing Sections, Rolling, Daniel Ltd., 1077
- Sandviken Extrusion Tube, Sandvik Works, 953
- at Woodgate Works, Aluminium Birmetals Ltd., 681
- Milliammeter, D.C., Solartron
- Group Ltd., 134
- Millimetric Waves, Modulator with
- Diodes for, 492
- Milling, Automatic Cycle, Adcock Ltd., 143
- Smith
- Steel
- Strip,
- Electronic
- Germanium
- and Shipley
- and Boring Machine, Horizontal Surfacing, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., 1052
- and Boring Machine, Optical Jig, Societe Genevoise, 1052
- and Boring Machine, Universal, Electronic Automatic Co-ordinate Setting Equipment, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Cutter with “Throw Away” Tips, Ltd., (31)
- and Diesinking Machine, Contour, mond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- and Drilling Machine, Horizontal Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Edibrac
- Drum-
- Boring,
- Machine, Large Plano-, Kendall and Gent Ltd., 166
- Machine, Plano, TOS Factory, 487
- Machine, Programme-Controlled, Fritz Werner A.G., 319
- Machine, “Tapemaster”, Hayes/Ferranti, Plate 15, 1.1.60
- Machine, Vertical, J. Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Ltd., 1055
- Machine, Vertical, V. E. B. Fritz-Heckel- Werk, 446
- Mills, Heavy Plate, Iron and Steel Institute, 477 Steel Plate, Iron and Steel Institute, 654
- Mine Hoists for U.S.S.R., Swedish A.S.E.A., 151
- Air Compressor Set for Mine Stowage Operations, Tilghman’s Ltd., 619
- British Mining Equipment Export Association, (Leading Article, 924)
- Concrete-Framed Building to Resist Mining Subsidence, 439
- Dual-purpose Mine Winders in Yorkshire, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 947
- Exploitation of Minerals for Mankind, 1. W. Wark, 677
- Leakage Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, 945
- Lifters for Armoured Face Conveyors, 1079 Mine Stable Hole Conveyor, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 503
- Mining Equipment, (Patents, 801, 997) Machinery (Patent, 669)
- Swedish Mine Hoists for LI.S.S.R., A.S.E.A., 151
- World’s Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Minesweeper, Inshore, H.M.S. “Chelsham”, 4 Miniature Circuit Breaker, J. A. Crabtree and Co., Ltd., 647
- Electromagnetic Clutch, Westool Ltd., 535
- Potentiometric Recorder, Control Instruments Ltd., 532
- Missile and Aircraft, Application of Molecular Electronics, 489
- Destroyer "Devonshire”, Launch of Guided, 1020
- Destroyers, Guided, 44
- Mission to Argentina, 480
- Mist Spray Equipment, Oil, Wakefield-Dick
- Industrial Oils Ltd., 67
- I'N D E X
- Mixing and Batching Plant, Concrete, H. Liebherr, 795
- and Drying Plant, Asphalt, H. Nielson og Son, Maskinfabrik, A/S, 202
- and Drying Plant for Bituminous Mixes, Huther and Co., 796
- Duties, Gearbox for. Chemical Equipment Engineering Ltd., 613
- Model Technique at Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, Standard, R. N. Newton, 609 Models at Institution of (jivil Engineers Conversazione, 1058
- Modern Explosives, (Report, 722) Modernisation, American Steel Industry, 586
- Bar Mill, Steel, Peech and Tozer, 105 British Railways, 825 of Forges, (Report, 467)
- and Re-building Scheme, Works, Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd., 168
- Modulator with Germanium Diodes for Millimetric Waves, 492
- Molecular Electronics, Aircraft and Missile Application
- Monitor, Beryllium, U.K.A.E.A., 533 Monitoring and Acquisition of Data, de Havil- land Propellers Ltd., 269
- Monotower Crane, Travelling, Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., Plate 14, 1.1.60
- Montreal, St. Lambert Lock, Plate 1, 8.1.60 Moon The Other Side of, (Review, 911) Moscow, Instruments Exhibition, 234
- International Congress on Automatic Control, 530
- Motions and Mechanisms, K. H. Hunt, (Review, 260)
- Motor Cars :
- Gaunter,
- 651)
- Cars, Rail
- and Co., Ltd., (752)
- Coupling Drive, Heenan
- 563
- Cycle, Honda “Dream” Overhead Camshaft Twin, 582
- Cycle Motom 98 Overhead Camshaft, 583 Drip-proof Squirrel Cage Induction, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 560
- Driven Coolant Pump, Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Gas Circulator, General Electric Co., Ltd., Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Hydraulic, Plessey Co., Ltd., 739
- Industry Research Association, Open Days, 1078
- Industry, Who’s Who, (Review, 305) “Inverted” Induction, Newman Industries Ltd. 600
- Pump, English Electric Co., Ltd., 561 Show, Geneva, 540, 581, 623, 664 Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled, English
- Electric Co., Ltd., 561
- Two-Speed Electric, with a Single Stator Winding, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 788 ; G. H. Rawcliffe, (Letter, 866)
- Variable Speed, Brunt Variable Speed Motors Ltd., 646
- Vehicle Production in Holland, 1083 Vehicles, (Patents, 117, 155, 629)
- Vehicles, A.C. Generator, Joseph Lucas Ltd., 439
- Water-Cooled Flameproof, Newman Industries Ltd., 600
- Fractional Horsepower, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- New Ranges of Totally-Enclosed Fan-Cooled, A.E.I. Ltd., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., English Electric Co., Ltd., 102
- Propulsion, for Passenger Liner “Canberra”, Plate 7, 8.1.60
- Totally-enclosed Fan-Cooled A.C., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- Totally-enclosed Fan-Cooled, Higgs Motors Ltd., 480
- Motorised Drum, Richards Structural Steel Co., Ltd., 739
- Motorship “Siren”, Lighthouse Tender, Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 460
- Motorway Construction in 1959, 85 Junctions, 383
- Lancaster By-Pass, 648 Links, Midland, 441 lor London, Ring, (Leading Article, 707) London-Yorkshire, 102 Maidstone By-Pass, 984 Ross Spur, 84
- Second Stage of Birmingham-South Wales,
- 530 Stevenage By-Pass, 831
- Motorways on Cities, Impact, (Leading Article, 496)
- Direction Signs, R. L. Moore and A. W. Christie, 813
- Mould Castings Plant, Glass, Dilworth and Carr Ltd., 616
- Moulded-Case Circuit Breakers, Electric Construction Co., Ltd., 599
- Moulded Current Transformers, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- Moulding Equipment, Plastics, B.I.P. Engineering Ltd., 1019
- Materials, Toughened Polystyrene, (B.S.I., 133)
- Mountings, Resilient, (Patent, 958)
- Spring, (Patent, 997)
- Moving Machines on Factory Floors, Skates, Vulcascot (Great Britain) Ltd., 98,5 -
- Muffle Furnace, Bench, Ferro Enamels Ltd., 273
- Multiplier, Analogue, A.E.I. (Manchester) Ltd., 134
- Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- Museum, Director of the Science, (Leading Article, 632)
- Rubber at the Science, (Leading Article, 247) Science, F.St. A. Hartley, (Letter, 428) Transport and Communications, 697
- Handbook of the Collection, C. F. The Science
- Museum, (Review,
- Transporter,
- Newton Chambers
- and Froude Ltd.,
- J.
- Nailing Equipment, Pneumatic Hand, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 796
- Narrow Gauge Locomotive Preserved, Industrial, 912
- Nasiriyah Road Bridge, Plate 13, 1.1.60
- Nassau, Tropospheric Scatter Terminal, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 196
- National Boat Show, 27
- Bureau of Standards, Expanded Standard Materials, 410
- Certificate Courses, Electro-Technology, Vol. Ill, H. Buckingham and E. M. Price, (Review, 304)
- Engineering Laboratory, Mechanical Engineering Researches, Open Days, 1038 Foundry Training Centre, 915
- Gas Turbine Establishment, “Show Week”, 927
- Institute of Agricultural Engineering, Open Day, 868, (Leading Article, 805)
- Institute of Industrial Psychology, Annual General Meeting, 444 ; Tradition versus Technology, 579
- and International Aspects of Stress Analysis, M. L. Meyer, 90
- and Midland Ironfounders Association, Iron- foundries, 538
- Physical Laboratory, Open Days, 934 Prosperity and the Road Programme, (Leading Article, 1036)
- Society for Clean Air, (Leading Article, 845) Natural Fibre Ropes, Thimbles for, (B.S.I., 1034)
- Gas, Aluminium Pipeline Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, 548
- Rubber Compounds, Non-Silver-Staining, (B.S.L, 779)
- Naval Architecture, B. Baxter, (Review, 685) Construction in 1959, Raymond V. B, Blackman, 44
- Navigational Aids, Short-Range Air, 482 Computer, Hyperbolic, The Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 615
- Navy Engineer Examinations, Merchant, 943 Nebraska, Hallam Nuclear Power Station, 320 Nebulogranulometre pour I’etude des brouillards naturels et artificiels, A. Arnulf, J. Bricard, C. Veret and R. Burtin, (Review, 937)
- Needle Bearing, Industriewerk Schaeffler, 837 Net Increase of Taxation, (Leading Article, 591) Nets, Woven Webbing Freight, Thomas French and Sons, Ltd., (219)
- Networks, Solid Circuit Semi-Conductor, Texas Instruments Ltd., 933
- Neutron Diffraction Apparatus, Technological University of Munich, 150
- New South Wales, Parramatta River Bridge. 641 Towns, Factories, 986
- Year Honours, 56 York, British Exhibition, 962, 1010
- Nickel Alloys in Industry, Henry Wiggin Co, Ltd, 538
- and Nickel Alloys, (B.S.I, 133) Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, Thermal Electrical Conductivities, R. W. Powell R. P. Tye, 729
- Exhibition, The Mond Nickel Co., Ltd., Nitride, Silicon, 135
- and
- and
- and
- 748
- Nobody Wants ? Barrage and Barrier, (Leading
- Article, 416)
- Noise Abatement, C. J. Potts, (Letter, 96) Noiseless Blowpipe, N.V. Nederlandsche In- strumentenfabriek, 544
- Nomenclature, Metals, Henry Wiggin and Co., Ltd., 971
- Non-Destructive Testing, Progress, E. G. Standford and J. H. Fearon, (Review, 1065)
- Non-Ferrous Metal Classifier, Townson and Mercer Ltd., 442
- Metals in 1959, 220
- Non-Silver-Staining Natural Rubber Compounds, (B.S.I., 779)
- Non-Technical Careers in Industry, 948 Non-Wetting Humidifier, Aerosol-Turbo Ltd., 197
- Norder-Elbe Bridge, Reconstruction, 950 North-East Coast Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders, Corrosion of Boiler Tubes, G. Butler and H. C. K. Ison, 29 ; Manufacture of Doxford Crankshafts, R. Atkinson, 658 ; Wind Tunnel Tests on Ship Models. K. D. A. Shearer and W. M. Lynn, 308 ; Symposium on Ship Trials, 683
- Northumberland, South-East, (Leading Article 961)
- Nottinghamshire, Possible Sites for Coal- Fired Power Stations, 436
- Novikov Gear, A Critical Look, Harry Walker, 725 ; A. M. Guawer, (Letter, 818)
- Novosibirsk Power Station, 32
- Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 140 ; Plate 4, 1.1.60; Pressure-Vessel Lifting
- Operations, 360
- Impact of Nuclear Development on Electricity Supply and Instrument Techniques, (31)
- Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy III— Stresa Conference, (Review, 96)
- Processing Applications of Electron-Beam Radiation, 74, 114, 152
- Institute for Nuclear Fusion, 877
- International Atomic Energy Agency, Conference, 108.5
- Ionising Radiations, 109
- Isotope Information Bureau, 1075
- 1 Research Laboratories, 895
- Kahl Nuclear Power Station, 624 ; Steam Transformer, 625
- Laboratory Measurements on Einstein’s Theory, 231
- Latina Nuclear Power Station, 15
- Linear Accelerator, 4MeV, for Radiographic Examination of Welds, Mullard Ltd., 657
- Neutron Diffraction Apparatus, Technological University of Munich, 150
- Nuclear Power Development in 1959, 12 Power Slowdown, (Leading Article, 1035) Propulsion of Ships, 232
- Reactor for Biological Research, 411 Reactor Materials, B. R. T. Frost and M. B.
- Waldron, (Review, 651) Reactors, (Patents, 79, 117) Research, Plate 11, 8.1.60
- Portable Beta Gauge, Controls, 443
- Progress In Nuclear Plasma Physics and search, C. Longmire,
- Reactor, “Argonaut”, Siemens, 796
- Core Building at Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, 427
- Service Machine for Hunterston, 437
- Research Reactors Division, Harwell, 477 Reactor, DR3, Denmark, 142
- Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 1085
- Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, 232 “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear Reactor, North American Aviation, 372
- Subterranean Atomic Explosions, A. J. Field, (Letter, 778)
- Tandem Van de Graaf Particle Accelerators, 12 MeV, 412
- Temperature Trip Amplifier for Reactor Protection, Ultra 909
- Thermonuclear Apparatus Museum, “Oswald”, 534
- Time Delay Simulator for E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 573
- “TRIGA” Nuclear Reactors, Vickers-Arm- strongs Ltd., 191
- U.K.A.E.A. Computer Section at Risley, 230 Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactors, America, 243 Windscale : Problems of Civil Construction and Maintenance, Stuart Sinclair, (Review, 342)
- Zenith Research Reactor at Winfrith, 27
- Firing Equipment, Hubbard Combustion Ltd., 822
- Imports and the Coal Industry, (Leading Article, 1037)
- Mist Spray Equipment, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 67
- Portable Viscometer for Lubricating, Control Developments Ltd., 142
- Switch Units, Extensible, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 194
- Tanker, “British Swift”, Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, Conversion, 1024 Tankers, Rules for, 474
- Terminal at Cardiff, Regent Oil Co., Ltd., 358 Terminal on Kharg Island, Crude, Iranian
- Oil Exploration and Producing Co., 337 Wall Map, (31)
- Oldbury, Formaldehyde Plant, B.I.P. Chemicals Ltd., 308
- Older Workers, (Leading Article, 708)
- Acceleration and Gravitation, (Leading Article, 211)
- Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor at Windscale, 966, 1002
- American Nuclear Congress and Atomic Exposition, 954, 993, 1030, 1086
- Argonne Fast Source Reactor in Idaho, 371
- Atomic Energy Irradiation Conference, Sydney, 530
- Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, Plate 4, 1.1.60
- Beryllium Fabrication for Reactor Fuel Canning, 355
- Bradwell Nuclear Power Station, Plate 4, 1.1.60
- CERN, Plate 14, 8.1.60 ; Proton Synchrotron, 277, 315
- Chapelcross Nuclear Power Station, 12
- Charge Face Machinery for Berkeley Nuclear Power Station, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379
- “Consort” Nuclear Research Reactor, General Electric Co., Ltd., 392
- Control and Instrumentation of a Marine Reactor, R. Anscomb and F. Hutber, 162 “Dreadnought” Nuclear Powered Submarine, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- Elementary Particle, New, 664
- French Nuclear Bomb Test, 306
- Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Japan, 436
- Hallam Nuclear Power Station in Nebraska, 320
- “Herald” Research Reactor, 477
- “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear Stations, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Baldwin Instrument
- Energy : Series XI, Thermonuclear Re- (Review, 222)
- Nuclear
- Electronics Ltd.,
- for the Science
- Reactor Studies,
- de
- Numdrique Perigueux, Actes du Colloque Calcul 1957, 779
- Nut, Hydraulic, Euco Tools Ltd., 657 Nuts and Bolts, (Patent, 39)
- and Screws, American Machine, (B.S.I., 819) Lock, (Patent, 245)
- Nylon Convention, British Nylon Spinners Ltd., 941
- in Industry, British Nylon Spinners Ltd., (580)
- Allen, Harold G„ 160
- Bakker, C. J., 779 Chadwyck-Healey, Oliver, 378 Cooper, Charles, 378
- Dixon William, 53
- Fawcett, J. W. Sandford, 97 Goransson, Karl Fredrik, 1085 Harris, R. W., 160
- Hartley, A. C., 212
- Laue, Max Von, 779
- Lockett, W. T., 378
- Monk, Arthur, 97
- Parrott, A. J., 160
- Pye, Sir David R., 330
- Smith-Clarke, G. T., 378 Vaughan-Lee, A. G., 597
- Odometers and Speedometers for Road Vehicles, (B.S.I., 819)
- Office Appliance and Business Equipment Trades Association, Computer Exhibition and Symposium, 306
- Automatic Printer for Drawing, Rank-Xerox Ltd., 65
- Electronic Computer Visible Writing Machine Co., Ltd., 235
- Mechanised Parcels Sorting, Sovex Ltd., 127
- Oil Circuit Breaker, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 601
- and Coal Fired Boilers and Gas Turbines, Corrosion and Deposits, (Review, 261)
- Consumption, 1025
- Consumption in 1959, 751
- Developments, Continental, 70
- Drilling Equipment, Engineering Works, “Ist May”, Ploesti, 487
- Drilling for. Shell International Petroleum Co., Ltd., (752)
- Drilling Platform, Mobile, Clelands (Successors) Ltd., 18
- at Ellesmere Port, Blending of Fuel, Mobil Oil Co., Ltd., 863
- Engine Testing of Crankcase Lubricating, 1080
- Engined Locomotives, Some Early, 229 Engines, Marine, 58
- Filled Cables for Kariba, 330kV, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 98
- Fired Air Heaters, Colt Ventilation Ltd., 822
- Aerial Messengers, 159
- Bitumenised Paper Pipes, 673
- Britannia Works, Bedford, 1001
- Budget, The, 329
- Clifton Bridge ; Royal Albert Bridge ; Britannia Tubular 13ridge, Plate 16, 8,1.60 Defence of the Thames, 417
- Electric Light Applied to Surgery, 249 Embankment of the Thames, 845 Engineering Associations, 83
- Education, 765
- Employment, 709
- Extinction of Vesuvius, 159
- Foreign and Colonial Jottings, 497, 885
- Friction and Water Pressure Engines, 377
- Gauge of Railways, 805
- Houses of Parliament, New, 1037
- Institution of Naval Architects, 121
- Locomotive Engines, 289
- Marine Engine Proportions, 633
- Meteorological Progress, 961
- Metropolitan Underground Railway, 211 Notes and Memoranda, 553
- Past and the Future, 43
- Pneumatic Post, 925
- Road Making, 457
- Type-Printing Telegraph, 593
- Open Hearth Furnace Conversion, Appleby- Frodingham Steel Company, Plate 2, 1.1.60 Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship “Goodwood”, 265
- Operations Analysis, Automatic Computers for Data Processing and, 545
- Operator Training in Industry, W. Douglas Seymour, (Review, 684)
- Optical Jig Boring and Milling Machine, Societe Genevoise, 1052
- Optimum Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, E. Lightfoot and M. M. O. Girgrah, 735
- Orders, Machine Tool, 695 Shipbuilding, 198, 793
- Ore Carrier “Bamburgh Castle”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 23
- Carrier “Morar”, Lithgows Ltd., 87 Preparation Plant, Ilkeston, Stanton Ironworks Co., Ltd., Plate 3, 1.1.60
- or Sugar Carrier, Bulk, “Holmside”, The Burnett Steamship Co., Ltd., 23
- Oscillator, Capsule containing 400kc/s Transistor, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 933
- Reflex Klystron, English Electric Valve Co., Ltd., 853
- U.L.F., Dawe Instruments Ltd., 396 Oscilloscope, Portable Double-Beam, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 273
- Other People’s Premises, Employer’s Liability, 296
- Outer Space Temperature Research, 854 Outfalls, Sewage, Tema, Ghana ; Shoreham-by- Sea, Sussex ; L.C.C.’s Northern Outfall, 19
- Outlook for British Exports, 145 World Trade, 620
- Output Power Meter, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 617
- Outstanding Defence Problems, (Leading Article, 1,000)
- Ovens, Coke, at Port Kembla, Broken Hill Proprietary Co., 988
- Overcurrent Relay, Voltage-Controlled, English Electric Co., Ltd., 107
- Overhead Chain Conveyor, Mann (Handling) Ltd., 577
- Conveyor, Geo. W. King Ltd., 739
- Crane System, British Mono-Rail Ltd., 739 Materials Handling in a Wire Works, Arthur Lee and Sons, Ltd., 103
- Railway, Liverpool, 1893-1956, Charles E. Box, (Review, 566)
- Overhung Armature in Tower Mounted Friction Winders, A,E.I., Plate 7, 8,1,60
- Overseas and British Standards Comparison, (B.S.I., 341)
- Scholars Dine, (Leading Article, Students, Reception, (Leading Article, 43) Territories, The Civil Engineer in, (Leading Article, 1,000)
- Trade, 198, 363, 485, 948
- Oxidation and Corrosion of Metals, Ulick R, Evans, (Review, 509)
- Oxy-acetylene Cutting Machine, A, G, Eisen- hutte Prinz Rudolf, 837
- Oxygen Analyser, Interrupted-Potential, British Oxygen Research and Development, Ltd,, 691
- I
- for Steels,
- 592)
- Packings for Valves, Mechanical, Crane Packings, Ltd., 788
- Paddle Steamer, Last Southampton, G. W. Tripp, 982
- Pairs, Wheel, for Locomotives and Rolling Stock, (B.S.L, 133), Erratum, 388
- Pakistan, Indus River Bridge, Sukkur, 104
- Palazzo dello Sport Rome, Plate 16, 1.1.60
