1913 Royal Warrants (03)
LIST of Tradesmen who hold Warrants of Appointment to His Majesty King George V., from The Lord Steward, with authority to use the Royal Arms. These Warrants do not carry the right to fly the Royal Standard, or to use the word "Royal":—[1] (See original source document for description and address of these companies.)
Pages 10-17
- G. Adam and Co
- Allen, Robert and Co
- Allsopp, Samuel and Sons
- Ambrose and Co
- Anderson, Alexander
- Anderson, John, and Sons
- Andrews and Co
- Apollinaris Co
- Arribin Zwiebackfabrik, Homborg v.d.Hohe (Gustave Arrabin)
- Atkey, Pascall and Son
- Australian Wine Co
- Ayala and Co
- Aylesbury Dairy Co
- Bailey and Co
- Baily, John and Son
- J. W. Baker
- Ballantine, George and Son
- T. J. Balls
- Barnards
- Barwell and Sons
- Bass, Ratcliff and Gretton
- G. F. Bauer
- Beal, French and Son
- Beasley, Charles
- Begg, John
- S. J. Bell and Co
- Bellamy Brothers
- Benham and Sons
- Bentley, Joseph
- J. Bernard and Son
- Berry Brothers and Co
- Bewley, Sons and Co
- M. L. Bichel
- Bigg, Thomas
- Bird, Mrs. C.
- F. Blackley
- Blaikie, John, and Sons
- B. Bolland and Sons
- J. Bollinger
- Booth's Distillery
- B. Borda and Sons
- Bovril
- Bowen, William
- Bradbury, Son and Co
- Brien, Lambert and Co
- Brooke, George F., and Son
- W. Brooks and Son
- Brown and Polson
- Brown and Son
- Brown, James
- Brown's Stores
- Brownies
- Buchanan, James, and Co
- T. W. and J. Buckenham
- Buckland and Sons
- Buckleys Brewery
- Budgen and Co
- Bull, William and Sons
- H. P. Bulmer and Co
- Burge and Co
- Burgess, John, and Son
- P. B. Burgoyne and Co
- Burne, Turner and Co
- W. and J. Burrow
- Butler, McCulloch and Co
- Cadbury, Pratt and Co
- Cairns, Alexander and Sons
- Caldwell Brothers
- A. J. Caley and Son
- Callard, Stewart and Watt
- Campbell, Hope and King, Archibald
- Canning, John and Sons
- Cantrell and Cochrane
- Carbonell and Co
- T. B. Carlin
- Carmichael, Mrs. Robert
- Carr and Co
- Carter, James, and Co
- Cartlaud, James, and Son
- Catchpole and Williams
- Cater, Stoffell and Fortt
- H. Caws and Son
- Cerebos
- Chalie, Richards, Holdsworth and Co
- Chamberlin and Smith, James
- E. Channon and Sons
- S. P. Chatterjee
- F. E. Charles
- A. Chauvet
- Child and Co
- Chivas Brothers
- Chivers and Sons
- Chrismas, Arthur G.
- Christopher and Co
- W. G. Clarke and Sons
- Clibrans
- Clicquot, Veuve, Ponsardin (Worle and Co. Successors)
- Coalport China Co. (John Rose and Co.)
- Cockburn and Co. (Leith)
- G. J. Cockerell and Co
- R. Coller and Sons
- Collier's Stores
- J. and J. Colman
- T. R. Copeland and Sons
- W. T. Copeland and Sons
- Copeman and Lacy
- Cooper, Frank
- W. Cooper and Nephews
- Corney and Barrow
- Cotton, George and Sons
- J. Coulson and Co
- Coulson, William and Sons
- Cowan, James
- H. S. Crawford
- Crosse and Blackwell
- Cullum and Co (London)
- Cutbush, William, and Son
- Dairy Supply Co
- Dambergi and Brother, Spiro
- A. B. Daniell and Sons
- Daniels Brothers
- T. Darracott
- Das, Girdhar and Hari Das
- Daukes and Co
- T. W. Davies and Son
- Davis, Richard
- Dear and Morgan De Castro and Sons
- Denis, J., Henry Mounie and Co
- J. and E. Deque
- J. A. Devenish and Co
- Devereux and Sons
- Dewar, John and Sons
- Dibben, Charles R.
