The Engineer 1941 Jul-Dec: Index

The Engineer 1941 Jul-Dec - View the Volumes
Note: There is an extended index at Volume 172 Index
- AERO Research. Ltd., "Aerolite" Synthetic Adhesives for Plywood Manufacture, 282
- "Aerolite" Synthetic Adhesives for Plywood Manufacture, Aero Research, Ltd., 282
- Ainsworth, H. M., Director-General of Tank Design. 113
- Akroyd Stuart Engine, Ruston and Hornsby, Ltd., 73
- Alexandretta Jetty, (246)
- Alfa-Laval Co. Ltd., Dairy Machines Adapted for Cleaning, (64); Oil Transporter. 243
- Allen, Edgar, and Co.. Ltd., Annual Meeting. 33 Amarillo Helium Plant, (28)
- American Rolling Mill Co,. Giant Magnets, (462)
- Ames Crosta Mills and Co. Ltd.. Air-operated Pump, 141
- Andamite, Ltd., Ventilation System for Air Raid Shelters, 14
- Anderson. Sir Alan, Chairmanship of Railway Executive Committee, 97
- Anderson, J. P., Obituary, (192)
- Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., Sir William Fraser Appointed Chairman, 1
- "Ark Royal", H.M. Aircraft Carrier, Loss of, 345
- Armitage, R., South Africa's Future in Industries, 442
- Ashbridge, Sir Noel, The Faure of Wireless (I.E.E. Presidential Address), 31)1
- Associated Equipment Co., Ltd.. Parcels Rail-car for G.W.R. 14; Twin-coupled Rail-cars for the G.W.R., 339
- Associated Soap Manufacturers, Mobile Laundries, (112)
- Austin, Lord, Memorial Fund. ( 119)
- Australian Aluminium Co Aluminium Sheets, (48)
- Azam. M. A. Paper from Water Hyacinth, (462)
- Aziende Nazionale Industrie Combustible. Lubricating Oil, (64)
- BACON, N. H., Peace Aims, 412
- Bagley, D., Recovery of Natural Gas from Coal, 106
- Balfour, George. Obituary, 219
- Barcelona and Buenos Aires Shipping Service. (142)
- Barker, W. J., Links in the History of the Locomotive, 295. 321
- Barnes, M. G. K., Facts About the Rifle, 211
- Barton Transport, Ltd., Producer Gas Vehicles. (80)
- Belgian Congo Information Bureau, (192)
- Bell Telephone Co Telephone Exhibit in Chicago Museum, (96)
- Benkert, M., Atomic Induction, 42
- Beveridge, Sir W., Interim Report on Skilled Men in the Services. 143
- Bovin, Ernest, Personnel and War Production. 226; (Leading Article, 236)
- Beyer-Garratt Locomotive Experience, Edward H. Livesay, 210; (Letters, 275)
- Birkenhead Bridge. Port Adelaide. (96)
- Birmid Industries Ltd., Annual Meeting, 445
- Bishopp, E., Peace Aims. 38
- Blaw-Knox, Ltd. Portable Concrete Mixer, 8,
- Boer, F. H. Universities and Industrial Research, 239
- Bolton, L. W., Deflection of Cast Iron at High Temperatures, 172
- Bottomley, W. T., The Design of Condensing Plant and Cooling Water Systems, 13
- Bowden. F. P., and D. Tabor, The Contact of Colliding Surfaces, 380
- Brady, H. W., Links in the History of Ow Locomotive, 275
- Bramah's Lead Pipe Machine, 188
- "Bristol" Aircraft Gun Turrets, 357
- Bristol "Beaufighter," 92
- Bristol "Hercules" Aero-engine, 399
- British Coal Utilisation Research Association, Annual Meeting, 425
- British Oxygen Co., Ltd., Repair of Cast Iron Low-pressure Evaporator, 38
- British Plastics Federation. Ltd., British Plastics in Time of War, 385
- British Thomson-Houston Co., Ltd., Battery Locomotive for Industrial Haulage, 119
- British Timken, Ltd., Twenty-first Anniversary. (404); Hydraulic Press for Mounting and Removing Axle-boxes, 340
- Brown, Andrew, Obituary, 237
- Brown, John, and Co. Ltd., Annual Meeting, Brown, W. C., Facts About the Rifle,:338