- Palisadoes Airport Lighting, Jamaica, General Electric Co., Ltd., Young Ltd., 791 ; Plate 13, 1.1.60
- Panel, Diesel Engine Protection, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 577 Saw, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 543
- Paper Pipes, Bitumenised, 1860, 673 Paraboloid Shells, Analysis of Hyperbolic, 574 Paralysed, Feeding Aid, 577
- Parametric Amplifiers, Electron Beam, R. B. Dyott and C. R. Russell, 234
- Amplifier, Electron-Beam, Operating on the Longitudinal Space Charge, General Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Amplifier, Electron-Beam, Operating on the Transverse Field, English Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Amplifiers, New Diode for. General Electric Co., Ltd., 66
- Parcels Sorting Office, Mechanised, Sovex Ltd., 127
- Parents, Universities, and Awards to Students, (Leading Article, 1001)
- Parking Exhibition, Car, 438 Problem, 603, 637
- Space Saving, Car, Economical Parking Ltd., 437
- Parks and People, (Leading Article, 551) Parliament, The New Houses, 1860, 1037 Parramatta River Bridge, New South Wales, 641 Participation in Space Research, British, 124 Particle Accelerators, 12 MeV Tandem Van de Graaf, 412
- New Elementary, 664
- Past and the Future, 1860, 43
- Patents for Engineers, Lawrence H. A. Carr and J. C. Wood, (Review, 911)
- Patrol Craft, H.M.S. “Brave Borderer”, 44 Pavements in the Air, (Leading Article, 328) Peak Load Gas Turbine with Air Storage,
- B. Wood and T. F. Wick, 418 ; Reginald O. Kapp, (Letter, 650) ; B. Wood, (Letter, 721)
- Pedestrian Controlled Fork Lift Truck, Sheepbridge Equipment Ltd., 739
- People in Industry, Young, 538 and Parks, (Leading Article, 551) and Things, (Leading Article, 377) Premises, Employer’s Liability for Other, 298
- Pepperstock Interchange, M.l, Plate 1, 8.1.60 Permanent Magnet Sine Angle Chucks, Darwins
- Ltd., 362
- Permeameter, Direct-Reading, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 853
- Personnel Carrier, Electric, Wessex Industries (Poole) Ltd., 144
- Petrol Engines, Industrial, B.S.A. Motor Cycles Ltd., 191
- Petroleum Equipment, British, (Review. 510) Handbook, (Review, 567)
- Industry, Valves, (B.S.I., 1090) Products in Bulk Storage, Sampling Liquid, (B.S.I., 685)
- Refinery Manual, (Review, 684)
- Reservoir Engineering, Applied, B. C. Craft and M. F. Hawkins, (Review, 721)
- Phenol Plant a.f Grangemouth, British Hydrocarbon Chemicals Ltd., 618
- Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel for Protection Against Corrosion, (B.S.I., 567)
- Photo-Optical Memory System with Automatic Plate Processor, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244
- Physical Metallurgy of Rolling, F. H. Scott, (Review, 389)
- Society Exhibition, 134
- Piercing and Blanking Press, Automatic, V. E. B. Pressenwerk, 446
- Piezoelectric Compounds, New, 1032
- Pilot Electric Smelting Plant and Service, Birlec- Efco (Melting) Ltd., 362
- Pinion Hobbing Machine, David Brown Machine Tool Division, 106
- “Pioneer V”, Equipment of Satellite, 532
- Pipe Finder, Electronic, Bruce Peebles and Co., Ltd., 442
- Fittings, Design of Welded, P. H. R. Lane and
- R. T. Rose, (Review, 305)
- Joints Sealing Tape for Threaded, Crane Packing Ltd., 400
- Pipeline Filters, Air, Vokes Ltd., 273 for Natural Gas, Aluminium, Kaiser Aluminium and Chemical Corporation, 548 in South Africa, Socoman Prestressed, 200
- Pipelines, Flexible Plastic, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 533
- to London Airport, Fuel, 396
- Pipes, Bitumenised Paper, 1860, 673 and Pipelines Exhibition, 169, 914 Pitch Fibre, 788
- Pirttikoski Power Station, 1029
- Piston Engine Symposium, Rotary, V.D.I., 365 Pitch Errors of Screws to High Accuracy, Measuring, L. W. Nickols, 846
- Fibre Pipe Association of Great Britain, 788 Pivots, Heat-Soak-Resistant, Electro-Hydraulics
- Ltd., 194
- Plain Grinding Machine, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1045
- Plan, The London, (Leading Article, 456) Planning in Hamburg, Trattic, 991
- and Tramways, Trarfic, B. J. Prigmore, (Letter, 1064)
- Plano-Milling Machine, Large, Kendall and Gent Ltd., 166
- Machine, TOS Factory, 487
- Plasma Physics and fhermonuclear Research ; Series XI, Progress in Nuclear Energy, C. Longmire, (Review, 222)
- Plastic Composition and Structure, R. Beeching, 502
- Instability in Tension, P. B. Mellor, 517 Insulated Aluminium Cable, Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd., 562
- Methods of Testing, (B.S.I., 606)
- Moulding Equipment, B.l.P. Engineering Ltd., 1019
- Pipelines, Flexible, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 533
- Properties of Rolled Sections, (Review, 172) Plasticity, Introduction, William Prager, (Review, 97)
- Plate Mills, Heavy, Iron and Steel Institute, 477 Mills, Steel, Iron and Steel Institute, 654 Processor, Photo-Optical Memory System with Automatic, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244 I
- Stretcher, 30,000,000 lb.. Aluminium, Hy- draulik G.m.b.H., 324
- Plates, Explosive Forming of Metal, Vickers- Armstrongs (Engineers) Ltd,, 655
- Platform, Mobile Oil Drilling, Clelands (Successors) Ltd., 18
- Powered, Access Equipment Ltd., 739
- Scale, Bizerba, 834
- Plating, Bright Platinum, Johnson Matthey and Co., Ltd., 658
- Zinc Alloy Die Castings, 1013
- Platinum Metal Coatings, Engelhard Ltd., 134
- Plating, Bright, Johnson Matthey Ltd., 658
- Plotter, Resistance Analogue Field,
- Controls Ltd., 854
- Plough, Diesel-Powered Cable, V. E. B. Mah- drescherwerk, 798
- Plug Valves, Alloy, Langley Alloys Ltd., (486) Plunge-cut Cylindrical Grinding
- Newall Group Sales Ltd., 943 Plywood, Bending Strength, (Report, Pneumatic Band Nailing Equipment,
- Reich Maschinenfabrik, 796
- Conveying Plant, Thomas Robinson and Son, Ltd., 739
- Hammer, A. B. Asbrink and Co., 837
- Post, 1860, 925
- Test Indicator, High Precision, I. G. Morgan and F. R. Tolman, 466
- Pneumatically-Controlled Air Supply Valve,
- Ozonair Engineering Co., Ltd., 534 Policemen, Luminous Traffic, 73 Policy, Too Limited a Space ? (Leading Article,
- 328)
- Pollution of the Thames and the L.C.C.’s Responsibilities,
- Polystyrene Moulding Materials, Toughened, (B.S.I., 133)
- for Sheet Extrusion, Toughened, (B.S.I., 973) Pontoon Crane, Butters Brothers and Co., Ltd., 615
- Port Kembla, Coke Ovens, Broken Hill prietary Co., 988
- Portable Viscometer for Lubricating
- Control Developments Ltd., 142
- Positioner, All-Electric Valve, Evershed
- Vignoles Ltd., 934
- Positions, Optimum Pulley, for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, E. Lightfoot and M. M. O. Girgrah, 735
- Post Office Radio Station at Anglesey, 944 ;
- Student Apprenticeships, 239
- Post, Pneumatic, 1860, 925
- Potash Mine, Leakage Problem in a Canadian, 945
- Potato Harvester, V. E. B. Mahdrescherwerk, 446
- Potential Power Sources, American, 282 Potentiometric Recorder, Miniature, Control
- Instruments Ltd., 532
- Powder Cutting and Flame Processing, B. Brandstet, (Review, 779)
- Pump, Low Capacity, Henry Simon Ltd., 238
- Powders, Stepwise Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- Power Chuck, Indexing, John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Conference, World, Plenary Meeting, 943 Consumption in Uganda, Industrial, 1081 Convention, British Electrical, Electricity : The New Horizon, Lord Chandos, 926
- Development in 1959, Nuclear, 12 Development, Soviet, 699
- Driven Mast Hoists for Materials, (B.S.I., 257)
- Electrical Apparatus, Steel Sheets for Magnetic Circuits, (B.S.I., 685)
- Equipment, Home Workshop, Revo Electric Co., Ltd., (31)
- Equipments for 2300/2500-h.p. Type 4 Locomotives, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Generation, Some High Spots in Thermal, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Hammers, B. and S, Massey Ltd., 197
- Highland Water, North of Scotland Hydro- Electric Board, Annual Report, 477
- for Industry and Fuel Efficiency, Exhibition, 574
- Meter, Integrating, Pametrada, 481
- Meter, Output, Dawe Instruments Ltd., Plant Research, Collaboration, 695 Rammer, Pelapone Ltd., 575
- Reactors, Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear, America, 243
- for Rockets, Auxiliary, Radio Corporation of America, 154
- Scheme, Kariba, 806, (Leading Article, 844)
- Shovel, Side-Tipping, Rheinstahl Hanomag
- A. G., 835
- Signalling at Edge Hill, 531
- Slowdown, Nuclear, (Leading Article, 1035) Sources, American Potential, 282
- Supply Sub-Units, Chokeless, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 235
- Stations, Berkeley Nuclear, Charge Face Machinery, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379
- Berkeley Nuclear, Reactor Core Building, 427
- Berkeley Nuclear, Plate 4, 1.1.60 Bradwell Nuclear, Plate 4, 1.1.60 Chapelcross Nuclear, 12
- Electrical Plant at Kariba, 54 Electronic Control at Little Barford “B”, 226
- Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear, Japan, 436 Hallam Nuclear, Nebraska, 320
- “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Hunterston Nuclear, 140 ; Plate 4, 1.1.60 ; Pressure-Vessel Lifting Operations, 360
- Kahl Nuclear, 624 ; Steam Transformer, 625
- Latina Nuclear, 15
- Lewiston, 11
- Little Barford “B”, Boilers, 475 in Nottinghamshire, Possible Sites for Coal- Fired, 436
- Novosibirsk, 32 Pirttikoski, 1029
- Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437
- Schwarzach, 404
- Sizewell Nuclear, Suffolk, 232
- Thermal Efficiencies of (i.E.G.B., 786
- Thorpe Marsh, Second 550MW Set, 101 in the West Riding, Study of Sites for Coal-Fired, 984
- Willington “A”, Instrumented Water Treatment, 692
- Steering Pump Housings, Transfer Machine,
- Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284
- Transistors, Silicon, and “Transistors”, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 645 Transmission, (Patent, 285) in Variable Speed A.C. Drives, Recovery of
- Slip, General Electric Co., Ltd., 529 Powered Platform, Access Equipment Ltd., 739 Practice, Industrial Design in, 538
- Praktische Spannungsoptik, L. Foppl and E. Monch, (Review, 567)
- Precast Concrete Industry, Congress, Stockholm (696)
- Concrete Manufacture at a Hounslow Works, Concrete Ltd., 689
- Precision Gearing for Control Systems and
- Armaments, (Review, 972)
- Measuring Equipment, Hahn and Kolb, 319 Pneumatic Test Indicator, High, I. G. Morgan and F. R. Tolman, 466
- Pulse Source, Communication Systems Ltd., 617
- Spool Grinding, Visual Measurement, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- Preheaters, Fires in Air, A. Bell, 393 Premises, Employer’s Liability for Other
- People’s, 296 _
- Preparation
- Silicon, J.
- Preservation
- (949) Railway, (Leading Article, 82) Preserved, Industrial Narrow Gauge Locomotive, 912
- Preserving Timber, Method, (580) Press, Automatic Blanking and Piercing, V. E. B.
- Pressenwerk, 446
- Automatic Control of a Wiedmann Turret, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 1041
- Brake and Shearing Machine, Combined,
- Pearson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 615
- Roll Feed, High-Speed, Norton Tool Co., Ltd., 143
- Presses, (Patent, 762)
- Upstroking Hydraulic, William Jones Ltd., 144
- Pressure Control Devices, Honeywell Controls Ltd., 1022
- Drop in a Duct with Heat Transfer, J. S. Turton, 902
- Gauge, “Pi-Meter”, Efka-Werke Fritz Kiehn
- G. m.b.H., 623
- Vessel Ends, Large Spun Aluminium, G. A, Harvey and Co. (London) Ltd., 236
- Vessel Lifting Operations at Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 360
- Water Supply Equipment, James Beresford and Son, Ltd. 237
- Prestressed Concrete, (Leading Article 159) Concrete Beams, 34-ton, Blakelay (Hope)
- Ltd., 67
- Concrete in Buildings, Structural Use, (Code, 688)
- Concrete Dock Gate, “Elbe 17”, 72 Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart, Tasmania, 690
- Concrete, Symposium on Grouting, (486) Pipeline in South Africa, Socoman, 200 Preventing Acidic Smut Emission from Boiler
- Flues, Dust Control Processes Ltd,, 690 Prevention Report, Accident, 873 Preventives. Rust, (Patent, 761) Price, Appeal to, (Leading Article, 157) Reduction and the Federation of British
- Industries, 145
- Prices Iron and Steel, 274
- Productivity and Incomes, 873 Steel, 659 ; (Leading Article, 249)
- Principles of Electronic Instruments and Instrumentation, Gordon R. Partridge, (Review, 261)
- Printed Matter and Stationery, (B.S.I., 567) Printer for Drawing Office, Automatic, Rank- Xerox Ltd., 65
- Printing — “The Engineer”, (Leading Article, 843)
- Works Air Conditioning Installation, Carter Thermal Engineering Ltd,, 269
- Probe Method for Resistivity and Other Measurements, Surface, J. P. Newsome and J. A. Betts, 511
- Problem in a Canadian Potash Mine, Leakage, 945
- Problems for Engineers, Easing Foreign Language, 777
- European Energy, 877
- of Leisure, Some, (Leading Article, 82) Outstanding Defence, (Leading Article, 1000) Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear
- Power Reactors, Uniform, America, 243 Process Control, (Patent, 997)
- Control Computer, de Havilland Propellers
- Ltd., 1023 Y
- Integration and Instrum J: Electrical
- Development Associa*”'^*'<.c£\_>.'w, 606) Processing Application' , 7Z*?>tron-Beam
- Radiation, Industp', ^^’^^?^4, 152 for Business, Data, / W for Business Problems, Data, International
- Computers and Tabulators Ltd., 945
- Direct Reading for Data, De La Rue Bull Machines Ltd., 28
- and Operations Analysis, Automatic Computers for Data, 545
- System Development, Data, I.B.M. United Kingdom Ltd., 533
- Processor, Photo-Optical Memory System with Automatic Plate, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 244
- Production, British Steel, (Leading Article, 417) as a Career, (Leading Article, 708) Control, Iron and Steel Works, 773 Development, Discharge Lamp, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 774
- Distillation Simulator, British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 307
- Engineering, 198, 986 Engineering Laboratory, Continental Machine
- Tool, 861
- Engineering Research Association, Research Report on Tapping, 311
- Exhibition, 574
- in Holland, Motor Vehicle, 1083
- Iron and Steel, 145, 312, 485, 695, 873, 1025 of Road Aggregates, Study of the Granulators, (Report, 467)
- Productivity, Prices and Incomes, 873 Produktenboek V.M.I., 1958, (Review, 172) Profession, Earnings in the Engineering, 477 Professional Men, Incomes, (Leading Article, 417)
- Profiled Leaves for Laminated Springs, Toledo Woodhead Springs Ltd., 108
- Proofing, Rust, Walterisation Co., Ltd., 28 Programme Control, Forging with, B.I.S.R.A., 53.5
- Controlled Milling Machine, Fritz Werner
- A. G., 319
- Microwave Link Equipment, Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd.,
- 1.1.60
- at the N.B.S., Expanded Standard
- 410
- Programming or Loading Charts, Work, New Industrial Charting and Publicity Ltd., 358
- Promoting Knowledge of Electronics, Ultra Electric (Holdings) Ltd., 1020
- Locomotive Exports, (Leading Article, 81) Propeller, “Multi-Pitch”, Lesnor-Maehr Marine Co., Inc., 623
- Properties of Metals, Research on the Mechanical, National Bureau of Standards, 758 of Rolled Sections, Plastic, (Review, 172) of Steel at Elevated Temperatures, (B.S.L, 907)
- Property Measurements at High Temperatures, W. D. Kingery, (Review, 260)
- Protection of Industrial, 269
- Proportions, Marine Engine, 1860, 633 Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the
- Channel, 607
- Proposals for a Thames Flood Barrier, 430 (Leading Article, 416)
- Propulsion, Conversion of Ferry to Diesel- Hydrostatic, 789
- Engines, Jet, O. E. Lancaster, (Review, 468) Machinery for the “Canberra”, TurboElectric, Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby) Ltd., 397
- Motors for Passenger Liner “Canberra”, Plate 7, 8.1.60
- of Ships, Nuclear 232
- Prospect of Clean Rivers, (Leading Article, 1037) Coal, (Leading Article, 120) and Retrospect, (Leading Article, 1)
- Prosperity, The Road Programme and National, (Leading Article, 1036)
- Protection Against Corrosion, Phosphate Treatment of Iron and Steel, (B.S.I., 567) Against Radiation Arising During Welding and Similar Operations, Equipment for Eye, Face and Neck, (B.S.I., 1090) of Buildings, Fire, (Report, 305)
- Fire, A. F. O’Shea, 986 ; (Leading Article, 329)
- Fire, of Structural Steel with Vermiculite, 103, 143, (Leading Article, 120)
- of Industrial Property, 269
- Panel, Diesel Engine, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 577
- Scheme, Great Ouse Flood, Plate 11, 1.1.60 Protective Headwear Manufacturers’ Association, World Standards for Protective Helmets, 1079
- Helmets, World Standards, 1079
- Proton Synchrotron, CERN, 277, 315 Prototype Galvanometers, Cambridge Instrument Co., Ltd., 134
- Public Telephones, Coin Disposal Mechanism, Bell Telephone System, 587
- Pulley Positions for Level-Luffing Cargo Cranes, Optimum, E. Lightfoot and M. M. O. Girgrah, 735
- Pulse Source, Precision, Communication Systems, Ltd., 617
- All-Glass Pumps, Two, Q.V.F. Ltd., 440 Centrifugal Pump Dimensional Standardisation, 341
- Pumps, Pegson Ltd., 575
- Friction and Water Pressure Engines, 1860, 377
- Fuel Injection Pump for Ruston Engines, Ruston and
- Pumps, (Patent, 453)
- High-Pressure Lubricant
- Ltd., 232
- Hydraulic Pump, (Patent, Pumoing Set, Towler Ltd., 962
- Ram as a Suction Pump, N. G. Calvert, 608
- Motor-driven Coolant Pump, Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Multi-Cylinder High-Speed Hydraulic Pump, Joseph Evans and Sons (Wolverhampton) Ltd., 483
- Patent, 39
- Perkins “Mars” Gas Turbine Pump, 129
- Powder Pump, Low Capacity, Henry Simon Ltd., 238
- Pump for Liquefied Gases, Distillers Co., Ltd., 657
- Motor, English Electric Co., Ltd., 561_ Pump/Turbine
- 343
- Rotary Pump,
- Ltd., 537
- Self-Priming
- Products (Stockport) Ltd., (31)
- Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 749 Transfer Machine for Power Steering Pump Housings, Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284
- Vacuum Pumping Set, N.G.N. Electrical Ltd., 309
- Pure Silicon, Extra, 1012 Purification, Water, (Patent, 761) Pusher Tug “Olivier van Noort”, 33
- XXVIll
- Quantities for Highways, Earthwork, (Leading Article, 209) ; D. H. Glover, (Letter, 605)
- Quarry, Comprehensive Stone Treatment Plant in a Leicestershire, 471
- Quench Furnace, Sealed, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd., 1057
- Quick Starting of 34MW Turbo-Alternator at Stepney, F. E, A. Rea, P. R. ' S. W. T. Brock, 521
- Caister and
- Racing Car Show, 62
- Racking System, Cable, Savage Ltd., 396
- Racks, Storage, H.T. and M. Ltd., 28
- Radar, Aircraft Tactical, for Arlanda Airport,
- Ltd., 73
- Demonstrations for
- Electrical Industries
- Simulator, Marine, Solartron Radar Simulators Ltd., 1080
- for Small Ships, 1024
- Radial Drilling Machine, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Radiant Electric Heating for Stress Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 830
- Radiation Arising During Welding and Similar Operations, Equipment for Eye, Face and Neck Protection, (B.S.L, 1090)
- Industrial Processing Applications of Electron- Beam, 74, 114, 152
- Radiations, Ionising, 109
- Radio Controlled Tugs, Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co., Ltd., 309
- Engineering Anniversary, Racall Engineering Ltd., 941
- Factory Extensions, Philips Electrical Ltd., 616
- Partnership, Anglo-American, L.C.E. Ltd., 1078
- Receivers, Coast Station, Redifon Ltd., 616 Research, 1958, (Report, 722)
- Station at Anglesey, Post Office, 944 Telemetering System, Transistorised, B.I.C.E.R.A., 852
- Telephones on Trains, 306
- Trades Examination Board, Report for the Year, 191
- Transmitters, Marine A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 237
- Valve and Television Tube Factory, Mullard Ltd., 390
- Radioactive Waste, Sea Disposal, 1085 Radiochemical Centre, Amersham, 826 Radiographic Examination of Welds, 4MeV
- Linear Accelerator, Mullard Ltd., 657 Radiological Health and Safety, Training, 770 Radiotelephone Service, Ship’s, Redifon Ltd.
