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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1922 Who's Who In Engineering: Name P

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1922 Who's Who in Engineering

Persons - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

PAGE, Archibald, M.I.E.E., one of H.M. Electricity Commissioners, Gwydyr House, Whitehall, S.W.'. b. 1875. Ed. Dollar Academy, Heriot-Watt College, Glasgow and West of Scotland Royal Technical College. Apprenticeship in Broad Street Engineering Works, Alloa. Further training with Mayor and Coulson, Glasgow. Joined Corporation Electricity Department, Glasgow, in 1899, ultimately becoming Deputy City Electrical Engineer. Became associated with the affairs of the Clyde Valley Electrical Company in April, 1917. Appointed General Manager, July, 1919. Appointed an Electricity Commissioner in March, 1920. Past Member of Council Institution of Electrical Engineers and Chairman of the Scottish Territorial Centre of the Institution, Session 1917-8.

PAGE, Arthur Reginald, M. Inst. Met., M.I. and S.I., Metallurgist to Birmingham Small Arms Co., Birmingham; b. 1895; s. of Arthur Page. Ed. King Edward VI. Sch., Birmingham. Training: Municipal Tech. Sch., Birmingham, and London Univ. Asst. Metallurgist, B.S.A., Ltd., 1913-20; Chief Metallurgist, B.S.A., Ltd., 1920; M. Soc. Chem. Industry, 1918; M. of Council, B'ham Met. Soc., 1919-21; Hon. Editor, Journal of B'ham Met. Soc., 1920. Papers and Articles to above Socs. Addresses: 63, Walford Road, Sparkbrook, Birmingham; Birmingham Small Arms Co., Ltd., Small Heath, Birmingham. T. A.: "Small Arms, Birmingham." T. N.: C. 6440, Birmingham.

PAGE, Frederick Handley, C.B.E., Designer of the Handley Page Biplane; Man. Dir., Handley Page, Ltd. Address: Lymes Holme, Stanmore, Middlesex. T. N.: Stanmore, 295.

PAGE, Frederick James, O.B.E., M.I.Mech. E., Loco., Carriage and Wagon Supt., B.B. and C.I. Railway., India; b. 1877; s. of Sidney John Page. Ed. Privately. Training: Sc. Sch., Peterboro', and Leeds Tech. Inst. In Loco. Dept., G.N. Railway., 7 years, and with Kitson and Co., Leeds; became Works Mngr. Loco., Carriage and Wagon Shops, S. Indian Railway., at Negapatam, 1902, subsequently District Loco. Supt., and in 1909 was appointed Deputy Loco. Supt. of the Bombay, Baroda and Central India Railway., then Loco. and Call Supt. Club: Royal Bombay Yacht. Address: Bombay.

PAGE, Sydney Elliott, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer Patents, 27, Chancery Lane, London, W.C. T. A.: " Pagensis, London." T. N 2F 332 Central. b. 1868. Ed. Bedford and Owens College, Manchester. Articled to H. Young and Co. of Pimlico. Further practical training Easton and Anderson, Erith. Assistant to the late Mr. Willans of Willans and Robinson; Manager of Engineering Department, Ashwell and Nesbit, Leicester; Manager of David Payne and Co., Ltd., Otley, Yorks. Commenced practice on own account in 1897 as Consulting Engineer and Patent Agent. Obtained a Whitworth Exhibition in 1889. Firm: Page, White and Vaughan, Fel. Chart. Institution of Patent Agents. War Services.—Special constable.

PAIN, Albert Charles, M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, c/o Belliss and Morcom, Ltd., Ledsam Street Works, Birmingham. T. A.: "Belliss, Birmingham." T. N.: Midland 266o. b. 1856. Ed. Cranleigh College. Apprenticeship, 1873-7, Day Summers and Co., Marine Engineers and Shipbuilders, Southampton. Sea-going Engineer, 1877-8; Draughtsman, Portsmouth Dockyard, 1878-84; Drawing Office Manager, Belliss and Morcom, 1884 to present time. Chief Works: Inventor and patentee [Nos. 7397 (1890) and 11432 (1892 )] of the system of Forced Lubrication of Engines introduced by Belliss and Morcom in 189o, which system has since become of world-wide application. Control of design of steam launch, torpedo boat and destroyer engines, boilers and auxiliaries, compressors for torpedo air service, high-speed engines and compressors, condensing plants, etc., made by the company during thirty-six years.

PALMER, Frederick, C.I.E., Member of Council Inst.C.E., M.Am.Soc.C.E., F.R.G.S., Partner, Rendel, Palmer and Tritton, Cons. Engrs., Westminster; b. 1862. Ed. Neath. Pupil and Asst. Engr., G.W. Railway; Engr., East Indian Railway., 18841901; Chief Engr., Calcutta Port Commissioners, 1901-9; Chief Engr., Port of London Authority, 1909-13. Address: 13, Dartmouth Street, Westminster, S.W.

PALMER, Henry Austin, M.I.Water.E., Engr, to the South-West Suburban Water Co. Address: 8, Clarence Street, Staines, Middlesex. T. N.: 66 Staines.

PALMER, Philip Henry, M.Inst.C.E., Borough Engr., Hastings.

PALMER, Robert Edward, O.B.E., B.A.Sc. (McGill), M.Inst.M.M., M.E.I.C., Cons. Min. Engr., Rio Tinto Co.; b. 1865; s. of Charles Palmer, Q.C., of P.E. Island, Canada. Ed. Prince of Wales' Coll., Charlottetown, P.E. Island, Canada. Training: McGill University, Montreal, Canada, 1883-87. Career: 1887-I900—Mines and Eng. Works in U.S.A. and Canada (especially British Columbia); i9oo-I4—Chief Min. Engr., Rio Tinto Copper Mines, Spain; 1914-21—Cons. Min. Engr., Rio Tinto Co., in London, and Private Practice; also, 1917-18— Director of Transport Section of I. and S. Dept., M. of M. Address: 3, Lombard Street, London, E.C. T. A.: "Cypalmeru (London)." T. N.: Central 2818.

PARAMOR, John, M.I.Mech.E., Man. Dir.. Watford Eng. Works, Ltd.; b. 1866; s. of Thos. Paramor. Ed. Bourne Hall Sch., Bushey, Herts. Training: App. with R. Schram and Co. Erection of several Lighthouses in Straits of Magellan and on ZT Coast of Chile, as Engr. to Chilian Govt.; Patentee of different Pulp Strainers used on Paper Machines. Address: Lower High Street, Watford, Herts. T. A.: "c/o Mechanical, Watford." T. N.: 35.

PARK, James, M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Prof. of Min. and Dean of Faculty of Eng., Otago University, Dunedin, N.Z., since 1900; b. 1857. Ed. Aberdeen and London. Carried out many Hydraulic Installations, Tunnelling and Mine Development Work in various parts of N.Z. In addition to works on general and economic geology, publ. " Textbook of Practical Hydraulics " (2nd ed. ), " Theodolite Surveying and Levelling " (5th ed. ), and " Cyanide Process of Gold Extraction " (loth ed. ) (Chas. Griffin and Co., Ltd., London). Club: Authors', London. Address: Otago University, Dunedin, N.Z.

PARKER, James Alexander, B.Sc., M.Inst. C.E., Chief Engr., G.N. of Scot. Railway. Co., since 1907; b. 1864; s. of William Parker. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. Training: Glasgow University. App. to John Strain, M.Inst.C.E., Glasgow. I891-96 Contractor's Engr. on Construction of Suburban Railways., Edinburgh and Glasgow; 1897-1906—Engaged on Widenings of the Main Line, S.E. Railway., Charing Cross to Chislehurst, as Res. Engr., and later, as Asst.-in-Charge of New Works. Club: Alpine. Address: 8o, Guild Street, Aberdeen. T. A.: " Parker, Railway, Aberdeen." T. N.: 3103.

PARKER, Joseph Edmundson, M.I.Mech.E., M.A.I.M.E., Mechanical, Mining and Industrial Engineer, 365, Skinner Street, Pretoria, South Africa (P.O. Box 559 ). T. N. 1760 Pretoria Central. b. 1868. Public school education. Apprenticed to Kitson and Co., Leeds; R. and W. Hawthorn, Leslie and Co., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Constructional Engineer, Astilleros Del hervion, Bilbao, 1889-90. 1891-4—With the late Bernard Dawson, Civil Engineer, of London, Birmingham and Malvern. 1895-6—Constructed Glass Works, Hatherley, Pretoria, South Africa. 1897-1900—Mechanical Engineer for the Matabele Gold Reefs and Estates Co., constructed the first gold reduction plants in Rhodesia. 1900-12—Mechanical Engineer, Rhodesia Exploration and Development Co.; Manager of the Ayrshire Mine and Lomaganda Railway Co.; Manager of the Thistle Etna Mines, Hartley, Rhodesia. 1913-5—Consulting Engineer, Bulawayo. Chief Works: 1918-9—Reconstructed Glass Works, Hatherley, and adapted same for machinery. Publications: " Glass: Its Production in South Africa," South African Journal of Industries, November, 1919; " Electric Furnaces for Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Minerals," South African Journal of Industries, February, 1920; also others on Soil Erosion, Secondary Education, etc. War Services.—r 915-7—Chief Mechanical Engineer on construction, H.M. Factory, Queenferry, Chester. 1923-2I—Constructional Engineer. Coke and byproduct works, for The Dundee Coal Co., Natal.

PARKINSON, Geo. R. J., M.I.E.E., Chief Engr., Midland Electric Corpn. for Power Distribution, Ltd; b. 1874; s. of T. H. Parkinson. Ed. Dulwich Coll. Training: Faraday House. Career: With John Fowler (Leeds), Ltd.; Portsmouth Corpn. Electricity Works; S. London Electric Supply Corpn., Ltd. Address: The Old Parsonage, Stourbridge. T. N.: 12 Stourbridge.

PARKINSON, John, M. A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.M.M., M.Can.Inst.M.M., F.G.S., Geologist; b. 1872. Principal, Mineral Survey of Southern Nigeria, 1903-6; Geologist to Liberian Devel. Co. and Magadi Soda Co. (E. Af.). Water Reconnaissance, northern part of Kenya Prov., 1914-15; Chief Geologist to United British W. Indies Petroleum Syn., Ltd., Trinidad, B.W.I. Awarded moiety, " Lyell Geological Fund," by Council of Geological Soc., 1915. About 20 Papers published in the Quarterly Journal of the Geological Society, in the " Geological Magazine," etc. Clubs: Athenaeum, Royal Societies. Address: 27, Southlands, Littlehampton, Sussex.

PARKINSON, Richard Marion, M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1856; s. of Rev. W. Parkinson, M.A., Langenhoe Rectory, Essex. Ed. Dedham Grammar Sch., Essex. Training: King's Coll., London. App. G.W. Railway. Asst. Engr., Swindon and Andover Railway.; Gt. E. Widenings; Cornwall Minerals Railway. Res. Engr., M. Railway. (Saxby and Bourne Railway. ), (Bow Branches); M. and Gt. N. Jt. Railway. (Cromer Line). Engr., Sheringham Water, Gas and Drainage; Newtown Drainage; Overstrand Drainage; Caistor Drainage and Protection Works; Wivenhoe Graving Dock. Publ.: " Structural Mechanics " (Bell ), " Light Railway Construction " (Longman, Green and Co. ), " Municipal Subways." Address: 17, The Crescent, Bedford.

PARR, Francis, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst. M. and Cy.E., Municipal Engineer, Municipal Buildings, Bridgwater. T. A.: " Parr, Bridgwater." T. N.: 61 Bridgwater. b. 1850. Served articles with Robert B. Dixon, architect and civil engineer, Darlington. Assistant to C. I. Dawson, F.R.I.B.A.; Surveyor, Barking Urban District Council; Assistant with Arnold Thorn, F.R.I.B.A.; Surveyor, Barnstaple Rural District Council, in respect of various works of drainage and water supply; Surveyor and Water Engineer to the Bridgwater Town Council. Chief Works: Various reconstructions and extensions of the main sewers in Bridgwater; lay-out of the Blake Gardens; construction of culvert and balustrade to river front; erection of police court and police station; scheme for improving navigation of the river Parrett in conjunction with the late W. H. Wheeler, M.Inst.C.E. Surveyor and Waterworks Manager, Bridgwater Town Council.

PARRINGTON, Henry Mason, M.I.Min.E. (Member of Council), Denc House, Castletown, Sunderland.

PARROTT, Reginald John, A.0.G.I., Gen. Man. for A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., Hamble Works, Hants; b. 1887; s. of J. Parrott. Ed. Privately. Training: Central Tech. Coll., S. Kensington. 1st Class Diploma. Career: Joined Aircraft Industry in its infancy in this country in 1909, 'and has been associated with the firm of A. V. Roe and Co., Ltd., from 1909. Clubs: Eccentric, Rydon Street, and Royal Southampton Yacht. Address: " The Gables," Polygon Road, Southampton. T. N.: Southampton 2056.

PARRY, Joseph, M.Inst.C.E., F.R.San.I.,. Civil Engineer, Woodbury, Waterloo Park, Liverpool. T. N.: Waterloo 41. Ed. Liverpool Institute and Queen's College. In Engineering Department of Liverpool Water Works. Assistant Water82 Engineer; Engineer-in-Chief, Liverpool Water Works. Now in private practice as Consulting Engineer. Chief Works: Reservoirs and aqueducts; wells and pumping stations; hydraulic works generally. Publications: Numerous, chiefly on water works and afforestation. Member of University Club, Liverpool.

PARSHALL, Horace F., D.Sc., M.Inst.C.E., Cons. Engr.; Member of Council of Tramways and Light Railways. Assoc.; Chairman and Cons. Engr. to Lancashire Electric Power Co. Address: Salisbury House, London Wall, London. E.C.

PARSONS, Hon. Sir C. A., K.C.B., F.R.S., LL.D., Marine and Electrical Engineer, 1, Upper Brook Street, London, W.', and Newcastle-on-Tyne. T. A.: "Turbo, Newcastle-on-Tyne." T. N.: 6525 Mayfair. b. 1854. Chairman of C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Heaton Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Chairman of the Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., Turbinia Works, Wallsend-on-Tyne. President, British Association; President, Literary and Philosophical Society, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Clubs: Athenaeum, Carlton, British Empire, London; Northern Counties, Newcastle-on-Tyne. War Services.—Hon.-Colonel, Northumberland Fusiliers.

PARSONS, Harry, M.I.Mech.E., Managing Director, Parsons Motor Co., Ltd.; Parsons and Kemball, Ltd. Pres. Southampton Chamber of Commerce; Member Southampton Harbour Board; Identified with several inventions; was Chairman of Local Munitions Committee. Address: " Abingdon," 27, Westwood Road, Southampton.

PARSONS, Rachel Mary, A.I.N.A., Pres., Women's Eng. Soc.; d. of Hon. Sir Charles Parsons, K.C.B. Ed. Roedean Sch. and Newnham Coll. Training: Eng. Sch., Cambridge University (Eng. Tripos ), and Privately. Experimental Work in Private Workshop; Organized Women's Work during the War at C. A. Parsons and Co., Heaton Works, and subsequently in the Training Dept., M. of M. Publ.: Magazine and Review Articles on " Engineering for Women." Address: 1, Upper Brook Street, W.I.

PARSONS, Hon. Richard Clere, M.A.(Dublin), M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, 39, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W. T. A.:" Outfall, London." T.N.: Victoria 5079. b. 1851; third s. of third Earl of Rosse; m. Agnes Elizabeth, d. of J. F. La Trobe Bateman, F. R. S. Ed. Privately; Trinity College, Dublin. Senior Moderator and Gold Medallist Physical Science and Chemistry, and Engineering degree with honours, 1873; contested University of Dublin, 1887; partner in Kitson and Co., Leeds, and took an active part in the development of the Yorkshire College, now the University of Leeds, 188o-7; partner of J. F. La Trobe Bateman, F.R.S., 1887-9; amongst other works superintended the design and construction of the Water and Drainage Works of the city of Buenos Ayres; Engineer to the Congested Board for Ireland, 1893-5; invited and subsequently prepared complete designs for a drainage system for the city of Petrograd, 1898; is Engineer to the Consolidated Waterworks Company of Rosario, Limited, the Montevideo Waterworks Company, Limited, and has designed and carried out numerous works abroad; a Director of the Mersey Railway Company; has a Telford Gold Medal, a 2 Manby Premium and the George Stephenson Gold Medal; Membre de la Societe des Ingenieurs Civils de France; Treasurer and Deputy Chairman of the Delegacy of King's College University of London; a Governor of the Imperial College of Science and Technology, nominated by the University of London; a Vice-President of the Royal Society of Arts; a Vice-President and a Manager of the Royal Institution of Great Britain. Publications: Has contributed numerous papers to scientific societies. Clubs: Athenum, Junior Carlton, British Empire.