- Bruce, A. K., William Gilbert, the First Electrician, 336
- Brush Electrical Engineering Co.. Ltd., Apprentice Training Scheme, (48)
- Budenberg, C. F.. Obituary, 351
- Builders Ironfoundry, Machine Tools for Production of Small Arms, 379
- Bullcroft Main Colliery, Doncaster, Explosion, (264)
- Burma and China Railway, (63), (96)
- Burntisland Shipbuilding Co., Ltd., Motor Cargo Ship, 340
- CANADIAN General Electric Co., Ltd., Mammoth Searchlight, (208)
- Canadian Industries Ltd., Zinc Chloride for Preservation of Hangar Timber, (80)
- Canadian National Railways. Earnings, (176). (264); Salvage Campaign, (142)
- Canadian Pacific Railways, Four-coupled Engines on Secondary Services, Edward H. Livesay. 50
- Cape Town Docks, 2:3
- Cape Town Electricity Undertaking.:341
- Cape Town Harbour, (444)
- Captain." H.M.S. (Historic Accidents), 66. 82
- Carlton Tunnel, Colorado, Completion, (192)
- Carty, C., The Poincares, 9: Locomotive Wheel Notation. 396
- Chamberlain. Arthur, Obituary, ( 112)
- Chapman, E. E. Steam versus Diesel-electric Locomotives, 101
- Chicago Underground Railways, 268, 288.:317
- Christie, A. G., Aims and Scope of the Mechanical Engineering Curricula, 155; (Leading Article, 150); (Letter. 171)
- Christie, S. P., Prime Mover Development After the War. 26; Cotra-propellers, 106; Self-phasing of the Garratt Locomotive, 337: Compound Locomotives, 376
- "Churchill" Infantry Tank, 49
- "City of Midland," Train and Motor-car Ferry, 93
- Clark, E. Kitson, The World We Hope to Live in, 2, (55); (Leading Article, 8); (Letters. 27, 43, 57, 73, 189, 185, 201. 220, 355, 375,:196, 411, 435)
- Clark, George (1938), Ltd., Propelling Machinery for Standard Cargo Vessels, 195
- Cliff, J. S., Estimation of the Restriking Voltage Characteristics of Supply Networks, 75
- Clogher Valley Railway, Northern Ireland, Closing, (183), (192)
- Clowes, Colonel George, Obituary, (119)
- Cockshutt Four-furrow Plough. R. A. Lister and Co., Ltd., 460
- Cohen, George, Ltd., Purchase of Welsh Highland Railway, (64), 81
- Colam, Sir H. and J. D. Watson, Hammer Blow in Locomotives, 425. 457; (Leading Article, 454)
- Collett, C. B. Retirement from Great Western Railway, 17
- Commonwealth Edison Co. Radio Patrol Cars for Electricity System, (128)
- Consolidated Mining and Smelting Co Tin Production, (462)
- Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd., Universal " Midget " Electric Drilling Mnehincs, 31
- Continental Divide Tunnel, U.S.A., 56
- Cook, Thomas, Ltd., Centenary, (48)
- Cooper, H. L., Visual Experimentation with Centrifugal Pumps, 278; (Leading Artiele, 274); (Letters, 395)
- Costa Rica Railway Co., Ltd., Amalgamation with Northern Railway Co., (80)
- Cox, C. H., Obituary, (112)
- Cox, E. S. Balancing of Locomotive Reciprocating Parts, 425. 457; (Leading Article, 454)
- Crawford, W. R., Approximate Mechanics of Falling Bodies, 430
- Crew, E. W., Calculating Machines, 438
- Cridge, R. H., Obituary, (32)
- Crompton Parkinson, Ltd. Modern Cubicle Switchgear, 182
- Crowe, Sir E., Co-operation for Production (Machine Tools and the War), 342
- Crump, W. B., and F. Williamson, Sorocold's Waterworks at Leeds. 1694, 352, 372
- DALE, Sir Henry, Science and Government . 391
- Damodar Storage Dam, India, (462)
- Danish State Railways, Train Ferry "Staarmebelt," (142)
- Darley, Sir B., Irrigation in India, 36-
- David, W. T., The Measurement of Flame Gas Temperatures, 186