- 271
- and Parsons
- Construction
- Ltd., 831
- Ferranti
- British, Decca Radar
- Europe, Associated
- Ltd., 401
- A.C. Locomotive, 3,300-h.p., Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., Plate 5, 1.1.60
- A.C. Traction, Plate 5, 1.1.60
- Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, (Leading Article, 844)
- Aftermath of Guillebaud, (Leading Article, 455) ; D. F. C. Vosper, (Letter, 508) ; M. W. Bumby, (Letter, 650)
- Aluminium in Railway Rolling Stock, 790, 946
- Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling Yard, 679
- Train Control, (Patent, 589)
- British Railways A.C. Locomotives, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 783
- Railways Electrification Conference, 531 Railways Modernisation, 825
- Cape Town, New Railway Station, 201
- Curve Surveying, R. B. M. Jenkins, (Review, 818)
- Diesel-Electric Locomotive, English Electric- Vulcan Foundrv 1,100-h.p. (Tvpe 2) Bo-Bo, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Locomotives for Sudan Railways, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 300
- Diesel-Hydraulic Shunting Locomotive, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 871
- Diesel Locomotive Maintenance Depot, 827 Locomotive Running and Maintenance, 573
- Shunting Engine, Heavy, Simmering-Graz- Pauker, A.G., 917
- Electric Locomotives 2,552-h.p. Bo-Bo, Southern Region, Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Traction, (Patents, 207, 453, 629. 705, 881, 921, 1033)
- Experimental Underground Tunnel, London Transport, 267
- Fairlie Locomotive, R. A. S. Abbott, 351, 384, 421, (Letter, 508) ; E. M. S. Wood, (Letter, 604) ; A. E. Durrant, (Letter, 1014)
- Fitty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives in Russia, 1027 First Diesel Locomotive for S.W. Africa,
- International General Electric Company of America, 314
- Flat Bottom Railway Rails, (B.S.L, 223) French Mixed-Traffic Locomotives, 798
- Suspension Railway, 755
- Gauge of Railways, 1860, 805
- Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26 Great Western Railway and Its Personnel,
- H. Holcroft, 554, 594, 634
- Guillebaud and British Railways, (Leading Article, 415)
- Industrial Narrow Gauge Locomotive Preserved, 912
- Lightweight Diesel Trains, A. H. Sommer, (Letter, 96)
- Lisbon Underground Railway, 99
- Liverpool Overhead Railway, 1893-1956, Charles E. Box, (Review, 566)
- Locomotive Coal TTrials, E. C. Poultney, 462 ; A. C. Sterndale, (Letter, 866)
- Engines, 1860, 289
- First B.R. Type 3, 267
- 135-ton, Lokomotivbau-Elektro-
- technische-Werke, 487
- Locomotives I Have Known, J. N. Maskelyne, (Review, 936)
- London Transport’s New Signalling at Amersham, 572
- Long Welded Rails, T, Henry Turner, (Letter, 605) ; 1. G. T. Duncan and S. Wise, (Letter, 684)
- “Merchant Navy’’ Locomotives ; Performance and Efficiency Tests on Southern Region, O. S. Nock, 975
- Metropolitan Underground Railway, 1860, 211
- Modified Type 2 Locomotives, North-Eastern Region, 192
- Mumbles Railway Closed, 64
- North British-G.E.C. 1,000/1,100-h.p. Bo-Bo Locomotive, Plate 15
- Patent, 921
- Power Equipments for 2,300/2,500-h.p. Type 4 Locomotives, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., Plate 15, 8.1.60
- Signalling at Edge Hill, 531
- Preservation Fund for Webb Tank Locomotive, (949)
- Promoting Locomotive Exports, (Leading Article 81)
- Proposal for a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Radio Telephones on Trains, 306
- Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia, 66
- Rail Transporter for Motor Cars, Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., (752)
- Railway Brakes, (Patent, 493)
- Conversion, T. 1. Lloyd, (Letter, 720)
- Crossover, (Leading Article, 804) Electrification, (Patent, 453) Electrification Progress, 791 Equipment, (Patents, 413, 841) Preservation, (Leading Article, 82) Rails, 386
- Research Laboratory 479
- Signalling, (Patents, 285, 589, 801) Un-Settlement, (Leading Article, 287) Vehicles, (Patent, 207)
- Re-Railing Crane for Electrified Lines, Krupp-Ardelt G.m.b.H., 953
- Ripple Lane, Barking, Wagon Marshalling Yard, 22
- Road-Rail Freight Vehicle, Pressed Steel Co., 142
- Road Transporter for Railway Wagons, Rheinstahl Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf A.G., 835
- Safety Tests of 25kV Traction System, 398 Shape of Signalboxes, (Leading Article, 553) Slade Green Collision Report, 234
- Some Early Gil-Engined Locomotives, 229
- Trevithick Addenda, T. R. Harris, 299 Track Improvements on S.A. Railways, 879 Recording Trolleys, 880
- Train Describer Developments, 438 Transvaal Railway Line Improvement, 275 “Triplex” Locomotives, E. C. Poultney, 262 Upminster Depot* London Transport, 22 Use of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 314 Very Last Steam Locomotive, (Leading Article, 495)
- Wages, Railway, 109, (Leading Articles, 119, 209)
- Wagon Tippler, Beck and Henkel, 796
- Wheel Pairs for Locomotives and Rolling Stock, (B.S.L, 133), Erratum, 388
- Advanced Studies in Electric Traction, (Leading Article, 844)
- British Railways A.C. Locomotives, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 783
- Railways Electrification Conference, 531 Electric Traction, (Patents, 207, 453, 629, 705, 881, 921, 1033)
- Glasgow Railway Electrification, 26 Railway Electrification, (Patents, 79, 453)
- Electrification Progress, 791
- Re-Railing Crane for Electrified Lines,
- Krupp-Ardelt G.m.b.H., 953 Safety Tests of 25kV Traction System, Traction Batteries, Chloride Batteries 691
- Rectifiers
- 398
- ! Ltd.,
- in Low Temperatures, 452
- Tipping Machine, Container,
- Raising and
- Russell Constructions Ltd., 144
- Ram, Hydraulic, as a Suction Pump, N. G.
- Calvert, 608
- Rammer, Power, Pelapone Ltd., 575
- Rare Earth Metal Investigated, 668
- Reactive Current, Automatic Compensation, Siemens-Schuckertwerke A.G., 318
- Reactor, “Argonaut”, Siemens, 796
- for Biological Research, Nuclear, 411 “Consort” Nuclear Research, General Electric Co., Ltd., 392
- Control and instrumentation of a Marine, R. Ansc«^f?5 nd F. Hutber, 162
- Core B'.yfiAXklear Berkeley Nuclear Power Station %.
- Division, Hai'.J4, 8.1 p-fparch, 477
- DR3 Research, rk, H2
- Fuel Canning, Beryllium Fabrication, 335 “Herald” Research, 477
- in Idaho, Argonne Fast Source, 371 Materials, Nuclear, B. R. T. Frost and M. B.
- Waldron, (Review, 651)
- Nuclear, (Patents, 79, 117)
- Protection, Temperature Trip Amplifier, Ultra Electronics Ltd., 909
- Service Machine for Hunterston Nuclear Power Station, 437
- “SNAP” Experimental Nuclear, North American Aviation, 372
- Studies, Time Delay Simulator, E.M.l. Electronics Ltd., 573
- “TRIGA” Nuclear, Vickers-Armstrongs Ltd., 191
- Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear Power, America, 243
- at Windscale, Advanced Gas-Cooled, 966, 1002
- at Winfrith, Zenith Research, 27
- Reading, Direct, for Data Processing, De La Rue Bull Machines Ltd.. 28
- Rebuilding and Modernisation Scheme, Works, Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd,, 168
- Receiver, Automatic D.F. Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd,, 1023
- Receivers, Coast Station Radio, Redifon Ltd., 616
- Solid Drawn Steel Air, (B.S.L, 907)
- Recent Mechanical Engineering Development in Automatic Control, 122
- Reception for Qverseas Students, (Leading Article, 43)
- Recharge of Aquifers, Artificial, E. S. Boniface, 106
- Recherches 6xperimentales sur les ondes de choc produites par les decharges condensees dans les gaz rates, Michel Cloupeau, (Review, 133) Recirculating Ball Screws and Splines, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 270
- Reclamation of Black Bush Polder, P. A. Scott, R. F. Camacho and F. A. Sharman, 1016 Reconstruction of Norder-Elbe Bridge, 950 Record Contender, Land Speed, “Bluebird”, 886
- in Mine Shaft Sinking, World’s, 314 Recorder for Cone and Plate Viscometer, Flow, Ferranti Ltd., 748
- Electrical Event, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 656
- Miniature Potentiometric, Control Instruments Ltd., 532
- Portable Disc Chart, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 599
- Recording Trolleys, Track, 880
- Recovery Factors in Steam, Temperature, Henry Barrow and Denis J. Ryley, 903
- of Slip Power in Variable Speed A.C. Drives, General Electric Co., Ltd., 529
- of Watches Bearing Strontium-90, 492 Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, Traction, 452
- Silicon Controlled, General Electric Co., Ltd., 396
- Reduction Gear Units, Crofts (Engineers) Ltd., 743
- Gearing. Lubricant for Marine, Shell Research Ltd., 193
- Price, and the Federation of British Industries, 145
- Reeds, Healds and Heald Frames, (B.S.L, 685) Re-Equipment of Aluminium Works at Kitts Green, James Booth, Aluminium Ltd., 362 Refinery Manual, Petroleum, (Review, 684) Reflex Klystron Oscillator, English Electric Valve Co., Ltd., 853
- Refrigerated Cargo Liner “Royston Grange”, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 87
- Refrigeration, Automatic, S. A. Andersen, (Review, 684)
- Drying Town Gas, W. C. Holmes and Co., Ltd., 828
- Register of British Manufacturers, F.B.L, 1960, (Review, 567)
- Equipment, Siemens Edison Swan Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Registrierinstrumente, A. Palm, (Review, 685) Regulating System Design and Servomechanisms, H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, (Review, 170) Regulations and Rules for Structural Steelwork, A. N. Procter, 676, Erratum, (794) ; M. Gaynor, (Letter, 936) ; A. N. Procter, (Letter, 1014) ; A. R. Flint, W. Henderson, O. A. Keremsky, (Letter, 1064)
- Safety, for Civil Engineering, 402
- Regulator, Voltage, (Patent, 245)
- Reinforced Concrete Association, Annual Dinner, 1021
- Concrete, Tensile Cracks, A. Efsen and H. Krenchel, (Review, 685)
- Relation Entre la Structure Chimique et la Reactivite des Combustibles pour Fusees a I’Acide Azotique — Constants Physiques des Combustibles, (Report, 998)
- Relay, Heavy-Duty, L. E. Simmonds Ltd., 484 Voltage-Controlled Overcurrent, English Electric Co., Ltd., 107
- Reliability, Electronic Equipment, 572
- Remote Control Rolling Mill, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 920
- Repair of “Live” Sewers, Unusual, H. N. Edwards and Partners Ltd., 193
- Repeater Station, Tampin, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Replacing an Articulated Steel Bridge, Mersey, 614
- Report on Clean Air, (Leading Article, 845) on Machine Tools, 232, (Leading Article, 924) Slade Green Collision, 234 on Structural Timber, Technical, 537 on Tapping, Research, 311
- Rescue and Salvage Tug “Jantar”, Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- Research in Aerodynamics, South African, 989 British Participation in Space, 124
- Building. Boiler, Cochran and Co., Annan Ltd., 748
- Centre at Leven, Opening, 984 Collaboration on Power Plant, 695 Co-operative Electrical, (Leading Article, 552) Cost of Space, (Leading Article, 121) Development, 1960, Industrial, 744 Industrial Value of D.S.I.R., (Leading Article, 709) ; No. 1, 710, 766
- International Co-operation in Fire, 1081 Laboratories, Battery, Chloride Electrical Storage Co., Ltd., 1023
- Laboratories, Isotope, 895 Laboratory, Coil Spring, 536 Laboratory, Heating and Ventilating, 652 Laboratory, Railway, 478
- Management of. Lord Nelson of Stafford, 432
- on the Mechanical Properties of Metals, National Bureau of Standards, 758
- Nuclear, Plate 11, 8,1.60
- Nuclear Reactor for Biological, 411 Outer Space Temperature, 854 Radio, 1958, (Report, 722)
- Reactor, “Consort” Nuclear, General Electric Co.. Ltd., 392
- Reactor Division, Harwell, 477 Reactor, DR3, Denmark, 142 Reactor, “Herald”, 477
- Reactor at Winfrith, Zenith, 27 Report on Tapping, 311
- Supersonic Aircraft, Handley Page Ltd., (949)
- Researches, Gas Turbine, 927
- on Grey Cast-Iron Containing Flake Graphite, Belgian, 565
- Mechanical Engineering, 1038
- Reservoir Derwent, 266
- Draw-Off Tower at Tryweryn, 399 Engineering, Applied Petroleum, B. C. Craft and M. F. Hawkins, (Review, 721)
- Walton South, 11
- Resilient Mountings, (Patent, 958)
- Resins and Glass Fibre Factories, Microcell Group,913
- Resistance Analogue Field Plotter, Servomex Controls Ltd., 854
- Strain Gauges, Use of, K. G. Mantle and E. Procter, 527
- Resistivity and Other Measurements, Surface Probe Method, J. P. Newsome and J. A. Betts, 511
- Resistor Tap-Changer, High-Speed, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 654
- Resources, Control of Water, (Leading Article, 884)
- Responsibilities, L.C.C.’s, for Pollution of Thames, 268
- Retractable Stern Gear, Wido, 623
- Retrospect and Prospect, (Leading Article, 1) Reversing Lights, Automatic Switch, Hella, 583 Ribbon Filter Elements, Tecalemit Ltd,, 613 Rigs, Mobile Rock Drilling, Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Co,, Ltd,, 829
- Ring Motorway for London, (Leading Article, 707)
- Ripple Lane, Barking, Wagon Marshalling Yard, 22
- Risley, U,K,A,E,A., Computer Section, 229 River Bridge, Parramatta, New South Wales, 641
- Bridge on the Proposed M.2, Medway, 1076 Swale, Lifting Bridge, 86
- Rivers, Cleaner Sooner, (Leading Article, 157) The Minister of Housing on Clean, 1076 Prospect of Clean, (Leading Article, 1037)
- Rivet Shearing Machine, Mager and Wedemayer, 36
- Road Accidents, (Leading Article, 631) Transport, Electric, H. W, Heyman 193 Transporter for Railway Wagons, Rheinstahl
- Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf A,G., 835
- Addiional Traffic Lanes for the Sydney
- Harbour Bridge, 357 Autostrada del Sole, 113 Basic Road Statistics, (675) Birmingham-South Wales Motorway, Second
- Stage 530
- Curve Surveying, R. B. M. Jenkins, (Review, 818)
- Direction Signs for Motorways, R. L. Moore and A. W. Christie. 813
- Earthwork Quantities for Highwavs, (Leading
- Article, 209) ; D. H. Glover, (Letter, 605) Future of Road Transport, A. Enticknap, 715 German Roads, 112 Grantham By-Pass, 268 Heads of the Valley Road, Wales, 234 High-Speed Grit Laying, Scammell Lorries
- Ltd., 399
- Hook Road Underpass, 301, (Leading Article, 289)
- Impact of Motorways on Cities,
- Article, 496)
- Kettig Viaduct, German Route B9, Lancaster By-Pass Motorway, 648 London-Yorkshire Motorway, 102 Maidstone By-Pass, 85, 984 Mannheim-Ludwigshaven Road
- Plate 3, 8.1.60
- (Leading
- 242
- Schemes,
- Medway River Bridge on the Proposed M.2, 1076
- Midland Motorway Links, 441 Motorway Construction in 1959, 85
- Junctions, 383
- Nasiriyah Road Bridge, Plate 13, 1.1.60 Pavements in the Air, (Leading Article, 328) Pepperstock Interchange, M.l, Plate 1, 8.1.60 Prestressed Concrete Road Bridge at Hobart,
- Tasmania, 690
- Proposal lor a Road and Rail Crossing of the Channel, 607
- Rail-to-Road Conversion Proposals in East Anglia, 66
- Railway Conversion, T. 1. Lloyd, (Letter, 720) Results of the 1959 Road Census, 436
- Ring Motorway for London, (Leading Article, 707)
- Road Construction in Lancashire, Plate 2, 8.1.60
- Making, 1860, 457
- Programme and National Prosperity, (Leading Article, 1036)
- Signal Control, (Leading Article, 496) Traffic Control, (Patent, 245) Roadstone Test Data, (Report, 305) Ross Spur Motorway, 84
- Safety in Industry and on the Road, (Leading Article, 959)
- See It “In the Round”, (Leading Article, 671) Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels,
- C. Gurney, and L. H. Butler, 1069 Stevenage By-Pass Motorway, 831 Study ot the Granulators in the Production of Road Aggregates, (Report, 467)
- Tour of U.S. Road, Cement and Concrete Association, 395 Traffic Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Planning and Tramways, B. J. Prigmore, (Letter, 1064)