PARSONS, William Steel, F.I.I., M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1874; s. of the late N. Parsons, Enstone, Oxon. Ed. Public Sch., Bedford. Training: Pupil to the late Edward Hayes, M.I.C.E. Extra 1st Class B.O.T. Cert. Career: Ten years Man. Engr. with J. Stone and Co., Deptford. Author and Patentee of many Inventions, including The Hydraulic Underline Ash Expeller and the " Monolow " Sewage System for Ships. Member of the B.E.S.A. Address: Radford Bridge, Enstone, Oxon.

PARTRIDGE, Gerald W., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Engr. and Manager, London Electric Supply Corpn., Ltd. Address: 25A, Cockspur Street, London, S. W.1. T. A.: " Generator, Westrand, London." T. N.: Gerrard 3800.

PARTRIDGE, Henry Ralph Champion, Associate.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., Elec. Engr.; Director Elec. Apparatus Co., Ltd.; Bray, Markham and Reiss, Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of Henry Thomas Partridge. Ed. Winchester. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester. Clubs: Travellers', and Norfolk. Address: 8, Draycott Place, S.W.3. T. N.: Kensington 3767.

PATCHELL, William Henry, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Min.E., Consulting Engineer, 64, Victoria Street, London, S.W.i. T. A.: " Patchell, Phone, London." T. N.: Victoria 898. Apprenticed as Engineer with Robey and Co., Lincoln. Works Manager, Electrical Power Storage Co., Ltd., Milwall, E., five years; Engineer-in-Chief, Charing Cross, West End and City Electric Supply Co., Ltd., thirteen years, 1893. Since 1906 has practised as Consulting Engineer; M.Inst.C.E.; Vice-President, I.Mech.E.; Vice-President, Institution of Electrical Engineers, 1904-7, 1909-12; Fellow American Institution of Electrical Engineers; Member of Home Office Departmental Committee on Electricity in Mines, 1904; Member of Jury of International Brussels Exhibition, 1910; Special Lecturer, London University, 1911-12. Publications: " Steam Superheating," " The City of London Works of the Charing Cross Electric Supply Co.," " The Electrification of the Ferndale Collieries," " Power Stations," " Electricity in Mines and Heavy Industries " (Constable and Co. ), " Notes on Operating a By-Product Producer Gas Plant for Power and Heating."

PATCHIN, George, A.R.S.M., M.Inst.M.M., M.Inst.Met., Head of Department of Metallurgy, Sir John Cass Tech. Inst., Aldgate, E.C.3; b. 1877; s. of Geo. Patchin. Ed. and Training: Brighton Tech. Coll.; Royal Sch. of Mines, London. Distinctions: 1st Class Associateship in Metallurgy and Bessemer Medal, 1898. Head of Dept. Metallurgy. Birkbeck Coll., London, 1898-1912, when the Dept, was transferred to The Sir John Cass Inst. Member of various Committees set up by Munitions Inventions Dept. during the War, and carried out important researches. Papers on Original Research and articles in Tech. and Scientific Journals. Address: Sir John Cass Tech. Inst., 31, Jewry Street, E.C.3.

PATE, William, B.Sc., A.M.I.E.E., Man. Dir., Anderson-Grice Co., Ltd., Carnoustie, since 1919; b. 1886; s. of George Pate, Manager, Carron Company. Ed. Glasgow High Sch. Training: Glasgow University. App. in Glasgow; 1907—I i—With the British Electric Plant Co., Ltd., Alloa; closely associated with the development of the Centrifugal Pump by that Firm, for Min. Purposes; 191i-14—With Mather and Platt, Ltd., Elec. Dept., Park Works, Manchester.

PATERSON, Clifford Copland, O.B.E., M. Inst.C.E., M.Inst.E.E., F.Inst.P., Director, Research Laboratories, General Electric Co., Ltd., London; b. 1879; s. of Frederick Paterson. Ed. Mill Hill Sch. Training: Finsbury Tech. Coll.; Geo. Wailes and Co., Faraday House, Machinen Fabrik, Oerlikon. Establishment and Administration of the Electro-technic and Photometric Depts. at the National Physical Laboratory, 1902-18. Developed, with Mr. J. T. Walsh, the Paterson-Walsh height finder for anti-aircraft gunnery. Est. the Brit. Unit of Candle Power, and was responsible, with Dr. E. H. Rayner and others, for the methods of A.C. measurement developed at the N.P.L. January, 1919, started Research Organization for the General Electric Co., London, as Dir. of Research, and is responsible for design and management of their Research Laboratories (Wembley ). V.-Pres. I.E.E., 1922; V.-Pres. Inst.P., 1921; Member of Councils of Elec. Research and Glass Research Assocs.; Chairman of Departmental Ctee. on Ships' Navigation Lights (B.O.T.); Hon. Sec., International Illumination Commission. Publs.: Various papers, Journal Inst.E.E.; Proceedings Phys. Soc., Lond.; Philosophical Magazine, Collected Researches, N.P.L. Address: Research Laboratories of the General Electric Co., Ltd., North Wembley. T.A.: " Reslab, Wembley." T.N.: Wembley 5o.

PATERSON, James, M.A., Member of Council Inst. Gas E., Gas Works, Cheltenham.

PATON, George, Capt., M.I.Mech.E., A.M.I.E.E., Director of Harley, Conyngham and Watt, Ltd., Engrs.; b. 1881; s. of James Middleton Paton. Ed. Bedford Sch. and Gottingen University, Germany. Training: W. H. Allen, Son and Co., Ltd. Bedford. Chief Constl. Engr., Hankow Light and Power Co., Ltd., 1906-7; Chief Engr., Tientsin Gas and Electric Light Co., Ltd., 1908-11. Served during War in Macedonia and Indian N.W. Frontier, as Inspector of Ordnance Machinery, R.A.O.C. Clubs: Thatched House, St. James'; Chemical Industries. Address: 93, Kenilworth Avenue, Wimbledon. T. A.: "Transumo, Cannon, London." T. N.: City 1739.

PATON, J., M.Inst.M. and Cy.E. (P.-Pres.), 6, Beech Terrace, Saltash, Cornwall.

PATON, James, B.Sc., Wh.Ex., Mechanical and Furnace Engineer, 8, York Road, Heaton Moor, Stockport; b. 1874. Ed. Glasgow University, B.Sc. Engineering; Whitworth Exhibitioner. Training: Dunsmuir and Jackson, marine engineers, Govan. Was Assistant Chief Engineer with United 28, Alkali Co., Ltd., 1900-2; then Works Engineer with Wm. Beardmore and Co., Ltd., Glasgow; later General Manager, Gas Power and By-Products Co., Ltd., Glasgow, and at present General Manager, Dowson and Mason Gas Plant Co., Ltd., Levenshulme, Manchester. Club: Engineers', Manchester. War Services.—As General Manager, Dowson Mason Co., Ltd., manufactured shells, aero-cylinders, mines, tanks, etc.

PATTERSON, Thomas Henry, Chairman, Osbourne, Graham and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilders, Sunderland; b. 1879; s. of late Thomas Patterson. Ed. Sunderland High Sch., Giggleswick Grammar Sch.; and Armstrong Coll., Newcastle. Connected with Osbourne, Graham and Co., Ltd., for 24 years; 191519—Actively engaged on Construction for the Admiralty, War Office and Inland Water Transport. Club: Sunderland. Address: 2, The Esplanade, Sunderland. T. A.: " Osbourne, Sunderland." T. N.: Sunderland 921 and 657; Hylton ii.

PAUL, Ernest Moncreiff, C.B., C.B.E., Order of the Nile, Late R.E., Assoc. Inst. C.E., Dep. Director of Fortifications and Works, War Office; Chairman, Building Trades Joint Council; Col. on Staff; late Brig.-Gen. and Director of Works, Mediterranean, Egypt and Palestine Expeditionary Forces, and Chief Engr., R.A.F. Works, Egypt; b. 1864; s. of Henry Moncreiff Paul. Ed. King's Coll. Sch., London; Marlborough Coll. Training. Royal Indian Eng. Coll., Coopers Hill, and Sch. of Mil. Eng., Chatham. Career: 35 years' Army Service (19 Home, i6 Foreign—India, Gibraltar, Ceylon, Egypt); selected six times to carry out special service in connection with Military Intelligence, etc., 1900-06; has been 0.C., Training Battalion, Sch. of Mil. Eng., R.E., Chatham, for three periods. 1888-93—Administrative Charge in India of Barracks, Hospitals, Fortifications, Water Supply, Roads, etc.; 190o-4—Hospitals, Barracks, etc., in Gibraltar; 1911-12-C.R.E. in Administrative Charge of War Office Property in Colchester. 1912-15—C.R.E. War Dept. Fortifications, Electric Light, Plant, etc., in Ceylon; during War period Director of Works, Mediterranean, Egypt and Palestine; for almost whole War full responsible control of all expenditure on " Works," " Air Buildings," " Aerodromes," " Engrs.' Stores and Workshops "; received special commendations from Gen. Allenby and War Office; four times mentioned in Dispatches; Engr.-in-Chief to Gen. Allenby in Palestine for four months, 1917-18; Chairman, Priority Board, Cairo, for regulating Imports into Egypt, 1917-19; W.O. Representative to Advisory Council of Scientific and Industrial Research; Member of various Committees, W.O., etc. Good linguist—Colloquial French, German, Spanish; qualified Military Interpreter in Russian; slight knowledge of Arabic and Hindustani. Publ: " Road Construction and Maintenance." Clubs: Army and Navy, Senior Officers, Anglo-Russian Literary Society. Address: 26, Campden Hill Court, Kensington, W.8. T. N.: Park 4285.

PAULL, Josiah, M.Inst.M.M., General Manager, South Crofty Mines, Ltd.; b. 187o; Ed. Ford's Private Sch., Camborne. Training: Camborne Sch. of Mines. Practical Mining and Milling, Colorado, U.S.A. and S. Af.; Surveyor, Ferreira Gold Min. Co., S. Af.; Mngr., Clitter's United Mines, Ltd., 1901-8; S. Crofty Mines, Ltd., 1908 to date; also Cons. Engr. to Ervedosa Tin Mines, Ltd., Portugal; ist Pres. of Soc.. Cornish E. Address: " Trevenson," Carn Brear, R.S.O., Cornwall. 7'. N.: 89 Camborne.

PAULS, S., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Middleton Corpn., Corpn. Electricity Works, Townley Street, Middleton.

PAWLE, Reginald, A.R.S.M M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Min. Engr.; Partner in Firm of Pawle and Brelick since 1912; b. 1870; s. of the late F. C. Pawle, Northcote, Reigate. Ed. Marlborough Coll. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines. 1891-3—Asst. to Matthew Francis, Halkyn Mines, Holywell, N. Wales; 1893—In charge of Quicksilver Mine at Tegora, Sarawak, Borneo Co., Ltd.; 1898—Mngr. of the Co.'s Gold Mine at Bau, Upper Sarawak; 1905— Suptdg. Engr., Borneo Co.'s Mines in Sarawak and F.M.S.; 1909—II--Gen. Supt., Pahang Consolidated Co., Ltd., Sungei Lembing, Pahang, F.M.S. Clubs: Sports, Mining and Metallurgical. Address: 4, London Wall Buildings. T. A.: " Platoons, London." T. N.: 4825 London Wall.

PAWLEY, Richard, M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engr., Hull and Barnsley Railway.; b. 1857. Ed. City of London Sch. App. to William Hunt, Engr. on E.L. Railway.; 1877—Joined Staff of L. and Y. Railway.; 1884-8— Res. Engr. on 13 miles of new direct route from Manchester to Liverpool; 1889—Engr., Hull and Barnsley Railway., and since responsible for many important works, including extension of Alexandra Dock, Hull, 1899; the Wath Branch, 1902; the Braithwell to Laughton Railway., 1909; the Gowdall to Braithwell Railway., 1916; Joint Engr. for the construction of the King George Dock at Hull, constructed by the N.E. and Hull and Barnsley Railway. Cos., 1906, opened by H.M. the King in 1914. Private Address: 3, Esplanade Crescent, Scarborough. Office Address: 9, Charlotte Street, Hull. T. A.: " Engineer, Junction, Hull." T. N.: 296o Hull.

PAYNE, Albert Edward, A.R.S.M., M.Inst. M.M., Manager, Consolidated Langlaagte Mines, Ltd., Transvaal, 1900 to date; b. 1872; s. of C. H. Payne, M.D., of Wimbledon. Ed. Merchant Taylors Sch., London. Training: R.S.M. Career: 1893-4 —Geological Report on Zemindary of Maharajah of Bobbili, Madras; Min. Engr. to Maharajah of Vizianagram (Manganese deposits), Madras; 1895-6 —Asst. Manager, Nicol Gold Mine and Consolidated Goldfields of W. Australia; 1897-9 —Asst. Sur., Johannesburg Consolidated Investment Co.; Res. Sur., Aurora West United; Sur. to Bantjes Consolidated, Vogelstruis Deep, Ltd., Kimberley Roodepoort, New Unified and Croesus Mines (Transvaal); 1900—Report Mineral Prospects, Guayaquil-Quito Railroad route, Ecuador, S. Amer.; 1901—Surveyor, New Rietfontein Mines (Transvaal); 1902-5— Chief Surveyor, Johannesburg Consolidated Invest. Coy., Ltd.; 1905-10—Manager, New Primrose G. M. Co., Transvaal. Clubs: Rand and Country, Johannesburg; Royal Societies, London. Address: Box 15, Langlaagte, Transvaal Province, S. Af. T. A.: "c/o Consols, Johannesburg." T. N.: 120 Mayfair.

PAYNE, Francis William, M.I.Mech.E., Sole partner in the firm of F. W. and R. Payne, Consulting Engineers, 62, London Wall, London, E.C.2; b. 1864. T. A.:" Panedrej, Ave, London." T. N.: London Wall 7296. Codes: Broohall's Imperial, McNeil's. Re98' ceived Engineering training in England. Commenced practice as a Consulting Engineer in Dunedin, New Zealand, in 1895, and while acting as Consulting Engineer for numerous Mining Companies designed the largest and most powerful Gold Dredges in New Zealand, also designed dredges for gold and tin in Victoria (Australia ), Tasmania, Philippine Islands, and other parts. Has reported on alluvial mining propositions in New Zealand, Queensland, Tasmania, Malay States, Philippine Islands and elsewhere. Past President, Otago Institute, New Zealand.

PAYNE, Stephen, M.B.E., R.C.N.C., M.I. N.A., A.F.R.Ae.S., Construction Manager, Royal Airship Works, Bedford; b. 1886; s. of Jabez Payne. Ed. Royal Naval Eng. Coll., Keyham, and Royal Naval Coll., Greenwich. Training: H.M. Dockyards. In charge Construction H.M.S. " Aurora," R.F.A. " Carol," R.F.A. " Ferol "; Asst. at Admiralty to Designer of H.M.S. " Renown " and " Repulse."; Part Designer of Rigid Airships; Admiralty Chief Airship Overseer; Constructor-in-charge, Rigid Airship R38, built for American Navy; Member, British Engineering Standards Association; Sub-Committee, Materials and Chemistry, of Aeronautical Research Committee. Publ.: Translator (from German ), " German Airship Attacks on England." Address: 21, Devon Road, Bedford. T. A.: " Aeronautics, Bedford." T. N.: Bedford 261.

