Grace's Guide To British Industrial History

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Grace's Guide is the leading source of historical information on industry and manufacturing in Britain. This web publication contains 147,919 pages of information and 233,587 images on early companies, their products and the people who designed and built them.

1914 Who's Who in Business: Company N

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Note: This is a sub-section of 1914 Whitakers Red Book

Companies - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - K - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - X - Y - Z -

NAIRN (MICHAEL) & CO., Ltd., Manufacturers of Linoleum, &c., Kirkcaldy, N.B. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1847 by Michael Nairn. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1893. Directors: Sir Michael B. Nairn, Bart. (Chairman), John Nairn, Michael Nairn, R. Spencer Nairn and William Black (Managing Directors). Branches: London Manchester, Glasgow. Specialities: Floor Cloth and Linoleum. Telegraphic Address: " Nairn, Kirkcaldy." Code: A B C (5th Edition).

NAISBY & CO., Manufacturers of Cotton Clothing, &c., Hotel Street, Bolton. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 8 p.m. Established in 1800 by William Naisby. Continued by Naisby & Shaw; (2) Naisby & Ainscow; (3) Naisby & Co. Present Principals: Alfred Lievesley and Robert Kearsley. Specialities: All classes of Cotton Clothing; also Pit and Factory Clothing, Wholesale Drapery Contracting. Telephone: No. 39Y Bolton.

NALDER & NALDER, Ltd., Engineers and Manufacturers of Threshing Machines, Malt, Barley and other Grain Dressing and Handling Machinery, Challow Iron Works, Wantage, Berks. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1866. Managing Directors: Ernest T. W. Nalder and Edward W. Nalder. Business: Manufacture of Malt, Barley, and other Grain Cleaning and Handling Machinery, Thrashing Machines, Elevators, Conveyors, &c., and General Engineering. Awards: Over seventy Gold and Silver Medals. Connection ., United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 15 Wantage. Telegraphic Address: " Nalder, Wantage." Codes A B C (4th and 5th Editions), Private.

NAPIER & CRAIG, Fishing Rod Manufacturers, City Warehouse, 23, Wellington Street, Glasgow. Factory and Workshops: Clydeside Works, 175, Park Street, Plantation. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in the early sixties by James Jack. Partnership Successions: (A) William Dickson; (B) Napier and Craig (retired). Present Principal: William Robertson. Claim to be the oldest Fishing Rod Making Factory to the trade in Scotland. Premises: Three-flat Factory with power. Staff: Thirty-five. Specialities: Fishing Rod, Reel, Trout and Salmon Fly, Phantom and Artificial Baits. Patents: The " Struan " Friction Brake Reel; the Steel Rod Tip; Telaraiia Nova Casts and Traces; the " Struan. " Fishing Basket; the " Stewart " Salmon Tackle Case; the " Stuart " Fly Cast Box, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, and Colonial. Telephone: No. 687 Argyle, Glasgow. Telegraphic Address: " Flees, Glasgow." Bankers: Bank of Scotland.

NASH, WILLIAM, Paper Manufacturer; Cray Valley Paper Mills, St. Paul's Cray, Kent. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established early in the nineteenth Century by William Nash. Succeeded by William Nash (son). Present Principals: William Gardiner Nash and Thomas Henry Nash. Premises: Cover about three acres. Specialities: Papers for Bank-note, Bond, Scrip, Typewriting, Account Book, High-class Writing and Drawing purposes. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 4 Cray. Telegraphic Address Nash, St. Pauls Cray, Kent." Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.

NATAL BANK, Ltd. (THE), 18, St. Swithin's Lane, London, E.C.; Head Office, Petermaritzburg, Natal. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1854. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1859, and now under Natal Bank (Ltd.) Laws, 1888 to 1912, Private Act, 1912. Directors: Peter Davis (Chairman), F. S. Tatham, K.C., Hon. A. T. Oliff, Henry Burrill, W. Greenacre, Hon. J. Eilis Brown, J.P., W. G. Baker. General Manager: H. R. Carruthers. London Committee of Management: Sir Walter Peace, K.C.M.G., George Hall Rennie, George H. Raw. Manager: J. S. Duncan. Branches.: Forty. Capital: Authorised, £2,000,000; subscribed, £1,741,160; Paid-up, £500,000. Reserve Fund: £325,000. Business: General Banking. Bankers to the Government in Natal. Telephone: No. 2566 Central. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Natalitial, London." Bankers: London and Westminster Bank, Ltd.

NATHAN (JOSEPH) & CO., Ltd., Merchants, 88, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C.; Grey and Featherston Streets, Wellington; and Main Street, Palmerston North, Now Zealand, and Office in Auckland. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1873 by Joseph Edward Nathan as Joseph Nathan & Co. Continued by (1) J. E. Nathan and David J. Nathan (son), 1886 to 1891; (2) J. E. Nathan (d. 1912), David J. Nathan and Louis J. Nathan, 1891. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1899. Present Directors: David Nathan, Louis Nathan, Maurice Nathan and Frederick Nathan (Managing. Directors), R. C. Potter and James M. Muir. Premises: Nathans Buildings are one of the largest in Wellington, N.Z. Own many Butter and Cheese Factories operating in New Zealand. Staff: In two Offices, over sixty; London, fifteen. Business: Importers into New Zealand of general merchandise. In Now Zealand Sole Agents for Salt Union, John Summers & Sons, Ltd., Iron Manufacturers R. Johnson & Nephew, Ltd., Wire Manufacturers, Gallahers, Ltd.; Taddy & Son, large manufacturers of Butter, Cheese and Dried Milk. Proprietors of Glaxo Infants and Invalids Food. Export to England, South Africa and Vancouver quantities of Butter and Cheese. Connection: Buy and Sell all over the world. Royal Warrant: Special appointment to the Spanish Court for Glaxo. Telephone: No. 3570 Avenue, London (three lines). Telegraphic Address: " Senorita," London and Wellington. Codes: A B C (5th Edition), Western Union, A 1, Private, and Premier. Bankers: Royal Bank of Scotland, Ltd. (Bishopsgate), for London Union Bank of Australia (Wellington) for New Zealand. Mr. David Nathan is a Director of the Bank of New Zealand at Wellington, Chairman of Wellington Gas Co., Ltd., and 'ias been President of Wellington Chamber of Commerce.

NATION (EDWARD J.) & CO., Ltd., Baking Powder, Custard Powder, &c., Manufacturers, Albert Road, St. Philips, Bristol. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1850 by William Nation. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1907. Managing Director: Edward J. Nation (son of the founder). Premises: Cover 25,000 square feet, equipped with up-to-date appliances. Specialities: Custard Powders, Blanc Mange Powder, in several flavours, Baking Powder, Jellies, Egg Powder and Bath Brick Powder, Health Saline, and Oilmen's Sundries. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 710 Bristol. Telegraphic Address: " Custard, Bristol." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: United Counties Bank, Ltd. (Bristol).

NATIONAL BANK OF INDIA LIMITED. Head Office: 26, Bishopsgate, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1863 in Calcutta. Registered in London under tho Companies Acts in 1866. Directors: Robert Campbell (Chairman), Robert Williamson, (Deputy-Chairman), W. A. Bankier, A. V. Dunlop Best, Robert Miller, Alfred Simson, J. N. Stuart, and J. A. Toomey. General Manager: J. A. Toomey. London Manager: H. Chalmers. Subscribed Capital: £2,000,000; Paid - up Capital, £1,000,000; Reserve Fund, £1,040,000. Branches: Calcutta, Bombay, Madras, Kurrachee, Chittagong, Amritsar, Cawnpore, Delhi, Lahore, Tuticorin, Cochin, S. India, Rangoon, Mandalay, Colombo, Kandy, Newera Eliya, Aden, Steamer Point, Aden, Zanzibar; Mombasa, Nairobi Nakuru, Kisumu (British East Africa); Entebbe, Kam pa!a, Jinja (Uganda). Agencies: Galle, Ceylon, Clark, Spence & Co.; Edinburgh, Moncreiff & Horsbrugh, 46, Castle Street; Glasgow, Mackenzie, Roberton & Co., 176, St. Vincent Street. Business: All Banking transactions. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telegraphic Addresses:" Minerva, London "; "National," for Eastern Branches. Bankers: In London, Bank of England; National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd.; National Bank of Scotland, Ltd.

NATIONAL BANK OF NEW ZEALAND, Ltd. (THE), 17, Moorgate Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Incorporated in England under the Companies Acts, and in New Zealand by Special Act of the General Assembly. Authorised Capital, £3,000,000 Subscribed Capital, £2,250,000; Paid-up, £750,000; Reserve Fund, £645,000. Directors: Robert Logan (Chairman), Hon. Henry Stuart Littleton, Edmund Charles Morgan, Hon. William Pember Reeves, Thomas Seaber, Lindsay Eric Smith. Secretary and London Manager: Henry F. Freshwater. Chief Office in New Zealand: Wellington. General Manager: James H. B. Coates. Branches: Fifty-eight, including Agencies throughout New Zealand. Business: Transacts all the usual Banking operations; issues Drafts on its Branches in New Zealand, and in Great Britain, Australia, and other parts of the world; negotiates and collects Bills of Exchange; receives Deposits for fixed periods at rates to be ascertained on application; issues Circular Letters of Credit for travellers; makes Telegraphic Transfers, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Agents and Correspondents in all parts of the world. Telephone: No. 6497 London Wall. Telegraphic Address: " Natzealand, Stock, London." Bankers: Bank of England; Lloyds Bank Limited; the Royal Bank of Scotland.

NATIONAL BANK OF SCOTLAND, Ltd. (THE), 42, St. Andrew Square, Edinburgh. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Established in 1825 and Registered as Limited in 1882. Governor: His Grace the Duke of Montrose, K.T. Deputy-Governor: The Most Hon. the Marquess of Zetland, K.T. Extraordinary Directors: The Hon. Lord Kyllachy, Sir W. Ogilvy Dalgleish, Bart., Sir Andrew M`Donald, Sir Aichibald Edmonstone, Bart., D. Scott Moncrieff, W.S., John Miller, Sir W. H. Houldsworth, the Hon. R. C. Munro-Ferguson, M.P., T. Hector Smith, the Hon. Lord Guthrie, Sir Robert Usher, Bart., James Clark, C.B., K.C. Ordinary Directors: W. Stuart Fraser, W.S., John Cowan, W.S., Sir George Younger, Bart., M.P., Charles Ker, C. H. Scott Plummer, W. S. Davidson, George M. Low, John A. Spens, James Mylne, W.S., Sir James Guthrie, P.R.S.A., B. Hall Blyth, the Hon. James W. Moncreiff, W.S. Branches: 123. Business: All usual Banking transactions.

NATIONAL BANK OF SOUTH AFRICA, Ltd., Bankers (with which is incorporated the Bank of Africa, Ltd.), Circus Place, London Wall, London, E.C., and 117, Cannon Street, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1891 at Pretoria, under Transvaal Laws. Incorporated as a Limited Company. E. C. Reynolds (General Manager, Pretoria), D. Cunningham (Manager, London), F. A. Gillam (Chairman of London Committee), 0. R. Dunell, B. Kitzinger, H. D. Lewis, J. Macalister, M. von Rapp, H. B. Sim, J. B. Taylor (Members of the London Commit.tee). Acquired the National Bank of the Orange River Colony, Ltd., by purchase of all the Shares in 1911, and the Bank of Africa, Ltd., in 1912. Branches: In all the principal towns of South Africa. Business: Purchase of drafts and Collection of Bills on South Africa, Remittance of Money by Mail or Cable to South Africa, and receipt of monies on Deposit. Bankers to the Government in the Transvaal and Orange Free State.

NATIONAL CASH REGISTER CO., Ltd. (THE), 224, 225, 226, Tottenham Court Road, London, W. Established in 1885. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1895. Factory at Dayton, Ohio, U.S.A. Staff: 6,000. Branches in the leading towns of Great Britain and Ireland. Has 4,000 representatives in forty-six countries all over the world. Speciality: The manufacture of Cash Registers only. Telephones: No. 7155 City (four lines); No. 11161 Central (private line). Telegraphic Address: "Nacareco, Telew, London."

NATIONAL EXPLOSIVES CO., Ltd. (THE), Manufacturers of Explosives, 36, Queen Street, London, E.C. Factory: Hayle, Cornwall. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established in 1886, reorganised in 1908. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors; Oliver Williams (Chairman), John Cross, Charles Jermyn Ford, D. Henry Shilson, Philip Sheridon Shufeldt, and George Mitchell Weekley. Premises: Factory covers about 600 acres of freehold property, situated on the shores of St. Ives Bay. Specialities: High Explosives, Dynamite, Gelignite, Gelatine Dynamite, Blasting Gelatine, Cordite, and Guncotton. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Contractors to H.M. Government (Admiralty and War Office). Telephone: No. 4353 City, London. Telegraphic Address: " Explolim, Cannon, London." Codes: Al, and Western Union.

NATIONAL GAS ENGINE CO., Ltd. (THE), Engineers, Wellington Works, Ashton-under-Lyne, Lancs. Hours of Business: Works, 6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Offices, 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established in 1889 by Bickerton Brothers. Succeeded by The National Gas Engine Co. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1897. Directors H. N. Bickerton (Managing Director), H. Prescott, R. Bickerton, D. Clerk, F.R.S., M.Inst.C.E., F.C.S., &c., W. Scholes, K. S. Prescott, A.M.I.M.E., J. Orme. Secretary: E. Whalley. Premises: Works cover twenty-six acres. Staff: 1100. Specialities: Gas and Oil Engines and Suction Plants. Awards: Gold Medal, Derby, 1906 (Royal Agricultural Society of England); Paris, 1900, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 425 (five lines). Telegraphic and Cable Address " National, Ashton-under-Lyne." Codes: A B C, A 1, Engineering, Western Union.

NATIONAL GUARANTEE AND SURETYSHIP ASSOCIATION, Ltd. (THE). Head Office: 67, George Street, Edinburgh. London Office: Finsbury Pavement House, Finsbury Pavement, E.C. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1863. Directors: Charles Cook, W.S. (Chairman), Alexander Scott-Ireland, S.S.C., James Mylne, W.S., Frederick R. Sanderson, William C. Smith, K.C. Manager: Jas. Murray. Assistant Secretary: Henry E. Smith. London Secretary: A. R. W. Scott. Branches: Besides the London office, as above, the Association has branches at Liverpool, Manchester, Bristol, Leeds, Birmingham, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Glasgow, and Dublin. Also agencies at Amsterdam, Bombay, Calcutta, Madras, Rangoon, and Alexandria. Leading Features: Guarantees.of every description against loss by Fraud and Embezzlement. Bonds of Suretyship for appointments held under the-High Courts of Justice and various Government Departments. Business extends to India, the Colonies, and Foreign Countries, as well as throughout the United Kingdom. Telephones: No. 9833 London Wall (London); No. 2501 (Edinburgh). Telegraphic Addresses: "Intromit, Ave, London "; " Integrity, Edinburgh." Bankers: Royal Bank of Scotland; National Bank of Scotland, Ltd.