- Signal Time-Setting, 563
- Two Important Road Schemes in London, 530 Urban Roads in Cologne, 280
- Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Signals, E. Thorpe, 478
- Wakefield Memorial Lecture, G. Eyston, 827 Wetherby By-Pass, 85
- Rock, Blasting of Earth-Covered, 699
- Drilling Rigs, Mobile, Climax Rock Drill and Engineering Co., Ltd., 829
- Figures in Brackets (
- ) refer to paragraphs
- Rockets, Auxiliary Power, Radio Corporation of America, 154
- Russian Space, 73
- Rod Rolling Mill, Copper, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 855
- Rods and Wires, Filler, for Inert Gas Arc Welding, (B.S.L, 973)
- Roll Changing Device, Hoesch A.G., 1029
- Feed, High-Speed, Norton Tool Co,, Ltd., 143 Grinding Machine, Churchill Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 1045
- Seam Welding Machine, Electro Mechan- Heat Ltd., 482
- Turning Lathe, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047 Turning Machine, George Swift and Sons Ltd., 1048
- Rolled Sections, Plastic Properties, (Review, 172)
- Roller Bearings, Dimension of Tapered, (B.S.L, 685)
- Rollers, Continuous Heat Treatment Plant, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 233
- Rolling Manoeuvres, Effect of Inertia CrossCoupling on Aircraft Response, (Report, 305)
- Mill, Aluminium Sheet, Mirro Aluminium Company, 203
- Mill, Copper Rod, British Insulated Callender’s Cables Ltd., 855
- Mill, Remote Control, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 920
- Mill for Roofing Sections, Daniel Smfth Ltd., 1077
- Physical Metallurgy, F. H. Scott, (Review, 389)
- Stock, Aluminium in Railway, 790, 946
- Stock and Locomotives, Wheel Pairs, (B.S.L, 133), Erratum, 388
- Roof, Lamella, D. Smollett, 173 Roofing, Copper, 1013
- Sections, Rolling Mill, Daniel Smith Ltd., 1077
- Roofs for Factory Buildings, Timber, (Report, 722)
- Rope Belt Conveyor, Joy-Sullivan Ltd., 618 Ladder, W. Hohenstein Sohne, 837 Winding Equipment, (Patent, 802)
- Ropes, Thimbles for Natural Fibre, (B.S.L, 1034)
- Ropeway Skips, Weighing Equipment for Aerial, Adequate Weighers Ltd., 481
- Ross Spur Motoray, 84
- Rotary Air Compressors, Beiliss and Morcom Ltd., 692
- Discharge Valve, Dunford and Elliott Process Engineering Ltd., 482
- Engines, J. C. Farquhar, (Letter, 468)
- Filter Table, Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., 942
- Machine Table, Electronically-Controlled,
- E. M.I. Electronics Ltd., 29
- Piston Engine, V.D.I. Symposium, 365 Pump, Small, Stainless Steel Pumps Ltd., 537 Roundness Measuring Machine, Optical Measuring Tools Ltd., 1054
- Router, Articulated Arm, Wadkin Ltd., 1054 Portable, Gotthold Haffner Maschinenfabrik, 370
- Routine Calculations, W. A. Tuplin, (Letter, 388)
- Routing Attachment, B. S. Varley, 144
- Royal Aeronautical Society, Anniversary Luncheon, (Leading Article, 81)
- Institute of British Architects, Impact of Motorways on Cities, (Leading Article, 496) Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Industry in Rural Areas, (Leading Article, 83) Institution of Naval Architects, Annual Dinner, 574 ; Annual Spring Meeting, 269, 568, 609, 642, 686 ; Behaviour of the Sailing Yacht, H. M. Barkia, 687 ; Centenary, 141 ; Centenary Meeting, 898, (Leading Article, 885) ; Development of Anchors,
- H. L. Dove and G. S. Ferris ; Standard Model Technique at Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, R. N. Newton, 609 ; Full Scale Tank Tests of an International 10 Square Metre Class Canoe, T. Tanner, 688 ; Geometry of Sailing to Windward, T. Tanner, 688 ; Marine Engineering Review, T, W. F. Brown ; Development of the Aircraft Carrier, J. H. B. Chapman, 568 ; Methane Transportation by Sea, E. C. B. Corlett and J. F. Leathard, 643 ; Oceanographic Research Aluminium for Operation to 15,000 ft., E. Wenk, R. C. Dehart, P. Mandel and R. Kissinger, 642 ; Shipbuilding Industry and the Future, (Leading Article, 551) ; Transverse Strength of Single Hulled Ships, 1. M. Yuille and L. B. Wilson, 686
- Mail Liner “Amazon”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 138
- Military College of Science, 970
- Society, Tercentenary, (Leading Article, 376) Rubber Compounds, Non-Silver-Staining Natural, (B.S.L, 779)
- Flooring, Electrically Conducting, 341) in Railway Tfacks, Use of, 314 at the Science Museum, (Leading 247)
- Technology and Standardisation, Edwards, 95
- Testing Vulcanised, (B.S.I., 973)
- Tyred Travelling Crane, Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., 771
- Rubbers, Catalysed Silicone, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 1022
- Rules for Oil Tankers, 474
- and Regulations for the Construction and Classification of Steel Ships, 1959, (Review, 389) ; A. N. Procter, 676, Erratum, (794) ; M. Gaynor, (Letter, 936) ; A. N. Procter, (Letter, 1014) ; A. R. Flint, W. Henderson, O. A. Kerensky, (Letter, 1064)
- Runcorn-Widnes Bridge, 86
- Running and Maintenance, Diesel Locomotive, 573
- Rural Areas, Industry in, (Leading Article, 83) Russia, Fifty-Cycle A.C. Locomotives, 1027 Russian Satellite, Four-and-a-Half Tons Orbit, (Leading Article, 844)
- Space Rockets, 73 Rust Preventives, (Patent, 761)
- Proofing, Walterisation Co., Ltd., 28
- Safety Device for Gas Cookers, 1085
- Device for Steam Boilers, Low-Water, Sunrod Ltd., 786
- in Diving Operations, 363
- and Health, Training in Radiological, 770
- in Industry and on the Road, (Leading Article, 959)
- Regulations for Civil Engineering, 402
- Tests of 25kV Traction System, 398
- Sailing to Windward, Geometry, T. Tanner, 688
- Yacht, Behaviour; H. M. Barkia, 687
- St. Lambert Lock, Montreal, Plate 1, 8.1.60
- St. Lawrence Seaway, 232
- St. Lawrence Seaway Authority, Annual Report,
- 792
- Salaries, Engineers’, L. Selleck, (Letter, 972) Salt Baths, Electrically Heated, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 985
- Salvage and Rescue Tug “Jantar”, Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- Sampling and Analysis of Fuel Gas, (B.S.L, 172)
- Equipment, Grit and Dust, Mancuna Engineering Ltd., 108
- Liquid Petroleum Products in Bulk Storage, (B.S.L, 685)
- Sand and Gravel Handbook (Review, 851) Sandviken Extrusion Tube Mill, Sandvik Steel Works, 953
- Satellite, Chance Vought “Scout”, 231
- Four-and-a-Half Tons in Orbit, (Leading Article, 844)
- “Pioneer V”, Equipment, 532
- Scientific, 231
- Satellitic Spying, (Leading Article, 843) Savines Bridge, 544
- Saw, Metal Cutting Circular, Wandsbeker Werkzeug—Gesellschaft Beinhoff and Co., 699
- Panel, Karl M. Reich Maschinenfabrik, 543 Sawing Machine for Aluminium Billets, Automatic Cold, Loma Machine Manufacturing Co., 800
- Machine, Automatic Cold, S. Russell and Sons, Ltd., 1053
- Scale Meters, Circular, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 67
- Platform, Bizerba, 834
- Scanner, Multi-Point Temperature, West Instrument Ltd., 693
- Scatter Terminal at Nassau, Tropospheric,
- Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 696 Schedule of Steel Standards, Master, 30 Schnellaufende Drehstromasynchronmotoren,
- H. Moser, (Review, 606)
- Scholars Dine, Overseas, (Leading Article, 592) Schwingungstechnik, (Review, 171)
- Science, Military, 970
- Museum, Director, (Leading Article, 632) ;
- F. St. A. Hartley, (Letter, 428) ; “Oswald” Thermonuclear Apparatus, 534 ; Rubber, (Leading Article, 247)
- and Technology, Lubrication, John Boyd, (Letter, 96)
- Scientific Ideas to 1900, A Short History, Charles Singer, (Review, 222)
- Management, 363
- Satellite, 231
- “Scout” Satellite, Chance Vought, 231
- Screen and Conveyor, Combined, Sinex Engineering Co., Ltd., 613
- Screwcutting, Surfacing and Sliding Lathe, John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Screwing, Boring and Drilling Machine, Duplex, Kitchen and Wade Ltd., 443
- and Cutting Machine, Automatic Tube, Ruhrstahl A.G., 544
- Machine, Pipe, Smart and Brown (Machine Tools) Ltd., 913
- Screws, Measuring Pitch Errors to High Accuracy, L. W. Nickols, 846
- and Nuts, American Machine, (B.S.I., 819)
- and Splines, Recirculating Ball, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 270
- Sea Disposal of Radioactive Waste, 1085
- Methane Transportation, E. C. B. Corlett and J. F. Leathard, 643
- Transport of Liquid Methane, John J. McMullen, 213
- Seal, Split Mechanical, Flexibox Ltd., 479 Sealed Quench Furnace, Wild-Barfield Electric Furnaces Ltd., 1057
- Sodium Lantern, A.E.L Radio and Electronic Components Division, 479
- Sealing Tape for Threaded Pipe Joints, Crane
- Packing Ltd., 400
- Seals, (Patent, 117)
- Metallic Valve, U.K.A.E.A., 829
- Seam Welding Machine, Tank, Rockweld Ltd., 871
- Welding Machine, Roll, Electro Mechan- Heat Ltd., 482
- Seaway, St. Lawrence, 232
- Second Law Analysis, Available Energy, E. A. Bruges, (Review, 566)
- Thoughts on Defence, (Leading Article, 803) Section Straightening Machine, Large, Joshua
- Bigwood and Son, Ltd., 197
- Sections, Plastic Properties of Rolled, (Review, 172)
- See It “In the Round”, (Leading Article, 671) ; L. C. Wood, (Letter, 867)
- Seibt Export Directory of German Industries, (Review, 172)
- Selector Switch, Audio-frequency Operated, Siemens, 796
- Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels, C. Gurney and L. H. Butler, 1069
- Self-Jacketed Fluid, Heat Exchange, C. D. Weir, 723
- Self-Priming Pump, Precision Electrical Products (Stockport) Ltd., (31)
- Semi-Automatic Sorter, Compac Works, 319 Semi-conductor Factory, International Rectifier
- Co., (Great Britain) Ltd., 944
- Sensor, Mechanical Level, Coal Research Establishment, 134
- Separators, (Patent, 629)
- Magnetic, Euco Tools Ltd., 657
- Specification and Testing of Filters and Water, L. R. Beynon and R. W. Cranston, 331
- Servicing Depot, Vehicle, Rootes Ltd., 575
- Servomechanisms and Regulating System Design, H. Chestnut and R. W. Mayer, (Review, 170)
- Servo-motor, Electro-pneumatic, Messier, 836 Sewage and Bathing Beaches, (Leading Article,
- 41) ; T. Henry Turner, (Letter, 132)
- Outfalls, Tema, Ghana ; Shoreham-by-Sea, Sussex ; L.C.C.’s Northern Outfall, 19 Sewers, Unusual Repair of “Live”, H. N.
- Edwards and Partners Ltd., 193
- Sewing and Knitting Machine, V. E. B. Tiillmas- chinenbau, 446
- Shaft Sinking, World’s Record in Mine, 314
- Turbine Helicopters, Westland Helicopters Ltd., 124
- Shape of Signalboxes, (Leading Article, 553) Shear Stress in a Box Beam, Distribution, B, A.
- Walker, 1067
- Shearing Machine, Combined Press Brake, Pearson Machine Tool Co., Ltd., 615
- Machine, Rivet, Mager and Wedemayer, 36 Shears, Guillotine, (Patent, 669)
- Shed, Large Dockside, Higgs and Hill Ltd., 613 Sheet, Continuous Casting of Wide Aluminium, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Extrusion, Toughened Polystyrene, (B.S.L, 973)
- Material, Crack Propagation, (Report, 824)
- Metal Equipment, Sound Deadening Material, Supra Chemicals and Paints Ltd., (696)
- Metal Grading Machine, Automatic, Bren Manufacturing Co., 125
- Rolling Mill, Aluminium, Mirro Aluminium Company, 203
- Steel, 948
- Sheffield Bicentenaries, Spear and Jackson Ltd.,
- Sheffield Smelting Co., Ltd., 938 “Shell” Centre Buildings, 94
- Core Blower Foundry and Metallurgical Equipment Co., Ltd., 830
- Shells, Analysis of Hyperbolic Paraboloid, 574 in Concrete, Anticlastic, Texas Instruments Ltd., 974
- Shields, Heat-Dissipating Valve, Casemakers
- Ltd., 397
- Liner “Machaon”, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- Liner “Tewkesbury”, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 23
- Ship “Bulimba”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 87
- Ship “City of Melbourne”, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- Ship “Ibadan Palm”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 23
- Ship “Lord Gladstone”, Scotts Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., Plate 10,
- 1.1.60
- Ship “Somers Isle”, Ltd., 23
- Ship “Swan River”, Co., Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- Ship “Ulster Star” Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- Transporter for “Canberra”, Carron Co., 100
- Catamaran Firefloat “B.P. Firemaster”,
- B. P. Tanker Co., Ltd., 361
- Chamber of Shipping Report, 485
- Coastal Tanker “Point Fortin”, Hall Russell and Co,, Ltd., 87
- Collier “Ballylesson”, Alexander Hall and Co,, Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Commando Carrier H.M.S. “Bulwark”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 141
- Control and Instrumentation of a Marine
- Reactor, R. Anscomb and F. Hutber, 162 Conversion of Ferry to Diesel-Hydrostatic Propulsion, 789
- of Oil Tanker to Carry Liquid Gas, 1024
- Crankshaft Failures, R. Atkinson and P.
- Jackson, 310
- Cross-Channel Ship “Koningin Wilhelmina”,
- G. W. Tripp, 263
- Cruiser H.M.S. “Belfast”, 4
- Destroyer, U.S.S. “Richard S. Edwards”, 44 Deutsches Schiffahrt und Hafen-Jahrbuch, (Review, 1066)
- Development of the Aircraft Carrier, J. H, B.
- Chapman, 569
- Diesel Engine, 5-litre, Perkins Ltd., 129 Dowty Turbo-craft, 129
- Dutch Atlantic Liner “Rotterdam”, 449
- Engine, 70 L.B.D. “S” Turbo-charged, William Doxford and Sons (Engineers) Ltd., 58
- Engines at the Boat Show, 129
- Esturial Tanker M.V. “Charmo”, Charrington Gardner Locket (London) Ltd., 614
- Ferry “Carisbrooke Castle”, John 1. Thorny- croft and Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- “Maid of Kent”, W. Denny and Brothers Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- Fishing Boat Power Units, Perkins, (752) Forty-Two-Hour Week, 312
- French Frigate “L’Alsacien”, 44
- Full-Scale Tank Tests of an International 10 Square Metre Class Canoe, T. Tanner, 688 Gas Tanker “Agipgas Terza”, M. and B. Benetti, 33
- Geometry of Sailing to Windward, T. Tanner, 688
- Guided Missile Destroyers, 44
- H.M. Cruiser “Tiger”, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- H.M.S. “Hermes” Aircraft Carrier, 44
- H.M.S. “Tiger” Cruiser, 44
- Inshore Minesweeper H.M.S. “Chelsham”, 4 Integrating Power Meter, Pametrada, International Chamber of Shipping, Meeting, 869
- Kelvin Diesel Engine, Model T4, 129 Laid-up Shipping, 30, 312
- Last Southampton Paddle Steamer, Tripp, 982
- Launch of “Empress of Canada”, Vickers- Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 871 of Guided Missile Destroyer “Devonshire”, 1020
- of P. and O. Liner “Canberra”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 507
- of Transatlantic Liner “France, Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 869
- Launches in 1959, 363
- and Trial Trips, 156, 208, 484, 537, 578, 658, 750, 792, 831, 872, 914, 985,
- Lighthouse Tender, “Atlanta”,
- Son, Ltd., 87
- Tender Motorship “Siren”, White and Co., Ltd., 460
- Liner “Empress of Canada”, Vickers Armstrongs Ltd., (696)
- Lloyd’s Register Annual Report, 436 ; Shipbuilding Returns, 234
- Lubricant for Marine Reduction Gearing, Shell Research Ltd., 193
- Manchester Ship Canal, 402
- Marine Engine Proportions, 1860, 633 Engineering Review, T. W. F. Brown, 568 Equipment, (Patent, 549)
- Lubrication, G. H. Clark, (Review, 722) Radar Simulator, Solartron Radar Simulators Ltd., 1080
- Radio Transmitters, A.E.l. (Woolwich) Ltd., 237
- Single-Sideband Transmitter, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 750
- VHF Communication Co., Ltd., Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 984
- V.H.F. Installations, Redifon Ltd., 535 Marinised Ford Zephyr Engine, 129 Mark RKRN 6 Thornycroft Diesel Engine, 129
- Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment for
- S.S. “Oriana”, Sovex Ltd., 781
- “Medina” 7i-h.p. Water-Cooled Two-Stroke
- Outboard Motor, Saunders-Roe Ltd., 129 Merchant Navy Engineer Examinations, 943 Methane Transportation by Sea, E. C. B.