PEACOCK, James, Supt. Engr., Orient Steam Navigation Co., Ltd. Ed. Allan Glen Sch., Glasgow. Trained: Lees, Anderson and Co., Glasgow; James and Geo. Thomson, Glasgow. Address: 12, Ferncroft Avenue, Hampstead, London.

PEACOCK, James Alfred, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Glen Royd, Scunthorpe, Lincs; b. 189o. Apprenticeship served with Kitson and Co., Ltd., Leeds, locomotive builders. Experienced in modern steel works practice, having served on the staff of The Frodingham Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., The Appleby Iron Co., Ltd., and Samuel Fox and Co., Ltd.; now on the Staff of Philip Peacock and Co., Heywood. War Services.—Served as dispatch rider, Royal Engineers, during the early part of the war, and was commissioned; then serving as Lieutenant, Royal Engineers, and as a Division Officer Royal Engineers.

PEAKE, Algernon, M.Inst.C.E., Deputy Chief Engr., Water Supply and Sewage, N.S.W., 29, Prospect Road, Summer Hill, Sydney, N.S.W.

PEARCE, Sidney Herbert, M.Inst.M.M., Metallurgist, Crown Mines, Ltd., Johannesburg, 1911 to date; b. 1866; s. of Robert Pearce, Hounslow, Middlesex. Ed. Mercers Sch., London. Training: Johnson and Sons, Assayers and Chemists, Finsbury, and Polytechnic Inst. 1878-89—With Johnson and Sons, Assayers to Bank of England and H.M. Mint; 1889-91—Chemist to S.A. Metallurgical Co., Johannesburg; 1891-95—Assayer and Cyanide Manager on various Mines; i895-99—Prospecting and Diamond Min. in Transvaal and Orange Free State; 1897-1911—Cons. Metallurgist, Rand Mines, Ltd., Johannesburg. Foundation and Life M. Chem. Met. and Min. Soc., S.Af., Pres. 1904-5. Address: Box 102, Crown Mines, Johannesburg.

PEARCE, Standen Leonard, C.B.E., M.Sc. Tech., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., F.Amer.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Electricity Works, Dickenson Street, Manchester. T. A.: " Potential, Manchester." T. N.: 3157 Central. b. 1873. Ed. Bishop Stortford College and Finsbury Technical College. Practical Training at the works of The Electrical Engineering Corporation, Ltd., London; Thos. Richardson's, Hartlepool, and with The British India Steam Navigation Co. Assistant Engineer, Metropolitan Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Superintendent Engineer, Central London Railway Power Station; Deputy Chief Electrical Engineer, Manchester Corporation. 1904 to date— Chief Electrical Engineer and General Manager, Manchester Corporation. Past President, Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association; Past President, Manchester Association of Civil Engineers, and Past Chairman, Manchester Section of the Institution of Electrical Engineers. Chief Works: Extensions of the Electricity Supply System of the Manchester Corporation. Publications: Papers read before the Institution of Electrical Engineers, the Incorporated Municipal Electrical Association and the Manchester Association of Engineers. Member of Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Supply of electricity to the numerous munition factories in the Manchester area, for which awarded the C.B.E.

PEARSALL, Ralph Howard, M.A. (Cantab.), M.I.Mech.E., M.I.A.E., Experimental Engr., B.S.A. Co., Ltd., Birmingham; b. 1883; s. of Howard D. Pearsall, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. University Coll. Sch., London, and King's Coll., Cambridge. Hons. Mech. Sc. Tripos, 1905. Training: Premier Gas Engine Co., Ltd., Nottingham. Address Avon Cottage, The Crescent, Solihull.

PEARSE, Cecil, M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; Chairman and Governing Dir. of Aylesbury and Nutter, Ltd., Ipoh, Federated Malay States; Member of Council, F.M.S. Chamber of Mines; b. 1874; s. of Col. Charles J. Pearse; m., 1912, Ethelfreda Charlotte, d. of Admiral Sir Frederick Bedford. Ed. Isle of Wight Coll. Training: James Henderson's, Mines in Cornwall, Camborne Sch. of Mines, passing out top of list. Career: Govt. Insp. of Mines, Perak, F.M.S.; Warden of Mines, Perak; in 1903 formed, with H. F. Nutter, the firm of Nutter and Pearse, Min. Engrs. and Gen. Mangrs. of several Tin Mines, F.M.S., including Tambun Mine, Rahman Hydraulic Tin, Ltd., Kramat Pulai, Ltd., etc.; reported on Min. Properties in the Malay States, Siam and China; 1916—the Firm amalgamated with Aylesbury and Garland under the new title of Aylesbury and Nutter, and Mr. Pearse remained a Gov. Dir. Clubs: Sports, and Min. and Metallurgical. Address: Ipoh, Perak, F.M.S. T. A.: " Pearse, Ipoh."

PEARSON, D. U. R., A.M.I.Mech.E., Gas Engineer, Oriental Gas Company, Ltd., Calcutta; b. 1872. Ed. Head, Wrightson and Co., Ltd., Teesdale Ironworks, from 1888-95. Employed in the design and erection of gasworks plant by several of the principal firms in England, and in re-constructional work at municipal and company gasworks.

PEARSON, Sir Edward Ernest, Kt., J.P., High Sheriff for Herts, 1909; Director of S. Pearson and Son, Ltd., and S. Pearson and Son (Contracting Dept.), Ltd., Contractors for Public Works; b. 1874. Has had charge of many work, including the Malta Dry Dock and Breakwater, the 2 Port Valparaiso, the construction of H.M. Factory, Gretno, etc. Addresses: io, Victoria Street, Westminster, S.W.; Brickendonbury, Hertford, Herts.

PEARSON, Henry Lawrence, Col., D.S.O., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I.Water E.,, Municipality of Singapore; b, 1875; s. of W. G. Pearson. Ed. University Coll. Sch., London. Training: Central Tech. Coll., City and Guilds. Res. Engr., Wynberg Water and Sewerage Works, Cape Colony, Iwo—I; Cons. Engr., Land Settlement Board, O.R.C., 1903; Res. Engr., Bloemfontein Waterworks, 1904; Res. Engr., Ebbw Vale, Mon., Waterworks, 1905-11; Water and Sewerage Engr., Rangoon, 1911-14; Deputy Chief Engr., Rangoon, 1914-20; on Active Service; Asst. Dir. of Works, 1916, and Deputy Director of Works, 1917-19; Mesopotamia Expeditionary Force; 3 times mentioned in Dispatches. Clubs: Singapore, Singapore Yacht. Address: Singapore Municipality. T. A.: " Chiefeng, Singapore."

PEARSON, Hugh, M.Inst.M.M., M.Inst.P.T., F.R.S.A., Cons. (Petroleum) Engr.; b. 1867; s. of Hugh Pearson, of Slamannan. Ed. Slamannan. Training: Gartsherrie Mining Sch., and Coatbridge Tech. Coll. Queen's Prize and H.M. Inspector's Prize. 1882-94—Coal and Iron Min., passing through every phase to that of Colliery Manager at Avonhead Colliery, Lanarkshire; 1895-6—Asst. Manager, Copper Mines, Seville Sulphur and Co., Co. Spain; 1897-1900—Cons. Engr., Collenbranlers Matabeleland Devel. Co.; 1901—Cons. Engr., Pacific Syndicate; 1902-20—Private Consulting Work, Mineral Occurrence and Commercial value principally; Associated for 14 years with the late Sir Boverton Redwood, in Geological Examination for Petroleum. Two papers read to the Inst. of Min. Engrs., and " The Diamond Fields of Brazil," to the R.S. of A., for which he received the Society's Silver Medal; numerous articles on Petroleum and Fuel questions in Tech. and Trade Journals, such as " Fairplay, " " Petroleum World " and " Oil News." Address: 2I, Walton Street, Shawlands, Glasgow.

PEASE, Henry Mark, Man. Dir., Western Electric Co., Ltd., London; b. 1875; s. of Dan F. Pease. Ed. and Training: Cornell Coll., Mt. Vernon, Iowa, U.S.A., and at University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois, U.S.A; Graduated in 1898 in Elec. Eng. Telephone Engr., Western Electric Co., Chicago and London, 1898-1908; Sales Manager, London, 1908-19; Man. Dir., 1919 to date. Address: 151, Oakwood Court, Kensington, W.14. T. A.: " Relay, London." T. N.: 3400 City.

PECK, John S., M.I.E.E., F.Amer.I.E.E., M.A.I. and S.E.E., Electrical Engineer, " Schenley," Altrincham, Cheshire. T. N.: 160 Altrincham. b. t 871. Graduated from Cornell University with degree of Mechanical Engineer. Head of the Transformer Engineering Department, Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Pittsburg, U.S.A., from 1895 to 1904. With British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., Ltd., as Consulting Electrical Engineer and Chief Electrical Engineer from 1904 to 1919. Present Position: Chief Electrical Engineer, Metropolitan-Vickers Electrical Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. Various contributions to engineering societies and technical press. Member of the Engineers' Club, Manchester.

PECK, Noel E., M.I.N.A., M.I.E.S., Director, Barclay, Curie and Co., Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Whiteinch, Glasgow; Swan, Hunter and Wigham Richardson, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs., Wallsend-on-Tyne; Glasgow Iron and Steel Co., Ltd., Wishaw; British Hydraulic Foundry Co., Ltd., Glasgow. Clubs: Royal Societies, London; Conservative, Glasgow. Address: Rockbank, Helensburgh, Dumbartonshire. T. N.: 93 Helensburgh.

PEET, William Gadsby, M.I.Mech.E., District Locomotive Supt., M. Railway., Bristol; b. 1866; s. of James Peel, Silk Manufacturer, Derby. Ed. Diocesan Sch., Derby. Training: Tech. Coll., Derby, and George Fletcher and Co., Engrs., Derby. With M. Railway., Chief of Testing Dept. and Inspector of New Material, 5 years; inspecting bdg. of Locos., 3 years; District Loco. Supt., Burton-on-Trent, Leicester and Bristol, 19 years.

PEILE, Henry, C.B.E., D.Sc., M.I. and S.I., M.Inst. Met., Man. Dir., Priestman Collieries, Ltd.; Chairman, Newcastle Alloy Co., Ltd., and Newcastle Benzol Co., Ltd.; b. 1862; s. of George Peile, of Shotley Bridge, Co. Durham. Ed. Queenwood Coll., Hants. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester. Estabd. Works for Supply of Ferro Alloys; erected Electric Furnaces for Production of the Ferro Chrome required by M. of M.; responsible for Production of Low Carbon Ferro Chrome used in manufacture of Stainless Steel; estabd. manufacture of Carbon Electrodes in England for use in Electric Furnaces. Club: Royal Societies. Address: Shotley Hall, Shotley Bridge, Co. Durham. T. A.: "Peile, Shotley Bridge." T. N.: 6 Shotley Bridge.

PEIRCE, Flying Officer H.C., Tech. Officer, R.A.F., Aeroplane Experimental Establishment, Martlesham.

PELL, Henry William Leach, M.B.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, 36, Hadlow Road, Tonbridge, Kent. T. A.: " Seamac, Tonbridge." T. N.: 134 Tonbridge. b. 1874; m.; family, two boys. Ed. Bradford Technical College. Served apprenticeship, Joseph Booth and Brothers, engineers and crane makers, Rodley, near Leeds. After serving in the works of the Whitehead Torpedo Works was for fifteen years Chief Tool and Plant Draughtsman for E. H. Bentall and Co., Maldon, Essex. At present Director and Works Manager of The South of England Agricultural Machinery Co., Ltd., Tonbridge, Kent. Also Director of Austen Byass and Co., Ltd., 4-6, King Street, Cheapside, London, consulting engineers and merchants, etc. Chief Works: Inventor and designer of the " Seamac " grist mill and the " Seamac " pulley. War Services.—Chief Assistant Engineer in Sheffield district to Area Engineer, Ministry of Munitions, 1915-9.

PELLEW-HARVEY, William, M.Inst.M.M., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1864. Ed. Truro and Swansea. Training: Cornwall and Swansea. 1890-1901— Min. and Cons. Engr. to various Corpns. and Banks in Canada and U.S.A.; 1901 to date, consulting practice; has visited Min. and Smelting Cos. in various parts of the world. Club: M. and M. Address: 62, London Wall, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Abafada." T. N.: 8003 London Wall.

PEMBERTON, Charles Frederick, M.I. Mech.E., Chief Mech. Engr., Locomotive Dept., and Dept. Cornmissr., Central Division, Queensland Railways., Rockhampton, Queensland.

PENDRED, Loughnan St. L., M.I.Mech.E.,. M.I. and S.I., Mechanical Engineer, " The Engineer," 33, Norfolk Street, Strand. T. A.: " Engineer Newspaper." T. N.: Central 2256-7. b. 187o; second s. of late Vaughan Pendred; m. Laura Wildig, 1900. Ed. Privately, at Central Institution and Finsbury Technical College. Apprenticed Davey, Paxman and Co., Colchester. Served with Van den Kerchove, Ghent; Chemin de Fer de l'Ouest, Paris, and Sir W. G. Armstrong, Whitworth and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Joined staff of " The Engineer " in 1896; became editor January, 1905. Publ: " The Engineer." Clubs: St. Stephen's, Savage. War Services.—Hon. Editor, Ministry of Munitions Journal.

PEPPER, W. O., A.M.I.E.E., Mechanical and Electrical Consulting Engineer, Mann's Court, Bradford. T. N.: 4695 Bradford; 590 Shipley. Ed. Ushaw College, Durham, and Armstrong College, Newcastle. Pupilage three years with the Sunderland Forge and Engineering Co., Sunderland. Six years with the British Westinghouse Co. on large constructional works like Mersey Tunnel Railway Co., L.C.C. Tramways, Birmingham and Bradford Corporations. Three years with Dick, Kerr and Co., on tramway, central stations and mining electrifications. In 1909 started in practice as specialist in application of electrical power in textile mill driving and has been responsible for several large conversions. Publications: Paper on Electricity in Mines. War Services.—Detailed to maintain industrial textile power plants in West Riding.

PERRY, Thomas William Weston, M.I. Mech.E., Chief Insp. of Roads, Rural Council of the Cape Division, 8, Greenmarket Square, Cape Town, Cape Colony.

PERRYN, Gerrard H., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Watenvorks, Consulting Engineer, Carisbrookc House, Twickenham; b. 187o. Ed. Uppingharn School. Articled to Joseph Quick and Son, 29, Great George Street, Westminster. Resident Engineer, Guernsey Waterworks and at Cranbrook District Waterworks; Consulting Engineer in practice at 28, Victoria Street, Westminster, up to 1916. Chief Works: Cranbrook Waterworks. Member of the Union Club. War Services.—Lieutenant, Royal Engineers; went to Salonika in February, 1917, employed on water supply scheme for the troops; left Salonika June, 1918, appointed Assistant Director of Royal Engineers, Harwich; February, 1919, Assistant to Chief of Royal Engineers, Ashford, and Director of Engineering Services, Ashford District.

PERTWEE, Herbert Arthur, M.I.Mech.E., Mar. and Mech. Engr.; Senior Partner of Pertwee and Back; b. 1861; s. of James Pertwee, of Boreham, Essex. Ed. Hurstpierpoint. Inventor of the Nelson Ice Crusher. Address: Nelson Ironworks, Great Yarmouth. T. A.: " Pertwee, Great Yarmouth." T. N.: 178.

PETAVEL, Sir Joseph Ernest, K.B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S M.I.Mech.E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I. E.E., National Physical Laboratory, Teddington, Middlesex. T. A.: "Physics, Teddington." T.N.: 336o Kingston. b. 1873. Ed. University College, London. Scientific research at the Royal Institution and at the Davy Faraday Laboratory, 1896-8; John Harling, Fellow Owens College, Manchester, 1900-3. Scientific Manager of the Low Temperature Exhibit of the British Royal Commission for the St. Louis Exhibition, 1904. Professor of Engineering and Director of the Whitworth Engineering Laboratories, the University of Manchester, 1908-19. At present, Director of the National Physical Laboratory, Teddington. Publications: Various papers in the Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society, " The Philosophical Magazine," " Engineering," etc. Clubs: Royal Automobile, Primrose. War Services.—Scientific work connected with various Government committees.