- Davies, C. E. "What's Past is Prologue" (Newcomen Society, Presidential Address). 400
- Deacon, Maurice, Obituary, (228)
- Desch, C. H., Natural Resources. 238
- Dewhurst, P. C.. A 'Council of Engineers, Early British Locomotives, 219
- Diamond Alkali Corporation, Magnesium Production, (462)
- Dick's Presses, 190
- Dixon Corbitt, Ltd.. Wire Ropes and Cordage, 401
- Dnieper Dam and Power Station. I 17
- Douglas " B.19 " Bomber. 1
- Downs, James, Obituary, (324)
- Doxford. William, and Sons, Ltd., J. R. Gebbie's Appointment. 285
- Dufton, A. F., Early Application of Engineering to the Warming of Buildings, 4
- Du Pont Nemours, E. L. and Co., Explosiv, Rivets, (176); Extensions, (316)
- EATON'S Cable Sheathing Press, 190
- "Edgwick" Die Casting Machine for Aluminium, Brass and Magnesium, A. Herbert. Ltd., 103
- Edison Swan Electric Co.. Ltd., The Care of Batteries, (371)
- Electrical Timed, 2000th Number,:353
- Electroflo Meters Co., Ltd., Steam Pressure Regulator, 213
- Elphinstone. Sir Keith, Obituary. (32). 41
- ENGINEER, The, Change of Size, 218
- "Ericus," Continuous Working in War Factories, 146
- Essen, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 416
- Evans, J. T., Peace Aims, 411
- Everitt, C. K., Industry and Taxation, 33
- Extruded Plastics, Inc. Extruded Plastic Shapes. (444)
- FALUN, Swedish Copper Mining Town, Three-hundredth Anniversary. (444)
- Farmer Norton, Sir James, and Co., Ltd., Centreless Bar Turning and Straightening Machines, 261
- Federation of British Industries, Grand Council Meeting, 247
- Fenchurch Street Station Centenary. 89
- Fontana Hydro-electric Project, North Carolina, (126)
- Ford, Henry, Plastic Motor-car, (192)
- Ford Motor Co., Plant for Consolidated 13.24 Liberators, (64); Welded Pipe Piles at Dearborn Factory, (192); New Aero-engine Works. 353
- Ford Motor Co. of Canada, Ltd., New Foundry, (462)
- Fortuna Power Stations, 117
- Forward, E. A.. Links in the History of the Locomotive (Early Stephenson Locomotives), 230. 248; (Letters, 275, 295. 321)
- Fraser. Sir William, Chairman, Anglo-Iranian Oil Co., Ltd., 1
- Friant Darn. California, Gold from Excavation, (246). (444)
- GARRARD, C. J. G.. Coining Crisis in Electrical Power Transmission, 10
- Garratt Locomotive, Self-phasing of the, S. 1'. Christie, 337
- Gobble. J. R., Managing Director, William Doxford and Sons, Ltd., 285
- General Electric Co., Ltd., C. C. Paterson Elected a Director, 445
- General Electric Co. of America. Electric Thickness Gauge. (165); Bequest from an Employee, (341); Plants for Ship Propulsion Equipment Manufacture, (424)
- Genova Railway Junction Scheme, (228)
- "Georgic", Cunard White Star Liner, Damage to, (112)
- Gilbert, William. The First Electrician, A. K. Bruce, 336
- Glen Affric Power Scheme, 8, 17. 177
- Glendenning, Ian, Facts About the Rifle. 152
- Golden Gate Bridge, (64)
- Goldenberg Power Station, 118
- Grand Coulee Dam, Working Model of, (246) Gray Memorial Trust, (48)
- Great Western Railway, Centenary. 1; Parcels Railcar. 14: Slough Accident, (16), 305: C. B. Collett's Retirement. 17; Appointments, (32). (264). (457); Mobile Canteens. (284); Twin-coupled Railcars. Associated Equipment Co Ltd.,:339; Decontamination Coaches. (444)
- Gregory, Sir Richard. Opening Address, Conference on Science and World Order, 216
- Griffin and Tatlock, Ltd. Electro-chemical Analysis Apparatus. 190
- "Grimsby," H.M. Sloop, Loss of, (16)