- Corlett and J. F. Leathard, 643
- “Monarch” Class Diesel Engine, Mirrlecs, Bickerton and Day Ltd., 58
- Motor Grab Dredger “Cresswell”, Henry Rob'o Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Multi-Pitch” Propeller, Lesnor-Maehr Marine Co., Inc., 623
- M.V. “Bass Trader”, 574
- National Boat Show, 27
- Naval Architecture, B. Baxter, (Review, 685) Construction in 1959, Raymond V. B. Blackman, 44
- Nuclear Powered Submarine, “Dreadnought”, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- Propulsion of Ships, 232
- Oceanographic Research Submarine of Alu- minium for Operation to 15,000 ft., E. Wenx, R. C. Dehart, P. Madel and R. Kissiger, 642
- Oil Tanxer “British Swift”, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship “Goodwood”, 265
- Ore Carrier “Bamburgh Castle”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 23
- Carrier “Morar’\ Lithgows Ltd., 87
- Patrol Craft
- Perkins Six 305 (M), Marine Diesel Engine, 129
- Propulsion Motors “Canberra"
- Pusher fug ‘ Radar for Small Ships, 1024 Radio-Controlled Tugs, Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co., Ltd., 309
- Refrigerated Cargo Liner “Royston Grange”, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 87
- Replacement of the “Queen Mary”, (Leading Article, 959)
- Rescue and Salvage Tug “Jantar”, Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- Retractable Stern Gear, Wido, 623
- Rolls Royce Turbo-Charged 300-b.h.p. Engine, 129
- Royal Mail Liner “Amazon”, Harland Wolff Ltd., 138
- Navy — H59, 4
- Rules for Oil Tankers. 474 and Regulat ons for the Construction Classification of Steel Ships, 1959, view, 389)
- St. Lawrence Seaway, 232
- Sea Transport of Liquid Methane, John J. McMullen, 213
- Shaw Savill Liner Keel Laid, (794)
- Ship Auto-Pilot, The Decca Navigator Co., Ltd., 653
- Shipbuilding, (Patent, 549) Industry and the Future, (Leading Article, 551)
- and Marine Engineering in 1959, 23, 57, 87 Orders, 198, 793
- Returns, 751
- Shipping World Year Book and Who’s Who, 1960, (Review, 3489)
- Ship’s Radiotelephone Service, Redifon Ltd., 271
- Shipyard Hours, 274, 402
- Labourers’ Wages, 1081
- “Sovereign” Class Diesel Engine, National
- Gas and Oil Engine Co., Ltd., 58
- Standard Model Technique at Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, R. N. Newton, 609
- Submarine H.M.S. “Narwhal”, 44
- Sulzer Mark R.S.A.D. 76 Engine, Alexander
- Stephen and Sons, Ltd., 58 Symposium on Ship Trials, 683
- Tanker “Belgulf Progress”, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 57
- “British Statesman”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “El Lobo”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 57
- Offshore Loading, Hartley Hoister, Plate 5, 8.1.60
- “Queda” Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 57
- R.F.A, “Appleleaf”, 4
- “San Calisto”, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “San Ernesto”, Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd., 57 Terminals, Milford Haven, Plate 4, 8.1.60 “Thamesfield”, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “Varicella”, Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- Transverse Strength of Single Hulled Ships,
- 1. M. Yuille and L. B. Wilson, 686 Trawlers, Distant and Near Water, Hawker
- Siddeley Group, 864
- Tug “Charles Hearn”, Henry Robb Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Stackgarth”, Richard Dunston Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Sun XXI”, Philip and Son, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- Turbo-Electric Propulsion Machinery for the “Canberra”, Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby) Ltd., 397
- U.S. Destroyer Escort “Claud Jones”, 75
- U.S. Submarine “George Washington”, 77 U.S. Submarine “Skipjack”, 77
- U.S. Submarine “Triton”, 77
- U.S.S. “Long Beach” Warship, 75 Wages and Hours, Shipbuilding, 239
- Wind Tunnel Tests on Ship Models, K. D. A.
- Shearer and W. M. Lynn, 308
- “Jantar”, Rescue and Salvage Tug, Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Koningin Wilhelmina”, Cross-Channel Ship, G. W. Tripp, 263
- “L’Alsacien”, French Frigate, 44 “Leopard”, H.M.S., Anti-Aircraft Frigate, 4 “Llandaff”, H.M,S,, Aircraft Direction Frigate, 4
- “Long Beach”, U.S.S. Warship, 75
- “Lord Gladstone”, Cargo Ship, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering
- 10, 1.1.60
- “Macaulay”, Bulk Cargo Robb Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- “Machaon”. Cargo Liner, building and Engineering Co., “Maid of Kent”, Ferry, W. Brothers Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- “Morar”, Ore Carrier, Lithgows “Narwhal”, H.M.S. Submarine, “Northern Star” Keel Laid, Shaw Savill, (794)
- “Olivier van Noort”, Pusher Tug, 33 “Oriana”, S.S,, Mechanised Baggage Handling Equipment, Sovex Ltd., 781
- “Point Fortin”, Coastal Tanker, Hall Russell and Co., Ltd., 87
- “Princess Elizabeth”, Last Southampton Paddle Steamer, G. W. Tripp, 982
- “Queda” Tanker, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co,, Ltd., 57
- “Queen Mary”, Replacement, (Leading Article, 959)
- “Richard S. Edwards”, U.S.S. Destroyer, 44 “Rotterdam”, Dutch Atlantic Liner, 449 “Royston Grange”, Refrigerated Cargo Liner, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 87
- “San Calisto”, Tanker, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 1,1.60
- “San Ernesto” Tanker, Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd., 57
- “Siren”, Lighthouse Tender Motorship, J, Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 460
- “Skipjack”, U.S. Submarine, 77
- “Somers Isle”, Cargo Ship, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 23
- “Stackgarth”, Tug, Richard Dunston Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Storrington”, Cargo Carrier, Stephenson Clarke Ltd., 87
- “Sun XXI”, Tug, Philip and Son, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Swan River”, Cargo Ship, Greenock Dockyard Co., Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- “Ulster Star”, Cargo Ship, Harland and Wolff Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- “Varicella”, Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60 “Victorious”, Aircraft Carrier, 4 “Tewksbury”, Cargo Liner, Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 23
- “Thamesfi^eld”, Tanker, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “Tiger”, H.M.S., Cruiser, 44
- “Tiger”, H.M. Cruiser, Plate 8, 1.1.60 “Triton”, U.S. Submarine, 77
- Co., Ltd., Plate
- Carrier, Henry
- Caledon Ship- Ltd., 87 Denny and
- Ltd., 87
- 44
- and
- “Agipgas Terza”, Gas Tanker, M. and B. Benetti, 33
- “Albion”, Aircraft Carrier, 4
- “Amazon”, Royal Mail Liner, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 138
- “Appleleaf”, Tanker R.A.F., 4
- “Ark Royal”, Aircraft Carrier, 4
- “Atlanta”, Lighthouse Tender, Philip and Son, Ltd., 87
- “Baharistan”, Cargo Liner, Caledon Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 23
- “Ballylesson”, Collier, Alexander Hall and Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- “Bamburgh Castle”, Ore Carrier, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 23
- “Bass Trader”, M.V., 574
- “Belfast”, H.M.S., Cruiser, 4
- “Belgulf Progress”, Tanker, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 57
- “Benloyal”, Cargo Liner, Charles Connell and Co., Ltd., 87
- “B.P. Firemaster”, Catamaran Firefloat, B.P. Tanker Co., Ltd., 361
- “Brave Borderer”, H.M.S., Patrol Craft, 44 “British Statesman”, Tanker, Harland and Wolff Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “British Swift”, Oil Tanker, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- “Bulimba”, Cargo Ship, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 87
- “Bulwark”, H.M.S., Commando Carrier, Harland and Wolfl' Ltd., 141
- “Canberra”, Launch of P. and O. Liner, Harland and Wolff Ltd., 507
- “Canberra”, Turbo-Electric Propulsion Machinery, Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby) Ltd., 397
- “Carisbrooke Castle”, Ferry, John I. Thorny- croft and Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 8.1.60
- “Charles Hearn”, Tug, Henry Robb Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Charmo”, M.V., Esturial Tanker, Charrington Gardner Locket (London) Ltd., 614
- “Chelsham”, H.M.S., Inshore Minesweeper, 4
- “Chusan”, T.S.S., Air Conditioning, Carrier Engineering Co., Ltd., 608
- “City of Melbourne”, Cargo Ship, Alexander Stephen and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 1.1.60
- “Claud Jones”, U.S. Destroyer Escort, 75 “Cresswell”, Motor Grab Dredger, Henry Robb Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Devonshire”, Launch of Guided Missile Destroyer, 1020
- “Dreadnought”, Nuclear Powered Submarine, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- “El Lobo”, Tanker, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 57
- “Empress of Canada”, Launch, Vickers- Armstrongs (Shipbuilders) Ltd., 871
- “Empress of Canada”, Liner, Vickers-Arm- strongs Ltd., (696)
- “France”, LaVinch of Transatlantic Liner, Compagnie Generale Transatlantique, 869
- “George Washington”, U.S. Submarine, 77 “Goodwood”, Operation of Gas-Turbine Ship, 265
- “Hermes”, H.M.S., Aircraft Carrier, 44 ; Plate 8, 1.1.60
- “Holmside”, Bulk Sugar or Ore Carrier, The Burnett Steamship Co., Ltd., 23
- “Ibadan Palm”, Cargo Ship, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., 23
- “Independence”, Aircraft Carrier U.S.S., 75
- Aircraft Carrier “Albion”, 4
- Carrier “Ark Royal”, 4
- Carrier H.M.S. “Hermes”, 44
- Carrier H.M.S. “Hermes”, Plate 8, 1.1.60 Carrier “Victorious”, 4
- Direction Frigate H.M.S. “Llandaff”, 4
- Anti-Aircraft Frigate H.M.S. “Leopard”, 4
- Commando Carrier H.M.S. “Bulwark” Harland and Wolff Ltd., 141
- Cruiser H.M.S. “Tiger”, 44
- Destroyer Escort U.S. “Claud Jones”, 75 U.S.S. “Richard S. Edwards”, 44
- Frigate “L’Alsacien”, French, 44
- Guided Missile Destroyers, 44
- H.M. Cruiser “Tiger”, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- H.M.S. Cruiser “Belfast”, 4
- Inshore Minesweeper H.M.S. “Chelsham”,
- 4 Naval Construction in 1959, Raymond V. B. Blackman, 44
- Nuclear Powered Submarine “Dreadnought”, Plate 8, 1.1.60
- Patrol Craft, H.M.S. “Brave Borderer”, 44 Royal Navy, 1959, 4
- Saunders-Roe, P.531, 4
- Submarine H.M.S. “Narwhal”, 44
- U.S. “George Washington”, 77
- U.S. “Skipjack”, 77
- U.S. “Triton”, 77
- Tanker R.F.A. “Appleleaf”, 4
- U.S.S. Aircraft Carrier “Independence”, 75 U.S.S. Warship “Long Beach”, 75
- Shock Absorbers, (Patent, 1089)
- Short History of Scientific Ideas to 1900, Charles Singer, (Review, 222)
- Short-Range Air Navigational Aids, 482
- Short Take-Off and Landing Aircraft, Dornier Works, 241
- Shortening the Working Week, 109
- Shorter Working Week, T.U.C., 30
- Shot Cleaning System, Keith Blackman Ltd., 822 Shovel Loader, Heavy Duty, Blaw Knox Ltd., 270
- Loader, Salzgitter Maschinen, 487 Side-Tipping Power, Rheinstahl Hanomag A.G., 835
- Show, Geneva Motor, 540, 581, 623, 664 National Boat, 27
- Racing Car, 62
- Some Engines at the Boat, 129
- Shunting Engine, Heavy Diesel, Simmering- Graz-Pauker A.G., 917
- Locomotive, Diesel-Hydraulic, Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., 871
- Side-Discharge Dumper for Concrete, Thwaites Engineering Co., Ltd., 443
- Sidecar, Amphibious, Canterbury Sidecars Ltd., 235
- Signal Control, Road, (Leading Article, 496) Equipment, Traffic, A.E.B., 583 Time-Setting, Traffic, 563
- Signalboxes, Shape of, (Leading Article, 553)
- Signalling at Amersham, London Transport’s New, 572
- at Edge Hill, Power, 531
- Railway, (Patents, 285, 589, 801)
- Traffic, (Patent, 705)
- Signals, International Co-ordination of Time, 690
- Traffic, Vehicle-Actuated, 478
- Signs for Motorways, Direction, R. L. Moore and A, W, Christie, 813
- Silicon Controlled Rectifiers, General Electric Co., Ltd., 396
- Devices, Developments, Ferranti Ltd., 218
- Diodes, Automatic Assembly, Ferranti Ltd., 61
- Extra Pure, 1012
- Nitride, 135
- Power Transistors and “Trinsistors”, Westinghouse Brake and Signal Co., Ltd., 645
- Preparation of High Purity Single Crystal, J. L. Parmee, 979
- Silicone Rubbers, Catalysed, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 1022
- Silicones Plant Development at Barry, Midland Silicones Ltd., 940
- Silver Jubilee in Stainless Steel, (Leading Article, 633)
- Simplified Design of Anti-Vibration Foundations for Drop Hammers, W. Eastwood, 346
- Anti-Vibration Hammer Foundations, J. H. A. Crockett, (Letter, 720) ; W. Eastwood, (Letter, 910)
- Simulator, Marine Radar, Solartron Radar Simulators Ltd., 1080
- Production Distillation, British Petroleum Co., Ltd., 307
- for Reactor Studies, Time Delay, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 573
- Sine Angle Chucks, Permanent Magnet, Darwins Ltd., 362
- Table, Compound Angle, Coventry Gauge and Tool Co., Ltd., 1051
- Single Crystal Silicon, Preparation of High Purity, J. L. Parmee, 979
- Sinking, World’s Record in Mine Shaft, 314 Site Caravans, Frederick Braby and Co., Ltd., 271
- Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in Nottinghamshire, Possible, 436
- for Coal-Fired Power Stations in the West Riding, Study, 984
- Sizewell Nuclear Power Station, Suffolk, 232 Skates for Moving Machines on Factory Floors,
- Vulcascot (Great Britain) Ltd., 985
- Skimming Machine, Bar, Craven Brothers (Manchester) Ltd., 311
- Skips, Weighing Equipment for Aerial Ropeway, Adequate Weighers Ltd., 481
- Slab Bridges, Abnormal Loading on Composite, (Report, 824)
- Slade Green Collision Report, 234
- Sliding, Surfacing and Screwcutting Lathe,
- John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Slip Inserter, Electronic Control, Electronic Machine Co., Ltd.^ 197 _ _ _
- Power in
- covery, Slow-Break
- Ltd., 441 Slowdown,
- 1035) Sluice Barrage, Galway, 107 Smelting Plant and Service, Pilot Electric,
- Birlec-Efco (Melting) Ltd., 362 Smoke and Dust Control, 832 Smut Emission from Boiler Flues, Preventing
- Acidic, Dust Control Processes Ltd., 690 Snow and Ice Clearance, Mobile Jet Dispersals
- Ltd., 438
- Snowy Mountains Diversion Tunnel, 988 Snubber for Hydraulic Systems, Gauge, Hy- matic Engineering Co., Ltd., 946
- Social Welfare in Industrial Communities, 145 Societe Beige des Mecaniciens, Conference and
- Annual Meeting, 488
- Society of Glass Technology, Journals, 481 Socoman Prestressed Pipeline in South Africa, 200
- Sodium l.antern Sealed, A.E.I. Radio and Electronic Components Division, 479
- Solar Atmospheric Electrical Discharges, Temperatures, C. E. R. Bruce, (Letter, 170)
- Solid Drawn Steel Air Receivers, (B.S.I., 907)
- State Microwave Amplifiers, 195
- Some High Spots in Thermal Power Generation, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Problems of Leisure, (Leading Article, 82) Somerton, New Aerial System, 1021 Sooner, Cleaner Rivers, (Leading Article, 157) Soot Gun, Scan-Technic, 1029 Sorter, Semi-Automatic, Compac Works, 319 Sorting Machine, Timber, B. and A. Engineering, Co., Ltd., 907
- Office, Mechanised Parcels, Sovex Ltd,, 127 Sound Deadening Material for Sheet Metal Equipment, Supra Chemicals and Paints Ltd., (696)
- Measuring Equipment, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 400
- Source Reactor in Idaho, Argonne Fast, 371 South Africa, Progress of Aluminium Construction, 878 ; Socoman Prestressed Pipeline, 200 ; Research in Aerodynamics, 989
- Wales-Birmingham Motorway, Second Stage, 530
- Southampton Paddle Steamer, Last, G. W.
- Tripp, 982
- Soviet Power Development, 699
- Space, An American First in, (Leading Article, 456)
- Facts, Handbook, 668
- Policy, Too Limited ?, (Leading Article, 328) Research, British Participation, 124 Research, Cost, (Leading Article, 121) Rockets, Russian, 73
- Saving, Car Park, Economical Parking
- 437
- Temperature Research, Outer, 854 Spannungsoptik, Praktische, L. Fdppl
- E. Mdnch, (Review, 567) Spannungsoptische Untersuchungen
- Turbinenscheiben mit angefrasten Eingesetzten Schaufeln, Karl Leist
- Joseph Weoer, (Review, 685)
- Spare Capacity in Civil Engineering, 832 Spark Compression-Ignition Engine, S.
- Timoney, 899
- Variable Speed A.C. Drives, ReGeneral Electric Co., Ltd., 529 Switch Fuse, General Electric Co.,
- Nuclear Power, (Leading Article,
- Ltd,,
- and
- von und and
- G.