PETERSEN, Theodor, M.I.E.E., Joint Manager, Callenders Cable and Cons. Co., Ltd.; b. 1868; s. of Th. W. Petersen, Vice-Consul in Birmingham for Sweden and Norway. Ed. Clifton Coll. Training: Polytechnic, Zurich, Switzerland. App. with Marshall, Sons and Co., Gainsboro', and Brush Elec. Co., Lambeth; built Roads in Copenhagen Free Harbour, 1894; joined Calenders as Asst. Manager, 1895; now Joint Manager of Anchor Cable Co., and Calenders Cable Co.; Director of Surbiton Contract Co., Chesham E.L. and Power Co.; Chairman of Electric Pulley Block Co.; Director of Th. W. Petersen and Co., Birmingham. Clubs: Caledonian, Cinque Ports; Golf, Deal; Eng. Golfing Soc., Ry. Wimbledon Golf. Address: Shiplake, Parkside Gardens, Wimbledon, S.W.I9. T. A.: " Foliaceous, London." T. N.: 163 Wimbledon.

PETERSON, James Watt, M.I.Mar.E., M.N. E.C.Inst., F.C.M.S., Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor; Principal of the firm of J. Watt Peterson and Co.; b. 1885; s. of Frederick Peterson. Ed. Grammar School, S. Shields and London. Training: Marine Sch., S. Shields. 1st Class B.O.T. Cert. Five years Senior Engr., India Office, Price Ships. Clubs: Northern Conservative and Unionist, Newcastle. Address: Lesbury House, Newcastle-onTyne; Business Address: 24, Side, Newcastle-onTyne. T. A.: "Cylinder." T. N.: 1861 Central.

PETRIE, Thomas Alexander, O.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., Ordnance Engr.; Manager, Govt. Instructional Factory, New Basford, Nottingham; b. 1877. Training: Gordon's Coll., Aberdeen. App. to Jas. Abernethy and Co., Aberdeen; 1905-17— On Staff of Coventry Ordnance Works, Ltd.; 1917-19 —Manager, Basford National Ordnance Factory, Nottingham. Address: 1o, Caledon Road, Sherwood, Nottingham.

PETTER, Ernest Willougby, Mem. of Council I.Mech.E., Chairman and one of the Founders of Petters, Ltd., Yeovil; also Man. Dir. of Vickers, Petters, Ltd., Ipswich, since its foundation in 1918; b. 1873; s. of James B. Petter, of Yeovil. Ed. Yeovil Grammar Sch., and Mount Radford Sch., Exeter. Articled to his father. Contested North Bristol as an Independent Candidate at the last General Election. Has contributed a number of articles to the press on Industrial Subjects and Labour Questions. Clubs: St. Stephen's and 2 Constitutional. Address 7, Upper Phillimore Gardens, Kensington, London, W. T. N.: Park 2824.

PETTER, Percival Waddams, J.P., Mech.E., Joint Man. Dir. of Petters, Ltd.; b. 1873; s. of James B. Petter, Yeovil. Ed. Exeter. Training: Yeovil. Career: One of the Founders of Petters, Ltd., and associated with the Motor Car Industry in its infancy; designed and made one of the first Internal Combustion Engine Cars constructed in this country, 1895. Address: West Park House, Yeovil. T. N.: Yeovil 88.

PETTIFOR, Percy Godfrey, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Woolwich. T. N.: City 6400. b. 1880. Engineering Student, 1894-7, University College, Nottingham. Six years, National Telephone Co., as Switchboard Engineer at their' factory, 1897-1903; Works Superintendent, The British Ericsson Manufacturing Co., Beeston, Notts, 1903-1 I. Since 1911 as Works Superintendent, Apparatus Department, Siemens Brothers and Co., Ltd., Woolwich, S.E.3.

PETTIGREW, William Frank, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I.; b. Glasgow 1858; s. of late John Pettigrew, of Greenock. Training: University Coll., London; Tech. Coll., Finsbury. Trained at Stratford Works, G.E. Railway., under the late Wm. Adams, M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. Manager, G.E. Railway. Works, Stratford; Manager, L. and S. W. Railway. Works, Nine Elms; Loco. Carriage and Wagon Supt., and Chief Mech. Engr., Furness Railway., Barrow-inFurness; George Stephenson Medal and Telford Premium, Inst. C.E.; P.-Pres., Assoc. of Railway. Loco. Engrs. of Gt. Britain and Ireland; P.-Pres., Barrow Assoc. of Engrs. Publ.: " A Manual of Locomotive Engineering." Clubs:Royal Automobile. Address: The Manor House, Oldmixon, Weston-superMare.

PETTIT, Arthur Edward, M. of Council Inst.M.M., A.M.I.Min.E., M.I. and S.I., Cons. Min. and Mech. Engr.; b. 1872; s. of Edward Pettit. Ed. Radley Coll., Abingdon. Training: King's Coll., and Royal Sch. of Mines. App., Westgarth Richardsons, Hartlepool, and Foxdale Lead Mines, Isle of Man; Con. Gold Fields of S.A. Assay Office, Johannesburg, 1906; Surveyor and Underground Manager, Robinson Deep G.M. Co., Johannesburg, 1897-99; Manager, Sommer and Jack, East G.M. Co., Transvaal, 1899-1904; Gen. Manager, South Randfontein G.M. Co., Transvaal, 1904; started as Cons. Engr., 1904; reported on Mines in Canada, America, Australia, New Zealand, Ceylon, Norway, Wales, Servia, Cornwall, France, Servia; Res. Engr. to New Consolidated Gold Fields, London; reporting on Mines Patents, Processes and Industrial Undertakings in this country and abroad, 1905 to date; 1900-2—Boer War, Capt., commanded Elandsfontein Battalion Rand Rifles; Great War, commanded Active Service Company, 1st East Surrey Vol. Regt.; Awarded Royal Humane Soc. Medal, 1903; and special Police Medal, 1919. Clubs: Leander, and Mining and Metallurgical. Address: 8, Old Jewry, E.C.2.; and Hyde End House, Brimpton, Berks. T. A.: " c/o Assuasive, Stock, London." T. N.: 429 Bank.

PHELPS, George I. de B., M.A. (Cantab.), Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil EnginRR eer, Woodbourne Grange, Edgbaston. b. 1875; s. of Lieut.-General Phelps, late Commissary-General, Bombay; m. Eva Josephine, d. of W. R. Fenton, D.L., Clerk of Crown and Peace, Sligo, Ireland. Ed. Brighton College, and Clare College, Cambridge. Articled to Sidney R. Lowcock, M.Inst.C.E., 1898. Partner, S. R. Lowcock and Phelps, Birmingham, 1902-6; Chief Engineer, Sudan Irrigation Service, 1906-8; private practice, 1908-14; appointed Temporary Civil Engineer under Public Works Department, India, 1920, and attached Royal Engineers, Secunderabad, Deccan, India. War Services.—Joined 2/4th South Midland Howitzer Brigade, Royal Field Artillery, May xo, 19T 5; transferred, Royal Engineers (T.), 1916; Adjutant, Royal Engineers School of Instruction, Brightlingsea, 1915-8; Air Ministry (Aircraft Production), 1918-9.

PHILIP, William Littlejohn, J.P., 0.B.E., M.I. Mech.E., Joint Managing Director of Spencer and Co., Ltd., engineers, Melksham, " Westwood," Lansdown, Bath. T. A.: " c/o Spencer, Melksham." T. N.: 1091 Bath. b. 1863; s. of Dr. Philip, for many years minister of Fordoun, Kincardineshire; m. in 1890, Margaret, d. of Wm. Briggs of Arbroath. Ed. Privately at Aberdeen. Served apprenticeship with Wm. McKinnon and Co., engineers, Aberdeen. Went to Melksham, Wilts, 1896, as Works Mangr. to Spencer and Co., engineers; was appointed Managing Director in 1894, on this company being formed into a Limited Liability Co. In 1898 he went to Glasgow as General Manager to The Mirrlees, Watson and Yaryan Co., Ltd., during which time became Chm. of Spencer and Co., Ltd. Returned to Melksham in 1902 as Joint Managing Director to Spencer and Co., Ltd., which position he still holds. In 1919 went to South Africa as Special Adviser to the Union Government in connection with proposed schemes of grain handling and export. Responsible when at Glasgow for many large and important sugar plants and condensing plants, and at Melksham for many important grain and coal handling installations at home and abroad. Member of Wilts County Council; Member of various Committees of Employers' Federation, etc. Clubs: Royal Automobile, and Road. War Services.—Invented and constructed special hydraulic lathes for shell production, and in 19T 9 was created Officer of the Order of the British Empire.

PHILLIPS, Ernest George, M.I.E.E., A.M.I. Mech.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer (Cons. ), 14, Balmoral Road, Nottingham, and Queen's Chambers, King Street, Nottingham. T.A.: " Arskus, Nottingham." T. N.: 5313 Nottingham; b. 1880. Ed. King Charles the Martyr High School, Tunbridge Wells, Kent, and Goldsmith's College, New Cross (electrical engineering). Served apprenticeship, L.B. and S.C. Railway Co., under E. J. Houghton. City of London Electric Lighting Co., Ltd. (Mains Department); County of London and Brush Provincial Co., Ltd. (Mains Department); Vickers Son and Maxim, Ltd. Chief Electrical Engineer, Burroughs, Welcome and Co., Dartford, and Boots Pure Drug Co., Nottingham, and five allied companies. Chief Works: Entire electrification of works of last two firms; design and erection of central power house (p25,000 ) for Boots Pure Drug Co., Nottingham. 1919—Chairman, D. J.I.C. (Electrical ), Notts and Nottingham. 1919—Vice-Chairman of Council Nottingham Society of Engineers. 1919—Member of F.B.I. Committee on National Electric Power Bill. 1917-8-9—Chaire,2 man, Electrical Contractors' Association (Nottingham Branch). I917-8-9—Chairman, National Electrical Contractors' Trading Association (Nottingham Branch). 1917-8-9—Chairman, National Federated Electrical Association (Nottingham Branch). 19-7-9 —Secretary, Scientific and Technical Library (Nottingham). Author of " Pneumatic Conveying." PHILLIPS, Robert Wilfred L., A.M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., Bedford Corpn. Address: Cauldwell Street, Bedford.

PICARD, Hugh Kirkpatrick, P.-Pres. Inst. M.M., A.R.S.M., Metallurgist; Partner in firm of Sulman and Picard, Metallurgists; b. 1871; s. of Dr. P. K. Picard. Ed. Privately. Training: Univ. Coll., and R.S.M. Co-inventor of Froth Flotation Process. Pub/.: " Copper " (Sir Isaac Pitman). Address: 44, London Wall, E.C.2. T. A.: " Blowpipe, Ave." T. N.: London Wall 1915.

PICKARD, John Edwin, Borough Engr., Pontefract; b. 1867; s. of Ruben. Ed. Ossett and Wakefield Tech. Training: Wakefield. Seven years Min., 34 years Public Works, chiefly Water and Sewerage. Clubs: St. Oswalds, Pontefract, and Nelson of the Nile, Batley. Address: 1, Priory Cliff, Pontefract. T. N.: 137 Pontefract.

PICKERING, Frank, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E., Cons. Elec. and Mech. Engr.; Partner, Hudson and Pickering, Cape Town; s. of late G. A. Pickering, of Bury, Lancashire. Ed. and Training: Bury and Rossall. Pupil with Bentley and Jackson, Bury, Lancs.; went to S. Af., under agreement with Cape Govt.; appointed Asst. Elec. Engr., Govt. Railways., 1895; then Elec. Supt. of the Union Govt. Railways., Harbours and Telegraphs, until 1918; entered into Partnership with W. Hudson, as Hudson and Pickering; Cons. Elec. and Mech. Engrs., Cape Town, Elec. Adviser to the P.W.D., Cape Colony, to the date of Union, 1910; also to the Chief Royal Engr., Imperial Mil. Command, S. Af.; during the Boer War, Lt., on Staff of Sir William Morris, C.R.E.; during the Great War, Major Commanding Cape Fortress Engrs.; Hon. Sec. and Treas., Inst. E.E., for Cape Colony, Natal and Rhodesia. Club: Civil Service, Cape Town. Address: Post Office Box, No. 1351, Cape Town. T. A.: " Vauxhall, Cape Town." T. N.: 4519 Cape Town, Central.

PICKERING, J. S., M.Inst.C.E., P.-Pres. Inst. M. and Cy. E., Borough Engr., Cheltenham.

PICKERSGILL, William, C.B.E., J.P., Wh. Sch., Pres.I.Loco.E. (London) 1920-21, P.Pres. Assoc.Rly.Loco.E., M.E.I.S., M.W.Scot.I. S.I., Locomotive, Carriage and Wagon Supt., Caledonian Railway. Co.; b. 1861; s. of John Gaukrodger Pickersgill. Ed. Public Sch. and Academy, Crewe; Finsbury Coll., London; Birkbeck Inst., London. Training: G.E. Railway., Stratford, Essex. Member of B.E.S.A. Address: I2, Windsor Quadrant, Kirklee, Glasgow. T. A.: " Powerful, Glasgow." T. N.: 2700 Douglas.

PICKUP, William, F.G.S., Mem. of Council I.Min.E., P.-Pres. Manchester Geol. and Min. Soc., Carlton Lea, Billinge End, Blackburn. T. N.: 6451.

PICKVANCE, William Griegson, M.I.E.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 41A, Regent Street, Wrexham. T. A. " Pickvance, Regent Street, Wrexham." Professional Training: First as a Mining Engineer, subsequently Mech. and Electrical. After six years' varied experience in mechanical and electrical work, served as Assistant Engineer, Farnworth Corporation Electricity and Tramways Undertaking for four years; 2+ years as Assistant Electrical Engineer, Malvern Electricity Undertaking. 1907-20, Engr. and Manager to the Wrexham Corporation Electricity Undertaking. 'Chief Worhs: Designed and carried out varied extensions to public electric supply works approximating £so,000. An original member of the " Point Five " Association. Chairman, Local Technical Advisory Committee for Training of Disabled Soldiers. War Services.—Conceived scheme of shell production at Wrexham; designed, equipped and established Wrexham National Shell Factory; Resident Director 'of same. Director of Inspection Department for the N. Wales Board; Member of the Board of Management, North Wales Munitions Committee; Member of Executive Committee, N.W. (No. 2) Munitions Area.

PICKWORTH, Alfred, M.Sc., M.I.N.A., Surveyor to Lloyd's Register; b. 1885; s. of Alderman Ellis Pickworth, Stockton-on-Tees. Ed. Holy Trinity Sch. and Stockton Secondary Sch. Training: Stockton Tech. Inst. and Armstrong Coll. (Durham University ). Durham County Council Senior Exhibitioner, 1906-9; The Shipwrights Co. Scholarship, 1908. App. with Ropner and Sons, North Shore Shipbuilding Yard, Stockton; Lecturer in Naval Architecture, Stockton and Belfast Tech. Insts., 1909-11; Asst. Designer, Workman, Clark and Co., Belfast; Surveyor to Lloyd's Reg., 1911, in Glasgow, London (on Staff of Chief Ship Surveyor), and Sunderland. Address: 6, Park Avenue, Roker, Sunderland. Jj PICKWORTH, Charles Newton, Wh.Sch., Mech. Engr.; Editor, " Mech. World," etc.; b. 1861. Ed. Birkbeck Coll., London. Training: W. and H. Allen, London; and G. Wailes and Co., London. Joined Editorial Staff of " Mech. World," 1889, and became Editor, 1891; Editor " Textile Manufacturer," 1895; Author of—" The Slide Rule," " Logarithms for Beginners," " The Indicator: Its Construction and Application," " The Indicator Diagram: Its Analysis and Calculation," etc. Address: 6, Rathen Road, Withington, Manchester.

PIERCE, Robert Cecil, M.I.E.E., M.I.Mech.E., 'General Manager and Engr., Cambridge Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; also on Bd. of Directors; b. 1875; s. of Robert Bartlett Pierce. Ed. Eton. Training: King's Coll., London; and Sir C. A. Parsons and Co.'s Works, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Eight years with A. A. C. Surntin, F.R.S., M.I.E.E.; 12 years in present position. Club: Royal Automobile. Address: Silbuy, Grange Road, Cambridge. T. N.: 510 Cambridge.