- Dickson and Robinson
- Dickson and Sons, Alex
- Dickson, Brown and Tait
- Dickson, Hugh
- Dicksons and Co
- Dicksons
- Dobbie and Co
- Dobell, John and Co
- Domecq, Pedro and Peter
- Domecq and Co
- Donald, John and Co
- Donaldson, Andrew
- Duncan, Flockhart and Co
- Duncan, John, and Son
- Easson, Charles
- Eastern Counties Ice Co
- Edinburgh Milk Supply Association
- Edison and Swan United Electric Light Co
- Elijah Eyres Brewery
- Ellis and Co
- R. Ellis and Son
- Evans, Messrs
- Excelsior Dairy, Calcutta
- Express Dairy Co
- Faletti, J
- Farm Produce Co
- Farrow and Jackson
- Fell and Co. (Hexham) William
- Ferguson, Alex
- Fisher, John A. and Son
- Fison and Co., Joseph
- Fitch and Son
- Fletcher and Sons
- Floral Depot
- Fockink Wijnand
- Fontaine, Lucien
- Forbes, John (Hawick)
- J. Ford and Co
- J. C. Forder and Son
- Fortnum and Mason
- J. S. Fry and Sons
- Furniss and Co
- Garrow, Robert
- Gee and Sons
- Gibbs, Dixon and Son
- Gibson, R. and T
- Gilbertson and Page
- Gilbey, W. and A
- Gillard and Co
- Gilson
- Glover and Sons, James Wm
- Godesberger Co
- Goedecker and Moll
- Gonzalez Byass and Co
- Goodall, Backhouse and Co
- Goode, Thomas and Co
- Goodyear, Edward
- A. Gordon and Co
- Gordon, Donald
- Goslin and Co
- Goulet, Vve. George and Co
- Graham, Walter and Co
- H. Gray and Son
- Green and Son
- Green, Thomas and Son
- Greene, John and Co
- Greenhill and Co
- Grunebaum, J. and Sons
- Gunter and Co
- Haig, John and Co
- Hall and Sons
- Hamer, Edward and Co
- Hankey, Bannister and Co
- Harding, John and Son
- Harper, James and Son
- A. Harris
- Harrison Brothers, and Howson
- Hart Accumulator Co
- Harvey, John and Sons
- C. Hatch, C.
- Hatch, Mansfield, and Co
- Haward and Son
- Hawker, James and Co
- Hazell, Joseph and Co
- Hedges and Butler
- Heering, Peter F
- Heidsieck and Co
- Heidsieck, Charles
- R. Hemsley
- J. Hennessy and Co
- Herdman, John and Sons
- Hewitt and Son
- Heywood, John
- Hill, Thomson and Co
- Hogg and Robertson
- Holderness and Son
- Hooper, Struve and Co
- Hopkin, Morgan
- Huntley and Palmers
- R. Jackson and Co
- W. and R. Jacob and Co
- Jameson, John, and Son
- Jameson, Robert and Sons
- Jameson, William and Sons
- T. Jannock
- Jefferys, Ruben
- Jewesbury and Brown
- Johnson Brothers and Co
- J. H. Johnson and Co
- Johnston and Co
- Johnston, Green and Co
- Jopp, Wm., and Keith
- Joshua Brothers
- Justerini and Brooks
- Kelly's Directories
- Kelly, Thomas William and John
- Kent, George
- Kingston, Miller, and Co
- Knight, John
- Kootenay Jam Co
- Laing and Mather (incorporated with Stuart and Mein)
- Lambert and Sons
- Lanson Pere and Fils
- Lavielle, J
- Laytons
- Lea and Perrins
- Leesings
- Leftwich
- Lemann, F., and Co
- Le Riche's Stores
- Letheby and Christopher
- Liebig's Extract of Meat Co
- Lipton
- Lister, Beck and Day, Watson, Son and Watney
- Little and Ballantyne
- Locke, Walter and Co
- Lucin Dairy
- Lumsden and Gibson
- A. P. Lundberg and Sons
- Lupton, John
- Lusty, John
- Lyle, Abram and Sons
- J. Lyle and Co
- J. Lyons and Co
- Macfarlane, Lang and Co
- Mackenzie and Moncur
- Mackie and Co Distillers
- J. W. Mackie and Sons
- Macvitties, Guest and Co
- McCabes
- McDonogh and Co
- McGredy, Samuel, and Son
- McVitie and Price
- M'Clusky Maguire and Gatchell
- P. Mangan
- Manlove, Alliott and Co]]
- Manor Mill Laundry Co
- Mansell, Hunt, Catty and Co
- Marshall and Snelgrove
- J. E. Mason
- Melrose, Andrew and Co
- Meredith and Drew and Wright and Son
- Methven, Thomas and Sons
- Mew, W. B. Langton and Co
- Miller and Sons
- Mitchell and Muil
- Mitchell and Son
- Mitchell, George
- Mitchell, John
- Moet and Chandon
- Moir, John and Son
- Molassine Co
- Moore, Stanislaus
- Morecroft, Hiram
- Morel Brothers, Cobbett and Sons
- Morgan, John and Sons
- Mortlocks
- Mumby, Charles, and Co
- G. S. Mumford and Sons
- G. H. Mumm and Co
- Musk, James and Co
- Odams Manure and Chemical Co
- Ogilvie Flour Mills Co
- Orr, William
- F. and C. Osler
- Overtoil, Horace
- Oxley and Son
- J. W. Parker and Son
- Pasquali Cigarette Co
- Paul, Wm. and Son, Waltham Cross
- Payne, Randolph and Sons
- T. Pecnaux
- Pegler, George and Co
- Peliti, Frederico Perrier
- Perrier-Jouet and Co
- Perry, Robert, and Sons
- H. Peters and Son
- Pettifer, Stephen and Sons
- Phillips's
- H. G. Playford
- Plowright, Pratt and Harbage
- Pommery Fils and Co
- D. Pool
- Potter, Frank P.