- Specification and Testing of Filters and Water Separators, L. R. Beynon and R. W. Cranston, 331
- Spectrometer, Large Double-Focusing Mass, 547
- Speed Drive for Cranes, Controlled Creep, Reed Crane and Hoist Co., Ltd., 238 Record Contender, Land, “Bluebird”, 886 Speedometers and Odometers for Road 'Vehicles, (B.S.L, 819)
- Spiral Point Twist Drills, Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd., 401
- Splines, Recirculating Ball Screws and, Bristol Siddeley Engines Ltd., 270
- Split Mechanical Seal, Flexibox Ltd., 479 Watersealing Device for Joints in Concrete,
- Tretol-Servicised Ltd., 537
- Spool Grinding, Visual Measurement During Precision, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- Spot Welder, Synchronous Digital Control of Four-Channel, Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., 947
- Spray Equipment, Oil Mist, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 67
- Spraying Plant, Automatic Control Equipment for Metal, Metallizing Equipment Co., Ltd., 236
- Spring Calipers and Spring Dividers, (B.S.L, 223) Fair, Leipzig, 446, 487
- Fair, Utrecht Technical, 488 Mountings, (Patent, 997) Research Laboratory, Coil, 536
- Springs, Profiled Leaves for Laminated, Toledo Woodhead Springs Ltd., 108
- Spun Aluminium Pressure Vessel Ends, G. A. Harvey and Co., (London) Ltd.,
- Spur and Helical Gears, C. Timms, 602 and Helical Gears, Surface Stresses,
- Tuplin, 182
- Spying, Satellitic, (Leading Article, 843) Stable Hole Conveyor, Mine, Joy-Suilivan Ltd., 503
- Staff College for Technical Teachers, (Leading Article, 248)
- Stainless Steel, Silver Jubilee, (Leading Article 632)
- Steels, Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating, G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Standard Hydro-Electric
- To 35kW, Gilbert
- Ltd., 536
- Materials Programme,
- N.B.S., 410
- Model Technique at Admiralty Experiment Works, Haslar, R. N. Newton, 609 Standardisation, Centrifugal Pump Dimensional, 341
- of Farm Machinery, 105
- and Technology, Rubber, F. H. Edwards, 95 Standards Engineers’ Conference, 579, 915
- Master Schedule of Steel, 30
- for Protective Helmets, World, 1079
- for Steels, Comparison of British and Overseas, (B.S.L, 341)
- Television Line, (Leading Article, 960) Starter, 3.3kV Direct-on-Line, Brookhirst Igranic Ltd., 645
- Starting of 34MW Turbo-Alternator at Stepney, Quick, F. E. A. Rea, P. R. Caister and S. W. T. Brock, 521
- Static Equipment for Automatic Voltage Control, Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd., 645
- Stationery and Printed Matter, (B.S.I., 567) Station, High-Power Broadcast, for Ghana, 27 Stations, Power, Berkeley Nuclear, Charge Face
- Machinery, John Thompson Ordnance Co., 379 ; Reactor Core Building, 427 ; Plate 4, 1.1.60
- Boilers at Little Barford “B”, 475 Bradwell Nuclear, Plate 4, 1.1.60 Chapelcross Nuclear, 12 Electrical Plant at Kariba, 54
- Electronic Control at Little Barford “B”, 226 Fuel for Tokai Mura Nuclear, Japan, 436 Hallam Nuclear, Nebraska, 320
- “Human Engineering” and the Control of Nuclear, General Electric Co., Ltd., 191
- Hunterston Nuclear, 140 ; Pressure-Vessel
- Lifting Operation, 360 ; Plate 4, 1.1.60 Kahl Nuclear, 624 ; Steam Transformer, 625 Latina Nuclear, 15
- Lewiston, 11 Novosibirsk, 32
- Pirttikoski, 1029
- Possible Sites for Coal-Fired, in Nottinghamshire, 436
- Reactor Service Machine for Hunterston, 437 Schwarzacn, 404
- Sizewell Nuclear, Suffolk, 232
- Thorpe Marsh, Second 55OMW Set, 101 in the West Riding, Study of Sites for Coal- Fired, 984
- Willington “A”, Instrumented Water Treatment, 692
- Stations, Pumping, Supervisory Control, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 749 Radio, at Anglesey, Post Office, 944 Railway, Cape Town, 201
- Thermal Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Power, 786 Statistics, Basic Road, (675)
- Engineering, 485, 620, 832
- Status of Traffic
- 803)
- Steady Straight
- (Report, 467) Steam Boilers,
- Sunrod Ltd., 786
- Locomotive, Very Last, (Leading Article, 495) Raising Plant, John Thompson Ltd., 785 Raising Units, Vacuum Testing of Tube Elements, M. S. Hayward, 732
- Temperature Recovery Factors, Henry Barrow and Denis J. Ryley, 903
- Turbo-Generator, 200MW, English Electric Co., Ltd., Plate 6, 8.1.60
- Steamer, Last Southampton Paddle, G. W, Tripp, 982
- Steel Air Receivers, Solid Drawn, (B.S.I., 907) Bridge Competition, Annual, America, 243 Bridge, Replacing an Articulated, Mersey, 614
- British, (Leading Articles, 417, 883) in Building, Use of Structural, (B.S.I., 429) Development Projects, Steel Company of Wales Ltd., 198
- and the Economy, Sir Andrew McCance, 274
- Generator
- Gilkes and
- Expanded,
- Engineering,
- Flight with
- Low-Water
- Large,
- 236
- W. A.
- Sets Up
- Gordon
- (Leading
- Inclined
- Safety
- at the
- Article,
- Thrust,
- Device,
- at Flevated Temperatures, Mechanical Testing, (B.S.L, 257)
- at Elevated Temperatures, Properties, (B.S.L, 907)
- Expansion Projects, Guest Keen Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., English Steel Corporation Ltd., 793
- Furnaces, Electric Arc, G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 193
- Industry Modernisation, America, 586
- and Iron Industry, 17
- and Iron, Phosphate Treatment for Protection Against Corrosion, (B.S.L, 567)
- and Iron Prices, 274
- and Iron Production, 145, 312, 485, 695, 873, 1025
- and Iron Works, Durgapur, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., 55 ; Plate 3, 1.1.60 and Iron Works Production Control, 773 Journal Reviewing Construction in, 396 Making, Electric Arc, A. Jackson and R. S.
- Howes, 820
- Making for Steelmakers, A. Jackson, (Review, 342)
- Mill, Mercury-Arc Converter, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 693
- Plate Mills, Iron and Steel Institute, 654 Prices, 659 ; (Leading Article, 249) Sheet, 948 !
- Sheets for Magnetic Circuits of Power Electrical Apparatus, (B.S.L, 685)
- Ships, 1959, Rules and Regulations for the Construction and Classification, (Review, 389)
- Silver Jubilee in Stainless, (Leading Article, 632)
- Standards, Master Schedule, 30
- Strip, Aluminium Clad, F. W. Kubach Ltd.,' 613
- Strip, Measuring the Speed, B.I.S.R.A., 852 with Vermiculite, Fire-Protection of Structural, 103, 143, (Leading Article, 120)
- Works, Barrow, The United Steel Companies Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Steels, Bell Furnaces for Heat Treating Stainless, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Comparison of British and Overseas Standards, (B.S.L, 341)
- Low-Alloy, 564
- Measuring the Hydrogen Content, 943 Steelwork, Rules and Regulations for Structural, A. N. Procter, 676 ; Erratum, (794) Rules and Regulations for Structural, Gaynor, (Letter, 936)
- Rules and Regulations for Structural, A. Procter, (Letter, 1014)
- Rules and Regulations for Structural, A. Flint, W. Henderson,. O, A. Kerensky, (Letter, 1064)
- Steelworks Expansion Projects, Appleby Frod- ingham Steel Co., and Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd., 745
- Stepney, Quick Starting of 34MW TurboAlternator, F. E. A. Rea, P. R. Caister and
- S. W. T. Brock, 521
- Stepwise Compaction Process for Ceramic and Metallic Powders, Westinghouse Electric Corporation, 283
- Stereophonic Broadcasting System, Mullard Ltd., 190, 272
- Stern Gear, Retractable, Wido, 623 Stevenage I3y-Pass Motorway, 831 Stirred Bunker and Belt Feeder, William Gardner and Sons (Gloucester) Ltd., 618
- Stocks, Manufacturing Industry’s, 538
- Stoff-und Warmeubertragung in der Chemis- chen Kinetik, D. A. Frank-Kamenetzki, (Review, 685)
- Stoker Hoppers, Fuel Feed Elevators, James Hodgkinson (Salford) Ltd., 144
- Stone Breaking Machine, (Patent, 493) Treatment Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, Comprehensive, 471
- Storage Equipment Exhibition, James H. Randall and Son, Ltd., 829
- Magnetic Drums for Data, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 103
- Peak Load Gas Turbine with Air, B. Wood and
- T. F. Wick, 418
- Racks, H. T. and M. Construction Ltd., 28 Sampling Liquid Petroleum Products in Bulk, (B.S.L, 685)
- System, Thermal, Metropolitan Engineering Co., Ltd., 822
- Tube, Direct-Viewing, Mullard Ltd., 932
- Tube, Electrical, English Electric Valve Co,, Ltd., 440
- Stoving Installation, Continuous, G.
- Gilbert Ltd., 237 **
- Stowage Operations, Air Compressor
- Mine, Tilghman’s Ltd., 619 Straight Flight with Incline Thrust,
- (Report, 467) Straightening Machine, Large Section,
- Bigwood and Son, Ltd., 197
- Machine for Tubes and Bars, Sir James Farmer Norton and Co., Ltd., 1054
- Strain Gauges, Use of Resistance, K. G. Mantle and E. Procter, 527
- Strength of Plywood, Bending, (Report, 685) Stresa Conference — Industrial Challenge of Nuclear Energy, (Review, 96)
- Stress Analysis, National and International Aspects, M. L. Meyer, 90
- in a Box Beam, Distribution of Shear, B. A. Walker, 1067
- Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, Radiant Electric Heating, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 830
- Stresses and Fatigue in Metals, Internal, G. M. Rassweiler and W. L. Grube, (Review, 778)
- in Spur and Helical Tuplin, 182
- Stretcher, Aluminium
- Hydraulik G.m.b.H., Strikes, Unofficial, 915
- Unofficial, Sir A. Harold Bibby, Bt., 109 Strip, Aluminium Clad
- Ltd., 613
- Mill at Woodgate Birmetals, Ltd., 681
- Strontium-90, Recovery
- 492
- Structural Steel in Building, Use, (B.S.L, 429) Steel with Vermiculite, Fire-Protection, 103, 143, (Leading Article, 120)
- Steelwork, Rules and Regulations, A. N. Procter, 676 ; Erratum, (794) ; M. Gavnor, (Letter, 936) ; A. N. Procter, (Letter, 1014) ; A, R. Flint, W. Henderson, O, A. Kerensky, (Letter, 1064)
- Timber, Technical Reports, 537
- Use of Prestressed Concrete in Buildings, (Code, 688)
- Structure and Composition of Plastics, R, Beeching, 502
- Structures, Anti-Fouling System for Underwater, Charlton Weddle and Co., Ltd., 484 Fatigue of Welded, (31)
- Student Apprenticeships, Post Qffice, 239 Electronics Engineers, Filmstrips, Mullard, (31)
- Students, Reception for Qverseas, (Leading Article, 43)
- Universities, Parents, and Awards to, (Leading Article. 1001)
- Studies in Electric Traction, Advanced, (Leading Article 8441
- Factory Building, (Report, 651)
- Time Delay Simulator for Reactor, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 573
- Studio, World’s Largest Television, Associated Redifusion Ltd., 983
- Study of Sites for Coal-Fired Power Stations in the West Riding, 984
- Tour of U.S. Roads, Cement Association, 395
- Work, R. M. Currie, (Review, Submarine of Aluminium for
- 15,000 feet. Oceanographic
- Wenk, R. C. Dehart, P. Mandel and Kissinger, 642
- Cable in Denmark, Laying of 170kV, 279 H,M.S, “Narwhal”, 44
- Nuclear Powered, “Dreadnought”, Plate
- 1.1.60
- U.S. “George Washington”, 77
- U.S. “Skipjack”, 77
- U.S. “Triton”, 77
- Subscriber Trunk Dialling at Evesham, 102 Subsidence, Concrete-Framed Building to Resist Mining, 439
- Subterranean Atomic Explosions, A. J. Field, (Letter, 778)
- Suction Pump, Hydraulic Ram, N. G. Calvert, 608
- Sudan Railways, Diesel-Electric Locomotives, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 300
- Suffolk, Sizewell Nuclear Power Stations, 232 Sugar, Beet, Factories for U.S.S,R., 68
- or Ore Carrier “Holmside”, Bulk, The Burnett Steamship Co., Ltd., 23
- Sukkur, Pakistan, Indus River Bridge, 104 Supersonic Aircraft Research, Handley Page Ltd,, (949)
- Supervision to Telephone, Gas Holder, Sound Diffusion (Auto-thermatic) Ltd,, 790
- Supervisory Control of Pumping Stations, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 749
- Supply Equipment, Pressure Water, James Beresford and Son, Ltd., 237
- Land Irrigation and Water, (Leading Article, 1035)
- Sub-Units, Chokeless Power, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 235
- Systems, Large Electricity, C.I.G.R.E. Meeting in Paris, 1040
- Tariff, 1960-61, Electricity Bulk, 530
- Valve, Pneumatically-Controlled Air, Qzonair Engineering Co., Ltd., 534
- Surface Grinding Machine, Alfred Herbert Ltd., 143
- Probe Method for Resistivity and Other Measurements, J. P. Newsome and J. A. Betts, 511
- Stresses in Spur and Helical Gears, W. A. Tuplin, 182
- Temperature Indicating Materials, Markal Company, 265
- Treatment of Aluminium, The Walterisation Co., Ltd., 791
- Treatment for Concrete Formwork, Stuart B. Dickens Ltd., 397
- Water Year Book of Great Britain, 1957-58, (Report, 467)
- Surfacing, Boring and Milling Machine, Horizontal, H. W. Kearns and Co., Ltd., 1052
- Sliding and Screwcutting Lathe, John Lang and Sons, Ltd., 1057
- Surgery, Electric Light Applied, 1860, 249
- Lighting Aids for Brain, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 942
- Surveying, A. Bannister and S. Raymond, (Review, 261)
- Curve, R. B. M. Jenkins, (Review, 818) Suspension Railway, French, 755
- Swedish Mine Hoists for U.S.S.R., A.S.E.A., 151
- Swing Lathe, Kerry’s (Great Britain) Ltd., 1045 Lathe, T. S. Harrison and Sons, Ltd., 1056
- Switch, Adjustable Auxiliary, General Electric Co., Ltd., 195
- Audio-frequency Qperated Selector, Siemens, 796
- Fuse, General Electric Co., Ltd., 563
- Fuse, Slow-Break, General Electric Co., 441
- High-Speed Electro-Mechanical, Bell phpne Laboratories, 588
- Joystick Control, Pye Ltd., 104 Light-Operated, Londex Ltd., 533 for Reversing Lights, Automatic, Hella,
- Unit, Air-insulated Vertically Isolated, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 561
- Units, Extensible Oil, Johnson and Phillips Ltd., 194
- Switchboard, Four-way Fuse, George Ellison Ltd., 601
- Switchgear Battery Unit with Controlled Charging, Nlfe Batteries Ltd., 749
- Switching Devices, (Patent, 589)
- Sydney, Atomic Energy Irradiation Conference, 530
- Harbour Bridge, Additional Traffic Lanes, 357
- Symposium on Ship Trials, 683
- Synchronous Digital Control of Four-Channel Spot Welder, Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., 947
- Synchrotron, CERN Proton, 277, 315 Systems-Analysts, Course for. Production Engineering Ltd., 575
- Table, Automatic Indexing, Tools Ltd., 1054
- Electronically-Controlled
- E. M.I. Electronics Ltd.,
- Rotary Filter, Davey Paxman and Co., Ltd., 942
- Tabular Summary of Civil Engineering Contracts, Erratum, 268
- Tactical Radar, Aircraft, Ferranti Ltd., 831 Tagus Bridge, 1029
- Tampin Repeater Station, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Tancarville Bridge, Plate 16, 1.1.60
- Tandem Van de Graaf Particle Accelerators, 12 MeV, 412
- Tank Contents Gauge, Firth Cleveland Instruments Ltd., 235
- Locomotive, Preservation Fund for Webb, (949)
- Seam Welding Machine, Rockweld Ltd., 871 Tanker “Belgulf Progress”, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., 57
- “British Statesman”, Harland and Wolff Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- to Carry Liquid Gas, Conversion of Oil, 1024 Coastal, “Point Fortin”, Hall Russell and Co., Ltd., 87
- “El Lobo”, Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd., 57
- Esturial, M.V. “Charmo”, Charrington Gardner Locket (London) Ltd., 614
- Gas, “Agipgas Terza”, M. and B. Benetti, 33
- Offshore Loading, Hartley Hoister, Plate 5,
- 8.1.60
- Oil, “British Swift”, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 87
- “Queda”, Scotts’ Shipbuilding and Engineering Co., Ltd., 57
- R.F.A. “Appleleaf”, 4 “San Calisto”, Furness Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “San Ernesto”, Smith’s Dock Co., Ltd., 57 Terminals, Milford Haven, Plate 5, 8.1.60 “Thamesfield”, Hawthorn Leslie (Shipbuilders) Ltd., Plate 9, 1.1.60
- “Varicella”, Swan Hunter and Wigham Richardson Ltd,, Plate 9, 1.1.60
- Tankers, Rules for Oil, 474
- Tap-Changer, High-Speed Resistor, English Electric Co,, Ltd., 654
- Tape for Threaded Pipe Joints, Sealing, Packing Ltd., 400
- Tapered Roller Bearings, (B.S.L, 685)
- Tapping Machine, Milman Engineering pany, 65
- Research Report, 311
- Tariff, Electricity Bulk Supply, 1960-61, 530 Tasmania, Hobart Bridge, 102
- Taxation, Net Increase, (Leading Article, 591)
- Teachers, Staff College for Technical, (Leading Article, 248)
- Teaching, John Anderson and Technological, (Leading Article, 593)
- Technical Colleges and their Government, 579 Congress, Eighth International Automobile, 848, 892
- Reports on Structural Timber, 537
- Spring Fair, Utrecht, 488
- Teachers, Staff College, (Leading Article, 248) Training Week, Commonwealth, 269 Writing, Examinations, (Leading Article, 210) Technological Teaching and John Anderson, (Leading Article, 593)
- Technology, A. History of Western, Friedrich Klemm, (Review, 428)
- and Humanism, (Leading Article, 763) Samuel Pepys and Seventeenth Century, A. K. Bruce, 570
- and Science, Lubrication, John Boyd, (Letter, 96)
- and Standardisation, Rubber, F. H. Edwards, 95
- versus Tradition, 579
- Aerial Exchanges at Admiralty W/T Station, 258
- Mast, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., Plate 12,
- 1.1.60
- System for Somerton, New, 1021
- Aircraft Tactical Radar, Ferranti Ltd., 831
- Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd,, 537
- Anglo-American Radio Partnership, L.C.E. Ltd., 1078
- Anglo-French Microwave Link, 909, 939
- Anglo-Swedish Telephone Cable, 1021
- Applications of Microwaves, A, L. Cullen, 395
- Automatic Assembly of Silicon Diodes, Ferranti Ltd., 61
- D. F. Receiver, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 1023
- Fixer System for Aircraft, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 66
- B.B.C, Television Centre, 1076
- British Radar for Arlanda Airport, Decca Radar Ltd., 73
- Broadcast Station for Ghana, High-Power, 27
- Cableless Lift for TV Mast, Alimak-Verken A.B., 543
- Capsule containing 400kc/s Transistor Oscillator, Solartron Electronic Group Ltd., 933
- Coast Station Radio Receivers, Redifon Ltd., 616
- Colour Television Camera, E.M.I. Electronic Ltd., 933
- Television System, R. Chaste and P. Cassagne, 746
- Commonwealth Telecommunications Board, 828