PIERSON, Reginald Kirshaw, M.B.E., B.Sc. (Eng.), M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S., Aeronautical Engr.; Chief Designer at Messrs. Vickers, Ltd.; b. 1891; s. of the late Rev. Kirshaw T. Pierson. Ed. Felsted. Training: Erith (Vickers ). Career: Designer of the Vicker's Vimy that made the Trans2C atlantic and Australian Flights; Designer of the Amphibian Vicker's Viking, winner of the Air Ministry's 1st Prize (Lip,000 ). Address: Fellside, Weybridge. T. N.: 578 Weybridge.

PIGG, James, M.I.E.E., Elec. Engr., NorthEastern Railway., Stoneleigh, Linden Avenue, Darlington.

PIGOTT, Lt.-Col. Robert Edward Pemberton, C.I.E., V.D., M.I.E.E., Chief Elec. Engr., B.B. and C.I. Railway., India, since 1908. Address: Bombay, Baroda, and Central India Railway., Bombay, India.

PILDITCH, George Frederick, Elec. Engr., Rathmines and Rathgar Township. Address: Electric Lighting Department, Town Hall, Rathmines, Co. Dublin.

PILLING, Henry, M.B.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I., General Manager, Galloways, Ltd., Knott Mill Ironworks, Manchester. Address: 20, Manchester Road, Chorlton-cum-Hardy, Manchester.

PINCKNEY, F. G. A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Khartoum, Sudan; b. 1876; s. of the late John Pinckney of Great Durnford, Salisbury, Wilts. Ed. Haileybury College and Crystal Palace Engineering School. Assistant Engineer to Sir John Wolfe-Barry and Partners on construction of Ealing and South Harrow Railway, and Kew Bridge; Resident Engineer, on Exe Bridge, Exeter, new wharf at Cattewater, Plymouth, and Sea Defence works at Blue Anchor, North Devon. Joined the staff of the Sudan Government Railways in 1906. Member of Sports Club. War Services.—Sudan Government Railways.

PINTO, E. Arthur, Electrical Engineer, 96, High Street, Ramsgate. T. N.: Ramsgate 212. b. 1884. Ed. City of London School and London University. Engineering training at Finsbury Technical College under Dr. Silvanus P. Thompson, F.R.S. Assistant Engineer to Witting Eborall and Co., Ltd., and The Stalybridge, Hyde, Mossley and Dukinfield Tramways; Engineer-inCharge, Poplar Borough Council.

PIPPARD, Alfred John Sutton, M.B.E., D.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., F.R.Ae.S., Director of Ogilvie and Partners, Ltd., Cons. Engrs., London, since 1919; b. 1891; s. of late A. W. Pippard, of Yeovil. Ed. County Sch., Yeovil. Training: University of Bristol. Articled with A. P. I. Cotterell, Westminster and Bristol; 1913-14 Asst. Engr., Pontypridd and Rhondda Joint Water Bd.; 1915-19, in charge of aerolane structural work at Admiralty and Air Ministry. Publ.: " Aeroplane Structures " (Longmans ). Various articles in Tech. Press. Address: 104, High Holborn, London, W.C.i. T. A.: " Aerconseng, Westcent, London." T. N.: Holborn 818.

PIRRIE, William James, Viscount, K.P., Chair. man of Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Shipbuilders and Engrs.; b. 1847; s. of James Alexander Pirrie, of Little Clandeboye, Co. Down. Ed. Belfast Royal Academical Inst. Training: Harland and Wolff, Ltd., Belfast. Clubs": Reform, London; Kildare Street, Dublin; Ulster, Belfast; Royal Ulster Yacht, Bangor, Co. Down. Address: 24, Belgrave Square, London, S.W.; Witley Park, Godalming; and Ormiston, Strandtown, Co. Down.

PITBLADO, Laurence Oliphant, M.Inst. M.M., Cons., Min. and Metallurgical Engr.; Man. Dir., Albion Min. Co., Ltd.: s. of the late George Pitblado, Manufacturer, Stirling. Ed. in Stirling, and Normal Coll., Edinburgh; pupil with City Analysts, Glasgow; Student in Min. and Metallurgy, Tech. Coll., Glasgow; Asst. Metallurgist, Albion Silver Min. Co., Queensland; two years, Chief Metallurgist, Muldiva Silver Min. and Smelting Co.; then specialist to Broken Hill to work a wet process of Silver extraction; 1895—Reported on Gold properties in Malay States and Borneo for the Cassel Gold Extraction Co.; 1896-9—In charge Cyanide operations Mysore field, India, for both Cassel Co. and Mysore Gold Min. Co.; 1899—Asst. Manager, and later Manager, Fremantle Customs Smelting Works; 1901—Reported on Min. property, Chilian-Argentine Frontier; erected Smelting Plant for the Capillitas Copper Co.; 1904—Reorganized the Queensland Copper Co.'s Smelting Works; 1906—Inspected Copper Mines and Emerald deposits in Peru, Antimony Mines in Bolivia, etc.; 1907—Reported on Copper properties in N.S.W., Victoria, and Cloncurry district of Queensland. Author of " Cyanide Work in India," and other papers. Address: Randolph Terrace, Stirling.

PLATT, Francis James, M.I.Mech.E., P. Pres. and Life M. Glos. Eng. Soc., Cons. Engr. (Hydraulic, Gas, Aeronautical); b. 1869; s. of James Platt, J.P., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E. Ed. Cheltenham Coll., and Owens, Manchester. Training: Fielding and Platt, Ltd., Glos. Late Director of Fielding and Platt, Ltd., and Man. Dir., Dudbridge Ironworks, Ltd., Stroud; 1903-20—constructed first large Aeroplane Engine, 200 H.P., in 1914. Address: 87, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W.I. T. A.: " Aeroflight, Vic., London." T.N.: 7026 Victoria.

PLATT, Samuel Sydney, M.Inst.C.E., .Inst.M and Cy.E., M.0. I., F.G.S., b. 1853 s. of John Neesham Platt, Leek, Staffs. Ed. Leek Commercial Sch. Training: Owens Coll., Manchester; and private tuition. Pupil at Hanley and Rochdale with Thos. Hewson, M.Inst.C.E.; Asst. and Deputy Borough Engr., Rochdale, 1875-81; Borough Engr., Rochdale, 1881-1918; Cons. Engr., Rochdale Corpn., 1918-21; Pres. Students of Inst. C.E., Manchester, 1907-8. Publ.: Proc. M. and Cy.E. —1883, 1889, 1897, 1911—dealing with " Eng. Works at Rochdale "; 1891—" Epitome of Eng. Features of Manchester Ship Canal "; 1891— " Petrological Notes on Granite and other Stone used for Paving at Rochdale." 1915—Trans. R. San. Inst., on " Construction of Main Sewers." Address: Cartrefle, Wynnstay Road, Old Colwyn, N. Wales.

PLATT, Wallace H., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer,(Consulting), Laidlaw Building, Singapore. T. A.: "Platt, Singapore." T. N.: 272 Singapore. b. 188r. Ed. Bolton Grammar School and Technical Institution. Received training with John Musgrove and Sons, Bolton. Engineer with Worthington Pump Co.; Richard Hornsby and Sons; Tillishall Engineering Co.; Lever Brothers, Ltd., Port Sunlight; Sociedad Espana di Construccion Naval. Now in practice as Consulting Engineer. Chief Works: Built Colonial Oil Mills, Singapore; Sin Chye Xm Sawmills; Katong Electric Lighting Station. Patentee Platt patent safety devices and Platt patent rubber rolling machine. War Services.—Straits Settlements Volunteer Corps, Singapore.

PLENTY, Edward Pellew, M.I.N.A., M.Inst. Met., Mar. Engr.; Man. Dir., Plenty and Son, Ltd., Newbury, Berks; b. 1868. Ed. Bradfield Coll., Theale, Berks. App. to Plenty and Son, Ltd., Engrs., Newbury; afterwards Chief Draughtsman and Man, Dir. Address: Hill House, Wash Hill, Newbury. T. A.: "Plenty, Newbury." T. N.: 204, Newbury.

PLEWS, Arthur Gordon, B.A. (Cantab.), M.Inst.M.M., Min. Engr.; b. 1883. Ed. Clifton Coll., Bristol; and Pembroke Coll., Cambridge. Training: Manchester and Birmingham Universities. Min. appointments in Australia, Canada, Peru, W. Af. and Burma, in connection with Gold, Antimony, Tin, Tungsten; Metallurgical experience in connection with Copper, Lead and Zinc in Lancs. and S. Wales; inspection work in Norway, Spain, and U.S.A. Address: 11-12, Finsbury Square, London, E.C.2. T. A.: " Agneta, London." T.N.: Clerkenwell 1237.

PLUNKETT, J. O., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Public Works Dept. Federated Malay States. b. 1888; s. of the late J. M. Plunkett, Ballybrophy, Queen's Co. Ed. Oundle School and Armstrong College, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Served as pupil and assistant of J. Mitchell Moncrieff, M.Inst.C.E., from 1907-12. Engaged (under Mr. Moncrieff) on the design and construction of a variety of civil engineering works, including graving docks on the Rivers Tyne and Tees, bridgework, factory buildings, etc. Joined the Leopoldina Railway Co. in 1912 and went to Brazil as an assistant Resident Engineer on the construction of a new port and harbour at Victoria. Was ultimately in charge of the exploration surveys for an extension of the Leopoldina Railway in the interior. Returned to England and joined H.M. Forces in 1914; engaged on the staff of Sir Robert MacAlpine and Sons in 1919 on the construction of factories, etc., at Stornoway, N.B. "" Member of South American Comrades Club, z6, Warwick Square, S.W. War Services.— Joined the Royal Garrison Artillery in 1914; attained rank of Captain; demobilized in 1919. Served three years in France and Belgium, being present at the battles of Beaumont Hamel, Arras, Messines, Passchendaele, the Lys, the capture of Lille, and the final advances in Belgium. Attached to the Royal Engineers after the Armistice, on recon struction.

POCHIN, Edward Arnold, A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Trafford Park, Manchester. T. A. " Arpogear, Manchester." T. N.: Trafford Park 34. b. 1874; m. 1902. Ed. Hulme Grammar School and Manchester Technical School. Apprenticeship at M.S. and L. (now Great Central) Locomotive Works, Gorton, followed by several years' business and management experience. Started as manufacturer of machine-cut gearing in 1901. Director, Falcon Iron Works (1913 ), Ltd., Oldham, and Trafford Park Traders Association, Ltd. Chief Works: Design and manufacture of large number of power transmissions of all descriptions, many special and unusual. Member of Engineers' Club, Manchester. War Services.—Made gearing for all kinds of war implements, guns, torpedoes, torpedo tubes, aeroengines, tanks, etc.; also Captain, O.C. " A " Company T (th Volunteer Battalion, The Sherwood Foresters Notts and Derby Regiment ).

POCHOBRADSKY, Bedrich, Chief Engr. and Member of Management Committee, Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works, The General Electric Co., Erith; b. 1884. Ed. Coll. at Kutna Hora (Czechoslovakia ), Tech. High Sch. at Zurich (Switzerland }. 2+ years with First Bohemo-Moravian Machine Works in Prague, on development of radial multistage steam turbines; i years with the British Westinghouse Electric and Manufacturing Co., in charge of Turbine Eng. Department (steam turbines, turbo-blowers, turbo-compressors, centrifugal pumps); since 1911, with Fraser and Chalmers Engineering Works; Chief Engr., Turbine Department (steam turbines, turbo-blowers and turbo-compressors); since 192o, Chief Engr. and Member of Management Committee: Plants for Power Stations, Iron and Steel Works, Collieries, etc. Address: 19, Cadogan Court, Draycott Avenue, London, S.W.3. T. N.: Kensington 2193.

POLLETT, Edward Hugh, Hons. B.Sc. (Eng.) Lond., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 7, Carlyle Road, East Croydon, Surrey; b. 1885; s. of George Edward Pollett. Ed. Private schools; Finsbury Technical College, and received practical training with The Westminster Engineering Co., Ltd., Willesden, N.W. Ten years on Examining Staff, H.M. Patent Office (1908-18 ). Private Assistant to Sir Dugald Clerk, K.B.E., F.R.S. (1918-21 ). War Services.—Sub-Lieutenant, R.N.V.R. (invalided out of service).

POLLOCK, Charles Albert, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Civil and Mechanical Engineer, Lyndale, Great Northern Road, Dunstable; b. 1886; s. of J. J. Pollock, Londonderry; m. G. Mason, Leeds. Apprenticed, Combe, Barbour and Combe, Belfast. Three years' course in Civil and Mechanical Engineering, University of Leeds, under Professor Goodman; 2+ years as Assistant Engineer to Gwynnes, Ltd., Hammersmith; installed large pumping plants in England, Brazil and Argentine for this firm; Chief Locomotive Draughtsman for Central Cordoba Railway, Cordoba, South America; Assistant Engineer on construction of new waterworks, Victoria, British Columbia, consisting of two large concrete dams, 27 miles of reinforced 4-ft. diameter pipes, and 14 reinforced concrete bridges. At present, Works Manager, Bagshawe and Co., Dunstable. War Services.—Lieutenant, Royal Engineers; wounded severely Battle of Somme, 1916; discharged owing to wounds received, August, 1917. Afterwards Outside Production Officer, Mechanical Warfare Department, till December 21, 1918.

POLLOK, John, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil Engineer, Nairobi, British East Africa. T. A.: " Pollok, Nairobi." b. 1878. Ed. Glasgow and West of Scotland Technical College; Formans and McCall, Glasgow. Lanarkshire and Ayrshire Railway construction, Transandine Tunnel construction, Majadi Railway construction, Parsik Tunnel for Great India Peninsula Railway, Bombay, India, and Tatas Hydro-Electric Works, India. Private business as Consulting Engineer in Nairobi, British East Africa.

POLYBLANK, Harry Stanley, A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, " Halesowen," 2Q Grove Park Road, Chiswick, W.4; b. August, 1879.. Ed. Toynbee Hall and East London College (University of London ). Engineering Works Training with Nalder Brothers and Langdon-Davis Motor Co., Ltd. Technical Assistant in the Testing Department, Muirhead and Co., Ltd.; Lecturer and Instructor in Engineering, City of Bradford Technical College, and the London County Council Institutes; Engineering Inspection Work in Canada, India and Egypt;, Inspector of Aircraft, Air Ministry. War Services.—Lieutenant, Royal Air Force.

POLYBLANK, W. J., 0.B.E M.I.E.E., Head of the Development Section of the Instrument Design Establishment, R.A.F., Biggin Hill.

POOLE, Prof. G., B.Sc., F.G.S., M.I.M.E., Professor of Mining, University of Leeds, Cons. Min. Engr. b. 1885. Ed. King Edward Grammar School, Stourbridge, and" University of Birmingham. Early mining experience on Lord Dudley's estate. Lecturer in Mining, University of Birmingham; Certificated as Colliery Manager; for 11 years one of H.M. Inspectors of Mines; served 2 years at Home Office as. Secretary to H.M. Chief Inspector; was a senior Inspector on retirement from staff. Appointed Professor of Mining, 192o. Private Address: Claremont, Monk Bridge Road, Headingley, Leeds.

POOLEY, Henry (Jun.), B.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., F.G.S., Consulting Engineer, c/o W. A. Brown and Pooley, consulting engineers, 61, Chancery Lane, London, W.C.2. T. A.: " Arotaculer, Holb, London." b. 1892; s. of Henry Pooley of Henry Pooley and Son, Ltd., scale makers of Birmingham and London; m. in 1917, Marie, d. of Harry Goodwin of Antigua, West Indies. Ed. High School, Newcastle, Staffs, and the University of Bristol. Studied chemistry for two years and also graduated as B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering. Apprenticeship with Henry Pooley and Son, Ltd., scale makers. Director of W. A. Brown and Pooley, Ltd., consulting engineers, engaged on design of factories for the manufacture of cement, sand and gravel washing and screening plants, etc. Author of articles on " Urgent Need of Labour Saving Devices in Great Britain," in the American journal, " Rock Products," etc. War Services.—Active service with Gloucester Regiment in France; transferred to Royal Air Force. In charge of aeroplane production for Ministry of Munitions, first at the Austin Motor Co., Ltd., Birmingham, for six months, and then in charge of the Coventry-Birmingham-Wolverhampton Area for about eighteen months, as District Production Officer. Demobilized on June 28, 1919, with rank of Captain. Sub-Section Director, Ministry of Munitions of War.