- Gulick. L., Tennessee Valley Development, Scheme, 216
- "Gustaf Klint," Swedish Marine Survey Vessel, 95
- Guy, H. L., Appointed Secretary, I. Mech. E., 285
- HALCROW, W. T., A Century of Tunnelling (Hawksley Lecture), 368, 389, 409
- "Halifax " Four-engined Bomber, 177
- Hall, A. H., Retirement from Royal Aircraft. Establishment, Farnborough. 28
- Hammond, R. Concrete Ships. 35; Some Notes on Tunnelling Practice, 83; The Channel Tunnel, 187 Ramon Press, 188
- Harrison. J., A Tale of the Sea, 199
- Harrison, R. E. W.. To-day's Machine Tools, Machinery, and Mechanised War. 259
- Harriss, R. H., Presidential Address, South African Institution of Engineers, 174
- Hartley, Sir Harold World Heat and Power Requirements, 217, 239
- Haswell, R., Obituary, (192)
- Hawksley Lecture, A Century of Tunnelling, W. T. Halcrow, 368, 389, 409
- Hawksworth, F. W., Appointed C.M.E., Great Western Railway, 17
- Heap. A. C., Obituary, 293
- Hecht, J. S., A Rising Coal Output, 105
- Hedrick, J. E., Colloidal Fuel, 361
- Hemsley, S. H., Reactance of Transformers with Sandwich Type Windings, 52
- Herbert. Alfred, Ltd., Die Casting Machine for Aluminium, Brass, and Magnesium, 103; High-production Centre Lathe, 156; 2D Motor-driven Capstan Lathe, 322, (364); .Machine Tools for Production of Small Arms, 379
- Higgs Motors, Ltd.. Large Motors and Alternators, 59
- Hill, A. V., The Use and Misuse of Science in Government, 222; (Leading Article, 236)
- Hjelm, S., Acetylene Gas for Transport, ("Karbil System), (344)
- Holcroft, H., Smoke Deflectors for Locomotives, 198
- Holmes Chapel Collision, L.M.S. Railway, 177
- Holt, Sir Herbert, the Late, 209
- Holzverzuckerung, A.G., Alcohol from Wood Waste, (244)
- Hong Kong and Whampoa Dock Co., Ltd., Shipbuilding, (304)
- Hoogenhout. P. L, South African Roads Five- year Plan, 23
- Hopkinsons, Ltd., Pressure Gauge with Bakelite Case, 207
- Howard, F. E., Obituary, 335
- Huber Cable Press, 189
- Hume-Rothery, W., The Structure of Alloys, 441
- Humphreys, C. L. Howard, Obituary. 57
- Hutton. W. R., Obituary, (158)
- INDIAN Hume Pipe Co., Ltd., Spun Bleaching Kier, (264)
- Ingalls Shipbuilding and Drydock Co., "C 3" Merchant Ships, (192)
- Inglis, C. E., The Education of Engineers (Inst. C.E. Presidential Address), 319, 327; (Leading Article, 334)
- International Nickel Co., Plant Extension, (96)
- Irish Shipping, Ltd., American Cargo Vessels for Eire, (228)
- "Isle," South African Passenger Ship, 110
- JAIPUR State Railway, Annual Report, (176)
- Jeffrey. C. S., Tay Bridge Disaster, 436
- Johannesburg Post-war Schemes. 442
- Johnson, C. L., The Design of High-speed Military Airplanes. 392, 420, 432
- Jones, Captain O. P. Atlantic Air Record with "Liberator." 385
- K
- KARACHI Water Supply. (264)
- "Karbil " System of Acetylene Gas for Transport. (344)
- Karlsruhe, R.A.F. Targets in Germany. 326
- Kiev Suspension Bridge, 338
- Kilburn Scott, E., Obituary, 41
- Kincaid, John G., and Co., Ltd., 6-0- S.H.P. Marine Oil Engine, 358
- "King George V.", A.M. Battleship. 122
- "King Haakon VII," Norwegian Merchant Ship, 445
- King, Major-General C. J. S., Engineer-in-Chief, War Office, 229
- Kirby, W., The Combustion of Tar and its Products, 122
- Klinge, E. R., and P. H. Schweitzer, Oxygen-boosting of Diesel Engines for Take-off, 90
- Krupp. A.G. Works, Essen, 416
- Krupp-Gruson Works, Magdeburg. 438