- Diode for Parametric Amplifiers, General Electric Co., Ltd., 66
- Dortmund Tower, 34
- Electron-Beam Parametric Amplifier operating on the Longitudinal Space Charge, General Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Electron or Beam Parametric Amplifier operating on the Transverse Field, English Electric Co., Ltd., 134
- Beam Parametric Amplifiers, R. B. Dyott and C. R. Russell, 234
- Electronic Telephone Exchange, Laboratoire Central de Telecommunications, 259
- Experiments with Low-Noise Antenna, 704 Gas Holder Supervision by Telephone, Sound Diffusion (Auto-thermatic) Ltd., 790 Industrial Television Camera, Pye Ltd., 908 International Co-ordination of Time Signals 690
- Large Screen Colour Television, C.I.B.A. Clayton Ltd., 831
- Magnetic Drums for Data Storage, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 103
- Marine Radar Simulator, Solartron Radar Simulators Ltd., 1080
- Radio Transmitters, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 237
- Single-Sideband Transmitter, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 750
- VHF Communication Equipment, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 984
- V.H.F. Installations, Redifon Ltd., 535 Modulator with Germanium Diodes for Millimetric Waves, 492
- Qutput Power Meter, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 617
- Packaged Magnetron, Low-Voltage, Mullard Ltd., 932
- Patents, 285, 549, 629, 997, 1034
- Post Office Radio Station at Anglesey, 944 Precision Pulse Source, Communication Systems Ltd., 617
- Programme Microwave Link Equipment, Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Radar Demonstrations for Europe. Associated Electrical Industries for Small Ships, 1024
- Radio Controlled Tugs, Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co., Ltd., 309
- Engineering Anniversary, Racall Engineering Ltd., 941
- Factory Extensions, Philips Electrical Ltd., 616
- Research, 1958, (Report, 722) Telephones on Trains, 306 Trades Examination Board, Report for the Year, 191
- Valve and Television Tube Factory, Mullard Ltd., 390
- Register Equipment, Siemens Edison Swan Ltd. Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Ship’s Radiotelephone Service, Redifon Ltd., 271
- Short-Range Air Navigational Aids, 482 Solid State Microwave Amplifiers, 195 Stereophonic Broadcasting System, Mullard Ltd., 190, 272
- Storage Tube, Direct Viewing, Mullard Ltd., 932
- STRAD Automatic Electronic Telegraph Relay System, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 962
- Subscriber Trunk Dialling at Evesham, 102 Tampin Repeater Station, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Telemetry System, Plessey Co., Ltd., 1023 Telephony/Teleprinter Converter, Redifon Ltd., 644
- Television Line Standards, (Leading Article, 960)
- Transmitter “Streamline Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Trans-Pacific Telephone Cable, 306 Transistor Circuits, K. W. Cattermole, (Review, 429)
- Transistorised Radio Telemetering System, B.I.C.E.R.A., 852
- Transmitters, h.f. and l.f., Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60
- Travelling Wave Solid-State Amplifier Using Tunnel Diodes, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 588
- Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassau, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 196 Tunnel Diodes, Standard Telephones Cat51es Ltd., 99
- Type-Printing Telegraph, 1860, 593
- U.H.F. Telemetry Equipment, Sir W, Armstrong Whitworth and Co., Ltd.,
- U. L.F. Oscillator, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 396 Underwater Echo-Ranging, D. G. Tucker,
- 107^
- V. H.t. Admittance Bridge, Marconi Instruments Ltd., 307
- Vidicon Camera Tube, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 134
- World’s Largest Television Studio, Associated Redi fusion Ltd., 983
- Telephones, Coin Disposal Mechanism for
- Puolic, Bell Telephone System, 587
- Teleprinters for B.O.A.C., Aircraft, Marconi’s
- Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., 537 Temperature Controller, Tfransistorised, Fielden Electronics Ltd., 28
- Controller, Transistorised, Heating Investments, Ltd., 775
- Indicating Materials, Surface, Markal Company, 265
- Recovery Factors in Steam, Henry Barrow and Denis J. Ryley, 903
- Research, Outer Space, 854
- Scanner, Multi-Point, West Instrument Ltd., 693
- Trip Amplifier for Nuclear Reactor Protection, Ultra Electronics Ltd., 909 Temperatures, Mechanical Testing of Steel at Elevated, (B.S.L, 257)
- Properties of Steel at Elevated, (B.S.L, 907) in Solar Atmospheric Electrical Discharges,
- C. E. R. Bruce, (Letter, 170)
- Tempering and Hardening Furnace Installation,
- Automatic, G. W. B. Furnaces Ltd., 233 Tender, Lighthouse, “Atlanta”, Philip and Don Ltd., 87
- Motorship “Siren”, Lighthouse, J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 460
- Tennessee Valley Authority, Progress, 626, 666, 700
- Tensile Cracks in Reinforced Concrete, A. Efsen and H. Krenchel, (Review, 685)
- L.C.C.’s Responsibilities,
- ; G. D. Denton, (Letters, 605) ; S. A. V. Swanson, (Letter, 650) ; C. H. Helmer, (Letter, 867)
- Thermal Efficiencies of C.E.G.B. Power Stations, 786
- and Electrical Conductivities of Nickel- Chromium (Nimonic) Alloys, R. W. Powell and R. P. Tye, 729
- Power Generation, Some High Spots, B. Wood, 250, 290
- Storage System, Metropolitan Engineering Co., Ltd., 822
- Thermocouple Wires, Research and Control Instrument.s Ltd., 479
- Thermoelectric Cold Box, General Electric Co., Ltd., 480
- Thermonuclear Apparatus for the Science Museum, “Oswald”, 534
- Research and Plasma Physics, Series XI ; Progress in Nuclear Energy, C. Longmire, (Review, 222)
- Thermoplastic, Engineering, E. I. Du Pont de Nemours and Co., Inc., 400
- Thimbles for Natural Fibre Ropes, (B.S.I., 1034) Things and People, (Leading Article, 377) Thornton Heath, Bottling Plant, Charringtons Ltd , 870
- Thorpe Marsh Power Station, Second 550MW Set. 101
- Threaded Pipe Joints, Sealing Tape, Crane Pad Ing Ltd 400
- Threading Machine, Joshua Fleap and Co., Ltd., 143
- Tidal Flow Computations, J. R. H. Otter and A. S. Day, 177; Erratum, 232
- Timber Development Association, Analysis of Hyperbolic Paraboloid Shells, 574 ; Technical Reports on Structural Timber, 53?
- Hangar at Gatwick Airport, 792
- Method of Preserving, (580)
- Roofs for Factory Buildings, and the Thermal Insulation (Industrial Buildings) Act, 1957, (Report, 722)
- Sorting Machine, B. and A. Engineering Co., Ltd., 907
- Technical Reports on Structural, 537 Time Delay Simulator for Reactor Studies, E.M.l. Electronics Ltd., 573
- Setting, Traffic Signal, 563
- Signals, International Co-ordination, 690 Tipper Truck, Large, Bennes Marrel, 150 Tipping and Raising Machines, Container, Russell Constructions Ltd., 144
- Truck, High Level, Fahrzeugwerke Walter Hunger, K.G., 446
- Tippler, Wagon, Back and Henkel, 796
- Tips and Holders, “Throw-Away” Tool, Sandvik Steel Works Co., Ltd., 273
- Tjbrn Bridge, Construction, 148
- Tokai Mura Nuclear Power Station, Fuel. Japan, 436
- Too Limited a Space Policy ? (Leading Article, 328)
- Tool Collet Equipment, Machine, F. Burnerd and Co., Ltd., 106
- Die Grinding, B.U. Morris Ltd., 603 Exhibition, international Machine, 1043 Industry, British Machine, A. Albu, 161 Industry Inquiry, Machine, 269 Orders, Mactiine, 695
- Tips and Holders, “Throw-Away”, Sandvik Steel Works Co., Ltd., 273
- Tools, British Machine, Alfred Herbert Ltd., 695
- Cutting, (Patent, 1089)
- Hand, J. Stead and Co., Ltd., 534 Machine, (Patents, 207, 325, 373, 669, 1089) Report on Machine, (Leading Article, 924) Reports on Machine, 232
- Under Fire, Machine, (Leading Article, 42) Totally-enclosed Fan-cooled Induction Motor,
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 561 Fan-cooled Motor, English Electric Co,,
- Ltd., 561
- Fan-Cooled Motors, Higgs Motors Ltd., 480 Fan-cooled Motors, New Ranges, A.E.I.
- Ltd., Crompton Parkinson Ltd., English Electric Co., Ltd., 102
- Touchy, Is the M.T.T.A. ? (Leading Article, 211) Toughened Polystyrene Moulding Materials, (B.S.I., 133)
- Polystyrene for Sheet Extrusion, (B.S.I., 973) Tour of U.S. Roads, Study, Cement and Concrete Association, 395
- Tower Crane, H. Liebherr, 795
- Crane, Large, George Cohen “600” Group Ltd., 476
- Crane, Self-Erecting, George Cohen, Sons and
- Co., Ltd., 272
- Dortmund, 34
- Draw-Off, at Tryweryn Reservoir, 399 Multi-Channel Cooling, Thermotank Ltd., 358 Water Cooling, Midland Heating and Ventilation Co., Ltd., 310
- Town Gas Drying by Refrigeration, W. C- Holmes and Co., Ltd., 828
- Towns, Factories in the New, 986
- Toxic Substances in Factory Atmospheres, 695 Track Improvements on S.A. Railways, 87’9 Recording Trolleys, 880
- Tracks, Use of Rubber in Railway, 314
- Traction, Advanced Studies in Electric, (Leading
- Article, 844)
- Batteries, Chloride Batteries Ltd., 691
- Battery Chargers, Oldham and Son, Ltd., 872 Electric, (Patents, 207, 453, 629, 705, 881, 921, 1033)
- Rectifiers in Low Temperatures, 452 System, Safety Tests of 25kV, 398
- Tractor, Bray Construction Co., Ltd., Plate 8,
- 8.1.60
- 850 “Implematic”, David Brown Corporation,
- 309
- Factory at Basildon, Ford Motor Co., Ltd.,
- 793
- Heavy Duty Wheeled, Thos. W. Ward Ltd.,
- 693
- Industrial, Massey Ferguson Ltd., 739 96-h.p. Heavy Duty, Bray Construction
- Equipment Co., Ltd., 739
- “702 Yellow Equipment”, Massey-Ferguson
- Ltd., Plate 8, 8.1.60
- “Triple D”, Ernest Doe and Sons, Ltd., Plate 8, 8.1.60
- Trade Association, European Free, 30 Outlook, World, 620 Overseas, 198, 363, 485, 948 Union Membership, 68
- Volume, 915
- Trades Examination Board, Radio, Report for the Year, 191
- Union Congress, The F.B.I. and the Chancellor, 402; (Leading Article, 377)
- Tradition versus Technology, 579
- Traffic Control Computer, Air, Ferranti Ltd.,
- 747 ; Air, General Precision Incorporated, 872
- Control, Data Handling in Air, 638
- Control, Road, (Patent, 245)
- Engineering Journal, (752)
- Engineering in London, (Leading Article,
- 83) ; A. J. H. Clayton, (Letter, 304) Engineering, Status, (Leading Article, 803) Lanes for the Sydney Harbour Bridge, Addi
- tional, 357
- Planning in Hamburg, 991
- Planning and Tramways, B. J. Prigmore,
- (Letter, 1064) Policemen, Luminous, 73 Signal Equipment, A.E.B., 583 Signal Time-Setting, 563 Signalling, (Patent, 705) Signals, Vehicle-Actuated, 478
- Trailer Axle, Rubery Owen and Co., Ltd., 962 Four-wheel, Draize S.A., 581 Heavy, Martin Fiala, K.G., 72
- Train Control, Automatic, (Patent, 589) Describer Developments, 438
- Training, Apprentice, 659
- Centre, National Foundry, 915
- and Education in Electricity Supply, 64 Industrial, 444
- Industrial, First Report of Council, 239 in Industry, Operator, W. Douglas Seymour, (Review, 684)
- in Radiological Health and Safety, 770
- Week, Commonwealth Technical, 269
- Trains, Lightweight Diesel, A. H. Sommer, (Letter, 96)
- Radio Telephones, 306
- Tramcar, V. E. B. Waggonbau Gotha, 487 Tramways and Traffic Planning, B. J. Prigmore, (Letter, 1064)
- Transatlantic Liner “France”, Launch, Com- pagne General Transatlantique, 869
- Transducer System, Capacitive, Racal Instruments Ltd., 532
- Transfer Drilling Machine, Brooke Tool Manufacturing Co., Ltd., 1055
- Line, Fully-Automatic, V. E. B. Werkzeug- maschinenfabrik Vogtiand, 446
- Machine for Exhaust Manifolds, Cross Suttle, Cross Co., 840
- Machine, Fourteen-station In-line, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047
- Machine for Power Steering Pump Housings, Buhr Machine Tool Co., 284
- Machine for V-6 and V-12 Engine Blocks,
- Common, Cross Company, 799
- Machining of Die-Cast Cylinder Head, Buhr
- Machine Tool Company, 371
- Pressure Drop in a Duct with Heat, J. S. Turton, 902
- Transformer Tests, Generator Plant for. Hackbridge and Hewittic Electric Co., Ltd., 1 39 Moulded Current, Crompton Parkinson Ltd., 646
- Transforms for Electronic Engineers, Laplace, James G. Holbrook, (Review, 508)
- Transistor Circuits, K. W. Cattermole, (Review, 429)
- Oscillator, Capsule containing 400kc/s, Solar- tron Electronic Group Ltd., 933
- Vibration Meter, Dawe Instruments Ltd., 578 Transistorised Analogue Frequency Meter, Venner Electronics Ltd., 192
- Control System, “Simatic”, Siemens, 796 Radio Telemetering System, B.I.C.E.R.A., 852
- Temperature Controller, Fielden Electronics Ltd., 28 ; Heating Investments Ltd., 775
- Transistors in Discharge Lamp Circuits, General Electric Co., Ltd., 137
- Transition, Demonstration of Flow, Q.V.F. Ltd., 308
- to Jet Lift, Short S.C.l, 658
- Transmission Facilities, Data, 619
- Power, (Patent, 285)
- Transmitters, h.f. and l.f., Marconi’s Wireless Telegraph Co., Ltd., Plate 12, 1.1.60 Marine Radio, A.E.I. (Woolwich) Ltd., 237 Marine Single-Sideband, Marconi International Marine Communication Co., Ltd., 750
- “Streamline 5” Television, Pye Ltd., Plate 12,
- 1.1.60
- Transonic Wind Tunnel, Dutch, 661 Trans-Pacific Telephone Cable, 306
- Transport, Advising on British, (Leading Article, 672)
- Commission’s Advisory Group, 659 and Communications Museum, 697 Electric Road, H. W. Heyman, 193 Future of Road, A. Enticknap, 715 of Liquid Methane, Sea, John J. McMullen, 213
- Transportable Digital Computer, 694
- Transportation by Sea, Methane, E. C. B. Corlett and J. F. Leathard, 643
- Transporter, Bulk Flour, Blaw Knox Ltd., 442 Cargo, for “Canberra”, Carron Co., 100 for Motor Cars, Rail, Newton Chambers and Co., Ltd., (752)
- for Railway Wagons, Road, Rheinstahl Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf A.G., 835
- Transport’s “Changing Scene”, Sir John Ben- stead, 239
- Transvaal Railway Line Improvement, 275 Transverse Strength of Single Hulled Ships, 1. M. Yuille and L. B. Wilson, 686
- Travelling Crane, Rubber-Tyred, Michelin Tyre Co., Ltd., 771
- Wave Solid-State Amplifier Using Tunnel Diodes, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 588 Trawlers, Distant and New Water, Hawker Siddeley Group. 864
- Treating Stainless Steels, Bell Furnaces, G.W.B. Furnaces Ltd., 359
- Treatment of Aluminium, Surface, The Walter- isation Co., Ltd., 791
- for Concrete Formwork, Surface, Stuart B. Dickens, Ltd., 397
- Eft'luent and Water, Exhibition, 533 ; (Leading Article, 845)
- of Injuries in Factories, 68
- Installation, Automatic Heat, A.E.I.-Birlec Ltd., 1018
- of Iron and Steel for Protection Against Corrosion, Phosphate, (B.S.I., 567)
- Plant in a Leicestershire Quarry, Comprehensive Stone, 471
- Plant for Rollers, Continuous Heat, Electric Resistance Furnace Co., Ltd., 233
- Trends, Industrial, 312, 1025
- Trevithick Addenda, Some, T. R. Harris, 299 Trial Trips and Launches, 156, 208, 484, 537, 578, 658, 750, 792, 831, 872, 914, 985, 1080
- Trials, Locomotive Coal, E. C. Poultney, 462 ; A. C. Sterndale, (Letter, 866)
- Symposium on Ship, 683
- “TRIGA” Nuclear Reactors, Vickers-Arm- strongs Ltd., 191
- Trockner und Trocknungsverfahren, K. Kroll, (Review, 260)
- Trolleys, Track Recording, 880
- Tropospheric Scatter Terminal at Nassau, Standard Telephone and Cables Ltd., 196
- Trip Amplifier for Nuclear Reactor Protection, Temperature, Ultra Electronics Ltd., 909
- Troubles, Detergent, (Leading Article, 708) Truck, Aluminium Alloy Coal, Evans Deakin and Co., 988
- Fork Lift, N.V. Maschinefabriek Thole, 370 High Level Tipping, Fahrzeugwerke Walter Hunger, K.G., 446
- Large Tipper, Bennes Marrel, 150
- Mounted Crane, Tunny Cranes Ltd., 739 Pedestrian Controlled Fork Lift, Sheepbridge Equipment Ltd., 739
- 6000-lb. Fork, Conveyancer Fork Trucks Ltd., 739
- Trunk Dialling at Evesham, Subscriber, 102 Trunnion Machine for Air Brake Components, Automatic, Cross Company, 491
- Tryweryn Reservoir, Draw-Off Tower, 399
- Tube Bending Lathe, V. E. B. Maschinenfabrik John Schehr, 487
- Cold Bending Machine, Embassy Machine and Tool Co., Ltd., 318
- Cutting Machine, Eyring and Scheelke, 452 Cutting and Screwing Machine, Automatic, Ruhrstahl A.G., 544
- Direct-Viewing Storage, Mullard Ltd., 932 Elements for Steam Raising Units, Vacuum Testing, M. S. Hayward, 732
- Low-Filtration X-Ray, C. H. F, Muller, 281 Making Plant, (Patent, 761)
- Making, Tube Investments Ltd., 962 Manufacture, (Patent, 1090)
- Mill, Dalmine Continuous, Dalmine S.p.A,, 36
- Mill, Sandviken Extrusion, Sandvik Steel Works, 953
- Television, and Radio Valve Factory, Mullard Ltd., 390
- Vidicon Camera, E.M.L Electronics, Ltd., 134 Tubes, (Patent, 801)
- and Bars, Straightening Machine, Sir James Farmer, Norton and Co., Ltd., 1054
- Corrosion of Boiler, G. Butler and H. C. K. Ison, 29
- T.U.C. and a Shorter Working Week, 30
- Tug, “Charles Hearn”, Henry Robb Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- Pusher, “Olivier van Noort”, 33
- Rescue and Salvage, “Jantar”, Charles Hill and Sons, Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Stackgarth”, Richard Dunston Ltd., Plate 10, 8.1.60
- “Sun XXI”, Philip and Son, Ltd., Plate 10,
- 8.1.60
- Tugs, Radio-Controlled, Thames Steam Tug and Lighterage Co., Ltd., 309
- Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine,
- Automatic, Sciaky Brothers, 800
- Tunnel Diodes, Standard Telephones and Cables Ltd., 99
- Dutch Transonic Wind, 661
- Tests on Ship Models, Wind, K. D. A. Shearer and W. M. Lynn, 308
- Channel Tunnel, (Leading Article, 707) ;
- M. A. Cameron, (Letter, 778) ; Report, 718 Experimental Underground Tunnel, 267 Self-Induced Ventilation of Road Tunnels,
- C. Gurney and L. H. Butler, 1069 Snowy Mountains Diversion Tunnel, 988 Tunnel or Bridge ? J. R. Edisbury, (Letter, 778)
- Turbine Bearing Corrosion, Wakefield-Dick Industrial Oils Ltd., 943
- Flowmeter, de Havilland Propellers Ltd., 656 Gear Hobber “M.H.140”; Gear Hobber
- “P.H.30”, David Brown Co., Ltd., 1043
- Helicopters, Shaft, Westland Aircraft Ltd,, 124
- Laboratory at Kristineham, Water, 875 Pump Investigations, R. A, Strub, 343 Turbines, Gas, (Patent, 285) Turbo-Alternator, Blast-Furnace-Gas, Brown
- Boveri, 398
- at Stepney, Quick Starting of 34MW, F. E. A.