POOLEY, Henry Jeffries, Joint Man. Dir. George Scott and Son (London ), Ltd.; Ernest Scott and Co., Ltd.; b. 1877; s. of Frederic Pooley. Ed. and Trained: Wallasey, and Liverpool University. Joined the Liverpool Staff of Scotts; originated and developed many of their processes and plant in evaporation, drying and extraction. Club: Chemical Industry, Whitehall.. Address: Kingsway House, W.C.2. T. A.: "Niobate, London." T. N.: Gerrard 9857.

POOLEY, Hubert, M.Inst.C.E., Gas Engineer, Gas Offices, Millstone Lane, Leicester. T. A.: " Gas, Leicester." T. N.: 1951 Leicester. b. 1868. 1886-93—Articled pupil and assistant to 92 T. 0. Paterson, M. I nst. C.E. 1893-I900-----Engineer and Manager, Gas Department of the Royal and Ancient Burgh of Dunfermline. 19')o-ro—Engineer and Manager, Gas and Electricity Department, Borough of Stafford. 1910 to date—Engineer and Manager, City of Leicester Gas Department.

PORRITT, Louis Alfred, M.I.Mech.E., Permanent Director of Wm. Tatham, Ltd., Textile Machinery Manufacturers, Rochdale; b. 1866; s. of late Jonas M. Porritt. Ed. Rochdale Grammar Sch. Training: Rochdale and Manchester Tech. Sch. App. with William Tatham and Co.; Partner, 1890; Sole Proprietor, 1907-12; Permanent Director since 1912, when business was formed into a Private Limited Co. Club: Rochdale. Address: Egmont, Manchester Road, Rochdale. T. N.: 596.

PORTER, Eustace William, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., M.I.Mech.E., M.J.Inst.E., Canal, Harbour, Dock and Railway Engineer, Canal Office, Clachnaharry, Inverness. T. A.: " Canal, Inverness." T. N.: 140. b. 1872. Indentured with the Locomotive Superintendent, North London Railway Co., Bow, and subsequently pupil under the late Sir James Inglis (Harbour and Railway Engineer ), while Engineer-in-Chief to the Great Western Railway Company, Paddington. After pupilage was engaged on the Board of Trade Strength of Bridges on the Great Western Railway Investigation Staff. On completion, Assistant to Consulting Engineer for Calcutta Port Trust, Assam-Bengal Railway, Rio Tinto Co.; with the Admiralty Civil Engineer-inChief's Department for 7 years; on the Tube and Metropolitan Railways, London; Personal Assistant to F. E. Wentworth-Shields, Engineer for the new 16-acre dock and widening of Trafalgar Dry Dock, London and South Western Railway, Southampton, 5 years. Since 1912, Resident Engineer and Manager, Caledonian Canal, Inverness, Fort William. Publicalions Premiated paper, Junior Institution of Engineers, " Railway Bridges "; contributions to " World of Science," " Concrete," and other periodicals. Member of the Highland Club. War Services.—Arrangements for and control of special Admiralty mine traffic through Caledonian Canal.

PORTER, Geoffrey, Assoc.M.Inst.0.E., Borough Elec. Engr., Worthing; b. 1874; s. of Charles Porter. Ed. Eastbourne, and later S. Germany. Training: Berlin. Two years Electrician P. and 0. S.N. Co.; 4 years Asst. Engr., Westminster Electric Supply Co.; 20 years Borough Elec. Engr., Worthing; Pres., Diesel Engine Users' Assoc., 1916 and 1917; Member, Sub-Committee B.E.S.A. for " Prime Movers for Elec. Plant," " Gas Engine " and " Diesel Engine " Panels. Several papers on " Diesel Engines " read before the Diesel Engine Users' Assoc.; on " Insurance," " Relative Cost of Steam and Oil Plant," " Use of Tar Oil," " Wear in Diesel Engines." Address: 37, St. Michael's Road, Worthing.

PORTER, John Bonsall, E.M., Ph.D., D.Sc.; Chairman of Faculty Applied Sc., McGill University; M.Inst.C.E.; Cor. Mem. Council I.M. and M.; P.-Pres., Min. Sec., Canadian Soc. C.E.; Vice-Pres., Canadian Min. Inst., 1907-9; Hon. Sec. and Mem. Executive Committee, Canadian E.S.A.; Prof. of Min. Eng., \IcGill University, Montreal, since 1896. Address: a3o, McTavish Street, Montreal. T. A.: " Retrop, 29 Montreal." T. N.: 415 up; Long Beach Farm, Guysboro', Nova Scotia.

PORTER, Ralph Classon, M.Sc., Assoc.M. Inst.C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Crosby, Northfield, Birmingham; b. 1871; s. of Rev. J. N. Porter; m. Miss A. M. Dick. Ed. Clifton College, 1835, and Victoria University, Liverpool, 1889. Apprenticed to Beyer, Peacock, Gorton, 1892. Under Manager, Frodingham Iron and Steel Co., 1895; Professor, Ecole Polytechnique, Cairo, 1899; Lecturer in Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, 1931. Member of University Club, Birmingham. War Services.—Engineer to the 1st Southern General Hospital, Birmingham.

PORTER, Reginald, B.A. (Cantab.), Assoc. M.Inst.C.E., A.M.I.E.E., Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, The Key Engineering Co., Ltd., Trafford Park, Manchester. T. A.: " Keypoint, Manchester." T. N.: 203 Trafford Park, Manchester. b. 1880; c. of R. da C. Porter, R.E.; in. Stephanie, d. of Stephen Sellon, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Eton and Cambridge. Staff of Brush Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd.; Director of Key Engineering Co., Ltd.; Director and London Manager of the Canadian British Engineering Co., Ltd.; Managing Director of Key Engineering Co., Ltd.; Engineer and Representative of W. Reavell and Co., Ltd. Publications: Paris Exhibition Prize, Institution of Electrical Engineers, for paper on " Large Gas Engines." Clubs: Union, and Engineers' Manchester. War Services.—Enlisted August, 1914, Queen's Westminster Rifles; commission, October 29, 1914, Queen's Westminster Rifles; Temporary Captain in France with 1st Battalion, transferred to R.E. (T. ), May 6, 1916; Acting Captain and Area Searchiight Officer, B.E.F. Demobilized, March, 1919.

POTT, Arthur Henry, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., A.M.Amer.I.E.E., Consulting Engineer, 80, Bishopsgate, E.C.2. T. N.: London Wall 9574. Ed. Clifton College. Training: City and Guilds Technical College, Exhibition Road. With Crompton and Co. 14 years to 1930; with E.E.R.E. (V.) in Boer War, 1900; with Metropolitan and Electric Tramways, 1902-18; with North Metropolitan Electric Power and London United Trams; associated with Metropolitan Electric Tramways. Chief Works: Construction of the Metropolitan Electric Tramways system, with power house, sub-stations, etc. Has visited South Africa, U.S.A., South America and Continent on engineering business. Club: St. Stephen's. War Services.—Technical Inspector to Tramway (Board of Trade) Committee.

POULDEN, George Edward Luther, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.Inst.M. and M.C.I., F.R.C.I., Civil Engineer (chiefly Harbours and Docks), Nettlebed, Oxon. T. A.: "Nettlebed." b. 1870; s. of Captain Edward Poulden, R.N., and Katharine, nee Gawler, d. of Colonel G. Gawler, K.H. (late 52nd Regiment, and second Governor of South Australia); m. 1907, Katharine, second d. of Jas. Inskip, solicitor, Bristol. Ed. Private schools and Monkton Combe, near Bath; King's College, London. Articles under Wm. Shield, Peterhead Harbour of Refuge, and H. H. Wake, River Wear Commission. Improver under Colonel Sir E. Raban, R.E., at Portsmouth Dockyard. Draughtsman on Admiralty staff, Keyham Dockyard Extension Works. Assistant Civil Engineer on Admiralty Staff, Gibraltar Dockyard Extension. Royal School of Mines; passed in Mine Surveying. Government of Chile; Chief Assistant to Adam Scott, consulting engineer for harbours and docks; surveys of the ports of Valparaiso, Mejillones, Antofagasta, Iquique and Arica, including taking borings by water jet process. Resident Engineer, Zanzibar City Waterworks. Rio Tinto Mining Company; Assistant Engineer, Railways; tacheometric survey, etc. Acting Colonial Engineer, St. Lucia, West Indies. War Services.—Lt. R.E. On staff of General Sir A. M. Stuart, Director of Works, up to March, 1916; afterwards in Marseilles; assistant to C.R.E. Camps and Roads, Headquarters, Aldershot, 1918-19; Captain, July i3, 1915.

POWER, Frederick Danvers, Cons. Min. Engr., b. 1861; s. of S. B. Power. Ed. Malvern Coll., Eng. Training: Royal Sch. of Mines, London, and Koenigliche Bergakademie zu Clausthal a/Harz, Germany. Twice Pres. of the Australasian Inst. Min. E.; Lecturer on Min., Univ. of Sydney; Certified Mine Mangr.; Examiner for Mine Mangr.'s Cert., N.S.W. Publ.: " Pocket Book for Miners and Metallurgists "; " Coal Fields and Collieries of Australia "; various Papers before Scientific Socs. Address: 33-39, Hunter Street, Sydney, N.S.W., Australia. T. A.: "Danvers." T. N.: B6586.

POWER, John Moorhead, Min. Engr.; b. 1862; s. of Sir W. Tyrone Power. Ed. Wellington and Trinity Coll., Cambridge (Graduate ). Training: Cambridge, Cornwall and Wales. i881-6—Asst. Mine Manager in Spain; 1887-92—Inspecting and reporting on Mines in U.S.A., Mexico, Chile, Peru, Bolivia, U.S. of Colombia, and various European countries; 1892-1911—Man. Dir. of Lead Mines, Smelting and Manufacturing Works in Spain, British Vice-Consul for the Province of Jaen. Clubs: Conservative and Gresham. Address: 6, Calverley Park Gardens, Tunbridge Wells. T. A. and T. N.: Tunbridge Wells 402.

POWER, Vice-Admiral Sir Laurence Eliot, K.C.B., C.V.0., Director of Dockyards, Admiralty; b. 1864; s. of Rev. Henry Bolton Power. Ed. Temple Grove, East Sheen; Burney's. Training: Royal Navy. Served as Navigating Officer, 18851903; Supt. of contract built ships, 1912-17; and then appointed Director of Dockyards. Knowledge of Hydrography. Capt. of Navigation Sch., I907-Io. Club: United Service. Address: 74, Courtfield Gardens, S.W 5.

POYNTON, Walter, Associate I.E.E.,Consulting Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, Hotel Cecil, Strand, London, W.C.2; b. 1868. Ed. Sir J. Williamson's, Rochester, School of Military Engineering, Chatham, and City and Guilds of London Institute. Joined Electrical Power Storage Co. in 1886-90; Pacific Steam Navigation Co., 1890-I; rejoined Electrical Power Storage Co., 1891-6; left their service for the position of Chief Engineer to Hotel Cecil Co., Ltd. During the war acted as a District Engineer to H.M. Office of Works.

PRADHAN, B. B., M.Sc. (Tech.), A.M.I.E.E., A.M.I.E., A.M.C.T., L.E.E., Electrical Engineer, V. J. Technical Institute, Byculla, Bombay, India. T. N.: 938. b. 1887. Ed. 1905-7, December—V. J. Technical Institute, Bombay, Maharao Khengarji 2c Scholar, L.E.E. (first class) with Lord Reay Gold Medal. Fellow in the Electrical Department from 1,90 7-9. r9o9-1I—Manchester Technical School, Electrical Department. z911, July—B.Sc. (Tech.) with Honours in Electrical Engineering of Victoria University., 191I-2—Research in Electrical Endosmose and its practical applications. 1912, July— M.Sc. (Tech.) (Victoria). Practical training, in all two years:—(i ) Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Birmingham; (ii) British Westinghouse Transformer and Motor Departments; (iii) Newcastle-onTyne Electric Supply Co.'s Test House; (iv) St. Helens Corporation Electricity Works. 9 r 4-6— Deputy Head, Electrical Engineering Department, V. J. Technical Institute, Bombay. Acting Head-1916-8. Head—r9r 8 to date. War Services.—Training British soldiers in electrical wiring and jointing, etc., with elementary lectures during the period of demobilization in India at the V. J. Technical Institute, Bombay.

PRANCE, Henry Waymouth, Major, M.I.A.E., A.F.R.Ae.S., Associate I.E.E., Automobile and Aeronautical Engineer, The Garage Bungalow, Caroline Place, London, W.2; b. 1882; 2nd s. of Miles Henry Prance, barrister-at-law; m. in 1918 to Aithna Constance Gover. Ed. at Tonbridge School. Articled to Archibald Sharp, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., etc., consulting engineer; 3 years' Engineering Course, Central Technical College (Imperial College of Science), South Kensington. Up to outbreak of war, partner in Markham and Prance, consulting engineers (motor, marine and aeronautical); Engineer and Official Measurer, Brooklands Automobile Racing Track and Flying Ground. War Services. — 914-6—Second-in-Command of 2/3rd Battalion London Regiment (Royal Fusiliers ), including the Gallipoli campaign. 1916-9—Major in R.F.C. and R.A.F., in Technical Department. 19r 7-9—In charge of Technical Publications Section, Technical Department, Aircraft Production. This section was responsible for the preparation of all official instructions and handbooks on aeroplanes,. seaplanes, aeroengines, etc.

PRANGNELL, Norman William, M.I.E.E., Electrical Engineer, Royal Automobile Club, Pall Mall, London, S.W.r. T. N.: Regent 5000. b. 1876. Ed. Loughborough College and Lower Dulwich College. Trained under Sir William Preece and at Finsbury Technical College. 895-8—Assistant and later Engineer-Manager to the Hampstead Electric Supply Co. (B. and W. boilers, Willings engines, 500 K.W., L.T.D.C. supply with overhead mains). 1898-1919 —With Metropolitan Electric Supply Co. as Station, Engineer, then Mains Assistant and lastly as Distributing Engineer (30,000 K.T., E.H.T., H.T., and L.T., D.C. and A.C., r, 2 and 3 phase distribution ). Appointed., May, r919, Deputy Controller of Stores Section of Disposal Board. March, 1920, joined C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne. Member of Editing Committee appointed by the Institution of Electrical Engineers to draft regulations controlling the uses of electricity at sea. Clubs: Royal Automobile and Royal Corinthian Yacht. War Services.-1915-9—Commissioned as Lieutenant, R.N.V.R., at request of Admiralty, to assist on electrical work generally. Dealt with the redesign and re-equipment of the service searchlights.. in ships of war.

PRATLEY, Philip Louis, M.Eng. (L'pool), M.Inst.C.E., M.E.I.0 Engr. of Bridges for G.T. Railway. Arbitration, Canadian Govt.; b. 1884; s. of late Philip Pratley, of Liverpool. Ed. Liverpool Inst. Training: The University of Liverpool. Rathbone Medallist and University Sch., 1905; Telford Gold Medal, Inst.C.E., 1917-18. With Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal; Asst. Designing Engr., Bd. of Engrs. for Quebec Bridge, 1908; 1910—With St. Lawrence Bridge Co., as Designing Engr.; 1911-20—Designing Engr. for Dominion Bridge Co., Montreal, in charge of estimating and designing for bridge and constructional steelwork; C.P.R. Lachine Bridge; C.N.R. bridges, B.C.; arch at St. John, N.B.; Hudson's Bay Railway. bridge; Port Nelson, etc.; 1920 to date—In charge of Bridge Work investigation, appraisal, etc., Canadian Govt., in connection with purchase of G. T. Railway. Also 1916-18—Engr. of Boiler and Plate Shop of Dominion Bridge Co.; building Mar. Boilers, etc., for Admiralty and various Allied and U.S. Govts. Contributions to Inst.C.E. and Tech. Press (Canada and U.S. ). Address: 469, Clarke Avenue, Westmount, Quebec, Canada (house); 907, Drummond Bdg., St. Catherine Street, Montreal (office). T. N.: West 6200 (house); Uptown 9650 (office).