- LANDSBOROUGH Findlay (S.A.) Pty., Ltd., Oil Engine Driven Locomotives, (404)
- La Tuque Hydro-electric Development, Canada, 3, 20
- Lee, W. A., Rising Coal Output. 171
- Lemm, W., Lemmite as a Steel Hardener. (140)
- Lessels, J. M., Louis E. Levy Medal Award. 1
- Lister. R. A., and Co.. Ltd., Cockshutt Four-furrow Plough, 460
- Livesay, E. H. Beyer-Garratt Locomotive Experience. 210; (Letter, 275); Canadian Locomotive Experiences, No. VII. Four-coupled Engines on Secondary Services. C.P.R.. 50; No. VIII, "The Chinook," C.P.R., 346; No. IX, Montreal to Ottawa Express, C.P.R., 366; No. X. Montreal and Toronto "Pool" Services, 386; Locomotive Wheel Notation. 356; Tandem Rods on Locomotives, 412
- Lloyd, S. C., Obituary. (373)
- Lloyd's Register of Shipping. American Committee, 33
- London Area Clearing Centres, 81
- London and Brighton Railway, Centenary, 193
- London, Midland and Scottish Railway. Salvage, (8); Women Workers, (32); Fenchurch Street Station Centenary. 89 Appointments, (126). (264); Holmes Chapel Collision, 177; Troop Trains. (208); Road Activities, 224; 40-Ton Electro-magnet, 341; Trains for Factory Workers, (344); Reduction in Thickness of Tickets, (404): Paper Salvage, (444)
- London and North Eastern Railway. Leman Street and Shadwell Stations Closed. (16); Train Fire Report. 28; Appointments, (32). 97; Medal for Employees, (48); W. Y. Sandeman's Appointment. 97; Electric. I Engineer's Department, (119); Blizzard Damage, 176; Manchester and Altrincham Electric Trains, (228); Electric Locomotive Tests, 229, 332; 2-8-0 Freight Locomotives for Overseas Service, 402; 'Utilising Water Softening Sludge, (462);
- London Passenger Transport Board, Winter Plans, 209; Two Cars Made Into One, (293) Lorraine Bridge, Berne, (384)
- Lyman, A. K. B., Compaction of Cohesionless Foundation Soil by Explosives. 45
- Lysaght, S. R., Obituary, (142)
- MACDONALD, Symington, Making Greater Use of Invention, 135
- MacGregor, C. W., Louis E. Levy Medal Award, 1
- Magdeburg, R.A.F. Targets in Germany, 437
- Malaya, C. A. Middleton Smith, 426. 446
- Manitowoc Shipbuilding Co., Train and Motor-car Ferry "City of Midland," 93
- Mansergh, W. L., Obituary, (176)
- Marks, S., Machine Tool Capacity Clot%Hog Houses, 221
- Marriner, W. W., Obituary, 3111
- Marshall, C. F. Deady, Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, 137; Links in the History of the Locomotive. 295
- Mason, K. W., A Blind Engineer's Achievement, (329)
- Matton. I. T., Loss of H.M.S. "Hood." 257
- McCann, G. D., Motor-cars and Lightning. 125
- McDonald, G. G., Professorship at Sydney University, 305
- McKay, H. V., [Massey-Harris Proprietary|Massey-Harris Proprietary. Ltd.]], "Sunshine" Auto-Header Combine Harvester, 206
- McLeod, R. C.. Light-weight Steam Plant, 121
- Melchett Medal Award to C. A. Seyler, (96)
- Melsom, S. W.. Plastics for Cable Making, (393)
- Metadier. J., International Research, 238
- Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., J. S. Peck's Retirement, 49
- "Midget" Electric Drilling Machines, Consolidated Pneumatic Tool Co., Ltd. 31
- Mills, R., Foundries After the War, 39
- Milne, J. A. Managing Director, J. Samuel White and Co., Ltd., 285
- Minikin, R. R., Pile Driving in Clay, 10; Government, Industry, and Labour, 42; Foundations, 428. 448
- Mississippi River Bridge, (80)
- Missouri Pacific Lines, New Streamlined Trains, (192)
- Mitchell, Brigadier-General C. H, Obituary. 143
