1970 Royal Warrants (01)
ROYAL WARRANTS OF APPOINTMENT TO HER MAJESTY QUEEN ELIZABETH II DEPARTMENT OF HER MAJESTY'S PRIVY PURSE. LIST of Tradesmen in the Department of Her Majesty's Privy Purse permitted to style themselves "By Appointment to Her Majesty The Queen" or "By Appointment to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II" and entitling them to display the Royal Arms, but not to fly the Royal Standard. The word "Royal" should not be used without first advising the Secretary, Royal Household Tradesmen's Warrants Committee
Pages 55-59
- Allan, James and Son
- Allen and Neale (Chemists)
- Allflatt, Chas. D.
- Allied Ironfounders
- Allis-Chalmers Great Britain
- Alvan Blanch Development Co
- Amies, Hardy
- Anderson, William and Sons
- Archibald, James L. and Sons
- Army and Navy Stores
- Ashton and Mitchell
- Ashwell and Nesbit
- Asprey and Co
- Associated Portland Cement Manufacturers
- Bamfords
- Barclay, Ross and Hutchison
- Barkers and Lee Smith
- Bateman, James R. and Co
- Beaufort (Air-Sea) Equipment
- Beeston Boiler Co
- Belling and Co
- R. S. Bennett and Co
- Bentley, Joseph
- J. Bibby Agriculture
- Billings and Edmonds
- W. J. Boddy and Son
- Boots Farm Sales
- Boots Pure Drug Co
- Bowater Packaging
- A. J. Bowker
- Brintons
- British Legion Poppy Factory
- British Lighting Industries
- British Oil and Cake Mills
- British Overhead Irrigation
- British Paints
- Britmac Electrical Co
- Brown, David Tractors
- Buckley, Anthony
- Bunning, Harry H.
- Burberrys
- Burroughs Machines
- Caleys (Cole Brothers
- Caiman Links (Trading)
- Calor Gas (Distributing) Co
- Camper and Nicholsons
- D. W. H. Cargill (Potatoes)
- Carrington and Co
- Carters Tested Seeds
- Cartier
- J. and J. Cash
- Cassie, William C.
- J. W. Chafer
- Charrington, Gardner, Locket (London)
- Chubb and Sons Lock and Safe Co
- A. A. Clark
- S. Clarke and Co
- C. and C. Coe (Bircham)
- Cole and Son (Wallpapers)
- Collingwood of Conduit Street
- Comb-Pluckers
- Cooper, McDougall and Robertson
- Cory Brothers (Hospital Contracts Co)
- Cox, Harold Crane
- Crendon Concrete Co
- Crompton Parkinson
- Culpin, Dick
- Cyclax
- Dairy Supply Co
- Danarm
- Darby (Nursery Stock)
- Dawber, Townsley and Co
- Day, Son and Hewitt
- De Cleene, Eric T.
- Deere, John
- Dennis Brothers
- Dennison Manufacturing Co
- P. W. Dilloway
- Dobbie and Co
- Dodman, Alfred and Co
- Domestic Electric Rentals
- Drake and Fletcher
- Driscoll
- Duncton Quarrying Co
- Dunhill, Alfred
- Dynatron Radio
- Eastern Counties Farmers
- R. C. Edmondson
- Elliott, Thomas
- Elsoms (Spalding)
- Emile et Cie (London)
- Express Dairy Co (London)
- Express Lift Co
- Falks
- Farman and Son
- Fine Art Engravers
- Fisons (Fertilizer Division)
- Forces Help Society and Lord Roberts Workshops
- A. E. Fountain and Sons
- Gallyon and Sons
- Gait, James and Co
- P. Garford.
- Gascoignes (Reading)
- Gaybird
- General Trading Co
- J. Gibbs
- D. Gilbert and Son
- Gilbertson and Page
- Gilliam and Co
- Gillman and Spencer
- W. T. Glover and Co
- Gordon, James
- Gourock Ropework Co
- J. W. Gray and Son
- Grims, Andrew
- Hadleigh-Crowther
- Hall, Alexander and Son (Builders)
- Hall, Leslie
- Hamilton and Co Private
- Hamley Brothers
- R. G. Hardie and Co
- Hardy Brothers
- Hardy, John G.