PRATT, Francis Gordon, M.I.N.A., Principal and Naval Arch., etc., Cox and King, London; b. 1885; s. of G. H. F. Pratt. Ed. Bradfield Coll. Training: Bradfield Coll.; Ramage and Ferguson, Ltd., Leith; and The Thames Ironworks, Shipbuilding and Eng. Co., Ltd. Junior Partner, Cox and King, Naval Archs., 1907; Principal since 1917; built and managed the Aviation Dept. of Sunbeam Motor Car Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton, /915-17; 1917—Laid down a yard on River Colne at Wivenhoe, Essex, for Cox and King, and designed and built motor craft for the Admiralty, W.O., R.A.F., and French Govt., including boats of special hull form for highest speeds; designed winning boats in Inter. Motor Boat Races, Monte Carlo, 1912-13-14-20. Clubs: Constitutional, Royal Harwich Yacht, etc. Address: io, Orme Court, London, W.2. T. A.: " Derat, London." T. N.: 3664 Gerrard.

PRATT, H. B., M.I.N.A., M.R.Ae.S., M.J. Inst.E., Chief Engr., Airship Dept., Vickers, Ltd. Author of " Commercial Airships " (published by Nelsons). Address: Kilner Park, Ulverston. T. N.: 64.

PRATT, H. Keay, M.I.Mech.E.; b. 1876. Ed. King's Sch., Warwick; pupil with Bumsted and Chandler, Hednesford. Junior with Ruston Proctor and Co., Ltd., and Willans and Robinson, Ltd., Rugby; became head of Testing Dept., Alley and Maclellan, Glasgow; Eng. Expert to Bumsted and Chandler; Chief Engr., Richard Garrett and Sons, Ltd.; at present with the Sentinel Steam Wagon Works, Ltd. Designer of the Garrett Electric Wagon. Publ.: "Boiler Draught," and " A Manual of the Highspeed Engine." Address: 44, Clarendon Square, Leamington.

PREBBLE, Ernest, M.Inst.C.E., Div. Engr. (South Div. ), P.W. Dept., L. and N.W. Railway., 1920 to date; b. 1868; s. of late Elgar James Prebble, of Highgate, N. Ed. Pannal Coll., near Harrogate. Training: Art. pupil, City of London Coll.; Owens Coll., Manchester; Yorkshire Coll., Leeds. Asst. Res. Engr., construction of new line, Heaton Lodge and Wortley, near Leeds, for L. and N.W. Railway., Div. Engr.; 24 Central Division, Crewe, 1903-10; Eastern Division, Manchester, 1910-20. Address: Engr.'s Office, Watford, Herts.

PRENTICE, Frank, Member of Council Inst.Gas.E., Engr. and Manager, Ipswich Gasworks; b. 1861; s. of Oliver Prentice. Address: Mont Rose, Ipswich. T. A.: "Prentice, Ipswich 206." T. N.: 206, 1010, 59o.

PRESCOTT, W. H., Major, R.E., C.B.E., M.P., M.Inst.C.E.,M.I.Mech.E., Hon. M. Inst.M. and Cy.E., Civil Engineer, Allington House, Tottenham, North Middlesex. T. N.: Tottenham 1913. b. 1874. Barrister-at-Law (Gray's Inn). Past President, Institution of Sanitary Engineers. Now practising as Consulting Engineer. Member of the Government Roads Advisory Committee; Member, Middlesex County Council; Member, London Water Board; Member, Middlesex Territorial Force Association; Justice of the Peace, Middlesex; Vice-President, Urban District Council's Association; Chief Engineer, Tottenham, Middlesex, for 20 years; resigned this appointment in 1919 on being elected to Parliament for North Tottenham. Governor, Prince of Wales General Hospital. Member of St. Stephen's Club. War Services.—Went overseas with the British Expeditionary Force in command of the 222nd Field Company, Royal Engineers, and was invalided home in January, 1917.

PREST, J. J., Min. Engr., Hardwick Hall, Castle Green, Co. Durham.

PREST, Stanley Faber, M.I. and S.I., M.I. N.A., 5, Palace Street, London, S.W. T. A.: " Presteza, London." T. N.: Victoria 4299. Ed. Durham School and Glasgow University. Training: R. and W. Hawthorns, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Sir W. G. Armstrong and Co., Elswick Works. Director of Nobel Industries, Ltd., Eley Brothers, Ltd., Schultze Gunpowder Co., Ltd., Parsons Marine Steam Turbine Co., Ltd., C. A. Parsons and Co., Ltd., Parsons Foreign Patents Co., Ltd. (Chairman). Member of the Junior Carlton Club.

PRESTON, George Frederic, C.B.E., M.I. E.E., Controller, London Telephone Service. Has been closely associated with telephone work, both from the engineering and managerial aspects, for 3o years. His electrical career commenced in the service of the Anglo-American Brush Electric Lighting Corporation, which he joined in the early eighties when the electric lighting boom was at its height. Subsequently he joined the London and Globe Telephone Company, and afterwards took service with the United Telephone Co., and the Northern District Telephone Co., joining the National Telephone Company's staff when the Northern District Company was absorbed. 1901—General Manager of the Post Office London Telephone Service, and Controller of the London Telephone Service upon the transfer of the National Telephone Company's business to the State. War Services.—Served with Methuen's Horse in Bechuanaland Field Force, 1884-5; commanded ist Volunteer Battalion East Surrey Regiment during the European War.

PRESTON, Sidney, C.B.E., M.Inst. C.E., M.Inst.T„ Civil Engr., 5, Cleveland Road, Ealing, W.13. T. N:Ealing 1352. b. 185o; m. Amelia Taylor of Belfast (one s., two d.). Ed. London Univ. Coll. School and Fellow King's College, London. Articled to the late Armstrong, Kershaw and Marshall. Entered Indian Public Works Department as Assistant Engineer in 1870, in Punjab Irrigation Branch; Executive Engineer, 188o; Superintending Engineer, 3 892; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Government, United Provinces, 1899; Chief Engineer and Secretary to Punjab Government, 1900; Inspector General and Secretary to Government of India, 1902; retired September, 19o5; Member, Board of Revenue for Irrigation, Gwalior State, December, 1906, to May, 1914; Commissioner for Inquiry into the Ouse Drainage Outfall, 1918. • At present Professional Adviser to Board of Agriculture and Fisheries for drainage and reclamation. Chief Works: Large irrigation works in Punjab, United Provinces and Central India. Papers at Institution of Civil Engineers and Royal Society of Arts. Clubs: Indian Empire, and Union, Ealing. War Services.—Instituted and managed a war hospital workshop at Ealing until joining Canal Control Committee in April, 1917.

PRICE, Alan, B.A., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Civil and Mech. Engr.; City Engr., Maryborough, Queensland; b. 1867; s. of late James Price, M.A.I., M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Trinity Coll., Dublin. Training: Trinity Coll., Dublin, and under his father; Tech. Classes; John Abbot and Co., Ltd., Gateshead, etc. Medal, Natural Sc., T.C.D.; Hons., Mech. Eng. Career: Erection Mourne Viaduct, Strabane, under late E. Manisty, M.Inst.C.E.; many Timber Beam Bridges, Riverina, N.S.W.; Flood Formations adjoining Murray River, N.S.W.; many Local Government Works in N.S.W. in connection with Road and Street Construction; Maryborough (Q. ), Deep Drainage Scheme; Inventor of Mech. Loader for Road Wagons and a special Excavating Scoop for Pipe Trench Work; in Australia, 1896, Principal Asst. W. F. How, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.M.E.; subsequently undertook Management of Eng. Agencies. For the past II years engaged as Certificated Local Govt. Engr.—lo in N.S.W. and the last as City Engr., Maryborough, Q., principal work in Maryborough being the furthering of the Deep Drainage Scheme. Publ.: " Pioneer Road Construction under Local Govt., N.S.W." (for Inst.C.E. ); various Papers on Road Construction, Inst. Local Govt. Engrs. of Australasia. Address: Town Hall, Maryborough, Queensland.

PRICE, Alfred Dickinson, M.A.I., B.A. (Trio. Col., Dub. ),M.Inst.C.E., Acting Chief Engr., L.G. B., Ireland; b. 1857; s. of late James Price, M.Inst.C.E. Ed. Trinity Coll., Dublin. Training: Engr.'s Office, Midland G.W. Railway., Ireland. Railways., Electric Tramways, Antrim, Derry and Donegal; Res. Engr., Kerry Branch to Valencia, Gt. S. and W. Railway.; Res. Engr., Arterial Drainage Works, Rivers, Barrow and Suck, Hydraulic Engrs.' Dept.; General Practice, Harbours, Water Supplies, Drainage and Municipal Works; Engr. to L.G.B., Ireland, dealing with Public Health, Workhouse and Asylum Works, and Roads and Bridges. Address: Kintullagh, Orwell Park, Dublin.

PRICE, Bernard, O.B.E., M.Inst.C.E., E.E., M.Amer.I.E.E., etc., Chief Engineer, The Victoria Falls and Transvaal Power Co., Ltd.; b. 1877; s. of E. E. Price. Ed. St. Dunstan's College, Catford, London, S.E. Training: City and Guilds; Central Tech. Coll. App. with Denny and Co., Dumbarton; 20 Junior Asst., Siemen's Brothers and Co., Woolwich; Chief Elec. Asst., May and McLellan, Newcastle-on-Tyne; Inventor of the differential system of protection for automatic cut-outs. Club: Rand. Address: P.O. Box 2671. T. A.: "Vicgalco, Johannesburg."

PRICE, W. E., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Hon. Sec., Inst.Gas E., Hon. Sec. Nat. Gas Council, Gasworks, Hampton Wick.

PRICE, W. F., Major, R.E., T.D., Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, Callender's Cable and Construction Co., Picardy Works, Belvedere, Kent. T. N.: Erith 98. b. 1873. Ed. Owens College and Manchester Technical School. With Stevenson and Co., Preston, and National Electric Supply Co., Preston. Draughtsman, Clayton Foundry Co., Manchester, i 895-8; Contract Engineer, Callender's Cable Co., 1898-1910; Assistant Engineer Manager, Callender's Cable Co., Engineering Department, 1910-4. Now Works Engineer, Callender's Cable and Construction Co. War Services.—August, 1914, to January, 1915— Divisional Officer, Royal Engineers, Liverpool. January, 1915, to August, 1915—Field Engineer, Mersey Defences. August, 1915, to January, 1918— Chief Instructor in Fortifications, Royal Engineers' Training Centre, Deganwy. January, 1918 to January, 1919—Italian Expeditionary Force.

PRICE-WILLIAMS Seymour William, M., Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.,E., F.R.Met.S., F.I.S.E., etc., Civil Engineer (Water Supply, Sewerage), Northwood, Heathsiae Avenue, Woking, Surrey, and Kiambu, Nairobi, British East Africa. T. A.: " Planimeter, Woking." T..N.: 16 Woking. b. 1864; eldest s. of the late R. Price-Williams, M.Inst.C.E., etc.; in. 1891, Edith, d. of the late James Mansergh, F.R.S., Pres. Inst.C.E. Ed. University College, London, and Crewe Works, London and North Western Railway. For 22 years with James Mansergh and Sons, civil engineers, Westminster; in 1913 went to British East Africa as Consulting Engineer on water power schemes and coffee machinery and factories. Reported on the Sewage Disposal of Nairobi to the Nairobi Sanitary Commission, 1913. War Services.—Captain, Royal Engineers, I.W. and D.; engaged exclusively on water supply and sewerage and sewage disposal works for British aerodromes.

PRIESTLEY, Charles H., M.Inst.C.E., Past Pres. I. Water E., Civil Engineer, City Hall, Cardiff. T. N.: 2663 Cardiff. b. 1854. Ed. Schools in Halifax, Blackpool and Leeds. Articled to R. Ires and Son, engineers and surveyors, Halifax, subsequently assistant. 1876—Assistant to James A. Paskin, M.Inst.C.E., waterworks Engineer of Halifax, with private practice. 1881—Assistant Engineer, and afterwards Deputy Engineer to the Cardiff Corporation Waterworks, under J. A. B. Williams, M.Inst.C.E. 1895—Appointed Waterworks Engineer in charge of the Cardiff Corporation Waterworks, later also Engineer-in-Chief of all new works. Construction of large and small service reservoirs, filter beds, pumping plants, trunk mains, etc., and distribution to a population of 244,000. Head Works in Breconshire, 3o to 35 miles distant from city. Chief Works: the construction of a large impounding reservoir in Breconshire for the City of Cardiff, area 140 acres, capacity 1,260,000,000 gallons. Also second aqueduct from Breconshire to Cardiff, etc.

PRINGLE, Robert William, M.Inst.M.M., M.Amer.I.M.M.E., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1871; .s. of Robert Pringle, Writer to the Signet, Edinburgh. Ed. Edinburgh Collegiate Sch. Training: Heriot-Watt Coll., and University, Edinburgh; and Royal :Sch. of Mines, London. Medal Mech.E. Course, 1st and 2nd year, Heriot-Watt Coll.; also Medal "Theoretical Mechanics, and free studentship to R.S.M.; 1st Class A.R.S.M.; De la Beche Medal in Min., and Govt. Prize. Surveyor to Simner and Jack, .G.M. Co., Klemfontein G.M. Co.; Sheba G.M. Co.; East Rand P. Mines, Ltd.; Surveyor and Min. Engr., Velarderia Smelting and Ref. Co., Durango, Mexico; reported on Mines in Arazona, Mexico, California, Australia, and N.Z.; and on construction work for •Consolidated Nickel Mines, N. Caledonia; Cons. Engr., London; and for last To years, Rhodesia. Address: Box 31, Gatooma, S. Rhodesia. T. A.: Pringlegatooma."

PRINSEP, Reginald S., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Mechanical Engineer, Junior Carlton Club, London. b. 1863. Ed. Charterhouse and King's College School, University College of Engineering. Assistant and Inspector, Manager, etc., to W. F. Batho; W. Duff Bruce; Appleby's, Ltd.; Temperley Transporter Co.; Read and Campbell; Temperley Cockburn Boiler Syndicate; Central Cyclone Co.; Burstall and Monkhouse. Surveying, etc., in Straits of Magellan. Member of Junior Carlton Club. War Services.—Government chemical factory, design; surgical requisites for wounded.

PRITCHARD, G. H., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., M.R.San.I., District Engineer, Public Works Department, Ceylon; Public Works Department, 'Ceylon. T. A.: "Public Works Department, 'Colombo." b. 1882. Received training in Borough :Surveyor's Office, Warwick, and with Willcox and Raike, Consulting Civil Engineers, Westminster and Birmingham. Had charge of design and construction of water and sewerage works; occupied chiefly in preparation of surveys, plans and estimates for works of sewerage and water for several towns and corporations in Midlands, all embodying requirements of Local Government Board. Left England for Ceylon in 1914; received appointment as District Engineer, Public Works Department, Ceylon. Now in charge of Passara district in the Una Province. War Services.—Joined Ceylon Planters' Rifle Corps. Mobilized during war and did duty in Ceylon Defence Corps during war in addition to civil duties.

PRITCHETT, Charles Richard Delabere, Joint Man. Dir., Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd.; Director, Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd.; b. 1875; s. of the late G. E. Pritchett, F.S.A., F.R.I.B.A. Ed. Charterhouse. Training: Faraday House. Pupil with Plenty and Sons, Newbury, Berks, and Electric Construction Co., Ltd., Wolverhampton; Asst. Engr., Woolwich Electric Light Co., and St. James' and Pall Mall Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; 1897—Joined firm of Pritchetts and Gold, and i9o1 became Joint Man. Dir., Pritchetts and Gold, Ltd.; 1915—Joint Man. Dir., Pritchett and Gold and Elec. Power Storage Co., Ltd.; in 1915 also joined the Bd. of Tudor Accumulator Co., Ltd. Clubs: St. Stephen's, and Wellington. Address: 5o, Grosvenor Gardens, Victoria, S.W.I. T. A.: "Storage." T..1s7:: 3667 Victoria.