NATIONAL MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE SOCIETY, 39, King Street, Cheapside, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. ,Established in 1830. Directors: The -Hon. Mark Francis Napier (Chairman), Arthur Keane Tharp (Deputy-Chairman), Charles T. D. Burchell, The Hon. Francis N. Curzon, Captain Justinian Heathcote Edwards-Heathcote, D.L., J.P., Archibald Hay Gordon-Duff, .Gordon Leith. The Lord Montagu of Beaulieu, Colonel Ernest Villiers, A.D.C. There are also Honorary Local Boards of Reference (consisting of Policyholders of the Society) in all parts of England and Wales. Branches: West End Office, 26, Charles Street, St. James', S.W.; Belfast, Birmingham, Bristol, Exeter, Leeds, Liverpool, Manchester, Newcastle. Business: Life Assurance on the purely mutual principle, all profits being divided amongst the members of the Society. The Society also issues Sinking Fund, or Leasehold Redemption, Policies, and assurances against birth of issue. Funds: £3,040,849. Total annual income, over £350,000. Telephones: Nos. 4155 and 4156 City. Telegraphic Address: " Undoubted, Cent, London." Bankers: Bank of England.

NATIONAL PHONOGRAPH CO., Ltd., Edison Works, Willesden Junction, N.W. City Offices and Showrooms: 25, Clerkenwell Road, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6. p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1902. Directors: Frank L. Dyer, Sir G. Croydon Marks, M.P., and Paul H. Cromelin (Managing Director). Assistant General Manager: A. F. Wagner. Associated with Thomas A. Edison and the productions of his laboratories. Premises: Extensive Plants in London and at Orange New Jersey (United States). Branches: New York, Paris, Berlin, Sydney, Buenos Aires, &c. Specialities: Edison Phonographs and Records and The Edison Dictating Machine. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: Nos. 1216 and 1217 Willesden (Edison Works); No. 5050 Holborn (Clerkenwell Road). Cable Address: " Randomly, London." Codes: Western Union, A B C, Lieber's. Sir George Croydon Marks is Member of Parliament for the Launceston Division of Cornwall.

NATIONAL PROVIDENT INSTITUTION, for Mutual Life Assurance, 48, Gracechurch Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1835. Incorporated in 1910. Directors: The Hon. Vicary Gibbs (Chairman), C. R. W. Adeane, Sir Jonathan E. Backhouse, Bart., Como Bevan, J. C. Lewis Coward, K.C., Robert E. Dickinson, the Right Hon. Sir Ailwyn E. Fellowes, P.C., K.C.V.O., Hugh E. Hoare, A. B. Leslie-Melville, Arthur Smither, George Crispe Whiteley, Alderman Sir Walter H. Wilkin, K.C.M.G., Vincent W. Yorke. Actuary and Secretary: L. F. Hovil, F.I.A. (The Institution has a large number of Honorary Local Referees throughout England, Scotland, and Ireland.) Business: Mutual Life Assurance, and the granting of Annuities and Endowments, &e. Accumulated Fund is now over £7,000,000, and Annual Income over £800,000. Telephone: No. 1773 Avenue.

NATIONAL PROVINCIAL BANK OF ENGLAND, Ltd. Head Office: 15, Bishopsgate, Corner of Threadneedle Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1833. Registered in 1880 under the Companies Acts, 1862 to 1879. Present Directors: Colin Frederick Campbell, Maurice Otho FitzGerald, William Henry Neville Goschen, The Right Hon Lord Tnchcape, G.C. M. G., K. C. S. I. , K. C.I. E. , Francis Alexander Johnston, Claude Villiers Emilius Laurie, Francis Charles Le Marchant, the Right Hon. the Earl of Lichfield, George Forbes Malcolmson, Selwyn Robert Pryor, Thomas George Robinson, Robert Wigram. Joint General Managers: T. Estall, D. J. H. Cunnick, and F. Elev. Branches: In London, 23; in the country, 318. Also a large number of agencies and agents and correspondents throughout the United Kingdom and abroad. Business: All Banking transactions. Subscribed Capital: £15,900,000, of which £3,000,000 is paid up. Reserve Fund: £2,150,000. Reserve Liability: £10,600,000. Telegraphic Address: " Natproban, Led, London."

NATIONAL SAFE DEPOSIT CO., Ltd., (THE), 1, Queen Victoria Street, Mansion House, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in May, 1872. Business: The Letting of Safes and Strong Rooms; also acting as Executors and Trustees for Private Individuals and Public Companies. Telephone: No. 5169 P.O. Central. Telegraphic Address: " Bombproof, London."

NATIONAL SOCIETY'S DEPOSITORY (THE), 19, Great Peter Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1845. Business: Educational Publishers and Booksellers; Suppliers of School Requisites of all descriptions. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 4102 Victoria. Telegraphic Address: "National Society, Vic, London." Bankers: Union of London & Smiths Bank, Ltd.

NATURAL COLOR KINEMATOGRAPH CO., Ltd. (THE), Manufacturers of Kinematograph Films in Natural Colors, Kinema color Building, 80 to 82, Wardour Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1909. Managing Director: Charles Urban. Secretary: E. H. Guest. Premises: Extensive and Convenient, equipped with all the latest appliances. Branches: Many, in various parts of the world, carried on by licensees. Specialities: Manufacture under Letters Patent of Kinemacolor Films, the only process of producing animated pictures in natural colours. Kinemacolor records of the Coronation, Delhi Durbar, &c., shown by special command at Balmoral and Sandringham before Their Majesties King George, Queen Mary, and Queen Alexandra. Patent: Animated Pictures in the actual colours of Nature. Kinemacolor, Urban - Smith Patents. Connection: World-wide. Telephone: No. 3976 City, London. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Kinmacolor, London." Codes: Lieber's, A B C (5th Edition), Western Union. Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.

NAYLOR BROTHERS (LONDON), Ltd., Varnish Manufacturers, 407, Oxford Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1800 by John Naylor. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1907. Directors: C. M. Agnew, W. E. Naylor, H. S. Naylor. Depot: 14, James Street, W. Works: Southall, Middlesex. Agencies on the Continent and in the Colonies, &c. Speciality: Varnish. Connection: World-wide. Contractors to H.M. Government and British and Foreign Railways. Telephones: No. 926 Paddington; No. 30 Southall. Telegraphic Addresses: " Glossiest, London; " Naylor, Southall." Code: A B C.

NAYLOR, F., Ltd., Dealers in Paperhangings, Painters, Decorators and General Contractors, 334, Abbeydale Road, and 11, Arthur Road, Sheffield. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1892 by Fred Naylor. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1911. Managing Director: F. Naylor. Business: Painters, Decorators, General Contractors and Dealers in Paperhangings. Connection: United Kingdom (large Cities and Ports chiefly). Telephone No. 821 Sheffield.

NAYLOR, R. A., Ltd., Timber Merchants, Howley Quay, Warrington, Lancashire. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1872 by R. A. Naylor. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1905. Premises cover fourteen acres. Stall: 400. Specialities: Builders' Joinery and Timber. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephones: No. 432; Trunk, No. 432 (four lines). Telegraphic Address: " Naylor, Warrington." Bankers: Parr's Bank.

NEALE & WILKINSON, Ltd., Shipping and Forwarding Agents, 32, St. Mary Axe, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1890 by J. W. Neale and J. Wilkinson. In 1891 J. Wilkinson retired; W. J. Lowen succeeded. In 1897 C. Tofts joined the firm. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1904. Directors: J. W. Neale, W. J. Lowen, C. Tofts. During the late South African War the firm conveyed large quantities of presents to the troops in the field. Premises: Large, consisting of ground and three other floors at St. Mary Axe, E.C. Staff: About fifty. Branches: Liverpool, Birmingham, Paris, New York, Port Elizabeth, &c. Agencies and correspondents in all parts of the world. Business: Forwarding Agents to all Foreign Countries and the Colonies. Contractors for Foreign Removals in special Lift Vans or Cases. Motor Car Packers and Shippers. The Baggage Insurance Agency for Home and Foreign Travel on the Time Principle. Are also Import and Export Commission Merchants, and Export Agents for Chandler's Patent Steel Pots and other patents. Connection: All over the world. Telephone: No. 5080 City (three lines). Telegraphic Address: " Everywhere, London." Mr. J. W. Neale is on the Committee of the London Shipping and Forwarding Agents' Conference. Mr. Neale was Chairman for 1905, and Mr. Lowen was Chairman for 1907.

NEEDHAM, VEALL & TYZACK, Ltd., Manufacturers of Cutlery and Plate, Eye Witness Works, Milton Street, and Glamorgan Works, Pond Street, Sheffield. Established prior to 1838. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1897. Directors: Walter Tyzack (Chairman ), W. Cleverley Veall, Harry Mee. Secretary: Harry Mee, F.C.I.S. London Showrooms: 321, High Holborn, W.C. Speciality: High-class Cutlery and Electro -plate. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 4428 Central (Sheffield). Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Eye Witness, Sheffield." Code: A B C (4th and 5th Editions).

NEGRETTI & ZAMBRA, Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers; also Foreign Merchants, 38, Holborn Viaduct, London, E.C. Established in 1850. Branches: 45, Cornhill, E.C., and 122, Regent Street, W. The firm, in addition to being Opticians and Scientific Instrument Makers of 'world-wide repute, also carry on the business at 38, Holborn Viaduct of General Merchants and Shippers. Connection: All over the world. Are makers to the Royal Observatory, Greenwich, Contractors to the Admiralty and War Office. Have also an extensive connection abroad with most of the Foreign Governments, Observatories, and Scientific Bodies. Telephone: No. 583 Holborn. Telegraphic Address: " Negretti, Cent, London."

NEILL, DEMPSTER & NEILL, Sugar Refiners, 78, Drumfrochar Road, Greenock. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1853 by John Neill and D. F. Dempster. 'Present Principals: John Neill and George D. Neill (sons of founder), Duncan F. Dempster (son of founder), D. F. D. Neill and Walter G. Neill (grandsons of founder). Branch: 35, Virginia Street, Glasgow. Business: Sugar - Refining. Award: Gold Medal, Edinburgh, 1886. Telegraphic Address: " Dempster, Greenock." Bankers: National Bank of Scotland, Ltd.

NEILSON, R. M., Chartered Patent Agent, Atlantic Chambers, 45, Hope Street, Glasgow.. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established in 1908 by R. M. Neilson, M.I.Mech.E., &c., the present principal. Agencies: Correspondents in all important British Colonies and Foreign States. Business: Chartered Agent. Telephone: No. 4755 Central, Glasgow. Telegraphic Address: " Momentum, Glasgow." Mr. Neilson is the Author of " The Steam Turbine," also of Books on " Aeroplane Patents " and " The Protection of Trade Designs." He has contributed papers to Engineering Societies, including " A Scientific Investigation into the Possibilities of Gas Turbines," Institution of Mechanical Engineers, 1904; " A Comparison of Different Types of Steam Turbine," Manchester Association of Engineers, 1905 (for which he was awarded the Gold Medal of the Association); " The Design of Surface Condensers," Institution of Engineers and Shipbuilders in Scotland, 1910. He is a Whitworth Exhibitioner, Member of the Inst. of Mech. Engineers, Member of the Inst. of Eng. and Ship. in Scotland, Member of the West of Scotland Iron and Steel Inst., and a Fellow •of the Chartered Inst. of Patent Agents. He is also a Member of the Committee of the Scottish Aeronautical Society, and the Committee of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch of the Navy League. Clubs: Imperial Union (Glasgow) and Scottish Optimists.

NELSON (GEO.), DALE & CO., Ltd., Gelatine Manufacturers, Emscote Mills, Warwick. London Office: 14, Dowgate Hill, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1837. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1887. Directors: Sir E. Montague Nelson, K.C.M.G. (Chairman), Walter Nelson (Managing Director), E. W. Nelson, A. P. Morris, J. G. F. Lowson, H. M. Nelson. Secretary: W. K. Beveridge, A.C.I.S. Premises: Cover five acres. Staff: Large. Branches: All over the world. Specialities: Opaque Gelatine, Gelatine Lozenges, Table Specialities. Connection t World-wide. Contractors to H.M. Government (War Office, India Office). Royal Warrant: Special Appointment to H.M. the King of Spain. Telephone: No. 191 Warwick. Telegraphic Addresses: " Opaque, Warwick "; " Daleson, London." Codes: A B C (4th and 5th Editions), A 1.

NELSON, JAMES, Jacquards and all kinds of Fancy Cotton Cloths Manufacturer, Valley Mills, Nelson; Hendon Manufacturing Co., Nelson; Carr Manufacturing Co., Ltd., Stanroyd Shed, Colne. Hours of Business: Office, 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1882 by James Nelson and Amos Nelson. Present Principals: Amos Nelson, J.P., Joseph Nelson, D. R. Nelson and H. P. Nelson. Premises: Contain. 3300 Looms and 24,000 Spindles. Specialities: Plain and Figured Poplins and Venetians, Sateens, Mercerised Stripes, Cashmeres, Italians and Fancy Cotton Cloths. Patents; Several. Connection: United Kingdom (all parts). Telephones: Nos. 372, 373 and 374 Nelson; No. 1087 City, Manchester. Mr. Amos Nelson was Mayor of Nelson three times. He is a Justice of the Peace and County Magistrate.

NELSON (THOMAS) & SONS, Publishers, Parkside Works, Edinburgh. London Office: 35, Paternoster Row, E.C. Hours o/ Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established about 1798 by Thomas Nelson, succeeded by Wm. Nelson and Thomas Nelson (jun.). Present Principals: T. A. Nelson, I. T. Nelson, G. M. Brown, J. Buchan. Premises: Original building in Edinburgh was at West Bow, one of the most picturesque corners of the old town; subsequent building at Hope Park bullied to the ground in 1878. The new premises (erected 1879) are situated at the foot of Arthur's Seat; additional Factory erected 1906. London building is built of stone from Bannockburn. Staff: 1000 to 1250. Staff Clubs: Lectures and Concerts, Choir, Sewing:Class Sick Fund, Golf, Rifle, &c. Branches: 385, Fourth Avenue, New York; 17, Talbot Street, Dublin; 14, Albion Place, Leeds; 196, Deansgate, Manchester; 189, Rue St. Jacques, Paris, 35-37, Konigstrasse, Leipzig. Specialities: School Books; the Royal School Series, commencing with the publication of Royal Readers after Education Bill, 1870; Juvenile Books, including the Works of Ballantyne, Kingston, &o.; New Century Library (Standard Works on India Paper); also issue Sixpenny Classics, Nelson's Library, Nelson's Shilling Library, Nelson's New Novels, Collection Nelson (French). Inventors of first Rotary Printing Press, exhibited at Exhibition, London, 1852; also of Grained Paper used by Litho Artists, Bundling Press, Casing - in Machine, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: No. 6161 Edinburgh; No. 1313 Central (London); No. 1101 Gramercy, New York. Telegraphic Addresses " Nelsons, Edinburgh "; "Nelsons, Publishers, London." Cable Address: " Fupeard," Edinburgh and New York.

NELSON, W. R., & CO., Ltd., Manufacturers of Linen, Cambric and Cotton Handkerchiefs, Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Fancy Linens, &c., Murray Street, Belfast; Manufactory at Lurgan. • Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1863 by William- Robert Nelson. Continued by J. Garnet Nelson (retired 1910). Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1900. Directors: Rt. Hon. R. G. Glendinning (Chairman), James English, J.P., Robert Hefferon and John H. McCann. Premises: Extensive building erected 1910, 1911, equipped with the latest appliances. Staff: 325 to 350 clerical and factory hands. Agencies: London, Manchester, Glasgow, Dublin. Specialities: Handkerchiefs, Fancy Linens, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 4081 and 4082 Belfast. Telegraphic Address: " Mouchoir, Belfast." Codes: A B C, Lieber's. Bankers: Northern Banking Co., Ltd.