- Rea, P. R. Caister and S. W. T. Brock, 521 Turbo-charged Engine, 70 L.B.D. “S”, William Doxford and Sons (Engineers) Ltd,, 58 Turbo-Electric Propulsion Machinery for the “Canberra”, Associated Electrical Industries (Rugby) Ltd., 397
- Turbo-Generator, Steam, 200MW, English Electric Co,, Ltd., Plate 6, 8.1.60
- Turbo Jet, By-Pass, Rolls-Royce R.B. 141, (31) Turning and Facing Machine, Portable Flange,
- David Reekie and Sons, Ltd., 310
- Lathe, Roll, Drummond-Asquith Ltd., 1047 Machine, Roll, George Swift and Sons, Ltd., 1048
- Turret Lathes, No. 7, H. W. Ward and Co., Ltd., 1044
- Press, Automatic. Control of a Wiedmann, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 1041
- Twist Drills, (B.S.I., 501)
- Drills, Spiral Point, Charles Churchill and Co., Ltd., 401
- Type-Printing Telegraph, 1860, 593
- Tyre Testing Dynamometer, GoodYear Tyre and Rubber Co., 930
- Tyres, Construction and Behaviour Characteristics, T. French, 253
- Uganda, Industrial Power Consumption, 1081 Ultrasonic Cleaning, Metal Degreasing Plants, Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., 576 Flowmeter, B.S.l.R.A,, 134
- Un-Settlement, Railway, (Leading Article, 287) Under Fire, Machine Tools, (Leading Article, 42)
- Underground Railway, Lisbon, 99
- Railway, Metropolitan, 1860, 211
- Tunnel, Experimental, London Transport, 267 Underpass, Hook Road, 301, (Leading Article, 289)
- Undertakings of the World, Electricity, (Review, 389)
- Underwater Concreting at Angle Bay Jetty, 612 Echo-Ranging, D. G. Tucker, 107 Structures, Anti-Fouling System, Charlton Weddle and Co., Ltd., 484
- Unemployment, 198, 402, 579, 751, 948
- Uniform Procedure for Use in the Evaluation of Nuclear Power Reactors, America, 243
- United Kingdom Exports, 659
- Universal Beams, Handbook, (Review, 569) and Broad Flange Beams, and Column Sections, (B.S.L, 133)
- Loader, Institut fiir Fbrdertechnik, 487
- Universities, Parents, and Awards to Students, (Leading Article, 1001)
- Unloaded and Loaded Ebonite for General Purposes, (B.S.I., 172)
- Unotticial Strikes, 915 ; Sir A. Harold Bibby, Bt., 109
- Unusual Repair of “Live” Sewers, H. N. Edwards and Partners Ltd,, 193
- Upminster Depot, London fransport, 22
- Upstroking Hydraulic Presses, William Jones Ltd., 144
- Urnan Roads in Cologne, 280
- Use of Resistance Strain Gauges, K. G. Mantle and E. Procter, 527
- of Rubber in Railway Tracks, 314
- of Structural Steel in Building, (B.S.L, 429) U.S.S.R,, Sugar Beet Factories, 68
- Swedish Mine Hoists, A.S.E.A., 151
- Utilisation, Improved Material, (Review, 429) Utrecht Technical Spring Fair, 488
- Vacuum Furnace, Vacuum Industrial Appliances Ltd,, and The General Electric Co., Ltd., 944
- Gauges, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd.^ 617
- Pumping Set, N.G.N. Electrical Ltd., 309
- Testing of Tube Elements for Steam Raising Units, M. S. Hayward, 732
- Vaiont Dam, 35 ; Plate 7, 1.1.60
- Valley Road, Wales, Heads, 234
- Value of D.S.I.R. Research, Industrial, (Leading Article, 709) ; No. 1, 710, 766
- Valve. Gate, Vereinigte Armaturen-Gesellschaft M.b.H., 835
- Pneumatically-Controlled Air Supply, Ozonair Engineering Co., Ltd., 534
- Positioner. All-Electric, Evershed and Vignoles Ltd., 934
- Radio, and Television Tube Factory, Mullard Ltd., 390
- Rotary Discharge, Dunford and Elliott Process Engineering Ltd., 482
- Seals, Metallic, U.K.A.E.A., 829 Shields, Heat-Dissipating, Casemakers 397
- Valves, (Patent, 245)
- Alloy Plug, Langley Alloys Ltd., (486)
- Control, British Area Regulators Ltd., 914 Mechanical Packings, Crane Packings Ltd., 788
- Multi-Bank Hydraulic Control, Joseph Young and Sons, Ltd., 269
- Multi-Purpose Globe, Bells Asbestos and Engineering Ltd., 694
- for the Petroleum Industry, (B.S.L, 1090) Van de Graaf Particle Accelerators, 12 MeV/ Tandem. 412
- Variable Gain D.C. Amplifier, Feedback Ltd., 272
- Speed A.C. Drives, Recovery of Slip Power, General Electric Co., Ltd., 529
- Speed Gears, Allspeeds Ltd., 739
- Speed Motor, Brunt Variable Speed Motors Ltd., 646
- Vector Dimensional Analysis, P. D. Richardson, (Letter, 866)
- Vehicle-Actuated Traffic Signals, E. Thorpe, 478
- of Integral Construction, Commercial, Com- mer Cars Ltd,, 67
- Production in Holland, Motor, 1083 Road-Rail Freight, Pressed Steel Co., 142 Servicing Depot, Rootes Ltd., 575
- Vehicles, (Patent, 493)
- A.C. Generator for Motor, Joseph Lucas Ltd., 439
- Battery-Electric, Electric Vehicle
- of Great Britain Ltd., 613 Motor, (Patents, 117, 155, 629) Railway, (Patent, 207) Speedometers and Odometers
- (B.S.L, 819)
- Ventilating and Heating Research
- 652
- Ventilation of Road Tunnels, Self-Induced, C. Gurney and L. H. Butler, 1069
- Verein Deutscher Ingenieure, Annual Meeting, 837
- Vermiculite, Fire-Protection of Structural Steel, 103, 143; (Leading Article, 120)
- Its Present and Potential Value to Engineers, Duncan A. Black, 1015
- Vertical Gear Generator, W. E. Sykes Ltd., 1049 Milling Machine, J. Parkinson and Son (Shipley) Ltd., 1055
- Milling Machine, V. E. B. Fritz-Heckel- Werk, 446
- Water-Tube Boiler, Redheugh De Poray Boilers Ltd., 822
- Very Last Steam Locomotive, (Leading Article, 495)
- Vessel Ends, Large Spun Aluminium Pressure, G. A. Harvey and Co. (London) Ltd., 236 Vesuvius, Extinction, 1860, 159
- Viaduct, Kettig, German Route B9, 242 Vibrating Feeder, Mechanical, Vimec Equipment Ltd., 739 _ _
- Vibration
- 790
- Meter,
- 578 Vibratory
- Ltd., (31)
- Finishing Machines, Hepburn Conveyor Co., Ltd., 747
- Vidicon Camera Tube, E.M.I. Electronics Ltd., 134
- Viscometer, Ferranti Ltd., 853 _ _
- Flow Recorder for Cone
- Ltd., 748
- for Lubricating Oils,
- Developments Ltd., 142
- Viscosimetre Balistique, F.
- 261)
- Viscosity Controller, Smiths Industrial Instruments Ltd., 619
- Visual Measurement During Precision Spool Grinding, Sperry Gyroscope Co., Ltd., 483
- V-Notch Impact Test, Charpy, (B.S.L, 172) Vodo Dam, 35
- Voice-Frequency Intertripping System, The English Electric Co., Ltd., 750
- Voltage Control, Static Equipment for Automatic, Brush Electrical Engineering Co. Ltd., 645
- Controlled Overcurrent Relay, English Electric Co., Ltd., 107
- Regulator, (Patent, 245)
- Testing, Impulse, W. G. Hawley, (Review, 651)
- Volume of Trade, 915
- Vulcanised Rubber, Testing, (B.S.I., 973)
- Wage Claims, Apprentices, 873, 1081
- Wages and Hours, 68, 198, 444, 793, 915
- Hours and Costs, 274
- and Hours, Shipbuilding, 239 Railway, 109; (Leading Article,
- Shipyard Labourers, 1081
- Wagon Emptying Grab, Michael Ltd., (752) •
- Marshalling Yard, Ripple Lane,
- Road Transporter for Railway, Rheinstahl
- Siegener Eisenbahnbedarf A.G., 835
- Tippler, Beck and Henkel, 796
- Wakefield Memorial Lecture, G. Eyston, 827 Wales, Heads of the Valley Road, 234
- Wall Map, Oil, (31)
- Walton South Reservoir, 11
- Warehouse Dispensing, Automatic, Solartron- John Brown Automation Ltd., 689
- Warm Effluent in Coastal Waters, Dispersal, A. W, Wyness, 349
- Warning System, Factory Fire, Sound Diffusion (Auto-Thermic) Ltd., 196
- Warship U.S.S. “Long Beach”, 75
- Waste, Sea Disposal of Radioactive, 1085
- Watches Bearing Strontium-90, Recovery, 492 Water Cooled Engines, Corrosion-Inhibited
- Ethanediol, (B.S.I., 172)
- Cooled Flameproof Motor, Newman Industries Ltd., 600
- Cooler, Multi Purpose, 622
- Cooling Towers, Midland Heating and Ventilation Co., Ltd., 310
- Locating Electric Cables Under, E. C. Wadlow, 524
- Pressure and Friction Engines, 1860, 377
- Separators, Specification and Testing of Filters and, L. R. Beynon and R. W. Cranston, 331
- Artificial Recharge of Aquifers, E. S. Boniface 106
- Augmentation of the Hong Kong Water Supply, 1059
- Automatic Water Systems, Firth Cleveland Pumps Ltd., 872
- Control of Water Resources, (Leading Article, 884)
- Derwent Reservoir, 266
- Draw-Olf Tower at Tryweryn Reservoir, 399 Effluent and Water Treatment Exhibition, 533, (Leading Article, 845)
- Land Irrigation and Water Supply, (Leading Article, 1035)
- Malpasset Dam, Preliminary Report, 812
- Metropolitan Water Board : New Works in 1959, 141
- Pressure Water Supply Equipment, James Beresford and Son, Ltd., 237
- Surface Water Year Book of Great Britain, 1957-58, (Report, 467)
- Walton South Reservoir, 11
- Water Purification, (Patent, 761)
- Water Treatment at Willington “A”
- Station, Instrumented, 692
- Tube Boiler, Vertical, Redheugh De
- Boilers Ltd., 822
- Turbine Laboratory at Kristinehamn,
- Waters, Dispersal of Warm Effluent in Coastal, A. W. Wyness, 349
- Watersealing Device for Joints in Concrete, Split, Tretol-Servicisel Ltd., 537
- Waves, Modulator with Germanium Diodes for Millimetric, 492
- Wax Investment Casting, Dimensional Aspects of Lost, R. Taylo!’ and N. Mason, 851
- Wear and Friction, Robert Davies, (Review, 132)
- Webbing Freight Nets, Woven, Thomas French and Sons, Ltd., (219)
- Week, Shortening the Working, 109
- T.U.C. and a Shorter Working, 30 Weighing Equipment for Aerial Ropeway Skips,
- Adequate Weighers Ltd., 481
- A.C. Welding Set, Mobile, Welding Industrie.s Ltd., (31)
- Automatic Tungsten Inert Gas Fusion Welding Machine, Sciaky Brothers, 800 Welding Installation, Etablissements Neypric, 281
- Berechnen und Entwerfen der Schweisskon- struktionen, P. Schimpke, H. A. Horn and J. Ruge, (Review, 819)
- Design of Welded Pipe Fittings, P. H. R. Lane and R. T. Rose, (Review, 305)
- Dimensions of Hose Connections for Welding Cutting Equipment, (B.S.L, 819)
- Electrodes, Stubs Welding Ltd., 825
- Equipment for Eye, Face and Neck Protection Against Radiation Arising During Welding and Similar Operations, (B.S.L, 1090)
- Fatigue of Welded Structures, (31)
- Filler Rods and Wires for Inert Gas Arc Welding, (B.S.I., 973)
- Filters for Use During Welding, (B.S.L, 567)
- Linear Accelerator, 4MeV, for Radiographic Examination of Welds, Mullard Equipment Ltd., 65.7
- Long Welded Rails, T, Henry Turner, (Letter, 605) ; 1. G. T. Duncan and S. Wise, (Letter, 684)
- Radiant Electric Heating for Stress-Relieving a Welded Turbine Exhaust Casing, The General Electric Co., Ltd., 830
- Roll Seam Welding Machine, Electro Mechan- Heat Ltd., 482
- Synchronous Digital Control of Four-Channel Spot Welder, Sciaky Electric Welding Machines Ltd., 947
- Tank Seam Welding Machine, Rockweld Ltd., 871
- Twin-spot Welder, Brown, Boveri and Cie, 836
- Welding Alternator, 250A single-phase 427 c/s. Small Electric Motors Ltd., 600
- Control Equipment, “CRWl”, Lancashire Dynamo Electronic Products Ltd., 647
- Welfare in Industrial Communities, Social, 145
- West Riding, Study of Sites for Coal-Fired Power Station, 984
- Western Technology, A History, Friedrich
- Klemm, (Review, 428)
- Westfield, Gas Works, Plate 4, 8.1.60
- Wet Cyclone Dust Collector, Visco Engineering Co., Ltd., 533
- Wetherby By-Pass, 85
- Wheel Pairs for Locomotives and Rolling Stock, (B.S.L, 133), Erratum, 388
- Wheeled Tractor, Heavy Duty, Thos. W. Ward Ltd., 693
- Who’s Who in the Motor Industry, (Review, 305)
- Who’s Who and Shipping World Year Book, 1960, (Review, 389)
- Wide Aluminium Sheet, Continuous Casting, Hunter Engineering Co., 37
- Willington “A” Power Station, Instrumented Water Treatment, 692
- Wilnerton, Automatic Lighthouse, 276
- Winch, Electric, Heinrich Defries G.m.b.H., 837
- Wind Tunnel Tests on Ship Models, K. D. A. Shearer and W. M. Lynn, 308
- Tunnel, Transonic, Dutch, 661
- Winders, Dual-purpose Mine, in Yorkshire,
- Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 947
- Winding Equipment, Rope, (Patent, 802)
- Machine, Bench-Mounted, Westool Ltd., 105
- Windscale, Advanced Gas-Cooled Reactor, 966, 1002 ; Problems of Civil Construction and Maintenance, Stuart Sinclair, (Review, 342)
- Windward, Geometry of Sailing, T. Tanner, 688
- Winfrith, Zenith Research Reactor, 27
- Wire Works, Overhead Materials Handling, Arthur Lee and Sons, Ltd., 103
- Wires and Rods, Fillers, for Inert Gas Arc Welding, (B.S.L, 973) Thermocouple, Research and Control Instruments Ltd., 479
- Wolverhampton and District Engineering Society, British Participation in Space Research, 124
- Woodgate Works, Aluminium Strip Mill, Birmetals Ltd., 681
- Work Abroad, British Construction, 68 Constructional, 444, 1025 of Engineering Construction, 538 Loading or Programming Charts, New Industrial Charting and Publicity Ltd., 358 of P. L. Nervi, 665 Study, R. M. Currie, (Review, 819)
- Workability of Concrete, Measuring, J. M. Plowman, 1007
- Worked Examples in Applied Mechanics, W. C. Durney, (Review, 223)
- Workers, Older, (Leading Article, 708)
- Working Week, Shortening, 109
- Week, T.U.C. and a Shorter, 30
- Works, Abbey, The Steel Company of Wales Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60 Air Conditioning Installation at a Printing, Carter Thermal Engineering Ltd., 269
- Barrow Steel, The United Steel Companies Ltd., Plate 2, 1.1.60
- Bulk Handling and Automation at Biscuit, Carr and Co., Ltd., 1060
- Durgapur Steel, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., 55
- Durgapur Iron and Steel, Indian Steelworks Construction Co., Ltd., Plate 3, 1.1.60
- Gas, West Midlands Gas Board, Plate 4, 8.1.60
- at Kitts Green, Re-equipment of Aluminium, James Booth and Co., Ltd., 362
- Overhead Materials Handling in
- Arthur Lee and Sons, Ltd., 103 Production Control, Iron and Steel, Rebuilding and Modernisation
- Joseph Sankey and Sons, Ltd., 168 at Westfield, Gas, Plate 4, 8.1.60
- Workshop Power Equipment, Home, Revo Electric Co., Ltd., (31)
- World Power Conference, Plenary Meeting, 943 Standards for Protective Helmets, 1079 Trade Outlook, 620
- World’s Largest Television Studio, Associated RediTusion Ltd., 983
- Lighthouses Before 1820, D. Alan Stevenson, (Review, 223)
- Record in Mine Shaft Sinking, 314
- Worm Gear Jacks, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., 913
- Woven Webbing Freight Nets, Thomas French and Sons, Ltd., (219)
- Writing, Examinations in Technical, (Leading Article, 210)
- Xenon Lamp, High-Power, 1085
- X-Ray Tube, Low-Filtration, C. H. F. Muller, 281 Unit, Portable, Pantak Ltd., 440
- Yacht, Behaviour of the Sailing, H. M. Barkla, 687
- Yard, Automatic Control at Margam Marshalling, 679
- Yorkshire, Dual-purpose Mine Winders, Associated Electrical Industries Ltd., 947 London Motorway, 102
- Young People in Industry, 538
- Zenith Research Reactor at Winfrith, 27
- Zinc Alloy Die Castings, Plating, 1013
- Zone Melting of Boron, Bell Telephone Laboratories, 283
- Zurich Airport Extension, 584
See Also
Sources of Information