- Harringtons (London)
- L.G. Harris and Co
- Harrison and Wilson
- A. J. Harrold and Co
- Hartnell, Norman
- Hatchards
- W. Hayford and Sons
- Hayters
- Haythornthwaite and Sons
- Heaton, Wallace
- Hill Construction Co (Engineers)
- Hollins, William, and Co
- Horrockses Fashions
- Houseman and Thompson
- Howard Rotavator Co
- Humber Fishing and Fish Manure Co
- Hurst Gunson Cooper Taber
- James and Son (Grain Merchants)
- Jarrolds (Sloane Street)
- Jermyn and Sons
- C. John
- Johnson Brothers (Hanley)
- Johnson, Herbert (Bond Street)
- L. F. Jollye
- Kagan Textiles
- King, John K. and Sons
- Knapp, Drewett and Sons
- Knight, Peter (Beaconsfield)
- Knight, Peter (Esher)
- Kodak
- Laing and Mather
- Lambert, James and Sons
- W. E. Langton
- Latham, James
- S. Launer and Co (London)
- R. G. Lawrie
- Lewmar Marine
- Leyland Motors
- Lilliman and Cox
- Lillywhites
- Lincolnshire Drainage Co
- Liner Concrete Machinery Co
- A. G. Linfield
- R. A. Lister and Co
- London Brick Co
- E. C. Longmate
- F. C. Lowe and Son
- Mann Egerton (Johnsons)
- Mappin and Webb
- Marley Buildings (Guildford)
- Marley Tile Co
- Massey-Ferguson (United Kingdom)
- Matthews, Frank P.
- Merryweather and Sons
- Meyer and Mortimer
- Midland-Yorkshire Tar Distillers
- Mirman, Simone
- Mobil Oil Co
- W. Moir
- Moreton Nurseries
- Morgan, John and Sons (Cowes and Southampton)
- Murkett Brothers
- Murphy Chemical Co
- Paragon China
- Paris House
- Parker Pen Co
- Pascall, Atkey and Son
- C. Patman
- Pattrick and Thompsons
- Pauls and Whites Foods
- Perkins Engines
- Perry Heating Appliances
- Pettifer, Thomas and Co
- Philip and Tacey
- Phillips, Scott and Turner Co
- Pickfords Shipping and Forwarding Co
- Pilkington Brothers
- H. H. Plante
- Plowright, Pratt and Harbage
- J. B. Powell and Son
- J. P. Pratt and Son (Eton)
- Prestcold
- H. E. Pringle
- J. Pringle
- Pringle of Scotland
- Pugh, Charles H.
- Purdey, James and Sons
- Pyrotenax
- Rank, Joseph
- Rank Organisation, (Audio Visual Division)
- Ransomes, Sims and Jefferies
- Ratsey and Lapthorn
- H. and M. Rayne
- S. Redmayne and Sons
- C. J. Reid (Eton)
- Rentokil Laboratories
- R. F. D. Co
- Rigby, John and Co, (Gunmakers)
- Rigby and Peller
- Riverside Garage
- Rivington Carpets
- Rix, Oliver
- Roberts Radio Co
- A. B. Robertson and Son
- Ross Optical
- Rowe, Frank
- Rowe's of Bond Street
- Russell, Gordon
- Sampson, William G. and Son
- Sanderson, Arthur and Sons
- Savory and Moore
- Scottish Agricultural Industries
- Scottish Seed House
- R. Scragg and Co (Corn Merchants)
- Seemeel
- Shanks, Alexander and Son
- Sharpe, Charles and Co
- Shell and BP Scotland
- Shepherd's Aerosols
- C. H. Shirlaw (Sailmakers)
- Silcock and Lever Feeds
- Simpson (Piccadilly)
- Smith and Wellstood
- Smith, George and Co
- Smith, James (Scotland Nurseries)
- Smiths Industries
- Smythson, Frank
- Soil Fertility, Dunns
- Solignum
- Spillers
- Spink and Son
- Spratt's Patent
- Spruce and Wright
- Sta-Dri (Cabs)
- Stanley Gibbons
- Stanton Hope
- Start-Rite Shoes
- H. D. Steele and Son (Agricultural)
- J. Steele (Livestock)
- Stenner of Tiverton
- A. B. Stevens
- S. Straker and Sons
- Studio Lisa
- Sutton and Sons
- D. and R. Taylor
- Technoproof
- Thaarup, Aage
- H. G. Timber
- Tuck, Raphael, and Sons
- Twyford Seeds
- E. W. Tyler and Co
- R. Tyson
- Wafcol
- Wallace, Cameron and Co
- Walpamur Co
- Ward, Thomas and Sons
- C. and H. Wartski
- Waterer, John, Sons and Crisp
- Weatherill, Bernard
- Webb, Edward and Sons (Stourbridge)
- West Norfolk Super Lime Co
- West of England Carpets
- Whiteheads (Builders Merchants)
- Wilder, John
- Wilson, William and Co (Aberdeen)
- Witney Blanket Co
- Wolf Electric Tools
- Wolseley Engineering
- Wood, William and Son
See Also
Sources of Information