NESTLE & ANGLO-SWISS CONDENSED MILK CO., Cham and Vevey, Switzerland, and 6 and 8, Eastcheap, London, E.C. Formed by the amalgamation of the AngloSwiss Condensed Milk Co. (established in 1866) with the Societe anonyme Henri Nestle. Capital: fr. 40,000,000, in 100,000 fully paid-up shares of fr. 400 each. Factories: In Switzerland—Cham, Vevey, Bercher, Guin, Payerne, Neuenegg. In Austria--Edlitz. In Germany—Lindau, Kempten. In Norway—Hamar, Sandsund, Kap. In Spain—La Cueva. In England—Aylesbury, Chippenham, Middlewich, Staverton, Tutbury. Specialities: Milo Food, Nestle's Swiss Milk Chocolate, Coffee and Milk, &c. Telegraphic Address: " Nestanglo, London."

NESTLER, F. C., Ltd., Engineers, 39, St. James's Street, London, S.W Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1913. Directors: John Howard, E. Stafford Howard, and F. C. Nestler (Managing:Director). Specialities: Flying Machines, Collapsible Aeroplane Sheds, P.I. Lighting Devices for Aviation, Railways, &c. Contractors to H.M. Government (Admiralty and War Office). Telephone: No. 1014 Regent, London. Telegraphic Address: Frenesiano, St. Jamos, London." Bankers: London and South-Western Bank, Ltd. (Groat Portland Street, W.).

NETHERFIELD STEAMSHIP CO., Ltd., Vienna Chambers, Bute Docks, Cardiff. --See RADCLIFFE (CHARLES) & CO.

NETHERSEAL COLLIERY CO., Ltd. (THE), Netherseal Colliery, near Burton -on Trent. Goods and Passengers: Gresley Station. flours of Business: Usual. Established in 1871. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: Samuel Rickman (Chairman), Dr. J. B. Siddall, Geoffrey M. Jackson, G. C. H. Davy and H. S. Hincks (Managing Director). Speciality: Good qualities of House Coal supplied. Telephone: No. 51 Swadlincote.

NETTLEFOLD & SON, Ltd., Wholesale and Builders' Ironmongers, 54, High Holborn, London, W.C. Established about 1820. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1905. Specialities: Screws, Electrical Conduits and Fittings, Brassfoundry, Locks, Railway Fittings, &c. Hold patents covering inventions in Locks, Lock Furniture, Door Springs, &c. Telephones: Nos. 124 (three lines) Holborn. Tele-graphic Address: " Nettleson, London."

NEUMANN, LUEBECK & CO., Bankers and Merchants, Salisbury House, London Wall, London, E.C. Hours of Business Usual Banking hours. Established in 1907 by Sir Sigmund Neumann, Bart., and Martin Luebeck, the present princi pals. Business: Transact all kinds of Banking operations ' • General Merchants. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: No. 2583 Central; Nos. 1945 and 1966 London Wall. Address for Telegrams; " Sigmartico, Ave, London." Address for Cables; "Sigmartico, London." Bankers: Bank of England; London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd.; London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.; Union of London and Smiths Bank, Ltd.

NEVILL, H. W., Ltd., " Nevill's Bread " Bakeries, Milkwood Road, Herne Hill, S.E.; Bing-field Street, N.; Harrow Road, N.E.; Acton Lane, W. Established about 1850 by the late Henry William Nevill. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1899. Directors: Robert Nevill, S. Simpson, and F. N. Jennings. Premises: As above; all equipped with the latest and most perfect bread-making machinery, and fulfilling the most stringent sanitary conditions. Specialities: Sole makers of " Nevill's Bread," approved by high medical authorities as combining the essential requirements of a digestible and nourishing bread. Connection: London and suburbs. Telephone: No. 205 Brixton.

NEVILLE BROTHERS & CO., Travelling Bag Frame Makers, Wednesbury Road, Walsall. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Established in 1905 by James No\ ille, John Neville, William Neville and Thomas Neville, the present principals. Premises: Situated opposite Milton Street, Walsall. Staff: Fifty. Speciality: Bag Frames. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 397 Walsall. Telegraphic Address: " Neville Brothers, Walsall." Bankers: United Counties Bank, Ltd., Walsall.

NEW CONVEYOR CO., Ltd., Conveyor and Elevator Specialists and General Mechanical Engineers, Smethwick, Birmingham. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as a, Limited Company in 1889. Premises extend over 11,000 square yards. Equipped with modern appliances. Branches: Glasgow, Cardiff, London. Specialities: Conveying and Elevating Machinery, Structural Steelwork and Engineering. Are proprietors of the Midland Engineering Co. Connection: World-wide. Telephone: No. 50 Smethwick. Telegraphic Address: " Aptitude, Birmingham." Codes: Al, AB C, Moreing and Neal. Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited.

NEW HALL POTTERY CO., Ltd. (THE), Earthenware Manufacturers, New Hall Works, Hanley, Staffs. London Showroom: 34, Hatton Garden, E.C. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1899 by Robert Audley and John Copeland. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1900. Directors: Robert Audley (Managing Director),Robert James Audley, James Aloysius Audley and George Eyre Stringer. Premises: Cover one and a half acres, and contain eight ovens. Staff: About 320. Specialities: Low-priced Toilet Ware, Tea Ware, Jugs, and Cheese Stands. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 182 Hanley. Telegraphic Address: "Toilet, Hanley." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: Lloyds Bank, Ltd. (Hanley).

NEW NORMAL AMMUNITION CO., Ltd., Powder and Ammunition Dealers, Hendon, London, N.W. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Directors: H. C. K. Rogers, J. H. Thomas. Speciality: Normal Improved Sporting Powder. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Royal Warrants: Special Appointment to H.M. the King of Portugal and to H.M. the King of Sweden. Telephone: No. 54, Kingsbury. Telegraphic Address: " Normalis, Crickle, London." Bankers: London and Provincial Bank, Ltd. (Hendon).

NEW PEGAMOID, Ltd., Leather Cloth, Manufacturers, 134, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Works: Marsh Side Factory, Lower Edmonton. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1901. Directors: Andrew Haes (Chairman), Major W. LeBreton, R. B. Fraser, Sir Alexander Cross, Bart., F. J. Robinson (Managing Director). Staff: About 100. Specialities " Pegamoid " Brand Leather Cloth for Upholstering, Bookbinding, also - for Trunks and Cases. Special Cloth for Waterproof Clothing. " Pegamoid " Brand Map Cloth, Aero fabrics., Paints, &c., Cartridge Paper. Connection: United Kingdom, Colonial. Telephone: No. 9704 City (two lines), London. Telegraphic Address: " Pegamoid, Cent, London." Codes: A B C (4th and 5th Editions), Private. Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited (Cornhill, E.C.).

NEW YORK LIFE INSURANCE CO. Head Office: 346 and 348, Broadway, New York City. Chief Office for Great Britain and Ireland: Trafalgar Buildings, Trafalgar Square, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturdays, 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1841, by a company of New York Merchants, for Marine Insurance, under the name of the Nautilus Insurance Co. Charter granted by the State of New York, 1843; commenced Life Insurance business, 1845; name changed to New York Life Insurance Company, 1849. It is now the largest and wealthiest institution in the world. President: Hon. D. P. Kingsley. Vice Presidents: T. A. Buckner and. R. W. Weeks. Second Vice-Presidents: J. C. McCall and Walker Buckner. Treasurer: F. H. Shipman. Secretary: S. M. Ballard. General Manager British Department: E. H. Krause. Secretary British Department: W. R. Collinson, F.C.I.S. Premises: The Company owns Office Buildings in New York, Kansas City, Paris, Berlin, Budapest, and Amsterdam, and has Branch Offices in nearly all parts of the civilised world. Business: Life Insurance on the purely Mutual principle, and Annuities. Telephone: No. 2069 Central. Telegraphic Address: " Nylic, Westrand, London." Bankers: Bank of England; London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.; Credit Lyonnais.

NEW ZEALAND SHIPPING CO., Ltd. (THE), 138, Leadenhall Street, London, E.C., and Christchurch, New Zealand. Flours of Business: Usual. Established in 1873 in New Zealand. Incorporated as a Limited Company in New Zealand in 1873. Directors London—William C. Dawes (Chairman), Colonel B. M. Dawes, G. T. Haycraft, Warrington Laing, Allan Hughes, and Alexander Michie. In New Zealand—H. P. Murray Aynsley (Chairman), John Anderson, Hon. Sir C. C. Bowen, Sir George Clifford, Bart., George Gould, William Reece F. H. Pyne, A. E. G. Rhodes, in Christchurch; J. R. Blair and Hon. E. Richardson, G.M.G., in Wellington. Branches: Auckland, Duneden, Foxton, Gisborne, Invercargill, Lyttleton, Napier, Oamaru, Timaru, Wellington (New Zealand), Montreal (Canada). Agencies: At all ports in New Zealand and throughout Australia. Business: Owners of Royal Mail Steamers. Six Mail Steamers. Twelve Intermediate and Cargo Steamers. Telephone: No. 4258 Avenue, London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Delectable, Led, London "; " Conrad, Christchurch." Codes: Bentley's, Phrasecode, &c.

NEWALL, W. H., & SON, Ltd., Ladies' and Children's Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, Reliance Works, Beaumont Road, Leyton, London, N.E. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1875 by W. H. Newall. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1910. Directors 2 z 2 W. H. Newall (Managing Director and Chairman), W. E. Newall, W. F. Bigg and C. Slater. Specialities: Ladies' and Children's Boots and Shoes of excellent design and reliable piality. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephone: No. 650 Walthamstow. Telegraphic Address: " Newall, Leyton, London." Bankers: London and Provincial Bank, Ltd.

NEWBALL & MASON, Manufacturing Chemists. " Maville " Works, Beech Avenue, Nottingham. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Established in 1850 by Thomas A. Newball. Present Principal: Benjamin Deaville. Premises: Cover betwoen four and five acres, equipped with modern appliances. Speciality: Mason's Extract of Herbs, used for the production of Botanic Beer, a non-intoxicating beverage. Inventions: Extracts for the production of Temperance Beverages and Temperance Drinks in a concentrated form. Connection: United Kingdom, Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 3090 and 3091 Nottingham. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Extract, Nottingham." Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited.

NEWBERY, F., & SONS, Ltd., Druggists' Sundries, Medicines, Perfumery, Photographics, 27 and 28, Charterhouse Square; and 44, Charterhouse Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1746, in the 20th year of George the Second, by John Newbery, the eighteenth century bookseller. Stag: About 100. Specialities: Druggists' Sundries, Sick Room and Hospital Requisites, Pharmaceutical Preparations, Perfumery, Proprietary Articles, and Photographic Requisites. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: Nos. 905 Holborn (two lines). Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Newbery, London."

NEWBY (TIMOTHY) & SONS, Ltd., Fish, Game, and Poultry Salesmen, Fruiterers and Florists. Registered Office: 35 and 36, Boar Lane, Leeds. Hours of Business: 7.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1874 by Timothy Newby, who was eventually joined in partnership by his two sons, Fred Clifford Newby and James Ernest Newby. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1899. In 1901 purchased the old-established business of Rowland Wood, Market Walk, Huddersfield. Opened large premises in High Street, Sheffield, in 1905. Purchased in 1907 the extensive and old-established business of Richard Boston & Sons, 8 and 9, Boar Lane, Leeds, and in 1909 purchased th old - established business of Geo. Barrett, Widmore Road, Bromley, Kent. Staff: Nearly 100. Specialities: Fish, Game, Poultry, Fruit, and Flowers. Connection: United Kingdom, Canada, France, Germany, Belgium, Italy. Telephones: Nos. 4127, 4128 (for 35 and 36, Boar Lane); Nos. 79 and 2455 (for 8 and 9, Boar Lane) Leeds; No. 795 Sheffield; No. 150 Huddersfield; No. 262 Bromley. Telegraphic Addresses: " Newby, Leeds "; " Boston, Leeds "; " Mullet, Leeds " (for Wholesale); " Newby, Sheffield "; " Newby, Huddersfield "; " Barrett, Bromley."

NEWCASTLE BREWERIES LIMITED (THE), Brewers. Regi.tered Office: Haymarket, Newcastle-on-Tyne. Hours of Business: Office, 9.30 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established as an amalgamation of John Barras & Co., Ltd., Newcastle-on-Tyne, W. H. Allison & Co., North Shields, J. J. & W. H. Allison & Co., Sunderland, Carr Brothers & Carr, North Shields, and Swinburne & Co., Gateshead. Have since acquired the businesses of W. H. Falconar & Co., Ltd., Howden-onTyne, John Sanderson & Sons, Newcastle-on-Tyne, and Forsters' Bishop Middleham Brewery, Ltd. Incorporated a$ a Limited Company in 1890. Directors: W. Armine Bevan (Chairman), Thos. Watson Lovibond (Managing Director), Barras R. Reed, James Allison, Matthew Forster (Assistant Managing Directors), Charles Liddell. Staff: Clerical, fifty; total employees at least 660. Branches: North Shields, • Sunderland, and Bishop Middleham. Connection: Northern Counties. Telephones: Nos. 2256 and 2257 (National) Newcastle-on-Tyne. Telegraphic Address: " Breweries, Newcastle-on-Tyne."

NEWEY BROTHERS, Ltd., Manufacturers of Hooks, Eyes, Dress Fasteners, and Hairpins, 105 to 113, Brearley Street, Birmingham. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Established prior to 1798 by Richard Newey. Succeeded by Wm. Millias Newey and Jas. Clement Newey. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1903. Directors: James George Newey (Chairman), Clement John Newey, Wm. Arthur Newey (sons of J. C. Newey), Businesses of Wm. Kerby & Son, J. E. Wood, and Hairpins, Ltd., all of Birmingham, acquired by the Company. Premises: Works in Brearley Street and Summer Lane, Birmingham, very extensive; London Office, 10, Wood Street, E.C. Staff: 400 inworkers, 600 outworkers. Specialities: Dress Hooks and Eyes, Mantle, Military, and Tent Hooks, Eyes and Snap - fasteners. Patents: Bar Loop, Indent Safety and Imperial Spring Hooks and Eyes, and Springbok Hairpins. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial, Right to use Royal Arms granted to Jas. Geo. Newey (father of J. C. Newey and Wm. Newey). Telephones: No. 1814 Central, Birmingham; No. 2313 Central, London. Telegraphic Address: " Pelican, Birmingham." Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited (Colmore Row, Birmingham),

NEWGASS, B., & CO., Ltd., Merchants. Office: 75 and 76, Lombard Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Incorporated as a private Limited Company in 1911 to take over the business of B. Newgass & Co. Directors: B. Newgass (Governing Director), Harry Kahn, Julian H. Simon. Secretary: R. Goode. Authorised Capital: £300,000. Business: Merchants. Telephones: Nos. 3765 and 3766 London Wall; No. 2087 Central, London. Telegraphic Address: " Newgass, London." Bankers: London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd.; London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.; Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co. Ltd.