- Mobile Dry Dock. Alabama. (1(3)
- Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway, 118, 137
- Monkawell, Lord, The Future of British Railways, 247
- Monsanto Chemical Co.. New Plastic Process (80)
- Montana Power Co., Air Patrol of Transmission Line, (170)
- Montaup Electric Co, Large Forced Circulation Boiler, 133
- Moore Dry Dock Co., American Cargo " C 2 " Ships. (32)
- Moore-Brabazon, J. T.. Aircraft Production. 54 Moscow Railway Facilities. (96)
- Mott, Hay and Anderson. Proposed Tyne Tunnel, 117
- Mower, G. A., Obituary, 392
- NATCHEZ-VIDALIA Bridge on the Mississippi River, 100, 114
- National Chemical Products, Ltd., Glycerine Production, (96)
- Neild, G. A.. Peace Aims, 435
- Niagara Falls Power Co., Original Generators in Service, (384)
- Nicholl, J. S., Road Transport. 258; (Leading Article, 274)
- Nitrate Railways Co., Ltd. Taken Over by Chilean Government, (208)
- Northampton Polytechnic, Programme for New Session, (208)
- Northern Aluminium Co., Ltd.. Aluminium Technology, (460); Heat Treatment of Aluminium and its Alloys, 94
- Norton, R. J., Retirement from Petters, Ltd., 209
- Nuttall, Sir E. K., Obituary, (158)
- OERLIKON Company and Germany. 257
- Ohlsaon, A., "Parca" Gas Generator. (7)
- Ormerod Shapers, Ltd., Radial Shaping Machine. 300
- PACINOTTI, Antonio, Centenary, 119
- Pan-American Airways, Inc., Transatlantic Air Services, (228)
- Panama Canal Traffic, (158)
- Panama Canal Tunnel, (364)
- "Parea" Gas Generator, A. Ohlsaon, 17)
- Parker, A., Treatment of Sewage and Trade Effluents, 422
- Parker, E. B., Beyer-Garratt Locomotives. 275
- Paterson, C. C., Elected Director, General Electric Co.. Ltd., 445
- Patterson, George, Obituary, ((70)
- Pearson, C. E.. The History of the Hydraulic Extrusion Process. 188
- Peck, J. S., Retirement from Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., 49
- Penfield, W., Research, 238
- Petters, Ltd., R. J. Norton's Retirement, 209
- Pick, Frank, Obituary. 325
- Pitter, Walter C., Obituary, 237
- Plastic Spray. Ltd., Metal-coated Plastics, 125
- Pohl, R., Heating of Turbo-alternator Rotors due to Rectifier Load, 204
- Pooley, Robert, Obituary. (113)
- Port Credit Waterworks, Ontario. (10)
- Port Elizabeth, South Africa. Power Plant. 442
- Port Elizabeth. South Africa. Wadi, Problem, 149, 342
- Portal, Lord. Salvage Drive Broadcast Appeal, 445
- Portland and Montreal Pipe Line, (142), (192). (462)
- Potts, F. J., Shortage of Engineers. 73
- Poultney, E. C., The Development of the Steam Locomotive. 320
- Pratt and Whitney Co Plastic Grips for Gauges, (246)
- Price, O. A Visual Experimentation with Centrifugal Pumps.:396
- Pringle, P., Ball and Roller Bearings. 29
- Pritchard, P., Handicaps to Industrial Progress, 445
- Prout, Frank, Obituary, 41
- Pusey and Jones Corporation, American Cargo Ships, (158)
- QUEBEC Bridge, The First ( Historic Accidents), 267, 288. 306
- Quebec Bridge, The Second (Historic Accidents), 406
- RAMEY, W. G., Telecommunications of the Future, 300
- Rainbow Bridge. Niagara Falls. 259. 349, 377
- Rainford, H.. Flameproof Enclosure of Electrical Apparatus, 312
- Ranney, L., The Recovery of Natural Gas from Coal, 78; (Letter, 106)
- Rapid Magnetting Co., Ltd., Magnetic. Percolator, 451
- Reed, Brian The Railway Oil Engine, 154
- Reid, G. Ure, Visual Experimentation with Centrifugal Pumps. 395
- Reith. Lord. Post-war Reconstruction. 79