- Powell and Sons
- Powell, Turner and Co
- Power, John and Son
- Pugh and Co
- Pulham and Son
- F. J. Radford
- Radnor Water Co
- Ramsay, Charles and Son
- J. Rands and Jeckell
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies
- H. D. Rawlings
- Reid, Benjamin and Co
- Restano, John and Francis
- Riddle, Alex, and Co
- Rivero, Senor Don Joaquin M
- Roberton, Nathaniel
- Roberts and Co
- Roberts and Sons
- Roberts, Henry
- Robertson, J. C., Mrs
- Roederer, Louis
- Roger, Pol and Co
- Rogers and Cook
- Romary
- Rosbach
- Rowntree and Co
- J. Rubie and Son
- Rutherford and Kay St. James's Dairy
- Sams and Co
- Sandeman, Geo. G., Sons and Co
- Sander and Sons
- Sankey, Richard and Son
- Sara and Goodfellow
- H. L. Savory and Co
- Scherrer, Emil Frederick
- Schweppes
- H. Scott and Sons
- Scrubb and Co
- Shanks, Alexander and Son
- Sheehan, Daniel St. John
- Shingleton Ice Co
- Shin-as, Laing and Co
- Siegert
- Silva and Cosens
- Slater and Cooke
- Slater, James and Co. (Engineers)
- Smethurst and Co
- Smith, Alexander
- Smith, Charles Winlove
- Smith, H. Allen
- Smith, Tom and Co
- Solomon, Israel
- Solomon, Lewis
- Southwell, Charles and Co
- Spiking and Co
- Spink and Son
- Spongy Iron Filter Co
- Squire, Frederick, and Sons
- Stearn Brothers
- Stevens. Thos Confectionery
- Stevenson, Taylor and Co., R;
- J. H. Stone
- Sutton and Sons
- Swan
- Thomas, Hawtin
- Tanqueray, George and Co
- Tansley, William
- Taylor, Humphrey and Co
- Thompson, D'Olier and Co
- J. G. Thomson and Co
- Thorley, Joseph
- Thornton, James
- A. and R. Thwaites and Co
- Titt and Son
- W. T. Tonkyn and Son
- Toogood and Sons
- R. Toomer and Co
- Troup, Alexander
- Tucker, Francis and Co
- Tulland Son
- E. V. Tull
- Turner, Charles
- Twining, Richard and Co
- Vallijec, Allibhoy and Sons
- Veitch, James and Son
- W. Vernon and Sons
- Vickers, Joseph and John and Co
- F. S. Vine
- Walker, Hiram and Sons
- T. Wall and Sons
- Wallace, Thomas F., and Co
- Waring Brothers
- Warrington and Co
- Wasley, George
- Wasley, Robert Roger
- Waterloo Mills Cake and Warehousing Co
- Watkins, Jameson, Pirn and
- Watney, Coombe, Reid and Co
- Webb and Sons, Edward
- Welford and Sons
- Wellman Brothers and Co
- Westburn Sugar Refineries
- White, Robert
- Whitfield, Charles
- Whyte and Sons
- Wigginton, Robert
- G. E. and W. Wike
- Wilkin and Sons
- Williams, Wm. and Sons
- Willis and Son
- Wills and Segar
- Wilmer and Sons
- Wilson and Smith
- C. Wilson and Sons
- Wilson, James
- Wilson's, John, Successors
- Wilton, Frank
- H. Wise and Co
- Wood Brothers
- Wood, William, and Son
- Woodford, Bourne and Co
- Woolley and Cowley
- Worthington and Co
- F. L. Wutzler
See Also
Sources of Information