NEWLAND, TARLTON & CO., Ltd., East African Merchants, Estate and General Agents, Passenger and Shipping Agents, Nairobi, British East Africa. London Office: 166, Piccadilly, W. And various Branches throughout East Africa. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1904 by V. M. Newland and L. J. Tarlton at Nairobi. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1907. Directors: V. M. Newland, L. J. Tarlton, C. H. Tritton (London) (Managing Directors), W. J. W. Nicol and J. H. Wilson. One of the earliest business houses in East African Highlands. Specialities East African Land Agency, Live Stock Auctioneering, Organizing of Scientific and Sporting Expeditions in Equatorial Africa. Connection: United Kingdom and Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 37, 140 and 119 Nairobi; Nos. 2691 and 4786 Mayfair, London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Safari, Nairobi "; " Wapagazi, London." Codes: Bentleys, A B C (5th Edition), and Western Union. Bankers: National Bank of India, Ltd. (Nairobi), Barclay & Co., Ltd. (London).

NEWMAN, T. M., & SONS, Colonial Wool Merchants, Nailsworth, near Stroud, Glos., and 92, Wool Exchange, London, E.C. Hours of Business: Usual. Established early in the nineteenth century by Mr. Lacey. Continued by (1) Lacey & Newman; (2) T. M. Newman' & Co. Present Principals: H. M. Newman, J. P. and F. B. Newman (sons). Specialities: In Wools suitable to the fine clothing trade. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephone: No. 308 Nailsworth. Telegraphic Address: " Newman, Nailsworth." Bankers: Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd. Mr. H. M. Newman is a Justice of the Peace for the County of Gloucestershire, and Hon. Secretary of the Colonial Wool Buyers' Association (London).

NEWMAN, WM., & SONS, LIMITED, Door Spring Makers, Hospital Street, Birmingham. Hours of Business: Office, 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Established in 1750 by Wm. Newman; succeeded by sons, grandsons, &c. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1901. Directors: G. F. Newman (Chairman), E. J. Newman, F. Newman, H. G. Newman. Premises: Extensive, equipped with all modern improvements. Stall: Between 200 and 300. Stag Clubs: Sick and Football. Business: Manufacture of Door Springs and Fanlight Gearing, &c. Patents: Door Springs, Fanlight Gearing, Panic Bolts, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 920 (National) Central, Birmingham. Telegraphic Address: " Checks, Birmingham."

NEWNES (GEORGE) Ltd., Publishers and Printers, 5-13, Southampton Street, Strand, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. in summer; 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. in winter. Established in 1881. The business arose out of the starting of " Tit-Bits " in that year, at Manchester, by the late Sir George Newnes. In 1890 "`The Strand Magazine " was started. Incorporated in 1891 as a Limited Company with a capital of £400,000, George Newnes, Ltd., was reconstructed in 1897 with a capital of £1,000,000, divided into 600,000 preference hares and 400,000 ordinary shares. The capital was reduced in 1912 to £700,000, divided into 500,000 £1 Pref. shares, and 400,000 10s. Ordy. shares by writing off 10R. per share on Ordy. shares and cancelling 100,000 unissued Prof. shares. Directors: Sir Frank Newnes, Bart. (Chairman), Sir George Riddell, Edward Hudson, Alfred Johnson, Walter Grierson, H. F. LeBas, and W. Emsley Carr. Publications: "Tit-Bits," " The Strand Magazine," " The Wide World Magazine„" "The Captain," "The Ladies' Field," " Country Life," " Woman's Life," " The Garden," " Woman at Home," " The Grand Magazine," " The Scholar's Own," &c. The Company has travellers throughout the world, employs a staff of over 550 persons, and has a branch in New York. Telephones: No. 760 Regent (seven lines). Telegraphic Address: " Newnes, Rand, London."

NEWTON & BENNETT, Ltd., Motor Car Factors, 35, King Street West, Manchester. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m. Established in 1899. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1900. Reregistered in 1905 on amalgamation. Directors: John Newton, James Arthur Bennett, Robert Owen Harper. Branches: William Street, Salford; Showrooms, 46, Knightsbridge, London, S.W. Business: Motor Cars and Motor Carriage Builders. Connection: United Kingdom, Colonial. Telephones: No. 7122 (three lines) Central, Manchester; No. 4333 Victoria, London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Garage, Manchester "; " Scatissima, London." Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited.

NEWTON, CHAMBERS & CO.. Ltd., Colliery Owners, Makers of Pig Iron, Gas Works Plant, Tanks, Bridges, &c., and all kinds of Castings; Proprietors of Disinfectant " Izal," Thorncliffe Iron Works and Collieries, near Sheffield. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1793. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: T. C. Newton (Chairman and Managing Director), W. N. Drew (ViceChairman), C. W. Dawson, M. H. Burnham, A. J. Capron, T. V. Miles, and S. C. Wardell. One of the oldest firms in the trade. Branches: London, Sheffield, Hull, Manchester, Rotherham, Liverpool. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: No. 168 Sheffield (Collieries); No. 41 Ecclesfield (Trunk); No. 2200 Sheffield (Iron Works). Telegraphic Address: "Newton, Sheffield." Code: A B C (4th and 5th Editions). Bankers: Sheffield and Hallamshire Co., Ltd.

NEWTON, CHARLES, Stamping and Marking Ink Manufacturer, 65, Marriott Road, Finsbury Park, London, N. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Inventor of " Platino " Stamping Ink for Linen Shirt and Collar Manufacturers. (Manager for the late Thomas Walton, Manufacturing Chemist; established 1868. Purchased the business of Thomas Walton in 1904.) Purchased the above premises in 1913. Also manufacturer of " Flora Nigra " and " Negro " Brands nonheating Marking Inks, specially adapted for use in Laundries; also Newton's " Lion " Cement for mending Glass and China. Newton's " Platino " Stamping Ink is now used by the leading Shirt and Collar Manufacturers in the United Kingdom and Colonies. Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd. (Camden Town, N.W.).

NEWTON & CO., Opticians and Scientific and Electrical Instrument Makers, 72, Wigmore Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established over 200 years ago. The exact date is not known, but the signature of J. Newton, the then head of the firm, with the date, Oct. 26th, 1704 (the year before Sir Isaac Newton was knighted), proves the existence of the business early in the reign of Queen Anne. Oldest firm of scientific instrument makers in the world, and most direct relations left of Sir Isaac Newton, the great natural philosopher. In 1850 the partners were W. E. and F. Newton. Present Partners: H. C. Newton and R. S. Wright. Specialities: Optical Lanterns and Slides; are also Ophthalmic and Sight Testing Opticians. Hold several patents relating to optical and electrical instruments. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Royal Warrants to His late Majesty King Edward and H.M. King George V. Hold an appointment to the Royal Institution of Great Britain, and are makers of scientific instruments, &c., to the Admiralty, War Department, H.M. Training Ships, Indian and Foreign Governments, Board of Education, South Kensington, &c. Telephone: No. 2339 Mayfair. Telegraphic Address: "Newtobar, Wesdo, London."

NEWTON, E. T., & SON, Ltd. (late Wilton), Mathematical Instrument Makers, Opticians, Scientific Apparatus Manufacturers, &c., Wilton Works, Cross Street, Camborne, Cornwall. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1825 by William Wilton (d. 1859). Continued by E. T. Newton (son-in-law), who was joined by E. W. Newton (son) in 1885. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1901. Directors: E. W. Newton (Managing Director) and Samuel Stephens. One of the oldest firms in the trade. The Dipping Needle invented by Robert Were Fox was first made by William Wilton about 1835 to 1840. Premises: Equipped with modern appliances throughout. Specialities: Surveying Instruments, Scientific Instruments and Models of Machinery. Claim to be the first to introduce the principle of Surveying with duplicate interchangeable stands now largely used. Complete Mining Outfits, Combined Theodolite, Miners' Dial and Dumpy Level, Henderson's Patent Rapid Traverser (sole makers), Tacheometers, Transit Theodolite, &c., Barometers, Assaying Balances, Astrohomical Telescopes, Drawing Instruments, Microscopes, &c. Patents: Newton's Mining Theodolites and Rapid Traversers. Awards: Over forty Gold, Silver and Bronze Medals, Gold Medal at Imperial International Exhibition, 1909. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 57 Camborne. Telegraphic Address: " Newton, Optician, Camborne." Code: Bedford McNeill. Bankers: Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd. (Camborne).

NEWTON FIRE EXTINGUISHER CO. Ltd. (THE), Fire Engineers, Brook House, 10 to 12, Walbrook, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1912, formed to carry on the late Fire Engineering Department of Newton Chambers & Co., Ltd., Thorncliffe Ironworks, near Sheffield. Established in 1793. Directors: John Ranald (Chairman and Managing Director, late manager of the Fire Engineering Department of Newton, Chambers & Co., Ltd.), E. R. Peal, E. L. Watts. Secretary: A. E. B. Jones. The capital of the company is more or -less nominal, all shares (except ten reserved for signatories and not issued) being held by T. C. Newton, J.P., Chairman of Newton Chambers & Co., Ltd., and W. N. Drew, Vice-Chairman of same. Premises: General Offices. Branches: Lille, St. Petersburg. Specialities: Newton Automatic Sprinkler. Installations erected to the specifications of the various Fire Insurance Companies. Newton Appliances are officially accepted by all the Fire Insurance Companies in Great Britain, France, Belgium, Holland, Sweden, Russia, &c., and where installed entitle users to large rebates of the annual premiums. Newton Chemical Fire Extinguishers, Armoured Fireproof Doors, Hydrant Installations, Newton Drencher Installations, &c. Patent: Newton Automatic Sprinkler Head patented in most countries. Connection: United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Holland, Russia, China, Japan, India, South America. Contractors to H.M. Government (War Office). Telephone: No. 7913 City, London. Telegraphic Address: " Autosprink, London." Codes: A B C (5th Edition), Private. Bankers: London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd., Princes Street, London, E.C.

NEWTON (JOHN M.) & SONS, Ltd., Glass Silverers, Bevellers, Brilliant Cutters, 20, 2l., 22 and 23, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, London, E.C., and Britannia Works, Britannia Street, King's Cross, London, N. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1879 by John M. Newton. Incorporated as a private Limited Company in 1907. Directors John M. Newton, John Newton and Ernest Y. Newton. Premises: Works are fitted with the most up-to-date machinery and modern appjiances to suit the trade. Staff: 100. Specialities: Shop Front Glaziers, Glass Silvering, Bevelling, and Brilliant Cutting. Connection: United. Kingdom. Telephone: No. 2655 Holborn, London (three lines). Telegraphic Address: " Soleplate, London." • Bankers Union of London & Smiths Bank, Ltd.

NEWTON & PYCROFT, Ltd., Lace Machine Builders, Makers of Bobbins, Carriages, and all Accessories for Lace Machines, Alfred Street Mills, Nottingham. Hours of Business: Works, 6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Mondays, 7 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 6 a.m. to 12 noon; Office, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1888 by John Pycroft in partnership with the late Joseph Newton. Partnership dissolved in 1901. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1910. Directors: John Pycroft (Managing Director), and John H. Pycroft (Secretary). Sta§: 250. Specialities: Lace Machinery: Plain Net Machines (Rolling Locker and Double Locker —both low system), also Curtain and Levers Machines. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign. Telephone: No. 771 Nottingham. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Pycroft, Nottingham." Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd. (Victoria Street Branch).

NEWTON, T., Gunmaker, 48, King Street West., Manchester. Shooting Grounds and School: Failsworth, Manchester. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1868 by T. Newton. Present Principal: T. P. Hooton. Premises: Good Shooting Grounds and School at Failsworth. Specialities: Guns, Rifles and Cartridges (Manufacturers). Connection: Home, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 3430 Central, Manchester. Telegraphic Address: " Newton, Gunmaker, Manchester." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: London City & Midland Bank, Ltd.

NEWTON & WRIGHT, Ltd., Electrical and Scientific Instrument Makers, 72, Wigmoro Street, W.; Factory, 471, Hornsey Road, London, N. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1704 by J. Newton. Continued by the same family. Incorporated as a private Limited Company in 1911. Chairman: H. C. Newton. Managing Director: R. S. Wright. Premises: Have held buildings at 3, Fleet Street for seventy-three years; removed to Wigmore Street, they consist of large five floor building; also occupied by Newton & Co., the associated optical firm. Specialities: X-Ray and Electro-medical Apparatus. Patents: Numerous. Connection: United Kingdom and Colonial chiefly. Contractors to H.M. Government and to the Principal Hospital. Telephone: No. 2339 Mayfair, London. Telegraphic Address: " Newtobar, Wesdo, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition).

NICHOLAS, GEORGE AUGUSTUS, Manufacturing Furrier (Wholesale and Retail), 177, Regent Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1893 by George Augustus Nicholas, the present principal, who previously had great experience in founding and managing the largest Fur businesses in London. He is an expert in all matters of Furs, &c., and a recognised judge in Law Cases, Trade Disputes, and for Probate. Known as Nicholas " The Czar of all the Furriers." Premises: Situated in the best part of Regent Street, consisting of the entire building except the ground floor, comprising Showrooms and Work shops, certified as perfectly sanitary by the authorities. Specialities: The design and creation of Confections in Furs; Ladies' Fur Stoles, Cravats, Muffs, Fur Coats, Fur-Lined Coats, Fur Carriage Rugs, Foot-Sacks, Furs for Motoring, Caps, Gloves, &c. Customers' Furs stored from Moth during the summer and renovated and Remodelled ready for Winter wear. Advice given on all matters pertaining to furs. Also Skin Merchant and Trade Purveyor. Supplies Furriers, Drapers, Dressmakers, Tailors and Milliners with Skins and made up Garments. Imports choice and rare Furs. Connection: United Kingdom, amongst the wealthy classes; Colonial, the Continent, and the United S Cates. Telephone: Regent 3774, London. Cable Address: " Majestical, London." Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd. (Regent Street). Mr. Nicholas is associated with various temperance, social and phil anthropic societies.

NICHOLLS (THOMAS) & CO., Tobacco Manufacturers, Mill Street, Handbridge, Chester. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1780 by William Nicholls. Business carried on from father to son down to the present time. Present Principals: William Arthur Miller Nicholls and George Frederick Nicholls. One of the oldest firms of Tobacco Manufacturers in the kingdom. Specialities: The manufacture of Cut and Roll Tobaccos; also Mixtures, Navy Cuts and Flakes. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephone: No. 431 Chester. Telegraphic Address: " Nicholls, Chester." Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd.

NICHOLS, J. B., & SONS, Printers, Parliament Mansions, Orchard Street, Victoria Street, Westminster, London, S.W. Established in 1699 by William Bowyer. Partnership Successions: (1) William Bowyer (jun.), 1722; (2) John Nichols, 1766; (3) John Bowyer Nichols, 1801; (4) John Gough Nichols, 1826; (5) Robert Cradock Nichols, 1853; (6) John Bruce Nichols, 1873; (7) John Cradock Morgan Nichols, 1898. Present Principals: John Bruce Nichols, John Cradock Morgan Nichols. Were appointed Printers of the Votes and Proceedings of the House of Commons in 1729, and the partners have held that appointment in unbroken succession up to the present date. Is doubtless the oldest firm in the trade. Speciality: Parliamentary Printing and High-class Book Printing. Noted for the finest work. Telephone: No. 397 Victoria. Bankers: Union of London & Smiths Bank, Ltd.