- Research Enterprises Ltd. Optical Glass Manufacture, (142)
- Rheinisch - Westfalisches Elektricitatswerk A.G., R.A.F. Targets, 117
- Riley, D. P., Younger Scientists, 238
- Rissik, H. The Coming Crisis in Electrical Power Transmission, 27; Probability Theory and Mental Capacity, 170; Probability Graph Paper and its Engineering Applications, 276, 296
- Ritter. E. A. Plant for Wattle Wood Pulp. (382)
- "Robin Loeksley," American Robin Line Cargo Ship. (112)
- Robinson. I. V., Peace Aims, 169. 355, 375
- Rodgers, J. D., Steel v. Copper Fireboxes, 43
- Roebling Centenary. (364)
- Rothensee Ship Lift. Magdeburg, 438
- Ruston and Hornsby Ltd., The Akroyd Stuart Engine. 73
- ST. CLAIR River Tunnel. Ontario. Jubilee, (344)
- Salford Electrical Instruments. Ltd, A.C. Instrument Test Panel, 119
- Samuel, Lord, Science in War, 216
- San Felipe Buttress Dam, Argentina. 233
- San Francisco Union Square Underground Garage, (142)
- Sandberg. C. P., Obituary. 9; (Letter, 26)
- Sandeman. W. Y., L.N.E.R. Appointment, 97
- Sayers. W. H., Peace Aims, 201
- Schweitzer, P. H., and E. R. Klinge Oxygen boosting of Diesel Engines for Take-off, 90
- "Sea Otter," American Cargo Ship, 193
- Seyler, C. A., Molehett Modal Award, (96)
- Shanghai Worsted Mills, Ltd., Wool-combing Machinery, (462)
- Shasta Dam, California. Long Conveyor Belt, (141)
- Shaw, Engineer-Captain J. F., Obituary. 105
- Sheppard. A., Peace Aims, 221. 396
- Shipbuilding Employers' Federation, Annual Meeting. 365
- Shorter Process Co., Ltd.. Flame Hardening Machines, 6
- Silvester, C. J., Obituary, (304)
- Sioux Narrows Bridge, Ontario, Connectors. (342)
- Slough Accident, Great Western Railway, (16). 305
- Smith. C. A. Middleton Industries of the Far East, 98; The Engineer in Malaya, 426. 446
- Smith. D. Hastie, Training of Marine Engineers, 241
- Snell, S., Monkland and Kirkintilloch Railway. 118
- Society of British Aircraft Constructors, Annual Meeting.:365; Scholarships, (404)
- Soddy, F., The World We Hope to Live In. 73
- Somervell, R. B., Construction Work for the United States Army. 397
- Sorocold's Waterworks at Leeds, 1694, F. Williamson and W. . Crump, 352, 372
- South African Electricity Supply Commission. 281
- South African Iron and Steel Industrial Corporation. Extensions. 23; Coke making Plant, 110; Tool Steels. 442
- South Portland Shipyard. Maine.;1
- Southend Tramways Replaced by Trolley-buses, (228)
- Southern Railway Locomotive "Union Castle." 17; London-Brighton Line Centenary. 193: "Channel Packet" Locomotive Trial Run. 337
- Stanelco Products, Electrode Soldering Equipment, 30
- Stanier, W. A., The Locomotive in Mechanical Engineering (I. Mech. E. Presidential Address), 290. 309, 328 (Leading Article, 315)
- Steel. J. M.. and Co. Ltd.. "Aerolite Synthetic Adhesives for Plywood Manufacture, 282
- Stephenson Locomotive Society, Annual Meeting. (462)
- Stettin Port of (R.A.F. Targets), 251
- Stevens, P. H., Obituary. (48)
- Stewart, F. C., The Compass and Other Aids to Navigation, 298
- Stock, A. R., Institution Libraries, 89
- Stockton and Darlington Railway, Early Stephenson Locomotives, E. A. Forward. 230, 248; (Letters, 275. 295, 321)
- Stoker, W. R., Technical Education in the U.S.S.R., 330; (Leading Article. 334)
- Stonehaven, Lord, Obituary, 127
- Straker, Ernest, Obituary, 9
- Sturrock, F. C., Work in South Africa After the War, 342
- "Sydney," H.M. Australian Cruiser, Loss of. 385
- TABLE BAY Dry Dock, 149