PRITCHETT, T. Wm., A.I.E.E., Dir. of Pritchett and Gold and E.P.S. Co., Ltd.; New Peto 29 and Radford Accumulator Co., Ltd. 23, Old Orchard Road, Eastbourne.

PROCTER, Herbert Tatham, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., Civil Engineer, 32, Market Square, Lancaster. T. A. " Procter io8 Lancaster." T. N.: 22 Galgate, Lancaster. b. 1863; s. of Rev. Gilbert Procter, Egton, Lancashire. Ed.: King's College, London. Articled to W. H. Barow and Sons, Westminster. Consulting Engineers to Midland Railway Co., and remained with them as Chief Assistant for i3 years in all. Engaged on the New Tay Viaduct, Belsize Tunnel, various tube railways and water supplies at home and abroad, light railways, etc. Subsequently took up arbitration and valuation and compensation work and acts as consultant agent and adviser to several country families, including Lord Ashton of Lancaster. Contribution to Proceedings of Institution of Civil Engineers. Member of Lancashire County Council, War Agricultural Committees, etc. Member of County Club, Lancaster.

PROCTOR, Charles Faraday, M.I.Mech.E., M.I.E.E.,Mechanical and Electrical Engineer, 77, St. Mary's Grove, Chiswick, London, W.4; b. 1861; s. of Barnard S. Proctor of Newcastle-on-Tyne, tz. of Michael Faraday. Ed. Private and public schools and institutions, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Four years' apprenticeship, going through the various shops of Henry Watson and Sons, engineers, and one year in Sir Joseph Swan's laboratories. 1881—Assisted in fitting up the first Incandescent Electric Lamp Factory in France (Paris), and was appointed Assistant Manager of it for the Swan Co. 1884— Appointed Manager of Swan Incandescent Electric Lamp Factory in Lille, France. 1888—Designed and fitted up large new lamp factory for the Edison Swan Co., Paris. 1889—Received the Medal of the Paris International Exhibition for Lamp Making. 1891— Devised and registered a method of constructing incandescent electric lamps in which the filament is first mounted on a flanged tube of glass, enabling it to be sealed into the bulb by machinery instead of hand work; 1893—Appointed Manager of the Edison and Swan Co.'s Engineering Works at Ponder's End, taking out many patents for improved fittings, amongst others being the present design of Bayonett lamp holder. 19oo—Appointed Engineer and Assistant Manager of Edison and Swan Lamp Works, Benwell, Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1914 — Joined the General Electric Co. as Central Station Engineer on the Cardiff Staff. 1916—Transferred to General Electric Company's Osram Robertson Lamp Works, Hammersmith, London. Past Chairman, NorthEastern Centre, Institution of Electrical Engineers.

PROCTOR, Harold Faraday, M.Inst.C.E., M.I.E.E., Chief Engr. and General Manager, Corpn. of Bristol, Electricity Dept., 1892 to date; b. 1867; s. of Barnard S. Proctor, F.I.C., great-grandson of Michael Faraday. Training: Schs. of Sc. and Art Department, and Armstrong Coll. App. to Henry Watson and Sons, Engrs., Newcastle; Asst. Engr., Newcastle-on-Tyne Electric Supply Co., until 1892; P.-Chairman, W. Local Section I.E.E.; P.-Pres., Incorp. Municipal Elec. Assoc.; Hon. Secretary, 1906-19; and now Hon. Treasurer; also Chairman, District Joint Industrial Council for the No. 6 West of England Area. Clubs: Constitutional. Address: The Exchange, Corn Street, Bristol. T. A.: " Faraday, Bristol." T. N.; 4600.

PROCTOR, Vernon, M.B.E., M.I. and S.I., late Assistant General Manager, Cammell, Laird and Co., Sheffield; Head of firm of Vernon Proctor and Co., Steel Manufacturers and Merchants, Sheffield, 72, Ringinglow Road, Sheffield. b. 1886. Ed. Sheffield Royal Grammar School and Sheffield University. Joined Cammell, Laird and Co. in 1904; one year at their Penistone Works; four years at their Grimesthorpe Works, ten years at their Cyclops Works. Member of Sheffield Society of Engineers and Metallurgists. War Services.—Manufacture of gun forgings and armour plates for tanks, etc.

PROCTOR, William Edward, Capt., M.I.N.A., M.I.Mar.E., Cons. Engr.; b. 1861; s. of late Rev. William Addy Proctor, M.A. Ed. Tonbridge, and privately. Training: Local Tech. Sch. for Engrs. App. with Wallsend Slipway and Eng. Co.; for 18 years held various responsible positions with Wallsend Slipway and' Eng. Co., Ltd.; 1898-1913 —Partner in firm of F. J. Frewent and Proctor, Cons. Engrs. and Naval Archs.; Cons. Engr. on own account; during the War, Capt. Gen. List; 1917—Adjutant 18th (Westminster) County of London Vols.; 1918 --Adjutant Central Group County of London Vol. Regts. Address: Cathedral Mansions, Westminster, S.W.I.

PROUDMAN, Septimus Stephen Thompson, M.I.Mar.E., A.M.I.N.A., A.M.I.Mech.E., M. Liv. Eng. Soc., Cons. Engr. and Mar. Surveyor; b. 1886; s. of late George Proudman, J.P., ex-Mayor of Birkenhead. Ed. Birkenhead. Training: Holt Tech. Coll.; B.O.T. Cert. App. as Mar. Engr. to J. Gordon Alison and Co., Ltd., Grayson's, Ltd., Shipbuilders, etc., Birkenhead; 1906-7—With Frederick Leyland and Co., Ltd., Liverpool, as Sea-going Engr. in charge " Bostonian "; 1907-10—With Cunard Steamship Co., Ltd., Liverpool, in charge " Lucania," " Campania " and " Lusitania "; 1910—I 1—Maintenance Engr., Manchester Corpn. Elec. Works; 1911-13—With Cammell, Laird and Co., Ltd., Birkenhead, as Shipbuilding Draughtsman; 1913-19—Asst. Repair Mangr. (Battleships, Cruisers, Destroyers, and every type of Merchant Vessel, Passenger Ships, etc.); 1919-20—Mangr. to Thomas Harper and Co. Address: Bennett's Bdgs., 15, Fenwick Street, Liverpool. T. N.: Bank 1153.

PROUSE, Arthur Duncan, M.In st.0.E., P.-Pres. E. Assoc. of Ceylon, Harbour Engr., Colombo, Ceylon; b. 1863; s. of Charles Prouse. Ed. Privately and King's Coll., London. Training: King's Coll., London, and Pupilage under Chas. Prouse, Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Career: Engaged on Construction Work, Metropolitan District Railway., London; Tilbury Docks; Queenboro' Pier; Manchester Ship Canal; Colombo Harbour Breakwaters; io years Harbour Engr., Colombo. Club: Colombo. Address: Colombo, Ceylon.

PUGH, John Vernon, J.P., M.I.Mech.E., M.I. and S.I.,M.I.A.E.,M.Arner.S.A.E., Chairman, Sterling Metals, Ltd.; Joint Man. Dir., RudgeWhitworth, Ltd.; Director of Chas. H. Pugh, Ltd., Lanchester Motor Co., Ltd.; b. 1872; s. of Chas. H. Pugh, of Birmingham. Ed. King Edward's Sch., Birmingham. Training: Mason Coll. (now Birmingham University). Senior Eng. Diploma, Mason Coll. Clubs: Reform, R.A.C., National Liberal. Address: 9, Church Road, Edgbaston, Birmingham. T. N.: 1285 Edgbaston.

PUNTER, James William, M.I.E.E., M.1. Mech.E., M.Inst.T., F.P.W.Instn., M.I.R.S.E.. Electrical and Mechanical Engineer, i z, Burlington Gardens, Chiswick, W.4. T. N.: Chiswick 71. Carried out extensive electrical and mechanical signalling in various parts of the world; Engineer on Madras Railway for signals, points and crossings, 1893-7; Chief of the Electrical and Signalling Department of the Egyptian State Railways, 1904-8; received from the Egyptian Government the Fourth Class Order of the Osmanieh for services rendered; Director and General Manager of Tyer and Co., Ltd., of Dalston and Carlisle, electrical and mechanical railway signalling engineers, from 1909; Director of Etablissements Tyer et Cie, Corbeil, Essonnes, France; Member of Council, Inst. of Railway Signal Engineers. Member of the Royal Automobile Club. War Services.—Captain, Royal Engineers (T.F.

PURCELL, Pierce F., M.A., M.A.I. (Dub.), M.Inst.C.E., Vice.-Pres. Inst.C.E.I., Prof. of Civil Eng., University Coll., Dublin (N.U.I. ), 1909 to date; b. 1881; s. of Thomas P. Purcell, of Dublin. Ed. St. Vincent's Coll., Castleknock, Co. Dublin. Training: Dublin University. Senior Moderatorship and Gold Medal Experimental Sc., Hons. and First Place Eng. (B.A.I. ) Degree. 19o4-6—Asst. L.C.C. Works Dept., construction of Aldwych and Kingsway; 1906-9—Asst. Res. L.C.C. Engr.'s Dept., construction of drainage tunnels at Blackheath and Bermondsey; 1917-18—Secretary Irish Peat Eng. Committee; 1920—Peat Investigation Officer to Fuel Research Bd. Publ.: "Peat Resources of Ireland," and miscellaneous Tech. Papers. Club: Portmarnock G.C. Address: Ashton, Killiney, Co. Dublin. T. A.: "Purcell, Killiney." T. N. 56 Killiney.

PURCHAS, Arthur William, Assoc.M.Inst. C.E., A.M.I.Mech.E., A.M.Amer.S.Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, Chasewood, Ferriby Road, Hessle, East Yorks. T. A.: "Borexoil, Hull." T. N.: 5490 Central, Hull. b. 1886. Ed. Rossall School and Leeds University. Served apprenticeship with Vickers, Ltd., at Barrow-in-Furness. 1909-15— Assistant and later Chief Engineer to the California Oilfields, Ltd., California, U.S.A. 1916-19—Department Manager with the Rees Roturbo Manufacturing Co., Wolverhampton. 1919—Engineer and Joint Works Manager of the British Extracting Co., Hull. One paper each to both Institution of Civil Engineers and Institution of Mechanical Engineers. War Services.—i 915t6—Machine Shop Superintendent, starting up Hackney Marshes National Projectile Factory.

PURINGTON, Chester Wells, F.R.G.S., M.In st.M.M M.Arn er.Min.E., Cons. Min. Engr.; b. 1871; s. of Joseph Purington, Boston, Mass. Ed. and Training: Harvard Coll., and U.S, Geological Survey. 1894-7—Min. Geologist, U.S. Geol. Survey, Southern Appalachians, Alaska Coast, and San Juan region of Colorado; 1898 to present— Cons. and Examining Engr., and Min. Geologist in private practice, U.S.A., Mexico, S. Amer., Alaska. Siberia, F.M.S., Japan; special report to U.S. Geol. Survey on Cost of Frozen Gravel (Gold) Min. in Alaska and Yukon Territory. Principal work: Cananea Copper Co., Sonora, Mexico, with John B. Farish, 1903; Phosphate Deposits of Idaho, Utah, and Wyoming for the ,(01 Southern Pacific. Railroad Co., 1906; Lena River and Lower Amur Gold Districts, Siberia, for British Cos., 1907—15; Okhotsk Gold District of Siberia, 1918-20. During War, Cons. Engr., U.S. Bureau of Mines (on steel-hardening metals). Publ.: " Min. Industries of Telluride Quadrangle, Colorado," Eighteenth Ann. Rept. U.S. Geo. Survey, 1896; " Gravel and Placer Min. in Alaska," Bull. 263, U.S.G.S., Washington, 1905; Papers in Transactions A.I.M.E., New York, and Bull. I.M.M., London; also contributions to Tech. Journals. Addresses: Chalfont Saint Peter, Bucks; and 15, Pekin Road, Shanghai, China. T. A.: " Olenek, London." T. N.: 35 Gerrards Cross.

PURNELL, Charles William John, A.M.I. Mech.E., Mechanical Engineer, 76, Bath Road, Wolverhampton. T. A.: " Autobuff, Wolverhampton." T. N.: 24 Wolverhampton. b. 1883. Ed. Dales School, Welling, Kent; Woolwich Polytechnic. Apprentice Woolwich Arsenal, various terms, Liverpool and Manchester University. Six years in H.M. Dockyards, Chatham and Sheerness; 2 years, Western Electric Company, North Woolwich; 4 years, Automatic Telephone Company,. Liverpool; 2 years, Hans Renolds, Manchester; 3 years, A B C Coupler, Wolverhampton, as Works Manager. Member, Birmingham Metallurgical Society. War Services.—Superintended manufacture of fuses, shells, railway material, etc.

PURSE, Frederick Walter, M.I.E.E., M.I. Mech.E., Engr. and Manager, West Ham Electricity Department. Ed. Merchant Venturers' Tech. Coll. (University of Bristol). Junior and Senior Scholarships. Entered Bristol Corpn. Electricity Works, 1897; 2 years Asst. Engr., Bath; 7 years, Chief Asst., Elec. and Tramways Engr., Warrington; 5 years Chief Elec. Engr., Watford; 6 years City Elec. Engr., Carlisle; during War, Capt. 1st. Vol. Battn. Border Regt:; Mem. East Cumberland Munitions Com.; and on Executive Management, Carlisle National Shell Factory; Chairman, Carlisle "Area Road Transport Corn.; Dis. Engr., Coal Controllers' Dept., B.O.T.; Hon. Treasurer, Associated Municipal Elec. Engrs.; Mem. Council of the Incorporated Municipal Elec. Assoc.; Mem. Wiring Rules Committee, Inst. Elec. Engrs. Address: 84 and 86, Romford Road, Stratford, London, E.15. T. N.: East 1320.

PURTON, Frederick, F.S.E. (Member of Council), York Mansion, York Street, Westminster, S.W.I.

PURVES, J. A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Cons. Engr.; Man. Dir., Honiton and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Director, Burnham and District Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Torpoint Electric Supply Co., Ltd.; Philip and Sons, Ltd. b. 1870 Ed. and Training: Edinburgh University; Pupil to Messrs. D. and C. Stevenson, Edinburgh; Asst. to do. Address: 6, Pennysylvania Park, Exeter.

PURVIS, Frank Prior, Wh. Sc., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.N.A D.Eng. (Tokyo Imp. Univ.), 3rd Class of Rising Sun, 3rd Class of Sacred Treasure, Naval Arch.; Emeritus Prof. of N.A., Tokyo Imp. Univ.; b. 1850; s. of Prior Purvis, M.D., London. Ed. Blackheath Sch. (formerly B.P.S. ). Training: Royal Sch. of N.A. and Mar. Eng., S. Kensington. Career: Five years with Wm. Froude at Torquay; many years with Wm. Denny and Brothers, Dumbarton; 9 years Shipbuilding Partner, Blackwood and Gordon, Port Glasgow; 19 years Prof. of N.A., Tokyo Imp. Univ. Publ.: Several Papers I.N.A. and Inst. of Engrs. and Shbrs. (Scotland ). Clubs: Tokyo and Yokohama. Address: 28, Fujimi Cho, Azabu,, Tokyo. T. A.: " Purvis, Tokyo." PUTNAM, Sir Thomas, Kt., Man. Dir. and Deputy Chairman, Darlington Forge, Ltd.; Chairman, Carnforth Hemalite Iron Co., Ltd., Chairman Stock Converter Co., Ltd. Address: Greylands,. Darlington.

PYBUS, Percy John, C.13.E., M.I.E.E., Joint Man. Dir., English Electric Co., Ltd.; also Dir. of Coventry Ordnance Works, Ltd.; Willans and Robinson, Ltd.; Phoenix Dynamo Co., Ltd.: English Electric and Siemens Supplies, Ltd.; Humber Portland Cement Co., Ltd. Clubs: Reform, Cavendish. Address: 9, Whitehall Court, S.W.I.

See Also


Sources of Information