NICHOLS, SON & CLOW, Boot and Shoe Manufacturers, North Gates, Leicester, and Desborough, Northamptonshire. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1867.

NICHOLSON, A. L., Dealer in Fine Pictures by Old Masters, The Safe Deposit, Carlton Street, Regent Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1907 by A. L. Nicholson, the present principal. Premises: Large suite of handsome rooms. Speciality: Fine Authentic pictures by the Great Masters of all Old Schools. Connection: British, Continental, American. Telephone: No. 4546 Gerrard, London. Telegraphic Address: " Nicholson, Burnished, London." Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd.; London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. Mr. A. L. Nicholson is an expert advisor to one of the greatest British Illustrated Art Publishers.

NICHOLSON & LORD, Organ Builders, 19 and 20, Vicarage Place, Walsall. Hours of Business: Summer, 6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; winter, 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1816 by Richard Nicholson. Succeeded in 1861 by Charles Henry Nicholson.

NICHOLSON'S, Ltd., Wholesale and Retail Drapers and Silk Mercers, Costumiers and Furriers, 50 to 53, St. Paul's Churchyard, and 63 to 68, Paternoster Row, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1843 by Daniel Nicholson. Incorporated July 8th, 1898: Daniel Nicholson, Chairman; Charles Lamprey and Augustus H. Nicholson, Directors. Premises: Their establishment, in a commanding position at the corner of Paternoster Row, has long been a familiar feature of the " shopping " side of St. Paul's Churchyard. Rebuilt 1900, present handsome style. Staff: About 200. Specialities: Silks, Costumes, Mantles, Furs, General Drapery, both wholesale and retail. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 946 Central. Telegraphic Address: " Magasin, Cent, London."

NICKEL COMPANY, ERDINGTON (THE), Nickel Refiners, Erdington, Birmingham. Hours of Business: Usual. Estab. lished in 1882. Works _Manager: Robert B. Batty. Premises: Works in England, Scotland, France, Germany, and New Caledonia. Speciality: Manufacture of Best Refined Nickel in Rondello and Cube form. Special Appointment to the Admiralty. Telephone: No. 150 Erdington. Telegraphic Address: "Nickel Co., Erdington." Bankers: Metropolitan Bank (of England and Wales) Ltd. (Birmingham).

NICKELS, J., & SON, Sailmakers, Ship Chandlers, and Canvas Merchants, Stanley Buildings, Bath Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: Office, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1836 by Joseph Nickels. Succeeded by (1) James Nickels (son); (2) Alfred Nickels and James Nickels (sons of James Nickels). Present Principals: James Nickels and Alfred E. Nickels. Business: Sailmaking, Ship Chandlers, &c. Representatives of the United States Cotton Duty Corporation, Manufacturers of Cotton Sail Duck. Telephone: No. 1775 Central, Liverpool. Telegraphic Address: " Euston, Liverpool." Cable Address: "Nickboth, Liverpool." Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd.

NICKELS (THOMAS) & CO., Rosin and Turpentine Importers, Commission Merchants and Forwarding Agents, 23 and 25, The Albany, Old Hall Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1866 by Thomas Nickels. Joined by R. J. Whitney. Present Principals: Thomas Nickels and R. J. Whitney. Business: Rosin and Turpentine Importers, Commission Merchants and Forwarding Agents, Exporters of Chemicals, Importers of Lignum Vitae. Connection: United Kingdom, Canada, United States, West Indies and South America. Telephone: No. 1659, (Central), Liverpool. Telegraphic Address: " Resina, Liverpool." Cable Address: "Portsoaken, Liverpool." Codes: A B C (5th Edition) and Private. Bankers: Bank of:Liverpool, Ltd.

NICOL, E. D., & CO., Ltd., Sail and Tarpaulin Manufacturers, &c. Registered Offices Brothock Works, Nile Street, Sunderland. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established about 1884 by E. D. Nicol. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1904. Managing Directors: E. D. Nicol and Quintin A. Nicol. Premises: Works and Warehouses in Sunderland, London, Cardiff, and Liverpool. Specialities: Manufacture of Sails, Awnings, Tarpaulins, Canvas, Oakum, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 230, 1121, 1281 Sunderland; No. 817 Cardiff; No. 1075 Trondhjam. Telegraphic Addresses: " Nicol, Sunderland "; " McPhersons, Liverpool"; " Anker, Trondhjem." Bankers: North-Eastern Banking Co., Ltd.

NICOL (WILLIAM) & CO., Ship Brokers, 18, James Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1848 by William Nicol. Present Principal: William Charles Aikman, nephew (since 1871). Staff: Eleven. Business: Ship Brokers and General Agents, chiefly connected with the West Coast South America, and loading Brokers for the Gulf Line (Nautilus Steam Shipping Co.'s) Steamers to above ports. Telephone: No. 1183 Central, Liverpool. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Nicol, Liverpool." Codes: Scott's, 1880, 1896; Watkin's, 1881; Appendix, 1884. Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Mr. Aikman is a Director of the Maritime Insurance Co.

NIELSEN, C., & SONS, Shipowners and Timber Merchants, West Hartlepool. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1852 by Christian Nielsen. Present-Principals: Hans C. Nielsen, J.P., and Charles Nielsen, F.R.A.S. (sons). Staff: Nine. Business: Shipowners and Timber Merchants. Connection: United Kingdom and Foreign. Telephone: No. 59 West Hartlepool. Telegraphic Address: " Nielsens, West Hartlepool." Code: Scotts. Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. (West Hartlepool). Mr. Hans C. Nielsen is a member of the Port and Harbour Commission, and of the Hartlepool Pilotage Commission, and is a Justice of the Peace for Hartlepool. Mr. Charles Nielsen is a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society.

NIGGEMANN, B., & CO., Metal and. General Brokers, 26, Chapel Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1883 by Bernhard Joseph Niggemann. Present Principal: Bernhard Joseph Niggemann. Representatives of the European Spelter Syndicate and the German Sheet Zinc Syndicate Buyers of Tin Ores for the Hungarian Tin Smelting Works, Budapest. Staff: Nine. Specialities: Metals, Ores, and Minerals. Brokers and Agents. Connection: United Kingdom, the Colonies, and all Foreign Countries. Telephone: No. 1516 Central (two lines). Telegraphic and Cable Address " Niggemann, Liverpool." Code Lieber's. Bankers: Manchester and Liverpool District Banking Co.,Ltd. (Liverpool).

NILE SPINNING & DOUBLING CO., Ltd. (THE), Cotton Spinners and Doublers, Nile Mill, Hollinwood, Manchester. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1898. Chairman: H. W. Macalister. Managing Director: T. D. Williams. Salesman: W. A. Elder. Premises: Very extensive, containing 115,000 Spindles. Staff: 1000. Specialities: Spinning of American and Egyptian Combed and Carded Watertwist, Warps, Beams, Chains, Bundles and Doubling of 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, and 12 Cord Cable, Sewings, Crochet, Heald, Pearl, Fish Net and Prepared Yarns. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 393 Hollinwood. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Nile, Hollinwood." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Mr. H. W. Macalister is President of Manchester. Cotton Association.

NILSSON & CO., Retail and Wholesale Foreign Booksellers, Newsagents, and Publishers, 16 and 18, Wardour Street, London, W. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1847 by K. Nilsson. Largest firm of the kind in Europe. Business: Importation of French Books, Periodicals, Newspapers. Connection: United Kingdom, Continent, and all parts of the world. Telephone: No. 5388 Gerrard. Telegraphic Address: " Pascalisco, London."

NIMMO, W., Cotton and Woollen Cloths Agents and Exporters, 17, Fore Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1888. Staff: Twelve. Business: Manufacturers' Agents of Cotton and Woollen Cloths, Exporters, Representing English, Scotch, French and German Manufacturers. Connection: Australia, South Africa, India, Burmah, China, Japan. Telephone: No. 9585 London Wall, London. Telegraphic Address: "Winnington, London." Bankers: National Bank of Scotland, Ltd., London.

NISBET (JAMES) & CO., Ltd., Publishers, 22, Berners Street, London, W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Summer, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Established in 1810 by James Nisbet. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: James Robertson (Chairman), L. C. Hallard, B. Christian, A. W. Lidderdale, F. Watson. Secretary: E. W. Kingdon. One of the oldest firms in the trade. Staff: About twenty-five. Business: General, Religious, Juvenile, Medical and Educational Publishing. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 2321 and 2322 Regent, London. Telegraphic Address: " Stebsin, Ox, London." Code: A B C. Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd.

NIXEY, W. G., Ltd., Black Lead and Graphite Manufacturer and Importer, 12, Soho Square, London, W. Established in 1846. by William George Nixey, inventor and patentee of Nixey's Refined Black Lead in Blocks. Directors: E. H. Seeker (the Managing Director), G. P. Hargreaves, E. W. Buckley, J. G. Hewett (Secretary). Premises: Offices, &c., at 12, Soho Square; extensive Works, Gipsyville, Hull. Specialities: Black Lead; Stove Polishing Paste; Laundry Blue; Graphite Lubricants; and a variety of articles of domestic utility. Awards: Prize Medals, Diplomas, &c., at International Exhibitions. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Royal Warrants: Special Appointments to H.M. King George V., His late Majesty King Edward, and H.M. King George V. when Prince of Wales. Also held the Royal Warrant of Her late Majesty Queen Victoria. Telephone: No. 5116 Gerrard. Telegraphic Address: " Nixey, London." Code: A B C (4th and 5th). Bankers: Coutts & Co.

NIXON, HENRY, Boot Manufacturer, 51, Victoria Road North, Leicester. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1890 by Henry Nixon, the present principal. Agency: F. Pitney, Martin & Co., Athenian Chambers, Shortmarket Street, Cape Town (South Africa). Speciality Children's School Boots. Connection United Kingdom and Colonial. Bankers: Capital and Counties Bank, Ltd. (Leicester).

NOBEL'S EXPLOSIVES CO., Ltd., Explosives and Chemical Manufacturers, Nobel House, 195, West -George Street, Glasgow. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1871 as the British Dynamite Co., Ltd., by the late Alfred Nobel. The Company was reconstructed first in 1877 and again in 1900. Directors: Sir Ralph Anstruther, Bart. (Chairman), Thomas Alexander, M. Pearce Campbell, the Hon. Thomas Cochrane, and William Crouch. London Office: 220, Winchester House, Old Broad Street, E.C.; Ammunition Dept., Kingsway House, Kingsway, W.C. Factories: Ardeer, Ayrshire; Westquiixter, Stirlingshire; Redding Moor, Stirlingshire; Regent Factory, Linlithgow; Perranporth, Cornwall; Waltham Abbey, Essex; and Swansea, South Wales. General Business: The manufacture of all kinds of Blasting Explosives, Military and Sporting Powders, Guncotton, Picric Acid, Detonators, Safety and Electric Fuses, and Blasting Accessories. Have Agents in all parts of the world, and are Contractors to British and Foreign Governments. Telephones: No. 6220 Central (seven lines), Glasgow; London, No. 2810 London Wall; Ammunition Dept., No. 6123 Bank. Telegraphic and Cable Addresses: " Nobel, Glasgow "; " Gelignite, London "; " Peracute, London " (Ammunition Dept.). Bankers: Union Bank of Scotland, Ltd. (Glasgow and London).

NOBLE & LUND, Ltd., Engineers and Machine Tool Makers, Iron Founders, &c., The Northern Machine Tool Works, Felling-on-Tyne. Hovers of Business: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Established in 1886 by Harry Noble and Pearson Lund. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1899. Premises: Cover four acres. Staff: 300. Specialities Lathes, Drilling Machines, and Machine Tools generally; also Band Sawing Machines for Metal. Patents: Several. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: No. 23 (National) Gateshead; No. 7 (Post Office) Felling. Telegraphic Address: " Lathes, Felling."

NOBLE (ROBERT) & CO., Scotch Tweed Manufacturers, Glebe Mills, Hawick, Scotland, and Golden House, Great Pulteney Street, Golden Square, London, W. Hours of Business: Hawick, 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' - Saturdays, close at 12.30 p.m.; London, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1870 by Robert Richardson and Robert Noble as Richardson, Noble & Co. Present Principals: James Scott and Robert Scott Noble. Staff: About 325. Specialities: Scotch Tweeds and Overcoatings in Cheviot, Saxony and Worsteds; also Ladies' Mantle and Costume Cloths. • Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephones: No. 14 Ha-wick; No. 1790 Gerrard, London. Telegraphic Addresses: "Noble, Hawick"; " Noble, care Goldenous, London."

NOBLES & HOARE, LIMITED, Varnish, Japan, Enamel and Colour Manufacturers, Cornwall Road, Stamford Street, London, S.E. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established 1787. Directors: James Rolls Hoare (Chairman), Leonard Noble, and C. M. Crompton-Roberts. Business: Varnish, Japan, Enamel and Colour Manufacturers for Railways, Steamship Companies, Yacht and Boat Builders, Coach Builders, Motor Car Builders, Decorators, &c. Their goods are extensively used by the leading companies and firms both at home and in the Colonies and abroad, and are renowned for their durability and brilliance. Telephone: No. Hop 1302. Telegraphic Address: " Nobles, Watleo, London."

NODES, JOHN, Undertaker and Funeral Carriage Proprietor. Head Office: 181, Ladbroke Grove, London, W. Office and Factory: 207, Westbourno Grove. And at 4, High Street, Harlesden; 28, Station Road, Kensal Rise; 1024, Harrow Road; 2, Station Parade, Willesden Green. Carriage Department: Dawlish Yard, Hewer Street, Kensington, London, W. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1857 by John Nodes. Continued by Grace Nodes (widow) in 1895. Present Principals: John Nodes and Horace Kirtley Nodes (since 1913). Business: Funerals, Cremations, Embalming, Monumental Masonry, Memorial Brasses; Licensed to let Funeral Carriages and Motor Hearses. Connection: Shipments to all parts, of Embalmed Bodies and Cremation Ashes. Telephone: No. 2533 Park, London. Telegraphic Address: " Nodesial, Norkens, London." The late Mr. John Nodes was for many years a member of the Kensington Vestry and Borough Council. Mr. H. K. Nodes is a member of the British Embalmers Society.

NOEL, L., & SONS, Ltd., Packers and Importers of Preserved Provisions, Soho Works, Clink Street, S.E. ' • West End Depot, 7, Soho Square, London, W. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1860 by Ludovic Noel. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1900. Chairman and Managing Director: Auguste V. A. Noel. Originally started in Soho for the sale of Foreign Comestibles. Specialities: Jams; Potted Meat, Fish, and Game. Agents for Martinache & Cie.'s Sardines. Connection: All parts of United Kingdom, all British Colonies. Awards: Gold Medals from several International Exhibitions, including Cape Town 190 t, and Franco-British, 1908. Telephones: No. 3800 Hop; No. 3795 Gerrard. Telegraphic Address: " Noel, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. (Covent Garden Branch).