- Table Bay Harbour. 174, 243, (264), 442
- Tabor. D., and F. P. Bowden, The Contact of Colliding Surfaces, 380
- Tacoma Bridge, Failure of, Report on, 128, 145, 162, 180, 202; Plans for New Bridge, (142); Insurance Suit, (344)
- Tay Bridge Disaster, 18, 34; (Leading Article, 24); (Letter, 436)
- Taylor, D. W., Model Basin, U.S. Navy, (142)
- Tennessee Valley Development Scheme, L. Gulick, 216
- Thomas. Richard, and Co., Ltd., Annual Meeting, 127
- Thompson, Joseph L., and Sons, Ltd. Standard Cargo Vessels. 195
- "Thunderer," H.M.S. (Historic Accidents), 100, 178
- Titley, A., The Beginnings of the Newcomen Society, 338
- Todd-Bath Iron Shipbuilding Corporation South Portland Shipyard, 71
- Todd California Shipbuilding Corporation Richmond Shipyard, 58
- Todd-Galveston Dry Docks, Inc. New Dry Dock at Mobile. Alabama, (16)
- Todd Shipyards Corporation, Twenty-fifth Anniversary, (80)
- Trains-Tasman Air Services, 158
- Trent Catchment Board, 97
- Troup, J. D., A New World, 27; Engineers, the Institutions, and the Government, 171
- Tuke, J. E., The World We Hope to Live In, 43
- Turnbull, C., Self-phasing of the Garratt Locomotive, 321
- Tuson, K. H., Supply of Technical Equipment to the Army. 67
- Tyne Tunnel. Proposed, 97
- UNITED STATES Rubber Co Rubber for Aluminium . (413)
- V
- VAAL Generating Station Undertaking, 3.12
- "Valentine" Infantry Tank, 28
- Valleeito Dam. Colorado. Completion. (364)
- Vancouver Dry Dock, (16)
- van der Horst, H. Chromium Plating of Cylinders. 123
- Vauxhall Motors. Ltd., Producer Gas Vehicles. (64)
- Vickery, J. F., Locomotive Wheel Notation, 396
- Victorian Government Railways, New 4-8-1 Locomotives. (96)
- Vivian. A. C. A Request for Fatigue Information. 356
- Volterra, E., Elastic Dislocations, 238
- Vowles, H. P., Peace Aims. 220; Water Power Resources, 238
- Wall, A. T., Obituary, 185
- Wall, T. F., Magnetic Penetration, 166
- Walton, H. R.. An Interesting Application of Boiler Control, 213
- Ward, Joseph, Obituary, 28
- Watson. Sir D. Milne, Proposed Ministry of Fuel. 302; (Leading Article. 294)
- Watson, F. L.. Peace Aims, 412
- Watson, J. D., and Sir H. Colam Hammer Blow in Locomotives, 425, 457; (Leading Article, 454)
- Watt, M. J., The World We Hope to Live In, 73; Peace Aims, 201
- Weems, J. and W.. Press, 188
- Weir. D., Facts About the Rifle. (71). 153
- Welland River Bridge, Canada, (304)
- Wellit Insulation. (80)
- Welsh Highland Railway, Purchased by George Cohen. Ltd.. (64), 81
- Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co Turbine Order for Hawaii, (16); Turbine-building Plant. (176)
- Weldon. W. N., Obituary. (344)
- White, Herbert, Obituary, (284)
- White, J. Samuel, and Co. Ltd. J. A. Milne's Appointment, 285
- Widnes Foundry and Engineering Co., Ltd., Centenary, (384)
- Wild Barfield Electric Co.. Ltd., Determining the Case Depth of Carburised Work. 87
- Wilkinson, A. J., and Co., Early Micrometer. (246)
- Williamson. F. and IV. B. Crump. Sorocold's Waterworks at Leeds, 1694, 352, 372
- Willox, W. A. The World We Hope to Live In. 119
- Witter Process of Shell Production. 109
- Woodeson, W. A., Twenty-five Years of Marine Progress, 270
- Woods, R. C., X-raying Circumferential Seams, 22
- Wright Aeronautical Corporation, New One-storey Building, (126), (264); Redistributing Machine Tools, (208)
- YAMATO Mercury Mining Co., Search for Mercury, (16)
See Also
Sources of Information