NORMAN & BEARD, Ltd., Organ Builders to the King, 61, Berner Street, London, W.; The Organ Works, Norwich; 74, Park Road, Glasgow; and 170, Featherston Street, Wellington, N.Z. Established in 1870 by E. W. Norman and H. J. Norman. Succeeded in 1885 by G. A. W. Beard. Incorporated a private Limited Company in 1898. Present Directors: E. M. Thorpe (Chairman), G. A. W. Beard (Managing Director), Alderman Sir Edward Cooper, J.P., C. W. Dixon. Premises: Extensive Freehold Works at Norwich covering several acres equipped with the most up-to-date labour-saving machinery. Staff consists of over three hundred hands and includes specialists and experts in every department. Specialities: Refinement of Voicing. Tubular-pneumatic and electric actions and adapting organs for intricate and complicated positions. The firm, which is the largest in Great Britain, has built many of the largest and famous organs in the world. Patents: Numerous. Awards: Modals at various British and Colonial Exhibitions. Branches: In addition to the large staff kept at the above addresses, resident tuners are stationed in the following centres:—Birmingham, Cardiff, Cambridge, Liverpool, Edinburgh, Belfast, Bristol, Nottingham, Leeds, Capetown, Johannesburg, Melbourne, Sydney. Connection: Worldwide. Royal Warrant Holders to H.M. King George, also to His late Majesty King Edward, confirming the appointment held from His Majesty when Prince of Wales. Telephones: No. 9145 Gerrard (London); No. 294 Norwich; No. 1181 Charing Cross (Glasgow); No. 206 Bootle (Liverpool). Telegraphic Addresses " Vibrating, London "; " Norman Beard, Norwich." Code: A B C (5th Edition).

NORMAN, B., & SON, Surveyors, Auctioneers and Estate Agents, St. Martin's House, 1, Gresham Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Satur days, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1824 by the present principal's Grandfather. Branches: London, 71 and 73, Carter Lane, Ludgate Hill, E.C.; Hove (Sussex), opposite Holland Road Halt Station. Speciality: Specialists for the Valuation and Sale of Trade Fixtures, Machinery, Factory Plant, &c. Connection: United Kingdom (all parts). Telephone: No. 2846 Central, London. Telegraphic Address: " Normanitic, Cent, London." Bankers: National Provincial Bank of England, Ltd. (St. Martin's-le-Grand).

NORMAN, F. H., & CO., Ltd., Hard and Soft , Wood Merchants, 59, Mount Pleasant, Gray's Inn Road, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1907. Incorporated as a Limited Company in the same year. Directors: H. Norman, F. Norman. Premises: Claim that the Timber Yard is the oldest in the City of London. Entire premises cover about an acre of ground. Specialities: American Whitewoods, Prime Pitch Pine, Archangel Yellow and White Deals; large stocks held. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephones: Nos. 5225 and 1826 Holborn. Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. (Holborn Circus).

NORMAN & STACEY, Ltd., Artistic House Furnishers, 118, Queen Victoria Street, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1879 as a partnership, subsequently formed into a Limited Liability Company which after a long period of successful trading opened large premises at Tottenham. Court Road. Not achieving the success anticipated, these were closed down in 1905 and the old methods of business resorted to. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1905. Directors: Leonard J. Williams, W. J. Moggridge and G. H. Cotterill. Speciality: Supply of High-class Furniture upon the extended payment system, in a manner that minimises the disadvantages to the customer. More than half their business is with old customers and their friends. Selection is made through the company direct from wholesale warehouses. Telephone: No. 5297 Bank, London. Telegraphic Address: " Norsta, London."

NORRINGTON, A., & CO., Ltd., Iron and Metal Merchants, 1, East India Avenue, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1864 by Arthur Norrington. Carried on for a short time as Norrington & Pitts. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1900. Directors: Arthur James Norrington (Managing Director), Walter Shaw Norrington. • One of the first firms to deal in Scrap Iron and Metals. Business: Merchants in Scrap Metals of all descriptions; also Pig Iron. Connection: World-wide. Agents or Correspondents in most countries. Telephone: No. 6398 Avenue. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Norrington, London," Code: A B C (4th Edition). Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. (Mincing Lane Branch).

NORTH, B., & SONS, Chair Manufacturers, Upholsterers, Cabinet Makers. Works: West Wycombe, Bucks. London Offices and Showrooms: 90, City Road, E.C. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1851 by Benjamin North; joined in 1870 by B. North (jun.) and Jas. North (sons). Present Principals: B. North, j.P., B. S. North, and G. E. North (sons). Premises: Factory on site covering three acres. Staff: 200. Agencies in Australia, New Zealand, and South Africa. Specialities: Chairs of all kinds manufactured for all purposes; also Wooden Bedsteads, Cabinets. &c. Telephone: No. 9773 Central. Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. (High Wycombe).

NORTH (JAMES) & SONS, Chamois Leather Dressers, Manufacturers of Harvest Gloves, Athletic Goods, Motor and Driving Gloves, &c., Godley Mills, Hyde. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1868 by James North. Succeeded by Richard North, George North, and L. P. North (sons), the present principals. Branches: 5, Crown Court, Cheapside, London, E.C.; 49, Virginia Street, Glasgow; and Montreal. Specialities: Chamois Leather Dressing, Harvest Gloves, Athletic Goods, Motor and Driving Gloves, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephones: No. 39 Hyde, No. 272 Bank, London. Telegraphic Address: " Chamois, Hyde." Bankers: Manchester and Liverpool District Bank, Ltd.

NORTH BRITISH DISTILLERY CO., Ltd., Gorgie Road, Edinburgh, and 74, Wellington Street, Glasgow. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Is one of the largest Distilleries in the world. Telephone: No. 1418 Central. Telegraphic Address: " Whisky, Edinburgh."

NORTH BRITISH LOCOMOTIVE CO., Ltd., Head Office and Administration Building: 110, Flemington Street, Springburn, Glasgow. London Office: 17, Victoria Street, Westminster, S. W. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to. 5.30 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 12 noon. Established in 1903 by the amalgamation of Neilson Reid & Co. (founded 1837), Hyde Park Locomotive Works, Glasgow; Sharp Stewart & Co. (founded 1828, in Manchester), Atlas Works, Glasgow; and Dubs & Co. (founded 1864), Glasgow Locomotive Works, Glas gow. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: William Lorimer, LL.D. (Chairman), Hugh Reid, D.L. (Deputy Chairman and Chief Managing Director), A. T. Reid, D.L., and William Lorimer (jun.), (Managing Directors), J. F. Robinson, J. Reid, W. M. N. Reid and A. S. Lorimer. Premises: Very extensive, consist of three works, Hyde Park Works, Queen's Park Works, and Atlas Works, each completely equipped as independent units, cover forty-four acres. Over 20,000 Locomotives have been constructed at their works. Annual capacity is at present 700 main Line Engines. Staff: About 7000. Staff Club: Miniature Rifle. Specialities: All Types of Locomotive Engines. Contractors to Home Railways, Government Railways of India, South Africa, Australia, &c., State Railways of France, Norway, Chili, Argentine, Japan, China, Egypt, &c. Also to Railways and Dock Companies, Ste6lworks, Mines, &c. Awards: Highest at Exhibitions, London, 1862; Paris, 1889 and 1900, and from all other Exhibitions in which the Company has taken part. Telephones: No. 121 Springburn; No. 2503 Central, Glasgow. Telegraphic Addresses: " Loco, Glasgow "; " Hypar, London." Cable Address: " Loco, Glasgow." Codes: Engineering Standards, A B C (5th Edition), Lieber's, Western Union, and " The Engineering." Mr. W. Lorimer, LL.D., holds the office of Chancellor's Assessor in Glasgow University, Chairman of the Steel Co.,-of Scotland, Ltd., Director of the Glasgow and South Western Railway. He is a member of the Royal Commission on Trade in the Colonies. Mr.. Hugh Reid is a Director of the Clyddsdale Bank, Ltd.

NORTH BRITISH & MERCANTILE INSURANCE CO., 61, Threadneedle Street, London, E.C.; and 64, Princes Street, Edinburgh. Established in 1809, and Incorporated by Royal Charter. President: His Grace the Duke of Sutherland, K.G. Vice-President: The Most Hon. the Marquess of Zetland, K.T. Extraordinary Directors: The Rt. Hon. the Earl of Aberdeen, K.T., the Rt. Hon. Lord Wolverton, the Rt. Hon. Lord Forbes, the Rt. Hon. the Earl of Strathmore, the Rt. Hon. the Viscount Ridley, His Grace the Duke of Roxburghe, K.T., M.V.O. General Court of Directors: Chairman, Charles J. Cater Scott. London Board: The Hon. Charles Napier Lawrence (Chairman), Sir Alexander Drake Kleinwort, Bart. (Deputy-Chairman), Alexander H. Campbell, Hubert F. Barclay, Vincent R. Hoare, H. R. Arbuthnot, Baron Bruno Schroder, Sir Gilbert H. Claughton, Bt., the Hon. Charles T. Mills, M.P., Arthur Young, Charles Morley, jun. Foreign Fire Manager: L. Sinclair. Life Manager and Actuary: Henry Cockburn, F.I.A., F.F.A. Home Fire and Joint Life Manager: D. C. Halde man. Assistant Home Fire Manager: G. L. Lambert. Assistant Foreign Fire Manager: E. H. Freaker. Assistant Actuary: Hugh Lugton, F.F.A. Secretary: Robert Carmichael. Assistant Secretary: C. A. Hutton. Edinburgh Board: Rt. Hon. the Earl of Elgin, K.G. (Chairman), Charles C. Maconochie, K.C., John S. Pitman, Sir George Younger, Bart., M.P., Thomas S. Esson, Robert Cross, James Currie, Sir John Ure Primrose, Bart., James Avon Clyde, K.C., M.P., the Rt. Hon. R. C. Munro Ferguson, M.P., Charles L. Dalziel, Robert W. Dundas. Manager: Owen D. Jones. Secretary: H. J. Stevenson, W.S. Actuary: Thomas Wallace, F.F.A., F.I.A. Branches: West End Office, 7, Waterloo Place, Pall Mall, London, S.W.; also in the important cities of the United Kingdom, and in America, the British Colonies, and certain European countries. The shares of the Ocean Marine Insurance Co., Ltd., and the Railway Passengers Assurance Co. are vested in the North British and Mercantile. Business: Fire, Life, Marine, Burglary, and Accident Insurance, and Annuities, &c. One of the leading British Insurance Corporations, with a successful record of over one hundred years, and a position of well-known stability. Telegraphic Addresses: "Norbrit, Stock, London "; "North, Edinburgh."

NORTH BRITISH RUBBER CO., Ltd. (THE) (incorporating the Scottish Vulcanite Company), India Rubber Manufacturers, Castle Mills, Edinburgh; French Works, St. Denis (Seine). Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 8.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1856. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1857. Directors: E. L. Ireland Blyth, J. Hamilton Buchanan, Andrew A. Roso, Thomas Wardie Tod, James Howard Warrack. Premises: Cover sixteen acres. Stag: 4,000 to 5,000. Branches: London, 2, 4, 6, East Road, City Road, N.; West End Tyre Showrooms and Offices, 167-169, Great Portland Street, W.C., Manchester, Glasgow, Leeds, Leicester, Liverpool, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Birmingham, Belfast, Bristol, Brussels, Paris, Berlin, Toronto, Milan, Stockholm, Vienna. Agencies in Johannesburg, Cape Town; Buenos Aires; Amsterdam; Constantinople; Hong-Kong; Batavia, Soerabaia (Dutch East Indies. Specialities: Solid and Pneumatic Tyres, Rubber Foot-wear of all kinds, &c. Have patented many inventions in connection with Rubber manufacture. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. • Telephones: Nos. 3880, 3881, 3882, 3883, 3884 Central (Private Branch Exchange). Telegraphic Address: " Weba, Edinburgh."

NORTH CENTRAL WAGON CO., Ltd. (THE), Railway Wagon Financiers, Maintainers and Repairers. Chief Office: 26, Market Square, Rotherham. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as an unlimited liability Company in 1861. Registered as a limited liability Company in 1891. Directors: P. Bancroft Coward (Chairman), C. B. Clark, George Wragg, Jno. C. Gill, Geo. Blake Walker. General Manager and Secretary: D. W. Rees. Manager: Cardiff, Swansea, and Stoke Departments, G. T. Heald. Premises: Works at Cardiff, Swansea, Briton Ferry, Rotherham, Stoke-upon-Trent; repairing Depots in all parts of England and Wales. Business: Financing and Maintaining of Railway Wagons, Conversion of dead Buffer Stock, Manufacturo of Self-contained Spring Buffers. Patents: Heald, Rees and Wentworth's Self-contained Buffer; Rees and Moreton Selfcontained Buffers; Rees and Moreton Improved Drawgear. Telephones: Nos. 277 and 278 Rotherham; No. 2520 Cardiff; No. 276 Hanley; Nos. 30 and 935 Swansea. Telegraphic Addresses: " Central," Rotherham and Stoke-on-Trent; " Heald," Cardiff and Swansea.

NORTH CORNWALL CHINA CLAY CO. Ltd., St. Breward, Cornwall. Registered Office 2, Coleman Street, London, E.C. Shipping Office: Fowey, Cornwall. Hours of Business: Open Day and Night. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1904. Reconstructed in 1908. Directors: A. 0. Evans (Chairman), Dr. T. M. Hovell, H. J. Weston, R. J. L. Fy tche, W. W. R. Nicholls, W. H. Patchell and J. Bell-White, Walter Sessions (Managing Director). The demand for China Clay from the pit has been so great that in the last few years the output has reached nearly 75,000 tons, and is expected to reach 150,000 tons. .Premises: Claim to have the largest China Clay Sett and finest run of Drying Kilns in the world. Staff: 350 to 400. Speciality: China Clay for use in Paper Making, Textile and Pottery Works, and many other commodities. Trade Mark: " N.C.C. in Triangle, Stannon Moor." Connection: United Kingdom. Shipments made to all parts of the world, Telephones: No. 6560 London Wall. London; 'No. 13 Bodmin; No. 39 Fowey, Cornwall. Telegraphic Addresses: " Claybility, Ave, London"; " Claybility," St. Breward and Fowey. Code: A B C (5th Edition).

NORTH EASTERN MARINE ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Marine Engineers and Boilermakers, Northumberland Engine Works, Wallsend-on-Tyne; Sunderland Engine Works, South Dock, Sunderland; and. Northumberland Forge, Wallsend-onTyne. London Office: 22, Billiter Street, E.C. Liverpool Office: 529, Tower Buildings. Hours of Business: Usual. Established in 1865. Incorporated as a Limited. Company. Directors: H. Philipson (Chairman), Summers Hunter (Managing Director), S. T. Harrison (Secretary). Claim to have had the highest average output of Marine Engines and Boilers for the last ton years. Premises: Very extensive works, equipped with up-to-date laboursaving appliances, &c. Staff: 3000 to 4000. Specialities: Marine Engines and Marine Boilers. Patents: " North Eastern " Lubricating arrangement for Stern Tubes. Combustion Chamber Wrapper Plates. Feed Water Heaters and Cleaners, Evaporators, Feed and Ballast Pumps. Winch Condensors. Licencees for the supplying and fitting of Schmidt's Superheating to Marine Boilers. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephones: Nos. 104 and 105 Wallsend-on-Tyne; Nos. 126, 127 and 128 Wallsend; Nos. 898, 899 and 1230 Sunderland. Telegraphic Address: " News," Wallsend and Sunderland. Code: A B C (5th Edition). Mr. Summers Hunter has been President of the Institute of Marine Engineers; also of the North East Coast Institution of Engineers and Ship. builders.

NORTH OF ENGLAND PROTECTING AND INDEMNITY ASSOCIATION. Head Office: Collingwood Buildings, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established by Shipowners for their mutual protection and indemnity. Protecting Class started in 1860; Indemnity Class in 1874; War Risks in 1898. Capital of Class I., Protecting, 2,220,660 tons; Class II., Indemnity, 2,272,422 tons; Class III., War Risks—(a) £21,203,039; (b) 1,698,014 tons. Incorporated as an Association; Protecting and Indemnity Classes in 1886. Branches: London, Cardiff, Liverpool, Glasgow. Stall: Legal Agents in every part of the United Kingdom and in all the principal ports of the world. Business: Protection and Indemnity afforded against claims of all kinds under the Workmen's Compensation Acts, Damage done by Collision, Personal Injury, and the numerous and various claims Shipowners become liable for. Telephones: No. 1877 (National); No. 95 (Post Office) Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Mitcalfe, New castle." Codes: Watkins' 1881 and Revised Editions; A B C (5th Edition); Premier, and Scott's (1906) 10th Edition. Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited.

NORTH OF IRELAND CHEMICAL CO., Ltd. (THE), Tar Distillers, 34, Victoria Street. Works: Bond Street, Belfast. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as a , Limited Company. Managing Director: J. H. Lytle. Specialities: Sulphate of Ammonia, Liquid Ammonia, Carbolic Acid, Cresylic Acid, Sheep Dip (Powder and Fluid), Hot Water Paste Dip, &c., Disinfectants. Connection: United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Buenos Ayres, Monte Video, Patagonia. Telephone: No. 123 Belfast. Telegraphic Address: " Lytlesons, Belfast." Code: A B C (4th and 5th Editions).

NORTH OF SCOTLAND MILLING CO., LIMITED (THE), Scotch Oatmeal, Groats, Rolled Oats, and Pearl Barley Manufacturers, Inverurie, Aberdeenshire. Hours of Business: Office, 9 a.m. to 6. p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1890. Specialities: " Grampian" Scotch Oatmeal, " Grampian " Scotch Rolled Oats, " Grampian " Scotch Oat Flour, and " Grampian " Pearl Barley and Groats, all for Home and Export Trade. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 18 (P.O.) Inverurie. Telegraphic Address: " Oatmeal, Inverurie." Code: A B C (4th Edition). Bankers: North of Scotland and Town and County Bank, Ltd. (Aberdeen).

NORTH OF SCOTLAND & TOWN & COUNTY BANK, Ltd., Aberdeen. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 12 noon. Established in 1836. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1882 as The North of Scotland Bank, Ltd. Amalgamated in 1908 with the Town and County Bank, Ltd., and the title altered to above. Directors: T. Adam, Sir T. Burnett, Bart., T. Crombie, D. Littlejohn, A. Maitland, D. M. M. Milligan, Sir A. Ogston, K.C.V.O., A. M. Ogston, J. Ogston and G. J. Walker. General Manager: James Hutcheon. Secretary: John Innes. Capital, Authorised and Subscribed, £3,260,000. Branches: 145, throughout Scotland. Business: Banking in all its branches. Connection: World-wide. Business transacted through correspondents. Telephone: No. 1255 Aberdeen (Head Office). Telegraphic Address: " Norbank, Aberdeen."

NORTHCOTE (STAFFORD) & CO., Ltd., Wholesale Lace Warehousemen, &c., 27, 28, 29, and 30, St. Paul's Churchyard, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 8.30 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1810 by Stafford H. Northcote, who was succeeded by his sons, S. H., G. C., and A. Northcote. They were succeeded by S. C. and A. Northcote (grandsons of the founder); and in May, 1888, the partners included S. C. Northcote, W. J. Bullymore, W. Macwhirter, and W. M. Tait. Incorporated March, 1899, the Directors then being S. C. Northcote (Chairman), W. Macwhirter, W. M. Tait, and H. Northcote. Present Directors: W. MacWhirter (Chairman), W. M. Tait, S. T. Edwards, H. Northcote, H. F. Lorkin, Sir Ernest Northcote, and Stafford H. Northcote. Premises: A large warehouse at 27-30, St. Paul's Churchyard; factories at 59 and 61, Tabernacle Street, Finsbury, E.C. Specialities: Laces, imitation Cotton and Silk; also Real Laces of every description, Nets, Blouses, Shirts, Embroideries, Frillings, Skirts, made-up Lace Goods, Handkerchiefs, Aprons, Blouse Robes, Dresses, Golfers, &c. Connection: Widespread amongst the leading drapers in the United Kingdom. Telephones: Nos. 2443 and 2444 City. Telegraphic Address: " Stafford Northcote, Cent, London."

NORTHCROFT, NEIGHBOUR & NICHOLSON, Chartered Surveyors and Valuers, Bank Chambers, 329, High Holborn, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established about 1840 by Henry Thomas Northcroft, sole principal to 1870; became H. T. Northcroft, Son & Neighbour in 1870. In 1902 title of firm altered to Northcroft, Neighbour & Nicholson, Present Principals: Henry Northcroft, F.S.I., William Francis Neighbour, F.S.I., Guy Murray Nicholson, F.S.I. Premises: Occupy flat of 14 rooms at 337-351, Bank Chambers, 329 High Holborn, W.C. Branch: Offices, 51, North John Street, Liverpool. Business: Chartered Surveyors and Valuers, chiefly with regard to Churches, Schools, Public Buildings, Docks, and Harbours. Specialities: Contested Accounts, Claims, and Arbitrations; Valuations for Mortgages and of every description. Telephones: No. 1034 (P.O.) Central; No. 0471 Royal, Liverpool. Telegraphic Address: " Quanting, Holb, London." Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd.; Bank of Liverpool, Ltd.

NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., LIMITED. Head Offices: 1, Moorgate Street, London, E.C., and 1, Union Terrace, Aberdeen. Hours of Business: 9.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9.30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1836 at Aberdeen. Registered on 1st September, 1908, under the Companies Acts, 1862-07, as a Company limited by shares. Directors: (London), Colonel Robert Baring, Henry Cosmo Orme Bonsor, Lawrence Edlmann Chalmers, Ernest Chaplin, Alexander Heun Goschen, Henry Charles Hambro, William Egerton Hubbard, Rt. Hon. Frederick Huth Jackson, Ceca Lubbock, Charles James Lucas, Right Hon. Viscount Milner, G.C.B., G.C.M.G., Right Hon. Sir Algernon West, G.C.B.; (Aberdeen), Sir Thomas Burnett, Bart., Francis James Cochran, Farquharson Taylor Garden, Alexander Ledingham, David Macbeth Moir Milligan, Sir David Stewart, LL.D., George James Walker. Also Local Boards at Dundee, Edinburgh, and Glasgow, and Local Committees of Direction at Birmingham, Bristol, Dublin, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Melbourne, and Cape Town. General Manager of the Company: H. E. Wilson. Branches: At each of the above-mentioned towns and cities, and also at Liverpool, Manchester, Nottingham, Portsmouth, Calcutta, Chicago, New York, Montreal. Business: Fire, Life, Annuities, Personal Accident, Accident and Sickness, Burglary, Employers' Liability, Lift and Property Owners' Liability, Plate Glass Insurance, Fidelity Guarantee, Motor Car, and Live Stock. Telephone: No. 4330 London Wall. Telegraphic Address: " Northern, London." Codes: Private and A B C (5th Edition).

NORTHERN PRESS AND ENGINEERING CO., Ltd., Engineers and Printers' Furnishers, Barrington Street, South Shields. London Offices, 18, 19, Whitefriars Street, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. Established in 1889. Incorporated as a. Limited Company. Managing Director: R. C. Annand. Secretary: R. C. Stevenson. Premises: Works at Cornwallis Street. Branches: North Shields, Howard Street; Blyth, Simpson Street. Business: Makers of Web Printing and Stereotyping Machinery of all sorts. Manufacturers and Patentees of Web Printing Presses to print from one to eight Rolls of Paper. Special all-sized web Printing and Folding Machines. Fine Art Web Presses, Colour Printing Web Machines, Improved Stereotyping Plant. Proprietors of Newspapers: — " Shields Daily Gazette," " Shields Daily News " and " Blyth News." Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 38 (National), No. 34 (P.O.) South Shields; No. 1945 Central, London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Gazette, South Shields "; " Norpress, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited (South Shields).

NORTHERN PUBLISHING CO., Ltd., Publishers of Trade Organs and Telegraphic Information, Corn Exchange, 16, Fenwick Street, Liverpool. Hours of Business: Open day and night. Established in 1888 by G. J. S. Broomhall. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1889. Director: G. J. S. Broomhall (principal shareholder). Publishers of the most expensive Daily Trade Journal, costing seven guineas per annum. Staff: Sixty-seven. Branches: Liverpool, 22, Brunswick Street and 17, Goree Piazzas; London, St. Mary's Chambers, St. Mary Axe, E.C.; New York, 423, Produce Exchange. Agencies: 260 paid agents in Foreign Countries for the collection of grain and seed trade news. Business: Publishers of the " Corn Trade News " and " Milling " Statistician to the Liverpool Grain Trade; European correspondents of the Chicago Board of Trade and New York Produce Exchange, and the Grain Exchanges of Buenos Aires and Rosario Produce Exchanges. Telephones: Nos. 1037 and 5833 (National), Central (two lines); No. 31 (P.O.) Central, Liverpool; No. 4817 (National) Central, London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Editor, Liverpool "; " Earshot, London "; " Cornpar, New York." Press Telegraphic Address: " George Broomhall, ' Corn Trade News,' Liverpool." Bankers: Lloyds Bank Limited.

NORTHERN RUBBER CO. (THE), Retford. Hours of Business: 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1871 by Alfred Pegler, Frank Pegler and Stephen Pegler, Present Principal: Frank Pegler. Premises: Extensive well-equipped works at Retford. Staff: 400. Branches: London, 52, Cannon Street, E.C.; Liverpool, South Castle Street; Glasgow, Howard Street; Sheffield, Wicker. Specialities: Rubber for Railways, Steam Ships, Mines, &c. Waterproof Cloth and Clothing. Patents: Leatherite jointing for High Pressure and resistance to Acids and Alkalies. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Contractors to H.M. Government (Admiralty, War Office, &c.). Telephones: Nos. 57 and 58 Retford. Telegraphic Address: " Rubber, Retford." Code: A B C. Bankers: Beckett & Co., Ltd.

NORTHUMBERLAND SHIPBUILDING CO., Ltd. (THE), Shipbuilders, &c., Howdon-on-Tyne, Willington Quay, R.S.O. London Office: West India House, 96 to 98, Leadenhall Street, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 1 p.m. Established in 1898 by Rowland F. W. Hodge. Incorporated as a Limited Company. Directors: Sir John S. Barwick, Bart. (Chairman), Rowland F. W. Hodge, M.I.N.A., M.I.C.E. (Managing Director), Joseph S. Graham, and Sir Stephen W. Furness, Bart., M.P. Formerly Edward's Shipbuilding Co., Ltd. Premises: Cover about thirteen acres, with 800 feet of river frontage. Staff: About 1750. Business: Builders and Repairers of all classes of Steamers and Pontoons. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Contractors to H.M. Government (Admiralty). Telephones: No. 426 City, Newcastle; No. 38 Wallsend; No. 70 Wallsend (Trunk). Telegraphic Addresses: " Garboard, Newcastle -on-Tyne "; " Evanuero, London."

NORTON BROTHERS & CO., Constructive Engineers and Ironfounders, Ilford, Essex. Hours of Business: Works, 6.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m.; Office, 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established in 1900 by S. J. Norton, A.M.I.Mech.E., the present principal. Premises: Cover one-third of an acre. Specialities: Steel Structural Work and Sewer Ventilating Columns. Patent: Jointed Sewer Ventilating Columns, Street 3A Water Van-filling Posts. Telephone: No. 563 East Ham. Bankers: London and South-Western Bank, Ltd., Ilford Branch.

NORTON, G. H., & CO., Woollen Manufacturers, Nortonthorpe Mills, and 11, Station Street, Huddersfield. Hours of Business: 6.30 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, close at 12 noon. Established about 1790 by Benjamin Norton. Present Principal: George Herbert Norton, the Present Principal (great-grandson of the Founder). One of the oldest and best-known firms in the trade. Premises: Extensive Mills near Huddersfield. Staff: About 400. Agencies: London, Glasgow, Manchester, &c. Specialities: Shawls, Mantle Cloths, Plush Goods, and Plush Mats and Rugs. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: Nos. 46 and 47 Skelmanthorpe. Telegraphic Address: " Mantles, Scissett." Bankers: Lancashire & Yorkshire Bank, Ltd.

NORWICH CRAPE CO. (1856), Ltd., Silk Crapes, Fancy Silks, and Crêpe Surgical Bandage Manufacturers, St. Augustine's Factory, Botolph Street, Norwich. Hours of Business: 6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established nearly a century ago as a Textile Factory. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1856. Directors: A. R. Chamberlin (Chairman), W. R. Cooper, J. R. Skelton, F.I.C. and W. G. Black, B.A. (Joint Managing Directors). Premises: Extensive well-equipped factory covering three acres. Stag: Large. Stall Clubs: Sick Benefit, Angling. Specialities: Pure Silk Crapes and Fancy Silks. Claim to be the only British Manufacturers of Surgical Crêpe Bandages. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telegraphic Address: " Corbetta, Norwich." Bankers: Barclay & Co., Ltd. Mr. A. R. Chamberlin is a Deputy-Lieutenant; was Sheriff of Norwich in 1873, Mayor 1892. Mr. W. R. Cooper is Clerk to the City Magistrates.

NORWICH UNION FIRE INSURANCE SOCIETY, Ltd., Head Offices: Norwich, and 50, Fleet Street, London, E.C. Founded 1797. Directors: Major Frank Astley Cubitt (Chairman), G. Hustler Tuck (Vice-Chairman), J. H. F. Walter, Edward Wild, W. H. Back, H. T. S. Patteson, George M. Chamberlin, Ernest de M. Lacon, Lieut.-Colonel E. R. A. Kerrison, C.M.G., H. S. Robinson, E. G. Buxton, Rt. Hon. Sir Ailwyn E; Fellowes, K.C.V.O., C. A. Bathurst Bignold. General Manager and Secretary: John Large. Fire Manager: W. P. Abel. Branches: (London) 71 and 72, King William Street, E.C.; 114, Cannon Street, E.C.; Norwich Union Building, Piccadilly; 26, Charles Street, S.W.; 1, Victoria Street, S.W.; 81, Edgware Road, W.; 38, Cornhill, E.C. (Marine). Also at Liverpool, Manchester, Birmingham, Leeds, Bristol, Exeter, Glasgow, Edinburgh, Dundee, Aberdeen, Inverness, Dublin, Belfast, Newcastle-on-Tyne, Worcester, Brighton, Leicester, Plymouth, Cambridge, Cardiff, Ipswich, Nottingham, Reading. The Company has also important Colonial, American, and Foreign Branches. Business: Fire, Accident, Marine, Sickness, Workmen's Compensation, Burglary, Third Party Indemnity, Fidelity Guarantee, Hail, Property Owners' Indemnity, Plate Glass, Motor Car, Live Stock, and Loss of Profits. The Society's operations are world-wide. Telephones: Nos. 52 and 101 Norwich; No. 2384 Holborn. Telegraphic Address: " Fire, Norwich."

NORWICH UNION LIFE INSURANCE SOCIETY. Head Office: Norwich. London Office: 49, Fleet Street, E.C. Hours of Business: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Established in 1808 on the Mutual principle. Took over in 1866 the business of the old Amicable Society, founded by Royal Charter in the reign of Queen Anne. (The united Societies constitute the oldest Life Office in the world.) Also took over in 1893 the business of the Reliance Society, founded in 1840; in 1906 the business of the Scottish Imperial Life Office; and in 1909 the Victoria Mutual Assurance Society. Directors: Haynes S. Robinson (President), Sir Peter Eade, M.D., F.R.C.P., &c., and J. J. Winter (Vice-Presidents), G. M. Chamberlin, Major F. Astley Cubitt, Michael Falcon, G. H. Morse, J. J. Dawson Paul, Sam Barton, and G. Hustler Tuck. Also Local Board in London (Rt. Hon. James Round, Chairman), Glasgow, Dublin, and Manchester. General Manager and Actuary: Davidson Walker, F.F.A. Secretary: M. Mackenzie Lees, F.F.A. Business: Life Insurance and Annuities, including Eight Option Policy, Four per Cent. Increasing Insurance, Five per Cent. Guaranteed Income Policy, Early Provident Insurance; also Educational Annuities, Current Savings Policy, Old Age Pensions, &c. It occupies a position of undoubted strength and stability. Accumulated Funds exceed £12,000,000. Telephone: (Norwich) No. 1157. Telegraphic Address: " Life, Norwich."



NOTTINGHAM & NOTTINGHAMSHIRE BANKING CO., Ltd. (THE). Head Office: Nottingham. London Agents: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated . as a Limited Company. Directors: William Norton Hicking, J.P. (Chairman), Richard Fitz Hugh, J.P., Sir John T. McCraith, J.P., Sir Edward Fraser, D.C.L., J.P. General Manager: Joseph Fletcher Youngman. Subscribed Capital £1,440,000; Paid-up Capital, £360,000. Branches: Twenty. Sub-Branches: Fifteen. Business: All ordinary Banking Transactions.

NOVELLO & CO., Ltd., Music Publishers, 160, Wardour Street, London, W.; Printing and Bookbinding Works, Hollen. Street, Soho, London, W.; New York Agents, The H. W. Gray Co., 2, West 45th Street, New York. Established in 1811, and have long been especially identified with the publication of Sacred Music, notably the well-known Octavo Editions of Oratorios, Church Services, Anthems, &c. Also publish very largely Music for the. Organ, Piano, and other Instruments; Orchestral Music, Cantatas, Songs, Glees, Madrigals and Part Songs, School Music and Educational Works (theoretical and practical), dealing with all branches of the musical art. Played a leading part as pioneers of the publication of high-class Music in a cheap and convenient form; and in this connection have developed an extensive business as music printers and bookbinders, with facilities for a large output, both from type and from plates. Are the publishers of the " Musical Times " (monthly) and of the " School Music Review " (monthly), both of which are widely known. The former (established 1844) is the oldest existing musical journal. Telephone: No. 2606 Gerrard. Telegraphic Address: " Novellos, Ox, London."

NOVELTY CONSTRUCTION CO., Ltd., Scenic Painting and Exhibition Decorators, Royal Works, Britannia Road, Fulham, London, S.W . Hours of Business: 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1910. Managing Director: Charles Ouzman. Secretary: Walter Winder. Premises: Cover 3000 square feet. Staff: Average 100 per week. Specialities: Scenic Painting, Decorative Plaster Works, Special Illuminated Displays, Tableaux, &c. Connection: Continental and English. Successfully carried out the following contracts: Decorations of Royal Ntival and Military Tournament, 1912, 1913 and 1914. Decorations to Mountain Railways, Glasgow, Paris, Earl's Court, Crystal Palace, and White City, London. Decorations in connection with " Shakespeare's England," Earl's Court, 1912, and Scenery and Decorations, Earl's Court, 1913, Carl Hagenbeck's Wonder Zoo, International Horse Show, Olympia. Special Now Year Displays for Hotels such as the Metropole. Special Window Displays, Swan & Edgar, Ltd., J. Barker & Co., Ltd., Wm. Whiteley, Ltd., D. H Evans & Co., Ltd., and Harrods Stores, Ltd., &c. Makers of Spectacular and Electrical productions such as Johnstown Flood, The Deluge, Siege and Relief of Ladysmith, &c., Artistic Advisers and Scenic Artists to Nottingham Universal Exhibiton, 1914.. Telephone: No. 1019 Putney, London. Telegraphic Address: " Autolecta, Walgreen, London." Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd., Walham Green, S.W.

NOWILL (JOHN) & SONS, Manufacturers of Pen, Pocket and Sporting Knives, Scissors, Razors, Table Cutlery, Sterling Silver and Electroplate, Nowill's Cutlery and Plate Works, Scotland Street, Sheffield, and 32, Hatton Garden, London, E.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1700 by Thomas Nowill, who registered his trade mark. Partnership Successions: 1J (1) William Nowill (son), 1708; (2) David Nowill (son), 1164; (3) Thomas Nowill (son), 1785; (4) John Nowill (son), 1836; (5) John Nowill and William Nowill (his son), who took for his mark Crossed Keys; (6) John Nowill, Henry Nowill, Thomas Mathias Nowill, Edward Nowill, Arthur Nowill; (7) Charles Richard Nowill (d.), Frank Nowill, Ernest Nowill, Arnold Willis Nowill. Present Principals: Ernest Nowill, Bradley Nowa John S. Nowill, Frederick William Nowill. Claim to be the oldest private firm in the Cutlery trade where the principals are the direct descendants of the founder of 1700. Have had the honour many times of supplying to His late Majesty King Edward, Her Majesty Queen Alexandra, and other Royal Personages articles of their manufacture. Premises: Very extensive; measure 1,585 sup. yds. Highly equipped with all modern improvements. Branches: 32, Hatton Garden, London, E.C.; Constantinople; Athens. Staff: Varies; about 300. Staff Clubs: Sick and Dividing; Fishing, Outing, Cricket Matches arranged. Workmen collect money from themselves for the Public Hospitals: 3 A 2 Specialities: Manufacturers of Cutlery of the highest possible quality. Have recently introduced a new design for Table Cutlery and have been honoured by His Majesty King George V. with permission to use the phrase " King George V." pattern in connection with it. Noted for the " Krosskeys " Razor, made of the finest steel Sheffield produces; also makers of " Krosskeys " and " Evertaut " Razor Strops, Home Barber's " Gripper " Cartridge Knives, Regulating Screw Scissors (supplied to H.M. Queen Alexandra), Buttonhole and Cutting-out Scissors, Ladies' Scissors, Secateurs, Pruning Scissors, Lamp Scissors, Tailors' Scissors, Shears. Razors of all kinds. Pocket Cutlery, Ladies' and Gentlemen's Fitted Cases, Fitted Canteens, Fish Knives and Forks; Fish Carvers, Fruit Knives and Forks; Electro-plated and Nickel Silver Spoons and Forks, and every description of High-class Cutlery. Introduced the favourite " King Edward VII." Cutlery supplied to H.M. Queen Alexandra and the " Coronation " Knife made to a design by special permission of H.M. King Edward VII. Made in Gold, Sterling Silver and Nickel Silver, and supplied to His late Majesty. Sole manufacturers of the " Joseph Chamberlain " Knife (clasping hands across the sea), with the design etched upon the ivory handle. Corporate Marks: Star over D, and Crossed Keys. Patents: " Krosskeys " Razor Strop, " Krosskeys " Razor, "Nowill " Razor, " Home Barber," Whisker Scissors with Comb; Scissors with Bicycle Ball Joints; Regulating Buttonhole Scissors; Regulating Screw Scissors, Secateurs, and Garden Shears; " Gripper " Cartridge Extractor Knife, " Gripper " Cigar Knife, Registered Cycle Knife with lighting-up times; Registered Fishpattern Chatelaine Knife, Nowill Safety Razor. Awards: Highest, London, 1851; Paris, 1855; Athens, 1903; Cape of Good Hope, 1904. Connection: World-wide. Telephones: No. 1394 (Central) Sheffield; No. 2777 (Central) London. Telegraphic Addresses: " Nowills, Sheffield "; " Examined, London." Bankers: London City and Midland Bank, Ltd. Mr. Ernest Nowill is a Liveryman of the Glaziers Company (London). Mr. John S. Nowill is a member of the Sheffield City Council.

N.S.U. MOTOR CO., Ltd., Motor Manufacturers, 186, Great Portland Street, London, W. Works: Neckarsulm. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1907, by N. S. U. Cycle and Motor Co. Directors: George H. R. Schink (Managing Director), J. Banzhaf, C. Banzhaf. Premises: Very extensive and well-fitted works. Staff: 1500. Specialities: Motor Cycles and Motor Cars, Engines, Two-Speed Gears, Carburettors, &c. Connection: Worldwide. Telephone: No. 2665 Mayfair, London. Telegraphic Address: " Enesu, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition), Private. Bankers: London Joint Stock Bank, Ltd.

NUGGET POLISH CO., Ltd. (THE), Vauxhall Street, Kennington Oval, London, S.E. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in March, 1895, by Henry Charles Lane and Pierre Paul Fitte. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1900. Speci-alities: Waterproof Boot and Harness Polishes, Boot Creams, and Furniture Polish. Branches: New York, Melbourne, Christchurch, Toronto, Halifax, Cape Town, Brussels, Amsterdam, Frankfurt, and Berlin. Agencies in all British Colonies. Connection: In every civi-lised country in the world. Telephones: No. 1335 Hop; No. 1777 Victoria. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Unctuosity, London." Codes: A B C (5th Edition) and Lieber's.

NUNEATON WOOL & LEATHER CO. (THE), Fellmongers and Leather Dressers, Church Street, Nuneaton. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Established in 1864 by Joseph Fielding Johnson and his brother. Present Principal: Joseph Fielding Johnson, J.P. Premises: Cover eight acres. Staff: Upwards of 250. Business: Wool Merchants and Tanners' Manufacturers, Specialize in Box Calf and Glove Goat, Book Bindings, Boot and Shoe Linings, Crust Basils and Skivers and Pure Chrome Tanning. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign and Colonial. Telephone: No. 5 Nuneaton. Telegraphic and Cable Address: " Johnson, Nuneaton." Code: Private. Bankers: United Counties, and London City & Midland Bank, Ltd. Mr. 'Johnson was the first Mayor of Nuneaton Borough in 1907.

NUTT, DAVID (A. G. Berry), Foreign Classical and Theological Bookseller, 212, Shaftesbury Avenue, London, W.C. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 6.30 p.m.; Saturdays, 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Established in 1829 by David Nutt. Present Principal: A. G. Berry, B.A., Cantab. Premises: Originally No. 58, Fleet Street. Removed in 1848 to 270 and 271, Strand; in 1899 to 57-59, Long Acre, on the expropriation of the Strand premises, and in 1912 to present address. Staff: About a dozen clerks. Business: In Bookselling, the importation of best foreign Literature. Connection: Is in direct relation, whether as importer or exporter, with every Continental firm of importance, and with all the leading American and Colonial houses. Represents in London about forty Continental houses; has Agents in Leipzig, Paris, Brussels, Rome, Vienna, and Madrid. Telephone: No. 3116 Gerrard. Bankers: Union of London and Smiths Bank, Ltd.

NUTTALL, C. H., & CO., Ltd., Cotton Spinners, Robinson Street Mills, Stalybridge. Hours of Business: 6 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1901. Directors: I. Dootson, J. B. Lomax. Premises: Very extensive, containing 30,000 Mule Spindles, and 40,000 Ring Spindles. Business: Spinning of 30 to 44 American Ring Yarn on Bobbin or Beam; 30 to 44 Egyptian; 30 to 56 D.W. on Cop, Egyptian. Connection: United Kingdom. Telephone: No. 297, Ashton. Telegraphic Address: " Herbert, Stalybridge." Bankers: Lancashire and Yorkshire Bank, Ltd., Bolton.

NUTTALL & CO., BLACKBURN, Ltd., Brewers and Mineral Water Manufacturers, Lion Brewery, Blackburn. Hours of Business: Usual. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1897. Directors: Alfred Nuttall, J.P. (Chairman) and John J. Lucas (Manager). Speciality: Noted for Good Ale. Awards: Twenty-seven Medals. Telephones: Nos. 208 and 209 Blackburn. Telegraphic Address: " Nuttalls, Brewers, Blackburn."

NUTTALL & CO. (ST. HELENS), Ltd., Bottle Manufacturers, Ravenhead, St. Helens. Hours of Business: 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. Established in 1842 by Francis Dixon-Nuttall. Succeeded by Fred R. Dixon-Nuttall and Wm. F. Dixon-Nuttall. Incorporated as a Private Limited Company in 1907. Directors: F. R. Dixon Nuttall, W. F. Dixon-Nuttall. Premises: Cover seven acres. Staff: 850. Speciality: Bottles for almost all trades. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 412 St. Helens. Telegraphic Address: "Nutt all, St. Helens." Bankers: Parr's Bank, Ltd.

NUTTALL (THOMAS) & SONS, Ltd., Cotton Spinners and Manufacturers, Oak Mills and Lakefield Mills, Farnworth, near Bolton, and 6, Hopwood Avenue, Manchester. Hours of Business: Usual. Established over fifty years ago. Incorporated as a Limited Company in 1897. Chairman,: Tom Nuttall. - Staff: 1200. Specialities: 108,168 Ring Spindles, Egyptian Ring Yarn 16's to 50's, American 12's to 45's, in bundle, warp, beam, or chain; 364 Looms; twills, sateens, jeanettes, herring-bones, &c. Connection: United Kingdom, Foreign. Telephone: No. 90 Farnworth, Bolton. Telegraphic Address: " Nuttalls, Farnworth, Bolton." Bankers: Manchester and County Bank, Ltd. (Farnworth).

NUTTING & SONS, Ltd., Wholesale Seed. Merchants and Growers. Offices: 106, Southwark Street, London, S.E. Established in 1842 by Wm. James Nutting, who was succeeded by his sons, the late W. J. Nutting and the late H. C. Nutting. Incorporated as a Limited Company in January, 1909. Directors: Whitpaine Nutting, Henry W. W. Nutting, Herbert R. Nutting (grandsons of the founder). Farm Seed Stores: 62, Park Street, Southwark, S.E.; Stand 37, Seed Market, Mark Lane, B.C. Specialities: Growing and Selecting Garden and Farm seeds. Business is wholesale only. Connection I United Kingdom, Foreign, Colonial. Telephone: No. 786 Hop. Telegraphic Address: Nutting, London." Code: A B C (5th Edition). Bankers: London County and Westminster Bank, Ltd. (Lothbury).

See Also


Sources of Information